BaseBitmapFilter Class Reference

Base class for bitmap filters. (Currently export only). Inherited classes tend to be in the OIL layer. The base class fails on both imports & exports, so you only need to override the half that you implement. More...

#include <bitfilt.h>

Inheritance diagram for BaseBitmapFilter:

BitmapFilter Filter ListItem CCObject SimpleCCObject BasePMFilter BMPFilter JPEGExportFilter JPEGImportFilter MaskedFilter PBMFilter PGMFilter PPMFilter PreviewFilterBMP PreviewFilterJPEG ImageMagickFilter PNGFilter TI_GIFFilter List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 BaseBitmapFilter ()
 Constructor for an BaseBitmapFilter object. The object should be initialised before use. Base class version.
 ~BaseBitmapFilter ()
 Destructor for an BaseBitmapFilter object.
virtual BOOL Init ()
 Declares a preference that allows you to clear memory in delete().
virtual BOOL IsDefaultDocRequired (const TCHAR *pcszPathName)
 Works out if opening a file of this type requires a default document to be loaded. If the file format supplies the document then return FALSE otherwise return TRUE. An example would be opening a bitmap file. This has no document defined in the file format and so we need to laod the default document before importing the bitmap into this file. In this baseclass version return FALSE and hence assume that the filters that need to will override this function to return TRUE.
virtual FilterType GetFilterType () const
BOOL DoImport (SelOperation *Op, CCLexFile *, Document *DestDoc, BOOL AutoChosen=FALSE, ImportPosition *Pos=NULL, KernelBitmap **ppImportedBitmap=NULL, DocCoord *pPosTranslate=NULL, String_256 *=NULL)
 Read bitmap data from a file. This is the same for all bitmap filters; the ImportBitmap() function should be over-ridden for actual bitmap import filters.
virtual BOOL DoExport (Operation *, CCLexFile *, PathName *, Document *, BOOL)
 Exports the current selection as a bitmap, via the virtual fns of the inherited class. Do not override unless really necessary.
virtual BOOL DoExportBitmap (Operation *, CCLexFile *, PathName *, KernelBitmap *)
 Exports the specified bitmap straight out to file with none of the rendering that DoExport does. Uses the virtual fns of the inherited class. Do not override unless really necessary.
virtual BOOL DoExportBitmaps (Operation *, CCLexFile *, PathName *, BitmapExportParam *)
 Exports the bitmaps specified by the BitmapExportParam object to a multi- image capable filter. It works creating a special document containing a single NodeBitmap It then sets this document to use each bitmap in turn and calls DoExport to actually export it.
virtual BOOL DoExportWithOptions (Operation *, CCLexFile *, PathName *, Document *, BitmapExportOptions *, DocRect *=NULL)
 Exports the document by using the export options passed as parameter, rather then invoking an options dialog box to obtain them.
virtual BOOL DoExportBitmapWithOptions (Operation *, CCLexFile *, PathName *, KernelBitmap *, BitmapExportOptions *)
 Exports the specified bitmap straight out to file with none of the rendering that DoExport does. Uses the virtual fns of the inherited class. Do not override unless really necessary. Similar to DoExportBitmap in the base class, but uses the passed options, rather then invoking a dialog to get ones.
virtual BOOL DoExportHelper (Operation *pOp, CCLexFile *pFile, PathName *pPath, Document *pDoc)
 Exports the document by using the export options passed as parameter, rather then invoking an options dialog box to obtain them.
CCLexFileGetImportFile ()
virtual BOOL ImportBitmap (CCLexFile *, KernelBitmap **)

BOOL ImportBitmap (CCLexFile *, KernelBitmap **, const UINT32 nBitmapToRead)
 Imports the nBitmapToRead'th bitmap from the given file. This may be used to import a file either via the menu or from the EPS filters.
virtual BOOL ReadFromFile (OILBitmap *pOilBitmap)
 Actually does the process of reading a bitmap from a file. Inherited classes override this to read in different file formats.
virtual BOOL ReadFromFile (OILBitmap *pOilBitmap, BaseCamelotFilter *pFilter, CCLexFile *pFile, BOOL IsCompressed)
 Actually does the process of reading a bitmap from a file. Inherited classes override this to read in different file formats. It is used by the web/native filters to pull out a bitmap definition from inside a bitmap definition record. IsCompressed is only used for BMP/BMPZIP type bitmaps at present. Assumes: pFile has already been opened up for reading pFilter has been set up for reading the data e.g. progress bar.
void SetPreviewBitmap (BOOL)
 Allows you to set the state of this flag. Always set it back to FALSE after the export as the filter hangs around, ready for the next export.
virtual BOOL ExportVisibleLayersOnly ()
 Determines if the filter wants to export only visible layers. In the base bitmap filters class version the default action will be to export only those layers which are visible.
UINT32 GetImportMsgID ()
 Used to get the message id to be used during export. Virtual, so that multi-stage importers can change the message.
virtual UINT32 GetExportMsgID ()
 Used to get the message id to be used during export. Virtual, so that two stage exporters can change the message.
virtual BOOL ShouldReuseExistingBitmaps ()
BOOL SetExportOptions (BitmapExportOptions *pOptions)
 To allow that f!?$g MakeBitmapFilter have its wicked way.
BOOL SetUpExportOptions (BitmapExportOptions **ppExportOptions, BOOL OnlyDefaults=FALSE)
 Displays the export options dialog for this bitmap filter. This allows export options to be obtained by somebody else then the filter.
BOOL SetUpExportBitmapOptions (BitmapExportOptions **ppExportOptions, KernelBitmap *pBitmap, BOOL OnlyDefaults=FALSE)
 Displays the export options dialog for this bitmap filter. This allows export options to be obtained by somebody else then the filter.
virtual BOOL IsSecondPassRequired ()
 Determines if the a second rendering pass is required or not.
virtual BOOL GenerateOptimisedPalette (Spread *pSpread, BitmapExportOptions *pOptions, BOOL SnapToBrowserPalette)
 Generates an optimised palette to use during export.
virtual BOOL GenerateOptimisedPalette (Spread *pSpread, UINT32 Depth, double DPI, BOOL SnapToBrowserPalette, UINT32 NumColsInPalette, BOOL UsePrimaryCols)
 Generates an optimised palette to use during export.
virtual BOOL IsFormatLossy () const
 Provides information to the BaseBitmapFilter so that it knows whether or not to provide a BitmapSource to prevent progressive degradation of the bitmap when exported via the new file format. Notes: Derived classes should override this function for their particular implementation.
virtual BitmapSourceCreateBitmapSource (OFFSET Size) const
 The PrepareToImport() function calls this member to create a BitmapSource for lossy file formats. The BaseBitmapFilter implementation returns NULL. Derived classes with lossy formats should override this function to provide a subclassed BitmapSource.
virtual void ExportHTMLTag (PathName *ppthToUse)
virtual BitmapExportOptionsCreateExportOptions () const
 Allows derived classes to override this function to provide their own class derived from BitmapExportOptions containing filter specific information. Notes: This should never be called.
BitmapExportOptionsGetBitmapExportOptions () const
 Support function to obtain BitmapExportOptions.
virtual BOOL GetExportOptions (BitmapExportOptions *pOptions)
 Allows the user to be prompted to get export information which should be set in the given BitmapExportOptions.
virtual void PostGetExportOptions (BitmapExportOptions *pOptions)
virtual BOOL SetUpClippingRectangleForExport (Spread *pSpread, SelectionType Selection)
 Sets up the class variable ClipRect to be the clipping rectangle to be used during export. See Also: PrepareToExport().
virtual BOOL WriteBitmapToFile (KernelBitmap *pKernelBitmap, BaseCamelotFilter *pFilter, CCLexFile *pFile, INT32 Compression)
virtual BOOL SaveExportBitmapsToFile (CCLexFile *pFile, PathName *pPath, BitmapExportParam *pParam, BOOL DontShowFileName=FALSE)
 Exports the bitmaps specified by the BitmapExportParam object to a multi- image capable filter. Each of the bitmaps will be saved to file using the settings specified. This is the baseclass version and so is usually overriden.
virtual BOOL IsThisBppOk (UINT32 Bpp)
 Check if this Bitmap filter can cope with saving at this Bpp/Colour depth.
virtual BOOL ExportRenderNodes (RenderRegion *pRegion, ExportDC *pDC, BOOL VisibleLayersOnly=FALSE, BOOL CheckSelected=FALSE, BOOL ShowProgress=TRUE)
 Actually export the nodes to the given render region showing a progress bar as we go. Assumes everything has been set up by ExportRender. Overrides the baseclass version so that we can render in strips. Ignores the setting of ShowProgress as we must be in charge of the progress bar in this version.
virtual BOOL GetRenderBottomToTop ()
 Find out which way we need to render.
DocRect GetClipRect () const
BOOL ExportImagemap (Operation *, PathName *, Document *)
virtual BOOL CanDoImportDPI ()
virtual void SetImportDPI (DPI ImportDPI)

Static Public Member Functions

static BOOL InitBaseClass ()
 Initialises any static member variables for the base bitmap filter class.
static BOOL GeneratingOptimisedPalette ()
 Find out if we are currently generating an optimised palette or not.
static KernelBitmapGetExportBitmap ()
static DocRect GetSizeOfDrawing (Spread *pSpread=NULL)
 Works out the size of the rectangle encompassing the drawing. Code also used to work out the pixel size in the bitmap export options dialog box.
static DocRect GetSizeOfSpread (Spread *pSpread)
 Works out the size of the rectangle encompassing the spread. Code also used to work out the pixel size in the bitmap export options dialog box.
static BOOL GetSizeOfBitmap (INT32 *PixelWidth, INT32 *PixelHeight)
 Works out the size of the bitmap in the bitmap export options dialog box.
static void CallPixelAlignedFiddle (DocRect *r)
static BOOL GetZoomOnImport ()
static void SetZoomOnImport (BOOL fFlag)
static BOOL GetWarnedZoomOnImport ()
static void SetWarnedZoomOnImport (BOOL fFlag)

Static Public Attributes

static const INT32 MinPelsPerMeter = 1000
static const INT32 MinExportSize = 10
static INT32 m_NumberOfPaletteEntries = 0

Protected Member Functions

BOOL ExportBitmap (Operation *pOp, CCLexFile *pFile, PathName *pPath, Document *pDoc)
virtual BOOL PrepareToImport ()
 Prepare to import bitmap data using this filter. This sets up the filter to a sensible state for reading.
virtual void CleanUpAfterImport ()
 Cleans up the memory allocated by BaseBitmapFilter::PrepareToImport() - used when the import process ends, either normally or abnormally.
BOOL PrepareBitmapSource ()
 The PrepareToImport() function calls this member to create a BitmapSource for lossy file formats, and a CCLexFile to work with it.
virtual OFFSET GetDataStartOffset () const
 Provides information to the BaseBitmapFilter, so that it knows where to start any required BitmapSource. It will only be useful to derived classes that deal with a lossy file format. Notes: The default implementation returns zero, assuming there is no useless garbage before any actual header. Derived classes should override this for any special case.
virtual BitmapImportOptionsGetImportOptions ()
 To allow a filter to offer the user a choice over what gets imported. Derived BaseBitmapFilter classes should also derive a new BitmapImportOptions class and return a new copy on the heap with the user options in it. BaseBitmapFilter will delete the BitmapImportOptions class when no longer needed. At present used by PhotoCD filter to get image to import.
virtual BOOL ProcessImportOptions ()
 Validates the options returned by GetImportOptions Sets m_pImportOptions if OK Shouldn't really be overridden.
virtual BOOL CreateBitmapName (const CCLexFile *pDiskFile, const KernelBitmap *pBitmap, const UINT32 nBitmapNumber)
 Sets the name of the given bitmap to that of the form "filename - number.ext" or "filename.ext" depending on whether we have assumed there to be more than one image in the imported file. Used by ImportBitmap to supply this name and avoid bizarre file names when re-exporting.
UINT32 GetBitmapNumber () const
 On entry to the filter this member function returns the number of the desired bitmap in the file. Once the import is complete, either SetBitmapNumber is called with an argument of the next bitmap that can be read or SetLastBitmap is called indicating there are no more to read. Scope: protected.
BOOL SetLastBitmap ()
 When the bitmap filter has no more bitmaps to read from its file it should call this member function. Scope: protected.
BOOL SetBitmapNumber (const UINT32 nBitmapToRead)
 Once a filter has read a bitmap it should call this member function with the number of the next bitmap that can be read. If there are none, SetLastBitmap() should be called instead. Scope: protected.
BOOL AreBitmapsToRead () const
 The BaseBitmapFilter uses this to determine whether or not it should try to read another bitmap from the file. Scope: protected.
virtual BOOL IncProgressBarCount (UINT32 n)
 Func to incrementing the progress bar count. If there is a progress bar available, it is updated by this call. Scope: Protected.
void SetTotalProgressBarCount (UINT32 n)
 Func to set total the progress bar count. If there is a progress bar available, it is updated by this call. Scope: Protected.
void ForceBackgroundRedrawOff (DocView *)
 Forces background redraw off in the specified view, so we render all the objects in one pass. Use RestoreBackgroundRedrawState to restore the state.
void RestoreBackgroundRedrawState (DocView *)
 Restores the background redraw state in the specified view, to the state before we called BaseBitmapFilter::ForceBackgroundRedrawOff.
void ForceAntialiasingFull (DocView *)
 Forces Antialiasing to be full in the specified view. Use RestoreViewQuality to restore the quality. Used when generating preview bitmaps, which should always be in full anti- aliasing mode.
void ForceAntialiasingOff (DocView *)
 Forces Antialiasing off in the specified view. Use RestoreViewQuality to restore the quality.
void RestoreViewQuality (DocView *)
 Restores the view quality to the state before we called ForceAntialiasingOff.
virtual BOOL PrepareToExport (Spread *pSpread, UINT32 Depth, double DPI, SelectionType, UINT32 Dither=XARADITHER_ORDERED_GREY)
virtual void CleanUpAfterExport ()
 Cleans up the memory allocated by BaseBitmapFilter::PrepareToImport() - used when the import process ends, either normally or abnormally. Override if extra things are required.
virtual BOOL DoExportDoc (Operation *, CCLexFile *, PathName *, Document *, UINT32, double, const SelectionType &, BOOL UseExistingPalette=FALSE)
virtual UINT32 GetNumReservedColours ()
 Override this to leave spaces in the palette. eg the GIF filter reserves an index for the transparency mask colour.
virtual BOOL WriteToFile (BOOL End)
 Writes out the bitmap to a file. Inherited classes override this to write in different file formats. AtEnd is ignored now and should always be set to TRUE.
virtual BOOL EndWriteToFile ()
 Cleans up after writing the bitmap data out to a file. Inherited classes override this to write in different file formats.
virtual BOOL WriteBitmapToFile (KernelBitmap *pKernelBitmap, double Dpi)
 Physically put the bitmap into the disk. Inherited classes override this to write in different file formats.
virtual BOOL WriteFileHeader (void)
 To write out the file specific header data.
virtual BOOL WritePreFrame (void)
 To write out any frame specific info before the image.
virtual BOOL WritePostOptimisedPalette (void)
 Called after the optimised palette has been generated but before the export of the bitmap.
virtual BOOL WritePreSecondPass (void)
 Called before the second pass of a two pass export so the filter can reset itself.
virtual BOOL WriteFrame (void)
 To write out the image itself This base class version actually calls the WriteToFile() function so that derived classes do not have to implement any of the multi-image stuff.
virtual BOOL WritePostFrame (void)
 To write out any frame specific info after the image.
virtual BOOL WriteFileEnd (void)
 To write out the file specific data at the end of the file This base class version calls EndWriteToFile() so that derived classes do not have to implement the multi-image stuff.
virtual void AlterPaletteContents (LPLOGPALETTE pPalette)
LPBITMAPINFO GetBitmapInfo () const
BOOL GetCurrentStripInfo (ADDR *ppBits, BMP_SIZE *pWidth, BMP_SIZE *pHeight, BMP_DEPTH *pDepth) const
CCLexFileGetExportFile () const
 Support function to obtain file to export in WriteBitmapToFile.
virtual BOOL SetExportHint (Document *pDoc)
BOOL InsertBitmapOnNewLayer (SelOperation *pOp, Spread *pSpread, NodeBitmap *pNodeBitmap, Layer **ppNewLayer)
 When loading in multiple bitmaps then each bitmap should be inserted onto a new layer. The first bitmap is inserted as the last child on the active layer. Each subsequent bitmap is loaded onto a new layer after this. The routine returns the new layer so that this can be used next time as the insertion point.
virtual BOOL AddOffsetFromBitmap (DocCoord *pOffset)
 When loading in a bitmap, the bitmap definition may contain an offset. We need to add this to the offset that we are given so that the bitmap is loaded at the correct position. This baseclass version does nothing.
virtual BOOL SetFlagsFromBitmap (Layer *pLayer, KernelBitmap *pBitmap, UINT32 nBitmapToRead)
 When loading in multiple bitmaps and placing them on new layers, we should give the filter an opportunity to set the layer flags from the bitmap. In the case of a GIF filter this would allow it to set the solid and overlay flags. This baseclass version does nothing.
virtual BOOL SetAnimationPropertiesFromLoaded (Spread *pSpread)
 When loading in multiple bitmaps and placing them on new layers, we should give the filter an opportunity after all the bitmaps have been loaded, to go and look at the bitmaps and set the animation properties accordingly. In the case of a GIF filter this would allow it to set the dithering to none and the palette to something closer to what has been loaded. This baseclass version does nothing.
UINT32 GetSizeOfExport ()
void SetSizeOfExport (UINT32 NewVal)
BMP_SIZE GetPixelWidth () const
 Support function to obtain bitmap info.
BOOL SetPixelWidth (const BMP_SIZE &Width)
 Support function to obtain bitmap info See Also: GetExportHeight().
BMP_SIZE GetPixelHeight () const
 Support function to obtain bitmap info.
BOOL SetPixelHeight (const BMP_SIZE &Height)
 Support function to obtain bitmap info See Also: GetExportHeight().
void SetDepthToRender (const BMP_DEPTH &Depth)
BMP_DEPTH GetRenderDepth () const
BOOL WarnIfIncompatible ()
 Checks for things that can't be represented using the current options E.g. non-mix transparencies in Alpha channel bitmap.

Static Protected Member Functions

static LPLOGPALETTE Create8bppPalette ()
 Creates an 8bpp palette used when generating an 8bpp bitmap Centralises common code previously found in BMP, GIF & PNG filters.

Protected Attributes

BOOL IsPreviewBitmap
BOOL RenderInStrips
BOOL RenderBottomToTop
BOOL BadExportRender
UINT32 FilterNameID
UINT32 FilterInfoID
UINT32 ExportingMsgID
BOOL BackgroundRedrawState
BOOL BackgroundRedrawStateSet
Quality ViewQuality
BOOL ViewQualitySet
DocRect ClipRect
UINT32 PaletteType
UINT32 PreviewDither
UINT32 PreviewPalette
LPLOGPALETTE m_pOptimisedPalette2

Static Protected Attributes

static BOOL WrittenHeader = FALSE
static UINT32 OurNumNodes = 0
static UINT32 SizeOfExport = 100
static CCLexFileOutputFile = NULL
static GRenderBitmapExportRegion = NULL
static KernelBitmappExportBitmap = NULL
static LPLOGPALETTE pOptimisedPalette = NULL
static BOOL WeAreGeneratingOptPalette = FALSE
static LPLOGPALETTE m_pBrowserPalette = NULL
static BOOL s_fZoomOnImport = 9999
static BOOL s_fWarnedZoomOnImport = 9999

Private Member Functions

 CC_DECLARE_DYNAMIC (BaseBitmapFilter)
ImagemapFilterGetImagemapFilter ()
 Gets a pointer to the imagemap filter.

Private Attributes

UINT32 m_ProgressBarCount
UINT32 m_TotalProgressBarCount
String_64 m_ProgressBarMessage
INT32 m_nBitmapToRead
BMP_SIZE m_PixelWidth
BMP_SIZE m_PixelHeight
BMP_DEPTH m_RenderDepth

Static Private Attributes

static DPI m_DefaultExportDPI = 96.0

Detailed Description

Base class for bitmap filters. (Currently export only). Inherited classes tend to be in the OIL layer. The base class fails on both imports & exports, so you only need to override the half that you implement.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 164 of file bitfilt.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BaseBitmapFilter::BaseBitmapFilter  ) 

Constructor for an BaseBitmapFilter object. The object should be initialised before use. Base class version.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:

Definition at line 219 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00220 {
00221     OutputFile = NULL;
00222     ExportRegion = NULL;
00223     pNewBitmap = NULL;
00224     InputFile = NULL;
00225     BackgroundRedrawState = FALSE;
00226     BackgroundRedrawStateSet = FALSE;
00227     ViewQualitySet = FALSE;
00228     IsPreviewBitmap = FALSE;
00229     pExportBitmap = NULL;
00230     pSpread = NULL;
00231     m_pImportOptions    = NULL;
00232     m_pExportOptions    = NULL;
00233     pOptimisedPalette = NULL;
00235     WrittenHeader       = FALSE;// Have we done the first strip yet
00236     RenderInStrips  = TRUE; // Should we render in strips or not
00237     RenderBottomToTop = TRUE;   // control over which way we render
00238     BadExportRender = FALSE;// whether the export rendering has gone ok or not
00240     SizeOfExport        = 100;  // defined progress bar size.
00241     OurNumNodes     = 0;    // our copy of the number of nodes being exported
00243     PaletteType     = PAL_OPTIMISED;
00245     //Should these lines be in or out - Martin 14/04/97
00246     PreviewDither   = XARADITHER_ERROR_DIFFUSION;
00247     PreviewPalette  = PAL_OPTIMISED;
00249     WeAreGeneratingOptPalette = FALSE;
00250     ClipRect.MakeEmpty();
00252     m_pOptimisedPalette2 = NULL;
00253     m_pExportOptions = NULL;
00254 }

BaseBitmapFilter::~BaseBitmapFilter  ) 

Destructor for an BaseBitmapFilter object.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>

Definition at line 268 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00269 {
00270     //  Clear up some dynamically allocated memory
00271     if (m_pOptimisedPalette2)
00272     {
00273         CCFree(m_pOptimisedPalette2);
00274         m_pOptimisedPalette2 = 0;
00275     }
00277     if (m_pBrowserPalette)
00278     {
00279         CCFree(m_pBrowserPalette);
00280         m_pBrowserPalette = 0;
00281     }
00283     delete m_pImportOptions;
00284     m_pImportOptions = 0;
00286 //  delete m_pExportOptions;
00287     m_pExportOptions = 0;
00288 }

Member Function Documentation

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::AddOffsetFromBitmap DocCoord pOffset  )  [protected, virtual]

When loading in a bitmap, the bitmap definition may contain an offset. We need to add this to the offset that we are given so that the bitmap is loaded at the correct position. This baseclass version does nothing.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pOffset the present offset in the bitmap [INPUTS]
TRUE if was ok, FALSE otherwise.

Reimplemented in TI_GIFFilter.

Definition at line 1246 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01247 {
01248     // Do nothing
01249     return TRUE;
01250 }

void BaseBitmapFilter::AlterPaletteContents LPLOGPALETTE  pPalette  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in BMPFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 4500 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04501 {
04502     return;
04503 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::AreBitmapsToRead  )  const [protected]

The BaseBitmapFilter uses this to determine whether or not it should try to read another bitmap from the file. Scope: protected.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if there are bitmaps in the set OK FALSE otherwise
See also:
GetBitmapNumber(), SetBitmapNumber(), SetLastBitmap()

Definition at line 1634 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01635 {
01636     return (m_nBitmapToRead != -1);
01637 }

void BaseBitmapFilter::CallPixelAlignedFiddle DocRect r  )  [static]

Definition at line 5180 of file bitfilt.cpp.

05181 {
05182     PixelAlignedFiddle( r );
05183 }

virtual BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::CanDoImportDPI  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in ImageMagickFilter.

Definition at line 308 of file bitfilt.h.

00308 { return FALSE; }

BaseBitmapFilter::CC_DECLARE_DYNAMIC BaseBitmapFilter   )  [private]

void BaseBitmapFilter::CleanUpAfterExport  )  [protected, virtual]

Cleans up the memory allocated by BaseBitmapFilter::PrepareToImport() - used when the import process ends, either normally or abnormally. Override if extra things are required.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:
BaseBitmapFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseBitmapFilter::DoImport Scope: Private

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter, MakeBitmapFilter, BMPFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 2342 of file bitfilt.cpp.

02343 {
02344 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
02345     // Get rid of our dynamic objects
02346     if (OutputFile)
02347     {
02348         OutputFile = NULL;
02349     }
02351     DocView *View = DocView::GetCurrent();
02352     if (View)
02353     {
02354         if( ViewQualitySet )
02355         {
02356             //  Only need to do this if the view quality has been set but not restored.
02357             RestoreViewQuality(View);
02358         }
02359     }
02361     if (ExportRegion)
02362     {
02363         // If we have create the export region then delete it
02364         delete ExportRegion;
02365         ExportRegion = NULL;
02367         // Must try and set our background rendering state back to the default 
02368         DocView *View = DocView::GetCurrent();
02369         if (View)
02370         {
02371             // Force background back to its entry state
02372             RestoreBackgroundRedrawState(View);
02373         }
02374     }
02376     if (pOptimisedPalette)
02377     {
02378         CCFree( pOptimisedPalette );
02379         pOptimisedPalette = NULL;
02380     }
02382 #endif
02383 }

void BaseBitmapFilter::CleanUpAfterImport  )  [protected, virtual]

Cleans up the memory allocated by BaseBitmapFilter::PrepareToImport() - used when the import process ends, either normally or abnormally.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
See also:
BaseBitmapFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseBitmapFilter::DoImport Scope: Private

Definition at line 579 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00580 {
00581     TheDocument = NULL;
00583     //WEBSTER-Martin-02/01/97
00584 #ifndef WEBSTER
00585 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH) && !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
00586     // Reset the filter type used by the Accusoft filters so that it can cache the
00587     // filter type correctly and so only call the Accusoft DLL on the first filter
00588     // rather than on all filters. 
00590     AccusoftFilters::ResetFilterType();
00592 #endif
00593 #endif //WEBSTER
00594 }

LPLOGPALETTE BaseBitmapFilter::Create8bppPalette  )  [static, protected]

Creates an 8bpp palette used when generating an 8bpp bitmap Centralises common code previously found in BMP, GIF & PNG filters.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
A pointer to a 8bpp palette
The palette returned is created using CCMalloc(). The caller should use CCFree() to discard the returned palette object when no longer needed.

Introduced for WEBSTER - markn 8/2/97. Made static so that the Accusoft filter can use it Notes:

Definition at line 4826 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04827 {
04828     /*
04829     LPLOGPALETTE lpPalette = NULL;
04830     GDrawContext *GDC = GRenderRegion::GetDrawContext();
04831     if (GDC != NULL)
04832     {
04833         // This should return a palette plus tell it what dithering we require
04834         // 0 = dither, not 0 for no dithering.
04835         LPLOGPALETTE lpGavPalette = GDC->SelectPalette( 0 );
04837         if (lpGavPalette != NULL)
04838         {
04839             const size_t TotalPal = sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + ( sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) * 256 );
04840             lpPalette = (LPLOGPALETTE)CCMalloc( TotalPal );
04841             if (lpPalette != NULL)
04842             {
04843                 // Take a copy of that palette
04844                 memcpy( lpPalette, lpGavPalette, TotalPal );
04846                 // Always make 'browser' palette instead of 'standard' palette
04847                 // - Harrison 8/10/97
04848                 PaletteManager::MakePaletteBrowserCompatible(lpPalette,TRUE);
04849             }
04850         }
04851     }
04853     ERROR3IF(lpPalette == NULL, "Didnt get a palette");
04855     //  The section of code below is used when the user has deleted 1 or more colours, and then
04856     //  clicked on 'Preview'.
04857     //  Have to change the palette here before it is used to decide which palette colours
04858     //  match each pixel in the image.
04859     if( ( BmapPrevDlg::GetNumberOfDeletedColours() ) && ( BmapPrevDlg::m_bUseExistingPalette ) )
04860     {
04861         BOOL Deleted = FALSE;
04862         INT32 NewIndex = -1;
04863         INT32 Popularity = 0;
04865         //  Go through the palette in BmapPrevDlg.
04866         for( INT32 PaletteIndex = 0; PaletteIndex < ( lpPalette->palNumEntries ); PaletteIndex++ )
04867         {
04868             //  Has this colour been deleted by the user?
04869             Deleted = BmapPrevDlg::IsThisColourDeleted( PaletteIndex );
04870             if( Deleted )
04871             {
04872                 //  If this colour has been deleted, then we need to get its
04873                 //  original palette order.
04874                 NewIndex = BmapPrevDlg::GetOriginalPaletteOrder( PaletteIndex );
04875                 //  Set flags to 255 to tell the system that this colour is not
04876                 //  to be used in generating the exported image.
04877                 lpPalette->palPalEntry[NewIndex].peFlags = 255;
04878             }
04879             else
04880             {
04881                 //  Not deleted, but is the popularity of this colour = 0?
04882                 Popularity = BmapPrevDlg::GetPopularityValueForColour( PaletteIndex );
04883                 if( Popularity <= 0 )
04884                 {
04885                     NewIndex = BmapPrevDlg::GetOriginalPaletteOrder( PaletteIndex );
04886                     lpPalette->palPalEntry[NewIndex].peFlags = 255;
04887                 }
04888             }
04889         }
04890     }
04892     ExtendedPalette LockedColoursInformation;
04893     if( BmapPrevDlg::GotLockedColours() && lpPalette)
04894     {
04895         //  Copy all the locked colours information over.
04896         LockedColoursInformation = BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette;
04898         ExtendedPalette LockedColoursInformation2 = BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette2;
04900         //  Go through all the locked colours that we have
04901         for( INT32 i = 0; i < LockedColoursInformation.NumberOfColours; i++ )
04902         {
04903             //  Make sure that we are not exceeding the number of colours in the current palette.
04904             if( i >= ( lpPalette->palNumEntries ) )
04905                 continue;
04907             //  We want to find the nearest colour in the current palette to this locked colour.
04908             double SmallestDistance = 0.0;
04909             BOOL FirstDistanceCalc = TRUE;
04910             INT32 ClosestColourIndex = 0;
04912             //  Some variables needed below
04913             INT32 Red1, Green1, Blue1;
04914             INT32 Red2, Green2, Blue2;
04915             double RedDistance, GreenDistance, BlueDistance;
04916             double Distance;            
04918             INT32 LockedIndex = LockedColoursInformation.Data[ i ].ExtraInformation;
04919             Red1    = LockedColoursInformation2.Data[ LockedIndex ].Red;
04920             Green1  = LockedColoursInformation2.Data[ LockedIndex ].Green;
04921             Blue1   = LockedColoursInformation2.Data[ LockedIndex ].Blue;
04923             //  Go through all the colours in the current palette.
04924             for( INT32 j = 0; j < lpPalette->palNumEntries; j++ )
04925             {
04926                 //  The components of the palette colour we are looking at.
04927                 Red2    = lpPalette->palPalEntry[j].peRed;
04928                 Green2  = lpPalette->palPalEntry[j].peGreen;
04929                 Blue2   = lpPalette->palPalEntry[j].peBlue;
04931                 //  Calculate the distance between each of the colour components
04932                 //  ( Actually the square of this value - this does not matter since we
04933                 //  are not interested in the absolute values, only relative ones ).
04934                 RedDistance   = pow( double( Red1 - Red2 ), 2 );
04935                 GreenDistance = pow( double( Green1 - Green2 ), 2 );
04936                 BlueDistance  = pow( double( Blue1 - Blue2 ), 2 );
04938                 //  The overall distance.
04939                 Distance = ( INT32 )( RedDistance + GreenDistance + BlueDistance );
04941                 if( FirstDistanceCalc )
04942                 {
04943                     // First time around, so 'Distance' must be closest yet
04944                     // However, there may be an occasion where this colour is already being used by one of 
04945                     // the existing locked colours. In this case, we just want to completely ignore this
04946                     // colour, and carry on with the next loop
04947                     BOOL BeingUsed = FALSE;
04948                     for( INT32 Index = 0; Index < i; Index++ )
04949                     {
04950                         if( LockedColoursInformation.Data[ Index ].ExtraInformation == j )
04951                             BeingUsed = TRUE;
04952                     }
04953                     //  If it is being used, don't do anything.
04954                     if( !BeingUsed )
04955                     {
04956                         FirstDistanceCalc   = FALSE;
04957                         SmallestDistance    = Distance;
04958                         ClosestColourIndex  = j;
04959                     }
04960                 }
04961                 else if( Distance <= SmallestDistance )
04962                 {
04963                     //  Smallest distance so far?  if so remember the distance & index
04964                     //  Do this only if this index is not being used by another locked colour
04965                     //  already. To do this, have to look through the currently assigned locked
04966                     //  colour indices. If this index is being used, then just do nothing.
04967                     BOOL BeingUsed = FALSE;
04968                     for( INT32 Index = 0; Index < i; Index++ )
04969                     {
04970                         if( LockedColoursInformation.Data[ Index ].ExtraInformation == j )
04971                             BeingUsed = TRUE;
04972                     }
04973                     if( !BeingUsed )
04974                     {
04975                         SmallestDistance    = Distance;
04976                         ClosestColourIndex  = j;
04977                     }
04978                 }
04979             }
04981             //  Put the colour index into the locked colour palette
04982             INT32 Information = LockedColoursInformation.Data[ i ].ExtraInformation;
04984             //  Update the palette which holds the original values of the locked colours.
04985             INT32 r = BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette2.Data[ ClosestColourIndex ].Red;
04986             INT32 g = BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette2.Data[ ClosestColourIndex ].Green;
04987             INT32 b = BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette2.Data[ ClosestColourIndex ].Blue;
04989             BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette2.Data[ ClosestColourIndex ].Red = 
04990                 BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette2.Data[ Information ].Red;
04991             BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette2.Data[ ClosestColourIndex ].Green = 
04992                 BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette2.Data[ Information ].Green;
04993             BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette2.Data[ ClosestColourIndex ].Blue = 
04994                 BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette2.Data[ Information ].Blue;
04996             BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette2.Data[ Information ].Red = r;
04997             BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette2.Data[ Information ].Green = g;
04998             BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette2.Data[ Information ].Blue = b;
05000             BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette.Data[ i ].ExtraInformation = ClosestColourIndex;
05001             LockedColoursInformation = BmapPrevDlg::m_LockedColoursPalette;
05002         }
05003     }
05005     return lpPalette;
05006     */
05007     return NULL;
05008 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::CreateBitmapName const CCLexFile pDiskFile,
const KernelBitmap pBitmap,
const UINT32  nBitmapNumber
[protected, virtual]

Sets the name of the given bitmap to that of the form "filename - number.ext" or "filename.ext" depending on whether we have assumed there to be more than one image in the imported file. Used by ImportBitmap to supply this name and avoid bizarre file names when re-exporting.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pDiskFile : file from which the bitmap was extracted [INPUTS] pBitmap : the bitmap itself nBitmapNumber : the number of the bitmap in the file
TRUE if name set OK, FALSE if failed.

Errors: ERROR2 for invalid arguments ERROR3 if pDiskFile is not a kind of CCDiskFile Notes: Suppose we should really set the names after when we know that there actually are multiple bitmaps

Definition at line 1469 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01471 {
01472     ERROR2IF(pDiskFile == NULL, FALSE, "pDiskFile - invalid");
01473     ERROR2IF(pBitmap == NULL, FALSE, "pBitmap - invalid");
01475     PathName Path = pDiskFile->GetPathName();
01476     if (!Path.IsValid())
01477     {
01478         TRACE( _T("Invalid file path in BaseBitmapFilter::CreateBitmapName\n") );
01479         return FALSE;
01480     }
01482     String_256 Str;
01483     if ((nBitmapNumber > 1) || AreBitmapsToRead())
01484     {
01485         // give it a number ?
01486         String_256 shortName = Path.GetFileName(FALSE); // without extension
01487         String_16 index;
01488         Convert::LongToString(INT32(nBitmapNumber), &index);
01489         Str.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_BITMAP_NAME), (TCHAR*)shortName, (TCHAR*)index);
01490         Path.SetFileName(Str);
01491     }
01492     Str = Path.GetFileName(TRUE);   // with extension
01493     pBitmap->ActualBitmap->SetName(Str);
01494     return TRUE;
01495 }

BitmapSource * BaseBitmapFilter::CreateBitmapSource OFFSET  Size  )  const [virtual]

The PrepareToImport() function calls this member to create a BitmapSource for lossy file formats. The BaseBitmapFilter implementation returns NULL. Derived classes with lossy formats should override this function to provide a subclassed BitmapSource.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Size,: The required size of the BitmapSource [INPUTS]
A pointer to a new BitmapSource
See also:
IsFormatLossy() Scope: protected

Reimplemented in JPEGImportFilter.

Definition at line 464 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00465 {
00466     return NULL;
00467 }

BitmapExportOptions * BaseBitmapFilter::CreateExportOptions  )  const [virtual]

Allows derived classes to override this function to provide their own class derived from BitmapExportOptions containing filter specific information. Notes: This should never be called.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
A pointer to a new BitmapExportOptions class

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter, MakeBitmapFilter, BMPFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 4797 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04798 {
04799     TRACE( _T("BaseBitmapFilter::CreateExportOptions() called\n"));
04801     BitmapExportOptions* pOptions = new BitmapExportOptions(_R(IDD_EXPORTBMPOPTS), FilterType(FilterID), &FilterName);
04803     return pOptions;
04804 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::DoExport Operation pOp,
CCLexFile pFile,
PathName pPath,
Document pDoc,
BOOL  ShowOptions

Exports the current selection as a bitmap, via the virtual fns of the inherited class. Do not override unless really necessary.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pOp - the operation that started the export off [INPUTS] pDiskFile - the file to put the exported data into pPath - the pathname of the file to be exported to pDoc - the document to export
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
See also:
GetExportOptions; PrepareToExport; ExportRenderNodes; CleanUpAfterExport;

Reimplemented from Filter.

Reimplemented in PreviewFilterBMP, PreviewFilterGIF, PreviewFilterJPEG, PreviewFilterPNG, and ThumbnailFilterPNG.

Definition at line 2422 of file bitfilt.cpp.

02425 {
02426     // The success / failure flag.
02427     BOOL ok = TRUE;
02429     // smfix put back more or less this should be only used by the preview filters
02431 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
02433     // Dreamweaver integration.
02434 //  BOOL bDesignNotesSelectedValue = FALSE;
02436     ERROR2IF(pOp == NULL, FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExport no export operation");
02437     ERROR2IF(pFile == NULL, FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExport no file to export to");
02438     ERROR2IF(pPath == NULL, FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExport no export pathname");
02439     ERROR2IF(pDoc == NULL, FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExport no document to export");
02441     // Set the bitmap pointer to null just in case, usually only used by DoExportBitmap
02442     pExportBitmap = NULL;
02444     // Get pointer to the spread to export.
02445 PORTNOTE("spread", "Multi-spread warning!")
02446     pSpread = GetFirstSpread(pDoc);
02447     ERROR2IF(pSpread == NULL, FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport no spread to export");
02449     // We must now check if there is a selection present so that we can set up whether the
02450     // user gets the choice of exporting the selection, drawing or spread if there is a 
02451     // selection present OR just a choice between the spread or drawing if no selection is
02452     // present.
02453     // If have a caret selected in a text story then the selection will be almost zero so
02454     // trap this case as well. 
02455     ClipRect = GetApplication ()->FindSelection ()->GetBoundingRect(TRUE);
02456     SelectionType Selection = DRAWING;
02458     // Determine the selection type.
02459     if ( !IsPreviewBitmap && !ClipRect.IsEmpty() && ClipRect.Width() >= MinExportSize && ClipRect.Height() >= MinExportSize )
02460     {
02461         Selection = SELECTION; // Something is selected, so use this.
02462     }
02463     else // The selection is either too small to export, or the clipping rectangle is empty.
02464     {
02465         // Work out the size of the rectangle encompassing the drawing (visible layers only).
02466         ClipRect = GetSizeOfDrawing(pSpread);
02468         // Check that that cliprect is ok, if not then set the spread as the export type.
02469         if ( ClipRect.IsEmpty() || ClipRect.Width() < MinExportSize || ClipRect.Height() < MinExportSize )
02470             Selection = SPREAD;
02471     }
02473     // If there is no selection then warn the user that exporting the current spread may
02474     // take a lot of disc space, but only if this is not a Preview Bitmap.
02475     if ((!IsPreviewBitmap) && (Selection == SPREAD))
02476     {
02477         // Warn the user that there is no selection = large export
02478         ErrorInfo Info;
02479         Info.ErrorMsg = _R(IDT_BMPEXP_NOSELECTION);
02480         Info.Button[0] = _R(IDB_EXPQUERY_EXPORT);
02481         Info.Button[1] = _R(IDB_EXPQUERY_DONTEXPORT);
02482         if ((ResourceID)(AskQuestion(&Info)) == _R(IDB_EXPQUERY_DONTEXPORT))
02483         {
02484             Error::SetError(_R(IDN_USER_CANCELLED),0);      // Expects error set on cancel
02485             ok = FALSE;
02486         }
02487     }
02489     // Mark H 18/12/00
02490     // From here on, I`ve tidied up the code so that this function is responsible for it`s
02491     // own Bitmap Export Options pointer and not reliant on the member variable. This fixes
02492     //a 1.5MB!!! memory leak on exiting of the program!
02494     // Create a new Bitmap Export Options pointer for the current filter
02495     BitmapExportOptions* pExportOptions = CreateExportOptions();
02497     // Try to create the export options.
02498     if (ok && pExportOptions)
02499     {
02500         pExportOptions->RetrieveDefaults();
02501         pExportOptions->SetSelectionType(Selection);
02502         pExportOptions->SetBackgroundTransparency(FALSE);
02503     }
02504     else
02505         ok = FALSE;
02507     //Graham W 3/7/97: Tell the preview dialog what the path to save out to is
02508     BmapPrevDlg::m_pthExport=*pPath;
02510     if(ok)
02511         ok = GetExportOptions(pExportOptions);
02513     // This pointer is used to call the ExportBitmap function. If the filetype has changed,
02514     // then it will be set-up to be invoked from the new type.
02515     BaseBitmapFilter *pFilter = this;
02517     // Write out the bitmap.
02518     if (ok)
02519     {
02520         if (!pFilter->DoExportWithOptions(pOp, pFile, pPath, pDoc, pExportOptions))
02521         {
02522             // Export failed, therefore no valid export options.
02523             Error::SetError(_R(IDN_USER_CANCELLED),0);
02524         }
02525     }
02527     // Clear up the existing bitmap options.
02528     if(pExportOptions)
02529     {
02530         delete pExportOptions;
02531         pExportOptions = NULL;
02532     }
02534 #endif
02536     return ok;
02537 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmap Operation pOp,
CCLexFile pFile,
PathName pPath,
KernelBitmap pBitmap

Exports the specified bitmap straight out to file with none of the rendering that DoExport does. Uses the virtual fns of the inherited class. Do not override unless really necessary.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.

Definition at line 2662 of file bitfilt.cpp.

02664 {
02665 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
02666     ERROR2IF(pBitmap == NULL,FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmap null bitmap pointer specified");
02668     // Note this pointer for later use
02669     pExportBitmap = pBitmap;
02671     // Note this ptr for use in JPEG export.
02672     JPEGExportOptions::SetKernelBitmap(pBitmap);
02674     // Get a pointer to the actual bitmap so that we can get some details from it.
02675     OILBitmap *pOilBitmap = pBitmap->ActualBitmap;
02676     ERROR2IF(pOilBitmap == NULL,FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmap null oil bitmap pointer");
02678     // Create a record of information about the export
02679     m_pExportOptions = CreateExportOptions();
02681     if (m_pExportOptions == NULL)
02682     {
02683         return FALSE;
02684     }
02686     // Get the default settings
02687     GetBitmapExportOptions()->RetrieveDefaults();
02689     // Specify to the user what the export options for depth etc are going to be
02690     GetBitmapExportOptions()->SetSelectionType(ABITMAP);
02692     // Get the details from the specified bitmap
02693     BitmapInfo BmInfo;
02694     pOilBitmap->GetInfo(&BmInfo);
02695     GetBitmapExportOptions()->SetDepth(BmInfo.PixelDepth);  // get the bitmaps bpp
02697     // Should really save the dpi when we load the file itself rather than doing
02698     // all this conversion with possible rounding errors.
02699     // Use the original size that has been calculated in the info header
02700     UINT32 PixWidth  = BmInfo.PixelWidth;
02701 //  UINT32 PixHeight = BmInfo.PixelHeight;
02702     MILLIPOINT  RecWidth = BmInfo.RecommendedWidth;
02703 //  MILLIPOINT  RecHeight = BmInfo.RecommendedHeight;
02705     if (PixWidth > 0)
02706     {
02707         GetBitmapExportOptions()->SetDPI((PixWidth * 72000.0)/(double)RecWidth);
02708     }
02710     // WEBSTER - markn 5/2/97
02711     // If the bitmap has a transparent colour index, store it in the options object
02712     // -1 means no transparent colour
02713     INT32 TransIndex = -1;
02714     if (!pBitmap->GetTransparencyIndex(&TransIndex)) TransIndex = -1;
02715     GetBitmapExportOptions()->SetTransparencyIndex(TransIndex);
02717     BOOL ok = TRUE;
02719 /* It used to call the export options dlg here - but why bother just export as is
02720     BOOL ok = GetExportOptions(GetBitmapExportOptions());
02721     if (!ok)
02722     {
02723         delete m_pExportOptions;
02724         m_pExportOptions = 0;
02726         Error::SetError(_R(IDN_USER_CANCELLED),0);          // Expects error set on cancel
02727         return FALSE;                                   // if cancelled
02728     }
02730     if (GetBitmapExportOptions()->HasTempFile())
02731     {
02732         // the export options preview dialog has produced a temp file, so just rename that
02734         // get the temp file name
02735         PathName TempPath = GetBitmapExportOptions()->GetPathName();
02737         String_256 FinalName = pPath->GetPath();
02738         String_256 TempName = TempPath.GetPath();
02740         if (pFile->isOpen())
02741             pFile->close();
02743         // delete the empty file, if one was created
02744         FileUtil::DeleteFile(pPath);
02746         // try to rename the file
02747         if (_trename(TempName, FinalName) != 0)
02748             ok = FALSE;
02749         else
02750             ok = TRUE;
02751     }
02752     else */
02753     {
02754         // Used to open the file up before starting DoExport. But this meant a cancel on the export
02755         // options dialog had filled the file, if it was already present. So now up up here if
02756         // not open already. In the PreviewBitmap case the file will already be open.
02757         if (!pFile->isOpen())
02758         {
02759             if (pFile->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(CCDiskFile)))
02760             {
02761                 ok = OpenExportFile((CCDiskFile*) pFile, pPath);
02762                 if (!ok) return FALSE;
02763             }
02764             else
02765             {
02766                 TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("Tried to open non-CCDiskFile in BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmap\n") );
02767                 return FALSE;
02768             }
02769         }
02771         // Make a note of the Disk file we are to use
02772         OutputFile = pFile;
02774         // We do not use an export region so specify null.
02775         ExportRegion = NULL;
02777         // Actually write to the file, showing progress hourglass as we go
02778         ok = WriteBitmapToFile(pBitmap, GetBitmapExportOptions()->GetDPI());
02780         if (ok)
02781             WriteFileEnd();
02782     }
02784     // All done - deallocate dynamic objects, stop the progress display/hourglass
02785     // and return success. (Also closes file).
02786     CleanUpAfterExport();
02788     // we created these here so we should delete them
02789     delete m_pExportOptions;
02790     m_pExportOptions = NULL;
02792     return ok;
02793 #else
02794     return FALSE;
02795 #endif
02796 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmaps Operation pOp,
CCLexFile pFile,
PathName pPath,
BitmapExportParam pParam

Exports the bitmaps specified by the BitmapExportParam object to a multi- image capable filter. It works creating a special document containing a single NodeBitmap It then sets this document to use each bitmap in turn and calls DoExport to actually export it.

Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.

Definition at line 2817 of file bitfilt.cpp.

02819 {
02820 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
02821     ERROR2IF(pOp == NULL || pFile == NULL || pPath == NULL, FALSE,"NULL Parameters");
02822     ERROR2IF(pParam == NULL,FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmaps null BitmapExportParam specified");
02824     // Create an object so we can ask the user for some options
02825     if (m_pExportOptions)
02826         delete m_pExportOptions;
02828     m_pExportOptions = CreateExportOptions();
02830     if (m_pExportOptions == NULL)
02831         return FALSE;
02833     // Get the first bitmap pointer
02834     KernelBitmap* pBitmap = pParam->GetBitmap(0);
02835     ERROR2IF(pBitmap == NULL,FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmaps has no bitmaps to export");
02837     pExportBitmap = pBitmap;
02839     // Get a pointer to the actual bitmap so that we can get some details from it.
02840     OILBitmap *pOilBitmap = pBitmap->ActualBitmap;
02841     ERROR2IF(pOilBitmap == NULL,FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmaps null oil bitmap pointer");
02843     // Specify to the user what the export options for depth etc are going to be
02844     GetBitmapExportOptions()->SetSelectionType(SOMEBITMAPS);
02846     GetBitmapExportOptions()->SetBitmapExportParam(pParam); 
02848     // Get the defaults from the first bitmap
02849     BitmapInfo BmInfo;
02850     pOilBitmap->GetInfo(&BmInfo);
02851     GetBitmapExportOptions()->SetDepth(BmInfo.PixelDepth);  // get the bitmaps bpp
02853     // Calculate the millipoint size from the pixel size assuming 96 dpi
02854     double DPI = 96.0;
02855     MILLIPOINT RecWidth = (MILLIPOINT) ((((double)BmInfo.PixelWidth * 72000.0) / DPI) + 0.5);
02856     MILLIPOINT RecHeight = (MILLIPOINT) ((((double)BmInfo.PixelHeight * 72000.0) / DPI) + 0.5);
02857     // Create a Coord for GetExportOptions
02858     GetBitmapExportOptions()->SetOutputSize(RecWidth, RecHeight);
02860     BOOL ok = GetExportOptions(GetBitmapExportOptions());
02861     if (!ok)
02862     {
02863         delete m_pExportOptions;
02864         m_pExportOptions = NULL;
02866         Error::SetError(_R(IDN_USER_CANCELLED),0);          // Expects error set on cancel
02867         return FALSE;                                   // if cancelled
02868     }
02870     // Used to open the file up before starting DoExport. But this meant a cancel on the export
02871     // options dialog had filled the file, if it was already present. So now up up here if
02872     // not open already. In the PreviewBitmap case the file will already be open.
02873     if (!pFile->isOpen())
02874     {
02875         if (pFile->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(CCDiskFile)))
02876         {
02877             ok = OpenExportFile((CCDiskFile*) pFile, pPath);
02878             if (!ok) return FALSE;
02879         }
02880         else
02881         {
02882             TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("Tried to open non-CCDiskFile in BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmaps\n") );
02883             return FALSE;
02884         }
02885     }
02887     // Make a note of the Disk file we are to use
02888     OutputFile = pFile;
02890     // Make sure the Region pointer is NULL for the time being
02891     ExportRegion = NULL;
02893     // TODO: Rampant change to Selection
02894     GetBitmapExportOptions()->SetSelectionType(DRAWING);
02896     // Output the file header
02897     if (!WriteFileHeader())
02898     {
02899         CleanUpAfterExport();
02900         return(FALSE);
02901     }
02903     // Remember the current document as we are just about to use a new document and
02904     // then delete it. Of course, systems like the bitmap system may just decide to
02905     // change current document just to screw things up. Put back before the end as the
02906     // EndOp will broadcast a message causing controls to update which require current
02907     // document to get the units list correctly.
02908     Document *pOldCurrent = Document::GetCurrent();
02910     // Create a document for the export
02911     BitmapExportDocument* pDoc = new BitmapExportDocument;
02913     if (pDoc != NULL)
02914     {
02915         if (!pDoc->Init(pBitmap, DocRect(0, 0, GetBitmapExportOptions()->GetOutputSize().x, GetBitmapExportOptions()->GetOutputSize().y)))
02916         {
02917             TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("BitmapExportDocument::Init() failed\n") );
02918             delete pDoc;
02919             pDoc = NULL;
02920             CleanUpAfterExport();
02921             if (pOldCurrent != NULL)
02922                 pOldCurrent->SetCurrent();
02923             return(FALSE);
02924         }
02926         // Get pointer to the spread to export.
02927 PORTNOTE("spread", "Multi-spread warning!")
02928         pSpread = GetFirstSpread(pDoc);
02930         UINT32 BitmapCount = pParam->GetBitmapCount();
02932         for (UINT32 Index = 0; ok && (Index < BitmapCount); Index++)
02933         {
02934             // Get the bitmap pointer
02935             pBitmap = pParam->GetBitmap(Index);
02937             // We have to render the bitmap so...
02938             // Update the BitmapExportDocument
02939             pDoc->SetBitmap(pBitmap);
02941             // Export the document
02942             // If it fails then break out of the image loop
02943             ok = DoExportDoc(   pOp, pFile, pPath, pDoc, GetRenderDepth(), 
02944                                 GetBitmapExportOptions()->GetDPI(), 
02945                                 GetBitmapExportOptions()->GetSelectionType());
02947             if (ExportRegion != NULL)
02948             {
02949                 delete ExportRegion;
02950                 ExportRegion = NULL;
02951             }
02952             if (pOptimisedPalette != NULL)
02953             {
02954                 CCFree( pOptimisedPalette );
02955                 pOptimisedPalette = NULL;
02956             }
02958         }
02960         delete pDoc;
02961         pDoc = NULL;
02962     }
02964     // Write any end of file stuff
02965     if (ok)
02966         ok = WriteFileEnd();
02968     // All done - deallocate dynamic objects, stop the progress display/hourglass
02969     // and return success. (Also closes file).
02970     CleanUpAfterExport();
02972     // Ensure that we return CurrentDoc to its original value
02973     // Leave QuickShape tool with item selected before exporting animated gif from bitmap
02974     // gallery. Convert/Unit system blows up as using current doc!
02975     if (pOldCurrent != NULL)
02976         pOldCurrent->SetCurrent();
02978     return ok;
02979 #endif
02980     return FALSE;
02981 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmapWithOptions Operation pOp,
CCLexFile pFile,
PathName pPath,
KernelBitmap pBitmap,
BitmapExportOptions pOptions

Exports the specified bitmap straight out to file with none of the rendering that DoExport does. Uses the virtual fns of the inherited class. Do not override unless really necessary. Similar to DoExportBitmap in the base class, but uses the passed options, rather then invoking a dialog to get ones.

Stefan_Stoykov (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter.

Definition at line 3467 of file bitfilt.cpp.

03469 {
03470 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
03471     ERROR2IF(pBitmap == NULL,FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmap null bitmap pointer specified");
03473     if (pOptions == NULL)
03474     {
03475         // Create a record of information about the export
03476         SetUpExportBitmapOptions(&pOptions, pBitmap, TRUE);
03477         if (pOptions == NULL)
03478             return FALSE;
03479     }
03481     // remember the old export options
03482     BitmapExportOptions *pOldOptions = GetBitmapExportOptions();
03483     if (pOldOptions != NULL)
03484         pOldOptions->RetrieveDefaults();
03486     // set the new ones
03487     SetExportOptions(pOptions);
03488     pOptions->SetAsDefaults();
03490     // Make a note of the Disk file we are to use
03491     OutputFile = pFile;
03493     // Note this pointer for later use
03494     pExportBitmap = pBitmap;
03496     // Note this ptr for use in JPEG export.
03497     JPEGExportOptions::SetKernelBitmap(pBitmap);
03499     // Get a pointer to the actual bitmap so that we can get some details from it.
03500     OILBitmap *pOilBitmap = pBitmap->ActualBitmap;
03501     ERROR2IF(pOilBitmap == NULL,FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmap null oil bitmap pointer");
03503     // Get the details from the specified bitmap
03504     BitmapInfo BmInfo;
03505     pOilBitmap->GetInfo(&BmInfo);
03506     GetBitmapExportOptions()->SetDepth(BmInfo.PixelDepth);  // get the bitmaps bpp
03508     // Should really save the dpi when we load the file itself rather than doing
03509     // all this conversion with possible rounding errors.
03510     // Use the original size that has been calculated in the info header
03511     UINT32 PixWidth  = BmInfo.PixelWidth;
03512 //  UINT32 PixHeight = BmInfo.PixelHeight;
03513     MILLIPOINT  RecWidth = BmInfo.RecommendedWidth;
03514 //  MILLIPOINT  RecHeight = BmInfo.RecommendedHeight;
03516     if (PixWidth > 0)
03517     {
03518         //DPI = Mul32Div32( PixWidth,  72000, RecWidth );
03519         GetBitmapExportOptions()->SetDPI((PixWidth * 72000.0)/(double)RecWidth);
03520     }
03522     BOOL ok = TRUE;
03524     // Used to open the file up before starting DoExport. But this meant a cancel on the export
03525     // options dialog had filled the file, if it was already present. So now up up here if
03526     // not open already. In the PreviewBitmap case the file will already be open.
03527     if (!pFile->isOpen())
03528     {
03529         if (pFile->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(CCDiskFile)))
03530         {
03531             ok = OpenExportFile((CCDiskFile*) pFile, pPath);
03532             if (!ok) return FALSE;
03533         }
03534         else
03535         {
03536             TRACEUSER( "JustinF", _T("Tried to open non-CCDiskFile in BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmap\n") );
03537             return FALSE;
03538         }
03539     }
03541     // Make a note of the Disk file we are to use
03542     OutputFile = pFile;
03544     // We do not use an export region so specify null.
03545     ExportRegion = NULL;
03547     // Actually write to the file, showing progress hourglass as we go
03548     ok = WriteBitmapToFile(pBitmap, GetBitmapExportOptions()->GetDPI());
03550     if (ok)
03551         WriteFileEnd();
03553     // All done - deallocate dynamic objects, stop the progress display/hourglass
03554     // and return success. (Also closes file).
03555     CleanUpAfterExport();
03557     // restore the old export options
03558     if (pOldOptions != NULL)
03559     {
03560         SetExportOptions(pOldOptions);
03561         pOldOptions->SetAsDefaults();
03562     }
03564     // restore the file
03565     OutputFile = pFile;
03567     return ok;
03568 #else
03569     return FALSE;
03570 #endif
03571 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportDoc Operation ,
CCLexFile ,
PathName ,
Document ,
UINT32  ,
double  ,
const SelectionType ,
BOOL  UseExistingPalette = FALSE
[protected, virtual]

Definition at line 2560 of file bitfilt.cpp.

02563 {
02564 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
02565     if (!WritePreFrame()) return(FALSE);
02567     /*
02568     //  Only try to do the exact palette if we are using an 8 bit optimised palette
02569     if( ( PaletteType == 1 ) && ( GetBitmapExportOptions()->GetDepth() == 8 ) )
02570         GRenderOptPalette::UseOldPalette = FALSE;
02571     else
02572         GRenderOptPalette::UseOldPalette = TRUE;
02573     */
02575     // Set up device context and render region for this export.
02576     // This will show a progress hourglass for the objects being rendered
02577     // This will now also write the data out to file via our ExportRenderNodes function
02578     if (!PrepareToExport(pSpread, RenderDepth, DPI, Selection))
02579     {
02580         return FALSE;
02581     }
02583     // SMFIX
02584     // this is where we will build up the palette from the export options IF the one
02585     // that is already in the export options is NOT valid
02586     // the fn bellow export render needs the palette to be valid
02587 //  m_pExportOptions->CreateValidPalette();
02589     // this call sets this palette in the lower reaches of the code from the palette held in the export options
02590 //  AlterPaletteContents(m_pExportOptions->GetLogicalPalette());
02592     // Export the data to the file ensuring we render in strips, if required.
02593     RenderInStrips = TRUE;
02594     if (!ExportRender(ExportRegion))
02595     {
02596         // SMFIX - Make sure we reset the StripStart as it could stuff up further operations.
02597         m__StripStart = 0;
02598         return FALSE;
02599     }
02602     //SMFIX was calling AlterPaletteContents( lpPalette ); on a palette that it built here
02606     // Ask the filter if it requires a second pass export render. This might be used for
02607     // say preparing a mask for transparency or something. Used by the GIF filter for this
02608     // purpose.
02609     /*
02610     if (IsSecondPassRequired())
02611     {
02612         WritePreSecondPass();
02614         // Set up device context and render region for this export.
02615         // This will show a progress hourglass for the objects being rendered
02616         // This will now also write the data out to file via our ExportRenderNodes function
02617         if (!PrepareToExport(pSpread, RenderDepth, DPI, Selection))
02618         {
02619             return FALSE;
02620         }
02622         // Export the data to the file esnuring we render in strips, if required.
02623         RenderInStrips = TRUE;
02624         if (!ExportRender(ExportRegion))
02625         {
02626             return FALSE;
02627         }
02628     }
02629     */
02631     if (!WritePostFrame())
02632     {
02633         // SMFIX - Make sure we reset the StripStart as it could stuff up further operations.
02634         m__StripStart = 0;
02635         return FALSE;
02636     }
02638     // SMFIX - Make sure we reset the StripStart as it could stuff up further operations.
02639     m__StripStart = 0;
02640 #endif
02641     return TRUE;
02642 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportHelper Operation pOp,
CCLexFile pFile,
PathName pPath,
Document pDoc

Exports the document by using the export options passed as parameter, rather then invoking an options dialog box to obtain them.

Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <> (from Stefan)
pOp - the operation that started the export off [INPUTS] pFile - the file to put the exported data into pPath - the pathname of the file to be exported to pDoc - the document to export
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.

Definition at line 3254 of file bitfilt.cpp.

03258 {
03259     // Used to open the file up before starting DoExport. But this meant a cancel on the export
03260     // options dialog had filled the file, if it was already present. So now up up here if
03261     // not open already. In the PreviewBitmap case the file will already be open.
03262     if ( !pFile->isOpen() && 
03263          pFile->IsKindOf ( CC_RUNTIME_CLASS ( CCDiskFile ) ) &&
03264          !OpenExportFile ( static_cast<CCDiskFile*> ( pFile ), pPath) )
03265     {
03266          return FALSE;
03267     }
03269     WrittenHeader = 0;
03270     SetDepthToRender(32);
03272     // set the palette type which might get changed during the preview
03273     if (m_pExportOptions->IS_KIND_OF(BMPExportOptions))
03274     {
03275         PaletteType = ((BMPExportOptions *)m_pExportOptions)->GetPalette() ? 1 : 0; // 1 for an optimised palette
03276         BMPFilter::SetDefaultExportDPI(m_pExportOptions->GetDPI());
03277         BMPFilter::SetDefaultExportDepth(m_pExportOptions->GetDepth());
03278 PORTNOTE("filter", "Removed use fo GIFFilter")
03280         // Need to set the dither for the accusoft filter here, otherwise the dither
03281         // changes by the user will not have any effect
03282         AccusoftFilters::SetDitherToUse(m_pExportOptions->GetDither());
03283 #endif
03284     }
03285     else if (m_pExportOptions->IS_KIND_OF(MaskedFilterExportOptions))
03286     {
03287         PaletteType = ((MaskedFilterExportOptions *)m_pExportOptions)->GetPalette() ? 1 : 0;// 1 for an optimised palette
03288     }
03290     // set the render depth, which might change during the preview
03291     switch (m_pExportOptions->GetFilterType())
03292     {
03293 PORTNOTE("filter", "Removed use fo GIFFilter")
03295         case TI_GIF:
03296             if (m_pExportOptions->GetDepth() > 8)
03297                 m_pExportOptions->SetDepth(8);
03298             SetDepthToRender(m_pExportOptions->GetDepth());
03299             break;
03300 #endif
03302         case JPEG:
03303             SetDepthToRender(24);
03304             break;
03306         default:
03307             SetDepthToRender(m_pExportOptions->GetDepth());
03308             break;
03309     }
03311 //Mark Howitt, 24/10/97. Reset the FilterType variable as Importing uses this for something else!
03312 PORTNOTE("filter", "Removed use of AccusoftFilters")
03313 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX) && !defined(WEBSTER)
03314     // Andy Hills, 21-12-00
03315     // Warning: bodge alert!
03316     // At this stage, AccusoftFilters::FilterType may contain a useful value.
03317     // E.g. 9 for TIFF_LZW. This means that AccusoftFilters can make a special
03318     // case for exporting TIFFs, and export using CTIFFWriter instead of
03319     // calling Snowbound.
03320     // For whatever reason, the following line of code replaced this value with
03321     // m_pExportOptions->m_FilterID, which since the rewrite of the export dlg
03322     // contains the value 0.
03323     // This bodge ensures that we don't overwrite AccusoftFilters::FilterType
03324     // with 0.
03325     if (m_pExportOptions->GetFilterType() != 0)
03326         AccusoftFilters::SetFilterType(m_pExportOptions->GetFilterType());
03327 #endif
03329     // Make a note of the Disk file we are to use
03330     OutputFile = pFile;
03332     // Actually export the document
03333     BOOL ok = WriteFileHeader();
03335     // Do we want to use the existing palette, or generate a new one? The
03336     // value of BmapPrevDlg::m_bUseExistingPalette determines whether or
03337     // not one is needed to be generated, so no need to use any switch
03338     // logic.
03339     if ( ok )
03340     {
03341         ok = DoExportDoc( pOp, pFile, pPath, pDoc, GetRenderDepth (), 
03342                            m_pExportOptions->GetDPI (), 
03343                            m_pExportOptions->GetSelectionType (),
03344                            BmapPrevDlg::m_bUseExistingPalette );
03345     }
03347     ok &= WriteFileEnd();
03349     // pOptimised memory freed here.
03350     CleanUpAfterExport();
03352     return ok;
03353 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportWithOptions Operation pOp,
CCLexFile pFile,
PathName pPath,
Document pDoc,
BitmapExportOptions pOptions,
DocRect pRect = NULL

Exports the document by using the export options passed as parameter, rather then invoking an options dialog box to obtain them.

Stefan_Stoykov (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pOp - the operation that started the export off [INPUTS] pFile - the file to put the exported data into pPath - the pathname of the file to be exported to pDoc - the document to export pOptions - the bitmap export options to use when exporting. The options are deleted after the export, so if you want to keep them make a copy first.
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.

Definition at line 3130 of file bitfilt.cpp.

03132 {
03133     ERROR2IF(pOp == NULL, FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExport no export operation");
03134     ERROR2IF(pFile == NULL, FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExport no file to export to");
03135     ERROR2IF(pPath == NULL, FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExport no export pathname");
03136     ERROR2IF(pDoc == NULL, FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExport no document to export");
03138     // Have any valid export options been passed in?
03139     if (pOptions == NULL)
03140     {
03141         // Create a record of information about the export.
03142         SetUpExportOptions(&m_pExportOptions, TRUE);
03143         if (m_pExportOptions == NULL)
03144             return FALSE;
03145     }
03146     else
03147     {
03148         // Copy the existing export options.
03149         //m_pExportOptions = pOptions->MakeCopy ();
03150         m_pExportOptions = pOptions; // rather point at the options passed in
03151     }
03153     // set up the pSpread
03154 PORTNOTE("spread", "Multi-spread warning!")
03155     pSpread = GetFirstSpread(pDoc);
03157     // deal with no selection
03158     SelRange* pSelection = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
03159     // deal with exporting no selection as the drawing
03160     if (pRect == NULL && pSelection->Count() == 0 && (m_pExportOptions->GetSelectionType() == SELECTION))
03161         m_pExportOptions->SetSelectionType(DRAWING);
03163     if (pRect != NULL)  // Force the cliping rect for the image to be the one passed in
03164                         // and not just defined by the selection! sjk
03165     {
03166         ClipRect = *pRect;
03167     }
03168     else
03169     {
03170         // reassign the clipping rectangle to the selection's bounding rect
03171         SetUpClippingRectangleForExport(pSpread, m_pExportOptions->GetSelectionType());
03173         // Set the page limits to drawing if thats whats requested
03174         if (pSpread && m_pExportOptions->IsClipToPage() )
03175         {
03176             Page *pPage = pSpread->FindFirstPageInSpread(); 
03177             if (pPage)
03178                 ClipRect = pPage->GetPageRect();
03179         }   
03181         // to use SJK's new fiddle the rect to maintain the antialiasing
03182         // as seen on screen call the function bellow
03183         // If you want it to work like it did in CX2 comment the line out
03184         if( m_pExportOptions->GetAntiAliasing() == MAINTAIN_SCREEN_AA )
03185             PixelAlignedFiddle(&ClipRect);
03186     }
03188     BOOL ok = TRUE;
03190     // Always export the whole thing into one composite file
03191     ok = DoExportHelper(pOp, pFile, pPath, pDoc);
03193     if (!IsPreviewBitmap && m_pExportOptions->CanExportSeparateLayers())
03194     {
03195         // We need to export each layer as a separate file
03196         Layer* pLayer = pSpread->FindFirstLayer();
03197         while (ok && pLayer!=NULL)
03198         {
03199             if (pLayer->IsVisible()
03200                 && !pLayer->IsGuide()
03201                 && pLayer->HasLayerGotRenderableChildren()
03202                 )
03203             {
03204                 SetSoleLayer(pLayer);
03206                 PathName pathLayer = pLayer->MakeExportLayerName(*pPath);
03207                 CCLexFile* pLayerFile = new CCDiskFile(pathLayer, ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary | ios::trunc);
03209                 if (ok) ok = DoExportHelper(pOp, pLayerFile, &pathLayer, pDoc);
03211                 delete pLayerFile;
03213                 SetSoleLayer(NULL);
03214             }
03216             pLayer = pLayer->FindNextLayer();
03217         }
03218     }
03220     // Delete the newly created export options ONLY if we did create them
03221     if (pOptions == NULL)
03222     {
03223         delete m_pExportOptions;
03224         m_pExportOptions = NULL;
03225     }
03227     // Restore the file.
03228     OutputFile = pFile;
03230     return ok;
03231 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::DoImport SelOperation Op,
CCLexFile pFile,
Document DestDoc,
BOOL  AutoChosen = FALSE,
ImportPosition Pos = NULL,
KernelBitmap **  ppImportedBitmap = NULL,
DocCoord pPosTranslate = NULL,
String_256 URL = NULL

Read bitmap data from a file. This is the same for all bitmap filters; the ImportBitmap() function should be over-ridden for actual bitmap import filters.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Op - pointer to the operation that this input process is associated with. [INPUTS] pFile - The file that we should load the bitmap from DestDoc - The Document object which should hold the data read in from the bitmap. ImportPosition - ppImportedBitmap - Used to set the bitmap background pPosTranslate - specify the position of the bitmap on the screen
TRUE if the input operation worked ok, FALSE if not.

Errors: Fails (returns FALSE) if the document structure is incorrect, or if there is a problem with the bitmap.

Reimplemented from Filter.

Definition at line 698 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00702 {
00703     ERROR2IF(Op == NULL, FALSE,         "BaseBitmapFilter::DoImport NULL operation supplied");
00704     ERROR2IF(pFile == NULL, FALSE,  "BaseBitmapFilter::DoImport NULL diskfile supplied");
00705     ERROR2IF(DestDoc == NULL, FALSE,    "BaseBitmapFilter::DoImport NULL doc supplied");
00707     // Make a note of the disk file we are given
00708     InputFile = pFile;
00710     // Set up the class variable which is used by the bitmap system to determine which document
00711     // to load the bitmap into. Added 24/9/96 as opening a PhotoCD causes the selection to change!
00712     // Removing the photocd import dialog box causes the selection to be put into an existing doc
00713     // rather than a new one.
00714     TheDocument = DestDoc;
00716     if (ProcessImportOptions() == FALSE)
00717         return FALSE;
00719     Spread *pSpread = NULL;
00720     DocCoord Origin;
00722     //So first find the current view
00723     DocView* pDocView=DocView::GetCurrent();
00725     if (Pos == NULL)
00726     {
00727         // For now, position Draw objects on 1st page of spread 1
00729         //Graham 30/6/97: We now position imported bitmaps in the top left of the view
00731         ERROR2IF(pDocView==NULL, FALSE, "BaseBitmapFilter::DoImport - no current view");
00733         //And get the centre coordinate
00734         Origin=pDocView->GetTopLeftCoord();
00736         // Find the first spread in that document.
00737         pSpread = TheDocument->FindFirstSpread ();
00738     }
00739     else
00740     {
00741         pSpread = Pos->pSpread;
00742         Origin = Pos->Position;
00743     }
00745     // If we use the PhotoCD import then current/selected doc/spread MAY be wrong. So force it again.
00746     // Must ensure the selected spread is in the destination document as otherwise we will insert the
00747     // object AFTER the insertion node and hence in an illegal position. 
00748     Document::SetSelectedViewAndSpread(DestDoc, DocView::GetCurrent(), pSpread);
00750     // Let's get ready
00751     if (!PrepareToImport())
00752         return FALSE;
00754     UINT32 nBitmapToRead = 0;
00755     Layer* pNewLayer = NULL;
00756     Layer* pNewActiveLayer = NULL;
00757     do  // for every bitmap in the file
00758     {
00759         KernelBitmap* pKernelBmp = NULL;
00760         ++nBitmapToRead;
00762         // Import that bitmap, if first bitmap then nBitmapToRead will be set to 1
00763         BOOL Success = ImportBitmap(pFile, &pKernelBmp, nBitmapToRead);
00764         if (!Success)
00765         {
00766             if (m_pImportOptions != NULL)
00767             {
00768                 delete m_pImportOptions;
00769                 m_pImportOptions = NULL;
00770             }
00772             // Did not work - report this to the caller.
00773             return FALSE;
00774         }
00776         // If the caller wants to handle the imported bitmap, then set the return pointer up,
00777         // otherwise, we handle the bitmap by inserting a NodeBitmap into the document
00778         if (ppImportedBitmap != NULL && pPosTranslate == NULL)
00779             *ppImportedBitmap = pKernelBmp;
00780         else
00781         {
00782             // Get a new NodeBitmap object to import into.
00783             NodeBitmap *pNodeBitmap = new NodeBitmap;
00784             if ((pNodeBitmap == NULL) || (!pNodeBitmap->SetUpPath(12,12)))
00785             {
00786                 if (m_pImportOptions != NULL)
00787                 {
00788                     delete m_pImportOptions;
00789                     m_pImportOptions = NULL;
00790                 }
00791                 if (pNodeBitmap != NULL)
00792                     delete pNodeBitmap;
00794                 return FALSE;
00795             }
00797             pNodeBitmap->GetBitmapRef()->Attach(pKernelBmp, DestDoc); //GetDocument());
00799             if (pNodeBitmap->GetBitmap() != pKernelBmp)
00800             {
00801                 // It didn't use the bitmap we gave it, so we can delete it
00802                 delete pKernelBmp;
00803             }
00805             //And if the caller wants a pointer to the kernel bitmap, give them one...
00806             if (ppImportedBitmap)
00807             {
00808                 *ppImportedBitmap=pNodeBitmap->GetBitmap();
00809             }
00811             // Import worked - try to add the bitmap object into the tree.
00812             // First, set the rectangle to the right size for the bitmap...
00813             BitmapInfo Info;
00814             pNodeBitmap->GetBitmap()->ActualBitmap->GetInfo(&Info);
00816             const INT32 HPixelSize = ( pDocView->GetPixelWidth() + 0.5 ).MakeLong();    // Size of output pixel in millipoints
00817             const INT32 VPixelSize = ( pDocView->GetPixelHeight() + 0.5 ).MakeLong();// Size of output pixel in millipoints
00819             DocRect BoundsRect;
00820             BoundsRect.lo = Origin;
00821             // Make sure that this is snapped to a pixel grid
00822             BoundsRect.lo.x = GridLock(BoundsRect.lo.x, HPixelSize);
00823             BoundsRect.lo.y = GridLock(BoundsRect.lo.y, VPixelSize);
00824             // And now add in the rest of the bounds
00825             BoundsRect.hi.x = BoundsRect.lo.x + Info.RecommendedWidth;
00826             BoundsRect.hi.y = BoundsRect.lo.y + Info.RecommendedHeight;
00827             BoundsRect.hi.x = GridLock(BoundsRect.hi.x, HPixelSize);
00828             BoundsRect.hi.y = GridLock(BoundsRect.hi.y, VPixelSize);
00830             // And set this in our bitmap node
00831             pNodeBitmap->CreateShape(BoundsRect);
00833             // Make sure that there is a layer to put the bitmap onto
00834             if (!MakeSureLayerExists(DestDoc))
00835             {
00836                 // There is no layer and one could not be made, so we will have to fail
00837                 delete pNodeBitmap;
00838                 if (m_pImportOptions != NULL)
00839                 {
00840                     delete m_pImportOptions;
00841                     m_pImportOptions = NULL;
00842                 }
00843                 return FALSE;
00844             }
00846             // Set the default attrs
00847             // This MUST be done before the NodeBitmap is Inserted into the tree
00848             if (!pNodeBitmap->ApplyDefaultBitmapAttrs(Op))
00849             {
00850                 if (m_pImportOptions != NULL)
00851                 {
00852                     delete m_pImportOptions;
00853                     m_pImportOptions = NULL;
00854                 }
00855                 return FALSE;
00856             }
00858             // Insert the node, but don't invalidate its region
00859             // If we are the only bitmap then just add it as the first child of the active layer
00860             // Could use Filter::ImportWithLayers to determine if we use layers or not
00861             BOOL Fail = FALSE;
00862             BOOL SingleBitmap = !AreBitmapsToRead() && nBitmapToRead <= 1;
00864             //Graham 30/5/97
00865             //If we're importing an animated bitmap as part of an 
00866             //HTML document
00867 PORTNOTE("filters","Removed HTMLFilter usage")
00868             if( !SingleBitmap
00870                 && HTMLFilter::ImportingHTML
00871 #endif
00872                 )
00873             {
00874                 //Then turn the "all layers visible" flag on in the document
00875                 DestDoc->SetMultilayer(TRUE);
00876                 DestDoc->SetAllVisible(TRUE);
00877             }
00879             if (SingleBitmap || !Filter::ImportBitmapsOntoLayers)
00880             {
00881                 // This inserts the node as the last child of the active layer
00882                 if (!Op->DoInsertNewNode(pNodeBitmap, pSpread, FALSE))
00883                 {
00884                     Fail = TRUE;
00885                     // It didn't work - delete the sub-tree we just created, and report error.
00886                     pNodeBitmap->CascadeDelete();
00887                     // Of course, Cascade delete does not actually delete the node itself, so now do that
00888                     delete pNodeBitmap;
00889                     pNodeBitmap = NULL;
00890                 }
00891             }
00892             else
00893             {
00894                 // We are not the only bitmap in the loading process so for each bitmap try and create
00895                 // a new layer and put the new bitmap there.
00896                 // The first layer should be added after the active layer.
00897                 // We could do this but this means that when multiple animations are being loaded you
00898                 // end up with the first frames close together rather than the two animations being
00899                 // separate.
00900                 if (!InsertBitmapOnNewLayer(Op, pSpread, pNodeBitmap, &pNewLayer))
00901                 {
00902                     Fail = TRUE;
00903                     // It didn't work - delete the sub-tree we just created, and report error.
00904                     pNodeBitmap->CascadeDelete();
00905                     // Of course, Cascade delete does not actually delete the node itself, so now do that
00906                     delete pNodeBitmap;
00907                     pNodeBitmap = NULL;
00908                 }
00909                 // Remember the layer we used for the first bitmap so that we can make it active
00910                 if (nBitmapToRead == 1)
00911                     pNewActiveLayer = pNewLayer;
00913                 // Let the filter set things up from the bitmap on the layer
00914                 // GIF filter can use disposal method to set overlay and solid flags
00915                 KernelBitmap * pBitmap = pNodeBitmap->GetBitmap();
00916                 SetFlagsFromBitmap(pNewLayer, pBitmap, nBitmapToRead);
00917             }
00918             // If we noted a failure then handle it now
00919             if (Fail)
00920             {
00921                 if (m_pImportOptions != NULL)
00922                 {
00923                     delete m_pImportOptions;
00924                     m_pImportOptions = NULL;
00925                 }
00926                 return FALSE;
00927             }
00929             // and move it to the correct location if we need to...
00930             DocCoord Offset(0,0);
00931             if (GetDragAndDropTranslation(Pos, BoundsRect, &Offset))
00932             {
00933                 // See if the bitmap contained an offset and if it did add it in
00934                 // Baseclass defaults to 0,0 offset
00935                 AddOffsetFromBitmap(&Offset);
00937                 Offset.x = GridLock(Offset.x, HPixelSize);
00938                 Offset.y = GridLock(Offset.y, VPixelSize);
00940                 // Build the matrix and transform the bitmap to the correct place
00941                 Trans2DMatrix Xlate(Offset.x, Offset.y);
00942                 pNodeBitmap->Transform(Xlate);
00943             }
00944             else
00945             {
00946                 // No drag and drop - bitmap is currently positioned so its bottom left hand
00947                 // corner is at the top left of the page - translate it down by its height so
00948                 // that the top left corner of the bitmap is aligned to the top left corner
00949                 // of the page.
00951                 // Do we have an additional translation to apply?
00952                 if (pPosTranslate != NULL)
00953                 {
00954                     Offset.x = pPosTranslate->x;
00955                     Offset.y = pPosTranslate->y;
00956                 }
00958                 // See if the bitmap contained an offset as well and if it did add it in
00959                 // Baseclass defaults to 0,0 offset
00960                 AddOffsetFromBitmap(&Offset);
00962                 Offset.x = GridLock(Offset.x, HPixelSize);
00963                 Offset.y = GridLock(Offset.y, VPixelSize);
00965                 Trans2DMatrix Xlate(Offset.x, -(Info.RecommendedHeight) + Offset.y);
00966                 pNodeBitmap->Transform(Xlate);
00967             }
00969             // Invalidate the region
00970             Success = Op->DoInvalidateNodeRegion(pNodeBitmap, TRUE, FALSE);
00971             if (!Success)
00972             {
00973                 if (m_pImportOptions != NULL)
00974                 {
00975                     delete m_pImportOptions;
00976                     m_pImportOptions = NULL;
00977                 }
00978                 return FALSE;   // hmmm....
00979             }
00981             DocRect     docrectBounds = pNodeBitmap->GetBoundingRect();
00982             DocRect     docrectView = pDocView->GetDocViewRect( pSpread );
00983             pSpread->DocCoordToSpreadCoord( &docrectView );
00984             if( ( docrectBounds.lo.x < docrectView.lo.x ||
00985                   docrectBounds.lo.y < docrectView.lo.y ||
00986                   docrectBounds.hi.x > docrectView.hi.x ||
00987                   docrectBounds.hi.y > docrectView.hi.y ) &&
00988                 s_fZoomOnImport )
00989             {
00990                 // Calculate bounding rect of view plus new photo and then make sure that edges in
00991                 // in both axes grow by same amount. We make use of the fact that zoom code only allows
00992                 // zooming in both axes by the same amount, so we don't need to make sure that growth in
00993                 // both axes is by the same percentage.
00994                 docrectBounds = docrectBounds.Union( docrectView );
00995                 if( docrectView.lo.x - docrectBounds.lo.x > docrectBounds.hi.x - docrectView.hi.x )
00996                     docrectBounds.hi.x = docrectView.hi.x + docrectView.lo.x - docrectBounds.lo.x;
00997                 else
00998                     docrectBounds.lo.x = docrectView.lo.x - docrectBounds.hi.x + docrectView.hi.x;
00999                 if( docrectView.lo.y - docrectBounds.lo.y > docrectBounds.hi.y - docrectView.hi.y )
01000                     docrectBounds.hi.y = docrectView.hi.y + docrectView.lo.y - docrectBounds.lo.y;
01001                 else
01002                     docrectBounds.lo.y = docrectView.lo.y - docrectBounds.hi.y + docrectView.hi.y;
01004                 OpZoomFitRectDescriptor* pOpDesc = (OpZoomFitRectDescriptor*)OpDescriptor::FindOpDescriptor( OPTOKEN_ZOOMRECT );
01005                 if( NULL != pOpDesc )
01006                 {
01007                     pOpDesc->SetZoomRect( docrectBounds );
01008                     pOpDesc->Invoke();
01009                 }
01011                 if( !s_fWarnedZoomOnImport )
01012                 {
01013                     ErrorInfo   Info;
01014                     memset( &Info, 0, sizeof(Info) );
01015                     Info.ErrorMsg   = _R(IDS_ZOOM_ON_IMAGE_IMPORT);
01016                     Info.Button[0]  = _R(IDS_OK);
01017                     Info.Button[1]  = _R(IDS_DONT_SHOW_AGAIN);
01018                     Info.OK         = 1;
01019                     if( _R(IDS_DONT_SHOW_AGAIN) == UINT32(InformMessage( &Info )) )
01020                         s_fWarnedZoomOnImport = TRUE;
01021                 }
01022             }
01023         }
01024     }
01025     while (AreBitmapsToRead());
01027     // If we have loaded bitmaps onto layers and hence requested a new active layer then set
01028     // it now.
01029     // Graham 1/8/97: If we are importing an animated GIF as part of an HTML page, we don't
01030     // change the active layer, because this may result in subsequent bitmaps in the HTML
01031     // page being imported on the wrong layer.
01032 PORTNOTE("filters","Removed HTMLFilter usage")
01033     if( pNewActiveLayer
01035         && !HTMLFilter::ImportingHTML
01036 #endif
01037          )
01038     {
01039         // If the old active layer is blank and has nothing on it, then delete it
01040         Layer * pActiveLayer = pSpread->FindActiveLayer();
01041         if (pActiveLayer)
01042         { 
01043             // Scans the layer for children that render something on the screen.
01044             // It ignores attributes, hidden nodes, etc - nodes that don't render anything themselves.
01045             Node* pNode = pActiveLayer->FindFirstChild();
01046             BOOL ChildFound = FALSE;
01047             while (pNode != NULL && !ChildFound)
01048             {
01049                 ChildFound = pNode->IsBounded();
01050                 pNode = pNode->FindNext();
01051             }
01052             // Hide the old active layer
01053             if (!ChildFound)
01054                 Op->DoHideNode(pActiveLayer, TRUE);
01055         }
01057         // Check that all visible layers are actually frame layers as we have
01058         // created some new frame layers for each of the bitmaps.       
01059 PORTNOTE("dialog","Removed FrameSGallery usage")
01061         FrameSGallery::MakeActiveLayer(pNewActiveLayer);
01062 #endif
01063         BROADCAST_TO_ALL( LayerMsg( pNewActiveLayer, LayerMsg::UPDATE_ACTIVE_LAYER ) );
01065         // Try and fix up the animation properties according to the bitmaps that have been loaded in
01066         SetAnimationPropertiesFromLoaded(pSpread);
01067     }
01069     // Ensure Sel Bounds are correct after translation
01070     GetApplication()->UpdateSelection();
01072     if (m_pImportOptions != NULL)
01073     {
01074         delete m_pImportOptions;
01075         m_pImportOptions = NULL;
01076     }
01077     // All ok
01079     return TRUE;
01080 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::EndWriteToFile void   )  [protected, virtual]

Cleans up after writing the bitmap data out to a file. Inherited classes override this to write in different file formats.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter, MakeBitmapFilter, BMPFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 4125 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04126 {
04127     ENSURE(FALSE, "Base class bitmap filter EndWriteToFile called");
04128     return FALSE;
04129 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::ExportBitmap Operation pOp,
CCLexFile pFile,
PathName pPath,
Document pDoc

void BaseBitmapFilter::ExportHTMLTag PathName ppthToUse  )  [virtual]

But* Colin's comments say that it's at the filter author's discretion whether to use a BitmapExportOptions object or not. So, it seems we shouldn't throw an error if we can't find a BitmapExportOptions object.

So if we can't find a BFO object, we don't throw an error - we simply don't export.

Definition at line 5125 of file bitfilt.cpp.

05126 {
05127     //Check our parameter
05128     if (ppthToUse==NULL)
05129     {
05130         ERROR2RAW("BaseCamelotFilter::ExportHTMLTag - NULL parameter");
05131         return;
05132     }
05134     //First get the name of the file we are exporting to
05135     String_256 strFileName=ppthToUse->GetFileName(TRUE);
05137     //Now, do we have sensible bitmap export dimensions?
05138     ERROR3IF(m_PixelWidth<=0 || m_PixelHeight<=0, "Width and Height are both 0 in BaseBitmapFilter::ExportHTMLTag");
05140     //And if they make sense
05141     if (m_PixelWidth>0 && m_PixelHeight>0)
05142     {
05143         //Then export a tag based on that width and height
05145         String_256 strTag;
05146         strTag.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_BITMAPFILTER_HTMLTAG), &strFileName, m_PixelWidth, m_PixelHeight);
05148         //And put that string on the clipboard
05149 PORTNOTE("clipboard","Removed InternalClipboard usage")
05151         InternalClipboard::CopyText(strTag);
05152 #endif
05153     }
05154 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::ExportImagemap Operation ,
PathName ,

Definition at line 5019 of file bitfilt.cpp.

05020 {
05021     //Check our parameters
05022     ERROR2IF(pOp == NULL, FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::ExportImagemap no export operation");
05023     ERROR2IF(pPath == NULL, FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::ExportImagemap no export pathname");
05024     ERROR2IF(pDoc == NULL, FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExport no document to export");
05026     //First, let's find the imagemap filter
05027     ImagemapFilter* pImagemapFilter=GetImagemapFilter();
05029     //And if we haven't found it, throw an error
05030     //Note that it is entirely possible that a future (modular) build might
05031     //not have an Imagemap filter, but for the moment it's worrying
05032     ERROR2IF(pImagemapFilter==NULL, FALSE, "OK. Own up. Who nicked the Imagemap filter?");
05034     //Create a file to export to
05035     CCDiskFile ImagemapFile(1024, FALSE, TRUE);
05037     //Now we need to set up some Imagemap Filter Options
05038     //We base these on the last set of ImagemapFilterOptions that the user exported
05039     //with, so get those options from the ImagemapFilter
05040     ImagemapFilterOptions ifoToSet=pImagemapFilter->GetFilterOptions();
05042     // Check we are exporting an imagemap either to a file or to the clipboard
05043     if (!(ifoToSet.m_fFile || ifoToSet.m_fClipboard))
05044         return TRUE; // Successfully done as requested (not exported an image map)
05046     if (!GetBitmapExportOptions())
05047         return FALSE; // can't export image map with out export options
05049     //Set the DPI from our bitmap options
05050     ifoToSet.m_dDPI=GetBitmapExportOptions()->GetDPI(); 
05052     //And set the selection type
05053     ifoToSet.m_stExportArea=GetBitmapExportOptions()->GetSelectionType();
05056     // Use the path set previously in the image map options -- Jonathan 6/12/2000   
05057     //And give the filter a pointer to our export file
05058     ifoToSet.m_pfileFile=&ImagemapFile;
05060     // tell the filter where the graphic is that it is describing
05061     ifoToSet.m_GraphicPath = *pPath; 
05063     //Then set our new options back into the imagemap filter
05064     pImagemapFilter->SetFilterOptions(ifoToSet);
05066     //And tell the filter to export the file
05067     BOOL ok= pImagemapFilter->PrepareAndWriteData(pDoc);
05069     //Then close the file if it's still open
05070     if (ImagemapFile.isOpen())
05071         ImagemapFile.close();
05073     //And return
05074     return ok;
05075 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::ExportRenderNodes RenderRegion pRegion,
ExportDC pDC,
BOOL  VisibleLayersOnly = FALSE,
BOOL  CheckSelected = FALSE,
BOOL  ShowProgress = TRUE

Actually export the nodes to the given render region showing a progress bar as we go. Assumes everything has been set up by ExportRender. Overrides the baseclass version so that we can render in strips. Ignores the setting of ShowProgress as we must be in charge of the progress bar in this version.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pRegion - the render region to export to. [INPUTS] pDc - device context to use VisibleLayersOnly - use visible layers or not ShowProgress - TRUE then start up a progress bar or FALSE assume the caller has done it.
TRUE if the export process completed successfully, FALSE if an error occured.
See also:

Reimplemented from Filter.

Definition at line 3633 of file bitfilt.cpp.

03636 {
03637 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
03638     ERROR2IF(pRegion==NULL,FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::ExportRender null render region supplied");
03640     // Set up the Accusoft variables used for its redenring loop and call back form of the
03641     // do next strip. This is just in case we are going to change from using the Bitmap
03642     // filter to using the Accusoft filters as we are saving in a format which the Bitmap
03643     // filters do not understand. 
03644     //WEBSTER-Martin-03/01/97
03645 PORTNOTE("ExportAccusoft", "Removed use fo Accusoft filters")
03647     AccusoftFilters::SetRenderVariables(this, pRegion, pDC, VisibleLayersOnly, CheckSelected);
03648 #endif
03650     // Set the bad rendering flag to its default value
03651     BadExportRender = FALSE;
03653     BOOL ok = TRUE;
03654     DocRect rClipRect = pRegion->GetRegionRect();
03656     BitmapExportOptions * pExportOptions = GetBitmapExportOptions();
03657     BOOL DidASwap = FALSE;
03659     // Check our class variable to see if we should render in strips or not
03660     // We do this so that things like the GIF filters 1bpp masked rendering can turn the
03661     // rendering in strips off. Should be on by default.
03662     if (RenderInStrips)
03663     {
03664         OurNumNodes = GetNumNodes();
03665         //UINT32 OurUpdateEvery = UpdateEvery;
03667         // We have a useful function in the GRenderBitmap class which tells us the number
03668         // of strips we are going to render with.
03669         GRenderBitmap *pGRenderBitmap = (GRenderBitmap*)pRegion;
03670         INT32 NumberOfStrips = pGRenderBitmap->GetNumBands();
03671         if (NumberOfStrips <= 0)
03672             NumberOfStrips = 1;
03673 TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("Number of bands is %d\n"), NumberOfStrips);
03674 TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("Number of nodes is %d\n"), OurNumNodes);
03676         // We need the progress bar to just move up once rather than for every strip    
03677         // plus include the number of lines in the export bitmap so that we can show
03678         // a progress bar for this part of the export. 
03679         // First, get the size of the bitmap we are going to export
03680         INT32 HeightInPixels = pGRenderBitmap->GetFullRegionHeight();
03681 TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("Full region height in pixels is %d\n"), HeightInPixels );
03683         SizeOfExport = OurNumNodes * NumberOfStrips;
03684         SetNumNodes(SizeOfExport);
03686         BitmapExportOptions* pOptions = GetBitmapExportOptions();
03688         // Start a progress update going
03689         // Extend it by the pixel height of the export
03690         String_64 ExportMessage(GetExportMsgID());
03691         ExportMessage = GetExportProgressString(OutputFile, GetExportMsgID());
03692         BeginSlowJob(200, FALSE, &ExportMessage);
03693 TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("Size of progress bar = %d\n"), SizeOfExport + HeightInPixels );
03695         // Reset this back to zero so that when we update the progress bar in WriteToFile
03696         // we can work out the current point reached on the progress bar
03697         SizeOfExport = 0;
03698         ProgressOffset = 0;
03699         m__StripStart = 0;
03701         // Find out which way we want to render by asking the filters
03702         BOOL BottomToTop = GetRenderBottomToTop();
03703         pGRenderBitmap->SetRenderBottomToTop(BottomToTop);
03705         // SMFIX this is where we will generate a new optimal palette if we need to
03706         BOOL CreatingPalette = !pExportOptions->IsPaletteValid() && pExportOptions->GetDepth() <= 8;
03707         if (CreatingPalette)
03708         {
03709             if (!pExportOptions->CreatePaletteOptimiser())
03710             {
03711                 // we didn't create an optimiser as we already have a good one
03712                 // use it to create the palette NOW! without the stats gathering part as are stats are still valid
03713                 pExportOptions->CreateValidPalette();
03714                 // let the optimiser fill in the palette in the export options
03715                 AlterPaletteContents(pExportOptions->GetLogicalPalette());
03716                 CreatingPalette = FALSE;
03717             }
03718         }
03719         else if(pExportOptions->GetDepth() <= 8)
03720         {
03721         // this call sets this palette in the lower reaches of the code from the palette held in the export options
03722             AlterPaletteContents(pExportOptions->GetLogicalPalette());
03723         }
03725         if (pExportOptions->IsCMYK())
03726         {
03727             // If we are doing a CMYK export then we need to do a really cunning 4-pass render
03729             TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("BaseBitmapFilter::ExportRenderNodes starting CMYK export\n") );
03731             // We need to save away the current ColourPlate and restore it afterwards
03732             // This may be problematic as the render region has already been created at this point
03733             // and also, the view will redraw when the ColourPlate is changed
03735             View* pView = pRegion->GetRenderView();
03736             ColourPlate* pCurPlate = pView->GetColourPlate();
03737             if (pCurPlate)
03738             {
03739                 pCurPlate = new ColourPlate(*pCurPlate);    // Make a copy of it
03740             }
03741             else
03742             {
03743                 pCurPlate = new ColourPlate;                // Make a default
03744                 pCurPlate->SetMonochrome(NULL, FALSE);      // Set to non-mono
03745             }
03747             // Get the first strip ready for action
03748             ok = pRegion->SetFirstBand();
03749             if (!ok)
03750             {
03751                 BadExportRender = TRUE;     // flag that something has gone wrong
03752                 EndWriteToFile();
03753                 EndSlowJob();
03754                 return FALSE;       
03755             }
03757             UINT32 nBandsCompleted = 0;
03759             // Now render all the other strips, if there are any, until we have completed
03760             // the entire region.
03761             do
03762             {
03763                 // Make sure this gets set back to the correct value before doing any rendering
03764                 pGRenderBitmap->SetDoBitmapConversion(TRUE);
03766                 // Set up a destination bitmap of the strip size at 32 bpp
03767                 // We must somehow get the size of the bitmap here before
03768                 // it has actually been allocated in StartRender
03769                 WinRect BitmapRect = ((GRenderRegion*)pGRenderBitmap)->CalculateWinRect(pGRenderBitmap->GetClipRect());
03771                 TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("CMYK bitmap is (%d, %d)\n"), BitmapRect.GetWidth(), BitmapRect.GetHeight() );
03772                 LPBYTE pCMYKBits = NULL;
03773                 LPBITMAPINFO pCMYKInfo = AllocDIB(BitmapRect.GetWidth(), BitmapRect.GetHeight(), 32, &pCMYKBits);
03774                 memset(pCMYKBits, 0, BitmapRect.GetWidth() * BitmapRect.GetHeight() * sizeof(DWORD));
03776                 // Loop around the four plates
03777                 for (UINT32 PlateType = COLOURPLATE_CYAN; PlateType <= COLOURPLATE_KEY; PlateType += 1)
03778                 {
03779                     // Set the relevant ColourPlate on the View
03780                     ColourPlate* pPlate = new ColourPlate((ColourPlateType)PlateType, TRUE, FALSE);
03781                     pView->SetColourPlate(pPlate, FALSE);
03782                     delete pPlate;
03784                     // This will cause a new ColourContext to be got from the view
03785                     pRegion->ResetColourContext();
03787                     // Call the base class version to do the actual node exporting
03788                     // We have started the progress bar so tell it not to
03789                     ok = Filter::ExportRenderNodes(pRegion, pDC, VisibleLayersOnly, CheckSelected, FALSE);
03790                     // If a problem happened then get out quick.
03791                     // Assume function has stopped the rendering.
03792                     if (!ok)
03793                     {
03794                         if (pView)
03795                         {
03796                             pView->SetColourPlate(pCurPlate);
03797                             delete pCurPlate;
03798                         }
03799                         BadExportRender = TRUE;     // flag that something has gone wrong
03800                         EndWriteToFile();
03801                         EndSlowJob();
03802                         return FALSE;       
03803                     }
03805                     LPBITMAPINFO pRenderInfo = NULL;
03806                     LPBYTE pRenderData = NULL;
03807                     pGRenderBitmap->GetBitmapData(&pRenderInfo, &pRenderData, FALSE);
03808                     TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("Strip bitmap for plate %d is (%d, %d)\n"), PlateType, pRenderInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth, pRenderInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight);
03809                     BYTE* pSrcBits = pRenderData;
03810                     UINT32 NumPixels = pRenderInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth * pRenderInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight;
03811                     BYTE* pDestBits = ((BYTE*)pCMYKBits) + PlateType - COLOURPLATE_CYAN;    // Pointer arithmetic
03812                     for (UINT32 Pixel = 0; Pixel < NumPixels; Pixel++)
03813                     {
03814                         *pDestBits = (255 - pSrcBits[0]) * (255 - pSrcBits[3]) / 255;
03815                         pDestBits += 4;
03816                         pSrcBits += 4;
03817                     }
03818                 }
03820                 // Update our size of export variable
03821                 SizeOfExport += OurNumNodes;
03822                 // Update the filters stored progress offset value
03823                 ProgressOffset += OurNumNodes;
03824                 TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("BaseBitmapFilter::RenderNextStrip ProgressOffset = %d\n"), ProgressOffset);
03826                 // Now we need to get WriteFrame to output the composited bitmap
03827                 // The easiest way to do this will be to replace the bitmap in the render region
03828                 // with the composited one and just call WriteFrame as normal
03829                 DWORD* pSrcBits = (DWORD*)pGRenderBitmap->Get32BitRGBQuadData();
03830                 UINT32 NumPixels = pGRenderBitmap->GetSizeOfRGBQuadData();
03831                 memcpy(pSrcBits, pCMYKBits, NumPixels * sizeof(DWORD));
03833                 // We need to stop GetBitmapData from doing another conversion when reading the CMYK data
03834                 pGRenderBitmap->SetDoBitmapConversion(FALSE);
03836                 // Free the temp bitmap
03837                 FreeDIB(pCMYKInfo, pCMYKBits);
03839                 // Save that data out to file, this should update SizeOfExport with the
03840                 // current strip size
03841                 // Note: it will also render all the remaining strips
03842                 ok = WriteFrame();
03843                 // If a problem happened then get out quick.
03844                 if (!ok)
03845                 {
03846                     if (pView)
03847                     {
03848                         pView->SetColourPlate(pCurPlate);
03849                         delete pCurPlate;
03850                     }
03851                     BadExportRender = TRUE;     // flag that something has gone wrong
03852                     EndWriteToFile();
03853                     EndSlowJob();
03854                     return FALSE;       
03855                 }
03857                 // Advance the progress bar
03858                 UINT32 nProgress = UINT32((double(nBandsCompleted) / double(NumberOfStrips)) * 200.0);
03859                 TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("nProgress = %d\n"), nProgress);
03861                 if ( !ContinueSlowJob (nProgress) )
03862                 {
03863                     // Error; close down and exit nicely.
03864                     // Must set an error otherwise we will get the dreaded reporting error
03865                     // when none set message.
03866                     // If no error message ID set in this filter then use default
03868                     // Andy, 13-12-00
03869                     // N.B. At the moment, things go pear-shaped if we press ESC during export.
03870                     // e.g. subsequent presses of 'preview' do not generate a preview.
03871                     // However it wasn't exactly well behaved before, e.g. sometimes gave
03872                     // internal error 'Failed to create an intermediate bitmap pointer!', or
03873                     // access violated if the user clicked 'background transparency' after a
03874                     // cancelled export.
03875                     if (pView)
03876                     {
03877                         pView->SetColourPlate(pCurPlate);
03878                         delete pCurPlate;
03879                     }
03880                     if ( StopExportMsgID == 0 )
03881                         Error::SetError ( _R(IDW_CANCELEXPORT) );
03882                     else
03883                         Error::SetError ( StopExportMsgID );
03884                     pRegion->StopRender ();
03885                     if ( ShowProgress )
03886                         EndSlowJob ();
03887                     return FALSE;
03888                 }
03890                 nBandsCompleted ++;
03892                 // Check if there are any more bands
03893             } while (pRegion->GetNextBand());
03895             if (pView)
03896             {
03897                 pView->SetColourPlate(pCurPlate);
03898                 delete pCurPlate;
03899             }
03900         }
03901         else
03902         {
03903             for (INT32 loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++) // never do this more than twice once for the palette and once to write it out to file
03904             {
03905                 TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("BaseBitmapFilter::ExportRenderNodes loop = %d\n"), loop);
03907                 if (!CreatingPalette && pExportOptions->GetDepth() <= 8)
03908                 {
03909                     DidASwap = pExportOptions->SwapEditedColoursInLogicalPalette();
03910                     AlterPaletteContents(pExportOptions->GetLogicalPalette());
03911                 }
03913                 // Get the first strip ready for action
03914                 ok = pRegion->SetFirstBand();
03915                 if (!ok)
03916                 {
03917                     BadExportRender = TRUE;     // flag that something has gone wrong
03918                     EndWriteToFile();
03919                     EndSlowJob();
03920                     return FALSE;       
03921                 }
03923                 UINT32 nBandsCompleted = 0;
03925                 // Now render all the other strips, if there are any, until we have completed
03926                 // the entire region.
03927                 do
03928                 {
03929                     // Call the base class version to do the actual node exporting
03930                     // We have started the progress bar so tell it not to
03931                     ok = Filter::ExportRenderNodes(pRegion, pDC, VisibleLayersOnly, CheckSelected, FALSE);
03932                     // If a problem happened then get out quick.
03933                     // Assume function has stopped the rendering.
03934                     if (!ok)
03935                     {
03936                         BadExportRender = TRUE;     // flag that something has gone wrong
03937                         EndWriteToFile();
03938                         EndSlowJob();
03939                         return FALSE;       
03940                     }
03942                     if (!CreatingPalette)
03943                     {
03944                         // Update our size of export variable
03945                         SizeOfExport += OurNumNodes;
03946                         // Update the filters stored progress offset value
03947                         ProgressOffset += OurNumNodes;
03948                         TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("BaseBitmapFilter::RenderNextStrip ProgressOffset = %d\n"),ProgressOffset);
03949                     }
03951                     // Save that data out to file, this should update SizeOfExport with the
03952                     // current strip size
03953                     if (CreatingPalette)
03954                     {
03955                         // calc the stats for an optimised palette
03956                         pExportOptions->GatherPaletteStats( ((GRenderRegion * )pRegion)->Get32BitRGBQuadData(),
03957                                             ((GRenderRegion * )pRegion)->GetSizeOfRGBQuadData());
03958                     }
03959                     else
03960                         ok = WriteFrame();
03961                     // If a problem happened then get out quick.
03962                     if (!ok)
03963                     {
03964                         BadExportRender = TRUE;     // flag that something has gone wrong
03965                         EndWriteToFile();
03966                         EndSlowJob();
03967                         return FALSE;       
03968                     }
03970                     // Advance the progress bar
03971                     UINT32 nProgress;
03972                     // if this image doesn't need a palette, scale the progress value to
03973                     // the full length of the bar
03974                     if (!CreatingPalette && loop==0)
03975                         nProgress = UINT32((double(nBandsCompleted) / double(NumberOfStrips)) * 200.0);
03976                     // otherwise, scale the progress value to half the length of the bar
03977                     // (as this rendering loop will occur twice)
03978                     else
03979                         nProgress = UINT32((double(nBandsCompleted) / double(NumberOfStrips)) * 100.0 + double(loop)*100.0);
03980                     TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("nProgress = %d\n"), nProgress);
03982                     if ( !ContinueSlowJob (nProgress) )
03983                     {
03984                         // Error; close down and exit nicely.
03985                         // Must set an error otherwise we will get the dreaded reporting error
03986                         // when none set message.
03987                         // If no error message ID set in this filter then use default
03989                         // Andy, 13-12-00
03990                         // N.B. At the moment, things go pear-shaped if we press ESC during export.
03991                         // e.g. subsequent presses of 'preview' do not generate a preview.
03992                         // However it wasn't exactly well behaved before, e.g. sometimes gave
03993                         // internal error 'Failed to create an intermediate bitmap pointer!', or
03994                         // access violated if the user clicked 'background transparency' after a
03995                         // cancelled export.
03996                         if ( StopExportMsgID == 0 )
03997                             Error::SetError ( _R(IDW_CANCELEXPORT) );
03998                         else
03999                             Error::SetError ( StopExportMsgID );
04000                         pRegion->StopRender ();
04001                         if ( ShowProgress )
04002                             EndSlowJob ();
04003                         return FALSE;
04004                     }
04006                     nBandsCompleted ++;
04008                     // Check if there are any more bands
04009                 } while (pRegion->GetNextBand());
04011                 if (CreatingPalette)
04012                 {
04013                     CreatingPalette = FALSE;
04014                     // let the optimiser fill in the palette in the export options
04015                     pExportOptions->CreateValidPalette();
04016                     // set this as the palette being used in output dib
04017                     AlterPaletteContents(pExportOptions->GetLogicalPalette());
04018                     // Reset the clip region to what it was when we started this
04019                     pRegion->SetClipRect(rClipRect);
04020                 }
04021                 else
04022                     break; // leave this for loop now
04023             }
04024         }
04026         if (DidASwap)
04027         {
04028             pOptions->SwapEditedColoursInLogicalPalette();
04029             AlterPaletteContents(pOptions->GetLogicalPalette());
04030         }
04031         // Close down progress display
04032         // Do it before ending as then the TI GIF filter can show a progress bar on
04033         // its possible masked rendering for transparency and export of the GIF data
04034         // which happens in the EndWriteToFile.
04035         EndSlowJob();
04036     }
04037     else
04038     {
04039         // Call the base class version to do the actual node exporting
04040         // Use the pass in version to say whether we need to start the progress bar or not.
04041         // Assume that we are the GIF filter renderer and so do not try and output the data
04042         // at all. We will ensure as this might be dangerous.
04043 PORTNOTE("filter", "Removed use of GIFFilter")
04045         ERROR3IF(!(this->IS_KIND_OF(TI_GIFFilter)) && !(this->IS_KIND_OF(PNGFilter)),
04046                  "BaseBitmapFilter::ExportRenderNodes rendering in strips off");
04047 #else
04048         ERROR3IF(!(this->IS_KIND_OF(PNGFilter)),
04049                  "BaseBitmapFilter::ExportRenderNodes rendering in strips off");
04050 #endif
04052         ok = Filter::ExportRenderNodes(pRegion, pDC, VisibleLayersOnly,
04053                                        CheckSelected, ShowProgress);
04055         // SMFIX optimise the palette in the no strip based manner
04056         BOOL CreatingPalette = !pExportOptions->IsPaletteValid();
04057         if (CreatingPalette)
04058         {
04059             // create a palette optimiser (or retrieve a valid one)
04060             if (pExportOptions->CreatePaletteOptimiser())
04061             {
04062                 // we need to gather stats as we have made a virgin new optimiser
04063                 pExportOptions->GatherPaletteStats( ((GRenderRegion * )pRegion)->Get32BitRGBQuadData(),
04064                                     ((GRenderRegion * )pRegion)->GetSizeOfRGBQuadData());
04065             }
04067             // let the optimiser fill in the palette in the export options
04068             pExportOptions->CreateValidPalette();
04069             // let the optimiser fill in the palette in the export options
04070             AlterPaletteContents(pExportOptions->GetLogicalPalette());
04071         }
04073 /*      // SMFIX
04074         if(pRegion->m_DoCompression)
04075         {
04076             BITMAPINFO* pBMPInfo = NULL;
04077             BYTE* pBMPData = NULL;
04078             ((GRenderBitmap*)pRegion)->GetBitmapData(&pBMPInfo,&pBMPData);
04079             ((GRenderBitmap*)pRegion)->GetDrawContext()->ConvertBitmap(&pBMPInfo->bmiHeader,pBMPData,&pBMPInfo->bmiHeader,pBMPData,0);
04080         }*/
04081     }
04083     // return outcome to caller
04084     return ok;
04085 #else
04086     return FALSE;
04087 #endif
04088 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::ExportVisibleLayersOnly  )  [virtual]

Determines if the filter wants to export only visible layers. In the base bitmap filters class version the default action will be to export only those layers which are visible.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
True if this filter wants to exclude invisible layers and so export only visible items Or False if want to export everything.
See also:

Reimplemented from Filter.

Reimplemented in GrabFrameFilter.

Definition at line 356 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00357 {
00358     // only include all layer that are visible in this bitmap export
00359     return TRUE;
00360 }   

void BaseBitmapFilter::ForceAntialiasingFull DocView pView  )  [protected]

Forces Antialiasing to be full in the specified view. Use RestoreViewQuality to restore the quality. Used when generating preview bitmaps, which should always be in full anti- aliasing mode.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pView,pointer to the View to change [INPUTS]

Errors: -

See also:
BaseBitmapFilter::RestoreViewQuality Scope: Protected

Definition at line 2283 of file bitfilt.cpp.

02284 {
02285     ERROR3IF(pView == NULL, "NULL pointer passed into BaseBitmapFilter::ForceAntialiasingFull");
02286     if (pView == NULL)
02287         return;
02289     // We don't need to do anything if the view quality is already not Antialiased
02290     if (!ViewQualitySet && pView->RenderQuality.GetAntialiasQuality() < Quality::FullAntialias)
02291     {
02292         ViewQuality = pView->RenderQuality;
02293         ViewQualitySet = TRUE;              // So we don't do this more than once
02295         pView->RenderQuality.SetQuality(QUALITY_MAX);
02296     }
02297 }

void BaseBitmapFilter::ForceAntialiasingOff DocView pView  )  [protected]

Forces Antialiasing off in the specified view. Use RestoreViewQuality to restore the quality.

Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pView,pointer to the View to change [INPUTS]

Errors: -

See also:
BaseBitmapFilter::RestoreViewQuality Scope: Protected

Definition at line 2249 of file bitfilt.cpp.

02250 {
02251     ERROR3IF(pView == NULL, "NULL pointer passed into BaseBitmapFilter::ForceAntialiasingOff");
02252     if (pView == NULL)
02253         return;
02255     // We don't need to do anything if the view quality is already not Antialiased
02256     if (!ViewQualitySet && pView->RenderQuality.GetAntialiasQuality() >= Quality::FullAntialias)
02257     {
02258         ViewQuality = pView->RenderQuality;
02259         ViewQualitySet = TRUE;              // So we don't do this more than once
02261         pView->RenderQuality.SetQuality(QUALITY_DEFAULT);
02262     }
02263 }

void BaseBitmapFilter::ForceBackgroundRedrawOff DocView pView  )  [protected]

Forces background redraw off in the specified view, so we render all the objects in one pass. Use RestoreBackgroundRedrawState to restore the state.

Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pView,pointer to the View to change [INPUTS]

Errors: -

See also:
BaseBitmapFilter::RestoreBackgroundRedrawState Scope: Protected

Definition at line 2187 of file bitfilt.cpp.

02188 {
02189     ERROR3IF(pView == NULL, "NULL pointer passed into BaseBitmapFilter::ForceBackgroundRedrawOff");
02190     if (pView == NULL)
02191         return;
02193     // We wan't to make sure we only remember the old state once ...
02194     if (!BackgroundRedrawStateSet)
02195     {
02196         BackgroundRedrawState = pView->GetForeBackMode();
02197         BackgroundRedrawStateSet = TRUE;    // So we don't do this more than once
02198     }
02200     pView->SetForeBackMode(FALSE);
02201 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::GenerateOptimisedPalette Spread pSpread,
UINT32  Depth,
double  DPI,
BOOL  SnapToBrowserPalette,
UINT32  NumColsInPalette,
BOOL  UsePrimaryCols

Generates an optimised palette to use during export.

Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pSpread = ptr to spread [INPUTS] Depth = The BPP of the bitmap DPI = the dpi of the bitmap NumColsInPalette = prefered number of cols in palette (0 = select maximum allowed) (only applies when Depth == 8) UsePrimaryCols = Put primary colours in palette (only applies when Depth == 8) SnapToBrowserPalette= TRUE if the palette should be snapped to the browser palette after generation
TRUE if Palette generated ok
See also:

Reimplemented in GrabFrameFilter.

Definition at line 4397 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04398 {
04399 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04400     if (Depth > 8)
04401     {
04402         pOptimisedPalette = NULL;
04403         return TRUE;
04404     }
04406     TRACEUSER( "Neville", _T("Trying to generate an optimised palette ...\n") );
04408     WeAreGeneratingOptPalette = TRUE;
04410     // Don't use rendering matrix when exporting BMPs as it uses coordinates as is
04411     Matrix Identity;
04413     // Don't use view scale; set to 1
04414     FIXED16 Scale(1);
04416     // Only use special 8bpp palette if the UsePrimaryColours flag is TRUE
04417     BOOL use8bpp = ((Depth == 8) && UsePrimaryCols);
04418     GRenderOptPalette* pPalRegion = new GRenderOptPalette(ClipRect, Identity, Scale, 32, DPI, use8bpp);
04419     if (pPalRegion)
04420     {
04421         // we need a View to Attach to, so that:
04422         //      default Quality setting
04423         //      CalcPixelWidth etc get called
04425         DocView *View = DocView::GetCurrent();
04426         if (View)
04427         {
04428             // Attach to the right device. (note no DC)
04429             pPalRegion->AttachDevice(View, NULL, pSpread);
04430         }
04431         else
04432             ERROR2(FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::GenerateOptimisedPalette no current view");
04434         RenderInStrips = TRUE;
04436         // Now do an export render pass, using the Palette Region
04437         if (ExportRender(pPalRegion))
04438         {
04439             UINT32 MaxColours = 1U<<Depth; // let's not use floating point here - UINT32(pow(2,Depth));
04441             if (NumColsInPalette < 1)
04442                 NumColsInPalette = MaxColours;
04444             if (use8bpp && NumColsInPalette < 20)
04445                 NumColsInPalette = 20;
04447             if (NumColsInPalette > MaxColours)
04448                 NumColsInPalette = MaxColours;
04450             // All went ok, so extract the Optimised palette from the Region
04451             pOptimisedPalette = pPalRegion->GetOptimisedPalette(MaxColours, NumColsInPalette, GetNumReservedColours(), SnapToBrowserPalette);
04453             if (pOptimisedPalette) TRACEUSER( "Neville", _T("Blimey. We got an optimised palette to use.\n") );
04454         }
04456         delete pPalRegion;
04457     }
04459     WeAreGeneratingOptPalette = FALSE;
04460 #endif
04461     return TRUE;
04462 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::GenerateOptimisedPalette Spread pSpread,
BitmapExportOptions pOptions,
BOOL  SnapToBrowserPalette

Generates an optimised palette to use during export.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pSpread = ptr to spread [INPUTS] pOptions = ptr to bitmap export options SnapToBrowserPalette = If TRUE, snap all optimised palette entries to the browser palette
TRUE if Palette generated ok
This is an alternative interface to GenerateOptimisedPalette(Spread *pSpread, UINT32 Depth, double DPI, UINT32 NumColsInPalette, BOOL UsePrimaryCols);

WEBSTER - markn 16/1/97

See also:

Definition at line 4484 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04485 {
04486     if (pSpread != NULL && pOptions != NULL)
04487     {
04488         return GenerateOptimisedPalette(pSpread,
04489                                         pOptions->GetDepth(), 
04490                                         pOptions->GetDPI(),
04491                                         SnapToBrowserPalette,
04492                                         pOptions->GetNumColsInPalette(),
04493                                         pOptions->GetUseSystemColours()
04494                                         );
04495     }
04497     return FALSE;
04498 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::GeneratingOptimisedPalette  )  [static]

Find out if we are currently generating an optimised palette or not.

Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if we are in the middle of generating an optimised Palette
See also:

Definition at line 4518 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04519 {
04520     return WeAreGeneratingOptPalette;
04521 }

BitmapExportOptions * BaseBitmapFilter::GetBitmapExportOptions  )  const

Support function to obtain BitmapExportOptions.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Details of the data to be exported

Definition at line 4748 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04749 {
04750     ERROR3IF(m_pExportOptions != NULL && !m_pExportOptions->IS_KIND_OF(BitmapExportOptions),
04751             "m_pExportOptions isn't");
04752     return m_pExportOptions;
04753 }

LPBITMAPINFO BaseBitmapFilter::GetBitmapInfo  )  const [protected]

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::GetBitmapNumber  )  const [protected]

On entry to the filter this member function returns the number of the desired bitmap in the file. Once the import is complete, either SetBitmapNumber is called with an argument of the next bitmap that can be read or SetLastBitmap is called indicating there are no more to read. Scope: protected.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The next bitmap to read 0 if the bitmap number is invalid
See also:
SetBitmapNumber(), SetLastBitmap(), ...ReadFromFile()

Definition at line 1569 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01570 {
01571     return m_nBitmapToRead < 1 ? 0 : (UINT32) m_nBitmapToRead;
01572 }

DocRect BaseBitmapFilter::GetClipRect  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 282 of file bitfilt.h.

00282 { return ClipRect; }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::GetCurrentStripInfo ADDR ppBits,
BMP_SIZE pWidth,
BMP_SIZE pHeight,
const [protected]

Definition at line 4715 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04718 {
04719     LPBITMAPINFO    pBitmapInfo;
04720     LPBYTE          pBitmapBits;
04722     ExportRegion->GetBitmapData(&pBitmapInfo, &pBitmapBits);
04724     if (pBitmapInfo == NULL || pBitmapBits == NULL)
04725     {
04726         ERROR3("pBitmapInfo == NULL || pBitmapBits == NULL");
04727         return FALSE;
04728     }
04730     *ppBits     = pBitmapBits;
04731     *pWidth     = pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth;
04732     *pHeight    = pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight;
04733     *pDepth     = pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount;
04734     return TRUE;
04735 }

OFFSET BaseBitmapFilter::GetDataStartOffset  )  const [protected, virtual]

Provides information to the BaseBitmapFilter, so that it knows where to start any required BitmapSource. It will only be useful to derived classes that deal with a lossy file format. Notes: The default implementation returns zero, assuming there is no useless garbage before any actual header. Derived classes should override this for any special case.

> virtual OFFSET BaseBitmapFilter::GetDataStartOffset() const

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The offset from the HeaderStart parameter given in HowCompatible(), from which data essential to the correct functionality of this filter starts.
See Also: IsFormatLossy()

Reimplemented in JPEGImportFilter.

Definition at line 667 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00668 {
00669     return 0;
00670 }

static KernelBitmap* BaseBitmapFilter::GetExportBitmap  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 285 of file bitfilt.h.

00285 {return pExportBitmap; };

CCLexFile * BaseBitmapFilter::GetExportFile  )  const [protected]

Support function to obtain file to export in WriteBitmapToFile.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
A pointer to the file provided in the filter entry point (DoExport,etc.)

Definition at line 4691 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04692 {
04693     return OutputFile;
04694 }

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::GetExportMsgID  )  [virtual]

Used to get the message id to be used during export. Virtual, so that two stage exporters can change the message.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The id of the message to put on the progress display whilst exporting.
See also:

Reimplemented from Filter.

Reimplemented in GrabFrameFilter, MakeBitmapFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 4368 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04369 {
04370     if (GeneratingOptimisedPalette())
04371         return _R(IDS_GENOPTPALMSGID);          // "Generating optimised palette..."
04372     else
04373         return Filter::GetExportMsgID();
04374 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::GetExportOptions BitmapExportOptions pOptions  )  [virtual]

Allows the user to be prompted to get export information which should be set in the given BitmapExportOptions.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pOptions : A pointer to some BitmapExportOptions [INPUTS]
pOptions : the same with some extra information in it [OUTPUTS]
TRUE if OK FALSE if user pressed Cancel.
Notes: Due to the existence of three public entry points into bitmap filters, two of which are virtual, the BaseBitmapFilter::WriteBitmapToFile may not be called and so may not create a BitmapExportOptions object, which would not be disasterous in itself, unless a derived class calls BaseBitmapFilter functions which use BitmapExportOptions. It is therefore at the filter author's discretion whether or not to create one of these objects.

Scope: protected

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter, GrabFrameFilter, MakeBitmapFilter, PreviewFilterBMP, PreviewFilterGIF, PreviewFilterJPEG, PreviewFilterPNG, BMPFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 1736 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01737 {
01738 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
01739     ERROR2IF(pOptions == NULL, FALSE, "NULL Args");
01741     WrittenHeader = FALSE;
01743     // When saving a bitmap directly then only use the dialog box for certain filter types
01744     // as it will be just requesting compression type and hence otherwise it is superfluous.
01745     // Otherwise, always use it.
01746     BOOL Ok = TRUE;
01747     if (pOptions->GetSelectionType() != ABITMAP)
01748     {
01749         // This is ok as we are using a modal dialog box
01750 PORTNOTE("export", "Remove BmpPrefsDlg usage")
01751 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX)
01752         Ok = BmpPrefsDlg::InvokeDialog(pOptions);
01753 #endif
01754     }
01756     if (Ok)
01757     {
01758         // Only save the depth as the default if not saving a bitmap itself
01759         // from say the bitmap gallery. (keep this rubbish for now...)
01760         if (pOptions->GetSelectionType() != ABITMAP && pOptions->GetSelectionType() != SOMEBITMAPS)
01761         {
01762             pOptions->SetAsDefaults();
01763         }
01764         PaletteType     = PAL_OPTIMISED;
01765     }
01767     // Return with the ok/cancel state used on the dialog box
01768     return Ok;
01769 #else
01770     return FALSE;
01771 #endif
01772 }

virtual FilterType BaseBitmapFilter::GetFilterType  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in BMPFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 181 of file bitfilt.h.

00181 { return INVALID; }

ImagemapFilter * BaseBitmapFilter::GetImagemapFilter  )  [private]

Gets a pointer to the imagemap filter.

Graham_Walmsley (Xara Group Ltd) <>
A pointer to the imagemap filter
This function may return NULL and the calling code should handle this case.

This is in case we ever build a version of Camelot without an Imagemap Filter. All our code should cope with the Imagemap Filter not being there.

Definition at line 5092 of file bitfilt.cpp.

05093 {
05094     //First get a pointer to the filter manager
05095     FilterManager* pFilterManager=Camelot.GetFilterManager();
05097     ERROR2IF(pFilterManager==NULL, NULL, "BaseBitmapFilter::GetImagemapFilter - FilterManager does not exist");
05099     //Then return a pointer to the imagemap filter
05100     return ((ImagemapFilter*) pFilterManager->FindFilterFromID(FILTERID_IMAGEMAP));
05102 }

CCLexFile* BaseBitmapFilter::GetImportFile  )  [inline]

Definition at line 198 of file bitfilt.h.

00198 { return InputFile; }

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::GetImportMsgID  )  [inline, virtual]

Used to get the message id to be used during export. Virtual, so that multi-stage importers can change the message.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The id of the message to put on the progress display whilst importing.
See also:

Reimplemented from Filter.

Definition at line 217 of file bitfilt.h.

00217 { return ImportMsgID; }

BitmapImportOptions * BaseBitmapFilter::GetImportOptions  )  [protected, virtual]

To allow a filter to offer the user a choice over what gets imported. Derived BaseBitmapFilter classes should also derive a new BitmapImportOptions class and return a new copy on the heap with the user options in it. BaseBitmapFilter will delete the BitmapImportOptions class when no longer needed. At present used by PhotoCD filter to get image to import.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
A pointer to BitmapImportOptions with the options in it set. NULL if an error occured.
See also:
BaseBitmapFilter::PrepareToImport; BaseBitmapFilter::DoImport Scope: Protected

Reimplemented in JPEGImportFilter.

Definition at line 616 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00617 {
00618     BitmapImportOptions* pOptions = new BitmapImportOptions;
00619     return pOptions;
00620 }

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::GetNumReservedColours  )  [protected, virtual]

Override this to leave spaces in the palette. eg the GIF filter reserves an index for the transparency mask colour.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The numbers of colours the filter would like to reserve. The base class reserves zero colours.
See also:

Reimplemented in MaskedFilter.

Definition at line 4675 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04676 {
04677     return 0;
04678 }

BMP_SIZE BaseBitmapFilter::GetPixelHeight  )  const [protected]

Support function to obtain bitmap info.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The height of the bitmap to export in pixels

Definition at line 1686 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01687 {
01688     return m_PixelHeight;
01689 }

BMP_SIZE BaseBitmapFilter::GetPixelWidth  )  const [protected]

Support function to obtain bitmap info.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
The width of the bitmap to export in pixels

Definition at line 1670 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01671 {
01672     return m_PixelWidth;
01673 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::GetRenderBottomToTop  )  [virtual]

Find out which way we need to render.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if going to use the default of rendering bottom to top, FALSE otherwise

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter, and BMPFilter.

Definition at line 2398 of file bitfilt.cpp.

02399 {
02400     return TRUE;
02401 }

BMP_DEPTH BaseBitmapFilter::GetRenderDepth  )  const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 494 of file bitfilt.h.

00494 {   return m_RenderDepth;   }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::GetSizeOfBitmap INT32 *  PixelWidth,
INT32 *  PixelHeight

Works out the size of the bitmap in the bitmap export options dialog box.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
PixelWidth bitmap width in pixels [OUTPUTS] PixelHeight bitmap height in pixels
True if completed ok.
See also:
BmpPrefsDlg::RecalculateSize; BaseBitmapFilter::PrepareToExport;

Definition at line 4308 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04309 {
04310 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04311     ERROR2IF(pExportBitmap==NULL,FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::GetSizeOfBitmap no bitmap");
04312     ERROR2IF(PixelWidth==NULL,FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::GetSizeOfBitmap no PixelWidth");
04313     ERROR2IF(PixelHeight==NULL,FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::GetSizeOfBitmap no PixelHeight");
04315     // Set return values in case of early exit
04316     *PixelWidth = 0;
04317     *PixelHeight = 0;
04319     // Get a pointer to the actual bitmap so that we can get some details from it.
04320     OILBitmap *pOilBitmap = pExportBitmap->ActualBitmap;
04321     ERROR3IF(pOilBitmap == NULL,"BaseBitmapFilter::GetSizeOfBitmap null oil bitmap pointer");
04322     if (pOilBitmap)
04323     {
04324         BitmapInfo BmInfo;
04325         pOilBitmap->GetInfo(&BmInfo);
04326         *PixelWidth  = BmInfo.PixelWidth;
04327         *PixelHeight = BmInfo.PixelHeight;
04328     }
04330     return TRUE;
04331 #else
04332     return FALSE;
04333 #endif
04334 } 

DocRect BaseBitmapFilter::GetSizeOfDrawing Spread pSpread = NULL  )  [static]

Works out the size of the rectangle encompassing the drawing. Code also used to work out the pixel size in the bitmap export options dialog box.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pointer to the spread to use [INPUTS]
Added by Graham 11/4/97: If pSpread is NULL, we get the first spread of the current document to use

Size of the rectangle encompassing the drawing.
See also:
BmpPrefsDlg::RecalculateSize; BaseBitmapFilter::DoExport;

Definition at line 4208 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04209 {
04210     // Start out with an empty clip rect
04211     DocRect SpreadRect;
04212     SpreadRect.MakeEmpty();
04214     //If we have not been passed a spread...
04215     if (pSpread == NULL)
04216     {
04217         //Then let's get the first spread of the current document
04218         Document* pdocCurrent=Document::GetCurrent();
04219         ERROR2IF(pdocCurrent==NULL, DocRect(0,0,0,0), "BaseBitmapFilter - no current document");
04221         //And finally the current spread
04222 PORTNOTE("spread", "Multi-spread warning!")
04223         pSpread=GetFirstSpread(pdocCurrent);
04224         ERROR2IF(pSpread==NULL, DocRect(0,0,0,0), "BaseBitmapFilter - no spread");
04225     }
04227     // We need to take into account the fact that some layers may not be visible
04228     Layer* pLayer = pSpread->FindFirstLayer(); 
04229     while (pLayer != NULL)
04230     {
04231         // We've got a layer so check to see if it is visible
04232         // Added 8/4/97 extra checks to see if we are the special layers
04233         // and so shouldn't be included in the bounding calulations
04234         if (pLayer->IncludeLayerInBoundingCalcs())
04235         {
04236             // This one is visible, so union it in
04237             DocRect LayerRect = pLayer->GetBoundingRect();
04238             SpreadRect = SpreadRect.Union(LayerRect);
04239         }
04241         // Get the next sibling layer
04242         pLayer = pLayer->FindNextLayer();   
04243     }
04245     // return the found rectangle to the caller.    
04246     return SpreadRect;
04247 }

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::GetSizeOfExport  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 435 of file bitfilt.h.

00435 { return SizeOfExport; }

DocRect BaseBitmapFilter::GetSizeOfSpread Spread pSpread  )  [static]

Works out the size of the rectangle encompassing the spread. Code also used to work out the pixel size in the bitmap export options dialog box.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pointer to the spread to use [INPUTS]
Size of the rectangle encompassing the spread.
See also:
BmpPrefsDlg::RecalculateSize; BaseBitmapFilter::PrepareToExport;

Definition at line 4264 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04265 {
04266     // Start out with an empty clip rect
04267     DocRect SpreadRect;
04268     SpreadRect.MakeEmpty();
04270     if (pSpread == NULL)
04271     {
04272         ERROR3("BaseBitmapFilter::GetSizeOfSpread null spread");
04273         return SpreadRect;
04274     }
04276     // build a rectangle out of all the pages in the selected spread
04277     Node *pPage = pSpread->FindFirstPageInSpread(); 
04278     ERROR3IF(pPage == NULL, "Spread has no pages");
04280     while (pPage)
04281     {
04282         if (pPage->GetRuntimeClass() == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(Page) )
04283             SpreadRect = SpreadRect.Union(( (Page*)pPage)->GetPageRect() );
04285         pPage = pPage->FindNext();
04286     }
04288     ERROR3IF(SpreadRect.IsEmpty(),"Current spread has no pages");
04290     return SpreadRect;
04291 }    

static BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::GetWarnedZoomOnImport  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 314 of file bitfilt.h.

00314 { return s_fWarnedZoomOnImport; }

static BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::GetZoomOnImport  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 311 of file bitfilt.h.

00311 { return s_fZoomOnImport; }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::ImportBitmap CCLexFile pDiskFile,
KernelBitmap **  ppBitmap,
const UINT32  nBitmapToRead

Imports the nBitmapToRead'th bitmap from the given file. This may be used to import a file either via the menu or from the EPS filters.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pDiskFile - the CCLexFile from which the bitmap should be imported [INPUTS] nBitmapToRead - the position of the bitmap in the CCLexFile
ppBitmap - a pointer to the KernelBitmap into which the bitmap will be [OUTPUTS] imported
TRUE if the bitmap was imported ok (or if it wasn't imported because the file format does not support it; FALSE if an error occured.


See also:
CamelotEPSFilter::ExportBitmap, DoImport(), SGLibOil::

Definition at line 1341 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01342 {
01343     ERROR2IF(pDiskFile == NULL, FALSE, "pDiskFile - invalid");
01344     ERROR2IF(ppBitmap == NULL, FALSE, "ppBitmap is NULL");
01345     ERROR2IF(nBitmapToRead < 1, FALSE, "nBitmapToRead < 1");
01347     *ppBitmap = NULL;
01348     SetBitmapNumber(nBitmapToRead);
01350     KernelBitmap* KernelBmp;
01351     BOOL IsNew = TRUE;
01353     BOOL ReuseExisting = ShouldReuseExistingBitmaps();
01355     if (IsPreviewBitmap)    //for preview bitmaps always false
01356         ReuseExisting = FALSE;
01358     BOOL Success = KernelBitmap::ImportBitmap(this, NULL, 0, &KernelBmp, ReuseExisting ? &IsNew : NULL);
01360     if (Success && IsNew)
01361     {
01362         // Give the bitmap a name from the file path
01363         CreateBitmapName(pDiskFile, KernelBmp, nBitmapToRead);
01365         // If we have a BitmapSource then use it
01366         if (m_pBitmapSource != NULL)
01367         {
01368             KernelBmp->SetOriginalSource(m_pBitmapSource, this);
01369             delete InputFile;
01370             InputFile = NULL;
01371         }
01372     }
01373     else
01374     {
01375         // Throw away the source as we already have it or don't need it
01376         if (m_pBitmapSource != NULL)
01377         {
01378             delete m_pBitmapSource;
01379             delete InputFile;
01380             InputFile = NULL;
01381         }
01382     }           
01384     // Free up dynamic objects used for import and close the file
01385     CleanUpAfterImport();
01387     if (!Success)
01388     {
01389         // Did not work - report this to the caller.
01390         return FALSE;
01391     }
01393     *ppBitmap = KernelBmp;
01395     return TRUE;
01396 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::ImportBitmap CCLexFile pDiskFile,
KernelBitmap **  ppBitmap

Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if the bitmap was imported ok (or if it wasn't imported because the file format does not support it; FALSE if an error occured.

Errors: Usual disk/file errors.

See also:

Reimplemented from Filter.

Definition at line 1291 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01292 {
01293     // Make a note of the disk file we are given
01294     InputFile = pDiskFile;
01296     if (ProcessImportOptions() == FALSE)
01297         return FALSE;
01299     // Let's get ready
01300     if (!PrepareToImport())
01301         return FALSE;
01303     if (!ImportBitmap(pDiskFile, ppBitmap, 1))
01304     {
01305         if (m_pImportOptions != NULL)
01306         {
01307             delete m_pImportOptions;
01308             m_pImportOptions = NULL;
01309         }
01310         return FALSE;
01311     }
01312     if (m_pImportOptions != NULL)
01313     {
01314         delete m_pImportOptions;
01315         m_pImportOptions = NULL;
01316     }
01317     return TRUE;
01318 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::IncProgressBarCount UINT32  n  )  [protected, virtual]

Func to incrementing the progress bar count. If there is a progress bar available, it is updated by this call. Scope: Protected.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <> (Markn)
n = amount to inc the progress bar count by [INPUTS]

Reimplemented from Filter.

Definition at line 422 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00423 {
00424     return TRUE;
00425 }

virtual BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::Init void   )  [inline, virtual]

Declares a preference that allows you to clear memory in delete().

Rik_Heywood (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if it worked OK, FALSE if not

Implements Filter.

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter, JPEGImportFilter, PreviewFilterBMP, PreviewFilterGIF, PreviewFilterJPEG, PreviewFilterPNG, BMPFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, MaskedFilter, PNGFilter, BasePMFilter, PPMFilter, PGMFilter, and PBMFilter.

Definition at line 173 of file bitfilt.h.

00173 { return TRUE; }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::InitBaseClass  )  [static]

Initialises any static member variables for the base bitmap filter class.

Graham_Walmsley (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if the filter was initialized ok FALSE otherwise

Definition at line 304 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00305 {
00306     if( 9999 == s_fZoomOnImport &&
00307         Camelot.DeclareSection( _T("Filters"), 10 ) )
00308     {
00309         s_fZoomOnImport = TRUE;
00310         s_fWarnedZoomOnImport = FALSE;
00312         Camelot.DeclarePref( NULL, _T("ZoomToFitOnImport"), &s_fZoomOnImport, FALSE, TRUE );
00313         Camelot.DeclarePref( NULL, _T("WarnedZoomToFitOnImport"), &s_fWarnedZoomOnImport, FALSE, TRUE );
00314     }
00316     return BitmapExportOptions::Declare();
00317 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::InsertBitmapOnNewLayer SelOperation pOp,
Spread pSpread,
NodeBitmap pNodeBitmap,
Layer **  ppNewLayer

When loading in multiple bitmaps then each bitmap should be inserted onto a new layer. The first bitmap is inserted as the last child on the active layer. Each subsequent bitmap is loaded onto a new layer after this. The routine returns the new layer so that this can be used next time as the insertion point.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pOp the operation to use to insert new items [INPUTS] pSpread the spread we are using pNodeBitmap the new node bitmap which is to be inserted
ppNewlayer the new layer that was inserted (ready to be used next time around) [OUTPUTS]
TRUE if everything was insert ok, FALSE otherwise.
See also:

Definition at line 1103 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01105 {
01106     ERROR2IF(pOp == NULL || pSpread == NULL || pNodeBitmap == NULL || ppNewLayer == NULL,FALSE,"InsertBitmapOnNewLayer bad parameters!");
01108     Layer * pCurrentLayer = NULL;
01109     if (*ppNewLayer)
01110     {
01111         // We have been supplied with the last inserted new layer so use this.
01112         pCurrentLayer = *ppNewLayer;
01113     }
01114     else
01115     {
01116         // We are the first time through and so try and create
01117         // a layer after the active layer and put the bitmap there.
01118         // We could do this but we get problems when loading multiple animations. So 
01119         // do what we do elsewhere and load after the last layer.
01120         Layer * pInsertionLayer = pSpread->FindLastLayer();
01122         // No Active layer so get out now!
01123         if (pInsertionLayer == NULL)
01124             return FALSE;
01126         // Use the active layer as the insertion point
01127         pCurrentLayer = pInsertionLayer;
01128     }
01130     // Create the new layer
01131     Layer* pNewLayer = new Layer;
01132     if (pNewLayer == NULL)
01133         return FALSE;
01135     // Ensure that the layer name has a frame flavour about it
01136     // We also need to add an imported at the start so that if the original Frame 1
01137     // layer is deleted as it has nothing on it, then the layer is not called Frame 2
01138     // but Imported Frame 1
01139     String_256 LayerName(_R(IDS_K_EPSFILTER_IMPORTED));
01140     String_256 Suffix(_R(IDS_DEFAULTFRAMENAME));    // Frame
01141     LayerName += Suffix;
01142 PORTNOTE("dialog","Removed FrameSGallery usage")
01144     String_256 NewLayerName = FrameSGallery::CreateUniqueLayerID(pSpread, &LayerName);
01145 #else
01146     String_256 NewLayerName = ""; 
01147 #endif
01148     pNewLayer->SetLayerID(NewLayerName);
01150     pNewLayer->SetVisible(TRUE);            // Ensure visible
01151     pNewLayer->SetLocked(FALSE);            // Ensure unlocked so insertion works
01152     pNewLayer->SetPrintable(FALSE); 
01153     pNewLayer->SetBackground(FALSE);        // Ensure it is foreground 
01154     pNewLayer->SetOutline(FALSE);
01155     pNewLayer->SetGuide(FALSE);
01156     pNewLayer->SetPageBackground(FALSE);
01157 #ifdef WEBSTER
01158     // In Webster mode, always make the new layer a frame layer
01159     pNewLayer->SetFrame(TRUE);              // Mark it as a frame layer
01160 #else
01161     // In Camelot mode, only make the new layer a frame layer if there are
01162     // already frame layers in the document
01163     Layer * pFrame = pSpread->FindFirstFrameLayer();
01164     if (pFrame != NULL)
01165         pNewLayer->SetFrame(TRUE);          // Mark it as a frame layer
01166     else
01167         pNewLayer->SetFrame(FALSE);         // Mark it as a layer
01168 #endif
01169     // Insert the new layer as the next node after the last page.
01170     if (!pOp->DoInsertNewNode(pNewLayer, pCurrentLayer, NEXT, FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE))
01171     {
01172         delete pNewLayer;
01173         pNewLayer = NULL;
01174         // Return the new layer to the caller
01175         *ppNewLayer = pNewLayer;
01176         return FALSE;
01177     }
01179     // And now insert the bitmap node into the new layer
01180     if (!pOp->DoInsertNewNode(pNodeBitmap, pNewLayer, FIRSTCHILD,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE))
01181     {
01182         // It didn't work - hide the layer sub-tree we just created
01183         pOp->DoHideNode(pNewLayer, TRUE);
01184         // Return the new layer to the caller as null
01185         *ppNewLayer = NULL;
01186         // Assume the caller deletes the node bitmap
01187         return FALSE;
01188     }
01190     pNewLayer->SetVisible(FALSE);       // Ensure it is invisible
01191     pNewLayer->SetLocked(TRUE);         // Ensure locked 
01193     // Set the fact that this layer is presently fully defined by this bitmap
01194     KernelBitmap * pBitmap = pNodeBitmap->GetBitmap();
01195     pNewLayer->SetReferencedBitmap(pBitmap);
01197     pNewLayer->EnsureUniqueLayerID();
01198     BROADCAST_TO_ALL( SpreadMsg( pSpread, SpreadMsg::LAYERCHANGES ) );
01200     // Return the new layer to the caller
01201     *ppNewLayer = pNewLayer;
01203     return TRUE;
01204 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::IsDefaultDocRequired const TCHAR pcszPathName  )  [virtual]

Works out if opening a file of this type requires a default document to be loaded. If the file format supplies the document then return FALSE otherwise return TRUE. An example would be opening a bitmap file. This has no document defined in the file format and so we need to laod the default document before importing the bitmap into this file. In this baseclass version return FALSE and hence assume that the filters that need to will override this function to return TRUE.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pcszPathName pointer to the pathname to check [INPUTS]
TRUE if the filter requires a default document, FALSE if not.
See also:
Filter; Filter::IsDefaultDocRequired; CCamDoc::OnOpenDocument;

FilterFamily::DoImport; Filter::DoImport;

Reimplemented from Filter.

Reimplemented in TI_GIFFilter.

Definition at line 401 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00402 {
00403     // No need to check the pathname, just return TRUE as all currently known bitmap filters
00404     // will require the default document.
00405     return TRUE;
00406 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::IsFormatLossy  )  const [virtual]

Provides information to the BaseBitmapFilter so that it knows whether or not to provide a BitmapSource to prevent progressive degradation of the bitmap when exported via the new file format. Notes: Derived classes should override this function for their particular implementation.

> virtual BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::IsFormatLossy() const

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if the file format for the derived filter is lossy FALSE otherwise

Reimplemented in JPEGImportFilter.

Definition at line 640 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00641 {
00642     return FALSE;
00643 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::IsSecondPassRequired  )  [virtual]

Determines if the a second rendering pass is required or not.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
True if this filter wants a second export rendering pass and so have a chance to setup semething like a mask. False if no second pass required.
See also:

Reimplemented in GrabFrameFilter.

Definition at line 376 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00377 {
00378     return FALSE;
00379 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::IsThisBppOk UINT32  Bpp  )  [virtual]

Check if this Bitmap filter can cope with saving at this Bpp/Colour depth.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Bpp or Colour depth. [INPUTS]
TRUE if this filter can cope with this colour depth, FALSE otherwise.
See also:

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter, MakeBitmapFilter, BMPFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, PNGFilter, and BasePMFilter.

Definition at line 4349 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04350 {
04351     // Base class version so always return FALSE.
04352     return FALSE;
04353 }

void BaseBitmapFilter::PostGetExportOptions BitmapExportOptions pOptions  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter, BMPFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 1779 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01780 {
01781     pOptions->SetAsDefaults();
01782 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::PrepareBitmapSource  )  [protected]

The PrepareToImport() function calls this member to create a BitmapSource for lossy file formats, and a CCLexFile to work with it.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if successful FALSE otherwise
See also:
IsFormatLossy() Scope: protected

Definition at line 484 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00485 {
00486 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
00487     OFFSET offset = GetDataStartOffset();
00488     OFFSET size = InputFile->Size() - offset;
00490     // Create the actual BitmapSource object
00491     m_pBitmapSource = CreateBitmapSource(size);
00492     if (m_pBitmapSource == NULL || !m_pBitmapSource->IsOK())
00493     {
00494         Error::SetError(_R(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY));
00495         return FALSE;
00496     }
00498     // Check for errors but let CCFile report them
00499     InputFile->SetThrowExceptions(FALSE);
00500     InputFile->SetReportErrors(TRUE);
00502     // Ignore those superfluous bits at the start of the file
00503     InputFile->seekIn(offset);
00504     if (!InputFile->good())
00505     {
00506         return FALSE;
00507     }
00509     // Now create a file to fill our BitmapSource & provide the filter with something
00510     // to work with
00511     CCBufferFile* pBufferFile = new CCBufferFile(InputFile);
00512     if (pBufferFile == NULL || !pBufferFile->IsInited())
00513     {
00514         Error::SetError(_R(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY));
00515         return FALSE;
00516     }
00518     // We have a file, so attach out BitmapSource to it
00519     m_pBitmapSource->AttachToBufferFile(pBufferFile);
00521     // Now ditch our current InputFile in favour of the BitmapSource's one
00522     // We don't need InputFile again
00523     InputFile = (CCLexFile*)pBufferFile;
00524 #endif
00526     return TRUE;
00527 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::PrepareToExport Spread pSpread,
UINT32  Depth,
double  DPI,
SelectionType  ,
[protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter.

Definition at line 1921 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01923 {
01924 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
01925     ERROR2IF(pSpread==NULL,FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::PrepareToExport null spread pointer");
01927     // Check whether the selection contains objects that can't be represented
01928     // in a bitmap
01929     if (WarnIfIncompatible()==FALSE)
01930     {
01932     }
01934     // We need to decide what clipping rectangle to set up which we will then render the
01935     // bitmap through. The choice might be to export:-
01936     // - the selection bounds (if there is a selection),
01937     // - or the current spread
01938     // - or the current drawing
01939     // Ask the virtual function to set it up for us
01941     if (ClipRect.IsEmpty())
01942         SetUpClippingRectangleForExport(pSpread, Selection);
01944     // We can either have no selection present whereby the user may have chosen to export
01945     // the spread or the drawing OR we have a selection present whereby the user may have
01946     // chosen to export the spread or drawing instead. In the later case we must output the
01947     // spread instead of the selection but double check there is a selection. 
01948     if (ClipRect.IsEmpty() || ClipRect.Width() < MinExportSize || ClipRect.Height() < MinExportSize ||
01949         ((Selection==SPREAD) && (!IsPreviewBitmap)))
01950     {
01951         // Use our function to work out the size of the spread
01952         ClipRect = GetSizeOfSpread(pSpread);
01954         if (ClipRect.IsEmpty())
01955         {
01956             ENSURE(FALSE, "Current spread has no pages");
01958         }
01959     }
01961     // Don't use rendering matrix when exporting BMPs as it uses coordinates as is
01962     Matrix Identity;
01964     // Don't use view scale; set to 1
01965     FIXED16 Scale(1);
01967     // If this is the Preview bitmap, the scale may need changin
01968     if (IsPreviewBitmap)
01969     {
01970         // Find out the maximum dimension of the clip rect
01971         MILLIPOINT Width = ClipRect.Width();
01972         MILLIPOINT Height = ClipRect.Height();
01973         MILLIPOINT MaxSize = (Width>Height) ? Width : Height;
01975         // this can't happen considering the code above - but you never know.
01976         ERROR3IF( MaxSize==0, "BaseBitmapFilter::PrepareToExport both dimensions of preview are zero");
01977         // stop div zeros. We set it quite high here otherwise we get huge values in the DPI field
01978         if (MaxSize==0)
01979             MaxSize = 1000;
01981         // Set the scale factor to get this down into the required size
01982         //WEBSTER-Martin-02/01/97
01983         MILLIPOINT WantSize = PreviewFilter::PreviewBitmapSize;
01985         // Removed changes to 'Scale' variable so the scale factor is
01986         // now always 1.  Jonathan Payne, 8/9/2000.
01988         // The Scale Factor is not actually used, so we have to change the size of things
01989         // by effecting the DPI. Scale the DPI, but make sure it does not get too small.
01990         DPI = ((double)WantSize) / ((double)MaxSize) * DPI;
01991         if (DPI < 4.0)
01992             DPI = 4.0;
01994         //WEBSTER-Martin-30/01/97
01995         // It doesn't matter what rounding we do here, but there is a problem because the bitmap
01996         // is not exactly the same size as the cliprect need something like ??? Any region outside
01997         // the cliprect is rendered as black hence the black lines that appear at the top and bottom
01998         // of some previews. It is especially noticable when the original is smaller than the preview.
01999         // Here we are using the dpi to do some scaling we're not really concerned with the exact value
02000         INT32 b_dpi = (INT32) DPI;
02001         DPI = (double)b_dpi;    //round down
02002     }
02003     else
02004     {
02005         // Ensure Bitmap is at least 1 pixel square!
02006         if (ClipRect.Width()<PIXELWIDTH)    ClipRect.hi.x = ClipRect.lo.x + PIXELWIDTH;
02007         if (ClipRect.Height()<PIXELHEIGHT)  ClipRect.hi.y = ClipRect.lo.y + PIXELHEIGHT;
02008     }
02010     // Remember the size of the bitmap
02011     WinRect Rect = OSRenderRegion::BitmapDocRectToWin( Identity, ClipRect, DPI );
02012     SetPixelWidth(Rect.GetWidth());
02013     SetPixelHeight(Rect.GetHeight());
02015     // Create the region
02016 //  TRACEUSER( "Gerry", _T("PrepareToExport creating GRenderBitmap %d bpp   (cmyk = %d)\n"), Depth, GetBitmapExportOptions()->IsCMYK());
02017     ExportRegion = new GRenderBitmap(ClipRect, Identity, Scale, Depth, DPI, FALSE, Dither, NULL, TRUE);
02018     if (ExportRegion == NULL)
02019         // Error already set by new, so just return
02020         return FALSE;
02022     ExportRegion->SetFilter(this);
02024     // exporting a bitmap, so we will want any bitmaps used in there to be of the best quality - sjk
02025     ExportRegion->SetUsingSmoothedBitmaps(TRUE);
02027     // MarkH 23/7/99 - New Flag to say that we require to render using the biCompression Field
02028     if(GetBitmapExportOptions()->GetDepth() == 32)
02029     {
02030         ExportRegion->m_DoCompression = TRUE;
02031     }
02033     // we need a View to Attach to, so that:
02034     //      default Quality setting
02035     //      CalcPixelWidth etc get called
02037     DocView *View = DocView::GetCurrent();
02038     if (View)
02039     {
02040         // Must force background rendering off as otherwise we might get a partly
02041         // rendered drawing or object if it is complex.
02042         ForceBackgroundRedrawOff(View);
02044         if (GetBitmapExportOptions()->GetDepth() == 1)
02045         {
02046             // If we are outputting at 1bpp, then we'll force antialiasing off,
02047             // so that Gavin's palette optimisation can detect objects which 
02048             // are 'one solid colour'
02049             ForceAntialiasingOff(View);
02050         }
02052         // If we are in preview bitmap mode then force anti-aliasing to be full
02053         // rather than the default setting for the view
02054         if (IsPreviewBitmap)
02055         {
02056             ForceAntialiasingFull(View);
02057         }
02059         // Attach to the right device. (note no DC)
02060         ExportRegion->AttachDevice(View, NULL, pSpread);
02061     }
02062     else
02063     {
02064         ERROR2(FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::WriteToFile no current view");
02065     }
02066 #endif
02067     // All ok
02068     return TRUE;
02069 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::PrepareToImport  )  [protected, virtual]

Prepare to import bitmap data using this filter. This sets up the filter to a sensible state for reading.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if succeeded, FALSE if not.

Errors: Out of memory.

See also:
BaseBitmapFilter::DoImport; BaseBitmapFilter::CleanUpAfterImport Scope: Private

Definition at line 545 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00546 {
00547     ERROR2IF(InputFile == NULL, FALSE, "InputFile is NULL");
00549     // Assume we won't want a BitmapSource
00550     m_pBitmapSource = NULL;
00552 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
00553     // Do we need to keep the data to prevent it from deteriorating?
00554     if (IsFormatLossy())
00555     {
00556         // SetTotalProgressBarCount(InputFile->Size()); day
00557         if (!PrepareBitmapSource())
00558         {
00559             return FALSE;
00560         }
00561     }
00562 #endif
00563     return TRUE;
00564 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::ProcessImportOptions  )  [protected, virtual]

Validates the options returned by GetImportOptions Sets m_pImportOptions if OK Shouldn't really be overridden.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if it is OK to continue processing FALSE if an error occured or the user cancelled the import, in which case Error::SetError is called signalling the fact.
See also:

Definition at line 1416 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01417 {
01418     // Get any user options, if required
01419     ERROR3IF(m_pImportOptions != NULL, "m_pImportOptions not deleted");
01420     BitmapImportOptions* options = GetImportOptions();
01421     if (options == NULL)
01422     {
01423         ERROR3("options is NULL");
01424         return FALSE;
01425     }
01426     ERROR3IF(!options->IS_KIND_OF(BitmapImportOptions), "options is not");
01427     if (!options->m_bValid)
01428     {
01429         delete options;
01430         m_pImportOptions = NULL;
01431         return TRUE;
01432     }
01433     if (options->m_bCancelled)
01434     {
01435         delete options;
01436         m_pImportOptions = NULL;
01437         Error::SetError(_R(IDN_USER_CANCELLED),0);          // Expects error set on cancel
01438         return FALSE;                                   // if cancelled
01439     }
01440     m_pImportOptions = options;
01441     return TRUE;
01442 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::ReadFromFile OILBitmap pOilBitmap,
BaseCamelotFilter pFilter,
CCLexFile pFile,
BOOL  IsCompressed

Actually does the process of reading a bitmap from a file. Inherited classes override this to read in different file formats. It is used by the web/native filters to pull out a bitmap definition from inside a bitmap definition record. IsCompressed is only used for BMP/BMPZIP type bitmaps at present. Assumes: pFile has already been opened up for reading pFilter has been set up for reading the data e.g. progress bar.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pOilBitmap pointer to the oil bitmap data to be filled in [INPUTS] pFilter - the BaseCamelotFilter which provides functions like progress update pFile - the CCFile class to use to read the data from IsCompressed - Flag to say the bitmap is compressed or not.
Will have filled in BMInfo pointer to the bitmap header to fill in [OUTPUTS] BMBytes pointer to the bitmap data to fill in
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.

Reimplemented in JPEGImportFilter, BMPFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 1546 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01548 {
01549     ERROR3("Base class bitmap filter ReadFromFile called");
01550     return FALSE;
01551 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::ReadFromFile OILBitmap pOilBitmap  )  [virtual]

Actually does the process of reading a bitmap from a file. Inherited classes override this to read in different file formats.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pOilBitmap pointer to the oil bitmap data to be filled in [INPUTS]
Will have filled in BMInfo pointer to the bitmap header to fill in [OUTPUTS] BMBytes pointer to the bitmap data to fill in
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.

Reimplemented in JPEGImportFilter, BMPFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, PNGFilter, and BasePMFilter.

Definition at line 1514 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01515 {
01516     ERROR3("Base class bitmap filter ReadFromFile called");
01517     return FALSE;
01518 }

void BaseBitmapFilter::RestoreBackgroundRedrawState DocView pView  )  [protected]

Restores the background redraw state in the specified view, to the state before we called BaseBitmapFilter::ForceBackgroundRedrawOff.

Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pView,pointer to the View to change [INPUTS]

Errors: -

See also:
BaseBitmapFilter::ForceBackgroundRedrawOff Scope: Protected

Definition at line 2219 of file bitfilt.cpp.

02220 {
02221     ERROR3IF(pView == NULL, "NULL pointer passed into BaseBitmapFilter::RestoreBackgroundRedrawState");
02222     if (pView == NULL)
02223         return;
02225     // Only restore if we saved the state earlier ...
02226     if (BackgroundRedrawStateSet)
02227     {
02228         pView->SetForeBackMode(BackgroundRedrawState);
02229         BackgroundRedrawStateSet = FALSE;
02230     }
02231 }

void BaseBitmapFilter::RestoreViewQuality DocView pView  )  [protected]

Restores the view quality to the state before we called ForceAntialiasingOff.

Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pView,pointer to the View to change [INPUTS]

Errors: -

See also:
BaseBitmapFilter::ForceAntialiasingOff Scope: Protected

Definition at line 2314 of file bitfilt.cpp.

02315 {
02316     ERROR3IF(pView == NULL, "NULL pointer passed into BaseBitmapFilter::RestoreViewQuality");
02317     if (pView == NULL)
02318         return;
02320     if (ViewQualitySet)
02321     {
02322         // Restore the previous view quality
02323         pView->RenderQuality = ViewQuality;
02324         ViewQualitySet = FALSE;
02325     }
02326 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::SaveExportBitmapsToFile CCLexFile pFile,
PathName pPath,
BitmapExportParam pParam,
BOOL  DontShowFileName = FALSE

Exports the bitmaps specified by the BitmapExportParam object to a multi- image capable filter. Each of the bitmaps will be saved to file using the settings specified. This is the baseclass version and so is usually overriden.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pDiskFile - the file to put the exported data into [INPUTS] pPath - the pathname of the file to be exported to pParam - the data to use when exporting the bitmaps DontShowFileName - if set to true then don't show the filename in the progress string
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.

Reimplemented in TI_GIFFilter.

Definition at line 3594 of file bitfilt.cpp.

03596 {
03597 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
03598     ERROR2IF(pFile == NULL || pPath == NULL, FALSE,"NULL Parameters");
03599     ERROR2IF(pParam == NULL,FALSE,"TI_GIFFilter::DoExportBitmaps null BitmapExportParam specified");
03601     ERROR3("BaseBitmapFilter::SaveExportBitmapsToFile calling baseclass version!");
03603     return TRUE;
03604 #endif
03605     return FALSE;
03606 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::SetAnimationPropertiesFromLoaded Spread pSpread  )  [protected, virtual]

When loading in multiple bitmaps and placing them on new layers, we should give the filter an opportunity after all the bitmaps have been loaded, to go and look at the bitmaps and set the animation properties accordingly. In the case of a GIF filter this would allow it to set the dithering to none and the palette to something closer to what has been loaded. This baseclass version does nothing.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pSpread the spread that the bitmaps have been put on [INPUTS]
TRUE if was ok, FALSE otherwise.

Reimplemented in TI_GIFFilter.

Definition at line 1269 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01270 {
01271     // Do nothing
01272     return TRUE;
01273 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::SetBitmapNumber const UINT32  nBitmapToRead  )  [protected]

Once a filter has read a bitmap it should call this member function with the number of the next bitmap that can be read. If there are none, SetLastBitmap() should be called instead. Scope: protected.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if set OK FALSE otherwise
See also:
SetLastBitmap(), GetBitmapNumber()

Definition at line 1591 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01592 {
01593     ERROR2IF(nBitmapToRead < 1, FALSE, "nBitmapToRead invalid");
01594     m_nBitmapToRead = nBitmapToRead;
01595     return TRUE;
01596 }

void BaseBitmapFilter::SetDepthToRender const BMP_DEPTH Depth  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 493 of file bitfilt.h.

00493 {   m_RenderDepth = Depth;  }

virtual BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::SetExportHint Document pDoc  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter, and MaskedFilter.

Definition at line 408 of file bitfilt.h.

00408 { return(TRUE); }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::SetExportOptions BitmapExportOptions pOptions  ) 

To allow that f!?$g MakeBitmapFilter have its wicked way.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if successful FALSE otherwise

Definition at line 4768 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04769 {
04770     ERROR3IF ( pOptions != NULL && !pOptions->IS_KIND_OF ( BitmapExportOptions ),
04771                "BitmapExportOptions is wrong kind" );
04773     // Don't delete the old options unless specifically requested. This is to avoid the nasty
04774     // access violations that might occur otherwise.
04776     //if (m_pExportOptions && pOptions != m_pExportOptions)
04777     //  delete m_pExportOptions;
04779     m_pExportOptions = pOptions;
04781     return TRUE;
04782 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::SetFlagsFromBitmap Layer pLayer,
KernelBitmap pBitmap,
UINT32  nBitmapToRead
[protected, virtual]

When loading in multiple bitmaps and placing them on new layers, we should give the filter an opportunity to set the layer flags from the bitmap. In the case of a GIF filter this would allow it to set the solid and overlay flags. This baseclass version does nothing.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pLayer the layer that the bitmap is being put on [INPUTS] pBitmap the bitmap being placed on the layer nBitmapToRead the number of the bitmap in the sequence
TRUE if was ok, FALSE otherwise.

Reimplemented in TI_GIFFilter.

Definition at line 1224 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01226 {
01227     // Do nothing
01228     return TRUE;
01229 }

virtual void BaseBitmapFilter::SetImportDPI DPI  ImportDPI  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in ImageMagickFilter.

Definition at line 309 of file bitfilt.h.

00309 {}

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::SetLastBitmap  )  [protected]

When the bitmap filter has no more bitmaps to read from its file it should call this member function. Scope: protected.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE if set OK FALSE otherwise
See also:
SetBitmapNumber(), GetBitmapNumber()

Definition at line 1613 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01614 {
01615     m_nBitmapToRead = -1;
01616     return TRUE;
01617 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::SetPixelHeight const BMP_SIZE Height  )  [protected]

Support function to obtain bitmap info See Also: GetExportHeight().

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Height : The pixel height of the bitmap to be exported [INPUTS]
TRUE if the operation was successful FALSE otherwise

Definition at line 1705 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01706 {
01707     m_PixelHeight = Height;
01708     return TRUE;
01709 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::SetPixelWidth const BMP_SIZE Width  )  [protected]

Support function to obtain bitmap info See Also: GetExportHeight().

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Width : The width of the bitmap to be exported in pixels [INPUTS]
TRUE if the operation was successful FALSE otherwise

Definition at line 1653 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01654 {
01655     m_PixelWidth = Width;
01656     return TRUE;
01657 }

void BaseBitmapFilter::SetPreviewBitmap BOOL  IsPreviewBmp  ) 

Allows you to set the state of this flag. Always set it back to FALSE after the export as the filter hangs around, ready for the next export.

Rik_Heywood (Xara Group Ltd) <>
isPreviewBmp - TRUE if this bitmap we are saving is actually a Preview bitmap [INPUTS] FALSE if not.

Definition at line 333 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00334 {
00335     IsPreviewBitmap = IsPreviewBmp;
00336 }

void BaseBitmapFilter::SetSizeOfExport UINT32  NewVal  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 436 of file bitfilt.h.

00436 { SizeOfExport = NewVal; }

void BaseBitmapFilter::SetTotalProgressBarCount UINT32  n  )  [protected]

Func to set total the progress bar count. If there is a progress bar available, it is updated by this call. Scope: Protected.

Colin_Barfoot (Xara Group Ltd) <> (Markn)
n = amount to set the total progress bar count to [INPUTS]

Definition at line 440 of file bitfilt.cpp.

00441 {
00442     ERROR3IF(n == 0,"Should only be set to a value greater that 0");
00444     m_TotalProgressBarCount = n;
00445 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::SetUpClippingRectangleForExport Spread pSpread,
SelectionType  Selection

Sets up the class variable ClipRect to be the clipping rectangle to be used during export. See Also: PrepareToExport().

> virtual BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::SetUpClippingRectangleForExport(Spread *pSpread, SelectionType Selection)

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
pSpread the spread to export [INPUTS] Selection the selection type to use during export
TRUE if the operation was successful FALSE otherwise

Reimplemented in GrabFrameFilter.

Definition at line 1803 of file bitfilt.cpp.

01804 {
01805     ERROR2IF(pSpread == NULL,FALSE,"SetUpClippingRectangleForExport Bad spread");
01807     // We need to decide what clipping rectangle to set up which we will then render the
01808     // bitmap through. The choice might be to export:-
01809     // - the selection bounds (if there is a selection),
01810     // - or the current spread
01811     // - or the current drawing
01812     // First, check if there is a selection present. ClipRect should be empty if not.
01814     // Karim 17/07/2000
01815     // We need to take controller nodes into account when we're finding this bbox,
01816     // which means temporarily setting PromoteToParent on the selection.
01817     SelRange* pSel = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
01818     if (pSel != NULL)
01819     {
01820         ClipRect = pSel->GetBoundingRect(TRUE);
01821     }
01823     // However, if this is a Preview Bitmap then use the spreads bounds as the clip rect
01824     // This should in fact be the bounding rectangle of all visible layers in the current
01825     // drawing.
01826     if (IsPreviewBitmap || (Selection==DRAWING))
01827     {
01828         // Work out the size of the rectangle encompassing the drawing (visible layers only)
01829         ClipRect = GetSizeOfDrawing(pSpread);
01830     }
01832     if (!IsPreviewBitmap && (Selection==SELECTION))
01833     {
01834         // Quick check to make sure the selection is something sensible ...
01835         SelRange* pSel = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
01836         if (pSel && 
01837             pSel->Count()==1)
01838         {
01839             // Only one thing selected ... Is it the Text Caret per chance ?
01840             Node* pSelNode = pSel->FindFirst();
01841             if (pSelNode && pSelNode->IsAVisibleTextNode())
01842             {
01843                 VisibleTextNode* pTextNode = (VisibleTextNode*)pSelNode;
01844                 if (pTextNode->IsACaret())
01845                 {
01846                     // Aha! It's the Caret that's selected.
01848                     // We'll use the bounds of the parent text line instead then ...
01849                     Node* pTextLine = pTextNode->FindParent();
01850                     ERROR3IF(!IS_A(pTextLine, TextLine), "Caret doesn't have a parent text line in DoCreateBitmap");
01852                     // Get the bounds of the text line
01853                     ClipRect = ((TextLine*)pTextLine)->GetBoundingRect();               
01854                     Selection = DRAWING;
01855                 }               
01856             }
01857         }
01858     }
01860     // If this is the Preview bitmap, then we have to check for too big and too small cases
01861     if (IsPreviewBitmap)
01862     {
01863         // Find out how big the preview is at the moment
01864         MILLIPOINT Width = ClipRect.Width();
01865         MILLIPOINT Height = ClipRect.Height();
01867         // Note from Martin: This is probably a bodge connected with the scaling bodge which
01868         // has been corrected below, but I'm leaving this one in cos it leaves a nice 1 pixel
01869         // boarder round the thumbnail.
01870         // Inflate the rect a little as we can get odd clipping effects at the edges otherwise
01871         ClipRect.Inflate(Width/128, Height/128);
01873         // Define what too big and too small are
01874         // bigger the 2 feet or smaller than 1/2 inch
01875         MILLIPOINT MaxWidth = 72000 * 12 * 2;
01876         MILLIPOINT MinWidth = 72000 / 2;
01878         // See if the rectangle is too big or too small and fix it if it is
01879         MILLIPOINT WidthChange = 0;
01880         MILLIPOINT HeightChange = 0;
01881         // too big?
01882         WidthChange = Width>MaxWidth ? (MaxWidth - Width)/2 : 0;    // a -ve number
01883         HeightChange = Height>MaxWidth ? (MaxWidth - Height)/2 : 0; // a -ve number
01884         // too little?
01885         WidthChange = Width<MinWidth ? (MinWidth - Width)/2 : 0;    // a +ve number
01886         HeightChange = Height<MinWidth ? (MinWidth - Height)/2 : 0; // a +ve number
01887         // Shrink or expand the clip rect
01888         if ( WidthChange || HeightChange )
01889             ClipRect.Inflate( WidthChange, HeightChange );
01890     }
01892     return TRUE;
01893 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::SetUpExportBitmapOptions BitmapExportOptions **  ppExportOptions,
KernelBitmap pBitmap,
BOOL  OnlyDefaults = FALSE

Displays the export options dialog for this bitmap filter. This allows export options to be obtained by somebody else then the filter.

Stefan_Stoykov (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ppExportOptions - pointer, where a pointer to the export options object [OUTPUTS] will be returned
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.

Definition at line 3374 of file bitfilt.cpp.

03376 {
03377 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
03378     ERROR2IF(pBitmap == NULL,FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmap null bitmap pointer specified");
03380     // Note this pointer for later use
03381     pExportBitmap = pBitmap;
03383     // Note this ptr for use in JPEG export.
03384     JPEGExportOptions::SetKernelBitmap(pBitmap);
03386     // Get a pointer to the actual bitmap so that we can get some details from it.
03387     OILBitmap *pOilBitmap = pBitmap->ActualBitmap;
03388     ERROR2IF(pOilBitmap == NULL,FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::DoExportBitmap null oil bitmap pointer");
03390     // Create a record of information about the export
03391     *ppExportOptions = CreateExportOptions();
03392     if (*ppExportOptions == NULL)
03393     {
03394         return FALSE;
03395     }
03397     // Get the default settings
03398     (*ppExportOptions)->RetrieveDefaults();
03400     // Specify to the user what the export options for depth etc are going to be
03401     (*ppExportOptions)->SetSelectionType(ABITMAP);
03403     // Get the details from the specified bitmap
03404     BitmapInfo BmInfo;
03405     pOilBitmap->GetInfo(&BmInfo);
03406     (*ppExportOptions)->SetDepth(BmInfo.PixelDepth);    // get the bitmaps bpp
03408     // Should really save the dpi when we load the file itself rather than doing
03409     // all this conversion with possible rounding errors.
03410     // Use the original size that has been calculated in the info header
03411     UINT32 PixWidth  = BmInfo.PixelWidth;
03412 //  UINT32 PixHeight = BmInfo.PixelHeight;
03413     MILLIPOINT  RecWidth = BmInfo.RecommendedWidth;
03414 //  MILLIPOINT  RecHeight = BmInfo.RecommendedHeight;
03416     if (PixWidth > 0)
03417     {
03418         (*ppExportOptions)->SetDPI((PixWidth * 72000.0)/(double)RecWidth);
03419     }
03421     // WEBSTER - markn 5/2/97
03422     // If the bitmap has a transparent colour index, store it in the options object
03423     // -1 means no transparent colour
03424     INT32 TransIndex = -1;
03425     if (!pBitmap->GetTransparencyIndex(&TransIndex))
03426         TransIndex = -1;
03427     (*ppExportOptions)->SetTransparencyIndex(TransIndex);
03429     // check whether only the defaults are needed
03430     if (OnlyDefaults)
03431         return TRUE;
03433     BOOL ok = GetExportOptions(*ppExportOptions);
03434     if (!ok)
03435     {
03436         if (*ppExportOptions != NULL)
03437         {
03438             delete *ppExportOptions;
03439             *ppExportOptions = NULL;
03440         }
03441         Error::SetError(_R(IDN_USER_CANCELLED),0);          // Expects error set on cancel
03442         return FALSE;                                   // if cancelled
03443     }
03445     return ok;
03446 #else
03447     return FALSE;
03448 #endif
03449 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::SetUpExportOptions BitmapExportOptions **  ppExportOptions,
BOOL  OnlyDefaults = FALSE

Displays the export options dialog for this bitmap filter. This allows export options to be obtained by somebody else then the filter.

Stefan_Stoykov (Xara Group Ltd) <>
ppExportOptions - pointer, where a pointer to the export options object [OUTPUTS] will be returned
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
NB. SMFIX sjk this function will if you pass it a NULL ptr new the correct options for the filter for the calling function. This is great. However in this case the caller function has responsibility to delete this export object when they are finished with it. They receive the export object through the static member variable BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions which is a ptr to the base class BitmapExportOptions, rather than just filling in the users structure, since if the graphic type has changed the users class will have been deleted and the export object could be a different class derived from BitmapExportOptions.

Definition at line 3009 of file bitfilt.cpp.

03010 {
03011     ERROR2IF(ppExportOptions == NULL, FALSE,"BaseBitmapFilter::Can't Set up export options");
03013     Document *pDoc = Document::GetCurrent();
03015     // Get pointer to the spread to export.
03016 PORTNOTE("spread", "Multi-spread warning!")
03017     pSpread = GetFirstSpread(pDoc);
03018     ERROR2IF(pSpread == NULL, FALSE,"BaseCamelotFilter::DoExport no spread to export");
03020     // We must now check if there is a selection present so that we can set up whether the
03021     // user gets the choice of exporting the selection, drawing or spread if there is a 
03022     // selection present OR just a choice between the spread or drawing if no selection is
03023     // present.
03024     // If have a caret selected in a text story then the selection will be almost zero so trap
03025     // this case as well. 
03026     DocRect ClipRect = GetApplication()->FindSelection()->GetBoundingRect(TRUE);
03027     SelectionType Selection = DRAWING;
03028     if (
03029         ClipRect.IsEmpty() ||
03030         ClipRect.Width() < MinExportSize || ClipRect.Height() < MinExportSize
03031        )
03032         Selection = DRAWING;        // no selection present, so choose drawing by default
03033     else
03034         Selection = SELECTION;      // selection present, so choose this by default
03036     if (Selection == DRAWING)
03037     {
03038         // Work out the size of the rectangle encompassing the drawing (visible layers only)
03039         ClipRect = GetSizeOfDrawing(pSpread);
03041         // Check that that cliprect is ok, if not then set the spread as the export type
03042         if (
03043             ClipRect.IsEmpty() ||
03044             ClipRect.Width() < MinExportSize || ClipRect.Height() < MinExportSize
03045            )
03046             Selection = SPREAD;
03047     }
03050     // If there is no selection then warn the user that exporting the current spread may
03051     // take a lot of disc space, but only if this is not a Preview Bitmap.
03052     if ((!IsPreviewBitmap) && (Selection == SPREAD))
03053     {
03054         // Warn the user that there is no selection = large export
03055         ErrorInfo Info;
03056         Info.ErrorMsg = _R(IDT_BMPEXP_NOSELECTION);
03057         Info.Button[0] = _R(IDB_EXPQUERY_EXPORT);
03058         Info.Button[1] = _R(IDB_EXPQUERY_DONTEXPORT);
03059         if ((ResourceID)AskQuestion(&Info) == _R(IDB_EXPQUERY_DONTEXPORT))
03060         {
03061             Error::SetError(_R(IDN_USER_CANCELLED),0);      // Expects error set on cancel
03062             return FALSE;                               // if cancelled
03063         }
03064     }
03066     // Create a record of information about the export
03067     *ppExportOptions = CreateExportOptions();
03068     if (*ppExportOptions == NULL)
03069     {
03070         return FALSE;
03071     }
03073     (*ppExportOptions)->RetrieveDefaults();
03075     (*ppExportOptions)->SetSelectionType(Selection);
03077     // check whether only the defaults are needed
03078     if (OnlyDefaults)
03079         return TRUE;
03081     // get the user options for depth etc here
03082     BOOL ok = GetExportOptions( *ppExportOptions );
03084     // remember this ptr and make it externally available
03085     // dont do this any more the above call brings up the export dlg and sets the BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions
03086     // even when the user has messed around with them
03087     //BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions = *ppExportOptions;
03088     // so rather the *ppExportOptions should reflect the state that the dlg left them in
03089     if (BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions)
03090         *ppExportOptions = BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions;
03092     if (!ok)
03093     {
03094         if (*ppExportOptions != NULL)
03095         {
03096             delete *ppExportOptions;
03097             *ppExportOptions = NULL;
03098         }
03099         Error::SetError(_R(IDN_USER_CANCELLED),0);          // Expects error set on cancel
03100         BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions = NULL;   // we have no export options
03102         return FALSE;                                   // if cancelled
03103     }
03105     return TRUE;
03106 }

static void BaseBitmapFilter::SetWarnedZoomOnImport BOOL  fFlag  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 315 of file bitfilt.h.

00315 { s_fWarnedZoomOnImport = fFlag; }

static void BaseBitmapFilter::SetZoomOnImport BOOL  fFlag  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 312 of file bitfilt.h.

00312 { s_fZoomOnImport = fFlag; }

virtual BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::ShouldReuseExistingBitmaps  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in TI_GIFFilter.

Definition at line 221 of file bitfilt.h.

00221 { return TRUE; }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::WarnIfIncompatible  )  [protected]

Checks for things that can't be represented using the current options E.g. non-mix transparencies in Alpha channel bitmap.

Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <>
TRUE is can continue FALSE if export should be aborted

Errors: - Scope: Protected

Definition at line 2087 of file bitfilt.cpp.

02088 {
02089     // Check whether the user has asked us to be silent about this
02090     if (bDontWarnBitmapNonMixTransp)
02091         return TRUE;
02093     // Check whether the export options will make transparencies difficult
02094     // Is export type 32BPP including alpha?
02095     // If not everything's OK
02096     if (m_pExportOptions->GetDepth()!=32)
02097     {
02098         return TRUE;
02099     }
02101     // Check whether the export selection contains non-mix transparency
02102     BOOL bFound = FALSE;
02103     Node* pNode = NULL;
02104     switch (m_pExportOptions->GetSelectionType())
02105     {
02106     case SELECTION:
02107         {
02108             Range* pscanrange;
02109             pscanrange = Camelot.FindSelection();
02110             pNode = pscanrange->FindFirst(TRUE);
02111             while (pNode!=NULL && !bFound)
02112             {
02113                 if (pNode->IsAnAttribute())
02114                 {
02115                     if (((NodeAttribute*)pNode)->IsATranspFill())
02116                     {
02117                         UINT32 transptype = ((AttrFillGeometry*)pNode)->GetTranspType();
02118                         if (transptype!=TT_Mix && transptype!=TT_NoTranspType)
02119                             bFound = TRUE;
02120                     }
02121                 }
02122                 pNode = pscanrange->FindNext(pNode, TRUE);
02123             }
02124         }
02125         break;
02126     case DRAWING:
02127     case PAGE:
02128     case SPREAD:
02129         {
02130             Node* pRootNode = pSpread;
02131             pNode = pRootNode->FindFirstDepthFirst();
02132             while (pNode!=NULL && !bFound)
02133             {
02134                 if (pNode->IsAnAttribute())
02135                 {
02136                     if (((NodeAttribute*)pNode)->IsATranspFill())
02137                     {
02138                         UINT32 transptype = ((AttrFillGeometry*)pNode)->GetTranspType();
02139                         if (transptype!=TT_Mix && transptype!=TT_NoTranspType)
02140                             bFound = TRUE;
02141                     }
02142                 }
02144                 pNode = pNode->FindNextDepthFirst(pRootNode);
02145             }
02146         }
02147         break;
02148     default:
02149         ERROR2RAW("Unknown selection type in WarnIfIncompatible");
02150         return FALSE;
02151     }
02153     if (!bFound)
02154         return TRUE;
02156     // We need to show the warning dialog...
02158     if (ret==3)
02159         return FALSE;
02161     if (ret==2)
02162         bDontWarnBitmapNonMixTransp = TRUE;
02164     return TRUE;
02165 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::WriteBitmapToFile KernelBitmap pKernelBitmap,
double  Dpi
[protected, virtual]

Physically put the bitmap into the disk. Inherited classes override this to write in different file formats.

Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <>
Pointer to the bitmap to be exported. [INPUTS]
TRUE if worked, FALSE if errored.
See also:
WriteDataToFile(); AccusoftFilters::WriteToFile; AccusoftFilters::WriteDataToFile;

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter, BMPFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 4146 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04147 {
04148     ERROR3("Base class bitmap filter WriteBitmapToFile called");
04149     return FALSE;
04150 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::WriteBitmapToFile KernelBitmap pKernelBitmap,
BaseCamelotFilter pFilter,
CCLexFile pFile,
INT32  Compression

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter, BMPFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 4174 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04176 {
04177     // Create a record of information about the export
04178     m_pExportOptions = CreateExportOptions();
04179     if (GetBitmapExportOptions() == NULL)
04180     {
04181         return FALSE;
04182     }
04184     OutputFile = pFile;
04186     return TRUE;
04187 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::WriteFileEnd void   )  [protected, virtual]

To write out the file specific data at the end of the file This base class version calls EndWriteToFile() so that derived classes do not have to implement the multi-image stuff.

Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
FALSE if failed else TRUE
See also:

Reimplemented in TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 4617 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04618 {
04619     return(EndWriteToFile());
04620 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::WriteFileHeader void   )  [protected, virtual]

To write out the file specific header data.

Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
FALSE if failed else TRUE
See also:

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 4537 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04538 {
04539     return(TRUE);
04540 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::WriteFrame void   )  [protected, virtual]

To write out the image itself This base class version actually calls the WriteToFile() function so that derived classes do not have to implement any of the multi-image stuff.

Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
FALSE if failed else TRUE
See also:

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 4577 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04578 {
04579     return(WriteToFile(TRUE));
04580 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::WritePostFrame void   )  [protected, virtual]

To write out any frame specific info after the image.

Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
FALSE if failed else TRUE
See also:

Reimplemented in JPEGExportFilter, TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 4596 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04597 {
04598     return(TRUE);
04599 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::WritePostOptimisedPalette void   )  [protected, virtual]

Called after the optimised palette has been generated but before the export of the bitmap.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <>
FALSE if failed else TRUE
See also:

Reimplemented in TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 4657 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04658 {
04659     return(TRUE);
04660 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::WritePreFrame void   )  [protected, virtual]

To write out any frame specific info before the image.

Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <>
FALSE if failed else TRUE
See also:

Reimplemented in TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 4556 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04557 {
04558     return(TRUE);
04559 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::WritePreSecondPass void   )  [protected, virtual]

Called before the second pass of a two pass export so the filter can reset itself.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <>
FALSE if failed else TRUE
See also:

Reimplemented in TI_GIFFilter, ImageMagickFilter, and PNGFilter.

Definition at line 4637 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04638 {
04639     return(TRUE);
04640 }

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::WriteToFile BOOL  AtEnd  )  [protected, virtual]

Writes out the bitmap to a file. Inherited classes override this to write in different file formats. AtEnd is ignored now and should always be set to TRUE.

Andy_Pennell (Xara Group Ltd) <>
AtEnd is TRUE if this is the last chunk of the file, FALSE if not. [INPUTS]
TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.

Reimplemented in MakeBitmapFilter, BMPFilter, and MaskedFilter.

Definition at line 4106 of file bitfilt.cpp.

04107 {
04108     ENSURE(FALSE, "Base class bitmap filter WriteToFile called");
04109     return FALSE;
04110 }

Member Data Documentation

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::BackgroundRedrawState [protected]

Definition at line 465 of file bitfilt.h.

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::BackgroundRedrawStateSet [protected]

Definition at line 466 of file bitfilt.h.

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::BadExportRender [protected]

Definition at line 430 of file bitfilt.h.

DocRect BaseBitmapFilter::ClipRect [protected]

Definition at line 476 of file bitfilt.h.

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::ExportingMsgID [protected]

Definition at line 450 of file bitfilt.h.

GRenderBitmap * BaseBitmapFilter::ExportRegion = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 462 of file bitfilt.h.

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::FilterInfoID [protected]

Definition at line 445 of file bitfilt.h.

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::FilterNameID [protected]

Definition at line 444 of file bitfilt.h.

CCLexFile* BaseBitmapFilter::InputFile [protected]

Definition at line 453 of file bitfilt.h.

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::IsPreviewBitmap [protected]

Definition at line 319 of file bitfilt.h.

DPI BaseBitmapFilter::m_DefaultExportDPI = 96.0 [static, private]

Definition at line 514 of file bitfilt.h.

INT32 BaseBitmapFilter::m_nBitmapToRead [private]

Definition at line 508 of file bitfilt.h.

INT32 BaseBitmapFilter::m_NumberOfPaletteEntries = 0 [static]

Definition at line 300 of file bitfilt.h.

BitmapSource* BaseBitmapFilter::m_pBitmapSource [private]

Definition at line 510 of file bitfilt.h.

LPLOGPALETTE BaseBitmapFilter::m_pBrowserPalette = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 491 of file bitfilt.h.

BitmapExportOptions* BaseBitmapFilter::m_pExportOptions [private]

Definition at line 515 of file bitfilt.h.

BitmapImportOptions* BaseBitmapFilter::m_pImportOptions [protected]

Definition at line 328 of file bitfilt.h.

BMP_SIZE BaseBitmapFilter::m_PixelHeight [private]

Definition at line 518 of file bitfilt.h.

BMP_SIZE BaseBitmapFilter::m_PixelWidth [private]

Definition at line 517 of file bitfilt.h.

LPLOGPALETTE BaseBitmapFilter::m_pOptimisedPalette2 [protected]

Definition at line 490 of file bitfilt.h.

Progress* BaseBitmapFilter::m_pProgress [private]

Definition at line 506 of file bitfilt.h.

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::m_ProgressBarCount [private]

Definition at line 504 of file bitfilt.h.

String_64 BaseBitmapFilter::m_ProgressBarMessage [private]

Definition at line 507 of file bitfilt.h.

BMP_DEPTH BaseBitmapFilter::m_RenderDepth [private]

Definition at line 519 of file bitfilt.h.

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::m_TotalProgressBarCount [private]

Definition at line 505 of file bitfilt.h.

const INT32 BaseBitmapFilter::MinExportSize = 10 [static]

Definition at line 296 of file bitfilt.h.

const INT32 BaseBitmapFilter::MinPelsPerMeter = 1000 [static]

Definition at line 294 of file bitfilt.h.

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::OurNumNodes = 0 [static, protected]

Definition at line 431 of file bitfilt.h.

CCLexFile * BaseBitmapFilter::OutputFile = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 456 of file bitfilt.h.

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::PaletteType [protected]

Definition at line 481 of file bitfilt.h.

KernelBitmap * BaseBitmapFilter::pExportBitmap = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 473 of file bitfilt.h.

KernelBitmap* BaseBitmapFilter::pNewBitmap [protected]

Definition at line 459 of file bitfilt.h.

LPLOGPALETTE BaseBitmapFilter::pOptimisedPalette = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 487 of file bitfilt.h.

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::PreviewDither [protected]

Definition at line 483 of file bitfilt.h.

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::PreviewPalette [protected]

Definition at line 484 of file bitfilt.h.

Spread* BaseBitmapFilter::pSpread [protected]

Definition at line 479 of file bitfilt.h.

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::RenderBottomToTop [protected]

Definition at line 429 of file bitfilt.h.

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::RenderInStrips [protected]

Definition at line 428 of file bitfilt.h.

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::s_fWarnedZoomOnImport = 9999 [static, protected]

Definition at line 500 of file bitfilt.h.

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::s_fZoomOnImport = 9999 [static, protected]

Definition at line 499 of file bitfilt.h.

UINT32 BaseBitmapFilter::SizeOfExport = 100 [static, protected]

Definition at line 434 of file bitfilt.h.

Quality BaseBitmapFilter::ViewQuality [protected]

Definition at line 469 of file bitfilt.h.

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::ViewQualitySet [protected]

Definition at line 470 of file bitfilt.h.

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::WeAreGeneratingOptPalette = FALSE [static, protected]

Definition at line 488 of file bitfilt.h.

BOOL BaseBitmapFilter::WrittenHeader = FALSE [static, protected]

Definition at line 427 of file bitfilt.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Nov 10 03:50:53 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4