TimeSpan Member List

This is the complete list of members for TimeSpan, including all inherited members.

AssertValid() const CCObject [virtual]
cc_classCCObjectCCObject [static]
CCObject()CCObject [protected]
Contains(const TimeSpan &other) const TimeSpan
Dump(CDumpContext &dc) const CCObject [virtual]
GetAbsoluteTime(double current) const TimeSpan [inline]
GetLowerBound() const TimeSpan [inline]
GetMyClass()CCObject [static]
GetRelativeTime(TimeSlice current) const TimeSpan [inline]
GetRuntimeClass() const CCObject [virtual]
GetRuntimeClassByName(LPCTSTR pClassName)CCObject [static]
GetUpperBound() const TimeSpan [inline]
Hi() const TimeSpan [inline]
HITimeSpan [private]
InBounds(TimeSlice current) const TimeSpan
Inflate(TimeSlice inflate)TimeSpan
Init()SimpleCCObject [static]
Intersection(const TimeSpan &other) const TimeSpan
IsEmpty() const TimeSpan [inline]
IsIntersectedWith(const TimeSpan &other) const TimeSpan
IsKindOf(const CCRuntimeClass *pClass) const CCObject
IsSameAs(const TimeSpan &other) const TimeSpan
Lo() const TimeSpan [inline]
LOTimeSpan [private]
MakeInvalid()TimeSpan [protected]
MemoryDump()SimpleCCObject [static]
MemoryTrackAdd(void *p, LPCSTR Filename, INT32 Line)SimpleCCObject [static]
operator delete(void *p)SimpleCCObject
operator new(size_t, void *p)SimpleCCObject [inline]
operator new(size_t nSize)SimpleCCObject
operator new(size_t nSize, LPCSTR lpszFileName, INT32 nLine)SimpleCCObject
operator+(TimeSlice shift) const TimeSpan
operator+(const TimeSpan &other) const TimeSpan
operator-(TimeSlice shift) const TimeSpan
operator-(const TimeSpan &other) const TimeSpan
operator=(const TimeSpan &other)TimeSpan
SetBounds(TimeSlice lower, TimeSlice upper)TimeSpan
TimeSpan(TimeSlice lower, TimeSlice upper)TimeSpan
TimeSpan(const TimeSpan &other)TimeSpan
Union(const TimeSpan &other) const TimeSpan
~CCObject()CCObject [virtual]

Generated on Sat Nov 10 04:01:56 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4