
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // $Id: combo.h 1496 2006-07-22 13:09:45Z alex $
00002 /* @@tag:xara-cn-tp@@ THIRD PARTY COPYRIGHT */
00003 // The following line makes skip type fixing
00007 // Name:        wx/combo.h
00008 // Purpose:     wxComboControl declaration
00009 // Author:      Jaakko Salli
00010 // Modified by: 
00011 // Created:     Apr-30-2006
00012 // RCS-ID:      
00013 // Copyright:   (c) Jaakko Salli
00014 // Licence:     wxWindows licence
00020 #include <wx/wx.h>
00022 #if wxUSE_COMBOCTRL
00023 #undef wxXTRA_COMBOCTRL
00024 #include <wx/combo.h>
00025 #define wxIndex unsigned int
00026 #else
00027 #define wxXTRA_COMBOCTRL 1
00028 #define wxIndex int
00030 /*
00031    A few words about all the classes defined in this file are probably in
00032    order: why do we need extra wxComboControl and wxComboPopup classes?
00034    This is because a traditional combobox is a combination of a text control
00035    (with a button allowing to open the pop down list) with a listbox and
00036    wxComboBox class is exactly such control, however we want to also have other
00037    combinations - in fact, we want to allow anything at all to be used as pop
00038    down list, not just a wxListBox.
00040    So we define a base wxComboControl which can use any control as pop down
00041    list and wxComboBox deriving from it which implements the standard wxWidgets
00042    combobox API. wxComboControl needs to be told somehow which control to use
00043    and this is done by SetPopupControl(). However, we need something more than
00044    just a wxControl in this method as, for example, we need to call
00045    SetSelection("initial text value") and wxControl doesn't have such method.
00046    So we also need a wxComboPopup which is just a very simple interface which
00047    must be implemented by a control to be usable as a popup.
00049    We couldn't derive wxComboPopup from wxControl as this would make it
00050    impossible to have a class deriving from both wxListBx and from it, so
00051    instead it is just a mix-in.
00052  */
00054 class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxTextCtrl;
00055 class WXDLLEXPORT wxComboPopup;
00057 //
00058 // New window styles for wxComboCtrlBase
00059 //
00060 enum
00061 {
00062     // Double-clicking a read-only combo triggers call to popup's OnComboPopup.
00063     // In wxOwnerDrawnComboBox, for instance, it cycles item.
00064     wxCC_SPECIAL_DCLICK             = 0x0100,
00066     // Dropbutton acts like standard push button.
00067     wxCC_STD_BUTTON                 = 0x0200
00068 };
00071 // wxComboCtrl internal flags
00072 enum
00073 {
00074     // First those that can be passed to Customize.
00075     // It is Windows style for all flags to be clear.
00077     // Button is preferred outside the border (GTK style)
00078     wxCC_BUTTON_OUTSIDE_BORDER      = 0x0001,
00079     // Show popup on mouse up instead of mouse down (which is the Windows style)
00080     wxCC_POPUP_ON_MOUSE_UP          = 0x0002,
00081     // All text is not automatically selected on click
00082     wxCC_NO_TEXT_AUTO_SELECT        = 0x0004,
00084     // Internal use: signals creation is complete
00085     wxCC_IFLAG_CREATED              = 0x0100,
00086     // Internal use: really put button outside
00087     wxCC_IFLAG_BUTTON_OUTSIDE       = 0x0200,
00088     // Internal use: SetTextIndent has been called
00089     wxCC_IFLAG_INDENT_SET           = 0x0400,
00090     // Internal use: Set wxTAB_TRAVERSAL to parent when popup is dismissed
00091     wxCC_IFLAG_PARENT_TAB_TRAVERSAL = 0x0800
00092 };
00095 // Flags used by PreprocessMouseEvent and HandleButtonMouseEvent
00096 enum
00097 {
00098     wxCC_MF_ON_BUTTON               =   0x0001 // cursor is on dropbutton area
00099 };
00102 // Namespace for wxComboCtrl feature flags
00103 struct wxComboCtrlFeatures
00104 {
00105     enum
00106     {
00107         MovableButton       = 0x0001, // Button can be on either side of control
00108         BitmapButton        = 0x0002, // Button may be replaced with bitmap
00109         ButtonSpacing       = 0x0004, // Button can have spacing from the edge
00110                                       // of the control
00111         TextIndent          = 0x0008, // SetTextIndent can be used
00112         PaintControl        = 0x0010, // Combo control itself can be custom painted
00113         PaintWritable       = 0x0020, // A variable-width area in front of writable
00114                                       // combo control's textctrl can be custom
00115                                       // painted
00116         Borderless          = 0x0040, // wxNO_BORDER window style works
00118         // There are no feature flags for...
00119         // PushButtonBitmapBackground - if its in wxRendererNative, then it should be
00120         //   not an issue to have it automatically under the bitmap.
00122         All                 = MovableButton|BitmapButton|
00123                               ButtonSpacing|TextIndent|
00124                               PaintControl|PaintWritable|
00125                               Borderless
00126     };
00127 };
00130 class WXDLLEXPORT wxComboCtrlBase : public wxControl
00131 {
00132     friend class wxComboPopup;
00133 public:
00134     // ctors and such
00135     wxComboCtrlBase() : wxControl() { Init(); }
00137     bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
00138                 wxWindowID id,
00139                 const wxString& value,
00140                 const wxPoint& pos,
00141                 const wxSize& size,
00142                 long style,
00143                 const wxValidator& validator,
00144                 const wxString& name);
00146     virtual ~wxComboCtrlBase();
00148     // show/hide popup window
00149     virtual void ShowPopup();
00150     virtual void HidePopup();
00152     // Override for totally custom combo action
00153     virtual void OnButtonClick();
00155     // return true if the popup is currently shown
00156     bool IsPopupShown() const { return m_isPopupShown; }
00158     // set interface class instance derived from wxComboPopup
00159     // NULL popup can be used to indicate default in a derived class
00160     void SetPopupControl( wxComboPopup* popup )
00161     {
00162         DoSetPopupControl(popup);
00163     }
00165     // get interface class instance derived from wxComboPopup
00166     wxComboPopup* GetPopupControl()
00167     {
00168         EnsurePopupControl();
00169         return m_popupInterface;
00170     }
00172     // get the popup window containing the popup control
00173     wxWindow *GetPopupWindow() const { return m_winPopup; }
00175     // Get the text control which is part of the combobox.
00176     wxTextCtrl *GetTextCtrl() const { return m_text; }
00178     // get the dropdown button which is part of the combobox
00179     // note: its not necessarily a wxButton or wxBitmapButton
00180     wxWindow *GetButton() const { return m_btn; }
00182     // forward these methods to all subcontrols
00183     virtual bool Enable(bool enable = true);
00184     virtual bool Show(bool show = true);
00185     virtual bool SetFont(const wxFont& font);
00187     // wxTextCtrl methods - for readonly combo they should return
00188     // without errors.
00189     virtual wxString GetValue() const;
00190     virtual void SetValue(const wxString& value);
00191     virtual void Copy();
00192     virtual void Cut();
00193     virtual void Paste();
00194     virtual void SetInsertionPoint(long pos);
00195     virtual void SetInsertionPointEnd();
00196     virtual long GetInsertionPoint() const;
00197     virtual long GetLastPosition() const;
00198     virtual void Replace(long from, long to, const wxString& value);
00199     virtual void Remove(long from, long to);
00200     virtual void SetSelection(long from, long to);
00201     virtual void Undo();
00203     // This method sets the text without affecting list selection
00204     // (ie. wxComboPopup::SetStringValue doesn't get called).
00205     void SetText(const wxString& value);
00207     //
00208     // Popup customization methods
00209     //
00211     // Sets minimum width of the popup. If wider than combo control, it will extend to the left.
00212     // Remarks:
00213     // * Value -1 indicates the default.
00214     // * Custom popup may choose to ignore this (wxOwnerDrawnComboBox does not).
00215     void SetPopupMinWidth( int width )
00216     {
00217         m_widthMinPopup = width;
00218     }
00220     // Sets preferred maximum height of the popup.
00221     // Remarks:
00222     // * Value -1 indicates the default.
00223     // * Custom popup may choose to ignore this (wxOwnerDrawnComboBox does not).
00224     void SetPopupMaxHeight( int height )
00225     {
00226         m_heightPopup = height;
00227     }
00229     // Extends popup size horizontally, relative to the edges of the combo control.
00230     // Remarks:
00231     // * Popup minimum width may override extLeft (ie. it has higher precedence).
00232     // * Values 0 indicate default.
00233     // * Custom popup may not take this fully into account (wxOwnerDrawnComboBox takes).
00234     void SetPopupExtents( int extLeft, int extRight )
00235     {
00236         m_extLeft = extLeft;
00237         m_extRight = extRight;
00238     }
00240     // Set width, in pixels, of custom paint area in writable combo.
00241     // In read-only, used to indicate area that is not covered by the
00242     // focus rectangle (which may or may not be drawn, depending on the
00243     // popup type).
00244     void SetCustomPaintWidth( int width );
00245     int GetCustomPaintWidth() const { return m_widthCustomPaint; }
00247     // Set side of the control to which the popup will align itself.
00248     // Valid values are wxLEFT, wxRIGHT and 0. The default value 0 wmeans
00249     // that the side of the button will be used.
00250     void SetPopupAnchor( int anchorSide )
00251     {
00252         m_anchorSide = anchorSide;
00253     }
00255     // Set position of dropdown button.
00256     //   width: button width. <= 0 for default.
00257     //   height: button height. <= 0 for default.
00258     //   side: wxLEFT or wxRIGHT, indicates on which side the button will be placed.
00259     //   spacingX: empty space on sides of the button. Default is 0.
00260     // Remarks:
00261     //   There is no spacingY - the button will be centered vertically.
00262     void SetButtonPosition( int width = -1,
00263                             int height = -1,
00264                             int side = wxRIGHT,
00265                             int spacingX = 0 );
00267     // Returns current size of the dropdown button.
00268     wxSize GetButtonSize();
00270     //
00271     // Sets dropbutton to be drawn with custom bitmaps.
00272     //
00273     //  bmpNormal: drawn when cursor is not on button
00274     //  pushButtonBg: Draw push button background below the image.
00275     //                NOTE! This is usually only properly supported on platforms with appropriate
00276     //                      method in wxRendererNative.
00277     //  bmpPressed: drawn when button is depressed
00278     //  bmpHover: drawn when cursor hovers on button. This is ignored on platforms
00279     //            that do not generally display hover differently.
00280     //  bmpDisabled: drawn when combobox is disabled.
00281     void SetButtonBitmaps( const wxBitmap& bmpNormal,
00282                            bool pushButtonBg = false,
00283                            const wxBitmap& bmpPressed = wxNullBitmap,
00284                            const wxBitmap& bmpHover = wxNullBitmap,
00285                            const wxBitmap& bmpDisabled = wxNullBitmap );
00287     //
00288     // This will set the space in pixels between left edge of the control and the
00289     // text, regardless whether control is read-only (ie. no wxTextCtrl) or not.
00290     // Platform-specific default can be set with value-1.
00291     // Remarks
00292     // * This method may do nothing on some native implementations.
00293     void SetTextIndent( int indent );
00295     // Returns actual indentation in pixels.
00296     wxCoord GetTextIndent() const
00297     {
00298         return m_absIndent;
00299     }
00301     //
00302     // Utilies needed by the popups or native implementations
00303     //
00305     // Draws focus background (on combo control) in a way typical on platform.
00306     // Unless you plan to paint your own focus indicator, you should always call this
00307     // in your wxComboPopup::PaintComboControl implementation.
00308     // In addition, it sets pen and text colour to what looks good and proper
00309     // against the background.
00310     // flags: wxRendererNative flags: wxCONTROL_ISSUBMENU: is drawing a list item instead of combo control
00311     //                                wxCONTROL_SELECTED: list item is selected
00312     //                                wxCONTROL_DISABLED: control/item is disabled
00313     virtual void DrawFocusBackground( wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int flags ) const;
00315     // Returns true if focus indicator should be drawn in the control.
00316     bool ShouldDrawFocus() const
00317     {
00318         const wxWindow* curFocus = FindFocus();
00319         return ( !m_isPopupShown &&
00320                  (curFocus == this || (m_btn && curFocus == m_btn)) &&
00321                  (m_windowStyle & wxCB_READONLY) );
00322     }
00324     // These methods return references to appropriate dropbutton bitmaps
00325     const wxBitmap& GetBitmapNormal() const { return m_bmpNormal; }
00326     const wxBitmap& GetBitmapPressed() const { return m_bmpPressed; }
00327     const wxBitmap& GetBitmapHover() const { return m_bmpHover; }
00328     const wxBitmap& GetBitmapDisabled() const { return m_bmpDisabled; }
00330     // Return internal flags
00331     wxUint32 GetInternalFlags() const { return m_iFlags; }
00333     // Return true if Create has finished
00334     bool IsCreated() const { return m_iFlags & wxCC_IFLAG_CREATED ? true : false; }
00336     // common code to be called on popup hide/dismiss
00337     void OnPopupDismiss();
00339 protected:
00341     //
00342     // Override these for customization purposes
00343     //
00345     // called from wxSizeEvent handler
00346     virtual void OnResize() = 0;
00348     // Return native text identation (for pure text, not textctrl)
00349     virtual wxCoord GetNativeTextIndent() const;
00351     // Called in syscolourchanged handler and base create
00352     virtual void OnThemeChange();
00354     // Creates wxTextCtrl.
00355     //   extraStyle: Extra style parameters
00356     void CreateTextCtrl( int extraStyle, const wxValidator& validator );
00358     // Installs standard input handler to combo (and optionally to the textctrl)
00359     void InstallInputHandlers( bool alsoTextCtrl = true );
00361     // Draws dropbutton. Using wxRenderer or bitmaps, as appropriate.
00362     void DrawButton( wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, bool paintBg = true );
00364     // Call if cursor is on button area or mouse is captured for the button.
00365     //bool HandleButtonMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event, bool isInside );
00366     bool HandleButtonMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event, int flags );
00368     // Conversion to double-clicks and some basic filtering
00369     // returns true if event was consumed or filtered (event type is also set to 0 in this case)
00370     //bool PreprocessMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event, bool isOnButtonArea );
00371     bool PreprocessMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event, int flags );
00373     //
00374     // This will handle left_down and left_dclick events outside button in a Windows-like manner.
00375     // If you need alternate behaviour, it is recommended you manipulate and filter events to it
00376     // instead of building your own handling routine (for reference, on wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN it will
00377     // toggle popup and on wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK it will do the same or run the popup's dclick method,
00378     // if defined - you should pass events of other types of it for common processing).
00379     void HandleNormalMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event );
00381     // Creates popup window, calls interface->Create(), etc
00382     void CreatePopup();
00384     // Destroy popup window and all related constructs
00385     void DestroyPopup();
00387     // override the base class virtuals involved in geometry calculations
00388     virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize() const;
00390     // NULL popup can be used to indicate default in a derived class
00391     virtual void DoSetPopupControl(wxComboPopup* popup);
00393     // ensures there is atleast the default popup
00394     void EnsurePopupControl();
00396     // Recalculates button and textctrl areas. Called when size or button setup change.
00397     //   btnWidth: default/calculated width of the dropbutton. 0 means unchanged,
00398     //             just recalculate.
00399     void CalculateAreas( int btnWidth = 0 );
00401     // Standard textctrl positioning routine. Just give it platform-dependant
00402     // textctrl coordinate adjustment.
00403     void PositionTextCtrl( int textCtrlXAdjust, int textCtrlYAdjust );
00405     // event handlers
00406     void OnSizeEvent( wxSizeEvent& event );
00407     void OnFocusEvent(wxFocusEvent& event);
00408     void OnTextCtrlEvent(wxCommandEvent& event);
00409     void OnSysColourChanged(wxSysColourChangedEvent& event);
00411     // Set customization flags (directs how wxComboCtrlBase helpers behave)
00412     void Customize( wxUint32 flags ) { m_iFlags |= flags; }
00414     // Dispatches size event and refreshes
00415     void RecalcAndRefresh();
00417 #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS
00418     virtual void DoSetToolTip( wxToolTip *tip );
00419 #endif
00421     // Used by OnPaints of derived classes
00422     wxBitmap& GetBufferBitmap(const wxSize& sz) const;
00424     // This is used when m_text is hidden (readonly).
00425     wxString                m_valueString;
00427     // the text control and button we show all the time
00428     wxTextCtrl*             m_text;
00429     wxWindow*               m_btn;
00431     // wxPopupWindow or similar containing the window managed by the interface.
00432     wxWindow*               m_winPopup;
00434     // the popup control/panel
00435     wxWindow*               m_popup;
00437     // popup interface
00438     wxComboPopup*           m_popupInterface;
00440     // this is for this control itself
00441     wxEvtHandler*           m_extraEvtHandler;
00443     // this is for text
00444     wxEvtHandler*           m_textEvtHandler;
00446     // this is for the top level window
00447     wxEvtHandler*           m_toplevEvtHandler;
00449     // this is for the control in popup
00450     wxEvtHandler*           m_popupExtraHandler;
00452     // needed for "instant" double-click handling
00453     wxLongLong              m_timeLastMouseUp;
00455     // used to prevent immediate re-popupping incase closed popup
00456     // by clicking on the combo control (needed because of inconsistent
00457     // transient implementation across platforms).
00458     wxLongLong              m_timeCanAcceptClick;
00460     // how much popup should expand to the left/right of the control
00461     wxCoord                 m_extLeft;
00462     wxCoord                 m_extRight;
00464     // minimum popup width
00465     wxCoord                 m_widthMinPopup;
00467     // preferred popup height
00468     wxCoord                 m_heightPopup;
00470     // how much of writable combo is custom-paint by callback?
00471     // also used to indicate area that is not covered by "blue"
00472     // selection indicator.
00473     wxCoord                 m_widthCustomPaint;
00475     // absolute text indentation, in pixels
00476     wxCoord                 m_absIndent;
00478     // side on which the popup is aligned
00479     int                     m_anchorSide;
00481     // Width of the "fake" border
00482     wxCoord                 m_widthCustomBorder;
00484     // The button and textctrl click/paint areas
00485     wxRect                  m_tcArea;
00486     wxRect                  m_btnArea;
00488     // current button state (uses renderer flags)
00489     int                     m_btnState;
00491     // button position
00492     int                     m_btnWid;
00493     int                     m_btnHei;
00494     int                     m_btnSide;
00495     int                     m_btnSpacingX;
00497     // last default button width
00498     int                     m_btnWidDefault;
00500     // custom dropbutton bitmaps
00501     wxBitmap                m_bmpNormal;
00502     wxBitmap                m_bmpPressed;
00503     wxBitmap                m_bmpHover;
00504     wxBitmap                m_bmpDisabled;
00506     // area used by the button
00507     wxSize                  m_btnSize;
00509     // platform-dependant customization and other flags
00510     wxUint32                m_iFlags;
00512     // draw blank button background under bitmap?
00513     bool                    m_blankButtonBg;
00515     // is the popup window currenty shown?
00516     bool                    m_isPopupShown;
00518     // Set to 1 on mouse down, 0 on mouse up. Used to eliminate down-less mouse ups.
00519     bool                    m_downReceived;
00521 private:
00522     void Init();
00526     DECLARE_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxComboCtrlBase)
00527 };
00530 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00531 // wxComboPopup is the interface which must be implemented by a control to be
00532 // used as a popup by wxComboCtrl
00533 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00536 // wxComboPopup internal flags
00537 enum
00538 {
00539     wxCP_IFLAG_CREATED      = 0x0001 // Set by wxComboCtrlBase after Create is called
00540 };
00543 class WXDLLEXPORT wxComboPopup
00544 {
00545     friend class wxComboCtrlBase;
00546 public:
00547     wxComboPopup()
00548     {
00549         m_combo = (wxComboCtrlBase*) NULL;
00550         m_iFlags = 0;
00551     }
00553     // This is called immediately after construction finishes. m_combo member
00554     // variable has been initialized before the call.
00555     // NOTE: It is not in constructor so the derived class doesn't need to redefine
00556     //       a default constructor of its own.
00557     virtual void Init() { };
00559     virtual ~wxComboPopup();
00561     // Create the popup child control.
00562     // Return true for success.
00563     virtual bool Create(wxWindow* parent) = 0;
00565     // We must have an associated control which is subclassed by the combobox.
00566     virtual wxWindow *GetControl() = 0;
00568     // Called immediately after the popup is shown
00569     virtual void OnPopup();
00571     // Called when popup is dismissed
00572     virtual void OnDismiss();
00574     // Called just prior to displaying popup.
00575     // Default implementation does nothing.
00576     virtual void SetStringValue( const wxString& value );
00578     // Gets displayed string representation of the value.
00579     virtual wxString GetStringValue() const = 0;
00581     // This is called to custom paint in the combo control itself (ie. not the popup).
00582     // Default implementation draws value as string.
00583     virtual void PaintComboControl( wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect );
00585     // Receives key events from the parent wxComboCtrl.
00586     // Events not handled should be skipped, as usual.
00587     virtual void OnComboKeyEvent( wxKeyEvent& event );
00589     // Implement if you need to support special action when user
00590     // double-clicks on the parent wxComboCtrl.
00591     virtual void OnComboDoubleClick();
00593     // Return final size of popup. Called on every popup, just prior to OnShow.
00594     // minWidth = preferred minimum width for window
00595     // prefHeight = preferred height. Only applies if > 0,
00596     // maxHeight = max height for window, as limited by screen size
00597     //   and should only be rounded down, if necessary.
00598     virtual wxSize GetAdjustedSize( int minWidth, int prefHeight, int maxHeight );
00600     // Return true if you want delay call to Create until the popup is shown
00601     // for the first time. It is more efficient, but note that it is often
00602     // more convenient to have the control created immediately.
00603     // Default returns false.
00604     virtual bool LazyCreate();
00606     //
00607     // Utilies
00608     //
00610     // Hides the popup
00611     void Dismiss();
00613     // Returns true if Create has been called.
00614     bool IsCreated() const
00615     {
00616         return (m_iFlags & wxCP_IFLAG_CREATED) ? true : false;
00617     }
00619     // Default PaintComboControl behaviour
00620     static void DefaultPaintComboControl( wxComboCtrlBase* combo,
00621                                           wxDC& dc,
00622                                           const wxRect& rect );
00624 protected:
00625     wxComboCtrlBase* m_combo;
00626     wxUint32            m_iFlags;
00628 private:
00629     // Called in wxComboCtrlBase::SetPopupControl
00630     void InitBase(wxComboCtrlBase *combo)
00631     {
00632         m_combo = combo;
00633     }
00634 };
00637 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00638 // include the platform-dependent header defining the real class
00639 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00641 // Any ports may need generic as an alternative
00642 #include "combog.h"
00644 #endif // wxUSE_COMBOCONTROL
00646 #endif

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