WizOpStyle Member List

This is the complete list of members for WizOpStyle, including all inherited members.

CreateCopy(const StringBase &NewName) const WizOpStyle [virtual]
GetName() const Style
GetParam() const WizOpStyle
GetQuestion() const WizOpStyle
GetWizOp() const WizOpStyle
m_ParamWizOpStyle [private]
m_QuestionWizOpStyle [private]
m_WizOpWizOpStyle [private]
operator==(const Style &OtherStyle) const WizOpStyle [virtual]
SetName(const StringBase &Name)Style [protected]
SetParam(const StringBase &NewParam)WizOpStyle [protected]
SetQuestion(const StringBase &NewQuestion)WizOpStyle
Style(const StringBase &Name)Style [protected]
WizOpStyle(const StringBase &Name, const StringBase &Question, const WizOp &WizOpRef, const StringBase &Param)WizOpStyle
~Style()=0Style [pure virtual]

Generated on Sat Nov 10 04:03:10 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4