SuperGallery Class Reference

#include <sgallery.h>

Inheritance diagram for SuperGallery:

DialogOp Operation MessageHandler ListItem CCObject SimpleCCObject BitmapSGallery ColourSGallery LayerSGallery LibraryGallery LineGallery NameGallery NameGallery TEMPLATESGallery List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SuperGallery (CCRuntimeClass *Class=NULL)
 SuperGallery constructor (Identical to DialogOp).
 SuperGallery (String_32 &NewName, CCRuntimeClass *Class=NULL)
 SuperGallery constructor (Identical to DialogOp).
 ~SuperGallery ()
 SuperGallery destructor.
virtual BOOL Create (void)
 The SuperGallery Create method This method has been overridden to de-specialize the DialogOp.
virtual void SetVisibility (BOOL Open)
 Used by the tool bar customize system to open and close a tool bar.
void SetGallerySize (wxSize Size)
wxSize GetGallerySize (void)
BOOL Write (CCLexFile &file)
 Write the Gallery to the file in a tokenized form Write the SuperGallery to the file in a tokenized form.
BOOL Write (SaveRegistryEntries &Saver)
 Write the SuperGallery to the registry.
virtual MsgResult Message (Msg *Message)
 A standard message handler, really. If you override this in a derived class, you must pass any unhandled event on to this base class method after handling the messages you are interested in.
INT32 GetDisplayExtent (void)
 To determine the length of the displayed list, in MILLIPOINTS; actually, in terms of the mimimum displayed Y coordinate, which is really -(Length).
void ForceGroupFolded (SGDisplayGroup *GroupToFold, BOOL FoldedState)
 Ensures that the given group is in an {un}folded state. If it is not oin the desired state, the state is changed, and the tree is reformatted and invalidated for redraw.
void ScrollToShow (DocRect *Area, BOOL PreferToSeeBottom=FALSE)
 Determines if the given rectangle is entirely visible in the display window. If it is not, the window is scrolled to show the rectangle. Used to scroll the display to ensure a single item or set of items is visible on screen.
void ScrollArea (DocRect *Area, DocCoord *ScrollBy)
 To scroll the list gadget in the super gallery. Basically just a veneer function for sgdisplayrootscroll which can't tidily access the DialogOp method...
void PaintListNow (void)
 Direct veneer function for DialogOp::PaintGadgetNow for the ListBox gadget. Allows SGDisplayNodes to force an immediate update.
void ReformatNow (BOOL ForceReformat)
 Immediately reformats the display tree if necessary. NOTE: This is done automatically on any redraw if the cached format is known to be out of date. However, sometimes (e.g. when unfolding a group and then scrolling to it) you may want to chnage the display tree format and then cause the formatting to be recalculated before it is needed for the next step (scrolling) of your operation.
void ForceRedrawOfList (void)
 Reformats, and then redraws the entire displayed list.
void ForceRedrawOfArea (DocRect *Area)
 Redraws the given region of the list. The area specified is a MILLIPOINT offset within the SuperGallery Virtual Coordinate Space.
void RedrawEverythingBelow (INT32 TopYCoord)
 To redraw the display list from a given positio downwards (e.g. if a document list changes, you'll need to redraw its display, plus any displays below it which may have moved around).
void RedrawDocumentDisplay (Document *TheDocument)
 To redraw the entire display list for the given document. If the cached formatting information is known to be compromised, a reformat will occur, and the necessary regions will be redrawn. Otherwise, just the document's display will be redrawn.
void ReformatAndRedrawIfNecessary (void)
 If the cached format information is thought to be out of date (eg after someone has called InvalidateCachedFormat) then this method will cause a reformatting operation to be carried out, and will then redraw any areas which are affected (have changed due to the reformatting).
void InvalidateCachedFormat (void)
 Indicates to the super gallery that the cached display tree formatting is out of date, and must be recalculated before next redraw of the display.
void ShadeGallery (BOOL ShadeIt)
 Shades (disables) the SuperGallery window. This calls the DoShadeGallery upcall to allow derived classes to take special action for any extra controls they may own, etc.
void SelectItems (BOOL SelectThem, BOOL Exclusive=FALSE, Document *ParentDocument=NULL, Library *ParentLibrary=NULL)
 To select/deselect groups of display items (or all display items) in this Gallery display. All items whose state changes will force redraw themselves automatically.
void SelectGroups (BOOL SelectThem, BOOL Exclusive=FALSE, Document *ParentDocument=NULL, Library *ParentLibrary=NULL)
 To select/deselect groups of display groups (or all display groups) in this Gallery display. All groups whose state changes will force redraw themselves automatically.
void SelectRange (SGDisplayNode *PrimeNode, SGDisplayNode *AnchorNode)
 Selects the PrimeNode, and if possible, all sibling nodes between it and the Anchor node. If Anchor == NULL or is not found, only PrimeNode is selected. Does not deselect any nodes - you should call SelectItems first to clear the seln.
INT32 GetSelectedItemCount (Document *TheDocument=NULL, Library *TheLibrary=NULL)
 Counts the number of selected items in the display tree or a subtree.
INT32 GetSelectedGroupCount (void)
 Counts the number of selected groups in the display tree.
virtual void SelectionHasChanged (void)
 To inform the gallery that the selection has changed in some way. The base gallery class will do the following things:.
BOOL AreYouRedrawingNow (void)
 To determine if the gallery is currently redrawing. This is necessary for two reasons: (1) To ensure we don't go re-entrant in redraw code (because we can't have more than one active render region or it'll go bang), (2) To allow things like the SGDisplayRootScroll to take special action when they try to chnage the scroll position if we are in a redraw (obviously at this point, doing a ScrollWindow and force redraws would be silly, if not downright dangerous).
CGadgetID GetListGadgetID (void)
 To allow outside entities to determine the list box gadget ID. Meant only for gallery drags to determine their target area.
INT32 GetDisplayMode () const
SGDisplayRootGetDisplayTree () const
virtual BOOL CanSearchKeywords (void)
 Used to determine if this type of gallery supports keyword searching. By default galleries do not. Override and return TRUE if you do.
virtual BOOL GetStatusLineHelp (DocCoord *MousePos, String_256 *Result)
 Gets status line help from the gallery.
virtual BOOL PreContextMenu (void)
 Give the gallery a chance to do something before popping up the context menu. Called before the context menu is popped up on a right click. At present, used by the bitmap gallery to ensure that the plug-ins have all been parsed. Notes: The base class method does nothing. Override it in galleries which require this assistance.
virtual BOOL InitMenuCommands (void)
 Initialises any menu commands that this gallery needs.
BOOL InitMenuCommand (StringBase *CommandID, UINT32 MenuTextID)
 To initialise a menu command for future use. This should be called for any potential menu commands *on startup* - it essentially adds OpDescriptors to the system, and they must be initialised and ready to go right from startup of the application.
virtual BOOL BuildCommandMenu (GalleryContextMenu *TheMenu, SGMenuID MenuID)
 To build a menu of commands to be popped up over the gallery.
BOOL AddCommand (GalleryContextMenu *TheMenu, StringBase *CommandID, BOOL Separator=FALSE, MenuItem *pRootMenu=NULL)
 To add a gallery command (or separator) to the end of a menu currently being built. Call this from your overridden BuildCommandMenu method to add each appropriate command to the menu. NOTE that this command must have been registered on startup by calling InitMenuCommand.
virtual OpState GetCommandState (StringBase *CommandID, String_256 *ShadeReason)
 To determine the state of a given menu item. This method is an exact parallel to an Op's GetState method (in fact, it is called by an Op's GetState).
virtual void DoCommand (StringBase *CommandID)
 To apply a given command when it is chosen from the menu.
SGDisplayGroupFindCommandGroup (void)
 Determines which group will be affected by a menu command, if any. Esentially finds the first selected group in the gallery, or the parent group of the first selected item.
virtual SGDisplayItemCopyDisplayItem (SGDisplayItem *SourceItem, SGDisplayGroup *DestGroup, SGDisplayItem *TargetPosition=NULL)
 "Copies" the existing node in the tree in an appropriate fashion.
virtual void AllItemsCopied (SGDisplayGroup *DestGroup)
 This upcall method is called after one or more items have been copied or moved by a gallery drag. It allows the gallery to do update things like broadcasting a message or getting a related window (eg colour line) to redraw at the end of a move/copy operation. This allows thousands of items to be moved/copied with only a single redraw/message-broadcast, etc at the very end.
SGDisplayNodeFindNodeUnderPointer (DocCoord *ThePoint)
 To allow outside entities to determine which display node lies under the (current mouse pointer) position.
void AutoScrollForDrag (DocCoord *MousePosition)
 If the given point is near the top or bottom of the window, this will cause the supergallery to auto-scroll the window up/down. Intended to allow drags to autoscroll as necessary.
void FillInMiscInfo (SGMiscInfo *MiscInfo, ReDrawInfoType *DlgRedrawInfo=NULL)
 Sets up a MiscInfo structure, ready for use.
virtual SGDisplayGroupAddLibraryGroup (Library *LibraryToDisplay, INT32 NumItems)
 Creates a blank group in the displaytree representing the given library. (If a suitable group already exists, its contents are wiped in preparation for being filled in again).
virtual void RemoveLibraryGroup (Library *DisplayedLibrary)
 Ensures that there are no display groups representing this library in the DisplayTree- deletes any related group from the tree if necessary. Used when Library objects are destructed to ensure no references to them are held by their parent gallery.
virtual SGDisplayItemAddLibraryItem (SGDisplayGroup *LibraryGroup, Library *ParentLib, LibraryIndex ItemIndex, BOOL bNew=FALSE)
 Called by the Library class to create a display item for every item in a newly-scanned library file. It is essentially a callback to the gallery which requested that the library be scanned.
void ConvertToVirtualCoords (SGMiscInfo *MiscInfo, DocCoord *SourceAndResult)
 Converts a standard DocCoord, as passed in for kernel-rendered dialogues, into a standard Display-list virtual coordinate, as used by Display items.
BOOL ConvertFromVirtualCoords (SGMiscInfo *MiscInfo, DocRect *SourceAndResult)
 Converts a standard Display-list virtual rectangle, as used by Display items, into a rect as used in kernel-rendered dialogues. The returned rectangle may be outside the visible display area of the gadget.
virtual BOOL ApplyAction (SGActionType Action)
 Applies certain conventional gallery actions (usually associated with gallery buttons, for new, edit, delete, etc).
SGSortKeyGetCurrentSortKeys (void)
virtual void ApplySortNow (BOOL ApplyToEntireList)
 Applies the current gallery sort mode (member array SortKeys) to the display list.
BOOL DeVirtualiseAllGroups (StringBase *ProgressBarMsg)
 Go through all the gallery groups and de-virtualise all virtual groups. A virtual group is a group with no associated items, de-virtualising will create all these items.
void SetLastSelectedNode (SGDisplayNode *JustSelected)
 To set which node, if any, was last selected in this gallery. Used by the display tree to determine the anchor point for selection extension exercises.
SGDisplayNodeGetLastSelectedNode (void)
 To determine which node, if any, was last selected in this gallery. Used by the display tree to determine the anchor point for selection extension exercises.
virtual BOOL GetQuietStatus (void)
 Get the Quiet status of the gallery - used when a load of indexes are being added to the gallery and there are problems...
virtual void SetQuietStatus (BOOL Status)
 Set the Quiet status of the gallery - used when a load of indexes are being added to the gallery and there are problems...
virtual BOOL IsLibraryGallery (void)
 To check if we're a library gallery.
virtual BOOL IsLibraryGalleryWithNonLibraryGroups (void)
 To check if we're a dedicated library gallery, or a half+half (like the font gallery).
void IncrementPendingRedraws (void)
 Called by SGDisplayNode classes to handle background redraw. This increments our count of how many items are awaiting background redraw. While this counter is greater than zero, we use an idle processor to kick off background redraws every now and then.
void DecrementPendingRedraws (void)
 Called by SGDisplayNode classes to handle background redraw. This increments our count of how many items are awaiting background redraw. While this counter is greater than zero, we use an idle processor to kick off background redraws every now and then.
virtual BOOL OnIdleEvent (void)
 Processes idle events for the supergallery. This is used to provide backgrounded redraw of gallery items.
void FlushBackgroundRedraws (void)
 Resets the BG rendering system - flushes all pending bg redraws, and then ensures the system is in the default (inactive) state. This has the useful side effect that if bg rendering has become confused it will reset the state and 'unconfuse' the renderer.
void SetLastBackgroundNode (SGDisplayNode *LastNodeRendered)\
SGDisplayNodeGetLastBackgroundNode (void)\
virtual BOOL IsABar ()
virtual BOOL IsAGallery ()
String_32GetGalName ()
void SetGalName (const String_32 &str)

Static Public Member Functions

static SuperGalleryFindSuperGallery (String_32 &SuperGalleryName, INT32 limit=-1)
 Looks for a given SuperGallery by using its name.
static SuperGalleryFindSuperGallery (ResourceID SuperGalleryID)
 Looks for a given SuperGallery by using its name.

Public Attributes

String_32 Name

Static Public Attributes

static INT32 UseFixedColourSet = FALSE

Protected Member Functions

void InsertCopiedItem (SGDisplayItem *CopiedItem, SGDisplayGroup *DestGroup, SGDisplayItem *TargetPosition)
 Inserts a given copied-node into the tree in an appropriate fashion. Used for re-organising the tree at the conclusion of a drag. Intended to be called only from overridden CopyDisplayItem() methods, to take all the work out of the process of copying display items around.
void BroadcastEvent (SGEventType EventType, void *EventInfo, SGMiscInfo *MiscInfo=NULL)
 Passes the given event through the DisplayTree.
void CalcVirtualSize (ReDrawInfoType *DlgRedrawInfo, DocRect *VirtualSize, INT32 *PixelSize)
 Shared internal code to determine the virtual coordinate space of the region of the display list which is visible n screen.
void RenderListBox (ReDrawInfoType *RedrawInfo)
 Renders the displayed list of items into the 'list box' control.
void ConvertToVirtualCoords (ReDrawInfoType *DlgRedrawInfo, DocCoord *SourceAndResult)
 Converts a standard DocCoord, as passed in for kernel-rendered dialogues, into a standard Display-list virtual coordinate, as used by Display items.
virtual BOOL PreCreate (void)
 A call to be overridden by the derived class. This is called BEFORE the SuperGallery::Create function tries to create the gallery window. Derived galleries then initialise any unintialised data, and return TRUE if it is safe to continue creating the gallery window.
virtual BOOL PostCreate (void)
 A call to be overridden by the derived class. This is called AFTER the SuperGallery::Create function has succeeded. Derived galleries can then initialise any unintialised data, and return TRUE if it is safe to open the gallery window.
virtual void DoShadeGallery (BOOL ShadeIt)
 Shades (disables) the SuperGallery window. This calls the DoShadeGallery upcall to allow derived classes to take special action for any extra controls they may own, etc.
virtual void HandleDragStart (DragMessage *DragMsg)
 Checks a DragMessage to see if it is a gallery list-drag. If so, it adds a new drag target to handle drops on the gallery list box.
virtual RenderRegionCreateRenderRegion (DocRect *VirtualSize, ReDrawInfoType *DlgRedrawInfo)
 An overridable veneer to the DialogOp CreateOSRenderRegion method. This can be overriden to use a different type of renderregion for all of your rendering.
virtual void DestroyRenderRegion (RenderRegion *pRender)
 An overridable veneer to the DialogOp DestroyOSRenderRegion method. This can be overriden to use a different type of renderregion for all of your rendering.
virtual void CloseOwnedDialogs (void)
 Checks and closes the various dialogs which can be owned by galleries.

Static Protected Member Functions

static INT32 __cdecl SortComparator (const void *Item1, const void *Item2)
 'qsort' comparator function, used when quicksorting the display list

Protected Attributes

wxSize GallerySize
INT32 PendingRedraws
INT32 DisplayMode
BOOL FormatIsCached
INT32 LastWindowDX
INT32 LastWindowDY
BOOL AmShaded
BOOL AmRedrawing
MonotonicTime LastClickTime
DocCoord LastClickPos
BOOL DblClickPending
SGSortKey SortKeys [MaxSGSortKeys]

Static Protected Attributes

static SuperGalleryCurrentSortGallery = NULL

Private Member Functions

void InitData (void)
 Internal method to initialise data mambers. Shared code for constructors.


class SGalleryOptionsDlg
class SGallerySortDlg
class SGallerySearchDlg
class SGalleryLinePropertiesDlg

Detailed Description

Definition at line 243 of file sgallery.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SuperGallery::SuperGallery CCRuntimeClass Class = NULL  ) 

SuperGallery constructor (Identical to DialogOp).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 228 of file sgallery.cpp.

00228                                                : DialogOp(_R(IDD_BLANKBAR), MODELESS,0,GSAFECLASS(Class)) 
00229 {
00230     String_32 str = String_32(_R(IDS_K_BARS_NONAME));
00231     Name=str;
00232     InitData();
00233 } 

SuperGallery::SuperGallery String_32 NewName,
CCRuntimeClass Class = NULL

SuperGallery constructor (Identical to DialogOp).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 248 of file sgallery.cpp.

00249         : DialogOp(_R(IDD_BLANKBAR), MODELESS,0,GSAFECLASS(Class))
00250 {
00251     String_32 str = String_32(_R(IDS_K_BARS_NONAME));
00252     Name=str;
00253     InitData();
00254 } 

SuperGallery::~SuperGallery  ) 

SuperGallery destructor.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 268 of file sgallery.cpp.

00269 {
00270     if (DisplayTree != NULL)
00271     {
00272         DisplayTree->DestroySubtree();  // Destroy the tree, destructing all nodes except root
00273         delete DisplayTree;             // And delete the root as well
00274         DisplayTree = NULL;
00275     }
00277     CloseOwnedDialogs();
00279     // Remove any idle event processor we had registered for BG redraws
00280     GetApplication()->RemoveIdleProcessor(MyIdlePriority, this);
00281 }

Member Function Documentation

BOOL SuperGallery::AddCommand GalleryContextMenu TheMenu,
StringBase CommandID,
BOOL  Separator = FALSE,
MenuItem pRootMenu = NULL

To add a gallery command (or separator) to the end of a menu currently being built. Call this from your overridden BuildCommandMenu method to add each appropriate command to the menu. NOTE that this command must have been registered on startup by calling InitMenuCommand.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TheMenu - The menu to add commands to [INPUTS] CommandID - The command to add to the menu - May not be NULL Separator - TRUE to follow this item with a separator pRootMenu Pointer to root menu to add this to or NULL for main root
TRUE if it succeeded
See also:
SuperGallery::BuildCommandMenu; SuperGallery::InitMenuCommand

Definition at line 2694 of file sgallery.cpp.

02696 {
02697     String_256 OpToken = GetGalName();
02698     // With the new GIF Animation frame gallery, this can mean that the OpToken can easily
02699     // overrun its String_32 allocation. Therefore, restrict the name to the first 16 characters.
02700     // Unfortunately, we then use the name to find the gallery to send the command to!
02701     // So we match that only using the GalleryBarNameLimitSize (16) characters
02702     String_256 OpTokenT = OpToken;
02703     OpToken.Left(&OpTokenT, GalleryBarNameLimitSize);
02705     OpTokenT += TEXT(":");
02706     OpTokenT += *CommandID;
02708     return(TheMenu->BuildCommand(OpTokenT, Separator, pRootMenu));
02709 }

SGDisplayGroup * SuperGallery::AddLibraryGroup Library LibraryToDisplay,
INT32  NumItems

Creates a blank group in the displaytree representing the given library. (If a suitable group already exists, its contents are wiped in preparation for being filled in again).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
LibraryToDisplay - points to a Library object which needs to be displayed [INPUTS] in this gallery.
NumItems - The expected number of items that will be added to this group.

NULL, or the newly created group
Notes: This is a callback function called by a newly created Library as a result of that library having been opened by this gallery.

See also:
SuperGallery::RemoveLibraryGroup; SuperGallery::AddLibraryItem

Reimplemented in LibraryGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 2438 of file sgallery.cpp.

02439 {
02440     ERROR3IF(LibraryToDisplay == NULL, "SuperGallery::AddLibraryGroup - NULL parameter is illegal");
02442     if (DisplayTree == NULL)
02443     {
02444         ERROR3("SuperGallery::AddLibraryGroup called before the DisplayTree was initialised!");
02445         return(NULL);
02446     }
02448     SGDisplayGroup *TheGroup = DisplayTree->FindSubtree(this, NULL, LibraryToDisplay);
02450     if (TheGroup == NULL)
02451     {
02452         // No existing group for that library, so create a new one
02453         TheGroup = new SGDisplayGroup(this, NULL, LibraryToDisplay);
02454         if (TheGroup == NULL)               // Failed!
02455             return(NULL);
02457         // And add it to our display tree
02458         DisplayTree->AddItem(TheGroup);
02459     }
02460     else
02461         TheGroup->DestroySubtree(FALSE);    // Delete all items in the group
02463     return(TheGroup);
02465 }

SGDisplayItem * SuperGallery::AddLibraryItem SGDisplayGroup LibraryGroup,
Library ParentLib,
LibraryIndex  ItemIndex,

Called by the Library class to create a display item for every item in a newly-scanned library file. It is essentially a callback to the gallery which requested that the library be scanned.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
LibraryGroup - The group to add the item into [INPUTS] ParentLib - (For cross checking inputs) the library you allege the above group is for. ItemIndex - The Library generated index for this item
NULL, or a pointer to the created item
Notes: This method MUST BE OVERRIDDEN by the derived gallery that opens the library, in order to create appropriate SGDisplayItem-derived nodes for the things in the library (e.g. a clipart library gallery will have to create items that display clipart thumbnails)

See also:
SuperGallery::AddLibraryGroup; SuperGallery::RemoveLibraryGroup

Reimplemented in LibraryGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 2535 of file sgallery.cpp.

02537 {
02538     ERROR3IF(LibraryGroup == NULL || ParentLib == NULL,
02539                 "SuperGallery::AddLibraryItem - NULL params are illegal");
02541     ERROR3IF(LibraryGroup->GetParentLibrary() != ParentLib,
02542                 "SuperGallery::AddLibraryitem - The DisplayGroup is not for the same library!");
02544     // The base class cannot add library items - derived classes must override this method
02545     // in order to provide the necessary functionality (as they must create items of the
02546     // correct type in order to display things from the given library
02547     ERROR3("Illegal attempt to add a library item to a gallery which doesn't support it!"); 
02549     return(NULL);
02550 }

void SuperGallery::AllItemsCopied SGDisplayGroup DestGroup  )  [virtual]

This upcall method is called after one or more items have been copied or moved by a gallery drag. It allows the gallery to do update things like broadcasting a message or getting a related window (eg colour line) to redraw at the end of a move/copy operation. This allows thousands of items to be moved/copied with only a single redraw/message-broadcast, etc at the very end.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
DestGroup - Indicates where the copy/move took place. [INPUTS]
An example where this methodis used is the colour gallery.

Notes: The caller automatically causes the appropriate things to be redrawn, so we just need to update other things. e.g. The colour gallery broadcasts a ColourChangingMsg to make sure that the colour line and other interested parties all update appropriately.

See also:
SuperGallery::CopyDisplayItem; SGDisplayItem::MoveBefore; SGDisplayItem::MoveAfter; ColourSGallery::AllItemsCopied

Reimplemented in ColourSGallery, LibraryGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 3174 of file sgallery.cpp.

03175 {
03176     // The base class does nothing
03177 }

BOOL SuperGallery::ApplyAction SGActionType  Action  )  [virtual]

Applies certain conventional gallery actions (usually associated with gallery buttons, for new, edit, delete, etc).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Action - Indicates what action to apply [INPUTS]
Returns FALSE (Derived classes will return TRUE to indicate successful handling of the action, or FALSE to indicate failure)

Notes: This base-class method should be overridden by derived classes. It does nothing by default, and returns FALSE.

See also:

Reimplemented in NameGallery, TEMPLATESGallery, BitmapSGallery, ColourSGallery, FrameSGallery, LayerSGallery, LibraryGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, LineGallery, NameGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 1019 of file sgallery.cpp.

01020 {
01021     return(FALSE);
01022 }

void SuperGallery::ApplySortNow BOOL  ApplyToEntireList  )  [virtual]

Applies the current gallery sort mode (member array SortKeys) to the display list.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ApplyToEntireList - TRUE to sort the entire DisplayList, [INPUTS] FALSE to sort only groups which contain a selection
See also:
SuperGallery::SortComparator; qsort

Reimplemented in FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 1085 of file sgallery.cpp.

01086 {
01087     if (SortKeys[0].SortKey == 0 || DisplayTree == NULL)
01088         return;
01090     CurrentSortGallery = this;
01092     SGDisplayNode *CurrentGroup = DisplayTree->GetChild();
01093     if (CurrentGroup == NULL)   // Nothing to sort
01094         return;
01096     SGDisplayNode *Ptr = CurrentGroup;
01098     // Pre-run progress indicator
01099     String_64 ProgMsg(_R(IDS_GALLERY_PREPARE_FOR_SORT));
01100     BeginSlowJob(-1, FALSE, &ProgMsg);
01102     // For library galleries we need to set the Quiet button status ready to un-supress errors
01103     SetQuietStatus(FALSE);
01105     // Count the number of available items to sort
01106     BOOL HasSelection = FALSE;
01107     INT32 NumItemsToSort = 0;
01108     while (Ptr != NULL)
01109     {
01110         if(ApplyToEntireList || ((SGDisplayGroup *)Ptr)->IsSelected())
01111             if(((SGDisplayGroup *)Ptr)->IsVirtualised())
01112                 ((SGDisplayGroup *)Ptr)->DeVirtualise();
01114         if (ApplyToEntireList || ((SGDisplayGroup *)Ptr)->FindNextSelectedItem(NULL) != NULL)
01115         {
01116             SGDisplayNode *Item = Ptr->GetChild();  // Count number of items to sort in this group
01117             INT32 ItemsInThisGroup = 0;
01118             while (Item != NULL)
01119             {
01120                 ItemsInThisGroup++;
01121                 if (Item->Flags.Selected)
01122                     HasSelection = TRUE;
01123                 Item = Item->GetNext();
01124             }
01126             if (ItemsInThisGroup > 1 && (ApplyToEntireList || HasSelection))
01127                 NumItemsToSort += ItemsInThisGroup;
01128         }
01129         Ptr = Ptr->GetNext();
01130     }
01132     EndSlowJob();
01134     // If there is no point in trying to sort, abort now
01135     if (NumItemsToSort < 2)
01136         return;
01138     // Start progress indicators, with a percentage based upon the number of items.
01139     // We will update twice for each group (after qsort and shuffle-items stages)
01140     String_64 Description(_R(IDS_SGOPTS_SORTING));
01141     BeginSlowJob(NumItemsToSort * 2, FALSE, &Description);
01142     NumItemsToSort = 0;
01144     INT32 NumItems;
01145     INT32 i;
01146     BOOL GroupHasChanged = FALSE;
01148     while (CurrentGroup != NULL)
01149     {
01150         // Don't sort virtualised-out groups ! (they should have all been devirtualised before)
01151         if(!((SGDisplayGroup *)CurrentGroup)->IsVirtualised())
01152         {
01153             HasSelection = FALSE;
01154             Ptr = CurrentGroup->GetChild();
01155             ERROR3IF(Ptr != NULL && !Ptr->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(SGDisplayItem)),
01156                         "Sort hasn't found items! Heinous failure imminent!" );
01157             // Count the number of items we have to sort
01158             NumItems = 0;
01159             while (Ptr != NULL)
01160             {
01161                 NumItems++;
01162                 if (Ptr->Flags.Selected)
01163                     HasSelection = TRUE;
01164                 Ptr = Ptr->GetNext();
01165             }
01167             // If there are 2 or more items, and we are either applying to all groups, or this
01168             // group contains selected item(s), then we will sort it..
01169             if (NumItems > 1 && (ApplyToEntireList || HasSelection))
01170             {
01171                 // Get memory for an array of pointers to these items
01172                 SGDisplayNode **SortArray = (SGDisplayNode **)CCMalloc(NumItems * sizeof(SGDisplayNode *));
01173                 if (SortArray == NULL)
01174                 {
01175                     CurrentSortGallery = NULL;
01176                     InvalidateCachedFormat();
01177                     EndSlowJob();
01178                     InformError();
01179                     return;
01180                 }
01182                 // Fill in the array with pointers to display items to sort
01183                 i = 0;
01184                 Ptr = CurrentGroup->GetChild();
01185                 while (Ptr != NULL)
01186                 {
01187                     SortArray[i++] = Ptr;
01188                     Ptr = Ptr->GetNext();
01189                 }
01191                 // Sort the array of pointers
01192                 qsort(SortArray, NumItems, sizeof(SGDisplayNode *), SuperGallery::SortComparator);
01194                 NumItemsToSort += NumItems;
01195                 if (!ContinueSlowJob(NumItemsToSort)) // Update percentage complete for the number of items processed
01196                 {
01197                     // User has cancelled by pressing escape
01198                     CCFree(SortArray);
01199                     break;
01200                 }
01203                 GroupHasChanged = FALSE;
01205                 // Now, take the sorted array, and rearrange the display items to be in that order      
01206                 // Special case the first item
01207                 if (SortArray[0]->GetPrevious() != NULL)
01208                 {
01209                     SortArray[1]->MoveBefore(SortArray[0]);
01210                     GroupHasChanged = TRUE;
01211                 }
01213                 // Then whip through the rest of the items
01214                 for (i = 1; i < NumItems; i++)
01215                 {
01216                     if (SortArray[i]->GetPrevious() != SortArray[i-1])
01217                     {
01218                         SortArray[i-1]->MoveAfter(SortArray[i]);
01219                         GroupHasChanged = TRUE;
01220                     }
01221                 }
01223                 // Free our temporary workspace
01224                 CCFree(SortArray);
01226                 // Tell the derived gallery that the items in this group have been moved about
01227                 if (GroupHasChanged)
01228                     AllItemsCopied((SGDisplayGroup *)CurrentGroup);
01230                 NumItemsToSort += NumItems;
01231                 if (!ContinueSlowJob(NumItemsToSort))
01232                     break;  // Update percentage complete for the number of items processed, and quit if aborted
01233             }
01234         }
01236         // And go on to the next group
01237         CurrentGroup = CurrentGroup->GetNext();
01238     }
01240     CurrentSortGallery = NULL;
01242     EndSlowJob();
01244     InvalidateCachedFormat();
01245     ReformatAndRedrawIfNecessary();
01246 }

BOOL SuperGallery::AreYouRedrawingNow void   )  [inline]

To determine if the gallery is currently redrawing. This is necessary for two reasons: (1) To ensure we don't go re-entrant in redraw code (because we can't have more than one active render region or it'll go bang), (2) To allow things like the SGDisplayRootScroll to take special action when they try to chnage the scroll position if we are in a redraw (obviously at this point, doing a ScrollWindow and force redraws would be silly, if not downright dangerous).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if we are currently processing a redraw event

Definition at line 694 of file sgallery.h.

00695 {
00696     return(AmRedrawing);
00697 }

void SuperGallery::AutoScrollForDrag DocCoord MousePosition  ) 

If the given point is near the top or bottom of the window, this will cause the supergallery to auto-scroll the window up/down. Intended to allow drags to autoscroll as necessary.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
MousePosition - A point, in normal kernel-rendered-dialogue coordinates [INPUTS] within the gallery list-box control. (Millipoint offsets from the bottom left corner of the window).
Notes: Does nothing if the window is closed, or there is no display tree

See also:

Definition at line 3257 of file sgallery.cpp.

03258 {
03259     if (DisplayTree == NULL || !IsVisible())
03260         return;
03262     const INT32 AutoScrollDist = 28000/2;   // MILLIPOINT distance for autoscroll activation
03264     // Get our kernel-rendered-dlg info
03265     ReDrawInfoType DlgRedrawInfo;
03266     GetKernelRenderedGadgetInfo(GetListGadgetID(), &DlgRedrawInfo);
03268     // Find distance from top (or bottom) of the window, and determine a
03269     // scroll speed/direction factor to use below
03270     INT32 Dist = DlgRedrawInfo.dy - MousePosition->y;
03271     INT32 ScrollSpeed = -3;
03272     if (Dist < 0 || Dist > AutoScrollDist)
03273     {
03274         Dist =  MousePosition->y - 0;
03275         ScrollSpeed = +3;
03276     }
03278     if (Dist > 0 && Dist < AutoScrollDist)
03279     {
03280         // We're within AutoScrollDist of the top/bottom - let's scroll
03281         Dist = (AutoScrollDist - Dist) * ScrollSpeed;
03283         SGMiscInfo MiscInfo;
03284         FillInMiscInfo(&MiscInfo, &DlgRedrawInfo);
03286         DisplayTree->SetScrollOffset(DisplayTree->GetScrollOffset() + Dist, &MiscInfo);
03287     }
03288 }

void SuperGallery::BroadcastEvent SGEventType  EventType,
void *  EventInfo,
SGMiscInfo MiscInfo = NULL

Passes the given event through the DisplayTree.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
EventType - the type of the event to broadcast [INPUTS] EventInfo - the information to pass in 'EventInfo' to all event handlers (FormatInfo/RedrawInfo/MouseInfo, etc, depending upon EventType) MiscInfo - the MiscInfo to pass to the event handlers. If this is passed in as NULL, a MiscInfo structure will be set up automatically and passed in (as MiscInfo must *always* be supplied)
See also:

Definition at line 344 of file sgallery.cpp.

00346 {
00347     if (DisplayTree == NULL)
00348         return;
00350     SGMiscInfo TheMiscInfo;
00352     if (MiscInfo == NULL && IsVisible())
00353     {
00354         FillInMiscInfo(&TheMiscInfo);
00355         MiscInfo = &TheMiscInfo;
00356     }
00358     ERROR3IF(MiscInfo == NULL && (EventType != SGEVENT_THUMBMSG && EventType != SGEVENT_BGFLUSH), 
00359             "Attempt to broadcast an event when the gallery is closed could be dangerous. Tell Jason");
00361     DisplayTree->HandleEvent(EventType, EventInfo, MiscInfo);
00362 }

BOOL SuperGallery::BuildCommandMenu GalleryContextMenu TheMenu,
SGMenuID  MenuID

To build a menu of commands to be popped up over the gallery.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TheMenu - The menu to add commands to [INPUTS] MenuID - The type of menu (over-list or from-options-button) to create
TRUE if it succeeded
Notes: The base class does nothing. Override in order to provide a menu.

Reimplemented in NameGallery, BitmapSGallery, ColourSGallery, FrameSGallery, LayerSGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, LineGallery, NameGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 2731 of file sgallery.cpp.

02732 {
02733     return(FALSE);
02734 }

void SuperGallery::CalcVirtualSize ReDrawInfoType DlgRedrawInfo,
DocRect VirtualSize,
INT32 *  PixelSize

Shared internal code to determine the virtual coordinate space of the region of the display list which is visible n screen.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
DlgRedrawInfo - The kernel-rendered-dilaogue info struct passed into your [INPUTS] redraw or mouse handler.
VirtualSize - Returned containing the virtual coordinate rectangle for [OUTPUTS] the visible portion of the gallery displaylist.
PixelSize - Returned containing the size of an output device pixel, as it maps into millipoints in the virtual space.

See also:

Definition at line 1344 of file sgallery.cpp.

01346 {
01347     ERROR3IF(DlgRedrawInfo == NULL || VirtualSize == NULL || PixelSize == NULL,
01348                 "SuperGallery::CalcVirtualSize - NULL parameters are illegal");
01350     // Calculate the size of a screen display pixel in terms of virtual space coords
01351     *PixelSize = 72000 / DlgRedrawInfo->Dpi;
01353     // Create our viewport. We specify 0,0 at the top left corner of the window, with
01354     // x increasing to the right, and y increasing upwards. This, all y coordinates 
01355     // within the redrawn area are actually negative.
01356     // Coordinates are in millipoints, and no scaling is desired (i.e. if we say 20pt,
01357     // we mean 20pt on screen).
01358     *VirtualSize = DocRect(0, -DlgRedrawInfo->dy, DlgRedrawInfo->dx, 0);
01360     // Now, shift the coordinate space down to the correct scroll offset position, so
01361     // we map the correct part of the window extent into the visible portion of the window
01362     if (DisplayTree != NULL)
01363         VirtualSize->Translate(0, -DisplayTree->GetScrollOffset());
01364 }

BOOL SuperGallery::CanSearchKeywords void   )  [virtual]

Used to determine if this type of gallery supports keyword searching. By default galleries do not. Override and return TRUE if you do.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Reimplemented in LibraryGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 3306 of file sgallery.cpp.

03307 {
03308     return(FALSE);
03309 }

void SuperGallery::CloseOwnedDialogs void   )  [protected, virtual]

Checks and closes the various dialogs which can be owned by galleries.

Richard_Millican (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:
SuperGallery::SetVisibility, SuperGallery::~SuperGallery() SuperGallery::Message(Msg* Message)

Definition at line 805 of file sgallery.cpp.

00806 {
00807     if (CurrentOptionsDlg != NULL)
00808     {
00809         CurrentOptionsDlg->Close();
00810         CurrentOptionsDlg->End();
00811     }
00813     if (CurrentSortDlg != NULL)
00814     {
00815         CurrentSortDlg->Close();
00816         CurrentSortDlg->End();
00817     }
00819     if (CurrentSearchDlg != NULL)
00820     {
00821         CurrentSearchDlg->Close();
00822         CurrentSearchDlg->End();
00823     }
00825 PORTNOTE("dialogs", "Removed CurrentLinePropertiesDlg from SuperGallery::CloseOwnedDialogs(void)")
00827     if (CurrentLinePropertiesDlg != NULL)
00828     {
00829         CurrentLinePropertiesDlg->Close();
00830         CurrentLinePropertiesDlg->End();
00831     }
00832 #endif
00833 }

BOOL SuperGallery::ConvertFromVirtualCoords SGMiscInfo MiscInfo,
DocRect SourceAndResult

Converts a standard Display-list virtual rectangle, as used by Display items, into a rect as used in kernel-rendered dialogues. The returned rectangle may be outside the visible display area of the gadget.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
MiscInfo - The kernel-rendered-dialogue information passed to SG [INPUTS] Display Tree event handlers SourceAndResult - The rect to be converted
Ouputs: SourceAndResult - The resulting rect. This will NOT be clipped to the visible area of the display list.

TRUE if the rectangle is at least partially visible.

Definition at line 1457 of file sgallery.cpp.

01458 {
01459     ERROR3IF(SourceAndResult == NULL || MiscInfo == NULL,
01460                 "SuperGallery::ConvertToVirtualCoords - NULL parameters are illegal");
01462     INT32 ScrollOffset = 0;
01463     if (DisplayTree != NULL)
01464         ScrollOffset = DisplayTree->GetScrollOffset();
01466     // x has a 1:1 mapping into our virtual space, so we don't touch it
01467     SourceAndResult->lo.y = (SourceAndResult->lo.y + MiscInfo->WindowHeight) + ScrollOffset;    
01468     SourceAndResult->hi.y = (SourceAndResult->hi.y + MiscInfo->WindowHeight) + ScrollOffset;    
01470     // And determine if the y extent of the coords lie within the 0..WindowHeight range
01471     return(SourceAndResult->hi.y >= 0 && SourceAndResult->lo.y <= MiscInfo->WindowHeight);
01472 }

void SuperGallery::ConvertToVirtualCoords SGMiscInfo MiscInfo,
DocCoord SourceAndResult

Converts a standard DocCoord, as passed in for kernel-rendered dialogues, into a standard Display-list virtual coordinate, as used by Display items.

MiscInfo - The kernel-rendered-dialogue information passed to SG [INPUTS] Display Tree event handlers SourceAndResult - The coordinate to be converted
Ouputs: SourceAndResult - The resulting coordinate

Definition at line 1419 of file sgallery.cpp.

01421 {
01422     ERROR3IF(SourceAndResult == NULL || MiscInfo == NULL,
01423                 "SuperGallery::ConvertToVirtualCoords - NULL parameters are illegal");
01425     INT32 ScrollOffset = 0;
01426     if (DisplayTree != NULL)
01427         ScrollOffset = DisplayTree->GetScrollOffset();
01429     // x has a 1:1 mapping into our virtual space, so we don't touch it
01430     SourceAndResult->y = (SourceAndResult->y - MiscInfo->WindowHeight) - ScrollOffset;
01431 }

void SuperGallery::ConvertToVirtualCoords ReDrawInfoType DlgRedrawInfo,
DocCoord SourceAndResult

Converts a standard DocCoord, as passed in for kernel-rendered dialogues, into a standard Display-list virtual coordinate, as used by Display items.

DlgRedrawInfo - The kernel-rendered-dialogue information [INPUTS] SourceAndResult - The coordinate to be converted
Ouputs: SourceAndResult - The resulting coordinate

Definition at line 1385 of file sgallery.cpp.

01387 {
01388     ERROR3IF(SourceAndResult == NULL || DlgRedrawInfo == NULL,
01389                 "SuperGallery::ConvertToVirtualCoords - NULL parameters are illegal");
01391     INT32 ScrollOffset = 0;
01392     if (DisplayTree != NULL)
01393         ScrollOffset = DisplayTree->GetScrollOffset();
01395     // x has a 1:1 mapping into our virtual space, so we don't touch it
01396     SourceAndResult->y = (SourceAndResult->y - DlgRedrawInfo->dy) - ScrollOffset;
01397 }

SGDisplayItem * SuperGallery::CopyDisplayItem SGDisplayItem SourceItem,
SGDisplayGroup DestGroup,
SGDisplayItem TargetPosition = NULL

"Copies" the existing node in the tree in an appropriate fashion.

SourceItem - The item to copy elsewhere in the tree (see below) [INPUTS]
DestGroup - The group into which the item should be inserted

TargetPosition - NULL (to add the copied item to the end of the sibling list), or points to an item BEFORE which the copied item will be inserted.

NULL (failed) or a pointer to the new (copied) display item
This method is normally called when a gallery-organising drag completes, and it is discovered that the dragged item(s) have been dragged to a different display group.

Notes: This method should be overridden by derived galleries to provide appropriate behaviour (some galleries (e.g colour) will copy the real-item that the given display-item references to the new group (document), while other galleries (layer) may just move the item after all).

Note the handy InsertCopiedItem and MoveBefore/After methods which are available to take all of the hard work out of copying/moving items!

See the body of this method in the source code for example pseudocode. For real code, see the Colour Gallery (sgcolour.cpp)

See also:
SuperGallery::InsertCopiedItem; SGDisplayItem::MoveBefore; SGDisplayItem::MoveAfter; ColourSGallery::CopyDisplayItem
Example psuedocode ****

Find the real item (Thingy) to be moved/copied Thingy *ThingyToCopy = ((SGDisplayThingy *)SourceItem)->GetDisplayedThingy();

if (we really want to copy the items, rather than just move them) { Just copy the items...

First, copy the real-item associated with the display item ThingyType *NewThingy = new ThingyType(ThingyToCopy);

Add the copied item to your 'real item' list or whatever. DocThingyList = DestGroup->GetParentDocument()->FindThingyList();

if (TargetPosition == NULL) DocThingyList->AddTail(NewThingy); else { Thingy *TargetPos = ((SGDisplayThingy *)TargetPosition)->GetDisplayedThingy(); if (TargetPos == NULL) DocThingyList->AddTail(NewThingy); else DocThingyList->InsertBefore(TargetPos, NewThingy); }

Now, create a new display item for the copied Thingy, and call the base class helper method to insert it as appropriate. SGDisplayThingy *NewThingyDisplayItem = new SGDisplayThingy(NewThingy); if (NewThingyDisplayItem != NULL) SuperGallery::InsertCopiedItem(NewThingyDisplayItem, DestGroup, TargetPosition);

return(NewThingyDisplayItem); } else { Just move the items

This code will be much the same as the above, but instead of copying the real-item, you will have to move it as appropriate. Instead of making a new DisplayItem to pass on to InsertCopiedItem, simply delink it from the DisplayTree, and then pass it to InsertCopiedItem as follows:

SourceItem->RemoveFromTree(); // Delink from current displaytree position SuperGallery::InsertCopiedItem(SourceItem, DestGroup, TargetPosition);

return(SourceItem); }

Reimplemented in BitmapSGallery, ColourSGallery, LayerSGallery, LibraryGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 3084 of file sgallery.cpp.

03086 {
03087     ERROR3IF(SourceItem == NULL || DestGroup == NULL, "Illegal NULL param");
03089     ERROR3("Unimplemented code - SuperGallery::CopyDisplayItem must be overridden!");
03091 /**** Example psuedocode ****
03093     // Find the real item (Thingy) to be moved/copied
03094     Thingy *ThingyToCopy = ((SGDisplayThingy *)SourceItem)->GetDisplayedThingy();
03096     if (we really want to copy the items, rather than just move them)
03097     {
03098         // Just copy the items...
03100         // First, copy the real-item associated with the display item
03101         ThingyType *NewThingy = new ThingyType(ThingyToCopy);
03103         // Add the copied item to your 'real item' list or whatever.
03104         DocThingyList = DestGroup->GetParentDocument()->FindThingyList();
03106         if (TargetPosition == NULL)
03107             DocThingyList->AddTail(NewThingy);
03108         else
03109         {
03110             Thingy *TargetPos = ((SGDisplayThingy *)TargetPosition)->GetDisplayedThingy();
03111             if (TargetPos == NULL)
03112                 DocThingyList->AddTail(NewThingy);
03113             else
03114                 DocThingyList->InsertBefore(TargetPos, NewThingy);
03115         }
03117         // Now, create a new display item for the copied Thingy, and call the
03118         // base class helper method to insert it as appropriate.
03119         SGDisplayThingy *NewThingyDisplayItem = new SGDisplayThingy(NewThingy);
03120         if (NewThingyDisplayItem != NULL)
03121             SuperGallery::InsertCopiedItem(NewThingyDisplayItem, DestGroup, TargetPosition);
03123         return(NewThingyDisplayItem);
03124     }
03125     else
03126     {
03127         // Just move the items
03129         // This code will be much the same as the above, but instead of copying the
03130         // real-item, you will have to move it as appropriate. Instead of making
03131         // a new DisplayItem to pass on to InsertCopiedItem, simply delink it from the
03132         // DisplayTree, and then pass it to InsertCopiedItem as follows:
03134         SourceItem->RemoveFromTree();       // Delink from current displaytree position
03135         SuperGallery::InsertCopiedItem(SourceItem, DestGroup, TargetPosition);
03137         return(SourceItem);
03138     }
03140 ****/
03142     return(NULL);
03143 }

BOOL SuperGallery::Create void   )  [virtual]

The SuperGallery Create method This method has been overridden to de-specialize the DialogOp.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if the window was successfully created FALSE => ERROR2
Notes: Before doing anything else, the PreCreate handler is called. Secondly, the InitMenuCommands() method is called to init any required gallery menu items. Then, the gallery window is created and initialised The last thing done is to invoke the PostCreate method (these upcalls should be overridden by derived classes to do stuff)

This finally calls SelectionHasChanged() to ensure the buttons etc are updated appropriately to the selection state.

Reimplemented from DialogOp.

Definition at line 713 of file sgallery.cpp.

00714 {
00715     if (!DialogOp::Create())
00716         return(FALSE);
00718     // Call derived class PreCreate handler (to create display tree, usually)
00719     if (!PreCreate())
00720         return(FALSE);
00722     // Call the derived class Menu creation handler, to create any needed menu items
00723     if (!InitMenuCommands())
00724         return(FALSE);
00726     // Ensure any items pending background-redraws are 'flushed'
00727     FlushBackgroundRedraws();
00730 PORTNOTE("galleries", "Removed docking stuff")
00731     // Bar initialisation and creation
00732     SetDockBarType(Dock);
00733     SetSlot(Slot);
00734     SetOffset(Offset);
00735     SetFloatingCPoint(FloatPos);
00736 #endif
00738 //  if (!DialogOp::Create())
00739 //      return(FALSE);
00741     AmShaded = FALSE;
00743     // Call derived class PostCreate handler
00744     if (!PostCreate())
00745         return(FALSE);
00747     SelectionHasChanged();      // Ensure we update appropriately for the selection state
00749     return(TRUE);
00750 }

RenderRegion * SuperGallery::CreateRenderRegion DocRect VirtualSize,
ReDrawInfoType DlgRedrawInfo
[protected, virtual]

An overridable veneer to the DialogOp CreateOSRenderRegion method. This can be overriden to use a different type of renderregion for all of your rendering.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
If you override this, you MUST also override DestroyRenderRegion!

See also:

Reimplemented in BitmapSGallery, ColourSGallery, and LineGallery.

Definition at line 1494 of file sgallery.cpp.

01495 {
01496     return(CreateOSRenderRegion(VirtualSize, DlgRedrawInfo));
01497 }

void SuperGallery::DecrementPendingRedraws void   ) 

Called by SGDisplayNode classes to handle background redraw. This increments our count of how many items are awaiting background redraw. While this counter is greater than zero, we use an idle processor to kick off background redraws every now and then.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:

Definition at line 3362 of file sgallery.cpp.

03363 {
03364     PendingRedraws--;           // Decrement count of pending redraws
03366     if (PendingRedraws < 1)
03367     {
03368         PendingRedraws = 0;     // Just to be on the safe side!
03370         // Remove any idle event processor we had registered
03371         GetApplication()->RemoveIdleProcessor(MyIdlePriority, this);
03372     }
03373 }

void SuperGallery::DestroyRenderRegion RenderRegion pRender  )  [protected, virtual]

An overridable veneer to the DialogOp DestroyOSRenderRegion method. This can be overriden to use a different type of renderregion for all of your rendering.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
If you override this, you MUST also override CreateRenderRegion!

See also:

Reimplemented in BitmapSGallery, ColourSGallery, and LineGallery.

Definition at line 1518 of file sgallery.cpp.

01519 {
01520     DestroyOSRenderRegion(pRender);
01521 }

BOOL SuperGallery::DeVirtualiseAllGroups StringBase ProgressBarMsg  ) 

Go through all the gallery groups and de-virtualise all virtual groups. A virtual group is a group with no associated items, de-virtualising will create all these items.

Richard_Millican (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ProgressBarMsg - Pass in a String if you want a progress bar (NULL if you [INPUTS] don't
TRUE if all the groups are now not virtualised out (ie, the groups all have their items in the tree)

Definition at line 3498 of file sgallery.cpp.

03499 {
03500     SGDisplayNode *Ptr = DisplayTree->GetChild();
03501     if (Ptr == NULL)    // No groups
03502         return TRUE;
03504     // Count groups in gallery (for progress bar)
03505     if(ProgressBarMsg != NULL)
03506     {
03507         INT32 NumGroups = 0;
03508         SGDisplayNode *Ptr2 = Ptr;
03509         while (Ptr2 != NULL)
03510         {
03511             NumGroups++;
03512             Ptr2 = Ptr2->GetNext();
03513         }
03514         String_64 SmallStr;
03515         ProgressBarMsg->Left(&SmallStr, 64);
03516         BeginSlowJob(NumGroups, FALSE, &SmallStr);
03517     }
03519     // Whizz through groups, devirtualising each one which needs it...
03521     BOOL ProblemsDeVirtualising = FALSE;
03522     INT32 Count = 0;
03524     // For library galleries we need to set the Quiet button status ready to un-supress errors
03525     SetQuietStatus(FALSE);
03527     while (Ptr != NULL)
03528     {
03529         if(((SGDisplayGroup *)Ptr)->IsVirtualised())
03530         {
03531             if (!((SGDisplayGroup *)Ptr)->DeVirtualise())
03532                 ProblemsDeVirtualising = TRUE;
03533         }
03535         if(ProgressBarMsg != NULL)
03536             ContinueSlowJob(++Count);
03538         Ptr = Ptr->GetNext();
03539     }
03541     if(ProgressBarMsg != NULL)
03542         EndSlowJob();
03544     return !ProblemsDeVirtualising;
03545 }

void SuperGallery::DoCommand StringBase CommandID  )  [virtual]

To apply a given command when it is chosen from the menu.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
CommandID - The String ID of the command [INPUTS]
Notes: Override this method to provide handling for your special commands. Call the base class if you don't recognise the command, so that it can handle standard commands.

Default handling is provided for the following commands. These commands need only be added to your menu in BuildCommandMenu in order to become available. Override the default behaviour if it is unsuitable. MonoOn Properties* Shows properties (options) dialogue Sort* Shows Sort dialogue Find* Shows find dialogue

New Calls ApplyAction(SGACTION_CREATE) Apply Calls ApplyAction(SGACTION_APPLY) Edit Calls ApplyAction(SGACTION_EDIT) Delete Calls ApplyAction(SGACTION_DELETE) Redefine Calls ApplyAction(SGACTION_REDEFINE)

NextGroup Scrolls to show next group PrevGroup Scrolls to show previous group FoldGroup Forces the selected group folded UnfoldGroup Forces the seletced group unfolded MonoOff

These items should always be provided if you provide an options menu. They should be shaded when unavailable.

Reimplemented in NameGallery, BitmapSGallery, ColourSGallery, FrameSGallery, LayerSGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, LineGallery, NameGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 2879 of file sgallery.cpp.

02880 {
02881     if (*CommandID == SGCmd_Properties)                                     // --- Properties
02882         SGalleryOptionsDlg::InvokeDialog(this);
02883     else if (*CommandID == SGCmd_Sort)                                      // -- Sort
02884         SGallerySortDlg::InvokeDialog(this);
02885     else if (*CommandID == SGCmd_Find)                                      // --- Search
02886         SGallerySearchDlg::InvokeDialog(this);
02887     else if (*CommandID == SGCmd_New)                                       // --- New (default)
02888         ApplyAction(SGACTION_CREATE);
02889     else
02890     {
02891         // All remaining commands require a selected group, so abort if no group
02892         SGDisplayGroup *ThisGroup = FindCommandGroup();
02893         if (ThisGroup == NULL)      // No group to apply command to - abort
02894             return;
02896         if (*CommandID == SGCmd_Apply)                                      // --- Apply (default)
02897             ApplyAction(SGACTION_APPLY);
02898         else if (*CommandID == SGCmd_Edit)                                  // --- Edit (default)
02899             ApplyAction(SGACTION_EDIT);
02900         else if (*CommandID == SGCmd_Delete)                                // --- Delete (default)
02901             ApplyAction(SGACTION_DELETE);
02902         else if (*CommandID == SGCmd_Redefine)                              // --- Redefine (default)
02903             ApplyAction(SGACTION_REDEFINE);
02904         else if (*CommandID == SGCmd_NextGroup)                             // --- Next Group
02905         {
02906             ThisGroup = (SGDisplayGroup *) ThisGroup->GetNext();
02907             if (ThisGroup == NULL)              // No next group
02908                 return;
02910             // Select the group we are scrolling to
02911             SelectItems(FALSE);
02912             SelectGroups(FALSE);
02913             ThisGroup->SetSelected();
02914             SelectionHasChanged();
02916             // And scroll (if necessary) to make that group visible on screen
02917             DocRect ScrollToRect;
02918             ThisGroup->GetFormatRect(&ScrollToRect);
02919             ScrollToShow(&ScrollToRect);
02920         }
02921         else if (*CommandID == SGCmd_PrevGroup)                             // --- Previous Group
02922         {
02923             ThisGroup = (SGDisplayGroup *) ThisGroup->GetPrevious();
02924             if (ThisGroup == NULL)              // No prev group
02925                 return;
02927             // Select the group we are scrolling to
02928             SelectItems(FALSE);
02929             SelectGroups(FALSE);
02930             ThisGroup->SetSelected();
02931             SelectionHasChanged();
02933             // And scroll (if necessary) to make that group visible on screen
02934             DocRect ScrollToRect;
02935             ThisGroup->GetFormatRect(&ScrollToRect);
02936             ScrollToShow(&ScrollToRect);
02937         }
02938         else if (*CommandID == SGCmd_FoldGroup)                             // --- Fold Group
02939         {
02940             ForceGroupFolded(ThisGroup, TRUE);
02942             // And make sure that we scroll back to the start of the group - we may have
02943             // just shot off the bottom of the list now that it is several miles shorter!
02944             // Also, we select the group, so we don't leave a selected item inside a folded group
02945             SelectItems(FALSE);
02946             SelectGroups(FALSE);
02947             ThisGroup->SetSelected();
02948             SelectionHasChanged();
02950             DocRect ScrollToRect;
02951             ThisGroup->GetFormatRect(&ScrollToRect);
02952             ScrollToShow(&ScrollToRect);
02953         }
02954         else if (*CommandID == SGCmd_UnfoldGroup)                           // --- Unfold Group
02955             ForceGroupFolded(ThisGroup, FALSE);
02956         else
02957         {
02958             ERROR3("SuperGallery::DoCommand - base class called for unknown command");
02959         }
02960     }
02961 }

void SuperGallery::DoShadeGallery BOOL  ShadeIt  )  [protected, virtual]

Shades (disables) the SuperGallery window. This calls the DoShadeGallery upcall to allow derived classes to take special action for any extra controls they may own, etc.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ShadeIt - TRUE to shade, FALSE to un-shade, the gallery [INPUTS]
Notes: This base class method does nothing - it is expected to be overridden if derived classes need to do anything when shading state changes

See also:

Reimplemented in BitmapSGallery, ColourSGallery, FrameSGallery, LayerSGallery, LibraryGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 954 of file sgallery.cpp.

00955 {
00956     // The base class does nothing
00957 }

void SuperGallery::FillInMiscInfo SGMiscInfo MiscInfo,
ReDrawInfoType DlgRedrawInfo = NULL

Sets up a MiscInfo structure, ready for use.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
DlgRedrawInfo - If you happen to have one of these lying around, pass [INPUTS] it in to save me having to find this out again.
MiscInfo - will be filled in, ready to be passed to SG event handlers [OUTPUTS]
Scope: private (Internal shared code for SuperGallery)

Definition at line 304 of file sgallery.cpp.

00305 {
00306     // If the RedrawInfo was not passed in for us, go and get it for ourselves
00307     ReDrawInfoType TempDlgRedrawInfo;
00308     if (DlgRedrawInfo == NULL)
00309     {
00310         DlgRedrawInfo = &TempDlgRedrawInfo;
00311         GetKernelRenderedGadgetInfo(GetListGadgetID(), DlgRedrawInfo);
00312     }
00314     // Fill in the MiscInfo
00315     MiscInfo->DisplayMode   = DisplayMode;
00316     MiscInfo->PixelSize     = 72000 / DlgRedrawInfo->Dpi;
00317     MiscInfo->MaxWidth      = DlgRedrawInfo->dx;        // Window/virtualsize width
00318     MiscInfo->WindowHeight  = DlgRedrawInfo->dy;        // Window height
00319 }

SGDisplayGroup * SuperGallery::FindCommandGroup void   ) 

Determines which group will be affected by a menu command, if any. Esentially finds the first selected group in the gallery, or the parent group of the first selected item.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
NULL, or a pointer to the first selected item in the gallery

Definition at line 2980 of file sgallery.cpp.

02981 {
02982     SGDisplayGroup *ThisGroup = DisplayTree->FindNextSelectedGroup();
02984     if (ThisGroup == NULL)
02985     {
02986         SGDisplayNode *Item = DisplayTree->FindNextSelectedItem();
02987         if (Item == NULL)       // No selected group or item - abort
02988             return(NULL);
02990         ThisGroup = (SGDisplayGroup *) Item->GetParent();
02991     }
02993     return(ThisGroup);
02994 }

SGDisplayNode * SuperGallery::FindNodeUnderPointer DocCoord ThePoint  ) 

To allow outside entities to determine which display node lies under the (current mouse pointer) position.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ThePoint - A point, in normal kernel-rendered-dialogue coordinates [INPUTS] within the gallery list-box control. (Millipoint offsets from the bottom left corner of the window)
NULL, or a pointer to the displaytree node under the pointer. This will usually be an SGDisplayGroup or SGDisplayItem - use IsKindOf to determine which type of node it is before you do something stupid!
Notes: If you pass a stupid point in (i.e one outside the bounds of the list box control bounds) you will get a stupid answer (no item, or possibly an item outside the bounds of the visible area)

Ensures that the formatting is cached with ReformatNow(FALSE)

Definition at line 3207 of file sgallery.cpp.

03208 {
03209     ERROR3IF(ThePoint == NULL, "Illegal NULL param");
03211     ReformatNow(FALSE);     // Ensure the formatting is cached
03213     // Get our kernel-rendered-dlg info
03214     ReDrawInfoType DlgRedrawInfo;
03215     GetKernelRenderedGadgetInfo(GetListGadgetID(), &DlgRedrawInfo);
03217     // Fill in appropriate information
03218     SGClaimPointInfo PointInfo;
03219     PointInfo.Claimant = NULL;
03220     PointInfo.ClosestSoFar = 1024*1024;     // Don't bother detecting clicks
03221                                             // beyond approx 15inches away from items
03223     // Convert the point into gallery display-list coordinates
03224     PointInfo.Position = *ThePoint;
03225     ConvertToVirtualCoords(&DlgRedrawInfo, &PointInfo.Position);
03227     // Ask the tree to hit-test the point
03228     BroadcastEvent(SGEVENT_CLAIMPOINT, &PointInfo);
03230     // And return the node (if any) which claimed to 'own' the point
03231     return(PointInfo.Claimant);
03232 }

SuperGallery * SuperGallery::FindSuperGallery ResourceID  SuperGalleryID  )  [static]

Looks for a given SuperGallery by using its name.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
SuperGalleryID - resource ID to find [INPUTS]
ptr to SuperGallery NULL is returned if not found

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 3608 of file sgallery.cpp.

03609 {
03610     List*           pList = MessageHandler::GetClassList(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(DialogOp));
03611     SuperGallery*   pSuperGallery = (SuperGallery*)pList->GetHead();
03613     while (pSuperGallery != NULL)
03614     {
03615         if (pSuperGallery->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(SuperGallery)))
03616         {
03617             if (pSuperGallery->DlgResID == SuperGalleryID)
03618                 return (pSuperGallery);
03619         }
03621         pSuperGallery = (SuperGallery*)pList->GetNext(pSuperGallery);
03622     }
03624     return NULL;
03625 }

SuperGallery * SuperGallery::FindSuperGallery String_32 SuperGalleryName,
INT32  limit = -1

Looks for a given SuperGallery by using its name.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
SuperGalleryName = Name of op to find [INPUTS] limit if -1 then it means use the whole name for the check (default) if > 0 then limit the check to the limit number of characters
ptr to SuperGallery NULL is returned if not found

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 3566 of file sgallery.cpp.

03567 {
03568     List*           pList = MessageHandler::GetClassList(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(DialogOp));
03569     SuperGallery*   pSuperGallery = (SuperGallery*)pList->GetHead();
03571     String_32       OpName;
03572     while (pSuperGallery != NULL)
03573     {
03574         if (pSuperGallery->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(SuperGallery)))
03575         {
03576             if (limit > 0)
03577                 pSuperGallery->Name.Left(&OpName, limit);
03578             else
03579                 OpName = pSuperGallery->Name;
03581             if (OpName == SuperGalleryName)
03582                 return (pSuperGallery);
03583         }
03585         pSuperGallery = (SuperGallery*)pList->GetNext(pSuperGallery);
03586     }
03588     return NULL;
03589 }

void SuperGallery::FlushBackgroundRedraws void   ) 

Resets the BG rendering system - flushes all pending bg redraws, and then ensures the system is in the default (inactive) state. This has the useful side effect that if bg rendering has become confused it will reset the state and 'unconfuse' the renderer.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Notes: Called automatically whenever the gallery opens (just after PreCreate is called, before the window is shown), and closes (Messgae handler DIM_CANCEL)

See also:
SuperGallery::IncrementPendingRedraws; SuperGallery::DecrementPendingRedraws

Definition at line 3440 of file sgallery.cpp.

03441 {
03442     BroadcastEvent(SGEVENT_BGFLUSH, NULL);
03444     ERROR3IF(PendingRedraws != 0, "Warning: PendingRedraws was non-zero after a flush");
03446     PendingRedraws = 0;
03447     LastBGNode = NULL;
03449     GetApplication()->RemoveIdleProcessor(MyIdlePriority, this);
03450 }

void SuperGallery::ForceGroupFolded SGDisplayGroup GroupToFold,
BOOL  FoldedState

Ensures that the given group is in an {un}folded state. If it is not oin the desired state, the state is changed, and the tree is reformatted and invalidated for redraw.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
GroupToFold - The Group to fold/unfold [INPUTS] FoldedState - TRUE to fold, FALSE to unfold the group
Notes: This can be used to set the folded state of a group, even if it is not yet linked into the tree.

See also:

Definition at line 1702 of file sgallery.cpp.

01703 {
01704     ERROR3IF(GroupToFold == NULL, "SuperGallery::ForceGroupFolded- NULL parameter is illegal");
01706     // Ensure the group is in the requested state, and reformat/redraw if necessary
01707     GroupToFold->SetFoldedState(FoldedState);
01708 }

void SuperGallery::ForceRedrawOfArea DocRect Area  ) 

Redraws the given region of the list. The area specified is a MILLIPOINT offset within the SuperGallery Virtual Coordinate Space.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Area - The area to redraw, in SuperGallery virtual coordinates [INPUTS]
Notes: May be called when the gallery is closed

See also:
SuperGallery::CalcVirtualSize; SGDisplayNode::ForceRedrawMyself

Definition at line 1933 of file sgallery.cpp.

01934 {
01935     if (DisplayTree == NULL)
01936         return;
01938     if (IsVisible())
01939     {
01940         // Get the dialogue info (dx, dy, and dpi values for the list box gadget)
01941         ReDrawInfoType DlgRedrawInfo;
01942         GetKernelRenderedGadgetInfo(GetListGadgetID(), &DlgRedrawInfo);
01944         DocRect RealArea(*Area);
01945         INT32 ScrollOffset = DisplayTree->GetScrollOffset();
01947         // Convert the area into kernel-dialogue coords
01948         RealArea.lo.y = DlgRedrawInfo.dy + (RealArea.lo.y + ScrollOffset);
01949         RealArea.hi.y = DlgRedrawInfo.dy + (RealArea.hi.y + ScrollOffset);
01951         // Clip values within the visible screen area. This is important because
01952         // the stupid winoil routines don't do this, and some cheap OSes (Win95/Win32s)
01953         // get upset at being passed huge numbers.
01954         if (RealArea.lo.y < 0)
01955              RealArea.lo.y = 0;
01957         if (RealArea.hi.y > DlgRedrawInfo.dy)
01958             RealArea.hi.y = DlgRedrawInfo.dy;
01960         // If this translates to a visible area of the window, force a redraw of it
01961         if (RealArea.hi.y > 0 && RealArea.lo.y < DlgRedrawInfo.dy)
01962             InvalidateGadget(GetListGadgetID(), &DlgRedrawInfo, &RealArea);
01963     }
01964 }

void SuperGallery::ForceRedrawOfList void   ) 

Reformats, and then redraws the entire displayed list.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Notes: May be called when the gallery is closed

Definition at line 1905 of file sgallery.cpp.

01906 {
01907     InvalidateCachedFormat();           // Force the formatting info to be re-cached
01909     if (IsVisible())
01910         InvalidateGadget(GetListGadgetID());
01911 }

OpState SuperGallery::GetCommandState StringBase CommandID,
String_256 ShadeReason

To determine the state of a given menu item. This method is an exact parallel to an Op's GetState method (in fact, it is called by an Op's GetState).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
CommandID - TheString ID of the command [INPUTS]
ShadeReason - If you return (OpState.Greyed == TRUE) then this should be filled [OUTPUTS] ion with the reason that the item is shaded/greyed.
An OpState indicating the current menu item state.
Notes: Override this method to provide state info for your special commands Call the base class for unknown commands to allow it to handle them for you

Default handling is provided for the following commands. These commands need only be added to your menu in BuildCommandMenu in order to become available. Override the default behaviour if it is unsuitable: MonoOn Properties } Sort } - Always available Find }

New Always available Apply Available if one item selected Edit Available if one item selected Delete Available if one or more items salected Redefine Available if one item selected

NextGroup Available if there is a next group PrevGroup Available if there is a previous group FoldGroup Always available if there is a selected group UnfoldGroup Always available if there is a selected group MonoOff

Reimplemented in NameGallery, BitmapSGallery, ColourSGallery, FrameSGallery, LayerSGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, LineGallery, NameGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 2779 of file sgallery.cpp.

02780 {
02781     OpState State;
02783     // Find/Sort/Properties are pretty much always available
02784     if (*CommandID == SGCmd_Sort || *CommandID == SGCmd_Find ||
02785         *CommandID == SGCmd_Properties || *CommandID == SGCmd_New)
02786         return(State);
02788     // Find the selected group for this command to act on
02789     SGDisplayGroup *ThisGroup = FindCommandGroup();
02791     if (ThisGroup == NULL)                                  // --- No group to apply command to - abort
02792     {
02793         State.Greyed = TRUE;
02794         ShadeReason->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_SGSHADE_NOSEL));
02795     }
02796     else if (*CommandID == SGCmd_Apply      ||              // --- Apply, Edit, Redefine, Rename
02797              *CommandID == SGCmd_Edit       ||
02798              *CommandID == SGCmd_Redefine   ||              //      (These options are given default behaviour)
02799              *CommandID == SGCmd_Rename)
02800         {
02801         if (GetSelectedItemCount() != 1)
02802         {
02803             State.Greyed = TRUE;
02804             ShadeReason->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_SGSHADE_SINGLE));
02805         }
02806     }
02807     else if (*CommandID == SGCmd_Delete)                    // --- Delete (applies only to selected *items*)
02808     {
02809         if (GetSelectedItemCount() < 1)
02810         {
02811             State.Greyed = TRUE;
02812             ShadeReason->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_SGSHADE_NOSEL));
02813         }
02814     }
02815     else if (*CommandID == SGCmd_NextGroup)                 // --- Next Group
02816     {
02817         ThisGroup = (SGDisplayGroup *) ThisGroup->GetNext();
02818         if (ThisGroup == NULL)      // No next group
02819         {
02820             State.Greyed = TRUE;
02821             ShadeReason->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_SGSHADE_LASTGROUP));
02822         }
02823     }
02824     else if (*CommandID == SGCmd_PrevGroup)                 // --- Previous Group
02825     {
02826         ThisGroup = (SGDisplayGroup *) ThisGroup->GetPrevious();
02827         if (ThisGroup == NULL)      // No next group
02828         {
02829             State.Greyed = TRUE;
02830             ShadeReason->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_SGSHADE_FIRSTGROUP));
02831         }
02832     }
02834     return(State);
02835 }

SGSortKey* SuperGallery::GetCurrentSortKeys void   )  [inline]

Definition at line 526 of file sgallery.h.

00526 { return(SortKeys); }

INT32 SuperGallery::GetDisplayExtent void   ) 

To determine the length of the displayed list, in MILLIPOINTS; actually, in terms of the mimimum displayed Y coordinate, which is really -(Length).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The minimum Y coordinate of the display list virtual coordinate space (The extent of the list - it will always be a negative number as the list starts at 0 at the top of the window, and descends)
Notes: It will return 0 if the gallery is not visible on screen (because the display extent is determined by formatting the display into a given window, and if the window is closed, its sixze is unknown)

Definition at line 1665 of file sgallery.cpp.

01666 {
01667     if (DisplayTree == NULL || !IsVisible())
01668         return(0);
01670     SGMiscInfo   MiscInfo;
01671     FillInMiscInfo(&MiscInfo);
01673     SGFormatInfo FormatInfo;
01674     DisplayTree->InitFormatInfo(&FormatInfo, &MiscInfo);
01676     return(DisplayTree->CalculateListExtent(&FormatInfo, &MiscInfo));
01677 }

INT32 SuperGallery::GetDisplayMode void   )  const [inline]

Reimplemented in LibraryGallery.

Definition at line 375 of file sgallery.h.

00375 { return DisplayMode; }

SGDisplayRoot* SuperGallery::GetDisplayTree  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 378 of file sgallery.h.

00378 { return DisplayTree; }

wxSize SuperGallery::GetGallerySize void   )  [inline]

Definition at line 268 of file sgallery.h.

00269                     { return GallerySize; };

String_32& SuperGallery::GetGalName  )  [inline]

Definition at line 648 of file sgallery.h.

00648 { return Name; }

SGDisplayNode* SuperGallery::GetLastBackgroundNode void   )  [inline]

Definition at line 590 of file sgallery.h.

00591                                 { return(LastBGNode); };

SGDisplayNode * SuperGallery::GetLastSelectedNode void   ) 

To determine which node, if any, was last selected in this gallery. Used by the display tree to determine the anchor point for selection extension exercises.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
A pointer to the last selected node - this may well be NULL
Notes: For added security, it would be helpful if you do not actually use the object that this returns (i.e. all existing code compares the pointer to others, but does not actually dereference the pointer as such)

Definition at line 2405 of file sgallery.cpp.

02406 {
02407     return(LastSelectedNode);
02408 }

CGadgetID SuperGallery::GetListGadgetID void   ) 

To allow outside entities to determine the list box gadget ID. Meant only for gallery drags to determine their target area.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The Gadget ID of the list box gadget in the SuperGallery window.

Definition at line 2569 of file sgallery.cpp.

02570 {
02571     return(_R(IDC_GALLERY_LISTBOX));
02572 }

BOOL SuperGallery::GetQuietStatus void   )  [virtual]

Get the Quiet status of the gallery - used when a load of indexes are being added to the gallery and there are problems...

Richard_Millican (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if Quiet has been pressed (SetQuiet status called with TRUE)

Reimplemented in LibraryGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 1261 of file sgallery.cpp.

01262 {
01263     return FALSE;
01264 }

INT32 SuperGallery::GetSelectedGroupCount void   ) 

Counts the number of selected groups in the display tree.

Richard_Millican (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 2301 of file sgallery.cpp.

02302 {
02303     if (DisplayTree == NULL)
02304         return(0);
02306     return(DisplayTree->GetSelectedGroupCount());
02307 }

INT32 SuperGallery::GetSelectedItemCount Document TheDocument = NULL,
Library TheLibrary = NULL

Counts the number of selected items in the display tree or a subtree.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TheDocument- NULL, or the document group to scan for [INPUTS] TheLibrary - NULL, or the library group to scan for
Notes: If both parameters are NULL, will give a count for the entire display tree.

Otherwise, the document or library specified will be found (if possible) in the tree, and the return value will be the selection count within that subtree.

If the desired {sub}tree does not exist, 0 is returned.

Definition at line 2270 of file sgallery.cpp.

02271 {
02272     if (DisplayTree == NULL)
02273         return(0);
02275     if (TheDocument != NULL || TheLibrary != NULL)
02276     {
02277         SGDisplayGroup *TheGroup = DisplayTree->FindSubtree(this, TheDocument, TheLibrary);
02279         if (TheGroup == NULL)
02280             return(0);
02282         return(TheGroup->GetSelectedItemCount());
02283     }
02285     return(DisplayTree->GetSelectedItemCount());
02286 }

BOOL SuperGallery::GetStatusLineHelp DocCoord MousePos,
String_256 Result

Gets status line help from the gallery.

Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 3463 of file sgallery.cpp.

03464 {
03465     SGDisplayNode *TheNode = FindNodeUnderPointer(MousePos);
03466     if (TheNode != NULL)
03467     {
03468         // Convert MousePos into a display list coord and call the node
03469         DocCoord ListPos(*MousePos);
03470         ReDrawInfoType DlgRedrawInfo;
03471         GetKernelRenderedGadgetInfo(GetListGadgetID(), &DlgRedrawInfo);
03472         ConvertToVirtualCoords(&DlgRedrawInfo, &ListPos);
03474         return(TheNode->GetStatusLineHelp(&ListPos, Result));
03475     }
03477     return(FALSE);
03478 }

void SuperGallery::HandleDragStart DragMessage DragMsg  )  [protected, virtual]

Checks a DragMessage to see if it is a gallery list-drag. If so, it adds a new drag target to handle drops on the gallery list box.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
DragMsg - The DRAGSTARTED message that we've just recieved, indicating [INPUTS] the type of drag which is just starting.
Notes: This method should be overridden by derived galleries to: a) Stop the gallery from allowing recieving of these drags, or b) Add handlers for specific drag types you're interested in - e.g. the colour gallery will use less generic colour drags to handle gallery reorganisation, so that you can also drag colours out of the gallery.

Reimplemented in BitmapSGallery, ColourSGallery, LibraryGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 983 of file sgallery.cpp.

00984 {
00985     // If this is a gallery list-reorganising drag which originated from this gallery,
00986     // then create a target for the gallery listbox.
00987     if (DragMsg->pInfo->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(SGListDragInfo)) &&
00988         ((SGListDragInfo *)DragMsg->pInfo)->GetParentGallery() == this)
00989     {
00990         // Note this sort of auto-attaches it seems - AMB
00991         /*SGListDragTarget *NewTarget = */new SGListDragTarget(this, GetListGadgetID());
00992     }
00993 }

void SuperGallery::IncrementPendingRedraws void   ) 

Called by SGDisplayNode classes to handle background redraw. This increments our count of how many items are awaiting background redraw. While this counter is greater than zero, we use an idle processor to kick off background redraws every now and then.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:

Definition at line 3329 of file sgallery.cpp.

03330 {
03331     if (PendingRedraws < 1)
03332     {
03333         PendingRedraws = 0;     // Just to be on the safe side!
03335         // Add an idle event processor to handle the bg redraws
03336         GetApplication()->RegisterIdleProcessor(MyIdlePriority, this);
03337     }
03339     PendingRedraws++;           // Increment count of pending redraws
03340 }

void SuperGallery::InitData void   )  [private]

Internal method to initialise data mambers. Shared code for constructors.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 183 of file sgallery.cpp.

00184 {
00185     GallerySize         = wxSize(0,0);
00187     DisplayTree         = NULL;
00188     DisplayMode         = 0;
00190     FormatIsCached      = FALSE;
00192     LastWindowDX = LastWindowDY = 0;
00194     AmShaded            = FALSE;
00195     AmRedrawing         = FALSE;
00197     LastSelectedNode    = NULL;
00199     CurrentOptionsDlg           = NULL;
00200     CurrentSortDlg              = NULL;
00201     CurrentSearchDlg            = NULL;
00202     CurrentLinePropertiesDlg    = NULL;
00204     DblClickPending     = FALSE;        // We aren't in the middle of a double click
00206     PendingRedraws      = 0;
00207     LastBGNode          = NULL;
00209     for (INT32 i = 0; i < MaxSGSortKeys; i++)
00210     {
00211         SortKeys[i].SortKey  = 0;
00212         SortKeys[i].Reversed = FALSE;
00213     }
00214 }

BOOL SuperGallery::InitMenuCommand StringBase CommandID,
UINT32  MenuTextID

To initialise a menu command for future use. This should be called for any potential menu commands *on startup* - it essentially adds OpDescriptors to the system, and they must be initialised and ready to go right from startup of the application.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
CommandID - The command identifier string (max 31 chars INT32) [INPUTS]
MenuTextID - A string resource ID which references the text to be used in the menu item. Note that to get 2 different wordings for the same menu item you will need 2 separate MenuCommands, from which you add the appropriate one when building the menu.

TRUE if it succeeded
i.e. only call this from your Init() menthod.

Definition at line 2652 of file sgallery.cpp.

02653 {
02654     String_256 OpToken = GetGalName();
02655     // With the new GIF Animation frame gallery, this can mean that the OpToken can easily
02656     // overrun its String_32 allocation. Therefore, restrict the name to the first 16 characters.
02657     // Unfortunately, we then use the name to find the gallery to send the command to!
02658     // So we match that only using the GalleryBarNameLimitSize (16) characters
02659     String_256 OpTokenT = OpToken;
02660     OpToken.Left(&OpTokenT, GalleryBarNameLimitSize);
02662     OpTokenT += TEXT(":");
02663     OpTokenT += *CommandID;
02665     return(OpGalleryCommand::InitPolymorphicCommand(&OpTokenT, MenuTextID));
02666 }

BOOL SuperGallery::InitMenuCommands void   )  [virtual]

Initialises any menu commands that this gallery needs.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE for success
Notes: The base class method does nothing. Override it in galleries which will need command menus, in order to init your menu items. See the colour gallery code for an example of this.

Note: Should only create the menu commands once - further calls in the future should return TRUE immediately without trying to re-init the ops.

See also:
ColourSGallery::InitMenuCommands; SuperGallery::InitMenuCommand

Reimplemented in NameGallery, BitmapSGallery, ColourSGallery, FrameSGallery, LayerSGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, LineGallery, NameGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 2619 of file sgallery.cpp.

02620 {
02621     // The base class does nothing - no menu
02622     return(TRUE);
02623 }

void SuperGallery::InsertCopiedItem SGDisplayItem CopiedItem,
SGDisplayGroup DestGroup,
SGDisplayItem TargetPosition

Inserts a given copied-node into the tree in an appropriate fashion. Used for re-organising the tree at the conclusion of a drag. Intended to be called only from overridden CopyDisplayItem() methods, to take all the work out of the process of copying display items around.

CopiedItem - The item to insert into the tree (see below) [INPUTS]
DestGroup - The group into which the item should be inserted

TargetPosition - NULL (to insert at the end of the sibling list), or points to the item BEFORE which the CopiedItem will be inserted.

Notes: CopiedItem must NOT already be linked into the tree (ERROR3 if it is)

This is used when dragging between groups, where typically items are copied rather than moved. The derived class CopyDisplayItem determines if a copy or move is necessary, and if the former, copies the item and creates a new DisplayItem, then calls this method to add the copied item to the display. Otherwise it will call MoveItem as appropriate

See also:
SuperGallery::CopyDisplayItem; SGDisplayItem::MoveBefore; SGDisplayItem::MoveAfter

Definition at line 3030 of file sgallery.cpp.

03032 {
03033     ERROR3IF(CopiedItem == NULL || DestGroup == NULL, "Illegal NULL param");
03034     if (CopiedItem == NULL || DestGroup == NULL)
03035         return;
03037     if (TargetPosition != NULL)
03038         TargetPosition->InsertBefore(CopiedItem);
03039     else
03040         DestGroup->AddItem(CopiedItem);
03041 }

void SuperGallery::InvalidateCachedFormat void   )  [inline]

Indicates to the super gallery that the cached display tree formatting is out of date, and must be recalculated before next redraw of the display.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 668 of file sgallery.h.

00669 {
00670     FormatIsCached = FALSE;
00671 }

virtual BOOL SuperGallery::IsABar  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from DialogOp.

Definition at line 642 of file sgallery.h.

00642 {return FALSE; }        // We are not a bar

virtual BOOL SuperGallery::IsAGallery  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from DialogOp.

Definition at line 643 of file sgallery.h.

00643 {return TRUE; } // We are a gallery

BOOL SuperGallery::IsLibraryGallery void   )  [virtual]

To check if we're a library gallery.

Richard_Millican (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if the SuperGallery is a LibraryGallery

Reimplemented in LibraryGallery.

Definition at line 1294 of file sgallery.cpp.

01295 {
01296     return FALSE;
01297 }

BOOL SuperGallery::IsLibraryGalleryWithNonLibraryGroups void   )  [virtual]

To check if we're a dedicated library gallery, or a half+half (like the font gallery).

Richard_Millican (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if the SuperGallery is a LibraryGallery, yet also can contain non-library groups

Reimplemented in LibraryGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 1313 of file sgallery.cpp.

01314 {
01315     return FALSE;
01316 }

MsgResult SuperGallery::Message Msg Message  )  [virtual]

A standard message handler, really. If you override this in a derived class, you must pass any unhandled event on to this base class method after handling the messages you are interested in.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Message - The message to handle [INPUTS]
See also:

Reimplemented from DialogOp.

Reimplemented in NameGallery, TEMPLATESGallery, BitmapSGallery, ColourSGallery, FrameSGallery, LayerSGallery, LibraryGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, LineGallery, NameGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 382 of file sgallery.cpp.

00383 {
00384     if (MESSAGE_IS_A(Message,DeathMsg))     // We must destroy the dialog if the application is dying
00385     {
00386         // Destroy the entire DisplayList (which should be empty by now),
00387         // just to be on the safe side, in case a derived gallery forgot to do it
00388         if (DisplayTree != NULL)
00389         {
00390             DisplayTree->DestroySubtree();  // Destroy the display tree, destructing all nodes
00391             delete DisplayTree;
00392             DisplayTree = NULL;
00393         }
00395         // Ensure that all doc/view pointers for this Op are NULL to stop
00396         // 'FlushRedraw' access violations occurring.
00397         pOurDoc = NULL;
00398         pOurView = NULL;
00400         End();
00401         return(OK);
00402     }
00405     if ( Message->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(DialogMsg)) &&
00406             ((DialogMsg*)Message)->DlgMsg == DIM_BAR_DEATH )
00407     {
00408         DialogOp::Message(Message);
00409         return(OK);
00410     }
00412     if (IS_OUR_DIALOG_MSG(Message))
00413     {
00414         DialogMsg* Msg = (DialogMsg*)Message;
00416         BOOL WasRightButton = FALSE;        // What type of click was it (if any)
00417                                         // (allows code-sharing in the case statement)
00419         switch (Msg->DlgMsg)
00420         {
00421             case DIM_CREATE:
00422                 {
00423                     String_32 name(CamResource::GetObjectName(DlgResID));
00424                     SetGalName(name);
00425                 }
00426                 break;
00428             case DIM_CANCEL:            // We're closing - close our owned dlgs
00429                 CloseOwnedDialogs();
00431                 // Ensure all items pending background redraws are flushed
00432                 FlushBackgroundRedraws();
00434                 // tell everyone the screen will be changing
00435                 TRACEUSER( "Diccon", _T("Gallery closing\n"));
00436                 BROADCAST_TO_ALL(ScreenChangeMsg());
00437                 break;
00439             case DIM_MOUSEWHEEL_UP:
00440                 {
00441                     //MouseWheel Scrolled Upwards...
00442                     TRACEUSER( "Matt", _T("SuperGallery::Message() Received MouseWheel UPWARDS Message!\n"));
00444                     ReDrawInfoType DlgRedrawInfo;
00445                     GetKernelRenderedGadgetInfo(GetListGadgetID(), &DlgRedrawInfo);
00447                     // Make a SGMiscInfo with, well, MiscInfo in it...
00448                     SGMiscInfo MiscInfo;
00449                     FillInMiscInfo(&MiscInfo, &DlgRedrawInfo);
00451                     //Get the old scroll offset, adjust it accordingly and set it to be the current one...
00452                     INT32 newScrollOffset = DisplayTree->GetScrollOffset() - (750 * 30);
00453                     DisplayTree->SetScrollOffset(newScrollOffset, &MiscInfo);
00454                 }
00455                 break;
00457             case DIM_MOUSEWHEEL_DOWN:
00458                 {
00459                     //MouseWheel Scrolled Downwards...
00460                     TRACEUSER( "Matt", _T("SuperGallery::Message() Received MouseWheel DOWNWARDS Message!\n"));
00462                     ReDrawInfoType DlgRedrawInfo;
00463                     GetKernelRenderedGadgetInfo(GetListGadgetID(), &DlgRedrawInfo);
00465                     // Make a SGMiscInfo with, well, MiscInfo in it...
00466                     SGMiscInfo MiscInfo;
00467                     FillInMiscInfo(&MiscInfo, &DlgRedrawInfo);
00469                     //Get the old scroll offset, adjust it accordingly and set it to be the current one...
00470                     INT32 newScrollOffset = DisplayTree->GetScrollOffset() + (750 * 30);
00471                     DisplayTree->SetScrollOffset(newScrollOffset, &MiscInfo);
00472                 }
00473                 break;
00475             case DIM_RGT_BN_DOWN:
00476                 WasRightButton = TRUE;
00477                 // (Note: We treat a right click like a left click now. DIM_RGT_BN_UP is used
00478                 // to pop up the menu when the button is released)
00480                 // Drop through to LFT_BN_DOWN handler...
00482             case DIM_LFT_BN_DOWN:
00483                 if ((Msg->GadgetID == GetListGadgetID()) && Msg->DlgMsgParam)
00484                 {
00485                     // Get our kernel-rendered-dlg info, and calculate our virtual coord space
00486                     ReDrawInfoType *DlgRedrawInfo = (ReDrawInfoType*) Msg->DlgMsgParam;
00488                     // Determine where the mouse was clicked, within the virtual coord space
00489                     SGMouseInfo ClickInfo;
00491                     // Was it a ctrl-click? (Adjust/right clicks now pop up the menu)
00492                     ClickInfo.Adjust = KeyPress::IsGalleryCtrlPressed();
00494                     // Was it a click to extend the selection? (shift-click)
00495                     ClickInfo.Extend = KeyPress::IsGalleryShiftPressed();
00497                     // Was it a pop-up-menu (right button) click?
00498                     ClickInfo.MenuClick = WasRightButton;
00500                     // Is it the second installment in a double-click?
00501                     ClickInfo.DoubleClick = FALSE;
00502                     if (DblClickPending && !WasRightButton)
00503                     {
00504                         // Double-click Distance (millipoints). If the second click is more than this
00505                         // distance away from the forst click point, it is not regarded as a dble click.
00506                         const INT32 DblClickDist = 12000;       // **** !!!! Read dbl-click-dist preference
00507                         INT32 ClickDistX = ABS(LastClickPos.x - DlgRedrawInfo->pMousePos->x);
00508                         INT32 ClickDistY = ABS(LastClickPos.y - DlgRedrawInfo->pMousePos->y);
00510                         if (ClickDistX <= DblClickDist && ClickDistY <= DblClickDist)
00511                         {
00512                             const INT32 DblClickTime = 400;     // **** !!!! Read OS dbl-click time!
00514                             if (!LastClickTime.Elapsed(DblClickTime))
00515                                 ClickInfo.DoubleClick= TRUE;
00516                         }
00517                     }
00518                     LastClickPos = *(DlgRedrawInfo->pMousePos); // Remember last click position
00520                     if (ClickInfo.DoubleClick)
00521                         DblClickPending = FALSE;    // No longer pending double click
00522                     else
00523                     {
00524                         DblClickPending = TRUE;     // Double click is now pending
00525                         LastClickTime.Sample();     // Start the "double-click timeout" timer
00526                     }
00528                     ClickInfo.Position = *(DlgRedrawInfo->pMousePos);
00529                     ConvertToVirtualCoords(DlgRedrawInfo, &ClickInfo.Position);
00531                     // And request that the tree decides what to do with the event
00532                     BroadcastEvent(SGEVENT_MOUSECLICK, &ClickInfo);
00533                 }
00534                 break;
00537             case DIM_RGT_BN_UP:
00538                 {
00539                     // Give the gallery a chance to do something before popping up the context menu
00540                     // At present, used by the bitmap gallery to ensure that the plug-ins have all
00541                     // been parsed.
00542                     PreContextMenu();
00543                     // Right button has been released - pop up a context-sensitive menu
00544                     GalleryContextMenu *TheMenu = new GalleryContextMenu(SGMENU_OVERITEM, this);
00545                     if (TheMenu != NULL)
00546                         TheMenu->Show();
00547                 }
00548                 break;
00551             case DIM_LFT_BN_CLICKED:
00552             {
00553                 if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_GALLERY_NEW))
00554                 {
00555                     ApplyAction(SGACTION_CREATE);
00556                 }
00557                 else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_GALLERY_APPLY))
00558                 {
00559                     // NB. changed to use Control key here, to be consistent with the
00560                     // way Adjust works when clicking on items.
00561                     if (KeyPress::IsGalleryCtrlPressed())
00562                     {
00563                         // If the gallery doesn't respond to Adjust-click then try a plain
00564                         // click instead.
00565                         if (!ApplyAction(SGACTION_APPLYADJUST)) ApplyAction(SGACTION_APPLY);
00566                     }
00567                     else
00568                     {
00569                         ApplyAction(SGACTION_APPLY);
00570                     }
00571                 }
00572                 else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_GALLERY_REDEFINE))
00573                 {
00574                     ApplyAction(SGACTION_REDEFINE);
00575                 }
00576                 else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_GALLERY_EDIT))
00577                 {
00578                     ApplyAction(SGACTION_EDIT);
00579                 }
00580                 else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_GALLERY_DELETE))
00581                 {
00582                     ApplyAction(SGACTION_DELETE);
00583                 }
00584                 else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_GALLERY_MENU))
00585                 {
00586                     // Pop up the options menu/dialogue
00587 //                  SGalleryOptionsDlg::InvokeDialog(this);
00588                     GalleryContextMenu *TheMenu = new GalleryContextMenu(SGMENU_OPTIONS, this);
00589                     if (TheMenu != NULL)
00590                         TheMenu->Show();
00591                 }
00592                 break;
00593             }
00594             case DIM_RGT_BN_CLICKED:
00595                 if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_GALLERY_APPLY))
00596                 {
00597                     if (!ApplyAction(SGACTION_APPLYADJUST))
00598                         ApplyAction(SGACTION_APPLY);
00599                 }
00600                 break;
00603             case DIM_REDRAW:
00604                 if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_GALLERY_LISTBOX))       // Render the list box
00605                 {
00606                     RenderListBox((ReDrawInfoType*) Msg->DlgMsgParam);
00607                 }
00608                 break;
00610             default:
00611                 break;
00612         }
00613     }
00614     else if (MESSAGE_IS_A(Message, DocChangingMsg))
00615     {
00616         DocChangingMsg *Msg = (DocChangingMsg *) Message;
00617         switch (Msg->State)
00618         {
00619             case DocChangingMsg::TITLECHANGED:
00620                 if (DisplayTree != NULL && IsVisible())
00621                 {
00622                     // If we have any 'categories' which represent this document,
00623                     // ask them to redraw themselves to update their titles.
00624                     SGDisplayNode *Category =
00625                         DisplayTree->FindSubtree(this, Msg->pChangingDoc, NULL);
00627                     if (Category != NULL)
00628                         Category->ForceRedrawOfMyself();
00629                 }
00630                 break;
00633             case DocChangingMsg::ABOUTTODIE:        // Document dying - remove from tree
00634                 if (DisplayTree != NULL)
00635                 {
00636                     // If the gallery has a subtree for this document, we'll scrap it for 'em
00637                     SGDisplayNode *Ptr = DisplayTree->FindSubtree(this, Msg->pChangingDoc, NULL);
00638                     if (Ptr != NULL)
00639                     {
00640                         Ptr->DestroySubtree();
00641                         ForceRedrawOfList();
00642                     }
00643                 }
00644                 break;
00647             case DocChangingMsg::SELCHANGED:
00648                 if (Msg->pNewDoc == NULL)
00649                 {
00650                     // There is no selected doc - this can only mean there are no docs
00651                     // at all, so we had better shade the gallery
00652                     ShadeGallery(TRUE);
00653                 }
00654                 break;
00656             default:
00657                 break;
00658         }
00659     }
00661     else if (MESSAGE_IS_A(Message, DragMessage) && IsVisible() && DisplayTree != NULL)
00662     {
00663         // If a drag starting message comes around, pass it on to the tree
00664         DragMessage *Msg = (DragMessage *) Message;
00665         if (Msg->State == DragMessage::DRAGSTARTED)
00666         {
00667             BroadcastEvent(SGEVENT_DRAGSTARTED, (SGEventInfo *) Msg);
00669             // And then call our virtual function to add a drag target (if appropriate)
00670             // for the entire gallery listbox.
00671             HandleDragStart(Msg);
00672         }
00673     }
00675     else if (MESSAGE_IS_A(Message, ThumbMessage) && DisplayTree != NULL)
00676     {
00677         // If a library Thumb message comes around, pass it on to the tree
00678         // (do this even if the gallery is closed, as libraries may cache stuff even when closed)
00679         BroadcastEvent(SGEVENT_THUMBMSG, (SGEventInfo *) Message);
00680     }
00682     // Pass the call down to the base class
00683     return(DialogOp::Message(Message));
00685     return OK;
00686 }    

BOOL SuperGallery::OnIdleEvent void   )  [virtual]

Processes idle events for the supergallery. This is used to provide backgrounded redraw of gallery items.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if it still requires Idle Events
See also:

Reimplemented from Operation.

Reimplemented in NameGallery, and NameGallery.

Definition at line 3392 of file sgallery.cpp.

03393 {
03394     if (DisplayTree == NULL || !IsVisible() || PendingRedraws <= 0)
03395     {
03396         // Deregister for idles, because we should not be getting them now
03397         GetApplication()->RemoveIdleProcessor(MyIdlePriority, this);
03398         return(FALSE);      // I no longer need idles
03399     }
03401 //  BroadcastEvent(SGEVENT_BGREDRAW, NULL);
03403     // This is no longer done with an event broadcast. We now call a method which returns
03404     // once a node has been redrawn. It returns the redrawn node, so that we may continue
03405     // the next pass from that point, rather than having to re-scan the entire tree from the
03406     // beginning again (with a 14,000 item clipart gallery, we're looking at a small but
03407     // very noticable extra delay to scan the entire tree)
03408     SGMiscInfo MiscInfo;
03409     FillInMiscInfo(&MiscInfo);
03411     if (LastBGNode == NULL)
03412         DisplayTree->DoBGRedrawPass(&MiscInfo);
03413     else
03414         LastBGNode->DoBGRedrawPass(&MiscInfo);
03416     return(TRUE);
03417 }

void SuperGallery::PaintListNow void   ) 

Direct veneer function for DialogOp::PaintGadgetNow for the ListBox gadget. Allows SGDisplayNodes to force an immediate update.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Notes: There is a special lock which prevents this method from starting a redraw immediately if we are already inside the rendering code (this prevents render regions being created while already using a render region, which is a bad situation to get into). In this case, the paint will be done later when the message gets through to our normal message processor.

May be called when the gallery is closed

Definition at line 1841 of file sgallery.cpp.

01842 {
01843     if (IsVisible() && !AmRedrawing)
01844         PaintGadgetNow(GetListGadgetID());
01845 }

BOOL SuperGallery::PostCreate void   )  [protected, virtual]

A call to be overridden by the derived class. This is called AFTER the SuperGallery::Create function has succeeded. Derived galleries can then initialise any unintialised data, and return TRUE if it is safe to open the gallery window.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if the gallery was successfully initialised
See also:

Reimplemented in FrameSGallery, LayerSGallery, and LineGallery.

Definition at line 879 of file sgallery.cpp.

00880 {
00881     return(TRUE);
00882 }

BOOL SuperGallery::PreContextMenu void   )  [virtual]

Give the gallery a chance to do something before popping up the context menu. Called before the context menu is popped up on a right click. At present, used by the bitmap gallery to ensure that the plug-ins have all been parsed. Notes: The base class method does nothing. Override it in galleries which require this assistance.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE for success

Reimplemented in BitmapSGallery.

Definition at line 2591 of file sgallery.cpp.

02592 {
02593     // The base class does nothing
02594     return(TRUE);
02595 }

BOOL SuperGallery::PreCreate void   )  [protected, virtual]

A call to be overridden by the derived class. This is called BEFORE the SuperGallery::Create function tries to create the gallery window. Derived galleries then initialise any unintialised data, and return TRUE if it is safe to continue creating the gallery window.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if the gallery was successfully initialised
Notes: Generally speaking, most initialisation code should go into the post create handler method. Override this method with care.

See also:

Reimplemented in NameGallery, TEMPLATESGallery, BitmapSGallery, ColourSGallery, LayerSGallery, LibraryGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, LineGallery, NameGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 856 of file sgallery.cpp.

00857 {
00858     return(TRUE);
00859 }

void SuperGallery::RedrawDocumentDisplay Document TheDocument  ) 

To redraw the entire display list for the given document. If the cached formatting information is known to be compromised, a reformat will occur, and the necessary regions will be redrawn. Otherwise, just the document's display will be redrawn.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TheDocument - The docuemnt for which the display needs redrawing [INPUTS]
Notes: If TheDocument is NULL or the gallery is closed, nothing happens

See also:
SuperGallery::InvalidateCachedFormat; SuperGallery::ReformatAndRedrawIfNecessary

Definition at line 2039 of file sgallery.cpp.

02040 {
02041     if (TheDocument == NULL || DisplayTree == NULL || !IsVisible())
02042         return;
02044     SGDisplayGroup *Group = DisplayTree->FindSubtree(this, TheDocument, NULL);
02046     // Reformat, and update any areas that have changed
02047     ReformatAndRedrawIfNecessary();
02049     // If we found it, redraw the group and its contents (the window manager should
02050     // sort out redraw rectangle merging and stuff for us)
02051     if (Group != NULL)
02052         Group->ForceRedrawOfMyselfAndChildren();
02053 }

void SuperGallery::RedrawEverythingBelow INT32  TopYCoord  ) 

To redraw the display list from a given positio downwards (e.g. if a document list changes, you'll need to redraw its display, plus any displays below it which may have moved around).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TopYCoord - A Millipoint diaplay list coordinate [INPUTS]
Notes: May be called when the gallery is closed

This method always forces a redraw of the scrollbar (if any) to ensure that the scrollbar is updated appropriately for the new extent.

Definition at line 1988 of file sgallery.cpp.

01989 {
01990 #if FALSE
01991 /*
01992     if (DisplayTree == NULL || !IsVisible())
01993         return;
01995     ReDrawInfoType DlgRedrawInfo;
01996     GetKernelRenderedGadgetInfo(GetListGadgetID(), &DlgRedrawInfo);
01998     // Get the visible list area in list virtual coordinates
01999     DocRect Area(0, 0, DlgRedrawInfo.dx, DlgRedrawInfo.dy);
02000     ConvertToVirtualCoords(&DlgRedrawInfo, &Area.lo);
02001     ConvertToVirtualCoords(&DlgRedrawInfo, &Area.hi);
02003     // If the area to redraw is not offscreen (scrolled down out of view), redraw it
02004     if (TopYCoord > Area.lo.y)
02005         ForceRedrawOfArea(&Area);
02007     SGMiscInfo MiscInfo;
02008     FillInMiscInfo(&MiscInfo);
02009     DisplayTree->RedrawScrollBar(&MiscInfo);    // Ensure the Scrollbar is updated
02010 */
02011 #else
02012     ReformatAndRedrawIfNecessary();     // This should do a better job than the above code!
02013 #endif
02014 }

void SuperGallery::ReformatAndRedrawIfNecessary void   ) 

If the cached format information is thought to be out of date (eg after someone has called InvalidateCachedFormat) then this method will cause a reformatting operation to be carried out, and will then redraw any areas which are affected (have changed due to the reformatting).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:

Definition at line 2073 of file sgallery.cpp.

02074 {
02075     if (DisplayTree == NULL || !IsVisible())
02076         return;
02078     ReDrawInfoType DlgRedrawInfo;
02079     GetKernelRenderedGadgetInfo(GetListGadgetID(), &DlgRedrawInfo);
02081     SGMiscInfo MiscInfo;
02082     FillInMiscInfo(&MiscInfo, &DlgRedrawInfo);
02084     if (!FormatIsCached ||
02085         LastWindowDX != DlgRedrawInfo.dx || LastWindowDY != DlgRedrawInfo.dy)
02086     {
02087         SGFormatInfo FormatInfo;
02088         DisplayTree->InitFormatInfo(&FormatInfo, &MiscInfo);
02089         FormatInfo.AccumulateBounds = TRUE;
02091         // Recalculate and cache formatting information
02092         BroadcastEvent(SGEVENT_FORMAT, &FormatInfo, &MiscInfo);
02094         // And remember that the cache is now valid
02095         FormatIsCached = TRUE;
02097         // And remember new window size
02098         LastWindowDX = DlgRedrawInfo.dx;
02099         LastWindowDY = DlgRedrawInfo.dy;
02101         // If this caused anything to move, redraw the display
02102         if (FormatInfo.InvalidBounds.hi.y <= 0 && IsVisible())
02103             ForceRedrawOfArea(&FormatInfo.InvalidBounds);
02104     }
02105 }

void SuperGallery::ReformatNow BOOL  ForceReformat  ) 

Immediately reformats the display tree if necessary. NOTE: This is done automatically on any redraw if the cached format is known to be out of date. However, sometimes (e.g. when unfolding a group and then scrolling to it) you may want to chnage the display tree format and then cause the formatting to be recalculated before it is needed for the next step (scrolling) of your operation.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ForceFormat - TRUE to force an immediate reformat even if we think the format [INPUTS] is correctly cached; FALSE to only reformat if we are sure it's necessary.
May be called when the gallery is closed

Definition at line 1870 of file sgallery.cpp.

01871 {
01872     if (DisplayTree == NULL || !IsVisible())
01873         return;
01875     if (ForceReformat || !FormatIsCached)
01876     {
01877         SGFormatInfo FormatInfo;
01878         SGMiscInfo MiscInfo;
01880         FillInMiscInfo(&MiscInfo);
01881         DisplayTree->InitFormatInfo(&FormatInfo, &MiscInfo);
01883         // Recalculate and cache formatting information
01884         BroadcastEvent(SGEVENT_FORMAT, &FormatInfo, &MiscInfo);
01886         // And remember that the cache is now valid
01887         FormatIsCached = TRUE;
01888     }
01889 }

void SuperGallery::RemoveLibraryGroup Library DisplayedLibrary  )  [virtual]

Ensures that there are no display groups representing this library in the DisplayTree- deletes any related group from the tree if necessary. Used when Library objects are destructed to ensure no references to them are held by their parent gallery.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
DisplayedLibrary - A pointer to the library you suspect may be on display [INPUTS] in this gallery.
Notes: May be called if there is no such group, or even no display tree - it quietly ensures we are not referencing the given library.

See also:
SuperGallery::AddLibraryGroup; SuperGallery::AddLibraryItem

Definition at line 2491 of file sgallery.cpp.

02492 {
02493     ERROR3IF(DisplayedLibrary == NULL, "SuperGallery::RemoveLibraryGroup - NULL parameter is illegal");
02495     if (DisplayTree == NULL || DisplayedLibrary == NULL)
02496         return;
02498     SGDisplayGroup *TheGroup = DisplayTree->FindSubtree(this, NULL, DisplayedLibrary);
02500     if (TheGroup != NULL)
02501         TheGroup->DestroySubtree();     // Destroy subtree, including the Group node
02502 }

void SuperGallery::RenderListBox ReDrawInfoType DlgRedrawInfo  )  [protected]

Renders the displayed list of items into the 'list box' control.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 1535 of file sgallery.cpp.

01536 {
01537     if (AmRedrawing)
01538     {
01539         ERROR3("Re-entrant redraw detected in SuperGallery::RenderListBox! (I'll ignore it)");
01540         return;
01541     }
01543     AmRedrawing = TRUE;     // LOCK to ensure we don't do this in a re-entrant manner
01545     // Initialise the MiscInfo and formatting information structure
01546     SGMiscInfo MiscInfo;
01547     FillInMiscInfo(&MiscInfo, DlgRedrawInfo);
01549     // If Format Info is not cached by the tree, or if the window size has changed,
01550     // then ask the tree to reformat its display items and cache the result
01551     if (DisplayTree != NULL)
01552     {
01553         if (!FormatIsCached ||
01554             LastWindowDX != DlgRedrawInfo->dx || LastWindowDY != DlgRedrawInfo->dy)
01555         {
01556             SGFormatInfo FormatInfo;
01557             DisplayTree->InitFormatInfo(&FormatInfo, &MiscInfo);
01559             // Recalculate and cache formatting information
01560             BroadcastEvent(SGEVENT_FORMAT, &FormatInfo, &MiscInfo);
01562             // And remember that the cache is now valid
01563             FormatIsCached = TRUE;
01565             // And remember new window size
01566             LastWindowDX = DlgRedrawInfo->dx;
01567             LastWindowDY = DlgRedrawInfo->dy;
01568         }
01569     }
01571     // Now calculate the virtual size - note that this depends upon the scroll offset
01572     // which may be altered by a reformat, which is why we did the Reformat above.  
01573     INT32   PixelSize;
01574     DocRect VirtualSize;
01575     CalcVirtualSize(DlgRedrawInfo, &VirtualSize, &PixelSize);
01577     RenderRegion* pRender = CreateRenderRegion(&VirtualSize, DlgRedrawInfo);
01578     if (pRender!=NULL)
01579     {
01580         pRender->SaveContext();
01582         DialogColourInfo RedrawColours;
01584         if (DisplayTree == NULL)
01585         {
01586             DocColour White(COLOUR_WHITE);
01588             if (UseFixedColourSet)
01589             {
01590                 pRender->SetFillColour(White);
01591                 pRender->SetLineColour(White);
01592             }
01593             else
01594             {
01595                 pRender->SetFillColour(RedrawColours.TextBack());
01596                 pRender->SetLineColour(RedrawColours.TextBack());
01597             }
01598             pRender->DrawRect(&VirtualSize);    // No display tree! Fill the area with white
01599         }
01600         else
01601         {
01602             // Set up the redraw information (Note: This must be left until after formatting,
01603             // as the scroll offset etc may be changed by a reformat)
01604             // Set the bounding rectangle of the region to be redrawn from the clip rectangle,
01605             // so that only items that need redrawing do redraw. We then have to convert these
01606             // into display list virtual coordinates
01607             SGRedrawInfo RedrawInfo;
01608             RedrawInfo.Bounds = *(DlgRedrawInfo->pClipRect);
01609             ConvertToVirtualCoords(DlgRedrawInfo, &RedrawInfo.Bounds.lo);
01610             ConvertToVirtualCoords(DlgRedrawInfo, &RedrawInfo.Bounds.hi);
01612             RedrawInfo.Renderer = pRender;
01614             if (UseFixedColourSet)
01615             {
01616                 // Use fixed colour scheme
01617                 RedrawInfo.Foreground    = DocColour(COLOUR_BLACK);
01618                 RedrawInfo.Background    = DocColour(COLOUR_WHITE);
01619                 RedrawInfo.SelForeground = DocColour(COLOUR_WHITE);
01620                 RedrawInfo.SelBackground = DocColour(0L, 0L, 128L);
01621             }
01622             else
01623             {
01624                 // Read the operating-system preferences for the colour scheme
01625                 RedrawInfo.Foreground    = RedrawColours.TextFore();
01626                 RedrawInfo.Background    = RedrawColours.TextBack();
01627                 RedrawInfo.SelForeground = RedrawColours.HighlightedTextFore();
01628                 RedrawInfo.SelBackground = RedrawColours.HighlightedTextBack();
01629             }
01631             RedrawInfo.Transparent   = DocColour(COLOUR_TRANS);
01633             // And render the tree
01634             BroadcastEvent(SGEVENT_REDRAW, &RedrawInfo, &MiscInfo);
01635         }
01637         pRender->RestoreContext();
01638         DestroyRenderRegion(pRender);
01639     }
01641     AmRedrawing = FALSE;        // And unlock the redraw once more
01642 }

void SuperGallery::ScrollArea DocRect Area,
DocCoord ScrollBy

To scroll the list gadget in the super gallery. Basically just a veneer function for sgdisplayrootscroll which can't tidily access the DialogOp method...

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Area - The area to scroll, in WINDOW coordinates. Ask Jason. I've got a cold [INPUTS] and I can't be naffed explaining this today. See the SeeAlso
ScrollBy - Millipoint offsets to scroll by.

ScrollBy will be returned containing the actual millipoint scrolled values [OUTPUTS] (they are gridlocked to the ouptut pixel grid to ensure it works OK)
Notes: On return, use the updated ScrollBy values to change your scroll offset, and then call PaintListNow (or else the bit that 'scrolled into view' will not be redrawn)

May be called when the gallery is closed

See also:
DialogOp::ScrollKernelRenderedGadget; SuperGallery::PaintListNow

Definition at line 1814 of file sgallery.cpp.

01815 {
01816     if (IsVisible())
01817         ScrollKernelRenderedGadget(GetListGadgetID(), Area, ScrollBy);
01818 }

void SuperGallery::ScrollToShow DocRect Area,
BOOL  PreferToSeeBottom = FALSE

Determines if the given rectangle is entirely visible in the display window. If it is not, the window is scrolled to show the rectangle. Used to scroll the display to ensure a single item or set of items is visible on screen.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Area - The area to scroll to, in list virtual coordinates [INPUTS]
PreferToSeeBottom - Indicates whether you're a leg man or not... er I mean... set this to TRUE if the things at the bottom of the rect are more important than the things at the top - if the entire rect won't fit into the visible area of the window, then the bottom portion rather than the top portion will be shown.

Notes: Calls ReformatNow(FALSE) to reformat if the cached format is known to be invalid before it attempts to scroll.

If the rectangle is bigger than the displayable area, we'll scroll to the top (or bottom) of it.

If the rectangle is smaller than the display area, we'll scroll so that it is centered in the display.

May be called when there is no displaylist or when the gallery is closed

See also:
SuperGallery::ForceGroupFolded; SGDisplayRoot::SetScrollOffset

Definition at line 1747 of file sgallery.cpp.

01748 {
01749     if (DisplayTree == NULL || !IsVisible())
01750         return;
01752     ReformatNow(FALSE);     // Check that the formatting information is up to date
01754     DocRect Window;
01755     INT32 PixelSize;
01757     ReDrawInfoType DlgRedrawInfo;
01758     GetKernelRenderedGadgetInfo(GetListGadgetID(), &DlgRedrawInfo);
01760     CalcVirtualSize(&DlgRedrawInfo, &Window, &PixelSize);
01762     // If the rectangle is entirely visible, don't bother scrolling to it
01763     if (Window.lo.y <= Area->lo.y && Window.hi.y >= Area->hi.y)
01764         return;
01766     // OK. Scroll the top into view...
01767     INT32 NewScrollOffset = ABS(Area->hi.y);
01769     if (Area->Height() <= Window.Height())
01770         NewScrollOffset -= (Window.Height() - Area->Height()) / 2;
01771     else if (PreferToSeeBottom)
01772         NewScrollOffset = (ABS(Area->lo.y)) - Window.Height();
01774     if (NewScrollOffset != DisplayTree->GetScrollOffset())
01775     {
01776         SGMiscInfo MiscInfo;
01777         FillInMiscInfo(&MiscInfo, &DlgRedrawInfo);
01779         DisplayTree->SetScrollOffset(NewScrollOffset, &MiscInfo);
01780     }
01781 }

void SuperGallery::SelectGroups BOOL  SelectThem,
BOOL  Exclusive = FALSE,
Document ParentDocument = NULL,
Library ParentLibrary = NULL

To select/deselect groups of display groups (or all display groups) in this Gallery display. All groups whose state changes will force redraw themselves automatically.

Richard_Millican (Xara Group Ltd) <>
SelectThem - TRUE to select the given groups, FALSE to deselect them [INPUTS]
Exclusive - TRUE to apply this action to all groups *outside* the given range, FALSE to apply it to all groups *inside* the range. (i.e. it acts as a logical 'NOT' on the inside-this-document/library test)

Document - NULL, or the document which defines the range of groups to affect

Library - NULL, or the library which defines the range of groups to affect

Notes: To select all groups in a range, and deselect all groups outside the range, you need to use 2 calls to this method.

To select/deselect all groups in the display, pass FALSE, NULL, NULL to the last 3 parameters. (If Doc/Lib are both NULL, 'Exclusive' has no effect)

See also:
SuperGallery::SelectItems for examples

Definition at line 2194 of file sgallery.cpp.

02196 {
02197     if (DisplayTree != NULL)
02198         DisplayTree->SelectGroups(SelectThem, Exclusive, ParentDocument, ParentLibrary);
02199 }

void SuperGallery::SelectionHasChanged void   )  [virtual]

To inform the gallery that the selection has changed in some way. The base gallery class will do the following things:.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
  • If the selection is not exactly one item, the following standard buttons are shaded: Apply, Redefine, Edit

  • If the selection is greater than 1 item, the New button will shade

  • If the selection is zero items, then the Delete button will shade MonoOff

Notes: If this default action is unsuitable, derived galleries may override it. If they add their own special buttons, they may need to override this method to ensure that their buttons also behave correctly on sel change.

This method is called after creation of the window (immediately after the PostCreate upcall) to ensure the window state is correct

Reimplemented in NameGallery, BitmapSGallery, ColourSGallery, LibraryGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, LineGallery, NameGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 2339 of file sgallery.cpp.

02340 {
02341     if (DisplayTree == NULL || AmShaded || !IsVisible())
02342         return;
02344     INT32 Count = DisplayTree->GetSelectedItemCount();
02346     EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_APPLY),     (Count == 1));  // Apply/Redefine/edit/name need exactly 1 item
02347     EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_REDEFINE),  (Count == 1));
02348     EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_EDIT),      (Count == 1));
02349     EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_NAME),      (Count == 1));
02351     EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_NEW),       (Count <= 1));  // New needs 0 or 1 items
02353     EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_DELETE),    (Count > 0));   // Delete needs 1 or more items
02355     EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_UNDO),      TRUE);          // Undo/menu always available
02356     EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_MENU),      TRUE);
02357 }

void SuperGallery::SelectItems BOOL  SelectThem,
BOOL  Exclusive = FALSE,
Document ParentDocument = NULL,
Library ParentLibrary = NULL

To select/deselect groups of display items (or all display items) in this Gallery display. All items whose state changes will force redraw themselves automatically.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
SelectThem - TRUE to select the given items, FALSE to deselect them [INPUTS]
Exclusive - TRUE to apply this action to all items *outside* the given range, FALSE to apply it to all items *inside* the range. (i.e. it acts as a logical 'NOT' on the inside-this-document/library test)

Document - NULL, or the document which defines the range of items to affect

Library - NULL, or the library which defines the range of items to affect

Notes: To select all items in a range, and deselect all items outside the range, you need to use 2 calls to this method.

To select/deselect all items in the display, pass FALSE, NULL, NULL to the last 3 parameters. (If Doc/Lib are both NULL, 'Exclusive' has no effect)

e.g. SelectItems(TRUE, FALSE, MyDocument); will select all items which are related to the given document.

SelectItems(TRUE, TRUE, MyDocument); will select all items which are NOT related to the given document.

SelectItems(FALSE); will deselect ALL items in the gallery

SelectItems(TRUE, FALSE, MyDocument); SelectItems(FALSE, TRUE, MyDocument); This combination will select all items in this document, ensuring that nothing is selected anywhere else in the gallery.

Definition at line 2154 of file sgallery.cpp.

02156 {
02157     if (DisplayTree != NULL)
02158         DisplayTree->SelectItems(SelectThem, Exclusive, ParentDocument, ParentLibrary);
02159 }

void SuperGallery::SelectRange SGDisplayNode PrimeNode,
SGDisplayNode AnchorNode

Selects the PrimeNode, and if possible, all sibling nodes between it and the Anchor node. If Anchor == NULL or is not found, only PrimeNode is selected. Does not deselect any nodes - you should call SelectItems first to clear the seln.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
PrimeNode - The node which MUST be selected. May NOT be NULL. [INPUTS] AnchorNode - The other node, specifying a range of sibling nodes to be selected. May be NULL, in which case only PrimeNode is selected

Definition at line 2221 of file sgallery.cpp.

02222 {
02223 #if 0
02224     BOOL Items = FALSE;
02225     BOOL Groups = FALSE;
02227     if(PrimeNode->IS_KIND_OF(SGDisplayItem) && (AnchorNode == NULL || AnchorNode->IS_KIND_OF(SGDisplayItem)))
02228         Items = TRUE;
02229     else if(PrimeNode->IS_KIND_OF(SGDisplayGroup) && (AnchorNode == NULL || AnchorNode->IS_KIND_OF(SGDisplayGroup)))
02230         Groups = TRUE;
02232     if(Items)
02233         DisplayTree->SelectRange(PrimeNode, AnchorNode);
02234         SelectRangeItems((SGDisplayItem *)PrimeNode, (SGDisplayItem *)AnchorNode);
02235     else if(Groups)
02236         SelectRangeGroups((SGDisplayGroup *)PrimeNode, (SGDisplayGroup *)AnchorNode);
02237     else
02238         ERROR3("SGDisplayNode::SelectRange given opposing node types");
02239 #endif
02241     if (DisplayTree != NULL)
02242         DisplayTree->SelectRange(PrimeNode, AnchorNode);
02243 }

void SuperGallery::SetGallerySize wxSize  Size  )  [inline]

Definition at line 265 of file sgallery.h.

00266                     { GallerySize = Size; };

void SuperGallery::SetGalName const String_32 str  )  [inline]

Definition at line 649 of file sgallery.h.

00649 { Name = str; }

void SuperGallery::SetLastBackgroundNode SGDisplayNode LastNodeRendered  )  [inline]

Definition at line 586 of file sgallery.h.

00587                                 { LastBGNode = LastNodeRendered; }

void SuperGallery::SetLastSelectedNode SGDisplayNode JustSelected  ) 

To set which node, if any, was last selected in this gallery. Used by the display tree to determine the anchor point for selection extension exercises.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
JustSelected - The node which has just been made selected. This [INPUTS] param may be NULL (as is the case when a node dies or is deselected)
Scope: public, but it's a private interface between display tree and parent gallery

Definition at line 2379 of file sgallery.cpp.

02380 {
02381     LastSelectedNode = JustSelected;
02382 }

void SuperGallery::SetQuietStatus BOOL  Status  )  [virtual]

Set the Quiet status of the gallery - used when a load of indexes are being added to the gallery and there are problems...

Richard_Millican (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Status - Set to TRUE and call if Quiet has just been pressed on an 'adding [INPUTS] indexes' dialog

Reimplemented in LibraryGallery, LibClipartSGallery, LibFillsSGallery, and FontsSGallery.

Definition at line 1279 of file sgallery.cpp.

01280 {
01281 }

void SuperGallery::SetVisibility BOOL  Open  )  [virtual]

Used by the tool bar customize system to open and close a tool bar.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Open - if TRUE then open SuperGallery in its last pos if it is [INPUTS] currently closed. if FALSE, it is closed
SuperGallery overrides this virtual function so that it can be aware of when its window is closed/hidden, so that it may remove its owned dialogues (sort/search/properties).

It always calls the base class in order to show/hide the gallery


Reimplemented from DialogOp.

Reimplemented in NameGallery.

Definition at line 776 of file sgallery.cpp.

00777 {
00778     if (!Open)
00779     {
00780         // If we're being hidden, make sure that any owned dialogues are closed
00781         CloseOwnedDialogs();
00782     }   
00784     // Now call the base class to show/hide ourselves
00785     DialogOp::SetVisibility(Open);
00786     if (!Open)
00787         End(); // Return quick, this deletes the super gallery
00788 }

void SuperGallery::ShadeGallery BOOL  ShadeIt  ) 

Shades (disables) the SuperGallery window. This calls the DoShadeGallery upcall to allow derived classes to take special action for any extra controls they may own, etc.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ShadeIt - TRUE to shade, FALSE to un-shade, the gallery [INPUTS]
If un-shading the gallery, it also calls SelectionHasChanged method to ensure that the buttons are in an appropriate state for the selection.

Notes: If the gallery is already in the requested state, or if it is closed (not visible on screen) then nothing happens (other than that the shaded flag is updated to reflect the desired state)

See also:
SuperGallery::DoShadeGallery; SuperGallery::SelectionHasChanged

Definition at line 910 of file sgallery.cpp.

00911 {
00912     if (AmShaded != ShadeIt && IsVisible())
00913     {
00914         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_APPLY),     !ShadeIt);
00915         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_NEW),       !ShadeIt);
00916         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_DELETE),    !ShadeIt);
00917         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_REDEFINE),  !ShadeIt);
00918         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_EDIT),      !ShadeIt);
00919 //      EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_UNDO),      !ShadeIt);
00920         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_MENU),      !ShadeIt);
00921         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_GALLERY_NAME),      !ShadeIt);
00923         DoShadeGallery(ShadeIt);
00924     }
00926     AmShaded = ShadeIt;
00928     if (!AmShaded)                  // If unshading, ensure the buttons are updated
00929         SelectionHasChanged();      // to reflect the new selection state
00930 }

INT32 __cdecl SuperGallery::SortComparator const void *  Item1,
const void *  Item2
[static, protected]

'qsort' comparator function, used when quicksorting the display list

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Item1,Item2 - the display nodes to be compared [INPUTS]
a negative, zero, or positive result of comparing the items with the current gallery multi-key sort mode.
Notes: Relies on the static var. 'CurrentSortGallery' to contain a pointer to the gallery which requested this sort.

See also:

Definition at line 1047 of file sgallery.cpp.

01048 {
01049     SGDisplayNode *Node1 = *((SGDisplayNode **)Item1);
01050     SGDisplayNode *Node2 = *((SGDisplayNode **)Item2);
01052     INT32 Result = Node1->CompareTo(Node2, CurrentSortGallery->SortKeys[0].SortKey);
01053     if (CurrentSortGallery->SortKeys[0].Reversed)
01054         Result = -Result;
01056     if (Result == 0)
01057     {
01058         Result = Node1->CompareTo(Node2, CurrentSortGallery->SortKeys[1].SortKey);
01059         if (CurrentSortGallery->SortKeys[1].Reversed)
01060             Result = -Result;
01061     }
01063     return(Result);
01064 }

BOOL SuperGallery::Write SaveRegistryEntries Saver  ) 

Write the SuperGallery to the registry.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Saver = the class to use to save the data into the registry. [INPUTS]
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 1921 of file bars.cpp.

01922 {
01923 #pragma message( __LOCMSG__ "SuperGallery::Write(SaveRegistryEntries& Saver) - do nothing" )
01924     TRACE( _T("Warning - SuperGallery::Write(SaveRegistryEntries& Saver) called") );
01925 /*  BOOL ok = TRUE;
01927     HKEY hRegKey = Saver.GetRegKey();
01928     if (hRegKey == NULL)
01929     {
01930         ERROR3("SuperGallery::Write failed to get registry key");
01931         return FALSE;
01932     }
01934     // save out the name into the registry
01935     ok = ok && SetRegString(hRegKey, TEXT("Name"), GetName());
01937     String_256 str = GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName;
01938     ok = ok && SetRegString(hRegKey, TEXT("ClassName"), str);
01940     ok = ok && SetRegString(hRegKey, TEXT("Type"), TokenTable[TOKEN_GALLERY].Token);
01942     KernelBarPos* pKernelBarPos = NULL;
01943     GetMainFrame()->GetBarPosInfo(WindowID,&Dock,&pKernelBarPos);
01944     SetDockBarType(Dock);
01945     if (pKernelBarPos)
01946     {
01947         if (Dock == DOCKBAR_FLOAT)
01948             SetFloatingCPoint(wxPoint(pKernelBarPos->x,pKernelBarPos->y));
01949         else
01950         {
01951             SetSlot(pKernelBarPos->Slot);
01952             SetOffset(pKernelBarPos->Position);
01953         }
01954     }
01956     ok = ok && SetRegInt(hRegKey, TEXT("Dock"), Dock);
01958     if (Dock == DOCKBAR_FLOAT)
01959     {
01960         ok = ok && SetRegDword(hRegKey, TEXT("x"), FloatPos.x);
01961         ok = ok && SetRegDword(hRegKey, TEXT("y"), FloatPos.y);
01962     }
01963     else
01964     {
01965         ok = ok && SetRegDword(hRegKey, TEXT("Slot"), Slot);
01966         ok = ok && SetRegDword(hRegKey, TEXT("Offset"), Offset);
01967     }
01969     wxRect BarRect = GetMainFrame()->GetDockBar(Dock)->GetBarRect(WindowID);
01971     if (BarRect.width > 0 && BarRect.height > 0)
01972     {
01973         ok = ok && SetRegDword(hRegKey, TEXT("Width"), BarRect.width);
01974         ok = ok && SetRegDword(hRegKey, TEXT("Height"), BarRect.height);
01975     }
01976     else if (GallerySize.x > 0 && GallerySize.y > 0)
01977     {
01978         ok = ok && SetRegDword(hRegKey, TEXT("Width"), GallerySize.x);
01979         ok = ok && SetRegDword(hRegKey, TEXT("Height"), GallerySize.y);
01980     }
01982     // save the visibility of the bar
01983     ok = ok && SetRegBool(hRegKey, TEXT("Visibility"), IsVisible());
01985     // save out the items on the bar
01986     // get the first control on this bar
01987     BarItem* pBarItem = (BarItem*) BarItemList.GetHead();
01988     String_256 data;
01989     while (pBarItem != NULL && ok)
01990     {
01991         data.Empty();
01992         // get the bar control to put its details into a string for us
01993         if (ok) ok = pBarItem->Write(&data);
01994         // now write that out to the registry
01995         Saver.SaveNextEntry(&data);
01997         // get the next control on this bar
01998         pBarItem = (BarItem*)BarItemList.GetNext(pBarItem);
01999     }
02001     // The saver will automatically shut down our use of the key
02002     // so just return the result of the saving to the user
02003     return ok; */
02005     return false;
02006 }

BOOL SuperGallery::Write CCLexFile file  ) 

Write the Gallery to the file in a tokenized form Write the SuperGallery to the file in a tokenized form.

Chris_Parks (Xara Group Ltd) <>
file = a file to Write the dialog bar to. [INPUTS]
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 1318 of file bars.cpp.

01319 {
01320     BOOL ok = TRUE;
01322 PORTNOTE("galleries", "Disable Lexfile writing")
01323     String_256 str;
01324     if (ok) ok = file.PutToken(TokenTable[TOKEN_GALLERY].Token);
01326     if (ok) ok = file.PutString((String_256)GetRuntimeClass()->GetClassName());
01328     if (ok) ok = file.PutString(GetName());
01330     if (ok) ok = file.PutToken(TokenTable[TOKEN_DOCKBAR_FLOAT].Token);
01332     if (ok) ok = file.PutToken(FloatPos.x);
01333     if (ok) ok = file.PutToken(FloatPos.y);
01335     file.IncIndent();
01337     BarItem* pBarItem = (BarItem*) BarItemList.GetHead();
01338     while (pBarItem != NULL && ok)
01339     {
01340         if (ok) ok = file.PutNewLine();
01342         if (ok) ok = pBarItem->Write(file);
01344         pBarItem = (BarItem*)BarItemList.GetNext(pBarItem);
01345     }
01347     file.DecIndent();
01349     if (ok) ok = file.PutNewLine();
01351     if (ok) ok = file.PutToken(TokenTable[TOKEN_GALLERY_END].Token);
01353     if (ok) ok = file.PutNewLine();
01354     if (ok) ok = file.PutNewLine();
01355 #endif
01356     return ok;
01357 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class SGalleryLinePropertiesDlg [friend]

Definition at line 248 of file sgallery.h.

friend class SGalleryOptionsDlg [friend]

Definition at line 245 of file sgallery.h.

friend class SGallerySearchDlg [friend]

Definition at line 247 of file sgallery.h.

friend class SGallerySortDlg [friend]

Definition at line 246 of file sgallery.h.

Member Data Documentation

BOOL SuperGallery::AmRedrawing [protected]

Definition at line 612 of file sgallery.h.

BOOL SuperGallery::AmShaded [protected]

Definition at line 611 of file sgallery.h.

SGalleryLinePropertiesDlg* SuperGallery::CurrentLinePropertiesDlg [protected]

Definition at line 633 of file sgallery.h.

SGalleryOptionsDlg* SuperGallery::CurrentOptionsDlg [protected]

Definition at line 622 of file sgallery.h.

SGallerySearchDlg* SuperGallery::CurrentSearchDlg [protected]

Definition at line 628 of file sgallery.h.

SGallerySortDlg* SuperGallery::CurrentSortDlg [protected]

Definition at line 625 of file sgallery.h.

SuperGallery * SuperGallery::CurrentSortGallery = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 538 of file sgallery.h.

BOOL SuperGallery::DblClickPending [protected]

Definition at line 618 of file sgallery.h.

INT32 SuperGallery::DisplayMode [protected]

Definition at line 605 of file sgallery.h.

SGDisplayRoot* SuperGallery::DisplayTree

Definition at line 603 of file sgallery.h.

BOOL SuperGallery::FormatIsCached [protected]

Definition at line 606 of file sgallery.h.

wxSize SuperGallery::GallerySize [protected]

Definition at line 277 of file sgallery.h.

SGDisplayNode* SuperGallery::LastBGNode [protected]

Definition at line 599 of file sgallery.h.

DocCoord SuperGallery::LastClickPos [protected]

Definition at line 617 of file sgallery.h.

MonotonicTime SuperGallery::LastClickTime [protected]

Definition at line 616 of file sgallery.h.

SGDisplayNode* SuperGallery::LastSelectedNode [protected]

Definition at line 614 of file sgallery.h.

INT32 SuperGallery::LastWindowDX [protected]

Definition at line 608 of file sgallery.h.

INT32 SuperGallery::LastWindowDY [protected]

Definition at line 609 of file sgallery.h.

String_32 SuperGallery::Name

Definition at line 647 of file sgallery.h.

INT32 SuperGallery::PendingRedraws [protected]

Definition at line 591 of file sgallery.h.

SGSortKey SuperGallery::SortKeys[MaxSGSortKeys] [protected]

Definition at line 631 of file sgallery.h.

INT32 SuperGallery::UseFixedColourSet = FALSE [static]

Definition at line 639 of file sgallery.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Nov 10 04:01:39 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4