attrval.h File Reference


#include "doccoord.h"
#include "doccolor.h"
#include "ensure.h"
#include "attr.h"
#include "arrows.h"
#include "node.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  AttributeValue
 To encapsulate rendering attributes. Derivations of NodeAttribute will hold an instance of this class (or derivation of it) to store the attribute information - this instance field should always be called 'Value'. An AttributeValue object is capable of being pushed onto and popped off the render context stack, and being rendered. This is accomplished by using virtual functions to perform these operations. More...
class  LineWidthAttribute
 Represent a line width of a path. This may be a simple stroking operator such as a constant line width, or a complex one such as variable line widths or an airbrush stroke operator. More...
class  StartArrowAttribute
 Attribute for start arrow type of paths. More...
class  EndArrowAttribute
 Attribute for end arrow type of paths. More...
class  StartCapAttribute
 Attribute for start cap style of paths. More...
class  JoinTypeAttribute
 Attribute for join types of paths. More...
class  MitreLimitAttribute
 Attribute for mitre limits of paths. More...
class  WindingRuleAttribute
 Attribute for the winding rule of a path. More...
class  DashPatternAttribute
 Attribute for dash pattern style of paths. More...
class  DrawingModeAttribute
 Attribute for drawing mode - EOR, COPY etc. More...

Generated on Sat Nov 10 03:49:03 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4