ColourEditDlg Class Reference

#include <coldlog.h>

Inheritance diagram for ColourEditDlg:

DialogOp Operation MessageHandler ListItem CCObject SimpleCCObject List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ColourEditDlg ()
 Default constructor for the colour editor dialogue class Notes: You shouldn't really use this constructor if you can avoid it.
 ~ColourEditDlg ()
 Destructor for the colour editor dialogue class.
MsgResult Message (Msg *Message)
 Standard DialogOp message handler, for the Colour Editor dialogue.
void Do (OpDescriptor *MyOpDesc)
 Toggles the colour editor, and if opening it, finds a useful colour to edit.
void DoWithParam (OpDescriptor *MyOpDesc, OpParam *Param)
 'Does' a colour editor dialogue op. Shows the dialogue. Scope: private
BOOL Create ()
 Creates a colour editor dialogue box. Fails if DialogOp::Create fails to create the box.
virtual BOOL TimedProcessing (void)
BOOL UpdateColourEditor ()
 This function was originally was a override of the virtual OnIdle() function and was called whist the process had idle time to spare, which slowed down every other process on the computer. This function was modified and renamed so that it is now called by timer messages at fixed periods.
BOOL StartingPickerDrag ()
BOOL EndingPickerDrag ()
void CloseColourEditor ()
 A public method to close the colour editor dialog Scope: public.
void SetDoTimerProcessing (BOOL Value)
 sets a flag which indicates whether or not the colour picker will do idle processing. If this is set to false the colour picker is effectively disabled. Scope: public
BOOL GetDoTimerProcessing ()
 Access fn. Scope: public.

Static Public Member Functions

static void InvokeDialog (ColourList *ParentList, IndexedColour *ColourToEdit)
 Causes a modeless colour editor to appear for the given colour. Some time down the track, if the user commits a change to that colour, the system will be notified of that change via a ColourChangingMsg broadcast.
static BOOL CanYouEditThis (ColourList *ParentList, IndexedColour *ColourToEdit, BOOL ForceNewMode=FALSE)
 Determines if the colour editor will be happy with you calling InvokeDialog with the given parameters. Allows you to enable/disable any UI mechanism that links onto this method. (e.g. colour line edit colour button uses this to determine if drags can be dropped onto it).
static void ForceLineOrFillMode (BOOL PreferLineColour=FALSE)
 Sets the editing mode for local colours in the future. Whenever a new colour is chosen for editing, this will specify whether a line or fill colour should be chosen by preference.
static BOOL Init ()
 Initialises the colour editor dialogue op.
static OpState GetState (String_256 *, OpDescriptor *)
 Get the state of the Colour editor dialogue op.
static BOOL OnKeyPress (KeyPress *pKeyPress)
 To handle keypresses. This is called by Application::OnKeyPress before all other keypress handling. Normally the colour editor will just return FALSE as fast as possible, but during drags in the editor, it will return TRUE to stop keypresses getting through to the rest of camelot.
static ColourEditDlgGetColourEditDlg ()
static void SetEditingColour (IndexedColour *newEditingColour, Node *pSourceNode=NULL)
 Camelots new custom colour picker control (also written by me) needs to be able to change the value EditingColour on the fly (based upon the IndexedColour that is has just read/generated) so that we do not generate infinite amounts of undo information (which would be so if we always applied the supplied colour). This function allows us to achieve this functionality. Since this function is static, to access non-static member functions from within, we need to use TheEditor->function () otherwise VC6 complains. Scope: public.
static void SetAbortColourState (AbortColourState state)
static void ApplyEditingColourNow (BOOL UseAbortColour=FALSE)
 Camelots new custom colour picker control (also written by me) needs to be able to change the value EditingColour on the fly (based upon the IndexedColour that is has just read/generated) so that we do not generate infinite amounts of undo information (which would be so if we always applied the supplied colour). But we also need to be able to apply the edited colour to the selection when the user has finished dragging my colour picker control. This function allows us to achieve this functionality.
static BOOL DoAbortColourNow (CWindowID colourPicker)
 Allows camelots new custom colour picker control to abort the changing of a colour (by way of the user pressing the escape key). This function simply applies the abort colour (which was already 'saved' within SetEditingColour (). Scope: public.
static void DoHandleNamedcolour ()
static void SetDefaultDisplayModel (INT32 newDisplayModel)
 Camelots new custom colour picker control has changed the way in which the old default colour space stuff worked. If a user selects a colour space on the combobox - then we SHOULD remember this - and NOT jump straight back into the default (i.e. we should now set the selection as the default). We need to do this in two places: 1) internally from within ColourEditDlg::Message (); and 2) when the user sets the defaut model for (local colours) from within the camelot options dialog. This function allows us to achieve the second of these. Scope: public.
static void AbortColourPickerDrag ()
 Terminate the colour picker drag with extreme prejudice (I.e. pass non-zero WPARAM to prevent it calling us back).

Static Public Attributes

static const ResourceID IDD = _R(IDD_COLOUREDITDLG)
static const CDlgMode Mode = MODELESS

Protected Member Functions

OpState GetCommandState (StringBase *Command, StringBase *ShadeReason)
 Upcall from the menu system to determine te state of a menu command.
void DoCommand (StringBase *Command)
 Applies a given editor menu command.
void CloseMyself (void)
 Cleans up, discards data on the colour being edited, and closes the editor window. Used to close the editor in response to different messages, e.g. when the selected document changes, or when the colour is deleted.
void ShadeMyself (BOOL UnShade=FALSE, BOOL OtherGadgetsOnly=FALSE)
 Shades/Unshades the colour editor dialogue. Used to shade the dialogue while there is nothing available to edit, and return it to a useful state when something becomes available for editing.
void SetControls (void)
void SetColourNameList (void)
 Initialises the colour editor dialogue name combo-box list Scope: private.
void RedrawColourNameList (void)
 Ensures that the colour splodge in the colour name dropdown list is redrawn using the correct new appearance of the colour. Far more efficient than rebuilding the colour list from scratch.
void SetExtent (void)
 If necessary, changes the size of the editor window and shuffles controls around to show folded/unfolded tint/linked information appropriately. If the State has not been reset or changed, this may do nothing, to minimise unnecessary redraws.
void InvalidateAndSetControls (void)
 Invalidates all of the GDraw colour-display areas (picker, patch, parent patch) and also calls SetControls to set up all the controls. Called whenever the colour has changed so significantly that the entire window needs to be updated.
void InvalidatePatchGadget (ReDrawInfoType *Info=NULL)
 Invalidates the current colour patch to ensure it is redrawn.
void SetColour (BOOL SetComponents=TRUE)
 Reads the colour definition from the window into the colour which is currently being edited, and broadcasts a colour changing message so everybody knows about the change.
void SetComponentInfo (UINT32 ComponentID, UINT32 NameGadget, UINT32 WritableGadget, UINT32 InheritGadget)
 Finds and sets the component name for one gadget. If the component is not used in the EditingColours colour model, then the name is blanked and the related writable gadget is shaded.
void SetAllHexComponentsInfo (UINT32 ComponentID, UINT32 NameGadget, UINT32 WritableGadget)
 Finds and sets all component names for the hex gadget. This actually gets the individual rgb values, and concatenates into a single string of the form rrggbb for display.
void FindUsefulColourToEdit (BOOL WantLineColour=FALSE, BOOL TheWindowIsOpen=TRUE)
 Calls the ColourManager method (cf SeeAlso) to determine which colour should be displayed in the editor, and swaps to editing this colour (or if no colour is available, shades the editor).
void ApplyNoColour (BOOL LineColour)
 Sets either the fill or the line colour to "No colour".
void LimitTo216Only ()
 Finds the nearest 20% value for this component, e.g. if n=0.23, the result will be 0.2 as this is the closest 20% value.Snaps the current colour to the closest colour in the web browseer palette.
FIXED24 Nearest20Percent (FIXED24 n)
void EditThisColour (ColourList *ParentList, IndexedColour *ColourToEdit, BOOL TheWindowIsOpen=TRUE)
 Switches the colour editor, when it is open, to edit a different colour If the ColourToEdit is the colour currently being edited, nothing happens Scope: protected.
void EditingColourHasChanged (BOOL RedrawControls=TRUE, BOOL RedrawPicker=TRUE, BOOL FastTrackPicker=FALSE, Node *pSourceNode=NULL)
 Generic code to handle changes to EditingColour.
void ApplyColourNow (IndexedColour *ColourToApply)
 Applies the EditingColour to the document selection. Whether named or unnamed, it is applied as a new colour attribute, thus changing the colour used by the selected objects (rather than just redrawing static references to a colour which has been modified).
IndexedColourFindSafeParent (IndexedColour *SuggestedParent, BOOL ChildIsATint)
 Determines a safe parent colour to use for a tint/link colour. If the suggested parent will do, it is returned, otherwise the first safe parent in the ParentList ColourList will be returned.
void CompileParentColourList (CGadgetID TargetGadget)
 Sets up the given combo box gadget to provide a list of all the colours which can be used as a parent of an IndexedColour. This creates the list in the dialogue gadget specified, and selects the appropriate parent (of EditingColour) by default.
IndexedColourDecodeParentColourListSelection (INT32 Index)
 Shared code used by ColourTint and CoourLink Dlgs to decode selctions in the list of colours created by CompileParentColourList.
BOOL OnMakeLocalToFrame ()
 Invokes the OpMakeColourLocalToFrame operation to make local copy of the current edited colour.
BOOL ShouldUngrey (IndexedColour *pCol)
void ResetState (void)
BOOL IsSetGadgetValueCalled () const
BOOL EnteredSetGadgetValue ()
BOOL ExitedSetGadgetValue ()
void RenderCross (RenderRegion *pRender, DocRect *CrossRect, INT32 PixelSize, BOOL Shaded=FALSE)
 Renders a colour picker marker cross (a 'plus' shape).
void RenderParentCross (RenderRegion *pRender, DocRect *CrossRect, INT32 PixelSize)
 Renders a colour picker marker cross (an 'x' shape) to indicate the position of the PARENT colour on the colour's picker. Used for shades and maybe for linked colours if they ever become relative.
void RenderConstraint (RenderRegion *pRender, DocCoord End1, DocCoord End2)
 Renders a colour picker constraint bubble. This is a "sausage" in a straight line around two endpoints, used to mark drag constraints on screen.
void RenderControl (UINT32 GadgetToRender, ReDrawInfoType *RedrawInfo)
 Renders the controls that are kernel-redrawn (The colour 'picker' section, and the two (original and new colour definitions) colour patches).
void RenderPickerHSV (RenderRegion *pRender, DocRect *VirtualSize, INT32 PixelSize, DialogColourInfo *RedrawColours, DocRect *pClipRect)
 Redraws a colour picker control for the colour editor dialogue. This is used in the given display mode to display the colour information in a useful format. e.g. in HSV mode, a wheel and slider arrangement.
void RenderPickerRGB (RenderRegion *pRender, DocRect *VirtualSize, INT32 PixelSize, DialogColourInfo *RedrawColours)
 Redraws a colour picker control for the colour editor dialogue. This is used in the given display mode to display the colour information in a useful format. e.g. in HSV mode, a wheel and slider arrangement.
void RenderPickerCMYK (RenderRegion *pRender, DocRect *VirtualSize, INT32 PixelSize, DialogColourInfo *RedrawColours)
 Redraws a colour picker control for the colour editor dialogue. This is used in the given display mode to display the colour information in a useful format. e.g. in HSV mode, a wheel and slider arrangement.
void RenderPickerDefault (RenderRegion *pRender, DocRect *VirtualSize, INT32 PixelSize, DialogColourInfo *RedrawColours)
 Redraws a colour picker control for the colour editor dialogue. This is used in the given display mode to display the colour information in a useful format. e.g. in HSV mode, a wheel and slider arrangement.
void RenderPickerTint (RenderRegion *pRender, DocRect *VirtualSize, INT32 PixelSize, DialogColourInfo *RedrawColours)
 Redraws a colour picker control for the colour editor dialogue. This is used in the given display mode to display the colour information in a useful format. e.g. in HSV mode, a wheel and slider arrangement.
void RenderPickerShade (RenderRegion *pRender, DocRect *VirtualSize, INT32 PixelSize, DialogColourInfo *RedrawColours, DocRect *pClipRect)
 Redraws a colour picker control for the colour editor dialogue. This is used in the given display mode to display the colour information in a useful format. e.g. in HSV mode, a wheel and slider arrangement.
void RenderPickerSliderH (RenderRegion *pRender, DocRect *SliderRect, INT32 PixelSize, FIXED24 DisplayValue, DocColour *LeftCol, DocColour *RightCol, DocColour *TopLeftCol, DocColour *TopRightCol, BOOL Shaded=FALSE)
 Redraws a horizontal slider in a colour picker control. This generic method is used to draw a slider for a colour component. Generally, the slider will be a linear grad filled rectangle which shades from a colour with that component = 0.0 to 1.0.
void StartDrag (ReDrawInfoType *Info)
 Starts a drag from the colour picker control in the colour editor window.
void UpdateDrag (ReDrawInfoType *Info)
 Updates during a drag from the colour picker control in the colour editor window.
void EndDrag (ReDrawInfoType *Info)
 Ends a drag from the colour picker control in the colour editor window.
void SetNewValueFromMousePos (ReDrawInfoType *Info, BOOL StartingNewDrag)
 Handles drag updates - determines the new colour values from the current mouse position, and sets the colour as appropriate.
void SetNewValueHSV (ReDrawInfoType *Info, INT32 PixelSize, BOOL StartingNewDrag)
 Handles drag updates - determines the new colour values from the current mouse position, and sets the colour as appropriate. Just how it interprets the mouse position is dependant upon which region the drag was started within, and which DisplayMode is in operation. A different routine like this one will be called for each DisplayMode.
void SetNewValueRGB (ReDrawInfoType *Info, INT32 PixelSize, BOOL StartingNewDrag)
 Handles drag updates - determines the new colour values from the current mouse position, and sets the colour as appropriate. Just how it interprets the mouse position is dependant upon which region the drag was started within, and which DisplayMode is in operation. A different routine like this one will be called for each DisplayMode.
void SetNewValueCMYK (ReDrawInfoType *Info, INT32 PixelSize, BOOL StartingNewDrag)
 Handles drag updates - determines the new colour values from the current mouse position, and sets the colour as appropriate. Just how it interprets the mouse position is dependant upon which region the drag was started within, and which DisplayMode is in operation. A different routine like this one will be called for each DisplayMode.
void SetNewValueDefault (ReDrawInfoType *Info, INT32 PixelSize, BOOL StartingNewDrag)
 Handles drag updates - determines the new colour values from the current mouse position, and sets the colour as appropriate. Just how it interprets the mouse position is dependant upon which region the drag was started within, and which DisplayMode is in operation. A different routine like this one will be called for each DisplayMode.
void SetNewValueTint (ReDrawInfoType *Info, INT32 PixelSize, BOOL StartingNewDrag)
 Handles drag updates - determines the new colour values from the current mouse position, and sets the colour as appropriate.
void SetNewValueShade (ReDrawInfoType *Info, INT32 PixelSize, BOOL StartingNewDrag)
 Handles drag updates - determines the new colour values from the current mouse position, and sets the colour as appropriate. Just how it interprets the mouse position is dependant upon which region the drag was started within, and which DisplayMode is in operation. A different routine like this one will be called for each DisplayMode.
BOOL HandleIdlePointer (ReDrawInfoType *Info, String_128 *BubbleHelp, String_256 *StatusHelp, UINT32 *ControlID)
 Called when the mouse is idling over the colour picker control. Sets appropriate pointer shapes, and also returns bubble help for appropriate regions (probably only the original/current colour patches).
BOOL HandleIdlePointerHSV (ReDrawInfoType *Info, String_128 *BubbleHelp, String_256 *StatusHelp)
 Called when the mouse is idling over the colour picker control. Sets appropriate pointer shapes, and also returns bubble help for appropriate regions (probably only the original/current colour patches).
BOOL HandleIdlePointerRGB (ReDrawInfoType *Info, String_128 *BubbleHelp, String_256 *StatusHelp)
 Called when the mouse is idling over the colour picker control. Sets appropriate pointer shapes, and also returns bubble help for appropriate regions (probably only the original/current colour patches).
BOOL HandleIdlePointerCMYK (ReDrawInfoType *Info, String_128 *BubbleHelp, String_256 *StatusHelp)
 Called when the mouse is idling over the colour picker control. Sets appropriate pointer shapes, and also returns bubble help for appropriate regions (probably only the original/current colour patches).
BOOL HandleIdlePointerDefault (ReDrawInfoType *Info, String_128 *BubbleHelp, String_256 *StatusHelp)
 Called when the mouse is idling over the colour picker control. Sets appropriate pointer shapes, and also returns bubble help for appropriate regions (probably only the original/current colour patches).
BOOL HandleIdlePointerTint (ReDrawInfoType *Info, String_128 *BubbleHelp, String_256 *StatusHelp)
 Called when the mouse is idling over the colour picker control. Sets appropriate pointer shapes, and also returns bubble help for appropriate regions (probably only the original/current colour patches).
BOOL HandleIdlePointerShade (ReDrawInfoType *Info, String_128 *BubbleHelp, String_256 *StatusHelp)
 Called when the mouse is idling over the colour picker control. Sets appropriate pointer shapes, and also returns bubble help for appropriate regions (probably only the original/current colour patches).
CrossConstraint CalcCrossRectRGB (ColourRGBT *SourceColour, DocRect *SquareRect, INT32 PixelSize, DocRect *Result)
 Determines the 3-D RGB picker cross position for the 2-component picker slice-through-the-cube display.
CrossConstraint CalcCrossRectCMYK (ColourCMYK *SourceColour, DocRect *SquareRect, INT32 PixelSize, DocRect *Result)
 Determines the 3-D CMYK picker cross position for the 2-component picker slice-through-the-cube display.
void SetCursor (UINT32 CursorResID)
 Called by HandleIdlePointerXXX functions to set the cursor shape they desire.
void EndTimedProcessing ()
 Kills the message based timer which is used to call ColourEditDlg::TimedProcessing.
void BeginTimedProcessing ()
 Sets a message based timer which indirectly calls ColourEditDlg::TimedProcessing.
void HideGadgetList (CGadgetID *Gadgets, BOOL Hide=TRUE)
 Hides / shows the gadgets on the list.
void HideOrShowColourPicker ()
 Synchronize state of colour picker gadget.
void CheckDialogSize ()
 Ensure the dialog is a sensible size Scope: Protected.
void NeedsResize ()
virtual BOOL OnIdleEvent ()
 Idle event handler for the colour dialog.

Static Protected Member Functions

static BOOL SetUnitGroupDefaults (ColourModel ColModel)
 Sets the default ScaleUnits for the Colour Editor (actually sets StandardUnit groups.
static BOOL GetColourContext (ColourModel ColModel, ColourContext **ppContext)
 Gets an appropriate colour context for displaying the colour picker This is so that CMYK can use the printer profile.

Protected Attributes

BOOL AmShaded
IndexedColour OriginalColour
BOOL NoFillButtonDown
BOOL FirstEdit
BOOL ISentTheMessage
ColEditDragArea DragStartArea
DocCoord LastDragPos
DocCoord DragAnchor
BOOL DragUpdatedOnIdle
ColourGeneric ColourBeforeDrag
ColEditState State
BOOL m_bDoingSetGadget
UINT32 CurrentCursorID
BOOL m_bDoTimerProcessing
BOOL m_NeedsResize

Static Protected Attributes

static INT32 DefaultDisplayModel = (INT32) COLOURMODEL_HSVT
 If TRUE, the colour editor will automatically switch the display colour model whenever it switches to a new LOCAL colour (to that colour's model) If FALSE, the only time the display colour model will change is when the user explicitly sets a different colour model from the dialogue. Notes: Normal preference, available from the options dialogue. If TRUE, the colour editor will automatically switch the display colour model whenever it switches to a new NAMED colour (Colour STYLE) (to that colour's model) If FALSE, the only time the display colour model will change is when the user explicitly sets a different colour model from the dialogue. Notes: Normal preference, available from the options dialogue. Retains a 'memory' of the last used Colour Editor display model between sessions in Camelot. Used for LOCAL COLOURS Notes: Internal 'memory' preference, not directly settable by the user Retains a 'memory' of the last used Colour Editor display model between sessions in Camelot. used for COLOUR STYLES Notes: Internal 'memory' preference, not directly settable by the user Retains a 'memory' of the colour editor 'folded' state between sessions in Camelot. Notes: Internal 'memory' preference, not directly settable by the user Determines if the sliders in the colour editor show a 'split line' display. If FALSE, a simple display is given where each slider just shows the component being set (e.g. in RGB, the Red slider shades between black and red) If TRUE, the split mode is enabled, where the slider shows the normal grad-fill in the top half (black to red), but fills the bottom half with the range of colours which will result from changing that component of the edited colour (i.e. at any point on the slider it shows what colour you will get if you click on that spot) Notes: Secret squirrel preference! THis may become available in the options dialogue if it is decided that it is useful. If FALSE, the RGB/CMYK colour pickers in the colour editor will be simple sliders. If TRUE, the '3d colour cube' display will be used instead If TRUE, the HSV colour picker shows the SV Pane with full hue at the top (as all version did prior to Xara X1) If FALSE, the HSV colour picker shows the SV Pane with full hue at the bottom If TRUE, use print profile to do RGB-CMYK colour conversion.
static INT32 DefaultDisplayModelN = (INT32) COLOURMODEL_HSVT
static INT32 AutoModelChange = FALSE
static INT32 AutoModelChangeN = TRUE
static INT32 Folded = TRUE
static INT32 SplitLineDisplay = FALSE
static INT32 Use3DDisplay = FALSE
static BOOL bHSVHueAtTop = TRUE
static BOOL bUsePrintCMYK = TRUE
static AbortColourState abortColourState
static BOOL EscapeKeyWasPressed = FALSE
static ColourEditDlgTheEditor = NULL
static BOOL EditingLineColour = FALSE
static BOOL UpdateOnNextIdle = FALSE
static ColourModel DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_HSVT
static INT32 ColourPickerMode = 0
static BOOL resetColPickPos
static RECT colPickOrigRect
static BOOL needColPickHidden
static BOOL colPickHidden

Private Member Functions

BOOL MakeNewNColour (void)
 Moves a lump of code out of the switch statement in the message handler, so it can be executed by the button in Camelot and the menu item in Webster.
BOOL MakeColourASpot (void)
 Moves a lump of code out of the switch statement in the message handler.
void LoseKeyboardFocus (void)


class ColEditorDragTarget
class ColourPicker
class OpColEditCommand

Detailed Description

Definition at line 214 of file coldlog.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ColourEditDlg::ColourEditDlg  ) 

Default constructor for the colour editor dialogue class Notes: You shouldn't really use this constructor if you can avoid it.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 653 of file coldlog.cpp.

00653                             : DialogOp(ColourEditDlg::IDD, ColourEditDlg::Mode) 
00654 {
00655     // If there is no existing editor, make us "the" editor instantiation
00656     // Otherwise, we'll realise our mistake (in Do/DoWithParam) and kill ourself
00657     if (TheEditor == NULL)
00658         TheEditor = this;
00660     ParentList      = NULL;
00661     ResultColour    = NULL;
00662     EditingColour   = NULL;
00663     ISentTheMessage = FALSE;
00664     AmShaded        = FALSE;
00666     DragStartArea     = CEDRAG_NONE;
00667     DragUpdatedOnIdle = FALSE;
00668     FirstEdit         = TRUE;
00670     ResetState();
00672 // WEBSTER - markn 31/1/97
00673 // Bodge - uses the Named default value to keep that model preserved
00674 #ifndef WEBSTER
00675     DisplayModel    = (ColourModel) DefaultDisplayModel;
00676 #else
00677     DisplayModel    = (ColourModel) DefaultDisplayModelN;
00678 #endif // WEBSTER
00680     AbortColour = NULL;
00682     NameDropDown    = NULL;
00683     ParentDropDown  = NULL;
00685     CurrentCursorID = 0;
00686     CurrentCursor   = NULL;
00688     m_bDoingSetGadget = FALSE;
00689     m_NeedsResize = FALSE;
00690     GetApplication()->RegisterIdleProcessor(IDLEPRIORITY_LOW, this);
00691 }

ColourEditDlg::~ColourEditDlg  ) 

Destructor for the colour editor dialogue class.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 710 of file coldlog.cpp.

00711 {
00712     GetApplication()->RemoveIdleProcessor(IDLEPRIORITY_LOW, this);
00713     EndTimedProcessing();
00715     if (EditingColour != NULL)
00716     {
00717         // Ensure we remember the current model as the preferred default
00718         if (EditingColour->IsNamed())
00719             DefaultDisplayModelN = (INT32) DisplayModel;
00720 // But do not overwrite the preference for local colours - this must be set in the options dlg
00721 //      else
00722 //          DefaultDisplayModel = (INT32) DisplayModel;
00724         delete EditingColour;
00725     }
00727     if (AbortColour != NULL)
00728     {
00729         delete AbortColour;
00730         AbortColour = NULL;
00731     }
00733     // If we were the current active editor instantiation then we indicate there
00734     // is no longer an editor open.
00735     if (TheEditor == this)
00736         TheEditor = NULL;
00738     // Delete our drop-down colour list support objects
00739     if (NameDropDown != NULL)
00740         delete NameDropDown;
00742     if (ParentDropDown != NULL)
00743         delete ParentDropDown;
00745     if (CurrentCursor != NULL)
00746         delete CurrentCursor;
00747 }

Member Function Documentation

void ColourEditDlg::AbortColourPickerDrag  )  [static]

Terminate the colour picker drag with extreme prejudice (I.e. pass non-zero WPARAM to prevent it calling us back).

Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 2229 of file coldlog.cpp.

02230 {
02231     if (TheEditor)
02232         TheEditor->ColourPickerAbort(_R(IDC_COLOURPICKER), 1);
02233 }

void ColourEditDlg::ApplyColourNow IndexedColour IxColourToApply  )  [protected]

Applies the EditingColour to the document selection. Whether named or unnamed, it is applied as a new colour attribute, thus changing the colour used by the selected objects (rather than just redrawing static references to a colour which has been modified).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
IxColourToApply- the colour to be applied [INPUTS]
Make sure that EditingColour is in either the named or unnamed colour list when it is applied, so that the reference is not left pointing a something which can be easily deleted out from under it.

Definition at line 10454 of file coldlog.cpp.

10455 {
10456     // Apply it to the selection as a colour attrib mutator - this will thus affect
10457     // selected objects through selected grad-fill blobs etc
10458     NodeAttribute *Attrib = NULL;
10459     DocColour ColourToApply;
10460     ColourToApply.MakeRefToIndexedColour(IxColourToApply);
10461     if (EditingLineColour)
10462     {
10463         // Apply it as a Line colour mutator
10464         Attrib = new AttrStrokeColourChange;
10465         if (Attrib == NULL)
10466             return;
10468         ((AttrStrokeColourChange *)Attrib)->SetStartColour(&ColourToApply);
10469     }
10470     else
10471     {
10472         // Apply it as a fill mutator
10473         Attrib = new AttrColourChange;
10474         if (Attrib == NULL)
10475             return;
10477         ((AttrColourChange *)Attrib)->SetStartColour(&ColourToApply);
10478     }
10481     // Apply the attribute. While applying, we lock ourselves so we don't respond to the
10482     // attribute-changing messages, and also ensure that the attribute manager doesn't
10483     // ask the user if they want to set the current attribute (if you're editing the current
10484     // colour, you kindof expect the current colour to change!)
10485     BOOL OldSentState = ISentTheMessage;
10486     ISentTheMessage = TRUE;
10488         BOOL OldAskState = AttributeManager::AskBeforeSettingCurrentAttr;
10489         AttributeManager::AskBeforeSettingCurrentAttr = FALSE;
10491             // AttributeSelected knows what to do with a selected attribute
10492             AttributeManager::AttributeSelected(NULL, Attrib); 
10494         AttributeManager::AskBeforeSettingCurrentAttr = OldAskState;
10495     ISentTheMessage = OldSentState;
10496 }

void ColourEditDlg::ApplyEditingColourNow BOOL  UseAbortColour = FALSE  )  [static]

Camelots new custom colour picker control (also written by me) needs to be able to change the value EditingColour on the fly (based upon the IndexedColour that is has just read/generated) so that we do not generate infinite amounts of undo information (which would be so if we always applied the supplied colour). But we also need to be able to apply the edited colour to the selection when the user has finished dragging my colour picker control. This function allows us to achieve this functionality.

Chris_Snook (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The function also (directly) applies named colours because of some nastiness that I have found it necessary to treat named colours as unnamed colours; and then revert at the end. Scope: public
Errors: -
See also:
ColourEditDlg::SetEditingColour ()

Definition at line 2203 of file coldlog.cpp.

02204 {
02205     if (TheEditor->EditingColour != NULL)
02206     {
02207         TheEditor->SetColour (FALSE);
02208     }
02209 }

void ColourEditDlg::ApplyNoColour BOOL  LineColour  )  [protected]

Sets either the fill or the line colour to "No colour".

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
LineColour - TRUE if you want to set the line colour, FALSE if you want to set the fill colour [INPUTS]
Needed for WEBSTER

See also:

Definition at line 2606 of file coldlog.cpp.

02607 {
02608     DocColour ColourToApply(COLOUR_TRANS);
02610     if (LineColour)
02611     {
02612         // Line colour selected so create a line colour attribute
02613         AttrStrokeColourChange* pAttrib = new AttrStrokeColourChange;
02614         if (pAttrib == NULL)
02615             return;
02617         pAttrib->SetStartColour(&ColourToApply);
02619         // AttributeSelected knows what to do with a selected attribute
02620         AttributeManager::AttributeSelected(NULL, pAttrib); 
02621     }
02622     else
02623     {   
02624         // Rather than setting the flat fill colour, we do an AttrColourChange, which
02625         // (I assume) will handle things like selected grad fill points, etc.
02626         AttrColourChange* pAttrib = new AttrColourChange;
02627         if (pAttrib == NULL)
02628             return;
02630         pAttrib->SetStartColour(&ColourToApply);
02632         // AttributeSelected knows what to do with a selected attribute
02633         AttributeManager::AttributeSelected(NULL, pAttrib); 
02634     }
02635 }

void ColourEditDlg::BeginTimedProcessing  )  [protected]

Sets a message based timer which indirectly calls ColourEditDlg::TimedProcessing.

Noel_Someone (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 11717 of file coldlog.cpp.

CrossConstraint ColourEditDlg::CalcCrossRectCMYK ColourCMYK SourceColour,
DocRect SquareRect,
INT32  PixelSize,
DocRect Result

Determines the 3-D CMYK picker cross position for the 2-component picker slice-through-the-cube display.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
SourceColour - the colour definition for which the cross rect must be calc'd [INPUTS] SquareRect - The rect containing th 3-d cube 'slice' to plot the cross in PixelSize - the usual (size of a pixel in millipoints)
Result will be returned containing the CrossRect (in which to draw the cross) [OUTPUTS]
A value indicating how the cross is constrained, so you can draw constraint bubbles as appropriate.
See also:
ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueCMYK; ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerCMYK

Definition at line 5781 of file coldlog.cpp.

05783 {
05786     FIXED24 XComponent;
05787     FIXED24 YComponent;
05788     CrossConstraint ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_NONE;
05790     switch(ColourPickerMode)
05791     {
05792         case 1:     // XYZ = Y,M,C
05793             XComponent = SourceColour->Yellow;
05794             YComponent = SourceColour->Magenta;
05796             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(2))
05797                 ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_HORZ;
05799             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(3))
05800             {
05801                 if (ReturnVal == CROSSCONSTRAINED_NONE)
05802                     ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_VERT;
05803                 else
05804                     ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_BOTH;
05805             }
05806             break;
05808         case 2:     // XYZ = M,C,Y
05809             XComponent = SourceColour->Magenta;
05810             YComponent = SourceColour->Cyan;
05812             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(1))
05813                 ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_HORZ;
05815             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(2))
05816             {
05817                 if (ReturnVal == CROSSCONSTRAINED_NONE)
05818                     ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_VERT;
05819                 else
05820                     ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_BOTH;
05821             }
05822             break;
05824         default:    // XYZ = C,Y,M
05825             XComponent = SourceColour->Cyan;
05826             YComponent = SourceColour->Yellow;
05828             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(3))
05829                 ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_HORZ;
05831             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(1))
05832             {
05833                 if (ReturnVal == CROSSCONSTRAINED_NONE)
05834                     ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_VERT;
05835                 else
05836                     ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_BOTH;
05837             }
05838             break;
05839     }
05841     INT32 SizeXY = SquareRect->Height();
05842     INT32 XTrans = (INT32) ((double)SizeXY * XComponent.MakeDouble());
05843     INT32 YTrans = (INT32) ((double)SizeXY * YComponent.MakeDouble());
05845     // Translate the cross to the appropriate position
05846     CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(SquareRect->lo.x + XTrans, PixelSize),
05847                         HalfGridLock(SquareRect->lo.y + YTrans, PixelSize));
05849     *Result = CrossRect;
05851     if (EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT)
05852         return(CROSSCONSTRAINED_BOTH);
05854     return(ReturnVal);
05855 }

CrossConstraint ColourEditDlg::CalcCrossRectRGB ColourRGBT SourceColour,
DocRect SquareRect,
INT32  PixelSize,
DocRect Result

Determines the 3-D RGB picker cross position for the 2-component picker slice-through-the-cube display.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
SourceColour - the colour definition for which the cross rect must be calc'd [INPUTS] SquareRect - The rect containing th 3-d cube 'slice' to plot the cross in PixelSize - the usual (size of a pixel in millipoints)
Result will be returned containing the CrossRect (in which to draw the cross) [OUTPUTS]
A value indicating how the cross is constrained, so you can draw constraint bubbles as appropriate.
See also:
ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueRGB; ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerRGB

Definition at line 5370 of file coldlog.cpp.

05372 {
05375     FIXED24 XComponent;
05376     FIXED24 YComponent;
05378     CrossConstraint ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_NONE;
05380     switch(ColourPickerMode)
05381     {
05382         case 1:     // XYZ = R,B,G
05383             XComponent = SourceColour->Red;
05384             YComponent = SourceColour->Blue;
05386             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(3))
05387                 ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_HORZ;
05389             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(1))
05390             {
05391                 if (ReturnVal == CROSSCONSTRAINED_NONE)
05392                     ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_VERT;
05393                 else
05394                     ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_BOTH;
05395             }
05396             break;
05398         case 2:     // XYZ = B,G,R
05399             XComponent = SourceColour->Blue;
05400             YComponent = SourceColour->Green;
05402             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(2))
05403                 ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_HORZ;
05405             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(3))
05406             {
05407                 if (ReturnVal == CROSSCONSTRAINED_NONE)
05408                     ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_VERT;
05409                 else
05410                     ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_BOTH;
05411             }
05412             break;
05414         default:    // XYZ = G,R,B
05415             XComponent = SourceColour->Green;
05416             YComponent = SourceColour->Red;
05418             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(1))
05419                 ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_HORZ;
05421             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(2))
05422             {
05423                 if (ReturnVal == CROSSCONSTRAINED_NONE)
05424                     ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_VERT;
05425                 else
05426                     ReturnVal = CROSSCONSTRAINED_BOTH;
05427             }
05428             break;
05429     }
05431     INT32 SizeXY = SquareRect->Height();
05432     INT32 XTrans = (INT32) ((double)SizeXY * XComponent.MakeDouble());
05433     INT32 YTrans = (INT32) ((double)SizeXY * YComponent.MakeDouble());
05435     // Translate the cross to the appropriate position
05436     CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(SquareRect->lo.x + XTrans, PixelSize),
05437                         HalfGridLock(SquareRect->lo.y + YTrans, PixelSize));
05439     *Result = CrossRect;
05441     if (EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT)
05442         return(CROSSCONSTRAINED_BOTH);
05444     return(ReturnVal);
05445 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::CanYouEditThis ColourList ParentList,
IndexedColour ColourToEdit,
BOOL  ForceNewMode = FALSE

Determines if the colour editor will be happy with you calling InvokeDialog with the given parameters. Allows you to enable/disable any UI mechanism that links onto this method. (e.g. colour line edit colour button uses this to determine if drags can be dropped onto it).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ParentList - the ColourList in which the colour to be edited resides [INPUTS] May be NULL to use the Selected Document's colour list
ColourToEdit - the IndexedColour which you wish to edit. May be NULL if you just want it to find a useful local colour to edit, in which case it will return TRUE unless there are no documents open.

ForceNewMode - DO NOT USE - this is an internal flag causing side effects (if TRUE, and the colour is local, the return value will be FALSE, and the EditingLineColour member flag will be changed to indicate which colour should be edited - see the InvokeDialog code)

TRUE if the colour can be edited. If this returns FALSE, then a call to InvokeDialog with these parameters will fail (specifically, it will revert to editing a "useful" local colour)
Notes: The colour must be in the ParentList Named colours in the ParentList can always be edited Unnamed colours can only be edited if they happen to coincide with the current line or fill colour - otherwise it makes no sense to edit a local colour (because you can only edit a local colour _on_ an object)

See also:

Definition at line 10336 of file coldlog.cpp.

10338 {
10339     // If no list specified, assume the one in the selected doc
10340     if (ParentList == NULL)
10341         ParentList = ColourManager::GetColourList();
10343     // If they specified no colour, then we need to find a "useful" colour to edit.
10344     // This is always possible, except when there are no documents (SelDoc == NULL)
10345     if (ColourToEdit == NULL)
10346         return(Document::GetSelected() != NULL);
10348     if (ParentList != NULL)
10349     {
10350         if (ColourToEdit->IsNamed())
10351         {
10352             // Named colour
10353             // Check that the colour resides in the given colour list
10354             if (ParentList->FindPosition(ColourToEdit) >= 0)
10355                 return(TRUE);
10357             ERROR3("CanYouEditThis - Named IndexedColour not in provided ParentList!");
10358         }
10359         else
10360         {
10361             // Local colour
10362             // It is deeply scary to allow local colours to be dragged to the editor.
10363             // Local colours do not exist on their own - they can only be edited ON
10364             // an object. The only objects we know of like this are the current selection,
10365             // so we can only edit local line and fill colours.
10367             StatusLine* pStatusLine = StatusLine::Get();
10369             if (!pStatusLine || (pStatusLine->IsRestrictedAccessToColourPicker () == FALSE))
10370             {
10371                 // Get the current line/fill colours, and see if they match the colour we were asked for
10372                 DocColour DocColourToCheck;
10374                 // Try for current fill colour
10375                 ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser(&DocColourToCheck, NULL, FALSE);
10376                 if (DocColourToCheck.FindParentIndexedColour() == ColourToEdit)
10377                 {
10378                     if (ForceNewMode)
10379                         ForceLineOrFillMode(FALSE);     // If appropriate, set line/fill mode and return FALSE
10380                     else
10381                         return(TRUE);
10382                 }
10384                 // Try for current line colour
10385                 ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser(&DocColourToCheck, NULL, TRUE);
10386                 if (DocColourToCheck.FindParentIndexedColour() == ColourToEdit)
10387                 {
10388                     if (ForceNewMode)
10389                         ForceLineOrFillMode(TRUE);      // If appropriate, set line/fill mode and return FALSE
10390                     else
10391                         return(TRUE);
10392                 }
10393             }
10394             else
10395             {
10396                 // the above code may have been valid BEFORE camelots custom colour picker
10397                 // control, but NOW we need to allow the colour editor to display/edit
10398                 // local index colours ....
10400                 return (TRUE);
10401             }
10402         }
10403     }
10405     // For whatever reason, we can't allow this to be edited
10406     return(FALSE);
10407 }

void ColourEditDlg::CheckDialogSize  )  [protected]

Ensure the dialog is a sensible size Scope: Protected.

Alex Bligh

Definition at line 1179 of file coldlog.cpp.

01180 {
01181     if (!m_NeedsResize)
01182         return;
01184     m_NeedsResize=FALSE;
01186     // Set up bubble help
01187     ColourPicker::SetBubbleHelp(TintGadgetIDs);
01188     ColourPicker::SetBubbleHelp(LinkGadgetIDs);
01189     ColourPicker::SetBubbleHelp(OtherGadgetIDs);
01191     ColourPicker::RelayoutDialog(WindowID);
01192 }

void ColourEditDlg::CloseColourEditor  ) 

A public method to close the colour editor dialog Scope: public.

Diccon_Yamanaka (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 2122 of file coldlog.cpp.

02123 {
02124     CloseMyself();
02125 }

void ColourEditDlg::CloseMyself void   )  [protected]

Cleans up, discards data on the colour being edited, and closes the editor window. Used to close the editor in response to different messages, e.g. when the selected document changes, or when the colour is deleted.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 2488 of file coldlog.cpp.

02489 {
02490     if (EditingColour != NULL)
02491     {
02492         // Ensure we remember the current model as the preferred default
02493         if (EditingColour->IsNamed())
02494             DefaultDisplayModelN = (INT32) DisplayModel;
02495 // But do not overwrite the preference for local colours - this must be set in the options dlg
02496 //      else
02497 //          DefaultDisplayModel = (INT32) DisplayModel;
02499         delete EditingColour;
02500         EditingColour = NULL;
02501     }
02502     ParentList = NULL;
02503     State.ParentListOK = FALSE;     // Swapping colours - ensure we update parent list
02505     Close();
02506     End();
02507 }

void ColourEditDlg::CompileParentColourList CGadgetID  TargetGadget  )  [protected]

Sets up the given combo box gadget to provide a list of all the colours which can be used as a parent of an IndexedColour. This creates the list in the dialogue gadget specified, and selects the appropriate parent (of EditingColour) by default.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TargetGadget - The list gadget to write the list into [INPUTS]
Notes: Quietly ignores calls when EditingColour == NULL

See also:

Definition at line 10700 of file coldlog.cpp.

10701 {
10702     if (ParentList == NULL || EditingColour == NULL)
10703         return;
10705     if (ParentDropDown != NULL)
10706         delete ParentDropDown;
10708     ParentDropDown = new ColourDropDown;
10710     if (ParentDropDown != NULL)
10711     {
10712         if (ParentDropDown->Init(WindowID, TargetGadget))
10713         {
10714             if (ParentDropDown->FillInColourList(EditingColour->FindLastLinkedParent(), -1, ResultColour))
10715                 return;
10717             // NOTE: We could do a SetComboListLength here, except that this causes awful
10718             // redraws of everything "behind" the combo-list extent. I can't stop it doing this,
10719             // other than by not setting the list length.
10720         }
10721     }
10723     // We must have failed in order to reach here, so shade the gadget and hang our head in shame
10724     EnableGadget(TargetGadget, FALSE);
10725 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::Create void   )  [virtual]

Creates a colour editor dialogue box. Fails if DialogOp::Create fails to create the box.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
FALSE if it fails

Errors: -

See also:

Reimplemented from DialogOp.

Definition at line 9990 of file coldlog.cpp.

09991 {
09992     ISentTheMessage = FALSE;    // Ensure our message lock is disabled
09993     AmShaded        = FALSE;    // We are not currently in a shaded state
09994     m_bDoTimerProcessing = TRUE;
09995     if (TheEditor != this)      // Allow only one instance of this dialogue open at once
09996         return(FALSE);
09999     if (EditingColour != NULL && ParentList == NULL)
10000     {
10001         ERROR3("ColourEditDlg not correctly initialised before call to Create()");
10002         return(FALSE);
10003     }
10005     if (DialogOp::Create())
10006     { 
10007 //      SetControls();      -- now done by DIM_CREATE handler
10008         return(TRUE);
10009     }
10011     return(FALSE);
10012 }

IndexedColour * ColourEditDlg::DecodeParentColourListSelection INT32  Index  )  [protected]

Shared code used by ColourTint and CoourLink Dlgs to decode selctions in the list of colours created by CompileParentColourList.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Index - the index of the item in the list gadget which was selected [INPUTS]
A pointer to the IndexedColour to be used as the new parent of the EditingColour, or NULL if the item wasn't found(!?)
Notes: Quietly ignores calls when EditingColour == NULL

See also:

Definition at line 10748 of file coldlog.cpp.

10749 {
10750     if (ParentList == NULL || EditingColour == NULL)
10751         return(NULL);
10753     if (ParentDropDown != NULL)
10754         return(ParentDropDown->DecodeSelection(Index));
10756 /*
10757     IndexedColour *Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ParentList->GetHead();
10758     while (Ptr != NULL)
10759     {
10760         // If this colour is a possible parent:
10761         //   * Not deleted
10762         //   * Named
10763         //   * Not a Spot colour if EditingColour is LINKED
10764         //   * Is not a child/descendant of the ResultColour (circular reference! no!)
10765         //      (Note that this includes it being the ResultColour)
10766         // then we will add it to the list
10768         if (!Ptr->IsDeleted() && Ptr->IsNamed() && !Ptr->IsADescendantOf(ResultColour))
10769         {
10770             if (EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_LINKED || Ptr->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_SPOT)
10771             {
10772                 Index--;
10774                 if (Index < 0)
10775                     return(Ptr);
10776             }
10777         }
10778         Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ParentList->GetNext(Ptr);
10779     }
10780 */
10781     return(NULL);       // Not found?!
10782 }

void ColourEditDlg::Do OpDescriptor MyOpDesc  )  [virtual]

Toggles the colour editor, and if opening it, finds a useful colour to edit.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:

Reimplemented from Operation.

Definition at line 10029 of file coldlog.cpp.

10030 {
10031     if (TheEditor != NULL && TheEditor != this)
10032     {
10033         // If there is an editor open, just ask it to die then kill ourself off, as
10034         // we don't want another editor to then pop up!
10035         TheEditor->Close();
10036         TheEditor->End();   // Kill existing editor
10038         End();              // Kill ourself
10039         return;
10040     }
10043     if (EditingColour != NULL)
10044     {
10045         delete EditingColour;
10046         EditingColour = NULL;
10047     }
10049     // WEBSTER - markn 31/1/97
10050     // Bodge - uses the Named default value to keep that model preserved
10051 #ifndef WEBSTER
10052     DisplayModel = (ColourModel) DefaultDisplayModel;
10053 #else
10054     DisplayModel = (ColourModel) DefaultDisplayModelN;
10055 #endif // WEBSTER
10057     FindUsefulColourToEdit(EditingLineColour, FALSE);
10059     Progress Hourglass;     // Start an hourglass running
10061     if (Create())
10062     {
10063         Open();                             // Open the dialogue (& set the controls etc)
10064         PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));    // Redraw picker while hourglass is still up
10065     }
10066     else
10067         End();
10068 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::DoAbortColourNow CWindowID  colourPicker  )  [static]

Allows camelots new custom colour picker control to abort the changing of a colour (by way of the user pressing the escape key). This function simply applies the abort colour (which was already 'saved' within SetEditingColour (). Scope: public.

Chris_Snook (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Errors: -

See also:
ColourEditDlg::SetEditingColour ()

Definition at line 2255 of file coldlog.cpp.

02256 {
02257     // firstly, lets check for obvious insanity
02259     String_256 ClassNameStr;  // The control type
02261     // Check passed a sensible window ID
02262     if (TheEditor && (TheEditor->WindowID == colourPicker))
02263     {       
02264         // only reset colour if we have a prior one to select (AbortColour). fixes #10649 - 
02265         // crash when escape is pressed before the dropper has selected a colour...
02266         if (TheEditor->AbortColour != NULL)
02267         {
02268             if (TheEditor->EditingColour != NULL)
02269             {
02270                 delete (TheEditor->EditingColour);
02271             }
02272             TheEditor->EditingColour = new IndexedColour (*(TheEditor->AbortColour));
02273             ApplyEditingColourNow (TRUE);       // this generates two bits of undo - which is undesirable!
02274         }
02275         return (TRUE);
02276     }
02278     ENSURE(FALSE, "DoColourPickerColour called for invalid colour picker control");
02279     return (FALSE);
02280 }

void ColourEditDlg::DoCommand StringBase Command  )  [protected]

Applies a given editor menu command.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Command - String indicating the command to apply (see colmenu.h) [INPUTS]

Definition at line 7248 of file coldlog.cpp.

07249 {
07250     ColourModel NewColourModel = COLOURMODEL_INDEXED;
07252     if (*Command == ColCmd_Help)
07253         HelpUser(*this);
07254     else if (*Command == ColCmd_Name)
07255     {
07256         if (ResultColour != NULL && ParentList != NULL && ResultColour->IsNamed())
07257         {
07258             // Lock ourselves so we don't update on any message broadcasts
07259             BOOL ISentState = ISentTheMessage;
07260             ISentTheMessage = TRUE;
07262 // Nasty, but ColourNameDlg is in sgcolour
07263 #ifndef EXCLUDE_GALS
07264                 // Rename the result colour
07265                 if (ColourNameDlg::InvokeDialog(ParentList, ResultColour))
07266                 {
07267                     // Commit any colour model change to this colour now
07268 //                  ColourContext *cc = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(DisplayModel);
07269                     ColourContext *cc = NULL;
07270                     BOOL bDeleteCC = GetColourContext(DisplayModel, &cc);   
07271                     if (cc != NULL)
07272                     {
07273                         ColourPicker::ForceColourModel(ResultColour, cc);
07275                         // Delete the colour context if necessary
07276                         if (bDeleteCC)
07277                             ColourContextList::GetList()->RemoveContext(&cc);           // Have finished with it
07278                     }
07280                     // Make sure the editor swaps (it'll ignore us if ResultColour == ColToEdit)
07281                     IndexedColour *ColToEdit = ResultColour;
07282                     ResultColour = NULL;
07284                     // And start the editor up again on the original colour
07285                     EditThisColour(ParentList, ColToEdit);
07286                 }
07287 #endif
07288             ISentTheMessage = ISentState;
07289         }
07290     }
07291     else if (*Command == ColCmd_EditParent)                     // Edit parent only available if have parent
07292     {
07293         if (ResultColour != NULL && ParentList != NULL && ResultColour->FindLinkedParent() != NULL)
07294             EditThisColour(ParentList, ResultColour->FindLinkedParent());
07295     }
07296     else if (*Command == ColCmd_HSV)
07297         NewColourModel = COLOURMODEL_HSVT;
07298     else if (*Command == ColCmd_RGB)
07299         NewColourModel = COLOURMODEL_RGBT;
07300     else if (*Command == ColCmd_CMYK)
07301         NewColourModel = COLOURMODEL_CMYK;
07302     else if (*Command == ColCmd_Grey)
07303         NewColourModel = COLOURMODEL_GREYT;
07304 #ifdef WEBSTER // Martin 16/07/97
07305     else if (*Command == ColCmd_NewNColour)
07306         MakeNewNColour(); //do the same thing as pressing the button!
07307 #endif //WEBSTER
07309     if (NewColourModel != COLOURMODEL_INDEXED && NewColourModel != DisplayModel)
07310     {
07311         DisplayModel = (ColourModel) NewColourModel;        // Switch display to the new model
07313 // WEBSTER - markn 31/1/97
07314 // Always set the default colour models to the display mode
07315 #ifndef WEBSTER
07316         if (EditingColour->IsNamed())
07317             DefaultDisplayModelN = NewColourModel;          // And remember preference
07318 #else
07319         DefaultDisplayModelN = NewColourModel;
07320         DefaultDisplayModel = NewColourModel;
07321 #endif // WEBSTER
07323         ColourEditDlg::SetUnitGroupDefaults(DisplayModel);
07325         InvalidateAndSetControls();                         // And update the displays
07326     }   
07327 }

static void ColourEditDlg::DoHandleNamedcolour  )  [static]

void ColourEditDlg::DoWithParam OpDescriptor MyOpDedsc,
OpParam Param

'Does' a colour editor dialogue op. Shows the dialogue. Scope: private

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
MyOpDesc - as usual, the opdescriptor of this thingo [INPUTS] Param - points to a ColourEditDlgParam object

Errors: -

See also:

Reimplemented from Operation.

Definition at line 10089 of file coldlog.cpp.

10090 {
10091     ERROR3IF(Param == NULL, "ColourEditDlg::DoWithParam - NULL Param passed in");
10092     ERROR3IF(!Param->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(ColourEditDlgParam)),
10093                 "ColourEditDlg::DoWithParam - Param is illegal");
10095     // Initialise ourselves from the supplied parameters
10096     ColourEditDlgParam *Info = (ColourEditDlgParam *) Param;
10098     if (Info->ParentList == NULL)
10099         Info->ParentList = ColourManager::GetColourList();
10101     // Determine if we can safely edit this colour
10102     // NOTE that the TRUE is used to cause side effects on the EditingLineColour flag,
10103     // and we will always edit a colour, even if this function returns FALSE. (But if
10104     // it is FALSE, we will edit a "useful" colour)
10105     if (!CanYouEditThis(Info->ParentList, Info->ColourToEdit, TRUE))
10106         Info->ColourToEdit = NULL;  // You can't do that! Choose a "useful" colour to edit instead
10108     if (TheEditor != NULL && TheEditor != this)
10109     {
10110         // If there is an editor open, bring it to the top of the window stack, and ask it
10111         // to swap to the ColourToEdit, or a useful local colour if ColourToEdit is NULL
10112         TheEditor->BringToTop();
10114         if (Info->ColourToEdit == NULL)
10115             TheEditor->FindUsefulColourToEdit(TheEditor->EditingLineColour, TRUE);
10116         else
10117             TheEditor->EditThisColour(Info->ParentList, Info->ColourToEdit);
10119         // And kill ourself off, as we don't want multiple instantiations of the editor open
10120         End();
10121         return;
10122     }
10124     if (Document::GetSelected() == NULL ||
10125         (Info->ParentList != NULL && Document::GetSelected()->GetIndexedColours() != Info->ParentList))
10126     {
10127         ERROR3("Colour editor: No selected doc or Colour not in selected doc");
10128         End();
10129         return;
10130     }
10132     // Check that the colour given really truly is in the parent list, but only if we've got a colour/list
10133     if (Info->ColourToEdit != NULL && Info->ParentList != NULL &&                                                           // Have a valid pointer
10134             Info->ParentList->FindPosition(Info->ColourToEdit) < 0 &&                       // Isn't in named colours
10135             Info->ParentList->GetUnnamedColours()->FindPosition(Info->ColourToEdit) < 0 )   // Isn't in unnamed colours
10136     {
10137         ERROR3("Colour editor: attempt to edit colour with bogus parent list pointer");
10138         End();
10139         return;
10140     }
10142     ParentList      = Info->ParentList;                 // The list in which the edited colour resides
10143     ResultColour    = Info->ColourToEdit;               // The colour to recieve the result
10145     if (EditingColour != NULL)
10146     {
10147         delete EditingColour;
10148         EditingColour = NULL;
10149     }
10151     if (ResultColour != NULL)
10152     {
10153         FirstEdit = TRUE;
10154         EditingColour   = new IndexedColour(*ResultColour); // The colour we're working on for now
10156         if (EditingColour == NULL)
10157         {
10158             InformError();
10159             End();
10160             return;
10161         }
10163         // Copy the original colour into the OriginalColour.
10164         // We only need the colour definition, but we do need the full accuracy of an
10165         // IndexedColour to ensure rounding errors (and thus slight dither differences in
10166         // redraw) do not occur.
10167         OriginalColour = *ResultColour;
10169         // Ensure the OriginalColour does not reference any other colour
10170         OriginalColour.SetLinkedParent(NULL, COLOURTYPE_NORMAL);
10171     }
10172     else
10173     {
10174         FindUsefulColourToEdit(EditingLineColour, FALSE);
10175     }
10177     if (EditingColour != NULL)
10178     {
10179         StatusLine* pStatusLine = StatusLine::Get();
10181         if (EditingColour->IsNamed())
10182         {
10183             if (!pStatusLine || (pStatusLine->IsRestrictedAccessToColourPicker () == FALSE))
10184             {
10185                 if (AutoModelChangeN)
10186                 {
10187                     DisplayModel = OriginalColour.GetColourModel();
10188                     // WEBSTER - markn 14/1/97
10189                     // Make sure the display model is either HSV or RGB
10190                     // If it's neither RGB or HSV, force it to HSV
10191                     #ifdef WEBSTER
10192                     if (DisplayModel != COLOURMODEL_RGBT && DisplayModel != COLOURMODEL_HSVT)
10193                         DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_HSVT;
10194                     #endif // WEBSTER
10196                     if (DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_WEBHEXRGBT)
10197                         DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_RGBT;
10198 #endif
10199                 }
10200             }
10201         }
10202         else
10203         {
10204             if (pStatusLine->IsRestrictedAccessToColourPicker () == FALSE)
10205             {
10206                 if (AutoModelChange)
10207                     DisplayModel = OriginalColour.GetColourModel();
10209                     if (DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_WEBHEXRGBT)
10210                         DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_RGBT;
10211 #endif
10212             }
10213         }
10214     }
10216     Progress Hourglass;         // Start an hourglass running
10218     if (Create())
10219     {
10220         Open();                             // Open the dialogue (& set the controls etc)
10221         PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));    // Redraw picker while hourglass is still up
10222     }
10223     else
10224         End();
10225 }

void ColourEditDlg::EditingColourHasChanged BOOL  RedrawControls = TRUE,
BOOL  RedrawPicker = TRUE,
BOOL  FastTrackPicker = FALSE,
Node pSourceNode = NULL

Generic code to handle changes to EditingColour.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
RedrawControls - TRUE to update the editor controls (name, components etc) [INPUTS] to show the new values for this colour
RedrawPicker - TRUE if the colour picker area should be redrawn to display the change. (NOTE that this determines whether the message broadcast is a COLOURUPDATED (TRUE) or a COLOURUPDATEDINVISIBLE (FALSE))

FastTrackPicker - TRUE if you want the picker section to redraw immediately to get instant-effect on the update.

Notes: Quietly ignores calls when EditingColour == NULL

Definition at line 10527 of file coldlog.cpp.

10530 {
10531     if (EditingColour == NULL)
10532         return;
10534     if (RedrawControls)
10535     {
10536         SetControls();
10537         RedrawColourNameList();     // And ensure the colour list redraws its colour patch
10538     }
10540     if (RedrawPicker)
10541     {
10542         InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER)); 
10544         if (FastTrackPicker)
10545             PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
10546     }
10548     if (EditingColour->IsNamed())
10549     {
10550         // Apply the change, generating UNDO. This uses 'EditingColour' for an UNDO
10551         // record, so we must not touch/delete EditingColour after this call.
10552         //
10553         // Thus, during processing of the ChangeColour call, it is highly advisable that
10554         // EditingColour does not point at the UndoRecord that we passed in, as any
10555         // re-entrant call to our code could potentially delete EditingColour or apply
10556         // another ChangeColour with the same UNDO buffer! Bad!
10557         // 
10558         // NOTE that we copy UndoRecord into the new EditingColour buffer, because
10559         // ResultColour is out of date (it will shortly be changed to be the same as
10560         // the UndoRecord). Obviously, we don't want to suddenly swap the
10561         // definition back to the previous (undo) state of ResultColour; we want it
10562         // to effectively stay exactly as it is now.
10563         IndexedColour *UndoRecord = EditingColour;
10564         EditingColour = new IndexedColour(*UndoRecord);
10565         if (EditingColour == NULL)
10566         InformError();
10568         // Set the new colour definition, locking out ColourChangingMsgs while it happens
10569         BOOL OldSentState = ISentTheMessage;
10570         ISentTheMessage = TRUE;
10571         ColourManager::ChangeColour(ParentList, UndoRecord, ResultColour, !RedrawPicker);
10572         ISentTheMessage = OldSentState;
10573     }
10574     else
10575     {
10576         if (FirstEdit)
10577         {
10578             // We have not yet changed this colour, so we must add the unnamed colour to
10579             // the colour list, and apply it to the selection.
10581             // Remember the colour to apply, and make a new copy to continue editing
10582             IndexedColour *IxColourToApply = EditingColour;
10583             EditingColour = new IndexedColour(*IxColourToApply);
10584             if (EditingColour == NULL)
10585                 InformError();
10587             // Add the new colour to the list of unnamed colours
10588             ParentList->GetUnnamedColours()->AddTail(IxColourToApply);
10590             // And apply the colour to the selection as a new attribute
10591             ApplyColourNow(IxColourToApply);
10593             // And now remember that we've applied it once, and remember the new resultcol
10594             FirstEdit = FALSE;
10595             ResultColour = IxColourToApply;
10597             // Make the colour list redraw the first time we change a local colour.
10598             // This is necessary because on the first edit, the colour in the list
10599             // (the physical colour pointer, not just the appearance) is changed.
10600             RedrawColourNameList();
10601         }
10602         else
10603         {
10604             // We are changing the same unnamed colour as last time. Rather than
10605             // applying it to the selection and causing another undo record, we
10606             // want to poke at the first new unnamed colour we added, which conveniently
10607             // happens to be pointed at by 'ResultColour'.
10609             // Copy the new definition into ResultColour
10610             *ResultColour = *EditingColour;
10612             // And redraw the affected parts of the document tree
10613             ColourManager::ColourHasChanged((Document *)ParentList->GetParentDocument(), ParentList, ResultColour);
10614         }
10615     }
10616 }

void ColourEditDlg::EditThisColour ColourList NewParentList,
IndexedColour ColourToEdit,
BOOL  TheWindowIsOpen = TRUE

Switches the colour editor, when it is open, to edit a different colour If the ColourToEdit is the colour currently being edited, nothing happens Scope: protected.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
NewParentList - The list in which the ColourToEdit resides [INPUTS]
ColourToEdit - The colour to be edited

TheWindowIsOpen - TRUE if the window is believed to be open now, FALSE if it is not. Used by the create handler to stop us from poking at the window when it isn't actually open yet!


Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 1911 of file coldlog.cpp.

01913 {
01914     if (ColourToEdit == ResultColour)                   // We're already editing it!
01915         return;
01917     if (Document::GetSelected() == NULL || Document::GetSelected()->GetIndexedColours() != NewParentList)
01918     {
01919         ERROR3("Colour editor: No selected doc or Colour not in selected doc");
01920         return;
01921     }
01923     if (ColourToEdit == NULL)
01924     {
01925         ERROR3("Colour editor EditThisColour: What colour?! It's NULL!");
01926         return;
01927     }
01929     // Check that the colour given really truly is in the parent list
01930     if (NewParentList != NULL &&                                                    // Have valid pointers
01931             NewParentList->FindPosition(ColourToEdit) < 0 &&                        // Isn't in named colours
01932             NewParentList->GetUnnamedColours()->FindPosition(ColourToEdit) < 0 )    // Isn't in unnamed colours
01933     {
01934         ERROR3("Colour editor: attempt to edit colour with bogus parent list pointer");
01935         return;
01936     }
01938     State.ParentListOK = FALSE;     // Swapping colours - ensure we update parent list
01940     if (TheWindowIsOpen)    // Only poke at the window if it's actually open!
01941     {
01942         if (NewParentList == NULL || ColourToEdit == NULL || ColourToEdit->IsDeleted())
01943         {
01944             // It's DELETED! Shade the window and exit
01945             ShadeMyself();
01946             return;
01947         }
01949         ShadeMyself(TRUE, TRUE);                // Unshade the window contents
01950     }
01952     ParentList = NewParentList;
01954     if (EditingColour != NULL)
01955         delete EditingColour;
01957     FirstEdit = TRUE;                   // Remember that we haven't applied this colour yet
01959     EditingColour   = new IndexedColour(*ColourToEdit); // The colour we're working on for now
01960     if (EditingColour == NULL)
01961     {
01962         InformError();
01963         ShadeMyself();
01964         return;
01965     }
01967     ResultColour    = ColourToEdit;                     // Where the result goes when 'OK'd
01969     // Copy the original colour into the OriginalColour.
01970     // We only need the colour definition, but we do need the full accuracy of an
01971     // IndexedColour to ensure rounding errors (and thus slight dither differences in
01972     // redraw) do not occur.
01973     OriginalColour = *ResultColour;
01975     StatusLine* pStatusLine = StatusLine::Get();
01977     if (EditingColour->IsNamed())
01978     {
01979         if (!pStatusLine || !pStatusLine->IsRestrictedAccessToColourPicker ())
01980         {
01981             if (AutoModelChangeN)
01982                 DisplayModel = OriginalColour.GetColourModel();
01983             else
01984                 DisplayModel = (ColourModel) DefaultDisplayModelN;
01985         }
01986     }
01987     else
01988     {   
01989         if (!pStatusLine || !pStatusLine->IsRestrictedAccessToColourPicker ())
01990         {
01991             if (AutoModelChange)
01992                 DisplayModel = OriginalColour.GetColourModel();
01993             else
01994                 DisplayModel = (ColourModel) DefaultDisplayModel;
01995         }
01996     }
01997 // WEBSTER - markn 14/1/97
01998 // Make sure the display model is either HSV or RGB
01999 // If it's neither RGB or HSV, force it to HSV
02000 #ifdef WEBSTER
02001     if (DisplayModel != COLOURMODEL_RGBT && DisplayModel != COLOURMODEL_HSVT)
02002         DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_HSVT;
02003 #endif // WEBSTER
02005     // Ensure the OriginalColour does not reference any other colour
02006     OriginalColour.SetLinkedParent(NULL, COLOURTYPE_NORMAL);
02008     if (TheWindowIsOpen)
02009         InvalidateAndSetControls();
02010 }

void ColourEditDlg::EndDrag ReDrawInfoType Info  )  [protected]

Ends a drag from the colour picker control in the colour editor window.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - The mouse-position information from the control [INPUTS]
Notes: May be called when EditingColour is NULL (the window is shaded)

Definition at line 7391 of file coldlog.cpp.

07392 {
07393     // Only update if we think we're dragging (as for the other Drag methods)
07394     // However, if the last update was on an idle event, then the mouse has not moved
07395     // and so the colour has not changed since we last broadcast, so there is no
07396     // need to broadcast again, with all the flickery redraw etc. that will cause
07397     if (DragStartArea != CEDRAG_NONE && EditingColour != NULL && !DragUpdatedOnIdle)
07398     {
07399 //      EndTimedProcessing ();
07401         SetNewValueFromMousePos(Info, FALSE);       // Update colour one last time
07403         if (CanSetColour(EditingColour) || EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT)
07404             EditingColourHasChanged(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);  // Ensure window etc fully updated
07405     }
07407     DragUpdatedOnIdle = FALSE;
07408 //  GetApplication()->RemoveIdleProcessor(IDLEPRIORITY_HIGH, this);     // Leave idles on for bubblehelp
07409     DragStartArea = CEDRAG_NONE;                    // We aren't dragging any more
07411     if (AbortColour != NULL)
07412     {
07413         delete AbortColour;
07414         AbortColour= NULL;
07415     }
07416 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::EndingPickerDrag  ) 

void ColourEditDlg::EndTimedProcessing  )  [protected]

Kills the message based timer which is used to call ColourEditDlg::TimedProcessing.

Noel_Someone (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 11737 of file coldlog.cpp.

11738 {
11739     KillTimer(COLED_TIMER_ID);
11740 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::EnteredSetGadgetValue  )  [protected]

Definition at line 10793 of file coldlog.cpp.

10794 {
10795     m_bDoingSetGadget = TRUE;
10796     return FALSE;
10797 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::ExitedSetGadgetValue  )  [protected]

Definition at line 10799 of file coldlog.cpp.

10800 {
10801     m_bDoingSetGadget = FALSE;
10802     return TRUE;
10803 }

IndexedColour * ColourEditDlg::FindSafeParent IndexedColour SuggestedParent,
BOOL  ChildIsATint

Determines a safe parent colour to use for a tint/link colour. If the suggested parent will do, it is returned, otherwise the first safe parent in the ParentList ColourList will be returned.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
SuggestedParent - NULL, or a pointer to a suggested parent colour [INPUTS] ChildIsATint - TRUE if the prospective child colour is (or will be) a tint colour. (FALSE if it's normal/spot/shade/linked)
NULL if there is no safe parent, else a pointer to the colour to use.
Notes: A colour is declared safe if it is alive, named, and will not result in a circular parent reference chain.

Quietly ignores calls when EditingColour == NULL

Definition at line 10644 of file coldlog.cpp.

10645 {
10646     if (ParentList == NULL || EditingColour == NULL || ResultColour == NULL)
10647         return(NULL);
10649     if (SuggestedParent != NULL)
10650     {
10651         // The caller has suggested a colour - is it safe to use it?
10652         // Conditions are:
10653         //  Not deleted
10654         //  Must be a named colour
10655         //  Must not be a descendant of the ResultColour (avoid circular references)
10656         //  Spot colours may only have tints as children
10657         if (SuggestedParent->IsDeleted() || !SuggestedParent->IsNamed() ||
10658             SuggestedParent->IsADescendantOf(ResultColour))
10659         {
10660             SuggestedParent = NULL;
10661         }
10662     }
10664     if (SuggestedParent != NULL)        // SuggestedParent passed the test: let 'em use it
10665         return(SuggestedParent);
10667     IndexedColour *Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ParentList->GetHead();
10668     while (Ptr != NULL)
10669     {
10670         if (!Ptr->IsDeleted() && Ptr->IsNamed() && !Ptr->IsADescendantOf(ResultColour))
10671             return(Ptr);
10673         Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ParentList->GetNext(Ptr);
10674     }
10676     return(NULL);
10677 }

void ColourEditDlg::FindUsefulColourToEdit BOOL  WantLineColour = FALSE,
BOOL  TheWindowIsOpen = TRUE

Calls the ColourManager method (cf SeeAlso) to determine which colour should be displayed in the editor, and swaps to editing this colour (or if no colour is available, shades the editor).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
WantLineColour - TRUE if you want line colour, FALSE if you want a fill colour [INPUTS]
TheWindowIsOpen - FALSE if the window is closed, TRUE if it's open (used by the create code to stop us poking at the window when it's closed!

See also:
ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser; ColourEditDlg::EditThisColour; ColourEditDlg::ShadeMyself

Definition at line 2758 of file coldlog.cpp.

02759 {
02760     State.ParentListOK = FALSE;     // Swapping colours - ensure we update parent list
02762     ColourList      *NewParentList  = NULL;
02763     IndexedColour   *IxColourToEdit = NULL;
02764     DocColour       DocColourToEdit;
02766     EditingLineColour = WantLineColour;     // Remember whether editing line or fill
02768     ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser(&DocColourToEdit, &NewParentList, WantLineColour);
02770     if (NewParentList == NULL)
02771     {
02772         if (TheWindowIsOpen)
02773             ShadeMyself();
02774     }
02775     else
02776     {
02777         NoFillButtonDown = DocColourToEdit.IsTransparent();
02779         if (NoFillButtonDown)
02780         {
02781             AttributeManager &AttrMgr = Document::GetSelected()->GetAttributeMgr();
02783             DocColour LineCol;
02784             DocColour FillCol;
02786             AttrMgr.GetCurrentLineAndFillColour(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeRenderableInk),
02787                                                     &LineCol, &FillCol);
02788             if (WantLineColour)
02789                 DocColourToEdit = LineCol;
02790             else
02791                 DocColourToEdit = FillCol;
02793             // if the default is no fill DON'T set that because this is the colour we get
02794             // when we are explicitly removing no fill
02795             if ( DocColourToEdit.IsTransparent() )
02796                 DocColourToEdit = DocColour(COLOUR_WHITE);//prob should set to page colour
02797         }
02798         IxColourToEdit = ColourManager::GenerateNewUnnamedColour(NewParentList, &DocColourToEdit);
02800         if (EditingColour == NULL || IxColourToEdit != NULL)
02801             EditThisColour(NewParentList, IxColourToEdit, TheWindowIsOpen);
02802         else
02803         {
02804             if (TheWindowIsOpen)
02805                 ShadeMyself();
02806         }
02807     }
02808 }

void ColourEditDlg::ForceLineOrFillMode BOOL  PreferLineColour = FALSE  )  [static]

Sets the editing mode for local colours in the future. Whenever a new colour is chosen for editing, this will specify whether a line or fill colour should be chosen by preference.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
PreferLineColour - TRUE to set the colour to defaulting to editing [INPUTS] local line colours, FALSE to make it default to editing fill colours

Definition at line 10427 of file coldlog.cpp.

10428 {
10429     EditingLineColour = PreferLineColour;
10430 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::GetColourContext ColourModel  ColModel,
ColourContext **  ppContext
[static, protected]

Gets an appropriate colour context for displaying the colour picker This is so that CMYK can use the printer profile.

Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ColModel - the colour model to get a context for [INPUTS]
ppContext - location to write the context pointer [OUTPUTS]
TRUE if context should be delete'd after use

Definition at line 11759 of file coldlog.cpp.

11760 {
11761     // If we want a CMYK context then try to set one up with the printer profile
11762     if (ColourEditDlg::bUsePrintCMYK && ColModel == COLOURMODEL_CMYK)
11763     {
11764 PORTNOTE("other", "Disabled CMS usage")
11766         ColourContext *pContext;
11768         XaraCMS* ptheCMS = GetApplication()->GetCMSManager();
11770         if (ptheCMS != NULL)
11771         {
11772             // First try to set the printer context specified in the ini file read
11773             // when we started up
11774             String_256 PrintProfile;
11775             ptheCMS->GetPrinterProfile(&PrintProfile);
11776             pContext = new ColourContextCMYK(NULL, &PrintProfile);
11778             if (pContext == NULL || !(pContext->IsDeviceContext()))
11779             {
11780                 // Eeek, we failed to build the physical device context
11781                 // which means something rather nasty went on.
11783                 delete pContext;
11784                 pContext=NULL;
11786                 // Now try with the default printer profile
11787                 ptheCMS->GetDefaultPrinterProfile(&PrintProfile);
11788                 pContext = new ColourContextCMYK(NULL, &PrintProfile);
11790                 if (pContext == NULL || !(pContext->IsDeviceContext()))
11791                 {
11792                     // We failed to get the default printer profile so delete the context and fall through
11793                     delete pContext;
11794                     pContext=NULL;
11795                 }
11796             }
11798             if (pContext)
11799             {
11800                 ColourContextList::GetList()->AddContext(&pContext);        // Add it to the list so it works properly
11801                 *ppContext = pContext;
11802                 return(TRUE);
11803             }
11804         }
11805 #endif
11806     }
11808     // Otherwise just fall back to getting a default context for the required model
11809     *ppContext = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(ColModel);
11810     return(FALSE);
11811 }

static ColourEditDlg* ColourEditDlg::GetColourEditDlg  )  [inline, static]


Custom colour picker interface functions

Definition at line 309 of file coldlog.h.

00309 { return (TheEditor); }

OpState ColourEditDlg::GetCommandState StringBase Command,
StringBase ShadeReason

Upcall from the menu system to determine te state of a menu command.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Command - String indicating the command to apply (see colmenu.h) [INPUTS]
ShadeReason - if OpState.Greyed is returned TRUE, this describes why [OUTPUTS] the op is greyed.
An OpState indicating the state of this command (shaded etc)

Definition at line 7201 of file coldlog.cpp.

07202 {
07203     OpState State;
07205     if (*Command == ColCmd_Name)                                // Name only available for named colour
07206     {
07207         if (ResultColour == NULL || ParentList == NULL || !ResultColour->IsNamed())
07208         {
07209             State.Greyed = TRUE;
07210             ShadeReason->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_NONAMELOCCOLS));
07211         }
07212     }
07213     else if (*Command == ColCmd_EditParent)                     // Edit parent only available if have parent
07214     {
07215         if (ResultColour == NULL || ParentList == NULL || ResultColour->FindLinkedParent() == NULL)
07216         {
07217             State.Greyed = TRUE;
07218             ShadeReason->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_COLMENU_NOPARENT));
07219         }
07220     }
07221     else if (*Command == ColCmd_HSV)                            // Tick appropriate colour model
07222         State.Ticked = (DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_HSVT);
07223     else if (*Command == ColCmd_RGB)
07224         State.Ticked = (DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_RGBT);
07225     else if (*Command == ColCmd_CMYK)
07226         State.Ticked = (DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_CMYK);
07227     else if (*Command == ColCmd_Grey)
07228         State.Ticked = (DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_GREYT);
07230     return(State);
07231 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::GetDoTimerProcessing  ) 

Access fn. Scope: public.

Diccon_Yamanaka (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Whether or not timer processing is currently enabled

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 2172 of file coldlog.cpp.

02173 {
02174     return m_bDoTimerProcessing;
02175 }

OpState ColourEditDlg::GetState String_256 ,

Get the state of the Colour editor dialogue op.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 9881 of file coldlog.cpp.

09882 {    
09883     OpState OpSt;
09885     // Tick the menu while the editor is open
09886     if (TheEditor != NULL)
09887         OpSt.Ticked = TRUE;
09889     return(OpSt);
09890 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::HandleIdlePointer ReDrawInfoType Info,
String_128 BubbleHelp,
String_256 StatusHelp,
UINT32 ControlID

Called when the mouse is idling over the colour picker control. Sets appropriate pointer shapes, and also returns bubble help for appropriate regions (probably only the original/current colour patches).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - Kernel-rendered gadget info indicating where the mouse pointer is [INPUTS] over the colour picker (_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER)) control
BubbleHelp - Returned containing the new bubble help string to use for this [OUTPUTS] mouse position.
StatusHelp - Returned containing appropriate status-line help.

ControlID - Returned with a unique "control" ID number for the "control" which the pointer is over. Currently this means _R(IDC_EDIT_PATCH1) or _R(IDC_EDIT_PATCH2), which are not real controls, but fake ones just to get a unique ID number for the current/original colour patches.

TRUE if the bubble help is valid, FALSE if there is no new bubble help (Bubble help will always be set to a valid string, possibly blank)

Definition at line 9163 of file coldlog.cpp.

09165 {
09166     BOOL Result = FALSE;
09168     ERROR3IF(Info == NULL || BubbleHelp == NULL || ControlID == NULL, "Illegal NULL params");
09170     // Return a valid string no matter what happens
09171     *BubbleHelp = String_128(_T(""));
09172     *StatusHelp = String_256(_T(""));
09173     *ControlID = 0;                         // No bubble help "control"
09175     if (EditingColour == NULL || AmShaded)      // We are shaded - abort
09176         return(FALSE);
09178     // Reset the cursor ID to none. If nobody changes this before the end of this function,
09179     // then the cursor will reset to the default (arrow or whatever). See SetCursor
09180 //  UINT32 OldCurrentCursor = CurrentCursorID;
09181     CurrentCursorID = 0;    
09183     // First, calculate all the regions and stuff...
09184     INT32 PixelSize = 72000 / Info->Dpi;        // Size of output pixel in millipoints
09187     // If the pointer is over the colour patches then handle it and return immediately, without
09188     // passing the call onto the specific picker.
09189 //  if (pointer in the current/original colour patches)
09190 //      Set up bubble help
09191 //      Change pointer?
09192 //      return(TRUE);
09193     DocRect VirtualSize(0, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy);
09194     VirtualSize.Inflate(-PixelSize * 4);
09196     // Now draw the original/current colour patch in the top right corner
09197     DocRect PatchRect(VirtualSize);
09198     PatchRect.lo.x = PatchRect.hi.x - PATCHSIZE;
09199     PatchRect.lo.y = PatchRect.hi.y - PATCHSIZE;
09200     GridLockRect(&PatchRect, PixelSize);
09202     // Patches are horizontal if the colour model is not HSV
09203     BOOL HorzPatch = (DisplayModel != COLOURMODEL_HSVT);
09205     // But this setting is overridden for the special tint and shade modes
09206     if (EditingColour != NULL && EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT)
09207     {
09208         if (EditingColour->TintIsShade())
09209             HorzPatch = FALSE;
09210         else
09211             HorzPatch = TRUE;
09212     }
09214     {
09215         INT32 OverWhat = 0;
09217         if (PatchRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
09218         {
09219             if (HorzPatch)
09220                 OverWhat = 1;
09221             else
09222                 OverWhat = 2;
09223         }
09224         else
09225         {
09226             if (HorzPatch)
09227                 PatchRect.Translate(-PATCHSIZE, 0);
09228             else
09229                 PatchRect.Translate(0, -PATCHSIZE);
09231             if (PatchRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
09232             {
09233                 if (HorzPatch)
09234                     OverWhat = 2;
09235                 else
09236                     OverWhat = 1;
09237             }
09238         }
09240         if (OverWhat != 0)
09241         {
09242             if (OverWhat == 1)
09243             {
09244                 BubbleHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_CURRCOLBBL));
09245                 StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_CURRCOLSTAT));
09246                 *ControlID = _R(IDC_EDIT_PATCH1);
09247             }
09248             else
09249             {
09250                 BubbleHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_ORIGCOLBBL));
09251                 StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_ORIGCOLSTAT));
09252                 *ControlID = _R(IDC_EDIT_PATCH2);
09253             }
09255             Result = TRUE;
09256         }
09257     }
09259     // Finally, if we haven't sorted ourselves out, call the relevant colour picker handler
09260     // for the current display mode etc
09262     if (BubbleHelp->IsEmpty())
09263     {
09264         if (EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT)
09265         {
09266             if (EditingColour->TintIsShade())
09267                 Result = HandleIdlePointerShade(Info, BubbleHelp, StatusHelp);
09268             else
09269                 Result = HandleIdlePointerTint(Info, BubbleHelp, StatusHelp);
09270         }
09271         else
09272         {
09273             switch (DisplayModel)
09274             {
09275                 case COLOURMODEL_HSVT:
09276                     Result = HandleIdlePointerHSV(Info, BubbleHelp, StatusHelp);
09277                     break;
09279                 case COLOURMODEL_RGBT:
09280                 case COLOURMODEL_WEBRGBT:
09281                     // RGB has the ability to change display modes, even when the colour is uneditable
09282                     // so we call the handler even when CanSetColour() == FALSE
09283                     if (Use3DDisplay)
09284                         Result = HandleIdlePointerRGB(Info, BubbleHelp, StatusHelp);
09285                     else
09286                         Result = HandleIdlePointerDefault(Info, BubbleHelp, StatusHelp);
09287                     break;
09289                 case COLOURMODEL_CMYK:
09290                     // CMYK has the ability to change display modes, even when the colour is uneditable
09291                     // so we call the handler even when CanSetColour() == FALSE
09292                     if (Use3DDisplay)
09293                         Result = HandleIdlePointerCMYK(Info, BubbleHelp, StatusHelp);
09294                     else
09295                         Result = HandleIdlePointerDefault(Info, BubbleHelp, StatusHelp);
09296                     break;
09298                 default:
09299                     Result = HandleIdlePointerDefault(Info, BubbleHelp, StatusHelp);
09300                     break;
09301             }
09302         }
09303     }
09305     // Last, set the appropriate cursor shape
09306 /*
09307     if (OldCurrentCursor != CurrentCursorID)
09308     {
09309 TRACEUSER( "Jason", _T("Cursor Change=%ld to %ld\n"), OldCurrentCursor, CurrentCursorID);
09310         if (CurrentCursor != NULL)
09311         {
09312             delete CurrentCursor;
09313             CurrentCursor = NULL;
09314         }
09316         if (CurrentCursorID != NULL)
09317         {
09318             CurrentCursor = new Cursor(CurrentCursorID);
09319             if (CurrentCursor != NULL)
09320                 CurrentCursor->SetActive();
09321         }
09322         else
09323         {
09324             if (Cursor::Arrow != NULL)
09325                 Cursor::Arrow->SetActive();
09326         }
09327     }
09328 */
09329     return(Result);
09330 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::HandleIdlePointerCMYK ReDrawInfoType Info,
String_128 BubbleHelp,
String_256 StatusHelp

Called when the mouse is idling over the colour picker control. Sets appropriate pointer shapes, and also returns bubble help for appropriate regions (probably only the original/current colour patches).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - Kernel-rendered gadget info indicating where the mouse pointer is [INPUTS] over the colour picker (_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER)) control
BubbleHelp - Returned containing the new bubble help string to use for this [OUTPUTS] mouse position.
StatusHelp - Returned containing appropriate status-line help.

TRUE if the bubble help is valid, FALSE if there is no new bubble help

Definition at line 9573 of file coldlog.cpp.

09574 {
09575     INT32 PixelSize = 72000 / Info->Dpi;            // Size of output pixel in millipoints
09577     DocRect VirtualSize(0, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy);
09578     VirtualSize.Inflate(-PixelSize * 4);        // And exclude the border
09580     // Determine how much space is left over after the key slider has been placed
09581     INT32 KeySliderLeft = VirtualSize.hi.x - (CROSSRADIUS+PixelSize)*2;
09582     ERROR3IF(KeySliderLeft < VirtualSize.lo.x,
09583                 "Not enough room to render the colour picker!");
09585     // Fill the control background, and draw the cube 'shadow'
09586     DocRect CubeAvailableSpace(VirtualSize);
09587     CubeAvailableSpace.hi.x = KeySliderLeft - 2000;
09589     DocRect SquareRect;
09590     INT32 SizeZ;
09591     DrawCubeShadowAndCalcValues(NULL, &CubeAvailableSpace, PixelSize, NULL,
09592                                  &SquareRect, &SizeZ);
09594     DocRect CubeFaceRect(SquareRect);       // Remember the rect of the front face for below
09597     // Now, shift the square down from the front of the cube by an amount appropriate to
09598     // the Z-axis component of the colour
09599 //  ColourContextCMYK *cc = (ColourContextCMYK *)ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_CMYK);
09600     ColourContext *cc = NULL;
09601     BOOL bDeleteCC = GetColourContext(DisplayModel, &cc);   
09602     ColourCMYK SourceColour;
09604     if (EditingColour != NULL)
09605         cc->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &SourceColour);
09607     // Delete the colour context if necessary
09608     if (bDeleteCC)
09609         ColourContextList::GetList()->RemoveContext(&cc);           // Have finished with it
09611     if (CanSetColour(EditingColour))
09612     {
09613         FIXED24 ZComponent = SourceColour.Magenta;
09614         if (ColourPickerMode == 1)
09615             ZComponent = SourceColour.Cyan;
09616         else if (ColourPickerMode == 2)
09617             ZComponent = SourceColour.Yellow;
09619         INT32 ZTrans = (INT32) ((double)SizeZ * ZComponent.MakeDouble()) - SizeZ;
09620         SquareRect.Translate(-ZTrans, ZTrans);
09621         GridLockRect(&SquareRect, PixelSize);
09622     }
09624     DocCoord BitmapPos;
09625     BitmapPos.x = HalfGridLock(CubeFaceRect.hi.x + SizeZ/2, PixelSize);
09626     BitmapPos.y = HalfGridLock(CubeFaceRect.hi.y - SizeZ/2, PixelSize);
09628     const INT32 BitmapSize = 14 * PixelSize;
09629     DocRect SwapAxesRect(BitmapPos.x, BitmapPos.y,
09630                             BitmapPos.x + BitmapSize + PixelSize * 3, BitmapPos.y + BitmapSize);
09631     GridLockRect(&SwapAxesRect, PixelSize);
09633     if (SwapAxesRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
09634     {
09635         StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_CLICKTOCYCLE2));
09636         return(TRUE);
09637     }
09639     if (EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_LINKED)
09640         return(FALSE);
09642     if (SquareRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
09643     {
09644         INT32 C1 = 1;
09645         INT32 C2 = 3;
09646         if (ColourPickerMode == 1)
09647             C1 = 2;
09648         else if (ColourPickerMode == 2)
09649             C2 = 2;
09651         INT32 Count = 0;
09653         if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(C1))
09654             Count++;
09656         if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(C2))
09657             Count++;
09659         if (Count == 1)
09660             StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_DRAGINONEDIR));
09661         else if (Count == 2)
09662             StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_CANTDRAG));
09663     }
09664     else
09665     {
09666         // Check if the pointer is in the Z 'drag button'
09667         DocRect ZButton(SquareRect);
09668         ZButton.lo.x = ZButton.hi.x;
09669         ZButton.hi.x += ZSLIDERSIZE - (PixelSize * 2);
09670         ZButton.hi.y = ZButton.lo.y;
09671         ZButton.lo.y -= ZSLIDERSIZE - (PixelSize * 2);
09672         GridLockRect(&ZButton, PixelSize);
09674         if (ZButton.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
09675         {
09676             // How on earth did all of this get so out of hand?!
09677             INT32 ComponentID = 2;
09678             if (ColourPickerMode == 1)
09679                 ComponentID = 1;
09680             else if (ColourPickerMode == 2)
09681                 ComponentID = 3;
09683             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(ComponentID))
09684                 StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_CANTDRAG2));
09685         }
09686         else
09687         {
09688             // Check if the pointer is in the Key slider
09689             DocRect KeyRect(KeySliderLeft, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy - (PATCHSIZE + PixelSize*2));
09690             if (KeyRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
09691             {
09692                 if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(4))
09693                     StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_CANTDRAGKEY));
09694             }
09695         }
09696     }
09698     return(StatusHelp->IsEmpty());
09699 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::HandleIdlePointerDefault ReDrawInfoType Info,
String_128 BubbleHelp,
String_256 StatusHelp

Called when the mouse is idling over the colour picker control. Sets appropriate pointer shapes, and also returns bubble help for appropriate regions (probably only the original/current colour patches).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - Kernel-rendered gadget info indicating where the mouse pointer is [INPUTS] over the colour picker (_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER)) control
BubbleHelp - Returned containing the new bubble help string to use for this [OUTPUTS] mouse position.
StatusHelp - Returned containing appropriate status-line help.

TRUE if the bubble help is valid, FALSE if there is no new bubble help

Definition at line 9726 of file coldlog.cpp.

09727 {
09728     if (EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_LINKED)
09729         return(FALSE);
09731 //  ColourContext *cc = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(DisplayModel);
09732     ColourContext *cc = NULL;
09733     BOOL bDeleteCC = GetColourContext(DisplayModel, &cc);   
09734     if (cc == NULL)
09735         return(FALSE);
09737     // Get the slider rectangle widths. The height is fixed/moved during the loop below
09738     INT32 PixelSize = 72000 / Info->Dpi;                    // Size of output pixel in millipoints
09739     DocRect SliderRect(0, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy);
09740     SliderRect.hi.y -= PATCHSIZE + (PixelSize * 2);     // Allow space for the current colour patch
09742     // Count how many components we have to display
09743     INT32 NumComponents = 0;
09744     INT32 ComponentIndex;
09745     for (ComponentIndex = 1; ComponentIndex <= 4; ComponentIndex++)
09746     {
09747         if (cc->GetComponentName(ComponentIndex, NULL))
09748             NumComponents++;
09749     }
09751     // Calculate slider sizes and spacing
09752     INT32 SliderHeight = GetSliderHeight(SliderRect.Height(), NumComponents);
09753     INT32 SliderGap = GetSliderGap(SliderRect.Height(), NumComponents);
09755     // And move the top down by half a SliderGap, so the sliders are centered vertically
09756     SliderRect.hi.y -= SliderGap / 2;
09758     // Check the slider for each component supplied in the current DisplayModel
09759     for (ComponentIndex = 0; ComponentIndex <= 3; ComponentIndex++)
09760     {
09761         // Ensure slider rect is the correct height
09762         SliderRect.lo.y = SliderRect.hi.y - SliderHeight;
09764         // If this component is available/used in this colour model, see if we are dragging it
09765         if (cc->GetComponentName(ComponentIndex+1, NULL))
09766         {
09767             if (SliderRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
09768             {
09769                 if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(ComponentIndex+1))
09770                     StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_CANTDRAG2));
09771                 return(StatusHelp->IsEmpty());
09772             }
09773         }
09775         // Move down to the next slider rectangle position
09776         SliderRect.hi.y = SliderRect.lo.y - SliderGap;
09777     }
09779     // Delete the colour context if necessary
09780     if (bDeleteCC)
09781         ColourContextList::GetList()->RemoveContext(&cc);           // Have finished with it
09783     return(FALSE);
09784 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::HandleIdlePointerHSV ReDrawInfoType Info,
String_128 BubbleHelp,
String_256 StatusHelp

Called when the mouse is idling over the colour picker control. Sets appropriate pointer shapes, and also returns bubble help for appropriate regions (probably only the original/current colour patches).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - Kernel-rendered gadget info indicating where the mouse pointer is [INPUTS] over the colour picker (_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER)) control
BubbleHelp - Returned containing the new bubble help string to use for this [OUTPUTS] mouse position.
StatusHelp - Returned containing appropriate status-line help.

TRUE if the bubble help is valid, FALSE if there is no new bubble help

Definition at line 9386 of file coldlog.cpp.

09387 {
09388     if (EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_LINKED)
09389         return(FALSE);
09391     INT32 PixelSize = 72000 / Info->Dpi;            // Size of output pixel in millipoints
09392     DocRect VirtualSize(0, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy);
09393     VirtualSize.Inflate(-PixelSize * 4);        // And exclude the border
09395     // Calculate the two important rectangles - the hue slider, and Val/Sat square
09396     DocRect HueRect;
09397     DocRect ValSatSquare;
09398     CalculateHSVPickerRects(&VirtualSize, PixelSize, &HueRect, &ValSatSquare);
09400     if (HueRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)) && EditingColour->InheritsComponent(1))
09401     {
09402         // SetCursor(No_can_drag_me_mate);
09403         StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_NOHUECHANGE));
09404     }
09405     else if (ValSatSquare.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
09406     {
09407         if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(2))
09408         {
09409             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(3))
09410                 StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_NOSATVALCHANGE));
09411             else
09412                 StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_NOSATCHANGE));
09413         }
09414         else if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(3))
09415         {
09416             StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_NOVALCHANGE));
09417         }
09418     }
09420     return(StatusHelp->IsEmpty());
09421 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::HandleIdlePointerRGB ReDrawInfoType Info,
String_128 BubbleHelp,
String_256 StatusHelp

Called when the mouse is idling over the colour picker control. Sets appropriate pointer shapes, and also returns bubble help for appropriate regions (probably only the original/current colour patches).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - Kernel-rendered gadget info indicating where the mouse pointer is [INPUTS] over the colour picker (_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER)) control
BubbleHelp - Returned containing the new bubble help string to use for this [OUTPUTS] mouse position.
StatusHelp - Returned containing appropriate status-line help.

TRUE if the bubble help is valid, FALSE if there is no new bubble help

Definition at line 9448 of file coldlog.cpp.

09449 {
09450     INT32 PixelSize = 72000 / Info->Dpi;            // Size of output pixel in millipoints
09452     // Fill the control background, and calculate the cube params (without redraw)
09453     DocRect VirtualSize(0, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy);
09454     VirtualSize.Inflate(-PixelSize * 4);        // And exclude the border
09456     DocRect SquareRect;
09457     INT32 SizeZ;
09458     DrawCubeShadowAndCalcValues(NULL, &VirtualSize, PixelSize, NULL,
09459                                 /* TO */ &SquareRect, &SizeZ);
09461     DocRect CubeFaceRect(SquareRect);       // Remember the rect of the front face for below
09463     // Now, shift the square down from the front of the cube by an amount appropriate to
09464     // the Z-axis component of the colour
09465     ColourContextRGBT *cc = (ColourContextRGBT *)
09466                             ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_RGBT);
09467     ColourRGBT SourceColour;
09468     if (EditingColour != NULL)
09469         cc->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &SourceColour);
09471     if (CanSetColour(EditingColour))
09472     {
09473         FIXED24 ZComponent = SourceColour.Blue;
09474         if (ColourPickerMode == 1)
09475             ZComponent = SourceColour.Green;
09476         else if (ColourPickerMode == 2)
09477             ZComponent = SourceColour.Red;
09479         INT32 ZTrans = (INT32) ((double)SizeZ * ZComponent.MakeDouble()) - SizeZ;
09480         SquareRect.Translate(-ZTrans, ZTrans);
09481         GridLockRect(&SquareRect, PixelSize);
09482     }
09484     DocCoord BitmapPos;
09485     BitmapPos.x = HalfGridLock(CubeFaceRect.hi.x + SizeZ/2, PixelSize);
09486     BitmapPos.y = HalfGridLock(CubeFaceRect.hi.y - SizeZ/2, PixelSize);
09488     const INT32 BitmapSize = 14 * PixelSize;
09489     DocRect SwapAxesRect(BitmapPos.x, BitmapPos.y,
09490                             BitmapPos.x + BitmapSize + PixelSize * 3, BitmapPos.y + BitmapSize);
09491     GridLockRect(&SwapAxesRect, PixelSize);
09493     if (SwapAxesRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
09494     {
09495         StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_CLICKTOCYCLE));
09496         return(TRUE);
09497     }
09499     if (EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_LINKED)
09500         return(FALSE);
09502     if (SquareRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
09503     {
09504         INT32 C1 = 1;
09505         INT32 C2 = 2;
09506         if (ColourPickerMode == 1)
09507             C1 = 3;
09508         else if (ColourPickerMode == 2)
09509             C2 = 3;
09511         INT32 Count = 0;
09513         if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(C1))
09514             Count++;
09516         if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(C2))
09517             Count++;
09519         if (Count == 1)
09520             StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_DRAGINONEDIR));
09521         else if (Count == 2)
09522             StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_CANTDRAG));
09523     }
09524     else
09525     {
09526         // Check if the pointer is in the Z 'drag button'
09527         DocRect ZButton(SquareRect);
09528         ZButton.lo.x = ZButton.hi.x;
09529         ZButton.hi.x += ZSLIDERSIZE - (PixelSize * 2);
09530         ZButton.hi.y = ZButton.lo.y;
09531         ZButton.lo.y -= ZSLIDERSIZE - (PixelSize * 2);
09532         GridLockRect(&ZButton, PixelSize);
09534         if (ZButton.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
09535         {
09536             INT32 ComponentID = ColourPickerMode;
09537             if (ComponentID == 0)
09538                 ComponentID = 3;
09540             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(ComponentID))
09541                 StatusHelp->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_K_COLDLOG_CANTDRAG2));
09542         }
09543     }
09545     return(StatusHelp->IsEmpty());
09546 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::HandleIdlePointerShade ReDrawInfoType Info,
String_128 BubbleHelp,
String_256 StatusHelp

Called when the mouse is idling over the colour picker control. Sets appropriate pointer shapes, and also returns bubble help for appropriate regions (probably only the original/current colour patches).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - Kernel-rendered gadget info indicating where the mouse pointer is [INPUTS] over the colour picker (_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER)) control
BubbleHelp - Returned containing the new bubble help string to use for this [OUTPUTS] mouse position.
TRUE if the bubble help is valid, FALSE if there is no new bubble help
StatusHelp - Returned containing appropriate status-line help.

Definition at line 9843 of file coldlog.cpp.

09844 {
09845 /*
09846     DocRect VirtualSize(0, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy);
09847     VirtualSize.Inflate(-PixelSize * 4);        // And exclude the border
09849     // Calculate the two important rectangles - the hue slider, and Val/Sat square
09850     DocRect HueRect;
09851     DocRect ValSatSquare;
09852     CalculateHSVPickerRects(&VirtualSize, PixelSize, &HueRect, &ValSatSquare);
09854     if (!ValSatSquare.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
09855         return;
09857     */
09859     return(FALSE);
09860 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::HandleIdlePointerTint ReDrawInfoType Info,
String_128 BubbleHelp,
String_256 StatusHelp

Called when the mouse is idling over the colour picker control. Sets appropriate pointer shapes, and also returns bubble help for appropriate regions (probably only the original/current colour patches).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - Kernel-rendered gadget info indicating where the mouse pointer is [INPUTS] over the colour picker (_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER)) control
BubbleHelp - Returned containing the new bubble help string to use for this [OUTPUTS] mouse position.
StatusHelp - Returned containing appropriate status-line help.

TRUE if the bubble help is valid, FALSE if there is no new bubble help

Definition at line 9812 of file coldlog.cpp.

09813 {
09814     return(FALSE);
09815 }

void ColourEditDlg::HideGadgetList CGadgetID Gadgets,

Hides / shows the gadgets on the list.

Alex Bligh
Gadgets - NULL terminated list of gadgets [INPUTS] Hide - TRUE to hide else FALSE to show
Scope: Protected

Definition at line 1112 of file coldlog.cpp.

01113 {
01114     CGadgetID Gadget;
01115     while ((Gadget=*(Gadgets++))) // assignment
01116     {
01117         HideGadget(Gadget, Hide);   
01118     }
01119 }

void ColourEditDlg::HideOrShowColourPicker  )  [protected]

Synchronize state of colour picker gadget.

Alex Bligh
Scope: Protected

Definition at line 1155 of file coldlog.cpp.

01156 {
01157     if (needColPickHidden != colPickHidden)
01158     {
01159         // this used to use Hide() but that was boring
01160         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_COLOURPICKER), !needColPickHidden);
01161         colPickHidden=needColPickHidden;
01163         //CheckDialogSize();
01164     }
01165 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::Init void   )  [static]

Initialises the colour editor dialogue op.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Errors: -

See also:

Reimplemented from SimpleCCObject.

Definition at line 9909 of file coldlog.cpp.

09910 {
09911     Camelot.DeclareSection(TEXT("Displays"), 9);
09912     Camelot.DeclarePref(TEXT("Displays"), TEXT("ColourEditorDisplayModel"), &DefaultDisplayModel);
09913     Camelot.DeclarePref(TEXT("Displays"), TEXT("ColourEditorDisplayModelS"), &DefaultDisplayModelN);
09914     Camelot.DeclarePref(TEXT("Displays"), TEXT("ColourEditorAutoModel"), &AutoModelChange);
09915     Camelot.DeclarePref(TEXT("Displays"), TEXT("ColourEditorAutoModelS"), &AutoModelChangeN);
09916     Camelot.DeclarePref(TEXT("Displays"), TEXT("ColourEditorFolded"), &Folded);
09917     Camelot.DeclarePref(TEXT("Displays"), TEXT("ColourEditorSplitLine"), &SplitLineDisplay);
09918     Camelot.DeclarePref(TEXT("Displays"), TEXT("ColourEditorUse3D"), &Use3DDisplay);
09919     Camelot.DeclarePref(TEXT("Displays"), TEXT("ColourEditorHSVHueTop"), &bHSVHueAtTop);
09920     Camelot.DeclarePref(TEXT("Displays"), TEXT("UsePrintCMYK"), &bUsePrintCMYK);
09922     DisplayModel = (ColourModel) DefaultDisplayModel;
09923     ColourContext *DefCC = NULL;
09924     BOOL bDeleteCC = GetColourContext(DisplayModel, &DefCC);
09925     if (DefCC == NULL)
09926     {
09927         DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_HSVT;
09928         DefaultDisplayModel = (INT32) COLOURMODEL_HSVT;
09929     }
09930     // Delete the colour context if necessary
09931     if (bDeleteCC)
09932         ColourContextList::GetList()->RemoveContext(&DefCC);            // Have finished with it
09934     bDeleteCC = GetColourContext((ColourModel)DefaultDisplayModelN, &DefCC);
09935     if (DefCC == NULL)
09936         DefaultDisplayModelN = (INT32) COLOURMODEL_HSVT;
09938     // Delete the colour context if necessary
09939     if (bDeleteCC)
09940         ColourContextList::GetList()->RemoveContext(&DefCC);            // Have finished with it
09943     if (DisplayModel==COLOURMODEL_WEBHEXRGBT)
09944         DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_RGBT;
09945 #endif
09947     // Initialise all of our menu command Ops
09948     if (!OpColEditCommand::Init())
09949         return(FALSE);
09951     // And initialise our own op
09952     return(RegisterOpDescriptor(0,                                  // Tool ID 
09953                                 _R(IDS_COLOUREDITDLG),                  // String resource ID
09954                                 CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(ColourEditDlg),    // Runtime class
09955                                 OPTOKEN_COLOUREDITDLG,              // Token string
09956                                 ColourEditDlg::GetState,            // GetState function
09957                                 0,                                  // help ID
09958                                 _R(IDBBL_COLOUREDITOR),                 // bubble help
09959                                 _R(IDD_BARCONTROLSTORE),                // resource ID
09960                                 _R(IDC_COLOUREDITOR),                   // control ID
09961                                 SYSTEMBAR_UTILITIES,                // Bar ID
09962                                 TRUE,                               // Recieve system messages
09963                                 FALSE,                              // Smart duplicate operation
09964                                 TRUE,                               // Clean operation
09965                                 0,                                  // No vertical counterpart
09966                                 0,                                  // String for one copy only error
09967                                 DONT_GREY_WHEN_SELECT_INSIDE,       // Auto state flags
09968                                 TRUE                                // Tickable
09969                                 ));
09970 }

void ColourEditDlg::InvalidateAndSetControls void   )  [protected]

Invalidates all of the GDraw colour-display areas (picker, patch, parent patch) and also calls SetControls to set up all the controls. Called whenever the colour has changed so significantly that the entire window needs to be updated.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 2328 of file coldlog.cpp.

02329 {
02330     InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));                  // Redraw picker and colour patches
02331     RedrawColourNameList();                             // Redraw colour name dropdown
02333     SetControls();                                      // Re-init the window controls
02334 }

void ColourEditDlg::InvalidatePatchGadget ReDrawInfoType Info = NULL  )  [protected]

Invalidates the current colour patch to ensure it is redrawn.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - if non-NULL, points to the redraw info for the picker gadget [INPUTS] (If NULL, this method will find out the info for itself)

Definition at line 2431 of file coldlog.cpp.

02432 {
02433     ReDrawInfoType LocalInfo;
02435     if (Info == NULL)
02436         GetKernelRenderedGadgetInfo(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), &LocalInfo);
02437     else
02438         memcpy(&LocalInfo, Info, sizeof(ReDrawInfoType));
02440     INT32 PixelSize = 72000 / LocalInfo.Dpi;        // Size of output pixel in millipoints
02442     DocRect PatchRect(0, 0, LocalInfo.dx, LocalInfo.dy);
02443     PatchRect.Inflate(-PixelSize * 4);          // Allow for the indented border
02445     // Now draw the original/current colour patch in the top right corner
02446     PatchRect.lo.x = PatchRect.hi.x - PATCHSIZE;
02447     PatchRect.lo.y = PatchRect.hi.y - PATCHSIZE;
02448     GridLockRect(&PatchRect, PixelSize);
02450     // Patches are horizontal if the colour model is not HSV
02451     BOOL HorzPatch = (DisplayModel != COLOURMODEL_HSVT);
02453     // But this setting is overridden for the special tint and shade modes
02454     if (EditingColour != NULL && EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT)
02455     {
02456         if (EditingColour->TintIsShade())
02457             HorzPatch = FALSE;
02458         else
02459             HorzPatch = TRUE;
02460     }
02462     // Translate the rect across or down as appropriate to 'HorzPatch'
02463     if (!HorzPatch)
02464         PatchRect.Translate(0, -PATCHSIZE);
02466     InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), &LocalInfo, &PatchRect);
02467 }

void ColourEditDlg::InvokeDialog ColourList ParentList,
IndexedColour ColourToEdit

Causes a modeless colour editor to appear for the given colour. Some time down the track, if the user commits a change to that colour, the system will be notified of that change via a ColourChangingMsg broadcast.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ParentList - the ColourList in which the colour to be edited resides [INPUTS] May be NULL to use the Selected Document's colour list
ColourToEdit - the IndexedColour which you wish to edit. May be NULL in which case the editor will try to find a useful local colour to edit, or shade itself.

See also:
ColourEditDlg::CanYouEditThis; ColourPicker::EditColour

Definition at line 10251 of file coldlog.cpp.

10252 {   
10253     if (ParentList == NULL)
10254         ParentList = ColourManager::GetColourList();
10256     // Determine if we can safely edit this colour
10257     // NOTE that the TRUE is used to cause side effects on the EditingLineColour flag,
10258     // and we will always edit a colour, even if this function returns FALSE. (But if
10259     // it is FALSE, we will edit a "useful" colour)
10260     if (!CanYouEditThis(ParentList, ColourToEdit, TRUE))
10261         ColourToEdit = NULL;    // You can't do that! Choose a "useful" colour to edit instead
10263     if (TheEditor != NULL)
10264     {
10265         // If there is an editor open, bring it to the top of the window stack, and ask it
10266         // to swap to the ColourToEdit, or a useful local colour if ColourToEdit is NULL
10267         TheEditor->BringToTop();
10269         if (ColourToEdit == NULL)
10270             TheEditor->FindUsefulColourToEdit(TheEditor->EditingLineColour, TRUE);
10271         else
10272             TheEditor->EditThisColour(ParentList, ColourToEdit);
10273         return;
10274     }
10276     // need to set/reset static variables that control where my (as in Chris Snook) custom
10277     // colour picker control appears .....
10279     resetColPickPos = FALSE;
10280     needColPickHidden = FALSE;
10281     colPickHidden = FALSE;
10283     // Otherwise, invoke the dialogue to bring it up
10284     ColourEditDlgParam EditInfo(ParentList, ColourToEdit);
10285     OpDescriptor *EditDlg = OpDescriptor::FindOpDescriptor(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(ColourEditDlg));
10287     ERROR3IF(EditDlg == NULL,
10288              "ColourEditDlg::InvokeDialog is unable to find the ColourEditDlg OpDescriptor");
10290     if (EditDlg != NULL)
10291         EditDlg->Invoke(&EditInfo);
10292 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::IsSetGadgetValueCalled  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 10788 of file coldlog.cpp.

10789 {
10790     return m_bDoingSetGadget;
10791 }

void ColourEditDlg::LimitTo216Only  )  [protected]

Finds the nearest 20% value for this component, e.g. if n=0.23, the result will be 0.2 as this is the closest 20% value.Snaps the current colour to the closest colour in the web browseer palette.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Needed for WEBSTER

See also:

Definition at line 2691 of file coldlog.cpp.

02692 {
02693     if (EditingColour == NULL)
02694         return;
02696     ColourContext *CCrgbt = ColourManager::GetColourContext(COLOURMODEL_RGBT);
02698     ColourRGBT RGBColour,result;
02699     CCrgbt->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *)&RGBColour);
02701     PaletteManager::FindNearestBrowserColour(RGBColour,&result);
02703 //  IndexedColour NewRGBIndexedColour(COLOURMODEL_RGBT, (ColourGeneric *)&result);
02704 //
02705 //  *EditingColour = NewRGBIndexedColour;
02707     if (EditingColour->GetColourModel() == COLOURMODEL_RGBT)
02708     {
02709         ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, CCrgbt, 1, result.Red.MakeDouble());
02710         ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, CCrgbt, 2, result.Green.MakeDouble());
02711         ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, CCrgbt, 3, result.Blue.MakeDouble());
02712     }
02713     else
02714     {
02715         IndexedColour NewRGBIndexedColour(COLOURMODEL_RGBT, (ColourGeneric *)&result);
02717         ColourContext *CChsvt = ColourManager::GetColourContext(COLOURMODEL_HSVT);
02719         ColourHSVT hsv;
02720         CChsvt->ConvertColour(&NewRGBIndexedColour, (ColourGeneric *)&hsv);
02722         ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, CChsvt, 1, hsv.Hue.MakeDouble());
02723         ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, CChsvt, 2, hsv.Saturation.MakeDouble());
02724         ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, CChsvt, 3, hsv.Value.MakeDouble());
02725     }
02727     EditingColourHasChanged(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE);
02729 //  InvalidateAndSetControls(); // And redraw the picker, and put the new values in the writables
02732 //search for "DisplayModel =" to find where it sets the display colour model
02733 //search for "Command" to find all the menu handling code
02734 }

void ColourEditDlg::LoseKeyboardFocus void   )  [private]

Definition at line 533 of file coldlog.cpp.

00534 {
00535 //  ControlHelper::BubbleHelpDisable();                 // Ensure any open bubble help is killed
00537     if (!LockLoseFocus)
00538     {
00539         // If we don't want to throw away the focus from edit controls, we'll check for that case
00540         if (!LoseFocusFromEditControls)
00541         {
00543             CWindowID Focus = wxWindow::FindFocus();
00544             if (Focus != NULL)
00545             {
00546                 static UINT32 WritableGadgets[] = 
00547                 {
00548                     _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT1),
00549                     _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT2),
00550                     _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT3),
00551                     _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT4),
00552                     _R(IDC_EDIT_WEBHEX),
00553                     _R(IDC_EDIT_TINT),
00554                     _R(IDC_EDIT_SHADE),
00555                     _R(IDC_COLOURPICKER),
00556                     //_R(IDC_EDIT_216ONLY),
00557                     0
00558                 };
00560                 // Look to see if the input focus belonhgs to an edit control in our window.
00561                 // If it does, then we won't throw the focus away - we'll return immediately.
00562                 INT32 i = 0;
00563                 while (WritableGadgets[i])
00564                 {
00565                     if (Focus == DialogManager::GetGadget(WindowID, WritableGadgets[i]))
00566                         return;
00568                     i++;
00569                 }
00570             }
00571         }
00573         DialogManager::DefaultKeyboardFocus();
00575         // And ensure that all component gadgets are updated - if the user was editing
00576         // in one, then we need to chop it back to displaying the value to 1 d.p. with a %, etc
00577         if (EditingColour != NULL && TextMayBeWrong)
00578         {
00579             SetComponentInfo(1, _R(IDC_NAME_COMPONENT1), _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT1), _R(IDC_EDIT_INHERIT1));
00580             SetComponentInfo(2, _R(IDC_NAME_COMPONENT2), _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT2), _R(IDC_EDIT_INHERIT2));
00581             SetComponentInfo(3, _R(IDC_NAME_COMPONENT3), _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT3), _R(IDC_EDIT_INHERIT3));
00582             SetComponentInfo(4, _R(IDC_NAME_COMPONENT4), _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT4), _R(IDC_EDIT_INHERIT4));   
00584             SetAllHexComponentsInfo ((UINT32)-1, _R(IDC_NAME_WEBHEX), _R(IDC_EDIT_WEBHEX));
00585         }
00587         TextMayBeWrong = FALSE;
00589         LoseKbdFocusPending = FALSE;        // And clear the pending flag
00590     }
00591 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::MakeColourASpot void   )  [private]

Moves a lump of code out of the switch statement in the message handler.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if EditingColour has changed
Simply changes this colour's colour type to be COLOURTYPE_SPOT. However, there is a complication in that local colours can't be spots, so we prompt the user to see if they really want a spot, in which case we have to convert their colour into a named colour before setting the type to spot. They have the chance to cancel and act as if nothing happened.

Definition at line 3993 of file coldlog.cpp.

03994 {
03995     // We might be about to show an InformError dialogue. This causes the dropdown list to
03996     // close, and that in turn causes a re-entrant call to this message handler,
03997     // the net result being that we create the new colour twice, once before
03998     // the user has even decided which button to press!!! AAAAARARRRRGGH!
03999     // Nasty sounding buglet there. But let's fix the symptom...
04000     static BOOL GoneReentrant = FALSE;
04002     if (GoneReentrant)              // Eek! Reentrancy! Oh, no you don't, matey!
04003         return(FALSE);
04005     if (IndexedColour::AreSpotsForcedToProcess())
04006     {
04007         // Hey, you can't create spots now - they're all process colours!
04008         GoneReentrant = TRUE;
04009         InformError(_R(IDE_SPOTSAREPROCESS), _R(IDS_OK));
04010         GoneReentrant = FALSE;
04011         return(FALSE);
04012     }
04014     if (EditingColour == NULL || ParentList == NULL || ResultColour == NULL)
04015         return(FALSE);
04017     BOOL Changed = FALSE;
04019     if (!ResultColour->IsNamed())   // Unnamed colour - must convert to a named colour
04020     {
04021         GoneReentrant = TRUE;
04022         LoseKeyboardFocus();
04024         // This is an unnamed (local) colour, so it can't be a spot colour.
04025         // Ask the user if they want to cancel or convert the colour to be a named spot
04026         if (InformError(_R(IDE_LOCALCANTBESPOT), _R(IDS_MAKENAMEDSPOT), _R(IDS_CANCEL)) == 1)
04027         {
04028             // Rightoh, we should be safe from the reentrancy demon now
04029             GoneReentrant = FALSE;
04031             // Create a colour (style or local) from the current EditingColour
04032             // Make sure the new colour has a suitable parent hint colour
04033             // Make sure we don't try to make an unnamed/deleted colour our parent!
04034             IndexedColour *NewParent = ResultColour;
04035             if (NewParent != NULL && !NewParent->IsNamed())
04036                 NewParent = NewParent->FindLastLinkedParent();
04038             // Ensure the parent is legal
04039             if (NewParent != NULL && (!NewParent->IsNamed() || NewParent->IsDeleted()))
04040                 NewParent = NULL;
04042             // EditingColour will now be put into use as an undo record, so we must get
04043             // a new one for our own use... We do this first in case re-entrant calls
04044             // occur which might make us delete EditingColour or something.
04045             IndexedColour *OldResultColour = ResultColour;
04046             IndexedColour *NewColour = new IndexedColour(*EditingColour);
04047             if (NewColour == NULL)
04048             {
04049                 InformError();
04050                 return(FALSE);
04051             }
04053             // And set a legal parent, or NULL if we didn't find one
04054             NewColour->SetLinkedParent(NewParent, COLOURTYPE_SPOT);
04056             // Ask the user for new-colour settings, and allow them to cancel the
04057             // make-style if they like
04058             if (!NewColourDlg::InvokeDialog(ParentList, NewColour))
04059             {
04060                 // They've cancelled the operation. Go back to editing what they were
04061                 // editing before.
04062                 EditThisColour(ParentList, OldResultColour);
04063                 return(FALSE);
04064             }
04066             if (NewColour->IsNamed())
04067             {
04068                 // Add it to the colour list, with undo
04069                 ParentList->AddItem(NewColour);
04071                 IndexedColour *NewCols[2];
04072                 NewCols[0] = NewColour;
04073                 NewCols[1] = NULL;
04075                 ColourManager::UnHideColours(ParentList, NewCols);
04076             }
04077             else
04078             {
04079                 // This should now never happen. However, if it does, we might
04080                 // as well add it to the unnamed colours so we don't memory leak it.
04081                 ERROR3("'New named colour' dialogue returned an UNNAMED colour");
04083                 // Just add it to the colour list
04084                 ParentList->GetUnnamedColours()->AddTail(NewColour);
04085                 FirstEdit = FALSE;
04086             }
04088             // Apply it to the selection
04089             ApplyColourNow(NewColour);
04090             EditThisColour(ParentList, NewColour);
04092             // And make sure we know the colour changed in some way
04093             Changed = TRUE;
04094         }
04095         // else
04096         //     user cancelled, so just drop through to return FALSE
04097     }
04098     else
04099     {
04100         // It's a named colour, so we can just make it a spot with no fuss
04101         IndexedColour *LastParent = EditingColour->FindLastLinkedParent();
04103         // Check if any safe parent colours are available
04104         LastParent = FindSafeParent(LastParent, FALSE);
04106         if (EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_SPOT)
04107         {
04108             EditingColour->SetLinkedParent(LastParent, COLOURTYPE_SPOT);
04109             Changed = TRUE;
04110         }
04111     }
04113     GoneReentrant = FALSE;
04115     return(Changed);
04116 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::MakeNewNColour void   )  [private]

Moves a lump of code out of the switch statement in the message handler, so it can be executed by the button in Camelot and the menu item in Webster.

Martin_Bell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if EditingColour has changed
Makes a new named colour or shade.

See also: ColourEditDlg::MakeColourASpot for stuff about reentrancy

Definition at line 3869 of file coldlog.cpp.

03870 {
03871     // We might be about to show an InformError dialogue. This causes the dropdown list to
03872     // close, and that in turn causes a re-entrant call to this message handler,
03873     // the net result being that we create the new colour twice, once before
03874     // the user has even decided which button to press!!! AAAAARARRRRGGH!
03875     // Nasty sounding buglet there. But let's fix the symptom...
03876     static BOOL GoneReentrant = FALSE;
03878     if (GoneReentrant)              // Eek! Reentrancy! Oh, no you don't, matey!
03879         return(FALSE);
03881     // Create a colour (style or local) from the current EditingColour
03882     if (EditingColour != NULL && ParentList != NULL)// && !EditingColour->IsNamed())
03883     {
03884         // Make sure the new colour has a suitable parent colour
03885         if (EditingColour->FindLastLinkedParent() == NULL ||
03886             (EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_TINT && EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_LINKED))
03887         {
03888             // Make sure we don't try to make an unnamed/deleted colour our parent!
03889             IndexedColour *NewParent = ResultColour;
03891             if (NewParent != NULL && !NewParent->IsNamed())
03892                 NewParent = NewParent->FindLastLinkedParent();
03894             // Ensure the parent is legal
03895             if (NewParent != NULL && (!NewParent->IsNamed() || NewParent->IsDeleted()))
03896                 NewParent = NULL;
03898             // And set a legal parent, or NULL if we didn't find one
03899             EditingColour->SetLinkedParent(NewParent, EditingColour->GetType());
03900         }
03902         // EditingColour will now be put into use as an undo record, so we must get
03903         // a new one for our own use... We do this first in case re-entrant calls (to
03904         // Message !) occur which might make us delete EditingColour or something. We
03905         // must handle the other reentrancy problem of closing the menu if an error
03906         // dialog pops up as well by setting GoneReentrant.
03907         IndexedColour *OldResultColour = ResultColour;
03908         IndexedColour *NewColour = new IndexedColour(*EditingColour);
03909         if (NewColour == NULL)
03910         {
03911             GoneReentrant = TRUE;
03912             InformError();
03913             GoneReentrant = FALSE;
03914             return(FALSE);
03915         }
03917         // Ask the user for new-colour settings, and allow them to cancel the
03918         // make-style if they like
03919         if (!NewColourDlg::InvokeDialog(ParentList, NewColour))
03920         {
03921             // They've cancelled the operation. Go back to editing what they were
03922             // editing before.
03923             EditThisColour(ParentList, OldResultColour);
03924             return(FALSE);
03925         }
03927         if (NewColour->IsNamed())
03928         {
03929             // Add it to the colour list, with undo
03930             ParentList->AddItem(NewColour);
03932             IndexedColour *NewCols[2];
03933             NewCols[0] = NewColour;
03934             NewCols[1] = NULL;
03936             ColourManager::UnHideColours(ParentList, NewCols);
03937         }
03938         else
03939         {
03940             // This should now never happen. However, if it does, we might
03941             // as well add it to the unnamed colours so we don't memory leak it.
03942             ERROR3("'New named colour' dialogue returned an UNNAMED colour");
03944             // Just add it to the colour list
03945             ParentList->GetUnnamedColours()->AddTail(NewColour);
03946             FirstEdit = FALSE;
03947         }
03949         // Force the new colour into the currently displayed colour model (wysiwyg)
03950 //      ColourContext *cc = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(DisplayModel);
03951         ColourContext *cc = NULL;
03952         BOOL bDeleteCC = GetColourContext(DisplayModel, &cc);   
03953         ERROR3IF(cc == NULL, "Necessary document default colour context not defined?!");
03954         ColourPicker::ForceColourModel(NewColour, cc);
03956         // Delete the colour context if necessary
03957         if (bDeleteCC)
03958             ColourContextList::GetList()->RemoveContext(&cc);           // Have finished with it
03960         // Apply it to the selection
03961         ApplyColourNow(NewColour);
03963         DisplayModel = NewColour->GetColourModel();
03964         EditThisColour(ParentList, NewColour);
03965     }
03967     GoneReentrant = FALSE;
03969     return TRUE;
03970 }

MsgResult ColourEditDlg::Message Msg Message  )  [virtual]

Standard DialogOp message handler, for the Colour Editor dialogue.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Msg - The dialogue manager message to handle [INPUTS]
A MsgResult
Notes: All code in this method must be able to handle being called when EditingColour == NULL (the window is shaded)

Errors: -
See also:

Reimplemented from DialogOp.

Definition at line 2831 of file coldlog.cpp.

02832 {
02833     // DY 5/5/2000 this is really ugly but I'm in a hurry.  Basically I need to disable background processing
02834     // whilst a brush stroke is in progress, at the end of the drag normal servive will be resumed
02835     if (!m_bDoTimerProcessing)
02836         return(DialogOp::Message(Message));
02838     if (MESSAGE_IS_A(Message, ColourChangingMsg))
02839     {
02840         ColourChangingMsg *TheMsg = (ColourChangingMsg *) Message;
02842         switch ( TheMsg->State )
02843         {
02844             case ColourChangingMsg::COLOURUPDATED:
02845             case ColourChangingMsg::COLOURUPDATEDINVISIBLE:
02846                 // If I didn't send the message and the colour is the one I'm editing,
02847                 // reset the controls to reflect whatever the change was.
02848                 // (This mainly happens as a result of undo)
02849                 if (!ISentTheMessage && TheMsg->ChangedColour == ResultColour)
02850                 {
02851                     // Delete our current copy of the EditingColour, and get a fresh one
02852                     // as a copy of the newly-changed ResultColour
02853                     if (EditingColour != NULL)
02854                         delete EditingColour;
02856                     EditingColour = new IndexedColour(*ResultColour);
02857                     if (EditingColour == NULL)
02858                         InformError();  // Report the memory error and continue
02860                     InvalidateAndSetControls();
02861                 }
02862                 else if (ResultColour != NULL && ResultColour->IsADescendantOf(TheMsg->ChangedColour))
02863                 {
02864                     // If an ancestor of the colour being edited has changed, redraw the editor
02865                     // to take on board the change in appearance
02866                     InvalidateAndSetControls();
02867                 }
02868                 break;
02870             case ColourChangingMsg::LISTPAGED:      // May have swapped to another list
02871                 if (TheMsg->NewColourList != ParentList)
02872                 {
02873                     ResultColour = NULL;                        // Lose this colour
02874                     if (EditingColour != NULL)
02875                         delete EditingColour;
02876                     EditingColour = NULL;
02878                     UpdateOnNextIdle = TRUE;
02879                     UpdateColourEditor ();
02880                 }
02881 /*
02882                 if (TheMsg->NewColourList != ParentList)
02883                 {
02884                     ResultColour = NULL;                        // Lose this colour
02885                     if (EditingColour != NULL)
02886                         delete EditingColour;
02887                     EditingColour = NULL;
02889                     FindUsefulColourToEdit(EditingLineColour);  // Try to find a replacement
02891                     if (EditingColour == NULL)                  // We failed - shade the dialogue
02892                         ShadeMyself();
02893                 }
02894 */
02895                 break;
02897             case ColourChangingMsg::LISTDELETED:    // May have deleted this colour
02898                 // The ColourList we're editing in has been deleted from under us!
02899                 if (TheMsg->NewColourList == ParentList)
02900                     ShadeMyself();
02901                 break;
02903             case ColourChangingMsg::LISTDESELECTED:// No document available
02904                 ShadeMyself();
02905                 break;
02907             case ColourChangingMsg::LISTUPDATED:    // Colour may have been deleted
02908                 {
02909                     //BOOL SetControls = FALSE;
02911                     // If the colour is deleted out from under us, try to find another one to edit
02912                     if (ResultColour != NULL && ResultColour->IsDeleted())
02913                     {
02914                         ResultColour = NULL;                        // Lose this colour
02915                         if (EditingColour != NULL)
02916                             delete EditingColour;
02917                         EditingColour = NULL;
02919                         FindUsefulColourToEdit(EditingLineColour);  // Try to find a replacement
02921                         if (EditingColour == NULL)                  // We failed - shade the dialogue
02922                             ShadeMyself();
02923                     }
02925                     if (EditingColour != NULL)
02926                     {
02927                         if (EditingColour->FindLastLinkedParent() != NULL &&
02928                             EditingColour->FindLastLinkedParent()->IsDeleted())
02929                         {
02930                             // If the parent of EditingColour has been deleted, then make standalone
02931                             IndexedColourType Type = EditingColour->GetType();
02932                             if (Type != COLOURTYPE_SPOT)
02933                                 Type = COLOURTYPE_NORMAL;
02935                             EditingColour->SetLinkedParent(NULL, Type);
02936                             //SetControls = TRUE;
02937                         }
02938                         else if (EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_NORMAL &&
02939                                  ResultColour != NULL && ResultColour->FindLinkedParent() != NULL)
02940                         {
02941                             // ResultColour's parent may have just become un-deleted (by an UNDO).
02942                             // If this could be the case, and EditingColour has no parent, then
02943                             // we must have set EditingColour to have no parent just above (i.e. the
02944                             // user deleted the parent and then hit UNDO)
02945                             // In this case, set EditingColour back to the values in ResultColour
02946                             EditingColour->SetLinkedParent(ResultColour->FindLinkedParent(), ResultColour->GetType());
02947                             //SetControls = TRUE;
02948                         }
02949                     }
02951                     // Ensure the colour name and type dropdowns are updated to offer sensible options
02952                     State.ParentListOK = FALSE;
02953                     State.Initialised = FALSE;
02954                     InvalidateAndSetControls();
02955                 }
02956                 break;
02958             case ColourChangingMsg::SELVIEWCONTEXTCHANGE:
02959                 // The selected view's colour context has chnaged, which probably affects the
02960                 // colour correction/separation options. We redraw using these options, so we
02961                 // need to redraw to reflect the new settings.
02962                 InvalidateAndSetControls();
02963                 break;
02965             default:
02966                 break;
02967         }
02969         return(DialogOp::Message(Message));
02970     }
02972     if (MESSAGE_IS_A(Message, SelChangingMsg))      // Selection changed - edit new colour
02973     {
02974         SelChangingMsg *Msg = (SelChangingMsg *) Message;
02975         switch ( Msg->State )
02976         {
02977             case SelChangingMsg::COLOURATTCHANGED:
02978             case SelChangingMsg::SELECTIONCHANGED:
02979             case SelChangingMsg::NODECHANGED:
02980                 if (!ISentTheMessage)
02981                 {
02982                     UpdateOnNextIdle = TRUE;
02983                     UpdateColourEditor ();
02984                 }
02985 //                  FindUsefulColourToEdit(EditingLineColour);
02986                 break;
02988             default:
02989                 break;
02990         }
02991     }
02992     else if (MESSAGE_IS_A(Message, CurrentAttrChangedMsg))  // Current attrs changed - edit new colour
02993     {
02994         if (!ISentTheMessage)
02995         {
02996             UpdateOnNextIdle = TRUE;
02997             UpdateColourEditor ();
02998         }
02999 //          FindUsefulColourToEdit(EditingLineColour);
03000     }
03001     else if (MESSAGE_IS_A(Message, DragMessage))
03002     {
03003         // If a drag starting message comes around, pass it on to the tree
03004         DragMessage *Msg = (DragMessage *) Message;
03005         if (Msg->State == DragMessage::DRAGSTARTED)
03006         {
03007             // If it's a colour drag which did NOT originate from the editor, then attach
03008             // a drag target so it can be dropped into the editor.
03009             if (Msg->pInfo->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(ColourDragInformation)) &&
03010                 !IS_A(Msg->pInfo, ColEditorDragInfo))
03011             {
03012                 ColourDragInformation *CDI = (ColourDragInformation *)Msg->pInfo;
03014                 // Check if it's a library colour, or else it must be a colour in the selected doc
03015                 if (CDI->GetParentDoc() == NULL || CDI->GetParentDoc() == Document::GetSelected())
03016                 {
03017                     // Create targets for all the interesting bits of the window
03018                     // **** !!!! ToDo (maybe) Targets for colour picker and colour patches
03020                     // Last, add one for the whole window - this is lower priority than the
03021                     // others, so will only be active for any areas which are not claimed by
03022                     // the above targets
03023                     /*ColEditorDragTarget * NewTarget = */ new ColEditorDragTarget(this, 0);
03024                 }
03025                 // We don't really care if this failed...
03026             }           
03027         }
03028     }
03030 // WEBSTER - markn 9/1/97
03031 // This message shouldn't need servicing in Webster.
03032 //#ifndef WEBSTER
03033     else if (MESSAGE_IS_A(Message, OptionsChangingMsg))
03034     {
03035         OptionsChangingMsg *Msg = (OptionsChangingMsg *) Message;
03036         if (Msg->State == OptionsChangingMsg::NEWUNITS)
03037         {
03038             // A unit has changed. This can include the decimal point character, so we need
03039             // to set the values in all writable fields again & get the default.
03040             SetUnitGroupDefaults(DisplayModel);
03041             SetControls();
03042         }
03043     }
03044 //#endif // WEBSTER
03045     else if (MESSAGE_IS_A(Message, DocViewMsg))
03046     {
03047         DocViewMsg *Msg = (DocViewMsg *) Message;
03049         if (Msg->State == DocViewMsg::SELCHANGED)
03050         {
03051             // Selected DocView is changing - redraw to use the new DocView's colour context
03052             BOOL DoRedraw = TRUE;
03053             if (Msg->pOldDocView != NULL && Msg->pNewDocView != NULL)
03054             {
03055                 // If we know the old & new views, then see if they have the same colour
03056                 // context attached - if they do, there's no need to redraw. This eliminates
03057                 // flicker when swapping normal views (the most common view-swap action)
03058                 // We only check the RGB context because we assume the screen is always RGB
03059                 ColourContext *OldCC = Msg->pOldDocView->GetColourContext(COLOURMODEL_RGBT, TRUE);
03060                 ColourContext *NewCC = Msg->pNewDocView->GetColourContext(COLOURMODEL_RGBT, TRUE);
03062                 if (OldCC == NewCC)
03063                     DoRedraw = FALSE;
03064             }
03066             if (DoRedraw)
03067             {
03068                 UpdateOnNextIdle = TRUE;
03069                 UpdateColourEditor ();
03070             }
03071 //              InvalidateAndSetControls();
03072         }
03073     }
03076     if (!(IS_OUR_DIALOG_MSG(Message)))
03077         return(DialogOp::Message(Message));
03079     DialogMsg* Msg = (DialogMsg*)Message;
03081 #if _DEBUG
03082 /*
03083     if ((INT32)Msg->DlgMsg == (INT32)DIM_TITLEFOCUSWARN + 1)
03084     {
03085         if (CurrentCursor != NULL)
03086         {
03087             delete CurrentCursor;
03088             CurrentCursor = NULL;
03089         }
03091         if (CurrentCursorID != NULL)
03092         {
03093             CurrentCursor = new Cursor(CurrentCursorID);
03094             if (CurrentCursor != NULL)
03095                 CurrentCursor->SetActive();
03096         }
03097         else
03098         {
03099             if (Cursor::Arrow != NULL)
03100                 Cursor::Arrow->SetActive();
03101         }
03102         return(DialogOp::Message(Message));
03103     }
03104 */
03105 #endif
03107     switch(Msg->DlgMsg)
03108     {
03109         case DIM_TITLEFOCUSWARN:
03110             // --- Input focus bodge ---
03111             // The window has been moved or the titlebar clicked. This means we've been given
03112             // the input focus, and we don't want that. So we throw the focus away again.
03113             // Unfortunately this does not work as we immediately get the focus again! Thus,
03114             // we set up an idle processor to be called back once all the moving has been
03115             // finished, so that we lose the focus shortly after the drag completes, and
03116             // the effect is more permanent!            
03117             DragStartArea = CEDRAG_NONE;    // Tell idle system we're not in the middle of a picker drag
03119             //LoseKbdFocusPending = TRUE;       // And flag the fact that we want to lose the focus
03120             //BeginTimedProcessing();
03121             //LoseKeyboardFocus ();
03122             DialogManager::DefaultKeyboardFocus();
03123             break;
03125         case DIM_CREATE:
03126             ColourPicker::OnCreate(WindowID);
03127             SetGadgetBitmaps(_R(IDC_EDIT_DROPMENU), 0, 0);
03128             #ifndef WEBSTER
03129             SetGadgetBitmaps(_R(IDC_EDIT_MAKESTYLE), 0, 0);
03130             SetGadgetBitmaps(_R(IDC_EDIT_ADVANCED), 0, 0);
03131             #endif
03132             // WEBSTER - markn 11/12/96
03133             // Changes to the bitmap buttons at the top of the colour editor
03134             // Set up our bitmap button gadgets with appropriate bitmaps
03135             //SetGadgetBitmaps(_R(IDC_EDIT_LINEFILL), 0, 0);    
03136             SetGadgetBitmaps(_R(IDC_EDIT_NOCOLOUR), 0, 0);  
03137             SetGadgetBitmaps(_R(IDC_EDIT_216ONLY), 0, 0);   
03138             SetGadgetBitmaps(_R(IDC_MAKE_LOCAL), 0, 0);
03139             SetGadgetBitmaps(_R(IDC_EDIT_RENAME), 0, 0);    
03142             // WEBSTER - markn 31/1/97
03143             // Make sure the line/fill switch is set correctly
03144             //#ifdef WEBSTER
03145             //SetBoolGadgetSelected(_R(IDC_EDIT_LINEFILL), EditingLineColour);
03146             //#endif // WEBSTER
03148             ResetState();               // Ensure all controls and window extent are updated
03149             SetUnitGroupDefaults(DisplayModel); // and defaults are set
03150             SetControls();              // ...and update them
03152             ColourPicker::RelayoutDialog(WindowID);
03154             // And then lob away the input focus again - put it back into the mainframe
03155             LockLoseFocus = FALSE;      // Ensure the focus lock is reset to off whenever we open
03156             LoseFocusFromEditControls = FALSE;
03157             LoseKeyboardFocus();
03159             {
03160                 INT32 i = 0;
03161                 while (GadgetHelp[i].Gadget)
03162                 {
03163                     SetGadgetHelp(GadgetHelp[i].Gadget, GadgetHelp[i].BubbleID, GadgetHelp[i].BubbleID);
03164                     i++;
03165                 }
03166             }
03167             BeginTimedProcessing();
03168             break;
03170         case DIM_COMMIT:
03171 //          // NOTE - this dialogue does NOT have an 'OK' (commit) button
03172 //          // The only way that we can therefore recieve this message is if return
03173 //          // is pressed. If this is done in the name text field, we must update
03174 //          // the name list to show this colour's name correctly
03175             if (!ISentTheMessage)
03176             {
03177                 SetColour(FALSE);       // Update the colour
03179                 LoseFocusFromEditControls = TRUE;
03180                 LoseKeyboardFocus();    // And we've committed, so lose the keyboard focus
03181                 LoseFocusFromEditControls = FALSE;
03182 //
03183 //              State.ParentListOK = FALSE;
03184 //              SetColourNameList();    // Update the parent list
03185             }
03186             break;
03188         case DIM_CANCEL:                // Cancel clicked
03189         {
03190             StatusLine* pStatusLine = StatusLine::Get();
03191             if (!pStatusLine || !pStatusLine->IsRestrictedAccessToColourPicker())
03192             {
03193                 CloseMyself();          // And close the window
03194             }
03195             else
03196             {
03197                 ColourPickerAbort (_R(IDC_COLOURPICKER));
03198             }
03199         }
03200         return(OK);                 // ... making sure the base class handler is NOT called (it blows up)
03202         case DIM_CTRL_RESIZED:
03203         {
03204             if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER))
03205                 ColourPicker::OnSize(WindowID);
03206         }
03207         break;
03209         case DIM_REDRAW:                // Kernel-redraw of colour patch or picker controls
03210         {
03211             RenderControl(Msg->GadgetID, (ReDrawInfoType*) Msg->DlgMsgParam);
03212         }
03213         break;
03215         case DIM_LFT_BN_CLICKED:
03216             // Remove bubble help whenever the user clicks
03217 PORTNOTE("other", "Disabled BubbleHelp stuff")
03219             ControlHelper::BubbleHelpDisable();
03220 #endif
03222             if (FALSE) {}
03223 #if 0
03224             else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_NATIVEPICKER))
03225             {
03226                 if (EditingColour != NULL)
03227                 {
03228                     Close();        // Close ourself, and replace with the native colour picker
03230                     ColourPicker NewPicker;
03231                     NewPicker.EditColour(ParentList, ResultColour, TRUE);
03233                     if (EditingColour != NULL)
03234                     {
03235                         delete EditingColour;
03236                         EditingColour = NULL;
03237                     }
03238                     End();
03239                 }
03240             }
03241 #endif
03243 // WEBSTER - markn 11/12/96
03244 #ifndef WEBSTER
03245             else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_ADVANCED))
03246             {
03247                 // Toggling size is allowed even when we're shaded
03248                 Folded = !Folded;           // Toggle the folded state of the window
03249                 SetControls();              // And re-set the window size
03250             }
03251 #endif // WEBSTER
03253 #if 0 // WEBSTER - markn 11/12/96
03254             else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_LINEFILL))
03255             {
03256                 FindUsefulColourToEdit(GetBoolGadgetSelected(_R(IDC_EDIT_LINEFILL)));
03257             }
03258 #endif
03260             // WEBSTER - markn 14/12/96 
03261             else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_NOCOLOUR))
03262             {
03263                 if ( NoFillButtonDown )
03264                 {
03265                     NoFillButtonDown = FALSE;   // remember it's up
03266                     EditingColourHasChanged( TRUE, FALSE );
03267                 }
03268                 else
03269                     ApplyNoColour(EditingLineColour);//push it down
03270             }
03271             else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_RENAME))
03272             {
03273                 DoCommand(&ColCmd_Name);
03274             }
03275             // WEBSTER - markn 14/12/96 
03276             else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_216ONLY))
03277             {
03278                 LimitTo216Only();
03279                 DialogManager::DefaultKeyboardFocus();  // remove the input focus from the button (yuk!)
03280             }
03281             else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_DROPMENU))
03282             {
03283                 // Show drop-down menu
03284                 // Chuck up a context sensitive menu
03285                 ColEditContextMenu *Bob = new ColEditContextMenu;
03286                 if (Bob != NULL)
03287                     Bob->Show();
03288             }
03289             else if ((Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_INHERIT1)) ||
03290                      (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_INHERIT2)) ||
03291                      (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_INHERIT3)) ||
03292                      (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_INHERIT4)))
03293             {
03294                 SetColour(FALSE);           // Read the new settings from the window
03295                 SetControls();              // Ensure controls shade/unshade as appropriate
03296             }
03297 // WEBSTER - markn 14/1/97
03298 // Removed click handling on unused buttons
03299             else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_3D))
03300             {
03301                 // 3D display mode turned on/off. Redraw the picker control to show it
03302                 // in the new mode.
03303                 Use3DDisplay = GetBoolGadgetSelected(_R(IDC_EDIT_3D));
03304                 InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
03305             }
03306             else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_MAKESTYLE))
03307             {
03308                 MakeNewNColour();
03309             }
03310 // can make named colours in webster #endif // WEBSTER
03311             else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_MAKE_LOCAL))
03312             {
03313                 // handles the webster only "Make Local to Frame" button
03314                 OnMakeLocalToFrame();
03315             }
03317             // And then lob away the input focus again - put it back into the mainframe
03318             LoseKeyboardFocus();
03319             break;
03321         case DIM_LFT_BN_DOWN:
03322 //      case DIM_RGT_BN_DOWN:
03323             // Remove bubble help whenever the user clicks
03324 PORTNOTE("other", "Disabled BubbleHelp stuff")
03326             ControlHelper::BubbleHelpDisable();
03327 #endif
03328             if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_COLOURPICKER))
03329             {
03330                 // This little wheeze is enough to remove hover
03331                 EnableGadget(_R(IDC_COLOURPICKER), FALSE);
03332                 EnableGadget(_R(IDC_COLOURPICKER), TRUE);
03333                 SetBoolGadgetSelected(_R(IDC_COLOURPICKER), FALSE);
03334                 InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_COLOURPICKER));
03336                 ColourPickerDragInformation * DragCol = new ColourPickerDragInformation();
03337                 DragManagerOp::StartDrag(DragCol, GetReadWriteWindowID());
03338                 break;
03339             }
03341             // Drag methods all cope with shaded condition (EditingColour == NULL)
03342             if (Msg->DlgMsgParam)
03343             {
03344                 if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER))
03345                 {
03346                     StartDrag((ReDrawInfoType*) Msg->DlgMsgParam);
03347                     NoFillButtonDown = FALSE;
03348                 }
03349 #if FALSE
03350 /*
03351                 else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_PATCH) && EditingColour != NULL && ParentList != NULL)
03352                 {
03353                     ReDrawInfoType* Info = (ReDrawInfoType *) Msg->DlgMsgParam;
03354                     INT32 PatchHeight = Info->dy / 3;
03356                     IndexedColour *TheColour = ResultColour;    // Middle patch/default
03357                     if (Info->pMousePos->y < PatchHeight)
03358                     {
03359                         // Bottom patch - parent colour
03360                         if (EditingColour->FindLinkedParent() != NULL)
03361                             TheColour = EditingColour->FindLinkedParent();
03362                     }
03363                     else if (Info->pMousePos->y > PatchHeight * 2)
03364                     {
03365                         // Top patch - OriginalColour
03366                         TheColour = new IndexedColour(OriginalColour);
03367                         if (TheColour != NULL)
03368                         {
03369                             TheColour->SetUnnamed();
03371                             // Ensure we don't get a memory leak
03372                             ParentList->AddItem(TheColour);
03373                         }
03374                     }
03376                     if (TheColour != NULL)
03377                     {
03378                         ColourDragInformation *DragCol;
03379                         DragCol = new ColourDragInformation(TheColour, FALSE, (Document *)ParentList->GetParentDocument());
03380                         DragManagerOp::StartDrag(DragCol, GetReadWriteWindowID());
03381                     }
03382                 }
03383 */
03384 #endif
03385             }
03387             break;
03389         case DIM_MOUSE_DRAG:
03390             // Drag methods all cope with shaded condition (EditingColour == NULL)
03391             if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER) && DragStartArea != CEDRAG_NONE)
03392                 UpdateDrag((ReDrawInfoType*) Msg->DlgMsgParam);
03393             break;
03396 /*
03397         case DIM_MOUSE_MOVE:
03398             ColourPicker::UpdateBubbleHelpAndPointer();
03399             break;
03400 */
03402         case DIM_LFT_BN_UP:
03403             // Drag methods all cope with shaded condition (EditingColour == NULL)
03404             if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER) && DragStartArea != CEDRAG_NONE)
03405                 EndDrag((ReDrawInfoType*) Msg->DlgMsgParam);
03406             else if (Msg->GadgetID != _R(IDC_EDIT_DROPMENU))    // Don't lose focus if dropping a menu!
03407                 LoseKeyboardFocus();
03408             break;
03411         case DIM_RGT_BN_UP:
03412             if (EditingColour != NULL && !AmShaded)
03413             {
03414                 // Chuck up a context sensitive menu
03415                 ColEditContextMenu *Bob = new ColEditContextMenu;
03416                 if (Bob != NULL)
03417                     Bob->Show();
03418             }
03419             break;
03422         case DIM_TEXT_CHANGED:                  // Text in a writable icon has changed
03423             if (!ISentTheMessage && EditingColour != NULL)
03424             {
03425                 // If we are editing a colour, and we are not responsible for the
03426                 // change, we update the EditingColour, and possibly force-redraw the
03427                 // current-colour indicator patch, as appropriate to the change
03429                 if (( Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT1)) ||
03430                     ( Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT2)) ||
03431                     ( Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT3)) ||
03432                     ( Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT4)) ||
03433                     ( Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_WEBHEX)))
03434                 {
03435                     // While setting the colour, make sure we don't try to update the
03436                     // field that the user is currently typing into!
03437                     CurrentTypingGadget = Msg->GadgetID;
03438                     SetColour();
03439                     CurrentTypingGadget = 0;
03441                     // We have to set the transparency button manually here 'cos SetColour
03442                     // does not write the gadgets when we're typing (it would over write 
03443                     // whatever we are typing!)
03444                     if (NoFillButtonDown)   // if it's up already don't bother redrawing
03445                     {
03446                         NoFillButtonDown = FALSE;
03447                         SetBoolGadgetSelected( _R(IDC_EDIT_NOCOLOUR), NoFillButtonDown);
03448                     }
03451                     // Set flag to tell the 'lose focus' function to also update the
03452                     // text components once while it's at it - this just tidies up the
03453                     // appearance of the controls as soon as we lose focus.
03454                     TextMayBeWrong = TRUE;
03455                 }
03456                 else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_TINT))
03457                 {
03458                     INT32 MinValue = (EditingColour->TintIsShade()) ? -100 : 0;
03459                     INT32 NewValue = GetLongGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINT), MinValue, 100);
03460                     if (NewValue < MinValue) NewValue = MinValue;
03461                     if (NewValue > 100)      NewValue = 100;
03463                     CurrentTypingGadget = _R(IDC_EDIT_TINT);
03464                     SetColour(FALSE);
03465                     CurrentTypingGadget = 0;
03466                 }
03467                 else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_SHADE))
03468                 {
03469                     INT32 NewValue = GetLongGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_SHADE), -100, 100);
03470                     if (NewValue < -100) NewValue = -100;
03471                     if (NewValue > 100)  NewValue = 100;
03473                     CurrentTypingGadget = _R(IDC_EDIT_SHADE);
03474                     SetColour(FALSE);
03475                     CurrentTypingGadget = 0;
03476                 }
03477             }
03478             break;
03480 //      case DIM_FOCUS_LOST:
03481 //          // This message is sent from the Name Combo box when it loses the input focus.
03482 //          // This occurs when we move to a different field, close the dialogue, press
03483 //          // return, etc. It means any change to the name is only set when the user
03484 //          // finishes editing the text, at which point it is reasonable to ensure the
03485 //          // name is unique
03486 //
03487 //          if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU))
03488 //              SetColour(FALSE);       // Update the colour
03489 //          break;
03492 /*
03493         case DIM_SLIDER_POS_CHANGING:
03494         case DIM_SLIDER_POS_SET:
03495             if (EditingColour != NULL && !ISentTheMessage)
03496             {
03497                 INT32 NewValue = GetLongGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINTSLIDER), 0, 100);
03498                 if (NewValue < 0)    NewValue = 0;
03499                 if (NewValue > 100)  NewValue = 100;
03500                 NewValue = 100-NewValue;
03502                 INT32 WritableValue = GetLongGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINT), 0, 100);
03503                 if (WritableValue != NewValue)
03504                 {
03505                     BOOL LastSentState = ISentTheMessage;   // Lock: Ignore DIM_TEXT_CHANGED
03506                     ISentTheMessage = TRUE;
03507                     SetLongGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINT), NewValue);
03508                     ISentTheMessage = LastSentState;
03510                     SetColour();
03511                 }
03512             }
03514             // And then lob away the input focus again - put it back into the mainframe
03515             LoseKeyboardFocus();
03516             break;
03517 */
03519         case DIM_LISTDROPPED:
03520             // A dropdown list is about to drop down- turn on our focus-losing lock
03521             LockLoseFocus = TRUE;
03522             break;
03524         case DIM_TIMER:
03525             if(Msg->DlgMsgParam == COLED_TIMER_ID)
03526                     //
03527             //UpdateOnNextIdle = TRUE;
03529             TimedProcessing();
03530             //UpdateColourEditor ();
03532             break;
03535         case DIM_SELECTION_CHANGED:                 // Combo-box selection
03536         case DIM_SELECTION_CHANGED_COMMIT:          // Combo-box selection
03537             if (ISentTheMessage)
03538                 break;
03540             if ((Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU)) ||
03541                 (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_COLMODEL)) ||
03542                 (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE)) ||
03543                 (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_PARENTCOL)))
03544             {
03545                 // A dropdown list has been closed up again - turn off our focus-losing lock
03546                 LockLoseFocus = FALSE;
03547             }
03549 // WEBSTER - markn 14/1/97
03550 // Commented out the combo box handling
03551 //#ifndef WEBSTER
03552             // Handle selections in the colour name combobox. This will switch to
03553             // editing the chosen colour
03554             if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU) && ParentList != NULL)
03555             {
03556                 WORD SelIndex;
03557                 GetValueIndex(_R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU), &SelIndex);
03559                 if (NameDropDown != NULL)
03560                 {
03561                     IndexedColour *Selected = NameDropDown->DecodeSelection((INT32)SelIndex);
03563                     if (Selected == NULL)
03564                     {
03565                         if (SelIndex < 2)           // Have chosen a valid special item
03566                         {
03567                             // Edit fill colour or line colour
03568                             FindUsefulColourToEdit((SelIndex == 1));
03569                         }
03570                         else
03571                         {
03572                             // Must have selected the separator line. Re-jig the list to make
03573                             // sure the selection is shown correctly
03574                             State.ParentListOK = FALSE;
03575                             SetColourNameList();
03576                         }
03577                     }
03578                     else
03579                     {
03580                         // Have selected an IndexedColour
03581                         if (!Selected->IsDeleted() && Selected->IsNamed())  // Safety check
03582                             EditThisColour(ParentList, Selected);
03583                     }
03584                 }
03586                 // And then lob away the input focus again - put it back into the mainframe
03587                 LoseKeyboardFocus();
03588                 break;
03589             }
03590 //#endif
03591             if (EditingColour == NULL)
03592                 break;
03594             if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_COLMODEL))
03595             {
03596                 // A colour model has been selected. If it is different from the
03597                 // current model, we convert the colour into the new model, and set
03598                 // up the window to edit the colour in this new model
03600                 WORD Index;
03601                 GetValueIndex(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLMODEL), &Index);
03603                 if (Index < MAX_COLOURMODELS)
03604                 {
03605                     ColourContextArray ColContexts;
03606                     ColourContext::GetGlobalDefaults(&ColContexts);
03608                     INT32 NewModelNum;
03610                     for (NewModelNum = 0; NewModelNum < MAX_COLOURMODELS; NewModelNum++)
03611                     {
03612                         if (ColContexts.Context[NewModelNum] != NULL)
03613                         {
03614                             if ((Index--) <= 0)
03615                                 break;
03616                         }
03617                     }
03619                     INT32 OldModelNum = (INT32) DisplayModel;
03620                     if (NewModelNum < MAX_COLOURMODELS && NewModelNum != OldModelNum)
03621                     {
03622                         DefaultDisplayModel = DisplayModel = (ColourModel) NewModelNum;     // Switch display to the new model
03624                         if (EditingColour->IsNamed())
03625                             DefaultDisplayModelN = NewModelNum;         // And remember preference
03626 // But do not overwrite the preference for local colours - this must be set in the options dlg
03627 //                      else
03628 //                          DefaultDisplayModel = NewModelNum;          // And remember preference
03630                         // And set up the controls as appropriate. If we did not make the
03631                         // change, we still need to ensure the colour model setting is
03632                         // returned to displaying the current model name.
03633                         // We also invalidate the colour picker to redraw it in the new display model
03634                         InvalidateAndSetControls();
03635                     }
03636                 }
03637             }
03638             else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE))
03639             {
03640                 // A colour model as been selected. If it is different from the
03641                 // current model, we convert the colour into the new model, and set
03642                 // up the window to edit the colour in this new model
03644                 WORD Index;
03645                 GetValueIndex(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE), &Index);
03647 #ifdef WEBSTER 
03648                 // "spot colour" option is not present in Webster - adjust the index appropriately
03649                 // Index now 0-normal, 1-tint, 2-shade, 3-linked
03650                 if (Index > 0)
03651                     Index++;
03652                 // Index now 0-normal, 2-tint, 3-shade, 4-linked
03653 #endif // WEBSTER
03655                 IndexedColour *LastParent = EditingColour->FindLastLinkedParent();
03657                 // Check if any safe parent colours are available
03658                 LastParent = FindSafeParent(LastParent, (Index == 2));
03661                 // Correct index to allow for Shade colour entry (we handle tint/shade in the same 'case')
03662                 BOOL IsShadeColour = (Index == 3) ? TRUE : FALSE;
03663                 if (Index >= 3)
03664                     Index--;
03665                 // Index now 0-normal, 1-spot, 2-tint, 2-shade, 3-linked
03668                 // If it's tint/shade(2) or linked(3) and there's no parent, scream blue murder
03669                 if (LastParent == NULL && (Index == 2 || Index == 3))
03670                 {
03671                     // No suitable parents are available! Disallow change to tint/linked
03672                     InformMessage(_R(IDS_EDIT_NOPARENT), _R(IDS_OK));
03673                     SetControls();      // Revert the gadget to the previous type
03674                     break;
03675                 }
03677                 // Get the colour definition so that we can make a sensible attempt
03678                 // at converting it into the desired colour type without losing its appearance
03679                 ColourContext *cc = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_HSVT);
03680                 ColourHSVT ParentDef;
03681                 ColourHSVT ColourDef;
03682                 cc->ConvertColour((LastParent == NULL) ? EditingColour : LastParent, (ColourGeneric *)&ParentDef);
03683                 cc->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *)&ColourDef);
03685                 // we need to hide/show camelots custom colour picker control depending upon what we get here ....
03687                 if (Index != 0)     // != Normal colour
03688                 {
03689                     needColPickHidden = TRUE;
03690                 }
03691                 else
03692                 {
03693                     needColPickHidden = FALSE;
03694                 }
03696                 HideOrShowColourPicker();
03698                 BOOL Changed = FALSE;
03700                 switch (Index)
03701                 {
03702                     case 1:     // Spot
03703                         Changed = MakeColourASpot();
03705                         if (!Changed)
03706                         {
03707                             // The colour hasn't changed - make sure that the list does not show
03708                             // "Spot colour" when it's not allowed
03709                             State.ColType = (IndexedColourType) 99; // Invalid! Make sure it updates
03710                             SetControls();
03711                         }
03712                         break;
03714                     case 2:     // Tint (or Shade)
03715                         // Determine if this will change the colour - attempts to change
03716                         // a tint to a tint or a shade to a shade must be ignored.
03718                         if (EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_TINT)
03719                             Changed = TRUE;         // It was not a tint or a shade, so we must change it
03720                         else
03721                         {
03722                             if (IsShadeColour && !EditingColour->TintIsShade())
03723                                 Changed = TRUE;     // We're changing a Tint into a Shade
03725                             if (!IsShadeColour && EditingColour->TintIsShade())
03726                                 Changed = TRUE;     // We're chnaging a Shade into a Tint
03727                         }
03729                         if (Changed)        // If the type needs to be changed, do it
03730                         {
03731                             // Not already a tint/shade, so make it so
03732                             EditingColour->SetLinkedParent(LastParent, COLOURTYPE_TINT);
03734                             if (IsShadeColour)
03735                             {
03736                                 // Not already the right kind (tint/shade) of tint, so make it so
03737                                 EditingColour->SetTintOrShade(IsShadeColour);
03738                                 Changed = TRUE;
03740                                 FIXED24 NewX(0.0);
03741                                 FIXED24 NewY(0.0);
03743                                 double ParentVal = ParentDef.Saturation.MakeDouble();
03744                                 double ColourVal = ColourDef.Saturation.MakeDouble();
03746                                 if (ParentVal > ColourVal)
03747                                 {
03748                                     if (ParentVal > 0.0)
03749                                         NewX = -((ParentVal - ColourVal) / ParentVal);
03750                                 }
03751                                 else
03752                                 {
03753                                     if (ParentVal < 1.0)
03754                                         NewX = (ColourVal - ParentVal) / (1.0 - ParentVal);
03755                                 }
03757                                 // Work out Value scaling factor
03758                                 ParentVal = ParentDef.Value.MakeDouble();
03759                                 ColourVal = ColourDef.Value.MakeDouble();
03760                                 if (ParentVal > ColourVal)
03761                                 {
03762                                     if (ParentVal > 0.0)
03763                                         NewY = -((ParentVal - ColourVal) / ParentVal);
03764                                 }
03765                                 else
03766                                 {
03767                                     if (ParentVal < 1.0)
03768                                         NewY = (ColourVal - ParentVal) / (1.0 - ParentVal);
03769                                 }
03771                                 // And make the colour a shade (a special type of tint)
03772                                 EditingColour->SetShadeValues(NewX, NewY);
03773                             }
03774                             else
03775                             {
03776                                 double TintValue = 1.0;
03778                                 if (ParentDef.Saturation.MakeDouble() != 0.0)
03779                                     TintValue = ColourDef.Saturation.MakeDouble() / ParentDef.Saturation.MakeDouble();
03781                                 EditingColour->SetTintValue(FIXED24(TintValue));
03782                             }
03783                         }
03784                         break;
03786                     case 3:     // Linked
03787                         if (EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_LINKED)
03788                         {
03789                             EditingColour->SetLinkedParent(LastParent, COLOURTYPE_LINKED);
03790                             EditingColour->SetInheritsComponent(1, TRUE);
03791                             EditingColour->SetInheritsComponent(2, TRUE);
03792                             EditingColour->SetInheritsComponent(3, TRUE);
03793                             EditingColour->SetInheritsComponent(4, TRUE);
03794                             Changed = TRUE;
03795                         }
03796                         break;
03798                     default:    // Normal
03799                         if (EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_NORMAL)
03800                         {
03801                             EditingColour->SetLinkedParent(LastParent, COLOURTYPE_NORMAL);
03802                             Changed = TRUE;
03803                         }
03804                         break;
03805                 }
03807                 if (Changed)
03808                     EditingColourHasChanged();  // Inform world and reset/redraw our window
03809             }
03810             else if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_PARENTCOL))
03811             {
03812                 WORD Index;
03813                 GetValueIndex(_R(IDC_EDIT_PARENTCOL), &Index);
03815                 // If the old parent is now 'not in use' then we'd better broadcast a message
03816                 // to ensure that the colour gallery redraws if necessary. Remember the old
03817                 // parent for later on...
03818                 IndexedColour *OldParent = EditingColour->FindLinkedParent();
03820                 // Find the new parent colour
03821                 IndexedColour *NewParent = DecodeParentColourListSelection((INT32)Index);
03823                 // And broadcast for the new parent, if it is now about to become in-use!
03824                 if (NewParent != NULL && !NewParent->HasLinkedChildren())
03825                     ColourManager::ColourHasChangedInvisible((Document *)ParentList->GetParentDocument(), ParentList, NewParent);
03827                 // Finally, set the new parent of this colour, and inform the world and fix up our window
03828                 EditingColour->SetLinkedParent(NewParent, EditingColour->GetType());
03829                 EditingColourHasChanged();
03831                 // Now do the broadcast for the old parent (we waited until after SetLinkedParent so we
03832                 // only bother with the broadcast if this has removed the *last* child of that parent)
03833                 if (OldParent != NULL && !OldParent->HasLinkedChildren())
03834                     ColourManager::ColourHasChangedInvisible((Document *)ParentList->GetParentDocument(), ParentList, OldParent);
03835             }
03837             // And then lob away the input focus again - put it back into the mainframe
03838             LoseKeyboardFocus();
03840             break;
03842         default:
03843             break;
03844     }
03846     return(DialogOp::Message(Message));
03847 }

FIXED24 ColourEditDlg::Nearest20Percent FIXED24  n  )  [protected]

void ColourEditDlg::NeedsResize  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 560 of file coldlog.h.

00560 {m_NeedsResize = TRUE;}

BOOL ColourEditDlg::OnIdleEvent void   )  [protected, virtual]

Idle event handler for the colour dialog.

Alex Bligh
FALSE (to indicate we want no more idle events) The wakeup from the timer will create one for us

Errors: -

Reimplemented from Operation.

Definition at line 1135 of file coldlog.cpp.

01136 {
01137     return ColourPicker::OnIdleEvent(WindowID);
01138 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::OnKeyPress KeyPress pKeyPress  )  [static]

To handle keypresses. This is called by Application::OnKeyPress before all other keypress handling. Normally the colour editor will just return FALSE as fast as possible, but during drags in the editor, it will return TRUE to stop keypresses getting through to the rest of camelot.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pKeyPress - points to a keypress object describing the key press [INPUTS]
TRUE if it has processed the keypress (claimed it) FALSE if it has not used the keypress, in which case it may be passed on
Notes: Not intended to be called by anyone other than Application::OnKeypress

May be called at any time

See also:
Application::OnKeyPress; ColourEditDlg::StartDrag

Definition at line 7355 of file coldlog.cpp.

07356 {
07357     ERROR3IF(pKeyPress == NULL, "Illegal NULL param!");
07359     if (TheEditor == NULL || TheEditor->DragStartArea == CEDRAG_NONE)
07360         return(FALSE);      // No current drag, so leave the key alone
07362     // We are dragging...
07364     // Check for escape being pressed
07365     if ((TheEditor->AbortColour != NULL) && ((pKeyPress->GetVirtKey () == CAMKEY(ESCAPE)) || (pKeyPress->GetVirtKey () == CAMKEY(CANCEL))))
07366     {
07367         EscapeKeyWasPressed = TRUE;
07368         TheEditor->SetNewValueFromMousePos(NULL, FALSE);
07369     }
07371     // Sit on all keypresses to make sure nobody else gets them
07372     return(TRUE);
07373 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::OnMakeLocalToFrame  )  [protected]

Invokes the OpMakeColourLocalToFrame operation to make local copy of the current edited colour.

Stefan_Stoykov (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 11612 of file coldlog.cpp.

11613 {
11614 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH) && !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
11615     // find our operation
11616     OpDescriptor* OpDesc =
11617                 OpDescriptor::FindOpDescriptor(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(OpMakeColourLocalToFrame));
11619     if (OpDesc != NULL)
11620     {
11621         // set up the info to pass to the operation
11622         ColourChangeInfo Param;
11623         Param.ParentList = ParentList;
11624         Param.Target     = ResultColour;
11626         // invoke the operation
11627         OpDesc->Invoke((OpParam *) &Param);
11629         // set the colour in the colour editor
11630         EditThisColour(ParentList, Param.NewDefn, TRUE);
11631         return TRUE;
11632     }
11633 #endif
11635     return FALSE;
11636 }

void ColourEditDlg::RedrawColourNameList void   )  [protected]

Ensures that the colour splodge in the colour name dropdown list is redrawn using the correct new appearance of the colour. Far more efficient than rebuilding the colour list from scratch.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 919 of file coldlog.cpp.

00920 {
00921     if (NameDropDown == NULL)
00922         return;
00924     String_256 FillColDesc(_R(IDS_COLEDIT_FILL));
00925     String_256 LineColDesc(_R(IDS_COLEDIT_LINE));
00927     SelRange *Selection = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
00928     if (Selection->Count() == 0)        // No selection, so will use current colours
00929     {
00930         FillColDesc = String_256(_R(IDS_COLEDIT_CURFILL));
00931         LineColDesc = String_256(_R(IDS_COLEDIT_CURLINE));
00932     }
00934     ColourList  *NewParentList  = NULL;
00935     DocColour   DocColourToEdit;
00937     ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser(&DocColourToEdit, &NewParentList, FALSE);
00938     NameDropDown->UpdateSpecialEntry(&FillColDesc, &DocColourToEdit);
00940     ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser(&DocColourToEdit, &NewParentList, TRUE);
00941     NameDropDown->UpdateSpecialEntry(&LineColDesc, &DocColourToEdit);
00943     // And ensure that the dropdown is redrawn
00944     InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU));
00945 }

void ColourEditDlg::RenderConstraint RenderRegion pRender,
DocCoord  End1,
DocCoord  End2

Renders a colour picker constraint bubble. This is a "sausage" in a straight line around two endpoints, used to mark drag constraints on screen.

pRender - The RenderRegion to render the constraint into [INPUTS] End1 - The point at one end of the constraint bubble End2 - The point at the other end of the constraint bubble
Notes: if (End1 == End2) a circle will be drawn at that point

This may draw the semicircular caps the wrong way around. It works for the cases I've needed so far, so I couldn't be bothered tidying it up.

Definition at line 4253 of file coldlog.cpp.

04254 {
04255     if (End1 == End2)
04256     {
04257         const INT32 CircleSize = CROSSRADIUS + 1000;
04258         const INT32 CPDist = (const INT32) ( ((double)CircleSize) * 0.552 );
04260         // The constraint bubble is a circle. Special-case the redraw
04261         pRender->SetLineColour(COLOUR_WHITE);
04263         Path Bubble;
04264         Bubble.Initialise(12, 12);
04265         Bubble.FindStartOfPath();
04267         Bubble.InsertMoveTo(DocCoord(End1.x+CircleSize, End1.y));
04268         Bubble.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(End1.x+CircleSize, End1.y+CPDist),
04269                                 DocCoord(End1.x+CPDist, End1.y+CircleSize),
04270                                 DocCoord(End1.x, End1.y+CircleSize));
04271         Bubble.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(End1.x-CPDist, End1.y+CircleSize),
04272                                 DocCoord(End1.x-CircleSize, End1.y+CPDist),
04273                                 DocCoord(End1.x-CircleSize, End1.y));
04274         Bubble.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(End1.x-CircleSize, End1.y-CPDist),
04275                                 DocCoord(End1.x-CPDist, End1.y-CircleSize),
04276                                 DocCoord(End1.x, End1.y-CircleSize));
04277         Bubble.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(End1.x+CPDist, End1.y-CircleSize),
04278                                 DocCoord(End1.x+CircleSize, End1.y-CPDist),
04279                                 DocCoord(End1.x+CircleSize, End1.y));
04281         Bubble.IsFilled = FALSE;
04282         pRender->DrawPath(&Bubble);     // Render the value square
04283     }
04284     else
04285     {
04286         const INT32 CircleSize = (CROSSRADIUS + 1000) / 2;
04287 //      const INT32 CPDist = (const INT32) ( ((double)CircleSize) * 0.552 );
04289         DocCoord Dist = End1 - End2;
04290         double Angle = 0.0;
04292         if (Dist.x == 0)
04293         {
04294             if (Dist.y < 0)
04295                 Angle = PI;
04296         }
04297         else
04298             Angle = atan2((double)Dist.y, (double)Dist.x) - (PI/2);
04300         Dist.x = (INT32) ((double)CircleSize * cos(Angle));
04301         Dist.y = (INT32) ((double)CircleSize * sin(Angle));
04303         DocCoord ArcStart1(End2 + Dist);
04304         DocCoord ArcEnd1(End2 - Dist);
04306         DocCoord ArcStart2(End1 - Dist);
04307         DocCoord ArcEnd2(End1 + Dist);
04310         pRender->SetLineColour(COLOUR_WHITE);
04312         Path Bubble;
04313         Bubble.Initialise(12, 12);
04314         Bubble.FindStartOfPath();
04316         DocCoord RevDist(Dist.y, Dist.x);
04318         // BODGE to fix vertical case - only horizontal/vertical cases are guaranteed to work
04319         if (End1.y != End2.y)
04320             RevDist = DocCoord(-Dist.y, -Dist.x);
04322         Bubble.InsertMoveTo(ArcStart1);
04323         Bubble.InsertCurveTo(ArcStart1 + RevDist, ArcEnd1 + RevDist, ArcEnd1);
04325         Bubble.InsertLineTo(ArcStart2);
04326         Bubble.InsertCurveTo(ArcStart2 - RevDist, ArcEnd2 - RevDist, ArcEnd2);
04328         Bubble.InsertLineTo(ArcStart1); // Close the path
04330         Bubble.IsFilled = FALSE;
04331         pRender->DrawPath(&Bubble);     // Render the value square
04332     }
04333 }

void ColourEditDlg::RenderControl UINT32  GadgetToRender,
ReDrawInfoType RedrawInfo

Renders the controls that are kernel-redrawn (The colour 'picker' section, and the two (original and new colour definitions) colour patches).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
GadgetToRender - The gadget that needs to be redrawn [INPUTS] ExtraInfo - The structure that has the extra data we need to start rendering
Notes: If EditingColour is NULL (as is the case when the window is shaded) the redraw is changed appropriately (pickers show values appropriate to display of 'white', position marker crosses are not drawn, an colour patches show mid grey).

Definition at line 6676 of file coldlog.cpp.

06677 {
06678     // Use a virtual coord space of (0,0) to (dx, dy)
06679     DocRect VirtualSize(0, 0, RedrawInfo->dx, RedrawInfo->dy);
06681     // Get a render region to use. The TRUE parameter specifies that we want to use
06682     // the same colour correction/separation contexts as the currently selected DocView,
06683     // so that we display "document colour" in an appropriate manner.
06684     RenderRegion *pRender;
06685     if (GadgetToRender == _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER))
06686         pRender = CreateGRenderRegion(&VirtualSize, RedrawInfo, TRUE);
06687     else
06688         pRender = CreateOSRenderRegion(&VirtualSize, RedrawInfo, TRUE);
06689     // I would ENSURE pRender != NULL, but it's perfectly legal if we get a 0-width
06690     // redraw cliprect, etc, so we basically have to ignore NULL returns.
06692     INT32 PixelSize = 72000 / RedrawInfo->Dpi;      // Size of output pixel in millipoints
06694     if (pRender != NULL)
06695     {
06696         // Interlock redraw with the drag manager to ensure we don't redraw over any drag blobs
06697         DragManagerOp::RedrawStarting(WindowID, GadgetToRender);
06699         DialogColourInfo RedrawColours;         // Object supplying Host OS redraw colours
06701         if (GadgetToRender == _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER))
06702         {
06703             // Draw a narrow plinth around the edge of the control
06704             pRender->SaveContext();
06706             pRender->SetLineWidth(0);
06707             pRender->SetFillColour(RedrawColours.DialogBack());
06708             pRender->SetLineColour(RedrawColours.ButtonShadow());
06709             pRender->DrawRect(&VirtualSize);
06711             pRender->SetLineColour(RedrawColours.ButtonHighlight());
06712             pRender->DrawLine(VirtualSize.hi, DocCoord(VirtualSize.hi.x, VirtualSize.lo.y));
06713             pRender->DrawLine(DocCoord(VirtualSize.hi.x, VirtualSize.lo.y), VirtualSize.lo);
06715             // And deflate the rect by 2 pixels
06716             VirtualSize.Inflate(-PixelSize * 4);
06718             // Now draw the original/current colour patch in the top right corner
06719             DocRect PatchRect(VirtualSize);
06720             PatchRect.lo.x = PatchRect.hi.x - PATCHSIZE;
06721             PatchRect.lo.y = PatchRect.hi.y - PATCHSIZE;
06722             GridLockRect(&PatchRect, PixelSize);
06724             DocColour Orig;
06725             if (EditingColour == NULL)
06726                 Orig = DocColour(128, 128, 128);
06727             else
06728                 Orig.MakeRefToIndexedColour(&OriginalColour);
06730             DocColour PatchCol;
06731             if (EditingColour == NULL)
06732                 PatchCol = DocColour(128, 128, 128);
06733             else
06734                 PatchCol.MakeRefToIndexedColour(EditingColour);
06736             // Patches are horizontal if the colour model is not HSV
06737             BOOL HorzPatch = (DisplayModel != COLOURMODEL_HSVT);
06739             // But this setting is overridden for the special tint and shade modes
06740             if (EditingColour != NULL && EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT)
06741             {
06742                 if (EditingColour->TintIsShade())
06743                     HorzPatch = FALSE;
06744                 else
06745                     HorzPatch = TRUE;
06746             }
06748             pRender->SetLineWidth(0);
06749             pRender->SetLineColour(COLOUR_BLACK);
06750             if (HorzPatch)
06751                 pRender->SetFillColour(PatchCol);
06752             else
06753                 pRender->SetFillColour(Orig);
06754             pRender->DrawRect(&PatchRect);
06756             if (HorzPatch)
06757             {
06758                 // Move the patch to the left for the second square
06759                 PatchRect.Translate(-PATCHSIZE, 0);
06760                 pRender->SetFillColour(Orig);
06761             }
06762             else
06763             {
06764                 // Move the patch down for the second square
06765                 PatchRect.Translate(0, -PATCHSIZE);
06766                 pRender->SetFillColour(PatchCol);
06767             }
06769             pRender->DrawRect(&PatchRect);
06770 /*
06771 //          DocColour Trans(COLOUR_TRANS);
06772 //          pRender->SetLineColour(Trans);
06773             pRender->SetFillColour(Orig);
06774             Path TriPath;
06775             TriPath.Initialise(12, 12);
06776             TriPath.FindStartOfPath();
06777             TriPath.InsertMoveTo(PatchRect.lo);
06778             TriPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(PatchRect.lo.x, PatchRect.hi.y));
06779             TriPath.InsertLineTo(PatchRect.hi);
06780             TriPath.IsFilled = TRUE;
06781             pRender->DrawPath(&TriPath);        // Render the value square
06782 */
06783             pRender->RestoreContext();
06786             if (EditingColour != NULL && EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT)   // Tint or shade
06787             {
06788                 if (EditingColour->TintIsShade())
06789                 {
06790                     RenderPickerShade(pRender, &VirtualSize, PixelSize, &RedrawColours,
06791                                             RedrawInfo->pClipRect);
06792                 }
06793                 else
06794                     RenderPickerTint(pRender, &VirtualSize, PixelSize, &RedrawColours);
06795             }
06796             else
06797             {
06798                 switch (DisplayModel)
06799                 {
06800                     case COLOURMODEL_RGBT:
06801                     case COLOURMODEL_WEBRGBT:
06802                         if (Use3DDisplay)
06803                             RenderPickerRGB(pRender, &VirtualSize, PixelSize, &RedrawColours);
06804                         else
06805                             RenderPickerDefault(pRender, &VirtualSize, PixelSize, &RedrawColours);
06806                         break;
06808                     case COLOURMODEL_CMYK:
06809                         if (Use3DDisplay)
06810                             RenderPickerCMYK(pRender, &VirtualSize, PixelSize, &RedrawColours);
06811                         else
06812                             RenderPickerDefault(pRender, &VirtualSize, PixelSize, &RedrawColours);
06813                         break;
06815                     case COLOURMODEL_HSVT:
06816                         RenderPickerHSV(pRender, &VirtualSize, PixelSize, &RedrawColours,
06817                                             RedrawInfo->pClipRect);
06818                         break;
06820                     default:
06821                         RenderPickerDefault(pRender, &VirtualSize, PixelSize, &RedrawColours);
06822                         break;
06823                 }
06824             }
06825         }
06826 #if 0
06827         else if (GadgetToRender == _R(IDC_EDIT_PATCH))                      // Old/New/Parent-colour patch
06828         {
06829             pRender->SaveContext();
06831             DocColour Trans(COLOUR_TRANS);
06832             DocColour Orig;
06833             if (EditingColour == NULL)
06834                 Orig = DocColour(128, 128, 128);
06835             else
06836                 Orig.MakeRefToIndexedColour(&OriginalColour);
06838             pRender->SetLineWidth(0);
06839             pRender->SetLineColour(Trans);
06841             DocColour PatchCol;
06842             if (EditingColour == NULL)
06843                 PatchCol = DocColour(128, 128, 128);
06844             else
06845                 PatchCol.MakeRefToIndexedColour(EditingColour);
06847             pRender->SetFillColour(PatchCol);
06848             pRender->DrawRect(&VirtualSize);
06850             pRender->SetFillColour(Orig);
06851             Path TriPath;
06852             TriPath.Initialise(12, 12);
06853             TriPath.FindStartOfPath();
06854             TriPath.InsertMoveTo(VirtualSize.lo);
06855             TriPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(VirtualSize.lo.x, VirtualSize.hi.y));
06856             TriPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(VirtualSize.hi.x, VirtualSize.lo.y));
06857             TriPath.IsFilled = TRUE;
06858             pRender->DrawPath(&TriPath);        // Render the value square
06861 #if 0
06862             INT32 PatchHeight = VirtualSize.Height() / 3;
06864             DocRect TheRect(VirtualSize);
06865             TheRect.lo.y = TheRect.hi.y - PatchHeight;
06866             pRender->DrawRect(&TheRect);
06868             DocColour PatchCol;
06869             if (EditingColour == NULL)
06870                 PatchCol = DocColour(128, 128, 128);
06871             else
06872                 PatchCol.MakeRefToIndexedColour(EditingColour);
06874             pRender->SetFillColour(PatchCol);
06875             TheRect.Translate(0, -PatchHeight); // Move the patch rect down and plot
06876             pRender->DrawRect(&TheRect);
06878             if (EditingColour != NULL && EditingColour->FindLinkedParent() != NULL)
06879                 PatchCol.MakeRefToIndexedColour(EditingColour->FindLinkedParent());
06881             pRender->SetFillColour(PatchCol);
06882             TheRect.Translate(0, -PatchHeight); // Move the patch rect down and plot
06883             pRender->DrawRect(&TheRect);
06884 #endif
06886             pRender->RestoreContext();
06887         }
06888 #endif
06889         else
06890         {
06891             ERROR3("Render request for unsupported kernel-rendered control!");
06892         }
06895         // Get rid of the render region
06896         if (GadgetToRender == _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER))
06897             DestroyGRenderRegion(pRender);
06898         else
06899             DestroyOSRenderRegion(pRender);
06901         // And turn off the drag redraw interlock
06902         DragManagerOp::RedrawFinished();
06903     }
06904 }

void ColourEditDlg::RenderCross RenderRegion pRender,
DocRect CrossRect,
INT32  PixelSize,
BOOL  Shaded = FALSE

Renders a colour picker marker cross (a 'plus' shape).

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pRender - The RenderRegion to render the marker cross into [INPUTS] CrossRect - The rectangle (in millipoints, within the RenderRegion) in which to draw the cross. This should be a square, CROSSRADIUS*2 millipoints wide/high. PixelSize - The size of a device pixel, in millipoints Shaded - TRUE if the cross should be drawn 'shaded' (not draggable)

Definition at line 4138 of file coldlog.cpp.

04140 {
04141     pRender->SaveContext();     // Save the current rendering context
04143     DocColour Trans(COLOUR_TRANS);
04144     DocColour Black(COLOUR_BLACK);
04145     DocColour White(COLOUR_WHITE);
04147     if (Shaded)     // Cross becomes more faint if it can't be dragged
04148     {
04149 //      Black = DocColour(80L, 80L, 80L);
04150 //      White = DocColour(176L, 176L, 176L);
04152         // Now it just gets a constraint circle around it
04153         DocCoord Center((CrossRect->lo.x + CrossRect->hi.x) / 2, (CrossRect->lo.y + CrossRect->hi.y) / 2);
04154         RenderConstraint(pRender, Center, Center);
04155     }
04157     pRender->SetLineWidth(0);
04158     pRender->SetLineColour(White);
04160     // Render a crosshair shape
04161     pRender->SetFillColour(Black);
04163     DocRect CrossLine;
04165     INT32 LineWidth  = CrossRect->Width() / 2;
04166     INT32 LineHeight = CrossRect->Height() / 2;
04168     CrossLine.lo.y  = CrossRect->lo.y + LineHeight - PixelSize;
04169     CrossLine.hi.y  = CrossRect->lo.y + LineHeight + PixelSize;
04171     CrossLine.lo.x = CrossRect->lo.x;
04172     CrossLine.hi.x = CrossRect->lo.x + LineWidth/2;
04173     pRender->DrawRect(&CrossLine);
04175     CrossLine.lo.x = CrossRect->hi.x - LineWidth/2;
04176     CrossLine.hi.x = CrossRect->hi.x;
04177     pRender->DrawRect(&CrossLine);
04179     CrossLine.lo.x = CrossRect->lo.x + LineWidth - PixelSize;
04180     CrossLine.hi.x = CrossRect->lo.x + LineWidth + PixelSize;
04182     CrossLine.lo.y = CrossRect->lo.y;
04183     CrossLine.hi.y = CrossRect->lo.y + LineHeight/2;
04184     pRender->DrawRect(&CrossLine);
04186     CrossLine.lo.y = CrossRect->hi.y - LineHeight/2;
04187     CrossLine.hi.y = CrossRect->hi.y;
04188     pRender->DrawRect(&CrossLine);
04190     pRender->RestoreContext();      // Restore the previous rendering context
04191 }

void ColourEditDlg::RenderParentCross RenderRegion pRender,
DocRect CrossRect,
INT32  PixelSize

Renders a colour picker marker cross (an 'x' shape) to indicate the position of the PARENT colour on the colour's picker. Used for shades and maybe for linked colours if they ever become relative.

pRender - The RenderRegion to render the marker cross into [INPUTS] CrossRect - The rectangle (in millipoints, within the RenderRegion) in which to draw the cross. This should be a square, CROSSRADIUS*2 millipoints wide/high. PixelSize - The size of a device pixel, in millipoints

Definition at line 4213 of file coldlog.cpp.

04215 {
04216     pRender->SaveContext();     // Save the current rendering context
04218     pRender->SetLineWidth(0);
04219     pRender->SetLineColour(COLOUR_WHITE);
04220     pRender->SetFillColour(COLOUR_TRANS);
04222     pRender->DrawLine(CrossRect->lo, CrossRect->hi);
04224     pRender->DrawLine(DocCoord(CrossRect->lo.x, CrossRect->hi.y),
04225                         DocCoord(CrossRect->hi.x, CrossRect->lo.y));
04227     pRender->RestoreContext();      // Restore the previous rendering context
04228 }

void ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerCMYK RenderRegion pRender,
DocRect VirtualSize,
INT32  PixelSize,
DialogColourInfo RedrawColours

Redraws a colour picker control for the colour editor dialogue. This is used in the given display mode to display the colour information in a useful format. e.g. in HSV mode, a wheel and slider arrangement.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pRender - The render region to render the picker in [INPUTS] VirtualSize - The rectangle defining the coordinate space to draw into PixelSize - The size of a pixel as mapped into the MILLIPOINT VirtualSize coordinate space; ensures things line up on display pixel boundaries. RedrawColours - A pointer to a DialogColourInfo object describing OS-friendly drawing colours to be used in redrawing the control.
See also:
ColourEditDlg::RenderControl; ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerDefault

Definition at line 5882 of file coldlog.cpp.

05884 {
05885     pRender->SaveContext();     // Save the current rendering context
05886     DocColour Trans(COLOUR_TRANS);
05888     // Determine how much space is left over after the key slider has been placed
05889     INT32 KeySliderLeft = VirtualSize->hi.x - (CROSSRADIUS+PixelSize)*2;
05891     ERROR3IF(KeySliderLeft < VirtualSize->lo.x,
05892                 "Not enough room to render the colour picker!");
05894     // First, set up the render region, and fill the background with Dialogue BG colour
05895     pRender->SetLineWidth(0);
05896     pRender->SetLineColour(Trans);
05897 //  pRender->SetFillColour(RedrawColours->DialogBack());
05898 //  pRender->DrawRect(VirtualSize);
05900     // Draw the cube 'shadow', and calculate where the cube sits
05901     DocRect CubeAvailableSpace(*VirtualSize);
05902     CubeAvailableSpace.hi.x = KeySliderLeft - 2000;
05904     DocRect SquareRect;
05905     INT32 SizeZ;
05906     DrawCubeShadowAndCalcValues(pRender, &CubeAvailableSpace, PixelSize, RedrawColours,
05907                                 /* TO */ &SquareRect, &SizeZ);
05909     // Find the source colour definition in RGB space
05910     ColourCMYK SourceColour;
05911     if (EditingColour != NULL)
05912     {
05913 //      ColourContextCMYK *ccCMYK = (ColourContextCMYK*)ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_CMYK);
05914         ColourContext *ccCMYK = NULL;
05915         BOOL bDeleteCC = GetColourContext(COLOURMODEL_CMYK, &ccCMYK);   
05916         ERROR3IF(ccCMYK == NULL, "Can't get a CMYK colour context");
05918         ccCMYK->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &SourceColour);
05920         // Delete the colour context if necessary
05921         if (bDeleteCC)
05922             ColourContextList::GetList()->RemoveContext(&ccCMYK);           // Have finished with it
05923     }
05924     else
05925     {
05926         SourceColour.Cyan =SourceColour.Magenta = SourceColour.Yellow = SourceColour.Key = 0;
05927     }
05929     DocRect FrontFaceRect(SquareRect);      // Remember the old squarerect for later
05931     // Now, Move the 'SquareRect' down and left so its bottom corner touches the Z axis
05932     // at the appropriate point for the current Z value. (i.e. slice the cube through at
05933     // the place where the slice really is)
05934     if (EditingColour != NULL)
05935     {
05936         FIXED24 ZComponent = SourceColour.Magenta;
05937         if (ColourPickerMode == 1)
05938             ZComponent = SourceColour.Cyan;
05939         else if (ColourPickerMode == 2)
05940             ZComponent = SourceColour.Yellow;
05942         INT32 ZTrans = (INT32) ((double)SizeZ * ZComponent.MakeDouble()) - SizeZ;
05943         SquareRect.Translate(-ZTrans, ZTrans);
05944         GridLockRect(&SquareRect, PixelSize);
05945     }
05948     // Now, composite up the picker square, which is made of 3 squares on top of each
05949     // other, all flat-filled in primary colours, the top 2 having horz/vert trans fills
05950     ColourCMYK BaseColour;
05951     ColourCMYK MidColour;
05952     ColourCMYK TopColour;
05954     BaseColour.Cyan = BaseColour.Magenta = BaseColour.Yellow = 0;
05955     BaseColour.Key = SourceColour.Key;
05956     memcpy(&MidColour, &BaseColour, sizeof(ColourCMYK));
05957     memcpy(&TopColour, &BaseColour, sizeof(ColourCMYK));
05959     switch(ColourPickerMode)
05960     {
05961         case 1:     // XYZ = Y,M,C
05962             MidColour.Yellow    = FIXED24(1.0);
05963             TopColour.Magenta   = FIXED24(1.0);
05964             BaseColour.Cyan     = SourceColour.Cyan;
05965             break;
05967         case 2:     // XYZ = M,C,Y
05968             MidColour.Magenta   = FIXED24(1.0);
05969             TopColour.Cyan      = FIXED24(1.0);
05970             BaseColour.Yellow   = SourceColour.Yellow;
05971             break;
05973         default:    // XYZ = C,Y,M
05974             MidColour.Cyan      = FIXED24(1.0);
05975             TopColour.Yellow    = FIXED24(1.0);
05976             BaseColour.Magenta  = SourceColour.Magenta;
05978             ColourPickerMode = 0;       // Ensure any out of value setting is made valid
05979             break;
05980     }
05982     RenderPickerSquare(pRender, &SquareRect,
05983                         (ColourGeneric *) &BaseColour, (ColourGeneric *) &MidColour,
05984                         (ColourGeneric *) &TopColour,
05985                         COLOURMODEL_CMYK, 2);   // Use CMYK + 'Stain' (Filtering) transparency
05987     // Place the outline of the front of the cube on top
05988     DocColour CubeFaceGrey(180L, 180L, 180L);
05989     pRender->SetLineColour(CubeFaceGrey);
05990     pRender->SetFillColour(Trans);
05992     DocCoord BotRightFront(FrontFaceRect.hi.x, FrontFaceRect.lo.y);
05993     pRender->DrawLine(BotRightFront, FrontFaceRect.lo);
05994     pRender->DrawLine(BotRightFront, FrontFaceRect.hi);
05995     pRender->DrawLine(BotRightFront,
05996                     DocCoord(FrontFaceRect.hi.x + SizeZ, FrontFaceRect.lo.y - SizeZ));
05999     // Render the Key slider - a white->black grad filled rectangle
06000     LinearFillAttribute KeyGradFill;
06001     KeyGradFill.Colour      = DocColour(0L, 0L, 0L);
06002     KeyGradFill.EndColour   = DocColour(255L, 255L, 255L);
06003     DocCoord ThePoint(VirtualSize->hi.x, VirtualSize->hi.y - (PATCHSIZE + PixelSize*2));
06004     KeyGradFill.SetStartPoint(&ThePoint);
06005     ThePoint = DocCoord(VirtualSize->hi.x, VirtualSize->lo.y);
06006     KeyGradFill.SetEndPoint(&ThePoint);
06007     KeyGradFill.SetEndPoint2(NULL);
06008     pRender->SetFillGeometry(&KeyGradFill, FALSE);
06009     pRender->SetLineColour(Trans);
06011     Path KeyPath;
06012     KeyPath.Initialise(12, 12);
06013     KeyPath.FindStartOfPath();
06015     KeyPath.InsertMoveTo(DocCoord(KeySliderLeft, VirtualSize->lo.y));
06016     KeyPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(VirtualSize->hi.x, VirtualSize->lo.y));
06017     KeyPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(VirtualSize->hi.x, VirtualSize->hi.y - (PATCHSIZE + PixelSize*2)));
06018     KeyPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(KeySliderLeft, VirtualSize->hi.y - (PATCHSIZE + PixelSize*2)));
06019     KeyPath.IsFilled = TRUE;
06020     pRender->DrawPath(&KeyPath);        // Render the value/brightness strip
06023     // Draw the swap-axes button
06024     DocCoord BitmapPos;
06025     BitmapPos.x = HalfGridLock(FrontFaceRect.hi.x + SizeZ/2, PixelSize);
06026     BitmapPos.y = HalfGridLock(FrontFaceRect.hi.y - SizeZ/2, PixelSize);
06028     const INT32 BitmapSize = 14 * PixelSize;
06029     DocRect SwapAxesStrip(BitmapPos.x + BitmapSize, BitmapPos.y,
06030                             BitmapPos.x + BitmapSize + PixelSize * 3, BitmapPos.y + BitmapSize);
06032     GridLockRect(&SwapAxesStrip, PixelSize);
06034     DocColour SwapAxesFore(0L, 0L, 0L);
06035     DocColour SwapAxesFill(255L, 0L, 255L);
06036     if (ColourPickerMode == 1)
06037         SwapAxesFill = DocColour(0L, 255L, 255L);
06038     else if (ColourPickerMode == 2)
06039         SwapAxesFill = DocColour(255L, 255L, 0L);
06041     pRender->SetFillColour(SwapAxesFill);
06042     pRender->SetLineColour(SwapAxesFore);
06043     pRender->DrawRect(&SwapAxesStrip);
06045     // Render the bitmap last, to ensure we don't overwrite it
06046     pRender->DrawBitmap(BitmapPos, _R(IDB_PICKER_SWAPAXIS));
06049     DocColour MidGrey(128L, 128L, 128L);
06050     if (EditingColour != NULL)
06051     {
06052         // And draw a drag icon on the current Z position **** !!!! ToDo: Should be a bitmap icon
06053         DocRect ZButton(SquareRect);
06054         ZButton.lo.x = ZButton.hi.x;
06055         ZButton.hi.x += ZSLIDERSIZE - (PixelSize * 2);
06056         ZButton.hi.y = ZButton.lo.y;
06057         ZButton.lo.y -= ZSLIDERSIZE - (PixelSize * 2);
06058         GridLockRect(&ZButton, PixelSize);
06060         pRender->DrawBitmap(ZButton.lo, _R(IDB_PICKER_ZSLIDER));
06062         // Render marker cross in the appropriate X-Y place for the definition
06063         // of the current editing colour
06064         DocRect CrossRect;
06065         CrossConstraint Constraint = CalcCrossRectCMYK(&SourceColour, &SquareRect, PixelSize, &CrossRect);
06066         RenderCross(pRender, &CrossRect, PixelSize, (Constraint == CROSSCONSTRAINED_BOTH));
06068         // And render constraint bubbles if necessary
06069         if (Constraint == CROSSCONSTRAINED_HORZ)
06070         {
06071             INT32 MidY = (CrossRect.lo.y + CrossRect.hi.y) / 2;
06072             RenderConstraint(pRender, DocCoord(SquareRect.lo.x, MidY), DocCoord(SquareRect.hi.x, MidY));
06073         }
06074         else if (Constraint == CROSSCONSTRAINED_VERT)
06075         {
06076             INT32 MidX = (CrossRect.lo.x + CrossRect.hi.x) / 2;
06077             RenderConstraint(pRender, DocCoord(MidX, SquareRect.lo.y), DocCoord(MidX, SquareRect.hi.y));
06078         }
06080         // And a cross on the Key slider too
06081         INT32 YTrans = (INT32) ((double)(VirtualSize->Height() - (PATCHSIZE + PixelSize*2)) *
06082                                             SourceColour.Key.MakeDouble());
06084         CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(VirtualSize->hi.x - (CROSSRADIUS+PixelSize), PixelSize),
06085                             HalfGridLock(VirtualSize->lo.y + YTrans, PixelSize));
06087         BOOL Shaded = (EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT) ||
06088                         (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(4));
06089         RenderCross(pRender, &CrossRect, PixelSize, Shaded);
06090     }
06092     pRender->RestoreContext();
06093 }

void ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerDefault RenderRegion pRender,
DocRect VirtualSize,
INT32  PixelSize,
DialogColourInfo RedrawColours

Redraws a colour picker control for the colour editor dialogue. This is used in the given display mode to display the colour information in a useful format. e.g. in HSV mode, a wheel and slider arrangement.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pRender - The render region to render the picker in [INPUTS] VirtualSize - The rectangle defining the coordinate space to draw into PixelSize - The size of a pixel as mapped into the MILLIPOINT VirtualSize coordinate space; ensures things line up on display pixel boundaries. RedrawColours - A pointer to a DialogColourInfo object describing OS-friendly drawing colours to be used in redrawing the control.
Notes: This is called as a default method for all colour models which are not specifically provided for by the editor. It shows generic horizontal sliders for each of the available colour components. Some colour models (e.g. Greyscale) will always use this default, as it is fine for them.

See also:
ColourEditDlg::RenderControl; ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerDefault

Definition at line 6265 of file coldlog.cpp.

06267 {
06268     pRender->SaveContext();     // Save the current rendering context
06270     // Set rendering defaults: Fill paths only, and fill background with window grey
06271     DocColour Trans(COLOUR_TRANS);
06272     pRender->SetLineWidth(0);
06273     pRender->SetLineColour(Trans);
06274 //  pRender->SetFillColour(RedrawColours->DialogBack());
06275 //  pRender->DrawRect(VirtualSize);
06277     ColourGeneric GradFillDef;              // Colour for slider gradfill endpoint
06278     GradFillDef.Component1 =                // Initialise to all components = 0
06279         GradFillDef.Component2 = 
06280         GradFillDef.Component3 = 
06281         GradFillDef.Component4 = 0;
06283     ColourGeneric EditingColDef;            // Colour holding the current component values
06284     EditingColDef.Component1 =              // Default to all comps=0 in case of error
06285         EditingColDef.Component2 =          // (and in case EditingCOlour == NULL)
06286         EditingColDef.Component3 = 
06287         EditingColDef.Component4 = 0;
06289 //  ColourContext *cc = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(DisplayModel);
06290     ColourContext *cc = NULL;
06291     BOOL bDeleteCC = GetColourContext(DisplayModel, &cc);   
06292     if (cc == NULL)
06293     {
06294         pRender->RestoreContext();
06295         ERROR2RAW("Can't get a colour context for the DisplayModel!");
06296         return;
06297     }
06299     // Convert the editing colour (if any) into the current display model
06300     if (EditingColour != NULL)
06301         cc->ConvertColour(EditingColour, &EditingColDef);
06303     // Get a sneaky 'array of 4 components' to allow array-access into the colour definition
06304     ColourValue *ECComponent = (ColourValue *) &EditingColDef;  // EC =  EditingColour
06305     ColourValue *GFComponent = (ColourValue *) &GradFillDef;    // GF = GradFill Colour
06307     // Create a colour in the current DisplayModel with all components zero (probably
06308     // black (RGB/Grey) or white (CMYK))
06309     DocColour LeftColour(DisplayModel, &GradFillDef);
06310     DocColour TopLeftColour(DisplayModel, &GradFillDef);
06311     DocColour RightColour;
06312     DocColour TopRightColour;
06314     // Get the slider rectangle widths. The height is fixed/moved during the loop below
06315     DocRect SliderRect(*VirtualSize);
06316     SliderRect.hi.y -= PATCHSIZE + (PixelSize * 2);     // Allow space for the current colour patch
06318     // Count how many components we have to display
06319     INT32 NumComponents = 0;
06320     INT32 ComponentIndex;
06321     for (ComponentIndex = 1; ComponentIndex <= 4; ComponentIndex++)
06322     {
06323         if (cc->GetComponentName(ComponentIndex, NULL))
06324             NumComponents++;
06325     }
06327     // Calculate slider sizes and spacing
06328     INT32 SliderHeight = GetSliderHeight(SliderRect.Height(), NumComponents);
06329     INT32 SliderGap = GetSliderGap(SliderRect.Height(), NumComponents);
06331     // And move the top down by half a SliderGap, so the sliders are centered vertically
06332     SliderRect.hi.y -= SliderGap / 2;
06334     // Draw a slider for each component supplied in the current DisplayModel
06335     for (ComponentIndex = 0; ComponentIndex <= 3; ComponentIndex++)
06336     {
06337         // Ensure slider rect is the correct height
06338         SliderRect.lo.y = SliderRect.hi.y - SliderHeight;
06340         // If this component is available/used in this colour model, render it
06341         if (cc->GetComponentName(ComponentIndex+1, NULL))
06342         {
06343             // TopLeft colour is static (always all zeros)
06344             // We calculate the other 3 colours here: 
06345             //   TopRight is all zeros except this component is 1.0
06346             //   Left/Right go from EditingColour with this component = 0.0 to this = 1.0
06347             GradFillDef.Component1 =        // Initialise to all components = 0
06348                 GradFillDef.Component2 = 
06349                 GradFillDef.Component3 = 
06350                 GradFillDef.Component4 = 0;
06351             GFComponent[ComponentIndex] = FIXED24(1.0);
06352             TopRightColour = DocColour(DisplayModel, &GradFillDef);
06354             // Make the slider use the colour definition with this component from 0 to 1
06355             // (e.g. a red will give a green slider which shades from red to yellow)
06356             memcpy(&GradFillDef, &EditingColDef, sizeof(ColourGeneric));
06357             GFComponent[ComponentIndex] = FIXED24(0.0);
06358             LeftColour = DocColour(DisplayModel, &GradFillDef);
06360             GFComponent[ComponentIndex] = FIXED24(1.0);
06361             RightColour = DocColour(DisplayModel, &GradFillDef);
06363             BOOL Shaded = EditingColour == NULL ||
06364                             ((EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT) ||
06365                             EditingColour->InheritsComponent(ComponentIndex+1));
06367             // Render the slider
06368             if (SplitLineDisplay && NumComponents > 1)
06369             {
06370                 // We want a split display for each line, with a gradfill showing
06371                 // only this component (on top), and a gradfill showing the range of
06372                 // colours you can get by changing only this component (below).
06373                 RenderPickerSliderH(pRender, &SliderRect,
06374                                     PixelSize, ECComponent[ComponentIndex],
06375                                     &LeftColour, &RightColour,
06376                                     &TopLeftColour, &TopRightColour,
06377                                     Shaded);
06378             }
06379             else
06380             {
06381                 // We want a non-split display. This redraws faster, as it only shows
06382                 // the grad fill for this component. If there is only one colour component
06383                 // (e.g. Greyscale) then the split display will look identical, so we
06384                 // use the faster redraw method.
06385                 RenderPickerSliderH(pRender, &SliderRect,
06386                                     PixelSize, ECComponent[ComponentIndex],
06387                                     NULL, NULL,
06388                                     &TopLeftColour, &TopRightColour,
06389                                     Shaded);
06390             }
06391         }
06393         // Move down to the next slider rectangle position
06394         SliderRect.hi.y = SliderRect.lo.y - SliderGap;
06395     }
06397     // Finally, return the render region context to its original state
06398     pRender->RestoreContext();
06400     // Delete the colour context if necessary
06401     if (bDeleteCC)
06402     {
06403         ColourContextList::GetList()->RemoveContext(&cc);           // Have finished with it
06404     }
06405 }

void ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerHSV RenderRegion pRender,
DocRect VirtualSize,
INT32  PixelSize,
DialogColourInfo RedrawColours,
DocRect pClipRect

Redraws a colour picker control for the colour editor dialogue. This is used in the given display mode to display the colour information in a useful format. e.g. in HSV mode, a wheel and slider arrangement.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pRender - The render region to render the picker in [INPUTS]
VirtualSize - The rectangle defining the coordinate space to draw into

PixelSize - The size of a pixel as mapped into the MILLIPOINT VirtualSize coordinate space; ensures things line up on display pixel boundaries.

RedrawColours - A pointer to a DialogColourInfo object describing OS-friendly drawing colours to be used in redrawing the control.

pClipRect - The area to be redrawn, in (0,0)->(dx,dy) dialog millipoint coords

See also:
ColourEditDlg::RenderControl; ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerDefault

Definition at line 4421 of file coldlog.cpp.

04424 {
04425     pRender->SaveContext();     // Save the current rendering context
04427     // Set defaults: Fill paths only, and fill background with window grey
04428     DocColour Trans(COLOUR_TRANS);
04430     pRender->SetLineWidth(0);
04431     pRender->SetLineColour(Trans);
04432 //  pRender->SetFillColour(RedrawColours->DialogBack());
04433 //  pRender->DrawRect(VirtualSize);
04435     // First, do a Hue slider (a rainbow grad filled rectangle along the bottom)
04436     DocRect HueRect;
04437     DocRect ValSatSquare;
04438     CalculateHSVPickerRects(VirtualSize, PixelSize, &HueRect, &ValSatSquare);
04440     // Draw the Saturation vs. Value square
04441     Path SquarePath;
04442     LinearFillAttribute ValueGradFill;
04443     LinearTranspFillAttribute TransFill;
04445     ColourHSVT ColourDef;
04446     if (EditingColour != NULL)
04447     {
04448         BaseDocument *ScopeDocument = ParentList->GetParentDocument();
04449         ColourContextArray *Contexts = ScopeDocument->GetDefaultColourContexts();
04450         ERROR3IF(Contexts == NULL, "Document default contexts not defined?!");
04452         ColourContextHSVT *ccHSV = (ColourContextHSVT *)
04453                                         Contexts->Context[COLOURMODEL_HSVT];
04454         ERROR3IF(ccHSV == NULL, "Document default context for HSV not defined?!");
04455         ccHSV->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &ColourDef);
04456     }
04457     else
04458     {
04459         // No colour - default to white
04460         ColourDef.Hue = 0;
04461         ColourDef.Saturation = ColourDef.Value = FIXED24(1.0);
04462     }
04464     if (pClipRect->IsIntersectedWith(ValSatSquare))     // If we need to redraw this bit...
04465     {       
04466         // Copy the colour def, and force it's Value & Sat components to 1.0
04467         ColourHSVT TempColourDef;
04468         TempColourDef.Hue   = ColourDef.Hue;
04469         TempColourDef.Value = TempColourDef.Saturation = FIXED24(1.0);
04471         pRender->SaveContext();
04473         ValueGradFill.Colour    = DOCCOLOUR_HSVT(&TempColourDef);
04474         ValueGradFill.EndColour = DocColour(255L, 255L, 255L);
04476         DocCoord ThePoint;
04477         ThePoint = DocCoord(ValSatSquare.lo.x, ValSatSquare.hi.y);
04478         ValueGradFill.SetStartPoint(&ThePoint);
04479         ThePoint = DocCoord(ValSatSquare.hi.x, ValSatSquare.hi.y);
04480         ValueGradFill.SetEndPoint(&ThePoint);
04481         ValueGradFill.SetEndPoint2(NULL);
04483         pRender->SetFillGeometry(&ValueGradFill, FALSE);            // Set Grad-filled
04485         SquarePath.Initialise(12, 12);
04486         SquarePath.FindStartOfPath();
04488         SquarePath.InsertMoveTo(ValSatSquare.lo);
04489         SquarePath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(ValSatSquare.hi.x, ValSatSquare.lo.y));
04490         SquarePath.InsertLineTo(ValSatSquare.hi);
04491         SquarePath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(ValSatSquare.lo.x, ValSatSquare.hi.y));
04492         SquarePath.IsFilled = TRUE;
04494         pRender->DrawPath(&SquarePath);     // Render the value square
04496         // Render a white linear-grad-transparency square over the top to get the
04497         // effect of the Saturation gradient
04498         DocColour black(0,0,0);
04499         pRender->SetFillColour(black);
04501         // Set transparency to circular 0% at center, 100% at radius, && plot it
04502         if (bHSVHueAtTop)
04503         {
04504             TransFill.SetStartPoint(&ValSatSquare.hi);
04505             ThePoint = DocCoord(ValSatSquare.hi.x, ValSatSquare.lo.y);
04506             TransFill.SetEndPoint(&ThePoint);
04507             TransFill.SetEndPoint2(NULL);
04508         }
04509         else
04510         {
04511             TransFill.SetStartPoint(&ValSatSquare.lo);
04512             ThePoint = DocCoord(ValSatSquare.lo.x, ValSatSquare.hi.y);
04513             TransFill.SetEndPoint(&ThePoint);
04514             TransFill.SetEndPoint2(NULL);
04515         }
04516         TransFill.Transp        = 255;
04517         TransFill.EndTransp     = 0;
04518         TransFill.TranspType    = TT_StainGlass;        // 'Stained glass' transparency
04520         pRender->SetTranspFillGeometry(&TransFill, FALSE);
04522         pRender->DrawPath(&SquarePath);     // Render the saturation square
04524         pRender->RestoreContext();
04525     }
04527     // (Declare variables now to stop render region going tits up)
04528     Path HuePath;
04529     FillEffectAltRainbowAttribute AltRainbow;
04530     LinearFillAttribute HueGradFill;
04532     if (pClipRect->IsIntersectedWith(HueRect))      // If we need to redraw this bit...
04533     {
04534         pRender->SaveContext();
04536         HueGradFill.Colour      = DocColour(255L, 0L, 0L);      // Red to Red, alt-rainbow
04537         HueGradFill.EndColour   = DocColour(255L, 0L, 0L);
04539         HueGradFill.SetStartPoint(&HueRect.hi);
04540         DocCoord ThePoint(HueRect.lo.x, HueRect.hi.y);
04541         HueGradFill.SetEndPoint(&ThePoint);
04542         HueGradFill.SetEndPoint2(NULL);
04544         pRender->SetFillGeometry(&HueGradFill, FALSE);          // Set Grad-filled
04546         pRender->SetFillEffect(&AltRainbow, FALSE);             // Set alt-rainbow fill
04548         // Draw the rectangle - done as a path so we can draw with grad-fill
04549         HuePath.Initialise(12, 12);
04550         HuePath.FindStartOfPath();
04552         HuePath.InsertMoveTo(HueRect.lo);
04553         HuePath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(HueRect.hi.x, HueRect.lo.y));
04554         HuePath.InsertLineTo(HueRect.hi);
04555         HuePath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(HueRect.lo.x, HueRect.hi.y));
04556         HuePath.IsFilled = TRUE;
04558         pRender->DrawPath(&HuePath);        // Render the hue strip
04560         pRender->RestoreContext();
04561     }
04563     if (EditingColour != NULL)
04564     {
04565         // Render marker crosses in the appropriate places for the definition
04566         // of the current editing colour - First, the Hue cross
04569         INT32 TransX = (INT32) ((double) HueRect.Width() * ColourDef.Hue.MakeDouble());
04571         CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(HueRect.lo.x + TransX, PixelSize),
04572                             HalfGridLock((HueRect.lo.y + HueRect.hi.y) / 2, PixelSize));
04574         BOOL CrossShaded = (EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT) ||
04575                         (EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_LINKED &&
04576                          EditingColour->InheritsComponent(1));
04578         RenderCross(pRender, &CrossRect, PixelSize, CrossShaded);
04580         // And the Sat/Val cross
04582         TransX = ValSatSquare.hi.x - (INT32)
04583                     ((double)ValSatSquare.Width() * ColourDef.Saturation.MakeDouble());
04584         INT32 TransY;
04585 if (bHSVHueAtTop)
04586 {
04587         TransY = ValSatSquare.lo.y + (INT32)
04588                     ((double)ValSatSquare.Height() * ColourDef.Value.MakeDouble());
04589 }
04590 else
04591 {
04592         TransY = ValSatSquare.hi.y - (INT32)
04593                     ((double)ValSatSquare.Height() * ColourDef.Value.MakeDouble());
04594 }
04596         CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(TransX, PixelSize), HalfGridLock(TransY, PixelSize));
04598         CrossShaded = (EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT) ||
04599                             (EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_LINKED &&
04600                              EditingColour->InheritsComponent(2) &&
04601                              EditingColour->InheritsComponent(3));
04602         RenderCross(pRender, &CrossRect, PixelSize, CrossShaded);
04604         if (!CrossShaded && EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_LINKED)
04605         {
04606             if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(2))
04607             {
04608                 // Saturation is locked, so constrain to Value axis
04609                 RenderConstraint(pRender, DocCoord(TransX, ValSatSquare.hi.y), 
04610                                             DocCoord(TransX, ValSatSquare.lo.y));
04611             }
04612             else if (EditingColour->InheritsComponent(3))
04613             {
04614                 // Value is locked, so constrain to Saturation axis
04615                 RenderConstraint(pRender, DocCoord(ValSatSquare.lo.x, TransY), 
04616                                             DocCoord(ValSatSquare.hi.x, TransY));
04617             }
04618         }
04619     }
04620     return;
04622 #if FALSE
04623     // Replacement code (developmental) to do a 3-d HSV colour cone display
04625     // Diameter is the width of the gadget - the value rectangle - a gap
04626     const INT32 MaxDiameter = (VirtualSize->Height() * 100) / 128;
04627     const INT32 MaxRadius = HalfGridLock(MaxDiameter/2, PixelSize);
04628     const INT32 TopMidY = HalfGridLock(VirtualSize->hi.y - MaxRadius, PixelSize);
04629     const INT32 TopMidX = HalfGridLock(VirtualSize->hi.x - MaxRadius, PixelSize);
04631     // The tip of the cone is 45 degrees down & to the left of the center.
04632     // It occurs just far enough away from the edge of the gadget to accomodate a Z Slider box
04633     const INT32 TipY = VirtualSize->lo.y + ZSLIDERSIZE;
04634     const INT32 TipX = TopMidX - (TopMidY - TipY);
04636     // Get the colour we want to display as an HSV colour definition
04637     ColourHSVT ColourDef;                   
04638     ColourHSVT TempColourDef;
04639     if (EditingColour != NULL)
04640     {
04641         BaseDocument *ScopeDocument = ParentList->GetParentDocument();
04642         ColourContextArray *Contexts = ScopeDocument->GetDefaultColourContexts();
04643         ERROR3IF(Contexts == NULL, "Document default contexts not defined?!");
04645         ColourContextHSVT *ccHSV = (ColourContextHSVT *)
04646                                         Contexts->Context[COLOURMODEL_HSVT];
04647         ERROR3IF(ccHSV == NULL, "Document default context for HSV not defined?!");
04648         ccHSV->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &ColourDef);
04650         // --- Draw the value slider rectangle
04652         // Create a colour from this, but with Value = 1.0
04653         memcpy(&TempColourDef, &ColourDef, sizeof(ColourHSVT));
04654     }
04655     else
04656         TempColourDef.Value = FIXED24(1.0);
04658     const INT32 Diameter = (const INT32) ((double) MaxDiameter * TempColourDef.Value.MakeDouble());
04659     const INT32 Radius = HalfGridLock(Diameter/2, PixelSize);
04661     INT32 Offset = (const INT32) ( ((double) (TopMidY - TipY)) * 
04662                                  (1.0 - TempColourDef.Value.MakeDouble()) );
04664     const INT32 MidY = HalfGridLock(TopMidY - Offset, PixelSize);
04665     const INT32 MidX = HalfGridLock(TopMidX - Offset, PixelSize);
04667     // --- Draw the HSV colour wheel - two semicircles with conical rainbow
04668     //     fills (this will be overlaid with a transparent-filled white
04669     //     circle to get the final colour wheel image)
04670     //     The entire HSV picker is now drawn on top of a '3d cone shadow' display
04672     // Draw the cone 'shadow' (A triangle with a circle over one end)
04673     Path ShadowT;
04674     ShadowT.Initialise(12, 12);
04675     ShadowT.InsertMoveTo(DocCoord(TipX, TipY));
04677     Offset = (INT32) (0.866025403 * (double)MaxRadius);         // MaxRadius * sin(60)
04678     INT32 Offset2 =  (INT32) (0.50 * (double)MaxRadius);            // MaxRadius * cos(60)
04680     ShadowT.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(TopMidX-Offset, TopMidY+Offset2));
04681     ShadowT.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(TopMidX+Offset2, TopMidY-Offset));
04682     ShadowT.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(TipX, TipY));
04683     ShadowT.IsFilled = TRUE;
04685     DocColour ShadowTFill(176L, 176L, 176L);
04686     pRender->SetFillColour(ShadowTFill);
04687     pRender->DrawPath(&ShadowT);
04689     // CPDist = the distance of the bezier control points from the line
04690     // endpoints to give us a circle
04691     const INT32 TopCPDist = (const INT32) ( ((double)MaxRadius) * 0.552 );
04693     Path ShadowC;
04694     ShadowC.Initialise(12, 12);
04695     ShadowC.FindStartOfPath();
04696     ShadowC.InsertMoveTo(DocCoord(TopMidX+MaxRadius, TopMidY));
04697     ShadowC.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(TopMidX+MaxRadius, TopMidY+TopCPDist),
04698                             DocCoord(TopMidX+TopCPDist, TopMidY+MaxRadius),
04699                             DocCoord(TopMidX, TopMidY+MaxRadius));
04700     ShadowC.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(TopMidX-TopCPDist, TopMidY+MaxRadius),
04701                             DocCoord(TopMidX-MaxRadius, TopMidY+TopCPDist),
04702                             DocCoord(TopMidX-MaxRadius, TopMidY));
04703     ShadowC.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(TopMidX-MaxRadius, TopMidY-TopCPDist),
04704                             DocCoord(TopMidX-TopCPDist, TopMidY-MaxRadius),
04705                             DocCoord(TopMidX, TopMidY-MaxRadius));
04706     ShadowC.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(TopMidX+TopCPDist, TopMidY-MaxRadius),
04707                             DocCoord(TopMidX+MaxRadius, TopMidY-TopCPDist),
04708                             DocCoord(TopMidX+MaxRadius, TopMidY));
04709     ShadowC.IsFilled = TRUE;
04711     DocColour ShadowCFill(168L, 168L, 168L);
04712     pRender->SetFillColour(ShadowCFill);
04713     pRender->DrawPath(&ShadowC);
04716     // CPDist = the distance of the bezier control points from the line
04717     // endpoints to give us a circle
04718     const INT32 CPDist = (const INT32) ( ((double)Radius) * 0.552 );
04720     // Generate the fill attribute for the HSV rainbow fill
04721     ConicalFillAttribute Conical;
04723     Conical.SetStartPoint(DocCoord(MidX, MidY));
04724     Conical.SetEndPoint(DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY));
04725     Conical.SetEndPoint2(NULL);
04727     // Fill: conical, (alt)rainbow, Hue 0.25 to 0.75, Value == SourceColour Value
04728     TempColourDef.Hue = FIXED24(0.25);
04729     TempColourDef.Saturation = FIXED24(1.0);
04730     Conical.Colour = DOCCOLOUR_HSVT(&TempColourDef);
04732     TempColourDef.Hue = FIXED24(0.75);
04733     Conical.EndColour = DOCCOLOUR_HSVT(&TempColourDef);
04735     pRender->SetFillGeometry(&Conical, FALSE);
04737     // Build and draw the Top (CircleT) and Bottom (CircleB) Semicircles
04738     Path CircleT;
04739     CircleT.Initialise(12, 12);
04740     CircleT.FindStartOfPath();
04741     CircleT.InsertMoveTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY));
04742     CircleT.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY+CPDist), DocCoord(MidX+CPDist, MidY+Radius), DocCoord(MidX, MidY+Radius));
04743     CircleT.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(MidX-CPDist, MidY+Radius), DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY+CPDist), DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY));
04744     CircleT.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY));
04745     CircleT.IsFilled = TRUE;
04747     FillEffectAltRainbowAttribute AltRainbow;
04748     pRender->SetFillEffect(&AltRainbow, FALSE); // Set alt-rainbow fill
04749     pRender->DrawPath(&CircleT);                // And draw topmost semicircle
04751     Path CircleB;
04752     CircleB.Initialise(12, 12);
04753     CircleB.FindStartOfPath();
04754     CircleB.InsertMoveTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY));
04755     CircleB.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY-CPDist), DocCoord(MidX+CPDist, MidY-Radius), DocCoord(MidX, MidY-Radius));
04756     CircleB.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(MidX-CPDist, MidY-Radius), DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY-CPDist), DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY));
04757     CircleB.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY));
04758     CircleB.IsFilled = TRUE;
04760     FillEffectRainbowAttribute Rainbow;
04761     pRender->SetFillEffect(&Rainbow, FALSE);    // Set rainbow fill
04762     pRender->DrawPath(&CircleB);                // And draw bottom semicircle
04764     pRender->RestoreContext();                  // Get attrs back to normality!
04765     pRender->SaveContext();
04767     // --- Finally, draw a (rectangle) over the colour wheel, filled with
04768     //     a grey of the same intensity/Value as the source colour (e.g
04769     //     if source Value == 1.0, then fill with white). This is overlaid
04770     //     using a circular transparent fill which is 0% transparent in the
04771     //     center (white) and 100% at the edge of the wheel (wheel-colour)
04772     Path TransPath;
04773     TransPath.Initialise(12, 12);
04774     TransPath.FindStartOfPath();
04775     TransPath.InsertMoveTo(DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY-Radius));
04776     TransPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY+Radius));
04777     TransPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY+Radius));
04778     TransPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY-Radius));
04779     TransPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY-Radius));
04780     TransPath.IsFilled = TRUE;
04782     // Render the transpath
04783     TempColourDef.Hue = 0;
04784     TempColourDef.Saturation = 0;
04785     TempColourDef.Value = (EditingColour == NULL) ?
04786                                      FIXED24(1.0) : ColourDef.Value;                    
04787     DocColour MaxWhiteness = DOCCOLOUR_HSVT(&TempColourDef);
04789     pRender->SetLineWidth(0);           // Ensure fill-only
04790     pRender->SetLineColour(Trans);
04791     pRender->SetFillColour(MaxWhiteness);
04793     // Set transparency to circular 0% at center, 100% at radius, && plot it
04794     RadialTranspFillAttribute TransFill;
04795     TransFill.SetStartPoint(DocCoord(MidX, MidY));
04796     TransFill.SetEndPoint(DocCoord(MidX, MidY+Radius));
04797     TransFill.SetEndPoint2(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY));
04798     TransFill.Transp        = 0;
04799     TransFill.EndTransp     = 255;
04800     TransFill.TranspType    = TT_Mix;       // 'Mix' transparency
04802     pRender->SetTranspFillGeometry(&TransFill, FALSE);
04803     pRender->DrawPath(&TransPath);
04807     // Finally, render an outlined circle over the top, to give the 'jelly cone' appearance
04808     pRender->SetFillColour(Trans);
04809     pRender->SetLineColour(ShadowCFill);
04810     pRender->DrawPath(&ShadowC);
04813     pRender->RestoreContext();          // Restore original attribute context
04816     if (EditingColour != NULL)
04817     {
04818         // And draw a drag icon on the current Z position **** !!!! ToDo: Should be a bitmap icon
04819         DocRect ZButton(TipX-ZSLIDERSIZE+PixelSize, TipY-ZSLIDERSIZE+PixelSize,
04820                         TipX-PixelSize, TipY-PixelSize);
04822         // The drag icon should touch the edge of the HSV circle (at 45 degrees)
04823         Offset = (INT32) (((double) (TopMidY - TipY) - (0.707106781 * (double) MaxRadius)) *
04824                             TempColourDef.Value.MakeDouble());
04826         ZButton.Translate(Offset, Offset);
04827         GridLockRect(&ZButton, PixelSize);
04830         DocColour MidGrey(128L, 128L, 128L);
04831         pRender->SetFillColour(MidGrey);
04832         pRender->DrawRect(&ZButton);
04835         // Render marker crosses in the appropriate places for the definition
04836         // of the current editing colour
04839         // Convert Hue (0.0 -> 1.0) into an angle in radians (0 -> 2Pi)
04840         const double theta  = 2.0 * PI * ColourDef.Hue.MakeDouble();
04842         // Convert Saturation into a distance from the center of the colour wheel
04843         const double length = (double)Radius * ColourDef.Saturation.MakeDouble();
04845         // Translate the cross to the polar coordinate (theta, length)
04846         CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(MidX + (INT32)(length * sin(theta)), PixelSize),
04847                             HalfGridLock(MidY + (INT32)(length * cos(theta)), PixelSize));
04848         RenderCross(pRender, &CrossRect, PixelSize);
04849     }
04851 //#else
04853     // Calculate where the colour wheel circle & brightness slider rect will go
04854     // Note that we always try for an even number of pixels wide, to ensure that
04855     // the marker cross appears exactly centered (rather than 1 pixel more space
04856     // on one side of it)
04857     DocRect ValueRect;
04858     ValueRect.hi.x = HalfGridLock(VirtualSize->hi.x, PixelSize);
04859     ValueRect.lo.x = HalfGridLock(ValueRect.hi.x - (VirtualSize->Width() / 8), PixelSize * 2);
04862     // Diameter is the width of the gadget - the value rectangle - a gap
04863     INT32 Diameter = VirtualSize->Width() - ValueRect.Width() - (ValueRect.Width() / 3);
04864     if (Diameter > VirtualSize->Height())
04865         Diameter = VirtualSize->Height();
04867     const INT32 Radius = HalfGridLock(Diameter/2, PixelSize);
04868     const INT32 MidY = HalfGridLock(VirtualSize->Height() / 2, PixelSize);
04869     const INT32 MidX = HalfGridLock(VirtualSize->lo.x + Radius, PixelSize);
04871     ValueRect.lo.y = MidY - Radius; // Rect only as high as the circle
04872     ValueRect.hi.y = MidY + Radius;
04874     // Get the colour we want to display as an HSV colour definition
04875     ColourHSVT ColourDef;                   
04876     ColourHSVT TempColourDef;
04877     if (EditingColour != NULL)
04878     {
04879         BaseDocument *ScopeDocument = ParentList->GetParentDocument();
04880         ColourContextArray *Contexts = ScopeDocument->GetDefaultColourContexts();
04881         ERROR3IF(Contexts == NULL, "Document default contexts not defined?!");
04883         ColourContextHSVT *ccHSV = (ColourContextHSVT *)
04884                                         Contexts->Context[COLOURMODEL_HSVT];
04885         ERROR3IF(ccHSV == NULL, "Document default context for HSV not defined?!");
04886         ccHSV->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &ColourDef);
04888         // --- Draw the value slider rectangle
04890         // Create a colour from this, but with Value = 1.0
04891         memcpy(&TempColourDef, &ColourDef, sizeof(ColourHSVT));
04892         TempColourDef.Value = FIXED24(1.0);
04893     }
04895     // Create a grad fill from this colour (V=1.0) to black (V=0.0)
04896     // (Declare variables now to stop render region going tits up)
04897     LinearFillAttribute ValueGradFill;
04898     Path ValuePath;
04900     if (pClipRect->IsIntersectedWith(ValueRect))
04901     {
04902         if (EditingColour != NULL)
04903             ValueGradFill.Colour = DOCCOLOUR_HSVT(&TempColourDef);  
04904         else
04905             ValueGradFill.Colour = DocColour(255L, 255L, 255L);
04907         ValueGradFill.EndColour  = DocColour(0L, 0L, 0L);
04908         ValueGradFill.SetStartPoint(DocCoord((ValueRect.lo.x + ValueRect.hi.x) / 2,
04909                                             ValueRect.hi.y));
04910         ValueGradFill.SetEndPoint(DocCoord((ValueRect.lo.x + ValueRect.hi.x) / 2,
04911                                             ValueRect.lo.y));
04912         ValueGradFill.SetEndPoint2(NULL);
04914         pRender->SetFillGeometry(&ValueGradFill, FALSE);
04916         // Draw the rectangle - done as a path so we can draw with grad-fill
04917         ValuePath.Initialise(12, 12);
04918         ValuePath.FindStartOfPath();
04920         ValuePath.InsertMoveTo(ValueRect.lo);
04921         ValuePath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(ValueRect.hi.x, ValueRect.lo.y));
04922         ValuePath.InsertLineTo(ValueRect.hi);
04923         ValuePath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(ValueRect.lo.x, ValueRect.hi.y));
04924         ValuePath.IsFilled = TRUE;
04926         pRender->DrawPath(&ValuePath);      // Render the value/brightness strip
04927     }
04929     // --- Draw the HSV colour wheel - two semicircles with conical rainbow
04930     //     fills (this will be overlaid with a transparent-filled white
04931     //     circle to get the final colour wheel image)
04933     // CPDist = the distance of the bezier control points from the line
04934     // endpoints to give us a circle
04935     const INT32 CPDist = (const INT32) ( ((double)Radius) * 0.552 );
04937     // Generate the fill attribute for the HSV rainbow fill
04938     // Again, create all the objects at this scope level to keep render region alive
04939     ConicalFillAttribute Conical;
04940     FillEffectAltRainbowAttribute AltRainbow;
04941     Path CircleT;
04942     Path CircleB;
04943     Path TransPath;
04944     RadialTranspFillAttribute TransFill;
04946     DocRect WheelRect(MidX - Radius, MidY - Radius, MidX + Radius, MidY + Radius);
04947     if (pClipRect->IsIntersectedWith(WheelRect))
04948     {
04949         Conical.SetStartPoint(DocCoord(MidX, MidY));
04950         Conical.SetEndPoint(DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY));
04951         Conical.SetEndPoint2(NULL);
04953         // Fill: conical, (alt)rainbow, Hue 0.25 to 0.75, Value == SourceColour Value
04954         TempColourDef.Hue = FIXED24(0.25);
04955         TempColourDef.Saturation = FIXED24(1.0);
04956         if (EditingColour != NULL)
04957             TempColourDef.Value = ColourDef.Value;
04958         else
04959             TempColourDef.Value = FIXED24(1.0);
04961         Conical.Colour = DOCCOLOUR_HSVT(&TempColourDef);
04963         TempColourDef.Hue = FIXED24(0.75);
04964         Conical.EndColour = DOCCOLOUR_HSVT(&TempColourDef);
04966         pRender->SetFillGeometry(&Conical, FALSE);
04968         // Build and draw the Top (CircleT) and Bottom (CircleB) Semicircles
04969         CircleT.Initialise(12, 12);
04970         CircleT.FindStartOfPath();
04971         CircleT.InsertMoveTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY));
04972         CircleT.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY+CPDist), DocCoord(MidX+CPDist, MidY+Radius), DocCoord(MidX, MidY+Radius));
04973         CircleT.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(MidX-CPDist, MidY+Radius), DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY+CPDist), DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY));
04974         CircleT.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY));
04975         CircleT.IsFilled = TRUE;
04977         pRender->SetFillEffect(&AltRainbow, FALSE); // Set alt-rainbow fill
04978         pRender->DrawPath(&CircleT);                // And draw topmost semicircle
04980         CircleB.Initialise(12, 12);
04981         CircleB.FindStartOfPath();
04982         CircleB.InsertMoveTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY));
04983         CircleB.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY-CPDist), DocCoord(MidX+CPDist, MidY-Radius), DocCoord(MidX, MidY-Radius));
04984         CircleB.InsertCurveTo(DocCoord(MidX-CPDist, MidY-Radius), DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY-CPDist), DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY));
04985         CircleB.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY));
04986         CircleB.IsFilled = TRUE;
04988         FillEffectRainbowAttribute Rainbow;
04989         pRender->SetFillEffect(&Rainbow, FALSE);    // Set rainbow fill
04990         pRender->DrawPath(&CircleB);                // And draw bottom semicircle
04992         pRender->RestoreContext();                  // Get attrs back to normality!
04993         pRender->SaveContext();
04995         // --- Finally, draw a (rectangle) over the colour wheel, filled with
04996         //     a grey of the same intensity/Value as the source colour (e.g
04997         //     if source Value == 1.0, then fill with white). This is overlaid
04998         //     using a circular transparent fill which is 0% transparent in the
04999         //     center (white) and 100% at the edge of the wheel (wheel-colour)
05000         TransPath.Initialise(12, 12);
05001         TransPath.FindStartOfPath();
05002         TransPath.InsertMoveTo(DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY-Radius));
05003         TransPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY+Radius));
05004         TransPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY+Radius));
05005         TransPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY-Radius));
05006         TransPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(MidX-Radius, MidY-Radius));
05007         TransPath.IsFilled = TRUE;
05009         // Render the transpath
05010         TempColourDef.Hue = 0;
05011         TempColourDef.Saturation = 0;
05012         TempColourDef.Value = (EditingColour == NULL) ?
05013                                          FIXED24(1.0) : ColourDef.Value;                    
05014         DocColour MaxWhiteness = DOCCOLOUR_HSVT(&TempColourDef);
05016         pRender->SetLineWidth(0);           // Ensure fill-only
05017         pRender->SetLineColour(Trans);
05018         pRender->SetFillColour(MaxWhiteness);
05020         // Set transparency to circular 0% at center, 100% at radius, && plot it
05021         TransFill.SetStartPoint(DocCoord(MidX, MidY));
05022         TransFill.SetEndPoint(DocCoord(MidX, MidY+Radius));
05023         TransFill.SetEndPoint2(DocCoord(MidX+Radius, MidY));
05024         TransFill.Transp        = 0;
05025         TransFill.EndTransp     = 255;
05026         TransFill.TranspType    = TT_Mix;       // 'Mix' transparency
05028         pRender->SetTranspFillGeometry(&TransFill, FALSE);
05029         pRender->DrawPath(&TransPath);
05030     }
05032     pRender->RestoreContext();          // Restore original attribute context
05035     if (EditingColour != NULL)
05036     {
05037         // Render marker crosses in the appropriate places for the definition
05038         // of the current editing colour
05041         // Convert Hue (0.0 -> 1.0) into an angle in radians (0 -> 2Pi)
05042         const double theta  = 2.0 * PI * ColourDef.Hue.MakeDouble();
05044         // Convert Saturation into a distance from the center of the colour wheel
05045         const double length = (double)Radius * ColourDef.Saturation.MakeDouble();
05047         // Translate the cross to the polar coordinate (theta, length)
05048         CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(MidX + (INT32)(length * sin(theta)), PixelSize),
05049                             HalfGridLock(MidY + (INT32)(length * cos(theta)), PixelSize));
05050         RenderCross(pRender, &CrossRect, PixelSize);
05053         INT32 TransX = (ValueRect.lo.x + ValueRect.hi.x) / 2;
05054         INT32 TransY = ValueRect.lo.y + (INT32) ((double)ValueRect.Height() *
05055                                                 ColourDef.Value.MakeDouble());
05056         CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(TransX, PixelSize), HalfGridLock(TransY, PixelSize));
05057         RenderCross(pRender, &CrossRect, PixelSize);
05058     }
05060 #endif
05061 }

void ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerRGB RenderRegion pRender,
DocRect VirtualSize,
INT32  PixelSize,
DialogColourInfo RedrawColours

Redraws a colour picker control for the colour editor dialogue. This is used in the given display mode to display the colour information in a useful format. e.g. in HSV mode, a wheel and slider arrangement.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pRender - The render region to render the picker in [INPUTS] VirtualSize - The rectangle defining the coordinate space to draw into PixelSize - The size of a pixel as mapped into the MILLIPOINT VirtualSize coordinate space; ensures things line up on display pixel boundaries. RedrawColours - A pointer to a DialogColourInfo object describing OS-friendly drawing colours to be used in redrawing the control.
See also:
ColourEditDlg::RenderControl; ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerDefault

Definition at line 5472 of file coldlog.cpp.

05474 {
05475     pRender->SaveContext();     // Save the current rendering context
05476     DocColour Trans(COLOUR_TRANS);
05478     // First, set up the render region, and fill the background with Dialogue BG colour
05479     pRender->SetLineWidth(0);
05480     pRender->SetLineColour(Trans);
05481 //  pRender->SetFillColour(RedrawColours->DialogBack());
05482 //  pRender->DrawRect(VirtualSize);
05484     // Draw the cube 'shadow', and calculate where the cube sits
05485     DocRect SquareRect;
05486     INT32 SizeZ;
05487     DrawCubeShadowAndCalcValues(pRender, VirtualSize, PixelSize, RedrawColours,
05488                                 /* TO */ &SquareRect, &SizeZ);
05490     DocRect FrontFaceRect(SquareRect);      // Remember the old squarerect for later
05492 #if FALSE
05493 /*
05494     Old code. Works fine normally, but due to using bleach trnsparency, fails to work
05495     properly in "show printer colours" preview mode. Also, the new 4-colour fill
05496     method below is faster, as it only does one path fill rather than 3 (plus transparency)
05498     // Find the source colour definition in RGB space
05499     ColourRGBT SourceColour;
05500     if (EditingColour != NULL)
05501     {
05502         ColourContextRGBT *ccRGB = (ColourContextRGBT *)
05503                                     ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_RGBT);
05504         ERROR3IF(ccRGB == NULL, "Can't get an RGB colour context");
05506         ccRGB->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &SourceColour);
05507     }
05508     else
05509     {
05510         SourceColour.Red =SourceColour.Green = SourceColour.Blue = FIXED24(1.0);
05511         SourceColour.Transparent = 0;
05512     }
05514     // Now, Move the 'SquareRect' down and right so its bottom corner touches the Z axis
05515     // at the appropriate point for the current Z value. (i.e. slice the cube through at
05516     // the place where the slice really is)
05517     if (EditingColour != NULL)
05518     {
05519         FIXED24 ZComponent = SourceColour.Blue;
05520         if (ColourPickerMode == 1)
05521             ZComponent = SourceColour.Green;
05522         else if (ColourPickerMode == 2)
05523             ZComponent = SourceColour.Red;
05525         INT32 ZTrans = (INT32) ((double)SizeZ * ZComponent.MakeDouble()) - SizeZ;
05526         SquareRect.Translate(-ZTrans, ZTrans);
05527         GridLockRect(&SquareRect, PixelSize);
05528     }
05530     // Now, composite up the picker square, which is made of 3 squares on top of each
05531     // other, all flat-filled in primary colours, the top 2 having horz/vert trans fills
05532     ColourRGBT BaseColour;
05533     ColourRGBT MidColour;
05534     ColourRGBT TopColour;
05536     BaseColour.Red = BaseColour.Green = BaseColour.Blue = BaseColour.Transparent = 0;
05537     memcpy(&MidColour, &BaseColour, sizeof(ColourRGBT));
05538     memcpy(&TopColour, &BaseColour, sizeof(ColourRGBT));
05540     switch(ColourPickerMode)
05541     {
05542         case 1:     // XYZ = R,B,G
05543             MidColour.Red       = FIXED24(1.0);
05544             TopColour.Blue      = FIXED24(1.0);
05545             BaseColour.Green    = SourceColour.Green;
05546             break;
05548         case 2:     // XYZ = B,G,R
05549             MidColour.Blue      = FIXED24(1.0);
05550             TopColour.Green     = FIXED24(1.0);
05551             BaseColour.Red      = SourceColour.Red;
05552             break;
05554         default:    // XYZ = G,R,B
05555             MidColour.Green = FIXED24(1.0);
05556             TopColour.Red   = FIXED24(1.0);
05557             BaseColour.Blue = SourceColour.Blue;
05559             ColourPickerMode = 0;       // Ensure any out of value setting is made valid
05560             break;
05561     }
05563     RenderPickerSquare(pRender, &SquareRect,
05564                         (ColourGeneric *) &BaseColour, (ColourGeneric *) &MidColour,
05565                         (ColourGeneric *) &TopColour,
05566                         COLOURMODEL_RGBT, 3);   // Use RGB + 'bleach' (additive) transparency
05567 */
05568 #else
05569     // Find the source colour definition in RGB space
05570     PColourRGBT SourceColour;
05571     if (EditingColour != NULL)
05572     {
05573         ColourContextRGBT *ccRGB = (ColourContextRGBT *)
05574                                     ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_RGBT);
05575         ERROR3IF(ccRGB == NULL, "Can't get an RGB colour context");
05577         DocColour TempRef;
05578         TempRef.MakeRefToIndexedColour(EditingColour);
05579         ccRGB->ConvertColour(&TempRef, (ColourPacked *) &SourceColour);
05580     }
05581     else
05582     {
05583         SourceColour.Red =SourceColour.Green = SourceColour.Blue = 255;
05584         SourceColour.Transparent = 0;
05585     }
05587     // Now, Move the 'SquareRect' down and right so its bottom corner touches the Z axis
05588     // at the appropriate point for the current Z value. (i.e. slice the cube through at
05589     // the place where the slice really is)
05591     if (EditingColour != NULL)
05592     {
05593         INT32 ZComponent = SourceColour.Blue;
05594         if (ColourPickerMode == 1)
05595             ZComponent = SourceColour.Green;
05596         else if (ColourPickerMode == 2)
05597             ZComponent = SourceColour.Red;
05599         INT32 ZTrans = (INT32) (((double)SizeZ * ZComponent) / 255.0) - SizeZ;
05600         SquareRect.Translate(-ZTrans, ZTrans);
05601         GridLockRect(&SquareRect, PixelSize);
05602     }
05604     // Draw a 4-colour fill for the cube face
05605     FourColFillAttribute Fill;
05607     // Set the points to be in the corners of the square rect
05608     Fill.SetStartPoint(&SquareRect.lo);                             // Bottom left
05609     DocCoord Corner = DocCoord(SquareRect.hi.x, SquareRect.lo.y);
05610     Fill.SetEndPoint(&Corner);                                      // Bottom right
05611     Corner = DocCoord(SquareRect.lo.x, SquareRect.hi.y);
05612     Fill.SetEndPoint2(&Corner);                                     // Top left
05613     Fill.SetEndPoint3(&SquareRect.hi);                              // Top right
05615     // And set the corner colours
05616     DocColour CornerCol;
05617     switch(ColourPickerMode)
05618     {
05619         case 1:     // XYZ = R,B,G
05620             CornerCol = DocColour(0L, SourceColour.Green, 0L);              // Bottom left
05621             Fill.SetStartColour(&CornerCol);
05622             CornerCol = DocColour(255L, SourceColour.Green, 0L);            // Bottom right
05623             Fill.SetEndColour(&CornerCol);
05624             CornerCol = DocColour(0L, SourceColour.Green, 255L);            // Top left
05625             Fill.SetEndColour2(&CornerCol);
05626             CornerCol = DocColour(255L, SourceColour.Green, 255L);          // Top right
05627             Fill.SetEndColour3(&CornerCol);
05628             break;
05630         case 2:     // XYZ = B,G,R
05631             CornerCol = DocColour(SourceColour.Red, 0L, 0L);                // Bottom left
05632             Fill.SetStartColour(&CornerCol);
05633             CornerCol = DocColour(SourceColour.Red, 0L, 255L);              // Bottom right
05634             Fill.SetEndColour(&CornerCol);
05635             CornerCol = DocColour(SourceColour.Red, 255L, 0L);              // Top left
05636             Fill.SetEndColour2(&CornerCol);
05637             CornerCol = DocColour(SourceColour.Red, 255L, 255L);            // Top right
05638             Fill.SetEndColour3(&CornerCol);
05639             break;
05641         default:    // XYZ = G,R,B
05642             CornerCol = DocColour(0L, 0L, SourceColour.Blue);               // Bottom left
05643             Fill.SetStartColour(&CornerCol);
05644             CornerCol = DocColour(0L, 255L, SourceColour.Blue);             // Bottom right
05645             Fill.SetEndColour(&CornerCol);
05646             CornerCol = DocColour(255L, 0L, SourceColour.Blue);             // Top left
05647             Fill.SetEndColour2(&CornerCol);
05648             CornerCol = DocColour(255L, 255L, SourceColour.Blue);           // Top right
05649             Fill.SetEndColour3(&CornerCol);
05650             break;
05651     }
05653     // Build a path for the rectangle (DrawRect doesn't do grad fills)
05654     Path SquarePath;
05655     SquarePath.Initialise(12, 12);
05656     SquarePath.FindStartOfPath();
05657     SquarePath.InsertMoveTo(SquareRect.lo);
05658     SquarePath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(SquareRect.lo.x, SquareRect.hi.y));
05659     SquarePath.InsertLineTo(SquareRect.hi);
05660     SquarePath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(SquareRect.hi.x, SquareRect.lo.y));
05661     SquarePath.IsFilled = TRUE;
05663     pRender->SetLineColour(Trans);
05664     pRender->SetFillGeometry(&Fill, FALSE);
05666     // And render it
05667     pRender->DrawPath(&SquarePath);
05668 #endif
05670     // Place the outline of the front of the cube on top
05671     DocColour CubeFaceGrey(180L, 180L, 180L);
05672     pRender->SetLineColour(CubeFaceGrey);
05673     pRender->SetFillColour(Trans);
05675     DocCoord BotRightFront(FrontFaceRect.hi.x, FrontFaceRect.lo.y);
05676     pRender->DrawLine(BotRightFront, FrontFaceRect.lo);
05677     pRender->DrawLine(BotRightFront, FrontFaceRect.hi);
05678     pRender->DrawLine(BotRightFront,
05679                     DocCoord(FrontFaceRect.hi.x + SizeZ, FrontFaceRect.lo.y - SizeZ));
05681     // Draw the swap-axes button
05682     DocCoord BitmapPos;
05683     BitmapPos.x = HalfGridLock(FrontFaceRect.hi.x + SizeZ/2, PixelSize);
05684     BitmapPos.y = HalfGridLock(FrontFaceRect.hi.y - SizeZ/2, PixelSize);
05686     const INT32 BitmapSize = 14 * PixelSize;
05687     DocRect SwapAxesStrip(BitmapPos.x + BitmapSize, BitmapPos.y,
05688                             BitmapPos.x + BitmapSize + PixelSize * 3, BitmapPos.y + BitmapSize);
05690     GridLockRect(&SwapAxesStrip, PixelSize);
05692     DocColour SwapAxesFore(0L, 0L, 0L);
05693     DocColour SwapAxesFill(0L, 0L, 255L);
05694     if (ColourPickerMode == 1)
05695         SwapAxesFill = DocColour(0L, 255L, 0L);
05696     else if (ColourPickerMode == 2)
05697         SwapAxesFill = DocColour(255L, 0L, 0L);
05699     pRender->SetFillColour(SwapAxesFill);
05700     pRender->SetLineColour(SwapAxesFore);
05701     pRender->DrawRect(&SwapAxesStrip);
05703     // Render the bitmap last, to ensure we don't overwrite it
05704     pRender->DrawBitmap(BitmapPos, _R(IDB_PICKER_SWAPAXIS));
05707     DocColour MidGrey(128L, 128L, 128L);
05709     if (EditingColour != NULL)
05710     {
05711         // And draw a drag icon on the current Z position
05712         DocRect ZButton(SquareRect);
05713         ZButton.lo.x = ZButton.hi.x;
05714         ZButton.hi.x += ZSLIDERSIZE - (PixelSize * 2);
05715         ZButton.hi.y = ZButton.lo.y;
05716         ZButton.lo.y -= ZSLIDERSIZE - (PixelSize * 2);
05717         GridLockRect(&ZButton, PixelSize);
05719         pRender->DrawBitmap(ZButton.lo, _R(IDB_PICKER_ZSLIDER));
05721         DocRect CrossRect;
05722         ColourRGBT SourceDef;
05723         if (EditingColour != NULL)
05724         {
05725             ColourContextRGBT *ccRGB = (ColourContextRGBT *)
05726                                         ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_RGBT);
05727             ERROR3IF(ccRGB == NULL, "Can't get an RGB colour context");
05729             ccRGB->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &SourceDef);
05730         }
05731         else
05732         {
05733             SourceDef.Red =SourceDef.Green = SourceDef.Blue = FIXED24(1.0);
05734             SourceDef.Transparent = 0;
05735         }
05737         CrossConstraint Constraint = CalcCrossRectRGB(&SourceDef, &SquareRect, PixelSize, &CrossRect);
05738         RenderCross(pRender, &CrossRect, PixelSize, (Constraint == CROSSCONSTRAINED_BOTH));
05740         if (Constraint == CROSSCONSTRAINED_HORZ)
05741         {
05742             INT32 MidY = (CrossRect.lo.y + CrossRect.hi.y) / 2;
05743             RenderConstraint(pRender, DocCoord(SquareRect.lo.x, MidY), DocCoord(SquareRect.hi.x, MidY));
05744         }
05745         else if (Constraint == CROSSCONSTRAINED_VERT)
05746         {
05747             INT32 MidX = (CrossRect.lo.x + CrossRect.hi.x) / 2;
05748             RenderConstraint(pRender, DocCoord(MidX, SquareRect.lo.y), DocCoord(MidX, SquareRect.hi.y));
05749         }
05750     }
05752     pRender->RestoreContext();
05753 }

void ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerShade RenderRegion pRender,
DocRect VirtualSize,
INT32  PixelSize,
DialogColourInfo RedrawColours,
DocRect pClipRect

Redraws a colour picker control for the colour editor dialogue. This is used in the given display mode to display the colour information in a useful format. e.g. in HSV mode, a wheel and slider arrangement.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pRender - The render region to render the picker in [INPUTS]
VirtualSize - The rectangle defining the coordinate space to draw into

PixelSize - The size of a pixel as mapped into the MILLIPOINT VirtualSize coordinate space; ensures things line up on display pixel boundaries.

RedrawColours - A pointer to a DialogColourInfo object describing OS-friendly drawing colours to be used in redrawing the control.

pClipRect - The area to be redrawn, in (0,0)->(dx,dy) dialog millipoint coords

See also:
ColourEditDlg::RenderControl; ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerDefault

Definition at line 6521 of file coldlog.cpp.

06524 {
06525     pRender->SaveContext();     // Save the current rendering context
06527     // Set defaults: Fill paths only, and fill background with window grey
06528     DocColour Trans(COLOUR_TRANS);
06530     pRender->SetLineWidth(0);
06531     pRender->SetLineColour(Trans);
06533     // First, do a Hue slider (a rainbow grad filled rectangle along the bottom)
06534     DocRect HueRect;
06535     DocRect ValSatSquare;
06536     CalculateHSVPickerRects(VirtualSize, PixelSize, &HueRect, &ValSatSquare);
06538     // Draw the Saturation vs. Value square
06539     Path SquarePath;
06540     LinearFillAttribute ValueGradFill;
06541     LinearTranspFillAttribute TransFill;
06543     ColourHSVT ColourDef;
06544     BaseDocument *ScopeDocument = ParentList->GetParentDocument();
06545     ColourContextArray *Contexts = ScopeDocument->GetDefaultColourContexts();
06546     ERROR3IF(Contexts == NULL, "Document default contexts not defined?!");
06548     ColourContextHSVT *ccHSV = (ColourContextHSVT *)
06549                                         Contexts->Context[COLOURMODEL_HSVT];
06550     ERROR3IF(ccHSV == NULL, "Document default context for HSV not defined?!");
06552     // We need to use the PARENT's Hue as a basis for our shade display, because otherwise
06553     // as we change the child colour to a greyscale/black, it loses its Hue and the picker
06554     // flashes different colours. We also use this definition below to show the parent "cross"
06555     ColourHSVT ParentDef;
06556     ParentDef.Hue = 0;
06557     ParentDef.Saturation = ParentDef.Value = FIXED24(1.0);
06559     if (EditingColour != NULL)
06560     {
06561         ccHSV->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &ColourDef);
06563         if (EditingColour->FindLastLinkedParent() != NULL)
06564             ccHSV->ConvertColour(EditingColour->FindLastLinkedParent(), (ColourGeneric *) &ParentDef);
06565     }
06566     else
06567     {
06568         // No colour - default to white
06569         ColourDef.Hue = 0;
06570         ColourDef.Saturation = ColourDef.Value = FIXED24(1.0);
06571     }
06573     if (pClipRect->IsIntersectedWith(ValSatSquare))     // If we need to redraw this bit...
06574     {
06575         // Copy the colour def, and force it's Value & Sat components to 1.0
06576         ColourHSVT TempColourDef;
06577         TempColourDef.Hue   = ParentDef.Hue;
06578         TempColourDef.Value = TempColourDef.Saturation = FIXED24(1.0);
06580         pRender->SaveContext();
06582         ValueGradFill.Colour    = DOCCOLOUR_HSVT(&TempColourDef);
06583         ValueGradFill.EndColour = DocColour(255L, 255L, 255L);
06585         DocCoord ThePoint(ValSatSquare.lo.x, ValSatSquare.hi.y);
06586         ValueGradFill.SetStartPoint(&ThePoint);
06587         ThePoint = DocCoord(ValSatSquare.hi.x, ValSatSquare.hi.y);
06588         ValueGradFill.SetEndPoint(&ThePoint);
06589         ValueGradFill.SetEndPoint2(NULL);
06591         pRender->SetFillGeometry(&ValueGradFill, FALSE);            // Set Grad-filled
06593         SquarePath.Initialise(12, 12);
06594         SquarePath.FindStartOfPath();
06596         SquarePath.InsertMoveTo(ValSatSquare.lo);
06597         SquarePath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(ValSatSquare.hi.x, ValSatSquare.lo.y));
06598         SquarePath.InsertLineTo(ValSatSquare.hi);
06599         SquarePath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(ValSatSquare.lo.x, ValSatSquare.hi.y));
06600         SquarePath.IsFilled = TRUE;
06602         pRender->DrawPath(&SquarePath);     // Render the value square
06604         // Render a white linear-grad-transparency square over the top to get the
06605         // effect of the Saturation gradient
06606         DocColour black(0,0,0);
06607         pRender->SetFillColour(black);
06609         // Set transparency to circular 0% at center, 100% at radius, && plot it
06610         TransFill.SetStartPoint(&ValSatSquare.hi);
06611         ThePoint = DocCoord(ValSatSquare.hi.x, ValSatSquare.lo.y);
06612         TransFill.SetEndPoint(&ThePoint);
06613         TransFill.SetEndPoint2(NULL);
06614         TransFill.Transp        = 255;
06615         TransFill.EndTransp     = 0;
06616         TransFill.TranspType    = TT_StainGlass;        // 'Stained glass' transparency
06618         pRender->SetTranspFillGeometry(&TransFill, FALSE);
06620         pRender->DrawPath(&SquarePath);     // Render the saturation square
06622         pRender->RestoreContext();
06623     }
06625     if (EditingColour != NULL)
06626     {
06627         // Render a parent colour marker to remind the user where the parent definition is
06630         INT32 TransX = ValSatSquare.hi.x - (INT32)
06631                     ((double)ValSatSquare.Width() * ParentDef.Saturation.MakeDouble());
06632         INT32 TransY = ValSatSquare.lo.y + (INT32)
06633                     ((double)ValSatSquare.Height() * ParentDef.Value.MakeDouble());
06634         CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(TransX, PixelSize), HalfGridLock(TransY, PixelSize));
06636         RenderParentCross(pRender, &CrossRect, PixelSize);
06639         // Render marker crosses in the appropriate places for the definition
06640         // of the current editing colour - the shade Sat/Val crosses
06642         TransX = ValSatSquare.hi.x - (INT32)
06643                     ((double)ValSatSquare.Width() * ColourDef.Saturation.MakeDouble());
06644         TransY = ValSatSquare.lo.y + (INT32)
06645                     ((double)ValSatSquare.Height() * ColourDef.Value.MakeDouble());
06647         CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(TransX, PixelSize), HalfGridLock(TransY, PixelSize));
06649         RenderCross(pRender, &CrossRect, PixelSize, FALSE);
06650     }
06651     return;
06652 }

void ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerSliderH RenderRegion pRender,
DocRect SliderRect,
INT32  PixelSize,
FIXED24  DisplayValue,
DocColour LeftCol,
DocColour RightCol,
DocColour TopLeftCol,
DocColour TopRightCol,
BOOL  Shaded = FALSE

Redraws a horizontal slider in a colour picker control. This generic method is used to draw a slider for a colour component. Generally, the slider will be a linear grad filled rectangle which shades from a colour with that component = 0.0 to 1.0.

void ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerSliderH(RenderRegion *pRender, DocRect *SliderRect, INT32 PixelSize, FIXED24 DisplayValue, DocColour *LeftCol, DocColour *RightCol DocColour *TopLeftCol, DocColour *TopRightCol, BOOL Shaded = FALSE)

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pRender - The render region to render the picker in [INPUTS] SliderRect - The rectangle in which the slider is to be rendered DisplayValue - The value (0.0 - 1.0) to display on the slider LeftCol - NULL or The colour to pot at the (bottom) left end of the slider RightCol - NULL or The colour to plot at the (bottom) right end of the slider TopLeftCol - The colour to pot at the (top) left end of the slider TopRightCol - The colour to plot at the (top) right end of the slider Shaded - TRUE if the marker cross should be shown shaded
Notes: The slider is a split-display. It shows two horizontal grad-fills: The top half shows a fill from TopLeftCol to TopRight Col, while the bottom half shows a fill from LeftCol to RightCol. If LeftCol and/or RightCol are NULL, the strip will be filled with a single fill, from TopLeft to TopRight colours.

This will use the line width/colour as set on entry, so you should set line width = 0 and line colour = COLOUR_TRANS before calling this fn

The marker cross will only be rendered if EditingColour != NULL

See also:
ColourEditDlg::RenderControl; ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerDefault

Definition at line 6137 of file coldlog.cpp.

06142 {
06143     ERROR3IF(pRender == NULL || SliderRect == NULL ||
06144              TopLeftCol == NULL || TopRightCol == NULL,
06145              "ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerSliderH - NULL parameters are illegal");
06147     pRender->SaveContext();     // Save the current rendering context
06149     INT32 MidY = (SliderRect->lo.y + SliderRect->hi.y) / 2;
06151     LinearFillAttribute BottomGradFill;
06152     Path RectPath;
06153     if (LeftCol != NULL && RightCol != NULL)
06154     {
06155         // Are in strip mode, so... create a grad fill for the bottom strip
06156         BottomGradFill.Colour       = *LeftCol;
06157         BottomGradFill.EndColour    = *RightCol;
06158         DocCoord ThePoint(SliderRect->lo.x, (SliderRect->lo.y + SliderRect->hi.y) / 2);
06159         BottomGradFill.SetStartPoint(&ThePoint);
06160         ThePoint = DocCoord(SliderRect->hi.x, (SliderRect->lo.y + SliderRect->hi.y) / 2);
06161         BottomGradFill.SetEndPoint(&ThePoint);
06162         BottomGradFill.SetEndPoint2(NULL);
06163         pRender->SetFillGeometry(&BottomGradFill, FALSE);
06165         // Draw the rectangle - done as a path so we can draw with grad-fill
06166         RectPath.Initialise(12, 12);
06167         RectPath.FindStartOfPath();
06169         RectPath.InsertMoveTo(SliderRect->lo);
06170         RectPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(SliderRect->hi.x, SliderRect->lo.y));
06171         RectPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(SliderRect->hi.x, MidY));
06172         RectPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(SliderRect->lo.x, MidY));
06173         RectPath.IsFilled = TRUE;
06175         pRender->DrawPath(&RectPath);           // Render the bottom strip
06176     }
06178     // Create a grad fill for the top strip
06179     LinearFillAttribute TopGradFill;
06180     TopGradFill.Colour      = *TopLeftCol;
06181     TopGradFill.EndColour   = *TopRightCol;
06182     DocCoord ThePoint(SliderRect->lo.x, (SliderRect->lo.y + SliderRect->hi.y) / 2);
06183     TopGradFill.SetStartPoint(&ThePoint);
06184     ThePoint = DocCoord(SliderRect->hi.x, (SliderRect->lo.y + SliderRect->hi.y) / 2);
06185     TopGradFill.SetEndPoint(&ThePoint);
06186     TopGradFill.SetEndPoint2(NULL);
06188     pRender->SetFillGeometry(&TopGradFill, FALSE);
06190     Path TopRectPath;
06191     TopRectPath.Initialise(12, 12);
06192     TopRectPath.FindStartOfPath();
06194     if (LeftCol != NULL && RightCol != NULL)
06195     {
06196         // Doing split-line display, so rect is bottom half of slider
06197         TopRectPath.InsertMoveTo(DocCoord(SliderRect->lo.x, MidY));
06198         TopRectPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(SliderRect->hi.x, MidY));
06199         TopRectPath.InsertLineTo(SliderRect->hi);
06200         TopRectPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(SliderRect->lo.x, SliderRect->hi.y));
06201     }
06202     else
06203     {
06204         // Not doing split-line display, so rect is entire slider
06205         TopRectPath.InsertMoveTo(SliderRect->lo);
06206         TopRectPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(SliderRect->hi.x, SliderRect->lo.y));
06207         TopRectPath.InsertLineTo(SliderRect->hi);
06208         TopRectPath.InsertLineTo(DocCoord(SliderRect->lo.x, SliderRect->hi.y));
06209     }
06211     TopRectPath.IsFilled = TRUE;
06212     pRender->DrawPath(&TopRectPath);        // Render the top strip
06215     pRender->RestoreContext();              // Restore original attribute context
06218     if (EditingColour != NULL)
06219     {
06220         if (DisplayValue < FIXED24(0.0))    // Clip the value to 0-1 range
06221             DisplayValue = 0;
06223         if (DisplayValue > FIXED24(1.0))
06224             DisplayValue = FIXED24(1.0);
06227         INT32 TransX = SliderRect->lo.x + (INT32) ((double)SliderRect->Width() *
06228                                                   DisplayValue.MakeDouble());
06229         INT32 TransY = (SliderRect->lo.y + SliderRect->hi.y) / 2;
06230         CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(TransX, PixelSize), HalfGridLock(TransY, PixelSize));
06231         RenderCross(pRender, &CrossRect, PixelSize, Shaded);
06232     }
06233 }

void ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerTint RenderRegion pRender,
DocRect VirtualSize,
INT32  PixelSize,
DialogColourInfo RedrawColours

Redraws a colour picker control for the colour editor dialogue. This is used in the given display mode to display the colour information in a useful format. e.g. in HSV mode, a wheel and slider arrangement.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pRender - The render region to render the picker in [INPUTS] VirtualSize - The rectangle defining the coordinate space to draw into PixelSize - The size of a pixel as mapped into the MILLIPOINT VirtualSize coordinate space; ensures things line up on display pixel boundaries. RedrawColours - A pointer to a DialogColourInfo object describing OS-friendly drawing colours to be used in redrawing the control.
Notes: This is called to render the picker for link and shade colours It simply gives a single slider which goes between the parent colour and white/black.

See also:
ColourEditDlg::RenderControl; ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerDefault

Definition at line 6436 of file coldlog.cpp.

06438 {
06439     ERROR3IF(EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_TINT,
06440                 "ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerTint called on non-tint/shade colour!");
06442     pRender->SaveContext();     // Save the current rendering context
06444     // Set rendering defaults: Fill paths only, and fill background with window grey
06445     pRender->SetLineWidth(0);
06446     pRender->SetLineColour(COLOUR_TRANS);
06448     // Calculate the slider rectangle
06449     const INT32 SliderHeight = 18000;
06450     DocRect SliderRect(*VirtualSize);
06451     SliderRect.Inflate(0, -(VirtualSize->Height() - SliderHeight) / 2);
06453     // And the grad fill colours, and the text to be drawn
06454     String_64 SliderText;
06456     DocColour LeftColour;
06457 //  if (EditingColour->TintIsShade())
06458 //  {
06459 //      LeftColour = DocColour(COLOUR_BLACK);
06460 //      SliderText.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_SHADEOFCOLOUR), (TCHAR *) *(EditingColour->FindLinkedParent()->GetName()));
06461 //  }
06462 //  else
06463     {
06464         LeftColour = DocColour(255L, 255L, 255L);
06465         SliderText.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_TINTOFCOLOUR), (TCHAR *) *(EditingColour->FindLinkedParent()->GetName()));
06466     }
06468     DocColour RightColour;
06469     RightColour.MakeRefToIndexedColour(EditingColour->FindLinkedParent());
06471     DocRect TextRect(SliderRect);
06472     TextRect.Translate(0, SliderHeight);
06473     pRender->SetFixedSystemTextColours(&RedrawColours->TextFore(), &RedrawColours->DialogBack());
06474     pRender->DrawFixedSystemText((StringBase *) &SliderText, TextRect);
06476     FIXED24 DisplayValue = (EditingColour->TintIsShade()) ?
06477                                 EditingColour->GetShadeValueY() : EditingColour->GetTintValue();
06479     // And render the slider
06480     RenderPickerSliderH(pRender, &SliderRect,
06481                         PixelSize, DisplayValue,
06482                         NULL, NULL,
06483                         &LeftColour, &RightColour,
06484                         FALSE);
06486     // Finally, return the render region context to its original state
06487     pRender->RestoreContext();
06488 }

void ColourEditDlg::ResetState void   )  [protected]

Definition at line 965 of file coldlog.cpp.

00966 {
00967     State.Folded        = 2;
00968     State.ColType       = (IndexedColourType) 99;   // An invalid value!
00969     State.DisplayModel  = MAX_COLOURMODELS;
00970     State.ResultColour  = NULL;
00971     State.Initialised   = FALSE;
00972     State.ParentListOK  = FALSE;
00973 }

static void ColourEditDlg::SetAbortColourState AbortColourState  state  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 312 of file coldlog.h.

00312 { abortColourState = state; }

void ColourEditDlg::SetAllHexComponentsInfo UINT32  ComponentID,
UINT32  NameGadget,
UINT32  WritableGadget

Finds and sets all component names for the hex gadget. This actually gets the individual rgb values, and concatenates into a single string of the form rrggbb for display.

Chris_Snook (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ComponentID - Which component name is being set (must be set at -1). [INPUTS] NameGadget - Gadget ID for gadget displaying the name text (must be _R(IDC_NAME_WEBHEX)). WritableGadget - Writable gadget to also be shaded/unshaded (must be _R(IDC_EDIT_WEBHEX))
Scope: private

Note: Should only be called in a: if (DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_WEBRGBT) .... SetComponentInfo should also be called for all colour components before this function, since SetComponentInfo sets up all of the colour component inheritace stuff.

Definition at line 1653 of file coldlog.cpp.

01655 {
01656     if (EditingColour == NULL)      // This should never happen
01657     {
01658         ERROR3("Unexpectedly NULL EditingColour in ColourEditDlg::SetComponentInfo");
01659         return;
01660     }
01662     if (!(ComponentID == (UINT32)-1) && (NameGadget == _R(IDC_NAME_WEBHEX)) &&
01663          (WritableGadget == _R(IDC_EDIT_WEBHEX)))
01664     {
01665         ERROR3("Calling ColourEditDlg::SetAllHexComponentsInfo for incorrect control");
01666         return;
01667     }
01669     if (CurrentTypingGadget != WritableGadget)
01670     {
01671         // We know that GetComponentsAsHexString only works if the colour context is RGBT
01672         // So why get anything else???
01673         ColourContext *cc = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_RGBT);
01674         String_32 CompName (_R(IDS_COLCOMPL_WEBHEX));
01676         if (cc != NULL)
01677         {
01678             if (DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_RGBT || DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_HSVT)
01679             {
01680                 SetStringGadgetValue(NameGadget, CompName);
01681                 EnableGadget(NameGadget, TRUE);
01682                 HideGadget(NameGadget, FALSE);
01684                 String_16 NewText;
01685                 ColourPicker::GetComponentsAsHexString(EditingColour, cc, ComponentID, &NewText);
01686                 EnteredSetGadgetValue();
01687                 SetStringGadgetValue(WritableGadget, NewText);
01688                 ExitedSetGadgetValue();
01690                 EnableGadget(WritableGadget, /*(!InheritsComponent) &&*/
01691                              (EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_TINT));
01692                 HideGadget(WritableGadget, FALSE);
01693             }
01694         }
01695     }
01696     //CheckDialogSize();
01697 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetColour BOOL  SetComponents = TRUE  )  [protected]

Reads the colour definition from the window into the colour which is currently being edited, and broadcasts a colour changing message so everybody knows about the change.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
SetComponents - TRUE if you wish to read all information, including the [INPUTS] component values - this may change the appearance of the colour, and thus causes much of the dialogue to be redrawn (and may also coerce the colour model). If the only thing which has changed is the name (for example) we don't want to change the model and/or redraw stuff, so we set this value to FALSE to stop it faffing around. This parameter is ignored for Tints, for which the components are read-only
Scope: private

Definition at line 1724 of file coldlog.cpp.

01725 {
01726     if (EditingColour == NULL)
01727         return;
01729     // Did we just get the gadget's value?
01730     if (IsSetGadgetValueCalled())
01731         return;
01733     BOOL Clipped = FALSE;
01735 //  ColourContext *cc = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(DisplayModel);
01736     ColourContext *cc = NULL;
01737     BOOL bDeleteCC = GetColourContext(DisplayModel, &cc);   
01738     if (cc == NULL)
01739         return;
01741     // Make sure any chnage to the display colour model is committed
01742     ColourPicker::ForceColourModel(EditingColour, cc);
01744     // Read back the new component values. This is not done for tints, as their components
01745     // rely entirely upon the parent colour - reading out components is just going to
01746     // corrupt tinting values and stuff, and generally be a bad thing (tm).
01747     // Just does the set for the CurrentTypingGadget
01748     if (SetComponents && EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_TINT)
01749     {
01750         String_32 CompName;
01752         if (cc == NULL)
01753             return;
01755         String_256 NewValue;
01757         if (CurrentTypingGadget!=_R(IDC_EDIT_WEBHEX))
01758         {
01759             // Work out the index number
01760             INT32 nIndex=0;
01761             if (CurrentTypingGadget  == _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT1))
01762                 nIndex=1;
01763             else if (CurrentTypingGadget  == _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT2))
01764                 nIndex=2;
01765             else if (CurrentTypingGadget  == _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT3))
01766                 nIndex=3;
01767             else if (CurrentTypingGadget  == _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT4))
01768                 nIndex=4;
01770             ERROR3IF(nIndex < 1 || nIndex > 4, "ColourEditDlg::SetColour - nIndex invalid");
01771             if (!nIndex)
01772                 nIndex=1;
01774             if (cc->GetComponentName(nIndex, &NewValue))
01775             {
01776                 NewValue = GetStringGadgetValue(CurrentTypingGadget);
01778                 Clipped |= ColourPicker::SetComponentFromString(EditingColour, cc, nIndex, (String_8 *) &NewValue);
01779             }
01780         }
01781         else
01782         {
01783             NewValue = GetStringGadgetValue(CurrentTypingGadget);
01785             // we need to set all of the components ....
01786             cc = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_RGBT);
01787             Clipped |= ColourPicker::SetComponentsFromHexString(EditingColour, cc, (String_16 *) &NewValue);
01788         }
01790 /*
01791         if (cc->GetComponentName(2, &NewValue) != NULL)
01792         {
01793             NewValue = GetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT2));
01794             Clipped |= ColourPicker::SetComponentFromString(EditingColour, cc, 2, (String_8 *) &NewValue);
01795         }
01797         if (cc->GetComponentName(3, &NewValue) != NULL)
01798         {
01799             NewValue = GetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT3));
01800             Clipped |= ColourPicker::SetComponentFromString(EditingColour, cc, 3, (String_8 *) &NewValue);
01801         }
01803         if (cc->GetComponentName(4, &NewValue) != NULL)
01804         {
01805             NewValue = GetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT4));
01806             Clipped |= ColourPicker::SetComponentFromString(EditingColour, cc, 4, (String_8 *) &NewValue);
01807         }
01808 */
01809     }
01811     // Delete the colour context if necessary
01812     if (bDeleteCC)
01813         ColourContextList::GetList()->RemoveContext(&cc);           // Have finished with it
01816 /*
01817     // Set the new name of the colour - this is not done if the colour is unnamed,
01818     // because we don't want to accidentally convert an unnamed colour into a named one!
01819     BOOL NameMadeUnique = FALSE;        // Have we had to change the name that was entered?
01820     BOOL NameHasChanged = FALSE;        // Has the name been changed at all?
01821     if (EditingColour->IsNamed())
01822     {
01823         String_256 NewName = GetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU), NULL);
01825         // If the name is not any different, then we must not try to update it
01826         NameHasChanged = (NewName.CompareTo(*((StringBase *)ResultColour->GetName())) != 0);
01827         if (NameHasChanged)
01828         {
01829             String_64 UniqueName;
01830             NameMadeUnique = ColourManager::GetCurrentColourList()->
01831                                     GenerateUniqueColourName(&NewName, &UniqueName);
01833             EditingColour->SetName(UniqueName);
01834         }
01835     }
01836 */
01838     switch(EditingColour->GetType())
01839     {
01840         case COLOURTYPE_TINT:
01841             {
01842                 if (EditingColour->TintIsShade())
01843                 {
01844                     String_256 XValue = GetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINT));
01845                     String_256 YValue = GetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_SHADE));
01846                     ColourPicker::SetShadeFromStrings(EditingColour, &XValue, &YValue);
01847                 }
01848                 else
01849                 {
01850                     String_256 NewValue = GetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINT));
01851                     ColourPicker::SetTintFromString(EditingColour, &NewValue);
01852                 }
01854                 Clipped = TRUE;     // Ensure controls are updated too
01855             }
01856             break;
01858         case COLOURTYPE_LINKED:         
01859             EditingColour->SetInheritsComponent(1, GetBoolGadgetSelected(_R(IDC_EDIT_INHERIT1)));
01860             EditingColour->SetInheritsComponent(2, GetBoolGadgetSelected(_R(IDC_EDIT_INHERIT2)));
01861             EditingColour->SetInheritsComponent(3, GetBoolGadgetSelected(_R(IDC_EDIT_INHERIT3)));
01862             EditingColour->SetInheritsComponent(4, GetBoolGadgetSelected(_R(IDC_EDIT_INHERIT4)));
01863             break;
01865         default:
01866             break;
01867     }
01869     if (EditingColour->IsDifferent(*ResultColour))
01870         EditingColourHasChanged((SetComponents && Clipped), SetComponents);
01871 /*
01872     else if (NameHasChanged)
01873     {
01874         EditingColourHasChanged(FALSE, FALSE);
01876         SetColourNameList();    // The name has changed, so update the name list
01878 //      if (NameMadeUnique)     // We read the name and then changed it to ensure it was
01879 //          SetControls();      // a unique name, so we must ensure the control is updated
01880     }
01881 */
01882 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetColourNameList void   )  [protected]

Initialises the colour editor dialogue name combo-box list Scope: private.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 762 of file coldlog.cpp.

00763 {
00764     if (State.ParentListOK)
00765         return;
00767     // Get a description of the current local colour
00768     SelRange *Selection = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
00769 //
00770 //  String_256 SelDesc = Selection->Describe(MENU);
00771 //  String_256 ColourDesc(TEXT("(No selection colour)"));;
00772 //  if (Selection->Count() != 0)
00773 //      ColourDesc._MakeMsg("Colour of #1%s", (TCHAR *)SelDesc);
00776     Progress Hourglass;     // Start an hourglass running. On destruction it'll turn it off again
00778     BOOL OldSentState = ISentTheMessage;
00779     ISentTheMessage = TRUE;
00781     if (NameDropDown != NULL)
00782         delete NameDropDown;
00783     NameDropDown = new ColourDropDown;
00785     BOOL ok = TRUE;
00786     if (NameDropDown == NULL || !NameDropDown->Init(WindowID, _R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU)))
00787         ok = FALSE;
00789     if (ok)
00790     {
00791         String_256 FillColDesc(_R(IDS_COLEDIT_FILL));
00792         String_256 LineColDesc(_R(IDS_COLEDIT_LINE));
00794         if (Selection->Count() == 0)        // No selection, so will use current colours
00795         {
00796             FillColDesc = String_256(_R(IDS_COLEDIT_CURFILL));
00797             LineColDesc = String_256(_R(IDS_COLEDIT_CURLINE));
00798         }
00800         // Ensure there are no special entries in the list, then add the 2 we want this time
00801         NameDropDown->ClearAllSpecialEntries();
00803         ColourList  *NewParentList  = NULL;
00804         DocColour   DocColourToEdit;
00805         ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser(&DocColourToEdit, &NewParentList, FALSE);
00807         ok = NameDropDown->AddSpecialEntry(&FillColDesc, &DocColourToEdit);
00808         if (ok)
00809         {
00810             ColourManager::FindColourOfInterestToUser(&DocColourToEdit, &NewParentList, TRUE);
00811             ok = NameDropDown->AddSpecialEntry(&LineColDesc, &DocColourToEdit);
00812         }
00814         if (ok)
00815         {
00816             // Determine if we're editing a named colour, or a current colour
00817             IndexedColour *Ptr = NULL;
00818             if (ParentList != NULL)
00819             {
00820                 Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ParentList->GetHead();
00821                 while (Ptr != NULL)
00822                 {
00823                     if (!Ptr->IsDeleted() && Ptr->IsNamed())
00824                     {
00825                         if (Ptr == ResultColour)
00826                             break;
00827                     }
00828                     Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ParentList->GetNext(Ptr);
00829                 }
00830             }
00832             // If we aren't editing a named colour (Ptr == NULL) then we're editing fill (0) or line (1) colour
00833             INT32 SelIndex = -1;
00834             if (Ptr == NULL)
00835                 SelIndex = (EditingLineColour) ? 1 : 0;
00837             // Fill in the list
00838             ok = NameDropDown->FillInColourList(Ptr, SelIndex);
00840             // NOTE: We could do a SetComboListLength here, except that this causes awful
00841             // redraws of everything "behind" the combo-list extent. I can't stop it doing this,
00842             // other than by not setting the list length... so I don't
00843         }
00844     }
00846     // If we failed, then we shade this control so that some semblance of stability remains
00847     if (!ok)
00848         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU), FALSE);
00850 /*
00851     INT32 Index = 0;
00852     INT32 SelectedIndex = 0;
00854     // Compile a list of all editable colours into the colour name combo-list
00855     GadgetRedraw(_R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU), FALSE);
00856     DeleteAllValues(_R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU));
00858     String_256 FillColDesc(TEXT("Fill colour"));
00859     String_256 LineColDesc(TEXT("Line colour"));
00860     String_256 DottedLine(TEXT("---------------------------------------"));
00862     if (Selection->Count() == 0)        // No selection, so will use current colours
00863     {
00864         FillColDesc = TEXT("Current fill colour");
00865         LineColDesc = TEXT("Current line colour");
00866     }
00868     SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU), &FillColDesc, TRUE);    
00869     SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU), &LineColDesc, TRUE);
00870     SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU), &DottedLine, TRUE);
00871     Index += 3;
00872     if (EditingLineColour)
00873         SelectedIndex++;
00875     if (ParentList != NULL)
00876     {
00877         IndexedColour *Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ParentList->GetHead();
00878         while (Ptr != NULL)
00879         {
00880             if (!Ptr->IsDeleted() && Ptr->IsNamed())
00881             {
00882                 SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU), Ptr->GetName(), TRUE);
00883                 if (Ptr == ResultColour)
00884                     SelectedIndex = Index;
00886                 Index++;
00887             }
00889             Ptr = (IndexedColour *) ParentList->GetNext(Ptr);
00890         }
00891     }
00893     GadgetRedraw(_R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU), TRUE);
00895     // Set the writable colour name (combo box editable) field
00896     SetSelectedValueIndex(_R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU), SelectedIndex);
00897 */
00899     ISentTheMessage = OldSentState;
00901     State.ParentListOK = TRUE;
00902 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetComponentInfo UINT32  ComponentID,
UINT32  Gadget,
UINT32  WritableGadget,
UINT32  InheritGadget

Finds and sets the component name for one gadget. If the component is not used in the EditingColours colour model, then the name is blanked and the related writable gadget is shaded.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ComponentID - Which component name is being set (1..4) [INPUTS] NameGadget - Gadget ID for gadget displaying the name text WritableGadget - Writable gadget to also be shaded/unshaded InheritGadget - The checkbox gadget for linked-colour inheritance
Scope: private

Definition at line 1553 of file coldlog.cpp.

01555 {
01556     if (EditingColour == NULL)      // This should never happen
01557     {
01558         ERROR3("Unexpectedly NULL EditingColour in ColourEditDlg::SetComponentInfo");
01559         return;
01560     }
01562     if (CurrentTypingGadget != WritableGadget)
01563     {
01564 //      ColourContext *cc = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(DisplayModel);
01565         ColourContext *cc = NULL;
01566         BOOL bDeleteCC = GetColourContext(DisplayModel, &cc);   
01567         String_32 CompName;
01569         if (cc != NULL && cc->GetComponentName(ComponentID, &CompName))
01570         {
01571             if (DisplayModel != COLOURMODEL_WEBRGBT)
01572             {
01573                 SetStringGadgetValue(Gadget, CompName);
01574                 SetStringGadgetValue(InheritGadget, CompName);
01575                 EnableGadget(Gadget, TRUE);
01576                 HideGadget(Gadget, FALSE);
01578                 String_8 NewText;
01579                 ColourPicker::GetComponentAsString(EditingColour, cc, ComponentID, &NewText);
01580                 EnteredSetGadgetValue();
01581                 SetStringGadgetValue(WritableGadget, NewText);
01582                 ExitedSetGadgetValue();
01584                 BOOL InheritsComponent = EditingColour->InheritsComponent(ComponentID);
01586                 EnableGadget(WritableGadget, (!InheritsComponent) &&
01587                                             (EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_TINT));
01588                 HideGadget(WritableGadget, FALSE);
01590                 // Set up the inheritance gadget
01591                 EnableGadget(InheritGadget, EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_LINKED);
01592                 HideGadget(InheritGadget, EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_LINKED);
01593                 SetBoolGadgetSelected(InheritGadget, InheritsComponent);
01594             }
01595             else
01596             {
01597                 //SetStringGadgetValue(Gadget, &CompName);
01598                 SetStringGadgetValue(InheritGadget, CompName);
01599                 //EnableGadget(Gadget, TRUE);
01600                 //HideGadget(Gadget, FALSE);
01602                 BOOL InheritsComponent = EditingColour->InheritsComponent(ComponentID);
01604                 // Set up the inheritance gadget
01605                 EnableGadget(InheritGadget, EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_LINKED);
01606                 HideGadget(InheritGadget, EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_LINKED);
01607                 SetBoolGadgetSelected(InheritGadget, InheritsComponent);
01608             }
01609         }
01610         else
01611         {
01612             HideGadget(Gadget, TRUE);
01613             HideGadget(WritableGadget, TRUE);
01614             HideGadget(InheritGadget, TRUE);
01615         }
01617         // Delete the colour context if necessary
01618         if (bDeleteCC)
01619             ColourContextList::GetList()->RemoveContext(&cc);           // Have finished with it
01621     }
01622     //CheckDialogSize();
01623 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetControls void   )  [protected]

Definition at line 1213 of file coldlog.cpp.

01214 {
01215     // If there is no colour to edit, desperately seek a new colour to edit - avoid
01216     // shading the dialogue at all costs. (We should then only shade if there are no documents)
01217     if (EditingColour == NULL)
01218     {
01219         FindUsefulColourToEdit(EditingLineColour);
01220         if (EditingColour != NULL)
01221             return;                     // Avoid infinite recursion!
01222     }
01224     SetExtent();    
01226     if (EditingColour == NULL)
01227     {
01228         ShadeMyself();          // No colour to edit - ensure we're shaded
01229         return;
01230     }
01233     BOOL OldSentState = ISentTheMessage;
01234     ISentTheMessage = TRUE;     // Try to lock out DIM_TEXT_CHANGED messages during update
01236     ShadeMyself(TRUE, TRUE);    // We have a colour - ensure we are not shaded
01238     SetColourNameList();        // Set the name writable and dropdown list of colours
01240     //Set the transparency button
01241     if( EditingColour->IsNamed() )
01242     {
01243         EnableGadget( _R(IDC_EDIT_NOCOLOUR),  FALSE);
01244     }
01245     else
01246     {
01247         EnableGadget( _R(IDC_EDIT_NOCOLOUR),  TRUE);
01248         SetBoolGadgetSelected( _R(IDC_EDIT_NOCOLOUR), NoFillButtonDown);
01249     }
01251     //Graham 16/10/97: The rename button
01252     String_256 empty;
01253     OpState opstate=GetCommandState(&ColCmd_Name, &empty);
01254     BOOL fRenameCommandIsAvailable=opstate.Greyed;
01255     EnableGadget( _R(IDC_EDIT_RENAME),  !fRenameCommandIsAvailable);
01257     // Set tint information
01258     BOOL Enable = (EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT);
01259     IndexedColourType CurrentColType = EditingColour->GetType();
01260     if (CurrentColType == COLOURTYPE_TINT && EditingColour->TintIsShade())
01261         CurrentColType = COLOURTYPE_SHADE;  // Shade is a special "Bodge" colour type
01263     if (State.ColType != CurrentColType)
01264     {
01265         NeedsResize();
01266         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINT), Enable);
01268         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINTNAME), Enable);
01269         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINTPERCENT), Enable);
01271 //      EnableGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINTSLIDER), Enable);
01272 //      SetGadgetRange(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINTSLIDER), 0, 100, 1);
01275         if (CurrentColType == COLOURTYPE_SHADE)
01276         {
01277             EnableGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_SHADE), Enable);
01278             EnableGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_SHADEPERCENT), Enable);
01279         }
01281         // The Colour model dropdown and 3d button are not available while editing a tint/shade
01282         // (The 3d button is set below, but we need to enable it here too just in case the code below
01283         //  is not called (when we only change the colour model)
01284         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLMODEL), !Enable);
01285         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_3D), !Enable);
01286     }
01288     if (Enable)
01289     {
01290         // It's a tint/shade. Set the "Tint:" or "Shade:" text as appropriate
01291         if (EditingColour->TintIsShade())
01292             SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINTNAME), _R(IDS_EDIT_TEXTSHADE));
01293         else
01294             SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINTNAME), _R(IDS_EDIT_TEXTTINT));
01296         // If we're not currently typing into this field and it is displaying the wrong thing,
01297         // we'd better update it to be correct.
01298         if (CurrentTypingGadget != _R(IDC_EDIT_TINT))
01299         {
01300             String_256 CurrentValue = GetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINT));
01301             String_8 NewValue;
01303             if (CurrentColType == COLOURTYPE_SHADE)
01304                 ColourPicker::GetShadeValueAsString(EditingColour, 1, &NewValue);
01305             else
01306                 ColourPicker::GetTintAsString(EditingColour, &NewValue);
01308             if (NewValue != CurrentValue)
01309                 SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINT), NewValue);
01310         }
01312         if (CurrentColType == COLOURTYPE_SHADE && CurrentTypingGadget != _R(IDC_EDIT_SHADE))
01313         {
01314             String_256 CurrentValue = GetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_SHADE));
01315             String_8 NewValue;
01317             ColourPicker::GetShadeValueAsString(EditingColour, 2, &NewValue);
01319             if (NewValue != CurrentValue)
01320                 SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_SHADE), NewValue);
01321         }
01323         // And set the slider to the nearest position to this value
01324         INT32 SliderValue = (INT32) ((100.0 * (EditingColour->GetTintValue().MakeDouble())) + 0.5);
01325         if (SliderValue > 100)      // Just ensure rounding doesn't give a 101%!
01326             SliderValue = 100;
01328 //      SetLongGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINTSLIDER), 100-SliderValue);
01329     }
01330 //  else
01331 //      SetLongGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_TINTSLIDER), 100-0);
01333     // Set up the combo box of available colour models
01334     if (State.DisplayModel != DisplayModel)
01335     {
01336         NeedsResize();
01337         // Shift around the component name and writable gadgets until Windows doesn't
01338         // know if it's coming or going. 
01339         static CGadgetID CompGadgetIDs[10] =
01340         {
01341             _R(IDC_NAME_COMPONENT1),
01342             _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT1),
01343             _R(IDC_NAME_COMPONENT2),
01344             _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT2),
01345             _R(IDC_NAME_COMPONENT3),
01346             _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT3),
01347             _R(IDC_NAME_COMPONENT4),
01348             _R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT4),
01349             _R(IDC_NAME_WEBHEX),
01350             _R(IDC_EDIT_WEBHEX)
01351         };// CGS CGS CGS
01353         // Special case for certain colour models but fall back to general formatter for everything else
01354         switch (DisplayModel)
01355         {
01356             case COLOURMODEL_RGBT:
01357                 {
01358                     INT32 TextWidth[5] = {7, 7, 7, 0, 7};
01359                     INT32 EditWidth[5] = {35, 35, 35, 0, 48};
01360                     ColourPicker::SetFixedComponentGadgets(WindowID, CompGadgetIDs, _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), DisplayModel, TextWidth, EditWidth);
01361                 }
01362                 break;
01363             case COLOURMODEL_HSVT:
01364                 {
01365                     INT32 TextWidth[5] = {7, 7, 7, 0, 7};
01366                     INT32 EditWidth[5] = {35, 35, 35, 0, 48};
01367                     ColourPicker::SetFixedComponentGadgets(WindowID, CompGadgetIDs, _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), DisplayModel, TextWidth, EditWidth);
01368                 }
01369                 break;
01370             default:
01371                 ColourPicker::SetComponentGadgets(WindowID, CompGadgetIDs, _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), DisplayModel);
01372                 break;
01373         }
01375         // Enable the '3d display' button if it is relevant (CMYK, RGB or WebRGB mode, and not showing a tint/shade
01376         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_3D),   (DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_CMYK || DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_RGBT || DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_WEBRGBT) &&
01377                                     (CurrentColType != COLOURTYPE_TINT && CurrentColType != COLOURTYPE_SHADE));
01378         SetBoolGadgetSelected(_R(IDC_EDIT_3D), Use3DDisplay);
01380         GadgetRedraw(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLMODEL), FALSE);
01381         DeleteAllValues(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLMODEL));
01382         ColourContextArray ColContexts;
01383         ColourContext::GetGlobalDefaults(&ColContexts);
01385         String_64 NameString;
01386         INT32 Index = 0;
01387         INT32 SelectedIndex = 0;
01389         for (INT32 i = 0; i < MAX_COLOURMODELS; i++)
01390         {
01391             if (ColContexts.Context[i] != NULL)
01392             {
01393                 String_32 ModelName;
01394                 ColContexts.Context[i]->GetModelName(&ModelName);
01396                 NameString.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_COLCONTEXTNAME), (TCHAR *) ModelName);
01397                 SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLMODEL), NameString, FALSE, Index);
01399                 if (i == (INT32)DisplayModel)
01400                     SelectedIndex = Index;
01402                 Index++;
01403             }
01404         }       
01406         GadgetRedraw(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLMODEL), TRUE);
01407         SetSelectedValueIndex(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLMODEL), SelectedIndex);
01408         SetComboListLength(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLMODEL));
01409     }
01411     if (DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_RGBT || DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_HSVT)
01412     {
01413         //HideGadget (_R(IDC_NAME_COMPONENT4), TRUE);
01414         //HideGadget (_R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT4), TRUE);
01415         HideGadget (_R(IDC_NAME_WEBHEX), FALSE);
01416         HideGadget (_R(IDC_EDIT_WEBHEX), FALSE);
01417     }
01418     else
01419     {
01420         //HideGadget (_R(IDC_NAME_COMPONENT4), FALSE);
01421         //HideGadget (_R(IDC_EDIT_COMPONENT4), FALSE);
01423         HideGadget (_R(IDC_NAME_WEBHEX), TRUE);
01424         HideGadget (_R(IDC_EDIT_WEBHEX), TRUE);
01425     }
01427     // Set component name strings & writables, and inheritance gadgets
01428     // Note: This MUST occur AFTER the call to ColourPicker::SetComponentGadgets (up 1 page)
01434     if (DisplayModel == COLOURMODEL_WEBRGBT || DisplayModel==COLOURMODEL_RGBT || DisplayModel==COLOURMODEL_HSVT)
01435     {
01436         SetAllHexComponentsInfo ((UINT32)-1, _R(IDC_NAME_WEBHEX), _R(IDC_EDIT_WEBHEX));
01437     }
01439     // Find a safe parent for the colour to link to. If we can't find one, then
01440     // we remove the linking options from the drop down list.
01441     IndexedColour *SafeParent;
01442     SafeParent = FindSafeParent(EditingColour->FindLastLinkedParent(),
01443                                 (CurrentColType == COLOURTYPE_TINT));
01445     // Ensure the editing colour has a parent which is safe to link to
01446     if (SafeParent != EditingColour->FindLastLinkedParent())
01447         EditingColour->SetLinkedParent(SafeParent, EditingColour->GetType());
01449     // And make sure CurrentColType is still correct!
01450     CurrentColType = EditingColour->GetType();
01451     if (CurrentColType == COLOURTYPE_TINT && EditingColour->TintIsShade())
01452         CurrentColType = COLOURTYPE_SHADE;  // Shade is a special "Bodge" colour type
01454     // Set up the colour type combo-box gadget whenever the type or the colour itself is changed,
01455     // or if we've not initialised it before
01456     if (State.ColType != CurrentColType || State.ResultColour != ResultColour || !State.Initialised)
01457     {
01458         GadgetRedraw(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE), FALSE);
01459         DeleteAllValues(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE));
01461         INT32 Index = 0;                // Compute an index for each item as we build the list
01462         INT32 SelIndex = 0;         // Default SelIndex, for COLOURTYPE_NORMAL
01464         SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE), _R(IDS_COLTYPE_NORMAL),  FALSE, Index++);
01466 //      if (ResultColour->IsNamed())        // "Spot colour" only available for named colours
01467 //      This option is now still shown in the list, but when the user tries to select it,
01468 //      we force them to cancel or make a new named spot colour.
01469 #ifndef WEBSTER
01470         {
01471             if (CurrentColType == COLOURTYPE_SPOT)
01472                 SelIndex = Index;
01474             SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE), _R(IDS_COLTYPE_SPOT),    FALSE, Index++);
01475         }
01476 #endif //WEBSTER
01478         if (SafeParent != NULL)     // We can make the colour linked
01479         {
01480             if (CurrentColType == COLOURTYPE_TINT)
01481                 SelIndex = Index;
01482             SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE), _R(IDS_COLTYPE_TINT),    FALSE, Index++);
01484             if (CurrentColType == COLOURTYPE_SHADE)
01485                 SelIndex = Index;
01486             SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE), _R(IDS_COLTYPE_SHADE),   FALSE, Index++);
01488             if (CurrentColType == COLOURTYPE_LINKED)
01489                 SelIndex = Index;
01490             SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE), _R(IDS_COLTYPE_LINKED),  FALSE, Index++);
01491         }
01493         GadgetRedraw(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE), TRUE);
01494         SetComboListLength(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE));
01496         SetSelectedValueIndex(_R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE), SelIndex);
01497     }
01499     // Enable/Disable extra options gadgets as appropriate to EditingColour settings
01500     // and set up the list of potential parent colours
01501     if (State.ColType != CurrentColType)
01502     {
01503         Enable = (EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT ||
01504                     EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_LINKED);
01507         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PARENTNAME), Enable);
01508         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PARENTCOL), Enable);
01509     }
01510     CompileParentColourList(_R(IDC_EDIT_PARENTCOL));        // Set the combo box list
01512     if ((EditingColour != NULL) && (EditingColour->IsNamed()))
01513         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_MAKE_LOCAL), TRUE);
01514     else
01515         EnableGadget(_R(IDC_MAKE_LOCAL), FALSE);
01517     // And finish   
01518     ISentTheMessage = OldSentState;     // Unlock the message handler again
01520     // And remember the new state of the controls/extent etc so we don't have to redraw
01521     // next time where these things have not changed
01522     State.Folded        = (Folded) ? 1 : 0;
01523     State.ColType       = CurrentColType;
01524     State.DisplayModel  = DisplayModel;
01525     State.ResultColour  = ResultColour;
01526     State.Initialised   = TRUE;
01528     CheckDialogSize();
01529 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetCursor UINT32  CursorResID  )  [protected]

Called by HandleIdlePointerXXX functions to set the cursor shape they desire.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
CursorResID - NULL (arrow pointer), or a resource ID that specifies a cursor [INPUTS]
Notes: The base HandleIdlePointer function always resets the desired cursor ID to a standard Arrow cursor before calling the picker-specific code. If the called function does not set a cursor, then it will immediately revert.

This function does *not* set the cursor, just remembers what cursor is wanted (Cursor setting is done in HandleIdlepointer)

Definition at line 9354 of file coldlog.cpp.

09355 {
09356 //  CurrentCursorID = CursorResID;
09358 //TRACEUSER( "Jason", _T("Cursor=%ld\n"), CursorResID);
09359 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetDefaultDisplayModel INT32  newDisplayModel  )  [static]

Camelots new custom colour picker control has changed the way in which the old default colour space stuff worked. If a user selects a colour space on the combobox - then we SHOULD remember this - and NOT jump straight back into the default (i.e. we should now set the selection as the default). We need to do this in two places: 1) internally from within ColourEditDlg::Message (); and 2) when the user sets the defaut model for (local colours) from within the camelot options dialog. This function allows us to achieve the second of these. Scope: public.

Chris_Snook (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Errors: -

See also:
ColourEditDlg::Message () (if (Msg->GadgetID == _R(IDC_EDIT_COLMODEL)) stuff)

Definition at line 2307 of file coldlog.cpp.

02308 {
02309     TheEditor->DefaultDisplayModel = TheEditor->DisplayModel = (ColourModel) newDisplayModel;
02310     TheEditor->InvalidateAndSetControls ();
02311 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetDoTimerProcessing BOOL  Value  ) 

sets a flag which indicates whether or not the colour picker will do idle processing. If this is set to false the colour picker is effectively disabled. Scope: public

Diccon_Yamanaka (Xara Group Ltd) <>
boolean [INPUTS]

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 2145 of file coldlog.cpp.

02146 {
02147     m_bDoTimerProcessing = Value;
02148     if (!Value)
02149         EndTimedProcessing();
02150     else
02151         BeginTimedProcessing();
02152 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetEditingColour IndexedColour newEditingColour,
Node pSourceNode = NULL

Camelots new custom colour picker control (also written by me) needs to be able to change the value EditingColour on the fly (based upon the IndexedColour that is has just read/generated) so that we do not generate infinite amounts of undo information (which would be so if we always applied the supplied colour). This function allows us to achieve this functionality. Since this function is static, to access non-static member functions from within, we need to use TheEditor->function () otherwise VC6 complains. Scope: public.

Chris_Snook (Xara Group Ltd) <>
newEditingColour - the IndexedColour that is to be set as EditingColour [INPUTS]

Errors: -

See also:
ColourEditDlg::ApplyEditingColourNow ()

Definition at line 2036 of file coldlog.cpp.

02037 {   
02038     // if we havn't saved an abort colour yet - then we save one here
02039     // otherwise we use the colour that weve already saved as our abort colour ....
02040     if (TheEditor->abortColourState == SAVE_ABORTCOLOUR)
02041     {
02042         if (TheEditor->EditingColour != NULL)
02043         {
02044             if (TheEditor->AbortColour != NULL)
02045             {
02046                 if (!(TheEditor->AbortColour->IsNamed ()))
02047                 {
02048                     delete (TheEditor->AbortColour);
02049                 }
02050             }
02051             TheEditor->AbortColour = new IndexedColour (*(TheEditor->EditingColour));
02052             TheEditor->abortColourState = SAVED_ABORTCOLOUR;
02053         }
02054     }
02056     if (!(TheEditor->OriginalColour.IsNamed ()))
02057     {
02058         if (!(newEditingColour->IsNamed()))
02059         {   
02060             if (TheEditor->EditingColour != NULL)
02061             {
02062                 delete (TheEditor->EditingColour);
02063             }
02065             TheEditor->EditingColour = new IndexedColour (*newEditingColour);
02066         }
02067         else
02068         {   
02069             if (TheEditor->EditingColour != NULL)
02070             {
02071                 delete (TheEditor->EditingColour);
02072             }
02074             // we do some nasty stuff here - we use an unnamed colour to represent named colours
02075             // internally; and then convert (well actually we don't ever convert back again
02076             // cause this makes things more difficult - and I have more important things to be
02077             // doing with my time than working out why applying a named colour from this stuff
02078             // is such a pain in the but!)
02080             TheEditor->EditingColour = new IndexedColour (*newEditingColour);
02081             TheEditor->EditingColour->SetUnnamed ();
02082         }
02083     }
02084     else
02085     {
02086         if (TheEditor->EditingColour != NULL)
02087         {
02088             delete (TheEditor->EditingColour);
02089         }
02091         TheEditor->EditingColour = new IndexedColour (*newEditingColour);
02092         TheEditor->EditingColour->SetName (*(TheEditor->OriginalColour.GetName ()));
02093     }
02095     if (TheEditor->EditingColour == NULL)
02096     {
02097         InformError();
02098         TheEditor->ShadeMyself();
02099         return;
02100     }
02102     TheEditor->EditingColourHasChanged (TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, pSourceNode);     // force everything to redraw
02103 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetExtent void   )  [protected]

If necessary, changes the size of the editor window and shuffles controls around to show folded/unfolded tint/linked information appropriately. If the State has not been reset or changed, this may do nothing, to minimise unnecessary redraws.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Scope: private

Definition at line 993 of file coldlog.cpp.

00994 {
00995     // Set size to small (cut off below 'more' button) or large (full-size) as appropriate
00996     // NOTE that this relies on the gadgets passed to SetWindowExtent being at the
00997     // bottom of the folded/unfolded layouts of the dialogue respectively.
00999     if (EditingColour == NULL)
01000     {
01001         // WEBSTER - markn 1/2/97
01002         #ifdef WEBSTER
01003         ColourPicker::SetWindowExtent(WindowID, _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
01004         #endif // WEBSTER
01005         HideGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_ADVANCEDPANEL), TRUE);
01006         NeedsResize();
01007         return;
01008     }
01010     // If there has been no change in the colour type, we should return.
01011     // This is compllicated by shades, which internally are a variant of TINTs, but
01012     // externally are different "types".
01013     IndexedColourType CurrentColType = EditingColour->GetType();
01014     if (CurrentColType == COLOURTYPE_TINT && EditingColour->TintIsShade())
01015         CurrentColType = COLOURTYPE_SHADE;  // Shade is a special "Bodge" colour type
01017 #ifndef WEBSTER
01018     if (State.Folded == Folded && State.ColType == CurrentColType)
01019         return;
01020 #else
01021     // WEBSTER - markn 24/4/97
01022     // Always unfolded.
01023     Folded = FALSE; // always unfolded
01024 #endif // WEBSTER
01026     NeedsResize();
01028     if (Folded)
01029     {       
01030         // WEBSTER - markn 11/12/96
01031         // Always unfolded.
01032         // Changed folded to show ed fields
01033 #ifndef WEBSTER
01034         ColourPicker::SetWindowExtent(WindowID, _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
01035         //      SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_ADVANCED), _R(IDS_EDIT_MORE));
01036         SetBoolGadgetSelected(_R(IDC_EDIT_ADVANCED), FALSE);
01037 #else
01038         ColourPicker::SetWindowExtent(WindowID, _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), _R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE));
01039 #endif // WEBSTER
01040         HideGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_ADVANCEDPANEL), TRUE);
01041     }           
01042     else
01043     {
01044         HideGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_ADVANCEDPANEL), FALSE);
01045         CGadgetID Gadget = _R(IDC_EDIT_COLTYPE);
01047         if (EditingColour != NULL)  // If we have an editing colour, set tint/link controls
01048         {
01049             switch (EditingColour->GetType())
01050             {
01051                 case COLOURTYPE_TINT:
01052                     {
01053                         Gadget = _R(IDC_EDIT_TINT);
01054                         HideGadgetList(LinkGadgetIDs, TRUE);
01055                         HideGadgetList(TintGadgetIDs, FALSE);
01056                         HideGadget (_R(IDC_EDIT_PARENTNAME), FALSE);
01057                         HideGadget (_R(IDC_EDIT_PARENTCOL), FALSE);
01058                         // ColourPicker::SetGadgetPositions(WindowID, LinkGadgetIDs, 0);
01059                         // ColourPicker::SetGadgetPositions(WindowID, TintGadgetIDs, _R(IDC_EDIT_PARENTCOL));
01061                         // And if it's not a shade, hide the extra writable field
01062                         HideGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_SHADE), !EditingColour->TintIsShade());
01063                         HideGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_SHADEPERCENT), !EditingColour->TintIsShade());
01064                     }
01065                     break;
01067                 case COLOURTYPE_LINKED:
01068                     Gadget = _R(IDC_EDIT_INHERIT4);
01069                     HideGadgetList(LinkGadgetIDs, FALSE);
01070                     HideGadgetList(TintGadgetIDs, TRUE);
01071                     HideGadget (_R(IDC_EDIT_PARENTNAME), FALSE);
01072                     HideGadget (_R(IDC_EDIT_PARENTCOL), FALSE);
01073                     // ColourPicker::SetGadgetPositions(WindowID, TintGadgetIDs, 0);
01074                     // ColourPicker::SetGadgetPositions(WindowID, LinkGadgetIDs, _R(IDC_EDIT_PARENTCOL));
01075                     break;
01077                 default:
01078                     HideGadget (_R(IDC_EDIT_PARENTNAME), TRUE);
01079                     HideGadget (_R(IDC_EDIT_PARENTCOL), TRUE);
01080                     HideGadgetList(LinkGadgetIDs, TRUE);
01081                     HideGadgetList(TintGadgetIDs, TRUE);
01082                     break;
01083             }
01084         }
01086         ColourPicker::SetWindowExtent(WindowID, _R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), Gadget);
01087 #ifndef WEBSTER // not included in Webster
01088         SetBoolGadgetSelected(_R(IDC_EDIT_ADVANCED), TRUE);
01089 //      SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_ADVANCED), _R(IDS_EDIT_LESS));
01090 #endif
01091     }
01093 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueCMYK ReDrawInfoType Info,
INT32  PixelSize,
BOOL  StartingNewDrag

Handles drag updates - determines the new colour values from the current mouse position, and sets the colour as appropriate. Just how it interprets the mouse position is dependant upon which region the drag was started within, and which DisplayMode is in operation. A different routine like this one will be called for each DisplayMode.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - The redraw info for the kernel-drawn control's mouse event [INPUTS] PixelSize - The size of display pixels as they appear when mapped into the MILLIPOINT VirtualRect coordinate space (as used in the RenderControl methods) StartingNewDrag - TRUE if this is the first call to this function for a new drag operation (in which case, the DragStartArea is set appropriately)
Notes: The RGB and CMYK pickers are almost identical in operation. It should be possible to tidy up the code considerably and make a generic routine for handling most of the common stuff.

See also:
ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueFromMousePos; ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueDefault

Definition at line 8388 of file coldlog.cpp.

08389 {
08390     DocRect VirtualSize(0, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy);
08391     VirtualSize.Inflate(-PixelSize * 4);        // And exclude the border
08393     // Determine how much space is left over after the key slider has been placed
08394     INT32 KeySliderLeft = VirtualSize.hi.x - (CROSSRADIUS+PixelSize)*2;
08395     ERROR3IF(KeySliderLeft < VirtualSize.lo.x,
08396                 "Not enough room to render the colour picker!");
08398     // Fill the control background, and draw the cube 'shadow'
08399     DocRect CubeAvailableSpace(VirtualSize);
08400     CubeAvailableSpace.hi.x = KeySliderLeft - 2000;
08402     DocRect SquareRect;
08403     INT32 SizeZ;
08404     DrawCubeShadowAndCalcValues(NULL, &CubeAvailableSpace, PixelSize, NULL,
08405                                 /* TO */ &SquareRect, &SizeZ);
08408     DocRect CubeFaceRect(SquareRect);       // Remember the rect of the front face for below
08410     // Now, shift the square down from the front of the cube by an amount appropriate to
08411     // the Z-axis component of the colour
08412 //  ColourContextCMYK *cc = (ColourContextCMYK*)ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_CMYK);
08413     ColourContext *cc = NULL;
08414     BOOL bDeleteCC = GetColourContext(DisplayModel, &cc);   
08415     ColourCMYK SourceColour;
08417     if (CanSetColour(EditingColour))
08418     {
08419         cc->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &SourceColour);
08420         FIXED24 ZComponent = SourceColour.Magenta;
08421         if (ColourPickerMode == 1)
08422             ZComponent = SourceColour.Cyan;
08423         else if (ColourPickerMode == 2)
08424             ZComponent = SourceColour.Yellow;
08426         INT32 ZTrans = (INT32) ((double)SizeZ * ZComponent.MakeDouble()) - SizeZ;
08427         SquareRect.Translate(-ZTrans, ZTrans);
08428         GridLockRect(&SquareRect, PixelSize);
08429     }
08431     if (StartingNewDrag)
08432     {
08433         // Remember what the colour was as we started the drag
08434         cc->ConvertColour(ResultColour, &ColourBeforeDrag);
08436         DocCoord BitmapPos;
08437         BitmapPos.x = HalfGridLock(CubeFaceRect.hi.x + SizeZ/2, PixelSize);
08438         BitmapPos.y = HalfGridLock(CubeFaceRect.hi.y - SizeZ/2, PixelSize);
08440         const INT32 BitmapSize = 14 * PixelSize;
08441         DocRect SwapAxesRect(BitmapPos.x, BitmapPos.y,
08442                                 BitmapPos.x + BitmapSize + PixelSize * 3, BitmapPos.y + BitmapSize);
08443         GridLockRect(&SwapAxesRect, PixelSize);
08445         if (SwapAxesRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
08446         {
08447             // Swap the axes around - this is treated as a click (the rest of the drag ignored)
08448             DragStartArea = CEDRAG_NONE;
08449             ColourPickerMode = (ColourPickerMode + 1) % 3;
08450             InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
08451             return;
08452         }
08454         if (SquareRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
08455             DragStartArea = CEDRAG_CMYKPICKER_XY;
08456         else
08457         {
08458             // Check if the pointer is in the Z 'drag button'
08459             DocRect ZButton(SquareRect);
08460             ZButton.lo.x = ZButton.hi.x;
08461             ZButton.hi.x += ZSLIDERSIZE - (PixelSize * 2);
08462             ZButton.hi.y = ZButton.lo.y;
08463             ZButton.lo.y -= ZSLIDERSIZE - (PixelSize * 2);
08464             GridLockRect(&ZButton, PixelSize);
08466             if (ZButton.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
08467             {
08468                 DragStartArea = CEDRAG_CMYKPICKER_Z;
08470                 // And remember the offset from the bottom right of the handle to the dragged point
08471                 DragAnchor.x = Info->pMousePos->x - ZButton.lo.x;
08472                 DragAnchor.y = Info->pMousePos->y - ZButton.hi.y;
08473             }
08474             else
08475             {
08476                 // Check if the pointer is in the Key slider
08477                 DocRect KeyRect(KeySliderLeft, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy - (PATCHSIZE + PixelSize*2));
08478                 if (KeyRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
08479                     DragStartArea = CEDRAG_CMYKPICKER_KEY;
08480                 else
08481                 {
08482                     // OK, then. Is the click in a protuding bit of the marker cross?
08483                     DocRect CrossRect;
08484                     CalcCrossRectCMYK(&SourceColour, &SquareRect, PixelSize, &CrossRect);
08486                     if (CrossRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
08487                         DragStartArea = CEDRAG_CMYKPICKER_XY;
08488                 }
08489             }
08490         }
08491     }
08493     if (!CanSetColour(EditingColour))       // We can't change the colour - abort
08494     {
08495         DragStartArea = CEDRAG_NONE;
08496         return;
08497     }
08499     BOOL ColourHasChanged = TRUE;
08501     INT32 XPos = Info->pMousePos->x;
08502     INT32 YPos = Info->pMousePos->y;
08504     switch(DragStartArea)
08505     {
08506         case CEDRAG_CMYKPICKER_XY:
08507             {
08508                 if (XPos < SquareRect.lo.x)  XPos = SquareRect.lo.x;
08509                 if (XPos > SquareRect.hi.x)  XPos = SquareRect.hi.x;
08511                 if (YPos < SquareRect.lo.y)  YPos = SquareRect.lo.y;
08512                 if (YPos > SquareRect.hi.y)  YPos = SquareRect.hi.y;
08514                 INT32 XComponent = 1;       // XYZ = C,Y,M
08515                 INT32 YComponent = 3;
08517                 switch(ColourPickerMode)
08518                 {
08519                     case 1:             // XYZ = Y,M,C
08520                         XComponent = 3;
08521                         YComponent = 2;
08522                         break;
08524                     case 2:             // XYZ = M,C,Y
08525                         XComponent = 2;
08526                         YComponent = 1;
08527                         break;
08528                 }
08530                 double NewX = ((double) (XPos - SquareRect.lo.x)) / 
08531                                 ((double) SquareRect.Width());
08532                 if (NewX < 0.0)
08533                     NewX = 0.0;
08534                 if (NewX > 1.0)
08535                     NewX = 1.0;
08537                 double NewY = ((double) (YPos - SquareRect.lo.y)) / 
08538                                 ((double) SquareRect.Height());
08539                 if (NewY < 0.0)
08540                     NewY = 0.0;
08541                 if (NewY > 1.0)
08542                     NewY = 1.0;
08544                 if (KeyPress::IsConstrainPressed())
08545                 {
08546 //                  ColourCMYK *ConstrainDef = (ColourCMYK *) &ColourBeforeDrag;
08548                     double XDiff = GetComponent(&ColourBeforeDrag, XComponent).MakeDouble() - NewX;
08549                     double YDiff = GetComponent(&ColourBeforeDrag, YComponent).MakeDouble() - NewY;
08551                     if (XDiff < 0)  XDiff = -XDiff;
08552                     if (YDiff < 0)  YDiff = -YDiff;
08554                     if (XDiff < YDiff)
08555                         NewX = GetComponent(&ColourBeforeDrag, XComponent).MakeDouble();
08556                     else
08557                         NewY = GetComponent(&ColourBeforeDrag, YComponent).MakeDouble();
08558                 }
08560                 ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, XComponent, NewX);
08561                 ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, YComponent, NewY);
08563                 DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_CMYK;    // Force display back to CMYK model
08565                 if (!StartingNewDrag)
08566                 {
08567                     // Redraw the area where the cross used to be shown
08568                     DocRect CrossRect;
08569                     CalcCrossRectCMYK(&SourceColour, &SquareRect, PixelSize, &CrossRect);
08570                     CrossRect.Inflate(4*PixelSize);     // Inflate to ensure we redraw all of the cross
08571                     InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), Info, &CrossRect);
08573                     // And force redraw the new cross position
08574                     cc->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &SourceColour);
08575                     CalcCrossRectCMYK(&SourceColour, &SquareRect, PixelSize, &CrossRect);
08576                     CrossRect.Inflate(4*PixelSize);     // Inflate to ensure we redraw all of the cross
08577                     InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), Info, &CrossRect);
08579                     // Redraw the controls...
08580                     InvalidatePatchGadget(Info);
08581                     PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
08583                     // And clear this flag so that the redraw below (of entire gadget) is not done.                 
08584                     ColourHasChanged = FALSE;
08585                 }
08586             }
08587             break;
08590         case CEDRAG_CMYKPICKER_Z:
08591             {
08592                 XPos -= DragAnchor.x;   // Correct the mouse position for anchoring
08593                 YPos -= DragAnchor.y;
08595                 INT32 ZComponent = 2;       // XYZ = C,Y,M
08597                 switch(ColourPickerMode)
08598                 {
08599                     case 1:             // XYZ = Y,M,C
08600                         ZComponent = 1;
08601                         break;
08603                     case 2:             // XYZ = M,C,Y
08604                         ZComponent = 3;
08605                         break;
08606                 }
08608                 INT32 Offset = CubeFaceRect.hi.x + SizeZ - XPos;
08609                 if (Offset > YPos - (CubeFaceRect.lo.y - SizeZ))
08610                     Offset = YPos - (CubeFaceRect.lo.y - SizeZ);
08612                 double NewZ =  ((double) Offset) / ((double) SizeZ);
08613                 if (NewZ < 0.0)
08614                     NewZ = 0.0;
08615                 if (NewZ > 1.0)
08616                     NewZ = 1.0;
08618                 DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_CMYK;    // Force display back to CMYK model
08619                 ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, ZComponent, NewZ);
08620             }
08621             break;
08624         case CEDRAG_CMYKPICKER_KEY:
08625             {
08626                 XPos = LastDragPos.x = 0;           // Make sure X move does not cause redraw
08628                 if (YPos < 0)
08629                     YPos = 0;
08630                 if (YPos > Info->dy - (PATCHSIZE + PixelSize*2))
08631                     YPos = Info->dy - (PATCHSIZE + PixelSize*2);
08633                 double NewValue = ((double)YPos) / ((double)(Info->dy - (PATCHSIZE + PixelSize*2)));
08634                 DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_CMYK;    // Force display back to CMYK model
08635                 ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, 4, NewValue);
08636             }
08637             break;
08640         default:
08641             return;     // Not a legal drag, so we ignore it
08642     }
08644     // Delete the colour context if necessary
08645     if (bDeleteCC)
08646         ColourContextList::GetList()->RemoveContext(&cc);           // Have finished with it
08648     // If necessary, redraw the colour picker control and the colour patch
08649     if (ColourHasChanged)
08650     {
08651         if (StartingNewDrag || YPos != LastDragPos.y || XPos != LastDragPos.x)
08652         {
08653             InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
08654             PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
08655         }
08656     }
08658     // Remember the last position at which we updated
08659     LastDragPos.y = YPos;
08660     LastDragPos.x = XPos;
08661 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueDefault ReDrawInfoType Info,
INT32  PixelSize,
BOOL  StartingNewDrag

Handles drag updates - determines the new colour values from the current mouse position, and sets the colour as appropriate. Just how it interprets the mouse position is dependant upon which region the drag was started within, and which DisplayMode is in operation. A different routine like this one will be called for each DisplayMode.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - The redraw info for the kernel-drawn control's mouse event [INPUTS] PixelSize - The size of display pixels as they appear when mapped into the MILLIPOINT VirtualRect coordinate space (as used in the RenderControl methods) StartingNewDrag - TRUE if this is the first call to this function for a new drag operation (in which case, the DragStartArea is set appropriately)
Notes: The default method is called for all DisplayModes which are not specifically handled: It interprets mouse positions within the display drawn by its sister redraw method, which provides up to 4 horizontal component sliders.

See also:
ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueFromMousePos; ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueDefault; ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerDefault

Definition at line 8695 of file coldlog.cpp.

08696 {
08697 //  ColourContext *cc = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(DisplayModel);
08698     ColourContext *cc = NULL;
08699     BOOL bDeleteCC = GetColourContext(DisplayModel, &cc);   
08700     if (cc == NULL)
08701     {
08702         ERROR2RAW("Can't get a colour context for the DisplayModel!");
08703         return;
08704     }
08706     INT32 CurrentComponentIndex = 0;        // Work out the index of the slider being dragged
08707     if (!StartingNewDrag)
08708     {
08709         switch (DragStartArea)
08710         {
08711             case CEDRAG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT2:
08712                 CurrentComponentIndex = 1;
08713                 break;
08715             case CEDRAG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT3:
08716                 CurrentComponentIndex = 2;
08717                 break;
08719             case CEDRAG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT4:
08720                 CurrentComponentIndex = 3;
08721                 break;
08723             default:
08724                 break;
08725         }
08726     }
08728     // Get the slider rectangle widths. The height is fixed/moved during the loop below
08729     DocRect SliderRect(0, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy);
08730     SliderRect.hi.y -= PATCHSIZE + (PixelSize * 2);     // Allow space for the current colour patch
08732     // Count how many components we have to display
08733     INT32 NumComponents = 0;
08734     INT32 ComponentIndex;
08735     for (ComponentIndex = 1; ComponentIndex <= 4; ComponentIndex++)
08736     {
08737         if (cc->GetComponentName(ComponentIndex, NULL))
08738             NumComponents++;
08739     }
08741     // Calculate slider sizes and spacing
08742     INT32 SliderHeight = GetSliderHeight(SliderRect.Height(), NumComponents);
08743     INT32 SliderGap = GetSliderGap(SliderRect.Height(), NumComponents);
08745     // And move the top down by half a SliderGap, so the sliders are centered vertically
08746     SliderRect.hi.y -= SliderGap / 2;
08748     // Check the slider for each component supplied in the current DisplayModel
08749     for (ComponentIndex = 0; ComponentIndex <= 3; ComponentIndex++)
08750     {
08751         // Ensure slider rect is the correct height
08752         SliderRect.lo.y = SliderRect.hi.y - SliderHeight;
08754         // If we are just starting a new drag, we must determine which slider the mouse is
08755         // dragging. Otherwise, we need just go round the loop until we find the position
08756         // of the correct slider to use (so we can redraw only the changed slider)
08757         if (StartingNewDrag)
08758         {
08759             // If this component is available/used in this colour model, see if we are dragging it
08760             if (cc->GetComponentName(ComponentIndex+1, NULL))
08761             {
08762                 if (SliderRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
08763                     break;
08764             }
08765         }
08766         else
08767         {
08768             // We've calculated where the slider rect is now, so we can continue on
08769             if (ComponentIndex == CurrentComponentIndex)
08770                 break;
08771         }
08773         // Move down to the next slider rectangle position
08774         SliderRect.hi.y = SliderRect.lo.y - SliderGap;
08775     }
08777     // ComponentIndex now contains the index of the component currently being
08778     // dragged (or it has the value 4 if no match was found)
08779     CurrentComponentIndex = ComponentIndex;
08781     if (StartingNewDrag)        // Work out which slider we are dragging
08782     {
08783         switch (CurrentComponentIndex)
08784         {
08785             case 0:
08786                 DragStartArea = CEDRAG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT1;
08787                 break;
08789             case 1:
08790                 DragStartArea = CEDRAG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT2;
08791                 break;
08793             case 2:
08794                 DragStartArea = CEDRAG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT3;
08795                 break;
08797             case 3:
08798                 DragStartArea = CEDRAG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT4;
08799                 break;
08801             default:
08802                 return;     // Not dragging anything draggable, so ignore them
08803         }
08804     }
08807     // Now, if the mouse position has changed, calculate the new component value, and
08808     // set it, as appropriate for the CurrentComponentIndex component
08809     if (StartingNewDrag || Info->pMousePos->x != LastDragPos.x)
08810     {
08811         INT32 Offset = Info->pMousePos->x;
08812         if (Offset < 0)
08813             Offset = 0;
08815         if (Offset > Info->dx)
08816             Offset = Info->dx;
08818         ERROR3IF(Info->dx == 0, "Control width is zero! Divide by zero about to occur!");
08819         double NewValue = (double)Offset / (double)Info->dx;
08821         ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, CurrentComponentIndex+1, NewValue);
08823         // If we are starting a new drag, or if we are in split-slider mode, we redraw everything
08824         if (StartingNewDrag || SplitLineDisplay)
08825             InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));                      // Invalidate all sliders
08826         else
08827         {
08828             InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), Info, &SliderRect);   // Only invalidate changed slider
08829             InvalidatePatchGadget(Info);
08830         }
08831         PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));    
08832     }
08834     LastDragPos.x = Info->pMousePos->x;
08835     LastDragPos.y = 0;
08837     // Delete the colour context if necessary
08838     if (bDeleteCC)
08839         ColourContextList::GetList()->RemoveContext(&cc);           // Have finished with it
08840 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueFromMousePos ReDrawInfoType Info,
BOOL  StartingNewDrag

Handles drag updates - determines the new colour values from the current mouse position, and sets the colour as appropriate.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - The redraw info for the kernel-drawn control's mouse event [INPUTS]
This may be NULL if you merely want to check for escape being pressed to abort the drag, but note that if this is the case, all that will be done is the escape check. NOTE that StartingNewDrag MUST also be FALSE in this case.

StartingNewDrag - TRUE if this is the first call to this function for a new drag operation (in which case, the DragStartArea is set appropriately)

Will also check for escape being pressed, in which case the drag will be aborted, and the colour will return to its pre-drag state.

Notes: This will generate an ERROR3 if called with EditingColour==NULL

For those who haven't followed the progress of the colour editor, you will soon realise that it is one huge non-OO bodge, which grew from a tiny little thing in fits and starts and design retrofits. One day, I'll be allowed to write it properly, from scratch, instead of just bolting on more and more bits of ticky tacky.

Definition at line 7452 of file coldlog.cpp.

07453 {
07454     if (EditingColour == NULL)      // We are shaded - spurious call - shouldn't happen
07455     {
07456         ERROR3("ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueFromMousePos called when EditingColour == NULL");
07457         return;
07458     }
07460     if (StartingNewDrag)
07461     {
07462         DragStartArea = CEDRAG_NONE;        // For now, we are not dragging
07464         // And copy the original colour in case of an abort
07465         // NOTE: If new fails, then this pointer will be NULL, which merely disables abort checks.
07466         if (AbortColour != NULL)
07467         {
07468             delete AbortColour;
07469             AbortColour = NULL;
07470         }
07471         AbortColour = new IndexedColour(*EditingColour);
07472     }
07473     else
07474     {
07475         // Continuing a drag we've already started - check for escape being pressed
07476         if ((AbortColour != NULL && KeyPress::IsEscapePressed()) || (AbortColour != NULL && EscapeKeyWasPressed))
07477         {
07478             // Beep to make user aware they've succeeded in aborting the drag
07479             Beep();
07481             // Reset the definition of the EditingColour
07482             *EditingColour = *AbortColour;
07484             // And reset the drag state variables
07485             delete AbortColour;
07486             AbortColour = NULL;
07488             DragUpdatedOnIdle = FALSE;
07489             DragStartArea = CEDRAG_NONE;
07491             // Inform the editor of the change, and redraw everything (document and editor)
07492             EditingColourHasChanged(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
07493             InvalidatePatchGadget();
07494 //          EndTimedProcessing ();
07495             EscapeKeyWasPressed = FALSE;
07496             return;
07497         }
07498     }
07500     // If Info was NULL, the caller only wanted to check for the abort (escape) key being pressed
07501     if (Info == NULL)
07502         return;
07504     // Finally, call the appropriate colour model update routine to get the job done...
07505     // Yeah, yeah, I know. Where's the objects? Where's the virtual functions?
07507     INT32 PixelSize = 72000 / Info->Dpi;        // Size of output pixel in millipoints
07509     if (EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT)
07510     {
07511         if (EditingColour->TintIsShade())
07512             SetNewValueShade(Info, PixelSize, StartingNewDrag);
07513         else
07514             SetNewValueTint(Info, PixelSize, StartingNewDrag);
07515     }
07516     else
07517     {
07518         switch (DisplayModel)
07519         {
07520             case COLOURMODEL_HSVT:
07521                 if (CanSetColour(EditingColour))
07522                     SetNewValueHSV(Info, PixelSize, StartingNewDrag);
07523                 break;
07525             case COLOURMODEL_RGBT:
07526             case COLOURMODEL_WEBRGBT:
07527                 // RGB has the ability to change display modes, even when the colour is uneditable
07528                 // so we call the handler even when CanSetColour() == FALSE
07529                 if (Use3DDisplay)
07530                     SetNewValueRGB(Info, PixelSize, StartingNewDrag);
07531                 else
07532                 {
07533                     if (CanSetColour(EditingColour))
07534                         SetNewValueDefault(Info, PixelSize, StartingNewDrag);
07535                 }
07536                 break;
07538             case COLOURMODEL_CMYK:
07539                 // CMYK has the ability to change display modes, even when the colour is uneditable
07540                 // so we call the handler even when CanSetColour() == FALSE
07541                 if (Use3DDisplay)
07542                     SetNewValueCMYK(Info, PixelSize, StartingNewDrag);
07543                 else
07544                 {
07545                     if (CanSetColour(EditingColour))
07546                         SetNewValueDefault(Info, PixelSize, StartingNewDrag);
07547                 }
07548                 break;
07550             default:
07551                 if (CanSetColour(EditingColour))
07552                     SetNewValueDefault(Info, PixelSize, StartingNewDrag);
07553                 break;
07554         }
07555     }
07556 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueHSV ReDrawInfoType Info,
INT32  PixelSize,
BOOL  StartingNewDrag

Handles drag updates - determines the new colour values from the current mouse position, and sets the colour as appropriate. Just how it interprets the mouse position is dependant upon which region the drag was started within, and which DisplayMode is in operation. A different routine like this one will be called for each DisplayMode.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - The redraw info for the kernel-drawn control's mouse event [INPUTS] PixelSize - The size of display pixels as they appear when mapped into the MILLIPOINT VirtualRect coordinate space (as used in the RenderControl methods) StartingNewDrag - TRUE if this is the first call to this function for a new drag operation (in which case, the DragStartArea is set appropriately)
See also:
ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueFromMousePos; ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueDefault

Definition at line 7661 of file coldlog.cpp.

07662 {
07663 #if TRUE
07664     DocRect VirtualSize(0, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy);
07665     VirtualSize.Inflate(-PixelSize * 4);        // And exclude the border
07667     // Calculate the two important rectangles - the hue slider, and Val/Sat square
07668     DocRect HueRect;
07669     DocRect ValSatSquare;
07670     CalculateHSVPickerRects(&VirtualSize, PixelSize, &HueRect, &ValSatSquare);
07672     // Get a colour context for our conversions and stuff
07673     ColourContext *cc = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_HSVT);
07675     // Remember the old cross-position values from EditingColour
07676     ColourHSVT ColourDef;
07677     cc->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &ColourDef);
07679     // If starting a new drag, determine which area the drag is in...
07680     if (StartingNewDrag)
07681     {
07682         if (HueRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
07683             DragStartArea = CEDRAG_HSVPICKER_HSLIDER;
07684         else if (ValSatSquare.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
07685         {
07686             DragStartArea = CEDRAG_HSVPICKER_VSSQUARE;
07687         }
07688         else
07689         {
07690             // The user didn't hit inside a picker area, but have they tried to drag
07691             // a region outside that lies under a protuding marker cross?
07692             FIXED24 ReverseSat = FIXED24(1.0) - ColourDef.Saturation;
07694             if (MousePosInCross(Info->pMousePos, &ValSatSquare, &ReverseSat, &ColourDef.Value))
07695                 DragStartArea = CEDRAG_HSVPICKER_VSSQUARE;
07696             else if (MousePosInCross(Info->pMousePos, &HueRect, &ColourDef.Hue, NULL))
07697                 DragStartArea = CEDRAG_HSVPICKER_HSLIDER;
07698             else
07699                 return;     // Nope - just ignore the click
07700         }
07702         // Remember what the colour was as we started the drag
07703         cc->ConvertColour(ResultColour, &ColourBeforeDrag);
07704     }
07707     BOOL ColourHasChanged = FALSE;
07708     INT32 XPos=0;
07709     INT32 YPos=0;
07711     // Handle the new mouse position, using the area the drag started in (rather than
07712     // the area it may now be over) to determine which components to alter
07713     switch(DragStartArea)
07714     {
07715         case CEDRAG_HSVPICKER_HSLIDER:
07716         {
07717             XPos = Info->pMousePos->x - HueRect.lo.x;
07718             if (XPos < 0)               XPos = 0;
07719             if (XPos > HueRect.Width()) XPos = HueRect.Width();
07721             double NewValue = ((double) XPos) / ((double) HueRect.Width());
07722             ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, 1, NewValue);
07724             DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_HSVT;    // Force display back to HSV model
07726             if (XPos != LastDragPos.x)
07727                 ColourHasChanged = TRUE;
07728             break;
07729         }
07733         {
07734             INT32 Size = ValSatSquare.Width();
07736             XPos = ValSatSquare.hi.x - Info->pMousePos->x;
07737             if (XPos < 0)       XPos = 0;
07738             if (XPos > Size)    XPos = Size;
07740             if (bHSVHueAtTop)
07741             {
07742                 YPos = Info->pMousePos->y - ValSatSquare.lo.y;
07743                 if (YPos < 0)       YPos = 0;
07744                 if (YPos > Size)    YPos = Size;
07745             }
07746             else
07747             {
07748                 YPos = ValSatSquare.hi.y - Info->pMousePos->y;
07749                 if (YPos < 0)       YPos = 0;
07750                 if (YPos > Size)    YPos = Size;
07751             }
07753             double NewSat = ((double)XPos) / ((double) Size);
07754             double NewVal = ((double)YPos) / ((double) Size);
07756             if (KeyPress::IsConstrainPressed())
07757             {
07758                 // If we should constrain this value, then we check the original
07759                 // values for Sat/Val, and we only change the one which is furthest
07760                 // away from the original value (i.e. if you drag near the old
07761                 // Saturation value, only the Value will change & vice versa)
07762                 ColourHSVT *ConstrainDef = (ColourHSVT *) &ColourBeforeDrag;
07764                 double TempSat = ConstrainDef->Saturation.MakeDouble() - NewSat;
07765                 if (TempSat < 0.0) TempSat = -TempSat;
07767                 double TempVal = ConstrainDef->Value.MakeDouble() - NewVal;
07768                 if (TempVal < 0.0) TempVal = -TempVal;
07770                 if (TempSat < TempVal)
07771                     NewSat = ConstrainDef->Saturation.MakeDouble();
07772                 else
07773                     NewVal = ConstrainDef->Value.MakeDouble();
07774             }
07776             DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_HSVT;    // Force display back to HSV model
07778             ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, 2, NewSat);
07779             ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, 3, NewVal);
07781             if (StartingNewDrag)
07782                 ColourHasChanged = TRUE;    // Always do full redraw when drag starts
07783             else
07784             {
07785                 // --- Invalidate the old cross position
07788                 INT32 TransX = ValSatSquare.hi.x - (INT32)
07789                             ((double)ValSatSquare.Width() * ColourDef.Saturation.MakeDouble());
07790                 INT32 TransY = ValSatSquare.lo.y + (INT32)
07791                             ((double)ValSatSquare.Height() * ColourDef.Value.MakeDouble());
07793                 CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(TransX, PixelSize), HalfGridLock(TransY, PixelSize));
07795                 // Inflate by 2 pixels (the cross can actually draw marginally outside the crossrect ;-(
07796                 CrossRect.Inflate(4*PixelSize);
07797                 InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), Info, &CrossRect);
07800                 // --- And invalidate the new cross position
07801                 CrossRect = DocRect(-CROSSRADIUS, -CROSSRADIUS, CROSSRADIUS, CROSSRADIUS);
07803                 cc->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &ColourDef);
07804                 TransX = ValSatSquare.hi.x - (INT32)
07805                             ((double)ValSatSquare.Width() * ColourDef.Saturation.MakeDouble());
07806                 TransY = ValSatSquare.lo.y + (INT32)
07807                             ((double)ValSatSquare.Height() * ColourDef.Value.MakeDouble());
07809                 CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(TransX, PixelSize), HalfGridLock(TransY, PixelSize));
07811                 // Inflate by 2 pixels (the cross can actually draw marginally outside the crossrect ;-(
07812                 CrossRect.Inflate(4*PixelSize);
07813                 InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), Info, &CrossRect);
07815                 PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
07817                 InvalidatePatchGadget(Info);
07819                 // And leave ColourHasChanged as FALSE so that the code below does not do a ful redraw!
07820             }
07821             break;
07822         }
07825         default:
07826             return;     // Illegal drag -= just ignore it
07827     }
07830     // If necessary, redraw the picker and the colour patch
07831     if (ColourHasChanged || StartingNewDrag)
07832     {
07833         InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
07834         PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
07835     }
07837     // Remember the last position at which we updated
07838     LastDragPos.y = YPos;
07839     LastDragPos.x = XPos;
07841 #else
07842 /*
07843     DocRect ValueRect(0, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy);
07844     ValueRect.hi.x = HalfGridLock(ValueRect.hi.x, PixelSize);
07845     ValueRect.lo.x = HalfGridLock(ValueRect.hi.x - (ValueRect.Width() / 8), PixelSize * 2);
07848     // Diameter is the width of the gadget - the value rectangle - a gap
07849     INT32 Diameter = Info->dx - ValueRect.Width() - (ValueRect.Width() / 3);
07850     if (Diameter > abs(Info->dy))
07851         Diameter = abs(Info->dy);
07853     const INT32 Radius = HalfGridLock(Diameter/2, PixelSize);
07854     const INT32 MidY = HalfGridLock(abs(Info->dy) / 2, PixelSize);
07855     const INT32 MidX = HalfGridLock(0 + Radius, PixelSize);
07857     ValueRect.lo.y = MidY - Radius; // Rect only as high as the circle
07858     ValueRect.hi.y = MidY + Radius;
07860     // Get a colour context for our conversions and stuff
07861     ColourContext *cc = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_HSVT);
07863     // If starting a new drag, determine which area the drag is in...
07864     if (StartingNewDrag)
07865     {
07866         if (ValueRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
07867             DragStartArea = CEDRAG_HSVPICKER_VSLIDER;
07868         else
07869         {
07870             DocRect HSRect (ValueRect);
07871             HSRect.lo.x = MidX - Radius;
07872             HSRect.hi.x = MidX + Radius;
07874             // Not in the square containing the HS circle either, so ignore it
07875             if (!HSRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
07876                 return;
07878             DragStartArea = CEDRAG_HSVPICKER_HSWHEEL;
07879         }
07881         // Remember what the colour was as we started the drag
07882         cc->ConvertColour(ResultColour, &ColourBeforeDrag);
07883     }
07886     BOOL ColourHasChanged = FALSE;
07887     INT32 XPos;
07888     INT32 YPos;
07890     // Handle the new mouse position, using the area the drag started in (rather than
07891     // the area it may now be over) to determine which components to alter
07892     switch(DragStartArea)
07893     {
07894         case CEDRAG_HSVPICKER_VSLIDER:
07895         {
07896             YPos = Info->pMousePos->y - ValueRect.lo.y;
07897             if (YPos < 0)           YPos = 0;
07898             if (YPos > Diameter)    YPos = Diameter;
07900             double NewValue = ((double) YPos) / ((double) Diameter);
07901             ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, 3, NewValue);
07903             DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_HSVT;    // Force display back to HSV model
07905             if (YPos != LastDragPos.y)
07906                 ColourHasChanged = TRUE;
07907             break;
07908         }
07911         case CEDRAG_HSVPICKER_HSWHEEL:
07912         {
07913             YPos = Info->pMousePos->y - MidY;
07914             if (YPos < -Radius) YPos = -Radius;
07915             if (YPos > Radius)  YPos = Radius;
07917             XPos = Info->pMousePos->x - MidX;
07918             if (XPos < -Radius) XPos = -Radius;
07919             if (XPos > Radius)  XPos = Radius;
07921             double Temp = (double) XPos;        // NewSat = sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)
07922             double NewSat = Temp * Temp;
07923             Temp = (double) YPos;
07924             NewSat += Temp * Temp;
07925             NewSat = sqrt(NewSat) / Radius;
07926             if (NewSat > 1.0)                   // Clip to within gamut
07927                 NewSat = 1.0;
07929             double NewHue = 0.25;               // (90 degrees of hue) in 0.0-1.0 space
07930             if (YPos == 0)
07931             {
07932                 if (XPos < 0) NewHue = 0.75;    // (270 degrees of hue) in 0.0-1.0 space
07933                 // (else it is 0.25, the default from above)
07934             }
07935             else
07936             {
07937                 // Get angle (in radians) within the 0 to (PI/2) quadrant
07938                 NewHue = atan( fabs( ((double)XPos) / ((double)YPos) ) );
07940                 // And fix the angle into the appropriate quadrant...
07941                 if (YPos < 0)
07942                     NewHue = PI - NewHue;
07944                 if (XPos < 0)
07945                     NewHue = (2.0 * PI) - NewHue;
07947                 // And convert 0 to 2PI radians value into a 0.0 to 1.0 Hue value
07948                 NewHue /= 2.0 * PI;
07949             }
07951             if (KeyPress::IsConstrainPressed())
07952             {
07953                 // If we should constrain this value, then we check the original
07954                 // values for Hue/Sat, and we only change the one which is furthest
07955                 // away from the original value (i.e. if you drag near the old
07956                 // Saturation value, only the Hue will change & vice versa)
07957                 ColourHSVT *ConstrainDef = (ColourHSVT *) &ColourBeforeDrag;
07959                 // NOTE:
07960                 // The desired behaviour has several strange consequences
07961                 // The "distance" from the old value should be the same on-screen
07962                 // distance (e.g. 5 pixels around the circular Hue arc should be
07963                 // the same as 5 pixels along the linear saturation radial. 
07964                 // Also, Hue wraps back around (1.0 is adjacent to 0.0) so we need to
07965                 // take the "closest" direction around the circle!
07966                 // Thus, we find the difference in hue, taking the shortest route, and
07967                 // turn it into the (0 to PI) range.
07968                 // This is compared to a value of (0 to 1.0) for saturation
07970                 // Get Hue distance in terms of 0..PI
07971                 Temp = NewHue - ConstrainDef->Hue.MakeDouble();
07972                 if (Temp < 0.0)
07973                     Temp = -Temp;           // Ensure difference is positive
07975                 if (Temp > 1.0)             // "Out of Gamut", so make distance = 0
07976                     Temp = 0.0;
07977                 else
07978                 {
07979                     if (Temp >= 0.5)        // Ensure difference is shortest distance
07980                         Temp = 1.0 - Temp;  // around the circle
07982                     Temp *= PI;             // And get as a 0..PI value
07983                 }
07985                 // Get Saturation in the range 0.0 to 1.0
07986                 double TempSat = NewSat - ConstrainDef->Saturation.MakeDouble();
07987                 if (TempSat < 0.0)
07988                     TempSat = -TempSat;     // Ensure difference is positive
07990                 if (TempSat > 1.0)          // Ensure it is clipped at 1.0
07991                     TempSat = 1.0;
07993                 // Finally, if the saturation difference is larger than the Hue
07994                 // difference, then lock the hue, else lock the saturation
07995                 if (TempSat > Temp)
07996                     NewHue = ConstrainDef->Hue.MakeDouble();
07997                 else
07998                     NewSat = ConstrainDef->Saturation.MakeDouble();
07999             }
08001             DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_HSVT;    // Force display back to HSV model
08003             if (!StartingNewDrag)   // When starting a new drag we always do a complete redraw
08004             {
08005                 // Get the old cross-position values from EditingColour
08006                 ColourHSVT ColourDef;
08007                 cc->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &ColourDef);
08009                 // Set the new values
08010                 ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, 1, NewHue);
08011                 ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, 2, NewSat);
08014                 // --- Invalidate the old cross position
08015                 // RedrawSize gives the 'radius' of the cross rectangle to redraw. NOTE however,
08016                 // that the cross lines can move up to 1 pixel outside the CrossRect, so we have to
08017                 // invalidate one pixel more, just to make sure we always get the bugger!
08018                 INT32 RedrawSize = CROSSRADIUS + (PixelSize * 2);
08019                 DocRect CrossRect(-RedrawSize, -RedrawSize, RedrawSize, RedrawSize);
08021                 // Convert Hue (0.0 -> 1.0) into an angle in radians (0 -> 2Pi)
08022                 double theta  = 2.0 * PI * ColourDef.Hue.MakeDouble();
08024                 // Convert Saturation into a distance from the center of the colour wheel
08025                 double length = (double)Radius * ColourDef.Saturation.MakeDouble();
08027                 // Translate the cross to the polar coordinate (theta, length)
08028                 CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(MidX + (INT32)(length * sin(theta)), PixelSize),
08029                                     HalfGridLock(MidY + (INT32)(length * cos(theta)), PixelSize));
08031                 InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), Info, &CrossRect);
08034                 // --- Now invalidate the new cross position
08035                 CrossRect = DocRect(-RedrawSize, -RedrawSize, RedrawSize, RedrawSize);
08037                 // Convert Hue (0.0 -> 1.0) into an angle in radians (0 -> 2Pi)
08038                 theta  = 2.0 * PI * NewHue;
08040                 // Convert Saturation into a distance from the center of the colour wheel
08041                 length = (double)Radius * NewSat;
08043                 // Translate the cross to the polar coordinate (theta, length)
08044                 CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(MidX + (INT32)(length * sin(theta)), PixelSize),
08045                                     HalfGridLock(MidY + (INT32)(length * cos(theta)), PixelSize));
08047                 InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), Info, &CrossRect);
08049                 // And finally, invalidate the value slider rectangle
08050                 InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), Info, &ValueRect);
08051                 PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
08053                 InvalidatePatchGadget(Info);
08055                 // We leave "ColourHasChanged" FALSE here so that it doesn't force redraw
08056                 // everything again, below!
08057             }
08058             else
08059             {
08060                 ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, 1, NewHue);
08061                 ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, 2, NewSat);
08062                 ColourHasChanged = TRUE;
08063             }
08064             break;
08065         }
08068         default:
08069             return;     // Illegal drag -= just ignore it
08070     }
08073     // If necessary, redraw the picker and the colour patch
08074     if (ColourHasChanged || StartingNewDrag)
08075     {
08076         InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
08077         PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
08078     }
08080     // Remember the last position at which we updated
08081     LastDragPos.y = YPos;
08082     LastDragPos.x = XPos;
08083 */
08084 #endif
08085 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueRGB ReDrawInfoType Info,
INT32  PixelSize,
BOOL  StartingNewDrag

Handles drag updates - determines the new colour values from the current mouse position, and sets the colour as appropriate. Just how it interprets the mouse position is dependant upon which region the drag was started within, and which DisplayMode is in operation. A different routine like this one will be called for each DisplayMode.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - The redraw info for the kernel-drawn control's mouse event [INPUTS] PixelSize - The size of display pixels as they appear when mapped into the MILLIPOINT VirtualRect coordinate space (as used in the RenderControl methods) StartingNewDrag - TRUE if this is the first call to this function for a new drag operation (in which case, the DragStartArea is set appropriately)
Notes: The RGB and CMYK pickers are almost identical in operation. It should be possible to tidy up the code considerably and make a generic routine for handling most of the common stuff.

See also:
ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueFromMousePos; ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueDefault

Definition at line 8117 of file coldlog.cpp.

08118 {
08119     // Fill the control background, and calculate the cube params (without redraw)
08120     DocRect VirtualSize(0, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy);
08121     VirtualSize.Inflate(-PixelSize * 4);        // And exclude the border
08123     DocRect SquareRect;
08124     INT32 SizeZ;
08125     DrawCubeShadowAndCalcValues(NULL, &VirtualSize, PixelSize, NULL,
08126                                 /* TO */ &SquareRect, &SizeZ);
08128     DocRect CubeFaceRect(SquareRect);       // Remember the rect of the front face for below
08130     // Now, shift the square down from the front of the cube by an amount appropriate to
08131     // the Z-axis component of the colour
08132     ColourContextRGBT *cc = (ColourContextRGBT *)
08133                             ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_RGBT);
08134     ColourRGBT SourceColour;
08135     if (EditingColour != NULL)
08136         cc->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &SourceColour);
08138     if (CanSetColour(EditingColour))
08139     {
08140         FIXED24 ZComponent = SourceColour.Blue;
08141         if (ColourPickerMode == 1)
08142             ZComponent = SourceColour.Green;
08143         else if (ColourPickerMode == 2)
08144             ZComponent = SourceColour.Red;
08146         INT32 ZTrans = (INT32) ((double)SizeZ * ZComponent.MakeDouble()) - SizeZ;
08147         SquareRect.Translate(-ZTrans, ZTrans);
08148         GridLockRect(&SquareRect, PixelSize);
08149     }
08151     if (StartingNewDrag)
08152     {
08153         // Remember what the colour was as we started the drag
08154         cc->ConvertColour(ResultColour, &ColourBeforeDrag);
08156         DocCoord BitmapPos;
08157         BitmapPos.x = HalfGridLock(CubeFaceRect.hi.x + SizeZ/2, PixelSize);
08158         BitmapPos.y = HalfGridLock(CubeFaceRect.hi.y - SizeZ/2, PixelSize);
08160         const INT32 BitmapSize = 14 * PixelSize;
08161         DocRect SwapAxesRect(BitmapPos.x, BitmapPos.y,
08162                                 BitmapPos.x + BitmapSize + PixelSize * 3, BitmapPos.y + BitmapSize);
08163         GridLockRect(&SwapAxesRect, PixelSize);
08165         if (SwapAxesRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
08166         {
08167             // Swap the axes around - this is treated as a click (the rest of the drag ignored)
08168             DragStartArea = CEDRAG_NONE;
08169             ColourPickerMode = (ColourPickerMode + 1) % 3;
08170             InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
08171             return;
08172         }
08174         if (SquareRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
08175             DragStartArea = CEDRAG_RGBPICKER_XY;
08176         else
08177         {
08178             // Check if the pointer is in the Z 'drag button'
08179             DocRect ZButton(SquareRect);
08180             ZButton.lo.x = ZButton.hi.x;
08181             ZButton.hi.x += ZSLIDERSIZE - (PixelSize * 2);
08182             ZButton.hi.y = ZButton.lo.y;
08183             ZButton.lo.y -= ZSLIDERSIZE - (PixelSize * 2);
08184             GridLockRect(&ZButton, PixelSize);
08186             if (ZButton.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
08187             {
08188                 DragStartArea = CEDRAG_RGBPICKER_Z;
08190                 // And remember the offset from the bottom right of the handle to the dragged point
08191                 DragAnchor.x = Info->pMousePos->x - ZButton.lo.x;
08192                 DragAnchor.y = Info->pMousePos->y - ZButton.hi.y;
08193             }
08194             else
08195             {
08196                 // OK, then. Is the click in a protuding bit of the marker cross?
08197                 DocRect CrossRect;
08198                 CalcCrossRectRGB(&SourceColour, &SquareRect, PixelSize, &CrossRect);
08200                 if (CrossRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
08201                     DragStartArea = CEDRAG_RGBPICKER_XY;
08202             }
08203         }
08204     }
08206     if (!CanSetColour(EditingColour))       // We can't change the colour - abort
08207     {
08208         DragStartArea = CEDRAG_NONE;
08209         return;
08210     }
08212     BOOL ColourHasChanged = TRUE;
08214     INT32 XPos = Info->pMousePos->x;
08215     INT32 YPos = Info->pMousePos->y;
08217     switch(DragStartArea)
08218     {
08219         case CEDRAG_RGBPICKER_XY:
08220             {
08221                 if (XPos < SquareRect.lo.x)  XPos = SquareRect.lo.x;
08222                 if (XPos > SquareRect.hi.x)  XPos = SquareRect.hi.x;
08224                 if (YPos < SquareRect.lo.y)  YPos = SquareRect.lo.y;
08225                 if (YPos > SquareRect.hi.y)  YPos = SquareRect.hi.y;
08227                 INT32 XComponent = 2;       // XYZ = G,R,B
08228                 INT32 YComponent = 1;
08230                 switch(ColourPickerMode)
08231                 {
08232                     case 1:             // XYZ = R,B,G
08233                         XComponent = 1;
08234                         YComponent = 3;
08235                         break;
08237                     case 2:             // XYZ = B,G,R
08238                         XComponent = 3;
08239                         YComponent = 2;
08240                         break;
08241                 }
08243                 double NewX = ((double) (XPos - SquareRect.lo.x)) / 
08244                                 ((double) SquareRect.Width());
08245                 if (NewX < 0.0)
08246                     NewX = 0.0;
08247                 if (NewX > 1.0)
08248                     NewX = 1.0;
08250                 double NewY = ((double) (YPos - SquareRect.lo.y)) / 
08251                                 ((double) SquareRect.Height());
08252                 if (NewY < 0.0)
08253                     NewY = 0.0;
08254                 if (NewY > 1.0)
08255                     NewY = 1.0;
08257                 if (KeyPress::IsConstrainPressed())
08258                 {
08259 //                  ColourRGBT *ConstrainDef = (ColourRGBT *) &ColourBeforeDrag;
08261                     double XDiff = GetComponent(&ColourBeforeDrag, XComponent).MakeDouble() - NewX;
08262                     double YDiff = GetComponent(&ColourBeforeDrag, YComponent).MakeDouble() - NewY;
08264                     if (XDiff < 0)  XDiff = -XDiff;
08265                     if (YDiff < 0)  YDiff = -YDiff;
08267                     if (XDiff < YDiff)
08268                         NewX = GetComponent(&ColourBeforeDrag, XComponent).MakeDouble();
08269                     else
08270                         NewY = GetComponent(&ColourBeforeDrag, YComponent).MakeDouble();
08271                 }
08273                 // Set the new values
08274                 ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, XComponent, NewX);
08275                 ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, YComponent, NewY);
08277                 DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_RGBT;    // Force display back to RGB model
08279                 if (!StartingNewDrag)
08280                 {
08281                     // Redraw the area where the cross used to be shown
08282                     DocRect CrossRect;
08283                     CalcCrossRectRGB(&SourceColour, &SquareRect, PixelSize, &CrossRect);
08284                     CrossRect.Inflate(4*PixelSize);     // Inflate to ensure we redraw all of the cross
08285                     InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), Info, &CrossRect);
08287                     // And force redraw the new cross position
08288                     cc->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &SourceColour);
08289                     CalcCrossRectRGB(&SourceColour, &SquareRect, PixelSize, &CrossRect);
08290                     CrossRect.Inflate(4*PixelSize);     // Inflate to ensure we redraw all of the cross
08291                     InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), Info, &CrossRect);
08293                     // Redraw the controls...
08294                     InvalidatePatchGadget(Info);
08295                     PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
08297                     // And clear this flag so that the redraw below (of entire gadget) is not done.                 
08298                     ColourHasChanged = FALSE;
08299                 }
08300             }
08301             break;
08304         case CEDRAG_RGBPICKER_Z:
08305             {
08306                 XPos -= DragAnchor.x;   // Correct the mouse position for anchoring
08307                 YPos -= DragAnchor.y;
08309                 INT32 ZComponent = 3;       // XYZ = G,R,B
08311                 switch(ColourPickerMode)
08312                 {
08313                     case 1:             // XYZ = R,B,G
08314                         ZComponent = 2;
08315                         break;
08317                     case 2:             // XYZ = B,G,R
08318                         ZComponent = 1;
08319                         break;
08320                 }
08322                 INT32 Offset = CubeFaceRect.hi.x + SizeZ - XPos;
08323                 if (Offset > YPos - (CubeFaceRect.lo.y - SizeZ))
08324                     Offset = YPos - (CubeFaceRect.lo.y - SizeZ);
08326                 double NewZ =  ((double) Offset) / ((double) SizeZ);
08327                 if (NewZ < 0.0)
08328                     NewZ = 0.0;
08329                 if (NewZ > 1.0)
08330                     NewZ = 1.0;
08332                 DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_RGBT;    // Force display back to RGB model
08334                 ColourPicker::SetComponentFromDouble(EditingColour, cc, ZComponent, NewZ);
08335             }
08336             break;
08339         default:
08340             return;     // Not a legal drag, so we ignore it
08341     }
08343     // If necessary, redraw the entire colour picker control and the colour patch
08344     if (ColourHasChanged)
08345     {
08346         if (StartingNewDrag || YPos != LastDragPos.y || XPos != LastDragPos.x)
08347         {
08348             InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
08349             PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
08350         }
08351     }
08353     // Remember the last position at which we updated
08354     LastDragPos.y = YPos;
08355     LastDragPos.x = XPos;
08356 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueShade ReDrawInfoType Info,
INT32  PixelSize,
BOOL  StartingNewDrag

Handles drag updates - determines the new colour values from the current mouse position, and sets the colour as appropriate. Just how it interprets the mouse position is dependant upon which region the drag was started within, and which DisplayMode is in operation. A different routine like this one will be called for each DisplayMode.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - The redraw info for the kernel-drawn control's mouse event [INPUTS] PixelSize - The size of display pixels as they appear when mapped into the MILLIPOINT VirtualRect coordinate space (as used in the RenderControl methods) StartingNewDrag - TRUE if this is the first call to this function for a new drag operation (in which case, the DragStartArea is set appropriately)
See also:
ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueFromMousePos; ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueDefault

Definition at line 8953 of file coldlog.cpp.

08954 {
08955     DocRect VirtualSize(0, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy);
08956     VirtualSize.Inflate(-PixelSize * 4);        // And exclude the border
08958     // Calculate the two important rectangles - the hue slider, and Val/Sat square
08959     DocRect HueRect;
08960     DocRect ValSatSquare;
08961     CalculateHSVPickerRects(&VirtualSize, PixelSize, &HueRect, &ValSatSquare);
08963     // Get a colour context for our conversions and stuff
08964     ColourContext *cc = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_HSVT);
08966     // Remember the old cross-position values from EditingColour
08967     ColourHSVT ColourDef;
08968     cc->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &ColourDef);
08970     // If starting a new drag, determine which area the drag is in...
08971     if (StartingNewDrag)
08972     {
08973         if (!ValSatSquare.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
08974         {
08975             // The user didn't hit inside a picker area, but have they tried to drag
08976             // a region outside that lies under a protuding marker cross?
08977             FIXED24 ReverseSat = FIXED24(1.0) - ColourDef.Saturation;
08979             if (!MousePosInCross(Info->pMousePos, &ValSatSquare, &ReverseSat, &ColourDef.Value))
08980                 return;     // Nope - just ignore the click
08981         }
08983         DragStartArea = CEDRAG_HSVPICKER_VSSQUARE;
08985         // Remember what the colour was as we started the drag
08986         cc->ConvertColour(ResultColour, &ColourBeforeDrag);
08987     }
08990     BOOL ColourHasChanged = FALSE;
08991     INT32 XPos;
08992     INT32 YPos;
08994     // Handle the new mouse position, using the area the drag started in (rather than
08995     // the area it may now be over) to determine which components to alter
08996     switch(DragStartArea)
08997     {
08999         {
09000             INT32 Size = ValSatSquare.Width();
09002             XPos = ValSatSquare.hi.x - Info->pMousePos->x;
09003             if (XPos < 0)       XPos = 0;
09004             if (XPos > Size)    XPos = Size;
09006             YPos = Info->pMousePos->y - ValSatSquare.lo.y;
09007             if (YPos < 0)       YPos = 0;
09008             if (YPos > Size)    YPos = Size;
09010             double NewSat = ((double)XPos) / ((double) Size);
09011             double NewVal = ((double)YPos) / ((double) Size);
09013             ColourHSVT ParentDef;
09014             cc->ConvertColour(EditingColour->FindLastLinkedParent(), (ColourGeneric *) &ParentDef);
09016             if (KeyPress::IsConstrainPressed())
09017             {
09018                 // If we should constrain this value, then we check the original
09019                 // values for Sat/Val, and we only change the one which is furthest
09020                 // away from the original value (i.e. if you drag near the old
09021                 // Saturation value, only the Value will change & vice versa)
09023                 // Shades constrain to their *parent* colour rather than their last definition
09024                 ColourHSVT *ConstrainDef = &ParentDef; //(ColourHSVT *) &ColourBeforeDrag;
09026                 double TempSat = ConstrainDef->Saturation.MakeDouble() - NewSat;
09027                 if (TempSat < 0.0) TempSat = -TempSat;
09029                 double TempVal = ConstrainDef->Value.MakeDouble() - NewVal;
09030                 if (TempVal < 0.0) TempVal = -TempVal;
09032                 if (TempSat < TempVal)
09033                     NewSat = ConstrainDef->Saturation.MakeDouble();
09034                 else
09035                     NewVal = ConstrainDef->Value.MakeDouble();
09036             }
09038             FIXED24 NewX(0.0);
09039             FIXED24 NewY(0.0);
09041             // Work out saturation scaling factor
09042             double ParentVal = ParentDef.Saturation.MakeDouble();
09044             if (ParentVal > NewSat)
09045             {
09046                 if (ParentVal > 0.0)
09047                     NewX = -((ParentVal - NewSat) / ParentVal);
09048             }
09049             else
09050             {
09051                 if (ParentVal < 1.0)
09052                     NewX = (NewSat - ParentVal) / (1.0 - ParentVal);
09053             }
09055             // Work out Value scaling factor
09056             ParentVal = ParentDef.Value.MakeDouble();
09057             if (ParentVal > NewVal)
09058             {
09059                 if (ParentVal > 0.0)
09060                     NewY = -((ParentVal - NewVal) / ParentVal);
09061             }
09062             else
09063             {
09064                 if (ParentVal < 1.0)
09065                     NewY = (NewVal - ParentVal) / (1.0 - ParentVal);
09066             }
09069             EditingColour->SetShadeValues(NewX, NewY);
09071             if (StartingNewDrag)
09072                 ColourHasChanged = TRUE;    // Always do full redraw when drag starts
09073             else
09074             {
09075                 // --- Invalidate the old cross position
09078                 INT32 TransX = ValSatSquare.hi.x - (INT32)
09079                             ((double)ValSatSquare.Width() * ColourDef.Saturation.MakeDouble());
09080                 INT32 TransY = ValSatSquare.lo.y + (INT32)
09081                             ((double)ValSatSquare.Height() * ColourDef.Value.MakeDouble());
09083                 CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(TransX, PixelSize), HalfGridLock(TransY, PixelSize));
09085                 // Inflate by 2 pixels (the cross can actually draw marginally outside the crossrect ;-(
09086                 CrossRect.Inflate(4*PixelSize);
09087                 InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), Info, &CrossRect);
09090                 // --- And invalidate the new cross position
09091                 CrossRect = DocRect(-CROSSRADIUS, -CROSSRADIUS, CROSSRADIUS, CROSSRADIUS);
09093                 cc->ConvertColour(EditingColour, (ColourGeneric *) &ColourDef);
09094                 TransX = ValSatSquare.hi.x - (INT32)
09095                             ((double)ValSatSquare.Width() * ColourDef.Saturation.MakeDouble());
09096                 TransY = ValSatSquare.lo.y + (INT32)
09097                             ((double)ValSatSquare.Height() * ColourDef.Value.MakeDouble());
09099                 CrossRect.Translate(HalfGridLock(TransX, PixelSize), HalfGridLock(TransY, PixelSize));
09101                 // Inflate by 2 pixels (the cross can actually draw marginally outside the crossrect ;-(
09102                 CrossRect.Inflate(4*PixelSize);
09103                 InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), Info, &CrossRect);
09105                 PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
09107                 InvalidatePatchGadget(Info);
09109                 // And leave ColourHasChanged as FALSE so that the code below does not do a ful redraw!
09110             }
09111             break;
09112         }
09115         default:
09116             return;     // Illegal drag -= just ignore it
09117     }
09120     // If necessary, redraw the picker and the colour patch
09121     if (ColourHasChanged || StartingNewDrag)
09122     {
09123         InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
09124         PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
09125     }
09127     // Remember the last position at which we updated
09128     LastDragPos.y = YPos;
09129     LastDragPos.x = XPos;
09130 }

void ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueTint ReDrawInfoType Info,
INT32  PixelSize,
BOOL  StartingNewDrag

Handles drag updates - determines the new colour values from the current mouse position, and sets the colour as appropriate.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - The redraw info for the kernel-drawn control's mouse event [INPUTS] PixelSize - The size of display pixels as they appear when mapped into the MILLIPOINT VirtualRect coordinate space (as used in the RenderControl methods) StartingNewDrag - TRUE if this is the first call to this function for a new drag operation (in which case, the DragStartArea is set appropriately)
Handles drags when editing Tints and Shades.

See also:
ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueFromMousePos; ColourEditDlg::SetNewValueDefault; ColourEditDlg::RenderPickerDefault

Definition at line 8869 of file coldlog.cpp.

08870 {
08871     ERROR3IF(EditingColour->GetType() != COLOURTYPE_TINT,
08872                 "ColourEditDlg::SetNewValuTint called on non-tint/shade colour!");
08874     // Calculate the slider rectangle
08875     const INT32 SliderHeight = 18000;
08876     DocRect SliderRect(0, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy);
08877     SliderRect.Inflate(0, -(Info->dy - SliderHeight) / 2);
08879     if (StartingNewDrag)        // Work out which slider we are dragging
08880     {
08881         if (!SliderRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
08882             return;
08884         DragStartArea = CEDRAG_TINTORSHADE;
08885     }
08887     // Now, if the mouse position has changed, calculate the new component value, and
08888     // set it, as appropriate for the CurrentComponentIndex component
08889     if (StartingNewDrag || Info->pMousePos->x != LastDragPos.x)
08890     {
08891         INT32 Offset = Info->pMousePos->x;
08892         if (Offset < 0)
08893             Offset = 0;
08895         if (Offset > Info->dx)
08896             Offset = Info->dx;
08898         ERROR3IF(Info->dx == 0, "Control width is zero! Divide by zero about to occur!");
08899         double NewValue = (double)Offset / (double)Info->dx;
08900         NewValue += 1.0 / ((double) (1<<25));
08902         // Clip to lie within gamut
08903         if (NewValue < 0.0)
08904             NewValue = 0.0;
08906         if (NewValue > 1.0)
08907             NewValue = 1.0;
08909         FIXED24 NewValue24(NewValue);
08910         EditingColour->SetTintValue(NewValue24);
08912         // If we are starting a new drag, or if we are in split-slider mode, we redraw everything
08913         if (StartingNewDrag)
08914             InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));                      // Invalidate all sliders
08915         else
08916         {
08917             InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER), Info, &SliderRect);   // Only invalidate changed slider area
08918             InvalidatePatchGadget(Info);
08919         }
08920         PaintGadgetNow(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));    
08921     }
08923     LastDragPos.x = Info->pMousePos->x;
08924     LastDragPos.y = 0;
08925 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::SetUnitGroupDefaults ColourModel  ColModel  )  [static, protected]

Sets the default ScaleUnits for the Colour Editor (actually sets StandardUnit groups.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
02/05/96 Imputs: ColModel = colour model we're editing (for WEBSTER - markn 9/1/97)
Errors: ERROR3 if unable to initialize defaults Scope: static
See also:
class StandardUnit

Definition at line 608 of file coldlog.cpp.

00609 {
00610 // WEBSTER - markn 9/1/97
00611 // Rather than get the unit preference from the units tab (which doesn't exist in Webster)
00612 // it chooses between percent ('%') and 0-255 ('d') unit types dependant on the colour model.
00613 // HSV shows its values in '%' format
00614 // RGB shows its values in 0-255 format
00615 //
00617 #ifdef WEBSTER
00618 // WEBSTER - markn 23/1/97
00619 // We've decided to make both models use percentages as the default unit type
00620     ScaleUnit* pUnit = StandardUnit::PercentGroup.FindUnitFromIndex(0); // percentage '%'
00621 #else
00622     ScaleUnit* pUnit = UnitsTab::GetColourUnitPreference();
00623 #endif // WEBSTER
00625     if (pUnit == NULL || !pUnit->IS_KIND_OF(ScaleUnit))
00626     {
00627         ERROR3("Failed to get a default unit");
00628         return FALSE;
00629     }
00630     StandardUnit::PercentGroup.SetDefaultUnit(pUnit);
00632     StandardUnit::AngleGroup.SetDefaultUnit(&StandardUnit::UnitDegree);
00633     return TRUE;
00634 }

void ColourEditDlg::ShadeMyself BOOL  UnShade = FALSE,
BOOL  OtherGadgetsOnly = FALSE

Shades/Unshades the colour editor dialogue. Used to shade the dialogue while there is nothing available to edit, and return it to a useful state when something becomes available for editing.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
UnShade - FALSE to shade, TRUE to un-shade the dialogue [INPUTS] OtherGadgetsOnly - FALSE to shade all gadgets. TRUE to only shade the 'ordinary' gadgets (those which are nothing to do with tint/link stuff)

Definition at line 2530 of file coldlog.cpp.

02531 {
02532     if (AmShaded != UnShade)        // Already in the required state. Leave it alone
02533         return;
02535     State.ParentListOK = FALSE;     // Ensure we update parent list
02537     AmShaded = (UnShade) ? FALSE : TRUE;
02539     if (AmShaded)
02540     {
02541         if (EditingColour != NULL)
02542             delete EditingColour;
02544         EditingColour = NULL;
02545         ResultColour = NULL;
02546         ParentList = NULL;
02548         if (NameDropDown != NULL)
02549         {
02550             NameDropDown->ClearList();
02551             NameDropDown->ClearAllSpecialEntries();
02552         }
02554         if (ParentDropDown != NULL)
02555             ParentDropDown->ClearList();
02556     }
02558     INT32 i = 0;
02559     while (OtherGadgetIDs[i])
02560     {
02561         EnableGadget(OtherGadgetIDs[i], UnShade);
02562         i++;
02563     }
02564                     // Force-redraw the colour patches and picker
02565     InvalidateGadget(_R(IDC_EDIT_PICKER));
02567 //  if (AmShaded)   // If we are shading the dialogue, set the colour name to 'No colour'
02568 //      SetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDIT_NAMEMENU), _R(IDS_NOCOLOUR), FALSE, -1);
02570     if (OtherGadgetsOnly)           // Don't do tint/link gadgets - return now
02571         return; 
02573     i = 0;
02574     while (TintGadgetIDs[i])
02575     {
02576         EnableGadget(TintGadgetIDs[i], UnShade);
02577         i++;
02578     }
02580     i = 0;
02581     while (LinkGadgetIDs[i])
02582     {
02583         EnableGadget(LinkGadgetIDs[i], UnShade);
02584         i++;
02585     }
02586 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::ShouldUngrey IndexedColour pCol  )  [protected]

void ColourEditDlg::StartDrag ReDrawInfoType Info  )  [protected]

Starts a drag from the colour picker control in the colour editor window.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - The mouse-position information from the control [INPUTS]
Notes: May be called when EditingColour is NULL (the window is shaded)

Definition at line 6949 of file coldlog.cpp.

06950 {
06951     if (DragStartArea != CEDRAG_NONE)   // We are already dragging! Ignore it
06952         return;
06954     // Lob away the input focus again - put it back into the mainframe
06955     LoseFocusFromEditControls = TRUE;
06956     LoseKeyboardFocus();
06957     LoseFocusFromEditControls = FALSE;
06959     // Check if the drag is starting from a colour patch
06960     if (ParentList != NULL && EditingColour != NULL && ResultColour != NULL && !AmShaded)
06961     {   
06962         //OldMousePos = *(Info->pMousePos);
06963         //HideGadget (_R(IDC_COLOURPICKER), TRUE);
06964         //CWindowID hwndColPick = DialogManager::GetGadget (GetReadWriteWindowID (), _R(IDC_COLOURPICKER));
06965         //ASSERT (hwndColPick);
06967         //ShowWindow (hwndColPick, SW_HIDE);
06969         INT32 PixelSize = 72000 / Info->Dpi;            // Size of output pixel in millipoints
06971         DocRect VirtualSize(0, 0, Info->dx, Info->dy);
06972         VirtualSize.Inflate(-PixelSize * 4);
06974         // Now draw the original/current colour patch in the top right corner
06975         DocRect PatchRect(VirtualSize);
06976         PatchRect.lo.x = PatchRect.hi.x - PATCHSIZE;
06977         PatchRect.lo.y = PatchRect.hi.y - PATCHSIZE;
06978         GridLockRect(&PatchRect, PixelSize);
06980         BOOL HorzPatch = (DisplayModel != COLOURMODEL_HSVT);
06982         // But this setting is overridden for the special tint and shade modes
06983         if (EditingColour != NULL && EditingColour->GetType() == COLOURTYPE_TINT)
06984         {
06985             if (EditingColour->TintIsShade())
06986                 HorzPatch = FALSE;
06987             else
06988                 HorzPatch = TRUE;
06989         }
06991         INT32 InPatch = 0;
06992         if (PatchRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
06993             InPatch = 1;
06994         else
06995         {
06996             if (HorzPatch)
06997                 PatchRect.Translate(-PATCHSIZE, 0);
06998             else
06999                 PatchRect.Translate(0, -PATCHSIZE);
07001             if (PatchRect.ContainsCoord(*(Info->pMousePos)))
07002                 InPatch = 2;
07003         }
07005         if (InPatch != 0)
07006         {
07007             // Invert the logic of Horz in 1 case, so it is FALSE (original colour) or TRUE (current colour)
07008             if (InPatch == 1)
07009                 HorzPatch = !HorzPatch;
07011             // It was in one of the 2 patches
07012             IndexedColour *TheColour = ResultColour;            // Default to current colour
07013             if (HorzPatch)
07014             {
07015                 TheColour = new IndexedColour(OriginalColour);  // They are dragging original colour
07016                 if (TheColour != NULL)
07017                 {
07018                     TheColour->SetUnnamed();
07020                     // Ensure we don't get a memory leak
07021                     ParentList->AddItem(TheColour);
07022                 }
07023             }
07025             if (TheColour != NULL)                              // If have colour to drag, drag it
07026             {
07027                 ColEditorDragInfo *DragCol;
07028                 DragCol = new ColEditorDragInfo(TheColour, FALSE, (Document *)ParentList->GetParentDocument());
07029                 DragManagerOp::StartDrag(DragCol, GetReadWriteWindowID());
07030             }
07032             return;                                             // Don't pass the call on to the picker
07033         }
07034     }
07036     // Pass the click/drag onto the appropriate colour picker, and start a picker drag
07037     DragUpdatedOnIdle = FALSE;
07038     if (EditingColour != NULL && !AmShaded)
07039     {
07040 //      SetColour(FALSE);           // Ensure name updated (the name control doesn't lose
07041                                     // kbd focus in this case, so we must force it)
07042         SetNewValueFromMousePos(Info, TRUE);
07044         // If we started dragging, then register for idle-event updates
07045         // (first, ensuring that we are not already on the list)
07047         EndTimedProcessing();
07048         if (DragStartArea != CEDRAG_NONE)
07049             BeginTimedProcessing();
07050     }
07051 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::StartingPickerDrag  ) 

BOOL ColourEditDlg::TimedProcessing void   )  [virtual]

Definition at line 7079 of file coldlog.cpp.

07080 {
07081     return (UpdateColourEditor ());
07082 }

BOOL ColourEditDlg::UpdateColourEditor  ) 

This function was originally was a override of the virtual OnIdle() function and was called whist the process had idle time to spare, which slowed down every other process on the computer. This function was modified and renamed so that it is now called by timer messages at fixed periods.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Used during drags to detect when the mouse has stopped moving (we won't get idle events unless we have finished updating displays, etc) When we find idle time, we start a complete update of the colour window and the document, rather than the normal during-drag minimal updates.

Notes: May be called when EditingColour is NULL (the window is shaded). See also: ColourEditDlg::BeginTimedProcessing, ColourEditDlg::EndTimedProcessing

Definition at line 7109 of file coldlog.cpp.

07110 {
07112     // Ensure the focus is shunted back to the document (during a drag, and also after
07113     // the window has been moved)
07114 //  if (LoseKbdFocusPending)
07115 //      LoseKeyboardFocus();
07117     // If something has changed while the program was busy, we will have flagged the fact
07118     // that we should update as soon as the busy job is finished and we start getting idles
07119     // once again. We find a safe colour to edit. (This usually happens when we load or swap
07120     // docs. This mechanism allows many changes to occur during loading while only triggering
07121     // one final colour editor redraw)
07122     if (UpdateOnNextIdle)
07123     {
07124         UpdateOnNextIdle = FALSE;
07126         FindUsefulColourToEdit(EditingLineColour);  // Try to find a new colour to edit
07128         if (EditingColour == NULL)                  // We failed - shade the dialogue
07129             ShadeMyself();
07131         return(FALSE);
07132     }
07134     // If we're not dragging, then update bubble help and stuff, and return
07135     if (DragStartArea == CEDRAG_NONE)
07136     {
07137         ColourPicker::UpdateBubbleHelpAndPointer();
07138         return(FALSE);      // Let low-priority idle handlers get a look in
07139     }
07141     // Otherwise we are dragging...
07143     // Check for escape being pressed
07144     if (AbortColour != NULL)
07145     {
07146         // Call SetNewValueFromMousePos to handle escape being pressed
07147         SetNewValueFromMousePos(NULL, FALSE);
07149         if (DragStartArea == CEDRAG_NONE)   // Has the drag now been aborted?
07150             return(FALSE);                  // Yup, so exit
07151     }
07153     // If we've already updated on an idle and the mouse has not yet moved again, then
07154     // we won't bother with unnecessary redraws and suchlike.
07155     if (DragUpdatedOnIdle)
07156         return(FALSE);      // Let low-priority idle handlers get a look in
07158     if (DragStartArea != CEDRAG_NONE && EditingColour != NULL)
07159     {
07160         // Flag that we have updated on an idle event - we won't respond to idles
07161         // again until another drag update occurs (as until a drag update occurs, there
07162         // can be no change in the colour)
07163         DragUpdatedOnIdle = TRUE;
07165         // Force complete update of the window and document, etc
07166         EditingColourHasChanged(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
07168         // The above call explicitly does not redraw the picker - it should be up to
07169         // date anyway, so why bother? However, the parent patch does need redrawing.
07170         InvalidatePatchGadget();
07172         return(TRUE);   // Don't waste any time on low-priority idle handlers this time around
07173     }
07175     // Deregister for idles, because we should not be getting them now
07176 //  GetApplication()->RemoveIdleProcessor(IDLEPRIORITY_HIGH, this);     // Leave idles on for bubble help
07178     return(FALSE);      // And let the low-priority idle handlers do their stuff
07179 }

void ColourEditDlg::UpdateDrag ReDrawInfoType Info  )  [protected]

Updates during a drag from the colour picker control in the colour editor window.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Info - The mouse-position information from the control [INPUTS]
Notes: May be called when EditingColour is NULL (the window is shaded)

Definition at line 7069 of file coldlog.cpp.

07070 {
07071     DragUpdatedOnIdle = FALSE;
07072     if (DragStartArea != CEDRAG_NONE && EditingColour != NULL && !AmShaded)
07073     {
07074         SetNewValueFromMousePos(Info, FALSE);
07075     }
07076 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class ColEditorDragTarget [friend]

Definition at line 216 of file coldlog.h.

friend class ColourPicker [friend]

Definition at line 217 of file coldlog.h.

friend class OpColEditCommand [friend]

Definition at line 218 of file coldlog.h.

Member Data Documentation

IndexedColour* ColourEditDlg::AbortColour [protected]

Definition at line 382 of file coldlog.h.

AbortColourState ColourEditDlg::abortColourState [static, protected]

Definition at line 293 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::AmShaded [protected]

Definition at line 339 of file coldlog.h.

INT32 ColourEditDlg::AutoModelChange = FALSE [static, protected]

Definition at line 283 of file coldlog.h.

INT32 ColourEditDlg::AutoModelChangeN = TRUE [static, protected]

Definition at line 284 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::bHSVHueAtTop = TRUE [static, protected]

Definition at line 288 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::bUsePrintCMYK = TRUE [static, protected]

Definition at line 289 of file coldlog.h.

ColourGeneric ColourEditDlg::ColourBeforeDrag [protected]

Definition at line 379 of file coldlog.h.

INT32 ColourEditDlg::ColourPickerMode = 0 [static, protected]

Definition at line 356 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::colPickHidden [static, protected]

Definition at line 368 of file coldlog.h.

RECT ColourEditDlg::colPickOrigRect [static, protected]

Definition at line 365 of file coldlog.h.

Cursor* ColourEditDlg::CurrentCursor [protected]

Definition at line 551 of file coldlog.h.

UINT32 ColourEditDlg::CurrentCursorID [protected]

Definition at line 550 of file coldlog.h.

KernelDragTarget UndoableOperation INT32 ColourEditDlg::DefaultDisplayModel = (INT32) COLOURMODEL_HSVT [static, protected]

If TRUE, the colour editor will automatically switch the display colour model whenever it switches to a new LOCAL colour (to that colour's model) If FALSE, the only time the display colour model will change is when the user explicitly sets a different colour model from the dialogue. Notes: Normal preference, available from the options dialogue. If TRUE, the colour editor will automatically switch the display colour model whenever it switches to a new NAMED colour (Colour STYLE) (to that colour's model) If FALSE, the only time the display colour model will change is when the user explicitly sets a different colour model from the dialogue. Notes: Normal preference, available from the options dialogue. Retains a 'memory' of the last used Colour Editor display model between sessions in Camelot. Used for LOCAL COLOURS Notes: Internal 'memory' preference, not directly settable by the user Retains a 'memory' of the last used Colour Editor display model between sessions in Camelot. used for COLOUR STYLES Notes: Internal 'memory' preference, not directly settable by the user Retains a 'memory' of the colour editor 'folded' state between sessions in Camelot. Notes: Internal 'memory' preference, not directly settable by the user Determines if the sliders in the colour editor show a 'split line' display. If FALSE, a simple display is given where each slider just shows the component being set (e.g. in RGB, the Red slider shades between black and red) If TRUE, the split mode is enabled, where the slider shows the normal grad-fill in the top half (black to red), but fills the bottom half with the range of colours which will result from changing that component of the edited colour (i.e. at any point on the slider it shows what colour you will get if you click on that spot) Notes: Secret squirrel preference! THis may become available in the options dialogue if it is decided that it is useful. If FALSE, the RGB/CMYK colour pickers in the colour editor will be simple sliders. If TRUE, the '3d colour cube' display will be used instead If TRUE, the HSV colour picker shows the SV Pane with full hue at the top (as all version did prior to Xara X1) If FALSE, the HSV colour picker shows the SV Pane with full hue at the bottom If TRUE, use print profile to do RGB-CMYK colour conversion.

Preference: UsePrintCMYK Section: Displays Range: TRUE or FALSE

See also:

Definition at line 281 of file coldlog.h.

INT32 ColourEditDlg::DefaultDisplayModelN = (INT32) COLOURMODEL_HSVT [static, protected]

Definition at line 282 of file coldlog.h.

ColourModel ColourEditDlg::DisplayModel = COLOURMODEL_HSVT [static, protected]

Definition at line 355 of file coldlog.h.

DocCoord ColourEditDlg::DragAnchor [protected]

Definition at line 375 of file coldlog.h.

ColEditDragArea ColourEditDlg::DragStartArea [protected]

Definition at line 371 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::DragUpdatedOnIdle [protected]

Definition at line 378 of file coldlog.h.

IndexedColour* ColourEditDlg::EditingColour [protected]

Definition at line 343 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::EditingLineColour = FALSE [static, protected]

Definition at line 348 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::EscapeKeyWasPressed = FALSE [static, protected]

Definition at line 296 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::FirstEdit [protected]

Definition at line 349 of file coldlog.h.

INT32 ColourEditDlg::Folded = TRUE [static, protected]

Definition at line 285 of file coldlog.h.

const ResourceID ColourEditDlg::IDD = _R(IDD_COLOUREDITDLG) [static]

Definition at line 252 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::ISentTheMessage [protected]

Definition at line 358 of file coldlog.h.

DocCoord ColourEditDlg::LastDragPos [protected]

Definition at line 373 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::m_bDoingSetGadget [protected]

Definition at line 460 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::m_bDoTimerProcessing [protected]

Definition at line 553 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::m_NeedsResize [protected]

Definition at line 559 of file coldlog.h.

const CDlgMode ColourEditDlg::Mode = MODELESS [static]

Definition at line 254 of file coldlog.h.

ColourDropDown* ColourEditDlg::NameDropDown [protected]

Definition at line 360 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::needColPickHidden [static, protected]

Definition at line 367 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::NoFillButtonDown [protected]

Definition at line 347 of file coldlog.h.

IndexedColour ColourEditDlg::OriginalColour [protected]

Definition at line 341 of file coldlog.h.

IndexedColour* ColourEditDlg::OriginalEditingColour [protected]

Definition at line 344 of file coldlog.h.

ColourDropDown* ColourEditDlg::ParentDropDown [protected]

Definition at line 361 of file coldlog.h.

ColourList* ColourEditDlg::ParentList [protected]

Definition at line 345 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::resetColPickPos [static, protected]

Definition at line 363 of file coldlog.h.

IndexedColour* ColourEditDlg::ResultColour [protected]

Definition at line 342 of file coldlog.h.

INT32 ColourEditDlg::SplitLineDisplay = FALSE [static, protected]

Definition at line 286 of file coldlog.h.

ColEditState ColourEditDlg::State [protected]

Definition at line 454 of file coldlog.h.

ColourEditDlg * ColourEditDlg::TheEditor = NULL [static, protected]


End of custom colour picker interface functions

Definition at line 337 of file coldlog.h.

BOOL ColourEditDlg::UpdateOnNextIdle = FALSE [static, protected]

Definition at line 352 of file coldlog.h.

INT32 ColourEditDlg::Use3DDisplay = FALSE [static, protected]

Definition at line 287 of file coldlog.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Nov 10 03:52:54 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4