pathedit.h File Reference


#include "objchge.h"

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class  OpNodePathEditBlob
 This operation is started by the NodePath when it receives a drag message from one of the tools. It uses it to drag one (or many) of the paths control points around the screen to edit the path. As the control points are dragged about the new version of the path, corosponding to the new blob positions, will be EOR rendered to the window. More...
class  OpNodePathEditControlBlob
 This operation is started by the NodePath when it receives a drag message from one of the tools. It uses it to drag one of the paths Bezier control points around the screen to edit the path. As the control points are dragged about the new version of the path, corosponding to the new blob positions, will be EOR rendered to the window. This class is derived from OpNodePathEditBlob which drags the normal selected points around. This drags the Bezier control points around of one of the selected points on the curve. Most of the functions are not needed as it uses the base class versions. More...
class  OpNodePathAddEndpoint
 This operation is started by the bezier editing tool when it wants to add a point to the start or end of a particular path. It uses the normal dragging of the base operation, but the action when the operation finishes is different. This class is derived from OpNodePathEditBlob which drags the normal selected points around. More...
class  OpCloseNodePaths
 This operation is for closing all the open selected paths. More...
class  OpReshapeOrAddPoint
 This operation serves two purposes - while dragging, it will reshape a bezier segment, changing the path on ending the drag. However, if the drag is released immediately after it is initiated, a point is added to the bezier curve (or line) at the click point. More...
class  OpNewPath
 This operation will create a new path of a single line or curve and put it in the tree. More...
class  OpToggleSmooth
 When a path point is double-clicked on, this operation is invoked to toggle the smoothness of the point. This works much like the equivalent feature in ArtWorks except that making a smooth point into a cusp will change the position of the control points. More...
class  OpJoinShapes
 This class takes two or more selected paths and combines them into one path. More...
class  OpBreakShapes
 This class will break compound paths into two or more simple paths. It will work when there are one or more compound paths selected. More...
class  OpDeletePoints
 This class will delete any selected points from selected paths. More...
class  ModifyPathAction
 An action which undoes the modification of path data. This action can be used for undoing changing coordinates or flags or verbs. Other actions will exist for adding or deleting elements from paths. This action is useful for undoing large amounts of path editing (e.g. dragging several points around) but is less useful for undoing the alteration of single coordinates. Another Action might be created later for undoing single element alterations. More...
class  RemovePathElementAction
 An action which undoes the insertion of an element into path data (hence removing that element from the path). More...
class  InsertPathElementAction
 An action which undoes the removal of an element into path data (hence replacing the deleted data). More...
class  ModifyElementAction
 An action which undoes the modification of a single element of path data. This action can be used for undoing changing coordinates or flags or verbs. This action is not really suitable if you have a lot of path data to change - ModifyPathAction is more efficient because it encodes multiple elements. This action was written because for single elements, ModifyPathAction is too complicated to call. More...
class  ModifyFlagsAction
 An action which undoes the modification of a path element's flags. This is a smaller action that ModifyElementAction and is more economic for undoing selection change. More...
class  ModifyFilledAction
 An action which undoes the modification of a path's filled bit (or redoes it) It can also be used to undo the IsStroked flag as well. More...
class  RecalcBoundsAction
 An action which records the bounding box of a node, and replaces it on Undo, invalidating that area. This action should be added to the action list before modifying the object's bounding box. Please note that for undo and redo to work correctly, after you have modified the bounding box, you should create a RecordBoundsAction object and append that to the action list. This action is the opposite action to Recalc, and the two should always be used in tandem. More...
class  RecordBoundsAction
 An action which simply marks the fact that, when undone, it has to create a RecalcBoundsAction, and invalidate the existing bounds. It is the opposite action to RecalcBounds and should be used after creating a Recalc object and modifying the bounding box. Even when executed, all the action does is invalidate the screen and create a Recalc action. More...
class  SavePathArraysAction
 Given a path, save the paths array data, ie all its verbs, coords and flags on the undo. Use DoRecord(Operation*, ActionList*,Path*) to save the path. More...


#define OPTOKEN_JOINSHAPEOP   _T("JoinShapes")
#define OPTOKEN_BREAKSHAPEOP   _T("BreakShapes")
#define OPTOKEN_DELETEPOINTSOP   _T("DeletePoints")
#define OPTOKEN_ADDENDPOINT   _T("AddEndpoint")
#define OPTOKEN_AUTOCLOSEPATHS   _T("AutoClosePaths")

Define Documentation

#define OPTOKEN_ADDENDPOINT   _T("AddEndpoint")

Definition at line 112 of file pathedit.h.

#define OPTOKEN_AUTOCLOSEPATHS   _T("AutoClosePaths")

Definition at line 113 of file pathedit.h.

#define OPTOKEN_BREAKSHAPEOP   _T("BreakShapes")

Definition at line 109 of file pathedit.h.

#define OPTOKEN_DELETEPOINTSOP   _T("DeletePoints")

Definition at line 110 of file pathedit.h.

#define OPTOKEN_JOINSHAPEOP   _T("JoinShapes")

Definition at line 108 of file pathedit.h.

Generated on Sat Nov 10 03:49:18 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4