ColourManager Class Reference

This class provides miscellaneous shared functions for use by various colour entities. The provided functions are currently:. More...

#include <colormgr.h>

Inheritance diagram for ColourManager:

MessageHandler ListItem CCObject SimpleCCObject List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ColourManager ()
 Constructs a ColourManager object.

Static Public Member Functions

static BOOL Init (void)
 Initialises the entire colour system. This includes the colour manager, colour contexts, and colour dialogues, etc. Notes: Should only be called once ever. Called by Application::Init().
static void Deinit (void)
 De-Initlialises the entire colour system. This includes the colour manager, colour contexts, and colour dialogues, etc. Notes: Should only be called once ever. Called by Application::Deinit().
static ColourListGetColourList (BOOL InvalidateCache=FALSE)
 To obtain the ColourList of IndexedColours in the SelectedDocument (the colours which the user can use within the document; this is the set of colours displayed by the colour bar and edited by the ColourMgrDlg) Note that an ordered list is used so that multiple display orders can be used (e.g. for the ColourMgrDlg and ColourBar, etc).
static ColourListGetCurrentColourList (void)
 To obtain the ColourList of IndexedColours in the CurrentDocument.
static ColourContextGetColourContext (ColourModel Model, Document *ScopeDocument=NULL)
 To easily find an appropriate colour context to use when converting colours. There are global contexts, but in order to supply special document-specific colour corrections etc, each document actually has its own private set of contexts. Thus, you should call this function to determine the most appropriate context to use.
static ColourContextGetColourContext (ColourModel Model, View *ScopeView)
 To easily find an appropriate colour context to use when converting colours. There are global contexts, but in order to supply special view-specific colour corrections etc, each document view actually has its own private set of contexts. Thus, you should call this function to determine the most appropriate context to use.
static void SelViewContextHasChanged (void)
 To redraw all windows which depend upon the Selected View's colour context. i.e. The selected view, and also the colour editor, gallery, & line. (and maybe other windows in the future, e.g. object properties, grad fill editors, etc).
static void ColourHasChanged (Document *ScopeDoc, ColourList *ColList, IndexedColour *Col)
 Indicates to all interested parties that the given IndexedColour has been changed (sends a COLOURUPDATED message) e.g. Causes the ColourBar and document to redraw themselves.
static void ColourHasChangedInvisible (Document *ScopeDoc, ColourList *ColList, IndexedColour *Col)
 Indicates to all interested parties that the given IndexedColour has been changed (sends a COLOURUPDATEDINVISIBLE message) e.g. Causes the ColourBar to redraw itself.
static void ColourListHasChanged (ColourList *ColList)
 To inform all interested parties that the given list of IndexedColours has changed by item(s) being added, deleted, or moved to a new position. e.g This causes the ColourBar and ColourMgrDlg to update their displays to reflect the new state of the list, if the list is the one which they are currently displaying.
static BOOL HideColours (ColourList *ColList, IndexedColour **ColourArray, BOOL ForceDelete)
 This 'deletes' colours by creating an undoable operation to hide them. It is assumed that the colours are not in use by the time you call this function - An ENSURE failure will occur if any are. After invoking the 'hide' operation, this function calls ColourListHasChanged.
static BOOL UnHideColours (ColourList *ColList, IndexedColour **ColourArray)
 This un-'deletes' colours by creating an undoable operation to unhide them. This is used when creating a new colour to 'unhide' it (which has no immediate effect on the colour) - this creates an undo record that will hide the colour if the 'new' is undone.
static BOOL ChangeColour (ColourList *ColList, IndexedColour *NewDefn, IndexedColour *Target, BOOL ChangeisInvisible=FALSE)
 This changes the colour 'Target' to be the same as 'NewDefn'. To achieve undo of this operation, the data members of the two colours are swapped (as the colour being changed must stay at the same memory location), and the NewDefn is used again as the undo record of this colour. Whenever the colour is changed, including during the execution of this funciton, and also by undo/redo, a ColourChangingMsg will be broadcast (either COLOURUPDATED or COLOURUPDATEDINVISIBLE, depending on the state of the ChangeIsInvisible flag).
static void ForceRedrawOfChangedColours (Document *ScopeDoc, IndexedColour **Colours)
 Scans the document tree of the given scope document, and causes a redraw of all objects which are affected by any attributes which contain references to any of the colours in the given NULL-terminated list of colours. If none of the colours are in use in the document tree, nothing should result. (i.e. it force redraws any areas of the document containing any of the given colours).
static IndexedColourGenerateNewNamedColour (ColourList *ParentList, IndexedColour *SourceColour)
 Creates a new named IndexedColour. If possible, this colour is copied from the given SourceColour, but if this is not available, an attempt to find a useful colour to copy will be made - if this fails, a battleship grey will be created. i.e. apart from abject failure, this always creates a new colour.
static IndexedColourGenerateNewUnnamedColour (ColourList *ParentList, DocColour *SourceColour)
 Creates a new named IndexedColour. If possible, this colour is copied from the given SourceColour, but if this is not available, an attempt to find a useful colour to copy will be made - if this fails, a battleship grey will be created. i.e. apart from abject failure, this always creates a new colour.
static void EnsureColourIsInDocument (Document *SourceDoc, Document *DestDoc, DocColour *SourceAndResultCol)
 Ensures that the given DocColour references a "safe" colour to use within the given document. This may mean doing nothing to the colour, or it may be necessary to copy the colour (and possibly linked parent colour(s) as well!) into the DestDoc. Whatever happens, ResultCol will be filled in with something that you can use with confidence.
static BOOL GetCurrentLineAndFillAttrs (AttrStrokeColour **LineAttr, AttrFillGeometry **FillAttr)
 Determines the current line and fill colour attributes. These are the default ones, or if there is a selection, the attrs which are common to all selected objects. If there are many different attributes of the same type associated with the selection, NULL is returned. Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care This function ensures that Current == Selected during its operation.
static BOOL GetCurrentLineAndFillColours (DocColour **LineCol, DocColour **FillCol, DocColour **EndGradFill=NULL)
 Finds the current line and fill attributes, and dereferences them to find the current line and fill DocColours. These may be returned NULL if there are no current attributes (no document/many colours selected).
static void FindColourOfInterestToUser (IndexedColour **ResultCol, ColourList **ResultList=NULL)
 Several things (Colour editor whenever the selection changes, generation of a new colour) need to know a 'useful' colour to display/copy. Rather than just showing the current default colour or something, they need to interactively update to show an appropriate colour from the selection and suchlike.
static void FindColourOfInterestToUser (DocColour *ResultCol, ColourList **ResultList=NULL, BOOL WantLineColour=FALSE)
 Several things (Colour editor whenever the selection changes, generation of a new colour) need to know a 'useful' colour to display/copy. Rather than just showing the current default colour or something, they need to interactively update to show an appropriate colour from the selection and suchlike.

Protected Member Functions

MsgResult Message (Msg *Msg)
 Process messages sent to the ColourManager Some messages (DocChanging) will cause new broadcasts indicating that the colour system has changed (new colour list has been paged in, etc).

Static Protected Attributes

static ColourListCurrentColourList
static DocumentScopeDocument

Detailed Description

This class provides miscellaneous shared functions for use by various colour entities. The provided functions are currently:.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Determine the current colour list

This is the Indexed Colour list for the SelectedDocument (if any). It is displayed by the colour bar, and/or edited by the Colour Manager Dialogue.

Find a suitable global or document-specific colour context to use

Handle colour system state changes

Messages are sent whenever the current list changes. This happens when:

1) A colour is inserted/deleted/edited in the SelectedDocument,

2) The SelectedDocument changes,

3) The Colour List is deselected (i.e. when there is no SelectedDocument, there is no available list)

These messages allow the colour manager dialogues and colour bar (and other clients) to update their contents (or hide, etc) when such changes occur.

Other processing (invalidating colour caches, etc) may also occur in some cases. This is all handled internally by the ColourManager.

Copy or create new colours

Find "Useful" colours for the editor to edit and the colour line/gallery to display.

Miscellaneous other useful functions. See colormgr.h for details of currently available functions

See also:
ColourBar; ColourMgrDlg; ColourChangingMsg; ColourList Documentation: HowToUse.doc

Definition at line 168 of file colormgr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ColourManager::ColourManager  ) 

Constructs a ColourManager object.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:
ColourManager; MessageHandler

Definition at line 168 of file colormgr.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

BOOL ColourManager::ChangeColour ColourList ColList,
IndexedColour NewDefn,
IndexedColour Target,
BOOL  ChangeIsInvisible = FALSE

This changes the colour 'Target' to be the same as 'NewDefn'. To achieve undo of this operation, the data members of the two colours are swapped (as the colour being changed must stay at the same memory location), and the NewDefn is used again as the undo record of this colour. Whenever the colour is changed, including during the execution of this funciton, and also by undo/redo, a ColourChangingMsg will be broadcast (either COLOURUPDATED or COLOURUPDATEDINVISIBLE, depending on the state of the ChangeIsInvisible flag).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ColList - The colour list in which the colours reside [INPUTS] NewDefn - The new IndexedColour definition to be applied Target - The colour to which the definition is to be applied ChangeIsInvisible - TRUE if the change does not affect 'visible' parts of the colour definition (i.e. if objects drawn using this colour need not be redrawn). FALSE if the chnage does affect such objects.
TRUE if it thinks it succeeded
Notes: As the memory occupied by 'NewDefn' is used in the undo record, it is essential that you do NOT DELETE it after invoking this function. You must also make absolutely sure that you do not pass the same pointer in NewDefn more than once, or a crash will occur when Camelot throws away the undo records.

See also:
OpColourChange; ColourChangingMsg

Definition at line 2124 of file colormgr.cpp.

02127 {
02128 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
02129     ERROR3IF(ColList == NULL || NewDefn == NULL || Target == NULL,
02130                 "ColourManager::ChangeColour - illegal NULL param(s)");
02132     OpDescriptor* OpDesc =
02133                 OpDescriptor::FindOpDescriptor(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(OpColourChange));
02135     if (OpDesc != NULL)
02136     {
02137         ColourChangeInfo Param;
02139         Param.ParentList = ColList;
02140         Param.Target     = Target;
02141         Param.NewDefn    = NewDefn;
02142         Param.InvisibleChange = ChangeIsInvisible;
02144         OpDesc->Invoke((OpParam *) &Param);
02145     }
02146 #endif
02147     return(TRUE);
02148 }

void ColourManager::ColourHasChanged Document ScopeDoc,
ColourList ColList,
IndexedColour Col

Indicates to all interested parties that the given IndexedColour has been changed (sends a COLOURUPDATED message) e.g. Causes the ColourBar and document to redraw themselves.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ScopeDoc - the document in which this change is occurring [INPUTS] ColList - the list of IndexedColours in which 'Col' resides Col - A pointer to the IndexedColour which has been changed
This variant indicates that the actual visible-colour definition has changed (i.e. the appearance of something filled with this colour will chnage, and thus must be redrawn). If 'non-visible' information only has changed, use ColourHasChangedInvisible instead.

Notes: If you are recieving messages, and wish to act on COLOURUPDATEDINVISIBLE, you should sit on BOTH COLOURUPDATED messages. Otherwise, you should only sit on COLOURUPDATED messages.

The ColourManager will force-redraw the parst of the ScopeDoc which rely on the changed colour, or any colour liked to the changed colour.

If ColList == the current colour list then entities such as the colour bar will redraw themselves to show the new state of this colour.

See also:

Definition at line 1867 of file colormgr.cpp.

01869 {
01870     ERROR3IF(ScopeDoc == NULL || ColList == NULL || Col == NULL,
01871                 "ColourManager::ColourHasChanged - NULL parameters are illegal!\n");
01873     ColList->InvalidateInheritanceCache();
01875     BROADCAST_TO_ALL(ColourChangingMsg(ScopeDoc, ColList, Col,
01876                                 ColourChangingMsg::COLOURUPDATED));
01877 }

void ColourManager::ColourHasChangedInvisible Document ScopeDoc,
ColourList ColList,
IndexedColour Col

Indicates to all interested parties that the given IndexedColour has been changed (sends a COLOURUPDATEDINVISIBLE message) e.g. Causes the ColourBar to redraw itself.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ScopeDoc - NULL, or the document in which this change is occurring [INPUTS] (if non-NULL, the ColourManager will force a redraw of this document) ColList - NULL, or a list of IndexedColours in which 'Col' can be found. Col - A pointer to the IndexedColour which has been changed
This variant indicates that the actual visible-colour definition has NOT changed (i.e. the appearance of something filled with this colour will NOT change, and thus redraw is unnecessary). e.g. the

If 'visible' information has changed, use ColourHasChanged instead.

Notes: If you are recieving messages, and wish to act on COLOURUPDATEDINVISIBLE, you should sit on BOTH COLOURUPDATED messages.

ColList really should point to the list in which the colour resides. If ColList == NULL or ColList == the current colour list, then entities such as the colour bar will redraw themselves to show the new state of this colour.

If ColList is not NULL, then all its sort orders will be marked invalid so that they are re-sorted the next time they are used.

(If an incorrect pointer (or NULL) is passed in, unnecessary redraws of colour bars etc may take place, so it is most preferable that you pass in the correct list pointer if you know it)

See also:

Definition at line 1924 of file colormgr.cpp.

01926 {
01927     ColList->InvalidateInheritanceCache();
01928     BROADCAST_TO_ALL(ColourChangingMsg(ScopeDoc, ColList, Col,
01929                                 ColourChangingMsg::COLOURUPDATEDINVISIBLE));
01930 }

void ColourManager::ColourListHasChanged ColourList ColList  )  [static]

To inform all interested parties that the given list of IndexedColours has changed by item(s) being added, deleted, or moved to a new position. e.g This causes the ColourBar and ColourMgrDlg to update their displays to reflect the new state of the list, if the list is the one which they are currently displaying.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ColList - A ColourList of IndexedColours which has changed [INPUTS] May NOT be NULL
Notes: Remember to invalidate the sort orders in this sorted list if you have done anything that could affect sorting (Adding items will do this automatically, but you must do it if you've changed a colour) This is not done by this function, as actions such as deleting items never affect the sort order, but do need to cause a re-display

Definition at line 1959 of file colormgr.cpp.

01960 {
01961     ERROR3IF(ColList == NULL, "ColourManager::ColourListHasChanged: NULL parameter is illegal");
01963     // Inform the colour gallery ahead of everyone else
01964 //  ColourGallery::ColourListHasChanged(ColList);
01966     // And inform the plebs
01967     ColList->InvalidateInheritanceCache();
01969     Document *ParentDoc = (Document *) ColList->GetParentDocument();
01970     BROADCAST_TO_ALL(ColourChangingMsg(ParentDoc, ColList, NULL,
01971                                 ColourChangingMsg::LISTUPDATED));
01972 }

void ColourManager::Deinit void   )  [static]

De-Initlialises the entire colour system. This includes the colour manager, colour contexts, and colour dialogues, etc. Notes: Should only be called once ever. Called by Application::Deinit().

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:
ColourManager; MessageHandler

Definition at line 233 of file colormgr.cpp.

00234 {
00235     // shut down the colour contexts
00236     ColourContextList::DeinitColourContexts();
00237 }

void ColourManager::EnsureColourIsInDocument Document SourceDoc,
Document DestDoc,
DocColour ResultCol

Ensures that the given DocColour references a "safe" colour to use within the given document. This may mean doing nothing to the colour, or it may be necessary to copy the colour (and possibly linked parent colour(s) as well!) into the DestDoc. Whatever happens, ResultCol will be filled in with something that you can use with confidence.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
13/4/95 (Moved to ColourManager, 20/11/95)
SourceDoc - NULL, or the document which contains the source colour [INPUTS]
DestDoc - The document in which you want to use the colour (NOT NULL)

ResultCol - should point at a DocColour defining the colour you want to put in this document. It may be an immediate DocColour, or a reference to an IndexedColour. (this param may NOT be NULL)

ResultCol (which may not be NULL) will be returned with a colour to [OUTPUTS] use. This will either be COLOUR_TRANS, or will point at an IndexedColour in the SELECTED document which you may apply in that document.
Notes: Uses the component copy system to copy colours across with merging.

What do you mean this should be in the colour manager? Have you seen how many files it rebuilds?! Eeek! (OK, so I've moved it now)

See also:

Definition at line 1784 of file colormgr.cpp.

01786 {
01787     ERROR3IF(ResultCol == NULL || DestDoc == NULL, "Illegal NULL param");
01789     if (SourceDoc == DestDoc)   // Completely safe - into the same doc
01790         return; 
01792     // Find the indexed colour (if any) that the given colour references
01793     IndexedColour *ColourToApply = ResultCol->FindParentIndexedColour();
01795     if (ColourToApply == NULL)  // It's a simple DocColour, so safe
01796         return;
01798     // It's an IndexedColour. We must copy it to the dest doc, and use the copy.
01799     if (DestDoc != NULL)
01800     {
01801         // We're applying the colour into a different document!
01802         // We must duplicate (with merging) this colour into the dest doc before applying
01803         ColourListComponent *ColComp = (ColourListComponent *)
01804                                 DestDoc->GetDocComponent(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(ColourListComponent));
01806         // Start the copy
01807         if (ColComp != NULL && ColComp->StartComponentCopy())
01808         {
01809             DocColour RefCol;
01810             RefCol.MakeRefToIndexedColour(ColourToApply);
01812             // Copy this colour (and any linked parents if necessary). RefCol now
01813             // references the destination colour, so we point ColourToApply at it
01814             ColComp->CopyColourAcross(&RefCol);
01815             ColourToApply = RefCol.FindParentIndexedColour();
01817             // And clean up, merging the colour into the other document's colour list
01818             ColComp->EndComponentCopy(NULL, FALSE);
01820             // We've got an IndexedColour, so set ResultCol on it, and return
01821             ResultCol->MakeRefToIndexedColour(ColourToApply);
01822             return;
01823         }
01824     }
01826     // We've failed to copy the colour across, so set it to simple 'no colour'
01827     *ResultCol = DocColour(COLOUR_BLACK);
01828 }

void ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser DocColour ResultCol,
ColourList **  ResultList = NULL,
BOOL  WantLineColour = FALSE

Several things (Colour editor whenever the selection changes, generation of a new colour) need to know a 'useful' colour to display/copy. Rather than just showing the current default colour or something, they need to interactively update to show an appropriate colour from the selection and suchlike.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ResultCol - will be returned filled in with details of the colour to use [OUTPUTS] ResultList - NULL, or a pointer to the ColourList of the relevant document WantLinecolour - TRUE if you'd rather get a line colour, FALSE if you want a fill colour.
This is very similar to the other overloaded method, but returns a DocColour. NOTE however, that the returned colour may not match the IndexedColour returned by the other method - a DocColour (which does not reference a NAMED IndexedColour) may be returned before a suitable IndexedColour would have been found.

This is used to determine the colour definition for a colour to use when editing "local colours" in the colour editor.

The exact colour returned will be NULL (in dire emergency, usually only occurs if there are no documents open), or will be chosen from this priority list of possible contenders: MonoOn (1) Colour of first selected fill-blob found (if !WantLineColour), (2) Fill-Colour of selection (if !WantLineColour), (3) current/default fill colour (if !WantLineColour), (4) line-Colour of selection (If WantLineColour), (5) current/default line colour (if WantLineColour), (6) COLOUR_BLACK MonoOff

Notes: 'Colour of selection' is determined by using (if possible) the last object selected, or the frontmost selected object if this fails.

If you are not interested in the ResultList return value, pass in NULL (use the default) for this parameter.

Camelot will not return a 'no fill' default colour (conditions 3 and 6) but Webster does because the Webster colour editor wants to handle this situation.

Definition at line 1202 of file colormgr.cpp.

01204 {
01205     ERROR3IF(ResultCol == NULL, "ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser - ResultCol is NULL!");
01207     // Ensure safe return values
01208     *ResultCol = DocColour(COLOUR_BLACK);
01209     if (ResultList != NULL)
01210         *ResultList = NULL;
01212     // If there are no documents available, then we can't find a colour - Return NULLs
01213     if (Document::GetSelected() == NULL)
01214         return;
01216     // Ensure CurrentDoc == SelectedDoc
01217     Document *OldCurrentDoc = SetCurrentDoc();
01219     // Get the colour list. Just in case, we invalidate the cache (as this method is
01220     // called on document chnages and suchlike, so it is best to make sure we don't use
01221     // cached values for a no-longer-present document!)
01222     ColourList *ColList = ColourManager::GetColourList(TRUE);
01223     BOOL FoundUsefulColour = FALSE;
01225     // First, check if there is a VISIBLE selected fill blob, and use the colour of
01226     // the first one that we find, if we are lucky enough to find one.
01227     if (!WantLineColour && AttrFillGeometry::CountSelectionControlPoints() > 0)
01228     {
01229         // Yep. There is at least 1 visible selected fill blob...
01230         AttrFillGeometry* Fill = AttrFillGeometry::FindFirstSelectedAttr();
01231         while (Fill != NULL && !FoundUsefulColour)
01232         {
01233             if (Fill->GetSelectionCount() > 0)
01234             {
01235                 // CGS ....
01237                 // DMc's multi stage fills (blobs) do not dynamically update the colour edit
01238                 // dialog when they are clicked on.  This has now been
01239                 // fixed (by me!).  Problem was to do with the fact that this function never
01240                 // even considered them ....
01242                 FillRamp* pFillRamp = Fill->GetFillRamp ();
01244                 if (pFillRamp != NULL)
01245                 {
01246                     UINT32 NumberSelected = pFillRamp->CountSelBlobs ();
01248                     if (NumberSelected > 0)
01249                     {
01250                         INT32 SelectedIndex = pFillRamp->GetSelectedIndex ();
01251                         ColRampItem* TheItem = (ColRampItem*) pFillRamp->GetValidIndexedItem (SelectedIndex);
01253                         if (TheItem != NULL)
01254                         {
01255                             FoundUsefulColour = TRUE;
01256                             *ResultCol = TheItem->GetColour ();
01257                         }
01258                     }
01259                 }
01261                 if (Fill->IsSelected(FILLCONTROL_STARTPOINT) && Fill->GetStartColour() != NULL)
01262                 {
01263                     // Use Fill Start Colour
01264                     FoundUsefulColour = TRUE;
01265                     *ResultCol = *(Fill->GetStartColour());
01266                     break;
01267                 }
01269                 if (Fill->IsSelected(FILLCONTROL_ENDPOINT) && Fill->GetEndColour() != NULL)
01270                 {
01271                     // Use Fill End Colour
01272                     FoundUsefulColour = TRUE;
01273                     *ResultCol = *(Fill->GetEndColour());
01274                     break;
01275                 }
01277                 if (Fill->IsSelected(FILLCONTROL_ENDPOINT2) && Fill->GetEndColour2() != NULL)
01278                 {
01279                     // Use Fill End Colour
01280                     FoundUsefulColour = TRUE;
01281                     *ResultCol = *(Fill->GetEndColour2());
01282                     break;
01283                 }
01285                 if (Fill->IsSelected(FILLCONTROL_ENDPOINT3) && Fill->GetEndColour3() != NULL)
01286                 {
01287                     // Use Fill End Colour
01288                     FoundUsefulColour = TRUE;
01289                     *ResultCol = *(Fill->GetEndColour3());
01290                     break;
01291                 }
01292             }               
01294             Fill = AttrFillGeometry::FindNextSelectedAttr();
01295         }
01296     }
01298     if (!FoundUsefulColour)
01299     {
01300         // Find the last node which was made selected (if any)
01301         // Scan back from this to find the nearest previous NodeAttribute which contains
01302         // colour(s), and make ResultColour ref the first IndexedColour which we find in this search.
01303         SelRange *Selection = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
01305         // If there are any selected nodes, then...
01306         if (Selection != NULL && Selection->Count() > 0)
01307         {
01308             Node *pNode = Selection->GetLastSelectedNode();
01310             // If the SelRange doesn't know what was last made selected, then see if anything
01311             // is selected, and if so, grab the last (topmost) selected object instead
01312             if (pNode == NULL)
01313                 pNode = Selection->FindLast();
01315             // Now search through the attributes applied to this node, to see if we can
01316             // find an IndexedColour FILL (i.e. we ignore stroke colours for now) - we
01317             // will use the first one that we find
01318             NodeAttribute *pAttr = NULL;
01320             if (!WantLineColour)
01321             {
01322                 if (pNode != NULL)
01323                     pAttr = NodeAttribute::FindFirstAppliedAttr(pNode);
01325                 while (pAttr != NULL && !FoundUsefulColour)
01326                 {
01327                     // Scan each NodeAttribute in turn to see if any of them contain any colours
01328                     DocColour *pColour;
01329                     UINT32 Context = 0;
01331                     // Only check non-line-colour attributes
01332                     if (!(IS_A(pAttr, AttrStrokeColour)))
01333                     {
01334                         do
01335                         {
01336                             // Get the next colour field (if any) from the attribute, and find the
01337                             // IndexedColour (if any) to which it refers
01338                             pColour = pAttr->EnumerateColourFields(Context++);
01339                             if (pColour != NULL)
01340                             {
01341                                 FoundUsefulColour = TRUE;
01342                                 *ResultCol = *pColour;
01343                             }
01345                         } while (pColour != NULL && !FoundUsefulColour);
01346                     }
01348                     pAttr = NodeAttribute::FindPrevAppliedAttr(pAttr);
01349                 }
01350             }
01351             else
01352             {
01353                 // If we still haven't found a colour, try for a line/stroke colour instead
01354                 if (pNode != NULL && !FoundUsefulColour)
01355                     pAttr = NodeAttribute::FindFirstAppliedAttr(pNode);
01357                 while (pAttr != NULL && !FoundUsefulColour)
01358                 {
01359                     // Scan each NodeAttribute in turn to see if any of them contain any colours
01360                     DocColour *pColour;
01361                     UINT32 Context = 0;
01363                     // Only check line-colour attributes
01364                     if (IS_A(pAttr, AttrStrokeColour))
01365                     {
01366                         do
01367                         {
01368                             // Get the next colour field (if any) from the attribute, and find the
01369                             // IndexedColour (if any) to which it refers
01370                             pColour = pAttr->EnumerateColourFields(Context++);
01371                             if (pColour != NULL)
01372                             {
01373                                 FoundUsefulColour = TRUE;
01374                                 *ResultCol = *pColour;
01375                             }
01377                         } while (pColour != NULL && !FoundUsefulColour);
01378                     }
01380                     pAttr = NodeAttribute::FindPrevAppliedAttr(pAttr);
01381                 }
01382             }
01384         }
01385     }
01387     if (!FoundUsefulColour)
01388     {
01389         // OK, then. let's see if there is a default fill colour, or failing that
01390         // (eg it could be 'no colour') a default line colour, which we can edit.
01391         AttributeManager &AttrMgr = Document::GetSelected()->GetAttributeMgr();
01393         DocColour LineCol;
01394         DocColour FillCol;
01396         AttrMgr.GetCurrentLineAndFillColour(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeRenderableInk),
01397                                                 &LineCol, &FillCol);
01399         if (!WantLineColour)
01400         {
01401 // Webster wants the colour even if it is 'no fill'
01402 #ifndef WEBSTER
01403             if (!FillCol.IsTransparent())
01404 #endif //WEBSTER
01405             {
01406                 *ResultCol = FillCol;
01407                 FoundUsefulColour = TRUE;
01408             }
01409         }
01410         else
01411         {
01412 #ifndef WEBSTER
01413             if (!LineCol.IsTransparent())
01414 #endif //WEBSTER
01415             {
01416                 *ResultCol = LineCol;
01417                 FoundUsefulColour = TRUE;
01418             }
01419         }
01420     }
01422     if (!FoundUsefulColour)
01423     {
01424         // Ok, we're rapidly approaching a moment of panic. Try the first non-deleted named
01425         // colour in the selected document's colour list. If nothing else, there should
01426         // always be a default Black that we can use
01428         if (ColList != NULL)
01429         {
01430             IndexedColour *Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ColList->GetHead();
01431             while (Ptr != NULL && !FoundUsefulColour)
01432             {
01433                 if (Ptr->IsNamed() && !Ptr->IsDeleted())
01434                 {
01435                     FoundUsefulColour = TRUE;
01436                     ResultCol->MakeRefToIndexedColour(Ptr);
01437                 }
01439                 Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ColList->GetNext(Ptr);
01440             }
01441         }
01442     }
01444     // Fill in the return results
01445     if (ResultList != NULL)
01446         *ResultList = ColList;
01448     // And restore the previous CurrentDocument state
01449     RestoreCurrentDoc(OldCurrentDoc);
01450 }

void ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser IndexedColour **  ResultCol,
ColourList **  ResultList = NULL

Several things (Colour editor whenever the selection changes, generation of a new colour) need to know a 'useful' colour to display/copy. Rather than just showing the current default colour or something, they need to interactively update to show an appropriate colour from the selection and suchlike.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ResultCol - NULL, or a pointer to the colour to use [OUTPUTS] ResultList - NULL, or a pointer to the ColourList that colour resides in
NOTE that there is another overloaded form of this method, which returns a DocColour istead. This method returns a pointer to a NAMED IndexedColour, so may return an entirely different colour to the other function.

The exact colour returned will be NULL (in dire emergency, usually only occurs if there are no documents open), or will be chosen from this priority list of possible contenders: MonoOn (1) Colour of first selected fill-blob found, (2) Fill-Colour of selection, (3) current/default fill colour, (4) line-Colour of selection, (5) current/default line colour, (6) the first active named colour in the document's colour list, (7) NULL MonoOff

Notes: 'Colour of selection' is determined by using (if possible) the last object selected, or the frontmost selected object if this fails.

If you are not interested in the ResultList return value, pass in NULL (use the default) for this parameter.

In debug builds only, extra checks are made which can cause an ERROR3 if the colour found was not in the selected document's ColourList.

Definition at line 932 of file colormgr.cpp.

00933 {
00934     ERROR3IF(ResultCol == NULL, "ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser - ResultCol is NULL!");
00936     // Ensure safe return values
00937     *ResultCol = NULL;
00938     if (ResultList != NULL)
00939         *ResultList = NULL;
00941     // If there are no documents available, then we can't find a colour - Return NULLs
00942     if (Document::GetSelected() == NULL)
00943         return;
00945     // Ensure CurrentDoc == SelectedDoc
00946     Document *OldCurrentDoc = SetCurrentDoc();
00948     // Get the colour list. Just in case, we invalidate the cache (as this method is
00949     // called on document chnages and suchlike, so it is best to make sure we don't use
00950     // cached values for a no-longer-present document!)
00951     ColourList *ColList = ColourManager::GetColourList(TRUE);
00952     IndexedColour *UsefulColour = NULL;
00954     // First, check if there is a VISIBLE selected fill blob, and use the colour of
00955     // the first one that we find, if we are lucky enough to find one.
00956     if (AttrFillGeometry::CountSelectionControlPoints() > 0)
00957     {
00958         // Yep. There is at least 1 visible selected fill blob...
00959         AttrFillGeometry* Fill = AttrFillGeometry::FindFirstSelectedAttr();
00960         while (Fill != NULL && UsefulColour == NULL)
00961         {
00962             if (Fill->GetSelectionCount() > 0)
00963             {
00964                 if (Fill->IsSelected(FILLCONTROL_STARTPOINT) && Fill->GetStartColour() != NULL)
00965                 {
00966                     // Use Fill Start Colour
00967                     UsefulColour = Fill->GetStartColour()->FindParentIndexedColour();
00968                     break;
00969                 }
00971                 if (Fill->IsSelected(FILLCONTROL_ENDPOINT) && Fill->GetEndColour() != NULL)
00972                 {
00973                     // Use Fill End Colour
00974                     UsefulColour = Fill->GetEndColour()->FindParentIndexedColour();
00975                     break;
00976                 }
00978                 if (Fill->IsSelected(FILLCONTROL_ENDPOINT2) && Fill->GetEndColour2() != NULL)
00979                 {
00980                     // Use Fill End Colour
00981                     UsefulColour = Fill->GetEndColour2()->FindParentIndexedColour();
00982                     break;
00983                 }
00985                 if (Fill->IsSelected(FILLCONTROL_ENDPOINT3) && Fill->GetEndColour3() != NULL)
00986                 {
00987                     // Use Fill End Colour
00988                     UsefulColour = Fill->GetEndColour3()->FindParentIndexedColour();
00989                     break;
00990                 }
00991             }               
00993             Fill = AttrFillGeometry::FindNextSelectedAttr();
00994         }
00995     }
00997     if (UsefulColour == NULL)
00998     {
00999         // Find the last node which was made selected (if any)
01000         // Scan back from this to find the nearest previous NodeAttribute which contains
01001         // colour(s), and make UsefulColour the first IndexedColour which we find in this search.
01002         SelRange *Selection = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
01004         if (Selection != NULL)
01005         {
01006             Node *pNode = Selection->GetLastSelectedNode();
01007             // If the SelRange doesn't know what was last made selected, then see if anything
01008             // is selected, and if so, grab the last (topmost) selected object instead
01009             if (pNode == NULL)
01010                 pNode = Selection->FindLast();
01012             // Now search through the attributes applied to this node, to see if we can
01013             // find an IndexedColour FILL (i.e. we ignore stroke colours for now) - we
01014             // will use the first one that we find
01015             NodeAttribute *pAttr = NULL;
01016             if (pNode != NULL)
01017                 pAttr = NodeAttribute::FindFirstAppliedAttr(pNode);
01019             while (pAttr != NULL && UsefulColour == NULL)
01020             {
01021                 // Scan each NodeAttribute in turn to see if any of them contain any colours
01022                 DocColour *pColour;
01023                 UINT32 Context = 0;
01025                 // Only check non-line-colour attributes
01026                 if (!(IS_A(pAttr, AttrStrokeColour)))
01027                 {
01028                     do
01029                     {
01030                         // Get the next colour field (if any) from the attribute, and find the
01031                         // IndexedColour (if any) to which it refers
01032                         pColour = pAttr->EnumerateColourFields(Context++);
01033                         if (pColour != NULL)
01034                             UsefulColour = pColour->FindParentIndexedColour();
01036                     } while (pColour != NULL && UsefulColour == NULL);
01037                 }
01039                 pAttr = NodeAttribute::FindPrevAppliedAttr(pAttr);
01040             }
01043             // If we still haven't found a colour, try for a line/stroke colour instead
01044             if (pNode != NULL && UsefulColour == NULL)
01045                 pAttr = NodeAttribute::FindFirstAppliedAttr(pNode);
01047             while (pAttr != NULL && UsefulColour == NULL)
01048             {
01049                 // Scan each NodeAttribute in turn to see if any of them contain any colours
01050                 DocColour *pColour;
01051                 UINT32 Context = 0;
01053                 // Only check line-colour attributes
01054                 if (IS_A(pAttr, AttrStrokeColour))
01055                 {
01056                     do
01057                     {
01058                         // Get the next colour field (if any) from the attribute, and find the
01059                         // IndexedColour (if any) to which it refers
01060                         pColour = pAttr->EnumerateColourFields(Context++);
01061                         if (pColour != NULL)
01062                             UsefulColour = pColour->FindParentIndexedColour();
01064                     } while (pColour != NULL && UsefulColour == NULL);
01065                 }
01067                 pAttr = NodeAttribute::FindPrevAppliedAttr(pAttr);
01068             }
01070         }
01071     }
01073     if (UsefulColour == NULL)
01074     {
01075         // OK, then. let's see if there is a default fill colour, or failing that
01076         // (eg it could be 'no colour') a default line colour, which we can edit.
01077         AttributeManager &AttrMgr = Document::GetSelected()->GetAttributeMgr();
01079         DocColour LineCol;
01080         DocColour FillCol;
01082         AttrMgr.GetCurrentLineAndFillColour(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeRenderableInk),
01083                                                 &LineCol, &FillCol);
01085         UsefulColour = FillCol.FindParentIndexedColour();
01086         if (UsefulColour == NULL)
01087             UsefulColour = LineCol.FindParentIndexedColour();
01088     }
01090     if (UsefulColour == NULL)
01091     {
01092         // Ok, we're rapidly approaching a moment of panic. Try the first non-deleted named
01093         // colour in the selected document's colour list. If nothing else, there should
01094         // always be a default Black that we can use
01096         if (ColList != NULL)
01097         {
01098             IndexedColour *Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ColList->GetHead();
01099             while (Ptr != NULL && UsefulColour == NULL)
01100             {
01101                 if (Ptr->IsNamed() && !Ptr->IsDeleted())
01102                     UsefulColour = Ptr;
01104                 Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ColList->GetNext(Ptr);
01105             }
01106         }
01107     }
01109     // Sanity check. Should never ever ever be the case, ever.
01110     if (UsefulColour != NULL)
01111         ERROR3IF(UsefulColour->IsDeleted(),
01112                 "ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser - Colour found is DELETED!");
01114     // Fill in the return results
01115     *ResultCol = UsefulColour;
01116     if (UsefulColour != NULL && ResultList != NULL)
01117         *ResultList = ColList;
01119 #ifdef _DEBUG
01120     // In debug builds, verify that the returned colour is in the list we
01121     // expect it to be in!
01123     if (ColList != NULL && UsefulColour != NULL)
01124     {
01125         IndexedColour *Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ColList->GetHead();
01126         while (Ptr != NULL && Ptr != UsefulColour)
01127             Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ColList->GetNext(Ptr);
01129         if (Ptr == NULL)
01130         {
01131             Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ColList->GetUnnamedColours()->GetHead();
01132             while (Ptr != NULL && Ptr != UsefulColour)
01133                 Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ColList->GetUnnamedColours()->GetNext(Ptr);
01134         }
01136         ERROR3IF(Ptr != UsefulColour,
01137                 "ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser"
01138                 " - Colour found is not in the current colour list!");
01139     }
01140 #endif
01142     // And restore the previous CurrentDocument state
01143     RestoreCurrentDoc(OldCurrentDoc);
01144 }

void ColourManager::ForceRedrawOfChangedColours Document ScopeDoc,
IndexedColour **  Colours

Scans the document tree of the given scope document, and causes a redraw of all objects which are affected by any attributes which contain references to any of the colours in the given NULL-terminated list of colours. If none of the colours are in use in the document tree, nothing should result. (i.e. it force redraws any areas of the document containing any of the given colours).

See also:

Definition at line 261 of file colormgr.cpp.

00262 {
00263 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
00264     // Sanity check
00265     if (ScopeDoc == NULL)
00266     {
00267         ERROR3("Illegal NULL param");
00268         return;
00269     }
00271     OpDescriptor* OpDesc = OpDescriptor::FindOpDescriptor(OPTOKEN_REDRAWCOLOURS);
00273     if (OpDesc != NULL)
00274     {
00275         OpRedrawColoursInfo Info;
00276         Info.ScopeDoc = ScopeDoc;
00277         Info.Colours  = Colours;
00279         OpDesc->Invoke((OpParam *) &Info);
00280     }
00281 #endif
00282 }

IndexedColour * ColourManager::GenerateNewNamedColour ColourList ParentList,
IndexedColour SourceColour

Creates a new named IndexedColour. If possible, this colour is copied from the given SourceColour, but if this is not available, an attempt to find a useful colour to copy will be made - if this fails, a battleship grey will be created. i.e. apart from abject failure, this always creates a new colour.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ParentList - The list in which the SourceColour resides - The resulting [INPUTS] colour will also be placed into this list. May NOT be NULL. SourceColour - NULL (to copy the current attribute FillColour), or a pointer to the colour you wish to duplicate.
(ParentList - will contain the new colour if all went well) [OUTPUTS]
NULL if it failed, else A clone of SourceColour. This will be pretty much identical to SourceColour, except that it will always be a NAMED colour.
It generates a new colour, adds it to the ParentList, and generates an UNDO record for the action; this includes a ColourListChanged msg broadcast.

NOTE that the user is prompted for a new name, and has the opportunity to cancel creation of the colour, in which case, NULL will be returned. You must therefore handle a NULL return *quietly*.

Notes: This code is used by the ColourBar and ColourGallery "new colour" code to generate a new named colour.

Errors: If the return value is NULL, an unreported memory allocation failure has occurred.
If the ParentList is not the ColourList for the Selected document, and no source colour is given, chances are FindColourOfInterestToUser will get upset and ERROR3.

See also:
IndexedColour::IndexedColour; ColourManager::UnHideColours; ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser

Definition at line 1499 of file colormgr.cpp.

01501 {
01502     ERROR3IF(ParentList == NULL, "ColourManager::GenerateNamedColour - NULL ParentList!");
01504     IndexedColour *NewCol = NULL;
01506     if (SourceColour != NULL)
01507     {
01508         // Copy the source colour
01509         NewCol = new IndexedColour(*SourceColour);
01511         // If parent is named and not tint/linked colour, remember where we copied
01512         // it from so that we can give a useful default parent in the colour editor
01513         // if the user decides to make it a tint/linked colour later on.
01514         if (NewCol->IsNamed() && NewCol->FindLinkedParent() == NULL)
01515             NewCol->SetLinkedParent(SourceColour, NewCol->GetType());
01516     }
01517     else
01518     {
01519         IndexedColour *UsefulColour;
01520         FindColourOfInterestToUser(&UsefulColour);
01522         if (UsefulColour != NULL)
01523         {
01524             NewCol = new IndexedColour(*UsefulColour);
01526             // If parent is named and not tint/linked colour, remember where we copied
01527             // it from so that we can give a useful default parent in the colour editor
01528             // if the user decides to make it a tint/linked colour later on.
01529             if (NewCol->IsNamed() && NewCol->FindLinkedParent() == NULL)
01530                 NewCol->SetLinkedParent(UsefulColour, NewCol->GetType());
01531         }
01532         else
01533         {
01534             // Create a mid-grey HSV colour for them to edit
01535             ColourHSVT Bob;
01536             Bob.Hue = Bob.Saturation = Bob.Transparent = 0;
01537             Bob.Value = FIXED24(0.5);
01539             NewCol = new INDEXEDCOLOUR_HSVT(&Bob);
01540         }
01541     }
01543     if (NewCol == NULL)     // Serious memory failure!
01544         return(NULL);
01546     // Set the colour's name (1 to make it named, and 2 so it is not
01547     // the same as the colour it was copied from)
01548 /*
01549     String_64 NewName;
01551     if (NewCol->IsNamed())
01552     {
01553         // Is named, so is a copy: Name it "New Colour (Copy of WXYZ)"
01554         String_64 OldName = *NewCol->GetName();
01555         String_64 TruncOldName;                 // Truncate old name to 32 chars
01556         OldName.Left(&TruncOldName, 32);        // and add it into the new name
01557         NewName.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_NEWCOLOUR_COPY), (TCHAR *)TruncOldName);
01558     }
01559     else
01560         NewName.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_NEWCOLOUR));         // No name, so make it named: "New colour"
01561 */
01563 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
01564 #ifndef STANDALONE
01565     // Ask for a new name for the colour. This also gives the user a chance
01566     // to back out of the deal without losing their deposit (though if they didn't
01567     // tick the small box in the small print, we'll continue sending them junk mail ;-)
01568     if (!NewColourDlg::InvokeDialog(ParentList, NewCol, NEWCOLOUR_MUSTBENAMED))
01569     {
01570         delete NewCol;      // Bummer. They cancelled their subscription
01571         return(NULL);
01572     }
01573 #endif
01574 #endif
01576 //  NewCol->SetName(NewName);
01578     // Add the new colour (also ensuring that the colour has a unique name)
01579     ParentList->AddItem(NewCol);
01581     // Create an undo record, but only if it is a colour style (named)
01582     IndexedColour *UnHideList[2];
01583     UnHideList[0] = NewCol;
01584     UnHideList[1] = NULL;
01585     ColourManager::UnHideColours(ParentList, UnHideList);
01587     return(NewCol);
01588 }

IndexedColour * ColourManager::GenerateNewUnnamedColour ColourList ParentList,
DocColour BaseSourceColour

Creates a new named IndexedColour. If possible, this colour is copied from the given SourceColour, but if this is not available, an attempt to find a useful colour to copy will be made - if this fails, a battleship grey will be created. i.e. apart from abject failure, this always creates a new colour.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ParentList - The list in which the resulting colour will be placed. [INPUTS] In debug builds an ENSURE will be triggered if the new colour would be created with a parent-colour in a different colour list. May NOT be NULL.
SourceColour - A pointer to the colour you wish to duplicate. If NULL, some random "useful" colour will be substituted.

(ParentList - will contain the new colour if all went well) [OUTPUTS]
NULL if it failed, else A copy of SourceColour. This will be pretty much identical to SourceColour, except that it will always be an UNNAMED IndexedColour.
It generates a new colour & adds it to the ParentList unnamed-colours-list

Notes: This code is used by the Colour Editor to generate a new unnamed colour when editing "local colours".

Unnamed colours are auto-destructed when their usagecount is decremented to zero, so you don't generally need to clean up these colours.

When copying a colour style as an unnamed colour, we force it to be 'normal' This is so that initial attempts to edit the colour of an object delink it from its parent, and allow the colour to be freely edited. When editing the local colour, this force won't occur, which allows the user to specifically make locals which are links/tints.

Errors: If the return value is NULL, an unreported memory allocation failure has occurred.
See also:
IndexedColour::IndexedColour; ColourManager::UnHideColours; ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser

Definition at line 1641 of file colormgr.cpp.

01643 {
01644     if (ParentList == NULL)
01645     {
01646         ERROR3("ColourManager::GenerateNewUnnamedColour - NULL ParentList!");
01647         return(NULL);
01648     }
01650     IndexedColour *NewCol = NULL;
01652     DocColour SourceColour(COLOUR_BLACK);
01653     if (BaseSourceColour == NULL)
01654         FindColourOfInterestToUser(&SourceColour);      // No supplied colour, so find one
01655     else
01656         SourceColour = *BaseSourceColour;               // Use the supplied colour
01658     IndexedColour *SourceIxCol = SourceColour.FindParentIndexedColour();
01659     if (SourceIxCol == NULL)
01660     {
01661         // Copy the definition of a DocColour
01662         ColourGeneric ColDef;
01663         SourceColour.GetSourceColour(&ColDef);
01665         NewCol = new IndexedColour(SourceColour.GetColourModel(), &ColDef);
01666     }
01667     else
01668     {
01669         // Copy an IndexedColour
01670         NewCol = new IndexedColour(*SourceIxCol);
01672         if (NewCol != NULL)
01673         {
01674             NewCol->SetUnnamed();   // Ensure the colour is unnamed
01676             // When copying a colour style as an unnamed colour, we force it to be 'normal'
01677             // This is so that initial attempts to edit the colour of an object delink
01678             // it from its parent, and allow the colour to be freely edited. When editing
01679             // the local colour, this force won't occur, which allows the user to specifically
01680             // make locals which are links/tints.
01681             // NOTE that we make the source colour our parent, so that subsequent attempts
01682             // to edit this colour will choose a sensible parent.
01683     //      if (SourceIxCol->IsNamed())
01684     //      {
01685     // We no longer do this (Jason - 18/10/95)
01686     // This was a fix to the fact that the user could not edit tints/linked colours in the "simple"
01687     // colour editor, and thus could get trapped in a very confusing uneditable state.
01688     // These days they have both the ability to edit all colour types in the simple mode,
01689     // and the extra status line and constraint-display stuff to make it more obvious why they
01690     // can't change stuff when they can't.
01691     //          NewCol->SetLinkedParent(SourceIxCol, COLOURTYPE_NORMAL);
01692     //
01693     //      }
01695             // We have copied the Parent colour (hint) from the copied colour.
01696             // However, if this is a "normal" (unlinked) colour, we really want to set
01697             // the parent hint to be the colour we were copied from.
01698             // (But we can only use the source colour if it's named and "alive")
01699             if (NewCol->FindLinkedParent() == NULL && SourceIxCol->IsNamed() && !SourceIxCol->IsDeleted())
01700                 NewCol->SetLinkedParent(SourceIxCol, NewCol->GetType());
01701         }
01702     }
01704     // Check that the parent colour of our new one is a legal parent (named, not deleted, and exists
01705     // in the target document)
01706     if (NewCol != NULL)
01707     {
01708         IndexedColour *Parent = NewCol->FindLastLinkedParent();
01709         if (Parent != NULL)
01710         {
01711             if (Parent->IsDeleted() || !Parent->IsNamed())
01712                 Parent = NULL;          // Deleted or unnamed - forget it
01714             if (Parent != NULL)
01715             {
01716                 // Check that the parent colour is in the same colour list as the NewCol will be going
01717                 IndexedColour *Ptr = ParentList->GetUndeletedHead();
01718                 while (Ptr != NULL)
01719                 {
01720                     if (Ptr == Parent)
01721                         break;
01723                     Ptr = ParentList->GetUndeletedNext(Ptr);
01724                 }
01726                 if (Ptr != Parent)
01727                     Parent = NULL;
01728             }
01730             // Nope - we haven't got a safe parent, so vape the parent field altogether
01731             if (Parent == NULL)
01732             {
01733                 ERROR3("Warning: Had to correct colour with illegal parent pointer");
01734                 NewCol->SetLinkedParent(NULL, COLOURTYPE_NORMAL);
01735             }
01736         }
01738         // Add the new colour (also ensuring that the colour has a unique name)
01739         ParentList->GetUnnamedColours()->AddTail(NewCol);
01740     }
01742     return(NewCol);
01743 }

ColourContext * ColourManager::GetColourContext ColourModel  Model,
View ScopeView

To easily find an appropriate colour context to use when converting colours. There are global contexts, but in order to supply special view-specific colour corrections etc, each document view actually has its own private set of contexts. Thus, you should call this function to determine the most appropriate context to use.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Model - The colour model of the desired ColourContext [INPUTS] ScopeView - A pointer to the view for which you want the colour context. This should not be NULL, but if it is, a global default context will be returned
NULL if it failed to find an appropriate colour context, else a pointer to the context

Definition at line 586 of file colormgr.cpp.

00587 {
00588     if (ScopeView != NULL)
00589         return(ScopeView->GetColourContext(Model));
00591     return(ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(Model));
00592 }

ColourContext * ColourManager::GetColourContext ColourModel  Model,
Document ScopeDocument = NULL

To easily find an appropriate colour context to use when converting colours. There are global contexts, but in order to supply special document-specific colour corrections etc, each document actually has its own private set of contexts. Thus, you should call this function to determine the most appropriate context to use.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Model - The colour model of the desired ColourContext [INPUTS] ScopeDocument - NULL (to retrieve a global context) or a pointer to the document for which you want the colour context.
NULL if it failed to find an appropriate colour context, else a pointer to the context

Definition at line 552 of file colormgr.cpp.

00553 {
00554     if (ScopeDocument == NULL)
00555         return(ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(Model));
00557     return(ScopeDocument->GetDefaultColourContexts()->Context[Model]);
00558 }

ColourList * ColourManager::GetColourList BOOL  InvalidateCache = FALSE  )  [static]

To obtain the ColourList of IndexedColours in the SelectedDocument (the colours which the user can use within the document; this is the set of colours displayed by the colour bar and edited by the ColourMgrDlg) Note that an ordered list is used so that multiple display orders can be used (e.g. for the ColourMgrDlg and ColourBar, etc).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
InvalidateCache - TRUE if you want to force it to re-cache the [INPUTS] list pointer (generally only used internally; the default setting of FALSE is all external clients should ever need to use)
NULL, or a pointer to the current colour list
Notes: This returns the list of colours from the SELECTED document, i.e. the colours displayed in the colour bar etc. Use GetCurrentColourList if you wish to get the colours for the CURRENT doc.

The list is cached so this call is generally pretty efficient

Definition at line 471 of file colormgr.cpp.

00472 {
00473     Document *ParentDoc = Document::GetSelected();
00475     if (ParentDoc != NULL)
00476     {
00477         if (InvalidateCache || ParentDoc != ScopeDocument)
00478         {
00479             CurrentColourList = ParentDoc->GetIndexedColours();
00480             ScopeDocument = ParentDoc;
00481         }
00482         // else
00483         //    Cache is up to date, so quit messing about
00484     }
00485     else
00486     {
00487         ScopeDocument = NULL;       // ParentDocument is NULL - no colour list
00488         CurrentColourList = NULL;       
00489     }
00491     return(CurrentColourList);
00492 }

ColourList * ColourManager::GetCurrentColourList void   )  [static]

To obtain the ColourList of IndexedColours in the CurrentDocument.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
NULL, or a pointer to the current colour list
Notes: This returns the colours for the CURRENT document, NOT the Selected one - that is, these may not be the colours displayed in the colour bar/input-focus document.

See also:

Definition at line 517 of file colormgr.cpp.

00518 {
00519     Document *ParentDoc = Document::GetCurrent();
00521     if (ParentDoc != NULL)
00522         return(ParentDoc->GetIndexedColours());
00524     return(NULL);
00525 }

BOOL ColourManager::GetCurrentLineAndFillAttrs AttrStrokeColour **  LineAttr,
AttrFillGeometry **  FillAttr

Determines the current line and fill colour attributes. These are the default ones, or if there is a selection, the attrs which are common to all selected objects. If there are many different attributes of the same type associated with the selection, NULL is returned. Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care This function ensures that Current == Selected during its operation.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
6/7/94 (Moved from ccolbar.cpp, 25/11/94)
LineAttr - will be filled in with NULL, or pointer to the attribute [OUTPUTS] FillAttr - will be filled in with NULL, or pointer to the attribute
TRUE if these are default attributes; FALSE if the attributes are those common to the current selection.

Definition at line 721 of file colormgr.cpp.

00723 {
00724     ENSURE(LineAttr != NULL &&  FillAttr != NULL, 
00725             "ColourManager::GetCurrentLineAndFillAttrs - NULL pointers passed in!");
00727     *LineAttr = NULL;   // Ensure safe exit if we fail
00728     *FillAttr = NULL;
00730     // I don't think it is the colour bar's responsibility to check this, but
00731     // this is the only way that *I* can fix the problem of an ENSURE failure 
00732     // on exit (we ask for info when no tools are current... I believe this is
00733     // because some slurphead has thrown away the tools BEFORE the document,
00734     // because the Document::GetSelected still does not return NULL in this case!)
00735     if (Tool::GetCurrent() == NULL)
00736         return(TRUE);
00738     Document *SelectedDoc = Document::GetSelected();
00739     if (SelectedDoc == NULL)
00740         return(TRUE);
00742     // Save the current CurrentDoc, and set (CurrentDoc = SelectedDoc)
00743     Document *OldCurrentDoc = SetCurrentDoc();
00745     SelRange *Selection = Camelot.FindSelection();
00746     ENSURE(Selection != NULL, "No Selection SelRange!?!");
00748     SelRange::CommonAttribResult result =
00749         Selection->FindCommonAttribute(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrStrokeColour),
00750                                         (NodeAttribute **)LineAttr);
00751     if (result == SelRange::ATTR_MANY)
00752         *LineAttr = NULL;
00754     result = Selection->FindCommonAttribute(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrFillGeometry),
00755                                             (NodeAttribute **)FillAttr);
00756     if (result == SelRange::ATTR_MANY)
00757         *FillAttr = NULL;
00759     RestoreCurrentDoc(OldCurrentDoc);
00761     return(result == SelRange::ATTR_NONE);
00762 }

BOOL ColourManager::GetCurrentLineAndFillColours DocColour **  LineCol,
DocColour **  FillCol,
DocColour **  EndGradFill = NULL

Finds the current line and fill attributes, and dereferences them to find the current line and fill DocColours. These may be returned NULL if there are no current attributes (no document/many colours selected).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <> (changed by Gerry 21/8/96)
9/9/94 (Moved from ccolbar.cpp, 25/11/94)
LineCol - NULL, or will be filled in with a pointer to the current line colour [OUTPUTS] FillCol - NULL, or will be filled in with a pointer to the current fill colour EndGradFill - NULL, or will be filled in with NULL or the grad-fill end colour (see below) EndGradFill2 - NULL, or will be filled in with NULL or the second end colour EndGradFill3 - NULL, or will be filled in with NULL or the third end colour
TRUE if these are default attributes; FALSE if the attributes are those common to the current selection.
Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care

LineCol and/or FillCol may be passed in NULL if you are not interested in having these results returned to you.

If EndGradFill is NULL and a grad fill is selected then FillColour will be filled in with the selected fill blob's colour (or NULL if there are zero or more than one selected blob). EndGradFill2 and EndGradFill3 will be filled in with NULL (if they are non NULL)

If EndGradFill is non-NULL and a grad-fill is selected, instead of returning only the selected endpoint colour, it returns the start and end colours in FillCol (start) and EndGradFill (end). If the fill has more than two colours (ie GetEndColour2() != NULL) then both FillCol and EndGradFill will bet filled in with NULL (to indicate many).

MULTIFILL: This system needs to be changed to support multistage fills.

See also:

Definition at line 814 of file colormgr.cpp.

00816 {
00817     if (LineCol != NULL)            // Ensure return NULL if we fail
00818         *LineCol = NULL;
00820     if (FillCol != NULL)
00821         *FillCol = NULL;
00823     if (EndGradFill != NULL)
00824         *EndGradFill = NULL;
00826     AttrStrokeColour *LineAttr = NULL;
00827     AttrFillGeometry *FillAttr = NULL;
00829     BOOL result = GetCurrentLineAndFillAttrs(&LineAttr, &FillAttr);
00831     if (LineAttr != NULL && LineCol != NULL)
00832         *LineCol = LineAttr->GetStartColour();
00834     if (FillAttr != NULL && FillCol != NULL)
00835     {
00836         // New bit added by will (3/11/94) to make colour bar show
00837         // the selected fill control point's colour.
00838         // Note this assumes there are only start and end colours,
00839         // and so will NOT work with multi-stage fills.
00841         if (FillAttr->GetRuntimeClass() == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrFlatColourFill))
00842         {
00843             *FillCol = FillAttr->GetStartColour();
00844         }
00845         else
00846         {           
00847             if (EndGradFill == NULL)
00848             {
00849                 // The caller wants the selected point's colour or NULL (already set)
00851                 if (FillAttr->GetSelectionCount() == 1)                     // If there is only 1 selected blob
00852                 {
00853                     // Get the colour of the selected blob
00855                     if (FillAttr->IsSelected(FILLCONTROL_STARTPOINT))       // Show Start Colour
00856                         *FillCol = FillAttr->GetStartColour();
00857                     else if (FillAttr->IsSelected(FILLCONTROL_ENDPOINT))    // Show End Colour
00858                         *FillCol = FillAttr->GetEndColour();
00859                     else if (FillAttr->IsSelected(FILLCONTROL_ENDPOINT2))   // Show End2 Colour
00860                         *FillCol = FillAttr->GetEndColour2();
00861                     else if (FillAttr->IsSelected(FILLCONTROL_ENDPOINT3))   // Show End3 Colour
00862                         *FillCol = FillAttr->GetEndColour3();
00863                 }
00864             }
00865             else
00866             {
00867                 // User wants two colours
00869                 if (FillAttr->GetEndColour2() == NULL)      // If the fill doesn't have a third colour
00870                 {                   
00871                     // We know FillCol is non-NULL
00872                     *FillCol = FillAttr->GetStartColour();
00874                     // We know EndGradFill is non-NULL
00875                     *EndGradFill = FillAttr->GetEndColour();
00876                 }
00877             }
00878         }
00879     }
00881     return(result);
00882 }

BOOL ColourManager::HideColours ColourList ColList,
IndexedColour **  ColourArray,
BOOL  ForceDelete

This 'deletes' colours by creating an undoable operation to hide them. It is assumed that the colours are not in use by the time you call this function - An ENSURE failure will occur if any are. After invoking the 'hide' operation, this function calls ColourListHasChanged.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ColList - The colour list in which the colours reside. Must be non-NULL. [INPUTS] ColourArray - A NULL-terminated list of pointers to colours to be hidden. NOTE that this array is changed in the process! ForceDelete - TRUE if you want to forcibly hide ('delete') all the colours, even if they are in use in the document (in this case, all references in the document will be coerced to immediate DocColours (undoable, of course) and then the colour will be hidden as usual) FALSE if you only want truly unused colours to be hidden
ColourArray may be changed (see Notes) [OUTPUTS]
TRUE if it thinks it succeeded
Notes: The passed ColourArray parameter is used as temporary workspace, and will be returned containing a list of the colours which were succesfully deleted. This modified list is copied for the undo system, so you need not keep it around after the call to this fn - i.e. it is your responsibility to delete the array after calling this method. The modified list is also guaranteed to be no larger than the original array, so you don't need to allocate extra space for it.

See also:
ColourManager::UnHideColours; ColourManager::ColourListHasChanged

Definition at line 2014 of file colormgr.cpp.

02016 {
02017     ERROR3IF(ColList == NULL || ColourArray == NULL,
02018                 "ColourManager::HideColours cannot accept NULL parameters\n");
02020     HideColoursInfo HCInfo;
02022     HCInfo.ParentList   = ColList;
02023     HCInfo.Colours      = ColourArray;
02024     HCInfo.ForceDelete  = ForceDelete;
02025     HCInfo.HideThem     = TRUE;
02027     OpDescriptor* OpDesc =
02028                 OpDescriptor::FindOpDescriptor( OPTOKEN_HIDECOLOURS );
02030     if (OpDesc != NULL)
02031         OpDesc->Invoke((OpParam *) &HCInfo);
02033     return(TRUE);
02034 }

BOOL ColourManager::Init void   )  [static]

Initialises the entire colour system. This includes the colour manager, colour contexts, and colour dialogues, etc. Notes: Should only be called once ever. Called by Application::Init().

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
FALSE if initialisation failed
See also:
ColourManager; MessageHandler

Reimplemented from SimpleCCObject.

Definition at line 189 of file colormgr.cpp.

00190 {
00191 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
00192     // Init (register) all our operations
00193 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
00194     if (!::InitImagesettingOps())
00195         return(FALSE);
00196 #endif
00198     if (!OpHideColours::Init())
00199         return(FALSE);
00201     if (!OpColourChange::Init())
00202         return(FALSE);
00204     if (!OpRedrawColours::Init())
00205         return(FALSE);
00207     if (!OpMakeColourLocalToFrame::Init())
00208         return(FALSE);
00209 #endif
00211     // Init the global list of active colour contexts
00212     if (!ColourContextList::InitColourContexts())
00213         return(FALSE);
00215     return(TRUE);
00216 }

MsgResult ColourManager::Message Msg Message  )  [protected, virtual]

Process messages sent to the ColourManager Some messages (DocChanging) will cause new broadcasts indicating that the colour system has changed (new colour list has been paged in, etc).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Message,: The message [INPUTS]

Errors: -

See also:
ColourManager; MessageHandler; ColourChangingMsg

Reimplemented from MessageHandler.

Definition at line 303 of file colormgr.cpp.

00304 {
00305     if (MESSAGE_IS_A(Message, DocChangingMsg))
00306     {
00307         DocChangingMsg *TheMsg = (DocChangingMsg *) Message;
00309         switch ( TheMsg->State )
00310         {
00311             case DocChangingMsg::SELCHANGED:
00312                 if (TheMsg->pNewDoc == NULL)            // No document selected any more
00313                 {
00314                     // Send PaletteChangingMsg - DESELECTED
00315                     CurrentColourList = NULL;           // No document present
00316                     ScopeDocument = NULL;
00318                     BROADCAST_TO_ALL(ColourChangingMsg(ScopeDocument, CurrentColourList, NULL,
00319                                             ColourChangingMsg::LISTDESELECTED));
00320                 }
00321                 else if (TheMsg->pOldDoc != TheMsg->pNewDoc)
00322                 {
00323                     // Send PaletteChangingMsg - PAGED
00324                     CurrentColourList = NULL;           // Cause re-caching of this info
00325                     ScopeDocument = NULL;
00327                     GetColourList(TRUE);                // Find the new colour list
00329                     BROADCAST_TO_ALL(ColourChangingMsg(ScopeDocument, CurrentColourList, NULL,
00330                                             ColourChangingMsg::LISTPAGED));
00331                 }
00332                 break;
00335             case DocChangingMsg::ABOUTTODIE:
00336                 // Pass this around as a ColourList killed message
00337                 if (TheMsg->pChangingDoc != NULL)
00338                     BROADCAST_TO_ALL(ColourChangingMsg(TheMsg->pChangingDoc,
00339                                         TheMsg->pChangingDoc->GetIndexedColours(), NULL,
00340                                         ColourChangingMsg::LISTDELETED));
00342                 if (TheMsg->pChangingDoc == ScopeDocument)
00343                 {
00344                     // We can't keep a cached value around, as soon after this point the
00345                     // colour list will cease to exist
00346                     CurrentColourList = NULL;
00347                     ScopeDocument = NULL;
00348                 }
00349                 break;
00350             default:
00351                 break;
00352         }
00353     }
00354     else if (MESSAGE_IS_A(Message, ColourChangingMsg))
00355     {
00356         ColourChangingMsg *TheMsg = (ColourChangingMsg *) Message;
00358         switch ( TheMsg->State )
00359         {
00360             case ColourChangingMsg::LISTUPDATED:
00361                 // The list has changed- may involve a colour having been deleted.
00362                 // We check if the attribute manager is using any colours which are
00363                 // now deleted, and if so, set it to use safer ones!                
00364                 if (TheMsg->ScopeDoc == NULL || TheMsg->NewColourList == NULL)
00365                 {
00366                     ERROR3("ColChangingMsg::LISTUPDATED broadcast with NULL colour list");
00367                 }
00368                 else
00369                     TheMsg->ScopeDoc->GetAttributeMgr().UpdateForDeletedColours(
00370                                                             TheMsg->NewColourList);
00371                 break;
00374             case ColourChangingMsg::COLOURUPDATED:
00375                 {
00376                     // An IndexedColour has been edited.
00377                     // We need to force an update on all colours Linked to this one, and
00378                     // then redraw all DocViews on this document.
00380                     if (TheMsg->ScopeDoc != NULL &&
00381                         TheMsg->NewColourList != NULL &&
00382                         TheMsg->ChangedColour != NULL)
00383                     {
00384                         IndexedColour **AffectedColours = TheMsg->NewColourList->
00385                                         CompileInheritanceArray(TheMsg->ChangedColour);
00387                         if (AffectedColours == NULL)
00388                         {
00389                             // Memory error means we can't get the array                            
00390                             // Tell *all* linked colours in the list they may have changed
00391                             List *TheList = TheMsg->NewColourList;
00393                             IndexedColour *Ptr = (IndexedColour *) (TheList->GetHead());
00394                             while (Ptr != NULL)
00395                             {
00396                                 if (Ptr->FindLinkedParent() != NULL)    // If is linked
00397                                     Ptr->LinkedAncestorHasChanged();    // Warn it of the change
00398                                 Ptr = (IndexedColour *) TheList->GetNext(Ptr);
00399                             }
00401                             // And all unnamed colours too
00402                             TheList = TheMsg->NewColourList->GetUnnamedColours();
00404                             Ptr = (IndexedColour *) (TheList->GetHead());
00405                             while (Ptr != NULL)
00406                             {
00407                                 if (Ptr->FindLinkedParent() != NULL)    // If is linked
00408                                     Ptr->LinkedAncestorHasChanged();    // Warn it of the change
00409                                 Ptr = (IndexedColour *) TheList->GetNext(Ptr);
00410                             }
00412                             // And force-redraw the entire document - all views
00413                             CBitmapCache *pBC = Camelot.GetBitmapCache();
00414                             if( NULL != pBC )
00415                                 pBC->DeInitialise();                // Brute force cache management!
00416                             TheMsg->ScopeDoc->ForceRedraw();
00417                         }
00418                         else
00419                         {
00420                             // Inform all the linked colours (except the first, which is the
00421                             // actual colour which has changed) that they may have changed
00422                             INT32 Index = 1;
00423                             while (AffectedColours[Index] != NULL)
00424                             {
00425                                 AffectedColours[Index]->LinkedAncestorHasChanged();
00426                                 Index++;
00427                             }
00429                             // And redraw all affected areas of the document
00430                             ForceRedrawOfChangedColours(TheMsg->ScopeDoc, AffectedColours);
00431                         }
00432                     }
00433                 }
00434                 break;
00435             default:
00436                 break;
00437         }
00438     }
00440     return OK;
00441 }      

void ColourManager::SelViewContextHasChanged void   )  [static]

To redraw all windows which depend upon the Selected View's colour context. i.e. The selected view, and also the colour editor, gallery, & line. (and maybe other windows in the future, e.g. object properties, grad fill editors, etc).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
This redraws the selected view, then broadcasts a ColourChangingMsg message with a state of SELVIEWCONTEXTCHANGE to inform other interested parties.

Notes: This should only be called when the selected view's RGB (screen) colour context is changed, which really shouldn't happen terribly often.

Definition at line 616 of file colormgr.cpp.

00617 {
00618     View *SelView = DocView::GetSelected();
00620     if (SelView != NULL && SelView->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(DocView)))
00621     {
00622         CBitmapCache* pBC = Camelot.GetBitmapCache();
00623         if( NULL != pBC )
00624             pBC->DeInitialise();                    // Brute force cache management
00626         ((DocView *)SelView)->ForceRedraw();
00627     }
00629     BROADCAST_TO_ALL(ColourChangingMsg(NULL, NULL, NULL,
00630                                 ColourChangingMsg::SELVIEWCONTEXTCHANGE));
00631 }

BOOL ColourManager::UnHideColours ColourList ColList,
IndexedColour **  ColourArray

This un-'deletes' colours by creating an undoable operation to unhide them. This is used when creating a new colour to 'unhide' it (which has no immediate effect on the colour) - this creates an undo record that will hide the colour if the 'new' is undone.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ColList - The colour list in which the colours reside. Must be non-NULL. [INPUTS] ColourArray - A NULL-terminated list of pointers to colours to be unhidden
TRUE if it thinks it succeeded
Notes: The undo record generated uses a COPY of the array you passed in. It is your responsibility to delete the original array after calling this method.

See also:
ColourManager::HideColours; ColourManager::ColourListHasChanged

Definition at line 2063 of file colormgr.cpp.

02064 {
02065     ERROR3IF(ColList == NULL || ColourArray == NULL,
02066                 "ColourManager::UnHideColours cannot accept NULL parameters\n");
02068     HideColoursInfo HCInfo;
02070     HCInfo.ParentList   = ColList;
02071     HCInfo.Colours      = ColourArray;
02072     HCInfo.ForceDelete  = FALSE;
02073     HCInfo.HideThem     = FALSE;
02075     OpDescriptor* OpDesc =
02076                 OpDescriptor::FindOpDescriptor( OPTOKEN_SHOWCOLOURS );
02078     if (OpDesc != NULL)
02079         OpDesc->Invoke((OpParam *) &HCInfo);
02081     return(TRUE);
02082 }

Member Data Documentation

ColourList* ColourManager::CurrentColourList [static, protected]

Definition at line 264 of file colormgr.h.

Document* ColourManager::ScopeDocument [static, protected]

Definition at line 265 of file colormgr.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Nov 10 03:52:57 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4