appstate.cpp File Reference


#include "camtypes.h"
#include "camelot.h"
#include "camdoc.h"
#include "ccmdikid.h"
#include "scrcamvw.h"
#include "vstate.h"
#include "rulers.h"
#include "filedlgs.h"
#include "registry.h"
#include "statline.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 DECLARE_SOURCE ("$Revision: 1282 $")
static void MakeKeyFromView (HKEY hViewKey, ScreenCamView *pCamView)
 Saves the data of the given view under the given key.
static ViewStateMakeViewStateFromKey (HKEY hViewKey, BOOL *pfHadFocus)
 Makes a ViewState object from the view data in the given registry key.
BOOL SaveAppWindowState (BOOL fAutoRestart)
 Saves the document/view window state into the registry/custom .INI file.
BOOL LoadAppWindowState (CWnd *pSplashBox)
 Loads the document/view window state from the registry/custom .INI file.
BOOL InitAppState ()
 Initialises the app-state system, reading prefs.


BOOL fRestoreWorkspaceOnStartup = FALSE
HKEY hWorkspaceRegKey = 0
BOOL fDontMaximiseViews = FALSE

Function Documentation

DECLARE_SOURCE "$Revision: 1282 $"   ) 

BOOL InitAppState  ) 

Initialises the app-state system, reading prefs.

Justin_Flude (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if successfully initialises the app-state system.
See also:

Definition at line 786 of file appstate.cpp.

00787 {
00788     // First, declare this pref.
00789     ERROR2IF(!GetApplication()->DeclareSection(TEXT("Workspace"), 5) ||
00790              !GetApplication()->DeclarePref(TEXT("Workspace"), TEXT("RestoreOnStartup"),
00791                                             &fRestoreWorkspaceOnStartup, FALSE, TRUE),
00792              FALSE,
00793              _R(IDE_BAD_INI_FILE));
00795 //  TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("%s restore workspace on startup\n"),
00796 //            (LPCTSTR) ((fRestoreWorkspaceOnStartup) ? TEXT("Will") : TEXT("Won't")));
00798     // Success!
00799     return TRUE;
00800 }

BOOL LoadAppWindowState CWnd *  pSplashBox  ) 

Loads the document/view window state from the registry/custom .INI file.

Justin_Flude (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pSplashBox pointer to the splash box window displayed on program [INPUTS] startup. This is repeatedly put to the front of the z-order whenever a view window is created.
TRUE if there were windows to restore, FALSE if there weren't or it all went wrong.
See also:

Definition at line 508 of file appstate.cpp.

00509 {
00510     // Check if we want to restore the workspace.
00511     if (!fRestoreWorkspaceOnStartup || (IsWin32s() && !IsWin32c())) return FALSE;
00513     // First open/create a new sub-key under the app-state key for holding window positions.
00514     HKEY hWorkspaceKey = CreateRegKey(hAppStateRegKey, TEXT("Workspace"));
00515     if (hWorkspaceKey == NULL)
00516     {
00517         ERROR3("Can't get a workspace key in LoadAppWindowState");
00518         return FALSE;
00519     }
00521     HKEY hMDIKey = CreateRegKey(hWorkspaceKey, TEXT("MDI"));
00522     if (hMDIKey == NULL)
00523     {
00524         ERROR3("Can't get an MDI key in LoadAppWindowState");
00525         CloseRegKey(hWorkspaceKey);
00526         return FALSE;
00527     }
00529     // If there's a status line then set it.
00530     StatusLine::SetPrefix(String_64(_R(IDS_LOADING_WORKSPACE_MSG)));
00532     // We really DON'T know anything about any filters to use . . .
00533     BaseFileDialog::SelectedFilter = 0;
00535     // Read in the number of documents & views.
00536     INT32 nTotalDocs = GetRegDword(hMDIKey, TEXT("OpenDocCount"));
00537     INT32 nTotalViews = GetRegDword(hMDIKey, TEXT("TotalViewCount"));
00538 //  TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("Restoring %d docs and %d views\n"), nTotalDocs, nTotalViews);
00540     // Maybe prevent maximising views.
00541     fDontMaximiseViews = (nTotalViews > 1);
00543     // Allocate an array to hold the address of each view frame, indexed by their z-order.
00544     CCamMDIChild** pzOrder = new CCamMDIChild*[nTotalViews];
00546     memset(pzOrder, (INT32) NULL, nTotalViews * sizeof(CCamMDIChild*));
00548     // Find out how many open docs are stored away and loop over the required number of docs.  As
00549     // we load each view we will see if it had the focus, and remember which one had it.
00550     CCamMDIChild* pFocusFrame = NULL;
00551     BOOL fAtLeastOneLoaded = FALSE;
00552     for (DWORD nDoc = 1; nDoc <= (DWORD) nTotalDocs; nDoc++)
00553     {
00554 //      TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("restoring doc %ld\n"), (UINT32) nDoc);
00556         // Get the sub-key for the doc.
00557         TCHAR szDocID[32];
00558         ::wsprintf(szDocID, TEXT("Doc %ld"), nDoc);
00559         HKEY hDocKey = OpenRegKey(hMDIKey, szDocID);
00560         if (hDocKey == NULL)
00561         {
00562             TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("Can't find %s sub-key in LoadAppWindowState\n"), (LPCTSTR) szDocID);
00563             continue;
00564         }
00566         // Get the file-path, if any.
00567         String_256 strPath;
00568         if (!GetRegString(hDocKey, TEXT("FilePath"), &strPath))
00569         {
00570             TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("Can't get file-path in LoadAppWindowState\n"));
00571             continue;
00572         }
00574         // This code is taken from CWinApp::OnFileNew in MFC\SRC\APPDLG.CPP.
00575         // Get the app's document template.
00576 #if (_MFC_VER < 0x400)
00577         // MFC2/3 compatible code
00578         CPtrList& templateList = AfxGetApp()->m_templateList;
00579         ERROR3IF(templateList.GetCount() > 1, "Too many doc templates in LoadAppWindowState");
00580         CDocTemplate* pTemplate = (CDocTemplate*) templateList.GetHead();
00581 #else
00582         // MFC4 compatible code
00583         POSITION Pos = AfxGetApp()->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition();
00584         CDocTemplate* pTemplate = AfxGetApp()->GetNextDocTemplate(Pos);
00585 #endif
00586         ERROR3IF(pTemplate == NULL, "No doc template in LoadAppWindowState");
00587         ERROR3IF(!pTemplate->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CDocTemplate)),
00588                     "Not a doc template in LoadAppWindowsState");
00590         // Find out how many more views and create each view at the given position.
00591         CCamDoc* pDoc;
00592         CCamMDIChild* pFrame;
00593         DWORD nViewCount = GetRegDword(hDocKey, TEXT("AttachedViewCount"));
00594         for (DWORD nView = 1; nView <= nViewCount; nView++)
00595         {
00596 //          TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("\trestoring view %ld\n"), (UINT32) nView);
00598             // Get the sub-key for the view.
00599             TCHAR szViewID[32];
00600             ::wsprintf(szViewID, TEXT("View %lu"), nView);
00601             HKEY hViewKey = OpenRegKey(hDocKey, szViewID);
00602             if (hViewKey == NULL)
00603             {
00604                 TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("\tCan't find %s sub-key in LoadAppWindowState\n"),
00605                                      (LPCTSTR) szViewID);
00606                 continue;
00607             }
00609             // Make a ViewState if we can.
00610             BOOL fHadFocus;
00611             ViewState* pvs = MakeViewStateFromKey(hViewKey, &fHadFocus);
00612             if (pvs == NULL)
00613             {
00614                 delete[] pzOrder;
00616                 CloseRegKey(hViewKey);
00617                 CloseRegKey(hMDIKey);
00618                 CloseRegKey(hWorkspaceKey);
00620                 StatusLine::SetDefaultPrefix();
00621                 fDontMaximiseViews = FALSE;
00622                 ERROR(_R(IDE_NOMORE_MEMORY), FALSE);
00623             }
00625             // OK, now we've finished with the view delete it from the registry.
00626             DeleteRegKey(hDocKey, szViewID);
00628             // Save the z-order position in it, cos as soon as we create the view this will be trashed,
00629             // and whether it had the focus..
00630             INT32 zPos = pvs->zPos;
00632             // Set it to be the ViewState to use for subsequent creation.
00633             ScreenCamView::SetReadyMadeViewState(pvs);
00635             // Create the view.  If the view is the first onto a doc then create the doc
00636             // as well.
00637             if (nView == 1)
00638             {
00639                 // Prevent the normal doc importer from moving the view onto the doc etc.
00640                 Document::ShouldRestoreViewOnImport(FALSE);
00642                 // First view, so create/open the doc.
00643                 if (strPath.IsEmpty())
00644                 {
00645                     // If returns NULL, the user has already been alerted.  Note that this will create
00646                     // a single view window already attached to the doc.
00647                     pDoc = (CCamDoc*) pTemplate->OpenDocumentFile(NULL);
00648                 }
00649                 else
00650                 {
00651                     // We have a path to the doc, so open it.
00652                     pDoc = (CCamDoc*) AfxGetApp()->OpenDocumentFile(strPath);
00653                     ((CCamApp*) AfxGetApp())->MakeDocumentNative(pDoc, &PathName(strPath));
00654                 }
00656                 // Reset this to the default setting.
00657                 Document::ShouldRestoreViewOnImport(TRUE);
00659                 // Succeeded in creating the doc?
00660                 if (pDoc != NULL)
00661                 {
00662                     // Yes, so get the address of the view's frame and make it active.
00663                     POSITION pos = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition();
00664                     pFrame = (CCamMDIChild*) (pDoc->GetNextView(pos)->GetParentFrame());
00665                     pFrame->MDIActivate();
00667                     // Sort out the extension of the doc etc.
00668                     fAtLeastOneLoaded = TRUE;
00669                     pDoc->SetOriginalPath(strPath);
00671 //                  TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("\t\tdoc is %s\n"),
00672 //                                       (LPCTSTR) ((strPath.IsEmpty()) ? TEXT("new") : strPath));
00673                 }
00674                 else
00675                 {
00676                     // Failed to create initial doc, don't make any views.
00677                     TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("\t\tFailed to create doc %lu in LoadAppWindowState\n"),
00678                                             (UINT32) nDoc);
00679                     ScreenCamView::SetReadyMadeViewState(NULL);
00680                     delete pvs;
00681                     break;
00682                 }
00683             }
00684             else
00685             {
00686                 // Not the first view, so make a new view onto the doc.
00687                 pFrame = (CCamMDIChild*) pTemplate->CreateNewFrame(pDoc, pFrame);
00688                 if (pFrame == NULL)
00689                 {
00690                     TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("\t\tCouldn't create frame in LoadAppWindowState\n"));
00691                     continue;
00692                 }
00694                 // Draw and activate the view.
00695                 pTemplate->InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, pDoc, TRUE);
00696                 pFrame->MDIActivate();
00697             }
00699             // If a splashbox is up then reset it to the front of the z order.
00700             if (pSplashBox != NULL) pSplashBox->SetActiveWindow();
00702             // Save the view frame's address in the appropriate z-order slot.
00703             ERROR3IF(zPos >= nTotalViews, "Out of range zPos in LoadAppWindowState");
00704             if (zPos < nTotalViews) pzOrder[zPos] = pFrame;
00705             if (fHadFocus) pFocusFrame = pFrame;
00707             // Argh!! Murder! I can't get the view titles to update properly, no matter what
00708             // I do!  So I'm going to cheat here and if necessary append the view number to
00709             // the frame title.
00710             if (nViewCount == 1)
00711             {
00712                 pFrame->m_nWindow = 0;
00713             }
00714             else
00715             {
00716                 TCHAR szTitle[_MAX_PATH + 32], szNewTitle[_MAX_PATH + 32];
00717                 pFrame->GetWindowText(szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) / sizeof(szTitle[0]));
00718                 ::wsprintf(szNewTitle, TEXT("%s:%lu"), (LPCTSTR) szTitle, (UINT32) nView);
00719                 pFrame->SetWindowText(szNewTitle);
00720                 pFrame->m_nWindow = nView;
00721             }
00722         }
00724         // OK, now we've finished with the doc delete its sub-key.
00725         CloseRegKey(hDocKey);
00726         DeleteRegKey(hMDIKey, szDocID);
00727     }
00729     // Restore this flag.
00730     fDontMaximiseViews = FALSE;
00732     // Check if we had a cataclysmic failure.
00733     if (!fAtLeastOneLoaded)
00734     {
00735         TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("Couldn't restore even one doc - wiping MDI key\n"));
00736         DeleteRegKey(hWorkspaceKey, TEXT("MDI"));
00737         CloseRegKey(hWorkspaceKey);
00738         delete[] pzOrder;
00740         StatusLine::SetDefaultPrefix();
00741         return FALSE;
00742     }
00744     // All done with the registry.
00745     CloseRegKey(hMDIKey);
00746     CloseRegKey(hWorkspaceKey);
00748     // OK, now we've finished loading all the docs and creating all their views, set their
00749     // z-order.
00750 //  TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("Setting position of views: "));
00751     CWnd* pwndLast = (CWnd*) &CWnd::wndTop;
00752     for (INT32 i = 0; i < nTotalViews; i++)
00753     {
00754         CCamMDIChild* pFrame = pzOrder[i];
00755         if (pFrame != NULL)
00756         {
00757 //          TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T(" %d"), i + 1);
00758             pFrame->SetWindowPos(pwndLast, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE);
00759             pwndLast = pFrame;
00760         }
00761     }
00763 //  TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("\n"));
00765     // Finally, set the focus to the appropriate view, if we found one.
00766     if (pFocusFrame != NULL) pFocusFrame->MDIActivate();
00768     // Success!
00769     delete[] pzOrder;
00770     StatusLine::SetDefaultPrefix();
00771     return TRUE;
00772 }

static void MakeKeyFromView HKEY  hViewKey,
ScreenCamView pCamView

Saves the data of the given view under the given key.

Justin_Flude (Xara Group Ltd) <>
hViewKey the key to store the ViewState's data [INPUTS] pCamView the view to store
See also:
SaveAppWindowState; MakeViewStateFromKey

Definition at line 150 of file appstate.cpp.

00151 {
00152     // Get the ViewState & DocView associated with the given ScreenCamView.
00153     ERROR3IF(pCamView == NULL, "Null ScreenCamView* in MakeKeyFromView\n");
00154     ViewState* pvs = pCamView->GetViewState();
00155     ERROR3IF(pvs == NULL, "Null ViewState* in MakeKeyFromView\n");
00156     DocView* pdv = pCamView->GetDocViewPtr();
00157     ERROR3IF(pdv == NULL, "Null DocView* in MakeKeyFromView\n");
00159     // First, its frame window's position.
00160     SetRegValue(hViewKey, TEXT("FrameLoX"), REG_DWORD, &pvs->ViewRect.lo.x, sizeof(DWORD));
00161     SetRegValue(hViewKey, TEXT("FrameLoY"), REG_DWORD, &pvs->ViewRect.lo.y, sizeof(DWORD));
00162     SetRegValue(hViewKey, TEXT("FrameHiX"), REG_DWORD, &pvs->ViewRect.hi.x, sizeof(DWORD));
00163     SetRegValue(hViewKey, TEXT("FrameHiY"), REG_DWORD, &pvs->ViewRect.hi.y, sizeof(DWORD));
00165     // Next, its icon position.
00166     SetRegValue(hViewKey, TEXT("IconX"), REG_DWORD, &pvs->IconPoint.x, sizeof(DWORD));
00167     SetRegValue(hViewKey, TEXT("IconY"), REG_DWORD, &pvs->IconPoint.y, sizeof(DWORD));
00169     // Next, its scale factor.
00170     DWORD dwScale = (DWORD) pvs->ViewScale.GetRawLong();
00171     SetRegValue(hViewKey, TEXT("Scale"), REG_DWORD, &dwScale, sizeof(DWORD));
00173     // Next, its minimise/maximise state etc.
00174     DWORD dwFlags = (pdv->ViewFlags.GuidesShow      ? 0x2000 : 0) | // these in the DocView
00175                     (pdv->ViewFlags.GuidesSnap      ? 0x1000 : 0) |
00176                     (pdv->ViewFlags.LogicalView     ? 0x0800 : 0) |
00177                     (pdv->ViewFlags.PrintBorderShow ? 0x0400 : 0) |
00178                     (pdv->ViewFlags.MagObjectsSnap  ? 0x0200 : 0) |
00179                     (pdv->ViewFlags.ObjectsSnap     ? 0x0100 : 0) |
00180                     (pdv->ViewFlags.GridSnap        ? 0x0080 : 0) |
00181                     (pdv->ViewFlags.GridShow        ? 0x0040 : 0) |
00183                     (pvs->RulersVisible             ? 0x0020 : 0) | // these in the ViewState
00184                     (pvs->ScrollersVisible          ? 0x0010 : 0) |
00185                     (pvs->AlwaysOnTop               ? 0x0008 : 0) |
00186                     (pvs->IsMinimised               ? 0x0004 : 0) |
00187                     (pvs->IsMaximised               ? 0x0002 : 0) |
00189                     (pCamView->IsTopmost()          ? 0x0001 : 0);  // maintained by MFC
00191     SetRegValue(hViewKey, TEXT("Flags"), REG_DWORD, &dwFlags, sizeof(DWORD));
00193     // Next, the scroll position, which unfortunately is two 64-bit quantities.
00194     UINT32 nLow;
00195     INT32  nHigh;
00196     WorkCoord wcScroll = pvs->GetScrollPos(TRUE);
00198     // Save the x ordinate as a low-high pair of 32-bit numbers.
00199     wcScroll.x.GetHighLow(&nHigh, &nLow);
00200     SetRegValue(hViewKey, TEXT("ScrollLoX"), REG_DWORD, &nLow,  sizeof(DWORD));
00201     SetRegValue(hViewKey, TEXT("ScrollHiX"), REG_DWORD, &nHigh, sizeof(DWORD));
00203     // Save the y ordinate as a low-high pair of 32-bit numbers.
00204     wcScroll.y.GetHighLow(&nHigh, &nLow);
00205     SetRegValue(hViewKey, TEXT("ScrollLoY"), REG_DWORD, &nLow,  sizeof(DWORD));
00206     SetRegValue(hViewKey, TEXT("ScrollHiY"), REG_DWORD, &nHigh, sizeof(DWORD));
00208     // Save the z-ordering.
00209     SetRegValue(hViewKey, TEXT("zOrder"), REG_DWORD, &(pvs->zPos), sizeof(DWORD));
00210 }

static ViewState* MakeViewStateFromKey HKEY  hViewKey,
BOOL *  pfHadFocus

Makes a ViewState object from the view data in the given registry key.

Justin_Flude (Xara Group Ltd) <>
hViewKey the registry key containing view details [INPUTS] pfHadFocus points to a flag that will be set to TRUE if the ViewState had the focus when it was saved out, FALSE otherwise
A pointer to a ViewState object representing the data in the key
See also:
LoadAppWindowState; MakeKeyFromViewState

Definition at line 227 of file appstate.cpp.

00228 {
00229     // Get the position of the view etc and build a ViewState for it.
00230     ERROR3IF(!pfHadFocus, "No BOOL output parameter in MakeViewStateFromKey");
00231     ViewState* pvs = new ViewState;
00232     if (pvs == NULL)
00233     {
00234         TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("Couldn't allocate a ViewState in MakeViewStateFromKey\n"));
00235         return NULL;
00236     }
00238     // Read in the positional data.
00239     pvs->ViewRect.lo.x = (INT32) GetRegDword(hViewKey, TEXT("FrameLoX"));
00240     pvs->ViewRect.lo.y = (INT32) GetRegDword(hViewKey, TEXT("FrameLoY"));
00241     pvs->ViewRect.hi.x = (INT32) GetRegDword(hViewKey, TEXT("FrameHiX"));
00242     pvs->ViewRect.hi.y = (INT32) GetRegDword(hViewKey, TEXT("FrameHiY"));
00243     pvs->IconPoint.x   = (INT32) GetRegDword(hViewKey, TEXT("IconX"));
00244     pvs->IconPoint.y   = (INT32) GetRegDword(hViewKey, TEXT("IconY"));
00246     // Dirty trick to read in the fixed-point scale.
00247     INT32 nScale = (INT32) GetRegDword(hViewKey, TEXT("Scale"));
00248     pvs->ViewScale = FIXED16::FromRawLong(nScale);
00250     // Next, its flags etc.
00251     DWORD dwFlags = GetRegDword(hViewKey, TEXT("Flags"));
00252     pvs->RulersVisible    = (dwFlags & 0x0020) ? TRUE : FALSE;
00253     pvs->ScrollersVisible = (dwFlags & 0x0010) ? TRUE : FALSE;
00254     pvs->AlwaysOnTop      = (dwFlags & 0x0008) ? TRUE : FALSE;
00255     pvs->IsMinimised      = (dwFlags & 0x0004) ? TRUE : FALSE;
00257     // Don't restore any as maximised - it just doesn't work with the MDI client window.
00258     pvs->IsMaximised      = /* (dwFlags & 0x0002) ? TRUE : */ FALSE;
00260     // Did this view have the focus when it was saved out?
00261     *pfHadFocus           = (dwFlags & 0x0001) ? TRUE : FALSE;
00263     // That deals with the flags stored in the ViewState.  Set the remainder, which are stored
00264     // in the associated DocView, in a special place where ScreenCamView::OnInitialUpdate
00265     // will set them properly.
00266     pvs->_GridShow        = (dwFlags & 0x0040) ? TRUE : FALSE;
00267     pvs->_GridSnap        = (dwFlags & 0x0080) ? TRUE : FALSE;
00268     pvs->_ObjectsSnap     = (dwFlags & 0x0100) ? TRUE : FALSE;
00269     pvs->_MagObjectsSnap  = (dwFlags & 0x0200) ? TRUE : FALSE;
00270     pvs->_PrintBorderShow = (dwFlags & 0x0400) ? TRUE : FALSE;
00271     pvs->_LogicalView     = (dwFlags & 0x0800) ? TRUE : FALSE;
00272     pvs->_GuidesSnap      = (dwFlags & 0x1000) ? TRUE : FALSE;
00273     pvs->_GuidesShow      = (dwFlags & 0x2000) ? TRUE : FALSE;
00275     // Make sure this is marked as a "loaded" view, so that the view system won't override
00276     // the settings here with default values.
00277     pvs->IsNewView        = FALSE;
00279     // Next, the scroll position.
00280     UINT32 xlow  = GetRegDword(hViewKey, TEXT("ScrollLoX"));
00281     UINT32 ylow  = GetRegDword(hViewKey, TEXT("ScrollLoY"));
00282     INT32  xhigh    = (INT32) GetRegDword(hViewKey, TEXT("ScrollHiX"));
00283     INT32  yhigh    = (INT32) GetRegDword(hViewKey, TEXT("ScrollHiY"));
00285     // Build a WorkCoord.
00286     WorkCoord wc;
00287     wc.x.SetHighLow(xhigh, xlow);
00288     wc.y.SetHighLow(yhigh, ylow);
00289     pvs->SetScrollPos(wc, FALSE);
00291     // Finally, the z-order.
00292     pvs->zPos = GetRegDword(hViewKey, TEXT("zOrder"));
00294     // Return the ViewState.
00295     return pvs;
00296 }

BOOL SaveAppWindowState BOOL  fAutoRestart  ) 

Saves the document/view window state into the registry/custom .INI file.

Justin_Flude (Xara Group Ltd) <>
18/9/95 Inputss: fAutoRestart if TRUE then the registry is set to automatically restart Camelot the next time the user logs on
TRUE if successful.
See also:
CCamApp::InitInstance does this for now! Next, get and save the position of the main window. WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; wp.length = sizeof(wp); if (!GetMainFrame()->GetWindowPlacement(&wp)) { ERROR3("Can't get main frame window placement info"); return FALSE; }

Save the icon, normal, and maximised positions. SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("FrameLoX"), REG_DWORD, &wp.rcNormalPosition.left, sizeof(DWORD)); SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("FrameLoY"), REG_DWORD, &, sizeof(DWORD)); SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("FrameHiX"), REG_DWORD, &wp.rcNormalPosition.right, sizeof(DWORD)); SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("FrameHiY"), REG_DWORD, &wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom, sizeof(DWORD)); SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("MaxiX"), REG_DWORD, &wp.ptMaxPosition.x, sizeof(DWORD)); SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("MaxiY"), REG_DWORD, &wp.ptMaxPosition.y, sizeof(DWORD)); SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("IconX"), REG_DWORD, &wp.ptMinPosition.x, sizeof(DWORD)); SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("IconY"), REG_DWORD, &wp.ptMinPosition.y, sizeof(DWORD));

Save the window's state. SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT(""), REG_DWORD, &wp.showCmd, sizeof(DWORD));

Definition at line 312 of file appstate.cpp.

00313 {
00314     // Don't do this under Win32s.
00315     if (IsWin32s() && !IsWin32c()) return FALSE;
00317     // Don't allow a call twice (now we have two document templates, each will try to call
00318     // this, so ignore second calls).
00319     static BOOL fHasBeenCalled = FALSE;
00320     if (fHasBeenCalled) return TRUE;
00321     fHasBeenCalled = TRUE;
00323     // If there's a status line then set it.
00324     CMainFrame* pMainWnd = GetMainFrame();
00325     if (pMainWnd != NULL)
00326     {
00327         pMainWnd->UpdateStatusBarText(&String_256(_R(IDS_SAVING_WORKSPACE_MSG)), FALSE);
00328     }
00330     // First open/create a new sub-key under the app-state key for holding window positions.
00331     HKEY hMDIKey = CreateRegKey(hAppStateRegKey, TEXT("Workspace\\MDI"));
00332     if (hMDIKey == NULL)
00333     {
00334         ERROR3("Can't get an MDI key in SaveAppWindowState");
00335         return FALSE;
00336     }
00338     // Get the 'selected' document, if any.
00339     Document* pKernelDoc = Document::GetSelected();
00340     if (pKernelDoc == NULL)
00341     {
00342         // There's no docs open to bother with.
00343         TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("No docs open so nothing to do in SaveAppWindowState\n"));
00345         // Write how many docs and views there are.
00346         DWORD n = 0;
00347         SetRegValue(hMDIKey, TEXT("OpenDocCount"), REG_DWORD, &n, sizeof(DWORD));
00348         SetRegValue(hMDIKey, TEXT("TotalViewCount"), REG_DWORD, &n, sizeof(DWORD));
00349         CloseRegKey(hMDIKey);
00350         return TRUE;
00351     }
00353     // This counts the total number of open docs & views.
00354     DWORD nDocs = 0;
00355     INT32 nTotalViewCount = 0;
00357     // Loop over each document template.
00358     POSITION posTmp = AfxGetApp()->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition();
00359     while (posTmp)
00360     {
00361         // Get the next doc template.
00362         CDocTemplate* pTemplate = AfxGetApp()->GetNextDocTemplate(posTmp);
00364         // Iterate through all the open documents, counting them.
00365         POSITION posDoc = pTemplate->GetFirstDocPosition();
00366         while (posDoc)
00367         {
00368             // Get this document, skipping any that aren't acting as a server (or hidden).
00369             CCamDoc* pDoc = (CCamDoc*) pTemplate->GetNextDoc(posDoc);
00370         #if (_OLE_VER >= 0x200)
00371             if (pDoc->IsEmbedded() || pDoc->GetKernelDoc()->IsAHiddenDoc()) continue;
00372         #endif
00374             // Create a new subkey for this doc.
00375             TCHAR szDocID[32];
00376             ::wsprintf(szDocID, TEXT("Doc %lu"), ++nDocs);
00377             HKEY hDocKey = CreateRegKey(hMDIKey, szDocID);
00378             if (hDocKey == NULL)
00379             {
00380                 ERROR3("Can't get a doc sub-key in SaveAppWindowState");
00381                 CloseRegKey(hMDIKey);
00382                 return FALSE;
00383             }
00385             // Iterate through each view on the doc, saving it's state, and counting them.
00386             DWORD nViews = 0;
00387             POSITION posView = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition();
00388             while (posView)
00389             {
00390                 // Get this view.
00391                 ScreenCamView* pView = (ScreenCamView*) pDoc->GetNextView(posView);
00393                 // Create a new subkey for this view.
00394                 TCHAR szViewID[32];
00395                 ::wsprintf(szViewID, TEXT("View %lu"), ++nViews);
00396                 HKEY hViewKey = CreateRegKey(hDocKey, szViewID);
00397                 if (hViewKey == NULL)
00398                 {
00399                     ERROR3("Can't get a view sub-key in SaveAppWindowState");
00400                     CloseRegKey(hDocKey);
00401                     CloseRegKey(hMDIKey);
00402                     return FALSE;
00403                 }
00405                 // Write the view's state into the key.
00406                 MakeKeyFromView(hViewKey, pView);
00407                 CloseRegKey(hViewKey);
00409                 // COunt this view.
00410                 nTotalViewCount++;
00411             }
00413             // Save the state of the doc in the subkey.
00414             CString strDocPath = pDoc->GetPathName();
00415             if (strDocPath.IsEmpty())
00416             {
00417                 // Aha!  There is no path name, which means that either (i) the doc is untitled
00418                 // or (ii) the doc is based on a non-native import, eg. a JPEG, or (iii) the doc is
00419                 // as unsaved copy.  See if it has an 'original' path-name saved by the importer, if
00420                 // so then save that out.  Otherwise save out a null string, signifying an untitled doc.
00421                 strDocPath = pDoc->GetOriginalPath();
00422                 if (strDocPath.IsEmpty()) strDocPath = TEXT("");        // untitled
00423             }
00425         //      TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("SaveAppWindowState: path to doc is %s\n"), (LPCTSTR) strDocPath);
00426             SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("FilePath"), REG_SZ,
00427                         (LPCTSTR) strDocPath, strDocPath.GetLength() + 1);
00428             SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("AttachedViewCount"), REG_DWORD, &nViews, sizeof(DWORD));
00429             CloseRegKey(hDocKey);
00430         }
00431     }
00433     // Write how many docs and views there are.
00434     SetRegValue(hMDIKey, TEXT("OpenDocCount"), REG_DWORD, &nDocs, sizeof(DWORD));
00435     SetRegValue(hMDIKey, TEXT("TotalViewCount"), REG_DWORD, &nTotalViewCount, sizeof(DWORD));
00437     CloseRegKey(hMDIKey);
00440 /*************************************************** CCamApp::InitInstance does this for now!
00441     // Next, get and save the position of the main window.
00443     wp.length = sizeof(wp);
00444     if (!GetMainFrame()->GetWindowPlacement(&wp))
00445     {
00446         ERROR3("Can't get main frame window placement info");
00447         return FALSE;
00448     }
00450     // Save the icon, normal, and maximised positions.
00451     SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("FrameLoX"), REG_DWORD, &wp.rcNormalPosition.left,   sizeof(DWORD));
00452     SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("FrameLoY"), REG_DWORD, &,    sizeof(DWORD));
00453     SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("FrameHiX"), REG_DWORD, &wp.rcNormalPosition.right,  sizeof(DWORD));
00454     SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("FrameHiY"), REG_DWORD, &wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom, sizeof(DWORD));
00455     SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("MaxiX"),    REG_DWORD, &wp.ptMaxPosition.x,         sizeof(DWORD));
00456     SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("MaxiY"),    REG_DWORD, &wp.ptMaxPosition.y,         sizeof(DWORD));
00457     SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("IconX"),    REG_DWORD, &wp.ptMinPosition.x,         sizeof(DWORD));
00458     SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT("IconY"),    REG_DWORD, &wp.ptMinPosition.y,         sizeof(DWORD));
00460     // Save the window's state.
00461     SetRegValue(hDocKey, TEXT(""), REG_DWORD, &wp.showCmd, sizeof(DWORD));
00462 */
00464     // Finally, if we are supposed to restart automatically . . .
00465     if (fAutoRestart)
00466     {
00467         // . . . we write a command-line to run under a special key.
00468         HKEY hRunOnceKey = CreateRegKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
00469                                 TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce"));
00470         if (hRunOnceKey == NULL)
00471         {
00472             ERROR3("Can't get a RunOnce key in SaveAppWindowState");
00473             return FALSE;
00474         }
00476         // Windows will run this command-line on startup.
00477         TCHAR szAutoCmd[_MAX_PATH * 2];
00478         ::wsprintf(szAutoCmd, TEXT("%s /Restore"), (LPCTSTR) szCamelotExePath);
00479         SetRegValue(hRunOnceKey, szCamelotAppRegistryID, REG_SZ,
00480                     szAutoCmd, ::camStrlen(szAutoCmd));
00481         CloseRegKey(hRunOnceKey);
00483         // If there's a status line then set it.
00484         TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("\nSee you later . . .\n\n"));
00485         StatusLine::SetPrefix(String_256(_R(IDS_SEE_YOU_LATER_MSG)));
00486     }
00488     // Success!
00489     return TRUE;
00490 }

Variable Documentation

BOOL fDontMaximiseViews = FALSE

Definition at line 135 of file appstate.cpp.

BOOL fRestoreWorkspaceOnStartup = FALSE

Definition at line 129 of file appstate.cpp.

HKEY hWorkspaceRegKey = 0

Definition at line 132 of file appstate.cpp.

Generated on Sat Nov 10 03:49:26 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4