ctrlhelp.h File Reference


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class  ControlHelpInfo
 Used to specify details of a control that is to be added to the list of sub-classed controls. The fields are: MonoOn pOpDesc - pointer to the OpDescriptor for this control. If this field is non-NULL, then all the ID fields are ignored. Id this field is NULL, then the ID fields are used to define the bubble help text and status bar text to be displayed for this control. BubbleID - ID of the string resource to be used for bubble help. StatusID - ID of the string resource to be used for status bar text. ModuleID - defines where to find the above resources. Parent - internal use; any value you put in here will be ignored. MonoOff. More...
class  ControlHelper
 Provide a system for subclassing controls on Camelot bars which offers various facilities such as bubble help/status bar text and commit handling. To use this system you use the Notifyxxx() functions to keep the class up to date with which bars/controls exist. This module will subclass these controls and do some preprocessing of Windows messages in order to do bubble help/commit handling etc. You can 'fake' bubble help on a window that doesn't really have controls in it, by using the 'ad-hoc' bubble help function, DoBubbleHelpOn(). More...
class  ControlEntry
 Contains the information for a particular control. The data members are: MonoOn wxWindow* Window - the handle of the control. OpDescriptor *pOpDesc - pointer to the OpDescriptor associated with this control. WNDPROC WndProc - pointer to the normal WndProc for the subclassed control. MonoOff. More...
class  ControlTable
 Stores/manipulates an array of ControlEntry objects, in order to keep track of all the controls we have currently subclassed. More...


#define COMMIT   2

Define Documentation

#define COMMIT   2

Definition at line 112 of file ctrlhelp.h.

Generated on Sat Nov 10 03:49:29 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4