penedit.h File Reference


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class  HandleFlags
 Used to determin what to do when rendering drag handles. ie which handles should be rendered and how they relate to the drag mouse coord. More...
class  WobbleFlags
 Used to determin what to wobble when recalculating curve control points during a drag. The flags affect which handles around a curve endpoint are repositioned. More...
class  ControlPts
class  OpPenHandles
 This operation simply provides functions for other operations to use. It is not intended to be used as an operation in its own right. Most useful pen classes are derived from this. More...
class  OpPenDragBlobs
 This op class is defined as a base class only. It provides common dragging functionality which is inherited by create and edit pen classes. More...
class  OpPenCreateInternal
 This operation is started by the pen tool when it receives a click on the document with no previous internal or external state set. ie the pen tool is not holding a moveto element inside iteslf from a previous click and there are no selected endpoints to add to. More...
class  OpPenEditInternal
 This operation is started by the pen tool when it receives a click over its internal moveto point. The point will be converted into a dragto if a drag occurs. More...
class  OpPenEditPath
 This operation is started by the pen tool when it receives a click on a document and needs to create a new path. The idea is, it will drag edit a path until such time as the user lets go of the mouse. and then add the path to the tree. The operation handles the internals of rendering the eor path. More...
class  OpPenCreatePath
 This op is concerned with creating a new path in the tree. It is derived from OpPenEditPath, which handles all the dragging and redraw of a new path element. This op will use. More...
class  OpPenAddElement
 Given a path in the tree with a selected end point, this operation will control the creation of a new element (through clicks and drags), at the end of the path. It is derived from OpPenEditPath which controls all the eoring of path elements such as blobs and lines. More...
class  OpPenClosePath
 This op controls the closing of an open path. It performs the eoring of path elements a blobs during a click or drag action. It is primarily used by the pen tool an is brought into being when a click occurs over the startpoint of a path, having a selected endpoint. More...
class  OpAddPath
 The base class for various addpath operations. This is not really an operation in its own right as it does not provide an init and getstate function. Its use is to provide common functions required by distinct addpath operations. More...
class  OpAddNewPath
 This op actually adds a new path to the current document. The path has been created and edited with OpPenCreatePath() which will handle EOR drawing It can now be instantiated as a physical object by this op. More...
class  OpAddPathToPath
 This op will add an element to an existing path within the tree. The new element and context path should be passed into the do function as parameters. More...
class  OpClosePathWithPath
 This op deals with a destination path being edited, and a source path which may be the result of a drag edit operation. The idea is that the op will take the components of the source path and add them in a deterministic way to the destination path, resulting in a closed destination path. The source path is assumed to have either 1 or 2 elements in it. The first element will be added to the end of the destination path and act as a closing piece. The second element of the source path will affect the first element in the destination path. If both elements match in type, ie are two curves, then the none end control handles of the source will be copied to the destination. This op as can be seen is rather specific, and is used by the pen tool to close an open path. Imagine clicking on the first control point of a path and draging out control handles. The handles will affect the previous and next elements of the path. The previous being a close element and the next being the first element of the path. Hence the need for this strange op. More...


#define OPTOKEN_PENHANDLES   _T("PenHandles")
#define OPTOKEN_PENCREATEINTERNAL   _T("CreatePenPoint")
#define OPTOKEN_PENEDITINTERNAL   _T("EditPenPoint")
#define OPTOKEN_PENCREATEPATH   _T("CreatePenPath")
#define OPTOKEN_PENADDELEMENT   _T("AddPenElement")
#define OPTOKEN_PENCLOSEPATH   _T("ClosePenPath")
#define OPTOKEN_ADDPATH   _T("AddPath")
#define OPTOKEN_ADDNEWPATH   _T("AddNewPath")
#define OPTOKEN_ADDPATHTOPATH   _T("AddPathToPath")
#define OPTOKEN_CLOSEPATHWITHPATH   _T("ClosePathWithPath")


enum  ExecuteType { ExeNone, ExeInclusive, ExeExclusive }

Define Documentation

#define OPTOKEN_ADDNEWPATH   _T("AddNewPath")

Definition at line 118 of file penedit.h.

#define OPTOKEN_ADDPATH   _T("AddPath")

Definition at line 117 of file penedit.h.

#define OPTOKEN_ADDPATHTOPATH   _T("AddPathToPath")

Definition at line 119 of file penedit.h.

#define OPTOKEN_CLOSEPATHWITHPATH   _T("ClosePathWithPath")

Definition at line 120 of file penedit.h.

#define OPTOKEN_PENADDELEMENT   _T("AddPenElement")

Definition at line 114 of file penedit.h.

#define OPTOKEN_PENCLOSEPATH   _T("ClosePenPath")

Definition at line 115 of file penedit.h.

#define OPTOKEN_PENCREATEINTERNAL   _T("CreatePenPoint")

Definition at line 111 of file penedit.h.

#define OPTOKEN_PENCREATEPATH   _T("CreatePenPath")

Definition at line 113 of file penedit.h.

#define OPTOKEN_PENEDITINTERNAL   _T("EditPenPoint")

Definition at line 112 of file penedit.h.

#define OPTOKEN_PENHANDLES   _T("PenHandles")

Definition at line 110 of file penedit.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum ExecuteType


Definition at line 125 of file penedit.h.

00125                  {
00126     ExeNone,
00127     ExeInclusive,
00128     ExeExclusive
00129 };

Generated on Sat Nov 10 03:49:19 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4