Conv32to32 Member List

This is the complete list of members for Conv32to32, including all inherited members.

Convert(LPBYTE Input, LPBYTE Output, UINT32 Height, BOOL FirstStrip)Conv32to32 [virtual]
ConvertContextDIBConvert [protected, static]
Create(UINT32 SourceDepth, UINT32 DestDepth, UINT32 Width, LPLOGPALETTE DestPal, UINT32 DitherType=XARADITHER_ORDERED_GREY)DIBConvert [static]
Create(LPBITMAPINFO pSourceHeader, UINT32 DestDepth, UINT32 DitherType=XARADITHER_ORDERED_GREY)DIBConvert [static]
DeInit()DIBConvert [static]
DestHeaderConv32to32 [private]
GetConvertContext(void)DIBConvert [protected, static]
Init()DIBConvert [static]
SourceHeaderConv32to32 [private]
~DIBConvert()DIBConvert [virtual]

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