ScreenCamView Class Reference

A subclass of CCamView which is the class actually used for screen display. More...

#include <scrcamvw.h>

Inheritance diagram for ScreenCamView:

ScreenView CCamView List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual BOOL IsScreenCamView ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual CCamCanvas * CreateCanvas (wxView *v, wxMDIChildFrame *frame, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size, long style)
bool OnCreate (wxDocument *doc, long flags)
 Called upon receipt of a WM_CREATE message for the view window. Constructs MFC/C++ surrogates on the heap, then tries to link up with Windows by calling the base class function OnCreate() and the Create function for each of the child windows of ScreenView, any or all of which can fail. Calculates the size of a pixel and sets the appropriate fields in the ViewState. If this is a new view upon a new document the rest of the fields of the ViewState are filled by the default characteristics of the ScreenView. If the document is not new then the ScreenView assumes that the kernel has already set up the ViewState, and changes its size, position etc to fit.
void OnSize (wxSizeEvent &event)
 Resizes and repositions all child windows to fit the new size of the ScreenView. Updates the ViewState object with the size and position of the view, in an OS-independent manner. Resets the scroller's page and line size, and forces an immediate redraw of all affected windows.


class  ScreenCamCanvas

Detailed Description

A subclass of CCamView which is the class actually used for screen display.

Tim_Browse (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:
CCamView; PrintCamView

Definition at line 133 of file scrcamvw.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual CCamCanvas* ScreenCamView::CreateCanvas wxView *  v,
wxMDIChildFrame *  frame,
const wxPoint &  pos,
const wxSize &  size,
long  style
[inline, protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from ScreenView.

Definition at line 157 of file scrcamvw.h.

00158                                        : Correct */ long style )
00159     {
00160         return new ScreenCamCanvas( v, frame, pos, size, style );
00161     }

virtual BOOL ScreenCamView::IsScreenCamView  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 166 of file scrcamvw.h.

00166 { return TRUE; }

bool ScreenCamView::OnCreate wxDocument *  doc,
long  flags
[protected, virtual]

Called upon receipt of a WM_CREATE message for the view window. Constructs MFC/C++ surrogates on the heap, then tries to link up with Windows by calling the base class function OnCreate() and the Create function for each of the child windows of ScreenView, any or all of which can fail. Calculates the size of a pixel and sets the appropriate fields in the ViewState. If this is a new view upon a new document the rest of the fields of the ViewState are filled by the default characteristics of the ScreenView. If the document is not new then the ScreenView assumes that the kernel has already set up the ViewState, and changes its size, position etc to fit.

Justin_Flude (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ages ago
A long pointer to a Windows CREATESTRUCT object. [INPUTS]
Calling the base class handler may change the CREATESTRUCT pointed to . . . ? [OUTPUTS]
0 for success, -1 for failure.

Errors: _R(IDE_CREATEVIEWFAILED) if either the C++ or Windows side of construction fails. Note that if the function does fail then MFC is responsible for tidying up afterwards. Scope: Protected

See also:
ScreenView::ScreenView(); ScreenView::Create() CView::OnCreate()

Reimplemented from CCamView.

Definition at line 218 of file scrcamvw.cpp.

00218                                                         : Correct */ long flags )
00219 {
00220     // Construct the (C++) child windows.
00221 PORTNOTE("other","ScreenCamView::OnCreate - Removed scroller / ruler usage")
00223     RenderWindow = new CRenderWnd;
00225     HScrollBar = new CWinScroller(TRUE);
00226     VScrollBar = new CWinScroller(FALSE);
00227     Corner = new CScrollerCorner;
00228 // WEBSTER - markn 15/1/97
00229 // No rulers in Webster
00230 #ifndef WEBSTER
00231     HRuler = new OILHorizontalRuler;
00232     VRuler = new OILVerticalRuler;
00233     OGadget = new OriginGadget;
00234 #endif //webster    
00235     if (!RenderWindow || !HScrollBar || !VScrollBar || !Corner 
00236 #ifndef WEBSTER
00237         ||!HRuler ||!VRuler ||!OGadget
00238 #endif //webster
00239         )
00240     {
00241         Error::SetError(_R(IDE_CREATE_VIEW_FAILED), 0);
00242         InformError();
00243         return -1;
00244     } 
00245 #endif
00246     // Get base class to call CView functions, and get a document for this view.
00247     if( !CCamView::OnCreate( doc, flags ) )
00248         // Something went wrong - pass error back.
00249         return false;
00251 PORTNOTE("other","ScreenCamView::OnCreate - Removed scroller usage")
00252     // Now get Windows to do its side of the construction.  The stated sizes and
00253     // positions of the windows here will be changed very soon.
00255     const CRect rcARect(-100,-100,-90,-90);
00256     if (!RenderWindow->Create("", "", 0, rcARect, this, 1) ||
00257         !HScrollBar->Create(0, rcARect, this, 2) ||
00258         !VScrollBar->Create(0, rcARect, this, 3) ||
00259         !Corner->Create("", "", 0, rcARect, this, 4)
00260 // WEBSTER - markn 15/1/97
00261 // No rulers in Webster
00262 #ifndef WEBSTER
00263         || !OGadget->Create(this)
00264         || !HRuler->Create(this)
00265         || !VRuler->Create(this)
00266 #endif //webster
00267         )
00268     {
00269         Error::SetError(_R(IDE_CREATE_VIEW_FAILED), 0);
00270         InformError();
00271         return -1;
00272     }
00273 #endif
00274     CreateNewDocView();
00276 // WEBSTER - markn 15/1/97
00277 // No rulers in Webster
00278 #ifndef WEBSTER
00280     // init the kernel rulers and establish pointer links to them
00281 PORTNOTE("other","ScreenCamView::OnCreate - Removed ruler usage")
00283     RulerPair* pRulers=pDocView->GetpRulerPair();
00284     pRulers->Init(pDocView,HRuler,VRuler,OGadget);
00285     HRuler->LinkToKernel(pRulers->GetpHorizontalRuler());
00286     VRuler->LinkToKernel(pRulers->GetpVerticalRuler());
00287 #endif
00288 #endif //webster
00289     ENSURE(pDocView != 0, "ScreenView::ScreenView can't get a new DocView!");
00290     pDocView->ConnectToOilView(this);
00292     // find the last view so we can use some of it's settings to create the new
00293 //  DocView * LastView = DocView::GetSelected();
00295     // Link this and the DocView to the ViewState object.
00296     pDocView->SetViewState(Status);
00300     wxScreenDC dc;
00301     wxSize pixsize=OSRenderRegion::GetFixedDCPPI(dc);
00303 PORTNOTE("other","ScreenCamView::OnCreate - Removed scroller usage")
00305     // Set the logical pixel size accordingly (measured in millipoints).  Take the
00306     // opportunity to pass the values into the scrollers and the OIL -> Windows coordinate
00307     // transform system.
00308     HScrollBar->SetGranularity(72000L / pixwidth);
00309     VScrollBar->SetGranularity(72000L / pixheight);
00310 #endif
00312     // Tell DocView how big the pixel size is.
00313     FIXED16 PixelWidth  = FIXED16(72000.0/pixsize.x);
00314     FIXED16 PixelHeight = FIXED16(72000.0/pixsize.y);
00315     ERROR3IF(PixelWidth != PixelHeight, "Luke says non-square pixels are not supported");
00316     pDocView->SetPixelSize(PixelWidth, PixelHeight);
00318     // Make our DocView the current DocView
00319     pDocView->SetCurrent();
00321     GetCanvas()->SetScrollRate(1,1);
00323     if (GetFrame())
00324         GetFrame()->GetClientSize(&CurrentSize.width,&CurrentSize.height);
00325     // Now the scrollers have all their information, we can set their appearance.
00326     // Make sure that they are invisible until the rest of the frame is ready
00327 /*  XLONG x1 = CurrentSize.GetWidth () * PixelWidth;
00328     XLONG x2 = CurrentSize.GetHeight() * PixelHeight;
00329     GetFrame()->SetScrollbar(wxHORIZONTAL,0,x1,Status->WorkAreaExtent.hi.x-Status->WorkAreaExtent.lo.x,false);
00330     GetFrame()->SetScrollbar(  wxVERTICAL,0,x2,Status->WorkAreaExtent.hi.y-Status->WorkAreaExtent.lo.y,false);
00331 */
00332     SetScrollerStyle(ScrollerStyle = PropScrollersOn);
00334     ShowScrollers(DefaultScrollersState);
00335     ShowRulers(DefaultRulersState);
00339     // Register for WM_DROPFILES messages
00340 //  DragAcceptFiles(TRUE);
00342 // WEBSTER - markn 12/2/97  
00343 #if (_OLE_VER >= 0x200)
00344     // Register with OLE as a drop target.
00345     m_DropTarget.Register(this);
00346 #endif
00350     // now that the ScreenView (and hence DocView) is stable, broadcast a message to let everyone know
00351     BROADCAST_TO_ALL(DocViewMsg(pDocView,DocViewMsg::NEWANDSTABLE));
00353 // ****************** BODGE **************************
00354 // This code will tell windows to send us messages when
00355 // the joystick gets waggled about.
00356 // We should really release the joystick at some point later,
00357 // but it gets released automatically when this ScreenView is
00358 // destroyed, so it will do for now.
00360 // The messages get passed to 'OnJoystickMove' member of this
00361 // class.
00363 #ifdef WIN32
00365 PORTNOTE("other","ScreenCamView::OnCreate - Removed joystick usage")
00367     JOYINFO joyinfo;
00368     UINT32 wNumDevs, wDeviceID;
00369     BOOL bDev1Attached, bDev2Attached;
00371     // Are there any Joysticks available ?
00372     if((wNumDevs = joyGetNumDevs()) == 0)
00373         return 0;   // Nope.
00375     // Are there One or Two of them ?
00376     bDev1Attached = joyGetPos(JOYSTICKID1,&joyinfo) != JOYERR_UNPLUGGED;
00377     bDev2Attached = wNumDevs == 2 &&
00378                      joyGetPos(JOYSTICKID2,&joyinfo) != JOYERR_UNPLUGGED;
00380     if(bDev1Attached || bDev2Attached)      // Decide which joystick to use
00381         wDeviceID = bDev1Attached ? JOYSTICKID1 : JOYSTICKID2;
00382     else
00383         return 0;
00385     // Grab those Messages !!
00386     MMRESULT JoyResult = joySetCapture(m_hWnd, wDeviceID, NULL, TRUE);
00387 #endif
00389 #endif
00391 // ****************** BODGE **************************
00393     // Return success!
00394     return true;
00395 }

void ScreenCamView::OnSize wxSizeEvent &  event  )  [protected]

Resizes and repositions all child windows to fit the new size of the ScreenView. Updates the ViewState object with the size and position of the view, in an OS-independent manner. Resets the scroller's page and line size, and forces an immediate redraw of all affected windows.

Justin_Flude (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ages ago
A flag indicating whether the window is maximised, minimised [INPUTS] etc., the width and height of the ScreenView client area.

Errors: - Scope: Protected

See also:
CScroller::CalcPosFromParentClient(); CScroller::SetPageSize(); CScroller::SetLineSize(); class CRendWnd; class CScrollerCorner; struct ViewState; DocView::ViewStateChanged()

Reimplemented from ScreenView.

Definition at line 420 of file scrcamvw.cpp.

00421 {
00422     // This is called early, so if pDocView is null do nothing
00423     if( NULL == pDocView )
00424         return;
00426     SetCurrentStates();
00428     Document* pCurDoc = Document::GetCurrent();
00429     DocView* pCurView = DocView::GetCurrent();
00431     // these lines are here to stop very strange things happening on exit under Win32s
00432     // when this fn gets called when it really shouldn't. I would like to really know
00433     // just what on earth os going on under Win32s but it iss something strange in message
00434     // handling as far as I can tell.
00436     wxSize  size( event.GetSize() );
00438     // Check for irrelevant or potty messages.
00439     if (size.x <= 0 || size.y <= 0)
00440     {
00441 //      TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("Strange size msg in ScreenView::OnSize(0x%X, %d, %d)\n"), 
00442 //                  nType, cx, cy);
00443         return;
00444     }
00446     // Handle OLE 2.0 in-place activation stuff.
00447 #if (_OLE_VER >= 0x200)
00448     if(GetDocument())
00449     {
00450         COleClientItem* pActiveItem = GetDocument()->GetInPlaceActiveItem(this);
00451         if (pActiveItem) pActiveItem->SetItemRects();
00452     }   
00453 #endif
00455     if (Status->ScrollersVisible)
00456     {
00457 PORTNOTETRACE( "other", "ScreenCamView::OnSize - Removed scroller usage" );
00458 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
00459         // Resize and reposition the proportional scrollers.
00460         wxRect hrect, vrect;
00461         HScrollBar->CalcPosFromParentClient(&hrect);
00463         UINT32 RulerWidth = OILRuler::GetWidth();
00464         //if rulers are switched on the scroll bars are made
00465         // smaller to accomodate them
00466         if (Status->RulersVisible)
00467             hrect.left += RulerWidth;
00468         if (RULER_BORDERS)
00469             hrect.left-=2;
00471         HScrollBar->MoveWindow(&hrect, TRUE);
00472         VScrollBar->CalcPosFromParentClient(&vrect);
00474         if (Status->RulersVisible)
00475    += RulerWidth;
00476         if (RULER_BORDERS)
00477   ;
00479         VScrollBar->MoveWindow(&vrect, TRUE);
00481         // Reposition the corner window at the bottom-right.
00482         Corner->MoveWindow(vrect.left,, vrect.Width(), hrect.Height());
00484         // Resize/reposition the rendering window.
00485         CurrentSize.left = = 0;
00486         CurrentSize.right = cx - vrect.Width() + 1;
00487         CurrentSize.bottom = cy - hrect.Height() + 1;
00488 #endif
00489     }
00490     else
00491     {   
00492         CurrentSize.x = CurrentSize.y = 0;
00493         CurrentSize.width  = size.x;
00494         CurrentSize.height = size.y;
00495     }
00497     if (Status->RulersVisible)
00498     {
00499 PORTNOTETRACE( "other", "ScreenCamView::OnSize - Removed scroller / ruler usage" );
00500 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
00501         wxRect hRect, vRect, oRect;
00503         HRuler->CalcPosFromParentClient(&hRect);
00504         HRuler->MoveWindow(&hRect, TRUE);
00505         HRuler->PositionLegend();
00507 = 0 + hRect.Height() ;
00509         VRuler->CalcPosFromParentClient(&vRect);
00510         VRuler->MoveWindow(&vRect, TRUE);
00511         CurrentSize.left = 0 + vRect.Width(); 
00513         OGadget->CalcPosFromParentClient(&oRect);
00514         OGadget->MoveWindow(&oRect, TRUE);
00515         if (RULER_BORDERS)
00516         {
00517    --;
00518             CurrentSize.left--; 
00519         }
00520 #endif
00521     }
00523 PORTNOTE( "other", "ScreenCamView::OnSize - Removed RenderWindow usage -not sure if needed" )
00525     RenderWindow->MoveWindow(&CurrentSize, TRUE);
00526 #endif
00527     // Update the rest of the window placement information.
00528     UpdateViewPosition();
00530     // Calculate the work area, page & line sizes etc etc.
00531     FIXED16 PixelWidth, PixelHeight;
00532     pDocView->GetPixelSize(&PixelWidth, &PixelHeight);
00534 PORTNOTE( "other", "ScreenCamView::OnSize - Removed scroller usage" )
00535 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
00536     XLONG x1 = CurrentSize.GetWidth() * PixelWidth;
00537     XLONG x2 = CurrentSize.GetHeight() * PixelHeight;
00538     HScrollBar->SetPageSize(x1);
00539     VScrollBar->SetPageSize(x2);
00540     HScrollBar->SetLineSize(x1 / xlong(10) + xlong(1)); 
00541     VScrollBar->SetLineSize(x2 / xlong(10) + xlong(1));
00542 #endif
00543     SetWorkAreaExtent(Status->WorkAreaExtent, FALSE);
00545     // Make sure the scroll offsets are valid - if we resize the bottom of the window
00546     // when at the extreme bottom of the view, then the scroll offsets should be
00547     // changed - we use the scrollers' own integrity checks to do this automatically.
00548     // Don't do this until the setup flag is TRUE, so we don't overwrite scroll offsets
00549     // that have been reloaded.
00550     if (fSetupDone)
00551     {
00552         WorkCoord CurrScrollPos;
00553         GetScrollOffset(&CurrScrollPos);
00554         SetScrollOffset(CurrScrollPos, TRUE);
00555     }   
00557     // Inform the associated DocView object that something has happened.
00558     pDocView->ViewStateChanged();
00559     pCurDoc->SetCurrent();
00560     pCurView->SetCurrent();
00561 }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Nov 10 04:00:41 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4