transop.h File Reference


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struct  TransformData
 Holds the flags and additional data for the transform operations that are started by the Selector Tool. MonoOn DocCoord CentreOfTrans; // The centre of the transform INT32 StartBlob; // The blob that the transform was started from BOOL LockAspect; // Should the aspect ratio be locked BOOL LeaveCopy; // Should we leave a copy of the selection BOOL ScaleLines; // Should line widths be scaled as well BOOL TransFills; // Should fills be transformed as well Range* pRange; // range to transform; if NULL, use the selection MonoOff. More...
struct  TransformBoundingData
 This structure holds information about the position of the selection as well as the current scale and angles MonoOn Position and size INT32 x; INT32 y; INT32 Width; INT32 Height;. More...
class  TransOperation
 The base class for all the Transform Operations. This class should provide most of the functionality for all the transform operations such as handling the eored drag events etc. At the end of the day it will transform the selection is some way (depending on the derived class). More...

Generated on Sat Nov 10 03:49:22 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4