BaseCamelotFilter Class Reference

This filter is for the new web file format which is the minimilistic form of the new version 2 native file filter. Derive off VectorFilter as this is what this file format defines. More...

#include <camfiltr.h>

Inheritance diagram for BaseCamelotFilter:

VectorFilter Filter ListItem CCObject SimpleCCObject CamelotNativeFilter CamelotWebFilter CamelotNULLNativeFilter FlareTemplateFilter PluginNativeFilter CamelotNULLWebFilter List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 BaseCamelotFilter ()
 Constructor for the base Camelot save/load filter off which are derived the v2 native file and web filters. This filter provides common functionality for these derived filters.
 ~BaseCamelotFilter ()
 Tidies up when the filter is destroyed.
virtual BOOL Init ()
 Initalises the Filter ready for use. Will fail if it can not get enough memory to work with. This is the base class filter and so should be overridden by the derived classes.
virtual void Deinit ()
 Deinits the filter when the program shuts down.
virtual INT32 HowCompatible (PathName &Filename, ADDR HeaderStart, UINT32 HeaderSize, UINT32 FileSize)
virtual INT32 HowCompatibleIsFileType (char *pFileType)=0
virtual BOOL DoExport (Operation *, CCLexFile *, PathName *, Document *, BOOL)
 Exports the current document out to file. Uses the virtual functions of this class. Do not override unless really necessary.
virtual BOOL DoImport (SelOperation *, CCLexFile *, Document *, BOOL AutoChosen=FALSE, ImportPosition *Pos=NULL, KernelBitmap **ppImportedBitmap=NULL, DocCoord *pPosTranslate=NULL, String_256 *=NULL)
 Read the data from the specified file.
virtual BOOL IsWebFilter ()=0
virtual BOOL IsCompactNativeFilter ()=0
virtual BOOL IsImporting ()
 Used to see if the doc is being imported into an existing doc, loaded into a fresh doc.
virtual BOOL IsImportingAtPosition ()
 This will return TRUE only if we are importing into an existing doc AND at a specific position.
virtual BOOL IsDefaultDocRequired (const TCHAR *pcszPathName)
 Works out if opening a file of this type requires a default document to be loaded. If the file format supplies the document then return FALSE otherwise return TRUE. An example would be opening a bitmap file. This has no document defined in the file format and so we need to load the default document before importing the bitmap into this file. In this baseclass version return FALSE and hence assume that the filters that need to will override this function to return TRUE.
virtual INT32 GetMaxPathLookUp ()
 The max number pf paths that should be looked at by the function FindSimilarPath().
INT32 StartRecord (UINT32 Tag, INT32 Size)
INT32 StartStreamedRecord (UINT32 Tag, INT32 Size)
BOOL EndRecord ()
BOOL EndStreamedRecord ()
UINT32 GetRecordTag ()
INT32 GetRecordNum ()
void SetCoordOrigin (const DocCoord &Origin)
 Sets the origin for all coords that are written to or read from the file.
DocCoord GetCoordOrigin ()
 The Get function.
BOOL Write (BYTE b)
BOOL Write (UINT32 n)
BOOL Write (INT32 n)
BOOL Write (const DocCoord &Coord)
BOOL Write (TCHAR *pStr)
BOOL Write (BYTE *pBuf, UINT32 BufSize)
BOOL Write (FLOAT f)
BOOL WriteUnicode (TCHAR *pStr)
BOOL WriteZeroSizedRecord (UINT32 Tag)
 Helper function that makes it easy to write out a zero-sized record.
UINT32 Write (CXaraFileRecord *pRecord)
UINT32 WriteDefinitionRecord (CXaraFileRecord *pRecord)
BOOL WriteCCPanose (const CCPanose &Panose)
INT32 WriteFontDefinition (WORD FontHandle, BOOL IsBold, BOOL IsItalic)
 Writes a font definition record to the file, and returns with the record number of the record.
BOOL WriteBitmapSource (const BitmapSource &Source, UINT32 Height)
INT32 WriteRecord (DocColour *pDocColour)
 Writes out the given colour to the file, returning the record number.
INT32 WriteRecord (KernelBitmap *pBitmap)
 Writes out the given bitmap to the file, returning the record number.
ColourListComponentGetColourDocComponent ()
BitmapListComponentGetBitmapDocComponent ()
UnitListComponentGetUnitDocComponent ()
DocInfoComponentGetDocInfoComponent ()
ViewComponentGetViewDocComponent ()
PrintComponentGetPrintComponent ()
FontComponentGetFontComponent ()
FilePos GetFilePos ()
UINT32 GetNumBytesWritten ()
virtual DocumentGetDocument ()
virtual SpreadGetSpread ()
virtual void GotError (UINT32 errorID)
 Sets an error using the given resource string All it does is call the mirror function in the attached CXaraFile.
virtual void GotError (UINT32 errorID, const TCHAR *errorString)
 Sets an error using the given resource string All it does is call the mirror function in the attached CXaraFile.
virtual void EndOfFile ()
virtual void SetTotalNumBytesToRead (UINT32 s)
virtual BOOL InvalidateRegion (Node *pNode)
 Invalidates the area of the document covered by the node, causing it to redraw.
virtual UINT32 GetCurrentRecordSize ()
 Function to get the current size of the record that has been read in by the CXaraFile and RecordHandlers and are currently processing. This can be used by streamed record handlers, such as bitmaps, which need to know the size of the recordso that they can update the progress bar size by a proportion of this amount on loading. (Not require on saving as the streamed record handlers can supply what value they like to the progress system and hence update with whatever value they require.
virtual BOOL InsertNode (Node *pNode)
 This inserts the given node relative to the current context node.
virtual BOOL IncInsertLevel ()
 Tells the tree building system that the next nodes should be added to the next level of the tree.
virtual BOOL DecInsertLevel ()
 Tells the tree building system that the next nodes should be added to the previous level of the tree.
virtual NodeGetInsertContextNode ()
 Returns the node to add the next node to.
virtual void SetInsertContextNode (Node *pNode)
 Sets the context node to the node provided.
virtual void InsertNextNodeAsChild ()
 This call ensures that the next node inserted via InsertNode() will be inserted as a child of the context node.
virtual void InsertNextNodeAsSibling ()
 This call ensures that the next node inserted via InsertNode() will be inserted as a sibling of the context node.
virtual InsertTreeContextGetInsertContext (void)
 If you wish to use SetInsertcontextNode to alter where the filter imports to, then chances are you'll want to save & restore the insertion state so that subsequent importing can continue where it left off. If this is the case, bracket your subtree import with code like this: InsertTreeContext *pContext = pFilter->GetInsertContext(); ... import your subtree or whatever ... pFilter->RestoreInsertContext(pContext);.
virtual void RestoreInsertContext (InsertTreeContext *pOldState)
 If you wish to use SetInsertcontextNode to alter where the filter imports to, then chances are you'll want to save & restore the insertion state so that subsequent importing can continue where it left off. If this is the case, bracket your subtree import with code like this: InsertTreeContext *pContext = pFilter->GetInsertContext(); ... import your subtree or whatever ... pFilter->RestoreInsertContext(pContext);.
virtual BOOL IncProgressBarCount (UINT32 n)
 Func to incrementing the progress bar count. If there is a progress bar available, it is updated by this call. Scope: Protected.
virtual UINT32 GetProgressBarCount ()
virtual BOOL SetTotalProgressBarCount (UINT32 n)
 Func to set total the progress bar count. If there is a progress bar available, it is updated by this call. Scope: Protected.
virtual WebPrefsDlgParamGetCachedExportOptions ()
BOOL UnrecognisedTag (UINT32 Tag)
 Informs the filter that it didn't recognise the given tag.
BOOL MergeSameNamedLayers ()
 We have imported layers of the same name in the document. Merge these layers together and if these layers are the special rollover layers make these button and bar names unique. See Also: SliceHelper::MeshImportedLayersWithExistingButtonBars.
void AppendWarning (UINT32 WarningId)
 Appends a warning saying that it's come across some data it doesn't recognise. This allows the user to be warned about things like:- bitmap definitions not being loaded colour definitions not being loaded.
virtual BOOL WriteNodes (Node *pNode)
 This is the main tree traversal routine that writes out the document in the v2 file format.
virtual BOOL WriteNodeAndSubNodes (Node *pNode)
 This recursively writes the document, asking each node to write itself out, in the correct renderable order.
virtual BOOL ReadPostChildren (Node *pNode)
 Informs a node that all its children have been imported Calls either the Native or Web varient of the function, depending on the type of filter this is.
virtual BOOL ReadFileUntil (INT32 tag)
 Reads in the file until the specified tag is hit.
virtual char * GetExportFileType ()=0
virtual void SetImportFileType (char *pFileType)
 Sets the file type of the imported file.
virtual BOOL IsOpeningMinimalWebFormat ()
 It will only return TRUE if the file is the minimal web format, and we are OPENING the file and NOT importing it into a new document.
SelOperationGetImportSelOp () const
void AddAtomicTag (AtomicTagListItem *pItem)
 Adds the item to the list of atomic tags compiled during import.
void AddEssentialTag (EssentialTagListItem *pItem)
 Adds the item to the list of Essential tags compiled during import.
BOOL IsTagInAtomicList (UINT32 Tag)
 Searches the atomic tag list to see of the given tag is in the list.
BOOL IsTagInEssentialList (UINT32 Tag)
 Searches the Essential tag list to see of the given tag is in the list.
TagDescriptionListItemGetTagDescription (UINT32 Tag)
 Searches the tag description list to see of the given tag is in the list.
virtual void AddTagDescription (UINT32 Tag, UINT32 ID)
 Adds the description for the given tag export.
BOOL SetDocumentNudgeSize (UINT32 newVal)
 Sets the nudge size for the current document.
virtual void WriteTagDescriptionRecord ()
 WEBSTER - markn 11/2/97.
BOOL WriteNudgeSizeRecord ()
 Writes out the documents nudge size.
BOOL WriteBitmapSmoothingRecord ()
 Writes out the document's bitmap smoothing setting. The first byte is a flags byte. LSB bitmap smoothing flag bits 2-8 reserved There are 4 reserved bytes for future use (other bitmap settings).
BOOL WriteDuplicationOffsetRecord ()
 Writes out the documents duplication offset.
BOOL WriteRemainingAtomicTagDefinitions ()
 All compound nodes (e.g. bevels, contours, shadows, clipview) are now defined as being atomic. This is so that they can be backwards compatible with CX2.
UINT32 WriteXPEBitmapPlaceHolder (String_256 &strBitmapName)
 Writes out an XPE placeholder record to notify the loader to regenerate the bitmap from the XPE info in the bitmap properties.
virtual BOOL AddTagDescription (TagDescriptionListItem *pItem)
 Adds the item to the list of tag descriptions compiled during import or export.
virtual void AddPathRecordRefToList (NodePath *pNodePath, UINT32 RecordNumber)
 Adds a path record reference to the list.
virtual UINT32 FindPathRecordRefRecordNumber (NodePath *pNodePath)
 Finds the record number for the given path.
virtual NodePathFindPathRecordRefPath (UINT32 RecordNumber)
 Finds the path for the given record number.
virtual BOOL FindSimilarPath (NodePath *pPath, UINT32 *pOtherPathRecNum, Matrix *pTransform)
 Finds a similar path to the one provided that has previously been output to the file.
virtual double GetSimilarPathTolerance (NodePath *pPath)=0
virtual void AddNodeGroupRefToList (Node *pNode, NodeGroup *pGroup)
 Adds a text story group reference to the listFinds the group associated with the text storyFinds the text story associated with the groupAdds a node/group reference to the list.
virtual NodeGroupFindGroupForThisNode (Node *pNode)
 Finds the group associated with the node.
virtual BOOL WriteNodeAsOutlines (Node *pNode)
 Converts the node into a group of paths, and then outputs that group to the filter.
BOOL SetLastRecordHandler (CXaraFileRecordHandler *pHandler, UINT32 Tag)
 Sets the handler used to handle the last record that was imported. It also sets the tag value of the last handled record.
DocumentGetLastDocumentInserted ()
ChapterGetLastChapterInserted ()
SpreadGetLastSpreadInserted ()
LayerGetLastLayerInserted ()
NodePathGetLastNodePathInserted ()
NodeAttributeGetLastCurrentAttrInserted ()
void SetLastDocumentInserted (Document *pNode)
void SetLastChapterInserted (Chapter *pNode)
void SetLastSpreadInserted (Spread *pNode)
void SetLastLayerInserted (Layer *pNode)
void SetLastNodePathInserted (NodePath *pNode)
void SetLastCurrentAttrInserted (NodeAttribute *pNode)
UINT32 GetDocumentInsertedCount ()
UINT32 GetChapterInsertedCount ()
UINT32 GetSpreadInsertedCount ()
UINT32 GetLayerInsertedCount ()
UINT32 GetSetSentinelInsertedCount ()
void IncDocumentInsertedCount ()
void IncChapterInsertedCount ()
void IncSpreadInsertedCount ()
void IncLayerInsertedCount ()
void IncSetSentinelInsertedCount ()
virtual void ExportHTMLTag (PathName *ppthToUse)
 Exports an HTML tag to the clipboard that can be used in a page of HTML to embed the file that is being exported.
virtual void SetInsertMode (InsertMode newInsertMode, CCRuntimeClass *pAttrGroup=NULL)
 Set Mode for AttachNode function.
virtual InsertMode GetInsertMode ()
virtual SelectionType GetSelType ()
virtual void SetSelType (SelectionType ThisSelType)
virtual LayerGetFirstImportedLayer ()
virtual void SetFirstImportedLayer (Layer *pLayer)
virtual BOOL SetCompression (BOOL NewState)
 Function to turn Compression on or off on the underlying CCFile.
virtual BOOL StartCompression ()
 Function to turn Compression on when we are writing to the file. It asks the underlying CCFile and CXaraFile to start the compression process up.
virtual BOOL StopCompression ()
 Function to turn Compression off when we are writing to the file. It asks the underlying CCFile and CXaraFile to stop the compression process.
virtual BOOL SetPreCompression (UINT32 Flags)
 Sets the precompression used in this file.
virtual UINT32 GetPreCompression ()
virtual CCLexFileGetCCFile ()
 Function to give public access to the underlying CCFile that is being used to save out the data. Note: only people who have a genuine reason need to access this - e.g. bitmap savers.
virtual INT32 GetBitmapCompression ()
 Public access to the current bitmap compression which the user has requested to use when saving bitmaps in the web format. 0 means maximum compression e.g. use JPEG filter at 0% lossy compression 100 means minimum compression e.g. use JPEG filter at 100% lossy compression 101 - 200 means lossless compression e.g. us PNG filter. Could use the no bitmap compression at all e.g. use BMP filter. Unused at present. (Very much like the JPEG compression percentage). Note: Virtual so that can be overriden in native filter to save in the proper native state.
virtual INT32 SetBitmapCompression (INT32 NewBmpComp)
 Set up a new state for the the current bitmap compression. 200 = no compression, 0 = full compression. (Very much like the JPEG compression percentage).
virtual BOOL GetPreviewBitmapExport ()
 Public access to the current export preview bitmap which the user has requested to use when saving bitmaps in the web format. True means export a preview bitmap, False means do not. Note: Virtual so that can be overriden in native filter to save in the proper native state.
virtual BOOL SetPreviewBitmapExport (BOOL NewExportPreviewBmp)
 Set up a new state for the the current export preview bitmap. True means export a preview bitmap, False means do not.
virtual BOOL GetConvertTextToOutlines ()
 Public access to the current convert text to outlines which the user has requested to use when saving in the web format. True means convert text to outlines, False means do not. Note: Virtual so that can be overriden in native filter to save in the proper native state.
virtual BOOL SetConvertTextToOutlines (BOOL NewConvertTextToOutlines)
 Set up a new state for the the convert text to outlines. True means convert text to outlines, False means do not.
virtual BOOL GetConvertBlendsToOutlines ()
 Public access to the current convert text to outlines which the user has requested to use when saving in the web format. True means convert blends to outlines, False means do not.
virtual BOOL SetConvertBlendsToOutlines (BOOL NewConvertBlendsToOutlines)
 Set up a new state for the the convert blends to outlines. True means convert blends to outlines, False means do not.
virtual BOOL GetRemoveInvisibleLayers ()
 Public access to the current remove invisible layers which the user has requested to use when saving in the web format. True means remove invisible layers, False means do not. Note: Virtual so that can be overriden in native filter to save in the proper native state.
virtual BOOL SetRemoveInvisibleLayers (BOOL NewRemoveInvisibleLayers)
 Set up a new state for the the remove invisible layers. True means remove invisible layers, False means do not.
virtual BOOL GetRemoveUnusedColours ()
 Public access to the current remove unused colours which the user has requested to use when saving in the web format. True means remove unused colours, False means do not. Note: Virtual so that can be overriden in native filter to save in the proper native state.
virtual BOOL SetRemoveUnusedColours (BOOL NewRemoveUnusedColours)
 Set up a new state for the the remove unused colours. True means remove unused colours, False means do not.
virtual BOOL GetMinimalWebFormat ()
 Public access function.
virtual BOOL SetMinimalWebFormat (BOOL NewMinimalWebFormat)
 Set up a new state for the min web format flag.
virtual BOOL GetSaveXPEBitmaps ()
 Public access function.
virtual BOOL SetSaveXPEBitmaps (BOOL NewSaveXPEBitmaps)
 Set up a new state for the save XPE bitmaps flag.
virtual BOOL ShouldExportHTMLTag ()
 Public access to the HTML to clipboard.
virtual BOOL SetHTMLToClipboard (BOOL NewHTMLToClipboard)
 Set a new state for HTMLToClipboard.
virtual String_256 GetDontConvertTheseFontsToOutlinesString ()
 Access func to that fint list dude.
virtual BOOL GetNativeCheckSimilarPaths ()
 Public access to the current Native check similar paths flag setting.
virtual MILLIPOINT GetWebSimilarPathTolerence ()
 Public access to the current Web similar path tolerence setting. It is measured in millipoints.
virtual BOOL WriteSpecificRegularShapes ()
virtual BoundsWriteLevel GetBoundsWriteLevel ()

Static Public Member Functions

static BOOL SkipToPreviewBitmap (CCLexFile *pFile, BOOL *IsNewNativeFile, UINT32 *pFilterId=NULL)
 Function used by the gallery thumb nail code to check the file is the native/web format and then get to the preview bitmap record and leave the file pointer sitting at the bitmap image. Assumes file is already opened and ready for reading at the start of the file. Notes: Added pFilterId argument for open dialog Martin-20/01/97.
static BOOL SkipToIndexInformation (CCLexFile *pFile, String_256 *pString, BOOL *IsNewNativeFile)
 Function used by the gallery index generation code to check the file is the native/web format and then get to the index information record. Assumes file is already opened and ready for reading at the start of the file. Could share some common functionality with the above but we need speed so just duplicate the code. This function must also be different as we need to use the CXaraFile code as we need to read the string from the document comment record. Hence, we can get this to do some of the work such as checking the id is present etc.
static BOOL WritePathsInRelativeFormat ()
static ListGetRecordHandlers ()
static BOOL SetNativeCompression (BOOL NewState)
 Set the preference as to whether we are to compress the native files or not.
static BOOL GetNativeCompression ()
 Set the prefernece as to whether we are to compress the native files or not.
static BOOL ShouldSaveXPEBitmaps ()
 Find out whether we should save XPE bitmap data or just the information needed to rebuild the bitmap.

Static Public Attributes

static String_256 DefaultExportPath
 String to hold the default path for the optional web export path.
static BOOL ExportWebFile = TRUE
 Flag for whether the user has requested to export a web file when native saving.

Protected Member Functions

void AppendIgnoredDataWarning (UINT32 Tag)
 Appends a warning saying that it's come across some data it doesn't recognise.
void UnkownEssentialDataError (UINT32 Tag)
 Errors that a tag is not recognised, yet it is an essential tag (i.e. one that must be recognised in order to load the file correctly).
virtual BOOL StartProgressBar (String_64 *pMessage)
 Starts up the progress bar. If it fails it returns FALSE, but it's no problem if you continue - i.e. you shouldn't about import/export just because you can't get a progress bar going.
virtual void EndProgressBar ()
 If a progress bar already exists, it's deleted.
virtual void ResetImportExportVars ()
 Resets all the vars that are common to both import & export. This should be the last thing that's called when import/export has finished.
virtual BOOL PrepareImportExportVars ()
 Prepares all the vars that are common to both import & export. This should be the first thing that's called when import/export starts.
virtual CXaraFileCreateCXaraFile ()
 This is a central place where the CXaraFile object is created. It is a virtual func to allow derived classes to create different flavours of CXaraFile.
virtual BaseCamelotFilterCreateNULLFilter (Document *pDocument)=0
virtual BOOL PrepareToExport (CCLexFile *pFile)
 Gets things ready for the export. This opens the CXaraFile object and writes out the file header.
virtual void CleanUpAfterExport (BOOL Success)
 Cleans up the memory allocated by BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport() - used when the export process ends, either normally or abnormally.
virtual BOOL FindDocComponents ()
 Finds ptrs to all the doc components the filter is interested in. If it can't find all of them, FALSE will be returned.
virtual BOOL StartExportDocComponents (BOOL BeforeCompression)
 Tells all the doc components attached to the document that we are about to export to either the web or native file format.
virtual BOOL EndExportDocComponents (BOOL Success)
 Tells all the doc components attached to the document that we have finished exporting the document.
virtual BOOL BeginDocumentExport ()
 This function is called just before document-related records are written out to the file. EndDocumentExport() is called after all the doc records have been saved.
virtual BOOL EndDocumentExport ()
 This function is called after document-related records have been are written out to the file. BeginDocumentExport() is called before the doc records are saved.
virtual NodeGetExportNode ()
 Returns a pointer to the first node to export.
virtual BOOL WriteDocument (Operation *pExportOp)
 Exports the document pointed to by TheDocument.
virtual BOOL WritePreChildren (Node *pNode)
 Asks the node to write itself out. Calls either the Native or Web varient of the function, depending on the type of filter this is.
virtual BOOL CanWriteChildren (Node *pNode)
 Asks the node if it's OK to automatically write out its children. Calls either the Native or Web varient of the function, depending on the type of filter this is.
virtual BOOL WritePostChildren (Node *pNode)
 Asks the node to write itself out. Calls either the Native or Web varient of the function, depending on the type of filter this is.
virtual BOOL WriteBeginChildRecords (Node *pNode)
 Informs a node that its child records are about to be written Calls either the Native or Web varient of the function, depending on the type of filter this is.
virtual BOOL WriteEndChildRecords (Node *pNode)
 Informs a node that its child records have been written Calls either the Native or Web varient of the function, depending on the type of filter this is.
virtual BOOL WriteCurrentAttributes ()
 Write out all current attributes.
virtual BOOL WriteSelectedNodes (Operation *pExportOp, Node *pNode, SelRange *pSelection)
 Exports the selection and any additional nodes required, starting from pNode.
virtual BOOL WriteSelectedLayerAndNodes (Operation *pExportOp, Node *pNode, SelRange *pSelection)
 Exports a layer node and everything selected below it (i.e. all it's selected children) out through the filter.
virtual BOOL WriteHeader ()
 Writes out the header record to the file.
virtual BOOL GetExportOptions (WebPrefsDlgParam *pPrefs)
 Allows the user to be prompted to get information for export. This overriden version returns True so that nothing happens. Scope: Protected.
virtual OpDescriptorGetDialogueOp (void)
 Obtains a pointer to the OpDescriptor to be used to access the relevant export dialogue.
virtual BOOL ExportPreviewBitmap (CCLexFile *pFile, Operation *pOp, PathName *pPath, Document *pDoc)
 Exports a preview bitmap into the file in the correct format.
virtual BOOL CorrectFileHeader (CCLexFile *pFile)
 Corrects the file header so that it contains the correct information now that we have correctly reached the end of the file.
virtual UINT32 CalcExportSize (Document *pDocument)
 Calcs the number of bytes that will be exported to the file. It is used to maintain a progress display.
BOOL InitRecordHandlers ()
 Calls all the record handlers via their BeginImport() function. It also registers the list of handlers with the attached CXaraFile object.
BOOL DeinitRecordHandlers ()
 Calls all the record handlers via their EndImport() function. It also registers the list of handlers with the attached CXaraFile object.
virtual BOOL PrepareToImport (CCLexFile *pFile)
 To get this filter ready to import a file.
virtual void CleanUpAfterImport (BOOL Successful)
 Happens at the end of the import to allow the filters to clean up after themselves.
virtual BOOL PrepareTreeBuilding ()
 This does the setting up of the tree building functions (InsertNode(), etc).
virtual void CleanUpTreeBuilding ()
 This deinits the tree building system.
virtual BOOL EnsureFrameLayerIntegrity (Spread *pSpread)
 Happens at the end of the import to allow the layers to be cleaned up. Mainly used by Webster so that we can ensure that frame layers are the order of the day. Do now as the layers are stable and have all their flags present. We cannot decide when we get the layer record as we would need to wait until we have the layer details record. Then this would not be the complete information until we have seen or not seen as the case may be the frame properties record.
virtual BOOL EnsureLayerIntegrity (Spread *pSpread)
 Happens at the end of the import to allow the layers to be cleaned up. Mainly used by Camelot so that we can see whether we are using a framed document or a layered document. We must check that:-
  • If the document has frame layers in then we must convert all new layers into frames
  • If the document has no frame layers in, then we must convert all frames into layers.

virtual BOOL StartImportDocComponents ()
 Tells all the doc components attached to the document that we are about to Import to either the web or native file format.
virtual BOOL EndImportDocComponents (BOOL Successful)
 Tells all the doc components attached to the document that we have finished Importing the document.
virtual BOOL ReadFile ()
 Reads in the file.
virtual BOOL SetFileCompressionState (BOOL NewState)
 Set a new file compression status into action.
virtual BOOL GetFileCompressionState ()
 Get the current file compression state. True if compressing.
virtual BOOL AttachNode (Node *pNewNode, Node *pContextNode, AttachNodeDirection Direction)
 Attachs one node to another. This will attach the node undoably when it has to. At the mo, insertion is only performed undoably when all the following conditions are met:-.

Static Protected Member Functions

static BOOL CreateRecordHandlers ()
static void DestroyRecordHandlers ()
 Destroys all the record handlers associated with the camelot v2 file format filters.

Protected Attributes

UINT32 FilterNameID
UINT32 FilterInfoID
UINT32 ExportingMsgID
UINT32 BadFileMsgID
FilePos FileStart
FilePos FileEnd
FilePos FileHeaderRecord
UINT32 FileSize
INT32 CompressionType
BOOL CompressionOn
double FileVersionNumber
double BuildVersionNumber
BOOL EndOfFileFlag
BOOL EscapePressed
BOOL InsertNextAsChild
UINT32 InsertLevel
struct {
   SelOperation *   pOp
   ImportPosition *   pPos
UINT32 ProgressBarCount
String_64 ProgressBarMessage
UINT32 TotalProgressBarCount

Static Protected Attributes

static List RecordHandlerList
static BOOL RecordHandlersCreated = FALSE
static BOOL PreviewBitmapExport = FALSE
 Flag for whether the user has requested a preview bitmap when exporting as a web file. True means do export a preview bitmap.
static INT32 BitmapCompression = 75
 How much compression the user has requested when saving bitmaps. 0 means maximum compression e.g. use JPEG filter at 0% lossy compression 99 means minimum compression e.g. use JPEG filter at 99% lossy compression 101 - 201 means lossless compression e.g. us PNG filter. Range stores the old compression setting. Could use the BMPZIP filter instead. (Very much like the JPEG compression percentage).
static BOOL CompressNative = TRUE
 Flag for whether we compress the native files saved from Xara Studio. True means do compress the files.
static BOOL SaveXPEBitmaps = FALSE
 Flag for whether we compress the native files saved from Xara Studio. True means do save the XPE bitmaps. False means don't save them, just save the XPE info and rebuild when loading.
static BOOL ConvertTextToOutlines = FALSE
 Flag for whether the user has requested a convert text to outlines when exporting as a web file. True means do convert text to outlines.
static INT32 PreviewBitmapFilterType = 1
 What type of preview bitmap filter we should be using when exporting as a web or native file. 0 - means BMP. 1 - means GIF. 2 - means JPEG. 3 - means PNG. 4 - means TIFF.
static BOOL RemoveInvisibleLayers = 1
 Whether invisible layers should be removed or not when exporting as a web or native file.
static BOOL RemoveUnusedColours = TRUE
 Whether unused colours should be removed or not when exporting as a web or native file.
static BOOL HTMLToClipboard = FALSE
 Whether to export an HTML tag to the clipboard when exporting a Web file.
static BOOL MinimalWebFormat = 0
 Whether we should use the minimal web format or not when exporting as a web file. The alternative is to be a lot closer to native format.
static BOOL WriteRelativePaths = 1
 When this is 1, all paths will be written out in a relative format 0 means use an absolute format.
static String_256 DontConvertTheseFontsToOutlines
 This string defines the list of font typefaces that won't be converted to outlines when exporting to the web format.
static BOOL NativeCheckSimilarPaths = 0
 When this is 1, the default, paths will be checked for similarities during saving. When 0 this check is not made.
static INT32 WebSimilarPathTolerence = 200
 This determines the tolerence that is used when checking for similar paths in web files. It is measured in millipoints.
static BOOL ConvertBlendsToOutlines = FALSE
 Flag for whether the user has requested a convert text to outlines when exporting as a web file. True means do convert text to outlines.
static BOOL ImportNonFramesOntoActivelayer = TRUE
 When this is 1, the default, import of non-frame layers will happen onto the active layer. When 0, import of non-frame layers will be onto the first non-frame layer in the import.

Private Member Functions

 CC_DECLARE_DYNAMIC (BaseCamelotFilter)
void UpdateLastSafeToRenderNode (Node *pNode)
BOOL IsThisASelectedTemplate (Node *pNode)
 Determines whether or not this node is a selected template node.
BOOL DeleteNode (Node *pNode)
 deletes the given node by removing it from the tree
BOOL PreExportShadows (Node *pRoot)
 Prep shadows for export. We do the following steps:.
BOOL PostExportShadows (Node *pRoot)
 Repair the document tree after shadow export. We do the following steps:.
BOOL PostImportShadows ()
 We factor out common attributes on all NodeShadowControllers in the document.

Private Attributes

String_256 IgnoredDataString
String_256 WarningsString
char ImportFileType [4]
UINT32 DocumentCount
UINT32 ChapterCount
UINT32 SpreadCount
UINT32 LayerCount
UINT32 SetSentinelCount
UINT32 PreCompFlags
InsertMode m_InsertMode
DocCoord CoordOrigin
SelectionType SelType

Detailed Description

This filter is for the new web file format which is the minimilistic form of the new version 2 native file filter. Derive off VectorFilter as this is what this file format defines.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 201 of file camfiltr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BaseCamelotFilter::BaseCamelotFilter  ) 

Constructor for the base Camelot save/load filter off which are derived the v2 native file and web filters. This filter provides common functionality for these derived filters.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 607 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00608 {
00609     // We are a hidden filter which just contains common functionality
00610     // This filter should never be set up or seen, the derived classes just use it.
00612     // Items to handle the file compression
00613     CompressionType = 0;    // type of compression in use (0 at present)
00614     CompressionOn   = FALSE;// on/off flag
00616     FileVersionNumber   = 0.0;
00617     BuildVersionNumber  = 0.0;
00619     pColComponent   = NULL;
00620     pBmpComponent   = NULL;
00621     pUnitsComponent = NULL;
00622     pInfoComponent  = NULL;
00623     pViewComponent  = NULL;
00624     pPrintComponent = NULL;
00625     pFontComponent  = NULL;
00627     pTheSpread      = NULL;
00629     pUnitsComponent = NULL;
00630     pInfoComponent  = NULL;
00632     pInsertContextNode  = NULL;
00633     InsertNextAsChild   = FALSE;
00634     pInsertLevelStack   = NULL;
00636     pCXaraFile              = NULL;
00637     pProgress               = NULL;
00638     ProgressBarCount        = 0;
00639     TotalProgressBarCount   = 0;
00641     pPrefs = NULL;
00643     CoordOrigin = DocCoord(0,0);    // Zero origin
00645     pLastDocument       = NULL;
00646     pLastChapter        = NULL;
00647     pLastSpread         = NULL;
00648     pLastLayer          = NULL;
00649     pLastNodePath       = NULL;
00650     pLastCurrentAttr    = NULL;
00651     DocumentCount       = 0;
00652     ChapterCount        = 0;
00653     SpreadCount         = 0;
00654     LayerCount          = 0;
00655     SetSentinelCount    = 0;
00657     pImportLayer = NULL;
00659     EscapePressed = FALSE;
00661     pAtomicTagList      = NULL;
00662     pEssentialTagList   = NULL;
00663     pTagDescriptionList = NULL;
00665     pPathRecordRefList  = NULL;
00666 // WEBSTER - markn 31/1/97
00667 // Replaced with general system
00668 //  pTextStoryGroupRefList = NULL;
00670     // WEBSTER - markn 29/1/97
00671     // Part of the general form of the system used to convert text to outlines in v1.5
00672     pNodeGroupRefList = NULL;
00674     PreCompFlags = 0;
00676     // WEBSTER - markn 15/2/97
00677     // Bug fix for selection type save option
00678     SelType = DRAWING;
00680     // reset our import layer variables
00681     m_pFirstImportedLayer       = NULL;
00682     m_pActiveLayerBeforeImport  = NULL;
00684     // Make sure this is safely initialised as NodeSetSentinel hackery relies on it
00685     // being null except when really in use.
00686     ImportInfo.pOp = 0;
00688     // State variables that help to switch functionality of AttachNode from adding nodes
00689     // to the tree to making current attributes
00690     // Used by Current Attribute loading mechanism
00691     m_InsertMode            = INSERTMODE_ATTACHTOTREE;
00692     m_pCurrentAttrGroup = NULL;
00693 }

BaseCamelotFilter::~BaseCamelotFilter  ) 

Tidies up when the filter is destroyed.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 706 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00707 {
00708     ResetImportExportVars();
00709 //  DestroyRecordHandlers();
00711     // If we have our preferences class present, then destory it
00712 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
00713     if (pPrefs)
00714     {
00715         PORTNOTETRACE("other","BaseCamelotFilter::~BaseCamelotFilter - removed delete pPrefs");
00717         delete pPrefs;
00718 #endif
00719         pPrefs = NULL;
00720     }
00721 #endif
00722 }

Member Function Documentation

void BaseCamelotFilter::AddAtomicTag AtomicTagListItem pItem  ) 

Adds the item to the list of atomic tags compiled during import.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pItem = ptr to an atomic list item [INPUTS]
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 6636 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06637 {
06638     if (pAtomicTagList == NULL)
06639         pAtomicTagList = new AtomicTagList;
06641     if (pAtomicTagList != NULL)
06642         pAtomicTagList->AddTail(pItem);
06643 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::AddEssentialTag EssentialTagListItem pItem  ) 

Adds the item to the list of Essential tags compiled during import.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pItem = ptr to an Essential list item [INPUTS]
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 6660 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06661 {
06662     if (pEssentialTagList == NULL)
06663         pEssentialTagList = new EssentialTagList;
06665     if (pEssentialTagList != NULL)
06666         pEssentialTagList->AddTail(pItem);
06667 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::AddNodeGroupRefToList Node pNode,
NodeGroup pGroup

Adds a text story group reference to the listFinds the group associated with the text storyFinds the text story associated with the groupAdds a node/group reference to the list.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = ptr to a node in the tree [INPUTS] pGroup = ptr to a group of paths that represent the node, which is not linked into the tree
WEBSTER - markn 29/1/97 Part of the general form of the system used to convert text to outlines in v1.5

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Reimplemented in CamelotNULLNativeFilter, and CamelotNULLWebFilter.

Definition at line 7545 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07546 {
07547     ERROR3IF(pNode  == NULL,"Null node entry param");
07548     ERROR3IF(pGroup == NULL,"Null node group entry param");
07550     if (pNodeGroupRefList == NULL)
07551         pNodeGroupRefList = new CXaraFileNodeGroupRefList;
07553     if (pNodeGroupRefList != NULL)
07554     {
07555         CXaraFileNodeGroupRefListItem* pItem = new CXaraFileNodeGroupRefListItem(pNode,pGroup);
07556         if (pItem != NULL)
07557             pNodeGroupRefList->AddTail(pItem);
07558     }
07559 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::AddPathRecordRefToList NodePath pNodePath,
UINT32  RecordNumber

Adds a path record reference to the list.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNodePath = ptr to a node path object [INPUTS] RecordNumber = the record number of the record that holds this path
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 7142 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07143 {
07144     ERROR3IF(pNodePath == NULL,"Null entry param");
07145     ERROR3IF(RecordNumber == 0,"Zero entry record number");
07147     if (pPathRecordRefList == NULL)
07148         pPathRecordRefList = new CXaraFilePathRecordRefList;
07150     if (pPathRecordRefList != NULL)
07151     {
07152         CXaraFilePathRecordRefListItem* pItem = new CXaraFilePathRecordRefListItem(pNodePath,RecordNumber);
07153         if (pItem != NULL)
07154             pPathRecordRefList->AddTail(pItem);
07155     }
07156 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::AddTagDescription TagDescriptionListItem pItem  )  [virtual]

Adds the item to the list of tag descriptions compiled during import or export.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pItem = ptr to an Essential list item (if NULL it is just ignored_ [INPUTS]
TRUE if added, FALSE if not
WEBSTER - markn 11/2/97 Doesn't add a description if it's already there, and returns FALSE in this case. Also it copes nicely with a null pItem ptr

Graeme (8-2-00) - Changed Mark's code so that repeated tags don't return FALSE, but are simply ignored. This fixes a problem that they're causing with some WebStyle templates.

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 6692 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06693 {
06694     // WEBSTER - markn 11/2/96
06695     // Check to see if a description for this tag has already been added
06696     if ( pItem != NULL )
06697     {
06698         if (pTagDescriptionList == NULL)
06699             pTagDescriptionList = new TagDescriptionList;
06701         if (pTagDescriptionList != NULL)
06702         {
06703             // Graeme (8-2-00) - Moved the GetTagDescription line here, so that items are
06704             // only added if they're not a repeated tag. This should maintain compatability,
06705             // and prevent the errors being thrown as before.
06706             if ( GetTagDescription ( pItem->GetTag () ) == NULL )
06707             {
06708                 pTagDescriptionList->AddTail(pItem);
06709             }
06710             else
06711             {
06712                 // MRH 10/5/00 - If we`re skipping it then we should be deleting it !!!
06713                 delete pItem;
06714                 pItem = NULL;
06715             }
06717             return TRUE;
06718         }
06719     }
06721     return FALSE;
06722 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::AddTagDescription UINT32  Tag,

Adds the description for the given tag export.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Tag = tag of the record you're describing [INPUTS] ID = string ID of the resourced description text
WEBSTER - markn 11/2/97

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Reimplemented in CamelotNULLNativeFilter, and CamelotNULLWebFilter.

Definition at line 6764 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06765 {
06766     String_256* pDesc = new String_256(ID);
06767     if (pDesc != NULL)
06768     {
06769         TagDescriptionListItem* pItem = new TagDescriptionListItem(Tag,pDesc);
06770         if (pItem != NULL)
06771         {
06772             if (!AddTagDescription(pItem))
06773                 delete pItem;
06774         }
06775     }
06776 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::AppendIgnoredDataWarning UINT32  Tag  )  [protected]

Appends a warning saying that it's come across some data it doesn't recognise.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Tag = tag of the record not recognised [INPUTS]
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5366 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05367 {
05368     // We will only add items until we are close to the end of the string's capacity.
05369     // Otherwise, seeing half entries will look strange.
05370     if (IgnoredDataString.IsEmpty())
05371         IgnoredDataString = String_256(_R(IDS_TAG_WARNING_IGNORED_DATA));
05373     String_256 Sep(_R(IDS_TAG_ERROR_LIST_SEP)); 
05375     TagDescriptionListItem* pDesc = GetTagDescription(Tag);
05376     String_256 Temp;
05377     if (pDesc != NULL && pDesc->GetString() != NULL)
05378         Temp = *(pDesc->GetString());
05379     else
05380         Temp.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_TAG_ERROR_TAG_NUMBER),Tag);
05382     // Only add it if there is enough room to fit it all in
05383     if (Sep.Length() + Temp.Length() + IgnoredDataString.Length() < IgnoredDataString.MaxLength())
05384     {
05385         IgnoredDataString += Sep;
05386         IgnoredDataString += Temp;
05387     }
05388 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::AppendWarning UINT32  WarningId  ) 

Appends a warning saying that it's come across some data it doesn't recognise. This allows the user to be warned about things like:- bitmap definitions not being loaded colour definitions not being loaded.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
WarningId = id of resource to be added [INPUTS]
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Scope: Public

Definition at line 5332 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05333 {
05334     // We will only add items until we are close to the end of the string's capacity.
05335     // Otherwise, seeing half entries will look strange.
05336     if (WarningsString.IsEmpty())
05337         WarningsString = String_256(_R(IDS_NATIVE_DATAWARNING));
05339     String_256 Sep(_R(IDS_TAG_ERROR_LIST_SEP)); 
05341     String_256 Temp(WarningId);
05342     // Only add it if there is enough room to fit it all in
05343     if (Sep.Length() + Temp.Length() + WarningsString.Length() < WarningsString.MaxLength())
05344     {
05345         WarningsString += Sep;
05346         WarningsString += Temp;
05347     }
05348 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::AttachNode Node pNewNode,
Node pContextNode,
AttachNodeDirection  Direction
[protected, virtual]

Attachs one node to another. This will attach the node undoably when it has to. At the mo, insertion is only performed undoably when all the following conditions are met:-.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNewNode = ptr to node to attach to pContextNode [INPUTS] pContextNode = the context node Direction = how to attach it to pContextNode
TRUE if ok, FALSE otherwise
1) We are importing, and not opening the file; 2) pNewNode is a layer, or pContextNode is a NodeSetSentinel and pNewNode is being attached/inserted as a child of it; 3) we have a ptr to an undoable op;

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 6265 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06267 {
06268     // JCF: further bodged this already 'orrible bodge to allow undoable attaching of
06269     // child attributes of NodeSetSentinel.
06270     if (IsImporting() && ImportInfo.pOp != 0)
06271     {
06272         // Insert a layer with undo.
06273         if (pNewNode->IsLayer())
06274             return ImportInfo.pOp->DoInsertNewNode((Layer*) pNewNode, pContextNode,
06275                                                    Direction, FALSE);
06277         // If the context is the sentinel as parent then create a hide action.
06278         else if (IS_A(pContextNode, NodeSetSentinel) &&
06279                     (Direction == FIRSTCHILD || Direction == LASTCHILD))
06280         {
06281             // Attach and create an action to hide the new child when we undo.
06282             HideNodeAction* pHideAct;
06283             pNewNode->AttachNode(pContextNode, Direction);
06284             if (AC_FAIL == HideNodeAction::Init(ImportInfo.pOp,
06285                                                 ImportInfo.pOp->GetUndoActions(),
06286                                                 pNewNode, TRUE, (Action**) &pHideAct))
06287             {
06288                 // Tidy up on fail.
06289                 pNewNode->UnlinkNodeFromTree();
06290                 return FALSE;
06291             }
06293             return TRUE;
06294         }       
06295     }
06297     pNewNode->AttachNode(pContextNode, Direction);
06298     return TRUE;
06299 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::BeginDocumentExport  )  [protected, virtual]

This function is called just before document-related records are written out to the file. EndDocumentExport() is called after all the doc records have been saved.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
This should be called for each document that is saved out to the file.

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::EndDocumentExport() Scope: Protected

Reimplemented in CamelotNativeFilter, CamelotWebFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 4888 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04889 {
04890     return TRUE;
04891 }

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::CalcExportSize Document pDocument  )  [protected, virtual]

Calcs the number of bytes that will be exported to the file. It is used to maintain a progress display.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The estimated number of bytes that will be exported
See also:
GetExportOptions; PrepareToExport; CleanUpAfterExport;

Definition at line 5181 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05182 {
05183 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05184     ERROR2IF(pDocument == NULL,0,"pDocument is NULL");
05186     UINT32 NumBytes = 0;
05188     BaseCamelotFilter* pFilter = CreateNULLFilter(pDocument);
05190     if (pFilter != NULL)
05191     {
05192         BOOL ok = TRUE;
05194         // Prepare to export
05195         if (ok) ok = pFilter->PrepareToExport(NULL);
05197         // Start doc components (before & after compression)
05198         if (ok) ok = pFilter->StartExportDocComponents(TRUE);
05199         if (ok) ok = pFilter->StartExportDocComponents(FALSE);
05201         String_64 Str(_R(IDS_PREPARING_TO_SAVE));
05202         if (ok) StartProgressBar(&Str);             // Update status bar
05203         // Export document tree
05204         if (ok) ok = pFilter->WriteDocument(NULL);
05205         if (ok) EndProgressBar();                   // Kill progess bar
05207         // Tell doc components we have finished
05208         if (ok) ok = pFilter->EndExportDocComponents(TRUE);
05210         // All done - deallocate dynamic objects and return success.
05211         pFilter->CleanUpAfterExport(ok);
05213         // Set the main filter's progress total to the final progress count of the NULL filter
05214         SetTotalProgressBarCount(pFilter->GetProgressBarCount());
05216         delete pFilter;
05217         pFilter = NULL;
05218     }
05220     return NumBytes;
05221 #else
05222     return 0;
05223 #endif
05224 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::CanWriteChildren Node pNode  )  [protected, virtual]

Asks the node if it's OK to automatically write out its children. Calls either the Native or Web varient of the function, depending on the type of filter this is.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = ptr to a node to write [INPUTS]
TRUE if yes, FALSE if no
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 4560 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04561 {
04562 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04563     if (IsWebFilter())
04564         return pNode->CanWriteChildrenWeb(this);
04565     else
04566         return pNode->CanWriteChildrenNative(this);
04567 #else
04568     return FALSE;
04569 #endif
04570 }

BaseCamelotFilter::CC_DECLARE_DYNAMIC BaseCamelotFilter   )  [private]

void BaseCamelotFilter::CleanUpAfterExport BOOL  Success  )  [protected, virtual]

Cleans up the memory allocated by BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport() - used when the export process ends, either normally or abnormally.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Success - True if everything went swimmingly, False if just a clean up is required. [INPUTS]
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 4150 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04151 {
04152 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04153     // Tell doc components we have finished
04154     // but only if there is a problem as otherwise this should be being called.
04155     // DoExport calls EndExportDocComponents before this as it needs to ensure that all
04156     // document components are exported BEFORE it stops compression so things like unused
04157     // colours are compressed.
04158     // As a double check check to see if the BMP and Colour components are null, if not
04159     // then this indicates the EndExportDocComponents has not been called.
04160     // CalcExportSize is an example where this happens
04162     if (!Success ||
04163         pColComponent   != NULL ||
04164         pBmpComponent   != NULL ||
04165         pUnitsComponent != NULL ||
04166         pInfoComponent  != NULL ||
04167         pViewComponent  != NULL ||
04168         pPrintComponent != NULL ||
04169         pFontComponent  != NULL)
04170     {
04171         EndExportDocComponents(Success);
04172     }
04174     // Get the exported file size
04175     FileSize = GetNumBytesWritten();
04177     // Reset the vars
04178     ResetImportExportVars();
04180     // If we have our preferences class allocated then delete it
04181     if (pPrefs)
04182     {
04183         delete pPrefs;
04184         pPrefs = NULL;
04185     }
04187     // WEBSTER - markn 11/2/97
04188     // The tag description stuff can be used on export now
04189     if (pTagDescriptionList != NULL)
04190     {
04191         pTagDescriptionList->DeleteAll();
04192         delete pTagDescriptionList;
04193         pTagDescriptionList= NULL;
04194     }
04196     // WEBSTER - markn 15/2/97
04197     // Bug fix for selection type save option
04198     // Reset the default view area to DRAWING
04199     SetSelType(DRAWING);
04201     // Clean up the current attribute pointer and array.
04202     DeleteCurrentAttrs ();
04204 #endif
04205 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::CleanUpAfterImport BOOL  Successful  )  [protected, virtual]

Happens at the end of the import to allow the filters to clean up after themselves.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <> & Mark Neves
Successful - TRUE if the import went OK, FALSE if it failed [INPUTS]

Definition at line 2328 of file camfiltr.cpp.

02329 {
02330     PORTNOTETRACE("other","BaseCamelotFilter::CleanUpAfterImport - ignoring RalphCriticalSection");
02332     RalphCriticalSection rcs;
02333 #endif
02335     EndImportDocComponents(Successful);
02337     DeinitRecordHandlers();
02339     Camelot.UpdateSelection();
02341     if (Successful && TheDocument != NULL)
02342     {
02343         if (pImportLayer != NULL)
02344         {
02345             Node* pChild = pImportLayer->FindFirstChild();
02346             if (pChild == NULL)
02347             {
02348                 DeleteNode(pImportLayer);
02349                 pImportLayer = NULL;
02350             }
02351         }
02353         Spread* pSpread = TheDocument->GetSelectedSpread();
02355         ERROR3IF(pSpread == NULL,"We ought to have a selected spread at this point");
02357         if (pSpread != NULL)
02358         {
02359             pSpread->ValidateBoundingRect();
02360             pSpread->InvalidateBoundingRect(TRUE);
02362             // Make sure we have an active layer, and let everyone know that layer information has changed
02363 #ifndef WEBSTER
02364             // In Camelot mode, we must now check to see what document we are importing into
02365             // If it has frame layers in then we must convert all new layers into frames
02366             // If it has no frame layers in, then we must convert all frames into layers
02367             EnsureLayerIntegrity(pSpread);
02368             //LayerSGallery::EnsureActiveLayerIntegrity(pSpread);
02369 #else
02370             // In Webster ensure that multiple layers are disallowed unless they are
02371             // frame layers. At the same time ensure that there is an active layer.
02372             EnsureFrameLayerIntegrity(pSpread);
02373 #endif
02375             MergeSameNamedLayers();
02376             BROADCAST_TO_ALL(SpreadMsg(pSpread, SpreadMsg::LAYERCHANGES));
02378             // make sure the spread's pasteboard is extended to include all imported objects
02379             Node* pNode = pSpread;
02380             pNode->PostImport();
02381         }
02383         if (TheDocument->IsNotAClipboard())
02384             TheDocument->ResetInsertionPosition();
02386         // Warn user if font substitution has occurred.
02387 //      TheDocument->CheckFontSubstitution();
02388         TheDocument->CheckReferences();
02390 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
02391         // Make sure all qaulity sliders in the selected doc view get updated
02392 PORTNOTE("other","Removed QualitySliderDescriptor usage")
02394         QualitySliderDescriptor::Update();
02395 #endif
02396 #endif
02397     }
02399     CleanUpTreeBuilding();
02401     ResetImportExportVars();
02403     // Any warnings to report?
02404     // We will do these as two separate warnings as:-
02405     // - they should both be rare in themselves
02406     // - they are talking about two completely different items
02407     // - they are difficult to add together without taking up a very large warning box
02408     // - they are difficult to add together in a compact and internationalisable way
02409     // Check the unknown but not essential tags found warning first
02410     if (Successful && !IgnoredDataString.IsEmpty())
02411     {
02412 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
02413         Error::SetError(0,IgnoredDataString,0);
02414         InformWarning();        
02415 #else
02416         // "Non-essential data has been found that is not recognised."
02417         String_256 Err(_R(IDE_IMPORT_RALPH_NEWTAGS));
02418         Error::SetError(0,Err,0);
02419         InformWarning();
02420 #endif
02421     }
02422     // Now check the warning about problem data string
02423     if (Successful && !WarningsString.IsEmpty())
02424     {
02425 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
02426         String_256 Warning = WarningsString;
02427         // Add the text on the end which mentions about using defaults instead
02428         String_256 Temp(_R(IDS_NATIVE_REPLACEDEFAULTS));
02429         Warning += Temp;
02430         Error::SetError(0,Warning,0);
02431         InformWarning();        
02432 #else
02433         // "Problems have been found with some data. The problems have been fixed with default values."
02434         String_256 Err(_R(IDE_IMPORT_RALPH_WARNING));
02435         Error::SetError(0,Err,0);
02436         InformWarning();
02437 #endif
02438     }
02440     // Make sure the lists are NULL
02441     if (pAtomicTagList != NULL)
02442     {
02443         pAtomicTagList->DeleteAll();
02444         delete pAtomicTagList;
02445         pAtomicTagList = NULL;
02446     }
02448     if (pEssentialTagList != NULL)
02449     {
02450         pEssentialTagList->DeleteAll();
02451         delete pEssentialTagList;
02452         pEssentialTagList = NULL;
02453     }
02455     if (pTagDescriptionList != NULL)
02456     {
02457         pTagDescriptionList->DeleteAll();
02458         delete pTagDescriptionList;
02459         pTagDescriptionList= NULL;
02460     }
02462     // Clean up the current attribute pointer and array.
02463     DeleteCurrentAttrs ();
02464 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::CleanUpTreeBuilding  )  [protected, virtual]

This deinits the tree building system.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
It must be called sometime after the last node is added to the tree.

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 6476 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06477 {
06478     // Reset the level vars
06479     if (pInsertLevelStack != NULL)
06480     {
06481         delete pInsertLevelStack;
06482         pInsertLevelStack = NULL;
06483     }
06485     if (TheDocument != NULL)
06486         TheDocument->GetSafeRenderPointer().SetPointerInValid();
06487 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::CorrectFileHeader CCLexFile pFile  )  [protected, virtual]

Corrects the file header so that it contains the correct information now that we have correctly reached the end of the file.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pFile - the file to put the exported data into [INPUTS]
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
See also:

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter.

Definition at line 4109 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04110 {
04111 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04112     // Seek back to the first thing that needs changing
04113     // The Start of file header record
04115     if (FileHeaderRecord == 0)
04116     {
04117         ERROR3("The pos of the file header is 0. What went wrong?");
04118         return TRUE;
04119     }
04121     pFile->seek(FileHeaderRecord+8+3);  // seek to the file size field (skip 8 byte header & file type field)
04123     ERROR3IF(FileSize == 0,"Erm, the file must be more than 0 bytes in size");
04125     // Write out the uncompressed length of file
04126     if (pFile->write(&FileSize, 4).fail())
04127         return FALSE;
04128 TRACEUSER( "Neville", _T("Uncompressed file size is %d\n"), FileSize );
04130     return TRUE;
04131 #else
04132     return FALSE;
04133 #endif
04134 }

CXaraFile * BaseCamelotFilter::CreateCXaraFile  )  [protected, virtual]

This is a central place where the CXaraFile object is created. It is a virtual func to allow derived classes to create different flavours of CXaraFile.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ptr to a CXaraFile object that can be used for import or export NULL if there's an error

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter, CamelotNULLNativeFilter, and CamelotNULLWebFilter.

Definition at line 1907 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01908 {
01909     CXaraFile* pCXaraFile = new CXaraFile;
01911     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
01912         pCXaraFile->SetFilter(this);
01914     return pCXaraFile;
01915 }

virtual BaseCamelotFilter* BaseCamelotFilter::CreateNULLFilter Document pDocument  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Implemented in CamelotNativeFilter, and CamelotWebFilter.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::CreateRecordHandlers  )  [static, protected]

Definition at line 1723 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01724 {
01725     if (!RecordHandlersCreated)
01726     {
01727         RecordHandlerList.DeleteAll();
01729         // General handlers
01730         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(GeneralRecordHandler);       // The general record handler
01731         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(CompressionRecordHandler);   // The compression record handler
01732         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(DocumentRecordHandler);      // Document record handler
01733         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(ViewRecordHandler);          // View records handler
01735         // Reuseable data item handlers
01736         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(ColourRecordHandler);        // Define colour record handler
01737         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(BitmapRecordHandler);        // Define bitmap record handler
01739         // Document related items
01740         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(DocInfoRecordHandler);       // Document info record handler
01741         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(UnitsRecordHandler);         // Units record handler
01743         // Attribute handlers
01744         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(LineAttrRecordHandler);      // Line attribute record handler
01745         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(FillAttrRecordHandler);      // Fill attribute record handler
01746         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(GeneralAttrRecordHandler);   // Misc attribute record handler
01748         // Object handlers
01749         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(PathRecordHandler);          // Path record handler
01750         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(PathFlagsRecordHandler);     // Path flags record handler
01751         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(GroupRecordHandler);         // Group record handler
01752         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(BlendRecordHandler);         // Blend-related record handler
01753         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(MouldRecordHandler);         // Mould-related record handler
01755         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(RegularShapeRecordHandler);
01756         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(EllipseRecordHandler);
01757         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(RectangleRecordHandler);
01758         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(PolygonRecordHandler);
01760         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(TextObjRecordHandler);
01761         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(TextAttrRecordHandler);
01762         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(FontDefRecordHandler);
01764 PORTNOTE("other","Commented ImagesettingAttrRecordHandler")
01766         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(ImagesettingAttrRecordHandler);
01767 #endif
01768         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(PrintingRecordHandler);
01770 // Remove from webster builds at present as half complete Neville 6/8/97
01771 // Taken out by vector stroking code Neville 2/10/97
01772 #ifdef VECTOR_STROKING
01773         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(StrokeAttrRecordHandler);
01774         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(ShadowRecordHandler);        // Shadow-related record handler
01775         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(BevelRecordHandler);
01776 #endif
01778         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(ContourRecordHandler);
01779         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(TemplateAttrRecordHandler);
01780 PORTNOTE("other","Commented WizOpStyleRecordHandler")
01782         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(WizOpStyleRecordHandler);
01783 #endif
01784         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(WizOpStyleRefRecordHandler);
01785         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(ExportHintRecordHandler);
01787         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(BrushAttrRecordHandler);
01788         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(ClipViewRecordHandler);      // ClipView-related record handler
01790         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(FeatherRecordHandler);
01792         // bitmap properties record handler
01793         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(BitmapPropertiesRecordHandler);  // Define bmp props record handler
01794         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(BitmapSmoothingRecordHandler);   // Bitmap smoothing document flag
01796         NEW_RECORD_HANDLER(LiveEffectRecordHandler);
01798         RecordHandlersCreated = TRUE;
01799     }
01801     return RecordHandlersCreated;
01802 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::DecInsertLevel  )  [virtual]

Tells the tree building system that the next nodes should be added to the previous level of the tree.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if ok, FALSE otherwise
This is called when a TAG_UP record is encountered

This also calls the node last inserted on the new current level, to inform it that its sub-tree is complete. This gives complex nodes (such as moulds) as chance to do any initialisation after importing. (See Node::ReadPostChildrenWeb())

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 6556 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06557 {
06558     ERROR2IF(pInsertLevelStack == NULL,FALSE,"pInsertLevelStack == NULL");
06560     // Remove the last level item, as we've moved up a level
06561     InsertLevelStackItem* pItem = pInsertLevelStack->Pop();
06563     ERROR3IF(pItem == NULL,"no tail item");
06565     if (pItem != NULL)
06566     {
06567         // We've just gone up a level, which inplies that the last inserted node on the last
06568         // level has a complete child subtree, so inform it of the fact
06569         if (!pItem->InformLastInsertedNodeChildrenComplete())
06570             return FALSE;
06572         UpdateLastSafeToRenderNode(pItem->GetLastInsertedNode());
06574         // If there were some nodes inserted on the last level (i.e. the insert count > 0), we
06575         // need to reset the insert context node.
06576         // In this case the new context node is the parent of the current context node
06578         if (pItem->GetNumNodesInserted() > 0)
06579         {
06580             Node* pContextNode = GetInsertContextNode();
06581             if (pContextNode == NULL)
06582                 return FALSE;
06584             SetInsertContextNode(pContextNode->FindParent());
06585         }
06587         delete pItem;
06588     }
06590     // Insert the next node as a sibling to the current context node
06591     InsertNextNodeAsSibling();
06593     BOOL ok = TRUE;
06595     // Find the info item containing data on the current level
06596     InsertLevelStackItem* pCurrentLevelItem = pInsertLevelStack->Get();
06598     if (pCurrentLevelItem != NULL)
06599     {
06600         // We've just gone up a level, which inplies that the last inserted node on the new current
06601         // level has a complete child subtree, so inform it of the fact
06602         if (!pCurrentLevelItem->InformLastInsertedNodeChildrenComplete())
06603             return FALSE;
06605         UpdateLastSafeToRenderNode(pCurrentLevelItem->GetLastInsertedNode());
06607         // Inform the handler that we have finished a subtree
06608         CXaraFileRecordHandler* pHandler = pCurrentLevelItem->GetLastHandler();
06609         if (pHandler != NULL)
06610             pHandler->EndSubtree(pCurrentLevelItem->GetLastHandledTag());
06612     }
06614     return ok;
06615 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::Deinit  )  [virtual]

Deinits the filter when the program shuts down.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Reimplemented from Filter.

Definition at line 754 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00755 {
00756     DestroyRecordHandlers();
00757 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::DeinitRecordHandlers  )  [protected]

Calls all the record handlers via their EndImport() function. It also registers the list of handlers with the attached CXaraFile object.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if ok; FALSE if not.

Definition at line 1873 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01874 {
01875     ERROR2IF(pCXaraFile == NULL, FALSE,"Can't initialise record handlers without a CXaraFile object");
01877     // Register the list handlers with thw CXaraFile objects
01878     BOOL ok = pCXaraFile->RegisterRecordHandlers(&RecordHandlerList);
01880     // Initialise all the handlers
01881     CamelotRecordHandler* pCamelotRecordHandler = (CamelotRecordHandler*)RecordHandlerList.GetHead();
01882     while (ok && pCamelotRecordHandler != NULL)
01883     {
01884         ok = pCamelotRecordHandler->EndImport();
01886         pCamelotRecordHandler = (CamelotRecordHandler*)RecordHandlerList.GetNext(pCamelotRecordHandler);
01887     }
01889     return ok;
01890 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::DeleteNode Node pNode  )  [private]

deletes the given node by removing it from the tree

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = ptr to node to remove from the tree [INPUTS]
TRUE if ok, FALSE otherwise
This will delete the node undoably when it has to.

At the mo, deletion is only performed undoably when all the following conditions are met: 1) We are importing, and not openning the file 2) pNewNode is a layer 3) we have a ptr to an undoable op

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 6323 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06324 {
06325     BOOL ok = TRUE;
06327     BOOL DeleteWithUndo = (IsImporting() && pNode->IsLayer() && (ImportInfo.pOp != NULL));
06329     if (DeleteWithUndo)
06330         ok = ImportInfo.pOp->DoHideNode(pNode,TRUE);
06331     else
06332     {
06333         pNode->CascadeDelete();
06334         delete pNode;
06335     }
06337     return ok;
06338 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::DestroyRecordHandlers  )  [static, protected]

Destroys all the record handlers associated with the camelot v2 file format filters.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 1816 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01817 {
01818     RecordHandlerList.DeleteAll();
01819     RecordHandlersCreated = FALSE;
01820 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Operation pOp,
CCLexFile pFile,
PathName pPath,
Document pDoc,
BOOL  ShowOptions

Exports the current document out to file. Uses the virtual functions of this class. Do not override unless really necessary.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <> & Markn
pOp - the operation that started the export off [INPUTS] pFile - the file to put the exported data into pPath - the pathname of the file to be exported to pDoc - the document to export ShowOptions - Are the export options needed?
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
See also:
GetExportOptions; PrepareToExport; CleanUpAfterExport;

Reimplemented from Filter.

Reimplemented in PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 4935 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04937 {
04938 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04939     ERROR2IF(pOp == NULL, FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport no export operation");
04940     ERROR2IF(pFile == NULL, FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport no file to export to");
04941     ERROR2IF(pPath == NULL, FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport no export pathname");
04942     ERROR2IF(pDoc == NULL, FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport no document to export");
04944     // Set up document pointer
04945     TheDocument = pDoc;
04947     // Get pointer to the spread to export.
04948     pTheSpread = GetFirstSpread(pDoc);
04949     ERROR2IF(pTheSpread == NULL, FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport no spread to export");
04951     // We must now check if there is a selection present so that we can set up whether the
04952     // user gets the choice of exporting the selection, drawing or spread if there is a 
04953     // selection present OR just a choice between the spread or drawing if no selection is
04954     // present.
04955     // If have a caret selected in a text story then the selection will be almost zero so trap
04956     // this case as well. 
04958     SelectionType Selection = DRAWING;
04959     if (ShowOptions)
04960     {
04961         Application * pApp = GetApplication();
04962         ERROR2IF(pApp == NULL, FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport no application!");
04963         SelRange* pRange = pApp->FindSelection();
04964         ERROR2IF(pRange == NULL, FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport no selection range!");
04965         DocRect ClipRect = pRange->GetBoundingRect();
04966         if (ClipRect.IsEmpty())
04967             Selection = DRAWING;        // no selection present, so choose drawing by default
04968         else
04969             Selection = SELECTION;      // selection present, so choose this by default
04971         if (Selection == DRAWING)
04972         {
04973             // Work out the size of the rectangle encompassing the drawing (visible layers only)
04974             ClipRect = BaseBitmapFilter::GetSizeOfDrawing(pTheSpread);
04976             // Check that that cliprect is ok, if not then set the spread as the export type
04977             if (ClipRect.IsEmpty())
04978                 Selection = SPREAD;
04979         }
04980     }
04982     // See if the Camelot filters need some exporting options or not
04983     // First, create the preferences class we use to get the data to and from the dialog box
04984     pPrefs = new WebPrefsDlgParam;
04986     if (pPrefs == NULL)
04987         return FALSE;
04989     // Set the viewport selection here.
04990     if (ShowOptions)
04991     {
04992         pPrefs->SetExportSel ( Selection );
04993         pPrefs->SetViewportSel ( Selection );
04995         // Invoke the dialogue box.
04996         if (!GetExportOptions(pPrefs))
04997         {
04998             // User has cancelled the operation so set our error which will be suppressed
04999             // and return FALSE
05000             Error::SetError(_R(IDN_USER_CANCELLED),0);
05002             // Clean up the old preferences.
05003             delete pPrefs;
05004             pPrefs = NULL;
05006             return FALSE;
05007         }
05008     }
05009     else
05010     {
05011         // Do we want the dialogue box for export options? If not, ensure that the export and
05012         // viewport selections don't screw things up.
05013         // Graeme (25/1/00) - Changed SelType to ExportSel and ViewportSel.
05014         pPrefs->SetExportSel ( DRAWING );
05015         pPrefs->SetViewportSel ( DRAWING );
05016     }
05019     // Used to open the file up before starting DoExport. But this meant a cancel on the export
05020     // options dialog had filled the file, if it was already present. So now up up here if
05021     // not open already. In the PreviewBitmap case the file will already be open.
05022     if (!pFile->isOpen())
05023     {
05024         if (pFile->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(CCDiskFile)))
05025         {       
05026             if (!OpenExportFile((CCDiskFile*) pFile, pPath))
05027             {
05028                 if (pPrefs)
05029                 {
05030                     delete pPrefs;
05031                     pPrefs = NULL;
05032                 }
05033                 return FALSE;
05034             }
05035         }
05036         else
05037         {
05038             TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("Tried to open non-CCDiskFile in BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport\n") );
05039             return FALSE;
05040         }
05041     }
05043     // Get ready for the binary header by setting all our variables to their initial states
05044     FileStart = 0;
05045     FileEnd = 0;
05046     FileHeaderRecord = 0;
05047     FileSize = 0;
05049     BOOL ok = TRUE;
05050     EscapePressed = FALSE;
05052     try
05053     {
05054         // This needs to be fixed sensibly as it uses the value that is 
05055         // currently in the TotalProgressBarCount variable
05056         // UINT32 ExportSize = CalcExportSize(TheDocument);
05058         // This resets any export vars, opens the file and writes the header out
05059         if (ok) ok = PrepareToExport(pFile);
05061         // After we have exported the header, we must export the preview bitmap, if required.
05062         // Make sure we use the function to get the CCFile pointer or the template version wont
05063         // get written out properly...
05064         if (ok) ok = ExportPreviewBitmap(GetCCFile(), pOp, pPath, pDoc);
05066         // Start up the progress bar - happends after the preview bmp (in case it starts up a progress bar)
05067         if (ok) StartProgressBar(&ProgressBarMessage);
05069         // From this point on, everything in the file is related to this document
05070         if (ok) ok = BeginDocumentExport();
05072         // WEBSTER - markn 11/2/97
05073         // Write out a tag description record if necessary
05074         WriteTagDescriptionRecord();
05076         // Write out some simple document-scope values
05077         WriteNudgeSizeRecord();
05078         WriteBitmapSmoothingRecord();
05079         WriteDuplicationOffsetRecord();
05081 /*      // Find all the document components that are required
05082         // Must do this just before we start the doc components export as otherwise things which fail
05083         // will cause clean up to occur and once FindDocComponents is called, it assumes that start
05084         // StartExportDocComponents has been called.
05085         if (ok ok = FindDocComponents(); */
05087         // Start doc components (before compression is started)
05088         if (ok) ok = StartExportDocComponents(TRUE);
05090         // Just before we write the main document, we will start compression up, if required
05091         if (ok) ok = StartCompression();
05093         // Start doc components (after compression started)
05094         if (ok) ok = StartExportDocComponents(FALSE);
05096         // Write out all remaining automic tags (note brush defintion and stroke definition have already
05097         // been written within the above call).  I am not going to move these into here ....
05098         if (ok) ok = WriteRemainingAtomicTagDefinitions ();     // for bevels, contours, shadows, clipviews, etc.
05100         // Save out the document tree
05101         if (ok) ok = WriteDocument(pOp);
05103         // Save out the current attributes...
05104         if (ok) ok = WriteCurrentAttributes();
05106         // Tell doc components we have finished
05107         if (ok) ok = EndExportDocComponents(TRUE);
05109         // Just before we write the EOF record and close down the file
05110         // we will stop compression
05111         if (ok) ok = StopCompression();
05113         // Everything in the document has been saved
05114         if (ok) ok = EndDocumentExport();
05116         if (ok)
05117         {
05118             // Write out the EOF record as the last record in the file
05119             WriteZeroSizedRecord(TAG_ENDOFFILE);
05121             // All done - deallocate dynamic objects and return success.
05122             CleanUpAfterExport(TRUE);
05124             // Detach document
05125             TheDocument = NULL;
05127             // Find out where the file ended
05128             FileEnd = pFile->tell();
05130             // Correct the binary header, now we know where everything is
05131             if (!CorrectFileHeader(pFile))
05132             {
05133                 ERROR1(FALSE, _R(IDT_EXPORT_INTERNAL_ERR));
05134             }
05135         }
05136     }
05137     catch (...)
05138     {
05139         TRACE( _T("BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport An error has occurred during export!\n") );
05140         // Flag an error has occurred so that things get cleaned up correctly
05141         ok = FALSE;
05142     }
05144     // Clean up if we get an error
05145     if (!ok)
05146     {
05147         CleanUpAfterExport(FALSE);
05149         // If the user has pressed escape then set the proper error
05150         if (EscapePressed)
05151             Error::SetError(_R(IDW_CANCELEXPORT),0);
05153         return FALSE;
05154     }
05156     //Graham 22/5/97: Export an HTML tag to the clipboard if necessary
05157     if (ShouldExportHTMLTag())
05158         ExportHTMLTag(pPath);
05160     return ok;
05161 #else
05162     return FALSE;
05163 #endif
05164 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport SelOperation pOp,
CCLexFile pFile,
Document pDestDoc,
BOOL  AutoChosen = FALSE,
ImportPosition pPos = NULL,
KernelBitmap **  ppImportedBitmap = NULL,
DocCoord pPosTranslate = NULL,
String_256 URL = NULL

Read the data from the specified file.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Op - pointer to the operation that this input process is associated with. [INPUTS] pFile - The file that we should load the document from DestDoc - The Document object which should hold the data read in from the file. AutoChosen - pPos - Pos - ppImportedBitmap - this is used mainly in the bitfltr.cpp for the HTML import filter. HTMLFilter::DoImport() needs a pointer to a kernel bitmap to set the background bitmap up into Camelot. pPosTranslate - This is used too by the HTMLFilter in order to do a formatting.
TRUE if the input operation worked ok, FALSE if not.

Errors: Fails (returns FALSE) if the document structure is incorrect, or if there is a problem with the file. Assumes the caller will fail and end the operation if False is returned.

Reimplemented from Filter.

Reimplemented in PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 3338 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03342 {
03343     ERROR2IF(FALSE, pOp == NULL,"BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport null operation!");
03344     ERROR2IF(FALSE, pFile == NULL,"BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport null file!");
03345     ERROR2IF(FALSE, pDestDoc == NULL,"BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport null document!");
03347     // Set up document pointer
03348     TheDocument = pDestDoc;
03350     // Remember operation and position so we can use them to add nodes in other functions.
03351     ImportInfo.pOp = pOp;
03352     ImportInfo.pPos = pPos;
03354     if (!PrepareToImport(pFile))
03355     {
03356         // Didn't work (no memory)
03357         CleanUpAfterImport(FALSE);
03358         return FALSE;
03359     }
03361     // Get the right spread...
03362     Spread *pSpread = NULL;
03364     if (pPos == NULL)
03365     {
03366         // Find the spread on the first page of this document...
03367         pSpread = GetFirstSpread(pDestDoc);
03368     }
03369     else
03370     {
03371         // Use the spread provided
03372         pSpread = pPos->pSpread;
03373     }
03375     // Set our class variable to point at this spread
03376     pTheSpread = pSpread;
03378     if (!pSpread)
03379     {
03380         // Didn't work, no spread
03381         // TODO: Add in Error message!
03382         Error::SetError(_R(IDT_CANT_FIND_FILTER));
03383         CleanUpAfterImport(FALSE);
03384         return FALSE;
03385     }
03387     // Remember it
03388     //ImportInfo.pSpread = pSpread;
03390     // Get the spread's bounding rectangle and convert it to spread coords.
03391     DocRect SpreadRect = pSpread->GetPasteboardRect();
03392     pSpread->DocCoordToSpreadCoord(&SpreadRect);
03394     if (pPos == NULL)
03395     {   
03396         // For now, position objects on 1st page of spread 1
03397         Page *pPage = pSpread->FindFirstPageInSpread(); 
03398         ERROR2IF(pPage == NULL,FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Spread has no pages"); 
03400         // Use bottom left of page as origin
03401         DocRect PageRect = pPage->GetPageRect();
03402         SetCoordOrigin(PageRect.lo);
03403     }
03404     else
03405     {
03406         // Use position provided
03407         SetCoordOrigin(pPos->Position);
03408     }
03410     // Try to open the file
03411     // The file is already open when it is passed in
03413     // Find out the size of the file, in bytes.
03414     size_t filesize = pFile->Size();
03415     if (filesize <= 0)
03416     {
03417         Error::SetError(BadFileMsgID);
03418         return FALSE;
03419     }
03421     // Set the progress indicator, this next bit might take a while.
03422     // String_64 ImportMessage(ImportMsgID);
03423     // String_64 ImportMessage = GetImportProgressString(pFile, GetImportMsgID());
03424     // BeginSlowJob(filesize, TRUE, &ImportMessage);
03426     // ContinueSlowJob();
03428     // Start up the record parser
03430     BOOL Ok = TRUE;
03431     // Must set the exception throwing flag to True and force reporting of errors to False.
03432     // This means that the caller must report an error if the function returns False.
03433     // Any calls to CCFile::GotError will now throw a file exception and should fall into
03434     // the catch handler at the end of the function.
03435     // Replaces the goto's that handled this before.
03436     BOOL OldThrowingState = pFile->SetThrowExceptions( TRUE );
03437     BOOL OldReportingState = pFile->SetReportErrors( FALSE );
03439     // Record parser starts here
03441     try
03442     {
03443         // Load that file 
03444         Ok = ReadFile();
03445     }
03446     catch( ... )
03447     {
03448         Ok = FALSE;
03449     }
03451     // Must set the exception throwing and reporting flags back to their entry states
03452     pFile->SetThrowExceptions( OldThrowingState );
03453     pFile->SetReportErrors( OldReportingState );
03455     // If the load failed for any reason, delete the subtree we have created; otherwise
03456     // graft it into the tree (currently bodged to be on the first layer of the second page.
03457     if (!Ok)
03458     {
03459         // Tidy up after ourselves.
03460         CleanUpAfterImport(FALSE);
03462         // Detach document.
03463         TheDocument = NULL;
03465         // If the user has pressed escape then set the proper error
03466         if (EscapePressed)
03467             Error::SetError(_R(IDT_IMPORT_USERABORT),0);
03469         pOp->FailAndExecute();
03471         // All work has been completed.
03472         //EndSlowJob();
03474 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
03475         // Ensure all the bars are updated to reflect the new document
03476         DialogBarOp::UpdateStateOfAllBars();
03477 #endif
03479         return FALSE;
03480     }
03482     // Try to attach any outstanding nodes
03483     //BOOL Success = AttachAllNodes();
03485     // Tidy up after ourselves
03486     CleanUpAfterImport(TRUE);
03488     // Flag this as a new format document
03489     // But only flag it if we are opening the document rather than importing into an exisiting one
03490     if (TheDocument && !TheDocument->IsImporting())
03491     {
03492         TheDocument->SetLoadedAsVersion1File(FALSE);
03494         // allow the font manager to fix the current font
03495         if (!TheDocument->IsAClipboard())
03496             GetApplication()->GetFontManager()->OnDocumentLoaded(TheDocument);
03497     }
03499 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
03500     BOOL UpdateBars = TheDocument ? !TheDocument->IsAClipboard() : TRUE;
03501 #endif
03503     // Detach document.
03504     TheDocument = NULL;
03506     // End job and inform caller of the success or failure of the venture.
03507     //EndSlowJob();
03509 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
03510     // Ensure all the bars are updated to reflect the new document,
03511     // but only if it isn't a clipboard document
03512 PORTNOTE("other","Removed DialogBarOp usage")
03513     if(UpdateBars)
03514         DialogBarOp::UpdateStateOfAllBars();
03515 #endif
03517     return TRUE;
03518 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::EndDocumentExport  )  [protected, virtual]

This function is called after document-related records have been are written out to the file. BeginDocumentExport() is called before the doc records are saved.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
This should be called for each document that is saved out to the file.

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::BeginDocumentExport() Scope: Protected

Reimplemented in CamelotNativeFilter, CamelotWebFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 4911 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04912 {
04913     return TRUE;
04914 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::EndExportDocComponents BOOL  Success  )  [protected, virtual]

Tells all the doc components attached to the document that we have finished exporting the document.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Success - True if everything went swimmingly, False if just a clean up is required. [INPUTS]
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
See also:
PrepareToExport, StartExportDocComponents

Definition at line 3903 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03904 {
03905 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
03906     ERROR2IF(TheDocument == NULL,FALSE,"NULL document ptr");
03908     BOOL ok = TRUE;
03910     // Inform all the document components that we have finished exporting, so they must
03911     // save any pending information now.
03912     DocComponent *pComponent = TheDocument->EnumerateDocComponents(NULL);
03914     // Cannot use the EscapePressed flag as we MUST call everything on exit to clean up!
03915     while (ok && pComponent != NULL)
03916     {
03917         // Inform this document component that we have finished a Native/Web export.
03918         ok = pComponent->EndExport(this, Success);
03920         // Look for next doc component
03921         pComponent = TheDocument->EnumerateDocComponents(pComponent);
03922     }
03924     // Now, go through all DocComponents a second time, telling them to clean up
03925     // their exporting data structures.
03926     if (!ok)
03927         Success = FALSE;
03929     pComponent = TheDocument->EnumerateDocComponents(NULL);
03931     // Cannot use the EscapePressed flag as we MUST call everything on exit to clean up!
03932     while (pComponent != NULL)
03933     {
03934         // Inform this document component that we have finished a Native/Web export.
03935         pComponent->CleanUpAfterExport(Success);
03937         // Look for next doc component
03938         pComponent = TheDocument->EnumerateDocComponents(pComponent);
03939     }
03942     // Set the colour and bitmap components back to null
03943     // This also signals the end of the doc components export
03944     pColComponent   = NULL;
03945     pBmpComponent   = NULL;
03946     pUnitsComponent = NULL;
03947     pInfoComponent  = NULL;
03948     pViewComponent  = NULL;
03949     pPrintComponent = NULL;
03950     pFontComponent  = NULL;
03952     // If the user has pressed escape during export - progress update returns this to us
03953     if (EscapePressed)
03954         return FALSE;
03956     return ok;
03957 #else
03958     return FALSE;
03959 #endif
03960 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::EndImportDocComponents BOOL  success  )  [protected, virtual]

Tells all the doc components attached to the document that we have finished Importing the document.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
success = bool denoting import success [INPUTS]
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
See also:
PrepareToImport, StartImportDocComponents

Definition at line 3214 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03215 {
03216     ERROR2IF(TheDocument == NULL,FALSE,"NULL document ptr");
03218     BOOL ok = TRUE;
03220     // Inform all the document components that we have finished Importing
03221     DocComponent *pComponent = TheDocument->EnumerateDocComponents(NULL);
03223     // Cannot use the EscapeFlag in here as we MUST clean up on failure!
03224     while (ok && pComponent != NULL)
03225     {
03226         // Inform this document component that we have finished a Native/Web Import.
03227         ok = pComponent->EndImport(this,success);
03229         // Look for next doc component
03230         pComponent = TheDocument->EnumerateDocComponents(pComponent);
03231     }
03233     pColComponent   = NULL;
03234     pBmpComponent   = NULL;
03235     pUnitsComponent = NULL;
03236     pInfoComponent  = NULL;
03237     pViewComponent  = NULL;
03238     pPrintComponent = NULL;
03239     pFontComponent  = NULL;
03241     // If the user has pressed escape during export - progress update returns this to us
03242     if (EscapePressed)
03243         return FALSE;
03245     return ok;
03246 }

virtual void BaseCamelotFilter::EndOfFile  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 309 of file camfiltr.h.

00309 { EndOfFileFlag = TRUE; }

void BaseCamelotFilter::EndProgressBar  )  [protected, virtual]

If a progress bar already exists, it's deleted.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 2079 of file camfiltr.cpp.

02080 {
02081     // Check to see if we need to delete the old one
02082     if (pProgress != NULL)
02083     {
02084         TRACE( _T("Stopping progress bar\n"));
02085         delete pProgress;
02086         pProgress = NULL;
02087     }
02088 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::EndRecord  ) 

Definition at line 5593 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05594 {
05595     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05596         return pCXaraFile->EndRecord();
05598     return FALSE;
05599 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::EndStreamedRecord  ) 

Definition at line 5601 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05602 {
05603     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05604     {
05605         // Ask the CXaraFile class to end that record for us
05606         // Get the function to tell us how big it thinks the record is
05607         // This is the size of the data i.e. does not include the header
05608         UINT32 RecordSize = 0L;
05609         BOOL ok = pCXaraFile->EndStreamedRecord(&RecordSize);
05610         // Update the progress bar count with this amount plus 8 for the header
05611         //IncProgressBarCount(RecordSize + 8);
05612 //TRACEUSER( "Neville", _T("EndStreamedRecord update progress by %d\n"),RecordSize + 8);
05613         return ok;
05614     }
05616     return FALSE;
05617 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::EnsureFrameLayerIntegrity Spread pSpread  )  [protected, virtual]

Happens at the end of the import to allow the layers to be cleaned up. Mainly used by Webster so that we can ensure that frame layers are the order of the day. Do now as the layers are stable and have all their flags present. We cannot decide when we get the layer record as we would need to wait until we have the layer details record. Then this would not be the complete information until we have seen or not seen as the case may be the frame properties record.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pSpread - the spread to check the layers on. [INPUTS]

Definition at line 2859 of file camfiltr.cpp.

02860 {
02861     // In Webster, check that we have only frame layers or if not combine all non-frame
02862     // layers onto one frame layer.
02863     // In Camelot do not do this
02864     // In both ensure that we have an active layer
02865 //#ifdef WEBSTER
02866     // Check if we are in a hidden document. This may be the print marks document.
02867     // In this case we should do nothing.
02868     // Unfortunately the hidden flag is not set in the print marks case which is the one
02869     // we are trying to stop. Instead, print marks have been disabled in Webster builds.
02870     if (TheDocument != NULL && !TheDocument->IsAHiddenDoc())
02871     {
02872         // Ensure that all other non-guide and non-background layers are frame layers
02873         UINT32 NonFrameLayersFound = 0;
02874         Layer* pCurrentLayer = NULL;
02875         Layer * pActiveLayer = NULL;
02876         // Search from the first imported layer, so that we only ever combine newly imported
02877         // layers together. Only do when importing.
02878         // Also, find the first active layer in the spread which should be our original active
02879         // layer.
02880         if (m_pFirstImportedLayer == NULL && !IsImporting())
02881             pCurrentLayer = pSpread->FindFirstLayer();
02882         else
02883         {
02884             // Account for minimal web files which do not have a layer and so import onto the
02885             // layer that is constructed for that purpose i.e. pImportLayer
02886             Layer * pActualFirstImportedLayer = m_pFirstImportedLayer;
02887             if (m_pFirstImportedLayer == NULL && pImportLayer != NULL)
02888                 pActualFirstImportedLayer = pImportLayer;
02889             ERROR3IF(pActualFirstImportedLayer == NULL,"BaseCamelotFilter::EnsureFrameLayerIntegrity No first imported layer!");
02891             pCurrentLayer = pActualFirstImportedLayer;
02892             // Check that the other layers in the document before this are all frame layers
02893             // At present, just mark them as frames as there should always be just one possible
02894             // non-frame layer present. (From the default doc which is not in the new format)
02895             Layer* pLayer = pSpread->FindFirstLayer();
02896             BOOL Finished = FALSE;
02897             while (pLayer != NULL && !Finished)
02898             {
02899                 // Only search up to the first imported layer
02900                 if (pLayer == pActualFirstImportedLayer)
02901                 {
02902                     Finished = TRUE;
02903                 }
02904                 else if (pLayer->IsPseudoFrame() && !pLayer->IsFrame())
02905                 {
02906                     pLayer->SetFrame(TRUE);
02907                     NonFrameLayersFound++;
02908                 }
02910                 // Note the original active layer, if found 
02911                 if (!Finished && pLayer == m_pActiveLayerBeforeImport) // pLayer->IsPseudoFrame() && pLayer->IsActive())
02912                 {
02913                     pActiveLayer = pLayer;
02914                 }
02916                 pLayer = pLayer->FindNextLayer();
02917             }
02919             if (NonFrameLayersFound > 0)
02920             {
02921                 TRACEUSER( "Neville", _T("++++++++++BaseCamelotFilter::EnsureFrameLayerIntegrity fixed %d original non-frame layers\n"),NonFrameLayersFound);
02923             }
02924         }
02926         NonFrameLayersFound = 0;
02927         Layer* pNonFrameLayer = NULL; 
02928         const String_32 CustomMarkName(TEXT("_%CUSTOMMA")); // REM 10 long only
02929         const String_32 PrintMarkName(TEXT("%PRINTMARK"));  // REM 10 long only
02930         while (pCurrentLayer != NULL)
02931         {
02932             // Check if we are one of the uniquely named layers in the print marks document
02933             String_256 LayerName = pCurrentLayer->GetLayerID();
02934             String_32 StartOfName;
02935             LayerName.Left(&StartOfName, 10);  
02937             // The layer has to pass a lot of tests to be counted!
02938             // Added a visible test so that hidden layers are not included
02939             // If it was a frame layer then it could be invisible but as we don't allow frame layers
02940             // then this ok.
02941             if (pCurrentLayer->IsPseudoFrame() && !pCurrentLayer->IsFrame() && pCurrentLayer->IsVisible() &&
02942                 StartOfName != CustomMarkName && StartOfName != PrintMarkName)
02943             {
02944                 // Note that we have found a non-frame layer.
02945                 if (pNonFrameLayer == NULL)
02946                     pNonFrameLayer = pCurrentLayer;
02947                 NonFrameLayersFound++;
02948             }
02950             pCurrentLayer = pCurrentLayer->FindNextLayer();
02951         }
02953         /* if (NonFrameLayersFound == 1 && pNonFrameLayer != NULL)
02954         {
02955             TRACEUSER( "Neville", _T("++++++++++BaseCamelotFilter::EnsureFrameLayerIntegrity found %d non-frame layers\n"),NonFrameLayersFound);
02956             // Just mark the non-frame layer found in the above search as a frame layer.
02957             // We need do nothing else but fall through and fix up the active layer
02958             pNonFrameLayer->SetFrame(TRUE);
02959         }
02960         else */
02961         if (NonFrameLayersFound >= 1 && pNonFrameLayer != NULL)
02962         {
02963             TRACEUSER("Neville", _T("++++++++++BaseCamelotFilter::EnsureFrameLayerIntegrity found %d non-frame layers\n"),NonFrameLayersFound);
02964             // Right, we need to move all the nodes from the all non-frame layers and move them
02965             // to one of the non-frame layers and make this one a frame layer. The user should
02966             // therefore notice no difference in appearance of the document as they would have
02967             // been seeing one frame representing all the non-frame layers in the frame gallery.
02969             // If we are importing then use the active layer as the destination for all non-frame layers.
02970             BOOL UsingExistingLayer = FALSE;
02971             if (IsImporting() && ImportNonFramesOntoActivelayer)
02972             {
02973                 // If we found an active layer then use this for importing all the non-frames onto
02974                 // if the user has the preference set
02975                 // if (pActiveLayer) This is not always perfect e.g. first import of a web file
02976                 // so use the version we save in PrepareToImport and have checked is still present above
02977                 // i.e. m_pActiveLayerBeforeImport
02978                 if (pActiveLayer)
02979                 {
02980                     pNonFrameLayer = pActiveLayer;
02981                     UsingExistingLayer = TRUE;
02982                 }
02983             }
02985             if (!UsingExistingLayer)
02986             {
02987                 // First, mark the non-frame layer found in the above search as a frame layer as this
02988                 // is the one that we are going to use as out destination. Then all other non-frame
02989                 // searches will not find it. Also, mark it as edited.
02990                 pNonFrameLayer->SetFrame(TRUE);
02991                 pNonFrameLayer->SetEdited(TRUE);
02993                 // We will also set the new frames to overlay so that the user sees the old plus the new
02994                 pNonFrameLayer->SetOverlay(TRUE);
02995             }
02997             // Start a progress bar
02998             Progress CombiningProgress(_R(IDS_COMBINING_LAYERS));
02999             CombiningProgress.Update();
03001             BOOL ok = TRUE;
03002             BOOL UpdateSelection = FALSE;
03003             BOOL MoveWithUndo = (IsImporting() && (ImportInfo.pOp != NULL));
03004             Layer* pLayer = pSpread->FindFirstLayer();
03005             while (pLayer != NULL)
03006             {
03007                 if (pLayer->IsPseudoFrame() && !pLayer->IsFrame() && ok)
03008                 {
03009                     Node * pNode = NULL;
03010                     // Move all the top level nodes to the new layer
03011                     // We MUST include hidden nodes as these will be in undo records
03012                     // Added a visible test so that hidden layers are not included but are just deleted
03013                     // If it was a frame layer then it could be invisible but as we don't allow frame layers
03014                     // then this ok.
03015                     if (pLayer->IsVisible())
03016                         pNode = pLayer->FindFirstChild();
03018                     while (pNode && ok)
03019                     {
03020                         // Note the node to move
03021                         Node* pNodeToMove = pNode;
03022                         // and the next node in the tree
03023                         pNode = pNode->FindNext();
03024                         // Note if we have moved at least one selected node
03025                         UpdateSelection |= pNodeToMove->IsSelected();
03027                         // Find the insertion point, which will be after the last child but
03028                         // BEFORE the insertion node, if present.
03029                         Node * pInsertPoint = pNonFrameLayer->FindLastChild(TRUE);
03030                         // If we have an undoable op then move the node with undo
03031                         if (MoveWithUndo)
03032                         {
03033                             // Importing, so use the undoable op to do the work for us
03034                             if (pInsertPoint)
03035                                 ok = ok && ImportInfo.pOp->DoMoveNode(pNodeToMove, pInsertPoint, NEXT);
03036                             else
03037                                 ok = ok && ImportInfo.pOp->DoMoveNode(pNodeToMove, pNonFrameLayer, LASTCHILD);
03038                         }
03039                         else
03040                         {
03041                             // Loading, so  do it blatently
03042                             if (pInsertPoint)
03043                                 pNodeToMove->MoveNode(pInsertPoint, NEXT);
03044                             else
03045                                 pNodeToMove->MoveNode(pNonFrameLayer, LASTCHILD);
03046                         }
03048                         // Update the progress display to show we have done something
03049                         CombiningProgress.Update();
03050                     }
03052                     // Finally, go and hide that layer
03053                     Layer * pLayerToHide = pLayer;
03054                     // First, invalidate the bounding rect
03055                     pLayerToHide->InvalidateBoundingRect();
03056                     // note the next layer
03057                     pLayer = pLayer->FindNextLayer();
03058                     // and hide the layer itself.
03059                     // This will do it undoably if importing, otherwise blatently
03060                     DeleteNode(pLayerToHide);
03061                     /* // Have to do this ourselves as we are not undoable
03062                     pLayerToHide->CascadeDelete();
03063                     delete pLayerToHide; */
03064                     pLayerToHide = NULL;
03065                 }
03066                 else
03067                     pLayer = pLayer->FindNextLayer();
03069                 // Update the progress display to show we have done something
03070                 CombiningProgress.Update();
03071             }
03073             // Make sure that our new frame layer is up to date
03074             pNonFrameLayer->InvalidateBoundingRect();
03076             //pSpread->ValidateBoundingRect();
03077             //pSpread->InvalidateBoundingRect(TRUE);
03079             // If we have changed a selected node then update the selection
03080             if (UpdateSelection)
03081             {
03082                 // Update the selection range 
03083                 Camelot.UpdateSelection();
03084             }
03086             // Update the progress display to show we have done something
03087             CombiningProgress.Update();
03089             // Finally, select the new frame layer as active and fix the other layers
03090             // and their visibility accordingly
03091             // Use an undoable op, if available
03092 //          UndoableOperation * pUndoOp = NULL;
03093             /* if (IsImporting() && (ImportInfo.pOp != NULL))
03094                 pUndoOp = ImportInfo.pOp; */
03095 PORTNOTE("other","Removed FrameSGallery usage")
03097             FrameSGallery::MakeActiveLayer(pNonFrameLayer, pUndoOp);
03098 #endif
03100             // We do this afterwards in the caller
03101             /*  // We need to update the display as one or more layer items have changed status
03102             // So tell ourselves about the change. (We are static and so cannot do it directly!)
03103             BROADCAST_TO_ALL(SpreadMsg(pSpread, SpreadMsg::SpreadReason::LAYERCHANGES)); */
03105             // We don't want to repeat the code below so return now as everything
03106             // should be set up ok
03107             return TRUE;
03108         }
03109     }
03110 //#endif // WEBSTER
03112     // In Webster, always pick the top layer to be the active layer.
03113     // Used to do this in EnsureActiveLayerIntegrity but now that we have frames/layers
03114     // in Webster we cannot be this blatent. So do what we want here.
03115     // Only pick the last layer to be active if there is no frame layer in the doc. If there
03116     // is a frame layer present then use the active layer saved in the document.
03117     // Use an undoable op, if available
03118 //  UndoableOperation * pUndoOp = NULL;
03119     /* if (IsImporting() && (ImportInfo.pOp != NULL))
03120         pUndoOp = ImportInfo.pOp; */
03121     // Find out if there is a frame layer or not
03122     Layer * pFrameLayer = pSpread->FindLastFrameLayer();
03123     if (pFrameLayer != NULL)
03124     {
03125         // Frame layer present so just ensure that the active layer is selected
03126         // and there is only one of them.
03127         // If we have just imported something then there will be an active layer in this but it
03128         // will be after the active layer that was present BEFORE the import. Therefore, the original
03129         // active layer will be retained and so the user wont see anything.
03130         // Search from the last frame layer backwards until we find an active layer and then choose
03131         // this as the new active layer
03132         Layer * pActiveFrameLayer = NULL;
03133         while (pFrameLayer != NULL && pActiveFrameLayer == NULL)
03134         {
03135             if (pFrameLayer->IsActive())
03136                 pActiveFrameLayer = pFrameLayer;
03138             pFrameLayer = pFrameLayer->FindPrevFrameLayer();
03139         }
03140         // Try and switch to this new one
03141 PORTNOTE("other","Removed FrameSGallery usage")
03143         if (pActiveFrameLayer != NULL)
03144             FrameSGallery::MakeActiveLayer(pActiveFrameLayer, pUndoOp);
03145         else
03146             LayerSGallery::EnsureActiveLayerIntegrity(pSpread);
03147 #endif
03148     }
03149     else
03150     {
03151         // No frame layers so make the active layer the last layer in the spread
03152         // This should never be called now as the non-frame layer fixing code should
03153         // have been invoked, leave it in for safeties sake.
03154 PORTNOTE("other","Removed LayerSGallery usage")
03155 //      LayerSGallery::MakeTopLayerActive(pSpread);
03156     }
03158     return TRUE;
03159 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::EnsureLayerIntegrity Spread pSpread  )  [protected, virtual]

Happens at the end of the import to allow the layers to be cleaned up. Mainly used by Camelot so that we can see whether we are using a framed document or a layered document. We must check that:-

  • If the document has frame layers in then we must convert all new layers into frames
  • If the document has no frame layers in, then we must convert all frames into layers.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pSpread - the spread to check the layers on. [INPUTS]
Do now as the layers are stable and have all their flags present. We cannot decide when we get the layer record as we would need to wait until we have the layer details record. Then this would not be the complete information until we have seen or not seen as the case may be the frame properties record.

Definition at line 2684 of file camfiltr.cpp.

02685 {
02686     // Search existing layers, if frame layer in there then must convert all new layers into
02687     // frames. Could use existing code below
02688     // If frame layer not there then just make sure that all new layers are not frames
02689     if (IsImporting())
02690     {
02691         // Check if we are in a hidden document. This may be the print marks document.
02692         // In this case we should do nothing.
02693         // Unfortunately the hidden flag is not set in the print marks case which is the one
02694         // we are trying to stop. Instead, print marks have been disabled in Webster builds.
02695         if (TheDocument != NULL && !TheDocument->IsAHiddenDoc())
02696         {
02697             // Ensure that all other non-guide and non-background layers are frame layers
02698             UINT32 OriginalNonFrameLayersFound = 0;
02699             UINT32 OriginalFrameLayersFound = 0;
02700             Layer* pCurrentLayer = NULL;
02701             Layer * pActiveLayer = NULL;
02702             // Search from the first imported layer, so that we only ever combine newly imported
02703             // layers together. Only do when importing.
02704             // Also, find the first active layer in the spread which should be our original active
02705             // layer.
02706             if (m_pFirstImportedLayer == NULL && !IsImporting())
02707                 pCurrentLayer = pSpread->FindFirstLayer();
02708             else
02709             {
02710                 // Account for minimal web files which do not have a layer and so import onto the
02711                 // layer that is constructed for that purpose i.e. pImportLayer
02712                 Layer * pActualFirstImportedLayer = m_pFirstImportedLayer;
02713                 if (m_pFirstImportedLayer == NULL && pImportLayer != NULL)
02714                     pActualFirstImportedLayer = pImportLayer;
02715                 ERROR3IF(pActualFirstImportedLayer == NULL,"BaseCamelotFilter::EnsureLayerIntegrity No first imported layer!");
02717                 pCurrentLayer = pActualFirstImportedLayer;
02718                 // Check that the other layers in the document before this are all frame layers
02719                 // At present, just mark them as frames as there should always be just one possible
02720                 // non-frame layer present. (From the default doc which is not in the new format)
02721                 Layer* pLayer = pSpread->FindFirstLayer();
02722                 BOOL Finished = FALSE;
02723                 while (pLayer != NULL && !Finished)
02724                 {
02725                     // Only search up to the first imported layer
02726                     if (pLayer == pActualFirstImportedLayer)
02727                     {
02728                         Finished = TRUE;
02729                     }
02730                     else if (pLayer->IsPseudoFrame())
02731                     {
02732                         if (pLayer->IsFrame())
02733                         {
02734                             OriginalFrameLayersFound++;
02735                         }
02736                         else
02737                         {
02738                             OriginalNonFrameLayersFound++;
02739                         }
02740                     }
02742                     // Note the original active layer, if found 
02743                     if (!Finished && pLayer == m_pActiveLayerBeforeImport) // pLayer->IsPseudoFrame() && pLayer->IsActive())
02744                     {
02745                         pActiveLayer = pLayer;
02746                     }
02748                     pLayer = pLayer->FindNextLayer();
02749                 }
02751                 if (OriginalNonFrameLayersFound > 0 || OriginalFrameLayersFound > 0)
02752                 {
02753                     TRACEUSER( "Neville", _T("++++++++++BaseCamelotFilter::EnsureLayerIntegrity %d original frames and %d layers\n"), OriginalFrameLayersFound,OriginalNonFrameLayersFound);
02755                 }
02756             }
02758             // Search through all the new layers to see potential frame ones are frames and which
02759             // are layers.
02760             UINT32 NonFrameLayersFound = 0;
02761             UINT32 FrameLayersFound = 0;
02762             Layer* pNonFrameLayer = NULL; 
02763             const String_32 CustomMarkName(TEXT("_%CUSTOMMA")); // REM 10 long only
02764             const String_32 PrintMarkName(TEXT("%PRINTMARK"));  // REM 10 long only
02765             while (pCurrentLayer != NULL)
02766             {
02767                 // Check if we are one of the uniquely named layers in the print marks document
02768                 String_256 LayerName = pCurrentLayer->GetLayerID();
02769                 String_32 StartOfName;
02770                 LayerName.Left(&StartOfName, 10);  
02772                 // The layer has to pass a lot of tests to be counted!
02773                 if (pCurrentLayer->IsPseudoFrame() &&
02774                     StartOfName != CustomMarkName && StartOfName != PrintMarkName)
02775                 {
02776                     if (pCurrentLayer->IsFrame())
02777                     {
02778                         FrameLayersFound++;
02779                     }
02780                     else
02781                     {
02782                         // Note that we have found a non-frame layer.
02783                         if (pNonFrameLayer == NULL)
02784                             pNonFrameLayer = pCurrentLayer;
02785                         NonFrameLayersFound++;
02786                     }
02787                 }
02789                 pCurrentLayer = pCurrentLayer->FindNextLayer();
02790             }
02792             if (NonFrameLayersFound > 0 || FrameLayersFound > 0)
02793             {
02794                 TRACEUSER("Neville", _T("++++++++++BaseCamelotFilter::EnsureLayerIntegrity %d new frames and %d layers\n"),FrameLayersFound,NonFrameLayersFound);
02796             }
02798             // Decision time, now that we have decided what layers/frames we had before the import
02799             // and what layers/frames have been loaded
02800             if (OriginalFrameLayersFound > 0)
02801             {
02802                 // We had frames so ensure that we do not have layers in the new document
02803                 // Use the Webster code to strip all extraneous layers into one new frame
02804                 BaseCamelotFilter::EnsureFrameLayerIntegrity(pSpread);
02806                 // This will ensure that there is an active frame layer so we needn't
02807             }
02808             else
02809             {
02810                 // We had layers so ensure that there are no frames in the new document
02811                 Layer* pLayer = pSpread->FindFirstLayer();
02812                 BOOL Finished = FALSE;
02813                 while (pLayer != NULL && !Finished)
02814                 {
02815                     // Ensure ALL layers are not frames
02816                     pLayer->SetFrame(FALSE);
02817                     // Get next one
02818                     pLayer = pLayer->FindNextLayer();
02819                 }               
02821 PORTNOTE("other","Removed LayerSGallery usage")
02822                 // Not importing so just ensure that there is one active layer in the document.
02824                 LayerSGallery::EnsureActiveLayerIntegrity(pSpread);
02825 #endif
02826             }
02827         }       
02828     }
02829     else
02830     {
02831 PORTNOTE("other","Removed LayerSGallery usage")
02832         // Not importing so just ensure that there is one active layer in the document.
02834         LayerSGallery::EnsureActiveLayerIntegrity(pSpread);
02835 #endif
02836     }
02838     return TRUE;
02839 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::ExportHTMLTag PathName ppthToUse  )  [virtual]

Exports an HTML tag to the clipboard that can be used in a page of HTML to embed the file that is being exported.

Graham_Walmsley (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 7617 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07618 {
07619     PORTNOTETRACE("other","BaseCamelotFilter::ExportHTMLTag - do nothing");
07621     //Check our parameter
07622     if (ppthToUse==NULL)
07623     {
07624         ERROR2RAW("BaseCamelotFilter::ExportHTMLTag - NULL parameter");
07625         return;
07626     }
07628     //First get the name of the file we are exporting to
07629     String_256 strFileName=ppthToUse->GetFileName(TRUE);
07631     //Now we need to get the width and height of the document we are exporting,
07632     //scaled by 96 DPI
07634     //So first find out what are we are exporting
07635     SelectionType stExportArea=GetSelType();
07637     //And get the DocRect enclosing that area, using this useful static function
07638     DocRect rectExportArea=ImagemapFilterOptions::GetSizeOfExportArea(stExportArea);
07640     //Scale it to 96 DPI
07641     WinRect wrectExportArea = OSRenderRegion::BitmapDocRectToWin(Matrix(), rectExportArea, 96);
07643     //Now, put all these values into our formatting string
07644     String_256          strTag;
07645     strTag.MakeMsg( _R(IDS_WEBFILTER_HTMLTAG), &strFileName, wrectExportArea.GetWidth(), 
07646         wrectExportArea.GetHeight() );
07648     //And put that string on the clipboard
07649     InternalClipboard::CopyText(strTag);
07650 #endif
07651 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::ExportPreviewBitmap CCLexFile pFile,
Operation pOp,
PathName pPath,
Document pDoc
[protected, virtual]

Exports a preview bitmap into the file in the correct format.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pFile - the file to put the exported data into [INPUTS] pOp - the operation that started the export off pPath - the pathname of the file being exported pDoc - the document to export
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
See also:

Definition at line 3979 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03981 {
03982 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
03983     ERROR2IF(pOp == NULL, FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::ExportPreviewBitmap no export operation");
03984     ERROR2IF(pFile == NULL, FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::ExportPreviewBitmap no file to export to");
03985     ERROR2IF(pPath == NULL, FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::ExportPreviewBitmap no PathName to export to");
03986     ERROR2IF(pDoc == NULL, FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::ExportPreviewBitmap no document to export");
03988     // Do we want a Preview Bitmap while we are here?
03989     // We should always want it in native files
03990     // In Web files we will only want them if the user requests them
03991     BOOL WantPreviewBmp = GetPreviewBitmapExport(); //TRUE;
03992     //if (IsWebFilter() && !PreviewBitmapExport)
03993     //  WantPreviewBmp = FALSE; 
03995     if (WantPreviewBmp)
03996     {
03997         // Go and find the correct Preview Bitmap Exporter
03998         UINT32 SearchFilter = FILTERID_PREVIEW_GIF;
03999         UINT32 Tag = TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_GIF;
04001         // Use the preference to work out which filter we require
04002         switch (PreviewBitmapFilterType)
04003         {
04004             case 0:
04005                 SearchFilter = FILTERID_PREVIEW_BMP;
04006                 Tag = TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_BMP;
04007                 break;
04008             case 1:
04009                 SearchFilter = FILTERID_PREVIEW_GIF;
04010                 Tag = TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_GIF;
04011                 break;
04012             case 2:
04013                 SearchFilter = FILTERID_PREVIEW_JPEG;
04014                 Tag = TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_JPEG;
04015                 // Force the Accusoft filters to use a 75% compression by default
04016                 //WEBSTER-Martin-02/01/97
04017                 //AccusoftFilters::SetExportCompressionQuality(75);
04018                 break;
04019             case 3:
04020                 SearchFilter = FILTERID_PREVIEW_PNG;
04021                 Tag = TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_PNG;
04022                 break;
04023             case 4:
04024                 SearchFilter = FILTERID_PREVIEW_TIFF;
04025                 Tag = TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_TIFFLZW;
04026                 break;
04027         }
04029         Filter* pFilter = NULL;
04030         pFilter = Filter::GetFirst();
04031         while ((pFilter != NULL) && (pFilter->FilterID != SearchFilter))
04032         {
04033             // Try the next filter
04034             pFilter = Filter::GetNext(pFilter);
04035         }
04037         // Make sure that we found the preview bitmap filter
04038         if ((pFilter != NULL) && (pFilter->IS_KIND_OF(BaseBitmapFilter)))
04039         {
04040             BitmapFillAttribute::m_doBitmapSmoothing = FALSE;           // we don't want bitmaps to be smoothed for previews
04041             BitmapTranspFillAttribute::m_doBitmapSmoothing = FALSE;     // we don't want bitmaps to be smoothed for previews
04043             // Get the system to start us a streamed preview bitmap record ready
04044             // to take the bitmap data
04045             INT32 RecordNumber =    StartStreamedRecord(Tag, CXF_UNKNOWN_SIZE);
04046             // If we had a problem starting the record up then exit now
04047             if (RecordNumber <= 0)
04048             {
04049                 BitmapFillAttribute::m_doBitmapSmoothing = TRUE;            // turn bitmap smoothing back on for normal rendering/printing
04050                 BitmapTranspFillAttribute::m_doBitmapSmoothing = TRUE;      // turn bitmap smoothing back on for normal rendering/printing
04051                 return TRUE;
04052             }
04054             // As we are the Native (or Web) file Exporter, then we want to force
04055             // the Preview to a fixed size
04056             //WEBSTER-Martin-10/01/97
04057             INT32 OldPreviewSize = PreviewFilter::PreviewBitmapSize;
04058             // Set the Preview to be just over an inch accross
04059             PreviewFilter::PreviewBitmapSize = 96000;
04061             // Get as Bitmap Filter and set it up
04062             BaseBitmapFilter* pBitmapFilter = (BaseBitmapFilter*) pFilter;
04063             pBitmapFilter->SetPreviewBitmap(TRUE);
04065             // Export the Preview to the file
04066             BOOL ok = pFilter->DoExport(pOp, pFile, pPath, TheDocument);
04067             // If the Preview bitmap failed to export then we still need to clean up
04069             // Set it back
04070             pBitmapFilter->SetPreviewBitmap(FALSE);
04071             // Set the Preview back to its default setting
04072             //WEBSTER-Martin-10/01/97
04073             PreviewFilter::PreviewBitmapSize = OldPreviewSize;
04075             // Ask for the record to be ended and hence items like the size in the record header
04076             // to be cleaned up and hence made correct
04077             if (ok) ok = EndStreamedRecord();
04079             BitmapFillAttribute::m_doBitmapSmoothing = TRUE;            // turn bitmap smoothing back on for normal rendering/printing
04080             BitmapTranspFillAttribute::m_doBitmapSmoothing = TRUE;      // turn bitmap smoothing back on for normal rendering/printing
04082             return ok;
04083         }
04085         BitmapFillAttribute::m_doBitmapSmoothing = TRUE;            // turn bitmap smoothing back on for normal rendering/printing
04086         BitmapTranspFillAttribute::m_doBitmapSmoothing = TRUE;      // turn bitmap smoothing back on for normal rendering/printing
04087     }
04089     return TRUE;
04090 #else
04091     return FALSE;
04092 #endif
04093 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::FindDocComponents  )  [protected, virtual]

Finds ptrs to all the doc components the filter is interested in. If it can't find all of them, FALSE will be returned.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
Notes: This is import as well as export

See also:
PrepareToExport, EndExportDocComponents

Definition at line 3791 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03792 {
03793     // Inform all the document components that we are about to export
03794     DocComponent *pComponent = TheDocument->EnumerateDocComponents(NULL);
03796     while (pComponent != NULL)
03797     {
03798         if (pComponent->IS_KIND_OF(ColourListComponent))
03799             pColComponent = (ColourListComponent*)pComponent;
03800         else if (pComponent->IS_KIND_OF(BitmapListComponent))
03801             pBmpComponent = (BitmapListComponent*)pComponent;
03802         else if (pComponent->IS_KIND_OF(UnitListComponent))
03803             pUnitsComponent = (UnitListComponent*)pComponent;
03804         else if (pComponent->IS_KIND_OF(DocInfoComponent))
03805             pInfoComponent = (DocInfoComponent*)pComponent;
03806         else if (pComponent->IS_KIND_OF(ViewComponent))
03807             pViewComponent = (ViewComponent*)pComponent;
03808 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
03809         else if (pComponent->IS_KIND_OF(PrintComponent))
03810             pPrintComponent = (PrintComponent*)pComponent;
03811 #endif
03812         else if (pComponent->IS_KIND_OF(FontComponent))
03813             pFontComponent = (FontComponent*)pComponent;
03815         // Look for next doc component
03816         pComponent = TheDocument->EnumerateDocComponents(pComponent);
03817     }
03819     if (    pColComponent   == NULL ||
03820             pBmpComponent   == NULL ||
03821             pUnitsComponent == NULL ||
03822             pInfoComponent  == NULL ||
03823             pViewComponent  == NULL ||
03824             pPrintComponent == NULL ||
03825             pFontComponent  == NULL)
03826     {
03827         ERROR3("Unable to find ptrs to all the objects required for import/export");
03828         return FALSE;
03829     }
03831     return TRUE;
03832 }

NodeGroup * BaseCamelotFilter::FindGroupForThisNode Node pNode  )  [virtual]

Finds the group associated with the node.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = ptr to a node [INPUTS]
ptr to a group that's associated with the node NULL is returned if the group could not be found
WEBSTER - markn 29/1/97 Part of the general form of the system used to convert text to outlines in v1.5

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Reimplemented in CamelotNULLNativeFilter, and CamelotNULLWebFilter.

Definition at line 7581 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07582 {
07583     ERROR3IF(pNode == NULL,"Null pNode entry param");
07585     if (pNode != NULL)
07586     {
07587         if (pNodeGroupRefList != NULL)
07588         {
07589             CXaraFileNodeGroupRefListItem* pItem = pNodeGroupRefList->GetHead();
07590             while (pItem != NULL)
07591             {
07592                 if (pItem->GetNode() == pNode)
07593                     return pItem->GetNodeGroup();
07595                 pItem = pNodeGroupRefList->GetNext(pItem);
07596             }
07597         }
07598     }
07600     return NULL;
07601 }

NodePath * BaseCamelotFilter::FindPathRecordRefPath UINT32  RecordNumber  )  [virtual]

Finds the path for the given record number.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
RecordNumber = the record number of the record that holds this path [INPUTS]
pNodePath = ptr to a node path object NULL is returned if path could not be found
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 7214 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07215 {
07216     ERROR3IF(RecordNumber == 0,"Zero entry record number");
07218     if (RecordNumber != 0)
07219     {
07220         if (pPathRecordRefList != NULL)
07221         {
07222             CXaraFilePathRecordRefListItem* pItem = pPathRecordRefList->GetHead();
07223             while (pItem != NULL)
07224             {
07225                 if (pItem->GetRecordNumber() == RecordNumber)
07226                     return pItem->GetNodePath();
07228                 pItem = pPathRecordRefList->GetNext(pItem);
07229             }
07230         }
07231     }
07233     return NULL;
07234 }

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::FindPathRecordRefRecordNumber NodePath pNodePath  )  [virtual]

Finds the record number for the given path.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNodePath = ptr to a node path object [INPUTS]
RecordNumber = the record number of the record that holds this path 0 is returned if path could not be found
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 7175 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07176 {
07177     ERROR3IF(pNodePath == NULL,"Null entry param");
07179     if (pNodePath != NULL)
07180     {
07181         if (pPathRecordRefList != NULL)
07182         {
07183             CXaraFilePathRecordRefListItem* pItem = pPathRecordRefList->GetHead();
07184             while (pItem != NULL)
07185             {
07186                 if (pItem->GetNodePath() == pNodePath)
07187                     return pItem->GetRecordNumber();
07189                 pItem = pPathRecordRefList->GetNext(pItem);
07190             }
07191         }
07192     }
07194     return 0;
07195 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::FindSimilarPath NodePath pNodePath,
UINT32 pOtherPathRecNum,
Matrix pTransform

Finds a similar path to the one provided that has previously been output to the file.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNodePath = ptr to path to match [INPUTS] pOtherPathRecNum= ptr to place the record number of a similar path, if one's found pTransform = ptr to place transformation matrix
It scans the list of previously outputted paths

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 7256 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07257 {
07258     ERROR2IF(pNodePath == NULL,FALSE,"NULL src path ptr");
07259     ERROR2IF(pOtherPathRecNum == NULL,FALSE,"NULL other rec num ptr");
07260     ERROR2IF(pTransform == NULL,FALSE,"NULL matrix ptr");
07262     BOOL Found = FALSE;
07263     INT32 PathCount = GetMaxPathLookUp();
07265     if (pPathRecordRefList != NULL)
07266     {
07267         CXaraFilePathRecordRefListItem* pItem = pPathRecordRefList->GetTail();
07268         while (pItem != NULL && !Found && PathCount != 0)
07269         {
07270             PathCount--;
07272             NodePath* pOtherNodePath = pItem->GetNodePath();
07274             if (pOtherNodePath != NULL)
07275             {
07276                 // Is the given path the similar to the other path?
07277                 // First, do a fast check - if the num coords is different, then forget it.
07278                 if (pNodePath->InkPath.GetNumCoords() == pOtherNodePath->InkPath.GetNumCoords())
07279                 {
07280                     // We need the coord origin
07281                     DocCoord Origin = GetCoordOrigin();
07283                     // Translate the two paths by the coord origin.
07284                     // This turns the path coords into the form in which they appear in the file
07285                     //
07286                     // Remember, all absolute coords of objects (such as path coords) get translated before
07287                     // being output to the file, so that the coord's origin is at the page origin, rather
07288                     // than the spread origin.  This allows us to import the same file into a different doc
07289                     // and still position objects that are the same relative distance from the new page origin
07290                     //
07291                     // The following translation turns the path's coord values into the exact values that
07292                     // appear in the file.  This is important if IsIsometric() creates a transform for us
07293                     // to use.  The transform has to be valid for the path that ends up in the file, and not
07294                     // the one in the document, because that is the path that's going to be read during import.
07296                     {
07297                         Matrix          TranslateMat(-Origin.x,-Origin.y);
07298                         Trans2DMatrix   Trans(TranslateMat);
07299                         pNodePath->Transform(Trans);
07300                         pOtherNodePath->Transform(Trans);
07301                     }
07303                     // Now, can the path be described using the other path and a transform?
07304                     Found = pOtherNodePath->InkPath.IsIsometric(pNodePath->InkPath,pTransform,GetSimilarPathTolerance(pNodePath));
07305                     if (Found)
07306                     {
07307                         // If so, make a note of the record number which contains the source path data
07308                         *pOtherPathRecNum = pItem->GetRecordNumber();
07309                     }
07311                     // Translate the paths back to the original position
07312                     {
07313                         Matrix          TranslateMat(Origin.x,Origin.y);
07314                         Trans2DMatrix   Trans(TranslateMat);
07315                         pNodePath->Transform(Trans);
07316                         pOtherNodePath->Transform(Trans);
07317                     }
07318                 }
07319             }
07321             pItem = pPathRecordRefList->GetPrev(pItem);
07322         }
07323     }
07325     return Found;
07326 }

INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::GetBitmapCompression  )  [virtual]

Public access to the current bitmap compression which the user has requested to use when saving bitmaps in the web format. 0 means maximum compression e.g. use JPEG filter at 0% lossy compression 100 means minimum compression e.g. use JPEG filter at 100% lossy compression 101 - 200 means lossless compression e.g. us PNG filter. Could use the no bitmap compression at all e.g. use BMP filter. Unused at present. (Very much like the JPEG compression percentage). Note: Virtual so that can be overriden in native filter to save in the proper native state.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The current state of the bitmap compression.

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter, CamelotNativeFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 903 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00904 {
00905     return BaseCamelotFilter::BitmapCompression;
00906 }

BitmapListComponent* BaseCamelotFilter::GetBitmapDocComponent  )  [inline]

Definition at line 292 of file camfiltr.h.

00292 { return pBmpComponent; }

virtual BoundsWriteLevel BaseCamelotFilter::GetBoundsWriteLevel  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 815 of file camfiltr.h.

00815 { return(BWL_NONE); }

virtual WebPrefsDlgParam* BaseCamelotFilter::GetCachedExportOptions  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in CamelotNativeFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 339 of file camfiltr.h.

00339 { return pPrefs; }

CCLexFile * BaseCamelotFilter::GetCCFile  )  [virtual]

Function to give public access to the underlying CCFile that is being used to save out the data. Note: only people who have a genuine reason need to access this - e.g. bitmap savers.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The CCFile that is being used to export the data.

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 2001 of file camfiltr.cpp.

02002 {
02003     ERROR2IF(pCXaraFile == NULL,FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::GetCCFile pCXaraFile is NULL");
02004     return pCXaraFile->GetCCFile();
02006 }

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::GetChapterInsertedCount  )  [inline]

Definition at line 624 of file camfiltr.h.

00624 { return ChapterCount; }

ColourListComponent* BaseCamelotFilter::GetColourDocComponent  )  [inline]

Definition at line 291 of file camfiltr.h.

00291 { return pColComponent; }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::GetConvertBlendsToOutlines  )  [virtual]

Public access to the current convert text to outlines which the user has requested to use when saving in the web format. True means convert blends to outlines, False means do not.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The current state of the convert blends to outlines.
Added for WEBSTER

Note: Virtual so that can be overriden in native filter to save in the proper native state

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter.

Definition at line 1038 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01039 {
01040 #ifdef _BATCHING
01041     return FALSE;
01042 #else
01043     return BaseCamelotFilter::ConvertBlendsToOutlines;
01044 #endif
01045 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::GetConvertTextToOutlines  )  [virtual]

Public access to the current convert text to outlines which the user has requested to use when saving in the web format. True means convert text to outlines, False means do not. Note: Virtual so that can be overriden in native filter to save in the proper native state.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The current state of the convert text to outlines.

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter, CamelotNativeFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 990 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00991 {
00992 #ifdef _BATCHING
00993     return FALSE;
00994 #else
00995     return BaseCamelotFilter::ConvertTextToOutlines;
00996 #endif
00997 }

DocCoord BaseCamelotFilter::GetCoordOrigin  ) 

The Get function.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The orgin applied to all spread coords
See also:
Spread::WritePreChildrenWeb(BaseCamelotFilter* pFilter), SetCoordOrigin() Scope: -

Definition at line 5559 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05560 {
05561     return CoordOrigin;
05562 }

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::GetCurrentRecordSize  )  [virtual]

Function to get the current size of the record that has been read in by the CXaraFile and RecordHandlers and are currently processing. This can be used by streamed record handlers, such as bitmaps, which need to know the size of the recordso that they can update the progress bar size by a proportion of this amount on loading. (Not require on saving as the streamed record handlers can supply what value they like to the progress system and hence update with whatever value they require.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The size of the current record.

Definition at line 2026 of file camfiltr.cpp.

02027 {
02028     ERROR2IF(pCXaraFile == NULL,FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::GetCurrentRecordSize pCXaraFile is NULL");
02029     return pCXaraFile->GetCurrentRecordSize();
02030 }

OpDescriptor * BaseCamelotFilter::GetDialogueOp void   )  [protected, virtual]

Obtains a pointer to the OpDescriptor to be used to access the relevant export dialogue.

Graeme_Sutherland (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The OpDescriptor pointing to the dialogue used by the export proceedure.

Reimplemented in CamelotWebFilter.

Definition at line 3676 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03677 {
03678     // Just return the found OpDescriptor.
03679     return OpDescriptor::FindOpDescriptor( CC_RUNTIME_CLASS( NativePrefsDlg ) );
03680 }

DocInfoComponent* BaseCamelotFilter::GetDocInfoComponent  )  [inline]

Definition at line 294 of file camfiltr.h.

00294 { return pInfoComponent; }

virtual Document* BaseCamelotFilter::GetDocument  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from Filter.

Definition at line 302 of file camfiltr.h.

00302 { return TheDocument; }

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::GetDocumentInsertedCount  )  [inline]

Definition at line 623 of file camfiltr.h.

00623 { return DocumentCount; }

String_256 BaseCamelotFilter::GetDontConvertTheseFontsToOutlinesString  )  [virtual]

Access func to that fint list dude.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The string of fonts that shouldn't be converted to shapes

Definition at line 1284 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01285 {
01286     return DontConvertTheseFontsToOutlines;
01287 }

virtual char* BaseCamelotFilter::GetExportFileType  )  [pure virtual]

Implemented in CamelotNativeFilter, CamelotWebFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Node * BaseCamelotFilter::GetExportNode  )  [protected, virtual]

Returns a pointer to the first node to export.

Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
NULL in times of grief

Reimplemented in PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 4221 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04222 {
04223     // JCF: changed to begin writing with the first node following the last default attribute,
04224     // and to simply write out every node at the second level of the tree, not only Chapters,
04225     // so the traversal will include the NodeSetSentinel and its children.
04226     Node* pNode = TheDocument->GetFirstNode();
04227     if (pNode != 0 && pNode->FindNext() != 0)
04228     {
04229         pNode = pNode->FindNext()->FindLastChild(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeAttribute));
04230         if (pNode != 0) pNode = pNode->FindNext();
04231     }
04233     return(pNode);  
04234 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::GetExportOptions WebPrefsDlgParam pPrefs  )  [protected, virtual]

Allows the user to be prompted to get information for export. This overriden version returns True so that nothing happens. Scope: Protected.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pPrefs - the WebPrefsDlgParam class which holds all of the preferences that [INPUTS] can be set.
pPrefs - new versions [OUTPUTS]
TRUE if OK, FALSE if user pressed Cancel.

Reimplemented in PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 3597 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03598 {
03599 // WEBSTER - markn 28/1/97
03600 // Not needed in Webster
03601 #ifdef WEBSTER
03602     return TRUE;
03603 #else
03605 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
03606     ERROR2IF(pPrefs == NULL, FALSE, "CamelotWebFilter::GetExportOptions null pPrefs");
03608     // Use the preference option in the baseclass camelot filter
03609     pPrefs->SetCompression(GetNativeCompression());
03611     // Use the preference option in the baseclass camelot filter;
03612     pPrefs->SetBmpCompression           ( GetBitmapCompression () );
03613     pPrefs->SetExportPreviewBitmap      ( GetPreviewBitmapExport () );
03614     pPrefs->SetConvertTextToOutlines    ( GetConvertTextToOutlines () );
03615     pPrefs->SetConvertBlendsToOutlines  ( GetConvertBlendsToOutlines () );
03616     pPrefs->SetRemoveInvisibleLayers    ( GetRemoveInvisibleLayers () );
03617     pPrefs->SetRemoveUnusedColours      ( GetRemoveUnusedColours () );
03618     pPrefs->SetMinimalWebFormat         ( BaseCamelotFilter::MinimalWebFormat );
03619     pPrefs->SetHTMLToClipboard          ( ShouldExportHTMLTag () );
03620     pPrefs->SetWebOk                    ( FALSE );
03622     // Find an associated OpDescriptor.
03623     OpDescriptor *pOp = GetDialogueOp ();
03625     // Call the op.
03626     if ( pOp != NULL )
03627     {
03628         pOp->Invoke ( static_cast <OpParam*> ( pPrefs ) );
03629     }
03631     // For now, always use the compression option, regardless of ok/cancel used
03632     // Means you can change the native option by using the web options dialog box
03633     // without having to save the file
03635     // Use the preference option in the baseclass camelot filter
03636     if ( pPrefs->GetWebOk () )
03637     {
03638         // Set up some returned variables as the user has oked them
03639         SetBitmapCompression        ( pPrefs->GetBmpCompression () );
03640         SetPreviewBitmapExport      ( pPrefs->GetExportPreviewBitmap () );
03641         SetConvertTextToOutlines    ( pPrefs->GetConvertTextToOutlines () );
03642         SetRemoveInvisibleLayers    ( pPrefs->GetRemoveInvisibleLayers () );
03643         SetRemoveUnusedColours      ( pPrefs->GetRemoveUnusedColours () );
03644         SetHTMLToClipboard          ( pPrefs->GetHTMLToClipboard () );
03646         BaseCamelotFilter::MinimalWebFormat = pPrefs->GetMinimalWebFormat ();
03648         return TRUE;
03649     }
03651     // It didn't work.
03652     else
03653     {
03654         return FALSE;
03655     }
03657 #else
03658     return FALSE;
03659 #endif  // DO_EXPORT
03660 #endif  // WEBSTER
03661 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::GetFileCompressionState  )  [protected, virtual]

Get the current file compression state. True if compressing.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The current state of the file compression.

Definition at line 878 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00879 {
00880     return CompressionOn;
00881 }

FilePos BaseCamelotFilter::GetFilePos  ) 

Definition at line 5619 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05620 {
05621     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05622         return pCXaraFile->GetFilePos();
05624     return 0;
05625 }

virtual Layer* BaseCamelotFilter::GetFirstImportedLayer  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 688 of file camfiltr.h.

00688 { return m_pFirstImportedLayer; }

FontComponent* BaseCamelotFilter::GetFontComponent  )  [inline]

Definition at line 297 of file camfiltr.h.

00297 { return pFontComponent; }

SelOperation* BaseCamelotFilter::GetImportSelOp  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 533 of file camfiltr.h.

00533 { return ImportInfo.pOp; }

InsertTreeContext * BaseCamelotFilter::GetInsertContext void   )  [virtual]

If you wish to use SetInsertcontextNode to alter where the filter imports to, then chances are you'll want to save & restore the insertion state so that subsequent importing can continue where it left off. If this is the case, bracket your subtree import with code like this: InsertTreeContext *pContext = pFilter->GetInsertContext(); ... import your subtree or whatever ... pFilter->RestoreInsertContext(pContext);.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
A pointer to a record from which the current insertion context can be restored at a later date.
See also:

Definition at line 6101 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06102 {
06103     InsertTreeContext *pContext = new InsertTreeContext;
06104     if (pContext != NULL)
06105     {
06106         pContext->pContextNode  = GetInsertContextNode();
06107         pContext->InsertAsChild = InsertNextAsChild;
06108     }
06110     return(pContext);
06111 }

Node * BaseCamelotFilter::GetInsertContextNode  )  [virtual]

Returns the node to add the next node to.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ptr to the context node
If no context node is found, then a context node is found (and if necessary created) by this function

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5867 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05868 {
05869     if (pInsertContextNode == NULL)
05870     {
05871         ERROR2IF(TheDocument == NULL,FALSE,"TheDocument is NULL!");
05873         Chapter* pChapter = Node::FindFirstChapter(TheDocument);
05874         if (pChapter != NULL)
05875         {
05876             Spread* pSpread = pChapter->FindFirstSpread();
05877             if (pSpread != NULL)
05878             {
05879                 Layer* pLayer = pSpread->FindFirstLayer();
05880                 if (pLayer == NULL)
05881                 {
05882                     pLayer = new Layer;
05883                     if (pLayer != NULL)
05884                     {
05885                         if (!AttachNode(pLayer,pSpread,LASTCHILD))
05886                             return NULL;
05888                         String_256 Name1(_R(IDS_K_EPSFILTER_IMPORTED));
05889                         String_256 Name2(_R(IDS_LAYER_DESCRS));
05890                         Name1 += Name2;
05891                         pLayer->SetLayerID(Name1);
05892                         pLayer->EnsureUniqueLayerID();
05893                     }
05894                 }
05896                 pInsertContextNode = pLayer;
05897                 InsertNextNodeAsChild();
05898             }
05899         }
05900     }
05902     return pInsertContextNode;
05903 }

virtual InsertMode BaseCamelotFilter::GetInsertMode  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 640 of file camfiltr.h.

00640 {return m_InsertMode;}

Chapter* BaseCamelotFilter::GetLastChapterInserted  )  [inline]

Definition at line 610 of file camfiltr.h.

00610 { return pLastChapter; }

NodeAttribute* BaseCamelotFilter::GetLastCurrentAttrInserted  )  [inline]

Definition at line 614 of file camfiltr.h.

00614 { return pLastCurrentAttr; }

Document* BaseCamelotFilter::GetLastDocumentInserted  )  [inline]

Definition at line 609 of file camfiltr.h.

00609 { return pLastDocument; }

Layer* BaseCamelotFilter::GetLastLayerInserted  )  [inline]

Definition at line 612 of file camfiltr.h.

00612 { return pLastLayer; }

NodePath* BaseCamelotFilter::GetLastNodePathInserted  )  [inline]

Definition at line 613 of file camfiltr.h.

00613 { return pLastNodePath; }

Spread* BaseCamelotFilter::GetLastSpreadInserted  )  [inline]

Definition at line 611 of file camfiltr.h.

00611 { return pLastSpread; }

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::GetLayerInsertedCount  )  [inline]

Definition at line 626 of file camfiltr.h.

00626 { return LayerCount; }

INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::GetMaxPathLookUp  )  [virtual]

The max number pf paths that should be looked at by the function FindSimilarPath().

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
-1 always
-1 means no limit

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Reimplemented in CamelotNativeFilter, CamelotWebFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 7345 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07346 {
07347     return -1;
07348 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::GetMinimalWebFormat  )  [virtual]

Public access function.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The current state of the min web format flag
WEBSTER - 28/1/97 Note:

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter.

Definition at line 1208 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01209 {
01210     return BaseCamelotFilter::MinimalWebFormat;
01211 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::GetNativeCheckSimilarPaths  )  [virtual]

Public access to the current Native check similar paths flag setting.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The current state of the Native check similar paths flag.

Definition at line 1301 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01302 {
01303     return BaseCamelotFilter::NativeCheckSimilarPaths;
01304 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::GetNativeCompression  )  [static]

Set the prefernece as to whether we are to compress the native files or not.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
New state for native file compression, TRUE if want on, FALSE if want off. [INPUTS]
The old state of the compression.

Definition at line 795 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00796 {
00797     return CompressNative;
00798 }   

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::GetNumBytesWritten  ) 

Definition at line 5627 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05628 {
05629     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05630         return pCXaraFile->GetNumBytesWritten();
05632     return 0;
05633 }

virtual UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::GetPreCompression  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 756 of file camfiltr.h.

00756 { return PreCompFlags; }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::GetPreviewBitmapExport  )  [virtual]

Public access to the current export preview bitmap which the user has requested to use when saving bitmaps in the web format. True means export a preview bitmap, False means do not. Note: Virtual so that can be overriden in native filter to save in the proper native state.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The current state of the export preview bitmap.

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter, CamelotNativeFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 945 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00946 {
00947 #ifdef _BATCHING
00948     return FALSE;
00949 #else
00950     return BaseCamelotFilter::PreviewBitmapExport;
00951 #endif
00952 }

PrintComponent* BaseCamelotFilter::GetPrintComponent  )  [inline]

Definition at line 296 of file camfiltr.h.

00296 { return pPrintComponent; }

virtual UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::GetProgressBarCount  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 334 of file camfiltr.h.

00334 { return ProgressBarCount; }

static List* BaseCamelotFilter::GetRecordHandlers  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 337 of file camfiltr.h.

00337 { return &RecordHandlerList; }

INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::GetRecordNum  ) 

Definition at line 5653 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05654 {
05655     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05656         return pCXaraFile->GetRecordNum();
05658     return FALSE;
05659 }

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::GetRecordTag  ) 

Definition at line 5645 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05646 {
05647     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05648         return pCXaraFile->GetRecordTag();
05650     return FALSE;
05651 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::GetRemoveInvisibleLayers  )  [virtual]

Public access to the current remove invisible layers which the user has requested to use when saving in the web format. True means remove invisible layers, False means do not. Note: Virtual so that can be overriden in native filter to save in the proper native state.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The current state of the remove invisible layers.

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter, CamelotNativeFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 1085 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01086 {
01087     return BaseCamelotFilter::RemoveInvisibleLayers;
01088 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::GetRemoveUnusedColours  )  [virtual]

Public access to the current remove unused colours which the user has requested to use when saving in the web format. True means remove unused colours, False means do not. Note: Virtual so that can be overriden in native filter to save in the proper native state.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The current state of the remove unused colours.

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter, CamelotNativeFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 1126 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01127 {
01128 #ifdef WEBSTER
01129     return FALSE;   // WEBSTER - markn 14/2/97 - Don't remove unused colours in Webster
01130 #else
01131     return BaseCamelotFilter::RemoveUnusedColours;
01132 #endif
01133 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::GetSaveXPEBitmaps  )  [virtual]

Public access function.

Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The current state of the save XPE bitmaps flag

Reimplemented in PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 1247 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01248 {
01249     return BaseCamelotFilter::SaveXPEBitmaps;
01250 }

virtual SelectionType BaseCamelotFilter::GetSelType  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 684 of file camfiltr.h.

00684 { return SelType; }

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::GetSetSentinelInsertedCount  )  [inline]

Definition at line 627 of file camfiltr.h.

00627 { return SetSentinelCount; }

virtual double BaseCamelotFilter::GetSimilarPathTolerance NodePath pPath  )  [pure virtual]

Implemented in CamelotNativeFilter, CamelotWebFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

virtual Spread* BaseCamelotFilter::GetSpread  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 303 of file camfiltr.h.

00303 { return pTheSpread; }

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::GetSpreadInsertedCount  )  [inline]

Definition at line 625 of file camfiltr.h.

00625 { return SpreadCount; }

TagDescriptionListItem * BaseCamelotFilter::GetTagDescription UINT32  Tag  ) 

Searches the tag description list to see of the given tag is in the list.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Tag = tag value to look for [INPUTS]
ptr to the desc item, or NULL if not found.
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 7104 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07105 {
07106     if (pTagDescriptionList != NULL)
07107     {
07108         TagDescriptionListItem* pItem = pTagDescriptionList->GetHead();
07109         while (pItem != NULL)
07110         {
07111             if (pItem->GetTag() == Tag)
07112                 return pItem;
07114             pItem = pTagDescriptionList->GetNext(pItem);
07115         }
07116     }
07118     return NULL;
07119 }

UnitListComponent* BaseCamelotFilter::GetUnitDocComponent  )  [inline]

Definition at line 293 of file camfiltr.h.

00293 { return pUnitsComponent; }

ViewComponent* BaseCamelotFilter::GetViewDocComponent  )  [inline]

Definition at line 295 of file camfiltr.h.

00295 { return pViewComponent; }

MILLIPOINT BaseCamelotFilter::GetWebSimilarPathTolerence  )  [virtual]

Public access to the current Web similar path tolerence setting. It is measured in millipoints.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The current state of the Web similar path tolerence.

Definition at line 1319 of file camfiltr.cpp.

void BaseCamelotFilter::GotError UINT32  errorID,
const TCHAR errorString

Sets an error using the given resource string All it does is call the mirror function in the attached CXaraFile.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
errorID = ID of error resource string [INPUTS] errorString = ptr to the error string.
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5264 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05265 {
05266     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05267         pCXaraFile->GotError(errorID,errorString);
05268 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::GotError UINT32  errorID  )  [virtual]

Sets an error using the given resource string All it does is call the mirror function in the attached CXaraFile.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
errorID = ID of error resource string [INPUTS]
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5242 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05243 {
05244     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05245         pCXaraFile->GotError(errorID);
05246 }

INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::HowCompatible PathName Filename,
ADDR  HeaderStart,
UINT32  HeaderSize,
UINT32  FileSize

Reimplemented from Filter.

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 1637 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01639 {
01640     // How compatible we think the file is
01641     INT32 HowCompatible = 0;
01643     // Check that we've got enough data to do our check
01644     if (HeaderSize < 8)
01645     {
01646         // Not enough data - ignore this file.
01647         return 0;
01648     }
01650     // Check that the first eight bytes are our magic identifier
01651     UINT32* pUINT32 = (UINT32*)HeaderStart;
01652     UINT32 p0 = LEtoNative(HeaderSize>=4  ? pUINT32[0] : 0);
01653     UINT32 p1 = LEtoNative(HeaderSize>=8  ? pUINT32[1] : 0);
01654     UINT32 p2 = LEtoNative(HeaderSize>=12 ? pUINT32[2] : 0);
01655     UINT32 p3 = LEtoNative(HeaderSize>=16 ? pUINT32[3] : 0);
01656     UINT32 p4 = LEtoNative(HeaderSize>=20 ? pUINT32[4] : 0);
01657 //  UINT32 p5 = LEtoNative(HeaderSize>=24 ? pUINT32[5] : 0);
01659     if (p0 == CXF_IDWORD1 && p1 == CXF_IDWORD2)
01660     {
01661         // Should now check that the unique identifier inside the file header record
01662         // corresponds to this filter.
01664         // The next 8 bytes should be the tag and size of the header record
01665         // Not too much of a problem if this is not the case as both the native and web filter
01666         // will return 10 and so the first one in the list or the one with the most appropriate
01667         // file type will be chosen to load the filter.
01668         if (HeaderSize > (5 * 4) && p2 == TAG_FILEHEADER && p3 > 3)
01669         {
01670 /*
01671             // We have found the file header record
01672             // The first 3 bytes should be either CXW or CXN
01673             UINT32 Type = pUINT32[4] & 0x00FFFFFF; // mask off top byte
01674             // Ask the filter what its unique identifier is and compare against the
01675             // one we have just got from the file
01676             char * fred = GetFileType();
01677             UINT32 CheckType = *(UINT32*)fred;
01678             if (Type == CheckType)
01679                 HowCompatible = 10; // we like this file a lot
01680             else
01681                 HowCompatible = 9;  // we may like this file but give another filter a better chance
01682 */
01684             UINT32 Type = p4 & 0x00FFFFFF; // mask off top byte
01685             HowCompatible = HowCompatibleIsFileType((char*)(&Type));        
01686         }
01687         else
01688         {
01689             // We like this file
01690             HowCompatible = 10;
01691         }
01692     }
01694 TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("BaseCamelotFilter::HowCompatible returning = %d\n"),HowCompatible);
01695     // Return the found value to the caller.
01696     return HowCompatible;
01697 }

virtual INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::HowCompatibleIsFileType char *  pFileType  )  [pure virtual]

Implemented in CamelotNativeFilter, CamelotWebFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

void BaseCamelotFilter::IncChapterInsertedCount  )  [inline]

Definition at line 630 of file camfiltr.h.

00630 { ChapterCount++; }

void BaseCamelotFilter::IncDocumentInsertedCount  )  [inline]

Definition at line 629 of file camfiltr.h.

00629 { DocumentCount++; }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::IncInsertLevel  )  [virtual]

Tells the tree building system that the next nodes should be added to the next level of the tree.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if ok, FALSE otherwise
This is called when a TAG_DOWN record is encountered

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 6507 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06508 {
06509     ERROR2IF(pInsertLevelStack == NULL,FALSE,"pInsertLevelStack == NULL");
06511     // Find the info item containing data on the current level
06512     InsertLevelStackItem* pCurrentLevelItem = pInsertLevelStack->Get();
06513     // Inform the handler that we are about to begin a subtree
06514     if (pCurrentLevelItem != NULL)
06515     {
06516         CXaraFileRecordHandler* pHandler = pCurrentLevelItem->GetLastHandler();
06517         if (pHandler != NULL)
06518             pHandler->BeginSubtree(pCurrentLevelItem->GetLastHandledTag());
06520     }
06522     InsertLevelStackItem* pItem = new InsertLevelStackItem(this);
06523     if (pItem != NULL)
06524     {
06525         pInsertLevelStack->Add(pItem);
06526         InsertNextNodeAsChild();
06528         return TRUE;
06529     }
06531     return FALSE;
06532 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::IncLayerInsertedCount  )  [inline]

Definition at line 632 of file camfiltr.h.

00632 { LayerCount++; }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::IncProgressBarCount UINT32  n  )  [virtual]

Func to incrementing the progress bar count. If there is a progress bar available, it is updated by this call. Scope: Protected.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
n = amount to inc the progress bar count by [INPUTS]
TRUE if ok, FALSE if user aborted via the 'escape' key

Reimplemented from Filter.

Definition at line 3535 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03536 {
03537     ProgressBarCount += n;
03539     if (pProgress != NULL && TotalProgressBarCount > 0)
03540     {
03541         if (ProgressBarCount > TotalProgressBarCount)
03542             ProgressBarCount = TotalProgressBarCount;
03544         INT32 Percentage = INT32((ProgressBarCount*100) / TotalProgressBarCount);
03546         // Progress update will return FALSE if the user has pressed escape
03547         // Note this in our class variable, if the caller does not respond to it
03548         // then we will need to next time we go around any of our loops
03549         EscapePressed = !pProgress->Update(Percentage);
03550         return !EscapePressed;
03551 #else
03552         return pProgress->Update(Percentage);
03553 #endif 
03554     }
03556     return TRUE;
03557 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::IncSetSentinelInsertedCount  )  [inline]

Definition at line 633 of file camfiltr.h.

00633 { SetSentinelCount++; }

void BaseCamelotFilter::IncSpreadInsertedCount  )  [inline]

Definition at line 631 of file camfiltr.h.

00631 { SpreadCount++; }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::Init void   )  [virtual]

Initalises the Filter ready for use. Will fail if it can not get enough memory to work with. This is the base class filter and so should be overridden by the derived classes.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if it worked, FALSE if it failed

Implements Filter.

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter, CamelotNativeFilter, and CamelotWebFilter.

Definition at line 738 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00739 {
00740     ERROR3("Base Camelot filter class Init called");
00741     return FALSE;
00742 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::InitRecordHandlers  )  [protected]

Calls all the record handlers via their BeginImport() function. It also registers the list of handlers with the attached CXaraFile object.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if ok; FALSE if not.

Definition at line 1836 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01837 {
01838     ERROR2IF(pCXaraFile == NULL, FALSE,"Can't initialise record handlers without a CXaraFile object");
01840     // Register the list handlers with thw CXaraFile objects
01841     BOOL ok = pCXaraFile->RegisterRecordHandlers(&RecordHandlerList);
01843     // Initialise all the handlers
01844     CamelotRecordHandler* pCamelotRecordHandler = (CamelotRecordHandler*)RecordHandlerList.GetHead();
01845     while (ok && pCamelotRecordHandler != NULL)
01846     {
01847                 ok = pCamelotRecordHandler->Init(this);
01848         if (ok) ok = pCamelotRecordHandler->BeginImport();
01850         pCamelotRecordHandler = (CamelotRecordHandler*)RecordHandlerList.GetNext(pCamelotRecordHandler);
01851     }
01853     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
01854         ok = pCXaraFile->SetUpHandlers(this);
01856     return ok;
01857 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::InsertNextNodeAsChild  )  [virtual]

This call ensures that the next node inserted via InsertNode() will be inserted as a child of the context node.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::InsertNode Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5939 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05940 {
05941     InsertNextAsChild = TRUE;
05942 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::InsertNextNodeAsSibling  )  [virtual]

This call ensures that the next node inserted via InsertNode() will be inserted as a sibling of the context node.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::InsertNode Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5959 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05960 {
05961     InsertNextAsChild = FALSE;
05962 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::InsertNode Node pNode  )  [virtual]

This inserts the given node relative to the current context node.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = the node to insert [INPUTS]
If InsertNextAsChild is TRUE, the node is inserted as the last child of the context node If InsertNextAsChild is FALSE, the node is inserted as the next sibling to the context node

This function sets InsertNextAsChild to FALSE, so that all subsequent calls add siblings.

InsertNextAsChild is controlled by the IncInsertLevel() and DecInsertLevel() funcs

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5986 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05987 {
05988     ERROR2IF(pNode == NULL,FALSE,"pNode is NULL");
05989     ERROR2IF(pInsertLevelStack == NULL,FALSE,"pInsertLevelStack == NULL");
05991     switch (m_InsertMode)
05992     {
05994         {
05995             BOOL ok = FALSE;
05996             BOOL Attached = FALSE;
05998             // Get the context node to which the node will be attached to.
05999             Node* pContextNode = GetInsertContextNode();
06000             if (pContextNode == NULL)
06001                 return FALSE;
06003             if (pNode->IsLayer())
06004             {
06005                 if (pContextNode->IsLayer() && InsertNextAsChild)
06006                 {
06007                     ok = AttachNode(pNode,pContextNode,NEXT);
06009                     // If the layer is the one which was created for importing purposes only, remove it
06010                     if (ok && pContextNode == pImportLayer)
06011                     {
06012                         ok = DeleteNode(pContextNode); 
06013                         pImportLayer = NULL;
06014                     }
06016                     if (ok) SetInsertContextNode(pNode);
06017                     if (ok) Attached = TRUE;
06018                 }
06019             }
06021             if (!Attached && pContextNode != NULL)
06022             {
06023                 AttachNodeDirection Direction = NEXT;
06024                 if (InsertNextAsChild)
06025                 {
06026                     Direction = LASTCHILD;
06027                     InsertNextNodeAsSibling();
06028                 }
06030                 ok = AttachNode(pNode,pContextNode,Direction);
06032                 if (ok) SetInsertContextNode(pNode);
06033                 if (ok) Attached = TRUE;
06034             }
06036             if ( ok )
06037             {
06038                 InsertLevelStackItem* pItem = pInsertLevelStack->Get();
06039                 ERROR3IF(pItem == NULL,"no tail item");
06040                 if (pItem != NULL)
06041                 {
06042                     // Make this node the last one inserted on the level.
06043                     if (!pItem->SetLastInsertedNode(pNode))
06044                         return FALSE;
06046                     UpdateLastSafeToRenderNode(pNode);
06047                 }
06048             }
06050             return ok;
06051         }
06052         break;
06055         {
06056             AttributeManager* pAttrManager = &(TheDocument->GetAttributeMgr());
06058             if (pNode->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeAttribute)) && m_pCurrentAttrGroup)
06059             {
06060                 // Forcibly set this attribute as current (by setting bForceNewValue TRUE)
06061                 // because the bounding rect may yet be changed by a SETCURRENTATTRIBUTEBOUNDS
06062                 // record
06063                 NodeAttribute* pCurrentAttr = pAttrManager->UpdateCurrentAttribute(m_pCurrentAttrGroup, (NodeAttribute*)pNode, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
06064                 SetLastCurrentAttrInserted(pCurrentAttr);
06065             }
06067             return TRUE;
06068         }
06069         break;
06071         default:
06072             ERROR3("Unknown InsertMode\n");
06073     }
06075     return FALSE;
06076 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::InvalidateRegion Node pNode  )  [virtual]

Invalidates the area of the document covered by the node, causing it to redraw.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = ptr to node to invalidate [INPUTS]
TRUE if ok, FALSE otherwise
This will only redraw the node if we are importing AND have an undo op ptr and the node is a bounded node

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 6213 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06214 {
06215     BOOL IsBounded = pNode->IsAnObject() || pNode->IsPaper();
06217     if (IsImporting() && IsBounded && (ImportInfo.pOp != NULL))
06218         return ImportInfo.pOp->DoInvalidateNodeRegion((NodeRenderableBounded*)pNode,TRUE);
06220     return TRUE;
06221 }

virtual BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::IsCompactNativeFilter  )  [pure virtual]

Implemented in FlareTemplateFilter, CamelotNativeFilter, CamelotWebFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::IsDefaultDocRequired const TCHAR pcszPathName  )  [virtual]

Works out if opening a file of this type requires a default document to be loaded. If the file format supplies the document then return FALSE otherwise return TRUE. An example would be opening a bitmap file. This has no document defined in the file format and so we need to load the default document before importing the bitmap into this file. In this baseclass version return FALSE and hence assume that the filters that need to will override this function to return TRUE.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pcszPathName pointer to the pathname to check [INPUTS]
TRUE if the filter requires a default document, FALSE if not.
See also:
Filter; Filter::IsDefaultDocRequired; CCamDoc::OnOpenDocument;

FilterFamily::DoImport; Filter::DoImport;

Reimplemented from Filter.

Reimplemented in CamelotWebFilter.

Definition at line 1612 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01613 {
01614     // No need to check the pathname, just return FALSE as most filters will not require the
01615     // default document.
01616     return FALSE;
01617 }   

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::IsImporting  )  [virtual]

Used to see if the doc is being imported into an existing doc, loaded into a fresh doc.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if importing into an existing doc. FALSE if importing into a fresh doc (i.e. openning the file)
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5842 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05843 {
05844     ERROR2IF(TheDocument == NULL,FALSE,"No document ptr");
05846     return TheDocument->IsImporting();
05847 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::IsImportingAtPosition  )  [virtual]

This will return TRUE only if we are importing into an existing doc AND at a specific position.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if importing into an existing doc at a specific position. FALSE if not
This will only return TRUE for drag & drop importing

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5820 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05821 {
05822     return IsImporting() && (ImportInfo.pPos != NULL);
05823 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::IsOpeningMinimalWebFormat  )  [virtual]

It will only return TRUE if the file is the minimal web format, and we are OPENING the file and NOT importing it into a new document.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if we are opening the minimal format, FALSE otherwise
You should only call this after the file header record has been read in, because the import file type is only set when this record is read in.

As the file header is the first record in the file, record handlers should have no problems using this function.

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 7407 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07408 {
07409     return (!IsImporting() && (strcmp(ImportFileType,EXPORT_FILETYPE_MIN) == 0));
07410 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::IsTagInAtomicList UINT32  Tag  ) 

Searches the atomic tag list to see of the given tag is in the list.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Tag = tag value to look for [INPUTS]
TRUE if found, FALSE otherwsie
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 7040 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07041 {
07042     if (pAtomicTagList != NULL)
07043     {
07044         AtomicTagListItem* pItem = pAtomicTagList->GetHead();
07045         while (pItem != NULL)
07046         {
07047             if (pItem->GetTag() == Tag)
07048                 return TRUE;
07050             pItem = pAtomicTagList->GetNext(pItem);
07051         }
07052     }
07054     return FALSE;
07055 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::IsTagInEssentialList UINT32  Tag  ) 

Searches the Essential tag list to see of the given tag is in the list.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Tag = tag value to look for [INPUTS]
TRUE if found, FALSE otherwsie
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 7072 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07073 {
07074     if (pEssentialTagList != NULL)
07075     {
07076         EssentialTagListItem* pItem = pEssentialTagList->GetHead();
07077         while (pItem != NULL)
07078         {
07079             if (pItem->GetTag() == Tag)
07080                 return TRUE;
07082             pItem = pEssentialTagList->GetNext(pItem);
07083         }
07084     }
07086     return FALSE;
07087 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::IsThisASelectedTemplate Node pNode  )  [private]

Determines whether or not this node is a selected template node.

Graeme_Sutherland (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode - A pointer to the node to be tested. [INPUTS]
TRUE - The node should be exported. FALSE - It's not a template node.
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::WriteNodes () Scope: Private

Definition at line 4831 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04832 {
04833     PORTNOTETRACE("other","BaseCamelotFilter::IsThisASelectedTemplate - do nothing");
04835     // Set up the local variables.
04836     SGNameItem  *pNameGalleryItem   = NULL;
04837     BOOL        ExportThisNode      = FALSE;
04839     // Is this a template attribute?
04840     if ( IS_A ( pNode, TemplateAttribute ) )
04841     {
04842         String_256 Name = static_cast<TemplateAttribute*> ( pNode )->GetParam ();
04844         // Get the name string used for the button.
04845         pNameGalleryItem = SliceHelper::LookupNameGalleryItem ( Name );
04846     }
04848     // Or is it a set property attribute?
04849     else if ( IS_A ( pNode, NodeSetProperty ) )
04850     {
04851         String_256 Name = static_cast<NodeSetProperty*> ( pNode )->GetName ();
04853         // Get the name string used for the button.
04854         pNameGalleryItem = SliceHelper::LookupNameGalleryItem ( Name );
04855     }
04857     // Ensure that the pointer to the named item is valid before accessing it.
04858     if ( pNameGalleryItem != NULL &&
04859          pNameGalleryItem->GetSelectedCount () > 0)
04860     {
04861         ExportThisNode = TRUE;
04862     }
04864     // Return whether or not the node needs to be considered.
04865     return ExportThisNode; 
04866 #endif
04867     return false;
04868 }

virtual BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::IsWebFilter  )  [pure virtual]

Implemented in FlareTemplateFilter, CamelotNativeFilter, CamelotWebFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::MergeSameNamedLayers  ) 

We have imported layers of the same name in the document. Merge these layers together and if these layers are the special rollover layers make these button and bar names unique. See Also: SliceHelper::MeshImportedLayersWithExistingButtonBars.

Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <> JK
Successful - TRUE, FALSE implies the spread or op had problems

Definition at line 2480 of file camfiltr.cpp.

02481 {
02482     // scan for identically named layers
02483     // background layers are first, foreground layers later
02484     // find a spread?
02485     Spread* pSpread = Document::GetSelectedSpread();
02486     if (pSpread == NULL || !ImportInfo.pOp)
02487         return FALSE;
02489     // scan for the layer to delete
02490     Layer * pLayer = pSpread->FindFirstLayer();
02491     Layer * pTestLayer = NULL;
02492     String_256  LayerName = "";
02494     // count how many layers are being imported
02495     INT32 NoOfImportedLayers = 0;
02496     pTestLayer = m_pFirstImportedLayer;
02497     while (pTestLayer)
02498     {
02499         pTestLayer = pTestLayer->FindNextLayer();
02500         NoOfImportedLayers++;
02501     }
02502     pTestLayer = NULL;
02504     Node * pFirstNodeOfImportedLayer[5];
02505     String_256  StateLayerNames[5];
02507     StateLayerNames[0].Load(_R(IDS_ROLLOVER_DEFAULT)); // = "Default";
02508     StateLayerNames[1].Load(_R(IDS_ROLLOVER_MOUSE)); // = "Mouse";
02509     StateLayerNames[2].Load(_R(IDS_ROLLOVER_CLICKED)); // = "Clicked";
02510     StateLayerNames[3].Load(_R(IDS_ROLLOVER_SELECTED)); // = "Selected";
02511     StateLayerNames[4].Load(_R(IDS_BACK_BAR)); // = "BackBar";
02513     INT32 i;
02514     for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
02515         pFirstNodeOfImportedLayer[i] = NULL;
02517     // double loop around the layer names looking for duplicate names
02518     while (pLayer)
02519     {
02520         pTestLayer = pLayer->FindNextLayer();
02521         LayerName = pLayer->GetLayerID();
02523         while (pTestLayer)
02524         {
02525             if (!pTestLayer->IsNodeHidden() && !pLayer->IsNodeHidden() &&
02526                 pTestLayer->GetLayerID().CompareTo(LayerName) == 0)
02527             {
02528                 // found two identical layer names
02529                 // squeeze the later onto the end of the former
02530                 Node * pNode = pTestLayer->FindFirstChild();
02531                 Node * pTemp = NULL;
02532                 Layer * pNextLayer = pTestLayer->FindNextLayer();
02533                 BOOL IsButtonStateLayer = FALSE;
02535                 // note the layer we have found
02536                 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
02537                     if (!pFirstNodeOfImportedLayer[i] && LayerName.CompareTo(StateLayerNames[i]) == 0)
02538                     {
02539                         pFirstNodeOfImportedLayer[i] = pNode;
02540                         IsButtonStateLayer = TRUE;
02541                     }
02543                 if (IsButtonStateLayer || (NoOfImportedLayers < 2 && !pTestLayer->IsBackground()) ||
02544                     (pTestLayer->IsGuide() && pLayer->IsGuide()))
02545                 { // mesh these two similar layers together
02546                     // always mesh guide layers together but leave other background layers apart
02547                     // loop for all nodes in this layer
02548                     while (pNode)
02549                     {
02550                         pTemp = pNode->FindNext();
02551                         if (!pNode->IsAnAttribute())
02552                             ImportInfo.pOp->DoMoveNode(pNode, pLayer, LASTCHILD);
02553                         pNode = pTemp;
02554                     }
02556                     ImportInfo.pOp->DoHideNode(pTestLayer, FALSE, NULL, FALSE);
02557                 }
02558                 else
02559                 { // rename this layer to a unique name
02560                     pTestLayer->EnsureUniqueLayerID();
02561                     pTestLayer->SetActive(FALSE);
02562                 }
02564                 // find the next layer now
02565                 pTestLayer = pNextLayer;
02566             }
02567             else
02568                 pTestLayer = pTestLayer->FindNextLayer();
02569         }
02571         pLayer = pLayer->FindNextLayer();
02572     }
02574     // Add the first item on any new layers of the specail bar type as these need to be synced to
02575     // so take the first imported layer, is this a bar state layer? If so add it to the list
02576     if (IsImporting())
02577     {
02578         pTestLayer = m_pFirstImportedLayer; 
02579         while (pTestLayer)
02580         {
02581             for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
02582                 if (!pFirstNodeOfImportedLayer[i] && StateLayerNames[i].CompareTo(pTestLayer->GetLayerID()) == 0)
02583                 {
02584                     TRACEUSER( "SimonK", _T("Imported State Layer :%s\n"), (TCHAR *)pTestLayer->GetLayerID() );
02585                     pFirstNodeOfImportedLayer[i] = SliceHelper::FindLayerCalled(StateLayerNames[i]);
02586                     if (pFirstNodeOfImportedLayer[i])
02587                         pFirstNodeOfImportedLayer[i] = pFirstNodeOfImportedLayer[i]->FindFirstChild();
02588                 }
02590             pTestLayer = pTestLayer->FindNextLayer();
02591         }
02592     }
02594     SliceHelper::MeshImportedLayersWithExistingButtonBars(pFirstNodeOfImportedLayer, ImportInfo.pOp, TRUE);
02596     // order layers so that the order of the button state layers always occurs in the same order
02597     pLayer = pSpread->FindFirstLayer();
02599     Layer * pFoundLayer[5];
02601     for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) 
02602         pFoundLayer[i] = NULL;
02604     while (pLayer)
02605     {
02606         LayerName = pLayer->GetLayerID();
02608         for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
02609             if (LayerName.CompareTo(StateLayerNames[i]) == 0)
02610             {
02611                 pFoundLayer[i] = pLayer;
02613                 // is this layer out of order?
02615                 for (INT32 j = i-1; j >= 0; j--)
02616                 {
02617                     if (pFoundLayer[j])
02618                     {
02619                         // i and j wrong way round
02620                         pFoundLayer[i]->MoveNode(pFoundLayer[j], PREV);
02621                         pLayer = pFoundLayer[j];
02622                         break;
02623                     }
02624                 }
02626             break;
02627             }
02629         pLayer = pLayer->FindNextLayer();
02630     }
02632     // background layers should be before any normal layers
02633     // this can only happen through importing them in therefore
02634     // it should not be a problem moving these new nodes around
02635     // as undo will just remove them (sjk 2/7/00)
02636     Layer * pNormalLayer = NULL;
02638     pLayer = pSpread->FindFirstLayer();
02639     while (pLayer)
02640     {
02641         if (!pLayer->IsBackground())
02642         {
02643             if (!pNormalLayer)
02644                 pNormalLayer = pLayer;
02645         }
02646         else
02647         {
02648             // the normal layer got in first
02649             // move this background layer to before the first normal layer
02650             if (pNormalLayer)
02651             {
02652                 pLayer->MoveNode(pNormalLayer, PREV);
02653                 pLayer = pNormalLayer; // restart iteration from here
02654             }
02655         }
02657         pLayer = pLayer->FindNextLayer();
02658     }
02660     return TRUE;
02661 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::PostExportShadows Node pRoot  )  [private]

Repair the document tree after shadow export. We do the following steps:.

Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pRoot the root of the document just exported. [INPUTS]
The document-tree containing pRoot will be returned to the state it was in [OUTPUTS] prior to a call to PreExportShadows().
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
1. Enable shadow attr-transp rejection. 2. For each NodeShadowController & NodeShadow in the document: a. If the NodeShadow has an attr-transp, remove & delete it. b. Factorise attr-transps on the NodeShadowController.

Definition at line 4426 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04427 {
04428     if (pRoot == NULL)
04429         return FALSE;
04431     // Turn on attr-transp rejection for shadows.
04432     NodeRenderableInkDetailsItem* pShadowDetails =
04433         ObjectRegistry::GetAttribDetails(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeShadow));
04435     CCRuntimeClass* pTranspClass = CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTranspFillGeometry);
04436     pShadowDetails->RemoveAttribClass(pTranspClass);
04438     AttrTypeSet AttrTranspType;
04439     AttrTranspType.AddToSet(pTranspClass);
04441     // Iterate over all NodeShadowControllers in the doc.
04442     NodeShadow*             pShad       = NULL;
04443     NodeShadowController*   pControl    = NULL;
04444     NodeAttribute*          pAttrTransp = NULL;
04446     for (Node*  pN = pRoot->FindFirstDepthFirst();
04447                 pN != NULL;
04448                 pN = pN->FindNextDepthFirst(pRoot) )
04449     {
04450         if (pN->IsAShadow())
04451         {
04452             pShad = (NodeShadow*)pN;
04453             pControl = (NodeShadowController*)pShad->GetParentController();
04455             if (pControl != NULL)
04456             {
04457                 if (pShad->FindAppliedAttribute(pTranspClass, &pAttrTransp) &&
04458                     pAttrTransp->FindParent() == pShad)
04459                 {
04460                     pAttrTransp->CascadeDelete();
04461                     delete pAttrTransp;
04462                 }
04463                 pControl->FactorOutCommonChildAttributes(TRUE, &AttrTranspType);
04464             }
04465         }
04466     }
04468     return TRUE;
04469 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::PostImportShadows  )  [private]

We factor out common attributes on all NodeShadowControllers in the document.

Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The document-tree just imported will have its attr-layout modified. [OUTPUTS]
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 4484 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04485 {
04486     // Get the root-node of the document,
04487     // which is the first node after the last default attribute.
04488     Node* pRoot = TheDocument->GetFirstNode();
04489     if (pRoot != NULL && pRoot->FindNext() != NULL)
04490     {
04491         pRoot = pRoot->FindNext()->FindLastChild(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeAttribute));
04492         if (pRoot != NULL)
04493             pRoot = pRoot->FindNext();
04494     }
04495     if (pRoot == NULL)
04496         return FALSE;
04498     // Iterate over all NodeShadowControllers in the doc.
04499     NodeShadowController*   pControl    = NULL;
04500     for (Node*  pN = pRoot->FindFirstDepthFirst();
04501                 pN != NULL;
04502                 pN = pN->FindNextDepthFirst(pRoot) )
04503     {
04504         if (pN->IsAShadowController())
04505         {
04506             pControl = (NodeShadowController*)pN;
04507             pControl->FactorOutCommonChildAttributes(TRUE);
04508         }
04509     }
04511     return TRUE;
04512 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::PreExportShadows Node pRoot  )  [private]

Prep shadows for export. We do the following steps:.

Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pRoot the root of the document to export. [INPUTS]
The document-tree containing pRoot will be modified ready for shadow export. [OUTPUTS]
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
1. Disable shadow attr-transp rejection. 2. For each NodeShadowController & NodeShadow in the document: a. Localise attr-transps on the NodeShadowController. b. Delete any pre-existing attr-transp directly applied to NodeShadow. c. Create a new flat-attr-transp applied directly to NodeShadow, reflecting the shadow's darkness. d. Factorise attr-transps on the NodeShadowController.

Definition at line 4345 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04346 {
04347     if (pRoot == NULL)
04348         return FALSE;
04350     // Turn off attr-transp rejection for shadows.
04351     NodeRenderableInkDetailsItem* pShadowDetails =
04352         ObjectRegistry::GetAttribDetails(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeShadow));
04354     CCRuntimeClass* pTranspClass = CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTranspFillGeometry);
04355     BOOL ok = pShadowDetails->AddAttribClass(pTranspClass);
04357     AttrTypeSet AttrTranspType;
04358     AttrTranspType.AddToSet(pTranspClass);
04360     // Iterate over all NodeShadowControllers in the doc.
04361     NodeShadow*             pShad       = NULL;
04362     NodeShadowController*   pControl    = NULL;
04363     NodeAttribute*          pAttrTransp = NULL;
04365     for (Node*  pN = pRoot->FindFirstDepthFirst();
04366                 pN != NULL && ok;
04367                 pN = pN->FindNextDepthFirst(pRoot) )
04368     {
04369         if (pN->IsAShadow())
04370         {
04371             pShad = (NodeShadow*)pN;
04372             pControl = (NodeShadowController*)pShad->GetParentController();
04374                     ok = (pControl != NULL);
04375             if (ok) ok = pControl->LocaliseCommonAttributes(FALSE,  // Check for duplicates
04376                                                             TRUE,   // Global
04377                                                             &AttrTranspType);
04378             if (ok)
04379             {
04380                 // delete any pre-existing transp-fill applied directly to the shadow.
04381                 if (pShad->FindAppliedAttribute(pTranspClass, &pAttrTransp) &&
04382                     pAttrTransp->FindParent() == pShad)
04383                 {
04384                     pAttrTransp->CascadeDelete();
04385                     delete pAttrTransp;
04386                 }
04388                 pAttrTransp = new AttrFlatTranspFill(pShad, FIRSTCHILD);
04389                 if (pAttrTransp == NULL)
04390                     ok = FALSE;
04391             }
04392             if (ok)
04393             {
04394                 UINT32 Transp = pShad->GetTransp();
04395                 ((AttrFillGeometry*)pAttrTransp)->SetStartTransp( &Transp );
04396             }
04398             pControl->FactorOutCommonChildAttributes(   TRUE,   // Global
04399                                                         &AttrTranspType );
04400         }
04401     }
04403     return ok;
04404 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareImportExportVars  )  [protected, virtual]

Prepares all the vars that are common to both import & export. This should be the first thing that's called when import/export starts.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if OK, FALSE if not

Definition at line 2103 of file camfiltr.cpp.

02104 {
02105     // This group of vars are only used on import, but they are reset here just in case some
02106     // idiot tries to use them on export
02107     pLastDocument       = NULL;
02108     pLastChapter        = NULL;
02109     pLastSpread         = NULL;
02110     pLastLayer          = NULL;
02111     pLastNodePath       = NULL;
02112     pLastCurrentAttr    = NULL;
02113     DocumentCount       = 0;
02114     ChapterCount        = 0;
02115     SpreadCount         = 0;
02116     LayerCount          = 0;
02117     SetSentinelCount    = 0;
02118     pImportLayer        = NULL;
02120     // Set up the pointers to the document components
02121     if (!FindDocComponents())
02122         return FALSE;
02124     ProgressBarCount = 0;           // Current progress bar count
02126     // Check to see if we need to delete the old one
02127     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
02128     {
02129         ERROR3("We already have a CXaraFile object");
02130         delete pCXaraFile;
02131         pCXaraFile = NULL;
02132     }
02134     // Create the correct CXaraFile object for the job
02135     pCXaraFile = CreateCXaraFile();
02137     return (pCXaraFile != NULL);
02138 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport CCLexFile pFile  )  [protected, virtual]

Gets things ready for the export. This opens the CXaraFile object and writes out the file header.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pFile - the path name [INPUTS]
TRUE if it worked, FALSE if it failed

Definition at line 3695 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03696 {
03697 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
03698     ProgressBarMessage = GetExportProgressString(pFile, GetExportMsgID());
03700     // Set up the CurrentAttribute pointer.
03701     if ( !SetUpCurrentAttrs () )
03702         return FALSE;
03704     // Set the coord origin for all objects in the spread to be the origin of the union of
03705     // all the pages in the spread
03706     Spread* pSpread = GetSpread();
03707     if (pSpread != NULL)
03708     {
03709         DocRect PagesRect;
03710         if (pSpread->GetPagesRect(&PagesRect))
03711             SetCoordOrigin(PagesRect.lo);
03712     }
03714     // If we are exporting a preview bitmap then don't start up a progress bar as
03715     // then things will/ go awry and we will just see one progress bar.
03716     // We should always want the preview bitmap in native files
03717     // In Web files we will only want them if the user requests them
03718 //  BOOL WantPreviewBmp = TRUE;
03719 //  if (IsWebFilter() && !PreviewBitmapExport)
03720 //      WantPreviewBmp = FALSE; 
03722     // Get the variables and classes ready for export
03723     BOOL ok = PrepareImportExportVars();
03725     if (ok) ok = pCXaraFile->OpenToWrite(pFile);
03726     if (ok) ok = WriteHeader();
03728     return ok;
03729 #else
03730     return FALSE;
03731 #endif
03732 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport CCLexFile pFile  )  [protected, virtual]

To get this filter ready to import a file.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pFile = ptr to file to read from [INPUTS]
TRUE if filter initialised ok; FALSE if not.

Definition at line 2242 of file camfiltr.cpp.

02243 {
02244     // Set up the CurrentAttribute pointer.
02245     if ( !SetUpCurrentAttrs () )
02246         return FALSE;
02248     ProgressBarMessage = GetImportProgressString(pFile, GetImportMsgID());
02250     // Total progress bar count (only do this on import).
02251     TotalProgressBarCount = 0;
02253     // Clear the ignored data warning string
02254     IgnoredDataString.Empty();
02255     // Clear the warnings messages strings
02256     WarningsString.Empty();
02258     // Clear import file type string
02259     ImportFileType[0] = 0;
02261     // Clear general import/export vars
02262     BOOL ok = PrepareImportExportVars();
02263     StartProgressBar(&ProgressBarMessage);
02265     // Reset the first layer to be imported
02266     m_pFirstImportedLayer       = NULL;
02267     m_pActiveLayerBeforeImport  = NULL;
02269     if (TheDocument != NULL)
02270     {
02271         Spread* pSpread = TheDocument->GetSelectedSpread();
02272         if (pSpread != NULL)
02273         {
02274             // This must be before PrepareTreeBuilding as if this is importing
02275             // PrepareTreeBuilding will insert a new layer which may be deleted as
02276             // part of the import process.
02277             m_pActiveLayerBeforeImport = pSpread->FindActiveLayer();
02278         }
02279     }
02281     // Prepare the tree building aspects of importing
02282     if (ok) ok = PrepareTreeBuilding();
02284     // Reset import vars
02285     EndOfFileFlag = FALSE;
02286     EscapePressed = FALSE;
02287     PreCompFlags  = 0;
02289     if (ok) ok = StartImportDocComponents();
02290     if (ok) ok = InitRecordHandlers();
02291     if (ok)
02292     {
02293         // If we fail at this point, the file must be corrupted (i.e. dodgy 8 byte header)
02294         ok = pCXaraFile->OpenToRead(pFile);
02295         if (!ok)
02296         {
02297             Error::SetError(BadFileMsgID);
02298             return FALSE;
02299         }
02300     }
02302     if (TheDocument != NULL)
02303     {
02304         Spread* pSpread = TheDocument->GetSelectedSpread();
02305         if (pSpread != NULL)
02306         {
02307             DocRect PagesRect;
02308             pSpread->GetPagesRect(&PagesRect);
02309             CoordOrigin = PagesRect.lo;
02310         }
02311     }
02313     return ok;
02314 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareTreeBuilding  )  [protected, virtual]

This does the setting up of the tree building functions (InsertNode(), etc).

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if ok, FALSE otherwise
It must be called before any node is added to the tree.

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 6357 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06358 {
06359     // If there is a level stack delete it (this should never be needed)
06360     if (pInsertLevelStack != NULL)
06361     {
06362         ERROR3("pInsertLevelStack != NULL - has CleanUpTreeBuilding been called?");
06363         delete pInsertLevelStack;
06364     }
06366     // Create a level stack
06367     pInsertLevelStack = new InsertLevelStack;
06368     if (pInsertLevelStack == NULL)
06369         return FALSE;
06371     // Add a level item to get us going
06372     InsertLevelStackItem* pItem = new InsertLevelStackItem(this);
06373     if (pItem == NULL)
06374         return FALSE;
06376     pInsertLevelStack->Add(pItem);
06378     pInsertContextNode = NULL;
06380     ERROR2IF(TheDocument == NULL,FALSE,"TheDocument is NULL!");
06382     pLastUnsafeToRenderNode = NULL;
06383     TheDocument->GetSafeRenderPointer().SetPointerValid();
06384     TheDocument->GetSafeRenderPointer().UpdateLastSafeNode(NULL);
06386     Chapter* pChapter = Node::FindFirstChapter(TheDocument);
06387     if (pChapter != NULL)
06388     {
06389         Spread* pSpread = pChapter->FindFirstSpread();
06390         if (pSpread != NULL)
06391         {
06392             Layer* pLayer = pSpread->FindLastLayer();
06394             if (pLayer != NULL)
06395                 pInsertContextNode = pLayer;
06396             else
06397                 pInsertContextNode = pSpread;
06399             InsertNextNodeAsChild();
06400         }
06401     }
06403     ERROR2IF(pInsertContextNode == NULL,FALSE,"Can't find last layer on the spread");
06405     if (!IsImporting() && pInsertContextNode->IsSpread())
06406     {
06407         Layer* pLayer = new Layer;
06408         if (pLayer == NULL)
06409             return FALSE;
06411         if (!AttachNode(pLayer,pInsertContextNode,LASTCHILD))
06412             return FALSE;
06414         String_256 LayerName;
06415 #ifdef WEBSTER
06416         // Make up a unique layer name of the form 'Frame 1'
06417         String_256 FrameName(_R(IDS_DEFAULTFRAMENAME));
06418         LayerName.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_FRAMENAMEUNIQUEFORM), (TCHAR *)FrameName, 1);
06419 #else       
06420         // Make up a unique layer name of the form 'Layer 1'
06421         LayerName.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_SGLAYER_LAYER_NUM),1);
06422 #endif
06423         pLayer->SetLayerID(LayerName);
06424         pLayer->EnsureUniqueLayerID();
06426         pInsertContextNode = pLayer;
06427         InsertNextNodeAsChild();
06428     }
06430     if (IsImporting() && pInsertContextNode->IsLayer())
06431     {
06432         Layer* pLayer = new Layer;
06433         if (pLayer == NULL)
06434             return FALSE;
06436         if (!AttachNode(pLayer,pInsertContextNode,NEXT))
06437             return FALSE;
06439         String_256 LayerName(_R(IDS_K_EPSFILTER_IMPORTED));
06440 #ifdef WEBSTER
06441         String_256 Suffix(_R(IDS_DEFAULTFRAMENAME));    // Frame
06442 #else
06443         String_256 Suffix(_R(IDS_LAYER_DESCRS));        // layer
06444 #endif
06445         LayerName += Suffix;
06446         pLayer->SetLayerID(LayerName);
06447         pLayer->EnsureUniqueLayerID();
06449         pImportLayer = pLayer;      // The layer created just for importing purposes
06451         pInsertContextNode = pLayer;
06452         InsertNextNodeAsChild();
06453     }
06456     return TRUE;
06457 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::ReadFile  )  [protected, virtual]

Reads in the file.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
See also:

Definition at line 3261 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03262 {
03263     ERROR2IF(pCXaraFile == NULL,FALSE,"pCXaraFile is NULL");
03265     BOOL ok = TRUE;
03267     while (!EndOfFileFlag && ok && !EscapePressed)
03268         ok = pCXaraFile->ReadNextRecord();
03270     // If the user has pressed escape during export - progress update returns this to us
03271     if (EscapePressed)
03272         return FALSE;
03274     // Karim 09/02/2001
03275     // Tidy up the tree after shadow import.
03276     PostImportShadows();
03278     return ok;
03279 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::ReadFileUntil INT32  tag  )  [virtual]

Reads in the file until the specified tag is hit.

Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
See also:

Definition at line 3294 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03295 {
03296     ERROR2IF(pCXaraFile == NULL,FALSE,"pCXaraFile is NULL");
03298     BOOL ok = TRUE;
03300     while (!EndOfFileFlag && ok && !EscapePressed && !pCXaraFile->GetLastReadTag()==tag)
03301         ok = pCXaraFile->ReadNextRecord();
03303     // If the user has pressed escape during export - progress update returns this to us
03304     if (EscapePressed)
03305         return FALSE;
03307     return ok;
03308 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::ReadPostChildren Node pNode  )  [virtual]

Informs a node that all its children have been imported Calls either the Native or Web varient of the function, depending on the type of filter this is.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = ptr to a node to write [INPUTS]
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::DecInsertLevel(); Scope: Public

Definition at line 4616 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04617 {
04618     ERROR3IF(pNode == NULL,"pNode is NULL");
04620     if (pNode != NULL)
04621     {
04622         if (IsWebFilter())
04623             return pNode->ReadPostChildrenWeb(this);
04624         else
04625             return pNode->ReadPostChildrenNative(this);
04626     }
04628     return FALSE;
04629 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::ResetImportExportVars  )  [protected, virtual]

Resets all the vars that are common to both import & export. This should be the last thing that's called when import/export has finished.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 2153 of file camfiltr.cpp.

02154 {
02155     EndProgressBar();
02157     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
02158     {
02159         // First call close to ensure that the CXaraFile is cleaned up
02160         pCXaraFile->Close();
02161         // Now delete it
02162         delete pCXaraFile;
02163     }
02165     pCXaraFile = NULL;
02167     if (pPathRecordRefList != NULL)
02168     {
02169         pPathRecordRefList->DeleteAll();
02170         delete pPathRecordRefList;
02171         pPathRecordRefList = NULL;
02172     }
02174 // WEBSTER - markn 31/1/97
02175 // Replaced with general system
02176 /*
02177     if (pTextStoryGroupRefList != NULL)
02178     {
02179         pTextStoryGroupRefList->DeleteAll();
02180         delete pTextStoryGroupRefList;
02181         pTextStoryGroupRefList = NULL;
02182     }
02183 */
02184     // WEBSTER - markn 29/1/97
02185     // Part of the general form of the system used to convert text to outlines in v1.5
02186     if (pNodeGroupRefList != NULL)
02187     {
02188         pNodeGroupRefList->DeleteAll();
02189         delete pNodeGroupRefList;
02190         pNodeGroupRefList = NULL;
02191     }
02192 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::RestoreInsertContext InsertTreeContext pOldState  )  [virtual]

If you wish to use SetInsertcontextNode to alter where the filter imports to, then chances are you'll want to save & restore the insertion state so that subsequent importing can continue where it left off. If this is the case, bracket your subtree import with code like this: InsertTreeContext *pContext = pFilter->GetInsertContext(); ... import your subtree or whatever ... pFilter->RestoreInsertContext(pContext);.

Jason_Williams (Xara Group Ltd) <>
A pointer to a record from which the current insertion context can be restored at a later date.
See also:

Definition at line 6138 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06139 {
06140     if (pOldState != NULL)
06141     {
06142         SetInsertContextNode(pOldState->pContextNode);
06143         if (pOldState->InsertAsChild)
06144             InsertNextNodeAsChild();
06145         else
06146             InsertNextNodeAsSibling();
06147     }
06148 }

INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::SetBitmapCompression INT32  NewBmpComp  )  [virtual]

Set up a new state for the the current bitmap compression. 200 = no compression, 0 = full compression. (Very much like the JPEG compression percentage).

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
New bitmap compression value [INPUTS]
The old current state of the bitmap compression.

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter.

Definition at line 922 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00923 {
00924     INT32 Old = BaseCamelotFilter::BitmapCompression;
00925     BaseCamelotFilter::BitmapCompression = NewBmpComp;
00926     return Old;
00927 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetCompression BOOL  NewState  )  [virtual]

Function to turn Compression on or off on the underlying CCFile.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The new compression state required, True for on, False for off [INPUTS]
TRUE if ok FALSE otherwise

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 1932 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01933 {
01934     ERROR2IF(pCXaraFile == NULL,FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::SetCompression pCXaraFile is NULL");
01936     return pCXaraFile->SetCompression(NewState);
01937 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetConvertBlendsToOutlines BOOL  NewConvertBlendsToOutlines  )  [virtual]

Set up a new state for the the convert blends to outlines. True means convert blends to outlines, False means do not.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
New convert blends to outlines state [INPUTS]
The old current state of the convert blends to outlines.
Added for WEBSTER

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter.

Definition at line 1062 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01063 {
01064     BOOL Old = BaseCamelotFilter::ConvertBlendsToOutlines;
01065     BaseCamelotFilter::ConvertBlendsToOutlines = NewConvertBlendsToOutlines;
01066     return Old;
01067 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetConvertTextToOutlines BOOL  NewConvertTextToOutlines  )  [virtual]

Set up a new state for the the convert text to outlines. True means convert text to outlines, False means do not.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
New convert text to outlines state [INPUTS]
The old current state of the convert text to outlines.

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter.

Definition at line 1012 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01013 {
01014     BOOL Old = BaseCamelotFilter::ConvertTextToOutlines;
01015     BaseCamelotFilter::ConvertTextToOutlines = NewConvertTextToOutlines;
01016     return Old;
01017 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::SetCoordOrigin const DocCoord Origin  ) 

Sets the origin for all coords that are written to or read from the file.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Origin = the origin of all spread coords that are written out. [INPUTS]
The purpose of this function is to set a constant X & Y translation to all coords so that when the coord is imported, it can be retranslated relative to a consistant reference point.

The problem with using the spread origin is that it is not a constant distance from the page origin. This means that if you change the paste board size, an imported object may be put in the wrong place on the paper.

To overcome this, the new format uses the page origin as the origin of all objects, which gives us a better chance of importing objects to a sensible place on the page.

See also:
Spread::WritePreChildrenWeb(BaseCamelotFilter* pFilter) Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5539 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05540 {
05541     CoordOrigin = Origin;
05542 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetDocumentNudgeSize UINT32  newVal  ) 

Sets the nudge size for the current document.

Chris_Snook (Xara Group Ltd) <>
newVal - the new value for the nudge size [INPUTS]
See also:
Document::SetDocNudge Scope: Private

Definition at line 6741 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06742 {
06743     return (TheDocument->SetDocNudge (newVal));
06744 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetFileCompressionState BOOL  NewState  )  [protected, virtual]

Set a new file compression status into action.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
New state for file compression, TRUE if want on, FALSE if want off. [INPUTS]
True if succesful or False if not.

Definition at line 858 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00859 {
00860     TRACEUSER( "Neville", _T("BaseCamelotFilter::SetFileCompressionState new state= %d\n"), NewState );
00862     CompressionOn = NewState;
00864     return TRUE;
00865 }

virtual void BaseCamelotFilter::SetFirstImportedLayer Layer pLayer  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 689 of file camfiltr.h.

00689 { m_pFirstImportedLayer = pLayer; }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetHTMLToClipboard BOOL  fNewValue  )  [virtual]

Set a new state for HTMLToClipboard.

Graham_Walmsley (Xara Group Ltd) <>
New HTMLToClipboard state [INPUTS]
The old HTMLToClipboard state

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter.

Definition at line 1147 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01148 {
01149     BOOL Old = BaseCamelotFilter::HTMLToClipboard;
01150     BaseCamelotFilter::HTMLToClipboard = fNewValue;
01151     return Old;
01152 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::SetImportFileType char *  pFileType  )  [virtual]

Sets the file type of the imported file.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Only the first 3 chars are read, so don't worry about zero-terminating the string before calling this func.

This function should be called when the file header record is read, because that is where the file type is stored.

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 7374 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07375 {
07376     ImportFileType[0] = 0;
07378     if (pFileType != NULL)
07379     {
07380         strncpy(ImportFileType,pFileType,3);
07381         ImportFileType[3] = 0;
07382     }
07383 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::SetInsertContextNode Node pNode  )  [virtual]

Sets the context node to the node provided.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = the node to use as a context node [INPUTS]
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5919 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05920 {
05921     pInsertContextNode = pNode;
05922 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::SetInsertMode InsertMode  newInsertMode,
CCRuntimeClass pAttrGroup = NULL

Set Mode for AttachNode function.

Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
AttachMode - New attachMode setting [INPUTS]
See also:
- Scope: Protected

Definition at line 6235 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06236 {
06237     m_InsertMode = newInsertMode;
06238     m_pCurrentAttrGroup = pAttrGroup;
06239 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::SetLastChapterInserted Chapter pNode  )  [inline]

Definition at line 617 of file camfiltr.h.

00617 { pLastChapter = pNode; }

void BaseCamelotFilter::SetLastCurrentAttrInserted NodeAttribute pNode  )  [inline]

Definition at line 621 of file camfiltr.h.

00621 { pLastCurrentAttr = pNode; }

void BaseCamelotFilter::SetLastDocumentInserted Document pNode  )  [inline]

Definition at line 616 of file camfiltr.h.

00616 { pLastDocument = pNode; }

void BaseCamelotFilter::SetLastLayerInserted Layer pNode  )  [inline]

Definition at line 619 of file camfiltr.h.

00619 { pLastLayer = pNode; }

void BaseCamelotFilter::SetLastNodePathInserted NodePath pNode  )  [inline]

Definition at line 620 of file camfiltr.h.

00620 { pLastNodePath = pNode; }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetLastRecordHandler CXaraFileRecordHandler pHandler,
UINT32  Tag

Sets the handler used to handle the last record that was imported. It also sets the tag value of the last handled record.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pHandler = ptr to record handler used to handle the last record [INPUTS] Tag = the tag the handler handled
NOTE: If Tag is either TAG_UP or TAG_DOWN, the call does nothing

Definition at line 2210 of file camfiltr.cpp.

02211 {
02212     ERROR2IF(pHandler == NULL,FALSE,"NULL handler ptr");
02214     ERROR2IF(pInsertLevelStack == NULL,FALSE,"NULL pInsertLevelStack ptr");
02216     if (Tag != TAG_UP && Tag != TAG_DOWN)
02217     {
02218         // Find the info item containing data on the current level
02219         InsertLevelStackItem* pItem = pInsertLevelStack->Get();
02221         // Set the last handler & tag value for this level
02222         if (pItem != NULL)
02223             pItem->SetLastHandler(pHandler,Tag);
02224     }
02226     return TRUE;
02227 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::SetLastSpreadInserted Spread pNode  )  [inline]

Definition at line 618 of file camfiltr.h.

00618 { pLastSpread = pNode; }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetMinimalWebFormat BOOL  NewMinimalWebFormat  )  [virtual]

Set up a new state for the min web format flag.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
New min web format state [INPUTS]
The old current state.
WEBSTER - 28/1/97

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter.

Definition at line 1227 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01228 {
01229     BOOL Old = BaseCamelotFilter::MinimalWebFormat;
01230     BaseCamelotFilter::MinimalWebFormat = NewMinimalWebFormat;
01231     return Old;
01232 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetNativeCompression BOOL  NewState  )  [static]

Set the preference as to whether we are to compress the native files or not.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
New state for native file compression, TRUE if want on, FALSE if want off. [INPUTS]
The old state of the compression.

Definition at line 775 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00776 {
00777 //  BOOL OldState = CompressNative;
00778     CompressNative = NewState;
00779     return CompressNative;
00780 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetPreCompression UINT32  Flags  )  [virtual]

Sets the precompression used in this file.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Flags = 32 bit flags word defining the precompression used in the file [INPUTS]
True if succesful or False if not.

Definition at line 832 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00833 {
00834     PreCompFlags = Flags;
00836     if (Flags != 0)
00837     {
00838         Error::SetError(_R(IDS_UNKNOWN_COMPRESSION));
00839         return FALSE;
00840     }
00842     return TRUE;
00843 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetPreviewBitmapExport BOOL  NewExportPreviewBmp  )  [virtual]

Set up a new state for the the current export preview bitmap. True means export a preview bitmap, False means do not.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
New export preview bitmap state [INPUTS]
The old current state of the export preview bitmap.

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter.

Definition at line 967 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00968 {
00969     BOOL Old = BaseCamelotFilter::PreviewBitmapExport;
00970     BaseCamelotFilter::PreviewBitmapExport = NewExportPreviewBmp;
00971     return Old;
00972 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetRemoveInvisibleLayers BOOL  NewRemoveInvisibleLayers  )  [virtual]

Set up a new state for the the remove invisible layers. True means remove invisible layers, False means do not.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
New remove invisible layers state [INPUTS]
The old current state of the remove invisible layers.

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter.

Definition at line 1103 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01104 {
01105     BOOL Old = BaseCamelotFilter::RemoveInvisibleLayers;
01106     BaseCamelotFilter::RemoveInvisibleLayers = NewRemoveInvisibleLayers;
01107     return Old;
01108 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetRemoveUnusedColours BOOL  NewRemoveUnusedColours  )  [virtual]

Set up a new state for the the remove unused colours. True means remove unused colours, False means do not.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
New remove unused colours state [INPUTS]
The old current state of the remove unused colours.

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter.

Definition at line 1185 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01186 {
01187     BOOL Old = BaseCamelotFilter::RemoveUnusedColours;
01188     BaseCamelotFilter::RemoveUnusedColours = NewRemoveUnusedColours;
01189     return Old;
01190 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetSaveXPEBitmaps BOOL  NewSaveXPEBitmaps  )  [virtual]

Set up a new state for the save XPE bitmaps flag.

Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
New save XPE bitmaps state [INPUTS]
The old current state.

Reimplemented in PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 1264 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01265 {
01266     BOOL Old = BaseCamelotFilter::SaveXPEBitmaps;
01267     BaseCamelotFilter::SaveXPEBitmaps = NewSaveXPEBitmaps;
01268     return Old;
01269 }

virtual void BaseCamelotFilter::SetSelType SelectionType  ThisSelType  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 685 of file camfiltr.h.

00685 { SelType = ThisSelType; }

void BaseCamelotFilter::SetTotalNumBytesToRead UINT32  s  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 5635 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05636 {
05637     ERROR3IF(pCXaraFile == NULL,"NULL pCXaraFile");
05639     FileSize = n;
05641     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05642         pCXaraFile->SetTotalNumBytesToRead(n);
05643 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SetTotalProgressBarCount UINT32  n  )  [virtual]

Func to set total the progress bar count. If there is a progress bar available, it is updated by this call. Scope: Protected.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
n = amount to set the total progress bar count to [INPUTS]
TRUE if ok, FALSE if user aborted via the 'escape' key

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter.

Definition at line 3573 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03574 {
03575     ERROR3IF(n == 0,"Should only be set to a value greater that 0");
03577     TotalProgressBarCount = n;
03578     return IncProgressBarCount(0);
03579 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::ShouldExportHTMLTag  )  [virtual]

Public access to the HTML to clipboard.

Graham_Walmsley (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The current state of the HTMLToClipboard

Reimplemented from Filter.

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter, CamelotWebFilter, and CamelotNULLWebFilter.

Definition at line 1166 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01167 {
01168     return FALSE;
01169 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::ShouldSaveXPEBitmaps  )  [static]

Find out whether we should save XPE bitmap data or just the information needed to rebuild the bitmap.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The current state of the SaveXPEBitmaps preference

Definition at line 814 of file camfiltr.cpp.

00815 {
00816     return SaveXPEBitmaps;
00817 }   

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SkipToIndexInformation CCLexFile pFile,
String_256 pString,
BOOL *  IsNewNativeFile

Function used by the gallery index generation code to check the file is the native/web format and then get to the index information record. Assumes file is already opened and ready for reading at the start of the file. Could share some common functionality with the above but we need speed so just duplicate the code. This function must also be different as we need to use the CXaraFile code as we need to read the string from the document comment record. Hence, we can get this to do some of the work such as checking the id is present etc.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pFile - file to use to find the index information in [INPUTS]
pString - will fill this in with the index information, if found [OUTPUTS] IsNewNativeFile - set to TRUE if new native/web format file
  • set to FALSE if not new native/web format file
True if it is a native/web format file and found the index information. False if any problems are found or the file format is wrong.
See also:

Definition at line 1485 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01486 {
01487 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
01489     // If no file pointer then exit with no errors
01490     if (pFile == NULL || pString == NULL)
01491         return FALSE;
01493     // To speed up the checks we will just check this number of records before giving up.
01494     // Assuming we do not find something like a Compression Start or equally compelling reason
01495     // to give up the search.
01496     const INT32 MaxRecordNumber = 5;
01497     INT32 RecordNumber = 0;
01499     // Create the correct CXaraFile object for the job, return FALSE if this fails
01500     // Cannot use the OpenToRead function as this is not static
01501     // All we need to set up is the CCFile pointer inside CXaraFile 
01502     CXaraFile* pCXaraFile = new CXaraFile;
01503     if (!pCXaraFile)
01504         return FALSE;
01506     // Call the CXaraFile code to open up the pFile. Doesn't really open the file just inits
01507     // everything required. This also checks the header on the file to see whether it is our unique one
01508     BOOL ok = pCXaraFile->OpenToRead(pFile);
01509     if (!ok)
01510     {
01511         // More than likely the file is not a new native/web file, so return this info to the caller
01512         if (IsNewNativeFile)
01513             *IsNewNativeFile = FALSE;
01514         // Clean up the CXaraFile and delete it.
01515         pCXaraFile->Close();
01516         delete pCXaraFile;
01517         return FALSE;
01518     }
01520     // More than likely the file is a new native/web file, so return this info to the caller
01521     if (IsNewNativeFile)
01522         *IsNewNativeFile = TRUE;
01524     // Assumes the header has been read and checked by OpenToRead
01525     BYTE Buffer[8];
01526     UINT32* pUINT32 = (UINT32*)&Buffer;
01527     try
01528     {
01529         // Now skip records until we either find a document comment record
01530         // or something like compression start or file end
01531         // This will usually be stored after a document record and a down node and
01532         // before a chapter or compression start record.
01533         // Count the records we have skipped, if any
01534         UINT32 Tag = 0;
01535         UINT32 Size = 0;
01536         while (RecordNumber < MaxRecordNumber)
01537         {
01538             // Read in the record header
01539             pFile->read(pUINT32, sizeof(UINT32) * 2);
01541             // Tag is first followed by the size 
01542             Tag = pUINT32[0];
01543             Size = pUINT32[1];
01544             if (Tag == TAG_DOCUMENTCOMMENT)
01545             {
01546                 // We have found our index information record header
01547                 // so rip the data from it
01548                 ok = pCXaraFile->ReadUnicode(*pString, pString->MaxLength());
01549                 break;
01550             }
01551             else if (Tag == TAG_STARTCOMPRESSION ||
01552                      Tag == TAG_ENDOFFILE || 
01553                      Tag == TAG_CHAPTER ||
01554                      Tag == TAG_SETSENTINEL ||
01555                      Tag == TAG_SETPROPERTY)
01556             {
01557                 // We have reached something that indicates we have gone too far
01558                 // so return False = no preview bitmap found
01559                 ok = FALSE;
01560                 break;
01561             }
01563             // Tag not recognised
01564             // Skip to the next record in the file 
01565             // Move on by the size of the data in this record
01566             FilePos pos = pFile->tell(); 
01567             pFile->seekIn(pos + Size);
01568             RecordNumber ++;
01569         }
01571         // Clean up the CXaraFile and delete it.
01572         pCXaraFile->Close();
01573         delete pCXaraFile;
01574     }       
01575     catch( CFileException e )
01576     {
01577         // Clean up the CXaraFile and delete it.
01578         pCXaraFile->Close();
01579         delete pCXaraFile;
01580         return FALSE;
01581     }
01583     if (!ok && RecordNumber > MaxRecordNumber)
01584         TRACEUSER("Neville", _T("BaseCamelotFilter::SkipToIndexInformation couldn't find preview bitmap in %d records\n"), RecordNumber);
01586     return ok;
01587 #else
01588     return FALSE;
01589 #endif
01590 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SkipToPreviewBitmap CCLexFile pFile,
BOOL *  IsNewNativeFile,
UINT32 pFilterId = NULL

Function used by the gallery thumb nail code to check the file is the native/web format and then get to the preview bitmap record and leave the file pointer sitting at the bitmap image. Assumes file is already opened and ready for reading at the start of the file. Notes: Added pFilterId argument for open dialog Martin-20/01/97.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pFile - file to use to find the preview bitmap in [INPUTS]
IsNewNativeFile - set to TRUE if new native/web format file [OUTPUTS]
  • set to FALSE if not new native/web format file pFilterId - if not NULL and we found a preview set to the corresponding filter id, complementing ExportPreviewBitmap.
True if it is a native/web format file and found the preview bitmap. False if any problems are found or the file format is wrong.
See also:
SGThumbs::LoadThumbnailIntoSlot; BaseFileDialog::GetPreviewBitmapFromFile

Definition at line 1352 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01353 {
01354 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
01356     // We will set by default that the file is not a new native/web file, so that this
01357     // is returned this info to the caller
01358     if (IsNewNativeFile)
01359         *IsNewNativeFile = FALSE;
01361     // If no file pointer then exit with no errors
01362     if (pFile == NULL)
01363         return FALSE;
01365     // To speed up the checks we will just check this number of records before giving up.
01366     // Assuming we do not find something like a Compression Start or equally compelling reason
01367     // to give up the search.
01368     const INT32 MaxRecordNumber = 5;
01369     INT32 RecordNumber = 0;
01371     // First check the header on the file to see whether it is our unique one
01372     BYTE Buffer[8];
01373     UINT32* pUINT32 = (UINT32*)&Buffer;
01374     try
01375     {
01376         // Read in the first 8 bytes
01377         pFile->read(pUINT32, 8);
01378         // Check it is our unique signature
01379         if (pUINT32[0] != CXF_IDWORD1 || pUINT32[1] != CXF_IDWORD2)
01380             return FALSE;
01382         // More than likely the file is a new native/web file, so return this info to the caller
01383         if (IsNewNativeFile)
01384             *IsNewNativeFile = TRUE;
01386         // Now skip records until we either find a preview bitmap record
01387         // or something like compression start or file end
01388         // Count the records we have skipped, if 
01389         UINT32 Tag = 0;
01390         UINT32 Size = 0;
01391         while (RecordNumber < MaxRecordNumber)
01392         {
01393             // Read in the record header
01394             pFile->read(pUINT32, 8);
01395             // Tag is first followed by the size 
01396             Tag = pUINT32[0];
01397             Size = pUINT32[1];
01398             if (Tag == TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_BMP || Tag == TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_GIF ||
01399                 Tag == TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_JPEG || Tag == TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_PNG ||
01400                 Tag == TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_TIFFLZW)
01401             {
01402                 // We have found our preview bitmap header, and the file pointer will
01403                 // be at the correct place, i.e. at the start of the image data  and
01404                 // so we pass back the filter type if needed
01405                 if (pFilterId)
01406                 {
01407                     switch (Tag)
01408                     {
01409                         case TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_BMP:
01410                             *pFilterId = FILTERID_PREVIEW_BMP;
01411                             break;
01412                         case TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_GIF:
01413                             *pFilterId = FILTERID_PREVIEW_GIF;
01414                             break;
01415                         case TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_JPEG:
01416                             *pFilterId = FILTERID_PREVIEW_JPEG;
01417                             break;
01418                         case TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_PNG:
01419                             *pFilterId = FILTERID_PREVIEW_PNG;
01420                             break;
01421                         case TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_TIFFLZW:
01422                             *pFilterId = FILTERID_PREVIEW_TIFF;
01423                             break;
01424                         default:
01425                             *pFilterId = FILTERID_NONE;
01426                             break;
01427                     }
01428                 }
01429                 return TRUE;
01430             }
01431             else if (Tag == TAG_STARTCOMPRESSION || Tag == TAG_ENDOFFILE ||
01432                      Tag == TAG_DOWN || Tag == TAG_DOCUMENT)
01433             {
01434                 // We have reached something that indicates we have gone too far
01435                 // so return False = no preview bitmap found
01436                 return FALSE;
01437             }
01439             // Tag not recognised
01440             // Skip to the next record in the file 
01441             // Move on by the size of the data in this record
01442             FilePos pos = pFile->tell(); 
01443             pFile->seekIn(pos + Size);
01444             RecordNumber ++;
01445         }
01446     }       
01447     catch( CFileException e )
01448     {
01449         return FALSE;
01450     }
01452     if (RecordNumber > MaxRecordNumber)
01453         TRACEUSER( "Neville", _T("BaseCamelotFilter::SkipToPreviewBitmap couldn't find preview bitmap in %d records\n"), RecordNumber);
01455     return FALSE;
01456 #else
01457     return FALSE;
01458 #endif
01459 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::StartCompression  )  [virtual]

Function to turn Compression on when we are writing to the file. It asks the underlying CCFile and CXaraFile to start the compression process up.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if ok FALSE otherwise

Errors: -

See also:
StopCompression(); CXaraFile::StartCompression();

Reimplemented in PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 1955 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01956 {
01957     ERROR2IF(pCXaraFile == NULL,FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::SetCompression pCXaraFile is NULL");
01959     return pCXaraFile->StartCompression();
01960 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::StartExportDocComponents BOOL  BeforeCompression  )  [protected, virtual]

Tells all the doc components attached to the document that we are about to export to either the web or native file format.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
BeforeCompression = TRUE if called before zlib compression has been turned on [INPUTS] FALSE otherwise
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
if BeforeCompression is TRUE, then the doc components are called via StartExportBeforeComp(). This gives doc components a chance to export records in a non-compressed form at the beginning of the file.

if BeforeCompression is FALSE, then the doc components are called via StartExport(). All records written out at this point will be zlib compressed.

See also:
PrepareToExport, EndExportDocComponents

Definition at line 3857 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03858 {
03859 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
03860     ERROR2IF(TheDocument == NULL,FALSE,"NULL document ptr");
03862     BOOL ok = TRUE;
03864     // Inform all the document components that we are about to export
03865     DocComponent *pComponent = TheDocument->EnumerateDocComponents(NULL);
03867     while (ok && pComponent != NULL && !EscapePressed)
03868     {
03869         // Inform this document component that we are about to start a Native/Web export.
03870         if (BeforeCompression)
03871             ok = pComponent->StartExportBeforeComp(this);
03872         else
03873             ok = pComponent->StartExport(this);
03875         // Look for next doc component
03876         pComponent = TheDocument->EnumerateDocComponents(pComponent);
03877     }
03879     // If the user has pressed escape during export - progress update returns this to us
03880     if (EscapePressed)
03881         return FALSE;
03883     return ok;
03884 #else
03885     return FALSE;
03886 #endif
03887 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::StartImportDocComponents  )  [protected, virtual]

Tells all the doc components attached to the document that we are about to Import to either the web or native file format.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
See also:
PrepareToImport, EndImportDocComponents

Definition at line 3175 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03176 {
03177     ERROR2IF(TheDocument == NULL,FALSE,"NULL document ptr");
03179     BOOL ok = TRUE;
03181     // Inform all the document components that we are about to Import
03182     DocComponent *pComponent = TheDocument->EnumerateDocComponents(NULL);
03184     while (ok && pComponent != NULL && !EscapePressed)
03185     {
03186         // Inform this document component that we are about to start a Native/Web Import.
03187         ok = pComponent->StartImport(this);
03189         // Look for next doc component
03190         pComponent = TheDocument->EnumerateDocComponents(pComponent);
03191     }
03193     // If the user has pressed escape during export - progress update returns this to us
03194     if (EscapePressed)
03195         return FALSE;
03197     return ok;
03198 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::StartProgressBar String_64 pMessage  )  [protected, virtual]

Starts up the progress bar. If it fails it returns FALSE, but it's no problem if you continue - i.e. you shouldn't about import/export just because you can't get a progress bar going.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pMessage = ptr to message string (or NULL if you want default message) [INPUTS]
TRUE if OK, FALSE if not
If a progress bar already exists, it's deleted and a new one created

Definition at line 2049 of file camfiltr.cpp.

02050 {
02051     TRACE( _T("Starting progress bar\n") );
02053     // End the current one (if there is one of course).
02054     EndProgressBar();
02056     // ptr to the progress bar object
02057     pProgress = new Progress(pMessage,100);
02058     if (pProgress != NULL)
02059     {
02060         pProgress->Update();
02061         return TRUE;
02062     }
02064     return FALSE;
02065 }

INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::StartRecord UINT32  Tag,
INT32  Size

Definition at line 5573 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05574 {
05575     UINT32 RecordNumber = 0;
05577     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05578         RecordNumber = pCXaraFile->StartRecord(Tag,Size);
05580     return RecordNumber;
05581 }

INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::StartStreamedRecord UINT32  Tag,
INT32  Size

Definition at line 5583 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05584 {
05585     UINT32 RecordNumber = 0;
05587     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05588         RecordNumber = pCXaraFile->StartStreamedRecord(Tag,Size);
05590     return RecordNumber;
05591 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::StopCompression  )  [virtual]

Function to turn Compression off when we are writing to the file. It asks the underlying CCFile and CXaraFile to stop the compression process.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if ok FALSE otherwise

Errors: -

See also:
StartCompression(); CXaraFile::StopCompression()

Reimplemented in PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 1978 of file camfiltr.cpp.

01979 {
01980     ERROR2IF(pCXaraFile == NULL,FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::StopCompression pCXaraFile is NULL");
01982     return pCXaraFile->StopCompression();
01983 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::UnkownEssentialDataError UINT32  Tag  )  [protected]

Errors that a tag is not recognised, yet it is an essential tag (i.e. one that must be recognised in order to load the file correctly).

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Tag = tag of the record not recognised [INPUTS]
It also makes sure that the correct error message is set.

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5408 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05409 {
05410     String_256 Str(_R(IDS_TAG_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ESSENTIAL));
05412     Str += String_256(_R(IDS_TAG_ERROR_LIST_SEP));
05414     TagDescriptionListItem* pDesc = GetTagDescription(Tag);
05415     if (pDesc != NULL && pDesc->GetString() != NULL)
05416         Str += *(pDesc->GetString());
05417     else
05418     {
05419         String_256 Temp;
05420         Temp.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_TAG_ERROR_TAG_NUMBER),Tag);
05421         Str += Temp;
05422     }
05424     Error::SetError(0,Str,0);
05425 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::UnrecognisedTag UINT32  Tag  ) 

Informs the filter that it didn't recognise the given tag.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Tag = Tag of the record unrecognised by the importer [INPUTS]
TRUE if ok to carry on, FALSE otherwise
This function will work out what to do If the tag is an essential one, the import will be aborted If the tag is atomic, the next subtree will be ignored

If the import is not aborted, the user will be given a suitable warning at the end of import, telling him (or her, of course) which tags were ignored.

See also:
- Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5293 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05294 {
05295     if (IsTagInEssentialList(Tag))
05296     {
05297         // We must understand this tag if we are to render this file correctly
05298         // However, we don't, so error to the user, and abort the importing of the file
05299         UnkownEssentialDataError(Tag);
05300         return FALSE;
05301     }
05303     // If it's not essential that we recognise this tag, then let the user know we are
05304     // ignoring it
05305     AppendIgnoredDataWarning(Tag);
05307     // If it's an atomic tag, then we must ignore the record AND IT'S SUB TREE!
05308     if (IsTagInAtomicList(Tag) && pCXaraFile != NULL)
05309         pCXaraFile->StripNextSubTree();
05311     return TRUE;
05312 }

void BaseCamelotFilter::UpdateLastSafeToRenderNode Node pNode  )  [private]

Definition at line 6153 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06154 {
06155     if (TheDocument == NULL)
06156     {
06157         ERROR3("NULL doc ptr");
06158         return;
06159     }
06161     Node* pSafeNode = NULL;
06163     if (pLastUnsafeToRenderNode != NULL)
06164     {
06165         if (!pLastUnsafeToRenderNode->AreYouSafeToRender())
06166             return;
06168         pSafeNode = pLastUnsafeToRenderNode;
06169         pLastUnsafeToRenderNode = NULL;
06170     }
06172     if (pNode != NULL)
06173     {
06174         if (pNode->AreYouSafeToRender())
06175             pSafeNode = pNode;
06176         else
06177         {
06178             pLastUnsafeToRenderNode = pNode;
06179             //String_256 Details = String_256((TCHAR*)(pNode->GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName));
06180             //TRACEUSER( "Markn", _T("Last unsafe node = %s - 0x%x\n"),(TCHAR*)Details,pNode);
06181         }
06182     }
06184     if (pSafeNode != NULL)
06185     {
06186         if (pSafeNode->IsAnObject() && (!(IS_A(pSafeNode,NodeGroup))))
06187         {
06188             TheDocument->GetSafeRenderPointer().UpdateLastSafeNode(pSafeNode);
06189         //String_256 Details = String_256((TCHAR*)(pSafeNode->GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName));
06190         //TRACEUSER( "Markn", _T("Last safe node = %s - 0x%x\n"),(TCHAR*)Details,pSafeNode);
06191         }
06192     }
06193 }

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::Write CXaraFileRecord pRecord  ) 

Definition at line 5769 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05770 {
05771 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05772     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05773     {
05774         IncProgressBarCount(pRecord->GetSize()+8);
05775         return pCXaraFile->Write(pRecord);
05776     }
05777 #endif
05778     return 0;
05779 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::Write FLOAT  f  ) 

Definition at line 5688 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05689 {
05690 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05691     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05692         return pCXaraFile->Write(f);
05693 #endif
05694     return FALSE;
05695 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::Write BYTE *  pBuf,
UINT32  BufSize

Definition at line 5733 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05734 {
05735 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05736     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05737         return pCXaraFile->Write(pBuf,BufSize);
05738 #endif
05739     return FALSE;
05740 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::Write TCHAR pStr  ) 

Definition at line 5697 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05698 {
05699 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05700     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05701         return pCXaraFile->Write(pStr);
05702 #endif
05703     return FALSE;
05704 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::Write const DocCoord Coord  ) 

Definition at line 5742 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05743 {
05744 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05745     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05746         return pCXaraFile->Write(Coord);
05747 #endif
05748     return FALSE;
05749 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::Write INT32  n  ) 

Definition at line 5679 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05680 {
05681 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05682     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05683         return pCXaraFile->Write(n);
05684 #endif
05685     return FALSE;
05686 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::Write UINT32  n  ) 

Definition at line 5670 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05671 {
05672 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05673     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05674         return pCXaraFile->Write(n);
05675 #endif
05676     return FALSE;
05677 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::Write BYTE  b  ) 

Definition at line 5661 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05662 {
05663 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05664     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05665         return pCXaraFile->Write(b);
05666 #endif
05667     return FALSE;
05668 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteASCII TCHAR pStr  ) 

Definition at line 5715 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05716 {
05717 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05718     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05719         return pCXaraFile->WriteASCII(pStr);
05720 #endif
05721     return FALSE;
05722 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteBeginChildRecords Node pNode  )  [protected, virtual]

Informs a node that its child records are about to be written Calls either the Native or Web varient of the function, depending on the type of filter this is.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = ptr to a node to write [INPUTS]
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::DecInsertLevel(); Scope: Protected

Definition at line 4647 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04648 {
04649 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04650     if (IsWebFilter())
04651         return pNode->WriteBeginChildRecordsWeb(this);
04652     else
04653         return pNode->WriteBeginChildRecordsNative(this);
04654 #else
04655     return FALSE;
04656 #endif
04657 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteBitmapSmoothingRecord  ) 

Writes out the document's bitmap smoothing setting. The first byte is a flags byte. LSB bitmap smoothing flag bits 2-8 reserved There are 4 reserved bytes for future use (other bitmap settings).

Andy_Hills (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:
- Scope: -

Definition at line 6886 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06887 {
06888     BOOL ok = TRUE;
06890     // create a new record
06893     // populate the record
06894     BYTE Flags = 0x00;
06895     if (TheDocument->GetBitmapSmoothing()) Flags |= 0x01;
06897     ok = Rec.Init();
06898     if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteBYTE(Flags);  // flags
06900     // reserved bytes
06901     for( INT32 i=0; i<4; i++ )
06902     {
06903         if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteBYTE(0);
06904     }
06906     // Write the record
06907     if (ok) ok = Write(&Rec);
06909     return ok;
06910 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteBitmapSource const BitmapSource Source,
UINT32  Height

Definition at line 5751 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05752 {
05753 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05754     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05755         return pCXaraFile->WriteBitmapSource(Source, Height, this);
05756 #endif
05757     return FALSE;
05758 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteCCPanose const CCPanose Panose  ) 

Definition at line 5760 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05761 {
05762 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05763     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05764         return pCXaraFile->WriteCCPanose(Panose);
05765 #endif
05766     return FALSE;
05767 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteCurrentAttributes  )  [protected, virtual]

Write out all current attributes.

Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if worked, FALSE otherwise

Errors: -

See also:

Reimplemented in CamelotNativeFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 7942 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07943 {
07944     return TRUE;
07945 }

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::WriteDefinitionRecord CXaraFileRecord pRecord  ) 

Definition at line 5784 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05785 {
05786 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05787     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05788     {
05789         IncProgressBarCount(pRecord->GetSize()+8);
05790         return pCXaraFile->WriteDefinitionRecord(pRecord);
05791     }
05792 #endif
05793     return 0;
05794 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteDocument Operation pExportOp  )  [protected, virtual]

Exports the document pointed to by TheDocument.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pExportOp - the operation that caused this export. This is used for localising [INPUTS] attributes when exporting selections, so it can be NULL, if there is no selection.
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
The it skips all the default attributes. All default attributes are assumed in the format so don't have to be saved in the file.

This is safe because: 1) Current camelot loading v1 of file format The doc it gets loaded into will automatically create the correct default attrs

2) Current camelot loading future version of file format with new default attr It wont understand new attr records, so will ignore them, removing need to create correct default attr

3) New camelot loading v1 file format It will have all the default attrs for the file because this is what the format demands

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 4268 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04269 {
04270 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04271     ERROR2IF(TheDocument == NULL,FALSE,"Can't write a doc without a doc ptr");
04273     Node* pNode = GetExportNode();
04274     ERROR2IF(pNode == 0, FALSE,
04275                     "BaseCamelotFilter::WriteDocument: can't find starting node");
04276     BOOL ok = TRUE;
04278     // Set up the name gallery, using Simon's code, and check that it's valid
04279     NameGallery *pNameGallery   = NameGallery::Instance ();
04280     if ( pNameGallery)
04281         pNameGallery->FastUpdateNamedSetSizes ();
04283     // Karim 08/02/2001
04284     // Set the document up to save out shadows correctly.
04285     Node* pRoot = pNode;
04286     if (ok)
04287         PreExportShadows(pRoot);
04289     // Write out all the nodes in all the chapters
04290     if ( (pPrefs == NULL) || (pPrefs->GetExportSel () == DRAWING) )
04291     {
04292         while ((ok) && (pNode != NULL) && (!EscapePressed))
04293         {
04294             ok = WriteNodes(pNode);
04295             pNode = pNode->FindNext();
04296         }
04297     }
04298     // Export only the selected nodes.
04299     else
04300     {
04301         SelRange selection = *(GetApplication ()->FindSelection ());
04302         RangeControl control = selection.GetRangeControlFlags ();
04303         control.PromoteToParent = TRUE;
04304         selection.Range::SetRangeControl (control);
04306         ok = WriteSelectedNodes (pExportOp, pNode, &selection);
04307     }
04309     // Karim 09/02/2001
04310     // Revert the document to the state it was in before PreExportShadow() was called.
04311     PostExportShadows(pRoot);
04313     // If the user has pressed escape during export - progress update returns this to us
04314     if (EscapePressed)
04315         return FALSE;
04317     return ok;
04318 #else
04319     return FALSE;
04320 #endif
04321 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteDuplicationOffsetRecord  ) 

Writes out the documents duplication offset.

Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:
- Scope: -

Definition at line 6928 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06929 {
06930     // Create a description list record
06933     BOOL ok = Rec.Init();
06935     // Write the date to the file ....
06936     if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteINT32(TheDocument->GetDuplicationOffset().x);
06937     if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteINT32(TheDocument->GetDuplicationOffset().y);
06939     if (ok) ok = Write(&Rec);
06941     return (ok);
06942 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteEndChildRecords Node pNode  )  [protected, virtual]

Informs a node that its child records have been written Calls either the Native or Web varient of the function, depending on the type of filter this is.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = ptr to a node to write [INPUTS]
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::DecInsertLevel(); Scope: Protected

Definition at line 4675 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04676 {
04677 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04678     if (IsWebFilter())
04679         return pNode->WriteEndChildRecordsWeb(this);
04680     else
04681         return pNode->WriteEndChildRecordsNative(this);
04682 #else
04683     return FALSE;
04684 #endif
04685 }

INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::WriteFontDefinition WORD  FontHandle,
BOOL  IsBold,
BOOL  IsItalic

Writes a font definition record to the file, and returns with the record number of the record.

Andy_Hayward (Xara Group Ltd) <>
FontHandle - Font managers handle [INPUTS] IsBold - Bold? IsItalic - Italic?
Record number of font definition record

Definition at line 5502 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05503 {
05504 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05505     ERROR2IF(pFontComponent==NULL, -1, "Member variable pFontComponent==NULL.");
05507     return pFontComponent->WriteFontDefinition(this, FontHandle, IsBold, IsItalic);
05508 #else
05509     return -1;
05510 #endif
05511 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteHeader  )  [protected, virtual]

Writes out the header record to the file.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
See also:
PrepareToExport, StartExportDocComponents

Definition at line 3748 of file camfiltr.cpp.

03749 {
03750 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
03751     // Get the file pos of the start of the header record
03752     FileHeaderRecord = GetFilePos();
03756     BOOL ok = Rec.Init();
03758     if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteBuffer((BYTE*)GetExportFileType(),3); // File type (ensuring only 3 chars are written)
03759     if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteUINT32(0);                                // File size
03760     if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteUINT32(0);                                // Native/Web link ID
03761     if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteUINT32(0);                                // Precompression flags
03762     if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteASCII(PRODUCT_NAME);                  // Producer
03763     if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteASCII(PRODUCT_VERSION_NO);            // Producer version
03764     if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteASCII(CAMELOT_VERSION_STRING);        // Producer build
03766     if (ok) ok = (Write(&Rec) != 0);
03768     return ok;
03769 #else
03770     return FALSE;
03771 #endif
03772 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteNodeAndSubNodes Node pNode  )  [virtual]

This recursively writes the document, asking each node to write itself out, in the correct renderable order.

Chris_Gallimore (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = ptr to head of a sub-tree to write [INPUTS]
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
NOTE: This differs from WriteNodes, by only writing out the node and it's children, not the next or previous nodes.

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::WriteNodes, BaseCamelotFilter::WriteSelectedNodes Scope: Public

Definition at line 4773 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04774 {
04775 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04777     // Name Gallery code moved from here to WriteDocument to reduce number of calls to it.
04778     BOOL ok = TRUE;
04780     // (ChrisG 26/01/01) All of the code dealing with the selection is now done by 
04781     //  BaseCamelotFilter::WriteSelectedNodes and BaseCamelotFilter::WriteSelectedLayerAndNodes
04782     // 
04783     // This both allows the selection to be used correctly and have additional code, as 
04784     //  required, and should speed up the export slightly when the exporting the whole 
04785     //  document, as it no longer has to trudge through any selection code.
04787     /*BOOL RecordWritten =*/ WritePreChildren(pNode);
04788     BOOL WriteChildren = CanWriteChildren(pNode);
04790     if (WriteChildren)
04791     {
04792         if (ok) ok = WriteBeginChildRecords(pNode);
04794         Node* pChild = pNode->FindFirstChild();
04795         while (ok && pChild != NULL)
04796         {
04797             ok = WriteNodeAndSubNodes (pChild);
04798             pChild = pChild->FindNext ();
04799         }
04800         if (ok) ok = WriteEndChildRecords(pNode);
04801     }
04803     if (ok) ok = WritePostChildren(pNode);
04805     // If the user has pressed escape during export - progress update returns this to us
04806     if (EscapePressed)
04807         return FALSE;
04809     return ok;
04810 #else
04811     return FALSE;
04812 #endif
04813 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteNodeAsOutlines Node pNode  )  [virtual]

Converts the node into a group of paths, and then outputs that group to the filter.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = the node to convert to paths [INPUTS]
TRUE if one or more records were written, FALSE otherwise
WEBSTER - markn 29/1/97 Part of the general form of the system used to convert text to outlines in v1.5

Errors: Errors via pFilter->GotError() if if fails to create the group of paths properly.

Definition at line 7671 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07672 {
07673 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
07674     ERROR2IF(pNode==NULL, FALSE, "Parameter pFilter == NULL.");
07676     BOOL ok = TRUE;
07678     NodeGroup* pGroup = FindGroupForThisNode(pNode);
07680     if (pGroup == NULL)
07681     {
07682         // Create a group to hold all the outlines
07683         pGroup = new NodeGroup;
07684         ok = ok && (pGroup != NULL);
07686         // Create a BecomeA object that will receive all the outlines and attach them as children
07687         // of the group
07688         NodeToOutlinesBecomeA* pBecomeA = new NodeToOutlinesBecomeA(pGroup);
07689         ok = ok && (pBecomeA != NULL);
07691         // Collect all the outlines
07692         if (ok) ok = pNode->DoBecomeA(pBecomeA);
07694         // This code factors out the unnecessary attributes by placing the group in the tree, normalising
07695         // the attrs for all the paths in the group, then removing the group from the tree again
07696         if (ok)
07697         {
07698             // Attach it next to the text story
07699             pGroup->AttachNode(pNode,NEXT);
07701             // Ask all the child objects in the group to normalise the attributes
07702             Node* pNode = pGroup->FindFirstChild();
07703             while (pNode != NULL)
07704             {
07705                 if (pNode->IsAnObject())
07706                     ((NodeRenderableInk*)pNode)->NormaliseAttributes();
07707                 pNode = pNode->FindNext();
07708             }
07710             // Unlink the group from the tree
07711             pGroup->UnlinkNodeFromTree();
07712         }
07714         // Add it to the list of Node/groups ref list items
07715         if (ok) AddNodeGroupRefToList(pNode,pGroup);
07717         // Tidy up
07718         if (pBecomeA != NULL)
07719         {
07720             delete pBecomeA;
07721             pBecomeA = NULL;
07722         }
07723     }
07725     // Now write out the group to the file
07726     if (ok) ok = WriteNodes(pGroup);
07728     // Report a general error if necessary
07729     if (!ok)
07732     return ok;
07733 #else
07734     return FALSE;
07735 #endif
07736 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteNodes Node pNode  )  [virtual]

This is the main tree traversal routine that writes out the document in the v2 file format.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = ptr to the node to start from. [INPUTS]
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
It recursively writes the document, asking each node to write itself out, in the correct renderable order.

NOTE: Not only does this function recursively cycle through the nodes beneath pNode, It also goes through the ones next to pNode (i.e. those in the same layer) and their children.

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Scope: Public

Definition at line 4735 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04736 {
04737 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04739     BOOL ok = TRUE;
04741     // Cycle through the nodes that we've got writing them out as we go.
04742     Node * pCurrentNode = pNode;
04743     while ((ok) && (pCurrentNode != NULL))
04744     {
04745         ok = WriteNodeAndSubNodes (pCurrentNode);
04746         pCurrentNode = pCurrentNode->FindNext ();
04747     }
04749     return ok;
04750 #else
04751     return FALSE;
04752 #endif
04753 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteNudgeSizeRecord  ) 

Writes out the documents nudge size.

Chris_Snook (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:
- Scope: -

Definition at line 6852 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06853 {
06854     // Create a description list record
06857     BOOL ok = Rec.Init();
06859     // Write the date to the file ....
06860     if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteINT32 ((INT32) TheDocument->GetDocNudge ());
06862     if (ok) ok = Write(&Rec);
06864     return (ok);
06865 }

static BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WritePathsInRelativeFormat  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 251 of file camfiltr.h.

00251 { return WriteRelativePaths; }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WritePostChildren Node pNode  )  [protected, virtual]

Asks the node to write itself out. Calls either the Native or Web varient of the function, depending on the type of filter this is.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = ptr to a node to write [INPUTS]
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 4588 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04589 {
04590 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04591     if (IsWebFilter())
04592         return pNode->WritePostChildrenWeb(this);
04593     else
04594         return pNode->WritePostChildrenNative(this);
04595 #else
04596     return FALSE;
04597 #endif
04598 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WritePreChildren Node pNode  )  [protected, virtual]

Asks the node to write itself out. Calls either the Native or Web varient of the function, depending on the type of filter this is.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pNode = ptr to a node to write [INPUTS]
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 4532 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04533 {
04534 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04535     if (IsWebFilter())
04536         return pNode->WritePreChildrenWeb(this);
04537     else
04538         return pNode->WritePreChildrenNative(this);
04539 #else
04540     return FALSE;
04541 #endif
04542 }

INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::WriteRecord KernelBitmap pBitmap  ) 

Writes out the given bitmap to the file, returning the record number.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pBitmap = ptr to a KernelBitmap [INPUTS]
The record number of the record that defines the given bitmap Or < 1 if there is an error
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5472 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05473 {
05474 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05475     ERROR3IF(pBitmap    == NULL,"NULL pBitmap given");
05476     ERROR3IF(pBmpComponent == NULL,"NULL pBmpComponent");
05478     if (pBmpComponent != NULL && pBitmap != NULL)
05479         return pBmpComponent->GetWriteBitmapReference(pBitmap, this);
05481     return 0;
05482 #else
05483     return -1;
05484 #endif
05485 }

INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::WriteRecord DocColour pDocColour  ) 

Writes out the given colour to the file, returning the record number.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pDocColour = ptr to a doc colour [INPUTS]
The record number of the record that defines the given colour Or < 1 if there is an error
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 5442 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05443 {
05444 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05445     ERROR3IF(pDocColour    == NULL,"NULL pDocColour given");
05446     ERROR3IF(pColComponent == NULL,"NULL pColComponent");
05448     if (pColComponent != NULL && pDocColour != NULL)
05449         return pColComponent->GetWriteColourReference(pDocColour,this);
05451     return 0;
05452 #else
05453     return -1;
05454 #endif
05455 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteRemainingAtomicTagDefinitions  ) 

All compound nodes (e.g. bevels, contours, shadows, clipview) are now defined as being atomic. This is so that they can be backwards compatible with CX2.

Chris_Snook (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if changed value, FALSE otherwise

Errors: -

See also:

Definition at line 6994 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06995 {
06996     BOOL ok = TRUE;
06998     CXaraFileRecord atomicRec(TAG_ATOMICTAGS, TAG_ATOMICTAGS_SIZE);
06999     if (ok) ok = atomicRec.Init();
07000     if (ok) ok = atomicRec.WriteUINT32(TAG_BEVEL);                      // NodeBevelController
07001     if (ok) ok = atomicRec.WriteUINT32(TAG_BEVELINK);                   // NodeBevel
07002     if (ok) ok = atomicRec.WriteUINT32(TAG_CONTOURCONTROLLER);          // NodeContourController
07003     if (ok) ok = atomicRec.WriteUINT32(TAG_CONTOUR);                    // NodeContour
07004     if (ok) ok = atomicRec.WriteUINT32(TAG_SHADOWCONTROLLER);           // NodeShadowController
07005     if (ok) ok = atomicRec.WriteUINT32(TAG_SHADOW);                     // NodeShadow
07006     if (ok) ok = atomicRec.WriteUINT32(TAG_CLIPVIEWCONTROLLER);         // NodeClipViewController
07007     if (ok) ok = atomicRec.WriteUINT32(TAG_CLIPVIEW);                   // NodeClipView
07008     if (ok) ok = atomicRec.WriteUINT32(TAG_CURRENTATTRIBUTES);          // Current Attributes container/component
07009     // --------------------------------------------------------------
07010     // Effect nodes marked as atomic in "Xara X2", 28/06/2005
07011     if (ok) ok = atomicRec.WriteUINT32(TAG_LIVE_EFFECT);                // NodeLiveEffect
07012     if (ok) ok = atomicRec.WriteUINT32(TAG_LOCKED_EFFECT);              // NodeLockedEffect
07013     if (ok) ok = atomicRec.WriteUINT32(TAG_FEATHER_EFFECT);             // NodeFeatherEffect
07014 //  if (ok) ok = atomicRec.WriteUINT32(TAG_CURRENTATTRIBUTES_PHASE2);   // Current Attributes container/component
07015 //  if (ok) ok = atomicRec.WriteUINT32(TAG_SPREAD_PHASE2);              // NodeSpread (in multi-spread docs)
07017     // Just keep writing more tags to the end of this one record
07019     // Write the whole record out
07020     if (ok) ok = Write(&atomicRec);
07022     return (ok);
07023 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteSelectedLayerAndNodes Operation pExportOp,
Node pNode,
SelRange pSelection
[protected, virtual]

Exports a layer node and everything selected below it (i.e. all it's selected children) out through the filter.

Chris_Gallimore (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pExportOp The operation that caused the export. [INPUTS] pNode The node to be written pSelection The selection to be exported
TRUE if the node was exported properly, FALSE otherwise
Theoretically pNode doesn't have to be a NodeLayer, but this was designed (and named) to export layers and their selected sub-trees.

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::WriteNodeAndSubNodes, BaseCamelotFilter::WriteSelectedNodes.

Definition at line 7846 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07847 {
07848     // pNode should be a layer for this to work as intended, but it will survive if it isn't
07849     ERROR3IF ((pNode->IsLayer () != TRUE), "Attempted to export a non-layer node through BaseCamelotFilter::WriteSelectedLayerAndNodes");
07851     // Is the operation that we've been given one that we can use to manipulate the tree.
07852     BOOL validOperation;
07853     if ((pExportOp != NULL) && (pExportOp->IsKindOf (CC_RUNTIME_CLASS (UndoableOperation))))
07854         validOperation = TRUE;
07855     else
07856         validOperation = FALSE;
07858     ERROR3IF ((validOperation == FALSE), "BaseCamelotFilter::WriteSelectedLayerAndNodes, unusable operation given, continuing without localised attrbutes");
07860     // Start by writing out the layer beginning
07861     BOOL ok = WritePreChildren(pNode);
07862     if (ok)
07863         ok = WriteBeginChildRecords(pNode);
07866     // cycle through the selection looking for nodes in this layer.
07867     Node * pSelectedNode = pSelection->FindFirst ();
07868     TextStory * pLastStory = NULL;
07869     while ((ok) && (pSelectedNode != NULL) && (!EscapePressed))
07870     {
07871         if (pNode->IsNodeInSubtree (pSelectedNode))
07872         {
07873             Node * pExportNode = NULL;
07875             // If we've got a text character, then export the text story that controls this -
07876             //  if we haven't already.
07877             if (pSelectedNode->IsATextChar ())
07878             {
07879                 TextStory * pParentStory = ((TextChar *) pSelectedNode)->FindParentStory();
07880                 if (pParentStory != pLastStory)
07881                 {
07882                     pExportNode = (Node *) pParentStory;
07883                     pLastStory = pParentStory;                  
07884                 }
07885                 else
07886                 {
07887                     pExportNode = NULL;
07888                 }
07889             }
07890             // otherwise export as normal
07891             else
07892             {
07893                 pExportNode = pSelectedNode;
07894             }
07896             if (pExportNode)
07897             {
07898                 // we've found one, so export it and all it's children.
07899                 Node * pParent = pExportNode->FindParent ();
07901                 if ((pParent->IsLayer () == FALSE) && (validOperation))
07902                     ((UndoableOperation *) pExportOp)->DoLocaliseCommonAttributes ((NodeRenderableInk *) pParent, FALSE, TRUE, NULL);
07904                 ok = WriteNodeAndSubNodes (pExportNode);
07906                 if ((pParent->IsLayer () == FALSE) && (validOperation))
07907                     ((UndoableOperation *) pExportOp)->DoFactorOutCommonChildAttributes ((NodeRenderableInk *) pParent, TRUE, NULL);
07908             }
07909         }
07911         // look at the next node.
07912         pSelectedNode = pSelection->FindNext (pSelectedNode);
07913     }
07915     // finish off writing the children.
07916     if (ok)
07917         ok = WriteEndChildRecords(pNode);
07918     if (ok)
07919         ok = WritePostChildren(pNode);
07921     return ok;
07922 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteSelectedNodes Operation pExportOp,
Node pNode,
SelRange pSelection
[protected, virtual]

Exports the selection and any additional nodes required, starting from pNode.

Chris_Gallimore (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pExportOp The operation that caused the export. [INPUTS] pNode The node to be written pSelection The selection to be exported
TRUE if the node was exported properly, FALSE otherwise
Notes: Known things this will not cope with (at the moment):

Individual text characters selected inside a TextStory, without the story itself being selected, will cause the whole story to be exported, not just the selected characters. This is because of the way that TextChars are written. i.e. to avoid unnecessary information, when a text character is written out, it also writes out any following characters (upto the first non TextChar).

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::WriteNodeAndSubNodes, BaseCamelotFilter::WriteSelectedLayerAndNodes.

Definition at line 7767 of file camfiltr.cpp.

07768 {
07769     // Start writing out the node passed in.
07770     BOOL ok = WritePreChildren(pNode);
07771     if (ok)
07772         ok = WriteBeginChildRecords(pNode);
07774     // Attempt to export all of this node's children
07775     Node * pChildNode = pNode->FindFirstChild ();
07776     while ((ok) && (pChildNode != NULL) && (!EscapePressed))
07777     {
07778         // Export all layers with selected objects in them, and all non-layers
07779         if (pChildNode->IsLayer ())
07780         {
07781             // This would probably be better done using Node::HasSelectedChildren (in place 
07782             //  of the while loop and selected flag), as this does EXACTLY what we intend 
07783             //  the loop to do but very probably does it VASTLY quicker. Still, this loop will
07784             //  only be done once per layer, so it shouldn't make that much of a difference
07785             //  to the overall time
07786             //
07787             // Export the layer and it's selected children, if it has any (selected children
07788             //  that is).
07789             BOOL selected = FALSE;
07790             Node * pSelNode = pSelection->FindFirst ();
07791             while ((pSelNode != NULL) &&
07792                     (selected == FALSE ))
07793             {
07794                 if (pChildNode->IsNodeInSubtree (pSelNode))
07795                     selected = TRUE;
07797                 pSelNode = pSelection->FindNext (pSelNode);
07798             }
07800             // This layer has something selected in it, so export it.
07801             if (selected)
07802             {
07803                 ok = WriteSelectedLayerAndNodes (pExportOp, pChildNode, pSelection);
07804             }
07805         }
07806         else if (pChildNode->IsNodeHidden () == FALSE)
07807         {
07808             ok = WriteSelectedNodes (pExportOp, pChildNode, pSelection);
07809         }
07811         // move onto the next child of the node passed in.
07812         pChildNode = pChildNode->FindNext ();
07813     }
07815     // finish of the original node.
07816     if (ok)
07817         ok = WriteEndChildRecords(pNode);
07818     if (ok)
07819         ok = WritePostChildren(pNode);
07821     return ok;
07822 }

virtual BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteSpecificRegularShapes  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 811 of file camfiltr.h.

00811 { return(FALSE); }

void BaseCamelotFilter::WriteTagDescriptionRecord  )  [virtual]

WEBSTER - markn 11/2/97.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Writes out the tag description record for any descriptions registered during export

See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 6796 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06797 {
06798     // Have we got a list
06799     if (pTagDescriptionList != NULL)
06800     {
06801         // Create a description list record
06804         BOOL ok = Rec.Init();
06806         UINT32 Count = pTagDescriptionList->GetCount();
06808         // First field is the number of tag descriptions in the file
06809         if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteUINT32(Count);
06811         // Write all the tag descriptions to the record
06812         TagDescriptionListItem* pItem = pTagDescriptionList->GetHead();
06813         while (pItem != NULL && ok && Count > 0)
06814         {
06815             String_256* pStr = pItem->GetString();
06816             if (ok) ok = (pStr != NULL);
06818             if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteUINT32(pItem->GetTag());
06819             if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteUnicode(*pStr);
06821             pItem = pTagDescriptionList->GetNext(pItem);
06822             Count--;
06823         }
06825         if (Count != 0)
06826         {
06827             ok = FALSE;
06828             ERROR3("inconsistancy between the count & the actual number of items in the list");
06829         }
06831         if (ok) ok = Write(&Rec);
06832     }
06833 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteUnicode TCHAR pStr  ) 

Definition at line 5724 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05725 {
05726 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05727     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05728         return pCXaraFile->WriteUnicode(pStr);
05729 #endif
05730     return FALSE;
05731 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteWCHAR WCHAR  w  ) 

Definition at line 5706 of file camfiltr.cpp.

05707 {
05708 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
05709     if (pCXaraFile != NULL)
05710         return pCXaraFile->WriteWCHAR(w);
05711 #endif
05712     return FALSE;
05713 }

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::WriteXPEBitmapPlaceHolder String_256 BitmapName  ) 

Writes out an XPE placeholder record to notify the loader to regenerate the bitmap from the XPE info in the bitmap properties.

Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Record Number for this record.
See also:
- Scope: -

Definition at line 6960 of file camfiltr.cpp.

06961 {
06962 //  UINT32              rec = UINT32(-1);
06964     // create a new record
06966     CXaraFileRecord Rec(TAG_DEFINEBITMAP_XPE, 0);
06968     /*BOOL ok =*/ Rec.Init();
06970     // Write out the bitmap name
06971 //  if (ok) Rec.WriteUnicode(BitmapName);
06973     // Write the record
06974     return Write(&Rec);
06975 }

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteZeroSizedRecord UINT32  Tag  ) 

Helper function that makes it easy to write out a zero-sized record.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Tag = tag of zero-sized record [INPUTS]
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
See also:
BaseCamelotFilter::PrepareToExport; BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport Scope: Protected

Definition at line 4701 of file camfiltr.cpp.

04702 {
04703 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04704     CXaraFileRecord Rec(Tag,0);
04705     return (Write(&Rec) != 0);
04706 #else
04707     return FALSE;
04708 #endif
04709 }

Member Data Documentation

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::BadFileMsgID [protected]

Definition at line 473 of file camfiltr.h.

INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::BitmapCompression = 75 [static, protected]

How much compression the user has requested when saving bitmaps. 0 means maximum compression e.g. use JPEG filter at 0% lossy compression 99 means minimum compression e.g. use JPEG filter at 99% lossy compression 101 - 201 means lossless compression e.g. us PNG filter. Range stores the old compression setting. Could use the BMPZIP filter instead. (Very much like the JPEG compression percentage).

Preference: BitmapCompression Section: Filters Range: 0 to 201

See also:

Definition at line 706 of file camfiltr.h.

double BaseCamelotFilter::BuildVersionNumber [protected]

Definition at line 494 of file camfiltr.h.

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::ChapterCount [private]

Definition at line 655 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::CompressionOn [protected]

Definition at line 488 of file camfiltr.h.

INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::CompressionType [protected]

Definition at line 487 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::CompressNative = TRUE [static, protected]

Flag for whether we compress the native files saved from Xara Studio. True means do compress the files.

Preference: CompressNative Section: Filters Range: 0 to 1

See also:

Definition at line 708 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::ConvertBlendsToOutlines = FALSE [static, protected]

Flag for whether the user has requested a convert text to outlines when exporting as a web file. True means do convert text to outlines.

Preference: ConvertBlendsToOutlines Section: Filters Range: 0 to 1

Added for WEBSTER - markn 28/1/97

See also:

Definition at line 735 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::ConvertTextToOutlines = FALSE [static, protected]

Flag for whether the user has requested a convert text to outlines when exporting as a web file. True means do convert text to outlines.

Preference: ConvertTextToOutlines Section: Filters Range: 0 to 1

See also:

Definition at line 712 of file camfiltr.h.

DocCoord BaseCamelotFilter::CoordOrigin [private]

Definition at line 676 of file camfiltr.h.

String_256 BaseCamelotFilter::DefaultExportPath [static]

String to hold the default path for the optional web export path.

Preference: DefaultExportPath Section: Filters Range: -

See also:

Definition at line 698 of file camfiltr.h.

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::DocumentCount [private]

Definition at line 654 of file camfiltr.h.

String_256 BaseCamelotFilter::DontConvertTheseFontsToOutlines [static, protected]

This string defines the list of font typefaces that won't be converted to outlines when exporting to the web format.

Preference: DontConvertTheseFontsToOutlines Section: Filters Range: A string of font typefaces

The string should consist of a number of typeface names, delimited by ';' e.g. "Times New Roman;Arial;CoocheeCoo"

See also:

Definition at line 726 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::EndOfFileFlag [protected]

Definition at line 497 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::EscapePressed [protected]

Definition at line 498 of file camfiltr.h.

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::ExportingMsgID [protected]

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter, CamelotNativeFilter, CamelotWebFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 470 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::ExportWebFile = TRUE [static]

Flag for whether the user has requested to export a web file when native saving.

Preference: ExportWebFile Section: Filters Range: 0 to 1

See also:
0 to 1

Definition at line 700 of file camfiltr.h.

FilePos BaseCamelotFilter::FileEnd [protected]

Definition at line 478 of file camfiltr.h.

FilePos BaseCamelotFilter::FileHeaderRecord [protected]

Definition at line 481 of file camfiltr.h.

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::FileSize [protected]

Definition at line 484 of file camfiltr.h.

FilePos BaseCamelotFilter::FileStart [protected]

Definition at line 477 of file camfiltr.h.

double BaseCamelotFilter::FileVersionNumber [protected]

Definition at line 493 of file camfiltr.h.

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::FilterInfoID [protected]

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter, CamelotNativeFilter, CamelotWebFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 465 of file camfiltr.h.

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::FilterNameID [protected]

Reimplemented in FlareTemplateFilter, CamelotNativeFilter, CamelotWebFilter, and PluginNativeFilter.

Definition at line 464 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::HTMLToClipboard = FALSE [static, protected]

Whether to export an HTML tag to the clipboard when exporting a Web file.

Preference: HTMLToClipboard Section: Filters Range: 0 to 1

See also:

Definition at line 720 of file camfiltr.h.

String_256 BaseCamelotFilter::IgnoredDataString [private]

Definition at line 371 of file camfiltr.h.

char BaseCamelotFilter::ImportFileType[4] [private]

Definition at line 460 of file camfiltr.h.

struct { ... } BaseCamelotFilter::ImportInfo [protected]

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::ImportNonFramesOntoActivelayer = TRUE [static, protected]

When this is 1, the default, import of non-frame layers will happen onto the active layer. When 0, import of non-frame layers will be onto the first non-frame layer in the import.

Preference: ImportNonFramesOntoActivelayer Section: Filters Range: 0 to 1

See also:

Definition at line 740 of file camfiltr.h.

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::InsertLevel [protected]

Definition at line 503 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::InsertNextAsChild [protected]

Definition at line 502 of file camfiltr.h.

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::LayerCount [private]

Definition at line 657 of file camfiltr.h.

InsertMode BaseCamelotFilter::m_InsertMode [private]

Definition at line 665 of file camfiltr.h.

Layer* BaseCamelotFilter::m_pActiveLayerBeforeImport [private]

Definition at line 679 of file camfiltr.h.

CCRuntimeClass* BaseCamelotFilter::m_pCurrentAttrGroup [private]

Definition at line 666 of file camfiltr.h.

Layer* BaseCamelotFilter::m_pFirstImportedLayer [private]

Definition at line 678 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::MinimalWebFormat = 0 [static, protected]

Whether we should use the minimal web format or not when exporting as a web file. The alternative is to be a lot closer to native format.

Preference: MinimalWebFormat Section: Filters Range: 0 to 1

See also:

Definition at line 722 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::NativeCheckSimilarPaths = 0 [static, protected]

When this is 1, the default, paths will be checked for similarities during saving. When 0 this check is not made.

Preference: NativeCheckSimilarPaths Section: Filters Range: 0 to 1

See also:

Definition at line 729 of file camfiltr.h.

AtomicTagList* BaseCamelotFilter::pAtomicTagList [private]

Definition at line 560 of file camfiltr.h.

BitmapListComponent* BaseCamelotFilter::pBmpComponent [protected]

Definition at line 510 of file camfiltr.h.

ColourListComponent* BaseCamelotFilter::pColComponent [protected]

Definition at line 509 of file camfiltr.h.

CXaraFile* BaseCamelotFilter::pCXaraFile [protected]

Definition at line 507 of file camfiltr.h.

EssentialTagList* BaseCamelotFilter::pEssentialTagList [private]

Definition at line 561 of file camfiltr.h.

FontComponent* BaseCamelotFilter::pFontComponent [protected]

Definition at line 515 of file camfiltr.h.

Layer* BaseCamelotFilter::pImportLayer [private]

Definition at line 660 of file camfiltr.h.

DocInfoComponent* BaseCamelotFilter::pInfoComponent [protected]

Definition at line 512 of file camfiltr.h.

Node* BaseCamelotFilter::pInsertContextNode [protected]

Definition at line 501 of file camfiltr.h.

InsertLevelStack* BaseCamelotFilter::pInsertLevelStack [protected]

Definition at line 504 of file camfiltr.h.

Chapter* BaseCamelotFilter::pLastChapter [private]

Definition at line 648 of file camfiltr.h.

NodeAttribute* BaseCamelotFilter::pLastCurrentAttr [private]

Definition at line 652 of file camfiltr.h.

Document* BaseCamelotFilter::pLastDocument [private]

Definition at line 647 of file camfiltr.h.

Layer* BaseCamelotFilter::pLastLayer [private]

Definition at line 650 of file camfiltr.h.

NodePath* BaseCamelotFilter::pLastNodePath [private]

Definition at line 651 of file camfiltr.h.

Spread* BaseCamelotFilter::pLastSpread [private]

Definition at line 649 of file camfiltr.h.

Node* BaseCamelotFilter::pLastUnsafeToRenderNode [private]

Definition at line 349 of file camfiltr.h.

CXaraFileNodeGroupRefList* BaseCamelotFilter::pNodeGroupRefList [private]

Definition at line 602 of file camfiltr.h.

SelOperation* BaseCamelotFilter::pOp [protected]

Definition at line 525 of file camfiltr.h.

CXaraFilePathRecordRefList* BaseCamelotFilter::pPathRecordRefList [private]

Definition at line 592 of file camfiltr.h.

ImportPosition* BaseCamelotFilter::pPos [protected]

Definition at line 526 of file camfiltr.h.

WebPrefsDlgParam* BaseCamelotFilter::pPrefs [protected]

Definition at line 422 of file camfiltr.h.

PrintComponent* BaseCamelotFilter::pPrintComponent [protected]

Definition at line 514 of file camfiltr.h.

Progress* BaseCamelotFilter::pProgress [protected]

Definition at line 671 of file camfiltr.h.

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::PreCompFlags [private]

Definition at line 663 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::PreviewBitmapExport = FALSE [static, protected]

Flag for whether the user has requested a preview bitmap when exporting as a web file. True means do export a preview bitmap.

Preference: PreviewBitmapExport Section: Filters Range: 0 to 1

See also:

Definition at line 704 of file camfiltr.h.

INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::PreviewBitmapFilterType = 1 [static, protected]

What type of preview bitmap filter we should be using when exporting as a web or native file. 0 - means BMP. 1 - means GIF. 2 - means JPEG. 3 - means PNG. 4 - means TIFF.

Preference: PreviewBitmapFilterType Section: Filters Range: 0 to 4

See also:

Definition at line 714 of file camfiltr.h.

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::ProgressBarCount [protected]

Definition at line 670 of file camfiltr.h.

String_64 BaseCamelotFilter::ProgressBarMessage [protected]

Definition at line 672 of file camfiltr.h.

TagDescriptionList* BaseCamelotFilter::pTagDescriptionList [private]

Definition at line 562 of file camfiltr.h.

Spread* BaseCamelotFilter::pTheSpread [protected]

Definition at line 517 of file camfiltr.h.

UnitListComponent* BaseCamelotFilter::pUnitsComponent [protected]

Definition at line 511 of file camfiltr.h.

ViewComponent* BaseCamelotFilter::pViewComponent [protected]

Definition at line 513 of file camfiltr.h.

List BaseCamelotFilter::RecordHandlerList [static, protected]

Definition at line 520 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::RecordHandlersCreated = FALSE [static, protected]

Definition at line 521 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::RemoveInvisibleLayers = 1 [static, protected]

Whether invisible layers should be removed or not when exporting as a web or native file.

Preference: RemoveInvisibleLayers Section: Filters Range: 0 to 1

See also:

Definition at line 716 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::RemoveUnusedColours = TRUE [static, protected]

Whether unused colours should be removed or not when exporting as a web or native file.

Preference: RemoveUnusedColours Section: Filters Range: 0 to 1

See also:

Definition at line 718 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::SaveXPEBitmaps = FALSE [static, protected]

Flag for whether we compress the native files saved from Xara Studio. True means do save the XPE bitmaps. False means don't save them, just save the XPE info and rebuild when loading.

Preference: SaveXPEBitmaps Section: Filters Range: 0 to 1

See also:

Definition at line 710 of file camfiltr.h.

SelectionType BaseCamelotFilter::SelType [private]

Definition at line 694 of file camfiltr.h.

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::SetSentinelCount [private]

Definition at line 658 of file camfiltr.h.

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::SpreadCount [private]

Definition at line 656 of file camfiltr.h.

UINT32 BaseCamelotFilter::TotalProgressBarCount [protected]

Definition at line 673 of file camfiltr.h.

String_256 BaseCamelotFilter::WarningsString [private]

Definition at line 372 of file camfiltr.h.

INT32 BaseCamelotFilter::WebSimilarPathTolerence = 200 [static, protected]

This determines the tolerence that is used when checking for similar paths in web files. It is measured in millipoints.

Preference: WebSimilarPathTolerence Section: Filters Range: 0 to 500

See also:

Definition at line 731 of file camfiltr.h.

BOOL BaseCamelotFilter::WriteRelativePaths = 1 [static, protected]

When this is 1, all paths will be written out in a relative format 0 means use an absolute format.

Preference: WriteRelativePaths Section: Filters Range: 0 to 1

See also:

Definition at line 724 of file camfiltr.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Nov 10 03:50:56 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4