TextStory Class Reference

The root of the TextObject hierarchy. More...

#include <nodetxts.h>

Inheritance diagram for TextStory:

BaseTextClass NodeRenderableInk NodeRenderableBounded NodeRenderable Node CCObject SimpleCCObject List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TextStory ()
 Simple TextStory constructor, it is required so that SimpleCopy will work.
 ~TextStory ()
 The destructor currently just checks to see if the TextStory being deleted still has the input focus, and clears it if it has. One situation where this occurs is when deleting a document. This dosen't clear the selection.
 TextStory (Node *ContextNode, AttachNodeDirection Direction)
 The main TextStory constructor.
void Init ()
 Initialies the member variables of the TextStory.
String_256 GetStoryAsString ()
virtual BOOL IsSetCandidate () const
 Indicates that NodeRenderableInks are candidates for membership of Attribute gallery set.
virtual BOOL IsCompound () const
virtual NodeSimpleCopy ()
 This method returns a shallow copy of the node with all Node pointers NULL. The function is virtual, and must be defined for all derived classes of Node.
void CopyNodeContents (TextStory *NodeCopy)
 This method copies the node's contents to the node pointed to by NodeCopy.
virtual void PolyCopyNodeContents (NodeRenderable *pNodeCopy)
 Polymorphically copies the contents of this node to another.
INT32 BaseComplexCopy (CopyStage Stage, Range &RangeToCopy, Node **pOutput)
INT32 BaseComplexHide (UndoableOperation *pOp)
 This function handles the text story being hidden during operations such as OpDelete / OpCut / etc. The function is called indirectly via it child nodes. It should never be called directly. Its purpose is to cope with various parts of the text story being hidden. It is not possible to DoHideNodes() on a selection of the text stories children as this may leave the story in an invalid state. Hence all children ask their parent text story to sort out the problem. The function is usually called from a derived version of Node::ComplexHide().
virtual BOOL HidingNode ()
 Called when this TextStory is hidden - Clears the input focus from this TextStory if it currently has it, then calls the parent class.
virtual BOOL CanBecomeA (BecomeA *pBecomeA)
 This function is used by the convert to shapes operation. It determines if the node or any of its children can convert themselves into an InkClass object.
virtual BOOL DoBecomeA (BecomeA *pBecomeA)
 Transforms the object into another type of object.
virtual String Describe (BOOL Plural, BOOL Verbose)
 Gives a description of the TextStory node for the status line etc.
virtual UINT32 GetNodeSize () const
 For finding the size of the node.
virtual void GetDebugDetails (StringBase *Str)
 For obtaining debug information about the Node. This fn can be deleted before we ship.
virtual BOOL OnNodePopUp (Spread *pSpread, DocCoord PointerPos, ContextMenu *pMenu)
 Allows the TextStory to respond to pop up menu clicks on itself.
virtual DocRect GetBlobBoundingRect ()
virtual void RenderObjectBlobs (RenderRegion *pRender)
 Render the text story's object blobs.
virtual void RenderTinyBlobs (RenderRegion *pRender)
 Render the text story's tiny blobs.
DocCoord GetBlobPosAndSize (INT32 *pSize=NULL)
virtual BOOL AllowOp (ObjChangeParam *pParam, BOOL SetOpPermissionState=TRUE, BOOL DoPreTriggerEdit=TRUE)
 Allows the TextStory to abort the following operations under the following circumstances.
virtual BOOL AllowOp_AccountForCompound (ObjChangeParam *pParam, BOOL SetOpPermissionState=TRUE, BOOL DoPreTriggerEdit=TRUE)
 Req'd so that the curve bit of text-on-a-curve gets AllowOp messages, thus allowing feathered curve bits to update correctly.
virtual ChangeCode OnChildChange (ObjChangeParam *pParam)
 This function is called at the end of any operation which has affected a TextStory in order to (undoably) reformat the story and redraw affected bits.
BOOL MoveCaretLeftAChar ()
 This routine moves the caret to the left by one position.
BOOL MoveCaretRightAChar ()
 This routine moves the caret to the right by one position.
BOOL MoveCaretLeftAWord ()
 This routine moves the caret to the left by a word. If the caret is in a word it is moved to the start of that word, else the caret is positioned at the start of the previous word.
BOOL MoveCaretRightAWord ()
 This routine moves the caret to the right by a word. It caret is positioned to the left of the first character encountered after a space.
BOOL MoveCaretToStartOfLine ()
 This routine moves the caret to the start of the TextLine that it is on.
BOOL MoveCaretToEndOfLine ()
 Move caret to end of TextLine which it is on.
BOOL MoveCaretToCharacter (VisibleTextNode *pChar, AttachNodeDirection Dir)
 This routine moves the caret to the left or right of a specified char.
BOOL AttachCaretAttributes ()
 This function should be called after the caret has been moved to its new location. It deletes all its previous children, and copies the children of the character to the left of it. If there isn't anything to the left then the attributes to the right are used; if there isn't anything to the right then no attributes are attached so the defaults are used. This function broacasts an attribute changed message.
VisibleTextNodeGetPrevWordChar (VisibleTextNode *pStartChar)
VisibleTextNodeGetNextWordChar (VisibleTextNode *pStartChar)
VisibleTextNodeGetSelectionEnd (BOOL *pDirection=NULL)
 This function should be called to find what character nodes are selected. The return value is a pointer to the last selected node, at the other end of the selected characters from the anchor (which is the caret). NULL will be returned if there is no selection.
BOOL GetCharacterAtPoint (BOOL InBounds, DocCoord Point, VisibleTextNode **pHitChar, BOOL *ToLeft)
 Given a location works out the nearest character to that location.
CaretNodeGetCaret ()
 Returns a pointer to the caret node of this TextStory, NULL will be returned if there is no Caret.
NodePathGetTextPath () const
 This function should be used to get a pointer to the path the text is on. NULL is returned if there is no text path.
TextLineFindFirstLine () const
 This function should be used to obtain a pointer to the TextStory's first TextLine node.
TextLineFindLastLine () const
VisibleTextNodeFindFirstVTN () const
VisibleTextNodeFindLastVTN () const
virtual void Transform (TransformBase &transform)
 transform a text story and any children capable of being transformed
DocRect GetUTStoryBounds ()
 The bounding box of the story in it's untransformed space.
BOOL CreateUntransformedPath (TextStoryInfo *pPathInfo)
 Create a copy of the story's path removing the Story matrix transform Also, reverse path if text is reversed on the path Note: This should really be broken up into member functions of Path.
void MatrixFitToPath ()
 modify TextStory matrix appropriately when fitting text to a path
void MatrixRemoveFromPath ()
 modify TextStory matrix appropriately when removing text from a path
virtual BOOL FormatAndChildren (UndoableOperation *pUndoOp=NULL, BOOL UseNodeFlags=FALSE, BOOL WordWrap=TRUE)
 Reformat a text story.
BOOL UnWrapStory (UndoableOperation *pUndoOp)
 Join consecutive soft lines into single hard lines and append a final (virtual) EOL to the story if none.
BOOL DeleteSelectedText (UndoableOperation *pUndoOp)
 Delete all selected text objects in story, deleteing whole lines where possible.
BOOL DeleteSelectedTextLines (UndoableOperation *pUndoOp)
 Called by DeleteSelectedText to delete all selected TextLines (including TextLines will all children selected).
BOOL DeleteSelectedTextCharacters (UndoableOperation *pUndoOp)
 delete all (remaining) selected VTN in story, joining lines if EOL deleted and story not word wrapping
void PreExportRender (RenderRegion *pRegion)
 This function is called when the render function passes through this node It outputs the Text Object start and end tokens.
BOOL ExportRender (RenderRegion *pRegion)
 This function is called when the render function passes through this node It outputs the Text Object start and end tokens.
BOOL PostImport ()
 This functions is called following the complete import of a document. It allows nodes to complete their post import initialisation once they are in complete tree. The TextStory and its children are formatted following loading.
BOOL PostDuplicate (UndoableOperation *pOp)
 This function is called following the (simple)copy of a text story. The TextStory and its children are re-formatted.
BOOL ImportFix_MoveScaleToAttrs ()
 Move the scale from the story's matrix down to its attributes (ie fix up docs which were created with partly developed by code!).
BOOL CorelStyleBaselineShift (BaseShiftEnum BaseShift)
BOOL OKToExport ()
 Determines wether or not this text story should be exported. If there are no characters in it then we don't want to save it as it will cause bother when loaded back.
virtual BOOL WritePreChildrenWeb (BaseCamelotFilter *pFilter)
 Writes out a records associated with this node.
virtual BOOL WritePreChildrenNative (BaseCamelotFilter *pFilter)
virtual BOOL CanWriteChildrenWeb (BaseCamelotFilter *pFilter)
 If the node does not mind the filter automatically writing out its child nodes, then return TRUE.
virtual BOOL CanWriteChildrenNative (BaseCamelotFilter *pFilter)
virtual BOOL WriteBeginChildRecordsWeb (BaseCamelotFilter *pFilter)
 Writes out child records associated with the text story.
virtual BOOL WriteBeginChildRecordsNative (BaseCamelotFilter *pFilter)
 Begin to write out you child records, in the native format.
virtual BOOL WriteEndChildRecordsWeb (BaseCamelotFilter *pFilter)
 Finished writing out you child records, in the web format.
virtual BOOL WriteEndChildRecordsNative (BaseCamelotFilter *pFilter)
 Finished writing out you child records, in the native format.
void ResetStringList ()
void AddImportedString (ImportedString *pImportedString)
 Adds the object to the list of imported strings.
BOOL EnsureStoryHasCaret ()
 Makes sure the story has a caret node.
void Validate (BOOL EnsureOpFlagsReset=TRUE)
 Perform various integrity checks on a text story in debug builds.
void CheckLeaf (Node *pLeafNode)
 Ensure no Linelevel attrs below line level.
void CheckSubtree (Node *pNode, AttrTypeSet *pParentAttrSet=NULL, BOOL *pDescendantSelected=NULL)
 Validate a subtree, checking for:
  • duplication of attribute on node or parent (except caret)
  • nodes with child objects must be flagged as compound
  • attributes are not flagged as selected or parent of selected
  • hidden nodes are not flagged as selected, parent of selected or compound
  • node is not both flagged as selected and parent of selected
  • node with selected descendant is flagged as parent of selected
  • node with no selected descendant is not flagged as parent of selected
  • no sibling attributes.

TCHARGetNodeInfo (Node *pNode)
 return string with CC_RUNTIME_CLASS name of node and address
void ResetEOLs (BOOL Status)
 Scan through all end of line nodes in this text story and set the status of their virtual flag.
BOOL WillStoryWrapOnPath ()
 Calculates whether the formatter will wrap any line of text around the path It calculates this by checking the position of the last character (or VTN in each line). If this wraps it is assumed the whole line will wrap. Note text is assumed to only ever wrap on a path which is closed.
const MatrixGetpStoryMatrix () const
MatrixGetpStoryMatrix ()
Matrix GetStoryMatrix () const
void SetStoryMatrix (Matrix &matrix)
DocRect GetRedrawRect () const
void SetRedrawRect (DocRect rect)
void UpdateRedrawRect (DocRect rect)
MILLIPOINT GetStoryWidth () const
void SetStoryWidth (MILLIPOINT NewValue)
MILLIPOINT GetImportFormatWidth () const
BaseShiftEnum GetImportBaseShift () const
void SetImportFormatWidth (MILLIPOINT width)
void SetImportBaseShift (BaseShiftEnum shift)
BOOL IsTextOnPathReversed () const
BOOL IsTextOnPathTangential () const
BOOL IsPrintingAsShapes () const
BOOL IsWordWrapping () const
void ReverseTextOnPath ()
void ToggleTextOnPathTangentialness ()
void SetPrintingAsShapes (BOOL NewValues)
void SetWordWrapping (BOOL NewValues)
FIXED16 GetCharsScale () const
FIXED16 GetCharsAspect () const
ANGLE GetCharsRotation () const
ANGLE GetCharsShear () const
void SetCharsScale (FIXED16 scale)
void SetCharsAspect (FIXED16 aspect)
void SetCharsRotation (ANGLE rotation)
void SetCharsShear (ANGLE shear)
BOOL IsAutoKerning ()
void SetAutoKerning (BOOL NewValue)
MILLIPOINT GetLeftIndent () const
MILLIPOINT GetRightIndent () const
DocCoord GetLeftIndentPos () const
 Gets the position in the document of the left indent of this story.
DocCoord GetRightIndentPos () const
 Gets the position in the document of the right indent of this story. Remember that the right inrent is relative to the RHS of the path.
void SetLeftIndent (MILLIPOINT NewIndent)
void SetRightIndent (MILLIPOINT NewIndent)
virtual BOOL IsTypeExtendible () const
virtual DocRect ValidateExtend (const ExtendParams &ExtParams)
 Tests to see whether this text-story's extend-centre is positioned so as to make an extend operation irreversible. See also: Extender class.
virtual void Extend (const ExtendParams &ExtParams)
 Perform an Extend operation on this text-story. See also: Extender class.
DocCoord FindExtendCentre ()
 Find the extend-centre reference point. See also: Extender class.
Justification FindJustification ()
 Used in conjunction with Extend() and its sister functions to determine which way a text-story should extend. If you use this function for another purpose, read it and make sure it does what you think it should do first. Notes: Be aware that this function uses IsKindOf() to test this node's children within the tree. See also: Extender class.

Static Public Member Functions

static TextStoryCreateTextObject (DocCoord Anchor)
 Creates a Text object.
static TextStoryCreateTextObject (Matrix TheMatrix)
 Creates a Text object.
static TextStoryCreateFromChars (DocCoord Pos, char *pChars, WCHAR *pWChars, Document *pCreateDoc, LOGFONT *pLogFont=NULL, BOOL ControlCodes=FALSE, DocColour *pColour=NULL)
 Create a TextStory from an array of chars OR WCHARs and optionally account for control codes and a LogFont (ie size/aspect/bold/italic/typeface/rotation).
static TextStoryGetFocusStory ()
 This function should be used to get a pointer to the TextStory with the input focus. There can be only one such story with an active caret at any time, although there does not have to aways be one (in this case NULL is returned).
static void SetFocusStory (TextStory *pNewStory)
 This function should be used to set the pointer with the input focus. Setting the pointer to NULL clears the into focus.
static DocCoord GetPathBlobPos (MILLIPOINT IndentLength, NodePath *pPath)
 Gets the location of the of a point a certian distance along the path. This function is static so others, eg the drag op, can call it and it's scary math.

Protected Member Functions

BOOL Copy (Range &RangeToCopy, Node **pOutput)
 Make a copy of the text story and all children which lie inside RangeToCopy.
void SetStoryMarkers (Range &RangeToCopy)
 Scan through the text story setting the necessary copyme bits to make sure the text story is copied correctly. The range is used to determin what items are actually being copied. If characters are being copied, we need to copy a line and text story as well.
BOOL ExpandImportedStrings ()
 Expands any strings that were imported into a series of text characters.
BOOL IsGradientFilled ()
 Looks through the list of nodes under the text story node to see if there are any gradient fills on this object. See also: TextStory::PreExportRender.

Static Protected Member Functions

static BOOL DeleteChildAttribute (NodeRenderableInk *pParent, CCRuntimeClass *ReqdAttrib)
 Finds and deletes a child attribute of the given type.

Private Attributes

Matrix StoryMatrix
DocRect RedrawRect
BOOL TextOnPathReversed: 1
BOOL TextOnPathTangential: 1
BOOL PrintAsShapes: 1
BOOL WordWrapping: 1
BOOL BeingCopied: 1
MILLIPOINT ImportFormatWidth
BaseShiftEnum ImportBaseShift
FIXED16 CharsScale
FIXED16 CharsAspect
ANGLE CharsRotation
ANGLE CharsShear
bool AutoKern

Static Private Attributes

static TextStorypFocusStory = NULL

Detailed Description

The root of the TextObject hierarchy.

Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>

Definition at line 260 of file nodetxts.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TextStory::TextStory  ) 

Simple TextStory constructor, it is required so that SimpleCopy will work.

Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>

Definition at line 1024 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01024                     : BaseTextClass()   // Call the base class
01025 {
01026     Init();
01027 }

TextStory::~TextStory  ) 

The destructor currently just checks to see if the TextStory being deleted still has the input focus, and clears it if it has. One situation where this occurs is when deleting a document. This dosen't clear the selection.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>

Definition at line 1040 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01041 {
01042     if (GetFocusStory() == this)
01043         SetFocusStory(NULL);
01045     if (pImportedStringList != NULL)
01046     {
01047         pImportedStringList->DeleteAll();
01048         delete pImportedStringList;
01049         pImportedStringList = NULL;
01050     }
01051 }

TextStory::TextStory Node ContextNode,
AttachNodeDirection  Direction

The main TextStory constructor.

Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
ContextNode,: Pointer to a node which this node is to be attached to. [INPUTS]

Specifies the direction in which the node is to be attached to the ContextNode. The values this variable can take are as follows:

PREV : Attach node as a previous sibling of the context node NEXT : Attach node as a next sibling of the context node FIRSTCHILD: Attach node as the first child of the context node LASTCHILD : Attach node as a last child of the context node

Definition at line 1074 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01075                                                    :BaseTextClass(ContextNode, Direction)
01076 {
01077     Init();
01078 }

Member Function Documentation

void TextStory::AddImportedString ImportedString pImportedString  ) 

Adds the object to the list of imported strings.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pImportedString = ptr to the imported string object [INPUTS]

Definition at line 4593 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04594 {
04595     if (pImportedStringList == NULL)
04596         pImportedStringList = new ImportedStringList;
04598     if (pImportedStringList != NULL)
04599         pImportedStringList->AddTail(pImportedString);
04600 }

BOOL TextStory::AllowOp ObjChangeParam pParam,
BOOL  SetOpPermissionState = TRUE,
BOOL  DoPreTriggerEdit = TRUE

Allows the TextStory to abort the following operations under the following circumstances.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>; Karim 19/01/2000
pParam - pointer to the change parameter object [INPUTS] SetOpPermissionState - TRUE to set the Nodes permission flags DoPreTriggerEdit - if TRUE then calls NameGallery::PreTriggerEdit. Must* be TRUE if the calling Op may make any nodes change their bounds, eg move, line width, cut. Use TRUE if unsure.
TRUE if the operation can proceede, FALSE to stop it

Reimplemented from BaseTextClass.

Definition at line 1454 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01456 {
01457     ERROR2IF(pParam==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::AllowOp() - pParam==NULL");
01459     // decide if we allow it ...
01461     // Karim 14/11/2000
01462     //  Added the !=OBJCHANGE_CALLEDBYCHILD clause.
01463     //  TextStories don't usually pass AllowOp down to their children.
01464     //  This is an exception - see TextStory::AllowOp_AccountForCompound for more info.
01465     BOOL allowed=TRUE;
01466     ObjChangeFlags Flags=pParam->GetChangeFlags();
01467     if (pParam->GetDirection() != OBJCHANGE_CALLEDBYCHILD)
01468         AllowOp_AccountForCompound(pParam, SetOpPermissionState, DoPreTriggerEdit);
01470     else
01471     {
01472         // we disallow changes to our text chars, but any child NodePath is fair game.
01473         if (pParam->GetCallingChild() == NULL || !pParam->GetCallingChild()->IsNodePath())
01474         {
01475             if (Flags.ReplaceNode || Flags.MultiReplaceNode)
01476             {
01477                 pParam->SetReasonForDenial(_R(IDE_TEXT_USEDBYSTORY));
01478                 allowed=FALSE;
01479             }
01480         }
01481     }
01483     // if we allow it, (and our parents weren't calling us) see if our parents do ...
01484     if (allowed && pParam->GetDirection()!=OBJCHANGE_CALLEDBYPARENT && Parent!=NULL)
01485     {
01486         // pass a temporary copy of the ObjChangeParam to our parent indicating call direction
01487         // and if all our children are deleted we know we don't delete ourselves so clear delete flag
01488         ObjChangeFlags NewFlags=pParam->GetChangeFlags();
01489         if (pParam->GetDirection()==OBJCHANGE_CALLEDBYCHILD)
01490             NewFlags.DeleteNode=FALSE;
01491         ObjChangeParam ObjParam(pParam->GetChangeType(), NewFlags, pParam->GetChangeObj(),
01492                                 pParam->GetOpPointer(),  OBJCHANGE_CALLEDBYCHILD);
01493         ObjParam.SetCallingChild(this);
01494         allowed=Parent->AllowOp(&ObjParam,SetOpPermissionState,DoPreTriggerEdit);
01495     }
01497     // if setting permisions ...
01498     if (SetOpPermissionState)
01499     {
01500         if (allowed)
01501         {
01502             if (Parent!=NULL)
01503                 Parent->SetOpPermission(PERMISSION_ALLOWED);
01505             // if post process required,
01506             // ensure our OnChildChange is called for post processing (by setting permission on ourself),
01507             // and do all pre-op processing we need to do for text
01508             if (pParam->GetDirection()!=OBJCHANGE_CALLEDBYPARENT || Flags.Attribute || Flags.TransformNode)
01509             {
01510                 SetOpPermission(PERMISSION_ALLOWED);
01511                 allowed=PreOpProcessing(pParam);
01512             }
01513         }
01514         else
01515             SetOpPermission(PERMISSION_DENIED,TRUE);
01516     }
01518     // if we're ok so far and were asked to do a PreTriggerEdit, then
01519     // determine whether the Op may change the bounds of some nodes.
01520     // If it may, then call NameGallery::PreTriggerEdit.
01521     if (allowed && DoPreTriggerEdit)
01522     {
01523         // if the Op is non-NULL then query its MayChangeNodeBounds() method.
01524         UndoableOperation* pChangeOp = pParam->GetOpPointer();
01525         if (pChangeOp != NULL && pChangeOp->MayChangeNodeBounds() && NameGallery::Instance())
01526         {
01527             allowed = NameGallery::Instance()->PreTriggerEdit(pChangeOp, pParam, this);
01528         }
01529     }
01531     // Ilan 8/5/00
01532     // Inform geom linked attrs of the change.
01533     if(allowed)
01534     {
01535         UndoableOperation* pChangeOp = pParam->GetOpPointer();
01536         BOOL InformGeomLinkedAttrs = SetOpPermissionState && pChangeOp && pChangeOp->MayChangeNodeBounds();
01537         if(InformGeomLinkedAttrs)
01538         {
01539             NodeAttribute* pNA = FindFirstGeometryLinkedAttr();
01540             while(pNA)
01541             {
01542                 pNA->LinkedNodeGeometryHasChanged(pChangeOp);
01543                 pNA = pNA->FindNextGeometryLinkedAttr();
01544             }
01545         }
01546     }
01548     // return result (directly, or indirectly via a child AllowOp()) to op
01549     return allowed;
01550 }

BOOL TextStory::AllowOp_AccountForCompound ObjChangeParam pParam,
BOOL  SetOpPermissionState = TRUE,
BOOL  DoPreTriggerEdit = TRUE

Req'd so that the curve bit of text-on-a-curve gets AllowOp messages, thus allowing feathered curve bits to update correctly.

This is a very much cut-down version of Node::AllowOp_AccountForCompound, tailored to the way TextStories behave - DON'T COPY IT!

See also: Node::AllowOp_AccountForCompound().

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 1571 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01573 {
01574     // we only do the biz if an attr changes, or if we're transformin' or regeneratin'.
01575     ObjChangeFlags Flags = pParam->GetChangeFlags();
01576     if (Flags.Attribute || Flags.TransformNode || Flags.RegenerateNode)
01577     {
01578         ObjChangeDirection OldDirection = pParam->GetDirection();
01579         pParam->SetDirection(OBJCHANGE_CALLEDBYPARENT);
01581         for (Node*  pNode =  FindFirstChild();
01582                     pNode != NULL;
01583                     pNode =  pNode->FindNext())
01584         {
01585             if (pNode->IsNodePath())
01586                 pNode->AllowOp(pParam, SetOpPermissionState, DoPreTriggerEdit);
01587         }
01589         pParam->SetDirection(OldDirection);
01590     }
01592     return TRUE;
01593 }

BOOL TextStory::AttachCaretAttributes  ) 

This function should be called after the caret has been moved to its new location. It deletes all its previous children, and copies the children of the character to the left of it. If there isn't anything to the left then the attributes to the right are used; if there isn't anything to the right then no attributes are attached so the defaults are used. This function broacasts an attribute changed message.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
TRUE if the attributes were successfully applied to the caret FALSE if an error occured

Errors: Returns TRUE if it worked, FALSE if the copy failed

Definition at line 2399 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02400 {
02401     CaretNode* pCaret = GetCaret();
02402     BOOL Success = TRUE;
02403     BOOL TellPeople = FALSE;
02404     ERROR2IF(pCaret==NULL,FALSE,"Text story didn't have caret");
02406     // Identify where were are going to get the new attributes from
02407     VisibleTextNode* pAttributeSource = pCaret->FindPrevVTNInLine();
02408     if (pAttributeSource == NULL)
02409         pAttributeSource = pCaret->FindNextVTNInLine();
02411     // See if the attributes are the same as the current ones
02412 /*  if (pAttributeSource != NULL)
02413     {
02414         Node* pCaretChild = pCaret->FindFirstChild();
02415         Node* pSourceChild = pAttributeSource->FindFirstChild();
02417         if ( ( (pCaretChild == NULL) && (pSourceChild != NULL) ) ||
02418              ( (pCaretChild != NULL) && (pSourceChild == NULL) ) )
02419         {
02420             TellPeople = TRUE;
02421         }
02423         if ( (pCaretChild != NULL) && (pSourceChild != NULL) )
02424         {
02425             while ((pCaretChild != NULL) && (pSourceChild != NULL))
02426             {
02427                 if ( (pCaretChild->IsAnAttribute()) && (pSourceChild->IsAnAttribute()) )
02428                 {
02429                     if (! ( *((NodeAttribute*)pCaretChild) == *((NodeAttribute*)pSourceChild) ))
02430                         TellPeople = TRUE;
02431                 }
02432                 else
02433                     TellPeople = TRUE;
02434                 pCaretChild = pCaretChild->FindNext();
02435                 pSourceChild = pSourceChild->FindNext();
02436             }
02437         }
02438     }
02439     else */
02440         TellPeople = TRUE;
02442     if (pAttributeSource != NULL)
02443     {
02444         // Delete the children of the caret
02445         pCaret->DeleteChildren(pCaret->FindFirstChild());
02447         // Attempt to copy the attributes of the previous character across
02448         Node* pToCopy = pAttributeSource->FindFirstChild(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeAttribute));
02449         while (Success && (pToCopy != NULL))
02450         {
02451             Success = pToCopy->CopyNode(pCaret, LASTCHILD);
02452             pToCopy = pToCopy->FindNext(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeAttribute));
02453         }
02454     }
02456     // Update other people
02457     if (TellPeople)
02458         GetApplication()->FindSelection()->Update();
02460     return Success;
02461 }

INT32 TextStory::BaseComplexCopy CopyStage  Stage,
Range RangeToCopy,
Node **  pOutput

Mike_Kenny (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
Stage - either COPYOBJECT [INPUTS] COPYFINISHED RangeToCopy - Describes the range which is currently being copied. pOutput - Depends on the Stage parameter if Stage= COPYOBJECT Then the node pointer pOutput points at NULL. It should be set on exit to point at the copied object or tree of objects COPYFINISHED Then the node pointer pOutput points at the resulting copy from COPYOBJECT as it has been inserted into the destination tree.
-1 = The routine failed to make a copy. 0 = No copy has been made. +1 = pOutput points to the copy.

Definition at line 3646 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03647 {
03648     ERROR2IF(pOutput==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::RootComplexCopy() called with NULL output pointer");
03650     switch (Stage)
03651     {
03652         case COPYOBJECT:
03653             if (!BeingCopied)
03654             {
03655                 BeingCopied = TRUE;
03656                 if (Copy(RangeToCopy, pOutput))
03657                     return 1;
03658                 else
03659                     return -1;
03660             }
03661             return 0;
03662             break;
03664         case COPYFINISHED:
03665             if (BeingCopied)
03666             {
03667                 BeingCopied = FALSE;
03668                 Node* pCopy = (*pOutput);
03669                 if (pCopy && (IS_A(pCopy,TextStory)))
03670                     ((TextStory*)pCopy)->FormatAndChildren(NULL,FALSE,FALSE);
03671             }
03672             return 0;
03673             break;
03675         default:
03676             return -1;
03677             break;
03678     }
03679 }

INT32 TextStory::BaseComplexHide UndoableOperation pOp  ) 

This function handles the text story being hidden during operations such as OpDelete / OpCut / etc. The function is called indirectly via it child nodes. It should never be called directly. Its purpose is to cope with various parts of the text story being hidden. It is not possible to DoHideNodes() on a selection of the text stories children as this may leave the story in an invalid state. Hence all children ask their parent text story to sort out the problem. The function is usually called from a derived version of Node::ComplexHide().

Mike_Kenny (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pOp - a pointer to an undoable operation [INPUTS]
-1 = The routine failed to hide this node. 0 = Ignored, this object does not support complex hide operations +1 = The node and possibly various others have been hidden correctly.

Definition at line 3987 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03988 {
03989     ERROR2IF(pOp==NULL, -1, "Operation pointer is NULL in TextStory::BaseComplexHide()");
03991     if (!DeleteSelectedText(pOp))
03992         return -1;
03994 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
03995     // try to regain the caret on completion
03996     TextInfoBarOp::RegainCaretOnOpEnd();
03997 #endif
03999     return 1;
04000 }

BOOL TextStory::CanBecomeA BecomeA pBecomeA  )  [virtual]

This function is used by the convert to shapes operation. It determines if the node or any of its children can convert themselves into an InkClass object.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
InkClass,: The class of object to turn into [INPUTS] pNumObjects = ptr to place number of objects of type pClass that will be created (Note: can be NULL). pNumObects in undefined on entry
TRUE if the node, or any of its children can transmogrify themselves to become an InkClass object
The number you put into pNumObjects (if it's not NULL) should exactly equal the total number of pClass objects you create. It should NOT contain any additional objects you may produce such as group objects for containing the pClass object, or attributes.

Also, the entry value of *pNumObjects cannot be assumed to be 0.

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 1697 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01698 {
01699     // A TextStory can become a NodePath
01700     if (pBecomeA->BAPath())
01701     {
01702         if (pBecomeA->IsCounting())
01703         {
01704             // Sum the number of paths our immediate children will create
01705             Node* pNode = FindFirstDepthFirst();
01706             while (pNode!=NULL && pNode!=this)
01707             {
01708                 // Call child to update BecomeA count
01709                 pNode->CanBecomeA(pBecomeA);
01711                 // Text chars don't have their own CanBecomeA, so count them here.
01712                 if (IS_A(pNode, TextChar) && !((TextChar*)pNode)->IsAVisibleSpace())
01713                     pBecomeA->AddCount(1);
01715                 pNode = pNode->FindNextDepthFirst(this);
01716             }
01717         }
01719         return TRUE;
01720     }
01722     return FALSE;
01723 }

BOOL TextStory::CanWriteChildrenNative BaseCamelotFilter pFilter  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 4518 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04519 {
04520 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04521     return CXaraFileTxtStory::CanWriteChildrenNative(pFilter, this);
04522 #else
04523     return FALSE;
04524 #endif
04525 }

BOOL TextStory::CanWriteChildrenWeb BaseCamelotFilter pFilter  )  [virtual]

If the node does not mind the filter automatically writing out its child nodes, then return TRUE.

> virtual BOOL Node::CanWriteChildrenWeb(BaseCamelotFilter* pFilter)

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pFilter = ptr to filter to write to [INPUTS]
TRUE if ok to automatically write out the children, FALSE otherwise
If, however, you wish to prevent this (e.g. because you want to save out your child nodes yourself, in some selective fashion), then return FALSE

See also:
WritePostChildrenWeb(), WritePreChildrenWeb()

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 4509 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04510 {
04511 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04512     return CXaraFileTxtStory::CanWriteChildrenWeb(pFilter, this);
04513 #else
04514     return FALSE;
04515 #endif
04516 }

void TextStory::CheckLeaf Node pLeafNode  ) 

Ensure no Linelevel attrs below line level.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pLeafNode - [INPUTS]

Definition at line 4863 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04864 {
04865 #ifdef VALIDATE
04866     if (pLeafNode==NULL)
04867     {
04868         ERROR3("TextStory::CheckLeaf() - pNode==NULL");
04869         return;
04870     }
04872     Node* pNodeOnLeaf = pLeafNode->FindFirstChild();
04873     while (pNodeOnLeaf!=NULL)
04874     {
04875         if (pNodeOnLeaf->IsAnAttribute())
04876         {
04877             if ( ((NodeAttribute*)pNodeOnLeaf)->IsALineLevelAttrib() )
04878             {
04879                 if (IS_A(pLeafNode,CaretNode))
04880                     TRACE( _T("TextStory::CheckLeaf() - Line level attr applied to caret!\n"));
04881                 else
04882                     ERROR3("TextStory::CheckLeaf() - Line level attr applied below line level");
04883             }
04884         }
04885         pNodeOnLeaf = pNodeOnLeaf->FindNext();
04886     }
04887 #endif
04888 }

void TextStory::CheckSubtree Node pNode,
AttrTypeSet pParentAttrSet = NULL,
BOOL *  pDescendantSelected = NULL

Validate a subtree, checking for:

  • duplication of attribute on node or parent (except caret)
  • nodes with child objects must be flagged as compound
  • attributes are not flagged as selected or parent of selected
  • hidden nodes are not flagged as selected, parent of selected or compound
  • node is not both flagged as selected and parent of selected
  • node with selected descendant is flagged as parent of selected
  • node with no selected descendant is not flagged as parent of selected
  • no sibling attributes.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pNode - [INPUTS] pParentAttrSet -
pDescendantSelected - [OUTPUTS]

Definition at line 4914 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04915 {
04916 #ifdef VALIDATE
04917     if (pNode==NULL)
04918     {
04919         ERROR3("CheckSubtree() - pNode==NULL");
04920         return;
04921     }
04923 PORTNOTE("text","Removed AfxCheckMemory")
04925     ERROR3IF(!AfxCheckMemory(),"CheckSubtree() - memory corrupt!");
04926 #endif
04928     // get ptr to doc (if not an isolated subtree) as children are default attrs
04929     NodeDocument* pDoc = NULL;
04930     if (IS_A(pNode,NodeDocument))
04931         pDoc = (NodeDocument*)pNode;
04932     else
04933         pDoc = (NodeDocument*)(pNode->FindParent(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeDocument)));
04935     // flag attr set not yet coied - only do so if we have to as it is SLOOOW
04936     AttrTypeSet* pAttrSet = NULL;
04938     BOOL ChildSelected    = FALSE;
04939     BOOL ChildParentOfSel = FALSE;
04940     BOOL ChildObjectFound = FALSE;
04941     Node* pChildNode = pNode->FindFirstChild();
04942     while (pChildNode)
04943     {
04944         TRACEIF( pChildNode->IsSelected() && pChildNode->IsParentOfSelected(), 
04945             ( _T("CheckSubtree() - node (%s) both selected and parent of selected\n"), GetNodeInfo(pChildNode) ) );
04946         ChildSelected    |= pChildNode->IsSelected();
04947         ChildParentOfSel |= pChildNode->IsParentOfSelected();
04948         if (pChildNode->IsAnAttribute())
04949         {
04950             // if not already done, if no Attr set passed in, create one else copy the given one
04951             if (pAttrSet==NULL)
04952             {
04953                 if (pParentAttrSet==NULL)
04954                     pAttrSet = new AttrTypeSet;
04955                 else
04956                     pAttrSet = pParentAttrSet->CopySet();
04957             }
04959             TRACEIF( ChildObjectFound,      ( _T("CheckSubtree() - attribute (%s) found after child object\n"), GetNodeInfo(pChildNode) ) );
04960             NodeAttribute* pAttr = (NodeAttribute*)pChildNode;
04961             TRACEIF(pAttr->IsSelected(),    ( _T("CheckSubtree() - attribute (%s) selected\n"), GetNodeInfo(pAttr) ) );
04962             TRACEIF(pAttr->IsParentOfSelected(),( _T("CheckSubtree() - attribute (%s) parent of selected\n"), GetNodeInfo(pAttr) ) );
04963             if (!IS_A(pNode,CaretNode))
04964             {
04965                 // if attrbute already in set it is a duplicate of one on a parent (exc defaults)
04966                 CCRuntimeClass* pAttrType = pAttr->GetAttributeType();
04967                 TRACEIF( pAttrSet->InSet(pAttrType), ( _T("CheckSubtree() - attribute (%s) duplicate of one on self (%s) or parent\n"),
04968                     GetNodeInfo(pAttr),GetNodeInfo(pNode)));
04970                 // if not an isolated subtree and not default attr, check for duplicated default attrs
04971                 if (pDoc!=NULL && pNode!=pDoc)
04972                 {
04973                     NodeAttribute* pDefaultAttr = (NodeAttribute*)(pDoc->FindFirstChild(pAttrType));
04974                     TRACEIF( pDefaultAttr==NULL, ( _T("CheckSubtree() - attribute (%s) found for which there is no default!\n"),
04975                         GetNodeInfo(pAttr)));
04976                     TRACEIF( (*pDefaultAttr)==(*pAttr), ( _T("CheckSubtree() - duplicate of default attr (%s) found!\n"),
04977                         GetNodeInfo(pAttr)));
04978                 }
04980                 // if not default doc attrs, add to attr set
04981                 if (pNode!=pDoc)
04982                     if (pAttrSet->AddToSet(pAttrType)==FALSE)
04983                         ERROR3("CheckSubtree() - AttrTypeSet::AddToSet() failed");
04984             }
04985         }
04986         else if (pChildNode->IsNodeHidden())
04987         {
04988             NodeHidden* pNodeHidden = (NodeHidden*)pChildNode;
04989             TRACEIF(pNodeHidden->IsSelected()        ,( _T("CheckSubtree() - hidden node (%s) selected\n"),
04990                 GetNodeInfo(pChildNode)));
04991             TRACEIF(pNodeHidden->IsParentOfSelected(),( _T("CheckSubtree() - hidden node (%s) parent of selected\n"),
04992                 GetNodeInfo(pChildNode)));
04993             TRACEIF(pNodeHidden->IsCompound(),        ( _T("CheckSubtree() - hidden node (%s) is compound\n"), 
04994                 GetNodeInfo(pChildNode)));
04995         }
04996         else
04997         {
04998             Node* pNode = pChildNode;
04999             BOOL DescendantSelected = FALSE;
05000             // if not already done, if no Attr set passed in, create one else copy the given one
05001             if (pAttrSet==NULL)
05002             {
05003                 if (pParentAttrSet==NULL)
05004                     pAttrSet = new AttrTypeSet;
05005                 else
05006                     pAttrSet = pParentAttrSet->CopySet();
05007             }
05008             CheckSubtree(pNode, pAttrSet, &DescendantSelected);
05009             TRACEIF( DescendantSelected && !pChildNode->IsParentOfSelected(),
05010                 ( _T("CheckSubtree() - descendant selected but node (%s) not parent of selected\n"), GetNodeInfo(pNode)));
05011 //          TRACEIF(!DescendantSelected &&       pNode->IsParentOfSelected(),("CheckSubtree() - node (%s) parent of selected but no descendant selected\n",GetNodeInfo(pNode)));
05012             if (!DescendantSelected && pNode->IsParentOfSelected())
05013                 TRACE( _T("CheckSubtree() - node (%s) parent of selected but no descendant selected\n"),GetNodeInfo(pNode));
05014             ChildObjectFound = TRUE;
05015         }
05016         pChildNode = pChildNode->FindNext();
05017     }
05018     TRACEIF( ChildObjectFound && !pNode->IsCompound(), ( _T("CheckSubtree() - child object found on non-compound node (%s)\n"),
05019         GetNodeInfo(pNode)));
05021     if (pAttrSet!=NULL)
05022     {
05023         pAttrSet->DeleteAll();
05024         delete pAttrSet;
05025     }
05027     if (pDescendantSelected!=NULL)
05028         *pDescendantSelected = ChildSelected || ChildParentOfSel;
05029 #endif
05030 }

BOOL TextStory::Copy Range RangeToCopy,
Node **  pOutput

Make a copy of the text story and all children which lie inside RangeToCopy.

Mike_Kenny (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
RangeToCopy - Describes the range which is currently being copied. [INPUTS] pOutput - a pointer to a node. Set this pointer to point at the tree copy
FALSE if fails

Definition at line 3693 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03694 {
03695     ERROR2IF(pOutput==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::Copy() called with NULL output pointer");
03697     /* Notes: ok, at this stage, each object in the copy range has been called with
03698        MakeAttributesComplete() apart from those that state they are complex
03699        copy nodes. Here I expect simply to make attributes complete on the
03700        text story and assume the rest of the subtree is correct. Until I changed this
03701        OpCopy used to MakeAttributesComplete on the whole selected range. This was a
03702        problem, as we are actually copying more than the selected range. We are in
03703        effect grouping the selected range under a parent. On pasting, the paste code
03704        only (sensibly) normalises on all first level siblings and hence misses our
03705        'grouped' children, the result being all selected characters having thousands of
03706        atts applied to them which cannot be factored out.
03707     */
03709     // copy the story
03710     TextStory* pStoryCopy = (TextStory*)SimpleCopy();
03711     BOOL ok = (pStoryCopy!=NULL);
03713     // Make the attrs complete so we can copy the story correctly
03714     if (ok) ok = MakeAttributeComplete();
03715     if (ok)
03716     {
03717         // Mark all nodes in this current range                     // why is this not part of SetStoryMarkers?!
03718         Node* pNode = RangeToCopy.FindFirst(TRUE);
03719         while (pNode)
03720         {
03721             pNode->SetMarker(TRUE);
03722             pNode=RangeToCopy.FindNext(pNode,TRUE);
03723         }
03725         // specifically set the flags to copy the correct nodes
03726         SetStoryMarkers(RangeToCopy);
03727         ok = CopyChildrenTo(pStoryCopy, ccMARKED);
03729         // Now that EOLNodes take attributes we have all sorts of bother with the last EOL.
03730         // The user can't put attributes onto it.  We must copy
03731         // the attributes applied to the ATC prior to the last EOL onto the EOL.
03732         if (ok)
03733         {
03734             VisibleTextNode* pLastNode = pStoryCopy->FindLastVTN();
03735             AbstractTextChar* pPrevLast = NULL;
03736             if (pLastNode!=NULL)
03737                 pPrevLast = (AbstractTextChar*)pLastNode->FindPrevious(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AbstractTextChar));
03738             if (pLastNode!=NULL && pPrevLast!=NULL)
03739             {
03740                 // Clear out any attributes off the last EOLNode
03741                 Node* pLastChild = pLastNode->FindFirstChild();
03742                 if (pLastChild!=NULL)
03743                     pLastNode->DeleteChildren(pLastChild);
03745                 // Copy the correct ones onto it.
03746                 if (pPrevLast->FindFirstChild() != NULL)
03747                     ok = pPrevLast->CopyChildrenTo(pLastNode);
03748             }
03749         }
03751         // Mark all nodes in this current range                     // is this not made redundant by ClearMarks()?!
03752         pNode = RangeToCopy.FindFirst(TRUE);
03753         while (pNode)
03754         {
03755             pNode->SetMarker(FALSE);
03756             pNode=RangeToCopy.FindNext(pNode,TRUE);
03757         }
03759         ClearMarks();               // clear flags on source story
03760         pStoryCopy->ClearMarks();   // clear flags on destination story
03761         ResetEOLs(FALSE);           // make EOLs physical again (ie not virtual!)   // why does this take a param?!
03762         NormaliseAttributes();      // on source story                              // why not dest?
03763     }
03765     // unwrap the story on the clipboard
03766     if (ok) ok = pStoryCopy->UnWrapStory(NULL);
03768     // insert a caret into the copied story
03769     CaretNode*       pCaret      = NULL;
03770     VisibleTextNode* pAttachNode = NULL;
03771     if (ok) pAttachNode = pStoryCopy->FindFirstVTN();
03772     ok = (pAttachNode!=NULL);
03773     if (ok) pCaret = new CaretNode;
03774     ok = (pCaret!=NULL);    // should an error be set if caret not created?
03775     if (ok) pCaret->AttachNode(pAttachNode, PREV);
03777     // if we failed but a story copy was created, delete it
03778     if (!ok && pStoryCopy!=NULL)
03779     {
03780         pStoryCopy->CascadeDelete();
03781         delete pStoryCopy;
03782         pStoryCopy = NULL;
03783     }
03785     *pOutput = pStoryCopy;
03786     return ok;
03787 }

void TextStory::CopyNodeContents TextStory NodeCopy  ) 

This method copies the node's contents to the node pointed to by NodeCopy.

Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
A copy of this node [OUTPUTS]
Errors: An assertion failure will occur if NodeCopy is NULL

Definition at line 1179 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01180 {
01181     // Ask the base class to do its bit
01182     BaseTextClass::CopyNodeContents(NodeCopy);
01184     // Copy the rest of the data (which should not be that set by the default constructor?)
01185     NodeCopy->StoryMatrix           = StoryMatrix;
01187     NodeCopy->StoryWidth            = StoryWidth;
01189     NodeCopy->TextOnPathReversed    = TextOnPathReversed;
01190     NodeCopy->TextOnPathTangential  = TextOnPathTangential;
01191     NodeCopy->PrintAsShapes         = PrintAsShapes;
01192     NodeCopy->WordWrapping          = WordWrapping;
01194     NodeCopy->ImportFormatWidth     = ImportFormatWidth;
01195     NodeCopy->ImportBaseShift       = ImportBaseShift;
01197     NodeCopy->CharsScale            = CharsScale;
01198     NodeCopy->CharsAspect           = CharsAspect;
01199     NodeCopy->CharsRotation         = CharsRotation;
01200     NodeCopy->CharsShear            = CharsShear;
01202     NodeCopy->mLeftIndent           = mLeftIndent;
01203     NodeCopy->mRightIndent          = mRightIndent;
01205     NodeCopy->AutoKern              = AutoKern;
01206 }

BOOL TextStory::CorelStyleBaselineShift BaseShiftEnum  BaseShift  ) 

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
BaseShift - [INPUTS]
FALSE if fails

Definition at line 3189 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03190 {
03191     TextLine* pTextLine = this->FindFirstLine();
03192     ERROR2IF(pTextLine==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::CorelStyleBaselineShift() - couldn't find text line in story");
03193     MILLIPOINT BaselineShift=0;
03194     MILLIPOINT LineAscent=(pTextLine->GetLineAscent()*4)/5;
03195     switch (BaseShift)
03196     {
03197         case AlignAscenders:  BaselineShift=-LineAscent; break;
03198         case AlignDescenders: BaselineShift=-pTextLine->GetLineDescent(); break;
03199         case AlignCentres:    BaselineShift=(-LineAscent-pTextLine->GetLineDescent())/2; break;
03200         default: break;
03201     }
03202     TxtBaseLineAttribute BaselineAttr(BaselineShift);
03203     BOOL ok = ((AttributeValue*)&BaselineAttr)->MakeNode(this,FIRSTCHILD) != NULL;
03205     return ok;
03206 }

TextStory * TextStory::CreateFromChars DocCoord  Pos,
char *  pChars,
WCHAR pWChars,
Document pCreateDoc,
BOOL  ControlCodes = FALSE,
DocColour pColour = NULL

Create a TextStory from an array of chars OR WCHARs and optionally account for control codes and a LogFont (ie size/aspect/bold/italic/typeface/rotation).

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
Pos - coord in doc at which to position TextStory [INPUTS] pChars - pointer to array of chars ('' terminated) pWChars - pointer to array of WCHARs ('' terminated) pCreateDoc - pointer to document story is to be created in pLogFont - optional pointer to a LogFont from which to derive attributes ControlCodes - TRUE if control codes should also be processed pColour - text colour
Pointer to TextStory, or NULL if fails
Notes: Calls ContinueSlowJob periodically to allow progress displays to be updated

Definition at line 4026 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04028 {
04029     ERROR2IF(pChars==NULL && pWChars==NULL || pChars!=NULL && pWChars!=NULL, NULL,
04030              "TextStory::CreateFromCharArray() - must specify one and only one char array");
04031     ERROR2IF(pCreateDoc==NULL, NULL, "No creation document");
04033     // create an empty text story, getting pointers to TextLine and Caret
04034     TextStory* pTextStory=TextStory::CreateTextObject(Pos);
04035     TextLine*  pTextLine =NULL;
04036     CaretNode* pCaretNode=NULL;
04037     BOOL ok=(pTextStory!=NULL);
04038     if (ok)
04039     {
04040         pTextLine = pTextStory->FindFirstLine();
04041         if (pTextLine!=NULL)
04042             pCaretNode=pTextLine->FindCaret();
04043         if (pCaretNode==NULL)
04044         {
04045             ok=FALSE;
04046             ERROR2RAW("TextStory::CreateFromChars() - failed to find TextLine or Caret");
04047         }
04048     }
04050     // Put the current attributes onto the story
04051     if (ok)
04052         ok = pCreateDoc->GetAttributeMgr().ApplyCurrentAttribsToNode(pTextStory);
04054     // Before forcing on attributes we need to delete the current instances first
04055     if (ok)
04056         ok = DeleteChildAttribute(pTextStory, CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrFillGeometry));
04057 //  if (ok)
04058 //      ok = DeleteChildAttribute(pTextStory, CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrStrokeTransp));
04059     if (ok)
04060         ok = DeleteChildAttribute(pTextStory, CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrLineWidth));
04061     if (ok)
04062         ok = DeleteChildAttribute(pTextStory, CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrStrokeColour));
04064     // add black fill colour, no/transparent line colour, 0.25pt line width attributes
04065     if (ok)
04066     {
04067         FlatFillAttribute     FlatFillAttr(pColour!=NULL ? *pColour : AttributeManager::DefaultBlack);
04068         StrokeTranspAttribute StrokeTranspAttr(255);
04069         LineWidthAttribute    LineWidthAttr(250);
04070         if (ok) ok = ((AttributeValue*)    &FlatFillAttr)->MakeNode(pTextLine,PREV) != NULL;
04071 //      if (ok) ok = ((AttributeValue*)&StrokeTranspAttr)->MakeNode(pTextLine,PREV) != NULL;
04072         if (ok) ok = ((AttributeValue*)   &LineWidthAttr)->MakeNode(pTextLine,PREV) != NULL;
04073         // BODGE TEXT - this is the only way this attribute will work!!!!
04074         AttributeValue* pAttr=NULL;
04075         DocColour trans(COLOUR_TRANS);
04076         if (ok) ok = NULL!=(pAttr=new StrokeColourAttribute(trans));
04077         if (ok) ok = NULL!=pAttr->MakeNode(pTextLine,PREV);
04078         if (pAttr!=NULL) delete pAttr;
04079     }
04081     // if we have a LogFont, set story rotation, add typeface, size, aspect, bold, italic attributes
04082     if (ok && pLogFont!=NULL)
04083     {
04084         // Delete the current instances of the attribute first
04085         if (ok)
04086             ok = DeleteChildAttribute(pTextStory, CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtFontTypeface));
04087         if (ok)
04088             ok = DeleteChildAttribute(pTextStory, CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtFontSize));
04089         if (ok)
04090             ok = DeleteChildAttribute(pTextStory, CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtAspectRatio));
04091         if (ok)
04092             ok = DeleteChildAttribute(pTextStory, CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtBold));
04093         if (ok)
04094             ok = DeleteChildAttribute(pTextStory, CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtItalic));
04096         if (ok)
04097         {
04098             FontInfo info;
04099             ok=TextManager::GetInfoFromLogFont(&info,pLogFont);
04100             if (ok)
04101             {
04102                 Matrix StoryMatrix(info.Rotation);
04103                 StoryMatrix.translate(Pos.x,Pos.y);
04104                 pTextStory->SetStoryMatrix(StoryMatrix);
04106                 TxtFontTypefaceAttribute FontAttr(info.Handle);
04107                 TxtFontSizeAttribute     SizeAttr(info.Size);
04108                 TxtAspectRatioAttribute  AspectAttr(info.Aspect);
04109                 TxtBoldAttribute         BoldAttr(info.Bold);
04110                 TxtItalicAttribute       ItalicAttr(info.Italic);
04111                 if (ok) ok = ((AttributeValue*)  &FontAttr)->MakeNode(pTextLine,PREV) != NULL;
04112                 if (ok) ok = ((AttributeValue*)  &SizeAttr)->MakeNode(pTextLine,PREV) != NULL;
04113                 if (ok) ok = ((AttributeValue*)&AspectAttr)->MakeNode(pTextLine,PREV) != NULL;
04114                 if (ok) ok = ((AttributeValue*)  &BoldAttr)->MakeNode(pTextLine,PREV) != NULL;
04115                 if (ok) ok = ((AttributeValue*)&ItalicAttr)->MakeNode(pTextLine,PREV) != NULL;
04116             }
04117         }
04118     }
04120     // insert each char before the caret
04121     INT32  index=0;
04122     WCHAR LastChar=0;
04123     while (ok)
04124     {
04125         // get a char from the appropriate array, increase index, exitting if none left
04126         WCHAR ch = 0;
04127         if (pChars==NULL)
04128             ch = pWChars[index++] ;
04129         else
04130         {
04131             // Read the next character from the array
04132             if (UnicodeManager::IsDBCSOS() && UnicodeManager::IsDBCSLeadByte(pChars[index]))
04133             {
04134                 ch = UnicodeManager::ComposeMultiBytes(pChars[index], pChars[index+1]);
04135                 index += 2;
04136             }
04137             else
04138             {
04139                 ch = (unsigned char)(pChars[index]);
04140                 index += 1;
04141             }
04143             // Convert into Unicode if it's not a control char
04144             if ((pChars != NULL) && (ch>=32 && ch!=127))
04145                 ch = UnicodeManager::MultiByteToUnicode(ch);
04146         }
04148         if (ch=='\0')
04149             break;
04151         // if not a control code, just insert the char to the left of the caret
04152         // else, if handling control codes, do what is required
04153         if (ch>=32 && ch!=127)
04154         {
04155             TextChar* pTextChar = new TextChar(pCaretNode, PREV, ch);
04156             ok=(pTextChar!=NULL);
04157         }
04158         else if (ControlCodes)
04159         {
04160             switch (ch)
04161             {
04162                 case '\n':
04163                 {
04164                     // Give the progress system a chance to update its displays
04165                     ContinueSlowJob();
04167                     // if part of '\r\n' pair ignore it as already insereted new line,
04168                     // else continue into '\r' case and insert a new line
04169                     if (LastChar=='\r')
04170                         break;
04171                 }
04172                 case '\r':  // insert a new line
04173                 {
04174                     pTextLine = TextLine::CreateEmptyTextLine(pTextLine, NEXT);
04175                     ok=(pTextLine!=NULL);
04176                     if (ok) pCaretNode->MoveNode(pTextLine,FIRSTCHILD);
04177                     break;
04178                 }
04179                 case '\t':  // insert a horizontal tab
04180                 {
04181                     HorizontalTab* pTab = new HorizontalTab(pCaretNode, PREV);
04182                     ok = (pTab != NULL);
04183                     break;
04184                 }
04185                 default:
04186                     TRACE( _T("Control Code %d, not yet supported\n"),ch);
04187             }
04188         }
04189         LastChar=ch;
04190     }
04192     if (ok)
04193     {
04194         EOLNode* pLastEOL=(EOLNode*)(pCaretNode->FindNext());
04195         ok=(pLastEOL!=NULL);
04196         if (ok)
04197             pLastEOL->SetVirtual(TRUE);
04198         else
04199             ERROR2RAW("TextStory::CreateFromChars() - couldn't EOL after caret!");
04200     }
04202     // if we failed to finish the job, tidy up
04203     if (!ok)
04204     {
04205         pTextStory->CascadeDelete();
04206         delete pTextStory;
04207         pTextStory=NULL;
04208     }
04210     return pTextStory;
04211 }

TextStory * TextStory::CreateTextObject Matrix  TheMatrix  )  [static]

Creates a Text object.

Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
TheMatrix - the matrix to initialise the story with (includes inital position) [INPUTS]
A pointer to the root of the text object subtree if successful, else NULL

Errors: An ERROR will be set if we run out of memory

Definition at line 1272 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01273 {
01274     // Pointers to objects we will create to construct a TextStory
01275     TextStory* pTextStory = NULL;
01276     TextLine* pTextLine = NULL;
01277 //  CaretNode* pCaret = NULL;
01278 //  EOLNode* pEOLN = NULL;
01279     BOOL ok = TRUE;
01281     // Try to create the root TextStory node
01282     pTextStory = new TextStory();
01283     ok = (pTextStory != NULL);
01285     // Set the matrix so that the origin is translated to the start point
01286     if (ok)
01287         pTextStory->SetStoryMatrix(TheMatrix);
01289     // Create a line for the story
01290     if (ok)
01291     {
01292         pTextLine = new TextLine(pTextStory, LASTCHILD);
01293         ok = (pTextLine != NULL);
01294     }
01296     // Add an EOLNode to the line
01297     if (ok)
01298         ok = (new EOLNode(pTextLine, FIRSTCHILD) != NULL);
01300     // Create the TextStory's Caret node
01301     if (ok)
01302         ok = (new CaretNode(pTextLine, FIRSTCHILD) != NULL);
01304     // Clean up if failure
01305     if (!ok && (pTextStory != NULL))
01306     {
01307         pTextStory->CascadeDelete();
01308         delete pTextStory;
01309         pTextStory = NULL;
01310     }
01312     return pTextStory;
01313 }

TextStory * TextStory::CreateTextObject DocCoord  Anchor  )  [static]

Creates a Text object.

Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
Anchor - The position the text story should be created at. [INPUTS]
A pointer to the root of the text object subtree if successful, else NULL

Errors: An ERROR will be set if we run out of memory

Definition at line 1254 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01255 {
01256     Matrix StoryMat(Anchor.x, Anchor.y);
01257     return CreateTextObject(StoryMat);
01258 }

BOOL TextStory::CreateUntransformedPath TextStoryInfo pStoryInfo  ) 

Create a copy of the story's path removing the Story matrix transform Also, reverse path if text is reversed on the path Note: This should really be broken up into member functions of Path.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pStoryInfo - info required about the path [OUTPUTS]
FALSE if fails

Definition at line 3242 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03243 {
03244     ERROR2IF(pStoryInfo==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::CreateUntransformedPath() - pStoryInfo==NULL");
03246     // get pointers to info in text story's NodePath
03247     NodePath* pNodePath = GetTextPath();
03248     ERROR2IF(pNodePath==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::CreateUntransformedPath() - the TextStory has no path!!");
03249     INT32      NumCoords       = pNodePath->InkPath.GetNumCoords();
03250     DocCoord* pNodePathCoords = pNodePath->InkPath.GetCoordArray();
03251     PathVerb* pNodePathVerbs  = pNodePath->InkPath.GetVerbArray();
03252     BOOL ok = (NumCoords>=2 && pNodePathCoords!=NULL && pNodePathVerbs!=NULL);
03253     ERROR2IF(!ok,FALSE,"TextStory::CreateUntransformedPath() - problem with NodePath in story");
03255     // create a copy of the transformed path
03256     Path* pPath = new Path;
03257     ERROR2IF(pPath==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::CreateUntransformedPath() - failed to crete path");
03258     if (ok) ok=pPath->Initialise(NumCoords, 12);
03259     if (ok) ok=pPath->CopyPathDataFrom(pNodePathCoords, pNodePathVerbs, NumCoords, TRUE);
03260     DocCoord* pPathCoords = NULL;
03261     PathVerb* pPathVerbs  = NULL;
03262     if (ok)
03263     {
03264         pPathCoords = pPath->GetCoordArray();
03265         pPathVerbs  = pPath->GetVerbArray();
03266         ok = (pPathCoords!=NULL && pPathVerbs!=NULL);
03267         if (!ok) ERROR2RAW("TextStory::CreateUntransformedPath() - Problem copying path");
03268     }
03270     // if text reversed on path, reverse path
03271     if (ok && IsTextOnPathReversed())
03272         pPath->Reverse();
03274     // remove the story transform from the copy of the path
03275     if (ok)
03276     {
03277         Matrix matrix = GetStoryMatrix();
03278         matrix = matrix.Inverse();
03279         matrix.transform((Coord*)pPathCoords, NumCoords);
03280     }
03282     // find the untransformed path length
03283     if (ok)
03284     {
03285         double fPathLength = 0;
03286         ProcessLength PathLengthProcess(64);
03287         ok = PathLengthProcess.PathLength(pPath, &fPathLength);
03288         pStoryInfo->PathLength = (MILLIPOINT)(fPathLength+0.5);
03289     }
03291     // determine if the path is closed
03292     if (ok)
03293         pStoryInfo->PathClosed = ( (pPathVerbs[NumCoords-1] & PT_CLOSEFIGURE) != 0);
03295     // determine direction of perpendicular to first point (downwards)
03296     if (ok)
03297     {
03298         // get the x,y offsets ratios for the line position at a perpendicular to the first point on the path ...
03299         double dx = pPathCoords[1].x-pPathCoords[0].x;
03300         double dy = pPathCoords[1].y-pPathCoords[0].y;
03301         double LineLength = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
03302         pStoryInfo->UnitDirectionVectorX = -dy/LineLength;
03303         pStoryInfo->UnitDirectionVectorY =  dx/LineLength;
03304     }
03306     pStoryInfo->LeftPathIndent  = GetLeftIndent();
03307     pStoryInfo->RightPathIndent = GetRightIndent();
03309     // if not ok and we created a path, delete it
03310     if (!ok && pPath!=NULL)
03311     {
03312         delete pPath;
03313         pPath=NULL;
03314     }
03316     // set output
03317     pStoryInfo->pPath = pPath;
03319     return ok;
03320 }

BOOL TextStory::DeleteChildAttribute NodeRenderableInk pParent,
CCRuntimeClass pReqdAttrib
[static, protected]

Finds and deletes a child attribute of the given type.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pParent - Parent node of the attribute [INPUTS] pReqdAttrib - Attribute type to delete
TRUE/FALSE for success/failure
See also:

Definition at line 5066 of file nodetxts.cpp.

05067 {
05068     ERROR2IF(pParent==NULL || pReqdAttrib==NULL, FALSE, "NULL parameter");
05070     NodeAttribute* pAppliedAttr = pParent->GetChildAttrOfType(pReqdAttrib);
05072     ERROR3IF(pAppliedAttr==NULL, "Attribute not found");
05074     if (pAppliedAttr != NULL)
05075     {
05076         pAppliedAttr->CascadeDelete();
05077         delete pAppliedAttr;
05078     }
05080     return TRUE;
05081 }

BOOL TextStory::DeleteSelectedText UndoableOperation pUndoOp  ) 

Delete all selected text objects in story, deleteing whole lines where possible.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pUndoOp - [INPUTS]
FALSE if fails

Definition at line 3445 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03446 {
03447 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
03448     ERROR2IF(pUndoOp==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::DeleteSelectedText() - pUndoOp==NULL");
03449     BOOL    ok = DeleteSelectedTextLines(pUndoOp);
03450     if (ok) ok = DeleteSelectedTextCharacters(pUndoOp);
03451     return ok;
03452 #else
03453     return FALSE;
03454 #endif
03455 }

BOOL TextStory::DeleteSelectedTextCharacters UndoableOperation pUndoOp  ) 

delete all (remaining) selected VTN in story, joining lines if EOL deleted and story not word wrapping

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pUndoOp - [INPUTS]
FALSE if fails

Definition at line 3553 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03554 {
03555 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
03556     ERROR2IF(pUndoOp==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::DeleteSelectedTextCharacters() - pUndoOp==NULL");
03558     // get a set of non line level attrs on this story, which are to be localised to char level
03559     AttrTypeSet NonLineLevelAttrs;
03560     BOOL ok = this->AddNonLineLevelDescendantAttrsToSet(&NonLineLevelAttrs);
03562     // delete all the selected chars (except caret) in the story, joining line if EOL deleted
03563     TextLine* pLine = this->FindFirstLine();
03564     ERROR2IF(pLine==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::DeleteSelectedTextCharacters() - story has no lines");
03565     while (ok && pLine!=NULL)
03566     {
03567         BOOL AttrsLocalisedOnLine = FALSE;
03568         VisibleTextNode* pVTN = pLine->FindFirstVTN();
03569         ERROR2IF(pVTN==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::DeleteSelectedTextCharacters() - line has no VTN");
03570         while (ok && pVTN!=NULL)
03571         {
03572             // ensure last EOL in story not selected (so not deleted)
03573             if (pVTN->IsAnEOLNode() && pVTN->IsSelected() && pLine->FindNextLine()==NULL)
03574             {
03575                 ERROR3("TextStory::DeleteSelectedTextCharacters() - last EOL of the story selected");
03576                 pVTN->DeSelect(FALSE);
03577             }
03579             // if char not to be deleted, skip to next char, else ...
03580             if (!pVTN->IsSelected() || pVTN->IsACaret())
03581                 pVTN = pVTN->FindNextVTNInLine();
03582             else
03583             {
03584                 // if attrs not already loaclised on this line, do so
03585                 if (!AttrsLocalisedOnLine)
03586                     ok = pUndoOp->DoLocaliseCommonAttributes(pLine,FALSE,TRUE,&NonLineLevelAttrs);
03587                 AttrsLocalisedOnLine = TRUE;
03589                 // if deleting EOL move all chars from next line to end of this and hide next line
03590                 if (pVTN->IsAnEOLNode())
03591                 {
03592                     TextLine* pNextLine = pLine->FindNextLine();
03593                     ERROR2IF(pNextLine==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::DeleteSelectedTextCharacters() - trying to delete last EOL in story!");
03594                     VisibleTextNode* pFirstVTN = pNextLine->FindFirstVTN();
03595                     VisibleTextNode* pLastVTN  = pNextLine->FindLastVTN();
03596                     ERROR2IF(pFirstVTN==NULL || pLastVTN==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::DeleteSelectedTextCharacters() - no VTN on next line");
03598                     if (ok) ok = pUndoOp->DoLocaliseCommonAttributes(pNextLine,FALSE,TRUE,&NonLineLevelAttrs);
03599                     if (ok) ok = pFirstVTN->DoMoveNodes(pUndoOp,pLastVTN,pLine,LASTCHILD);
03600                     if (ok) ok = pNextLine->DoHideNode(pUndoOp);
03601                 }
03603                 // hide VTN, getting pointer to next
03604                 VisibleTextNode* pNextVTN = pVTN->FindNextVTNInLine();
03605                 if (ok) ok = pVTN->DoHideNode(pUndoOp);
03606                 pVTN = pNextVTN;
03607             }
03608         }
03609         // if ok and attrs were localised on the line, factor out
03610         if (ok && AttrsLocalisedOnLine)
03611             ok = pUndoOp->DoFactorOutCommonChildAttributes(pLine,TRUE,&NonLineLevelAttrs);
03613         pLine = pLine->FindNextLine();
03614     }
03616     return ok;
03617 #else
03618     return FALSE;
03619 #endif
03620 }

BOOL TextStory::DeleteSelectedTextLines UndoableOperation pUndoOp  ) 

Called by DeleteSelectedText to delete all selected TextLines (including TextLines will all children selected).

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pUndoOp - [INPUTS]
FALSE if fails

Definition at line 3469 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03470 {
03471 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
03472     ERROR2IF(pUndoOp==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::DeleteSelectedTextLines() - pUndoOp==NULL");
03474     // Delete all selected lines except the last one
03475     BOOL AttrsLocalisedOnStory = FALSE;
03476     TextLine* pLine = this->FindFirstLine();
03477     ERROR2IF(pLine==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::DeleteSelectedTextLines() - story has no lines");
03478     while (pLine!=NULL)
03479     {
03480         TextLine* pNextLine = pLine->FindNextLine();
03481         if (pLine->WholeLineSelected())
03482         {
03483             // If caret on line to be deleted, move it to next line
03484             CaretNode* pCaret = pLine->FindCaret();
03485             if (pCaret!=NULL)
03486             {
03487                 BaseTextClass*      pAttachNode = NULL;
03488                 AttachNodeDirection AttachDir   = PREV;
03489                 TextLine* pPrevLine = pLine->FindPrevLine();
03490                 if (pNextLine!=NULL)
03491                 {
03492                     pAttachNode = pNextLine->FindFirstVTN();
03493                     ERROR2IF(pAttachNode==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::DeleteSelectedTextLines() - text line has no VTN");
03494                     AttachDir = PREV;
03495                 }
03496                 else if (pPrevLine!=NULL)
03497                 {
03498                     pAttachNode = pPrevLine->FindLastVTN();
03499                     ERROR2IF(pAttachNode==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::DeleteSelectedTextLines() - text line has no VTN");
03500                     if (IS_A(pAttachNode,EOLNode))
03501                         AttachDir = PREV;
03502                     else
03503                         AttachDir = NEXT;
03504                 }
03505                 else // deleting only line in story, so create a new one
03506                 {
03507                     pAttachNode = TextLine::CreateEmptyTextLine();
03508                     if (pAttachNode==NULL)
03509                         return FALSE;
03510                     if (!pUndoOp->DoInsertNewNode(pAttachNode,pLine,NEXT, FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE))
03511                         return FALSE;
03512                     AttachDir = FIRSTCHILD;
03513                 }
03515                 if (!PositionCaretAction::DoStoreCaretPosition(pUndoOp,this))
03516                     return FALSE;
03517                 pCaret->MakeAttributeComplete();
03518                 pCaret->MoveNode(pAttachNode,AttachDir);    // caret should not be selected
03519                 pCaret->NormaliseAttributes();
03520             }
03522             // if not already localised, loaclise attrs on story, then hide line
03523             if (!AttrsLocalisedOnStory)
03524                 if (!pUndoOp->DoLocaliseCommonAttributes(this,FALSE,TRUE))
03525                     return FALSE;
03526             AttrsLocalisedOnStory = TRUE;
03527             if (!pLine->DoHideNode(pUndoOp))
03528                 return FALSE;
03529         }
03530         pLine = pNextLine;
03531     }
03533     // if attrs were loaclised on story, factor out
03534     if (AttrsLocalisedOnStory)
03535         if (!pUndoOp->DoFactorOutCommonChildAttributes(this, TRUE))
03536             return FALSE;
03537 #endif
03538     return TRUE;
03539 }

String TextStory::Describe BOOL  Plural,
BOOL  Verbose

Gives a description of the TextStory node for the status line etc.

Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
Plural,: Singular or plural description [INPUTS]
A string describing the node

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 1219 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01220 {
01221     if (Plural)
01222         return(String(_R(IDS_DESCRIBE_TEXTSTORYP)));
01223     else
01224         return(String(_R(IDS_DESCRIBE_TEXTSTORYS)));
01225 }

BOOL TextStory::DoBecomeA BecomeA pBecomeA  )  [virtual]

Transforms the object into another type of object.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pBecomeA - ptr to class containing info needed to become a new type of node. [INPUTS]
FALSE if fails

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 1736 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01737 {
01739 // BODGE TEXT - pass back should delete nodes if it fails - though MarkN claimed not when I wrote this!
01741     ERROR2IF(pBecomeA==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::DoBecomeA() - pBecomeA==NULL");
01743     // here to overcome scope problem
01744     Node* pNode=NULL;
01746     // create a format region to keep an attribute stack
01747     FormatRegion FRegion;
01748     FormatRegion* pFormatRegion=&FRegion;
01749     if (pFormatRegion->Init(this)==FALSE)
01750         return FALSE;
01751     pFormatRegion->SaveContext();
01753     // if not passing back, create a NodeGroup to encompass the story
01754     // BODGE - should use ALLOC_WITH_FAIL
01755     NodeGroup* pStoryNodeGroup=NULL;
01756     if (pBecomeA->GetReason()!=BECOMEA_PASSBACK)
01757     {
01758         pStoryNodeGroup=new NodeGroup;
01759         if (pStoryNodeGroup==NULL)
01760             goto Fail;
01762         // render story level attrs and copy non-text attrs
01763         pNode=FindFirstChild();
01764         while (pNode)
01765         {
01766             if (pNode->IsAnAttribute())
01767             {
01768                 pNode->Render(pFormatRegion);   // render attributes
01769                 if (!pNode->IsKindOfTextAttribute())
01770                     if (pNode->CopyNode(pStoryNodeGroup, LASTCHILD)==FALSE)
01771                         goto Fail;
01772             }
01773             pNode=pNode->FindNext();
01774         }
01775     }
01777     // convert all the story's childs either attaching to the StoryNodeGroup or PassingBack
01778     pNode=FindFirstChild();
01779     while (pNode)
01780     {
01781         // convert all TextLines to groups (inc attrs and chars)
01782         if (IS_A(pNode,TextLine))
01783         {
01784             TextLine* pTextLine=(TextLine*)pNode;
01785             NodeGroup* pLineNodeGroup=NULL;
01786             if (pTextLine->CreateNodeGroup(&pLineNodeGroup,pFormatRegion,pBecomeA)==FALSE)
01787                 goto Fail;
01788             if (pBecomeA->GetReason()!=BECOMEA_PASSBACK)
01789                 pLineNodeGroup->AttachNode(pStoryNodeGroup,LASTCHILD);
01790         }
01791         // copy any NodePath with it's children attrs
01792         if (pNode->IsNodePath())
01793         {
01794             NodePath* pNodePath=(NodePath*)pNode;
01795             NodePath* pNodePathCopy=(NodePath*)pNodePath->SimpleCopy();
01796             if (pNodePathCopy==NULL)
01797                 goto Fail;
01798             if (pNodePath->CopyChildrenTo(pNodePathCopy)==FALSE)
01799                 goto Fail;
01800             if (pBecomeA->GetReason()!=BECOMEA_PASSBACK)
01801             {
01802                 pNodePathCopy->AttachNode(pStoryNodeGroup,LASTCHILD);
01803                 pBecomeA->PassBack(pNodePathCopy, pNodePath);
01804             }
01805             else
01806                 if (pBecomeA->PassBack(pNodePathCopy,pNodePath)==FALSE)
01807                     goto Fail;
01808         }
01809         pNode=pNode->FindNext();
01810     }
01812     // Must do this here or else the current attributes in the region
01813     // will have been deleted
01814     pFormatRegion->RestoreContext();
01816     // now either insert the replace the story or pass it back
01817     switch (pBecomeA->GetReason())
01818     {
01819         case BECOMEA_REPLACE:
01820         {
01821             UndoableOperation* pUndoOp = pBecomeA->GetUndoOp();
01823             // Deselect the node
01824             SetSelected(TRUE);      // ensures all children are deselected
01825             SetSelected(FALSE);
01827             // are we undoable or not ...
01828             if (pUndoOp!=NULL)
01829             {
01830                 // hide the text story
01831                 NodeHidden* pNodeHidden;
01832                 if (pUndoOp->DoHideNode(this,FALSE,&pNodeHidden)==FALSE)
01833                     goto FailNoRestore;
01834                 // Insert the NodeGroup next to the old hidden TextStory
01835                 if (!pUndoOp->DoInsertNewNode(pStoryNodeGroup,pNodeHidden,NEXT,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE))
01836                     goto FailNoRestore;
01838             }
01839             else
01840             {
01841                 // attach the NodeGroup next to the text story, then delete 'this' TextStory - eek!
01842                 pStoryNodeGroup->AttachNode(this,NEXT);
01843                 CascadeDelete();
01844                 delete this;
01845             }
01847             // Select the group, but only if the caller wants us too (moulds don't, for example)
01848             if (pBecomeA->Reselect() && pUndoOp!=NULL)
01849                 if (!pUndoOp->DoSelectNode(pStoryNodeGroup,FALSE))
01850                     return FALSE;
01852             break;
01853         }
01855         case BECOMEA_PASSBACK:
01856             // all pass back done by children!
01857             break;
01859         default:
01860             ERROR2_PF(FALSE,("Unknown BecomeA reason %d",pBecomeA->GetReason()));
01861             break;
01862     }
01864     return TRUE;
01867 Fail:
01868     pFormatRegion->RestoreContext();
01870 FailNoRestore:
01871     if (pStoryNodeGroup)
01872     {
01873         pStoryNodeGroup->CascadeDelete();
01874         delete pStoryNodeGroup;
01875     }
01877     return TRUE;
01878 }

BOOL TextStory::EnsureStoryHasCaret  ) 

Makes sure the story has a caret node.

> BOOL TextStory::EnsureStoryHasCaret()

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
FALSE if fails

Definition at line 3056 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03057 {
03058     TextLine* pFirstLine = FindFirstLine();
03059     TextLine* pLine = pFirstLine;
03061     if (pFirstLine != NULL)
03062     {
03063         // Scan all the lines looking for a caret node
03064         while (pLine != NULL)
03065         {
03066             // Does the line have a caret?
03067             if (pLine->FindCaret() != NULL)
03068                 return TRUE;
03070             // Get next line
03071             pLine = pLine->FindNextLine();
03072         }
03074         // No caret in the text story, so lets stick one in the first line
03075         // just before the first visible text node
03076         VisibleTextNode* pVTN = pFirstLine->FindFirstVTN();
03077         if (pVTN != NULL)
03078         {
03079             CaretNode* pCaret = new CaretNode(pVTN,PREV);
03080             if (pCaret != NULL)
03081                 return TRUE;
03082         }
03083     }
03085     return FALSE;
03086 }

BOOL TextStory::ExpandImportedStrings  )  [protected]

Expands any strings that were imported into a series of text characters.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pImportedString = ptr to the imported string object [INPUTS]
When text strings are imported from the v2 file format, the first char in the string gets inserted into the tree, which marks the position of the begining of the string.

The whole string is then saved (in an ImportedString object), along with the inserted text char node, until post-import.

Post-import then inserts text chars for the rest of the string next to the first text char of the string, copying child attrs from the first char to each of the string's remaining chars, to ensure that they look correct.

Why do this on post import? Why not do it when you get a string record from the file?

Well, at the point that the string record is read, we don't know what child attrs will be applied to it, because, if there are any child attrs, they will appear later in the file.

There are a number of ways to do it, but they all involve doing something to the string after* you know that the child attrs have been read in.

Post-import was considered a good place because the necessary processing can be done before the story is formatted, it doesn't assume anything about the order of records in the file format, and it was a Tuesday.

Definition at line 4640 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04641 {
04642     // If the list is empty, get out of here, now!
04643     if (pImportedStringList == NULL)
04644         return TRUE;
04646     BOOL ok = TRUE;
04648     // Expand each string in the list
04649     ImportedString* pImportedString = pImportedStringList->GetHead();
04650     while (ok && pImportedString != NULL)
04651     {
04652         // get the char node, and a copy of the original record
04653         TextChar* pChar = pImportedString->GetFirstChar();
04654         CXaraFileRecord* pRecord = pImportedString->GetRecord();
04656         if (pChar != NULL && pRecord != NULL)
04657         {
04658             WCHAR wChar;
04660             // The first char is read and discarded because pChar contains the char.
04661             ok = pRecord->ReadWCHAR(&wChar);
04663             // Find out the size of the record (and hence the num chars in the string)
04664             // Num chars = Size/2 (Unicode - double byte chars)
04665             UINT32 Size = pRecord->GetSize();
04667             // We only iterate until Size <=2, because we have read and discarded the first
04668             // char in the string.
04669             for (;ok && Size > 2;Size-=2)
04670             {
04671                 // Read the next char code
04672                 ok = pRecord->ReadWCHAR(&wChar);
04674                 TextChar* pNewChar = NULL;
04676                 if (ok) pNewChar = new TextChar();              // Create a new TextChar
04677                 if (ok) ok = (pNewChar != NULL);                //
04678                 if (ok) pNewChar->SetUnicodeValue(wChar);       // Set the char's code
04679                 if (ok) pNewChar->AttachNode(pChar,NEXT);       // Attach it next to the last inserted char
04680                 if (ok) ok = pChar->CopyChildAttrs(pNewChar);   // Make sure it looks the same as the last char
04681                 if (ok) pChar = pNewChar;                       // pNewChar now becomes the last char inserted
04682             }
04683         }
04685         // Get the next imported string
04686         pImportedString = pImportedStringList->GetNext(pImportedString);
04687     }
04689     // After expanding the strings, throw them away, and throw the list away too.
04690     pImportedStringList->DeleteAll();
04691     delete pImportedStringList;
04692     pImportedStringList = NULL;
04694     return ok;
04695 }

BOOL TextStory::ExportRender RenderRegion pRegion  )  [virtual]

This function is called when the render function passes through this node It outputs the Text Object start and end tokens.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pRegion - points to the export render region [INPUTS]
TRUE if rendered OK (FALSE=>use normal rendering)

Reimplemented from NodeRenderableInk.

Definition at line 3001 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03002 {
03003 #if EXPORT_TEXT
03004     // (ChrisG 8/11/00) - Reset the 'exporting text as shapes' flag, so that it's valid for 
03005     //  the next text story - also don't export the 'end of text object' data if we aren't 
03006     //  exporting a text object.
03007     BOOL endTextObject = TRUE;
03009     if (pRegion->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AIEPSRenderRegion)))
03010     {
03011         if (((AIEPSRenderRegion*) pRegion)->GetTextAsShapes () == TRUE)
03012         {
03013             endTextObject = FALSE;
03014         }
03015         ((AIEPSRenderRegion*) pRegion)->SetTextAsShapes (FALSE);
03016     }
03018     // don't export the 'end text object' if we shouldn't
03019     if (pRegion->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(EPSRenderRegion)) && (endTextObject))
03020     {
03021         // Output "End text object" token
03022         EPSExportDC *pDC = (EPSExportDC *) pRegion->GetRenderDC();
03023         pDC->OutputToken(_T("TO"));
03024         pDC->OutputNewLine();
03026         // output token if text is wrapped
03027         if (pRegion->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NativeRenderRegion)))
03028         {
03029             if (WillStoryWrapOnPath())
03030             {
03031                 pDC->OutputValue((INT32)EOTAG_TEXTWRAPPED);
03032                 pDC->OutputToken(_T("cso"));
03033                 pDC->OutputNewLine();
03034                 pDC->OutputToken(_T("ceo"));
03035                 pDC->OutputNewLine();
03036             }
03037         }
03038         return TRUE;
03039     }
03040 #endif
03041     return FALSE;   
03042 }

void TextStory::Extend const ExtendParams ExtParams  )  [virtual]

Perform an Extend operation on this text-story. See also: Extender class.

Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
ExtParams parameters describing the extension. [INPUTS]

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 5249 of file nodetxts.cpp.

05250 {
05251     // if we lie on a curve, we must extend that curve, together with our attributes,
05252     // otherwise we must extend ourself, then extend our children.
05253     NodePath* pnPath = GetTextPath();
05254     if (pnPath == NULL)
05255     {
05256         // do the extension operations on ourself.
05257         // text stories never stretch, they just translate.
05258         TransformTranslateNoStretchObject(ExtParams);
05259         TransformTranslateObject(ExtParams);
05261         // do the base-class implementation to extend our children.
05262         Node::Extend(ExtParams);
05263     }
05264     else
05265     {
05266         // extend our path.
05267         pnPath->Extend(ExtParams);
05269         // extend our attributes.
05270         for (   Node* pChildNode = FindFirstChild();
05271                 pChildNode != NULL;
05272                 pChildNode = pChildNode->FindNext() )
05273         {
05274             if (pChildNode->IsAnAttribute())
05275                 pChildNode->Extend(ExtParams);
05276         }
05277     }
05278 }

DocCoord TextStory::FindExtendCentre  )  [virtual]

Find the extend-centre reference point. See also: Extender class.

Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
The centre-point which the extender routines use to determine whether an extension is valid, and in which detection it should occur.

Reimplemented from NodeRenderableBounded.

Definition at line 5294 of file nodetxts.cpp.

05295 {
05296     DocRect rectNode = GetBoundingRect();
05297     DocCoord doccCentre = rectNode.Centre();
05298     switch ( FindJustification() )
05299     {
05300     case JCENTRE:
05301     case JFULL:
05302         // do nothing - the centre of the rectangle is required.
05303         break;
05305     case JRIGHT:
05306         doccCentre.x = rectNode.hi.x;
05307         break;
05309     case JLEFT:
05310     default:
05311         doccCentre.x = rectNode.lo.x;
05312         break;
05313     }
05315     return doccCentre;
05316 }

TextLine * TextStory::FindFirstLine  )  const

This function should be used to obtain a pointer to the TextStory's first TextLine node.

Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
A pointer to the TextStory's first line

Definition at line 1947 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01948 {
01949     return (TextLine*)FindFirstChild(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(TextLine));
01950 }

VisibleTextNode * TextStory::FindFirstVTN  )  const

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
A pointer to the first VisibleTextNode in the story. NULL if error

Definition at line 3377 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03378 {
03379     TextLine* pFirstLine = this->FindFirstLine();
03380     ERROR2IF(pFirstLine==NULL,NULL,"TextStory::FindFirstVisibleTextNode() - No TextLine in the TextStory");
03381     return pFirstLine->FindFirstVTN();
03382 }

Justification TextStory::FindJustification  ) 

Used in conjunction with Extend() and its sister functions to determine which way a text-story should extend. If you use this function for another purpose, read it and make sure it does what you think it should do first. Notes: Be aware that this function uses IsKindOf() to test this node's children within the tree. See also: Extender class.

Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
The Justification of this text-story.

Definition at line 5335 of file nodetxts.cpp.

05336 {
05337     // first, search for a text-justify attribute underneath this TextStory in the tree.
05338     Node* pNode = FindFirstDepthFirst();
05339     while (pNode != NULL && !pNode->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtJustification)))
05340         pNode = pNode->FindNextDepthFirst(this);
05342     // if we didn't find one, then find the attribute currently applied to pTextStory.
05343     BOOL bFoundAttr = FALSE;
05344     AttrTxtJustification* pAttrJustify = NULL;
05345     if (pNode != NULL)
05346     {
05347         pAttrJustify = (AttrTxtJustification*)pNode;
05348         bFoundAttr = TRUE;
05349     }
05350     else
05351         bFoundAttr = FindAppliedAttribute(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtJustification), (NodeAttribute**)&pAttrJustify);
05353     // if we retrieved an attribute, get its value.
05354     // if we have no luck, we'll just use JLEFT as the default.
05355     Justification justify = JLEFT;
05356     if (bFoundAttr)
05357     {
05358         TxtJustificationAttribute* textJustAttr = (TxtJustificationAttribute*)pAttrJustify->GetAttributeValue();
05359         if (textJustAttr != NULL)
05360             justify = textJustAttr->justification;
05361     }
05363     return justify;
05364 }

TextLine * TextStory::FindLastLine  )  const

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
ptr to last TextLine in story

Definition at line 1960 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01961 {
01962     return (TextLine*)FindLastChild(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(TextLine));
01963 }

VisibleTextNode * TextStory::FindLastVTN  )  const

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
A pointer to the last VisibleTextNode in the story. NULL if error

Definition at line 3392 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03393 {
03394     TextLine* pLastLine = this->FindLastLine();
03395     ERROR2IF(pLastLine==NULL,NULL,"TextStory::FindLastVTN() - story has no lines!");
03396     return pLastLine->FindLastVTN();
03397 }

BOOL TextStory::FormatAndChildren UndoableOperation pUndoOp = NULL,
BOOL  UseNodeFlags = FALSE,
BOOL  WordWrap = TRUE

Reformat a text story.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pUndoOp - pointer to undoable op (NULL if not undoable) [INPUTS] UseNodeFlags - TRUE => use each node's ModifiedByOpflags to determine what has changed FALSE => assume the whole story has changed WordWrap - indicates if wordwrapping should be undertaken (FALSE for undo/redo as history will restore previous wrap state or stories on clipboard, where they should be unwrapped or when non-undoably affecting the tree in the doc)
FALSE if fails

Definition at line 2680 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02681 {
02683     // if whole story is affected, just flag all children as 'ModifiedByOp'
02684     if (UseNodeFlags==FALSE)
02685         FlagNodeAndDescendantsModifiedByOpAndParentsHaveDescendantModifiedByOp();
02687     // if DOing the format (as opposed to undo/redo)
02688     // ensure all lines in paragraphs have same line level attrs as first line
02689     // flagging any changed lines as modified, before metrics are recached
02690     if (WordWrap)
02691     {
02692         Validate(FALSE);
02693         TextLine* pLine = this->FindFirstLine();
02694         while (pLine!=NULL)
02695         {
02696             if (pLine->FindEOLNode()==NULL)
02697                 if (!pLine->EnsureNextLineOfParagraphHasSameLineLevelAttrs(pUndoOp))
02698                     return FALSE;
02699             pLine = pLine->FindNextLine();
02700         }
02701     }
02703     // recache metrics in any nodes in story 'ModifiedByOp'
02704     // Karim 02/03/2000 - braces added because this FormatRegion needs to go out of scope
02705     // *before* people start localising attributes in one of the fn's called later on.
02706     {
02707         FormatRegion FormattingRegion;
02708         if (FormattingRegion.Init(this)==FALSE)
02709             return FALSE;
02710         ReCacheNodeAndDescendantsMetrics(&FormattingRegion);
02711     }
02713     // if text on path, get untransfomed (reversed) copy and associated information
02714     TextStoryInfo StoryInfo;
02715     StoryInfo.pUndoOp  = pUndoOp;
02716     StoryInfo.WordWrap = WordWrap;
02717     if (GetTextPath()!=NULL)
02718     {
02719         if (CreateUntransformedPath(&StoryInfo)==FALSE)
02720             return FALSE;
02721     }
02723     // determine the story's width, and if it is word wrapping or not
02724     if (StoryInfo.pPath==NULL)
02725         StoryInfo.StoryWidth = GetStoryWidth();     // 0 if text at point
02726     else
02727     {
02728         StoryInfo.StoryWidth = StoryInfo.PathLength;
02729         if (IsWordWrapping())
02730             // we might just as well store the logical width in the story as well
02731             // (for the benefit of displaying it on the ruler)
02732             StoryWidth = StoryInfo.PathLength - StoryInfo.LeftPathIndent - StoryInfo.RightPathIndent;
02733     }
02734     StoryInfo.WordWrapping = IsWordWrapping();
02736     // format each line in story
02737     TextLine* pLine = this->FindFirstLine();
02738     while (pLine!=NULL)
02739     {
02740         if (pLine->Format(&StoryInfo)==FALSE)
02741             return FALSE;
02742         pLine = pLine->FindNextLine();
02743     }
02745     // delete the untransformed copy of the path if there was one
02746     if (StoryInfo.pPath!=NULL)
02747         delete StoryInfo.pPath;
02749     // ensure the caret is in the correct place
02750     CaretNode* pCaret=GetCaret();
02751     ERROR2IF(pCaret==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::Format() - pCaret==NULL");
02752     if (pCaret->HasMoved()==FALSE)
02753         return FALSE;
02755     // update the redraw rect to encompass all the affected nodes
02756     UnionNodeAndDescendantsOldAndNewBounds(&RedrawRect);
02758     // clear all the flags in the story
02759     ClearNodeAndDescendantsFlags();
02761     Validate();
02762 #endif
02763     return TRUE;
02764 }

DocRect TextStory::GetBlobBoundingRect  )  [virtual]

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
The rectangle of the document covered by the blobs of this text story

Reimplemented from NodeRenderable.

Definition at line 2023 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02024 {
02025     // get the bounds of the  test story's blob
02026     INT32     BlobSize=0;
02027     DocCoord BlobPos=GetBlobPosAndSize(&BlobSize);
02028     DocRect  BlobBounds(BlobPos,BlobPos);
02030     BlobBounds.Inflate(BlobSize/2);
02032     IncludeChildrensBoundingRects(&BlobBounds);
02033     return BlobBounds;
02034 }

DocCoord TextStory::GetBlobPosAndSize INT32 *  pSize = NULL  ) 

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pSize - size of a blob if required [OUTPUTS]
coord to position blob

Definition at line 2046 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02047 {
02048 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
02049     // Get the bounds of the text story
02050     DocRect StoryBounds=GetBoundingRect();
02052     // get the size of a blob
02053     INT32 BlobSize=0;
02054     BlobManager* pBlobMgr=GetApplication()->GetBlobManager();
02055     if (pBlobMgr)
02056         BlobSize=pBlobMgr->GetBlobSize();
02057     else
02058         ERROR3("TextStory::GetObjectBlobPos() - GetBlobManager() returned NULL");
02060     if (pSize) *pSize=BlobSize;
02061     return DocCoord( StoryBounds.lo.x-BlobSize/2, StoryBounds.hi.y+BlobSize/2 );
02062 #else
02063     return DocCoord(0,0);
02064 #endif
02065 }       

CaretNode * TextStory::GetCaret  ) 

Returns a pointer to the caret node of this TextStory, NULL will be returned if there is no Caret.

Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
A pointer to the TextStory's caret node, or NULL

Definition at line 1414 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01415 {
01416     // if there's a caret pointer in the cache then use it
01417     if (CachedCaret)
01418         return CachedCaret;
01420     // otherwise find the thing inside the story
01421     Node* pNode=FindFirstDepthFirst();
01422     while (pNode != NULL)
01423     {
01424         if (IS_A(pNode,CaretNode))
01425             break;
01426         pNode=pNode->FindNextDepthFirst(this);
01427     }
01429     // if we can't find the thing its trouble!
01430     ERROR2IF(pNode==NULL,NULL,"TextStory::GetCaret() - could not find caret!");
01432     CachedCaret = (CaretNode*)pNode;    
01433     return CachedCaret;
01434 }

BOOL TextStory::GetCharacterAtPoint BOOL  InBounds,
DocCoord  Point,
VisibleTextNode **  pHitChar,
BOOL *  ToLeft

Given a location works out the nearest character to that location.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
InBounds - if TRUE then Point must be within the bounds of the story to find [INPUTS] a character Point - the location in question
pHitChar - the character the point is near, NULL if there isn't a character [OUTPUTS] ToLeft - true if the point is to the left of the character, FALSE if to the right
TRUE for success, FALSE if an error occured

Definition at line 4309 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04310 {
04311     ERROR3IF(GetTextPath()!=NULL, "GetCharacterAtPoint : Results are unpredictable for stories on a path");
04313     // Get inital pointers, checking them
04314     ERROR2IF(pHitChar==NULL || ToLeft==NULL, FALSE, "NULL output param");
04315     CaretNode* pCaret = GetCaret();
04316     ERROR2IF(pCaret == NULL, FALSE, "Story has no caret");
04317     TextLine* pFirstLine = FindFirstLine();
04318     TextLine* pLastLine = FindLastLine();
04319     ERROR2IF((pFirstLine==NULL || pLastLine==NULL), FALSE, "Story has no text lines");
04321     // Set outputs to defaults
04322     *pHitChar = NULL;
04323     *ToLeft = FALSE;
04325     // Untransform the point via the story matrix
04326     DocCoord UTPoint = Point;
04327     Matrix StoryMat = GetStoryMatrix();
04328     StoryMat=StoryMat.Inverse();
04329     StoryMat.transform(&UTPoint);
04331     // Check to see wether the point is within the untransformed bounds of the story
04332     if (InBounds)
04333     {
04334         DocRect UTStoryBounds = GetUTStoryBounds();
04335         if (!UTStoryBounds.ContainsCoord(UTPoint))
04336         {
04337             *pHitChar = NULL;
04338             *ToLeft = FALSE;
04339             return TRUE;
04340         }
04341     }
04343     // See if the point is above the first line
04344     INT32 HighestPointFound = INT32_MIN;
04345     INT32 LowestPointFound = INT32_MAX;
04346     TextLine* HighestLine = NULL;
04347     TextLine* LowestLine = NULL;
04349     // Scan through the lines to see if one contains the point
04350     INT32 PrevHigh = pFirstLine->GetPosInStory() + pFirstLine->GetLineAscent();
04351     INT32 PrevLow = pFirstLine->GetPosInStory() + pFirstLine->GetLineDescent();
04352     TextLine* pLine = pFirstLine;
04353     while (pLine != NULL)
04354     {
04355         INT32 HighestPoint = pLine->GetPosInStory() + pLine->GetLineAscent();
04356         INT32 LowestPoint = pLine->GetPosInStory() + pLine->GetLineDescent();
04358         // Update the highest and lowest known points in the story
04359         if (HighestPointFound < HighestPoint)
04360         {
04361             HighestPointFound = HighestPoint;
04362             HighestLine = pLine;
04363         }
04364         if (LowestPointFound > LowestPoint)
04365         {
04366             LowestPointFound = LowestPoint;
04367             LowestLine = pLine;
04368         }
04370         // Get the bounds of the current and previous lines
04371         INT32 Highest = max( PrevHigh, max( PrevLow, max( HighestPoint, LowestPoint ) ) );
04372         INT32 Lowest  = min( PrevHigh, min( PrevLow, min( HighestPoint, LowestPoint ) ) );
04374         if ((UTPoint.y <= Highest) && (UTPoint.y >= Lowest))
04375             break;
04377         PrevHigh = HighestPoint;
04378         PrevLow = LowestPoint;
04379         pLine = pLine->FindNextLine();
04380     }
04382     // If pLine is NULL then the point is above/below the story
04383     if (pLine == NULL)
04384     {
04385         if (UTPoint.y >= HighestPointFound)
04386             pLine = HighestLine;
04387         if (UTPoint.y <= LowestPointFound)
04388             pLine = LowestLine;
04389     }
04390     ERROR2IF(pLine == NULL, FALSE, "Didn't find a line");
04392     // Find a character on the line
04393     BOOL ToLeftPosChar = TRUE;
04394     VisibleTextNode* pPointerChar = pLine->FindCharAtDistAlongLine(UTPoint.x, &ToLeftPosChar);
04395     if (pPointerChar->IsAnEOLNode())
04396         ToLeftPosChar = FALSE;
04397     if (pPointerChar->IsACaret())
04398     {
04399         if (pPointerChar->FindNextVTNInLine()!=NULL)
04400             pPointerChar = pPointerChar->FindNextVTNInLine();
04401         else
04402             pPointerChar = pPointerChar->FindPrevVTNInLine();
04403     }
04405    *pHitChar = pPointerChar;
04406    *ToLeft = ToLeftPosChar;
04408    return TRUE;
04409 }

FIXED16 TextStory::GetCharsAspect  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 418 of file nodetxts.h.

00418 { return CharsAspect; }

ANGLE TextStory::GetCharsRotation  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 419 of file nodetxts.h.

00419 { return CharsRotation; }

FIXED16 TextStory::GetCharsScale  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 417 of file nodetxts.h.

00417 { return CharsScale; }

ANGLE TextStory::GetCharsShear  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 420 of file nodetxts.h.

00420 { return CharsShear; }

void TextStory::GetDebugDetails StringBase Str  )  [virtual]

For obtaining debug information about the Node. This fn can be deleted before we ship.

Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
Str,: String giving debug info about the node [OUTPUTS]

Reimplemented from NodeRenderableBounded.

Definition at line 1326 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01327 {
01328 #if DEBUG_TREE
01330     BaseTextClass::GetDebugDetails(Str);
01332     String_256          TempStr;
01333     String_256          TempStr2;
01334     TCHAR               floatStr[20];
01336     (*Str) += TEXT( "\r\nText story Data Dump\r\n" );
01338     fixed16 abcd[4];
01339     INT32   ef[2];
01340     StoryMatrix.GetComponents(abcd, ef);
01342     TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\r\nMatrix\r\n"));  
01343     (*Str) += TempStr;
01344     camSnprintf( floatStr, 20, _T("%f,%f"), abcd[0].MakeDouble(), abcd[1].MakeDouble() );
01345     TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("a, b :\t#1%s\r\n"), floatStr);
01346     (*Str) += TempStr;
01347     camSnprintf( floatStr, 20, _T("%f,%f"), abcd[2].MakeDouble(), abcd[3].MakeDouble() );
01348     TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("c, d :\t#1%s\r\n"), floatStr);
01349     (*Str) += TempStr;
01350     TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("e, f :\t#1%ld,\t#2%ld\r\n"), ef[0], ef[1]);
01351     (*Str) += TempStr;
01353     TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\r\nIndents")); 
01354     (*Str) += TempStr;
01355     TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tLeft\t#1%ld\r\n"), GetLeftIndent());
01356     (*Str) += TempStr;
01357     TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tRight\t#1%ld\r\n"), GetRightIndent());
01358     (*Str) += TempStr;
01359     TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tStory Width\t#1%ld\r\n"), GetStoryWidth());
01360     (*Str) += TempStr;
01362     TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\r\nFlags"));   
01363     (*Str) += TempStr;
01364     if (IsTextOnPathReversed())
01365         TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tText on path is reversed\r\n"));  
01366     else
01367         TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tText on path is NOT reversed\r\n"));  
01368     (*Str) += TempStr;
01369     if (IsTextOnPathTangential())
01370         TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tText on path is tangential\r\n"));    
01371     else
01372         TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tText on path is NOT tangential\r\n"));    
01373     (*Str) += TempStr;
01374     if (IsPrintingAsShapes())
01375         TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tText is printing as shapes\r\n"));    
01376     else
01377         TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tText is NOT printing as shapes\r\n"));    
01378     (*Str) += TempStr;
01379     if (IsWordWrapping())
01380         TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tText is word wrapping\r\n"));
01381     else
01382         TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tText is NOT word wrapping\r\n"));
01383     (*Str) += TempStr;
01384     if (IsAutoKerning())
01385         TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tText is auto kerned\r\n"));
01386     else
01387         TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tText is NOT auto kerned\r\n"));
01388     (*Str) += TempStr;
01390     TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tCharsScale = #1%ld\r\n"), CharsScale.GetRawLong() );
01391     (*Str) += TempStr;
01392     TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tCharsAspect = #1%ld\r\n"), CharsAspect.GetRawLong() );
01393     (*Str) += TempStr;
01394     TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tCharsRotation = #1%ld\r\n"), CharsRotation.GetRawLong() );
01395     (*Str) += TempStr;
01396     TempStr._MakeMsg( TEXT("\tCharsShear = #1%ld\r\n"), CharsShear.GetRawLong() );
01397     (*Str) += TempStr;
01400 #endif
01401 }

TextStory * TextStory::GetFocusStory  )  [static]

This function should be used to get a pointer to the TextStory with the input focus. There can be only one such story with an active caret at any time, although there does not have to aways be one (in this case NULL is returned).

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
Pointer to the TextStory with the active caret (can be NULL).

Definition at line 1892 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01893 {
01894     return pFocusStory;
01895 }

BaseShiftEnum TextStory::GetImportBaseShift  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 404 of file nodetxts.h.

00404 { return ImportBaseShift; }

MILLIPOINT TextStory::GetImportFormatWidth  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 403 of file nodetxts.h.

00403 { return ImportFormatWidth; }

MILLIPOINT TextStory::GetLeftIndent  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 431 of file nodetxts.h.

00431 {return mLeftIndent;} 

DocCoord TextStory::GetLeftIndentPos  )  const

Gets the position in the document of the left indent of this story.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
The position of this stories path left indent

Definition at line 4420 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04421 {
04422     ERROR3IF(GetTextPath() == NULL, "Story not on a path, LeftIndent unused");
04424     if (GetTextPath() != NULL)
04425     {
04426         if (IsTextOnPathReversed())
04427         {
04428             INT32 TotalPathLength = (INT32)GetTextPath()->InkPath.GetPathLength();
04429             return GetPathBlobPos(TotalPathLength-GetLeftIndent(), GetTextPath());
04430         }
04431         else
04432             return GetPathBlobPos(GetLeftIndent(), GetTextPath());
04433     }
04436     else
04437         return DocCoord(0,0);
04438 }

VisibleTextNode * TextStory::GetNextWordChar VisibleTextNode pStartChar  ) 

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pStartChar - char to move from (usually the caret) [INPUTS]
ptr to first char in next word, or EOL or char after EOL

Definition at line 2177 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02178 {
02179     ERROR2IF(pStartChar==NULL,NULL,"TextStory::GetNextWordChar() - pStartChar==NULL");
02180     VisibleTextNode* pVTN = pStartChar;
02182     // skip the caret so we always start on a char
02183     if (pStartChar->IsACaret())
02184     {
02185         pVTN = pVTN->FindNextVTNInStory();
02186         ERROR2IF(pVTN==NULL,NULL,"TextStory::GetNextWordChar() - no VTN after caret");
02187     }
02189     // skips chars until space found, then return pointer to first non-space
02190     // also return ptr to EOL and char immediately after EOL
02191     BOOL SpaceFound = FALSE;
02192     while (1)
02193     {
02194         VisibleTextNode* pNextVTN = pVTN->FindNextVTNInStory();
02196         // if this is an EOL return pointer to next char if not at end of story
02197         if (pVTN->IsAnEOLNode())
02198         {
02199             if (pNextVTN!=NULL)
02200                 return pNextVTN;
02201             else
02202                 return pVTN;
02203         }
02205         // if next char is an EOL return pointer to it
02206         ERROR2IF(pNextVTN==NULL,NULL,"TextStory::GetNextWordChar() - story deos not end in EOL");
02207         if (pNextVTN->IsAnEOLNode())
02208             return pNextVTN;
02210         // if char a space, flag it,
02211         // else non-space and if space found, return ptr to non-space
02212         if (pVTN->IsAVisibleSpace())
02213             SpaceFound = TRUE;
02214         else if (SpaceFound)
02215             return pVTN;
02217         pVTN = pNextVTN;
02218     }
02219 }

TCHAR * TextStory::GetNodeInfo Node pNode  ) 

return string with CC_RUNTIME_CLASS name of node and address

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pNode - [INPUTS]

Definition at line 5042 of file nodetxts.cpp.

05043 {
05044     static TCHAR pDesc[256];
05045     if (pNode!=NULL)
05046         camSnprintf( pDesc, 256, _T("%s @ 0x%p\0"), pNode->GetRuntimeClass()->GetClassName(), pNode );
05047     else
05048         camSnprintf( pDesc, 256, _T("\0") );
05049     return pDesc;
05050 }

UINT32 TextStory::GetNodeSize  )  const [virtual]

For finding the size of the node.

Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
The size of the node in bytes

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 1237 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01238 {
01239     return (sizeof(TextStory));
01240 }

DocCoord TextStory::GetPathBlobPos MILLIPOINT  IndentLength,
NodePath pPath

Gets the location of the of a point a certian distance along the path. This function is static so others, eg the drag op, can call it and it's scary math.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
IndentLength - the indent length [INPUTS] pPath - pointer to the path
The position of a point along the path

Definition at line 4287 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04288 {
04289     DocCoord Result(0,0);
04290     pPath->InkPath.GetPointAtDistance(IndentLength, &Result);
04291     return Result;
04292 }

VisibleTextNode * TextStory::GetPrevWordChar VisibleTextNode pStartChar  ) 

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pStartChar - char to move from (usually the caret) [INPUTS]
ptr to first char in previous word, or char after EOL or EOL

Definition at line 2131 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02132 {
02133     ERROR2IF(pStartChar==NULL,NULL,"TextStory::GetPrevWordChar() - pStartChar==NULL");
02135     // skips chars until non-space found, then return ptr to last non-space before space
02136     // also return ptr to char immediately after EOL and EOL
02137     BOOL NonSpaceFound = FALSE;
02138     VisibleTextNode* pVTN = pStartChar;
02139     while (1)
02140     {
02141         VisibleTextNode* pPrevVTN = pVTN->FindPrevVTNInStory();
02143         // if at start of story, return ptr to first VTN
02144         if (pPrevVTN==NULL)
02145             return pVTN;
02147         // if EOL found, if we've moved, return ptr to char after EOL, else return EOL
02148         if (pPrevVTN->IsAnEOLNode())
02149         {
02150             if (pVTN!=pStartChar)
02151                 return pVTN;
02152             else
02153                 return pPrevVTN;
02154         }
02156         // if prev char not a space, flag this,
02157         // else prev char a space and if non-space found, return ptr to this char
02158         if (!pPrevVTN->IsAVisibleSpace())
02159             NonSpaceFound = TRUE;
02160         else if (NonSpaceFound)
02161             return pVTN;
02163         pVTN = pPrevVTN;
02164     }
02165 }

Matrix* TextStory::GetpStoryMatrix  )  [inline]

Definition at line 392 of file nodetxts.h.

00392 { return &StoryMatrix; }

const Matrix* TextStory::GetpStoryMatrix  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 391 of file nodetxts.h.

00391 { return &StoryMatrix; }

DocRect TextStory::GetRedrawRect  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 396 of file nodetxts.h.

00396 { return RedrawRect; }

MILLIPOINT TextStory::GetRightIndent  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 432 of file nodetxts.h.

00432 {return mRightIndent;} 

DocCoord TextStory::GetRightIndentPos  )  const

Gets the position in the document of the right indent of this story. Remember that the right inrent is relative to the RHS of the path.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
The position of this stories right indent

Definition at line 4451 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04452 {
04453     ERROR3IF(GetTextPath() == NULL, "Story not on a path, RightIndent unused");
04455     if (GetTextPath() != NULL)
04456     {
04457         if (IsTextOnPathReversed())
04458         {
04459             return GetPathBlobPos(GetRightIndent(), GetTextPath());
04460         }
04461         else
04462         {
04463             INT32 TotalPathLength = (INT32)GetTextPath()->InkPath.GetPathLength();
04464             return GetPathBlobPos(TotalPathLength-GetRightIndent(), GetTextPath());
04465         }
04466     }
04467     else
04468         return DocCoord(0,0);
04469 }

VisibleTextNode * TextStory::GetSelectionEnd BOOL *  pDirection = NULL  ) 

This function should be called to find what character nodes are selected. The return value is a pointer to the last selected node, at the other end of the selected characters from the anchor (which is the caret). NULL will be returned if there is no selection.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pDirection - Pointer to a BOOL that is filled in with the direction of the selection [INPUTS]
FALSE if the the selection end if to the left of the Anchor. [OUTPUTS] TRUE if the the selection end if to the right of the Anchor.
Pointer to the last selected node in the text selection (at the other end from the caret)

Definition at line 2627 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02628 {
02629     CaretNode* pCaret = GetCaret();
02630     ERROR2IF(pCaret==NULL, NULL, "Story has no caret");
02631     VisibleTextNode* pNextChar = NULL;
02633     // Get the direction of the selection
02634     BOOL Forward = TRUE;
02635     pNextChar = pCaret->FindPrevVTNInStory();
02636     if ((pNextChar != NULL) && pNextChar->IsSelected())
02637         Forward = FALSE;
02638     if (pDirection != NULL)
02639         *pDirection = Forward;
02641     // Loop to the end of the selection
02642     VisibleTextNode* pResult = NULL;
02643     if (Forward)
02644         pNextChar = pCaret->FindNextVTNInStory();
02645     else
02646         pNextChar = pCaret->FindPrevVTNInStory();
02647     while ((pNextChar != NULL) && pNextChar->IsSelected())
02648     {
02649         pResult = pNextChar;
02650         if (Forward)
02651             pNextChar = pNextChar->FindNextVTNInStory();
02652         else
02653             pNextChar = pNextChar->FindPrevVTNInStory();
02654     }
02656     if (pResult == pCaret)
02657         pResult = NULL;
02659     return pResult;
02660 }

String_256 TextStory::GetStoryAsString  ) 

Definition at line 5366 of file nodetxts.cpp.

05367 {
05368     String_256 Content = "";
05369     String_256 AddTemplate = "x";
05370     Node * pTextLine = FindFirstChild(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(TextLine));
05372     INT32 StringMaxSize = 255;
05374     while (pTextLine && StringMaxSize > 0)
05375     {
05376         Node * pChar = pTextLine->FindFirstChild(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(TextChar));
05378         while (pChar && StringMaxSize > 0)
05379         {
05380             *AddTemplate = (TCHAR) (((TextChar *)pChar)->GetUnicodeValue());
05381             Content += AddTemplate;
05383             StringMaxSize--;
05385             pChar = pChar->FindNext(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(TextChar));
05386         }
05388         pTextLine = pTextLine->FindNext(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(TextLine));
05390         if (pTextLine)
05391         {
05392             Content += _T("\n");
05393             StringMaxSize -=2;
05394         }
05396     }
05398     return Content;
05399 }

Matrix TextStory::GetStoryMatrix  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 393 of file nodetxts.h.

00393 { return  StoryMatrix; }

MILLIPOINT TextStory::GetStoryWidth  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 400 of file nodetxts.h.

00400 { return StoryWidth; }

NodePath * TextStory::GetTextPath  )  const

This function should be used to get a pointer to the path the text is on. NULL is returned if there is no text path.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
A pointer to the path or NULL if none

Definition at line 1932 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01933 {
01934     return (NodePath*)FindFirstChild(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodePath));
01935 }

DocRect TextStory::GetUTStoryBounds  ) 

The bounding box of the story in it's untransformed space.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
The untransformed bounds of the story

Definition at line 5139 of file nodetxts.cpp.

05140 {
05141     // Get pointers to first and last lines in story
05142     TextLine* pFirstLine = FindFirstLine();
05143     TextLine* pLastLine = FindLastLine();
05144     ERROR3IF((pFirstLine==NULL || pLastLine==NULL), "Story has no text lines");
05146     if (pFirstLine!=NULL && pLastLine!=NULL)
05147     {
05148         // Get the width of the widest line in the story
05149         MILLIPOINT WidestLineWidth = 0;
05150         TextLine* pLine = pFirstLine;
05151         while (pLine != NULL)
05152         {
05153             VisibleTextNode* pLastVTN = pLine->FindLastVTN();
05155             if (pLastVTN!=NULL)
05156             {
05157                 const MILLIPOINT Dist = pLastVTN->CalcCharDistAlongLine(TRUE);
05159                 if (Dist > WidestLineWidth)
05160                     WidestLineWidth = Dist;
05161             }
05163             pLine = (TextLine*)pLine->FindNext(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(TextLine));
05164         }
05166         INT32 LowY = pLastLine->GetPosInStory() + pLastLine->GetLineDescent();
05167         INT32 HighY = -pFirstLine->GetLineAscent();
05169         return DocRect( 0,  // Err, this only works for left justified stories!
05170                         (LowY < HighY) ? LowY : HighY,
05171                         WidestLineWidth,
05172                         (LowY < HighY) ? HighY : LowY);
05173     }
05174     else
05175         return DocRect(0,0,0,0);
05176 }

BOOL TextStory::HidingNode  )  [virtual]

Called when this TextStory is hidden - Clears the input focus from this TextStory if it currently has it, then calls the parent class.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
Can update pFocusStory if it points to this TextStory [OUTPUTS]
The base class result

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 2079 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02080 {
02081     // Clear the focus
02082     if (GetFocusStory() == this)
02083     {
02084         SetFocusStory(NULL);
02085     }
02087     // Call the parent for it's processing
02088     return BaseTextClass::HidingNode();
02089 }

BOOL TextStory::ImportFix_MoveScaleToAttrs  ) 

Move the scale from the story's matrix down to its attributes (ie fix up docs which were created with partly developed by code!).

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
FALSE if fails

Definition at line 3219 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03220 {
03221     BOOL ok=TRUE;
03222     // remove scale from story matrix
03223     // Localise
03224     // for attrs on story/line/chars if txtattr and fontsize/linespace/baseline, scale
03225     // FactorOut
03226     return ok;
03227 }

void TextStory::Init void   ) 

Initialies the member variables of the TextStory.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
Set member variables to default values. [OUTPUTS]

Reimplemented from BaseTextClass.

Definition at line 1090 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01091 {
01092     StoryMatrix = Matrix();
01093     RedrawRect  = DocRect(0,0,0,0);
01095     StoryWidth      = 0;
01096     mLeftIndent     = 0;
01097     mRightIndent    = 0;
01098     CachedCaret     = NULL;
01100     TextOnPathReversed   = FALSE;
01101     TextOnPathTangential = TRUE;
01102     PrintAsShapes        = FALSE;
01103     WordWrapping         = FALSE;
01104     BeingCopied          = FALSE;
01106     ImportFormatWidth = 0;
01107     ImportBaseShift   = AlignBaseline;
01109     CharsScale    = 1;
01110     CharsAspect   = 1;
01111     CharsRotation = 0;
01112     CharsShear    = 0;
01114     pImportedStringList  = NULL;    // Used when importing strings in the v2 file format
01116     AutoKern = true;
01117 }

BOOL TextStory::IsAutoKerning  )  [inline]

Definition at line 427 of file nodetxts.h.

00427 { return AutoKern; }

virtual BOOL TextStory::IsCompound  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 277 of file nodetxts.h.

00277 { return TRUE; }        // See also NodeCompound

BOOL TextStory::IsGradientFilled  )  [protected]

Looks through the list of nodes under the text story node to see if there are any gradient fills on this object. See also: TextStory::PreExportRender.

Chris_Gallimore (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
Whether the text story is gradient filled (true), or not (false)

Definition at line 5416 of file nodetxts.cpp.

05417 {
05418     ListItem    *pItem          = NULL;
05419     List        GradientList;
05420     BOOL        filled          = FALSE;
05422     // Now get the list of nodes.
05423     BevelTools::GetAllNodesUnderNode ( this, &GradientList,
05424                                        CC_RUNTIME_CLASS ( AttrFillGeometry ) );
05426     // (ChrisG 8/11/00) - Cycle through the gradient list finding if there are any
05427     //  gradient fills.
05428     pItem = GradientList.GetHead ();
05429     while ( (pItem != NULL) && (filled == FALSE) )
05430     {
05431         NodeListItem        *pNodeItem  = ( NodeListItem* ) pItem;
05432         AttrFillGeometry    *pFill      = ( AttrFillGeometry* ) pNodeItem->pNode;
05434         // if it is a graduated colour fill, then it is gradient filled
05435         if ( pFill->IsAColourFill () &&         // Is it a colour fill?
05436              pFill->IsAGradFill ())             // Is it a graduated fill?
05437         {
05438             filled = TRUE;
05439         }
05441         // Get the next list item.
05442         pItem = GradientList.GetNext ( pItem );
05443     }
05445     GradientList.DeleteAll();
05447     return filled;
05448 }

BOOL TextStory::IsPrintingAsShapes  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 410 of file nodetxts.h.

00410 { return PrintAsShapes; }

virtual BOOL TextStory::IsSetCandidate  )  const [inline, virtual]

Indicates that NodeRenderableInks are candidates for membership of Attribute gallery set.

Justin_Flude (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>

Reimplemented from BaseTextClass.

Definition at line 276 of file nodetxts.h.

00276 { return TRUE; }

BOOL TextStory::IsTextOnPathReversed  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 408 of file nodetxts.h.

00408 { return TextOnPathReversed; }

BOOL TextStory::IsTextOnPathTangential  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 409 of file nodetxts.h.

00409 { return TextOnPathTangential; }

virtual BOOL TextStory::IsTypeExtendible  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 445 of file nodetxts.h.

00445 { return TRUE; }

BOOL TextStory::IsWordWrapping  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 411 of file nodetxts.h.

00411 { return WordWrapping; }

void TextStory::MatrixFitToPath  ) 

modify TextStory matrix appropriately when fitting text to a path

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>

Definition at line 3331 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03332 {
03333     DocCoord Translation(0,0);
03334     BOOL ok=GetpStoryMatrix()->Decompose(&CharsScale,&CharsAspect,&CharsRotation,&CharsShear,&Translation);
03335     ERROR2IF(!ok,void(0),"TextStory::MatrixFitToPath() - Matrix::Decompose() failed");
03337     // if text rotated to 2nd/3rd quadrant, reverse text on curve
03338     if (CharsRotation<(ANGLE)(-PI/2) || CharsRotation>(ANGLE)(PI/2))
03339     {
03340         ReverseTextOnPath();
03341         CharsRotation = (CharsRotation>0) ? CharsRotation-PI : CharsRotation+PI;
03342     }
03344     StoryMatrix=Matrix(Translation.x,Translation.y);        // keep a record of translation
03345 }

void TextStory::MatrixRemoveFromPath  ) 

modify TextStory matrix appropriately when removing text from a path

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>

Definition at line 3356 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03357 {
03358     if (IsTextOnPathReversed())
03359     {
03360         CharsRotation = (CharsRotation>0) ? CharsRotation-PI : CharsRotation+PI;
03361         ReverseTextOnPath();
03362     }
03363     Matrix CharsMatrix;
03364     CharsMatrix.Compose(CharsScale,CharsAspect,CharsRotation,CharsShear);
03365     CharsMatrix*=StoryMatrix;
03366     SetStoryMatrix(CharsMatrix);
03367 }

BOOL TextStory::MoveCaretLeftAChar  ) 

This routine moves the caret to the left by one position.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
FALSE if fails

Definition at line 2231 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02232 {
02233     CaretNode* pCaret = GetCaret();
02234     ERROR2IF(pCaret==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::MoveCaretLeftAChar() - Story has no charet");
02236     VisibleTextNode* pNewCaretPos = pCaret->FindPrevVTNInStory();
02237     if (pNewCaretPos==NULL)
02238         return TRUE;    // do nothing if at start of story
02240     return MoveCaretToCharacter(pNewCaretPos, PREV);
02241 }

BOOL TextStory::MoveCaretLeftAWord  ) 

This routine moves the caret to the left by a word. If the caret is in a word it is moved to the start of that word, else the caret is positioned at the start of the previous word.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
TRUE/FALSE for success/failure

Definition at line 2279 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02280 {
02281     CaretNode* pCaret = GetCaret();     // Obtain the caret
02282     ERROR2IF(pCaret == NULL, FALSE, "Story had no caret");
02284     // Get the new caret position
02285     VisibleTextNode* pStartOfPrev = GetPrevWordChar(pCaret);
02286     ERROR2IF(pStartOfPrev == NULL, FALSE, "Didn't find prev word start");
02288     // Move the caret
02289     if (pStartOfPrev != pCaret)
02290         return MoveCaretToCharacter(pStartOfPrev, PREV);
02291     else
02292         return TRUE;
02293 }

BOOL TextStory::MoveCaretRightAChar  ) 

This routine moves the caret to the right by one position.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
FALSE if fails

Definition at line 2253 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02254 {
02255     CaretNode* pCaret = GetCaret();
02256     ERROR2IF(pCaret==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::MoveCaretRightAChar() - Story has no caret");
02258     VisibleTextNode* pNewCaretPos = pCaret->FindNextVTNInStory();
02259     ERROR2IF(pNewCaretPos==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::MoveCaretRightAChar() - no VTN after caret in story!");
02260     pNewCaretPos = pNewCaretPos->FindNextVTNInStory();
02261     if (pNewCaretPos==NULL)
02262         return TRUE;    // if at end of story, do nothing
02264     return MoveCaretToCharacter(pNewCaretPos, PREV);
02265 }

BOOL TextStory::MoveCaretRightAWord  ) 

This routine moves the caret to the right by a word. It caret is positioned to the left of the first character encountered after a space.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
TRUE if the caret was moved a word to the right. FALSE if the caret is already positioned at the end of the TextLine

Definition at line 2307 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02308 {
02309     CaretNode* pCaret = GetCaret();     // Obtain the caret
02310     ERROR2IF(pCaret == NULL, FALSE, "Story had no caret");
02312     // Get the new caret position
02313     VisibleTextNode* pStartOfNext = GetNextWordChar(pCaret);
02314     ERROR2IF(pStartOfNext == NULL, FALSE, "Didn't find next word start");
02316     // Move the caret
02317     if (pStartOfNext != pCaret)
02318         return MoveCaretToCharacter(pStartOfNext, PREV);
02319     else
02320         return TRUE;
02321 }

BOOL TextStory::MoveCaretToCharacter VisibleTextNode pChar,
AttachNodeDirection  Dir

This routine moves the caret to the left or right of a specified char.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pChar - points to the character to position the caret by [INPUTS] Dir - direction relative to character to position
TRUE if the caret was successfuly moved FALSE if an error occured

Definition at line 2104 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02105 {
02106     ERROR2IF(Dir!=PREV && Dir!=NEXT,FALSE,"Dir must be PREV or NEXT");
02107     ERROR2IF(pChar==NULL,FALSE,"Attempted to move the caret to NULL");
02108     CaretNode* pCaret=GetCaret();
02109     ERROR2IF(pCaret==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::MoveCaretToCharacter() - TextStory has no caret");
02111     // ensure not inserted after EOL
02112     AttachNodeDirection AttachDir = Dir;
02113     if (pChar->IsAnEOLNode() && AttachDir==NEXT)
02114         AttachDir = PREV;
02116     pCaret->MoveNode(pChar, AttachDir);
02117     pCaret->HasMoved();
02118     return AttachCaretAttributes();
02119 }

BOOL TextStory::MoveCaretToEndOfLine  ) 

Move caret to end of TextLine which it is on.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
FALSE if fails

Definition at line 2362 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02363 {
02364     CaretNode* pCaret = GetCaret();
02365     ERROR2IF(pCaret==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::MoveCaretToEndOfLine() - story has no caret");
02366     TextLine* pCaretLine = (TextLine*)pCaret->FindParent();
02367     ERROR2IF(pCaretLine==NULL || !IS_A(pCaretLine,TextLine), FALSE, "Parent of Caret was not a TextLine!");
02369     VisibleTextNode* pLastChar = pCaretLine->FindLastVTN();
02370     if (pLastChar->IsAnEOLNode())
02371     {
02372         pLastChar = pLastChar->FindPrevVTNInLine();
02373         ERROR2IF(pLastChar==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::MoveCaretToEndOfLine() - should be at least 1 other VTN on line - the caret!");
02374     }
02376     if (pLastChar!=pCaret)
02377         return MoveCaretToCharacter(pLastChar, NEXT);
02379     return TRUE;
02380 }                                       

BOOL TextStory::MoveCaretToStartOfLine  ) 

This routine moves the caret to the start of the TextLine that it is on.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
TRUE for success, FALSE if there was an error

Definition at line 2333 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02334 {
02335     CaretNode* pCaret = GetCaret();     // Obtain the caret
02336     ERROR2IF(pCaret == NULL, FALSE, "Story had no caret");
02338     // Get its parent (which should be a TextLine)
02339     TextLine* pParent = (TextLine*)pCaret->FindParent();
02340     ERROR2IF(!IS_A(pParent,TextLine), FALSE, "Parent of Caret was not a TextLine!");
02342     // Get the first child of the TextLine
02343     VisibleTextNode* pFirstChar = pParent->FindFirstVTN();
02345     // Only move the caret if we need to
02346     if (pFirstChar != pCaret)
02347         return MoveCaretToCharacter(pFirstChar, PREV);
02348     else
02349         return TRUE;
02350 }

BOOL TextStory::OKToExport  ) 

Determines wether or not this text story should be exported. If there are no characters in it then we don't want to save it as it will cause bother when loaded back.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
FALSE if this story should not be exported (ie it's duff). TRUE otherwise

Definition at line 5097 of file nodetxts.cpp.

05098 {
05099     // See if we have any visible characters inside us.
05100     VisibleTextNode* pVTN = FindFirstVTN();
05101     BOOL FoundCharacter = FALSE;
05102     while (pVTN!=NULL && !FoundCharacter)
05103     {
05104         if (pVTN->IsATextChar())
05105             FoundCharacter = !pVTN->IsAVisibleSpace();
05106         pVTN = pVTN->FindNextVTNInStory();
05107     }
05109     if (FoundCharacter)
05110         return TRUE;
05112     // If we get here then we are an empty story.  Is it safe to not export us?
05113     // Scan up the tree.  If we reach a layer without passing though compounds other than groups it's fine.
05114     Node* pParent = FindParent();
05115     while (pParent!=NULL && !pParent->IsLayer())
05116     {
05117         if (pParent->IsCompound() && !IS_A(pParent, NodeGroup))
05118             return TRUE;    // Must export the story as the compound may rely on its presence.
05120         pParent = pParent->FindParent();
05121     }
05123     // If we get here it's safe to not export this story.
05124     return FALSE;
05125 }

ChangeCode TextStory::OnChildChange ObjChangeParam pParam  )  [virtual]

This function is called at the end of any operation which has affected a TextStory in order to (undoably) reformat the story and redraw affected bits.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pParam = pointer to a object change parameter class [INPUTS]
CC_OK if we have successfully processed the change. CC_FAIL if we cannot handle this particular change and must prevent the child from continuing

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 1609 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01610 {
01611     ERROR2IF(pParam==NULL,CC_FAIL,"TextStory::OnChildChange() - pParam==NULL");
01613     // ignore all but OBJCHANGE_FINISHED codes
01614     if (pParam->GetChangeType()!=OBJCHANGE_FINISHED)
01615         return CC_OK;
01617     // The AllowOp system will have called the CaretNode and it will have set
01618     // PERMISSION_DENIED on itself. We must ensure that that is cleared at the
01619     // end of the operation.
01620     if (IS_A(this, CaretNode))
01621         SetOpPermission(PERMISSION_UNDEFINED);
01623     // if we have an op pointer format and redraw the story undoably else just do it
01624     // (ie consecutive attribute applies only do the first one undoably)
01625     BOOL                ok = TRUE;
01626     UndoableOperation* pOp=pParam->GetOpPointer();
01627     if (pOp!=NULL)
01628     {
01629         if (ok)
01630             ok = PrePostTextAction::DoFormatStory(pOp,this);
01631         if (ok)
01632         {
01633             DocRect temprect = RedrawRect;
01634             // Don't call ReleaseCached here without very good reason
01635             // Some Ops which call this function have carefully controlled
01636             // their cacheing so that unwanted re-renders are avoided.
01637             // Calling ReleaseCached here blows all that control away
01638             if (!pParam->GetRetainCachedData())
01639             {
01640                 ReleaseCached(TRUE, FALSE);
01641                 BOOL bFoundEffects = FALSE;
01642                 DocRect effectrect = GetEffectStackBounds(&bFoundEffects);
01643                 if (bFoundEffects) temprect = temprect.Union(effectrect);
01644             }
01646             ok = pOp->DoInvalidateRegion(FindParentSpread(), temprect);
01647         }
01648     }
01649     else
01650     {
01651         if (ok)
01652             ok = FormatAndChildren(pOp,TRUE);
01654         BaseDocument* pOwnerDoc = FindOwnerDoc();
01655         ERROR2IF(pOwnerDoc==NULL,CC_FAIL,"TextStory::OnChildChange() - pDoc==NULL");
01656         if (ok && IS_A(pOwnerDoc, Document))
01657         {
01658             DocRect temprect = RedrawRect;
01659             if (!pParam->GetRetainCachedData())
01660             {
01661                 ReleaseCached(TRUE, FALSE);
01662                 BOOL bFoundEffects = FALSE;
01663                 DocRect effectrect = GetEffectStackBounds(&bFoundEffects);
01664                 if (bFoundEffects) temprect = temprect.Union(effectrect);
01665             }
01666             ((Document*)pOwnerDoc)->ForceRedraw(FindParentSpread(), temprect, TRUE, this, FALSE);
01667         }
01668     }
01670     if (ok)
01671         return CC_OK;
01672     else
01673         return CC_FAIL;
01674 }

BOOL TextStory::OnNodePopUp Spread pSpread,
DocCoord  PointerPos,
ContextMenu pMenu

Allows the TextStory to respond to pop up menu clicks on itself.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pSpread The spread in which things are happening [INPUTS] PointerPos The Location of the mouse pointer at the time of the click pMenu The menu to which items should be added
BOOL - TRUE if the node claims the click as its own and FALSE if it is not interested in the click

Reimplemented from NodeRenderableInk.

Definition at line 3413 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03414 {
03415 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
03416     BOOL ok = TRUE;
03417     ok = ok && pMenu->BuildCommand(TOOL_OPTOKEN_TEXT, TRUE);
03418 //  ok = ok && pMenu->BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_APPLYLEFTJUSTIFY);
03419 //  ok = ok && pMenu->BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_APPLYCENTREJUSTIFY);
03420 //  ok = ok && pMenu->BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_APPLYRIGHTJUSTIFY);
03421 //  ok = ok && pMenu->BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_APPLYFULLJUSTIFY, TRUE);
03422 //  WEBSTER-ranbirr-13/11/96
03424     ok = ok && pMenu->BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_REVERSESTORYPATH);
03425 #ifndef WEBSTER
03426     ok = ok && pMenu->BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_TOGGLEPRINTASSHAPES, TRUE);
03427 #endif //webster
03428     return ok;
03429 #else
03430     return FALSE;
03431 #endif
03432 }

void TextStory::PolyCopyNodeContents NodeRenderable pNodeCopy  )  [virtual]

Polymorphically copies the contents of this node to another.

Phil_Martin (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
Errors: An assertion failure will occur if NodeCopy is NULL Scope: protected

Reimplemented from BaseTextClass.

Definition at line 1158 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01159 {
01160     ENSURE(pNodeCopy, "Trying to copy a node's contents into a NULL node");
01161     ENSURE(IS_A(pNodeCopy, TextStory), "PolyCopyNodeContents given wrong dest node type");
01163     if (IS_A(pNodeCopy, TextStory))
01164         CopyNodeContents((TextStory*)pNodeCopy);
01165 }

BOOL TextStory::PostDuplicate UndoableOperation pOp  )  [virtual]

This function is called following the (simple)copy of a text story. The TextStory and its children are re-formatted.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pOp - pointer to operation [INPUTS]
TRUE/FALSE for success/failure

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 3170 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03171 {
03172     ERROR2IF(pOp==NULL, FALSE, "Operation pointer was NULL");
03174     return PrePostTextAction::DoFormatStory(pOp, this);
03175 }

BOOL TextStory::PostImport void   )  [virtual]

This functions is called following the complete import of a document. It allows nodes to complete their post import initialisation once they are in complete tree. The TextStory and its children are formatted following loading.

> BOOL TextStory::PostImport()

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
FALSE if fails

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 3102 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03103 {
03104 #ifdef RALPH
03105     // We don't want to be rendering at the same time as doing this, because we get
03106     // blobby text problems - fun, but bad !
03107     RalphCriticalSection RalphCS;
03108 #endif
03110     // Expand any strings that might have been imported from the v2 file format
03111     if (!ExpandImportedStrings())
03112         return FALSE;
03114     // Make sure it has a caret
03115     if (!EnsureStoryHasCaret())
03116         return FALSE;
03118     // if not newly inserted, ignore!
03119     if (!ModifiedByOp())
03120         return TRUE;
03122     // format to a width if one is specified
03123     if (GetImportFormatWidth()!=0)
03124     {
03125         SetWordWrapping(TRUE);
03126         SetStoryWidth(GetImportFormatWidth());
03127         ImportFormatWidth=0;                // prevent it happening on subsequent imports (as all stories are called!)
03128     }
03130     // account for any corel baseline shift style
03131     BOOL ok = TRUE;
03132     if (ok && ImportBaseShift!=AlignBaseline)
03133     {
03134         ok=CorelStyleBaselineShift(ImportBaseShift);
03135         ImportBaseShift=AlignBaseline;      // prevent it happening on subsequent imports (as all stories are called!)
03136     }
03138     // format and redraw
03139     if (ok) ok=FormatAndChildren();
03140     if (ok)
03141     {
03142         BaseDocument* pDoc = FindOwnerDoc();
03143         if (pDoc!=NULL && IS_A(pDoc, Document))
03144         {
03145             DocRect temprect = RedrawRect;
03146             ReleaseCached(TRUE, FALSE);
03147             BOOL bFoundEffects = FALSE;
03148             DocRect effectrect = GetEffectStackBounds(&bFoundEffects);
03149             if (bFoundEffects) temprect = temprect.Union(effectrect);
03150             ((Document*)pDoc)->ForceRedraw(FindParentSpread(), RedrawRect, TRUE, this);
03151         }
03152     }
03154     return ok;
03155 }

void TextStory::PreExportRender RenderRegion pRegion  )  [virtual]

This function is called when the render function passes through this node It outputs the Text Object start and end tokens.

void TextStory::PreExportRender(RenderRegion* pRegion)

Chris_Snook (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pRegion - points to the export render region [INPUTS]

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 2777 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02778 {
02779 #if EXPORT_TEXT
02780     BOOL exportingAsShapes = FALSE;
02782     // Determine whether or not to export AI text as shapes (i.e. if there are any 
02783     //  gradient fills in the text.
02784     if (pRegion->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AIEPSRenderRegion)))
02785     {
02786         exportingAsShapes = IsGradientFilled ();
02787     }
02789     // if there are gradient fills, then don't export text info, just set the RenderRegion up
02790     //  so that it's ready for converting text to shapes.
02791     if (exportingAsShapes)
02792     {
02793         ((AIEPSRenderRegion*) pRegion)->SetTextAsShapes (exportingAsShapes);
02794     }
02795     // if there are no gradient fills, or we're not doing AI export, then carry on as normal.
02796     else
02797     {
02798         if (pRegion->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(EPSRenderRegion)))
02799         {
02800             // Output "start text object" token
02801             EPSExportDC *pDC = (EPSExportDC *) CCDC::ConvertFromNativeDC(pRegion->GetRenderDC());
02802             EPSRenderRegion* pEPSRegion = (EPSRenderRegion*)pRegion;
02804             NodePath* pPath = GetTextPath();
02806             // Text Story type
02807             if (pPath)
02808                 pDC->OutputValue((INT32)2);
02809             else
02810                 pDC->OutputValue((INT32)0);
02812             // text object token
02813             pDC->OutputToken(_T("To"));
02814             pDC->OutputNewLine();
02816             // output the story matrix. We need to make this relative to the spread the
02817             // story is on.
02818             Matrix TempMatrix;
02819             TempMatrix = StoryMatrix;
02821             // if we're exporting to illustrator, make the text position relative to
02822             // the page.
02823             if (pRegion->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AIEPSRenderRegion)))
02824             {
02825                 DocCoord pos;
02826                 TempMatrix.GetTranslation(pos);
02828                 Spread* pCurSpread = FindParentSpread();
02829                 if (pCurSpread)
02830                 {
02831                     DocCoord result;
02832                     pCurSpread->SpreadCoordToPagesCoord(&result, pos);
02833                     TempMatrix.SetTranslation(result);
02834                 }
02835             }
02837             pDC->OutputMatrix(&TempMatrix);
02838             // null start point
02839             pDC->OutputValue((INT32)0);
02840             // start path
02841             pDC->OutputToken(_T("Tp"));
02842             pDC->OutputNewLine();
02844             // export the path
02845             if (pPath)
02846             {
02847                 // if it's an AI EPS region, we need to save the text attributes after the TP token, or 
02848                 //  Photoshop screws up.
02849                 if (pRegion->IsKindOf (CC_RUNTIME_CLASS (AIEPSRenderRegion)) == FALSE)
02850                 {
02851                     // Need to call this for any text attributes that may have
02852                     // changed
02853                     pEPSRegion->GetValidTextAttributes();
02854                 }
02856                 // Save the attribute context
02857                 pRegion->SaveContext();
02859                 // Save the attributes associated with this path.
02860                 Node* pNode = pPath->FindPrevious();
02861                 while (pNode)
02862                 {
02863                     if (pNode->IsAnAttribute())
02864                     {
02865                         ((NodeAttribute*)pNode)->Render(pEPSRegion);
02866                     }
02867                     pNode=pNode->FindPrevious();
02868                 }
02870                 pNode = pPath->FindFirstChild();
02871                 while (pNode)
02872                 {
02873                     if (pNode->IsAnAttribute())
02874                     {
02875                         ((NodeAttribute*)pNode)->Render(pEPSRegion);
02876                     }
02877                     pNode=pNode->FindNext();
02878                 }
02880         /*  
02881                 CMapPtrToPtr* pAttribMap = new CMapPtrToPtr(30);
02882                 if (pAttribMap == NULL)
02883                     return;
02885                 // Now find any attributes that are applied to this node.
02886                 BOOL FoundAttrs = pPath->FindAppliedAttributes(pAttribMap);
02888                 if (FoundAttrs)
02889                 {
02890                     // iterating all (key, value) pairs
02891                     for (POSITION Pos = pAttribMap->GetStartPosition(); Pos != NULL;)
02892                     {
02893                         void *pType,*pVal;
02894                         pAttribMap->GetNextAssoc(Pos,pType,pVal);
02896                         NodeAttribute* pAttr = (NodeAttribute*)pVal;
02897                         pAttr->Render(pEPSRegion);
02898                     }
02899                 }
02900         */
02901                 if (IsTextOnPathReversed())
02902                     (pPath->InkPath).Reverse();
02904                 pEPSRegion->ExportPath(&(pPath->InkPath),FALSE);
02906                 if (IsTextOnPathReversed())
02907                     (pPath->InkPath).Reverse();
02909                 // restore the old context.
02910                 pRegion->RestoreContext();
02912             }
02914             // end path
02915             pDC->OutputToken(_T("TP"));
02916             pDC->OutputNewLine();
02918             if (pRegion->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AIEPSRenderRegion)))
02919             {
02920                 // Need to call this for any text attributes that may have
02921                 // changed.
02922                 //
02923                 // (ChrisG - 8/11/00). Removed, as this should be done by the
02924                 //  individual characters themselves, and can screw up the export
02925                 //  if it isn't, (AI doesn't like lots of font and render changes
02926                 //  without actually drawing any text).
02927         //          pEPSRegion->GetValidTextAttributes();
02929                 // (ChrisG - 8/11/00) Added support for automatic kerning.
02930                 if (AutoKern)
02931                     pDC->OutputValue ((INT32)1);
02932                 else
02933                     pDC->OutputValue ((INT32)0);
02935                 pDC->OutputToken (_T("TA"));                   // automatic kerning TA
02936                 pDC->OutputNewLine();
02937                 pDC->OutputToken(_T("0 0 0 TC"));              // Character spacing TC
02938                 pDC->OutputNewLine();
02939                 pDC->OutputToken(_T("100 100 100 TW"));        // Word spacing TW
02940                 pDC->OutputNewLine();
02941                 pDC->OutputToken(_T("0 0 0 Ti"));              // Line indentation Ti
02942                 pDC->OutputNewLine();
02944                 // (ChrisG - 3/11/00)
02945                 // Export the overflow text if the text is on a path
02946                 if (pPath)
02947                     ((AIEPSRenderRegion *) pRegion)->OverflowTextStart ();
02948             }   
02949         }
02951         if (pRegion->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NativeRenderRegion)))
02952         {
02953             // Output "extras" token for text
02954             EPSExportDC *pDC = (EPSExportDC *) pRegion->GetRenderDC();
02955 //          EPSRenderRegion* pEPSRegion = (EPSRenderRegion*)pRegion;
02957             INT32 WordWrapping = (IsWordWrapping() ? 1 : 0);
02958             pDC->OutputValue(WordWrapping);
02959             pDC->OutputValue(GetStoryWidth());
02960             double CScale = CharsScale.MakeDouble();
02961             pDC->OutputReal(CScale);
02962             double CAspect = CharsAspect.MakeDouble();
02963             pDC->OutputReal(CAspect);
02964             double CRotation = CharsRotation.MakeDouble();
02965             pDC->OutputReal(CRotation);
02966             double CShear = CharsShear.MakeDouble();
02967             pDC->OutputReal(CShear);
02968             INT32 AsShapes = ((PrintAsShapes) ? (1) : (0));
02969             pDC->OutputValue(AsShapes);
02971             // Output version zero and token
02972             pDC->OutputValue((INT32)0);
02973             pDC->OutputToken(_T("ctex"));
02974             pDC->OutputNewLine();
02976             // Version one stuff
02977         /*      pDC->OutputValue(GetLeftMargin());
02978             pDC->OutputValue(GetRightMargin());
02980             // Output version and token
02981             pDC->OutputValue((INT32)1);
02982             pDC->OutputToken(_T("ctex"));
02983             pDC->OutputNewLine();*/
02984         }
02985     }
02986 #endif
02987 }

void TextStory::RenderObjectBlobs RenderRegion pRenderRegion  )  [virtual]

Render the text story's object blobs.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pRenderRegion - [INPUTS]

Reimplemented from NodeRenderable.

Definition at line 1975 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01976 {
01977 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
01978     if (pRenderRegion != NULL)
01979     {
01980         pRenderRegion->SetLineColour(COLOUR_NONE);
01981         pRenderRegion->SetFillColour(COLOUR_UNSELECTEDBLOB);
01983         pRenderRegion->DrawBlob(GetBlobPosAndSize(), BT_UNSELECTED);
01984     }
01985     else
01986         ERROR3("TextStory::RenderTinyBlobs() - pRenderRegion==NULL");
01987 #endif
01988 }

void TextStory::RenderTinyBlobs RenderRegion pRenderRegion  )  [virtual]

Render the text story's tiny blobs.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pRenderRegion - [INPUTS]

Reimplemented from NodeRenderable.

Definition at line 2000 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02001 {
02002 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
02003     if (pRenderRegion != NULL)
02004     {
02005         pRenderRegion->SetLineColour(COLOUR_NONE);
02006         pRenderRegion->SetFillColour(COLOUR_UNSELECTEDBLOB);
02007         pRenderRegion->DrawBlob(GetBlobPosAndSize(), BT_UNSELECTED);
02008     }
02009     else
02010         ERROR3("TextStory::RenderTinyBlobs() - pRenderRegion==NULL");
02011 #endif
02012 }

void TextStory::ResetEOLs BOOL  Status  ) 

Scan through all end of line nodes in this text story and set the status of their virtual flag.

Mike_Kenny (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
Status - the status to set for each EOL node. [INPUTS]

Definition at line 3953 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03954 {
03955     // find the first line in this story
03956     TextLine* pLine = this->FindFirstLine();
03957     while (pLine)
03958     {
03959         // for each line, set its EOL nodes status
03960         EOLNode* pEOL = pLine->FindEOLNode();
03961         if (pEOL!=NULL)
03962             pEOL->SetVirtual(Status);
03964         pLine=pLine->FindNextLine();
03965     }
03966 }

void TextStory::ResetStringList  ) 

void TextStory::ReverseTextOnPath  )  [inline]

Definition at line 412 of file nodetxts.h.

void TextStory::SetAutoKerning BOOL  NewValue  )  [inline]

Definition at line 428 of file nodetxts.h.

00428 { AutoKern = NewValue; }

void TextStory::SetCharsAspect FIXED16  aspect  )  [inline]

Definition at line 422 of file nodetxts.h.

00422 { CharsAspect   = aspect; }

void TextStory::SetCharsRotation ANGLE  rotation  )  [inline]

Definition at line 423 of file nodetxts.h.

00423 { CharsRotation = rotation; }

void TextStory::SetCharsScale FIXED16  scale  )  [inline]

Definition at line 421 of file nodetxts.h.

00421 { CharsScale    = scale; }

void TextStory::SetCharsShear ANGLE  shear  )  [inline]

Definition at line 424 of file nodetxts.h.

00424 { CharsShear    = shear; }

void TextStory::SetFocusStory TextStory pNewStory  )  [static]

This function should be used to set the pointer with the input focus. Setting the pointer to NULL clears the into focus.

Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pNewStory - pointer to a TextStory to giv the input focus to [INPUTS] NULL to give no TextStory the input focus
FALSE if an error occured

Errors: Attempts to set the intput focus to a non TextStory object. (ERROR3)

Definition at line 1911 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01912 {
01913     if ((pNewStory != NULL) && (!IS_A(pNewStory,TextStory)) )
01914     {
01915         ERROR3("Attempted to set FocusTextStory to a non-TextStory object");
01916         pNewStory = NULL;
01917     }
01919     pFocusStory = pNewStory;
01920 }

void TextStory::SetImportBaseShift BaseShiftEnum  shift  )  [inline]

Definition at line 406 of file nodetxts.h.

00406 { ImportBaseShift=shift;  }

void TextStory::SetImportFormatWidth MILLIPOINT  width  )  [inline]

Definition at line 405 of file nodetxts.h.

00405 { ImportFormatWidth=width;  }

void TextStory::SetLeftIndent MILLIPOINT  NewIndent  )  [inline]

Definition at line 436 of file nodetxts.h.

00436 {mLeftIndent = NewIndent;}

void TextStory::SetPrintingAsShapes BOOL  NewValues  )  [inline]

Definition at line 414 of file nodetxts.h.

00414 { PrintAsShapes        =  NewValues; }

void TextStory::SetRedrawRect DocRect  rect  )  [inline]

Definition at line 397 of file nodetxts.h.

00397 { RedrawRect=rect; }

void TextStory::SetRightIndent MILLIPOINT  NewIndent  )  [inline]

Definition at line 437 of file nodetxts.h.

00437 {mRightIndent = NewIndent;}

void TextStory::SetStoryMarkers Range RangeToCopy  )  [protected]

Scan through the text story setting the necessary copyme bits to make sure the text story is copied correctly. The range is used to determin what items are actually being copied. If characters are being copied, we need to copy a line and text story as well.

Mike_Kenny (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
RangeToCopy - Describes the range which is currently being copied. [INPUTS]

Definition at line 3851 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03852 {
03853     // find the first object in the story
03854     Node* pNode = FindFirstChild();
03855     while (pNode)
03856     {
03857         if (pNode->IsAnAttribute())
03858         {
03859             pNode->MarkNodeAndChildren();
03860         }
03861         else
03862         {       
03863             // ok check if its a line and if so do all the character level stuff
03864             if (IS_A(pNode,TextLine))
03865             {
03866                 // find the first child of this particular line
03867                 Node* cNode = NULL;
03868                 Node* qNode = pNode->FindFirstChild();
03869                 while (qNode)
03870                 {
03871                     // Mark in range characters, kern codes and other abstract characters
03872                     // Only copy the char if it is in the search range.
03873                     if (qNode->IsMarked())
03874                     {
03875                         qNode->MarkNodeAndChildren();
03876                         // Save a copy of this chap for later
03877                         cNode=qNode;
03878                     }
03879                     qNode=qNode->FindNext();
03880                 }
03882                 // we've found an item inrange in this line.....
03883                 if (cNode)
03884                 {
03885                     // Make sure we mark the line too
03886                     qNode = cNode->FindParent();
03887                     qNode->SetMarker(TRUE);
03889                     // take all the line level attributes with us too
03890                     qNode = qNode->FindFirstChild();
03891                     while (qNode)
03892                     {
03893                         if (qNode->IsAnAttribute())
03894                             qNode->MarkNodeAndChildren();
03895                         qNode=qNode->FindNext();
03896                     }
03898                     // Now we need to make sure we take the end of line node with us.
03899                     qNode=cNode->FindParent();
03900                     qNode=qNode->FindFirstChild(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(EOLNode));
03902                     ERROR3IF((qNode) && (!IS_A(qNode,EOLNode)),"Where has the lines EOLnode gone? - (TextStory::SetStoryMarkers())");
03904                     // We assume the last node is an EOLnode.
03905                     if (qNode && IS_A(qNode,EOLNode))
03906                     {
03907                         if (!qNode->IsMarked())
03908                         {
03909                             // It wasn't already marked ie it can't have been 'inrange'
03910                             qNode->MarkNodeAndChildren();
03911                             // We need to mark the eolnode as transient
03912                             // ie so we know the difference between unselected
03913                             // and selected nodes.
03914                             ((EOLNode*)qNode)->SetVirtual(TRUE);
03915                         }
03916                     }
03917                 }
03918             }
03919             else
03920             {
03921                 // otherwise its not a line and its not an attribute so is it in the range?
03922                 // if its in range, take it and its children with us
03923                 if (pNode->IsMarked())
03924                     pNode->MarkNodeAndChildren();
03925             }
03926         }
03928         // Scan for the next object
03929         pNode=pNode->FindNext();
03930     }
03932     /* I suppose we need to take the caret too,
03933        erh no we need to wait and insert a caret later, it could be in a different line
03934        to the selection if select inside has occured! and hence wont be copied properly
03936        CaretNode* pCaret = GetCaret();
03937        if (pCaret)
03938            pCaret->MarkNodeAndChildren(); */
03940 }

void TextStory::SetStoryMatrix Matrix matrix  )  [inline]

Definition at line 394 of file nodetxts.h.

00394 { StoryMatrix=matrix;  }

void TextStory::SetStoryWidth MILLIPOINT  NewValue  )  [inline]

Definition at line 401 of file nodetxts.h.

00401 { StoryWidth      = NewValue; }

void TextStory::SetWordWrapping BOOL  NewValues  )  [inline]

Definition at line 415 of file nodetxts.h.

00415 { WordWrapping         =  NewValues; }

Node * TextStory::SimpleCopy void   )  [virtual]

This method returns a shallow copy of the node with all Node pointers NULL. The function is virtual, and must be defined for all derived classes of Node.

Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
A copy of the node, or NULL if we are out of memory

Errors: If memory runs out when trying to copy, then ERROR is called with an out of memory error and the function returns NULL.

Reimplemented from BaseTextClass.

Definition at line 1132 of file nodetxts.cpp.

01133 {
01134     // Make a new TextStory and then copy things into it
01135     TextStory* NodeCopy = new TextStory();
01139     if (NodeCopy)
01140         CopyNodeContents(NodeCopy);
01142     return NodeCopy;
01143 }

void TextStory::ToggleTextOnPathTangentialness  )  [inline]

Definition at line 413 of file nodetxts.h.

void TextStory::Transform TransformBase transform  )  [virtual]

transform a text story and any children capable of being transformed

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
transform - some form of transform [INPUTS]

Reimplemented from NodeRenderableBounded.

Definition at line 2473 of file nodetxts.cpp.

02474 {
02475     BOOL ok=TRUE;
02476     if (IS_A(&transform, Trans2DMatrix))
02477     {
02478         // apply transform to story matrix
02479         StoryMatrix *= ((Trans2DMatrix&)transform).GetMatrix();
02481         // decompose new story matrix
02482         FIXED16  Scale=1;
02483         FIXED16  Aspect=1;
02484         ANGLE    Rotation=0;
02485         ANGLE    Shear=0;
02486         DocCoord Translation(0,0);
02487         ok=StoryMatrix.Decompose(&Scale,&Aspect,&Rotation,&Shear,&Translation);
02488 //TRACEUSER( "Ed", _T("\nNew        Story Matrix - Scale=%8.5f, Aspect=%8.5f, Rotation=%9.4f, Shear=%8.5f, Translation=%d,%d\n"),Scale.MakeDouble(),Aspect.MakeDouble(),Rotation.MakeDouble()*180/PI,Shear.MakeDouble()*180/PI,Translation.x,Translation.y);
02489         if (Scale<0)
02490         {
02491             Scale=-Scale;
02492             Shear=-Shear;
02493         }
02495         // if the scale or aspect in the matrix deviate from unit by more than a specified amount normalise them
02496         const FIXED16 NormaliseLimit=0.001;
02497         FIXED16 AbsScaleError  = Scale-1;
02498         FIXED16 AbsAspectError = Aspect-1;
02499         AbsScaleError  =  AbsScaleError<0 ? -AbsScaleError  : AbsScaleError;
02500         AbsAspectError = AbsAspectError<0 ? -AbsAspectError : AbsAspectError;
02501         if (ok && (AbsScaleError>NormaliseLimit || AbsAspectError>NormaliseLimit) )
02502         {
02503             // determine if we can handle aspect ratio transforms in the attributes
02504             BOOL TransformAspect=(GetTextPath()==NULL);
02505             if (TransformAspect==FALSE)
02506                 Aspect=1;   
02508             // any change in width applied to attributes must also be applied to the story width
02509             FIXED16 AbsAspect = Aspect<0 ? -Aspect : Aspect;
02510             if (ok)
02511                 SetStoryWidth( XLONG(GetStoryWidth()) * Scale * AbsAspect );
02512             if (ok)
02513                 SetLeftIndent( XLONG(GetLeftIndent()) * Scale * AbsAspect );
02514             if (ok)
02515                 SetRightIndent( XLONG(GetRightIndent()) * Scale * AbsAspect );
02517             // create a set containing attributes which will be transformed
02518             AttrTypeSet AffectedAttrs;
02519             if (ok) ok=AffectedAttrs.AddToSet(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtFontSize));
02520             if (ok) ok=AffectedAttrs.AddToSet(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtLineSpace));
02521             if (ok) ok=AffectedAttrs.AddToSet(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtBaseLine));
02522             if (ok) ok=AffectedAttrs.AddToSet(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtLeftMargin));
02523             if (ok) ok=AffectedAttrs.AddToSet(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtRightMargin));
02524             if (ok) ok=AffectedAttrs.AddToSet(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtFirstIndent));
02525             if (ok) ok=AffectedAttrs.AddToSet(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtRuler));
02526             if (ok && TransformAspect) ok=AffectedAttrs.AddToSet(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(AttrTxtAspectRatio));
02528             // We add all attributes, including the defaults to the TextStory
02529             if (ok) ok=MakeAttributeComplete(NULL, TRUE, &AffectedAttrs, TRUE);
02530             // Now localise the stories attributes, globally, checking for duplicates
02531             if (ok) ok=LocaliseCommonAttributes(TRUE,TRUE,&AffectedAttrs);
02533             // Before we transform the TextStory we must add all non-common defaults to the
02534             // children of the TextLines.
02535             if (ok)
02536             {
02537                 // Scan all lines, localising and factoring out, to add defaults
02538                 TextLine* pLine = this->FindFirstLine();
02539                 while (pLine!=NULL)
02540                 {
02541                     ok = pLine->LocaliseCommonAttributes(TRUE,FALSE,&AffectedAttrs);
02542                     if (ok) ok = pLine->FactorOutCommonChildAttributes(FALSE,&AffectedAttrs);
02543                     pLine = pLine->FindNextLine();
02544                 }
02545             }
02546             // At this stage there should be no invalidly placed defaults in the tree
02548             // apply scale/aspect to attribtes
02549             if (ok)
02550             {
02551                 // for the entire TextStory sub-tree, transform and of the text attributes
02552                 Node* pNode=FindFirstDepthFirst();
02553                 while (pNode!=NULL)
02554                 {
02555                     if (pNode->IsAnAttribute() && pNode->IsKindOfTextAttribute())
02556                         ((AttrTxtBase*)pNode)->BaseLineRelativeTransform(Scale,Aspect);
02557                     pNode=pNode->FindNextDepthFirst(this);
02558                 }
02560                 // normalise the attributes which may have been affected
02561                 if (ok) ok=FactorOutCommonChildAttributes(FALSE,&AffectedAttrs);
02563                 // even if factor out failed, remove effect of attribute scale/(aspect) from story matrix
02564                 Matrix AttrChanges, AttrSpace, StoryChanges;
02565                 AttrChanges.Compose(Scale,Aspect);                  // effect of scale/aspect on attrs in attr space
02566                 AttrSpace.Compose(1,1,Rotation,Shear,Translation);  // story to attr space transfom
02567                 StoryChanges=AttrSpace.Inverse();                   // transform into attr space
02568                 StoryChanges*=AttrChanges.Inverse();                // remove effect of attr scale/aspect
02569                 StoryChanges*=AttrSpace;                            // transform back into doc space
02570                 StoryMatrix*=StoryChanges;                          // effect of scale/aspect on attrs in story space
02571             }
02573             if (ok)
02574             {
02575                 // Finally factor out the attributes globally
02576                 ok = FactorOutCommonChildAttributes(TRUE,&AffectedAttrs);
02577             }
02579             AffectedAttrs.DeleteAll();
02580         }
02582         if (!ok)
02583         {
02584             InformError();
02585             return;
02586         }
02587     }
02588     else
02589         ERROR3("TextStory::Transform() - can't handle non-Trans2DMatrix transforms!");
02591 #if 0
02592 {
02593     FIXED16  Scale=1;
02594     FIXED16  Aspect=1;
02595     ANGLE    Rotation=0;
02596     ANGLE    Shear=0;
02597     DocCoord Translation(0,0);
02598     StoryMatrix.Decompose(&Scale,&Aspect,&Rotation,&Shear,&Translation);
02599     TRACEUSER( "Ed", _T("Normalised Story Matrix - Scale=%8.5f, Aspect=%8.5f, Rotation=%9.4f, Shear=%8.5f, Translation=%d,%d\n"),Scale.MakeDouble(),Aspect.MakeDouble(),Rotation.MakeDouble()*180/PI,Shear.MakeDouble()*180/PI,Translation.x,Translation.y);
02600 }
02601 #endif
02603     InvalidateBoundingRect();
02604     TransformChildren(transform);
02606     if (transform.bSolidDrag)
02607         FormatAndChildren();
02608 }

BOOL TextStory::UnWrapStory UndoableOperation pUndoOp  ) 

Join consecutive soft lines into single hard lines and append a final (virtual) EOL to the story if none.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pUndoOp - undoable operation (NULL if not undo-able) [INPUTS]

Definition at line 3800 of file nodetxts.cpp.

03801 {
03802     TextLine* pThisLine = FindFirstLine();
03803     ERROR2IF(pThisLine==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::UnWrapStory() - story has no text lines!");
03804     while (pThisLine!=NULL)
03805     {
03806         TextLine* pNextLine = pThisLine->FindNextLine();
03807         if (pThisLine->FindEOLNode()==NULL)
03808         {
03809             if (pNextLine!=NULL)
03810             {
03811                 // wrap next line back to end of this
03812                 VisibleTextNode* pLastVTN = pNextLine->FindLastVTN();
03813                 ERROR2IF(pLastVTN==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::UnWrapStory() - no VTN on soft line");
03814                 pLastVTN->WrapFromStartOfLineBack(pUndoOp);
03815             }
03816             else
03817             {
03818                 // add a virtual EOL to keep Mike's stuff from falling over
03819                 EOLNode* pEOL = new EOLNode;
03820                 if (pEOL==NULL)
03821                     return FALSE;
03822                 pEOL->SetVirtual(TRUE);
03823                 pEOL->AttachNode(pThisLine,LASTCHILD);
03824             }
03825         }
03826         else
03827             pThisLine = pNextLine;  // move onto start of next paragraph
03828     }
03830     // ensure op flags not set in story on clipboard
03831     ClearNodeAndDescendantsFlags();
03833     Validate();
03835     return TRUE;
03836 }

void TextStory::UpdateRedrawRect DocRect  rect  )  [inline]

Definition at line 398 of file nodetxts.h.

00398 { RedrawRect=RedrawRect.Union(rect); }

void TextStory::Validate BOOL  EnsureOpFlagsReset = TRUE  ) 

Perform various integrity checks on a text story in debug builds.

Ed_Cornes (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
EnsureOpFlagsReset - [INPUTS]

Definition at line 4713 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04714 {
04715 PORTNOTE("text","Removed 'Ed' validate from TextStory::Validate")
04717 #ifdef VALIDATE
04718 if (IsUserName("Ed"))
04719 {
04720     // choose parent to check from
04721     Node* pNode = this;
04722     if (pNode==NULL)
04723     {
04724         ERROR3("TestStory::Validate() - could not find desired parent, using top parent");
04725         pNode = this;
04726     }
04728     static INT32 count=0;
04729     if ((count++ % 12)==0)
04730         CheckSubtree(pNode);
04732     ERROR3IF(CharsScale !=FIXED16(1), "TextStory::Validate() - CharsScale!=1");
04733     ERROR3IF(CharsAspect!=FIXED16(1), "TextStory::Validate() - CharsAspect!=1");
04734     ERROR3IF(CharsRotation       !=0, "TextStory::Validate() - CharsRoation!=0 - not yet supported");
04735     ERROR3IF(ImportFormatWidth   !=0, "TextStory::Validate() - ImportFormatWidth!=0");
04736     ERROR3IF(!TextOnPathTangential,   "TextStory::Validate() - TextOnPathTangential!=0 - not yet supported");
04737     ERROR3IF(ImportBaseShift!=AlignBaseline,"TextStory::Validate() - ImportBaseShift!=AlignBaseline");
04738     VisibleTextNode* pLastVTNInStory = this->FindLastVTN();
04739     ERROR3IF(pLastVTNInStory==NULL,"TextStory::Validate() - story has no VTN!");
04740     ERROR3IF(!pLastVTNInStory->IsAnEOLNode(),"TextStory::Validate() - last VTN in story is not an EOLNode");
04742     FIXED16  Scale    = 1;
04743     FIXED16  Aspect   = 1;
04744     ANGLE    Rotation = 0;
04745     ANGLE    Shear    = 0;
04746     DocCoord Translation(0,0);
04747     if (StoryMatrix.Decompose(&Scale,&Aspect,&Rotation,&Shear,&Translation))
04748     {
04749         const FIXED16 NormaliseLimit = 0.001;
04750         if (Scale<0)
04751         {
04752             Scale = -Scale;
04753             Shear = -Shear;
04754         }
04755         FIXED16 AbsScaleError  = Scale-1;
04756         FIXED16 AbsAspectError = Aspect-1;
04757         AbsScaleError  =  AbsScaleError<0 ? -AbsScaleError  : AbsScaleError;
04758         AbsAspectError = AbsAspectError<0 ? -AbsAspectError : AbsAspectError;
04759         if (AbsScaleError>NormaliseLimit || AbsAspectError>NormaliseLimit)
04760             ERROR3("TextStory::Validate() - StroyMatrix scale or aspect not normalised!");
04761     }
04762     else
04763         ERROR3("TextStory::Validate() - failed to decompose story matrix");
04765     BOOL LineFound  = FALSE;
04766     BOOL PathFound  = FALSE;
04767     BOOL CaretFound = FALSE;
04768     Node* pNodeInStory = this->FindFirstChild();
04769     while (pNodeInStory!=NULL)
04770     {
04771         if (EnsureOpFlagsReset && pNodeInStory->IsABaseTextClass())
04772         {
04773             BaseTextClass* pBTC = (BaseTextClass*)pNodeInStory;
04774             ERROR3IF(pBTC->Affected(),              "TextStory::Validate() - AffectedFlag Set!");
04775             ERROR3IF(pBTC->DescendantAffected(),    "TextStory::Validate() - DescendantAffectedFlag Set!");
04776             ERROR3IF(pBTC->ModifiedByOp(),          "TextStory::Validate() - ModifiedByOpFlag Set!");
04777             ERROR3IF(pBTC->DescendantModifiedByOp(),"TextStory::Validate() - DescendantModifiedByOpFlag Set!");
04778         }
04779         if (pNodeInStory->IsAnAttribute())
04780         {
04781             ERROR3IF(LineFound,"TextStory::Validate() - Attribute found after first line in story");
04782             ERROR3IF(PathFound,"TextStory::Validate() - Attribute found after path in story");
04783             NodeAttribute* pAttr = (NodeAttribute*)pNodeInStory;
04784             if (pAttr->IsALineLevelAttrib() && !TextLine::IsAttrTypeLineLevel(pAttr->GetAttributeType()))
04785                 ERROR3("TextStory::Validate() - TextLine::IsAttrTypeLineLevel() out of date?");
04786         }
04787         else if (IS_A(pNodeInStory,NodePath))
04788         {
04789             ERROR3IF(LineFound,"TextStory::Validate() - Path is not first object in story");
04790             CheckLeaf(pNodeInStory);
04791             PathFound = TRUE;
04792         }
04793         else if (IS_A(pNodeInStory,TextLine))
04794         {
04795             BOOL VTNFound   = FALSE;
04796             BOOL EOLFound   = FALSE;
04797             Node* pNodeInLine = pNodeInStory->FindFirstChild();
04798             while (pNodeInLine!=NULL)
04799             {
04800                 if (EnsureOpFlagsReset && pNodeInStory->IsABaseTextClass())
04801                 {
04802                     BaseTextClass* pBTC = (BaseTextClass*)pNodeInStory;
04803                     ERROR3IF(pBTC->Affected(),              "TextStory::Validate() - AffectedFlag Set!");
04804                     ERROR3IF(pBTC->DescendantAffected(),    "TextStory::Validate() - DescendantAffectedFlag Set!");
04805                     ERROR3IF(pBTC->ModifiedByOp(),          "TextStory::Validate() - ModifiedByOpFlag Set!");
04806                     ERROR3IF(pBTC->DescendantModifiedByOp(),"TextStory::Validate() - DescendantModifiedByOpFlag Set!");
04807                 }
04808                 if (pNodeInLine->IsAnAttribute())
04809                 {
04810                     ERROR3IF(VTNFound,"TextStory::Validate() - Attribute found after first VTN in line");
04811                     NodeAttribute* pAttr = (NodeAttribute*)pNodeInLine;
04812                     if (pAttr->IsALineLevelAttrib() && !TextLine::IsAttrTypeLineLevel(pAttr->GetAttributeType()))
04813                         ERROR3("TextStory::Validate() - TextLine::IsAttrTypeLineLevel() out of date?");
04814                 }
04815                 else if (IS_A(pNodeInLine,CaretNode))
04816                 {
04817                     ERROR3IF(CaretFound,"TextStory::Validate() - story has more than 1 caret");
04818                     CheckLeaf(pNodeInLine);
04819                     VTNFound   = TRUE;
04820                     CaretFound = TRUE;
04821                 }
04822                 else if (IS_A(pNodeInLine,EOLNode))
04823                 {
04824                     ERROR3IF(EOLFound,"TextStory::Validate() - line has more than 1 EOL");
04825                     CheckLeaf(pNodeInLine);
04826                     VTNFound = TRUE;
04827                     EOLFound = TRUE;
04828                 }
04829                 else if (pNodeInLine->IsAVisibleTextNode())
04830                 {
04831                     ERROR3IF(EOLFound,"TextStory::Validate() - VTN found after EOL on line");
04832                     CheckLeaf(pNodeInLine);
04833                     VTNFound = TRUE;
04834                 }
04835                 else if (!pNodeInLine->IsNodeHidden())
04836                     ERROR3("TextStory::Validate() - unknown node in line (ie not a NodeAttribute, VisibleTextNode or NodeHidden)");
04837                 pNodeInLine = pNodeInLine->FindNext();
04838             }
04839             LineFound = TRUE;
04840         }
04841         else if (!pNodeInStory->IsNodeHidden())
04842             ERROR3("TextStory::Validate() - unknown node in story (ie not a NodeAttribute, NodePath, TextLine or NodeHidden)");
04843         pNodeInStory = pNodeInStory->FindNext();
04844     }
04845     ERROR3IF(!LineFound, "TextStory::Validate() - story has no lines!");
04846 //  ERROR3IF(!CaretFound,"TextStory::Validate() - story has no caret!");
04847     TRACEIF(!CaretFound,("TextStory::Validate() - story has no caret!\n"));
04848 }
04849 #endif
04850 #endif
04851 }

DocRect TextStory::ValidateExtend const ExtendParams ExtParams  )  [virtual]

Tests to see whether this text-story's extend-centre is positioned so as to make an extend operation irreversible. See also: Extender class.

Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
ExtParams parameters describing the extension. [INPUTS]
TRUE if this text story can be validly extended, FALSE otherwise.

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 5194 of file nodetxts.cpp.

05195 {
05196     // if we lie on a curve, we must test that curve and our attributes,
05197     // otherwise we must test ourself, then pass the test on to our children.
05198     DocRect drMinExtend(INT32_MAX, INT32_MAX, INT32_MAX, INT32_MAX);
05199     NodePath* pnPath = GetTextPath();
05200     if (pnPath == NULL)
05201     {
05202         DocCoord doccArray[1] = { FindExtendCentre() };
05203         drMinExtend = Extender::ValidateControlPoints(1, doccArray, ExtParams);
05205         // if we didn't invalidate the extension, we must call the base class
05206         // implementation, which will validate our children.
05207         if (drMinExtend.lo.x == INT32_MAX &&
05208             drMinExtend.lo.y == INT32_MAX &&
05209             drMinExtend.hi.x == INT32_MAX &&
05210             drMinExtend.hi.y == INT32_MAX)
05211             drMinExtend = Node::ValidateExtend(ExtParams);
05212     }
05213     else
05214     {
05215         drMinExtend = pnPath->ValidateExtend(ExtParams);
05217         DocRect drThisMinExtend;
05218         for (   Node* pChildNode = FindFirstChild();
05219                 pChildNode != NULL;
05220                 pChildNode = pChildNode->FindNext() )
05221         {
05222             if (!pChildNode->IsAnAttribute())
05223                 continue;
05225             drThisMinExtend = pChildNode->ValidateExtend(ExtParams);
05226             if (drMinExtend.lo.x > drThisMinExtend.lo.x) drMinExtend.lo.x = drThisMinExtend.lo.x;
05227             if (drMinExtend.lo.y > drThisMinExtend.lo.y) drMinExtend.lo.y = drThisMinExtend.lo.y;
05228             if (drMinExtend.hi.x > drThisMinExtend.hi.x) drMinExtend.hi.x = drThisMinExtend.hi.x;
05229             if (drMinExtend.hi.y > drThisMinExtend.hi.y) drMinExtend.hi.y = drThisMinExtend.hi.y;
05230         }
05231     }
05233     return drMinExtend;
05234 }

BOOL TextStory::WillStoryWrapOnPath  ) 

Calculates whether the formatter will wrap any line of text around the path It calculates this by checking the position of the last character (or VTN in each line). If this wraps it is assumed the whole line will wrap. Note text is assumed to only ever wrap on a path which is closed.

Mike_Kenny (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
TRUE if the text story will wrap on this path FALSE if not

Definition at line 4228 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04229 {
04230 // BODGE TEXT - horrible copy of code elsewhere
04232     // first find the text path.
04233     NodePath* pNodePath = GetTextPath();
04234     if (pNodePath==NULL)
04235         return FALSE;
04236     Path* pPath = &(pNodePath->InkPath);
04238     // if the path is open, text never wraps.
04239     INT32 NumPathCoords=pPath->GetNumCoords();
04240     if (NumPathCoords<2)
04241         return FALSE;
04243     BOOL PathClosed=FALSE;
04244     PathVerb* pPathVerbs=pPath->GetVerbArray();
04245     ERROR2IF(pPathVerbs==NULL,FALSE,"TextStory::IsStoryWrappedOnpath() - pPathVerbs==NULL");
04246     if (pPathVerbs[NumPathCoords-1] & PT_CLOSEFIGURE)
04247         PathClosed=TRUE;
04249     if (!PathClosed)
04250         return FALSE;
04252     // find the untransformed path length
04253     MILLIPOINT PathLength = 0;
04254     double fPathLength=0;
04255     ProcessLength PathLengthProcess(64);
04256     if (PathLengthProcess.PathLength(pPath,&fPathLength))
04257         PathLength=(MILLIPOINT)fPathLength;
04259     FIXED16 scale  = GetCharsScale();
04260     FIXED16 xscale = (scale<0 ? -scale : scale) * GetCharsAspect();
04262     BOOL Wrapped = FALSE;
04263     TextLine* pLine = FindFirstLine();
04264     while (pLine && !Wrapped)
04265     {
04266         Wrapped = pLine->WillLineWrapOnPath(xscale,PathLength);
04267         pLine = pLine->FindNextLine();
04268     }
04270     return Wrapped;
04271 }

BOOL TextStory::WriteBeginChildRecordsNative BaseCamelotFilter pFilter  )  [virtual]

Begin to write out you child records, in the native format.

Gerry_Iles (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pFilter = ptr to filter to write to [INPUTS]
TRUE if ok, FALSE otherwise
The base class will write out a TAG_DOWN record, but only if it has a child ptr

See also:
WritePostChildrenWeb(), WritePreChildrenWeb()

Reimplemented from NodeRenderableInk.

Definition at line 4554 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04555 {
04556 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04557     return CXaraFileTxtStory::WriteBeginChildRecordsNative(pFilter, this);
04558 #else
04559     return FALSE;
04560 #endif
04561 }

BOOL TextStory::WriteBeginChildRecordsWeb BaseCamelotFilter pFilter  )  [virtual]

Writes out child records associated with the text story.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pFilter = ptr to the filter to write out to [INPUTS]
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
It uses the CXaraFileTxtStory class, because this is where all the rest of the code for text story output is.

Reimplemented from NodeRenderableInk.

Definition at line 4545 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04546 {
04547 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04548     return CXaraFileTxtStory::WriteBeginChildRecordsWeb(pFilter, this);
04549 #else
04550     return FALSE;
04551 #endif
04552 }

BOOL TextStory::WriteEndChildRecordsNative BaseCamelotFilter pFilter  )  [virtual]

Finished writing out you child records, in the native format.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pFilter = ptr to filter to write to [INPUTS]
TRUE if ok, FALSE otherwise
The base class will write out a TAG_UP record, but only if it has a child ptr

See also:
WritePostChildrenWeb(), WritePreChildrenWeb()

Reimplemented from NodeRenderableInk.

Definition at line 4572 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04573 {
04574 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04575     return CXaraFileTxtStory::WriteEndChildRecordsNative(pFilter, this);
04576 #else
04577     return FALSE;
04578 #endif
04579 }

BOOL TextStory::WriteEndChildRecordsWeb BaseCamelotFilter pFilter  )  [virtual]

Finished writing out you child records, in the web format.

Mark_Neves (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pFilter = ptr to filter to write to [INPUTS]
TRUE if ok, FALSE otherwise
The base class will write out a TAG_UP record, but only if it has a child ptr

See also:
WritePostChildrenWeb(), WritePreChildrenWeb()

Reimplemented from NodeRenderableInk.

Definition at line 4563 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04564 {
04565 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04566     return CXaraFileTxtStory::WriteEndChildRecordsWeb(pFilter, this);
04567 #else
04568     return FALSE;
04569 #endif
04570 }

BOOL TextStory::WritePreChildrenNative BaseCamelotFilter pFilter  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 4500 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04501 {
04502 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04503     return CXaraFileTxtStory::WritePreChildrenNative(pFilter, this);
04504 #else
04505     return FALSE;
04506 #endif
04507 }

BOOL TextStory::WritePreChildrenWeb BaseCamelotFilter pFilter  )  [virtual]

Writes out a records associated with this node.

Andy_Hayward (Xara Group Ltd) <camelotdev@xara.com>
pFilter = ptr to the filter to write out to [INPUTS]
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
We currently call a helper class to do the work for us. Its been written this way to (a) keep all the text exporting code in one place (cxftext.h, cxftext.cpp), (b) to stop this file and its header from becoming bloated (reducing dependencies and build times) and (c) because I feel its neater (ie I want to). Ach

Reimplemented from Node.

Definition at line 4491 of file nodetxts.cpp.

04492 {
04493 #ifdef DO_EXPORT
04494     return CXaraFileTxtStory::WritePreChildrenWeb(pFilter, this);
04495 #else
04496     return FALSE;
04497 #endif
04498 }

Member Data Documentation

bool TextStory::AutoKern [private]

Definition at line 482 of file nodetxts.h.

BOOL TextStory::BeingCopied [private]

Definition at line 469 of file nodetxts.h.

CaretNode* TextStory::CachedCaret [private]

Definition at line 460 of file nodetxts.h.

FIXED16 TextStory::CharsAspect [private]

Definition at line 475 of file nodetxts.h.

ANGLE TextStory::CharsRotation [private]

Definition at line 476 of file nodetxts.h.

FIXED16 TextStory::CharsScale [private]

Definition at line 474 of file nodetxts.h.

ANGLE TextStory::CharsShear [private]

Definition at line 477 of file nodetxts.h.

BaseShiftEnum TextStory::ImportBaseShift [private]

Definition at line 472 of file nodetxts.h.

MILLIPOINT TextStory::ImportFormatWidth [private]

Definition at line 471 of file nodetxts.h.

MILLIPOINT TextStory::mLeftIndent [private]

Definition at line 461 of file nodetxts.h.

MILLIPOINT TextStory::mRightIndent [private]

Definition at line 462 of file nodetxts.h.

TextStory * TextStory::pFocusStory = NULL [static, private]

Definition at line 456 of file nodetxts.h.

ImportedStringList* TextStory::pImportedStringList [private]

Definition at line 479 of file nodetxts.h.

BOOL TextStory::PrintAsShapes [private]

Definition at line 467 of file nodetxts.h.

DocRect TextStory::RedrawRect [private]

Definition at line 459 of file nodetxts.h.

Matrix TextStory::StoryMatrix [private]

Definition at line 458 of file nodetxts.h.

MILLIPOINT TextStory::StoryWidth [private]

Definition at line 463 of file nodetxts.h.

BOOL TextStory::TextOnPathReversed [private]

Definition at line 465 of file nodetxts.h.

BOOL TextStory::TextOnPathTangential [private]

Definition at line 466 of file nodetxts.h.

BOOL TextStory::WordWrapping [private]

Definition at line 468 of file nodetxts.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Nov 10 04:01:51 2007 for Camelot by  doxygen 1.4.4