GRenderRegion Class Reference

Encapsulates rendering using Gavins routines (ie. into a bitmap). This object is created when something needs rendering using Gavins routines eg. When anti-aliasing. See RenderRegion notes for more general details of this class. This is an abstract class - see GRenderDIB or GRenderDDB for implementations. More...

#include <grndrgn.h>

Inheritance diagram for GRenderRegion:

RenderRegion ListItem CCObject SimpleCCObject GRenderDIB GRenderWinG GRenderBitmap GRenderBrush GRenderClick GRenderPrint GRenderOptPalette MaskedRenderRegion GRenderClickColour PrintingMaskedRenderRegion GRenderClickColourNoPaper List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GRenderRegion ()
 GRenderRegion (DocRect ClipRegion, Matrix ConvertMatrix, FIXED16 ViewScale, UINT32 Depth, double dpi)
 Constructor for a GRenderRegion. INT32 dpi changed to double dpi (12/12/95) to improve the range of values allowed at the < 1000dpi settings that we will be using.
virtual ~GRenderRegion ()
 Default Destructor for GRenderRegion Class. Frees up memory.
virtual BOOL CopyRenderInfo (const RenderRegion &Other)
 Copies all the parameters from the render region 'Other' into this render region. This was written for the region merging code. When a new region is created, due to existing regions being split up, it should be based on the original region, with a different clipping rectangle.
virtual BOOL AttachDevice (View *, wxDC *, Spread *=NULL, bool fOwned=false)
virtual BOOL InitDevice ()
 Initialises the render region's connection to the device information passed in to RenderRegion::AttachDevice.
BOOL StartRender ()
 Initialises an GRenderRegion for rendering. Sets up a bitmap and gmatrix ready for gdraw rendering.
BOOL StopRender ()
 Stops the rendering of a GRenderRegion, saving it's current renderstate so that rendering can continue where it left off, later on. Copies the gdraw internal bitmap to its final resting place (e.g. the screen). Also tidies up windows' palette.
virtual void SetClean (BOOL bResetChangedBounds, BOOL FillWhite)
 Informs the GRenderRegion that it should consider it's bitmap image to be clean, i.e. it's an accurate representation of what is on screen already, so there is no need to blit it. This is used in conjunction with the PaperRenderRegion to avoid unnecessary blits.
virtual BOOL IsClean ()
void DrawPathToOutputDevice (Path *PathToDraw, PathShape shapePath=PATHSHAPE_PATH)
 Renders a path object using gavins routines.
void DrawRect (DocRect *RectToRender)
void DrawDragRect (DocRect *RectToRender)
void DrawLine (const DocCoord &StartPoint, const DocCoord &EndPoint)
void DrawBlob (DocCoord p, BlobType type)
void DrawPixel (const DocCoord &Point)
void DrawCross (const DocCoord &Point, const UINT32 Size)
void DrawBitmap (const DocCoord &Point, KernelBitmap *pBitmap)
void DrawBitmap (const DocCoord &Point, UINT32 BitmapID, UINT32 ToolID=NULL)
void DrawBitmap (const DocRect &rect, KernelBitmap *pBitmap)
void DrawBitmapBlob (const DocCoord &Point, KernelBitmap *BlobShape)
void DrawBitmapBlob (const DocCoord &Point, ResourceID resID)
void DrawFixedSystemText (StringBase *TheText, DocRect &BoundsRect, UINT32 uFormat=DEFAULT_TEXT_FORMATTING)
 To draw simple text, using the default host-operating-system font. The size and style of this font are decided by the host OS (or oil code) and cannot be set in any way. To determine how much space is needed to display a string with this method, see the SeeAlso.
void SetFixedSystemTextColours (DocColour *TextCol, DocColour *Background)
 To set the text and background colour(s) for any FixedSystem text rendered in this render region in the future (within the current rendering pass).
void GetFixedSystemTextSize (StringBase *TheText, DocRect *BoundsRect, double *atDpi=NULL)
 To determine how much room is needed to plot a bit of text with RenderRegion::DrawFixedSystemText.
void InitClipping ()
void InitAttributes ()
void SetLineAttributes ()
void SetFillAttributes ()
void SetOSDrawingMode ()
void SetQualityLevel ()
 Does nothing.
void Restore (RenderRegion *)
BOOL RenderGradFillPath (Path *, GradFillAttribute *)
 Fills a grad filled path (linear or radial).
BOOL RenderBitmapFill (Path *, BitmapFillAttribute *)
virtual void SetSolidColours (BOOL SetSolid)
GDrawContextGetDrawContext () const
virtual WinRect CalculateWinRect (Matrix &RenderMatrix, const DocRect &docrect, const double dpi)
 To create bitmap from wxBitmap structure. To free bitmap To convert a rectangle in Doc coordinates to a rectangle in Win coordinates taking account of the destination dpi rather than assuming screen dpi. Virtual so that it can be overriden by different render regions if so required.
virtual WinRect CalculateWinRect (const DocRect &docrect)
void SetDeepDIB (BOOL Value)
const RGBQUADGet32BitRGBQuadData ()
UINT32 GetSizeOfRGBQuadData ()
void SetDoCompression (BOOL bDoCompression)
void SetDoBitmapConversion (BOOL bEnable)
DocRect GetChangedRect ()
void SetBitmapPointers (LPBITMAPINFO bi, LPBYTE by)
BOOL GetBitmapPointers (LPBITMAPINFO *ppInfo, LPBYTE *ppBits, BOOL bCorrectTransparency=TRUE)
double GetScaledPixelWidthDouble ()
void SetSimulatePrinting (UINT32 PrintType)
virtual void GetRenderRegionCaps (RRCaps *pCaps)
 This function allows a render region to declare what it can render and what it can not render. This base class version of the function says that it can render none of the options. If your render region can do some of these things then you should overide this function and set the appropriate flags.
virtual SlowJobResult DrawMaskedBitmap (const DocRect &Rect, KernelBitmap *pBitmap, MaskedRenderRegion *pMask, ProgressDisplay *Progress)
 Plots the bitmap using the mask supplied. The base class implementation here does nothing.
void SetForceBitmapSmoothing (BOOL ForceSmoothing)
BOOL IsForcingBitmapSmoothing ()
void SetDitherStyle8Bit (INT32 DitherStyle)
virtual void ResetRegion (DocRect &NewClipRect)
 Resets the render region (after it has been merged), so that it no longer thinks it is banded etc. It also takes the Regions rectangle from the Current Clipping rectangle, so set this correctly before calling this function.
void FreeOffscreenState ()
virtual void SetOffscreen (OffscreenAttrValue *)
 Create a new bitmap into which, the subtree rooted at this attributes parent, will be rendered. Then call base version to push the current OffscreenAttr onto the context stack.
virtual void RestoreOffscreen (OffscreenAttrValue *)
BOOL RenderBitmapWithTransparency (Path *, BitmapFillAttribute *, BitmapTranspFillAttribute *)
 Helper function for RenderBitmapFill and SetBitmapTransparencyFill. Used to work out whether or not to smooth bitmap fills/transparencies. Helper function for RenderBitmapFill and SetBitmapTransparencyFill. Used to work out whether or not to smooth bitmap fills/transparencies. Helper function for RenderBitmapFill and SetBitmapTransparencyFill. Used to work out whether or not to smooth bitmap fills/transparencies. Helper function for RenderBitmapFill and SetBitmapTransparencyFill. Used to work out whether or not to smooth bitmap fills/transparencies. Helper function for RenderBitmapFill and SetBitmapTransparencyFill. Sets the smoothing flags using SetBitmapSmoothingFlag and SetTileFilteringFlag. These flags determine the quality of subsequent SetBitmapFill / SetTransparentBitmapFill operations. Fills a shape with a bitmap Initialises a Transparency fill. Scope: ProtectedSets up a fractal fill. Scope: ProtectedSets up a fractal transparency fill. Scope: ProtectedRenders a rectangle using gavins routines. Rectangles are not anti-aliased. Does NOTHING AT ALL as gdraw cannot do xor plotting Does NOTHING AT ALL as gdraw cannot do xor plotting Renders a line using gdraw. Draws an un-scaled Bitmap. Use this for drawing Icons for dialogue boxes etc. The Bitmap can be any size, but will be plotted unscaled. Note that 'Point' specifies where the bottom left of the bitmap will be.Draws an un-scaled Bitmap. Use this for drawing Icons for dialogue boxes etc. The Bitmap can be any size, but will be plotted unscaled. Note that 'Point' specifies where the bottom left of the bitmap will be.Draws an un-scaled Bitmap. Use this for drawing Icons for dialogue boxes etc. The Bitmap can be any size, but will be plotted unscaled. Note that 'Point' specifies where the bottom left of the bitmap will be.To draw simple text, using the default host-operating-system font. The size and style of this font are decided by the host OS (or oil code) and cannot be set in any way. To determine how much space is needed to display a string with this method, see the SeeAlso.To set the text and background colour(s) for any FixedSystem text rendered in this render region in the future (within the current rendering pass).To determine how much room is needed to plot a bit of text with GRenderRegion::DrawFixedSystemTextDraw an Arrow head on the start or end of a line. Updates the GMATRIX used for rendering. Make a Gavin Matrix out of a Kernel Matrix Sets Gavins drawing colour. He does not distinguish between line & fill colours - the caller has to do that. Sets Gavins drawing colour. He does not distinguish between line & fill colours - the caller has to do that. Allows the dithering of colours to be turned off so they look the same using GDraw as they do with the GDI.Calculates the size of a Pixel in MILLIPOINTS, based on the output DPI but IGNORES the scale factor. Calculates the size of a Pixel in MILLIPOINTS, based on the output DPI but IGNORES the scale factor. Calculates the size of a Pixel in MILLIPOINTS, based on the output DPI and current scale factor. Calculates the size of a Pixel in MILLIPOINTS, based on the output DPI and current scale factor. Returns the true scaled pixel width of this GRenderRegion, to the accuracy of a double. GetScaledPixelWidth() returns a whole number, which is highly inaccurate at high zooms - eg SPW at 6031% is usually 750 / 60.31 = 12.44ish but GetScaledPixelWidth() returns 12. This method is useful if your code needs precise conversion between millipoints and pixels.Called after the Quality setting has been changed on the region. We have to recalculate the antialiasing & flatness settings. Also used by StartRender.Gets ready to do actual rendering. In this case it does nothing. bitmap. Initialise the device specific mechanisms for this render region. IN this case the bitmap is allocated, so can fail. Determines whether a GRenderRegion can be created for rendering. A NULL return should NOT be tested with ENSURE, it is a perfectly valid return result. Slightly misleading name for historic reasons. Actually plots any depth bitmap on any device, without any special handling. Use as a fallback when the more specialist versions are not suitable.Plot high colour bitmap (16 or 32-bits) to a 256 colour device. If we let GDI do this it would take a very long time, so we convert to an intermediate bitmap first. NEW - also plots to a 16-colour device. Will ENSURE if not 16- or 256-colours.If can do PAL_INDICES, just does that, else fills in the RGB quads in the DIB and returns DIB_RGB_COLOR. Only really make sense to call on 16 or 256 colour bitmaps. Plot the DIB as fast as possible to the display surface. IMPORTANT: Only works on SCREEN devices. Plot the DIB as fast as possible to the display surface. Member function version. There is also a more general static version (which this uses). This member fn one uses the ChangedBBox for optimal blitting. Plot a bitmap to a device of the same colour depth.For the main window to get a Gavin-approved logical palette. Scope: StaticDraws a cross in the render region. The cross consists of a vertical line 'Size' millipoints high, and a horizontal line 'Size' millipoints wide.Used to know whether StrokePathToPath will fail. If we don't have GDraw, we cannot do this, if we do, we can. Scope: StaticUsed for rendering complex strokes when the native system cannot do it (e.g. GDI16). Scope: StaticInitialises GDraw for rendering into 8bpp bitmapsCalls SelectPalette for the static GDraw context and sets the palette Scope: Static publicSets up a sensible palette for error diffusion It sets 3 of the entries to black to avoid them being used Scope: Static protectedGiven a ptr to a ClipRegionAttribute, generate an appropriate GDraw clipping region and return it. Sets the flag which indicates that we are rendering to a 32bit bitmapDelete and free memory used by all clip regions which this render region has stored.Intended solely for use by the feathering and shadowing systems, both of which make use of a bitmap blurring algorithm which can sometimes return a blurred bitmap up and right by half a pixel.This function allows a GRenderRegion to declare what it can render and what it can not render. This allows us to pretend to be a simple render region when doing onscreen print previews.This function tells a GRenderRegion to simulate printing This allows us to pretend to be a simple render region when doing onscreen print previews.Plots the bitmap using the mask supplied.Plots the bitmap using the mask supplied.To get the changed rectangle so far To start a bitmap capture of whatever is subsequently rendered To stop a bitmap capture To inform the capture stack that things (transparency) have changedTo setup a direct capture if that is possible Render the current state of the capture stack into the specified bitmap (For use when rendering is interrupted) (For use when capture must be collapsed from 32BPP to 24BPP without affecting the master bitmap)Search down the Capture stack from the top or from the capture specified until we find one that owns a bitmap. The master capture at the bottom of the stack should ALWAYS own a bitmap!Render the current state of the capture stack into the specified bitmap (For use when rendering is interrupted)To connect this renderregion to a bitmap along with clipping and view transformation information (a "capture") Discover whether this transparency type can be rendered into RGBT bitmap by GDraw. (Things like stain and bleach cannot be accurately captured in the T channel of the RGBT bitmap.) Map Camelot's internal transp type to GDraw's transp type Notes: This function only understands FLAT and GRAD - it will never map a Camelot transparency type to one of GDraw's "Colour and transp" valuesTo set the bitmap pointers for the master capture only, updating both the working members and the versions stored in the master capture. To get the bitmap pointers for the master capture only. Toggles state of gdraw flag then forces a redraw. Constructor for OpGDraw operation. It is not undoable. This item is always available when GDraw is available.
virtual BOOL IsWrappedRender () const
virtual BOOL TranspTypeIsRGBTCompatible (UINT32 ttype) const
TransparencyEnum MapTranspTypeToGDraw (UINT32 ttype, BOOL bGraduated) const
virtual CaptureStartCapture (CCObject *pOwner, DocRect CaptureRect, CAPTUREINFO cinfo, BOOL bTransparent=TRUE, BOOL bCaptureBackground=FALSE, double mpPixelWidth=0, NodeRenderableInk *pDirectSupplier=NULL)
 To start a bitmap capture of whatever is subsequently rendered.
virtual BOOL StopCapture (CCObject *pOwner, BOOL bRender=TRUE, BOOL bReleaseBitmap=FALSE, LPBITMAPINFO *plpBitmapInfo=NULL, LPBYTE *plpBits=NULL, DocRect *pCaptureRect=NULL, Matrix *pmatTransform=NULL, double *pdResolution=NULL)
 To stop a bitmap capture.
virtual BOOL ChangeCapture (CAPTUREINFO cinfo, BOOL bTransparent=TRUE, BOOL bCaptureBackground=FALSE)
 To inform the capture stack that things (transparency) have changed.
virtual BOOL MasterCaptureIsCurrent () const
virtual BOOL RenderCurrentCaptureState (BOOL bStartFromMaster=FALSE)
virtual CaptureGetTopCaptureBitmap (Capture *pFromCapture=NULL) const
virtual BOOL TopCaptureIsDirect ()
virtual void SetClipRegion (ClipRegionAttribute *pClipAttr, BOOL Temp)
 Set the current ClipRegion for this RenderRegion. pClipAttr contains a path, and all future rendering will occur *through* that clipping path, after it is clipped to any pre-existing clipping region.
virtual void RestoreClipRegion (ClipRegionAttribute *pClipAttr, BOOL Temp)
 Set the current ClipRegion for this RenderRegion. pClipAttr contains a path, and all future rendering will occur *through* that clipping path, after it is clipped to any pre-existing clipping region.
void OffsetByHalfPixel ()
virtual BOOL GrabBitmap (DocRect *rectGrab, LPBITMAPINFO *plpBitmapInfo, LPBYTE *plpBits)

Static Public Member Functions

static BOOL Init ()
 Initialise the render region.
static RenderRegionCreate (DocRect ClipRegion, Matrix ConvertMatrix, FIXED16 ViewScale, RenderType, View *pView=NULL, BOOL bForce32BPP=FALSE)
static BOOL Init (BOOL)
 Determine possibility of using gdraw routines and determine various characterisitics of the screen.
static void DeInit ()
 Call once during termination to perform any necessary cleanup.
static BOOL CalcBlitMode (INT32 Wanted)
static GDrawContextSetTempDrawContext (GDrawContext *pContext)
static GDrawContextGetStaticDrawContext ()
static GDrawContextGetStaticDrawContext (INT32 DitherType)
static INT32 GetDefaultTransparency ()
static UINT32 SetPaletteEntries (LPBITMAPINFO lpBmi, wxDC *pOutputDC=NULL)
static LPBYTE StaticPlotBitmap (wxDC *pDC, UINT32 ColourFlag, LPBITMAPINFO lpBitmapInfo, LPBYTE lpBits, INT32 Left, INT32 Top, UINT32 Width, UINT32 Height, wxPalette *hPal, INT32, INT32)
static const LOGPALETTEGetRecommendedPalette ()
static BOOL StrokePathAvailable ()
static INT32 StrokePathToPath (CONST DocCoord *IPoints, CONST BYTE FAR *ITypes, size_t ILength, DocCoord *OPoints, BYTE *OTypes, DWORD OLength, BOOL Close, DWORD LineWidth, DWORD Flattening, LineCapType LineCaps, JointType LineJoin, CONST DashType *Dash)
static void GColInit (wxDC *, BOOL=FALSE)
static void PaletteHasChanged ()
static void EnsurePalette (INT32 PaletteFlag)
static LPLOGPALETTE GetErrorDiffPalette (void)
static void SetViewDither (INT32 dither)
static DWORD GetMaxBitmapWidth (void)
static DWORD GetMaxBitmapDepth (void)
static INT32 GetDefaultDPI ()

Protected Member Functions

GMATRIX SetGavinMatrix (GMATRIX *GMatrix)
virtual GMATRIX MakeGavinMatrix (Matrix NewRenderMatrix, DocRect ClipRect, double PixelsPerInch, BOOL bMasterCapture)
virtual double GetPixelsPerInch ()
MILLIPOINT CalcPixelWidth ()
double CalcPixelWidthDouble ()
MILLIPOINT CalcScaledPixelWidth ()
double CalcScaledPixelWidthDouble ()
BOOL GetTransparencyFill (TranspGradTable *, DWORD *)
virtual BOOL DrawArrowHead (ArrowRec &ArrowToDraw, DocCoord &Centre, DocCoord &Direction)
BOOL SetBitmapTransparencyFill (TranspFillAttribute *, DWORD *, TranspGradTable *)
BOOL SetFractalFill (ColourFillAttribute *, DWORD *)
BOOL SetFractalTransparencyFill (TranspFillAttribute *, DWORD *)
virtual LPBITMAPINFO GetLPBits (INT32 Width, INT32 Height, INT32 Depth, LPBYTE *)=0
virtual void FreeLPBits (LPBITMAPINFO, LPBYTE)=0
virtual BOOL DisplayBits (LPBITMAPINFO lpDisplayBitmapInfo=NULL, LPBYTE lpDisplayBits=NULL)=0
virtual void InitBmpBits ()
virtual BOOL StartRenderAfter (GMATRIX *)
 A virtual fn in this class which can be overridden if more work on a GMatrix is required. Default version returns TRUE.
virtual BOOL StartRenderMiddle ()
 A virtual fn in this class which can be overridden if more work on a lpBits is required. Default version returns TRUE.
virtual void DisplayCurrentState ()
 Make a temporary bitmap, copy current GRenderRegion bitmap into it then render other offscreen state into it before blitting it to screen Notes: This routine does a lot of bitmap copying and blitting so it is much slower than just blitting the current bitmap to screen!
void Display1to1Bitmap ()
void DisplayLtoHBitmap ()
void DisplayHto8Bitmap ()
void PlotBitmap (UINT32 ColourFlag)
void PlotBitmap (wxDC *pDC, UINT32 ColourFlag, INT32 Left, INT32 Top, UINT32 Width, UINT32 Height, wxPalette *hPal, INT32, INT32)
virtual BOOL SetRenderToCapture (Capture *pCapture, BOOL bApplyClipRegion=FALSE, BOOL bSetBitmap=TRUE)
virtual BOOL SetupDirectCapture (Capture *pNewCapture, NodeRenderableInk *pSupplier)
void SetIsWrapped (BOOL flag)
const REGIONMakeClipRegionFromClipAttr (ClipRegionAttribute *pClipAttr)
BOOL ApplyCurrentClipRegion ()
 Have a look at the current ClipRegionAttribute and make sure we set our clipping region accordingly. Details within the method.
void FreeStoredClipRegions ()
BOOL IsScaledUp (FillGeometryAttribute *Fill)
BOOL IsAt100Percent (FillGeometryAttribute *Fill)
BOOL IsDistorted (FillGeometryAttribute *Fill)
BOOL NeedToSmooth (FillGeometryAttribute *Fill, BOOL bAlreadyScaled)
virtual BOOL SetSmoothingFlags (FillGeometryAttribute *Fill)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void UpdateErrorDiffPalette (void)

Protected Attributes

GMATRIX CurrentGMatrix
RRCaps Caps
UINT32 uBitmapDepth
UINT32 uLineSize
wxRect WRect
wxRect ScreenRect
double PixelsPerInch
double dScaledPixelWidth
wxPalette * hPalette
wxPalette * hPrevPalette
BOOL LocalBitmap
BOOL UseSolidColours
BOOL m_bForceBitmapSmoothing
BOOL m_bEnableConversion
BOOL ForceInitBmpBits
INT32 DitherStyle8Bit
BOOL HaveRenderedSomething
UINT32 m_ForcePrintingCaps
BOOL IsWrapped

Static Protected Attributes

static GDrawContextpRealGD = NULL
static GDrawContextGD = NULL
static GDrawContextErrorDiffContext = NULL
static UINT32 ClickTranspLimit = 255
 Determine how transparent rendered pixels may be before click detection will ignore them. E.g. 230 means pixels must be 90% transparent before they will be ignored.
static BOOL HighQualityAA = FALSE
 Determine whether to use GDraw's high quality anti-aliasing mode.
static INT32 BitmapConversion = 2
 Specifies which bitmap conversion algorithm is used by GDraw when rendering bitmaps in show printer colours mode.
static BOOL WantDoGDraw = TRUE
static UINT32 WantGDrawDepth
static BOOL WantHighColourDirect
static BOOL WantDeepGDraw
static INT32 WhichPalette
static INT32 WhichDither = 2
static INT32 WhichTransparency = 0
static INT32 ViewDither = 2
static BOOL CanDoGDraw
static BOOL CanDoPalIndices
static BOOL CanSetPalette
static INT32 ScreenDepth
static INT32 ScreenWidth
static INT32 ScreenHeight
static INT32 LogPixelsX
static INT32 LogPixelsY
static LPRGBQUAD Fixed256Palette
static BitmapConvertHint ScreenHinting
static INT32 LastPaletteFlag
static RealLogPalette ErrorDiffPalette

Private Member Functions

BOOL SetGCol (DocColour &) const
BOOL SetFillGCol (DocColour &) const
DocCoord DocCoordToG (const DocCoord &DocPoint)
void DocCoordToG (DocCoord *DocPoint)
BOOL StrokePath (const DocCoord *, const PathVerb *, UINT32, const DocCoord *, const PathVerb *, UINT32, BOOL DrawArrows=FALSE)
 sets the immediate render flag to the value specified Sits on top of GDraw_StrokePath that calculates Joins, Caps & Width then renders via GDraw. Does dashed lines too now. Also renders ArrowHeads in needed.


class GBrush
class OpGDraw
class GRenderRegionWrapper
class ConcurrentRenderer
class GDrawBorrower

Detailed Description

Encapsulates rendering using Gavins routines (ie. into a bitmap). This object is created when something needs rendering using Gavins routines eg. When anti-aliasing. See RenderRegion notes for more general details of this class. This is an abstract class - see GRenderDIB or GRenderDDB for implementations.

Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 154 of file grndrgn.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GRenderRegion::GRenderRegion  ) 

GRenderRegion::GRenderRegion DocRect  ClipRegion,
Matrix  ConvertMatrix,
FIXED16  ViewScale,
UINT32  Depth,
double  dpi

Constructor for a GRenderRegion. INT32 dpi changed to double dpi (12/12/95) to improve the range of values allowed at the < 1000dpi settings that we will be using.

Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ClipRect is a DocRect defining the invalid rectangle to be rendered. [INPUTS] ConvertMatrix is a Matrix for converting Doc coords to OS coords. ViewScale is the scale factor of the view, used to calculate how much to flatten paths. Depth is bitmap depth required. dpi is the pixels-per-inch which can be zero for screen resolution.

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 850 of file grndrgn.cpp.

00852     : RenderRegion(ClipRegion, ConvertMatrix, ViewScale)
00853 {
00854     pBitmapInfo = NULL;
00855     pBits       = NULL;
00856 #if USE_wxBITMAP
00857     pBitmap     = NULL;
00858     pBitmapData = NULL;
00859 #endif
00861 //  BitmapSize = 0;
00863     // If specified dpi is zero then use the calculated screen dpi otherwise use the specified value
00864     if (dpi == 0.0)
00865         PixelsPerInch = (double)LogPixelsX;
00866     else
00867         PixelsPerInch = dpi;
00868     ERROR3IF(PixelsPerInch < 4.0,"GRenderRegion PixelsPerInch < 4 dpi, is this good?");
00870     hPalette = NULL;
00871     hPrevPalette = NULL;
00872     uBitmapDepth = Depth;
00873 //GAT   FractalBitmap = NULL;
00874     UseSolidColours = FALSE;
00875     LocalBitmap = TRUE;                             // always local bitmap currently
00876     m_bEnableConversion = TRUE;
00877     dScaledPixelWidth = 0.0;
00879     if (LocalBitmap)
00880     {
00881         WRect = wxRect(0,0,0,0);
00883         // this ensure triggers up on bitmap export, so it is removed
00884         //ENSURE( (WRect.left>=0) && (>=0), "neg wrect");
00886         #if DEBUG_BORDER
00887         // kludge the rectangle slightly
00888         WRect.left += 2; WRect.width -= 4;
00889 += 2; WRect.height -= 4;
00890         #endif
00891     }
00892     else
00893         ENSURE(FALSE, "Non local bitmap error");
00895     // BG time slice should be 0.5 of a second due to blit overhead
00896     Timeslice = 500;
00898     // Set default dither type
00899     DitherStyle8Bit = WhichDither;
00901     m_DoCompression = FALSE;
00903     m_bForceBitmapSmoothing = FALSE;
00904     m_ForcePrintingCaps = FALSE;
00906     // Set the render caps up
00907     GetRenderRegionCaps(&Caps);
00909     // Ilan
00910     IsWrapped = FALSE;
00912     // Default to not forcing Init (allocation will force it anyway)
00913     ForceInitBmpBits = FALSE;
00915     RememberMe("Constructor");
00916 }

GRenderRegion::~GRenderRegion  )  [virtual]

Default Destructor for GRenderRegion Class. Frees up memory.

Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Errors: -

See also:
- GRenderRegion::FreeOffscreenState()

Definition at line 934 of file grndrgn.cpp.

00935 {
00936 #ifdef RALPH
00937 #ifdef _DEBUG
00938     if(GetCurrentThreadId() == RalphDocument::GetImportingThreadID())
00939     {
00940         TRACE( _T("Whoop Whoop... GRenderRegion::~GRenderRegion called from load thread\n"));
00941         AfxDebugBreak();
00942     }
00943 #endif
00944 #endif
00946     if (RenderFlags.Rendering)
00947     {
00948         TRACE( _T("StopRender() was not called before destructor\n") );
00949         StopRender();
00950     }
00952 //GAT   if (FractalBitmap)
00953 //      delete FractalBitmap;
00955     // manual removal of the contents of our clip-maps.
00956     FreeStoredClipRegions();
00958     RememberMe("Destructor");
00959 }

Member Function Documentation

BOOL GRenderRegion::ApplyCurrentClipRegion  )  [protected]

Have a look at the current ClipRegionAttribute and make sure we set our clipping region accordingly. Details within the method.

Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <>
14 April 2000
GDraw should have its clipping region and rectangle set so that rendering [OUTPUTS] only occurs within a region specified by the clipping path which the current ClipRegionAttribute is carrying.
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Errors: ERROR3 in DEBUG if we have no valid ptr to a ClipRegionAttribute. See also:

Definition at line 2392 of file grndrgn.cpp.

02393 {
02394 //  return TRUE;
02396     // note that we don't bother with any clipping unless we're actually doing something
02397     // useful, eg rendering.
02398     if (!RenderFlags.Rendering)
02399         return FALSE;
02401     // This is what we do...
02402     //
02403     //  1.  We keep a hash table containing clip regions, with an entry for each unique
02404     //      ClipRegionAttribute, so that we do the time-consuming (I assume!) make-region
02405     //      work as little as possible.
02406     //  2.  If we haven't seen a ClipRegionAttribute before, then we make a region from/for
02407     //      it and stick the association in the table for future look-up
02408     //  3.  We apply the clip region appropriate to the current attribute.
02409     //  4.  We do all the above for device clip rectangles too, which need to be re-applied
02410     //      whenever a new clip region is applied.
02412     // remember the current clip region, or make a new one for the current clipattr.
02413     BOOL            fSuccess    = FALSE;
02414     const REGION*   pClipRegion = NULL;
02415     ClipRegionAttribute* pClipAttr = RR_CLIPREGION();
02417     ERROR3IF(pClipAttr == NULL, "Doh! NULL ClipRegionAttribute in render region!");
02419     // if we don't have a clip-region, do a DeviceClipRectangle() with an 'infinite' rect.
02420     // this will reset GDraw's clip-rectangle to the size of its bitmap, and also
02421     // reset its clip-region to empty.
02422     if (pClipAttr->GetClipPath() == NULL)
02423     {
02424         RECT BigRect;
02425         BigRect.bottom  = BigRect.left  = INT32_MIN;
02426     = BigRect.right = INT32_MAX;
02427         fSuccess = GetDrawContext()->DeviceClipRectangle(&BigRect);
02428     }
02430     // try to look up a clip-region for this clip-attr; failing that, create a new one
02431     // and store it.
02432     else
02433     {
02434 //      if (!m_ClipRegionMap.Lookup((void*)pClipAttr, ((void*&)pClipRegion)))
02435 //      {
02436 //          pClipRegion = MakeClipRegionFromClipAttr(pClipAttr);
02437 //          m_ClipRegionMap.SetAt((void*)pClipAttr, ((void*&)pClipRegion));
02438 //      }
02439         pClipRegion = GetTopCaptureBitmap()->GetCachedClipRegion(pClipAttr);
02440         if (pClipRegion==NULL)
02441         {
02442             pClipRegion = MakeClipRegionFromClipAttr(pClipAttr);
02443             GetTopCaptureBitmap()->SetCachedClipRegion(pClipAttr, pClipRegion);
02444         }
02446         fSuccess = GetDrawContext()->ClipRegion(pClipRegion);
02447     }
02449     return fSuccess;
02450 }

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::AttachDevice View ,
wxDC *  ,
Spread = NULL,
bool  fOwned = false

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in GRenderClick, GRenderClickColour, and GRenderClickColourNoPaper.

static BOOL GRenderRegion::CalcBlitMode INT32  Wanted  )  [static]

MILLIPOINT GRenderRegion::CalcPixelWidth  )  [protected, virtual]

Implements RenderRegion.

double GRenderRegion::CalcPixelWidthDouble  )  [protected]

MILLIPOINT GRenderRegion::CalcScaledPixelWidth  )  [protected, virtual]

Implements RenderRegion.

double GRenderRegion::CalcScaledPixelWidthDouble  )  [protected]

WinRect GRenderRegion::CalculateWinRect const DocRect docrect  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1525 of file grndrgn.cpp.

01526 {
01527     return CalculateWinRect(RenderMatrix, docrect, PixelsPerInch );
01528 }

WinRect GRenderRegion::CalculateWinRect Matrix RenderMatrix,
const DocRect docrect,
const double  dpi

To create bitmap from wxBitmap structure. To free bitmap To convert a rectangle in Doc coordinates to a rectangle in Win coordinates taking account of the destination dpi rather than assuming screen dpi. Virtual so that it can be overriden by different render regions if so required.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
DocRect is a rectangle on document co-ords. [INPUTS] dpi is the resolution of the device we are rendering to
RenderMatrix is the rendering matrix, may have e anf f components changed by the call [OUTPUTS]
Object containing the new rectangle coordinates.
See also:

Reimplemented in PrintingMaskedRenderRegion, and GRenderBitmap.

Definition at line 1508 of file grndrgn.cpp.

01510 {
01511     // lets get the Rect into screen co-ords so we can use our big screen bitmap
01512     // Use a version of OSRenderRegion::DocRectToWin that uses the actual dpi we have stored
01513     // in PixelsPerInch
01514     // Ilan
01515     // I need this to use the supplied rectangle - docrect.
01516     // Looks like previous version was a typo so I am changing it here.
01517     // Karim 07/07/2000
01518     // I'm now changing this to actually _use_ the dpi param in its calculations.
01519     // I've checked, and I'm 99.99% certain this doesn't screw up any existing code.
01520     return OSRenderRegion::DocRectToWin( RenderMatrix, docrect, dpi );
01521 //  return OSRenderRegion::DocRectToWin( RenderMatrix, docrect, PixelsPerInch );
01522 //  return OSRenderRegion::DocRectToWin( RenderMatrix, CurrentClipRect, PixelsPerInch );
01523 }

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::ChangeCapture CAPTUREINFO  cinfo,
BOOL  bTransparent = TRUE,
BOOL  bCaptureBackground = FALSE

To inform the capture stack that things (transparency) have changed.

Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

BOOL GRenderRegion::CopyRenderInfo const RenderRegion Other  )  [virtual]

Copies all the parameters from the render region 'Other' into this render region. This was written for the region merging code. When a new region is created, due to existing regions being split up, it should be based on the original region, with a different clipping rectangle.

Rik_Heywood (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Other - The render region to get the info out of [INPUTS]
FALSE if failed, TRUE if worked.

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

Definition at line 1007 of file grndrgn.cpp.

01008 {
01009     RememberMe("CopyRenderInfo");
01011     if (!RenderRegion::CopyRenderInfo( Other ))
01012         return FALSE;
01014     ENSURE( Other.IsKindOf( CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(GRenderRegion) ) , "CopyRenderOther wrong class" );
01016     // safe to cast now
01017     const GRenderRegion *GOther = (GRenderRegion*)&Other;
01019     // copy most of the member variables
01020     LocalBitmap = GOther->LocalBitmap;
01021     if (LocalBitmap)
01022     {
01023         // leave WRect alone
01024         ScreenRect = wxRect(0,0,0,0);
01025     }
01026     else
01027     {
01028         // (hmm, untested dubious code)
01029         WRect = GOther->WRect;
01030         ScreenRect = GOther->ScreenRect;
01031     }
01033     PixelsPerInch = GOther->PixelsPerInch;
01034     dScaledPixelWidth = GOther->dScaledPixelWidth;
01035     hPalette = GOther->hPalette;
01036     hPrevPalette = NULL;
01038     return TRUE;
01039 }

static RenderRegion* GRenderRegion::Create DocRect  ClipRegion,
Matrix  ConvertMatrix,
FIXED16  ViewScale,
RenderType  ,
View pView = NULL,

void GRenderRegion::DeInit void   )  [static]

Call once during termination to perform any necessary cleanup.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Errors: - Scope: Static

Definition at line 789 of file grndrgn.cpp.

00790 {
00791 /*  if (Fixed256Palette != NULL)
00792     {
00793         CCFree(Fixed256Palette);
00794         Fixed256Palette = NULL;
00795     }
00796 */
00797     ERROR3IF(GD != pRealGD, "GDraw context not restored in GRenderRegion::DeInit");
00799     GD = NULL;
00801     if (pRealGD)
00802     {
00803         delete pRealGD;
00804         pRealGD = NULL;
00805     }
00807     // Clean up the DIBConvert classes
00808     DIBConvert::DeInit();
00810     if (ErrorDiffContext != NULL)
00811     {
00812         delete ErrorDiffContext;
00813         ErrorDiffContext = NULL;
00814     }
00816 //  GRenderWinG::Deinit();
00818     // Scary critical section stuff
00819 //  CriticalSection::DeInit();  // Not required for CDraw
00821     // Make sure GBrush doesn't leave any memory leaks lying around
00822     GBrush::DeinitGBrush();
00823 }

void GRenderRegion::Display1to1Bitmap  )  [protected]

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::DisplayBits LPBITMAPINFO  lpDisplayBitmapInfo = NULL,
LPBYTE  lpDisplayBits = NULL
[protected, pure virtual]

Implemented in GRenderBitmap, GRenderClick, GRenderDIB, GRenderPrint, and GRenderWinG.

void GRenderRegion::DisplayCurrentState  )  [protected, virtual]

Make a temporary bitmap, copy current GRenderRegion bitmap into it then render other offscreen state into it before blitting it to screen Notes: This routine does a lot of bitmap copying and blitting so it is much slower than just blitting the current bitmap to screen!

Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 1751 of file grndrgn.cpp.

01752 {
01753     // Create a temporary capture that is a copy of the master capture
01754     // (and get a copy of the bitmap)
01755     Capture* pTempCapture = new Capture(GetMasterCapture(), TRUE);
01757     if (pTempCapture)
01758     {
01759         // Point rendering at the temp capture bitmap
01760         SetRenderToCapture(pTempCapture);
01762         // Render the current capture state into the temp bitmap
01763         RenderCurrentCaptureState();
01766 {
01767 // Create a Kernel bitmap from the bmp data.
01768 WinBitmap* wBitmap          = new WinBitmap(pTempCapture->lpBitmapInfo, pTempCapture->lpBits);
01769 KernelBitmap* OffscreenBitmap   = new KernelBitmap(wBitmap,TRUE);
01770 OffscreenBitmap->AttachDebugCopyToCurrentDocument("Render State Bitmap");
01771 wBitmap->BMBytes = ((WinBitmap*)OILBitmap::Default)->BMBytes;
01772 delete OffscreenBitmap;
01773 }
01774 #endif
01776         // Show the temp bitmap to the user
01777         DisplayBits(pTempCapture->lpBitmapInfo, pTempCapture->lpBits);
01779         // Reset rendering back to normal
01780         SetRenderToCapture(GetTopCaptureBitmap());
01782         // Release the temp bitmap and delete the temp capture
01783         pTempCapture->FreeDIB();
01784         delete pTempCapture;
01785         pTempCapture = NULL;
01786     }
01787     else
01788     {
01789         // Failed to craete temp bitmap
01790         // So just blit what we can...
01791         DisplayBits();
01792     }
01793 }

void GRenderRegion::DisplayHto8Bitmap  )  [protected]

void GRenderRegion::DisplayLtoHBitmap  )  [protected]

void GRenderRegion::DocCoordToG DocCoord DocPoint  )  [private]

DocCoord GRenderRegion::DocCoordToG const DocCoord DocPoint  )  [private]

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::DrawArrowHead ArrowRec ArrowToDraw,
DocCoord Centre,
DocCoord Direction
[protected, virtual]

void GRenderRegion::DrawBitmap const DocRect rect,
KernelBitmap pBitmap

void GRenderRegion::DrawBitmap const DocCoord Point,
UINT32  BitmapID,

Implements RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in MaskedRenderRegion, and PrintingMaskedRenderRegion.

void GRenderRegion::DrawBitmap const DocCoord Point,
KernelBitmap pBitmap

Implements RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in MaskedRenderRegion, and PrintingMaskedRenderRegion.

void GRenderRegion::DrawBitmapBlob const DocCoord Point,
ResourceID  resID
[inline, virtual]

Implements RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in MaskedRenderRegion.

Definition at line 196 of file grndrgn.h.

00196 {}

void GRenderRegion::DrawBitmapBlob const DocCoord Point,
KernelBitmap BlobShape
[inline, virtual]

Implements RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in MaskedRenderRegion.

Definition at line 195 of file grndrgn.h.

00195 {}

void GRenderRegion::DrawBlob DocCoord  p,
BlobType  type

Implements RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in MaskedRenderRegion.

void GRenderRegion::DrawCross const DocCoord Point,
const UINT32  Size

Implements RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in MaskedRenderRegion.

void GRenderRegion::DrawDragRect DocRect RectToRender  )  [virtual]

Implements RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in MaskedRenderRegion.

void GRenderRegion::DrawFixedSystemText StringBase TheText,
DocRect BoundsRect,

To draw simple text, using the default host-operating-system font. The size and style of this font are decided by the host OS (or oil code) and cannot be set in any way. To determine how much space is needed to display a string with this method, see the SeeAlso.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TheText - The string to render [INPUTS] BoundsRect - Determines where the text is to be plotted. The text will also be clipped within this bounding rectangle if it exceeds the available space.
Notes: THIS BASE CLASS METHOD IS UNSUPPORTED! DO NOT CALL IT! See OSRenderRegion for the supported versions of this method

See also:


Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

void GRenderRegion::DrawLine const DocCoord StartPoint,
const DocCoord EndPoint

Implements RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in MaskedRenderRegion, and PrintingMaskedRenderRegion.

virtual SlowJobResult GRenderRegion::DrawMaskedBitmap const DocRect Rect,
KernelBitmap pBitmap,
MaskedRenderRegion pMask,
ProgressDisplay Progress

Plots the bitmap using the mask supplied. The base class implementation here does nothing.

Rik_Heywood (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Point - the position to plot the bitmap [INPUTS] pBitmap - The bitmap that needs plotting pMask - The mask render region to use to indicate which bits of pBitmap needs to be plotted Progress - progress display object used when printing or exporting.
Status of operation.

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

void GRenderRegion::DrawPathToOutputDevice Path PathToDraw,
PathShape  shapePath = PATHSHAPE_PATH

Renders a path object using gavins routines.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
PathToDraw is a pointer to a Path object to render [INPUTS]

Errors: -

See also:

Implements RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in MaskedRenderRegion, and PrintingMaskedRenderRegion.

Definition at line 2051 of file grndrgn.cpp.

02052 {
02053     // If we are not drawing complex shapes and this shape is, then return
02054 //  if ((!RenderComplexShapes) && (TestForComplexShape(&Caps)))
02055 //      return;
02057 //  TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("GRenderRegion::DrawPathToOutputDevice\n"));
02059     DWORD Style = 0;
02060     TranspGradTable TranspTable;
02062     // Something to render later
02063     DocCoord*   Coords;
02064     PathVerb*   Verbs;
02065     UINT32      NumCoords;
02066     DocCoord*   UnclippedCoords;
02067     PathVerb*   UnclippedVerbs;
02068     UINT32      UnclippedNumCoords;
02070     BOOL ShouldDeleteCoords = FALSE;
02072     // Keep the unclipped path coords for arrow rendering
02073     UnclippedCoords     = PathToDraw->GetCoordArray();
02074     UnclippedVerbs      = PathToDraw->GetVerbArray();
02075     UnclippedNumCoords  = PathToDraw->GetNumCoords();
02077     ClippedPathIsValid = TRUE;
02079     // setup the fuzzy clipping rects.
02080     SetupFuzzyClipRects();
02082     // try and clip the path before rendering it, for bigger zoom values
02083     if (TryToFuzzyClip(PathToDraw, &Coords, &Verbs, &NumCoords))
02084     {
02085         // This may have clipped out all the points (or left just a moveto),
02086         // and in this case, it may seem pointless to continue.
02087         // but we will carry on, so that ArrowHeads get a chance to render
02088         // using the unclipped path coords.  
02089         // This shouldn't be a problem, so long as anything that uses the clipped
02090         // coords, checks to make sure there are enough (more than 1).
02092         if (NumCoords < 2)
02093         {
02094             ClippedPathIsValid = FALSE;
02095 //          OutputDebugString("Clipped path is too small\n");
02096         }
02097         else
02098         {
02099 //          char Str[256];
02100 //          _stprintf(Str, "Path clipped. Count=%d, Coords@%x, Verbs@%x\n",NumCoords,Coords,Verbs);
02101 //          OutputDebugString(Str);
02102 /*
02103             for (INT32 i=0; i<(NumCoords-1); i++)
02104             {
02105                 if (Verbs[i] == PT_BEZIERTO)
02106                 {
02107                     if (Coords[i] == Coords[i+3])
02108                     {
02109                         ClippedPathIsValid = FALSE;
02110     //                  OutputDebugString("Clipped path zero length element, Ignoring it.\n");
02111                         NumCoords = 0;
02112                         break;              
02113                     }   
02115                     i += 2;
02116                 }
02117                 else
02118                 {
02119                     if (Coords[i] == Coords[i+1])
02120                     {
02121                         ClippedPathIsValid = FALSE;
02122     //                  OutputDebugString("Clipped path zero length element, Ignoring it.\n");
02123                         NumCoords = 0;
02124                         break;              
02125                     }   
02126                 }
02127             }
02128 */
02129         }
02131         // Yes, we clipped the paths alright
02132         ShouldDeleteCoords = TRUE;
02133     }
02134     else
02135     {
02136         // No Clipping here matey
02137         Coords = PathToDraw->GetCoordArray();
02138         Verbs  = PathToDraw->GetVerbArray();
02139         NumCoords = PathToDraw->GetNumCoords();
02140     }
02142     enum Quality::Fill FillQuality = RRQuality.GetFillQuality();
02144     RememberMe("DrawPath");
02145     HaveRenderedSomething = TRUE;
02147     if ( PathToDraw->IsFilled )
02148     {
02149         BOOL ExtendedFill = FALSE;
02150         FillGeometryAttribute *pFillProvider 
02151             = (FillGeometryAttribute *) CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].pAttr;
02153         if ( 
02154             (pFillProvider->GetRuntimeClass() != CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(FlatFillAttribute)) &&
02155             (FillQuality >= Quality::Graduated) 
02156            )
02157             ExtendedFill = TRUE;
02159         if ( 
02160             (pFillProvider->GetRuntimeClass() == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(BitmapFillAttribute)) &&
02161             (FillQuality >= Quality::Solid) 
02162            )
02163             ExtendedFill = TRUE;
02165         if ( 
02166             (pFillProvider->GetRuntimeClass() == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(FractalFillAttribute)) &&
02167             (FillQuality >= Quality::Solid) 
02168            )
02169             ExtendedFill = TRUE;
02171         if (ExtendedFill)
02172         {
02173             // VeryMono forces non-extended fill
02174             if (RenderFlags.VeryMono)
02175             {
02176                 // Up until now, we always rendered everything solid black when
02177                 // in 'VeryMono' mode, but now we have 'masked' bitmaps, we
02178                 // need to render them (will all non-masked pixels plotted black)
02179                 if (pFillProvider->GetRuntimeClass() == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(BitmapFillAttribute))
02180                 {
02181                     // Check for a masked bitmap ....
02182                     KernelBitmap* pBitmap = pFillProvider->GetBitmap();
02183                     INT32 Index = 0;
02185                     if (pBitmap && (pBitmap->GetTransparencyIndex(&Index) || pBitmap->GetBPP()>=32))
02186                     {
02187                         // It's a masked bitmap, so we'll need to plot all
02188                         // the non-masked pixels as black
02189                         if (!pFillProvider->RenderFill(this, PathToDraw))
02190                             ExtendedFill = FALSE;                           // fail safe
02191                     }
02192                     else
02193                     {
02194                         ExtendedFill = FALSE;   // Not a masked bitmap
02195                     }
02196                 }
02197                 else
02198                 {
02199                     ExtendedFill = FALSE;       // Not a bitmap at all
02200                 }
02201             }
02202             else if (!pFillProvider->RenderFill(this, PathToDraw))
02203             {
02204                 ExtendedFill = FALSE;                                       // fail safe
02205             }
02206         }
02208         if ( (!ExtendedFill) && 
02209              (FillQuality >= Quality::Solid)
02210            )
02211         {
02212             DocColour FlatColour = RR_FILLCOLOUR();
02214             if (RenderFlags.VeryMono && 
02215                 pFillProvider->GetRuntimeClass() == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(BitmapFillAttribute))
02216             {
02217                 // Bitmap fills will return 'No Colour' as their flat colour,
02218                 // but for 'VeryMono' rendering they should be treated as black.
02219                 FlatColour = COLOUR_BLACK;
02220             }
02222             if (SetFillGCol(FlatColour))
02223             {
02224                 if (!RenderFlags.VeryMono && GetTransparencyFill(&TranspTable, &Style))
02225                 {
02226                     DocColour Col = RR_FILLCOLOUR();
02227                     COLORREF rgb = ConvertColourToTransScreenWord(CurrentColContext, &Col);
02228                     GetDrawContext()->SetTransparency(rgb, (TransparencyEnum)(Style>>8));
02229                 }
02231                 if (NumCoords > 1)
02232                 {
02233                     GetDrawContext()->FillPath( (POINT*)Coords, Verbs, NumCoords,
02234                                     (RR_WINDINGRULE()==EvenOddWinding) ? 0 : 1);
02235                 }
02236             }
02237         }
02238     }
02240     if ( PathToDraw->IsStroked )
02241     {
02242         // Should we try and draw some ArrowHeads ?
02243         BOOL DrawArrows = (RRQuality.GetLineQuality() >= Quality::FullLine) &&
02244                           !(RR_STARTARROW().IsNullArrow() && RR_ENDARROW().IsNullArrow()) &&
02245                           ArrowRec::DoesPathNeedArrowHeads(UnclippedCoords, UnclippedVerbs, UnclippedNumCoords);
02247         if ((FillQuality <= Quality::Bitmaps))
02248         {
02249             // Just do everything in black outlines...
02250             DocColour   colorBlk(COLOUR_BLACK);
02251             if ( SetGCol( colorBlk ) )
02252                 StrokePath( Coords, Verbs, NumCoords, 
02253                             UnclippedCoords, UnclippedVerbs, UnclippedNumCoords, DrawArrows );
02254         }
02255         else if (RenderFlags.VeryMono)
02256         {
02257             // Just do everything in black outlines...
02258             DocColour   colorBlk(COLOUR_BLACK);
02259             if ( !(RR_STROKECOLOUR().IsTransparent()) && SetGCol( colorBlk ) )
02260                 StrokePath( Coords, Verbs, NumCoords, 
02261                             UnclippedCoords, UnclippedVerbs, UnclippedNumCoords, DrawArrows );
02262         }
02263         else if ( SetGCol( RR_STROKECOLOUR() ) )
02264         {
02265                 StrokePath( Coords, Verbs, NumCoords, 
02266                             UnclippedCoords, UnclippedVerbs, UnclippedNumCoords, DrawArrows );
02267         }
02268     }
02270     // We drew a clipped path, so get rid of the extra clipped coords
02271     if (ShouldDeleteCoords)
02272     {
02273         delete Coords;
02274         delete Verbs;
02275     }
02276 }

void GRenderRegion::DrawPixel const DocCoord Point  )  [virtual]

Implements RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in MaskedRenderRegion, and PrintingMaskedRenderRegion.

void GRenderRegion::DrawRect DocRect RectToRender  )  [virtual]

Implements RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in MaskedRenderRegion, and PrintingMaskedRenderRegion.

static void GRenderRegion::EnsurePalette INT32  PaletteFlag  )  [static]

virtual void GRenderRegion::FreeLPBits LPBITMAPINFO  ,
[protected, pure virtual]

Implemented in GRenderBitmap, GRenderBrush, GRenderClick, GRenderDIB, GRenderPrint, and GRenderWinG.

void GRenderRegion::FreeOffscreenState  ) 

Definition at line 964 of file grndrgn.cpp.

00965 {
00966     // This function gets called when render regions deconstruct
00967     // It frees memory allocate to offscreen bitmaps as wella s the inital
00968     // bitmap.
00969     // NB this gets called before the attribute context stack is unwound (this happens
00970     // when ~RenderRegion calls CleanUpBeforeDestruct(RenderRegion *pRegion))
00972     // This function frees handles the freeing of all memory allocted to bitmaps. Includes:-
00973     // 1) offscreen bmp memory  - alloc'd by the Offscreen rendering system, NOT from limited mem
00974     // 2) initial bmp memory    - alloc'd by virtual GetLPBits() in a derived class specific fashion
00975     //                          - (ie either from limited mem manager or normal heap)
00976     //
00977     // It also restores the initial rendering states' wrect, cliprect, and gmatrix variables
00979     Capture* pCapture = NULL;
00980     while (GetTopCapture())
00981     {
00982         pCapture = GetTopCapture();
00983         m_CaptureStack.Pop();
00985         // If we've reached the master capture
00986         // reset the rendering variables in case this RenderRegion survives for a while
00987         if (pCapture->IsMaster())
00988             SetRenderToCapture(pCapture, FALSE, FALSE);
00989         else
00990             pCapture->FreeDIB();
00992         delete pCapture;
00993     }
00995 #if USE_wxBITMAP
00996     FreeWxBitmap() ;
00997 #else
00998     if ( pBitmapInfo && pBits )
00999     {
01000         FreeLPBits( pBitmapInfo, pBits );
01001         pBitmapInfo = NULL;
01002         pBits = NULL;
01003     }
01004 #endif
01005 }

void GRenderRegion::FreeStoredClipRegions  )  [protected]

static void GRenderRegion::GColInit wxDC *  ,

const RGBQUAD* GRenderRegion::Get32BitRGBQuadData  )  [inline]

Definition at line 282 of file grndrgn.h.

00282 { return (RGBQUAD*)pBits;}

BOOL GRenderRegion::GetBitmapPointers LPBITMAPINFO ppInfo,
LPBYTE ppBits,
BOOL  bCorrectTransparency = TRUE

DocRect GRenderRegion::GetChangedRect  ) 

static INT32 GRenderRegion::GetDefaultDPI  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 501 of file grndrgn.h.

00502     {
00503         return LogPixelsX;
00504     };

static INT32 GRenderRegion::GetDefaultTransparency  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 267 of file grndrgn.h.

00267 { return WhichTransparency; }

GDrawContext* GRenderRegion::GetDrawContext  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 224 of file grndrgn.h.

00225     {
00226         return GD;
00227     };

static LPLOGPALETTE GRenderRegion::GetErrorDiffPalette void   )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 492 of file grndrgn.h.

00493     {
00494         return((LPLOGPALETTE)&ErrorDiffPalette);
00495     };

void GRenderRegion::GetFixedSystemTextSize StringBase TheText,
DocRect BoundsRect,
double *  atDpi = NULL

To determine how much room is needed to plot a bit of text with RenderRegion::DrawFixedSystemText.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TheText - The string to get the rendered size of [INPUTS]
BoundsRect - Returned with the size of the rectangle needed to display [OUTPUTS] said text string. This rect always has one corner at (0,0)
Notes: THIS BASE CLASS METHOD IS UNSUPPORTED! DO NOT CALL IT! See OSRenderRegion for the supported versions of this method

See also:


Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

virtual LPBITMAPINFO GRenderRegion::GetLPBits INT32  Width,
INT32  Height,
INT32  Depth,
[protected, pure virtual]

Implemented in GRenderBitmap, GRenderClick, GRenderDIB, GRenderPrint, and GRenderWinG.

static DWORD GRenderRegion::GetMaxBitmapDepth void   )  [static]

static DWORD GRenderRegion::GetMaxBitmapWidth void   )  [static]

virtual double GRenderRegion::GetPixelsPerInch  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

Definition at line 304 of file grndrgn.h.

00304 {return PixelsPerInch;}

static const LOGPALETTE* GRenderRegion::GetRecommendedPalette  )  [static]

virtual void GRenderRegion::GetRenderRegionCaps RRCaps pCaps  )  [virtual]

This function allows a render region to declare what it can render and what it can not render. This base class version of the function says that it can render none of the options. If your render region can do some of these things then you should overide this function and set the appropriate flags.

Rik_Heywood (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pCaps - the flags set for the things we are able to render [OUTPUTS]

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

double GRenderRegion::GetScaledPixelWidthDouble  ) 

UINT32 GRenderRegion::GetSizeOfRGBQuadData  )  [inline]

Definition at line 283 of file grndrgn.h.

static GDrawContext* GRenderRegion::GetStaticDrawContext INT32  DitherType  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 254 of file grndrgn.h.

00255     {
00256 #ifdef RALPH
00257         if (GDrawAsm::GetContextForCurrentThread() != NULL)
00258             return(GDrawAsm::GetContextForCurrentThread());
00259 #endif
00261         if ((DitherType == 0) || (DitherType == 3))
00262             return(ErrorDiffContext);
00263         else
00264             return(GD);
00265     }

static GDrawContext* GRenderRegion::GetStaticDrawContext  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 244 of file grndrgn.h.

00245     {
00246 #ifdef RALPH
00247         if (GDrawAsm::GetContextForCurrentThread() != NULL)
00248             return(GDrawAsm::GetContextForCurrentThread());
00249 #endif
00251         return GD;
00252     };

virtual Capture* GRenderRegion::GetTopCaptureBitmap Capture pFromCapture = NULL  )  const [virtual]

BOOL GRenderRegion::GetTransparencyFill TranspGradTable ,

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::GrabBitmap DocRect rectGrab,
LPBYTE plpBits

BOOL GRenderRegion::Init BOOL  bFirstTime  )  [static]

Determine possibility of using gdraw routines and determine various characterisitics of the screen.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
bFirstTime is TRUE if called during startup, or FALSE if called subsequently [INPUTS] (e.g. when screen mode changes).
TRUE if worked OK

Errors: - Scope: Static

Reimplemented in GRenderWinG.

Definition at line 516 of file grndrgn.cpp.

00517 {
00518     BOOL GDrawImpossible = FALSE;
00520     // Scary critical section stuff
00521 //  CriticalSection::Init();    // Not required for CDraw
00523     if (bFirstTime)
00524     {
00525         CanDoGDraw = FALSE;
00527         if (Camelot.DeclareSection( _T("DebugFlags"), 20))
00528         {
00529             Camelot.DeclarePref( NULL, _T("UseGdraw"), &WantDoGDraw, FALSE, TRUE );
00530             Camelot.DeclarePref( NULL, _T("GDrawDepth"), &WantGDrawDepth, 0, 32 );
00531 //          Camelot.DeclarePref( NULL, "DontUsePalette", &WantNoPalette, FALSE, TRUE );
00532 //          Camelot.DeclarePref( NULL, "BlitMode", &WantBlitMode, 0, 4 );
00533 //          Camelot.DeclarePref( NULL, "HighColourDirect", &WantHighColourDirect, 0, 1 );
00534 //          Camelot.DeclarePref( NULL, "TryWinG", &WantWinG, FALSE, TRUE );
00535             Camelot.DeclarePref( NULL, _T("WhichDither"), &WhichDither, 0, 20 );
00536 //          Camelot.DeclarePref( NULL, "LargeGradTables", &LargeGradTables, 0, 1 );
00537 // TransparencyType removed by Gerry (23/8/96) cos its rampant
00538 //          Camelot.DeclarePref( NULL, "TransparencyType", &WhichTransparency, 0, 10 );
00539 //          Camelot.DeclarePref( NULL, "ResizeRegions", &ResizeRegions, FALSE, TRUE );
00540         }
00542         if (Camelot.DeclareSection( _T("Screen"), 10))
00543         {
00544             Camelot.DeclarePref( NULL, _T("ClickTranspLimit"), &ClickTranspLimit, 0, 255 );
00545             // defaults to hardware value
00546 //          RealFPU = IsMathCoprocInstalled();
00547 //          Camelot.DeclarePref( NULL, "RealFPU", &RealFPU, FALSE, TRUE );
00548             Camelot.DeclarePref(NULL, _T("ViewDither"), &ViewDither, 0, 4);
00549         }
00551         if (Camelot.DeclareSection(_T("Rendering"), 20))
00552         {
00553             Camelot.DeclarePref( _T("Rendering"), _T("HighQualityAA"), &HighQualityAA, FALSE, TRUE );
00554             Camelot.DeclarePref( _T("Rendering"), _T("BitmapConversion"), &BitmapConversion, 0, 3 );
00555         }
00557         if (pRealGD == NULL)
00558             pRealGD = new GDrawAsm();                       // get permanent one
00560         // fill in default translation tables
00561         for (INT32 i=0; i<256; i++)
00562             NoTransTable[i] = i;
00563     }
00565     // Initialise the palette manager
00566 //  PaletteManager::Init();
00568     // Initialise the DIBConvert classes (don't care if it fails)
00569     DIBConvert::Init();
00571     ::wxDisplaySize(&ScreenWidth,&ScreenHeight);
00572     ScreenDepth = ::wxDisplayDepth();
00573     wxScreenDC dc;
00574     wxSize size = OSRenderRegion::GetFixedDCPPI(dc);
00575 PORTNOTE("other","Can't handle different DPIs, using X")
00576     LogPixelsX = size.x;
00577     LogPixelsY = size.y; //size.y;
00578     ERROR3IF(LogPixelsX != LogPixelsY, "Luke says non-square pixels are not supported");
00580 //  CanSetPalette = FALSE;
00582     // on startup lets make sure the GDraw version is OK. Must be done before any GDraw calls
00583     if (bFirstTime)
00584     {
00585         if (!pRealGD->Init())                           // checks version etc
00586         {
00587             GDrawImpossible = TRUE;
00588             CanDoGDraw = FALSE;
00589             Error::SetError( _R(IDW_BADGDRAW), NULL, 0 );
00590             InformWarning();                            // tell the user his DLL is wrong
00591             Error::ClearError();                        // else we won't start up
00592         }
00593         GD = pRealGD;
00594     }
00595 /*
00596     switch ( ScreenDepth )
00597     {
00598     case  4 : ScreenHinting = CONVHINT_SCREEN4; break;
00599     case  8 : ScreenHinting = CONVHINT_SCREEN8; break;
00600     case 16 : ScreenHinting = CONVHINT_FINAL16; break;
00601     case 24 : ScreenHinting = CONVHINT_FINAL24; break;
00602     default : ScreenHinting = CONVHINT_NONE;
00603     }
00604 */
00605     // we can set a palette if we are on a 256-colour screen and it says that we can
00606 PORTNOTE("other","GRenderRegion::Init - Removed palette code")
00608     if (
00609         ScreenDepth==8 &&               // 256 cols only
00610         !WantNoPalette                  // and user hasn't forbidden it
00611        )
00612     {
00613         if (GetDeviceCaps( hdc, RASTERCAPS ) & RC_PALETTE )
00614             CanSetPalette = TRUE;
00615     }
00616 #endif
00618     ScreenHinting = CONVHINT_NONE;      // safe default value
00619     if ( ScreenDepth<=8 )
00620         ScreenHinting = DIBUtil::CalcConvertHint(ScreenDepth,NULL);
00621     else
00622     {
00623         // work out bitmap hinting by opening tiny window in top left of screen
00624         // It is TOPMOST so that, with luck, nothing will obscure it
00625     //  wxWindow tempWindow(AfxGetApp().GetTopWindow(),-1,wxPoint(0,0),wxSize(0,0),wxNO_BORDER);
00626     //  tempWindow.Show();
00627     //  tempWindow.Raise();
00628     //  wxClientDC tempDC(&tempWindow);
00629     //  ScreenHinting = DIBUtil::CalcConvertHint(ScreenDepth,&tempDC);
00630         wxColour colour;
00631         dc.GetPixel(0,0,&colour);
00632         ScreenHinting = DIBUtil::CalcConvertHint(ScreenDepth,&dc);
00633         dc.SetPen(wxPen(colour));
00634         dc.DrawPoint(0,0);
00635     }
00637     if (
00638         !GDrawImpossible &&
00639         (
00640             ScreenDepth==1 ||
00641             ScreenDepth==4 ||
00642             ScreenDepth==8 ||                                   // only certain depths allowed
00643             ScreenDepth==16 ||
00644             ScreenDepth==24 ||
00645             ScreenDepth==32
00646         )
00647        )
00648     {
00649         CanDoGDraw = TRUE;
00650 /*
00651         // DIB_PAL_INDICES is not available on Win32s or Chicago
00652         // or on 256 colour fixed palette devices
00653         if (IsWin32s())
00654             CanDoPalIndices = FALSE;
00655         else
00656             CanDoPalIndices = TRUE;
00657 */
00658         EnsurePalette(0);
00659         // set the stack limit to 100k. Assumes stacks go backwards
00660         GD->SetStackSize(100*1024);
00662         if (ErrorDiffContext == NULL)
00663         {
00664             ErrorDiffContext = new GDrawAsm();          // get permanent one
00666             if (ErrorDiffContext)
00667                 ErrorDiffContext->Init();
00668         }
00670 /*      UpdateErrorDiffPalette();
00672         if (
00673             (ScreenDepth==8) &&
00674             !CanSetPalette
00675            )
00676         {
00677             // if we're a 256 colour fixed palette device then we make up a default RGB table
00678             // and use that
00679             Fixed256Palette = (LPRGBQUAD) CCMalloc( sizeof(RGBQUAD) * 256 );
00681             const LOGPALETTE* lpPal = GD->SelectPalette( 0 );
00683             if (Fixed256Palette && lpPal)
00684             {
00685                 for (INT32 i=0; i<256; i++)
00686                 {
00687                     Fixed256Palette[i].rgbRed   = lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peRed;
00688                     Fixed256Palette[i].rgbGreen = lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peGreen;
00689                     Fixed256Palette[i].rgbBlue  = lpPal->palPalEntry[i].peBlue;
00690                     Fixed256Palette[i].rgbReserved = 0;
00691                 }
00692             }
00694             // DIB_PAL_INDICES makes no sense on these devices
00695             CanDoPalIndices = FALSE;
00696         }
00697 */
00698     }
00699 /*
00700     switch (WantBlitMode)
00701     {
00702         case 4:
00703             #if REAL_DDB
00704             // user wants badDDBs, only allow if possible
00705             if (GRenderDDB::CanDoBadDDBs())
00706             {
00707                 BlitMode = BLITMODE_BADDDB;
00708                 break;
00709             }
00710             #endif
00711             // else fall through to default mode
00712             nobreak;
00713         case 0:
00714             // automatic setting using faster blits on non-NT platforms
00715             if (IsWin32NT())
00716                 BlitMode = BLITMODE_SETDIBS;
00717             else
00718                 BlitMode = ( (ScreenDepth==4) || (ScreenDepth==8) ) ? BLITMODE_BITBLT : BLITMODE_STRETCH;
00719             break;
00720         case 1:
00721             BlitMode = BLITMODE_STRETCH;
00722             break;
00723         case 2:
00724             BlitMode = BLITMODE_SETDIBS;
00725             break;
00726         case 3:
00727             // use DDBs on 16- and 256-colour modes only
00728             BlitMode = ( (ScreenDepth==4) || (ScreenDepth==8) ) ? BLITMODE_BITBLT : BLITMODE_STRETCH;
00729             break;
00730         default:
00731             BlitMode = BLITMODE_STRETCH;                    // safest default value
00732             break;
00733     }
00734 */
00735     // only NT can do BI_BITFIELD, Win32s and Chicago cannot.
00736     // Actually NT isn't guaranteed to support that any more
00737     //CanBiBitfield = IsWin32NT() ? TRUE : FALSE;
00739     // only NT can do 16- and 32-bit DIBs, Win32s cannot. Chicago might?
00740 //  CanDoDeepDIBs = IsWin32NT() ? TRUE : FALSE;
00741 // Changed by Will, on 14/7/95, as requested by Jason.
00742 // Apparently the PlotDeepDIB routine doesn't dither correctly.
00743 //  CanDoDeepDIBs = FALSE;
00745 //  #if REAL_DDB && WIN16
00746 //  GRenderDDB::CanDoBadDDBs();
00747 //  #endif
00749     // init WinG if required. Saves memory if not wanted
00750 //  if (WantWinG)
00751 //      GRenderWinG::Init( bFirstTime );
00753     if (!Operation::RegisterOpDescriptor(
00754                         0,
00755                         _R(IDS_GDRAW),
00756                         CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(OpGDraw),
00757                         OPTOKEN_GDRAW,
00758                         OpGDraw::GetState,
00759                         0,  // help ID
00760                         _R(IDBBL_GDRAWOP),
00761                         0   // bitmap ID
00762                         ))
00763         return FALSE; 
00765     if (!GBrush::InitGBrush( bFirstTime ))
00766         return FALSE;
00768     INT32 Flatness = INT32(MILLIPOINTS_PER_INCH/96 / 2);
00769     GD->SetFlatness( Flatness );
00771     return TRUE;
00772 }

static BOOL GRenderRegion::Init void   )  [static]

Initialise the render region.

Tim_Browse (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if initialised ok; FALSE if not.

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

void GRenderRegion::InitAttributes  )  [virtual]

Implements RenderRegion.

void GRenderRegion::InitBmpBits  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1066 of file grndrgn.cpp.

01067 {
01068     ENSURE(pBits,"Call to InitBmpBits with null bits pointer!");
01069     if(!pBits)
01070         return;
01072     LPBITMAPINFOHEADER bh = &pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader;
01073     BYTE* pSetBits = (BYTE*)pBits;
01075     BOOL UseInternalFormat = FALSE;
01076     if(m_DoCompression)
01077     {
01078         bh->biCompression=0x80000001;       // needs to be set correctly for GetDrawContext()->SetBitmap()
01079         UseInternalFormat = TRUE;
01080     }
01082     // for offscreen rendering system which doesn't set m_DoCompression properly
01083     if(bh->biCompression==0x80000001)
01084         UseInternalFormat = TRUE;
01086     // ensure all bitmap memory is initialised (ie don't use the 
01087     // bogus info from the bmp header dimensions)
01088     // NB this assumes that the bmp buff lpBits was allocated using AllocDIB (usually via GetLPBits() fn)
01089     UINT32 BmpSize = GetDIBBitsSize( bh );
01090     UINT32 Index = 0;
01092     if(bh->biBitCount==32)
01093     {
01094         // 32bpp
01095         if(UseInternalFormat)
01096         {
01097 //          TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("Initialising GRR to transparent black\n"));
01098             while(Index < BmpSize)
01099             {
01100                 // initial values for using internal alpha channelled format
01101                 // fully transparent black bacground
01103                 pSetBits[Index++] = 0x00;
01104                 pSetBits[Index++] = 0x00;
01105                 pSetBits[Index++] = 0x00;
01106                 pSetBits[Index++] = 0xFF;
01107             }
01108         }
01109         else
01110         {
01111 //          TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("Initialising GRR to opaque white\n"));
01112             while(Index < BmpSize)
01113             {
01114                 // fully opaque white background
01115                 pSetBits[Index++] = 0xFF;
01116                 pSetBits[Index++] = 0xFF;
01117                 pSetBits[Index++] = 0xFF;
01118                 pSetBits[Index++] = 0x00;
01119             }
01120         }
01121     }
01122     else
01123     {
01124 #if FILL_BITMAP
01125         // this is taken from the previous bmp initialisation code (ie from old StartRender())
01126         memset( pBits, FILL_BITMAP+1, BmpSize );
01127 #else
01128         // this is what I would expect it to be (ie white background)
01129         memset( pBits, 0xFF, BmpSize );
01130 #endif
01131     }
01132 }

void GRenderRegion::InitClipping  )  [virtual]

Implements RenderRegion.

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::InitDevice  )  [virtual]

Initialises the render region's connection to the device information passed in to RenderRegion::AttachDevice.

Tim_Browse (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if the device specific initialisation is completed successfully; FALSE if not.

Errors: Out of memory, Internal error

See also:

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in GRenderPrint.

BOOL GRenderRegion::IsAt100Percent FillGeometryAttribute Fill  )  [protected]

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::IsClean  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

Definition at line 181 of file grndrgn.h.

00181 {return !HaveRenderedSomething;}

BOOL GRenderRegion::IsDistorted FillGeometryAttribute Fill  )  [protected]

BOOL GRenderRegion::IsForcingBitmapSmoothing  )  [inline]

Definition at line 412 of file grndrgn.h.

00412 { return m_bForceBitmapSmoothing; }

BOOL GRenderRegion::IsScaledUp FillGeometryAttribute Fill  )  [protected]

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::IsWrappedRender  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

Definition at line 526 of file grndrgn.h.

00526 {return IsWrapped;}

const REGION* GRenderRegion::MakeClipRegionFromClipAttr ClipRegionAttribute pClipAttr  )  [protected]

virtual GMATRIX GRenderRegion::MakeGavinMatrix Matrix  NewRenderMatrix,
DocRect  ClipRect,
double  PixelsPerInch,
BOOL  bMasterCapture
[protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in PrintingMaskedRenderRegion, and GRenderBitmap.

TransparencyEnum GRenderRegion::MapTranspTypeToGDraw UINT32  ttype,
BOOL  bGraduated

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::MasterCaptureIsCurrent  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

Definition at line 558 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::NeedToSmooth FillGeometryAttribute Fill,
BOOL  bAlreadyScaled

void GRenderRegion::OffsetByHalfPixel  ) 

static void GRenderRegion::PaletteHasChanged  )  [static]

void GRenderRegion::PlotBitmap wxDC *  pDC,
UINT32  ColourFlag,
INT32  Left,
INT32  Top,
UINT32  Width,
UINT32  Height,
wxPalette *  hPal,
INT32  ,

void GRenderRegion::PlotBitmap UINT32  ColourFlag  )  [protected]

BOOL GRenderRegion::RenderBitmapFill Path ,

BOOL GRenderRegion::RenderBitmapWithTransparency Path pPath,
BitmapFillAttribute pFill,
BitmapTranspFillAttribute pTranspFill

Helper function for RenderBitmapFill and SetBitmapTransparencyFill. Used to work out whether or not to smooth bitmap fills/transparencies. Helper function for RenderBitmapFill and SetBitmapTransparencyFill. Used to work out whether or not to smooth bitmap fills/transparencies. Helper function for RenderBitmapFill and SetBitmapTransparencyFill. Used to work out whether or not to smooth bitmap fills/transparencies. Helper function for RenderBitmapFill and SetBitmapTransparencyFill. Used to work out whether or not to smooth bitmap fills/transparencies. Helper function for RenderBitmapFill and SetBitmapTransparencyFill. Sets the smoothing flags using SetBitmapSmoothingFlag and SetTileFilteringFlag. These flags determine the quality of subsequent SetBitmapFill / SetTransparentBitmapFill operations. Fills a shape with a bitmap Initialises a Transparency fill. Scope: ProtectedSets up a fractal fill. Scope: ProtectedSets up a fractal transparency fill. Scope: ProtectedRenders a rectangle using gavins routines. Rectangles are not anti-aliased. Does NOTHING AT ALL as gdraw cannot do xor plotting Does NOTHING AT ALL as gdraw cannot do xor plotting Renders a line using gdraw. Draws an un-scaled Bitmap. Use this for drawing Icons for dialogue boxes etc. The Bitmap can be any size, but will be plotted unscaled. Note that 'Point' specifies where the bottom left of the bitmap will be.Draws an un-scaled Bitmap. Use this for drawing Icons for dialogue boxes etc. The Bitmap can be any size, but will be plotted unscaled. Note that 'Point' specifies where the bottom left of the bitmap will be.Draws an un-scaled Bitmap. Use this for drawing Icons for dialogue boxes etc. The Bitmap can be any size, but will be plotted unscaled. Note that 'Point' specifies where the bottom left of the bitmap will be.To draw simple text, using the default host-operating-system font. The size and style of this font are decided by the host OS (or oil code) and cannot be set in any way. To determine how much space is needed to display a string with this method, see the SeeAlso.To set the text and background colour(s) for any FixedSystem text rendered in this render region in the future (within the current rendering pass).To determine how much room is needed to plot a bit of text with GRenderRegion::DrawFixedSystemTextDraw an Arrow head on the start or end of a line. Updates the GMATRIX used for rendering. Make a Gavin Matrix out of a Kernel Matrix Sets Gavins drawing colour. He does not distinguish between line & fill colours - the caller has to do that. Sets Gavins drawing colour. He does not distinguish between line & fill colours - the caller has to do that. Allows the dithering of colours to be turned off so they look the same using GDraw as they do with the GDI.Calculates the size of a Pixel in MILLIPOINTS, based on the output DPI but IGNORES the scale factor. Calculates the size of a Pixel in MILLIPOINTS, based on the output DPI but IGNORES the scale factor. Calculates the size of a Pixel in MILLIPOINTS, based on the output DPI and current scale factor. Calculates the size of a Pixel in MILLIPOINTS, based on the output DPI and current scale factor. Returns the true scaled pixel width of this GRenderRegion, to the accuracy of a double. GetScaledPixelWidth() returns a whole number, which is highly inaccurate at high zooms - eg SPW at 6031% is usually 750 / 60.31 = 12.44ish but GetScaledPixelWidth() returns 12. This method is useful if your code needs precise conversion between millipoints and pixels.Called after the Quality setting has been changed on the region. We have to recalculate the antialiasing & flatness settings. Also used by StartRender.Gets ready to do actual rendering. In this case it does nothing. bitmap. Initialise the device specific mechanisms for this render region. IN this case the bitmap is allocated, so can fail. Determines whether a GRenderRegion can be created for rendering. A NULL return should NOT be tested with ENSURE, it is a perfectly valid return result. Slightly misleading name for historic reasons. Actually plots any depth bitmap on any device, without any special handling. Use as a fallback when the more specialist versions are not suitable.Plot high colour bitmap (16 or 32-bits) to a 256 colour device. If we let GDI do this it would take a very long time, so we convert to an intermediate bitmap first. NEW - also plots to a 16-colour device. Will ENSURE if not 16- or 256-colours.If can do PAL_INDICES, just does that, else fills in the RGB quads in the DIB and returns DIB_RGB_COLOR. Only really make sense to call on 16 or 256 colour bitmaps. Plot the DIB as fast as possible to the display surface. IMPORTANT: Only works on SCREEN devices. Plot the DIB as fast as possible to the display surface. Member function version. There is also a more general static version (which this uses). This member fn one uses the ChangedBBox for optimal blitting. Plot a bitmap to a device of the same colour depth.For the main window to get a Gavin-approved logical palette. Scope: StaticDraws a cross in the render region. The cross consists of a vertical line 'Size' millipoints high, and a horizontal line 'Size' millipoints wide.Used to know whether StrokePathToPath will fail. If we don't have GDraw, we cannot do this, if we do, we can. Scope: StaticUsed for rendering complex strokes when the native system cannot do it (e.g. GDI16). Scope: StaticInitialises GDraw for rendering into 8bpp bitmapsCalls SelectPalette for the static GDraw context and sets the palette Scope: Static publicSets up a sensible palette for error diffusion It sets 3 of the entries to black to avoid them being used Scope: Static protectedGiven a ptr to a ClipRegionAttribute, generate an appropriate GDraw clipping region and return it. Sets the flag which indicates that we are rendering to a 32bit bitmapDelete and free memory used by all clip regions which this render region has stored.Intended solely for use by the feathering and shadowing systems, both of which make use of a bitmap blurring algorithm which can sometimes return a blurred bitmap up and right by half a pixel.This function allows a GRenderRegion to declare what it can render and what it can not render. This allows us to pretend to be a simple render region when doing onscreen print previews.This function tells a GRenderRegion to simulate printing This allows us to pretend to be a simple render region when doing onscreen print previews.Plots the bitmap using the mask supplied.Plots the bitmap using the mask supplied.To get the changed rectangle so far To start a bitmap capture of whatever is subsequently rendered To stop a bitmap capture To inform the capture stack that things (transparency) have changedTo setup a direct capture if that is possible Render the current state of the capture stack into the specified bitmap (For use when rendering is interrupted) (For use when capture must be collapsed from 32BPP to 24BPP without affecting the master bitmap)Search down the Capture stack from the top or from the capture specified until we find one that owns a bitmap. The master capture at the bottom of the stack should ALWAYS own a bitmap!Render the current state of the capture stack into the specified bitmap (For use when rendering is interrupted)To connect this renderregion to a bitmap along with clipping and view transformation information (a "capture") Discover whether this transparency type can be rendered into RGBT bitmap by GDraw. (Things like stain and bleach cannot be accurately captured in the T channel of the RGBT bitmap.) Map Camelot's internal transp type to GDraw's transp type Notes: This function only understands FLAT and GRAD - it will never map a Camelot transparency type to one of GDraw's "Colour and transp" valuesTo set the bitmap pointers for the master capture only, updating both the working members and the versions stored in the master capture. To get the bitmap pointers for the master capture only. Toggles state of gdraw flag then forces a redraw. Constructor for OpGDraw operation. It is not undoable. This item is always available when GDraw is available.

/ }


Andy Hills, 23-10-00: Helper functions for RenderBitmapFill and SetBitmapTransparencyFill


Andy_Hills (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Fill the bmp fill to test [INPUTS]
TRUE if the bitmap is scaled up (i.e. zoomed into / enlarged)

Errors: -

Andy_Hills (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Fill the bmp fill to test [INPUTS]
TRUE if the bitmap is at 100% (i.e. not zoomed in or resized)

Errors: -

Andy_Hills (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Fill the bmp fill to test [INPUTS]
TRUE if the bitmap is distorted (rotated or skewed).

Errors: -

Andy_Hills (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Fill the bmp fill to test [INPUTS] bAlreadyScaled TRUE if the bmp has already been scaled to the correct size (using the super-smooth scaling algorithm)
TRUE if the bitmap needs to be smoothed. This depends on various factors - e.g. is it at 100%? if not, has it already been scaled to 100%? is it rotated/skewed? is interpolation enabled? are we forcing interpolation? (e.g. we're rendering the shadow of a bitmap) is document-wide bitmap smoothing (options dialogue) enabled?

Errors: -

Andy_Hills (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Fill the bmp fill for which to set the flags [INPUTS]
TRUE on success.

Errors: -

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
PathToDraw is a pointer to a Path object to render. Fill is the bitmap fill [INPUTS] required.
TRUE if understood fill type & rendered it, FALSE if not

Errors: -

Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pTranspTable is a pointer to a Transparency Table to fill in. This table must [INPUTS] still exist at the time of rendering, as Gavin just keeps a pointer to it. So be careful with those Local Variables !! Style is a Pointer to the Fill style for us to update.
Style is updated to include Transparency Style. [OUTPUTS]
TRUE, if a Transparent fill has been set. FALSE, means it will use the Tranparency in the Colour Fill.
Notes: Added support for square, 3 and 4 point transparency (Gerry 12/8/96)

Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE, if fill was set ok. FALSE, if failed to set the fill.
Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE, if transparency was set ok. FALSE, if failed to set the fractal transparency.
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
RectToRender is a pointer to a rectangle to render [INPUTS]

Errors: -

See also:
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
RectToRender is a pointer to a rectangle to render in EOR type mode. [INPUTS]

Errors: -

See also:
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
A point and a blob type [INPUTS]

Errors: -

See also:
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Two points to render a line between [INPUTS]

Errors: -

See also:
Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Point - The Coord specifying the bottom left of the Bitmap. [INPUTS] pBitmap, the KernelBitmap to plot.
Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Point - The Coord specifying the bottom left of the Bitmap. [INPUTS] pBitmap, the KernelBitmap to plot.
Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Point - The Coord specifying the bottom left of the Bitmap. [INPUTS] BitmapID, the resource ID of the bitmap to plot. ToolID, the optional ToolID of the tool containing the Bitmap resource.
Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TheText - The string to render [INPUTS] BoundsRect - Determines where the text is to be plotted. The text will also be clipped within this bounding rectangle if it exceeds the available space.
Notes: This method is intended solely for the use of kernel-rendered dialogues, such as SuperGalleries, which need to display simple text information. It should not be confused with document rendering of arbitrary text paths etc.

Currently, the text is drawn in a default manner (left justified and centered vertically; one line of text only (no word-wrap onto subsequent lines), etc) Do not use special characters such as tab/newline -their effect is undefined

NOTE: this GRenderRegion version of the function plots with BkMode OPAQUE.

See also:
GRenderRegion::GetFixedSystemTextSize; GRenderRegion::SetFixedSystemTextColours
Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TextCol - The foreground (text) colour (may be NULL) [INPUTS] Background - The background colour (may be NULL)
Notes: If either of the colours is passed in as a NULL pointer, that colour will not be set, and will remain at the previous setting.

Note that these values are passed directly to the host OS at the point of calling, so you must call this method every time the colour is changed (i.e. don't rely on just changing the DocColours that you passed in originally, as they aren't remembered in any way). Note also that if you call DrawFixedSystemText without a prior call to this method, the colours used are undefined.

The colour chosen may not exactly match the colour requested - under Windows, for example, the nearest solid (non-dithered) colour to that requested will be used. Thus, it is best to stick to 'simple' colour schemes.

This method may or may not affect some other rendering processes (for example, under Windows, plotting of bitmaps may be affected by the settings used here...)

See also:
Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TheText - The string to obtain the rendered size from [INPUTS]
BoundsRect - Returned with the size of the rectangle needed to display [OUTPUTS] said text string. This rect always has one corner at (0,0)
Notes: If for any reason the call fails, an origin based rectangle with zero height and width will be returned.

See also:
Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
An ArrowRec defining the Arrowhead, the Centre point of the Arrow and a [INPUTS] point defining the direction of the Arrow.
See also:
Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The new GMATRIX to use. [INPUTS]
The old GMATRIX that was being used.
See also:
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <> (from Will (from Phil code))
The Kernel Matrix and cliprect to use to create the Gavin Matrix. [INPUTS]
TRUE if the GMatrix was created ok.
See also:
GRenderRegion::SetGavinMatrix Notes: Doesn't rely on current state of CurrentClipRect like the above version
Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <> (Andy)
15/04/94 (7/12/93)
A DocColour object [INPUTS]
TRUE if not transparent, FALSE if transparent (i.e. don't bother rendering)

Errors: -

See also:
Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <> (Andy)
15/04/94 (7/12/93)
A DocColour object [INPUTS]
TRUE if not transparent, FALSE if transparent (i.e. don't bother rendering)

Errors: -

See also:
Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE to turn off dithering of colours [INPUTS]
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The size of a pixel in MILLIPOINTS
See also:
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The size of a pixel in a double
See also:
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The size of a pixel in MILLIPOINTS
See also:
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The size of a pixel in a double
See also:
Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <>
25 September 2000

PLEASE Note that if you mix and match GetScaledPixelWidthDouble() with GetScaledPixelWidth(), you are HIGHLY likely to run into problems. Most of Camelot uses the original GetScaledPixelWidth(), so if you do decide to use this version, watch out for any interaction problems with the rest of the App!

See also: GetScaledPixelWidth().

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ViewToAttach is the output view, pCDC is the destination DC, pSpread is which [INPUTS] spread we are rendering.
TRUE if attached ok; FALSE if not.

Errors: Same as base class.

See also:
RenderRegion::AttachDevice; GRenderRegion::InitDevice
Tim_Browse (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if initialised ok; FALSE if not.

Errors: Same as base class.

See also:
RenderRegion::InitDevice; GRenderRegion::AttachDevice
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Pointer to a render region if we can use gdraw, else NULL (if not a screen type, or gdraw disabled, or not compatible with this machine).

Errors: -

See also:
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <> (based on Gavin)
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <> (based on Gavin)
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <> (based on Gavin)
lpBmi will usually be lpBitmapInfo [INPUTS]

Errors: Will ensure if >256 colours (then mess upon memory).

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ColourFlag as used in SetDIBitsToDevice (e.g. DIB_RGB_COLORS). hPal must [INPUTS] already be selected into the device. Left & Top are the destination in screen coords. SourceLeft and SourceTop are the offset from logical top left of the source bitmap to be plotted.

Errors: - Scope: Static

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ColourFlag as used in SetDIBitsToDevice (e.g. DIB_RGB_COLORS). [INPUTS]

Errors: -

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <> (based on Gavin)
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
A pointer to a logical palette, or NULL if the screen does not do palettes.
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Point - the centre point of the cross. [INPUTS] Size - the length of the lines used to draw the cross with.
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if StrokePathToPath is available, FALSE if it is not.
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
IPoints is the path of points to be stroked, ITypes its verb list and ILength [INPUTS] the length. OPoints, OTypes and OLength are the output path. If Close is TRUE then the path will be closed. Flattening is how flat it is required.
Length of resultant path. Returns -1 if errored.
Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <> (Rewritten by Jason. Originally by AndyP)
2/5/96 (30/6/94)
A device context and whether the GDraw fn should be called regardless. If [INPUTS] hdc is NULL and Force is TRUE then the next time someone calls this it will always do a Force.
Actually, GColour Init is not very expensive (5 milliseconds if the palette hasn't changed) but this function is more efficient (0.5 millisecs if it hasn't changed).

This function will also force a redraw of all windows if it detects that the palette has changed - this is because a palette change detected in the middle of a background redraw could leave the already-drawn areas invalid.

Scope: Static public

Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
PaletteFlag - value to pass to GDraw_SelectPalette. If -1 then uses the [INPUTS] correct value for the current WhichDither setting
Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Max width of off screen bitmap supported Scope: Public
See also:
Notes: This function does not require a GDraw critical section

Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Max depth of off screen bitmap supported Scope: Public
See also:
Notes: This function does not require a GDraw critical section

Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <>
10 April 2000
pClipAttr ptr to the ClipRegionAttribute whose path we'll base the new [INPUTS] clip region on.
Pointer to a new GDraw clipping region, or NULL if unsuccessful for some reason.

Errors: See also:

Diccon_Yamanaka (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Value - the value to set [INPUTS]
Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <>
11 April 2000
Any clip regions stored in this render region will be freed up, so pointers [OUTPUTS] to them will become invalid.
See also: FreeClipRegionForAttr().

Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <>
To compensate for this, the source bitmap must be rendered at an offset of half a pixel down and left. This function sets GDraw and this render region up to do that.

Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pCaps - the flags to set for the things we are able to render [OUTPUTS]
Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
PrintType - 0=Not simulating, 1=Normal printer, 2=Postscript [INPUTS]
Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Point - the position to plot the bitmap [INPUTS] pBitmap - The bitmap that needs plotting pMask - The mask render region to use to indicate which bits of pBitmap needs to be plotted
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
rectGrab - the rectangle to grab as a new bitmap [INPUTS]
plpBitmapInfo - address of pointer to BITMAPINFO structure [OUTPUTS] plpBits - address of pointer to bitmap data
TRUE if grab worked FALSE otherwise
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
DocRect containing changed rect so far in this RenderRegion
See also:
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pOwnerNode - Node in tree which "owns" this capture [INPUTS] CaptureRect - The rectangle to capture ctype - The type of capture required bTransparent - The capture could be transparent RGBT bCaptureBackground - The capture should include the state of the background dPPI - The resolution at which capture should be done pDirectSupplier - Node in tree which supplies a bitmap directly into this capture
TRUE if a Capture was successfully set up
See also:
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pEndNode - Node in tree which "owns" this capture [INPUTS]
TRUE if the Capture resulted in a bitmap being usefully created
See also:
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if the Direct capture was setup successfully
See also:
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pCapture - Pointer to capture object which is to receiev all further rendering [INPUTS]
TRUE if worked
See also:
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ttype - Camelot-style transparency type [INPUTS]
TRUE if the transparency type can be rendered accurately into RGBT bitmap by GDraw
See also:
GRenderRegion::ChangeCapture Notes: Gavin says (02/02/2005): The following are I think OK: 0,1,4,7,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27 and, I think, the bevel types 34,35,36,37,38,39.
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ttype - Camelot-style transparency type [INPUTS]
GDraw's TransparencyEnum
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
bi - new BITMAPINFO pointer [INPUTS] by - new BYTES pointer
See also:
Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:
Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Errors: None

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Errors: None

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Errors: None

Definition at line 3078 of file grndrgn.cpp.

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::RenderCurrentCaptureState BOOL  bStartFromMaster = FALSE  )  [virtual]

BOOL GRenderRegion::RenderGradFillPath Path PathToDraw,
GradFillAttribute Fill

Fills a grad filled path (linear or radial).

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
PathToDraw is a pointer to a Path object to render. Fill is the grad fill [INPUTS] required.
TRUE if understood fill type & rendered it, FALSE if not

Errors: -

Notes: Added support for square, 3 and 4 colour fills (Gerry 12/8/96)

Definition at line 2471 of file grndrgn.cpp.

02472 {
02473     DWORD Style = 0;
02474     TranspGradTable TranspTable;
02476     BOOL SpecialFill = FALSE;
02478     CCRuntimeClass *FillType = Fill->GetRuntimeClass();
02481     if (FillType == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(RadialFillAttribute))
02482         Style = 1;
02483     else if (FillType == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(LinearFillAttribute))
02484         Style = 0;
02485     else if (FillType == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(ConicalFillAttribute))
02486         Style = 2;
02487     else if (FillType == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(SquareFillAttribute))
02488         Style = 3;
02489     else if (FillType == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(ThreeColFillAttribute))
02490         SpecialFill = TRUE;
02491     else if (FillType == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(FourColFillAttribute))
02492         SpecialFill = TRUE;
02493     else
02494     {
02495         ERROR3("Unknown fill type");
02496         return FALSE;                               // unknown fill type
02497     }
02499     if (uBitmapDepth == 32)
02500     {
02501         // InitTransparencyFill will setup the transparency fill if there is one
02502         if (!GetTransparencyFill(&TranspTable, &Style))
02503             Style |= (WhichTransparency<<8);        // Set the fill type of the transparency
02504     }
02506     CProfileBiasGain DiagramMapper = Fill->GetProfile ();
02508     // --- Convert ArtWorks style attribute into Gavin-style
02509     POINT A,B,C,D;
02511     DocCoord* StartPoint    = Fill->GetStartPoint();
02512     DocCoord* EndPoint      = Fill->GetEndPoint();
02513     DocCoord* EndPoint2     = Fill->GetEndPoint2();
02514     DocCoord* EndPoint3     = Fill->GetEndPoint3();
02516     A.x = (*StartPoint).x;  A.y = (*StartPoint).y;
02517     B.x = (*EndPoint).x;    B.y = (*EndPoint).y;
02519     if (EndPoint2 != NULL)
02520     {
02521         C.x = (*EndPoint2).x;   
02522         C.y = (*EndPoint2).y;
02523     }
02525     if (FillType==CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(LinearFillAttribute))
02526     {
02527         A.x = (*StartPoint).x;  A.y = (*StartPoint).y;
02528         B.x = (*EndPoint2).x;   B.y = (*EndPoint2).y;
02529         C.x = (*EndPoint).x;    C.y = (*EndPoint).y;
02530     }
02531     else if (FillType==CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(ConicalFillAttribute))
02532     {
02533         B.x = A.x - (B.x - A.x);
02534         B.y = A.y - (B.y - A.y);
02535     }
02537     BOOL Perspective = FALSE;
02539     // Is it a perspectivised fill ?
02540     if (Fill->IsPerspective())
02541     {
02542         Perspective = TRUE;
02544         POINT PGram[4];
02546         // Setup the Perspective control points
02547         if (FillType==CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(LinearFillAttribute))
02548         {
02549             PGram[0].x = (*StartPoint).x;   PGram[0].y = (*StartPoint).y;
02550             PGram[1].x = (*EndPoint2).x;    PGram[1].y = (*EndPoint2).y;
02551             PGram[2].x = (*EndPoint3).x;    PGram[2].y = (*EndPoint3).y;
02552             PGram[3].x = (*EndPoint).x;     PGram[3].y = (*EndPoint).y;
02553         }
02554         else
02555         {
02556             PGram[0].x = A.x;               PGram[0].y = A.y;
02557             PGram[1].x = B.x;               PGram[1].y = B.y;
02558             PGram[2].x = (*EndPoint3).x;    PGram[2].y = (*EndPoint3).y;
02559             PGram[3].x = (*EndPoint2).x;    PGram[3].y = (*EndPoint2).y;
02560         }
02562         // Are the control points sensible ?
02564         // Gerry removed the pixel size test cos it makes small repeating fills go spappy
02566         if (MouldPerspective::WillBeValid(PGram))
02567         {
02568             // We're going to plot a perspective fill,
02569             // so copy the perspective control points
02570             A.x = PGram[0].x;   A.y = PGram[0].y;
02571             B.x = PGram[1].x;   B.y = PGram[1].y;
02572             C.x = PGram[2].x;   C.y = PGram[2].y;
02573             D.x = PGram[3].x;   D.y = PGram[3].y;
02574         }
02575         else
02576         {
02577             // The mould is bad...
02578             Perspective = FALSE;
02579         }
02580     }
02582     // This needs to be allocated at the same level as the FillPath call below...
02583     GradTable Table(FALSE);
02585     INT32 Tiling = ((FillMappingAttribute*)CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLMAPPING].pAttr)->Repeat;
02587     if (SpecialFill)
02588     {
02589         // The fill is a fabby new one
02591         if ((FillType != CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(ThreeColFillAttribute)) &&
02592             (FillType != CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(FourColFillAttribute)))
02593         {
02594             ERROR3("Unknown new fill type");
02595             return FALSE;                               // unknown fill type
02596         }
02598         // Clear the bottom byte of the style cos it means something new
02599         Style = Style & 0xFFFFFF00;
02601         // If the transparency type is one of the unimplemented ones then set to zero
02602         if ((Style & 0xFF00) < 0x400)
02603             Style = (Style & 0xFF0000);
02605         // We wont do anything scary with the colours (separation/correction)
02606         // as this only renders to a GDraw bitmap
02608         PColourRGBT Result;
02610         CurrentColContext->ConvertColour(Fill->GetStartColour(), (ColourPacked *) &Result);
02611         COLORREF StartColour = RGB(Result.Red, Result.Green, Result.Blue);
02613         CurrentColContext->ConvertColour(Fill->GetEndColour(), (ColourPacked *) &Result);
02614         COLORREF EndColour = RGB(Result.Red, Result.Green, Result.Blue);
02616         CurrentColContext->ConvertColour(Fill->GetEndColour2(), (ColourPacked *) &Result);
02617         COLORREF EndColour2 = RGB(Result.Red, Result.Green, Result.Blue);
02619         if (FillType == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(FourColFillAttribute))
02620             CurrentColContext->ConvertColour(Fill->GetEndColour3(), (ColourPacked *) &Result);
02621         COLORREF EndColour3 = RGB(Result.Red, Result.Green, Result.Blue);
02623         /*CProfileBiasGain DefaultBiasGain;
02625         if (!(DiagramMapper == DefaultBiasGain))
02626         {
02627             Table.BuildTable(Fill->Colour, Fill->EndColour, GetRenderView(), GetFillEffect(), DiagramMapper, LargeGradTables);
02628             GetDrawContext()->SetGraduation( Style, Table.GetTable(), &A, &B, &C );
02629         }*/
02631         if (FillType == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(ThreeColFillAttribute))
02632         {           
02633             // Style & 0xFF = 0 (simple with better colours outside the mesh)
02634             // Style & 0xFF = 2 (tiled)
02636             if (Tiling == 1)    // If it is a simple fill
02637                 Style |= 0;     // set the style to 0
02638             else
02639                 Style |= 2;     // otherwise set it to 2
02641             //CProfileBiasGain DefaultBiasGain;         // default
02642                                                         // DiagramMapper is the applied biasgain
02644             //if (DiagramMapper == DefaultBiasGain)     // if the applied biasgain is the default biasgain
02645             //{
02646                 if (Perspective)
02647                     GetDrawContext()->Set3WayGraduation4(Style, StartColour, EndColour, EndColour2,
02648                                             &A, &B, &C, &D);
02649                 else
02650                     GetDrawContext()->Set3WayGraduation(Style, StartColour, EndColour, EndColour2,
02651                                             &A, &B, &C);
02652             //}
02653             //else
02654             //{
02655             //  Table.BuildTable(Fill->Colour, Fill->EndColour, GetRenderView(), GetFillEffect(), DiagramMapper, LargeGradTables);
02656             //  GetDrawContext()->Set3WayGraduation(Style, StartColour, EndColour, EndColour2,
02657 //                                          &A, &B, &C);
02658             //}
02659         }
02660         else
02661         {
02662             // Style & 0xFF = 1 (for better colours outside the mesh)
02663             // Style & 0xFF = 2 (tiled)
02665             if (Tiling == 1)    // If it is a simple fill
02666                 Style |= 1;     // set the style to 1
02667             else
02668                 Style |= 2;     // otherwise set it to 2
02670             // The colours in the following lines are correct!!!
02671             if (Perspective)
02672                 GetDrawContext()->Set4WayGraduation4(Style, StartColour, EndColour, EndColour3, EndColour2,
02673                                         &A, &B, &C, &D);
02674             else
02675                 GetDrawContext()->Set4WayGraduation(Style, StartColour, EndColour, EndColour3, EndColour2,
02676                                         &A, &B, &C);
02677         }
02678     }
02679     else
02680     {
02681 // Mark Howitt, 6/10/97. Enable the repeating fill type operation if selected
02682 #ifdef NEW_FEATURES
02683         if(Tiling == 4) Style |= 0x80;      // Check to see if repeating, if so set it
02684 #endif
02686         // CGS ....
02687         // We now need to decide exactly who is going to build the table!
02688         // If the fill has the default biasgain, then we will continue to build
02689         // this in the standard fashion (i.e.  let GDraw build it).
02690         // If however it does NOT, then we will build the table ourselves (with respect to
02691         // the applied biasgain) ....
02693         CProfileBiasGain DefaultBiasGain;           // default
02694                                                     // DiagramMapper is the applied biasgain
02696         if (DiagramMapper == DefaultBiasGain)       // if the applied biasgain is the default biasgain
02697         {
02698             // get on and use standard rendering stuff ....
02700             ColourRamp *pColourRamp = Fill->GetColourRamp();
02701             if (pColourRamp)
02702             {
02703                 if (Tiling != 4)
02704                 {
02705                     Table.BuildTable(Fill->Colour, Fill->EndColour, pColourRamp, GetRenderView(), GetFillEffect(), LargeGradTables);
02706                 }
02707                 else
02708                 {
02709                     Table.BuildHighQualityRepeatTable(Fill->Colour, Fill->EndColour, pColourRamp, GetRenderView(), GetFillEffect());
02710                 }
02711             }
02712             else
02713             {
02714                 if (Tiling != 4)
02715                 {
02716                     Table.BuildTable(Fill->Colour, Fill->EndColour, GetRenderView(), GetFillEffect(), LargeGradTables);
02717                 }
02718                 else
02719                 {
02720                     Table.BuildHighQualityRepeatTable(Fill->Colour, Fill->EndColour, NULL, GetRenderView(), GetFillEffect());
02721                 }
02722             }
02724             if (Perspective)
02725                 GetDrawContext()->SetGraduation4( Style, Table.GetTable(), &A, &B, &C, &D );
02726             else
02727                 GetDrawContext()->SetGraduation( Style, Table.GetTable(), &A, &B, &C );
02728         }
02729         else
02730         {
02731             // use our new rendering stuff that takes account of profiles ....
02733             if (Tiling != 4)
02734             {
02735                 Table.BuildTable(Fill->Colour, Fill->EndColour, GetRenderView(), GetFillEffect(), DiagramMapper, LargeGradTables);
02736                 GetDrawContext()->SetGraduation( Style, Table.GetTable(), &A, &B, &C );
02737             }
02738             else
02739             {
02740                 Table.BuildHighQualityRepeatTable(Fill->Colour, Fill->EndColour, GetRenderView(), GetFillEffect(), DiagramMapper);
02741                 GetDrawContext()->SetGraduation( Style, Table.GetTable(), &A, &B, &C );
02742             }
02743             GetDrawContext()->SetGraduation( Style, Table.GetTable(), &A, &B, &C );
02744         }
02745     }
02747     // Now it is time to Draw the path, so we will Fuzzy Clip it just in case it is too big
02748     DocCoord* Coords;
02749     PathVerb* Verbs;
02750     UINT32 TotalCoords;
02751     BOOL ShouldDeleteCoords = FALSE;
02753     // try and clip the path before rendering it, for bigger zoom values
02754     if (TryToFuzzyClip(PathToDraw, &Coords, &Verbs, &TotalCoords))
02755     {
02756         // Yes, we clipped the paths alright
02757         ShouldDeleteCoords = TRUE;
02758     }
02759     else
02760     {
02761         // No Clipping here matey
02762         Coords = PathToDraw->GetCoordArray();
02763         Verbs  = PathToDraw->GetVerbArray();
02764         TotalCoords = PathToDraw->GetNumCoords();
02765     }
02767     // Draw the actual path
02768     if (TotalCoords > 1)
02769         GetDrawContext()->FillPath( (POINT*)Coords, Verbs, TotalCoords, (RR_WINDINGRULE()==EvenOddWinding) ? 0 : 1 );
02771     // Clean up if we need to
02772     if (ShouldDeleteCoords)
02773     {
02774         delete Coords;
02775         delete Verbs;
02776     }
02778     #if 0
02779     if (0)
02780     {
02781         // debug code - plot the points
02782         GetDrawContext()->SetColour( RGB(0,0,0) );
02783         /*DocCoord*/ POINT Path[5];
02785         /*DocCoord*/POINT D;
02786         D.x = (A.x+B.x)/2;
02787         D.y = (A.y+B.y)/2;
02789         Path[0] = A;
02790         Path[1] = B;
02791         Path[2] = A;
02792         Path[3] = C;
02793         Path[4] = D;
02794         GetDrawContext()->StrokePath( (LPPOINT)Path, Verbs, sizeof(Verbs), FALSE, 0, CAPS_ROUND, JOIN_ROUND, NULL );
02795     }
02796     #endif
02797     return TRUE;
02798 }

void GRenderRegion::ResetRegion DocRect NewClipRect  )  [virtual]

Resets the render region (after it has been merged), so that it no longer thinks it is banded etc. It also takes the Regions rectangle from the Current Clipping rectangle, so set this correctly before calling this function.

Rik_Heywood (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

Definition at line 1049 of file grndrgn.cpp.

01050 {
01051 #ifdef _DEBUG
01052 //  if(CurrentRenderState)
01053 //      TRACEUSER( "Ilan", _T("RR (0x%x) being reset\n   Context = %s (0x%x)\n   Offscreen stack size = %d\n"), (DWORD)this, CurrentRenderState->Name(),(DWORD)CurrentRenderState, m_OffscreenStateStack.Size());
01054 //      TRACEUSER( "Ilan", _T("RR (0x%x) being reset\n   Context = %s (0x%x)\n   Offscreen stack size = %d\n"), (DWORD)this, CurrentRenderState->Name(),(DWORD)CurrentRenderState, m_CaptureStack.Size());
01055 #endif
01057     // base class version (called below) needs initial CurrentClipRect to be correct.
01058     // FreeOffscreenState restores RR state as well as freeing offscreen bitmap memory and stacked states
01059     FreeOffscreenState();
01061     RenderRegion::ResetRegion(NewClipRect);
01062 }

void GRenderRegion::Restore RenderRegion  ) 

void GRenderRegion::RestoreClipRegion ClipRegionAttribute pClipAttr,
BOOL  Temp

Set the current ClipRegion for this RenderRegion. pClipAttr contains a path, and all future rendering will occur *through* that clipping path, after it is clipped to any pre-existing clipping region.

Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <>
26 April 2000
pClipAttr the ClipRegionAttribute to restore over the current [INPUTS] attribute. Temp whether the attr is temporary or not - ie if you created it on the heap, do you want it automatically deleted when it goes out of scope.
The attribute stack gets its top ClipRegionAttribute deleted & replaced [OUTPUTS] with this one, with the RR's future clipping-region set accordingly.
See Also: SetClipRegion(), ClipRegionAttribute.

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

Definition at line 2332 of file grndrgn.cpp.

02333 {
02334     // Karim 26/02/2001
02335     // Once a clip-region has been restored, we no longer need to cache its associated
02336     // clipping region, so we'll free it up here.
02337     // We only freeing up the old clip-region if the incoming attr is different
02338     // from the outgoing attr, and if we can successfully remove old clip-region
02339     // from our cache.
02341 //  REGION*                 pClipRegion         = NULL;
02342     ClipRegionAttribute*    pOutGoingClipAttr   = RR_CLIPREGION();
02343     ClipRegionAttribute*    pInComingClipAttr   = NULL;
02345     // Actually restore the incoming over the outgoing attribute in our attr-context.
02346     RenderRegion::RestoreClipRegion(pClipAttr, Temp);
02348     // Free up outgoing clip-region, now it's unneeded.
02349     pInComingClipAttr = RR_CLIPREGION();
02350     if (pInComingClipAttr != pOutGoingClipAttr &&
02351         pOutGoingClipAttr != NULL)
02352     {
02353 //      if (m_ClipRegionMap.Lookup((void*)pOutGoingClipAttr, ((void*&)pClipRegion)))
02354 //      {
02355 //          if (m_ClipRegionMap.RemoveKey((void*)pOutGoingClipAttr))
02356 //          {
02357 //              if (pClipRegion != NULL)
02358 //                  delete [] ((BYTE *)pClipRegion);
02359 //          }
02360 //      }
02361         // Normally GetTopCaptureBitmap must return a valid pointer
02362         // However RestoreClipRegion can be called when RenderRegions are being shut down
02363         Capture* pBitCapture = GetTopCaptureBitmap();
02364         if (pBitCapture)
02365             pBitCapture->RemoveCachedClipRegion(pOutGoingClipAttr);
02366     }
02368     // Finally, adopt the new clip-attr as our clipping region.
02369     ApplyCurrentClipRegion();
02370 }

void GRenderRegion::RestoreOffscreen OffscreenAttrValue  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in MaskedRenderRegion, PrintingMaskedRenderRegion, and GRenderBrush.

Definition at line 3033 of file grndrgn.cpp.

03034 {
03035     if (m_ForcePrintingCaps)
03036         return;
03038     // call our base class, to update the offscreen attr stack.
03039     // this will also trigger a call to the current attr's OffscreenRenderingCompleted() method.
03040     RenderRegion::RestoreOffscreen(pAttr);
03041 }

void GRenderRegion::SetBitmapPointers LPBITMAPINFO  bi,

BOOL GRenderRegion::SetBitmapTransparencyFill TranspFillAttribute ,

void GRenderRegion::SetClean BOOL  bResetChangedBounds,
BOOL  FillWhite

Informs the GRenderRegion that it should consider it's bitmap image to be clean, i.e. it's an accurate representation of what is on screen already, so there is no need to blit it. This is used in conjunction with the PaperRenderRegion to avoid unnecessary blits.

Tim_Browse (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:
RenderRegion::SetClean; PaperRenderRegion

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in GRenderClick.

Definition at line 1812 of file grndrgn.cpp.

01813 {
01814     // Reset our rendering flag...
01815     HaveRenderedSomething = FALSE;
01816     if (bResetChangedBounds)
01817         GetDrawContext()->ClearChangedBBox();
01818 }

void GRenderRegion::SetClipRegion ClipRegionAttribute pClipAttr,
BOOL  Temp

Set the current ClipRegion for this RenderRegion. pClipAttr contains a path, and all future rendering will occur *through* that clipping path, after it is clipped to any pre-existing clipping region.

Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <>
26 April 2000
pClipAttr the ClipRegionAttribute to set & push on the attr-stack. [INPUTS] Temp whether the attr is temporary or not - ie if you created it on the heap, do you want it automatically deleted when it goes out of scope.
The attribute stack gets this attr pushed onto it, and the current [OUTPUTS] clip region is set accordingly.
See Also: RestoreClipRegion(), ClipRegionAttribute.

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

Definition at line 2302 of file grndrgn.cpp.

02303 {
02304     RenderRegion::SetClipRegion(pClipAttr, Temp);
02305     ApplyCurrentClipRegion();
02306 }

void GRenderRegion::SetDeepDIB BOOL  Value  ) 

void GRenderRegion::SetDitherStyle8Bit INT32  DitherStyle  )  [inline]

Definition at line 507 of file grndrgn.h.

00508     {
00509         DitherStyle8Bit = DitherStyle;
00510     };

void GRenderRegion::SetDoBitmapConversion BOOL  bEnable  )  [inline]

Definition at line 287 of file grndrgn.h.

00287 { m_bEnableConversion = bEnable; }

void GRenderRegion::SetDoCompression BOOL  bDoCompression  )  [inline]

Definition at line 285 of file grndrgn.h.

00285 { m_DoCompression = bDoCompression; }

void GRenderRegion::SetFillAttributes  ) 

BOOL GRenderRegion::SetFillGCol DocColour  )  const [private]

void GRenderRegion::SetFixedSystemTextColours DocColour TextCol,
DocColour Background

To set the text and background colour(s) for any FixedSystem text rendered in this render region in the future (within the current rendering pass).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TextCol - The foreground (text) colour (may be NULL) [INPUTS] Background - The background colour (may be NULL)
Notes: THIS BASE CLASS METHOD IS UNSUPPORTED! DO NOT CALL IT! See OSRenderRegion for the supported versions of this method

If either of the colours is passed in as a NULL pointer, that colour will not be set, and will remain at the previous setting.

Note that these values are passed directly to the host OS at the point of calling, so you must call this method every time the colour is changed (i.e. don't rely on just changing the DocColours that you passed in originally, as they aren't remembered in any way). Note also that if you call DrawFixedSystemText without a prior call to this method, the colours used are undefined.

See also:

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

void GRenderRegion::SetForceBitmapSmoothing BOOL  ForceSmoothing  )  [inline]

Definition at line 411 of file grndrgn.h.

00411 { m_bForceBitmapSmoothing = ForceSmoothing; }

BOOL GRenderRegion::SetFractalFill ColourFillAttribute ,

BOOL GRenderRegion::SetFractalTransparencyFill TranspFillAttribute ,

GMATRIX GRenderRegion::SetGavinMatrix GMATRIX GMatrix  )  [protected]

BOOL GRenderRegion::SetGCol DocColour  )  const [private]

void GRenderRegion::SetIsWrapped BOOL  flag  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 579 of file grndrgn.h.

00579 { IsWrapped = flag; }

void GRenderRegion::SetLineAttributes  ) 

void GRenderRegion::SetOffscreen OffscreenAttrValue pAttr  )  [virtual]

Create a new bitmap into which, the subtree rooted at this attributes parent, will be rendered. Then call base version to push the current OffscreenAttr onto the context stack.

Following only used by GRenderRegion version ** info pointer to bmp info struct which we will setup. bits pointer to bitmap bits which we'll setup.

See also:
GRenderRegion::RestoreOffscreen; GRenderRegion::

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in MaskedRenderRegion, PrintingMaskedRenderRegion, and GRenderBrush.

Definition at line 2835 of file grndrgn.cpp.

02836 {
02837     // Karim 23/07/2000
02838     // Mustn't have feathering overhead for hit-testing, so
02839     // don't bother doing anything if we're a hit-test RR.
02840     if (IsHitDetect())
02841         return;
02843     if (m_ForcePrintingCaps)
02844         return;
02846     // Save pointer to OffscreenAttr, and move current OffscreenAttr to the attr context stack
02847     RenderRegion::SetOffscreen(pAttr);
02848 }

void GRenderRegion::SetOSDrawingMode  )  [virtual]

Implements RenderRegion.

static UINT32 GRenderRegion::SetPaletteEntries LPBITMAPINFO  lpBmi,
wxDC *  pOutputDC = NULL

void GRenderRegion::SetQualityLevel void   )  [virtual]

Does nothing.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
This used to be a pure function until we found a way of making the base class get called (due to the introduction of the path processing code)

See also:

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::SetRenderToCapture Capture pCapture,
BOOL  bApplyClipRegion = FALSE,
BOOL  bSetBitmap = TRUE
[protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

void GRenderRegion::SetSimulatePrinting UINT32  PrintType  ) 

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::SetSmoothingFlags FillGeometryAttribute Fill  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

virtual void GRenderRegion::SetSolidColours BOOL  SetSolid  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

static GDrawContext* GRenderRegion::SetTempDrawContext GDrawContext pContext  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 229 of file grndrgn.h.

00230     {
00231         // Bad things will happen if we set this to NULL
00232         if (pContext == NULL)
00233         {
00234             TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("******** Trying to set a NULL GDrawContext\n") );
00235             pContext = pRealGD;
00236         }
00238         GDrawContext* pOldCon = GD;
00239         GD = pContext;
00240 //      TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("GDraw context set to 0x%08x (prev = 0x%08x)\n"), GD, pOldCon);
00241         return(pOldCon);
00242     };

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::SetupDirectCapture Capture pNewCapture,
NodeRenderableInk pSupplier
[protected, virtual]

static void GRenderRegion::SetViewDither INT32  dither  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 497 of file grndrgn.h.

00497 {ViewDither = dither;};

virtual Capture* GRenderRegion::StartCapture CCObject pOwner,
DocRect  CaptureRect,
BOOL  bTransparent = TRUE,
BOOL  bCaptureBackground = FALSE,
double  mpPixelWidth = 0,
NodeRenderableInk pDirectSupplier = NULL

To start a bitmap capture of whatever is subsequently rendered.

Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pOwnerNode - Node in tree which "owns" this capture [INPUTS] CaptureRect - The rectangle to capture ctype - The type of capture required bTransparent - The capture could be transparent RGBT bCaptureBackground - The capture should include the state of the background
TRUE if a Capture was successfully set up
See also:

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

BOOL GRenderRegion::StartRender void   )  [virtual]

Initialises an GRenderRegion for rendering. Sets up a bitmap and gmatrix ready for gdraw rendering.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Errors: -
See also:

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in MaskedRenderRegion, GRenderBitmap, GRenderClick, GRenderClickColour, and GRenderPrint.

Definition at line 1145 of file grndrgn.cpp.

01146 {
01147     // Ilan
01148     // The first time StartRender get's called it allocs memory for bitmaps
01149     // However, subsequent calls are made to StartRender during background redrawing, where
01150     // rendering pauses partway through to service other messages, and then resumes later
01151     // In order to pause, StopRender is called to store a pointer to the last node rendered
01152     // and, in the case where we are not busy rendering offscreen, blit the partly completed
01153     // bitmap to screen
01154     // "AllocatedNewBmp" allows us to distinguish between initial calls to StartRender (where
01155     // GetLPBits is called to alloc new bitmaps), and 'restart' calls which don't need to alloc
01156     // any new bmps.
01157     // In the former case the bitmap must be initialised
01158     // In the later case the bitmap must only be re-initialised if m_bDoCompression is set
01159     // as in this case inplace bmp conversion will have occured in the process of transfering 
01160     // the bitmap to the screen (ie during the last StopRender() call)
01161     BOOL AllocatedNewBmp = FALSE;
01163     RememberMe("StartRender");
01165     // Call base class first
01166     if (!RenderRegion::StartRender())
01167         return FALSE;
01168 //  RenderMatrix.Dump();
01170     // Check that Initialise hasn't been called already
01171     ENSURE(RenderFlags.Rendering == FALSE, "Initialise called whilst already rendering");
01173     // JCF: added this check for retail builds as otherwise this ENSURE goes off after a
01174     // Crash Me Render.
01175     if (RenderFlags.Rendering != false) return FALSE;
01177     TRACEUSER("Gavin",_T("GRenderRegion::StartRender - RenderFlags.Rendering = TRUE;\n"));
01178     RenderFlags.Rendering = TRUE;
01180     // lets get the Rect into screen co-ords so we can use our big screen bitmap
01181     // Use a version of OSRenderRegion::DocRectToWin that uses the actual dpi we have stored
01182     // in PixelsPerInch
01183     //RECT Rect = OSRenderRegion::DocRectToWin( RenderMatrix, CurrentClipRect, PixelsPerInch );
01184     // Use a virtual function so that we can now override it in some special case.
01185     // At present, we use this to try and fix pixel problems on bitmap export (GRenderBitmap)
01186     // The e and f components of RenderMatrix may be changed by the call, but only in the bitmap export case
01187     //
01188     // NB PixelsPerInch always set to 96.0 so never accurate unless at 100% zoom?!
01189     wxRect Rect;
01190     if (GetMasterCapture())
01191         Rect = CalculateWinRect(GetMasterCapture()->CaptureMatrix, GetMasterCapture()->CaptureRect, GetMasterCapture()->dPixelsPerInch);
01192     else
01193         Rect = CalculateWinRect(RenderMatrix, CurrentClipRect, PixelsPerInch);
01195     if (LocalBitmap)
01196     {
01197         ScreenRect = wxRect(0,0,0,0);
01198         // if WRect has changed at all, we're in trouble
01199         const INT32 NewWidth  =  Rect.width;
01200         const INT32 OldWidth  = WRect.width;
01201         const INT32 NewHeight =  Rect.height;
01202         const INT32 OldHeight = WRect.height;
01204         // Its changed size and/or position, so we'll try and re-size the bitmap
01205         // If this fails, then we'll just re-allocate
01206         // NB GetNextBand() always frees the bitmap memory structs and sets them to NULL
01207         // GRenderDIB::ResizeRegion sets up new bitmap, WRect and CurrentClipRect so doesn't need this
01208         // code
01209         // What would use this code??
01210         // Code used by ExportRender(GRenderOptPalette* pPalRegion) when rendering in strips
01211         if ( pBits!=NULL && pBitmapInfo!=NULL && (NewWidth!=OldWidth || NewHeight!=OldHeight) )
01212         {
01213             // Make sure we are not after an empty one
01214             if (NewWidth == 0 || NewHeight == 0)
01215                 return FALSE;
01217             // Sanity check
01218             ERROR3IF((NewWidth < 0 || NewHeight < 0),"GRenderRegion::StartRender got a bad rectangle (Width/Height < 0)\n");
01220             ResetRegion(RegionRect);
01221             if (!RenderRegion::StartRender())
01222                 return FALSE;
01224             // Get a new bitmap to replace the last one
01225 #if USE_wxBITMAP
01226             pBitmapInfo = AllocWxBitmap(NewWidth,NewHeight,uBitmapDepth);
01227 #else
01228             pBitmapInfo = GetLPBits(NewWidth, NewHeight, uBitmapDepth, &pBits);
01229 #endif
01230             if (pBitmapInfo==NULL)
01231             {
01232                 TRACE( _T("Growing GG failed\n"));
01233                 return FALSE;
01234             }
01235             AllocatedNewBmp = TRUE;
01236             GetMasterCapture()->SetDIB(pBitmapInfo, pBits);
01237         }
01239         // set new rectangle size
01240         WRect = Rect;
01241     }
01242     else
01243     {
01244         WRect = Rect;
01245         ScreenRect = WRect;
01246         if (RenderView != NULL)
01247         {
01248             CCamView *RenderWindow = RenderView->GetConnectionToOilView();
01249             if ( RenderWindow!=NULL && RenderWindow->GetFrame()!=NULL )
01250             {
01251 //              RenderWindow->ClientToScreen( &ScreenRect );
01252                 wxPoint tl = ScreenRect.GetTopLeft();
01253                 wxPoint br = ScreenRect.GetBottomRight();
01254                 RenderWindow->GetFrame()->ClientToScreen(tl);
01255                 RenderWindow->GetFrame()->ClientToScreen(br);
01256                 ScreenRect = wxRect(tl,br);
01257             }
01258         }
01259         else
01260             ERROR2(FALSE, "No render view in GRenderRegion::StartRender()");
01262     }
01264     // Create the default, master capture...
01265     Capture* pNewMasterCapture = NULL;
01267     if (m_CaptureStack.Empty())
01268     {
01269         ERROR2IF(pBitmapInfo!=NULL, FALSE, "How has this region got a bitmap when the capture stack is empty?");
01271         pNewMasterCapture = new Capture(this, CAPTUREINFO(ctNESTABLE, cfMASTER | cfPIXWIDTHSCALE), RenderMatrix, CurrentClipRect, PixelsPerInch, CurrentColContext);
01272         if (pNewMasterCapture==NULL) return FALSE;
01274         m_CaptureStack.Push(pNewMasterCapture);
01275     }
01277 #ifdef _DEBUG
01278     else
01279     {
01280         // Check capture stack sanity!
01281         Capture* pDebugCapture = GetTopCaptureBitmap();
01282         if (pDebugCapture)
01283         {
01284             ERROR3IF(pDebugCapture->CaptureRect != CurrentClipRect, "Wha?");
01285 //          ERROR3IF(!(pDebugCapture->CaptureMatrix == RenderMatrix), "Wha?");
01286             ERROR3IF(pDebugCapture->dPixelsPerInch != PixelsPerInch, "Wha?");
01287         }
01288     }
01289 #endif
01291     if (pBitmapInfo==NULL)
01292     {
01293         ERROR2IF(GetMasterCapture()->dPixelsPerInch!=GetPixelsPerInch(), FALSE, "Master capture has different dpi than master bitmap");
01295         // Get a bitmap
01296 #if USE_wxBITMAP
01297         pBitmapInfo = AllocWxBitmap(WRect.width, WRect.height, uBitmapDepth);
01298 #else
01299         pBitmapInfo = GetLPBits(WRect.width, WRect.height, uBitmapDepth, &pBits);
01300 #endif
01301         if (pBitmapInfo==NULL)
01302         {
01303             ERROR3("Allocating GRenderRegion bitmap failed\n");
01304             return FALSE;
01305         }
01307         AllocatedNewBmp = TRUE;
01308         GetMasterCapture()->SetDIB(pBitmapInfo, pBits);
01309     }
01310 #ifdef _DEBUG
01311     else
01312     {
01313         // Check capture stack sanity!
01314         ERROR3IF(GetTopCaptureBitmap()==NULL, "There must be at least ONE bitmap capture!");
01315     }
01316 #endif
01318     // Do the middle bit
01319     if (!StartRenderMiddle())
01320         return FALSE;
01322     // Determine the correct hinting value for the current output mode, and call gavin to
01323     // set up his offscreen bitmap.
01324 //  DWORD GavinHint = DIBUtil::GetGavinBlitFormat(ScreenDepth, uBitmapDepth, ScreenHinting);
01326     // If we have just created the master capture then we should initialise the bitmap
01327     if (AllocatedNewBmp || ForceInitBmpBits)
01328     {
01329         InitBmpBits();
01330     }
01332     // Make sure we don't Init again until something forces it 
01333     ForceInitBmpBits = FALSE;
01335     // Gerry has re-written this bit so it works properly
01336     // It no longer tries to select a palette when the RenderDC doesn't exist or
01337     // doesn't support a palette
01338     if (RenderDC != NULL)
01339     {
01340 /* GAT  if (ScreenDepth == 8)
01341         {
01342             // use frame windows palette if desired
01343             if (PaletteManager::UsePalette())
01344                 hPalette = *(PaletteManager::GetPalette());
01345         }
01346 */
01347         if (hPalette != NULL)
01348 //          hPrevPalette = PaletteManager::StartPaintPalette(RenderDC->m_hDC);
01349             hPrevPalette = PaletteManager::StartPaintPalette(RenderDC);
01351         if (uBitmapDepth == 8)
01352         {
01353             // If we are not error diffusing then set the dither style
01354             if ((DitherStyle8Bit != 0) && (DitherStyle8Bit != 3))
01355                 GetDrawContext()->SetDitherStyle((DitherStyle) DitherStyle8Bit);        // Stupid prototype
01356         }
01357 /* GAT  if (ScreenDepth == 8)
01358         {
01359             // Whether we set a palette or not, we need this call on all 8-bit screens
01360             GRenderRegion::GColInit(RenderDC->m_hDC);
01361         }
01362 */  }
01364     // Start rendering into the current Capture...
01365     // (And always apply the clip region...)
01366     // PROBLEM: Clipping information is lost when background rendering kicks in.
01367     //
01368     // SOLUTION:    (Re)apply the current clipping region whenever the render region
01369     //              starts up (again).        vvvv
01370     SetRenderToCapture(GetTopCaptureBitmap(), TRUE);
01372     ENSURE(pBitmapInfo && pBits, "No bitmap to render into");
01374 //  RenderMatrix.Dump();
01376     return TRUE;
01377 }

BOOL GRenderRegion::StartRenderAfter GMATRIX GMat  )  [protected, virtual]

A virtual fn in this class which can be overridden if more work on a GMatrix is required. Default version returns TRUE.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Pointer to a Gavin matrix which can be modified. [INPUTS]
TRUE if worked, FALSE is failed.

Reimplemented in GRenderWinG.

Definition at line 1544 of file grndrgn.cpp.

01545 {
01546     return TRUE;
01547 }

BOOL GRenderRegion::StartRenderMiddle  )  [protected, virtual]

A virtual fn in this class which can be overridden if more work on a lpBits is required. Default version returns TRUE.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if worked, FALSE is failed.

Definition at line 1563 of file grndrgn.cpp.

01564 {
01565     return TRUE;
01566 }

static LPBYTE GRenderRegion::StaticPlotBitmap wxDC *  pDC,
UINT32  ColourFlag,
LPBYTE  lpBits,
INT32  Left,
INT32  Top,
UINT32  Width,
UINT32  Height,
wxPalette *  hPal,
INT32  ,

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::StopCapture CCObject pOwner,
BOOL  bRender = TRUE,
BOOL  bReleaseBitmap = FALSE,
LPBYTE plpBits = NULL,
DocRect pCaptureRect = NULL,
Matrix pmatTransform = NULL,
double *  pdResolution = NULL

To stop a bitmap capture.

Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pEndNode - Node in tree which "owns" this capture [INPUTS]
TRUE if the Capture resulted in a bitmap being usefully created
See also:

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

BOOL GRenderRegion::StopRender void   )  [virtual]

Stops the rendering of a GRenderRegion, saving it's current renderstate so that rendering can continue where it left off, later on. Copies the gdraw internal bitmap to its final resting place (e.g. the screen). Also tidies up windows' palette.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
RenderState is a Node* pointing at the current rendering node in the tree [INPUTS]
TRUE if something has been rendered since StartRender was called.

Errors: -

See also:

Implements RenderRegion.

Reimplemented in GRenderPrint.

Definition at line 1587 of file grndrgn.cpp.

01588 {
01589     RememberMe("StopRender");
01591     // Remember this now before it gets cleared by SetClean
01592     // or set by the debug code below
01593     BOOL bHaveRendered = HaveRenderedSomething;
01595 #if 0
01596     if (HaveRenderedSomething)
01597     {
01598         TRACE( _T("GRR#  DebugClipRect = (%d, %d) - (%d, %d)\n"), CurrentClipRect.lo.x, CurrentClipRect.lo.y, CurrentClipRect.hi.x, CurrentClipRect.hi.y);
01600         DocRect TempRect(CurrentClipRect);
01601         TempRect.Inflate(-GetScaledPixelWidth());
01602         TRACE( _T("GRR#  Filling = (%d, %d) - (%d, %d)\n"), TempRect.lo.x, TempRect.lo.y, TempRect.hi.x, TempRect.hi.y);
01603         Path ClipPath;
01604         ClipPath.Initialise();
01605         ClipPath.CreatePathFromDocRect(&TempRect);
01607         SaveContext();
01608         SetLineColour(COLOUR_TRANS);
01609         SetFillColour(COLOUR_BLUE);
01610         DrawPath(&ClipPath);
01611         RestoreContext();
01612     }
01613 #endif
01614 #if 0
01615     {
01616         SaveContext();
01618         SetLineColour(COLOUR_TRANS);
01619         SetFillColour(COLOUR_BLUE);
01621         DocRect SmallRect(750, 750, 1500, 1500);
01622         Path ThePath;
01623         ThePath.Initialise();
01624         ThePath.CreatePathFromDocRect(&SmallRect);
01626         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01627         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01628         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01629         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01630         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01631         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01632         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01633         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01634         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01635         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01636         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01637         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01638         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01639         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01640         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01641         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01642         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01643         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01644         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01645         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01646         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01647         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01648         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01649         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01650         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01651         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01652         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01653         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01654         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01655         ThePath.Translate(50, 1500);
01656         DrawPath(&ThePath);
01658         RestoreContext();
01659     }
01660 #endif
01661     // Check that Initialise was called
01662 //  ENSURE(RenderFlags.Rendering, "DeInitialise called before Initialise");
01663     TRACEUSER("Gavin",_T("GRenderRegion::StopRender - RenderFlags.Rendering = FALSE;\n"));
01664     RenderFlags.Rendering = FALSE;
01666     // Don't Blit if we are partway through rendering offscreen. The offscreen bitmap must only
01667     // be blitted once it is completed. Offscreen system takes care of resetting the rect which
01668     // GDraw has rendered to (ie ChangedBBox)
01669     if (pBitmapInfo)
01670     {
01671         if (MasterCaptureIsCurrent() && !TopCaptureIsDirect())
01672         {
01673             // if we rendered something then blit, else we don't. This is handy for not
01674             // double-blitting paper areas. Could take it even further to only blit those areas
01675             // of the bitmap which have been written to.
01677             if (HaveRenderedSomething)
01678             {
01679                 // Show the current rendering state on screen
01680                 // No, just needs a simple blit to screen...
01681                 // This is the commonest, fast case
01682                 DisplayBits();
01684                 // We have updated the screen, so now we're 'clean'.
01685                 SetClean(TRUE, FALSE);
01686             }
01687         }
01688         else
01689         {
01690             // We were rendering into Capture bitmaps when this Stop request
01691             // occurred so, to show current progress, we must blit the contents
01692             // of the capture stack into a copy of the master bitmap and
01693             // put that on the screen...
01694             //
01695             // Note that we CANNOT alter the master bitmap itself because when
01696             // the captures terminate properly they will again be blitted into
01697             // the master bitmap and so the master bitmap must not contain any
01698             // earlier version of the captures otherwise transparency values
01699             // would be multiplied.
01700             //
01701             if (HaveRenderedSomething)
01702             {
01703                 // Make a temporary bitmap from the current state of things and display that
01704                 DisplayCurrentState();
01706                 // We have updated the screen, so now we're 'clean'.
01707                 SetClean(TRUE, FALSE);
01708             }
01709         }
01710     }
01711     else
01712     {
01713         if(!IsWrapped)
01714             TRACE( _T("GRenderRegion::StopRender called with no bitmap\n"));
01715     }
01717     if (hPrevPalette)
01718         PaletteManager::StopPaintPalette(RenderDC, hPrevPalette);
01720     // Clean out the Fuzzy Rectangles
01721     InnerRect.MakeEmpty();
01722     OuterRect.MakeEmpty();
01724     // Karim 04/05/2000
01725     // free all of our cached clipping regions.
01726     FreeStoredClipRegions();
01728     // Reset dither style to ordered dither on 8bpp screens
01729     if (ScreenDepth == 8)
01730         GetDrawContext()->SetDitherStyle(DITHER_GREY_ORDERED);
01732     return bHaveRendered;
01733 }

BOOL GRenderRegion::StrokePath const DocCoord Coords,
const PathVerb Verbs,
UINT32  Count,
const DocCoord UnclippedCoords,
const PathVerb UnclippedVerbs,
UINT32  UnclippedCount,
BOOL  DrawArrows = FALSE

sets the immediate render flag to the value specified Sits on top of GDraw_StrokePath that calculates Joins, Caps & Width then renders via GDraw. Does dashed lines too now. Also renders ArrowHeads in needed.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Coords,: list of points to draw [INPUTS] Verbs: list of path verbs Count: number of point DrawArrows: whether or not it should attempt to draw arrows on open subpaths.
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.

Errors: - Scope: Private

Definition at line 1864 of file grndrgn.cpp.

01868 {
01869     CapStyles Caps;
01870     JoinStyles Join;
01872     switch (RR_STARTCAP())
01873     {
01874         case LineCapRound:
01875             Caps = CAPS_ROUND;
01876             break;
01877         case LineCapSquare:
01878             Caps = CAPS_SQUARE;
01879             break;
01880         case LineCapButt:
01881             Caps = CAPS_BUTT;
01882             break;
01883         default:
01884             ENSURE(FALSE, "Bad startcap");
01885             Caps = CAPS_ROUND;
01886             break;
01887     }
01888     switch (RR_JOINTYPE())
01889     {
01890         case BevelledJoin:
01891             Join = JOIN_BEVEL;
01892             break;
01893         case MitreJoin:
01894             Join = JOIN_MITER;
01895             break;
01896         case RoundJoin:
01897             Join = JOIN_ROUND;
01898             break;
01899         default:
01900             ENSURE(FALSE, "bad jointype");
01901             Join = JOIN_ROUND;
01902             break;
01903     }
01905     BOOL StrokeOK = TRUE;
01907     // DMc updates so that arrow heads are drawn on the line not after it
01908     // 25/2/99
01909     // make a copy of the coord array
01910     DocCoord * pCopyCoords = NULL;
01911     if (UnclippedCount != 0)
01912     {
01913         pCopyCoords = (DocCoord *)(CCMalloc(sizeof(DocCoord) * UnclippedCount));
01915         for (UINT32 i = 0; i < UnclippedCount; i++)
01916         {
01917             pCopyCoords[i].x = UnclippedCoords[i].x;
01918             pCopyCoords[i].y = UnclippedCoords[i].y;
01919         }
01920     }
01922     BOOL bRenderedArrows = FALSE;
01924     // DMc update for arrow heads being drawn on the line not after it
01925     // 25/2/99
01926     // Pass the Unclipped coords to the arrow rendering routine.
01927     if (DrawArrows && pCopyCoords)
01928     {
01929         bRenderedArrows = DrawPathArrowHeads((DocCoord*)pCopyCoords, (PathVerb*)UnclippedVerbs, UnclippedCount);
01930     }
01932     // We won't stroke anything, if the path has been
01933     // fuzzy clipped so much, that there are no points left
01934     if (Count > 1 && pCopyCoords)
01935     {
01936         MILLIPOINT Width = RR_LINEWIDTH();
01938         if (RenderFlags.HitDetect)
01939         {
01940             // rendering to off-screen bitmaps means minimum 3-pixel wide lines
01941             if (Width < (ScaledPixelWidth*1))
01942                 Width = ScaledPixelWidth*1;
01943         }
01944         else if (RRQuality.GetQuality() == Quality::QualityGuideLayer)
01945         {
01946             SetDashPattern(SD_DASH1);
01947             DocColour* pCol = AttrQuality::GetColour();
01948             if (pCol != NULL)
01949                 SetGCol(*pCol);             
01950             else
01951             {
01952                 DocColour   colorRed(COLOUR_RED);
01953                 SetGCol( colorRed );
01954             }
01956             Width = ScaledPixelWidth;
01957             DrawArrows = FALSE;
01958         }
01959         else if (RRQuality.GetLineQuality() < Quality::FullLine)
01960         {
01961             // do 0-width lines if line quality is low
01962             Width = 0;
01963             DrawArrows = FALSE;
01964         }
01965         else if (RRQuality.GetAntialiasQuality() < Quality::FullAntialias)
01966         {
01967             // if not anti-aliasing then check for lines thinner than one pixel as Gavin doesn't
01968             // render them very usefully
01969             if (Width < ScaledPixelWidth)
01970                 Width = 0;
01971         }
01973         DashType* pDashRec = NULL;
01974         DashType GavinDash;
01976         if ( Width > 0 && 
01977             (RRQuality.GetLineQuality() >= Quality::FullLine) && 
01978              RR_DASHPATTERN().Elements > 0)
01979         {
01980             INT32 Length = RR_DASHPATTERN().Elements;
01982             // Gavin Dashes are Max of 8 elements
01983             if (Length > 8) Length = 8;
01986             // If the flag is set, then we need to scale the dash elements
01987             // according to the linewidth
01988             BOOL DoScale = RR_DASHPATTERN().ScaleWithLineWidth;
01990             FIXED16 Scale = DoScale ? (double(Width) / double(RR_DASHPATTERN().LineWidth)) : 1;
01992             GavinDash.Length = Length;
01993             GavinDash.Offset = LongMulFixed16(RR_DASHPATTERN().DashStart, Scale);
01995             for (INT32 el = 0; el < Length; el++)
01996             {
01997                 // Copy each element into the Gavin Dash, scaling as we go
01998                 GavinDash.Array[el] = LongMulFixed16(RR_DASHPATTERN().ElementData[el], Scale);
01999             }
02001             pDashRec = &GavinDash;
02002         }
02004         // DMc update 25/2/99
02005         // previously :
02006         // StrokeOK = GetDrawContext()->StrokePath( (POINT*)Coords, Verbs, Count, FALSE,
02007         //                      Width, Caps, Join, pDashRec );
02009         if (bRenderedArrows)
02010         {
02011             StrokeOK = GetDrawContext()->StrokePath( (POINT*)pCopyCoords, UnclippedVerbs, UnclippedCount, FALSE,
02012                                     Width, Caps, Join, pDashRec );
02013         }
02014         else
02015         {
02016             StrokeOK = GetDrawContext()->StrokePath( (POINT*)Coords, Verbs, Count, FALSE,
02017                                     Width, Caps, Join, pDashRec );
02018         }
02019     }
02021     if (pCopyCoords)
02022     {
02023         CCFree(pCopyCoords);
02024         pCopyCoords = NULL;
02025     }
02027     if (bRenderedArrows)
02028         return TRUE;
02030     return StrokeOK;
02031 }

static BOOL GRenderRegion::StrokePathAvailable  )  [static]

static INT32 GRenderRegion::StrokePathToPath CONST DocCoord IPoints,
size_t  ILength,
DocCoord OPoints,
BYTE *  OTypes,
DWORD  OLength,
BOOL  Close,
DWORD  LineWidth,
DWORD  Flattening,
LineCapType  LineCaps,
JointType  LineJoin,
CONST DashType Dash

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::TopCaptureIsDirect  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 563 of file grndrgn.h.

00563 {return (GetTopCapture() && GetTopCapture()->IsDirect());}

virtual BOOL GRenderRegion::TranspTypeIsRGBTCompatible UINT32  ttype  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from RenderRegion.

static void GRenderRegion::UpdateErrorDiffPalette void   )  [static, protected]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class ConcurrentRenderer [friend]

Definition at line 162 of file grndrgn.h.

friend class GBrush [friend]

Definition at line 158 of file grndrgn.h.

friend class GDrawBorrower [friend]

Definition at line 163 of file grndrgn.h.

friend class GRenderRegionWrapper [friend]

Definition at line 161 of file grndrgn.h.

friend class OpGDraw [friend]

Definition at line 159 of file grndrgn.h.

Member Data Documentation

INT32 GRenderRegion::BitmapConversion = 2 [static, protected]

Specifies which bitmap conversion algorithm is used by GDraw when rendering bitmaps in show printer colours mode.

Preference: BitmapConversion Section: Rendering Range: 0 - no bitmap conversion (show printer colours will render wrong) 1 - fast conversion (visible banding in deep bitmaps and cached stuff) 2 - medium conversion (best setting for general use) 3 - slow conversion (not yet implemented, most accurate but slow)

Definition at line 405 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::CanDoGDraw [static, protected]

Definition at line 439 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::CanDoPalIndices [static, protected]

Definition at line 441 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::CanSetPalette [static, protected]

Definition at line 442 of file grndrgn.h.

RRCaps GRenderRegion::Caps [protected]

Definition at line 311 of file grndrgn.h.

UINT32 GRenderRegion::ClickTranspLimit = 255 [static, protected]

Determine how transparent rendered pixels may be before click detection will ignore them. E.g. 230 means pixels must be 90% transparent before they will be ignored.

Preference: ClickTranspLimit Section: Screen Range: 0 to 255

Definition at line 399 of file grndrgn.h.

GMATRIX GRenderRegion::CurrentGMatrix [protected]

Definition at line 300 of file grndrgn.h.

INT32 GRenderRegion::DitherStyle8Bit [protected]

Definition at line 381 of file grndrgn.h.

double GRenderRegion::dScaledPixelWidth [protected]

Definition at line 367 of file grndrgn.h.

GDrawContext * GRenderRegion::ErrorDiffContext = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 298 of file grndrgn.h.

RealLogPalette GRenderRegion::ErrorDiffPalette [static, protected]

Initial value:


Definition at line 461 of file grndrgn.h.

LPRGBQUAD GRenderRegion::Fixed256Palette [static, protected]

Definition at line 455 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::ForceInitBmpBits [protected]

Definition at line 379 of file grndrgn.h.

GDrawContext * GRenderRegion::GD = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 297 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::HaveRenderedSomething [protected]

Definition at line 383 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::HighQualityAA = FALSE [static, protected]

Determine whether to use GDraw's high quality anti-aliasing mode.

Preference: HighQualityAA Section: Rendering Range: FALSE - normal Anti-aliasing TRUE - High quality Anti-aliasing

Definition at line 402 of file grndrgn.h.

wxPalette* GRenderRegion::hPalette [protected]

Definition at line 369 of file grndrgn.h.

wxPalette* GRenderRegion::hPrevPalette [protected]

Definition at line 370 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::IsWrapped [protected]

Definition at line 578 of file grndrgn.h.

INT32 GRenderRegion::LastPaletteFlag [static, protected]

Definition at line 459 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::LocalBitmap [protected]

Definition at line 372 of file grndrgn.h.

INT32 GRenderRegion::LogPixelsX [static, protected]

Definition at line 448 of file grndrgn.h.

INT32 GRenderRegion::LogPixelsY [static, protected]

Definition at line 449 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::m_bEnableConversion [protected]

Definition at line 378 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::m_bForceBitmapSmoothing [protected]

Definition at line 376 of file grndrgn.h.

UINT32 GRenderRegion::m_ForcePrintingCaps [protected]

Definition at line 385 of file grndrgn.h.

LPBITMAPINFO GRenderRegion::pBitmapInfo [protected]

Definition at line 349 of file grndrgn.h.

LPBYTE GRenderRegion::pBits [protected]

Definition at line 350 of file grndrgn.h.

double GRenderRegion::PixelsPerInch [protected]

Definition at line 366 of file grndrgn.h.

GDrawContext * GRenderRegion::pRealGD = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 296 of file grndrgn.h.

INT32 GRenderRegion::ScreenDepth [static, protected]

Definition at line 445 of file grndrgn.h.

INT32 GRenderRegion::ScreenHeight [static, protected]

Definition at line 447 of file grndrgn.h.

BitmapConvertHint GRenderRegion::ScreenHinting [static, protected]

Definition at line 457 of file grndrgn.h.

wxRect GRenderRegion::ScreenRect [protected]

Definition at line 364 of file grndrgn.h.

INT32 GRenderRegion::ScreenWidth [static, protected]

Definition at line 446 of file grndrgn.h.

UINT32 GRenderRegion::uBitmapDepth [protected]

Definition at line 352 of file grndrgn.h.

UINT32 GRenderRegion::uLineSize [protected]

Definition at line 353 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::UseSolidColours [protected]

Definition at line 374 of file grndrgn.h.

INT32 GRenderRegion::ViewDither = 2 [static, protected]

Definition at line 437 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::WantDeepGDraw [static, protected]

Definition at line 432 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::WantDoGDraw = TRUE [static, protected]

Definition at line 427 of file grndrgn.h.

UINT32 GRenderRegion::WantGDrawDepth [static, protected]

Definition at line 428 of file grndrgn.h.

BOOL GRenderRegion::WantHighColourDirect [static, protected]

Definition at line 431 of file grndrgn.h.

INT32 GRenderRegion::WhichDither = 2 [static, protected]

Definition at line 435 of file grndrgn.h.

INT32 GRenderRegion::WhichPalette [static, protected]

Definition at line 434 of file grndrgn.h.

INT32 GRenderRegion::WhichTransparency = 0 [static, protected]

Definition at line 436 of file grndrgn.h.

wxRect GRenderRegion::WRect [protected]

Definition at line 363 of file grndrgn.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Nov 10 03:55:01 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4