#include <ccolbar.h>
Public Member Functions | |
CColourBar () | |
CColourBar constructor Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care. | |
virtual | ~CColourBar () |
Destroys the object, as one might expect. Notes: IMPORTANT - After calling the destructor (delete ColourBar) it is VITAL that you then call RecalcLayout() for the main frame window in which the Colour Bar is appearing (the one you passed in to PB::Create(). If you don't do this, the bar won't disappear until the next time the main window is resized or a tool is chosen. | |
BOOL | Create (wxWindow *parent, UINT32 id) |
Creates a window and associates it with this CColourBar object. The window appears at the bottom of the main frame window, just like the status bar. | |
virtual wxSize | DoGetBestSize () const |
void | SetSizes (INT32 NewCellSize, INT32 NewScrollbarSize) |
Sets the base sizes of the colour strip and colour scroll bar in the colour bar window. Other features of the bar are automatically resized to fit the new sizing. The bar will be redrawn. If the combined height of the bar elements has now changed, the bar will be resized (by calling the parent's RecalcLayout method). | |
INT32 | GetNumberOfColours () |
Determines the number of colours that we wish to display on the ColourBar. | |
BOOL | IsColourPickerOverStripRect (wxWindow *colourPicker, wxPoint mousePt) |
This function helps to determin how colour picker controls should behave when they are over the colour bar. | |
BOOL | DoColourPickerColour (wxWindow *colourPicker, wxPoint mousePt, IndexedColour **pTheCol=NULL) |
Instruct the colour edit dialog to use that colour on the colour bar (of which the colour picker is over). | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | RedrawGBrushAreas (void) |
Force-redraws all areas of the colourbar that depend upon GBrush for their rendering. Used by winoil.cpp when GBrush rendering is enabled or disabled in order to redraw the colourbar. | |
static void | Show (BOOL HideOrShow=FALSE) |
Tells the colour bar to show or hide itself. The bar will remain visible/hidden until the next call to this method. If no colour bar currently exists, the desired state will be remembered and used on creation of any new bar. | |
static void | SetDisplayMode (INT32 NewDisplayMode=-1) |
Sets the Colour Bar display mode to the new value. Current legal mode values are 0..3 (small, med, med+scroll, large) Illegal values will cause it to resort to the default mode, medium+scroll (2) The default value of -1 is used to mean 'use the preference setting'. This allows the prefs dialogue to cause the ColourBar to sit up and take notice of changed preference settings. The preference setting ColourBarMode will be set to the new value. | |
static BOOL | GetStatusLineText (String_256 *Result) |
To retrieve help text for use by the status line system. | |
static CColourBar * | GetColourBar () |
static BOOL | EnsureLibraryColoursPresent () |
Ensures that any colour library sections we require are present. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | DoPaint (wxDC *pDC) |
Redraws the ColourBar window contents. | |
void | OnPaint (wxPaintEvent &event) |
Redraws the colour bar. | |
void | OnSize (wxSizeEvent &event) |
Handle resizing of our window. This ensures that the scroll offset is within the new bounds of the colour strip, and forces a redraw. | |
void | OnLButtonDown (wxMouseEvent &event) |
Handle left-button clicks in the colour bar Note that a shift-click is converted into the equivalent of a right-click by this function. | |
void | OnRButtonDown (wxMouseEvent &event) |
Handle right-button clicks in the Colour Bar. | |
void | OnLButtonDblClk (wxMouseEvent &event) |
Handle left-button double clicks in the colour bar. | |
void | OnRButtonDblClk (wxMouseEvent &event) |
Handle right-button double clicks in the Colour Bar. | |
void | OnLButtonUp (wxMouseEvent &event) |
Processes a left-button-released message. | |
void | OnRButtonUp (wxMouseEvent &event) |
Processes a right-button-released message. | |
void | OnMouseMove (wxMouseEvent &event) |
Processes all mouse moves over the colour bar. This currently involves providing bubble help and updating during drags of the scroll sausage. Other 'drag' updates (button autorepeats) are handled by OnTimer(). | |
void | OnTimer (wxTimerEvent &event) |
Responds to the triggering of the timer which we set when a click or drag first occurred, in order to check for auto-repeat of buttons. This currently processes the scroll left/right and page left/right areas Dragging the scroll sausage is handled in OnMouseMove. | |
BOOL | HasNoScrollBar (INT32 DisplayedColours, INT32 MaxColours, wxRect *pStripRect=NULL) |
Determines if the ColourBar actually need bother with a scrollbar (It does not need one if it can display all the available colours). | |
void | CalculateRects (void) |
Calculates various useful rectangular regions to be found within the Colour Bar window. Returns the screen rectangles ready for redraw. | |
void | CalculateRectsInternal (wxRect *pWindowRect, wxRect *pStripRect, wxRect *pIndicatorRect, wxRect *pScrollBarRect, wxRect *pEditButtonRect, wxRect *pNewButtonRect) |
Calculates various useful rectangular regions to be found within the Colour Bar window. Returns the screen rectangles ready for redraw. | |
BOOL | CalculateSausageRect (wxRect *Result) |
Calculates the scroll sausage area within the scroll bar rectangle Notes: You must call CalculateRects and cache the value of TotalNumColours prior to calling this function - see DoPaint for everything that needs to be done. The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care. | |
void | CalculateNoColourCellRect (wxRect *Rect) |
Calculates the 'NoColour' colour cell position, just to the left of the ColourStrip Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care. | |
INT32 | CalculateNewBarHeight (wxRect *AvailableRect) |
Determine how high the colour bar should be - this is difficult, because the height depends upon whether we want a scrollbar, and this in turn depends upon how wide the colourstrip is. | |
INT32 | CalculateColourCellIndex (IndexedColour *TheColour) |
Searches the colour list to find the given colour, returning its index in the list if it is found, or a negative value if it is not. | |
INT32 | CalculateColourCellIndex (DocColour *TheColour) |
Given a DocColour, will determine which *visible* colour cell, if any, is displaying that colour, anmd return its Cell Index. | |
void | OnAnyButtonUp (const wxPoint &point) |
Processes any button-released event. This stops auto-repeat and drags, and releases any claims (timers, drags) we might have. | |
void | OnAnyButtonDown (const wxPoint &point, INT32 Modifier) |
Handle button clicks in the colour bar. Called by the LButton and RButton handlers to share the code somewhat. | |
void | OnAnyButtonDblClk (wxPoint point, INT32 Modifier) |
Handle double clicks in the colour bar. This brings up the colour picker on the given colour. This works on any colour cell, including the current colour indicators. Double clicks on scroll arrows are passed on to the normal single-click handler (otherwise every second click, when repeating fast, is lost). | |
void | EditAColour (ColourList *DisplayList, IndexedColour *TheColour, BOOL LineColour=FALSE) |
Edits the given colour. | |
INT32 | WhereIsMouse (wxPoint MousePos, wxRect *TheRectItIsIn=NULL, BOOL *ToLeft=NULL) |
Checks which part of the ColourBar the given point lies over (if any) and returns a value indicating where it is. | |
void | ApplyColour (IndexedColour *TheColour, BOOL SetLineColour) |
Applies the given IndexedColour as a stroke/fill colour attribute to the selected objects. This also makes the colour the 'current' attribute, etc, if desired by the user. | |
void | CellClicked (INT32 CellIndex, BOOL SetLineColour) |
Processes a click on a given colour cell by setting the line/fill colour of the selected objects, or if nothing is selected, setting the default line/fill colour. | |
IndexedColour * | FindColourByIndex (UINT32 Index) |
Given the current Display List, finds the 'Index'th item, and dereferences it to find the actual IndexedColour that lies at that list position in the current colour bar display order. | |
DocColour * | FindLibColourByIndex (UINT32 Index, SGDisplayLibColour **ppLibColour=NULL) |
Given the current Display List, finds the 'Index'th item, and dereferences it to find the actual DocColour that lies at that list position in the current colour bar display order. This will only look through the Library colours and hence returns DocColours rather than indexed colours. | |
IndexedColour * | FindLibIndexedColourByIndex (UINT32 Index) |
Given the current Display List, finds the 'Index'th item, and dereferences it to find the actual DocColour that lies at that list position in the current colour bar display order. This will only look through the Library colours and hence finds DocColours rather than indexed colours. This versions is the same as above but then goes and creates an IndexedColour in the current document and returns this. | |
void | PaintColourCell (wxDC *pDC, wxRect *Rect, DocColour *RectCol) |
Draws the given rectangle as a 'Colour cell' for the given DocColour. The top half of the rect is solid-filled with the colour, while the bottom 2 quarters are filled with the colour as it would appear on top of a white background and black bgnd respectively (if the col isn't fractionally transparent, rect is just solid filled). | |
void | PaintNoColourCell (wxDC *pDC) |
Draws the 'NoColour' colour cell just to the left of the ColourStrip Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care. | |
void | PaintIndicatorDiamond (wxDC *pDC, const wxRect &CellRect, CBColourType ColourType, INT32 CellIndex, BOOL DiamondType) |
Draws a small diamond in the top left/right corner of a colour cell to indicate that the given cell is the current line/fill colour. | |
void | PaintColourStrip (wxDC *pDC, const wxRect &ClipRect) |
Redraws the ColourBar colour strip Notes: You must call CalculateRects and cache the value of TotalNumColours prior to calling this function - see DoPaint for everything that needs to be done. If GBrush has been initialised before calling this function, it will be used to plot the colour cells. | |
void | PaintIndicators (wxDC *pDC) |
Redraws the ColourBar colour indicators (current fg/bg colours) Notes: You must call CalculateRects and cache the value of TotalNumColours prior to calling this function - see DoPaint for everything that needs to be done. If GBrush has been initialised before calling this function, it will be used to plot the colour cells. The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care. | |
void | PaintEditOrNewButton (wxDC *pDC, BOOL Normal, BOOL IsEditButton) |
Draws the colour bar "edit colour" or "new colour" button Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care. | |
void | PaintScrollButton (wxDC *pDC, INT32 ButtonID, BOOL Normal) |
Draws a scroll button at the appropriate end of the scroll bar The button is scaled to fit into (ButtonWidth x ScrollHeight) Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care. | |
void | PaintScrollBar (wxDC *pDC) |
Redraws the ColourBar window's mini proportional scroll bar Notes: You must call CalculateRects and cache the value of TotalNumColours prior to calling this function - see DoPaint for everything that needs to be done. | |
void | PaintLibColourCell (wxDC *pDC, wxRect *Rect, DocColour *RectCol, BOOL SpotColour=FALSE) |
Draws the given rectangle as a 'Colour cell' for the given DocColour. | |
void | ForceRedrawOfCell (INT32 CellIndex) |
Forces a redraw of the given Cell in the colour strip. The index is from the first colour in the list - if this is outside the displayed portion of the colour strip, no action will be taken Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care. | |
void | ForceRedrawOfCell (DocColour *TheColour) |
void | ForceRedrawOfRect (const wxRect &RectToDraw) |
Causes the given portion of the colour bar to be redrawn Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care. | |
void | ScrollTheStrip (INT32 ScrollBy, BOOL RedrawAlways=FALSE) |
Scrolls the colour strip to the left or right. Does not allow scrolling past the ends of the available list. Causes the window to be redrawn. | |
void | CaptureTheMouse (void) |
Captures the mouse for drags/autorepeat. Nothing will be done if we already have mouse capture. | |
void | SetATimer (BOOL Delay) |
Sets a timer to cause a timer message to be sent to us after the keyboard auto-repeat delay. If we are already waiting for a timer event, the current timer will be replaced by the new one. | |
void | ReleaseAllClaims (void) |
Ensures that all our temporary claims (timers, mouse capture) are released. | |
BOOL | InitPrefs (void) |
Initialisation of ColourBar preference option(s) Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care. | |
wxBrush * | GetColourBrush (COLORREF rgb) |
Calculates a logical brush for use in painting. If GDraw is available via CColourBar::GDrawBrush, GDraw will be used. If not, GDI will be used. Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care. | |
void | SelectionHasChangedInternal (void) |
This will cause the colourbar to redraw any necessary portions of the colour strip and indicators to indicate the colour of the selection (or the default line/fill colours if there is no selection). | |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static INT32 | GetCurrentBarHeight (void) |
Determine how high the colour bar currently is. | |
static TCHAR * | HelpCallbackHandler (wxWindow *Window, INT32 Item, void *This) |
Callback handler for providing Bubble help over the Colour Bar window. | |
static void | PaletteHasChanged (ColourList *ChangedList=NULL) |
This will cause the colourbar to redraw itself with the new list if necessary, and cache new values for the new current list. | |
static void | SelectionHasChanged (void) |
This will cause the colourbar to redraw any necessary portions of the colour strip and indicators to indicate the colour of the selection (or the default line/fill colours if there is no selection). | |
Protected Attributes | |
INT32 | m_cxLeftBorder |
INT32 | m_cyTopBorder |
INT32 | m_cxRightBorder |
INT32 | m_cyBottomBorder |
UINT32 | LeftmostColour |
UINT32 | TotalNumColours |
INT32 | LastLineCell |
INT32 | LastFillCell |
INT32 | LastEndCell |
BOOL | LastDiamondShape |
INT32 | IndentedButton |
ColourList * | m_pCurrentColourList |
ColourBarMsgHandler * | MsgHandler |
wxRect | WindowRect |
wxRect | StripRect |
wxRect | IndicatorRect |
wxRect | ScrollBarRect |
wxRect | EditButtonRect |
wxRect | NewButtonRect |
INT32 | OldBarHeight |
wxTimer | m_DragTimer |
ColourSGallery * | m_pColourGallery |
CBDragInfo | DragInfo |
Cursor * | PushCursor |
GBrush | GDrawBrush |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static CColourBar * | TheColourBar = NULL |
static BOOL | BarIsVisible = TRUE |
Friends | |
class | ColourBarMsgHandler |
class | ColourDragInformation |
class | EditButtonDragTarget |
class | ColourLineDragTarget |
Definition at line 282 of file ccolbar.h.
CColourBar constructor Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care.
Definition at line 827 of file ccolbar.cpp. 00828 { 00829 m_pCurrentColourList = NULL; 00830 00831 LeftmostColour = 0; // Initially, are at left end of the colourstrip 00832 00833 LastLineCell = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; // We have not drawn any indicator diamonds anywhere 00834 LastFillCell = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 00835 LastEndCell = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 00836 LastDiamondShape = TRUE; 00837 00838 IndentedButton = CLICKED_NOTHING; 00839 00840 m_cxLeftBorder = 1; // Automatic 1 pixel gap at left end of bar 00841 m_cyTopBorder = 0; 00842 m_cxRightBorder = 0; 00843 m_cyBottomBorder = 0; 00844 00845 TheColourBar = this; 00846 00847 MsgHandler = NULL; 00848 00849 m_DragTimer.SetOwner(this, 2); 00850 00851 DragInfo.TimerOn = 0; 00852 DragInfo.MouseCaptured = FALSE; 00853 00854 PushCursor = NULL; 00855 00856 OldBarHeight = 0; 00857 00858 // We have no current colour gallery to access the fixed gallery section colours 00859 m_pColourGallery = NULL; 00860 }
Destroys the object, as one might expect. Notes: IMPORTANT - After calling the destructor (delete ColourBar) it is VITAL that you then call RecalcLayout() for the main frame window in which the Colour Bar is appearing (the one you passed in to PB::Create(). If you don't do this, the bar won't disappear until the next time the main window is resized or a tool is chosen.
Definition at line 884 of file ccolbar.cpp. 00885 { 00886 TheColourBar = NULL; // There is no longer a colour bar around 00887 00888 if (MsgHandler != NULL) 00889 delete MsgHandler; // Kill our message handler 00890 00891 ReleaseAllClaims(); // Ensure all temp. window claims (mouse/timer) released 00892 00893 if (PushCursor) 00894 delete PushCursor; 00895 }
Applies the given IndexedColour as a stroke/fill colour attribute to the selected objects. This also makes the colour the 'current' attribute, etc, if desired by the user.
Notes: Works on CurrentDoc, so ensure Current == Selected before calling this function Definition at line 3103 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03104 { 03105 NodeAttribute *Attrib = NULL; 03106 DocColour ColourToApply(COLOUR_TRANS); 03107 03108 if (TheColour != NULL) 03109 ColourToApply.MakeRefToIndexedColour(TheColour); 03110 03111 if (SetLineColour) 03112 { 03113 // Line colour selected so create a line colour attribute 03114 Attrib = new AttrStrokeColourChange; 03115 if (Attrib == NULL) 03116 return; 03117 03118 ((AttrStrokeColourChange *)Attrib)->SetStartColour(&ColourToApply); 03119 03120 // AttributeSelected knows what to do with a selected attribute 03121 AttributeManager::AttributeSelected(NULL, Attrib); 03122 03123 /* 03124 // Bodge Alert !! 03125 // To make blends work properly, we need to set the line transparecy. 03126 // We set it to Max if the colour is 'Tranaparent' or zero otherwise 03127 Attrib = new AttrStrokeTranspChange; 03128 if (Attrib == NULL) 03129 return; 03130 03131 UINT32 Transp; 03132 03133 if (ColourToApply.IsTransparent()) 03134 Transp = 255; 03135 else 03136 Transp = 0; 03137 03138 ((AttrStrokeTranspChange *)Attrib)->SetStartTransp(&Transp); 03139 03140 // AttributeSelected knows what to do with a selected attribute 03141 AttributeManager::AttributeSelected(NULL, Attrib); 03142 */ 03143 } 03144 else 03145 { 03146 // Rather than setting the flat fill colour, we do an AttrColourChange, which 03147 // (I assume) will handle things like selected grad fill points, etc. 03148 Attrib = new AttrColourChange; 03149 if (Attrib == NULL) 03150 return; 03151 03152 ((AttrColourChange *)Attrib)->SetStartColour(&ColourToApply); 03153 03154 // AttributeSelected knows what to do with a selected attribute 03155 AttributeManager::AttributeSelected(NULL, Attrib); 03156 } 03157 03158 // Note: Redraw of affected parts of the colour bar (indicator diamonds, etc) will 03159 // automatically occur as a result of the message which the AttributeManager will 03160 // broadcast in the above call. Thus we need do no more. 03161 }
Given a DocColour, will determine which *visible* colour cell, if any, is displaying that colour, anmd return its Cell Index.
Definition at line 3446 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03447 { 03448 if (TheColour == NULL) 03449 return(CELLINDEX_NOCELL); 03450 03451 if (TheColour->IsTransparent()) 03452 return(CELLINDEX_NOCOLOURCELL); 03453 03454 return (CalculateColourCellIndex(TheColour->FindParentIndexedColour())); 03455 }
Searches the colour list to find the given colour, returning its index in the list if it is found, or a negative value if it is not.
Definition at line 3399 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03400 { 03401 m_pCurrentColourList = ColourManager::GetColourList(); 03402 03403 if (TheColour == NULL || m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) 03404 return(CELLINDEX_NOCELL); 03405 03406 INT32 Index = 0; 03407 03408 // If the user has asked for document colours in the colour line then check these first 03409 // Indexed Colours are document colours and so can never exist in the library groups. 03410 if (ColourSGallery::ShowDocumentColours) 03411 { 03412 IndexedColour *TestColour = m_pCurrentColourList->GetUndeletedHead(); 03413 03414 while (TestColour != NULL) 03415 { 03416 if (TheColour == TestColour) 03417 return((INT32) Index); 03418 03419 TestColour = m_pCurrentColourList->GetUndeletedNext(TestColour); 03420 Index++; 03421 } 03422 } 03423 03424 // Didn't find a match for this colour in the list 03425 return(CELLINDEX_NOCELL); 03426 }
Determine how high the colour bar should be - this is difficult, because the height depends upon whether we want a scrollbar, and this in turn depends upon how wide the colourstrip is.
Definition at line 4306 of file ccolbar.cpp. 04307 { 04308 TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T("CColourBar::CalculateNewBarHeight")); 04309 04310 if (ScrollHeight == 0) // Has no scroll bar, so always the same height 04311 { 04312 TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T(" returning %d"), BarHeight); 04313 return(BarHeight); 04314 } 04315 04316 // Work out how many colours we want to display in the window. 04317 // Removed this line so that FullScreen mode (which destroys and recreates the colour 04318 // gallery) does not leave us with a cached pointer to garbage memory. 04319 // if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) 04320 m_pCurrentColourList = ColourManager::GetColourList(); 04321 04322 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) // No colours; we won't display anything anyway 04323 { 04324 // TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T(" returning %d"), BarHeight - ScrollHeight); 04325 // return(BarHeight - ScrollHeight); 04326 return(CellSize + 4); 04327 } 04328 04329 // Calculate where all the rectangles are going to be placed if the window is resized 04330 // to the 'AvailableRect'. From this, we get the projected StripRect size, which allows 04331 // us to project the number of colours we will be able to display. 04332 04333 wxRect tStripRect; // Temporary lookalikes to the global cached rects 04334 wxRect tIndicatorRect; 04335 wxRect tScrollBarRect; 04336 wxRect tEditButtonRect; 04337 wxRect tNewButtonRect; // Warning - this button is now defunct 04338 04339 CalculateRectsInternal(AvailableRect, 04340 &tStripRect, &tIndicatorRect, &tScrollBarRect, 04341 &tEditButtonRect, &tNewButtonRect); 04342 04343 INT32 DisplayedColours = tStripRect.width / CellSize; 04344 04345 // We can display all the colours, we don't need a scrollbar, so only need CellSize+4 pixels 04346 //if ((INT32) m_pCurrentColourList->GetUndeletedCount() <= DisplayedColours) // FIXEDCOLOURS 04347 if ((INT32)GetNumberOfColours() <= DisplayedColours) 04348 { 04349 // TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T(" returning %d"), BarHeight - ScrollHeight); 04350 // return(BarHeight - ScrollHeight); 04351 return(CellSize + 4); 04352 } 04353 04354 // We can't display all colours, so we need the desired BarHeight, which includes the 04355 // size of the colourstrip and the scrollbar (if enabled) 04356 TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T(" returning %d"), BarHeight); 04357 return(BarHeight); 04358 }
Calculates the 'NoColour' colour cell position, just to the left of the ColourStrip Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care.
Definition at line 1693 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01694 { 01695 *Rect = StripRect; 01696 if (ScrollHeight == 0) // If in 'small' mode, correct for scroll arrow 01697 Rect->x -= ButtonWidth; 01698 // else if (!HasNoScrollBar(-1, -1)) // otherwise if there IS a scroll bar 01699 // Rect->Offset(0,1); // then move the rectangle down a pixel 01700 01701 Rect->x -= NoColourSize + InterControlGap; 01702 Rect->width = NoColourSize; 01703 Rect->height = NoColourSize; 01704 }
Calculates various useful rectangular regions to be found within the Colour Bar window. Returns the screen rectangles ready for redraw.
IMPORTANT: If you change the rect calculations, be sure to change the 2 occurences of a related calculation in CColBar::CalculateNewBarHeight, below
Definition at line 1449 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01450 { 01451 // Calculate inside of window area 01452 WindowRect = GetClientRect(); 01453 01454 CalculateRectsInternal(&WindowRect, 01455 &StripRect, &IndicatorRect, &ScrollBarRect, 01456 &EditButtonRect, &NewButtonRect); 01457 01458 // Now, calculate the inside rect (the area of the window which lies inside the borders 01459 // which have been drawn by the base class DoPaint() function). The only things that 01460 // should be using this rectangle (rather than the rects calculated above) should be 01461 // the 2 bits in the DoPaint method which fill undrawn areas of the bar with grey. 01462 // CalcInsideRect(&WindowRect); 01463 }
Calculates various useful rectangular regions to be found within the Colour Bar window. Returns the screen rectangles ready for redraw.
Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care USE CalculateRects UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY
Definition at line 1502 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01505 { 01506 ERROR3IF(pWindowRect == NULL || pStripRect == NULL || pIndicatorRect == NULL || 01507 pScrollBarRect == NULL || pEditButtonRect == NULL || pNewButtonRect == NULL, 01508 _T("NULL parameter passed to CColourBar::CalculateRectsInternal")); 01509 01510 wxRect TempRect(*pWindowRect); 01511 01512 // CalcInsideRect(&TempRect); 01513 TempRect.Inflate(-CX_BORDER, -CY_BORDER); 01514 01515 // Calculate the current-colour indicator rectangle, and ensure it's a square 01516 *pIndicatorRect = TempRect; 01517 pIndicatorRect->width = pIndicatorRect->height; 01518 01519 // Subtract the indicator width from the available space. We now always make the indicator 01520 // 'BarHeight' pixels wide: This means that there is a gap to its right when there is 01521 // no scrollbar (because the square indicator shrinks), but this means the colourstrip 01522 // width is not dependant on whether or not it has a scrollbar (which in turn is dependant 01523 // upon the colourstrip width - a nasty circular reference!) 01524 TempRect.x += BarHeight + InterControlGap; 01525 TempRect.width -= BarHeight + InterControlGap; 01526 01527 // Calculate the new and edit button positions 01528 *pNewButtonRect = TempRect; 01529 pNewButtonRect->width = EditButtonSizeX; 01530 pNewButtonRect->height = EditButtonSizeY; 01531 01532 *pEditButtonRect = *pNewButtonRect; 01533 // The new button isn't current present so make the edit button the same 01534 // pEditButtonRect->x += EditButtonSizeX + InterControlGap; 01535 01536 // Subtract new, edit, and no-colour buttons from the TempRect 01537 TempRect.x += NoColourSize + EditButtonSizeX + (InterControlGap * 2); 01538 TempRect.width -= NoColourSize + EditButtonSizeX + (InterControlGap * 2); 01539 01540 // Calculate scrollbar and colour strip rectangles in the remaining space 01541 *pStripRect = TempRect; 01542 01543 // This may be called fairly early on so if no colour list then get out immediately 01544 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) // No colours, so give safe default and exit 01545 { 01546 *pScrollBarRect = TempRect; 01547 return; 01548 } 01549 01550 // INT32 MaxColours = (INT32) m_pCurrentColourList->GetUndeletedCount(); FIXED COLOURS 01551 INT32 MaxColours = GetNumberOfColours(); 01552 // Removed 4/8/97 Neville as causes a redraw problem when switching from document with two colours 01553 // in to one with none in. 01554 /* if (MaxColours <= 0) 01555 { 01556 pScrollBarRect->CopyRect(&TempRect); 01557 return; 01558 } */ 01559 01560 INT32 Width = pStripRect->width; 01561 01562 // Normally, the buttons are flush with the ends of the colourstrip, but in 01563 // this mode, they sit outside the ends of the colourstrip instead 01564 if (ScrollHeight == 0) 01565 Width -= 2 * (ButtonWidth + 1); 01566 01567 if (MaxColours * CellSize < Width) 01568 pStripRect->width = MaxColours * CellSize; 01569 else 01570 pStripRect->width = Width - (Width % CellSize); 01571 01572 if (ScrollHeight == 0) 01573 { 01574 // We want no scroll bar, just arrows on either end of the colourstrip 01575 // As the arrows are drawn on either end (outside) of the scroll rect, 01576 // we must now move both rects one scroll button width to the right 01577 01578 pStripRect->Offset(ButtonWidth + 1, 0); 01579 *pScrollBarRect = *pStripRect; 01580 01581 // And then make the scroll bar rect slightly bigger so there is a small 01582 // gap between the buttons and the strip 01583 pScrollBarRect->Inflate(2, 0); 01584 } 01585 else 01586 { 01587 // If there is no need for a scrollbar, StripRect expands to fill the space 01588 if (HasNoScrollBar(-1, MaxColours)) 01589 { 01590 // For now we will force the strip rect to only be CellSize high 01591 // because the window resizing code isn't working properly 01592 pStripRect->height = CellSize; 01593 return; 01594 } 01595 01596 *pScrollBarRect = *pStripRect; 01597 // ScrollBarRect is only ScrollHeight pixels high. 01598 // We also subtract off the space for the scroll arrows 01599 pScrollBarRect->y = pScrollBarRect->y + pScrollBarRect->height - ScrollHeight; 01600 pScrollBarRect->height = ScrollHeight; 01601 pScrollBarRect->Inflate(-(ButtonWidth-1), 0); 01602 01603 // Colour strip is immediately above scroll rect: same width, CellSize height 01604 pStripRect->height = CellSize; 01605 pStripRect->y = pScrollBarRect->y - CellSize; 01606 } 01607 }
Calculates the scroll sausage area within the scroll bar rectangle Notes: You must call CalculateRects and cache the value of TotalNumColours prior to calling this function - see DoPaint for everything that needs to be done. The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care.
Definition at line 1628 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01629 { 01630 // If the scroll bar hasn't got enough room to exist, it does not appear 01631 if (ScrollBarRect.width < 5) 01632 return(FALSE); 01633 01634 // If we are in Med/Large mode and have no scrollbar, it doesn't appear 01635 if (HasNoScrollBar(-1, -1)) 01636 return(FALSE); 01637 01638 *Result = ScrollBarRect; 01639 01640 UINT32 NumDisplayedColours = StripRect.width / CellSize; 01641 Result->Inflate(-1, -1); 01642 01643 if (NumDisplayedColours < TotalNumColours) 01644 { 01645 UINT32 BarWidth = Result->width; 01646 // Calculate the midpoint and width of the scroll 'sausage' 01647 // MidPointColour = LeftmostColour + NumDisplayedColours/2; 01648 // Mid = (MidPointColour / TotalColours) * BarWidth; 01649 // We calculate everything at *2 magnification to avoid rounding errors 01650 UINT32 Mid = (((LeftmostColour * 2) + NumDisplayedColours) * BarWidth) / 01651 (TotalNumColours * 2); 01652 01653 BarWidth = (BarWidth * NumDisplayedColours) / TotalNumColours; 01654 01655 if (BarWidth < (UINT32)4) 01656 BarWidth = 4; // Try to keep some sausage visible! 01657 01658 Result->x += Mid - (BarWidth / 2); 01659 Result->width = BarWidth; 01660 01661 // Clip the values in case of rounding errors causing a pixel or 2 error 01662 if (Result->x <= ScrollBarRect.x) 01663 Result->x = ScrollBarRect.x + 1; 01664 01665 // Clip rounding error, also make sure that errors don't make bar 1 pixel 01666 // short when at the very rightmost scroll position (this douubles up the 01667 // black lines around scroll sausage/arrow and looks bad) 01668 if (Result->GetRight() >= ScrollBarRect.GetRight() || 01669 TotalNumColours-NumDisplayedColours <= LeftmostColour) 01670 Result->SetRight(ScrollBarRect.GetRight() - 1); 01671 } 01672 01673 return(TRUE); 01674 }
Captures the mouse for drags/autorepeat. Nothing will be done if we already have mouse capture.
The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care Definition at line 3883 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03884 { 03885 TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T("CColourBar::CaptureTheMouse")); 03886 03887 if (DragInfo.MouseCaptured) 03888 { 03889 TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T("Already got capture")); 03890 return; 03891 } 03892 03893 CaptureMouse(); 03894 DragInfo.MouseCaptured = TRUE; 03895 }
Processes a click on a given colour cell by setting the line/fill colour of the selected objects, or if nothing is selected, setting the default line/fill colour.
If you add code to this routine, note the way in which we return - the selected order must always be deselected before exit Definition at line 3186 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03187 { 03188 if ((CellIndex >= CLICKED_NOTHING && CellIndex != CLICKED_NOCOLOURCELL) || 03189 m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) 03190 return; 03191 03192 // Ensure that CurrentDoc == SelectedDoc 03193 Document *OldCurrentDoc = SetCurrentDoc(); 03194 03195 // Create an attribute of the correct type 03196 IndexedColour *TheColour = NULL; 03197 if (CellIndex != CLICKED_NOCOLOURCELL) 03198 { 03199 // If the user has asked for document colours in the colour line then check these first 03200 if (ColourSGallery::ShowDocumentColours) 03201 TheColour = FindColourByIndex(CellIndex); 03202 03203 // If we didn't find it there check the library colours 03204 if (TheColour == NULL) 03205 { 03206 // FIXED COLOURS 03207 // It is not one of the standard document colours so check the fixed library colours 03208 // If it finds the correct one then this will create an indexed colour and add it to 03209 // the currently selected document 03210 TheColour = FindLibIndexedColourByIndex(CellIndex); 03211 if (TheColour == NULL) 03212 { 03213 // It is an unknown colour so just exit 03214 // Before exiting the function, we must always restore CurrentDoc 03215 RestoreCurrentDoc(OldCurrentDoc); 03216 return; 03217 } 03218 } 03219 } 03220 03221 ApplyColour(TheColour, SetLineColour); // Apply this colour to the selection 03222 03223 RestoreCurrentDoc(OldCurrentDoc); // Restore previous CurrentDoc value 03224 }
Creates a window and associates it with this CColourBar object. The window appears at the bottom of the main frame window, just like the status bar.
Definition at line 949 of file ccolbar.cpp. 00950 { 00951 if (!wxWindow::Create(pParent, id, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(BarHeight, BarHeight), wxNO_BORDER)) 00952 return(FALSE); 00953 00954 #if FALSE 00955 ASSERT_VALID(pParentWnd); // must have a parent 00956 00957 // Create a new WndClass- this should be identical to CControlBar's WndClass but 00958 // we also would kindof like double clicks if it isn't too much trouble, Mr MFC 00959 CString WndClassName = AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_DBLCLKS, NULL, //Cursor::Arrow->Handle(), 00960 (HBRUSH)(COLOR_BTNFACE + 1)); 00961 00962 // Do we want to show this bar after it's created? 00963 BOOL Show = dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE; 00964 00965 // Make sure the style flags only has legal flags set (VC6 change) 00966 dwStyle &= CBRS_ALL; 00967 00968 #if WIN32 00969 // this element of CControlBar does not exist in MFC 2.5 16-bit 00970 m_dwStyle = dwStyle; 00971 #endif 00972 00973 // create the wxWindow* 00974 wxRect rect; 00975 rect.SetRectEmpty(); 00976 if (!CWnd::Create(WndClassName, NULL, dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID)) 00977 return(FALSE); 00978 // NOTE: Parent must resize itself for control bar to be resized 00979 00980 if (Show) 00981 ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); 00982 #endif 00983 00984 InitPrefs(); 00985 SetDisplayMode(); 00986 00987 InvalidateBestSize(); 00988 00989 IndentedButton = CLICKED_NOTHING; 00990 00991 return(TRUE); 00992 }
Instruct the colour edit dialog to use that colour on the colour bar (of which the colour picker is over).
Definition at line 1293 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01294 { 01295 if (colourPicker == this) 01296 { 01297 UINT32 ColourCell = WhereIsMouse (mousePt); 01298 static UINT32 lastColourCell = (UINT32)-1; 01299 01300 if ((((INT32)ColourCell) >= 0)/* && (lastColourCell != ColourCell)*/) // we are over a valid colour 01301 { 01302 BOOL validColour = FALSE; 01303 01304 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) // Ensure the current ColourList pointer is valid 01305 { 01306 m_pCurrentColourList = ColourManager::GetColourList(); 01307 } 01308 01309 IndexedColour *TheColour = NULL; 01310 01311 // If the user has the preference set then include and hence show the document 01312 // colours 01313 if (ColourSGallery::ShowDocumentColours) 01314 { 01315 TheColour = FindColourByIndex(ColourCell); 01316 } 01317 01318 if (TheColour != NULL) 01319 { 01320 validColour = TRUE; 01321 } 01322 else 01323 { 01324 // We didn't find the colour in the document colours section 01325 // so check any library sections that may be present 01326 SGDisplayLibColour *pLibColour = NULL; 01327 DocColour * pTheDocColour = FindLibColourByIndex(ColourCell, &pLibColour); 01328 TheColour = ColourManager::GenerateNewUnnamedColour (m_pCurrentColourList, pTheDocColour); 01329 01330 if (pTheDocColour && pLibColour) 01331 { 01332 validColour = TRUE; 01333 } 01334 } 01335 01336 if (validColour && pTheCol) 01337 *pTheCol = TheColour; 01338 01339 if ((lastColourCell != ColourCell) && validColour) 01340 { 01341 ColourEditDlg* pColourEditDlg = ColourEditDlg::GetColourEditDlg (); 01342 ASSERT (pColourEditDlg); 01343 01344 pColourEditDlg->SetEditingColour (TheColour); 01345 lastColourCell = ColourCell; 01346 } 01347 01348 return (TRUE); 01349 } 01350 else 01351 { 01352 return (TRUE); 01353 } 01354 } 01355 01356 ENSURE(FALSE, "DoColourPickerColour called for invalid colour picker control"); 01357 01358 return (FALSE); 01359 }
Definition at line 1008 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01009 { 01010 TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T("CColourBar::DoGetBestSize")); 01011 wxRect AvailableRect = GetParent()->GetClientRect(); 01012 AvailableRect.height = BarHeight; 01013 INT32 Height = ((CColourBar*)this)->CalculateNewBarHeight(&AvailableRect); 01014 INT32 Width = GetParent()->GetClientSize().x; 01015 01016 return(wxSize(Width, Height)); 01017 }
Redraws the ColourBar window contents.
Definition at line 2707 of file ccolbar.cpp. 02708 { 02709 // If we're in the middle of doing something important (having a bit of an error) 02710 // then we just pretend that we redraw, and abort, to save going re-entrant. 02711 if (CCamApp::IsDisabled()) 02712 { 02713 TRACE( _T("Colour bar repaint has been aborted: the system is disabled (due to an error/ensure?)\n")); 02714 // The paint condition will have been cleared by the creation of the wxPaintDC 02715 // ::ValidateRect(m_hWnd, NULL); // Clear paint condition 02716 return; 02717 } 02718 02719 // ASSERT_VALID(this); 02720 // ASSERT_VALID(pDC); 02721 02722 Error::RenderThreadIn(); // Handle errors/exceptions during rendering properly 02723 02724 // CControlBar::DoPaint(pDC); // draw border 02725 02726 Document *OldCurrentDoc = SetCurrentDoc(); 02727 02728 // Get the current colour list, and calculate the rects to be redrawn 02729 m_pCurrentColourList = ColourManager::GetColourList(); 02730 CalculateRects(); 02731 02732 wxPen TransPen(wxColour(0,0,0), 1, wxTRANSPARENT); 02733 pDC->SetPen(TransPen); 02734 02735 wxBrush GreyBrush(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)); 02736 02737 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL)// || m_pCurrentColourList->GetUndeletedCount() == 0) 02738 { 02739 // No colours, so just fill the entire bar with grey 02740 pDC->SetBrush(GreyBrush); 02741 pDC->DrawRectangle(WindowRect); 02742 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 02743 pDC->SetPen(wxNullPen); 02744 RestoreCurrentDoc(OldCurrentDoc); 02745 02746 Error::RenderThreadOut(); 02747 return; 02748 } 02749 02750 wxRect ClipRect; 02751 pDC->GetClippingBox(&ClipRect.x, &ClipRect.y, &ClipRect.width, &ClipRect.height); 02752 02753 if (ClipRect.IsEmpty()) 02754 ClipRect = GetClientRect(); 02755 02756 // Fill everything to the right of the colourstrip with BTNFACE grey, to ensure we 02757 // overwrite any stuff that might have been drawn there and not erased (on some updates 02758 // we purposely do not bother with erasing the background, to reduce flicker) 02759 wxRect TheRect(WindowRect); 02760 INT32 OffsetLeft = StripRect.x + StripRect.width - TheRect.x; 02761 TheRect.x += OffsetLeft; 02762 TheRect.width -= OffsetLeft; 02763 pDC->SetBrush(GreyBrush); 02764 pDC->DrawRectangle(TheRect); 02765 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 02766 pDC->SetPen(wxNullPen); 02767 02768 // TotalNumColours = m_pCurrentColourList->GetUndeletedCount(); // FIXEDCOLOURS 02769 TotalNumColours = GetNumberOfColours(); 02770 if ((ScrollHeight == 0 || !HasNoScrollBar(-1, (INT32) TotalNumColours))) 02771 { 02772 wxRect AllScrollBarRect(ScrollBarRect); // ScrollBarRect does not include the 02773 AllScrollBarRect.x -= ButtonWidth + 1; // scroll arrows, which extend outside 02774 AllScrollBarRect.width += (ButtonWidth + 1) * 2; // this rect by ButtonWidth + 1 pixels 02775 02776 if (ClipRect.Intersects(AllScrollBarRect)) 02777 PaintScrollBar(pDC); 02778 } 02779 02780 PaintNoColourCell(pDC); 02781 if (ClipRect.Intersects(EditButtonRect)) 02782 PaintEditOrNewButton(pDC, (IndentedButton != CLICKED_EDITBUTTON), TRUE); 02783 02784 #if FALSE 02785 if (ClipRect.Intersects(NewButtonRect)) 02786 PaintEditOrNewButton(pDC, (IndentedButton != CLICKED_NEWBUTTON), FALSE); 02787 #endif 02788 02789 // Set up palette and GBrush for Spiffy redraw 02790 // CPalette * OldPal = NULL; 02791 // if (PaletteManager::UsePalette()) 02792 // { 02793 // OldPal = PaletteManager::StartPaintPalette(pDC); 02794 // } 02795 02796 GDrawBrush.Init(pDC); 02797 GDrawBrush.Start(); 02798 02799 // Draw Indicators and colour strip, using GBrush if possible 02800 if (ClipRect.Intersects(IndicatorRect)) 02801 PaintIndicators(pDC); 02802 02803 if (ClipRect.Intersects(StripRect)) 02804 PaintColourStrip(pDC, ClipRect); 02805 02806 // Finish with GBrush 02807 GDrawBrush.Stop(); 02808 // if (OldPal) 02809 // PaletteManager::StopPaintPalette(pDC, OldPal); 02810 02811 Error::RenderThreadOut(); 02812 02813 RestoreCurrentDoc(OldCurrentDoc); 02814 }
Edits the given colour.
Scope: private
Definition at line 3922 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03924 { 03925 ColourPicker ColPicker; 03926 03927 if (DisplayList == NULL || TheColour == NULL) 03928 ColPicker.EditColour(NULL, NULL, LineColour); // Open, but don't edit anything 03929 else 03930 ColPicker.EditColour(DisplayList, TheColour); 03931 }
Ensures that any colour library sections we require are present.
Definition at line 1196 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01197 { 01198 PORTNOTE("other","Removed ColourSGallery usage") 01199 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX) 01200 // try and ensure all our required colour gallery sections are present and de-virtilised 01201 ColourSGallery * pColourGallery = ColourSGallery::GetInstance(); 01202 if (pColourGallery != NULL) 01203 { 01204 // This will create the groups if they're not there yet 01205 pColourGallery->MakeSureGroupsHaveBeenCreated(); 01206 01207 // Find the Netscape palette library 01208 SGDisplayLibColGroup * pLibGroup = pColourGallery->GetFirstLibGroup(); 01209 while (pLibGroup) 01210 { 01211 // Add in any items that are flagged as being required 01212 if (pLibGroup->DisplayInColourLine()) 01213 { 01214 pLibGroup->DeVirtualise(); 01215 } 01216 01217 pLibGroup = pColourGallery->GetNextLibGroup(pLibGroup); 01218 } 01219 01220 if (TheColourBar != NULL) // If there's a bar, set it to the new size 01221 { 01222 // Force a redraw of the bar to ensure it's up to date 01223 // This checks that the size is correct 01224 PaletteHasChanged(NULL); 01225 //TheColourBar->Invalidate(); 01226 } 01227 } 01228 #endif 01229 return TRUE; 01230 }
Given the current Display List, finds the 'Index'th item, and dereferences it to find the actual IndexedColour that lies at that list position in the current colour bar display order.
Ignores 'deleted' colours held in the colour list Scope: private (to ccolourbar) Definition at line 3983 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03984 { 03985 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) 03986 m_pCurrentColourList = ColourManager::GetColourList(); 03987 03988 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) 03989 { 03990 ERROR3(_T("CColourBar::FindColourByIndex can't handle NULL Colour Lists")); 03991 return(NULL); 03992 } 03993 03994 // First, check if the index is in the main colour list 03995 UINT32 DocColours = (UINT32) m_pCurrentColourList->GetUndeletedCount(); 03996 if (Index < DocColours) 03997 return(m_pCurrentColourList->FindUndeletedItem(Index)); 03998 03999 // not in this list so return NULL 04000 return NULL; 04001 }
Given the current Display List, finds the 'Index'th item, and dereferences it to find the actual DocColour that lies at that list position in the current colour bar display order. This will only look through the Library colours and hence returns DocColours rather than indexed colours.
Definition at line 4020 of file ccolbar.cpp. 04021 { 04022 // First, check if the index is in the main colour list 04023 UINT32 DocColours = 0; 04024 // If the user has the preference set then include and hence show the document 04025 // colours 04026 if (ColourSGallery::ShowDocumentColours) 04027 { 04028 DocColours = (UINT32) m_pCurrentColourList->GetUndeletedCount(); 04029 if (Index < DocColours) 04030 return NULL; 04031 } 04032 04033 PORTNOTE("other","Removed ColourSGallery usage") 04034 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX) 04035 // The new index count has to have these doc colours removed from the original index 04036 UINT32 NewIndex = Index - DocColours; 04037 04038 // Index is beyond the colours in the current document and so try the colour libraries 04039 m_pColourGallery = ColourSGallery::GetInstance(); 04040 UINT32 items = 0; 04041 if (m_pColourGallery != NULL) 04042 { 04043 // This will create the groups if they're not there yet 04044 m_pColourGallery->MakeSureGroupsHaveBeenCreated(); 04045 04046 // Find the Netscape palette library 04047 SGDisplayLibColGroup * pLibGroup = m_pColourGallery->GetFirstLibGroup(); 04048 BOOL Found = FALSE; 04049 while (!Found && pLibGroup) 04050 { 04051 // Add in any items that are flagged as being required 04052 if (pLibGroup->DisplayInColourLine()) 04053 { 04054 // pLibGroup->DeVirtualise(); // This is dangerous as it may change current doc! 04055 // Disabled as it causes problems during start up 04056 items = pLibGroup->CountChildren(); 04057 if (NewIndex < items) 04058 { 04059 return pLibGroup->GetItemColour(NewIndex, ppLibColour); 04060 } 04061 else 04062 { 04063 // remove these items from the count 04064 NewIndex -= items; 04065 } 04066 } 04067 04068 pLibGroup = m_pColourGallery->GetNextLibGroup(pLibGroup); 04069 } 04070 } 04071 #endif 04072 // Nothing found 04073 return NULL; 04074 }
Given the current Display List, finds the 'Index'th item, and dereferences it to find the actual DocColour that lies at that list position in the current colour bar display order. This will only look through the Library colours and hence finds DocColours rather than indexed colours. This versions is the same as above but then goes and creates an IndexedColour in the current document and returns this.
Definition at line 4093 of file ccolbar.cpp. 04094 { 04095 // If we have no current colour list then nothing doing 04096 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) 04097 return NULL; 04098 04099 IndexedColour *pNewCol = NULL; 04100 04101 SGDisplayLibColour *pLibColour = NULL; 04102 DocColour * pTheColour = FindLibColourByIndex(Index, &pLibColour); 04103 04104 if (pTheColour == NULL || pLibColour == NULL) 04105 return NULL; 04106 04107 // We have discovered a library DocColour - we must copy it into the document before trying to apply it 04108 // Make a temporary IndexedColour from the library colour 04109 pNewCol = new IndexedColour(*pTheColour); 04110 04111 if (pNewCol != NULL) 04112 { 04113 // Set the colour's name to the same as the library item (but make sure it's unique) 04114 String_256 Buffer; 04115 pLibColour->GetNameText(&Buffer); 04116 pNewCol->SetName(Buffer); 04117 // If we do this then the EnsureColourIsInDocument wont do all its work. 04118 // It will handle duplicate names for us 04119 // if (m_pCurrentColourList->GenerateUniqueColourName(pNewCol->GetName(), (String_64 *) &Buffer)) 04120 // pNewCol->SetName(Buffer); 04121 04122 // If it's a spot colour, make it so 04123 if (pLibColour->IsASpotColour()) 04124 pNewCol->SetLinkedParent(NULL, COLOURTYPE_SPOT); 04125 04126 // Copy the colour into the destination document (merging it with existing 04127 // colours so we won't keep creating new copies of the same colour as it's applied) 04128 DocColour ColourToApply; 04129 ColourToApply.MakeRefToIndexedColour(pNewCol); 04130 ColourManager::EnsureColourIsInDocument(NULL, Document::GetSelected(), &ColourToApply); 04131 04132 // Delete the temporary IndexedColour we used 04133 delete pNewCol; 04134 04135 // And remember the new colour we've just made 04136 pNewCol = ColourToApply.FindParentIndexedColour(); 04137 } 04138 04139 // return the result to the caller 04140 return pNewCol; 04141 }
Forces a redraw of the given Cell in the colour strip. The index is from the first colour in the list - if this is outside the displayed portion of the colour strip, no action will be taken Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care.
Definition at line 3473 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03474 { 03475 if (CellIndex == CELLINDEX_NOCOLOURCELL) // Redraw No-colour cell 03476 { 03477 wxRect Rect; 03478 CalculateNoColourCellRect(&Rect); 03479 03480 ForceRedrawOfRect(Rect); 03481 return; 03482 } 03483 03484 if (CellIndex < (INT32)LeftmostColour) // Cell is not visible (off left of strip) 03485 return; 03486 03487 // Calculate position of the colour cell in the strip... 03488 wxRect RedrawRect(StripRect); // Copy the striprect 03489 03490 // Calculate left edge of the cell 03491 RedrawRect.x += CellSize * (CellIndex - LeftmostColour); 03492 if (RedrawRect.x > (StripRect.x + StripRect.width)) // Cell is not visible (off right of strip) 03493 return; 03494 03495 RedrawRect.width = CellSize; // Set width of the cell 03496 ForceRedrawOfRect(RedrawRect); // redraw the sucker 03497 }
Causes the given portion of the colour bar to be redrawn Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care.
Definition at line 2833 of file ccolbar.cpp. 02834 { 02835 wxRect OffsetRectToDraw(RectToDraw); 02836 wxRect RealWindowRect; 02837 02838 // Convert the screen rectangle coords into window *offsets* 02839 RealWindowRect = GetClientRect(); 02840 OffsetRectToDraw.Offset(-RealWindowRect.x, -RealWindowRect.y); 02841 02842 RefreshRect(OffsetRectToDraw, false); 02843 }
Definition at line 311 of file ccolbar.h. 00311 { return(TheColourBar); }
Calculates a logical brush for use in painting. If GDraw is available via CColourBar::GDrawBrush, GDraw will be used. If not, GDI will be used. Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care.
Definition at line 2015 of file ccolbar.cpp. 02016 { 02017 wxBrush* pBrush = NULL; 02018 02019 if (GDrawBrush.Available()) 02020 { 02021 pBrush = new wxBrush; 02022 02023 if (pBrush != NULL) 02024 { 02025 GDrawBrush.GetLogBrush(rgb, pBrush); 02026 } 02027 } 02028 else 02029 pBrush = new wxBrush(rgb); 02030 02031 return pBrush; 02032 }
Determine how high the colour bar currently is.
Definition at line 4272 of file ccolbar.cpp. 04273 { 04274 if (TheColourBar == NULL || !TheColourBar->BarIsVisible) 04275 return(0); 04276 04277 wxRect ClientRect = TheColourBar->GetClientRect(); 04278 return(ClientRect.height); 04279 }
Determines the number of colours that we wish to display on the ColourBar.
Definition at line 1135 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01136 { 01137 INT32 total = 0; 01138 01139 // Get the actually colours in the selected document 01140 INT32 DocColours = 0; 01141 01142 // If the user has the preference set then include and hence show the document 01143 // colours 01144 if (ColourSGallery::ShowDocumentColours) 01145 { 01146 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) 01147 m_pCurrentColourList = ColourManager::GetColourList(); 01148 01149 if (m_pCurrentColourList != NULL) 01150 DocColours = (INT32) m_pCurrentColourList->GetUndeletedCount(); 01151 01152 total += DocColours; 01153 } 01154 01155 PORTNOTE("other","Removed ColourSGallery usage") 01156 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX) 01157 // try and add in any fixed sections required 01158 m_pColourGallery = ColourSGallery::GetInstance(); 01159 if (m_pColourGallery != NULL) 01160 { 01161 // This will create the groups if they're not there yet 01162 m_pColourGallery->MakeSureGroupsHaveBeenCreated(); 01163 01164 // Find the Netscape palette library 01165 SGDisplayLibColGroup * pLibGroup = m_pColourGallery->GetFirstLibGroup(); 01166 BOOL Found = FALSE; 01167 while (!Found && pLibGroup) 01168 { 01169 // Add in any items that are flagged as being required 01170 if (pLibGroup->DisplayInColourLine()) 01171 { 01172 // pLibGroup->DeVirtualise(); // This is dangerous as it may change things like current doc! 01173 // Disabled as it causes problems during start up 01174 total += pLibGroup->CountChildren(); 01175 } 01176 01177 pLibGroup = m_pColourGallery->GetNextLibGroup(pLibGroup); 01178 } 01179 } 01180 #endif 01181 return total; 01182 }
To retrieve help text for use by the status line system.
Definition at line 5317 of file ccolbar.cpp. 05318 { 05319 if (TheColourBar == NULL) // There is no colour bar! 05320 return(FALSE); 05321 05322 if (TheColourBar->m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) // No Colours! Exit immediately! 05323 return(FALSE); 05324 05325 // ASSERT_VALID(TheColourBar); 05326 ERROR3IF(Result == NULL, _T("CColourBar::GetStatusLineText - NULL Result parameter is bad")); 05327 05328 wxPoint ScreenPos = ::wxGetMousePosition(); 05329 05330 if (::wxChildWindowFromPoint(ScreenPos, false, -1) != TheColourBar) 05331 return(FALSE); 05332 05333 wxPoint ClientPos = TheColourBar->ScreenToClient(ScreenPos); // make relative to window 05334 05335 static String_64 HelpStringStore; 05336 // StringBase *HelpString = NULL; 05337 05338 INT32 Item = TheColourBar->WhereIsMouse(ClientPos); 05339 if (Item >= CLICKED_NOTHING) 05340 { 05341 switch(Item) 05342 { 05343 case CLICKED_SCROLLBAR: 05344 case CLICKED_SCROLLBARLEFT: 05345 case CLICKED_SCROLLBARRIGHT: 05346 case CLICKED_LEFTSCROLL: 05347 case CLICKED_RIGHTSCROLL: 05348 Result->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_COLBAR_SSCROLL)); 05349 break; 05350 05351 case CLICKED_INDICATORS: 05352 Result->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_COLBAR_HINDICATOR)); 05353 break; 05354 05355 case CLICKED_NOCOLOURCELL: 05356 Result->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_COLBAR_SNOCOLOUR)); 05357 break; 05358 05359 case CLICKED_EDITBUTTON: 05360 { 05361 // "Click to edit the current colour" 05362 Result->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_COLBAR_SEDITBUTTON)); 05363 05364 // If there is a selection, then chnage to using: 05365 // "Click to edit colour of ellipse" 05366 SelRange *Selection = GetApplication()->FindSelection(); 05367 if (Selection != NULL) 05368 { 05369 if (Selection->Count() > 0) 05370 { 05371 String_256 Desc = Selection->Describe(MENU); 05372 Result->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_COLBAR_SEDITBUTTON2), (TCHAR *)Desc); 05373 } 05374 } 05375 } 05376 break; 05377 05378 #if FALSE 05379 case CLICKED_NEWBUTTON: 05380 Result->MakeMsg(_R(IDS_COLBAR_SNEWBUTTON)); 05381 break; 05382 #endif 05383 05384 case CLICKED_NOTHING: // No useful help - return nothing 05385 return(FALSE); 05386 } 05387 } 05388 else 05389 { 05390 if (AttrFillGeometry::SelectionCount > 0) 05391 Result->Load(_R(IDS_COLBAR_SSTRIPGRAD)); // Set grad fill handle colours 05392 else 05393 Result->Load(_R(IDS_COLBAR_SSTRIPFLAT)); // Set normal flat fill colours 05394 } 05395 05396 return(TRUE); 05397 }
Determines if the ColourBar actually need bother with a scrollbar (It does not need one if it can display all the available colours).
Definition at line 1389 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01390 { 01391 if (BarHeight == 0) // In small mode, always has arrows 01392 return(FALSE); 01393 01394 if (pStripRect == NULL) // By default, use our 'global' strip rectangle 01395 pStripRect = &StripRect; 01396 01397 if (DisplayedColours < 0) 01398 DisplayedColours = pStripRect->width / CellSize; 01399 01400 if (MaxColours < 0) 01401 { 01402 MaxColours = GetNumberOfColours(); 01403 01404 /* FIXEDCOLOURS 01405 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) 01406 m_pCurrentColourList = ColourManager::GetColourList(); 01407 01408 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) 01409 return(FALSE); 01410 01411 MaxColours = (INT32) m_pCurrentColourList->GetUndeletedCount(); 01412 */ 01413 } 01414 01415 return(MaxColours <= DisplayedColours); 01416 }
Callback handler for providing Bubble help over the Colour Bar window.
Definition at line 3244 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03245 { 03246 static String_64 HelpStringStore; 03247 StringBase *HelpString = NULL; 03248 03249 if (TheColourBar == NULL || Item == CLICKED_NOTHING) 03250 return(NULL); 03251 03252 // ASSERT_VALID(TheColourBar); 03253 03254 if (Item >= CLICKED_NOTHING) 03255 { 03256 switch(Item) 03257 { 03258 case CLICKED_SCROLLBAR: // 'Drag to scroll' 03259 HelpStringStore.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_COLBAR_HSCROLL)); 03260 HelpString = &HelpStringStore; 03261 break; 03262 03263 case CLICKED_SCROLLBARLEFT: // 'Click to scroll' 03264 case CLICKED_SCROLLBARRIGHT: 03265 case CLICKED_LEFTSCROLL: 03266 case CLICKED_RIGHTSCROLL: 03267 HelpStringStore.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_COLBAR_HBUTTONS)); 03268 HelpString = &HelpStringStore; 03269 break; 03270 03271 case CLICKED_INDICATORS: // 'Current line/fill colours' 03272 HelpStringStore.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_COLBAR_HINDICATOR)); 03273 HelpString = &HelpStringStore; 03274 break; 03275 03276 case CLICKED_NOCOLOURCELL: 03277 HelpStringStore.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_COLBAR_HNOCOLOUR)); 03278 HelpString = &HelpStringStore; 03279 break; 03280 03281 case CLICKED_EDITBUTTON: 03282 HelpStringStore.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_COLBAR_HEDITBUTTON)); 03283 HelpString = &HelpStringStore; 03284 break; 03285 03286 #if FALSE 03287 case CLICKED_NEWBUTTON: 03288 HelpStringStore.MakeMsg(_R(IDS_COLBAR_HNEWBUTTON)); 03289 HelpString = &HelpStringStore; 03290 break; 03291 #endif 03292 } 03293 } 03294 else 03295 { 03296 // We are over a colour cell - bubble-help its name 03297 IndexedColour *TheColour = NULL; 03298 // If the user has the preference set then include and hence show the document 03299 // colours 03300 if (ColourSGallery::ShowDocumentColours) 03301 TheColour = TheColourBar->FindColourByIndex(Item); 03302 03303 if (TheColour != NULL) 03304 { 03305 HelpStringStore = *(TheColour->GetName()); 03306 HelpString = &HelpStringStore; 03307 } 03308 else 03309 { 03310 PORTNOTE("other","Removed ColourSGallery usage") 03311 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX) 03312 // Check to see if its a colour library item 03313 SGDisplayLibColour *pLibColour = NULL; 03314 DocColour * pTheColour = TheColourBar->FindLibColourByIndex(Item, &pLibColour); 03315 if (pTheColour && pLibColour) 03316 { 03317 // Get the name of the item from the LibColour gallery item 03318 // which is keeping it safe for us 03319 String_256 Buffer; 03320 pLibColour->GetNameText(&Buffer); 03321 HelpStringStore = Buffer; 03322 HelpString = &HelpStringStore; 03323 } 03324 #endif 03325 } 03326 } 03327 03328 if (HelpString != NULL) 03329 return((TCHAR *) *HelpString); 03330 03331 return(NULL); 03332 }
Initialisation of ColourBar preference option(s) Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care.
Definition at line 913 of file ccolbar.cpp. 00914 { 00915 if (MsgHandler == NULL) 00916 MsgHandler = new ColourBarMsgHandler; 00917 00918 if (MsgHandler == NULL) 00919 return(FALSE); 00920 00921 Camelot.DeclareSection(TEXT("Displays"), 8); 00922 Camelot.DeclarePref(TEXT("Displays"), TEXT("ColourBarMode"), &DefaultSizeIndex); 00923 Camelot.DeclarePref(TEXT("Displays"), TEXT("ColourCellsDivided"), &ColourCellsDivided); 00924 00925 return(TRUE); 00926 }
This function helps to determin how colour picker controls should behave when they are over the colour bar.
Definition at line 1248 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01249 { 01250 return((colourPicker == this) && StripRect.Inside(mousePt)); 01251 01252 #if FALSE 01253 // firstly, lets check for obvious insanity 01254 String_256 ClassNameStr; // The control type 01255 01256 // Find out the class type of the gadget 01257 GetClassName (colourPicker, (TCHAR*) ClassNameStr, 255); 01258 01259 //BOOL returnVal = FALSE; 01260 01261 if (ClassNameStr == String_8(TEXT("cc_colPicker"))) 01262 { 01263 if (StripRect.PtInRect(mousePt)) 01264 { 01265 return (TRUE); 01266 } 01267 else 01268 { 01269 return (FALSE); 01270 } 01271 } 01272 01273 ENSURE(FALSE, _T("IsColourPickerOverStripRect called for invalid colour picker control")); 01274 return (FALSE); 01275 #endif 01276 }
Handle double clicks in the colour bar. This brings up the colour picker on the given colour. This works on any colour cell, including the current colour indicators. Double clicks on scroll arrows are passed on to the normal single-click handler (otherwise every second click, when repeating fast, is lost).
Definition at line 4854 of file ccolbar.cpp. 04855 { 04856 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) 04857 return; 04858 04859 INT32 ColourCell = WhereIsMouse(point); 04860 04861 if (ColourCell == CLICKED_INDICATORS) 04862 { 04863 // Have double-clicked the line/fill colour indicator, so edit them if possible 04864 wxRect InnerRect(IndicatorRect); 04865 INT32 DeflateBy = (abs(IndicatorRect.height) * 2) / 5; 04866 if (DeflateBy < 4) 04867 DeflateBy = 4; // Line indicator is min. of 2 pixels wide 04868 InnerRect.Inflate(-DeflateBy / 2, -DeflateBy / 2); 04869 04870 // IndexedColour *IndexedColToEdit = NULL; 04871 04872 DocColour *LineColour; 04873 DocColour *FillColour; 04874 DocColour *EndColour; 04875 ColourManager::GetCurrentLineAndFillColours(&LineColour, &FillColour, &EndColour); 04876 04877 if (InnerRect.Inside(point)) 04878 { 04879 if (EndColour != NULL && point.y <= (InnerRect.y + (InnerRect.height / 2))) 04880 FillColour = EndColour; 04881 04882 if (FillColour!= NULL) 04883 { 04884 // Find the fill colour. If it's unnamed, then we'll use NULL so that we 04885 // edit the local colour properly instead of doing the wrong thing 04886 IndexedColour *IxColour = FillColour->FindParentIndexedColour(); 04887 if (IxColour != NULL && !IxColour->IsNamed()) 04888 IxColour = NULL; 04889 04890 EditAColour(m_pCurrentColourList, IxColour, FALSE); 04891 } 04892 else 04893 EditAColour(NULL, NULL, FALSE); 04894 } 04895 else 04896 { 04897 if (LineColour != NULL) 04898 { 04899 // Find the line colour. If it's unnamed, then we'll use NULL so that we 04900 // edit the local colour properly instead of doing the wrong thing 04901 IndexedColour *IxColour = LineColour->FindParentIndexedColour(); 04902 if (IxColour != NULL && !IxColour->IsNamed()) 04903 IxColour = NULL; 04904 04905 EditAColour(m_pCurrentColourList, IxColour, TRUE); 04906 } 04907 else 04908 EditAColour(NULL, NULL, TRUE); 04909 } 04910 } 04911 else if (ColourCell == CLICKED_LEFTSCROLL || ColourCell == CLICKED_RIGHTSCROLL) 04912 { 04913 // As double-clicks are enabled, Windows weeds out every second click if the 04914 // user clicks repeatedly at high speed. Thus, we respond to a double-click 04915 // on the scroll arrows as if it were just a second ordinary click. 04916 OnAnyButtonDown(point, Modifier); 04917 } 04918 }
Handle button clicks in the colour bar. Called by the LButton and RButton handlers to share the code somewhat.
Definition at line 4516 of file ccolbar.cpp. 04517 { 04518 if (DragInfo.MouseCaptured) // Ignore clicks during drags 04519 return; 04520 04521 // Remove bubble help whenever the user clicks 04522 // ControlHelper::BubbleHelpDisable(); 04523 04524 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) // Ensure the current ColourList pointer is valid 04525 m_pCurrentColourList = ColourManager::GetColourList(); 04526 04527 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) // No DOCUMENT! No Colours! Exit immediately! 04528 return; 04529 04530 wxRect RectMouseIsIn; 04531 INT32 MousePos = WhereIsMouse(point, &RectMouseIsIn); 04532 04533 DragInfo.Adjust = (Modifier < 0); 04534 DragInfo.LastMousePos = point; // Remember last point mouse was at 04535 DragInfo.DragItem = MousePos; // and last item it was over 04536 04537 04538 if (MousePos < CLICKED_NOTHING) 04539 { 04540 BOOL ModifierKeyDown = GetModifierKeyState(); 04541 04542 if (ModifierKeyDown) 04543 { 04544 // If Right ALT down, allow 'push tool' dragging mode on colourstrip 04545 CaptureTheMouse(); 04546 DragInfo.DragItem = CLICKED_SCROLLSTRIP; 04547 04548 // AnchorOffset is now the colour cell being dragged 04549 DragInfo.AnchorOffset = (INT32) (LeftmostColour + 04550 ((point.x - StripRect.x) / CellSize)); 04551 return; 04552 } 04553 else 04554 { 04555 #ifdef DISABLE_COLOUR_DRAGS 04556 CellClicked(MousePos, (Modifier < 0)); 04557 #else 04558 // Find the clicked colour, and start a drag of it 04559 IndexedColour *TheColour = NULL; 04560 ColourDragInformation *DragCol = NULL; 04561 // If the user has the preference set then include and hence show the document 04562 // colours 04563 if (ColourSGallery::ShowDocumentColours) 04564 TheColour = FindColourByIndex(MousePos); 04565 04566 if (TheColour != NULL) 04567 { 04568 DragCol = new ColourDragInformation(TheColour, (Modifier < 0), 04569 Document::GetSelected()); 04570 } 04571 else 04572 { 04573 PORTNOTE("other","Removed ColourSGallery usage") 04574 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX) 04575 // FIXED COLOURS 04576 // We didn't find the colour in the document colours section 04577 // so check any library sections that may be present 04578 SGDisplayLibColour *pLibColour = NULL; 04579 DocColour * pTheDocColour = FindLibColourByIndex(MousePos, &pLibColour); 04580 if (pTheDocColour && pLibColour) 04581 { 04582 // Start up a DocColour drag which should give us what we want 04583 String_256 Buffer; 04584 pLibColour->GetNameText(&Buffer); 04585 DragCol = new ColourDragInformation(pTheDocColour, (Modifier < 0), 04586 &Buffer, pLibColour->IsASpotColour()); 04587 } 04588 #endif 04589 } 04590 04591 DragManagerOp::StartDrag(DragCol, this); 04592 #endif 04593 return; 04594 } 04595 } 04596 04597 switch(MousePos) 04598 { 04599 case CLICKED_NOCOLOURCELL: // Set 'no colour' 04600 #ifdef DISABLE_COLOUR_DRAGS 04601 CellClicked(MousePos, (Modifier < 0)); 04602 #else 04603 // Create an attribute of the correct type 04604 04605 ColourDragInformation * DragCol; 04606 DragCol = new ColourDragInformation(NULL, (Modifier < 0), 04607 Document::GetSelected()); 04608 DragManagerOp::StartDrag(DragCol, this); 04609 #endif 04610 break; 04611 04612 case CLICKED_INDICATORS: 04613 #ifndef DISABLE_COLOUR_DRAGS 04614 { 04615 // Have clicked the line/fill colour indicator, so drag them if possible 04616 wxRect InnerRect(IndicatorRect); 04617 INT32 DeflateBy = (abs(IndicatorRect.height) * 2) / 5; 04618 if (DeflateBy < 4) 04619 DeflateBy = 4; // Line indicator is min. of 2 pixels wide 04620 InnerRect.Inflate(-DeflateBy / 2, -DeflateBy / 2); 04621 04622 // Resort to dragging 'no colour' if a better colour can't be found 04623 IndexedColour *IndexedColToDrag = NULL; 04624 04625 DocColour *LineColour; 04626 DocColour *FillColour; 04627 DocColour *EndColour; 04628 ColourManager::GetCurrentLineAndFillColours(&LineColour, &FillColour, &EndColour); 04629 04630 DocColour *DocColourToUse = NULL; 04631 04632 if (InnerRect.Inside(point)) 04633 { 04634 if (EndColour != NULL && point.y <= (InnerRect.y + (InnerRect.height / 2))) 04635 DocColourToUse = EndColour; 04636 else 04637 DocColourToUse = FillColour; 04638 } 04639 else 04640 DocColourToUse = LineColour; 04641 04642 // If we found a doc colour to be dragged, find its IndexedColour parent (or if necessary, 04643 // create a new local colour to be dragged from the immediate-doccolour definition) 04644 if (DocColourToUse != NULL) 04645 { 04646 IndexedColToDrag = DocColourToUse->FindParentIndexedColour(); 04647 04648 // If the DocColour was an immediate colour (non-transparent, but 04649 // with no parent IndexedColour) then we'll need to create a local IndexedColour 04650 // to represent the colour to be dragged, or else it'll drag 'no colour'! 04651 // This may return NULL, but we're quite happy with that. 04652 if (IndexedColToDrag == NULL && !DocColourToUse->IsTransparent()) 04653 { 04654 IndexedColToDrag = ColourManager::GenerateNewUnnamedColour( 04655 m_pCurrentColourList, DocColourToUse); 04656 } 04657 } 04658 04659 ColourDragInformation *DragCol; 04660 DragCol = new ColourDragInformation(IndexedColToDrag, (Modifier < 0), 04661 Document::GetSelected()); 04662 DragManagerOp::StartDrag(DragCol, this); 04663 } 04664 #endif 04665 break; 04666 04667 case CLICKED_LEFTSCROLL: 04668 ScrollTheStrip(-Modifier); // Scroll once 04669 CaptureTheMouse(); // And start an autorepeat 'drag' 04670 SetATimer(TRUE); 04671 break; 04672 04673 case CLICKED_RIGHTSCROLL: 04674 ScrollTheStrip(Modifier); // Scroll once 04675 CaptureTheMouse(); // And start an autorepeat 'drag' 04676 SetATimer(TRUE); 04677 break; 04678 04679 case CLICKED_SCROLLBARLEFT: // PageRight once 04680 { 04681 UINT32 NumDisplayedColours = StripRect.width / CellSize; 04682 ScrollTheStrip((INT32) ((-Modifier) * NumDisplayedColours)); 04683 CaptureTheMouse(); // And start an autorepeat 'drag' 04684 SetATimer(TRUE); 04685 } 04686 break; 04687 04688 case CLICKED_SCROLLBARRIGHT: // PageLeft once 04689 { 04690 UINT32 NumDisplayedColours = StripRect.width / CellSize; 04691 ScrollTheStrip((INT32) (Modifier * NumDisplayedColours)); 04692 CaptureTheMouse(); // And start an autorepeat 'drag' 04693 SetATimer(TRUE); 04694 } 04695 break; 04696 04697 case CLICKED_SCROLLBAR: 04698 CaptureTheMouse(); // Start drag (on MouseMoves, not Timers) 04699 04700 // AnchorOffset is now the distance (pixels) of the drag anchor from 04701 // the center of the scroll sausage 04702 DragInfo.AnchorOffset = point.x - 04703 (RectMouseIsIn.x + (RectMouseIsIn.width / 2)); 04704 break; 04705 04706 case CLICKED_EDITBUTTON: 04707 { 04708 if (IndentedButton == CLICKED_NOTHING) // Indent button while mouse down 04709 { 04710 TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T("Edit Clicked")); 04711 IndentedButton = CLICKED_EDITBUTTON; 04712 ForceRedrawOfRect(EditButtonRect); 04713 Update(); // Force immediate redraw 04714 CaptureMouse(); // And grab all mouse events 04715 } // until the button is released 04716 04717 #if FALSE 04718 /* 04719 // No longer needed - we want the editor to pop up in "local" mode. 04720 DocColour *LineColour; 04721 DocColour *FillColour; 04722 04723 ERROR3IF(m_pCurrentColourList == NULL, 04724 _T("Unexpected NULL ColourList pointer in CColourBar::OnAnyButtonDown")); 04725 04726 ColourManager::GetCurrentLineAndFillColours(&LineColour, &FillColour); 04727 04728 // Edit the appropriate colour. If there is none, EditAColour just beeps 04729 // and returns without getting upset 04730 04731 IndexedColour *ColToEdit = NULL; 04732 if (Modifier < 0) 04733 { 04734 if (LineColour != NULL) 04735 ColToEdit = LineColour->FindParentIndexedColour(); 04736 } 04737 else 04738 { 04739 if (FillColour != NULL) 04740 ColToEdit = FillColour->FindParentIndexedColour(); 04741 } 04742 04743 EditAColour(m_pCurrentColourList, ColToEdit); 04744 */ 04745 #else 04746 EditAColour(NULL, NULL, (Modifier < 0)); 04747 #endif 04748 } 04749 break; 04750 04751 04752 #if FALSE 04753 /* 04754 case CLICKED_NEWBUTTON: 04755 { 04756 if (IndentedButton == CLICKED_NOTHING) // Indent button while mouse down 04757 { 04758 IndentedButton = CLICKED_NEWBUTTON; 04759 ForceRedrawOfRect(NewButtonRect); 04760 UpdateWindow(); // Force immediate redraw 04761 SetCapture(); // And grab all mouse events 04762 } // until the button is released 04763 04764 ERROR3IF(m_pCurrentColourList == NULL, 04765 _T("Unexpected NULL ColourList pointer in CColourBar::OnAnyButtonDown")); 04766 04767 IndexedColour *NewCol = NULL; 04768 04769 // Create a new colour, in the current colour list, copied from the 04770 // current attribute/selection if possible. 04771 ColourList *CurrentDocColours = ColourManager::GetColourList(); 04772 ERROR3IF(CurrentDocColours == NULL, _T("No colour list present?!")); 04773 04774 if (CurrentDocColours != NULL) 04775 { 04776 NewCol = ColourManager::GenerateNewNamedColour(CurrentDocColours, NULL); 04777 04778 if (NewCol != NULL) 04779 { 04780 ApplyColour(NewCol, (Modifier < 0)); // Apply col to selection 04781 EditAColour(m_pCurrentColourList, NewCol); // And open editor 04782 } 04783 } 04784 } 04785 break; 04786 */ 04787 #endif 04788 } 04789 }
Processes any button-released event. This stops auto-repeat and drags, and releases any claims (timers, drags) we might have.
Definition at line 5107 of file ccolbar.cpp. 05108 { 05109 DragInfo.LastMousePos = point; 05110 ReleaseAllClaims(); 05111 05112 if (IndentedButton == CLICKED_EDITBUTTON) 05113 ForceRedrawOfRect(EditButtonRect); 05114 #if FALSE 05115 else if (IndentedButton == CLICKED_NEWBUTTON) 05116 ForceRedrawOfRect(NewButtonRect); 05117 #endif 05118 05119 if (IndentedButton != CLICKED_NOTHING) 05120 { 05121 IndentedButton = CLICKED_NOTHING; // Remember that nothing is indented 05122 } 05123 }
Handle left-button double clicks in the colour bar.
Definition at line 4934 of file ccolbar.cpp. 04935 { 04936 OnAnyButtonDblClk(event.GetPosition(), (ShiftIsDown() ? -1 : +1)); 04937 }
Handle left-button clicks in the colour bar Note that a shift-click is converted into the equivalent of a right-click by this function.
Definition at line 4808 of file ccolbar.cpp. 04809 { 04810 TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T("CColourBar::OnLButtonDown")); 04811 OnAnyButtonDown(event.GetPosition(), (ShiftIsDown() ? -1 : +1)); 04812 }
Processes a left-button-released message.
Definition at line 5142 of file ccolbar.cpp. 05143 { 05144 TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T("CColourBar::OnLButtonUp")); 05145 OnAnyButtonUp(event.GetPosition()); 05146 }
Processes all mouse moves over the colour bar. This currently involves providing bubble help and updating during drags of the scroll sausage. Other 'drag' updates (button autorepeats) are handled by OnTimer().
Definition at line 4977 of file ccolbar.cpp. 04978 { 04979 // TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T("CColourBar::OnMouseMove")); 04980 04981 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) // Ensure the current ColourList pointer is valid 04982 m_pCurrentColourList = ColourManager::GetColourList(); 04983 04984 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) // No DOCUMENT! No Colours! Exit immediately! 04985 return; 04986 04987 wxPoint point = event.GetPosition(); 04988 DragInfo.LastMousePos = point; // Remember new mouse position for OnTimer code 04989 04990 // Check if the push-mode modifier key is down, and if so, swap to the push cursor 04991 BOOL ModifierKeyDown = GetModifierKeyState(); 04992 04993 if (StripRect.Inside(point) && ModifierKeyDown) 04994 { 04995 // Set the cursor to the push hand shape 04996 if (!PushCursor) 04997 PushCursor = new Cursor(_R(IDC_PUSHTOOLCURSOR)); 04998 04999 if (PushCursor) 05000 PushCursor->SetActive(); 05001 } 05002 else 05003 { 05004 Cursor::Arrow->SetActive(); 05005 if (PushCursor) 05006 { 05007 delete PushCursor; 05008 PushCursor = NULL; 05009 } 05010 } 05011 05012 05013 if (DragInfo.MouseCaptured) 05014 { 05015 // We are dragging something 05016 if (DragInfo.DragItem == CLICKED_SCROLLBAR && ScrollHeight != 0) 05017 { 05018 // We are dragging the scrollbar sausage 05019 wxRect SausageRect; 05020 if (CalculateSausageRect(&SausageRect)) 05021 { 05022 // We want to scroll the AnchorOffset point under the mouse posn. 05023 INT32 DistToScroll = point.x - 05024 ((SausageRect.x + (SausageRect.width / 2)) + 05025 DragInfo.AnchorOffset); 05026 05027 ENSURE(ScrollBarRect.width > 0, 05028 "Serious problem with the ColourBar's ScrollBarRect"); 05029 05030 INT32 ColoursToScroll = ((INT32)TotalNumColours * DistToScroll) / ScrollBarRect.width; 05031 05032 ScrollTheStrip(ColoursToScroll); 05033 } 05034 } 05035 else if (DragInfo.DragItem == CLICKED_SCROLLSTRIP) 05036 { 05037 ENSURE(StripRect.width > 0, 05038 "Serious problem with the ColourBar's StripRect"); 05039 05040 INT32 NewAnchorCellIndex = (INT32) ((INT32)LeftmostColour + 05041 ((INT32)(point.x - StripRect.x) / (INT32)CellSize)); 05042 ScrollTheStrip((INT32) (DragInfo.AnchorOffset - NewAnchorCellIndex)); 05043 } 05044 } 05045 else 05046 05047 { 05048 // Not dragging, so do Bubble & StatusBar Help on the thing under the mouse, 05049 // but only if the colour bar is active (we have a colour display list) 05050 if (ColourManager::GetColourList() != NULL) 05051 { 05052 String_256 HelpText(_T("")); 05053 05054 if (GetStatusLineText(&HelpText)) 05055 { 05056 StatusLine *pStatusLine = GetApplication()->GetpStatusLine(); 05057 if (pStatusLine) 05058 pStatusLine->UpdateText(&HelpText, STATUSLINE_SELDESC_COLBAR); 05059 05060 // TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T("CColourBar updating status to '%s'"), (LPCTSTR)HelpText); 05061 } 05062 05063 INT32 MousePos = WhereIsMouse(point); 05064 05065 // Do bubble help for the colour cells and assorted icons 05066 if (MousePos == CLICKED_NOTHING) 05067 { 05068 // Remove bubble help, as they're over no man's land 05069 // This should no longer completely disable bubble help over our window, 05070 // but merely turn off the bubble while the pointer is not over anything 05071 // of any interest. 05072 // ControlHelper::BubbleHelpDisable(); 05073 } 05074 else 05075 { 05076 PORTNOTE("other","Removed ControlHelper bubblehelp usage") 05077 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX) 05078 ControlHelper::DoBubbleHelpOn(m_hWnd, MousePos, 05079 HelpCallbackHandler, this); 05080 #endif 05081 } 05082 } 05083 // else 05084 // ControlHelper::BubbleHelpDisable(); // No colourstrip, so no help 05085 } 05086 05087 event.Skip(); 05088 }
Redraws the colour bar.
Definition at line 2679 of file ccolbar.cpp. 02680 { 02681 // Always create this so that the area is validated 02682 wxPaintDC dc(this); 02683 02684 if (!CCamApp::IsDisabled()) 02685 { 02686 DoPaint(&dc); 02687 } 02688 }
Handle right-button double clicks in the Colour Bar.
Definition at line 4953 of file ccolbar.cpp. 04954 { 04955 OnAnyButtonDblClk(event.GetPosition(), -1); 04956 }
Handle right-button clicks in the Colour Bar.
Definition at line 4829 of file ccolbar.cpp. 04830 { 04831 TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T("CColourBar::OnRButtonDown")); 04832 OnAnyButtonDown(event.GetPosition(), -1); 04833 }
Processes a right-button-released message.
Definition at line 5166 of file ccolbar.cpp. 05167 { 05168 TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T("CColourBar::OnLButtonUp")); 05169 OnAnyButtonUp(event.GetPosition()); 05170 }
Handle resizing of our window. This ensures that the scroll offset is within the new bounds of the colour strip, and forces a redraw.
Definition at line 4191 of file ccolbar.cpp. 04192 { 04193 // TRACEUSER("Gerry", _T("CColourBar::OnSize(%d, %d)\n"), event.m_size.x, event.m_size.y); 04194 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) 04195 { 04196 Refresh(); // No colour list - just ensure we're redrawn OK, and exit 04197 return; 04198 } 04199 04200 INT32 NewWidth = event.GetSize().x; 04201 INT32 NewHeight = event.GetSize().y; 04202 04203 // Calculate what the new window rect is going to be (width is all the it really needs 04204 // to know) and from it, calculate where ther striprect is going to be placed. From 04205 // this, we can calculate how many colours will be displayed at the new window size. 04206 wxRect AvailableRect(0, 0, NewWidth, NewHeight); 04207 04208 wxRect tStripRect; // Temporary lookalikes to the global cached rects 04209 wxRect tIndicatorRect; 04210 wxRect tScrollBarRect; 04211 wxRect tEditButtonRect; 04212 wxRect tNewButtonRect; // Warning - this button is now defunct 04213 04214 CalculateRectsInternal(&AvailableRect, 04215 &tStripRect, &tIndicatorRect, &tScrollBarRect, 04216 &tEditButtonRect, &tNewButtonRect); 04217 04218 INT32 NewDisplayedColours = tStripRect.width / CellSize; 04219 04220 //INT32 MaxColours = (INT32) m_pCurrentColourList->GetUndeletedCount(); // FIXEDCOLOURS 04221 INT32 MaxColours = (INT32)GetNumberOfColours(); 04222 04223 // If height of bar unchanged, we may not need to redraw (stop solid-drag flicker)... 04224 if (NewHeight == OldBarHeight) 04225 { 04226 INT32 OldDisplayedColours = StripRect.width / CellSize; 04227 04228 // If we can display exactly the same number of colours, no need to redraw 04229 if (NewDisplayedColours == OldDisplayedColours) 04230 return; 04231 04232 // if all colours were & still-are displayed, then we need not redraw 04233 if (NewDisplayedColours >= MaxColours && OldDisplayedColours >= MaxColours) 04234 return; 04235 } 04236 04237 // Ensure the scroll position is valid (similar to ScrollTheStrip(0)) 04238 INT32 NewLeftmost = (INT32)LeftmostColour; 04239 04240 if (NewLeftmost > MaxColours - NewDisplayedColours) 04241 NewLeftmost = MaxColours - NewDisplayedColours; 04242 if (NewLeftmost < 0) 04243 NewLeftmost = 0; 04244 04245 LeftmostColour = (UINT32) NewLeftmost; 04246 04247 Refresh(false); // Force-redraw the entire window 04248 04249 // Finally, remember the new size of the bar so we don't unnecessarily redraw 04250 // if we are resized again soon (i.e. solid drag) 04251 OldBarHeight = NewHeight; 04252 }
Responds to the triggering of the timer which we set when a click or drag first occurred, in order to check for auto-repeat of buttons. This currently processes the scroll left/right and page left/right areas Dragging the scroll sausage is handled in OnMouseMove.
Definition at line 5192 of file ccolbar.cpp. 05193 { 05194 // We aren't dragging, or this is not the timer we set 05195 if (!DragInfo.MouseCaptured) 05196 return; 05197 05198 SetATimer(FALSE); // Replace the repeat-delay timer with a repeat-speed timer 05199 05200 INT32 NewMouseItem = WhereIsMouse(DragInfo.LastMousePos); 05201 05202 if (NewMouseItem == DragInfo.DragItem) 05203 { 05204 switch(DragInfo.DragItem) 05205 { 05206 case CLICKED_LEFTSCROLL: 05207 ScrollTheStrip((DragInfo.Adjust) ? +1 : -1); 05208 break; 05209 05210 case CLICKED_RIGHTSCROLL: 05211 ScrollTheStrip((DragInfo.Adjust) ? -1 : +1); 05212 break; 05213 05214 case CLICKED_SCROLLBARLEFT: 05215 { 05216 UINT32 NumDisplayedColours = StripRect.width / CellSize; 05217 ScrollTheStrip((INT32) (((DragInfo.Adjust) ? 1 : -1) * NumDisplayedColours)); 05218 } 05219 break; 05220 05221 case CLICKED_SCROLLBARRIGHT: 05222 { 05223 UINT32 NumDisplayedColours = StripRect.width / CellSize; 05224 ScrollTheStrip((INT32) (((DragInfo.Adjust) ? -1 : 1) * NumDisplayedColours)); 05225 } 05226 break; 05227 } 05228 } 05229 }
Draws the given rectangle as a 'Colour cell' for the given DocColour. The top half of the rect is solid-filled with the colour, while the bottom 2 quarters are filled with the colour as it would appear on top of a white background and black bgnd respectively (if the col isn't fractionally transparent, rect is just solid filled).
Definition at line 2063 of file ccolbar.cpp. 02064 { 02065 Document *ScopeDoc = Document::GetSelected(); 02066 if (ScopeDoc == NULL) return; 02067 02068 wxPen TransPen(wxColour(0,0,0), 1, wxTRANSPARENT); 02069 pDC->SetPen(TransPen); 02070 02071 if (RectCol == NULL) // No colour (eg 'many' colours in selection) 02072 { 02073 // pDC->SetBkColor(RGB(255,255,255)); // ensure white background 02074 wxBrush HatchBrush(wxColour(0,0,0), wxBDIAGONAL_HATCH); // Fill with black/white hatch 02075 pDC->SetBrush(HatchBrush); 02076 pDC->DrawRectangle(*Rect); 02077 pDC->SetPen(wxNullPen); 02078 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 02079 return; 02080 } 02081 02082 if (RectCol->IsTransparent()) 02083 { 02084 // pDC->SetBkColor(RGB(255,255,255)); // ensure white background 02085 wxBrush HatchBrush(wxColour(0,0,0), wxCROSSDIAG_HATCH); // Fill with black/white hatch 02086 pDC->SetBrush(HatchBrush); 02087 pDC->DrawRectangle(*Rect); 02088 pDC->SetPen(wxNullPen); 02089 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 02090 return; 02091 } 02092 02093 // Find a context to render with. We'll use the Selected View's context if possible, 02094 // so that we render using the same colour correction/separation mode. If there 02095 // is no selected view, then we will look for a global context. 02096 ColourContextRGBT *CCrgbt = (ColourContextRGBT *) 02097 ColourManager::GetColourContext(COLOURMODEL_RGBT, DocView::GetSelected()); 02098 02099 ERROR3IF(CCrgbt == NULL, _T("Can't find an RGB colour context to render with!")); 02100 02101 DWORD ScreenWord = ConvertColourToTransScreenWord(CCrgbt, RectCol); 02102 02103 wxBrush *Brush = GetColourBrush((COLORREF) (ScreenWord & 0x00ffffff)); 02104 02105 IndexedColour *Parent = RectCol->FindParentIndexedColour(); 02106 // Webster shows spots as normal library colours 02107 #ifndef WEBSTER 02108 if (Parent != NULL && Parent->IsSpotOrTintOfSpot()) 02109 { 02110 // Spot colours are shown as circular swatches in order to make them more obvious 02111 // (First we must fill the background with BTNFACE to clear the corners) 02112 wxBrush BackBrush(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)); 02113 pDC->SetBrush(BackBrush); 02114 pDC->DrawRectangle(*Rect); 02115 02116 // Try to make the rectangle more square, so we always render a circle 02117 wxRect Square(*Rect); 02118 if (Square.width > Square.height) 02119 Square.Inflate(-(Square.width - Square.height) / 2, 0); 02120 else if (Square.width < Square.height) 02121 Square.Inflate(0, -(Square.height - Square.width) / 2); 02122 02123 pDC->SetBrush(*Brush); 02124 pDC->DrawEllipse(Square); 02125 } 02126 else 02127 #endif // WEBSTER 02128 { 02129 // Process colours are shown as rectangles 02130 pDC->SetBrush(*Brush); 02131 pDC->DrawRectangle(*Rect); 02132 02133 if (ColourCellsDivided) 02134 { 02135 // If the user wants a grey line between the colour cells to make them easier 02136 // to distinguish, draw a line. 02137 wxBrush GreyBrush(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)); 02138 wxRect LineRect(*Rect); 02139 LineRect.x = LineRect.GetRight(); 02140 LineRect.width = 1; 02141 pDC->SetBrush(GreyBrush); 02142 pDC->DrawRectangle(LineRect); 02143 } 02144 } 02145 02146 pDC->SetPen(wxNullPen); 02147 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 02148 delete Brush; 02149 }
Redraws the ColourBar colour strip Notes: You must call CalculateRects and cache the value of TotalNumColours prior to calling this function - see DoPaint for everything that needs to be done. If GBrush has been initialised before calling this function, it will be used to plot the colour cells.
Definition at line 2536 of file ccolbar.cpp. 02537 { 02538 // Find pointers to the fill/line IndexedColours so we will know when we hit 02539 // them as we draw, and can then draw indicator diamonds on the colour cells. 02540 IndexedColour *CurrentLineColour = NULL; 02541 IndexedColour *CurrentFillColour = NULL; // FlatFill colour or GradFill Start colour 02542 IndexedColour *CurrentEndColour = NULL; // GradFill End colour 02543 BOOL DiamondType; 02544 02545 BOOL IsAGradFill = FALSE; // True if FillColour is the Gradfill Start colour 02546 02547 { 02548 DocColour *LineColour = NULL; 02549 DocColour *FillColour = NULL; 02550 DocColour *EndColour = NULL; 02551 DiamondType = ColourManager::GetCurrentLineAndFillColours(&LineColour, 02552 &FillColour, &EndColour); 02553 if (LineColour) 02554 CurrentLineColour = LineColour->FindParentIndexedColour(); 02555 02556 if (FillColour) 02557 CurrentFillColour = FillColour->FindParentIndexedColour(); 02558 02559 if (EndColour) 02560 { 02561 IsAGradFill = TRUE; 02562 CurrentEndColour = EndColour->FindParentIndexedColour(); 02563 } 02564 } 02565 02566 // Calculate the screen rectangle of the leftmost visible cell 02567 wxRect CellRect(StripRect); 02568 CellRect.width = CellSize; 02569 02570 INT32 CellIndex = (INT32) LeftmostColour; // keep track of each cell's index as we draw 02571 02572 // Draw the colours in the strip 02573 BOOL RedrawFinished = FALSE; 02574 // If the user has the preference set then include and hence show the document 02575 // colours 02576 if (ColourSGallery::ShowDocumentColours) 02577 { 02578 // Find the leftmost displayed colour in the DisplayList sequence 02579 DocColour Temp; 02580 IndexedColour *TheColour = FindColourByIndex((UINT32) LeftmostColour); 02581 while (TheColour != NULL) 02582 { 02583 // Paint the colour cell, but only bother if it's in the invalid region 02584 // This speeds up redraw, especially when ScrollTheStrip only wishes to redraw 02585 // a few colour cells at one end of the strip. 02586 if ((CellRect.x + CellRect.width) >= ClipRect.x) 02587 { 02588 Temp.MakeRefToIndexedColour(TheColour); 02589 02590 PaintColourCell(pDC, &CellRect, &Temp); // Paint this Cell 02591 02592 if (TheColour == CurrentLineColour) // Paint current LineCol indicator 02593 PaintIndicatorDiamond(pDC, CellRect, CBCOLOUR_LINE, CellIndex, DiamondType); 02594 02595 if (TheColour == CurrentFillColour) // Paint Current Fill/Start indicator 02596 PaintIndicatorDiamond(pDC, CellRect, 02597 (IsAGradFill) ? CBCOLOUR_START : CBCOLOUR_FILL, 02598 CellIndex, DiamondType); 02599 02600 if (TheColour == CurrentEndColour) // Paint Current End indicator 02601 PaintIndicatorDiamond(pDC, CellRect, CBCOLOUR_END, CellIndex, DiamondType); 02602 } 02603 02604 CellRect.x += CellSize; // Move on to next Cell 02605 02606 // if no more room in the strip for painting, or have updated the clip 02607 // rectangle fully, we can stop redrawing 02608 if ((CellRect.x + CellRect.width) > (StripRect.x + StripRect.width) || 02609 CellRect.x > (ClipRect.x + ClipRect.width)) 02610 { 02611 RedrawFinished = TRUE; 02612 break; 02613 } 02614 02615 CellIndex++; // Increment the current cell index 02616 02617 // And find the next colour 02618 TheColour = m_pCurrentColourList->GetUndeletedNext(TheColour); 02619 } 02620 02621 // If the redraw is finished then return now rather than doing extra work 02622 if (RedrawFinished) 02623 return; 02624 } 02625 02626 // Now go through the library colours that we have been asked to display 02627 // A bit of similar code to the above may be recognised here!!!! 02628 SGDisplayLibColour *pLibColour = NULL; 02629 DocColour * pRedrawCol = FindLibColourByIndex(CellIndex, &pLibColour); 02630 while (pRedrawCol != NULL && pLibColour != NULL) 02631 { 02632 // Paint the colour cell, but only bother if it's in the invalid region 02633 // This speeds up redraw, especially when ScrollTheStrip only wishes to redraw 02634 // a few colour cells at one end of the strip. 02635 if ((CellRect.x + CellRect.width) >= ClipRect.x) 02636 { 02637 // Paint this Cell 02638 #ifndef WEBSTER 02639 // In Camelot use a special colour library item drawing routine 02640 PaintLibColourCell(pDC, &CellRect, pRedrawCol, pLibColour->IsASpotColour()); 02641 #else 02642 // In Webster draw spots as standard library colours 02643 PaintLibColourCell(pDC, &CellRect, pRedrawCol, FALSE); 02644 #endif 02645 } 02646 02647 CellRect.x += CellSize; // Move on to next Cell 02648 02649 // if no more room in the strip for painting, or have updated the clip 02650 // rectangle fully, we can stop redrawing 02651 if ((CellRect.x + CellRect.width) > (StripRect.x + StripRect.width) || 02652 CellRect.x > (ClipRect.x + ClipRect.width)) 02653 { 02654 RedrawFinished = TRUE; 02655 break; 02656 } 02657 02658 CellIndex++; // Increment the current cell index 02659 02660 // And find the next colour 02661 // This could be speeded up but is ok for now 02662 pRedrawCol = FindLibColourByIndex(CellIndex, &pLibColour); 02663 } 02664 }
Draws the colour bar "edit colour" or "new colour" button Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care.
Definition at line 1762 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01763 { 01764 wxRect TheRect; // Determine the rect to draw 01765 if (IsEditButton) 01766 TheRect = EditButtonRect; 01767 else 01768 #if FALSE 01769 TheRect = NewButtonRect; 01770 #else 01771 { 01772 ERROR3(_T("Attempt to paint 'new colour' button, which no longer exists!")); 01773 return; 01774 } 01775 #endif 01776 01777 wxPen FramePen(wxColour(0,0,0)); 01778 pDC->SetPen(FramePen); 01779 wxBrush TransBrush(wxColour(0,0,0), wxTRANSPARENT); 01780 pDC->SetBrush(TransBrush); 01781 pDC->DrawRectangle(TheRect); 01782 pDC->SetPen(wxNullPen); 01783 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 01784 01785 TheRect.Inflate(-1, -1); // ...with a plinth inside it 01786 Paint3dPlinth(pDC, &TheRect, Normal); 01787 01788 wxPen TransPen(wxColour(0,0,0), 1, wxTRANSPARENT); 01789 pDC->SetPen(TransPen); 01790 wxBrush GreyBrush(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)); // Fill with default colour 01791 TheRect.Inflate(-1, -1); 01792 pDC->SetBrush(GreyBrush); 01793 pDC->DrawRectangle(TheRect); 01794 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 01795 pDC->SetPen(wxNullPen); 01796 01797 ResourceID bitmap = 0; 01798 01799 INT32 BmpSize = (CellSize > 15) ? 12 : 8; // size of glyph bitmaps (8x8 and 12x12) 01800 01801 if (IsEditButton) // Load appropriate glyph bitmap 01802 { 01803 if (CellSize > 15) 01804 bitmap=_R(IDB_LEDITCOL); // 12x12 Edit glyph 01805 else 01806 bitmap=_R(IDB_EDITCOL); // 8x8 Edit glyph 01807 } 01808 else 01809 { 01810 if (CellSize > 15) 01811 bitmap=_R(IDB_LNEWCOL); // 12x12 New glyph 01812 else 01813 bitmap=_R(IDB_NEWCOL); // 8x8 New glyph 01814 } 01815 01816 wxBitmap * pBitmap = CamArtProvider::Get()->FindBitmap(bitmap); 01817 01818 TheRect.Inflate((BmpSize - TheRect.GetWidth())/2, (BmpSize - TheRect.GetHeight())/2); 01819 01820 // Blit the glyph to screen, including its grey mask areas 01821 if (pBitmap) 01822 pDC->DrawBitmap(*pBitmap, TheRect.GetLeft(), TheRect.GetTop(), TRUE); 01823 }
Draws a small diamond in the top left/right corner of a colour cell to indicate that the given cell is the current line/fill colour.
ColourType - Indicates where and how to plot the diamond (different places and shapes are used for lines, files, and gradfills) CellIndex - The index of the cell (or CELLINDEX_NOCOLOURCELL) which is being redrawn (this is cached to remember where the diamond is for future updates of the diamond position) DiamondType - FALSE for 'diamond', TRUE for 'plus' shape (pluses are used to indicate colours when there is no selection, and we are thus displaying the current default attrs, not the selected colours)
Definition at line 2431 of file ccolbar.cpp. 02433 { 02434 // Calculate the position to plot the diamond (top left or top right corner) 02435 INT32 MidY = CellRect.y + (CellRect.height / 4); 02436 INT32 MidX; 02437 if (ColourType == CBCOLOUR_LINE) 02438 MidX = CellRect.x + (CellRect.width * 3 / 4); 02439 else 02440 MidX = CellRect.x + (CellRect.width / 4); 02441 02442 if (DiamondType) 02443 { 02444 // Plot the plus shape 02445 wxBrush TransBrush(wxColour(0,0,0), wxTRANSPARENT); 02446 pDC->SetBrush(TransBrush); 02447 wxPen WhitePen(wxColour(255, 255, 255)); 02448 wxRect VertRect(MidX - 3, MidY - 1, 7, 3); 02449 wxRect HorzRect(MidX - 1, MidY - 3, 3, 7); 02450 pDC->SetPen(WhitePen); 02451 pDC->DrawRectangle(VertRect); 02452 pDC->DrawRectangle(HorzRect); 02453 02454 wxPen BlackPen(wxColour(0, 0, 0)); 02455 pDC->SetPen(BlackPen); 02456 pDC->DrawLine(MidX - 2, MidY, MidX + 3, MidY); 02457 pDC->DrawLine(MidX, MidY - 2, MidX, MidY + 3); 02458 pDC->SetPen(wxNullPen); 02459 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 02460 } 02461 else 02462 { 02463 // Generate a polygon definition of the diamond shape 02464 // When plotting gradfill start/end colour, the top/bottom point is flattened 02465 // to make an up or down arrow shape 02466 wxPoint Diamond[4]; 02467 Diamond[0].x = MidX - 3; 02468 Diamond[0].y = MidY; 02469 Diamond[1].x = MidX; 02470 Diamond[1].y = MidY - ((ColourType == CBCOLOUR_START) ? 0 : 3); 02471 Diamond[2].x = MidX + 3; 02472 Diamond[2].y = MidY; 02473 Diamond[3].x = MidX; 02474 Diamond[3].y = MidY + ((ColourType == CBCOLOUR_END) ? 0 : 3); 02475 02476 // plot it 02477 wxPen WhitePen(wxColour(255, 255, 255)); 02478 wxBrush BlackBrush(wxColour(0, 0, 0)); 02479 pDC->SetPen(WhitePen); 02480 pDC->SetBrush(BlackBrush); 02481 pDC->DrawPolygon(4, Diamond); 02482 pDC->SetPen(wxNullPen); 02483 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 02484 } 02485 02486 // Remember where we plotted this diamond 02487 switch (ColourType) 02488 { 02489 case CBCOLOUR_LINE: 02490 LastLineCell = CellIndex; 02491 break; 02492 02493 case CBCOLOUR_END: 02494 LastEndCell = CellIndex; 02495 break; 02496 02497 case CBCOLOUR_FILL: 02498 case CBCOLOUR_START: 02499 LastFillCell = CellIndex; 02500 break; 02501 02502 default: 02503 ERROR3(_T("Unknown colour type")); 02504 break; 02505 } 02506 02507 LastDiamondShape = DiamondType; 02508 }
Redraws the ColourBar colour indicators (current fg/bg colours) Notes: You must call CalculateRects and cache the value of TotalNumColours prior to calling this function - see DoPaint for everything that needs to be done. If GBrush has been initialised before calling this function, it will be used to plot the colour cells. The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care.
Definition at line 2351 of file ccolbar.cpp. 02352 { 02353 // Save the current ColourCellsDivided preference state and set it to OFF 02354 INT32 OldCellState = ColourCellsDivided; 02355 ColourCellsDivided = FALSE; 02356 02357 02358 // Find the current line/fill colours to plot... 02359 DocColour *LineColour; 02360 DocColour *FillColour; 02361 DocColour *EndGradColour; 02362 ColourManager::GetCurrentLineAndFillColours(&LineColour, &FillColour, &EndGradColour); 02363 02364 // Plot the line colour as a large colour cell filling IndicatorRect 02365 // pass NULL for many colours 02366 PaintColourCell(pDC, &IndicatorRect, LineColour); 02367 02368 // Work out where the inside rectangle is, and plot it as a colour cell 02369 // (If you change this calculation, fix the other calc. of 'DeflateBy' below) 02370 wxRect InnerRect(IndicatorRect); 02371 INT32 DeflateBy = (INT32) (abs(IndicatorRect.height) * 2) / 5; 02372 if (DeflateBy < 4) 02373 DeflateBy = 4; // Line indicator is min. of 2 pixels wide 02374 InnerRect.Inflate(-DeflateBy / 2, -DeflateBy / 2); 02375 02376 if (EndGradColour != NULL) 02377 { 02378 // We want to display the start and end colours for a grad fill, so split the 02379 // fill indicator square into 2 rectangles, one above the other 02380 wxRect TopRect(InnerRect); 02381 TopRect.height = TopRect.height / 2; 02382 InnerRect.y += TopRect.height; 02383 InnerRect.height -= TopRect.height; 02384 02385 // And paint the end colour at the bottom 02386 PaintColourCell(pDC, &TopRect, EndGradColour); 02387 } 02388 02389 // And fill the remaining part of inner rect with the fill (or grad-fill start) colour 02390 PaintColourCell(pDC, &InnerRect, FillColour); 02391 02392 // And restore the saved preference state 02393 ColourCellsDivided = OldCellState; 02394 }
Draws the given rectangle as a 'Colour cell' for the given DocColour.
Definition at line 2236 of file ccolbar.cpp. 02237 { 02238 Document *ScopeDoc = Document::GetSelected(); 02239 if (ScopeDoc == NULL) return; 02240 02241 if (RectCol == NULL) // No colour (eg 'many' colours in selection) 02242 { 02243 // pDC->SetBkColor(RGB(255,255,255)); // ensure white background 02244 wxBrush HatchBrush(wxColour(0,0,0), wxBDIAGONAL_HATCH); // Fill with black/white hatch 02245 pDC->SetBrush(HatchBrush); 02246 pDC->DrawRectangle(*Rect); 02247 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 02248 return; 02249 } 02250 02251 // Find a context to render with. We'll use the Selected View's context if possible, 02252 // so that we render using the same colour correction/separation mode. If there 02253 // is no selected view, then we will look for a global context. 02254 ColourContextRGBT *CCrgbt = (ColourContextRGBT *) 02255 ColourManager::GetColourContext(COLOURMODEL_RGBT, DocView::GetSelected()); 02256 02257 ERROR3IF(CCrgbt == NULL, _T("Can't find an RGB colour context to render with!")); 02258 02259 DWORD ScreenWord = ConvertColourToTransScreenWord(CCrgbt, RectCol); 02260 02261 wxBrush *Brush = GetColourBrush((COLORREF) (ScreenWord & 0x00ffffff)); 02262 02263 // Library colours are shown as diamond swatches in order to make them more obvious 02264 // (First we must fill the background with BTNFACE to clear the corners) 02265 wxBrush BackBrush(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)); 02266 pDC->SetBrush(BackBrush); 02267 pDC->DrawRectangle(*Rect); 02268 02269 // Try to make the rectangle more square, so we always render a circle 02270 wxRect Square(*Rect); 02271 if (Square.width > Square.height) 02272 Square.Inflate(-(Square.width - Square.height) / 2, 0); 02273 else if (Square.width < Square.height) 02274 Square.Inflate(0, -(Square.height - Square.width) / 2); 02275 02276 // Generate a polygon definition of the diamond shape 02277 // When plotting gradfill start/end colour, the top/bottom point is flattened 02278 // to make an up or down arrow shape 02279 INT32 MidY = Square.y + (Square.height / 2); 02280 INT32 MidX = Square.x + (Square.width / 2); 02281 wxPoint Diamond[4]; 02282 Diamond[0].x = MidX; 02283 Diamond[0].y = Square.y; 02284 Diamond[1].x = Square.x + Square.width; 02285 Diamond[1].y = MidY; 02286 Diamond[2].x = MidX; 02287 Diamond[2].y = Square.y + Square.height; 02288 Diamond[3].x = Square.x; 02289 Diamond[3].y = MidY; 02290 02291 // plot it 02292 if (!SpotColour) 02293 { 02294 // Non spot colour so render the colour into the diamond 02295 pDC->SetBrush(*Brush); 02296 pDC->DrawPolygon(4, Diamond); 02297 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 02298 } 02299 else 02300 { 02301 // Spot colour so render a black diamond and then the usual spot colour 02302 // render a black diamond 02303 wxBrush BlackBrush(wxColour(0,0,0)); 02304 pDC->SetBrush(BlackBrush); 02305 pDC->DrawPolygon(4, Diamond); 02306 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 02307 02308 // Try to make the rectangle more square, so we always render a circle 02309 // 1 - 0.707 = 0.293 where 0.707 is cos and sin 45 02310 //INT32 QuarterX = (INT32)(0.2 * (double)((Rect->right - Rect->left)/2)); 02311 //INT32 QuarterY = (INT32)(0.2 * (double)((Rect->top - Rect->bottom)/2)); 02312 // But we could do this a lot quicker with this rough approximation 02313 //INT32 QuarterX = (INT32)((Square.right - Square.left)/10.0 + 0.5); 02314 //INT32 QuarterY = (INT32)((Square.top - Square.bottom)/10.0 + 0.5); 02315 INT32 QuarterX = Square.width / 10; 02316 INT32 QuarterY = Square.height / 10; 02317 wxRect EllipseSquare(Square.x + QuarterX, Square.y + QuarterY, 02318 Square.width - (QuarterX * 2), Square.height - (QuarterY * 2)); 02319 02320 // render a spot colour ellipse 02321 pDC->SetBrush(*Brush); 02322 pDC->DrawEllipse(EllipseSquare); 02323 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 02324 } 02325 02326 // clear out the brush we created 02327 delete Brush; 02328 }
Draws the 'NoColour' colour cell just to the left of the ColourStrip Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care.
Definition at line 2168 of file ccolbar.cpp. 02169 { 02170 wxRect Rect; 02171 CalculateNoColourCellRect(&Rect); 02172 02173 wxPen FramePen(wxColour(0,0,0)); 02174 pDC->SetPen(FramePen); 02175 wxBrush TransBrush(wxColour(0,0,0), wxTRANSPARENT); 02176 pDC->SetBrush(TransBrush); 02177 pDC->DrawRectangle(Rect); 02178 02179 Rect.Inflate(-1, -1); 02180 02181 wxPen TransPen(wxColour(0,0,0), 1, wxTRANSPARENT); 02182 pDC->SetPen(TransPen); 02183 02184 // pDC->SetBkColor(RGB(255,255,255)); // ensure white background 02185 wxBrush HatchBrush(wxColour(0,0,0), wxCROSSDIAG_HATCH); // Fill with black/white hatch 02186 pDC->SetBrush(HatchBrush); 02187 pDC->DrawRectangle(Rect); 02188 02189 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 02190 pDC->SetPen(wxNullPen); 02191 02192 // Check if the current line/fill colours are 'no colour', and if so, draw diamonds 02193 // as appropriate on the 'no colour' cell. 02194 DocColour *LineColour; 02195 DocColour *FillColour; 02196 DocColour *EndColour; 02197 BOOL DiamondType = ColourManager::GetCurrentLineAndFillColours(&LineColour, 02198 &FillColour, &EndColour); 02199 02200 // If the linecolour is transparent, plot a line diamond 02201 if (LineColour != NULL && LineColour->IsTransparent()) 02202 PaintIndicatorDiamond(pDC, Rect, CBCOLOUR_LINE, CELLINDEX_NOCOLOURCELL, DiamondType); 02203 02204 // Plot a fill diamond (flat fill) or 1 or 2 grad fill 'arrows' 02205 if (FillColour != NULL && FillColour->IsTransparent()) 02206 { 02207 CBColourType TheType = CBCOLOUR_FILL; // It is a flat fill 02208 if (EndColour != NULL && EndColour->IsTransparent()) 02209 TheType = CBCOLOUR_START; // Er..no it's a start gradfill 02210 02211 PaintIndicatorDiamond(pDC, Rect, TheType, CELLINDEX_NOCOLOURCELL, DiamondType); 02212 } 02213 02214 if (EndColour != NULL && EndColour->IsTransparent()) 02215 PaintIndicatorDiamond(pDC, Rect, CBCOLOUR_END, CELLINDEX_NOCOLOURCELL, DiamondType); 02216 }
Redraws the ColourBar window's mini proportional scroll bar Notes: You must call CalculateRects and cache the value of TotalNumColours prior to calling this function - see DoPaint for everything that needs to be done.
The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care
Definition at line 1928 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01929 { 01930 ERROR3IF(m_pCurrentColourList == NULL, 01931 _T("CColourBar::PaintScrollBar entered with NULL Current Colour List")); 01932 01933 wxRect SausageRect; 01934 BOOL HasSausage = CalculateSausageRect(&SausageRect); 01935 01936 wxPen TransPen(wxColour(0,0,0), 1, wxTRANSPARENT); 01937 01938 if (HasSausage && ScrollHeight != 0) 01939 { 01940 // Paint the scrollbar outline rectangle 01941 wxPen FramePen(wxColour(0,0,0)); 01942 wxBrush TransBrush(wxColour(0,0,0), wxTRANSPARENT); 01943 pDC->SetBrush(TransBrush); 01944 pDC->SetPen(FramePen); 01945 pDC->DrawRectangle(ScrollBarRect); 01946 01947 // Paint the grey fill on either side of the sausage 01948 wxBrush GreyBrush(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)); 01949 pDC->SetBrush(GreyBrush); 01950 pDC->SetPen(TransPen); 01951 01952 wxRect TheRect(SausageRect); 01953 TheRect.x = ScrollBarRect.x + 1; 01954 TheRect.width = SausageRect.x - TheRect.x; // Area left of sausage 01955 if (TheRect.width > 0) 01956 pDC->DrawRectangle(TheRect); 01957 01958 TheRect.x = SausageRect.x + SausageRect.width; // Area right of sausage 01959 TheRect.width = ScrollBarRect.GetRight() - TheRect.x; 01960 if (TheRect.width > 0) 01961 pDC->DrawRectangle(TheRect); 01962 01963 // Fill the center of the sausage plinth with btnface grey as well 01964 if (SausageRect.width > 1) 01965 { 01966 TheRect = SausageRect; 01967 TheRect.x++; 01968 TheRect.width--; 01969 TheRect.y++; 01970 TheRect.height--; 01971 pDC->DrawRectangle(TheRect); 01972 } 01973 01974 // Ensure it has a black line at each end to make it visible 01975 SausageRect.Inflate(1, 1); 01976 pDC->SetPen(FramePen); 01977 pDC->DrawRectangle(SausageRect); 01978 01979 pDC->SetPen(wxNullPen); 01980 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 01981 01982 // Paint the Sausage plinth 01983 SausageRect.Inflate(-1, -1); 01984 Paint3dPlinth(pDC, &SausageRect, TRUE); 01985 } 01986 01987 if (HasSausage || ScrollHeight == 0) 01988 { 01989 // Now paint on the scroll buttons 01990 PaintScrollButton(pDC, SCROLLBUTTON_LEFT, TRUE); 01991 PaintScrollButton(pDC, SCROLLBUTTON_RIGHT, TRUE); 01992 } 01993 }
Draws a scroll button at the appropriate end of the scroll bar The button is scaled to fit into (ButtonWidth x ScrollHeight) Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care.
Definition at line 1844 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01845 { 01846 wxRect ButtonRect(ScrollBarRect); 01847 01848 if (ButtonID == SCROLLBUTTON_LEFT) 01849 ButtonRect.x -= ButtonWidth - 1; 01850 else 01851 ButtonRect.x += ButtonRect.width - 1; 01852 01853 ButtonRect.width = ButtonWidth; 01854 01855 wxPen FramePen(wxColour(0,0,0)); 01856 pDC->SetPen(FramePen); 01857 wxBrush TransBrush(wxColour(0,0,0), wxTRANSPARENT); 01858 pDC->SetBrush(TransBrush); 01859 pDC->DrawRectangle(ButtonRect); 01860 01861 pDC->SetPen(wxNullPen); 01862 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 01863 01864 // Paint the button border plinth just inside the black outline 01865 ButtonRect.Inflate(-1, -1); 01866 Paint3dPlinth(pDC, &ButtonRect, Normal); 01867 01868 // Calculate the left/right scroll arrow position 01869 INT32 CenterX = ButtonRect.x + (ButtonRect.width / 2); 01870 INT32 CenterY = ButtonRect.y + (ButtonRect.height / 2); 01871 INT32 offset = (ButtonID == SCROLLBUTTON_LEFT) ? -1 : 1; 01872 01873 wxPen TransPen(wxColour(0,0,0), 1, wxTRANSPARENT); 01874 pDC->SetPen(TransPen); 01875 01876 // Fill the button face area with the user preference colour 01877 wxBrush GreyBrush(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)); 01878 ButtonRect.Inflate(-1, -1); 01879 pDC->SetBrush(GreyBrush); 01880 pDC->DrawRectangle(ButtonRect); 01881 01882 // Paint the left/right scroll arrow (will overwrite the border if small bar) 01883 wxPoint Triangle[3]; 01884 Triangle[0].x = CenterX - offset; 01885 Triangle[0].y = CenterY + 2; 01886 Triangle[1].x = CenterX + offset; 01887 Triangle[1].y = CenterY; 01888 Triangle[2].x = CenterX - offset; 01889 Triangle[2].y = CenterY - 2; 01890 01891 wxBrush FrameBrush(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWFRAME)); 01892 pDC->SetBrush(FrameBrush); 01893 pDC->SetPen(FramePen); 01894 pDC->DrawPolygon(3, Triangle); 01895 01896 pDC->SetBrush(wxNullBrush); 01897 pDC->SetPen(wxNullPen); 01898 }
This will cause the colourbar to redraw itself with the new list if necessary, and cache new values for the new current list.
Definition at line 3352 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03353 { 03354 if (TheColourBar == NULL) // There is no colour bar! 03355 return; 03356 03357 // Scroll (if necessary) to show the current colour indicators properly 03358 TheColourBar->SelectionHasChangedInternal(); 03359 03360 // a) Scroll the strip by 0 cells to ensure it is scrolled to a legal position 03361 TheColourBar->ScrollTheStrip(0); 03362 03363 // b) Force redraw the window. We pass FALSE so the window does not flicker as 03364 // it is updated (as the Paint() function completely fills the window anyway) 03365 // c) If the bar needs to add/remove a scrollbar, force a layout recalculation 03366 wxRect TheRect = TheColourBar->GetClientRect(); 03367 INT32 NewBarHeight = TheColourBar->CalculateNewBarHeight(&TheRect); 03368 03369 TheColourBar->OldBarHeight = TheColourBar->GetCurrentBarHeight(); 03370 03371 if (NewBarHeight == TheColourBar->OldBarHeight) 03372 TheColourBar->Refresh(false); // Redraw, but don't erase bground (stops flicker) 03373 else 03374 { 03375 TheColourBar->Refresh(true); // Redraw (clear to grey for tidier resize) 03376 GetMainFrame()->UpdateFrameManager(); // Resize to add/remove the scrollbar 03377 } 03378 }
Force-redraws all areas of the colourbar that depend upon GBrush for their rendering. Used by winoil.cpp when GBrush rendering is enabled or disabled in order to redraw the colourbar.
Definition at line 3949 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03950 { 03951 if (TheColourBar == NULL) 03952 return; 03953 03954 TheColourBar->CalculateRects(); 03955 TheColourBar->ForceRedrawOfRect(TheColourBar->StripRect); 03956 TheColourBar->ForceRedrawOfRect(TheColourBar->IndicatorRect); 03957 TheColourBar->Update(); 03958 }
Ensures that all our temporary claims (timers, mouse capture) are released.
Definition at line 3793 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03794 { 03795 if (DragInfo.TimerOn) 03796 { 03797 m_DragTimer.Stop(); 03798 DragInfo.TimerOn = FALSE; 03799 } 03800 03801 if (HasCapture()) 03802 { 03803 ReleaseMouse(); 03804 } 03805 DragInfo.MouseCaptured = FALSE; 03806 }
Scrolls the colour strip to the left or right. Does not allow scrolling past the ends of the available list. Causes the window to be redrawn.
This recalculates the layout rects and recaches the current colour list for itself, so may be called at any time. The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care Definition at line 3021 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03022 { 03023 Document *OldCurrentDoc = SetCurrentDoc(); 03024 03025 m_pCurrentColourList = ColourManager::GetColourList(); 03026 if (m_pCurrentColourList == NULL) 03027 { 03028 RestoreCurrentDoc(OldCurrentDoc); 03029 return; 03030 } 03031 03032 INT32 NewLeftmost = (INT32) (LeftmostColour + ScrollBy); 03033 03034 CalculateRects(); 03035 03036 // INT32 MaxColours = (INT32) m_pCurrentColourList->GetUndeletedCount(); // FIXEDCOLOURS 03037 INT32 MaxColours = GetNumberOfColours(); 03038 03039 INT32 DisplayedColours = StripRect.width / CellSize; 03040 03041 if (NewLeftmost > MaxColours - DisplayedColours) 03042 NewLeftmost = MaxColours - DisplayedColours; 03043 03044 if (NewLeftmost < 0) 03045 NewLeftmost = 0; 03046 03047 if ((UINT32) NewLeftmost != LeftmostColour || RedrawAlways) 03048 { 03049 ScrollBy = (INT32) (NewLeftmost - LeftmostColour); // Calculate REAL ScrollBy 03050 03051 LeftmostColour = NewLeftmost; // Update the scroll position 03052 if (ScrollHeight != 0) // If there is a scroll bar... 03053 ForceRedrawOfRect(ScrollBarRect); // ...force redraw it 03054 03055 PORTNOTE("other","Removed ScrollWindowEx usage") 03056 #if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_XARALX) 03057 if (abs(ScrollBy) < DisplayedColours) 03058 { 03059 // Scroll the StripRect using ScrollWindowEx (this blits the existing 03060 // window contents across, then invalidates the bit that needs redrawing) 03061 wxRect RectToScroll(StripRect); 03062 if (ScrollBy < 0) 03063 RectToScroll.width += -ScrollBy * CellSize; 03064 else 03065 { 03066 RectToScroll.x -= ScrollBy * CellSize; 03067 RectToScroll.width += ScrollBy * CellSize; 03068 } 03069 03070 ScrollWindow(-ScrollBy * CellSize, 0); 03071 Update(); 03072 } 03073 else 03074 #endif 03075 ForceRedrawOfRect(StripRect); // Force redraw the entire colour strip 03076 } 03077 03078 RestoreCurrentDoc(OldCurrentDoc); 03079 }
This will cause the colourbar to redraw any necessary portions of the colour strip and indicators to indicate the colour of the selection (or the default line/fill colours if there is no selection).
Definition at line 3771 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03772 { 03773 if (TheColourBar != NULL) 03774 TheColourBar->SelectionHasChangedInternal(); 03775 }
This will cause the colourbar to redraw any necessary portions of the colour strip and indicators to indicate the colour of the selection (or the default line/fill colours if there is no selection).
Definition at line 3515 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03516 { 03517 static Document *LastDocument = NULL; 03518 static INT32 LastClickedLineCell = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 03519 static INT32 LastClickedFillCell = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 03520 static INT32 LastClickedEndCell = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 03521 03522 // If the user has not asked for document colours in the colour line then 03523 // no need to do any of the checks below 03524 if (!ColourSGallery::ShowDocumentColours) 03525 { 03526 ForceRedrawOfRect(TheColourBar->IndicatorRect); // And redraw the colour indicators 03527 return; 03528 } 03529 03530 // If swapped documents then forget the last clicked cells 03531 if (LastDocument != Document::GetSelected()) 03532 { 03533 LastClickedFillCell = LastClickedEndCell = LastClickedLineCell = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 03534 LastDocument = Document::GetSelected(); 03535 } 03536 03537 DocColour *LineColour; 03538 DocColour *FillColour; 03539 DocColour *EndColour; 03540 03541 BOOL DiamondShape = ColourManager::GetCurrentLineAndFillColours(&LineColour, 03542 &FillColour, &EndColour); 03543 INT32 MinorScrollTo = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 03544 INT32 MajorScrollTo = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 03545 03546 // Determine if we're changing from flatfill display to gradfill or vice-versa. In this case, 03547 // the Fill diamond will change between arow and diamond - if the fill happens to be the same 03548 // colour, this will leave the screen state incorrect, so we must forceredraw it. 03549 BOOL MustRedrawFill = FALSE; 03550 if (EndColour != NULL) 03551 { 03552 if (LastEndCell == CELLINDEX_NOCELL) // Change from flat to grad 03553 MustRedrawFill = TRUE; 03554 } 03555 else 03556 { 03557 if (LastEndCell != CELLINDEX_NOCELL) // Change from grad to flat 03558 MustRedrawFill = TRUE; 03559 } 03560 03561 // Now redraw (only as necessary) the line, fill and end-fill cells, and determine 03562 // the major and minor cell positions to autoscroll to. 03563 if (LineColour == NULL) // Is there a line colour? 03564 { 03565 ForceRedrawOfCell((INT32) LastLineCell); // No - Remove the old indicator diamond 03566 LastLineCell = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; // ... and remember it is not displayed 03567 } 03568 else 03569 { 03570 INT32 CellIndex = CalculateColourCellIndex(LineColour); 03571 03572 if (CellIndex != LastClickedLineCell) // Set Minor scroll position, and 03573 MinorScrollTo = LastClickedLineCell = CellIndex; // remember where we last put diamond 03574 03575 if (MinorScrollTo == CELLINDEX_NOCOLOURCELL) // NoColour doesn't cause scrolling 03576 MinorScrollTo = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 03577 03578 // If selected cell changed (or diamond shape has changed)... 03579 if (CellIndex != LastLineCell || LastDiamondShape != DiamondShape) 03580 { 03581 ForceRedrawOfCell((INT32)LastLineCell); // Redraw old colour cell 03582 ForceRedrawOfCell(CellIndex); // Redraw new colour cell 03583 LastLineCell = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 03584 // (LastLineCell will be automagically updated by the PaintDiamond code) 03585 } 03586 } 03587 03588 if (FillColour == NULL) // is there a Fill colour? 03589 { 03590 ForceRedrawOfCell((INT32)LastFillCell); // No- Remove the old indicator diamond 03591 LastFillCell = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; // ... and remember it is not displayed 03592 } 03593 else 03594 { 03595 INT32 CellIndex = CalculateColourCellIndex(FillColour); 03596 03597 if (CellIndex != LastClickedFillCell) // Set Major scroll position, and 03598 MajorScrollTo = LastClickedFillCell = CellIndex; // remember where we last put diamond 03599 03600 if (MajorScrollTo == CELLINDEX_NOCOLOURCELL) // NoColour doesn't cause scrolling 03601 MajorScrollTo = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 03602 03603 // If selected cell changed (or diamond shape has changed)... 03604 if (CellIndex != LastFillCell || LastDiamondShape != DiamondShape || MustRedrawFill) 03605 { 03606 ForceRedrawOfCell((INT32)LastFillCell); // Redraw old colour cell 03607 ForceRedrawOfCell(CellIndex); // Redraw new colour cell 03608 LastFillCell = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 03609 // (LastFillCell will be automagically updated by the PaintDiamond code) 03610 } 03611 } 03612 03613 if (EndColour == NULL) 03614 { 03615 ForceRedrawOfCell((INT32)LastEndCell); // No- Remove the old indicator diamond 03616 LastEndCell = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; // ... and remember it is not displayed 03617 } 03618 else 03619 { 03620 INT32 OtherMajor = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 03621 INT32 CellIndex = CalculateColourCellIndex(EndColour); 03622 03623 if (CellIndex != LastClickedEndCell) // Set alternat major scroll position, and 03624 OtherMajor = LastClickedEndCell = CellIndex; // remember where we last put diamond 03625 03626 if (OtherMajor == CELLINDEX_NOCOLOURCELL) // NoColour doesn't cause scrolling 03627 OtherMajor = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 03628 03629 // If selected cell changed (or diamond shape has changed)... 03630 if (CellIndex != LastEndCell || LastDiamondShape != DiamondShape) 03631 { 03632 ForceRedrawOfCell((INT32)LastEndCell); // Redraw old colour cell 03633 ForceRedrawOfCell(CellIndex); // Redraw new colour cell 03634 LastEndCell = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 03635 // (LastEndCell will be automagically updated by the PaintDiamond code) 03636 } 03637 03638 // And now decide which of the 3 colours are most important, and decide on major and minor 03639 // scroll-to positions. By default this is already set up to be Fill,Line, but if the end-grad 03640 // colour is not no-colour, it may override the line colour 03641 if (OtherMajor != CELLINDEX_NOCELL) 03642 { 03643 if (MajorScrollTo == CELLINDEX_NOCELL) 03644 MajorScrollTo = OtherMajor; // There's only one non-transparent fill, so use it 03645 else 03646 { 03647 if (MinorScrollTo == CELLINDEX_NOCELL) 03648 MinorScrollTo = OtherMajor; // There's no line colour, so just make it the minor 03649 else 03650 { 03651 // We have 3 colours - we will remove the middle one, to maximise the chance of 03652 // them all being shown (if left/right are visible, the middle must also be visible) 03653 03654 if (MinorScrollTo < MajorScrollTo) 03655 { 03656 if (OtherMajor < MinorScrollTo) 03657 MinorScrollTo = OtherMajor; 03658 else if (OtherMajor > MajorScrollTo) 03659 MajorScrollTo = OtherMajor; 03660 } 03661 else 03662 { 03663 if (OtherMajor > MinorScrollTo) 03664 MinorScrollTo = OtherMajor; 03665 else if (OtherMajor < MajorScrollTo) 03666 MajorScrollTo = OtherMajor; 03667 } 03668 } 03669 } 03670 } 03671 } 03672 03673 03674 // OK, let's autoscroll - Preferably both Major and Minor can be shown, but if not, it is better 03675 // to show Major (fill) than Minor (line). 03676 03677 if (MajorScrollTo == CELLINDEX_NOCELL) // Only one diamond, so make it the major one 03678 { 03679 MajorScrollTo = MinorScrollTo; 03680 MinorScrollTo = CELLINDEX_NOCELL; 03681 } 03682 03683 if (MajorScrollTo != CELLINDEX_NOCELL) 03684 { 03685 // We have 1 or 2 cells that we'd really like visible in the bar if possible. 03686 // The MajorScrollTo is the most important one, so we ensure it is visible, and 03687 // then shift slightly from that scroll pos, if possible, to get the minor in too 03688 // It's also important to minimise scrolling (i.e if the targets can all be seen 03689 // already then we will not move them) 03690 03691 // Calculate how many colour cells are visible 03692 INT32 NumDisplayedColours = StripRect.width / CellSize; 03693 03694 BOOL TwoDiamonds = TRUE; // There are either 1 or 2 diamonds to try to show 03695 03696 // Convert the cell index into a desired scroll offset from current pos (scroll-by) 03697 MajorScrollTo -= LeftmostColour; 03698 if (MinorScrollTo == CELLINDEX_NOCELL) 03699 { 03700 MinorScrollTo = MajorScrollTo; // Ensure we scroll to Major one only 03701 TwoDiamonds = FALSE; // There is only one diamond to try to show 03702 } 03703 else 03704 MinorScrollTo -= LeftmostColour; 03705 03706 // If one of the 2 diamonds is not already visible, we need to scroll 03707 if (MajorScrollTo < 0 || MajorScrollTo >= NumDisplayedColours || 03708 MinorScrollTo < 0 || MinorScrollTo >= NumDisplayedColours) 03709 { 03710 INT32 ScrollBy = 0; 03711 03712 // One or both diamonds are not visible, so we'll have to try scrolling... 03713 if (TwoDiamonds && abs(MajorScrollTo - MinorScrollTo) <= NumDisplayedColours) 03714 { 03715 if (abs(MajorScrollTo - MinorScrollTo) >= NumDisplayedColours - 1) 03716 { 03717 // The diamonds fit exactly at the left/right ends of the bar. We must 03718 // special case this (rounding errors in the average may get the posn 03719 // one cell out in this case) - scroll the leftmost diamond to the 03720 // left end of the bar. 03721 03722 ScrollBy = min(MinorScrollTo, MajorScrollTo); 03723 } 03724 else 03725 { 03726 // Both diamonds should fit on if we just scroll to the average position 03727 ScrollBy = (MajorScrollTo + MinorScrollTo) / 2; 03728 ScrollBy -= NumDisplayedColours / 2; // Turn into center-relative scroll 03729 } 03730 } 03731 else 03732 { 03733 // There is only one diamond, or we can only fit one of the diamonds 03734 // on, so scroll to the major one 03735 ScrollBy = MajorScrollTo - NumDisplayedColours / 2; // Turn into center-relative scroll 03736 } 03737 03738 #ifndef EXCLUDE_GALS 03739 if ( 03740 ColourSGallery::AutoScrollSelection && 03741 ScrollBy != 0) 03742 { 03743 ScrollTheStrip(ScrollBy); 03744 } 03745 #endif 03746 } 03747 } 03748 03749 ForceRedrawOfRect(TheColourBar->IndicatorRect); // And redraw the colour indicators 03750 }
Sets a timer to cause a timer message to be sent to us after the keyboard auto-repeat delay. If we are already waiting for a timer event, the current timer will be replaced by the new one.
Notes: The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care Definition at line 3831 of file ccolbar.cpp. 03832 { 03833 if (DragInfo.TimerOn) 03834 m_DragTimer.Stop(); 03835 03836 UINT32 CallbackTime = 1000; 03837 UINT32 RepsPerSec = 5; 03838 03839 #if FALSE 03840 if (Delay) 03841 { 03842 ::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETKEYBOARDDELAY, 0, &RepsPerSec, 0); 03843 03844 RepsPerSec = 4 - RepsPerSec; 03845 } 03846 else 03847 { 03848 ::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETKEYBOARDSPEED, 0, &RepsPerSec, 0); 03849 03850 RepsPerSec++; 03851 } 03852 #endif 03853 03854 if (RepsPerSec > 1) 03855 CallbackTime = (UINT32) 1000 / RepsPerSec; 03856 03857 m_DragTimer.Start(CallbackTime); 03858 DragInfo.TimerOn = TRUE; 03859 }
Sets the Colour Bar display mode to the new value. Current legal mode values are 0..3 (small, med, med+scroll, large) Illegal values will cause it to resort to the default mode, medium+scroll (2) The default value of -1 is used to mean 'use the preference setting'. This allows the prefs dialogue to cause the ColourBar to sit up and take notice of changed preference settings. The preference setting ColourBarMode will be set to the new value.
Definition at line 1102 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01103 { 01104 if (NewDisplayMode == -1) 01105 NewDisplayMode = DefaultSizeIndex; 01106 01107 if (NewDisplayMode < 0 || NewDisplayMode >= MAXDEFAULTSIZES) 01108 NewDisplayMode = 2; 01109 01110 DefaultSizeIndex = NewDisplayMode; // Remember this as a preference setting 01111 01112 if (TheColourBar != NULL) // If there's a bar, set it to the new size 01113 { 01114 TheColourBar->SetSizes(ColBarDefaultSize[NewDisplayMode].Cell, 01115 ColBarDefaultSize[NewDisplayMode].Scrollbar); 01116 TheColourBar->Refresh(); // Force a redraw of the bar to ensure it's up to date 01117 } 01118 }
Sets the base sizes of the colour strip and colour scroll bar in the colour bar window. Other features of the bar are automatically resized to fit the new sizing. The bar will be redrawn. If the combined height of the bar elements has now changed, the bar will be resized (by calling the parent's RecalcLayout method).
The ColourBar works exclusively on the SELECTED Doc. Change with care Definition at line 1049 of file ccolbar.cpp. 01050 { 01051 ENSURE (NewCellSize >= 4 && NewCellSize <= 64, 01052 "Silly CellSize passed to CColourBar::SetSizes()"); 01053 01054 ENSURE (NewScrollbarSize == 0 || 01055 (NewScrollbarSize >= 3 && NewScrollbarSize <= 24), 01056 "Silly ScrollbarSize passed to CColourBar::SetSizes()"); 01057 01058 NewCellSize &= ~1; // Force Cellsize to be an even value 01059 01060 // BOOL ResizeFrame = (NewCellSize + NewScrollbarSize != CellSize + ScrollHeight); 01061 01062 CellSize = NewCellSize; 01063 ScrollHeight = NewScrollbarSize; 01064 01065 BarHeight = CellSize + ScrollHeight + (2 * CY_BORDER) + 01066 m_cyTopBorder + m_cyBottomBorder + 1; 01067 01068 // if (ResizeFrame) 01069 { 01070 SetMinSize(wxSize(8, BarHeight)); 01071 01072 InvalidateBestSize(); 01073 GetMainFrame()->UpdateFrameManager(); 01074 } 01075 }
Tells the colour bar to show or hide itself. The bar will remain visible/hidden until the next call to this method. If no colour bar currently exists, the desired state will be remembered and used on creation of any new bar.
Definition at line 4163 of file ccolbar.cpp. 04164 { 04165 BarIsVisible = ShowOrHide; // Remember our current state 04166 04167 if (TheColourBar != NULL) // If a colour bar exists... 04168 { 04169 if (BarIsVisible) 04170 TheColourBar->Show(true); // Show or hide the window 04171 else 04172 TheColourBar->Show(false); 04173 04174 GetMainFrame()->UpdateFrameManager(); // And ensure it places itself usefully! 04175 } 04176 }
Checks which part of the ColourBar the given point lies over (if any) and returns a value indicating where it is.
Definition at line 2879 of file ccolbar.cpp. 02880 { 02881 if (ToLeft != NULL) // Sensible default output 02882 *ToLeft = TRUE; 02883 02884 if (StripRect.Inside(MousePos)) // Check ColourStrip - MUST be checked first! 02885 { 02886 if (TheRectItIsIn != NULL) 02887 *TheRectItIsIn = StripRect; 02888 02889 // If necessary, determine if the pointer is in the left or right half of the colour cell 02890 if (ToLeft != NULL) 02891 { 02892 if ( (MousePos.x - StripRect.x) % CellSize >= CellSize / 2) 02893 { 02894 // The pointer is in the right hand side of the cell, so return ToLeft=FALSE 02895 *ToLeft = FALSE; 02896 } 02897 } 02898 02899 return((INT32) (((MousePos.x - StripRect.x) / CellSize) + LeftmostColour)); 02900 } 02901 02902 if (IndicatorRect.Inside(MousePos)) // Check Indicator patch 02903 { 02904 if (TheRectItIsIn != NULL) 02905 *TheRectItIsIn = IndicatorRect; 02906 return(CLICKED_INDICATORS); 02907 } 02908 02909 if (EditButtonRect.Inside(MousePos)) 02910 { 02911 if (TheRectItIsIn != NULL) 02912 *TheRectItIsIn = EditButtonRect; 02913 return(CLICKED_EDITBUTTON); 02914 } 02915 02916 #if FALSE 02917 /* 02918 if (NewButtonRect.Inside(MousePos)) 02919 { 02920 if (TheRectItIsIn != NULL) 02921 *TheRectItIsIn = NewButtonRect; 02922 return(CLICKED_NEWBUTTON); 02923 } 02924 */ 02925 #endif 02926 02927 wxRect TheRect; 02928 02929 if (!HasNoScrollBar(-1, -1)) // Check Scrollbar rectangle (if any) 02930 { 02931 if (ScrollHeight != 0 && ScrollBarRect.Inside(MousePos) && 02932 CalculateSausageRect(&TheRect)) 02933 { 02934 if (TheRectItIsIn != NULL) 02935 *TheRectItIsIn = TheRect; 02936 02937 if (MousePos.x < TheRect.x) // Left of the sausage 02938 { 02939 if (TheRectItIsIn != NULL) 02940 { 02941 TheRectItIsIn->x = ScrollBarRect.x; 02942 TheRectItIsIn->width = (TheRect.x - 1 - TheRectItIsIn->x); 02943 } 02944 02945 return(CLICKED_SCROLLBARLEFT); 02946 } 02947 02948 if (MousePos.x > (TheRect.x + TheRect.width)) // Right of the sausage 02949 { 02950 if (TheRectItIsIn != NULL) 02951 { 02952 TheRectItIsIn->x = TheRect.x + TheRect.width + 1; 02953 TheRectItIsIn->width = ScrollBarRect.x + ScrollBarRect.x - TheRectItIsIn->x; 02954 } 02955 return(CLICKED_SCROLLBARRIGHT); 02956 } 02957 02958 return(CLICKED_SCROLLBAR); // Middle of the sausage 02959 } 02960 02961 TheRect = ScrollBarRect; // Check left scroll button 02962 TheRect.x -= ButtonWidth; 02963 TheRect.width = ButtonWidth; 02964 if (TheRect.Inside(MousePos)) 02965 { 02966 if (TheRectItIsIn != NULL) 02967 *TheRectItIsIn = TheRect; 02968 return(CLICKED_LEFTSCROLL); 02969 } 02970 02971 TheRect = ScrollBarRect; // Check right scroll button 02972 TheRect.x += TheRect.width; 02973 TheRect.width = ButtonWidth; 02974 if (TheRect.Inside(MousePos)) 02975 { 02976 if (TheRectItIsIn != NULL) 02977 *TheRectItIsIn = TheRect; 02978 return(CLICKED_RIGHTSCROLL); 02979 } 02980 } 02981 02982 CalculateNoColourCellRect(&TheRect); // Check NoColour cell 02983 if (TheRect.Inside(MousePos)) 02984 { 02985 if (TheRectItIsIn != NULL) 02986 *TheRectItIsIn = TheRect; 02987 return(CLICKED_NOCOLOURCELL); 02988 } 02989 02990 return(CLICKED_NOTHING); // Not over anything important 02991 }