tranform.h File Reference


#include "ccobject.h"

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class  TransformBase
 The Transformation Base Class. This is an abstract class - you can only create instances of its derived classes. The Transformation classes are used to give a transparent interface to arbitary transformations on objects. Nodes do not need to be aware of what type of transformation is being applied or how is should be undone. This class contains two virtual function :- MonoOn virtual void Transform(DocCoord* Coords, INT32 NumCoords) MonoOff MonoOn virtual BOOL IsInvertable() MonoOff It also contains the following public member vars MonoOn BOOL TransLines; // TRUE if Line Widths are to be transformed MonoOff MonoOn BOOL TransFills; // TRUE if Fills are to be transformed MonoOff. More...
class  TransInvertable
 One of the transformation base classes. All Transformations derived from this class can be inverted directly. ie Transforms that make use of a matrix can be inverted by inverting the matrix. This class adds the following virtual functions :- MonoOn virtual void Invert() MonoOff. More...
class  TransNonInvertable
 One of the Transformation base classes. All the transformations derived from this class can not be inverted. Transforms of this kind are considered to be one way mappings from the original coords. There is no way of getting the original coords back after they have been transformed by a class derived from this one. Examples include the Envelope transformation. More...

Generated on Sat Nov 10 03:49:22 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4