ngiter.h File Reference


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class  NodeScan
 Abstract base class for scans over sequences of nodes. More...
class  NodeScan::Source
 Abstract base class for interfaces to SelRanges, Document trees etc whose nodes can be scanned over. Notes: If your derived class defines data members then remember to define a copy constructor and consider concurrency issues! More...
class  UndoableNodeScan
 Base class for NodeScans which are used by UndoableOperations. More...
class  DocTreeSource
 Concretisation of NodeScan::Source for all NodeRenderableInks in a document's object tree (generally), or in the 'selected' document's tree (specifically). More...
class  SelectDocSource
class  RangeSource
 Concretisation of NodeScan::Source for all NodeRenderableInks in a Range (generally), or in the Application's SelRange object (specifically). More...
class  SelectObjSource
class  NotSelectSource
 Concretisation of NodeScan::Source for all NodeRenderableInks NOT in the application's selection range. More...
class  SingleNodeSource
 Concretisation of NodeScan::Source for a "scan" over a single node (generally), and over the 'selected' document's NodeSetSentinel sentinel (specifically). More...
class  SetSentinelSource
class  NameGroupIter
 Base classes for iterations and searches over all groups and all items in the name gallery. More...
class  NameItemIter
 Abstract base classes for iterations and searches over all groups and all items in the Name gallery. More...
class  NameIterOp
 Specialisation of base class to combine a node and an operation. More...


SelectDocSource theSelectedDocument
 Predefined sources for NodeScans: the nodes in the tree of the 'selected' document; the nodes in the application's selection; the unselected nodes in the tree of the 'selected' document; the special NodeSetSentinel.
SelectObjSource theSelectedObjects
NotSelectSource theUnselectedObjects
SetSentinelSource theSetSentinel

Variable Documentation

SelectDocSource theSelectedDocument

Predefined sources for NodeScans: the nodes in the tree of the 'selected' document; the nodes in the application's selection; the unselected nodes in the tree of the 'selected' document; the special NodeSetSentinel.

Justin_Flude (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 129 of file ngiter.cpp.

SelectObjSource theSelectedObjects

Definition at line 130 of file ngiter.cpp.

SetSentinelSource theSetSentinel

Definition at line 132 of file ngiter.cpp.

NotSelectSource theUnselectedObjects

Definition at line 131 of file ngiter.cpp.

Generated on Sat Nov 10 03:49:15 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4