MTRand Member List

This is the complete list of members for MTRand, including all inherited members.

AssertValid() const CCObject [virtual]
cc_classCCObjectCCObject [static]
CCObject()CCObject [protected]
Dump(CDumpContext &dc) const CCObject [virtual]
GetMyClass()CCObject [static]
GetNextRandomNumberScaled(UINT32 MaxValue, UINT32 MinValue)MTRand
GetNextRandomNumberScaled(UINT32 MaxValue, UINT32 MinValue, UINT32 Median)MTRand
GetRuntimeClass() const CCObject [virtual]
GetRuntimeClassByName(LPCTSTR pClassName)CCObject [static]
hiBit(const UINT32 &u) const MTRand [inline, protected]
Init()SimpleCCObject [static]
initialize(const UINT32 oneSeed)MTRand [inline, protected]
IsKindOf(const CCRuntimeClass *pClass) const CCObject
lastSeedMTRand [protected, static]
leftMTRand [protected]
loBit(const UINT32 &u) const MTRand [inline, protected]
loBits(const UINT32 &u) const MTRand [inline, protected]
M enum valueMTRand [protected]
MemoryDump()SimpleCCObject [static]
MemoryTrackAdd(void *p, LPCSTR Filename, INT32 Line)SimpleCCObject [static]
mixBits(const UINT32 &u, const UINT32 &v) const MTRand [inline, protected]
MTRand(const UINT32 &oneSeed)MTRand [inline]
MTRand()MTRand [inline]
N enum valueMTRand [protected]
operator delete(void *p)SimpleCCObject
operator new(size_t, void *p)SimpleCCObject [inline]
operator new(size_t nSize)SimpleCCObject
operator new(size_t nSize, LPCSTR lpszFileName, INT32 nLine)SimpleCCObject
operator()()MTRand [inline]
pNextMTRand [protected]
rand()MTRand [inline]
reload()MTRand [inline, protected]
seed(const UINT32 oneSeed)MTRand [inline]
stateMTRand [protected]
twist(const UINT32 &m, const UINT32 &s0, const UINT32 &s1) const MTRand [inline, protected]
~CCObject()CCObject [virtual]

Generated on Sat Nov 10 03:56:21 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4