#include <cdrfiltr.h>
Inheritance diagram for CDRFilter:
Public Member Functions | |
CDRFilter () | |
Constructor. | |
BOOL | Init () |
Initialisation. | |
INT32 | HowCompatible (PathName &Filename, ADDR HeaderStart, UINT32 HeaderSize, UINT32 FileSize) |
Examines a file to see how compatable it is with this filter. | |
BOOL | DoImport (SelOperation *, CCLexFile *, Document *, BOOL AutoChosen=FALSE, ImportPosition *Pos=NULL, KernelBitmap **ppImportedBitmap=NULL, DocCoord *pPosTranslate=NULL, String_256 *=NULL) |
BOOL | DoExport (Operation *, CCLexFile *, PathName *, Document *, BOOL) |
Refuses to export a Corel Palette file. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | DeleteNodeList (Node *) |
Deletes a linked list of nodes (forward direction only). | |
static BOOL | GetCorelBBox (NodeRenderableBounded *pNode, DocRect *BBox) |
gets the Corel simple union bbox of an object | |
static ADDR | FindDataInObject (cdrfOffsetHeader *Header, WORD Type) |
returns the address of data of the given type in an objects with a standard offset header | |
static BOOL | AddElementsToPath (Path *pPath, INT32 NCoords, cdrfCoord *Coords, BYTE *Types, BOOL *IsClosed) |
Adds elements to a path from a CDR path data. | |
static BOOL | AddStandardColourSet (Document *pDocument) |
Adds the standard set of colours to a Corel file. | |
static BOOL | HasCDRFileGotCMXFile (PathName *FileName, CCLexFile *pFile=NULL) |
to find out whether a CDR file has got a CMX file in it, and therefore whether the CMX filter should grab it instead of this one | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static INT32 | BitmapNumber = 0 |
static INT32 | PatternNumber = 0 |
Private Member Functions | |
BOOL | ClearUp (void) |
Clears up after an CDR file import. | |
BOOL | UpdateProgress (BOOL Now=FALSE) |
Updating the progress everysooften - called at every significant place to get a nice smooth update on that progress bar thingy. | |
BOOL | ProcessDoc (void) |
Processes the root level doc chunk of a CDR file. | |
BOOL | ProcessPage (void) |
Processes a page list of a CDR file. | |
BOOL | ProcessLayer (void) |
Processes a layer list of a CDR file. This is the function which actually grabs objects to convert. | |
BOOL | ProcessObjectTree (UINT32 Level) |
process objects from the CDR file - they end up linked to pLevelNodeList. | |
BOOL | ProcessObject (void) |
Converts an object. If there's a problem with the object, then it's skipped rather than reporting an error, and the count of problem objects incremented. | |
BOOL | ProcessGroup (UINT32 Level, BOOL FromLink=FALSE) |
Sets up a group end action and alters the level node list to be a new list. | |
BOOL | ProcessLink (void) |
Sets up a group end action and a post transform action and alters the level node list to be a new list. | |
BOOL | ProcessVectorList (ADDR Block, INT32 Size) |
processes the vector list at the beginning of CDR files. This contains a list of objects which are used for things such as full colour fills, texture fills, mould shapes, that sort of thing. | |
BOOL | ProcessVectorListEntry () |
processes an entry in the vector list | |
BOOL | ProcessTextList4 () |
Processes the list of text objects for a version 4 CDR file creating text lines and textchars with partially applied attributes. | |
BOOL | ProcessTextListItem4 () |
Processes a item from the list of text objects for a version 4 CDR file creating text lines and textchars with partially applied attributes. | |
BOOL | ConvertRectangle (cdrfOffsetHeader *) |
BOOL | ConvertEllipse (cdrfOffsetHeader *) |
generates an ellipse object | |
BOOL | ConvertPath (cdrfOffsetHeader *) |
actually converts a path object to a node. If the object has an unexpected format, then FormatError is set and it return *TRUE* - the return value only indicated environmental errors such as lack of memory | |
BOOL | ConvertText (cdrfOffsetHeader *) |
converts a text object to a node. If the object has an unexpected format, then FormatError is set and it return *TRUE* - the return value only indicated environmental errors such as lack of memory | |
BOOL | ConvertText4Art (cdrfOffsetHeader *) |
converts a version 4 artisitic text object | |
BOOL | ConvertText4Para (cdrfOffsetHeader *) |
converts a version 4 paragraph text object | |
BOOL | ConvertText3 (cdrfOffsetHeader *) |
converts a version 3 text object to a node. If the object has an unexpected format, then FormatError is set and it return *TRUE* - the return value only indicated environmental errors such as lack of memory | |
BOOL | ConvertBitmap (cdrfOffsetHeader *) |
BOOL | SetLineAttr (cdrfOffsetHeader *Object) |
BOOL | SetFillAttr (cdrfOffsetHeader *Object) |
sets the fill attributes | |
BOOL | SetLineAttr3 (cdrfOffsetHeader *Object) |
BOOL | SetFillAttr3 (cdrfOffsetHeader *Object) |
sets the fill attributes for version 3 | |
BOOL | SetFillAttrFlat (cdrfFillHeader *Fill, INT32 Size) |
sets flat fill attributes | |
BOOL | SetFillAttrGrad (cdrfFillHeader *Fill, INT32 Size) |
sets graduated fill attributes | |
BOOL | SetUKFill (void) |
sets a fill attribute for unknown fills | |
BOOL | SetLinearGrad (CDRFillInfo *GFill, DocRect &BBox, DocColour *StartColour, DocColour *EndColour) |
sets a linear graduated fill from fill definition in the file Copied from coreleps.cpp and modified | |
BOOL | SetRadialGrad (CDRFillInfo *GFill, DocRect &BBox, DocColour *StartColour, DocColour *EndColour) |
sets a radial graduated fill from fill definition in the file | |
BOOL | SetConicalGrad (CDRFillInfo *GFill, DocRect &BBox, DocColour *StartColour, DocColour *EndColour) |
sets a conical graduated fill from fill definition in the file Copied from coreleps.cpp and modified | |
BOOL | SetFillAttrPattern (CDRTiledFillInfo *Info, DocColour *Colour1, DocColour *Colour2) |
set pattern fill attributes | |
BOOL | SetFillAttrTexture (cdrfFillHeader *Fill, INT32 Size) |
sets texture fill attributes | |
BOOL | SetFillAttrVector (CDRTiledFillInfo *Info) |
set vector fill attributes | |
BOOL | NoFill (void) |
makes an object not filled | |
BOOL | AddAttributesToArrowheadNode (NodeRenderableBounded *N, DocColour *Col, INT32 LineWidth, LineCapType Cap, JointType Join) |
apply attributes to a arrow head node | |
BOOL | AddAttributesToArrowheadPath (NodePath *P, DocColour *Col, INT32 LineWidth, LineCapType Cap, JointType Join) |
apply attributes to a arrow head path | |
BOOL | DoesPathNeedArrowheads (NodePath *P) |
To find out whether a path need attributes. | |
BOOL | TransformArrowhead (NodeRenderableBounded *N, DocCoord *Point, DocCoord *Other, BOOL Start, INT32 LineWidth, INT32 Distance) |
transform an arrowhead path to be the correct size and orientation | |
BOOL | AddArrowheadsToPath (DWORD StartArrow, DWORD EndArrow, DocColour *Col, INT32 LineWidth, LineCapType Cap, JointType Join) |
adds arrowheads to a path. Changes pMadeNode from a path to a group | |
BOOL | ConvertColour (cdrfColour *Col, DocColour *Out) |
converts a colour from the CDR definition taking into account the version | |
BOOL | IsTransformJustMatrices (ADDR Trans, INT32 Size) |
scans a transform chunk. Returns TRUE if the transform was just composed of matrices and unknown transforms. | |
BOOL | TransformConvertedObject (NodeRenderable **N, ADDR Trans, INT32 Size, BOOL TranslateForPage=TRUE, BOOL IsAGroupTransform=FALSE, BOOL WorkAtOrigin=FALSE) |
transforms an object we converted, given a trfd chunk. If TranslateForPage is true (defaults to TRUE) then the object will also be translated to get the origin in the right place. The pointer may be modified to be a pointer to a different object. WorkAtOrigin causes the object to be translated back to the origin before being hacked apon, except if it's in a CDR3 file when it's ignored as the file is mass-translated at the end of the conversion.. | |
BOOL | TransformConvertedObjectDoMatrix (NodeRenderable **N, cdrMatrix *Ma, BOOL TranslateForPage) |
transforms an object given a CDR matrix | |
BOOL | TransformConvertedObjectDoPerspective (NodeRenderable **N, cdrPerspective *P, BOOL TranslateShapeForPage=FALSE) |
BOOL | TransformConvertedObjectDoEnvelope (NodeRenderable **N, Path *P, DocRect *OriginalBBox, INT32 *Corners, BOOL TranslateShapeForPage=FALSE) |
transforms an object given a path to envelope into | |
BOOL | TransformConvertedObjectDoExtrude (NodeRenderable **N, cdrExtrudeInfo *Info, BOOL TranslateShapeForPage=FALSE) |
performs a extrude transform | |
BOOL | TransformConvertedObjectDoExtrudeTransPath (NodePath *pPath, cdrExtrudeInfo *Info) |
does the extrude transform on a path | |
BOOL | GetMatrixFromTransform (Matrix *M, ADDR Trans, INT32 Size, BOOL TranslateForPage=TRUE) |
given some transform data, works out a matrix. This ignores any 3D transforms, TransformConvertedObject should be used in preference. | |
BOOL | GetObjCorelBBox (NodeRenderableBounded *pNode, DocRect *BBox) |
gets the corel bbox of a converted object, looking up the bbox of text objects | |
KernelBitmap * | BitmapFromNodeList (Node *List) |
given a list of nodes, if it only contains one bitmap then return a pointer to that bitmap | |
BOOL | MakeTextOnPathLinkList () |
creates the list of paths which should be linked to text stories to get text on paths. | |
BOOL | AttachTextToPaths () |
attachs paths to text stories from the list of links. | |
BOOL | CheckTextForLinks (TextStory *pTextStory, cdrfOffsetHeader *Header) |
checks to see if this text story is in the link table | |
BOOL | GetTextStyleFromCDRStyle (CDRTextStyle *TS, WORD StyleRef, BOOL SearchForParent=TRUE) |
gets a text style from a CDR style. If it can't be found, you get the default text style. If SearchForParent is TRUE, the parent style of this style will be located | |
BOOL | GetTextStyleFromDefn (CDRTextStyle *TS, cdrfTextInfoFontDefn *FontDefn, const CDRTextStyle *BasedOn) |
gets a font style from a font definition stored in a txsm chunk. Anything not defined comes from the BasedOn style. | |
BOOL | ApplyTextAttr (Node *ContextNode, const CDRTextStyle *TS, const CDRTextStyle *BasedOn) |
Applies text attributes to a node from a CDRTextStyle. If BasedOn != 0 then the attributes will only be applied if they are different from those in *BasedOn. | |
BOOL | ApplyTextAttrDoApply (Node *ContextNode, TxtBaseClassAttribute *Attr, BOOL CheckExisting) |
Given a text attribute, apply it to a node. If CheckExising is TRUE, the existing attributes will be checked, and this attribute will not be applied if one of it's type already exists. | |
TCHAR * | GetFontName (WORD FontRef) |
finds a font name | |
BOOL | GetTextStyle3 (CDRTextStyle *TS, WORD Style, CDRTextStyle *BasedOn=0) |
gets a style for version 3 text from the global text styles table | |
BOOL | GetTextStyleFromChar4 (CDRTextStyle *TS, cdrfTextCharStyledV4 *Char, CDRTextStyle *BasedOn) |
gets a text style from a styled version 4 text character | |
Private Attributes | |
friend | CDRActionTransform |
friend | CDRActionGroupEnd |
friend | CDRBitmapStore |
friend | CDRBitmap |
Document * | pDocument |
Spread * | pSpread |
Page * | pPage |
CDRVersion | Version |
BOOL | Success |
RIFFFile * | RIFF |
UndoableOperation * | ThisOp |
BOOL | SlowJobStarted |
UINT32 | ProgressCount |
BOOL | InMasterPage |
BOOL | DoneMasterPage |
BOOL | DoneDoc |
BOOL | UseLayers |
CDRAttributeStore | Fills |
CDRAttributeStore | Outlines |
CDRAttributeStore | Styles |
CDRFontnameStore | Fonts |
CDRArrowheadStore | Arrowheads |
CDRBitmapStore | Patterns |
CDRBitmapStore | Bitmaps |
CDRVectorStore | Vectors |
CDRVectorStore | TextV4 |
CDRPageList | Pages |
CDRPageListItem * | ThisPage |
CDRLayerListItem * | ThisLayer |
CDRActionList | Actions |
CDRBBoxList | TextBBoxes |
INT32 | PageX |
INT32 | PageY |
BOOL | Landscape |
DocCoord | Origin |
INT32 | TranslateByX |
INT32 | TranslateByY |
INT32 | ObjectsConverted |
INT32 | ObjectsFormatWrong |
INT32 | ObjectsUnknown |
INT32 | EnvelopesApproximated |
BOOL | FormatError |
NodeRenderable * | pLevelNodeList |
NodeRenderable * | pMadeNode |
INT32 | SerialNumber |
BOOL | ObjFilled |
BOOL | ObjStroked |
BOOL | IsText |
BOOL | IsTextStory |
BOOL | AttrsAlreadyApplied |
ADDR | ObjDataBlock |
INT32 | ObjDataBlockSize |
ColourList * | ColList |
ADDR | TransformChunk |
INT32 | TransformChunkSize |
ADDR | FontTableV3 |
INT32 | FontTableEntriesV3 |
ADDR | FontStylesV3 |
ADDR | LinkTable |
BOOL | LinkTransformsExist |
List | TextOnPathLinks |
BOOL | IsTextOnAPath |
Definition at line 764 of file cdrfiltr.h.
Definition at line 234 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 00235 { 00236 // Set up filter descriptions. 00237 FilterName.Load(_R(IDT_CDRFILTER_FILTERNAME)); 00238 FilterInfo.Load(_R(IDT_CDRFILTER_FILTERINFO)); 00239 FilterID = FILTERID_CDR; 00240 00241 Flags.CanImport = TRUE; 00242 Flags.CanExport = FALSE; 00243 00244 Version = CDRVERSION_NULL; 00245 }
adds arrowheads to a path. Changes pMadeNode from a path to a group
Definition at line 632 of file cdroutl.cpp. 00634 { 00635 if(!IS_A(pMadeNode, NodePath)) 00636 return TRUE; // don't apply arrowheads to non path things 00637 00638 NodePath *pPath = (NodePath *)pMadeNode; 00639 00640 // check that the path actaully needs some arrow heads 00641 if(!DoesPathNeedArrowheads(pPath) || (StartArrow == 0 && EndArrow == 0)) 00642 return TRUE; 00643 00644 // get pointers to nodes of the arrow heads to copy 00645 NodeRenderableBounded *StartA = 0; 00646 NodeRenderableBounded *EndA = 0; 00647 INT32 StartDistance; 00648 INT32 EndDistance; 00649 if(StartArrow != 0) 00650 { 00651 BOOL NotPresent; 00652 StartA = Arrowheads.GetConvertedNode(StartArrow, &StartDistance, &NotPresent); 00653 00654 if(StartA == 0 && NotPresent == FALSE) 00655 return FALSE; // error occurred 00656 } 00657 if(EndArrow != 0) 00658 { 00659 BOOL NotPresent; 00660 EndA = Arrowheads.GetConvertedNode(EndArrow, &EndDistance, &NotPresent); 00661 00662 if(EndA == 0 && NotPresent == FALSE) 00663 return FALSE; // error occurred 00664 } 00665 00666 // check that enough arrowheads were found to do something with 00667 if(StartA == 0 && EndA == 0) 00668 return TRUE; 00669 00670 // get rid of any dash patterns 00671 DashRec NoDash; 00672 NoDash = SD_SOLID; 00673 SetDashPattern(NoDash); 00674 00675 // get some info about the path 00676 DocCoord *Coords = pPath->InkPath.GetCoordArray(); 00677 PathVerb *Verbs = pPath->InkPath.GetVerbArray(); 00678 INT32 NCoords = pPath->InkPath.GetNumCoords(); 00679 INT32 SubPathStart = -1; // the number of the coord the sub path starts on 00680 INT32 SubPathEnd = -1; // the number of the coord the sub path ends on 00681 00682 // set up a pointers for the nodes we're about to create - it points to the made 00683 // at first, but shuffles on as nodes are copied. You see, we have to copy nodes which 00684 // are attached to something 00685 NodeRenderableBounded *ThisNode = pPath; 00686 00687 // work out the trim distances 00688 double StartTrimDistance; 00689 double EndTrimDistance; 00690 if(StartA != 0) 00691 StartTrimDistance = ((double)LineWidth / (double)cdrfARROWHEAD_LINEWIDTH) * (double)StartDistance; 00692 if(EndA != 0) 00693 EndTrimDistance = ((double)LineWidth / (double)cdrfARROWHEAD_LINEWIDTH) * (double)EndDistance; 00694 00695 // run through all the coords 00696 INT32 c; 00697 for(c = 0; c < NCoords; c++) 00698 { 00699 UINT32 Verb = Verbs[c] & ~PT_CLOSEFIGURE; 00700 BOOL CloseHere = ((Verbs[c] & PT_CLOSEFIGURE) != 0)?TRUE:FALSE; 00701 00702 // if the verb is a close figure, this sub path is close, so we can't add arrowheads 00703 // to it. Invalidate the path start to avoid getting any arrowheads 00704 if(CloseHere) 00705 SubPathStart = -1; 00706 00707 // if we get a new moveto and the sub path start is valid then we have a applying arrowheads 00708 // situation 00709 if((Verb == PT_MOVETO || ((c == (NCoords - 1)) && !CloseHere)) && c != 0) 00710 { 00711 // set the sub path end 00712 if(Verb == PT_MOVETO) 00713 { 00714 // if it's a moveto, then the sub path end was at the previous coord 00715 SubPathEnd = c - 1; 00716 } else { 00717 // if it wasn't, then it's this one (end of path) 00718 SubPathEnd = c; 00719 } 00720 } 00721 00722 // have we got a valid start path marker? 00723 00724 if(SubPathStart != -1 && SubPathEnd != -1) 00725 { 00726 // OK, now we need to trim the sub path 00727 if(StartA != 0) 00728 { 00729 // trim the start of the path if the next element is a line 00730 if((Verbs[SubPathStart + 1] & ~PT_CLOSEFIGURE) == PT_LINETO) 00731 { 00732 double dx, dy; 00733 dx = Coords[SubPathStart + 1].x - Coords[SubPathStart].x; 00734 dy = Coords[SubPathStart + 1].y - Coords[SubPathStart].y; 00735 double len = sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); 00736 // if the resulting path line leaves enough room, trim it 00737 if((len - StartTrimDistance) >= 32.0) 00738 { 00739 double factor = StartTrimDistance / len; 00740 dx *= factor; 00741 Coords[SubPathStart].x += (INT32)dx; 00742 dy *= factor; 00743 Coords[SubPathStart].y += (INT32)dy; 00744 } 00745 } 00746 00747 // now pop an arrowhead on the resulting point 00748 00749 // first, make a copy of our node 00750 if(!StartA->CopyNode(ThisNode, NEXT)) 00751 return FALSE; // error! 00752 00753 ThisNode = (NodeRenderableBounded *)ThisNode->FindNext(); 00754 ERROR3IF(ThisNode == 0, "CopyNode returned a zero path but didn't complain"); 00755 ERROR3IF(ThisNode->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeRenderableBounded)) == FALSE, "copied thing isn't a renderable bounded node"); 00756 00757 // transform it 00758 if(!TransformArrowhead(ThisNode, &Coords[SubPathStart], &Coords[SubPathStart + 1], 00759 TRUE, LineWidth, StartDistance)) 00760 return FALSE; 00761 00762 // and apply attributes to it 00763 if(!AddAttributesToArrowheadNode(ThisNode, Col, LineWidth, Cap, Join)) 00764 return FALSE; 00765 } 00766 00767 // and the same for the end path 00768 if(EndA != 0) 00769 { 00770 if((Verbs[SubPathEnd] & ~PT_CLOSEFIGURE) == PT_LINETO) 00771 { 00772 double dx, dy; 00773 dx = Coords[SubPathEnd].x - Coords[SubPathEnd - 1].x; 00774 dy = Coords[SubPathEnd].y - Coords[SubPathEnd - 1].y; 00775 double len = sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); 00776 // if the resulting path line leaves enough room, trim it 00777 if((len - EndTrimDistance) >= 32.0) 00778 { 00779 double factor = EndTrimDistance / len; 00780 dx *= factor; 00781 Coords[SubPathEnd].x += (INT32)dx; 00782 dy *= factor; 00783 Coords[SubPathEnd].y += (INT32)dy; 00784 } 00785 } 00786 00787 // now pop an arrowhead on the resulting point 00788 00789 // first, make a copy of our node 00790 if(!EndA->CopyNode(ThisNode, NEXT)) 00791 return FALSE; // error! 00792 00793 ThisNode = (NodeRenderableBounded *)ThisNode->FindNext(); 00794 ERROR3IF(ThisNode == 0, "CopyNode returned a zero path but didn't complain"); 00795 ERROR3IF(ThisNode->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeRenderableBounded)) == FALSE, "copied thing isn't a renderable bounded node"); 00796 00797 // transform it 00798 if(!TransformArrowhead(ThisNode, &Coords[SubPathEnd], &Coords[SubPathEnd - 1], 00799 FALSE, LineWidth, EndDistance)) 00800 return FALSE; 00801 00802 // and apply attributes to it 00803 if(!AddAttributesToArrowheadNode(ThisNode, Col, LineWidth, Cap, Join)) 00804 return FALSE; 00805 } 00806 00807 } 00808 00809 // set the new sub path start marker and invalidate the end point marker 00810 if(Verb == PT_MOVETO) 00811 { 00812 SubPathStart = c; 00813 SubPathEnd = -1; 00814 } 00815 } 00816 00817 00818 // ensure that the bounding rectangle is updated 00819 pPath->InvalidateBoundingRect(); 00820 00821 // get a new group node 00822 NodeGroup *pGroup = new NodeGroup; 00823 if(pGroup == 0) 00824 return FALSE; 00825 00826 // attach everything to it 00827 pMadeNode->InsertChainSimple(pGroup, FIRSTCHILD); 00828 00829 // and make the made node the group 00830 pMadeNode = pGroup; 00831 00832 return TRUE; 00833 }
apply attributes to a arrow head node
Definition at line 442 of file cdroutl.cpp. 00444 { 00445 if(IS_A(N, NodeGroup)) 00446 { 00447 // go through all the members of the group setting their attributes 00448 Node *pNode; 00449 00450 pNode = N->FindFirstChild(); 00451 00452 while(pNode != 0) 00453 { 00454 if(IS_A(pNode, NodePath)) 00455 AddAttributesToArrowheadPath((NodePath *)pNode, Col, LineWidth, Cap, Join); 00456 00457 pNode = pNode->FindNext(); 00458 } 00459 } else if(IS_A(N, NodePath)) 00460 { 00461 // simply apply the attributes to this path 00462 AddAttributesToArrowheadPath((NodePath *)N, Col, LineWidth, Cap, Join); 00463 } else { 00464 ERROR3("Something unexpected passed to AddAttributesToArrowheadNode"); 00465 } 00466 00467 return TRUE; 00468 }
apply attributes to a arrow head path
Definition at line 485 of file cdroutl.cpp. 00487 { 00488 if(P->InkPath.IsFilled) 00489 { 00490 // it's a filled path, so it need to be filled with the colour and have no line 00491 // colour 00492 SetPathFilled(TRUE); 00493 if(!SetLineColour(DocColour(COLOUR_TRANS)) || !SetFillColour(*Col)) 00494 return FALSE; 00495 } else { 00496 // it's not a filled colour, so don't fill it and stroke it with the line width and colour 00497 if(!SetLineColour(*Col) || !SetLineWidth(LineWidth) || !SetLineCap(Cap) || !SetJoinType(Join)) 00498 return FALSE; 00499 } 00500 00501 // apply the attributes to the object 00502 // If not filled, then set the ignore bit on the fill attribute. 00503 // if (P->InkPath.IsFilled == FALSE) 00504 // CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].Ignore = TRUE; 00505 // else 00506 CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].Ignore = FALSE; 00507 00508 // Add attributes to the path, if they are different from the default... 00509 BOOL Result = AttributeManager::ApplyBasedOnDefaults(P, CurrentAttrs); 00510 00511 // DeleteCurrentAttrs(); 00512 // SetUpCurrentAttrs(); 00513 00514 // Enable the fill attribute again 00515 CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].Ignore = FALSE; 00516 00517 return Result; 00518 }
Adds elements to a path from a CDR path data.
Definition at line 2476 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 02477 { 02478 // go through the coordinates in the CDR path adding them to the Camelot path 02479 INT32 c; // coord counter 02480 UINT32 CoordType; // type of this coordinate 02481 UINT32 Control1 = 0; // number of first control point 02482 UINT32 Control2 = 0; // of second 02483 DocCoord co, cn1, cn2; // coordinates 02484 PathFlags Flags; 02485 BOOL NeedMoveTo = TRUE; 02486 02487 if(IsClosed != 0) 02488 (*IsClosed) = FALSE; 02489 02490 // go though converting all the coords 02491 for(c = 0; c < NCoords; c++) 02492 { 02493 CoordType = Types[c] & cdrfPATHCOORDTYPE_MASK; 02494 02495 co.x = CDRDATA_SWORD(Coords[c].X) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02496 co.y = CDRDATA_SWORD(Coords[c].Y) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02497 02498 // add in a move to if necessary 02499 if(NeedMoveTo && CoordType != cdrfPATHCOORDTYPE_MOVE) 02500 { 02501 if(!pPath->InsertMoveTo(co)) 02502 return FALSE; 02503 } 02504 02505 NeedMoveTo = FALSE; 02506 02507 // process the coordinate 02508 switch(CoordType) 02509 { 02510 case cdrfPATHCOORDTYPE_MOVE: 02511 // add a move to this path 02512 if(!pPath->InsertMoveTo(co)) 02513 return FALSE; 02514 break; 02515 02516 case cdrfPATHCOORDTYPE_LINETO: 02517 // add a line to this coord to the path 02518 if(!pPath->InsertLineTo(co)) 02519 return FALSE; 02520 break; 02521 02522 case cdrfPATHCOORDTYPE_CURVE: 02523 // check we have some control points for this curve 02524 // a control point cannot be the first coord, so it's OK to check against 0 02525 if(Control1 == 0 || Control2 == 0) 02526 { 02527 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("No control points for curve element\n")); 02528 break; 02529 } 02530 02531 // convert the control points 02532 cn1.x = CDRDATA_SWORD(Coords[Control1].X) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02533 cn1.y = CDRDATA_SWORD(Coords[Control1].Y) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02534 cn2.x = CDRDATA_SWORD(Coords[Control2].X) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02535 cn2.y = CDRDATA_SWORD(Coords[Control2].Y) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02536 02537 // create the curve 02538 Flags.IsSelected = FALSE; 02539 Flags.IsSmooth = Flags.IsRotate = ((Types[c] & cdrfPATHCOORDATTR_SMOOTH) != 0)?TRUE:FALSE; 02540 Flags.IsEndPoint; 02541 02542 // insert it into the path 02543 if(!pPath->InsertCurveTo(cn1, cn2, co, &Flags)) 02544 return FALSE; 02545 break; 02546 02547 case cdrfPATHCOORDTYPE_CONTROL: 02548 // shuffle the control points we've already got and add the new one 02549 Control1 = Control2; 02550 Control2 = c; 02551 break; 02552 02553 default: 02554 // can't get here as mask won't allow any other value than the ones above. 02555 break; 02556 } 02557 02558 // is this a close subpath situtation? 02559 if((Types[c] & cdrfPATHCOORDATTR_CLOSE) != 0) 02560 { 02561 if(IsClosed != 0) 02562 (*IsClosed) = TRUE; // path has at least one closed element and should be filled 02563 02564 // close the sub path 02565 if(CoordType != cdrfPATHCOORDTYPE_MOVE) 02566 { 02567 if(!pPath->CloseSubPath()) 02568 return FALSE; 02569 02570 // ensure that the next coord is a moveto 02571 NeedMoveTo = TRUE; 02572 } 02573 } 02574 } 02575 02576 return TRUE; 02577 }
Adds the standard set of colours to a Corel file. / typedef struct { BYTE C, M, Y, K; TCHAR *Name; } StandardCDRColour; static StandardCDRColour StandardCDRColours[] = { {0, 0, 0, 100, "Black"}, {0, 0, 0, 90, "90% Black"}, {0, 0, 0, 80, "80% Black"}, {0, 0, 0, 70, "70% Black"}, {0, 0, 0, 60, "60% Black"}, {0, 0, 0, 50, "50% Black"}, {0, 0, 0, 40, "40% Black"}, {0, 0, 0, 30, "30% Black"}, {0, 0, 0, 20, "20% Black"}, {0, 0, 0, 10, "10% Black"}, {0, 0, 0, 0, "White"}, {100, 100, 0, 0, "Blue"}, {100, 0, 0, 0, "Cyan"}, {100, 0, 100, 0, "Green"}, {0, 0, 100, 0, "Yellow"}, {0, 100, 100, 0, "Red"}, {0, 100, 0, 0, "Magenta"}, {20, 80, 0, 20, "Purple"}, {0, 60, 100, 0, "Orange"}, {0, 40, 20, 0, "Pink"}, {0, 20, 20, 60, "Dark Brown"}, {20, 20, 0, 0, "Powder Blue"}, {40, 40, 0, 0, "Pastel Blue"}, {60, 40, 0, 0, "Baby Blue"}, {60, 60, 0, 0, "Electric Blue"}, {40, 40, 0, 20, "Twilight Blue"}, {60, 40, 0, 40, "Navy Blue"}, {40, 40, 0, 60, "Deep Navy Blue"}, {40, 20, 0, 40, "Desert Blue"}, {100, 20, 0, 0, "Sky Blue"}, {40, 0, 0, 0, "Ice Blue"}, {20, 0, 0, 20, "Light BlueGreen"}, {20, 0, 0, 40, "Ocean Green"}, {20, 0, 0, 60, "Moss Green"}, {20, 0, 0, 80, "Dark Green"}, {40, 0, 20, 60, "Forest Green"}, {60, 0, 40, 40, "Grass Green"}, {40, 0, 20, 40, "Kentucky Green"}, {60, 0, 40, 20, "Light Green"}, {60, 0, 60, 20, "Spring Green"}, {60, 0, 20, 0, "Turquoise"}, {60, 0, 20, 20, "Sea Green"}, {20, 0, 20, 20, "Faded Green"}, {20, 0, 20, 0, "Ghost Green"}, {40, 0, 40, 0, "Mint Green"}, {20, 0, 20, 40, "Army Green"}, {20, 0, 40, 40, "Avocado Green"}, {20, 0, 60, 20, "Martian Green"}, {20, 0, 40, 20, "Dull Green"}, {40, 0, 100, 0, "Chartreuse"}, {20, 0, 60, 0, "Moon Green"}, {0, 0, 20, 80, "Murky Green"}, {0, 0, 20, 60, "Olive Drab"}, {0, 0, 20, 40, "Khaki"}, {0, 0, 40, 40, "Olive"}, {0, 0, 60, 20, "Banana Yellow"}, {0, 0, 60, 0, "Light Yellow"}, {0, 0, 40, 0, "Chalk"}, {0, 0, 20, 0, "Pale Yellow"}, {0, 20, 40, 40, "Brown"}, {0, 40, 60, 20, "Red Brown"}, {0, 20, 60, 20, "Gold"}, {0, 60, 80, 0, "Autumn Orange"}, {0, 40, 80, 0, "Light Orange"}, {0, 40, 60, 0, "Peach"}, {0, 20, 100, 0, "Deep Yellow"}, {0, 20, 40, 0, "Sand"}, {0, 20, 40, 60, "Walnut"}, {0, 60, 60, 40, "Ruby Red"}, {0, 60, 80, 20, "Brick Red"}, {0, 60, 60, 0, "Tropical Pink"}, {0, 40, 40, 0, "Soft Pink"}, {0, 20, 20, 0, "Faded Pink"}, {0, 40, 20, 40, "Crimson"}, {0, 60, 40, 20, "Regal Red"}, {0, 60, 20, 20, "Deep Rose"}, {0, 100, 60, 0, "Neon Red"}, {0, 60, 40, 0, "Deep Pink"}, {0, 80, 40, 0, "Hot Pink"}, {0, 40, 20, 20, "Dusty Rose"}, {0, 40, 0, 60, "Plum"}, {0, 60, 0, 40, "Deep Violet"}, {0, 40, 0, 0, "Light Violet"}, {0, 40, 0, 20, "Violet"}, {0, 20, 0, 40, "Dusty Plum"}, {0, 20, 0, 20, "Pale Purple"}, {20, 60, 0, 20, "Majestic Purple"}, {20, 80, 0, 0, "Neon Purple"}, {20, 60, 0, 0, "Light Purple"}, {20, 40, 0, 20, "Twilight Violet"}, {20, 40, 0, 0, "Easter Purple"}, {20, 40, 0, 60, "Deep Purple"}, {20, 40, 0, 40, "Grape"}, {40, 60, 0, 0, "Blue Violet"}, {40, 100, 0, 0, "Blue Purple"}, {40, 80, 0, 20, "Deep River"}, {60, 80, 0, 0, "Deep Azure"}, {40, 60, 0, 40, "Storm Blue"}, {60, 80, 0, 20, "Deep Blue"}, {100, 100, 100, 100, "100C100M100Y100K"} }; /*!
Definition at line 1322 of file cdroutl.cpp. 01323 { 01324 ColourListComponent *pColours = 0; 01325 01326 DocComponent *pComponent = pDocument->EnumerateDocComponents(NULL); 01327 01328 while (pComponent != NULL) 01329 { 01330 // If this is the colour component, remember it 01331 if (pComponent->GetRuntimeClass() == CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(ColourListComponent)) 01332 { 01333 pColours = (ColourListComponent *) pComponent; 01334 break; 01335 } 01336 01337 // Look for next doc component 01338 pComponent = pDocument->EnumerateDocComponents(pComponent); 01339 } 01340 01341 if(pColours == 0) 01342 return TRUE; // can't be bothered to complain nicely about this very unlikely error 01343 01344 // get an importedcolours object 01345 ImportedColours *pNewColours = new ImportedColours(pColours, FALSE); 01346 if(pNewColours == 0 || !pNewColours->Init()) 01347 return FALSE; 01348 01349 BOOL ok = TRUE; 01350 01351 // add colours to it... 01352 ColourCMYK NewColour; 01353 for(INT32 l = 0; l < (sizeof(StandardCDRColours) / sizeof(StandardCDRColour)); l++) 01354 { 01355 NewColour.Cyan = ((double)StandardCDRColours[l].C) / 100; 01356 NewColour.Magenta = ((double)StandardCDRColours[l].M) / 100; 01357 NewColour.Yellow = ((double)StandardCDRColours[l].Y) / 100; 01358 NewColour.Key = ((double)StandardCDRColours[l].K) / 100; 01359 01360 String_64 ColNameS(StandardCDRColours[l].Name); 01361 if(!pNewColours->AddColour(&ColNameS, &NewColour)) 01362 { 01363 ok = FALSE; 01364 break; 01365 } 01366 } 01367 01368 // add the colours to the document 01369 if(ok) 01370 { 01371 pNewColours->AddColoursToDocument(); 01372 } 01373 else 01374 { 01375 pNewColours->DestroyColours(); 01376 } 01377 01378 // delete the imported colours object 01379 delete pNewColours; 01380 01381 return ok; 01382 }
Applies text attributes to a node from a CDRTextStyle. If BasedOn != 0 then the attributes will only be applied if they are different from those in *BasedOn.
Definition at line 1623 of file cdrtext.cpp. 01624 { 01625 BOOL CheckExisting = FALSE; 01626 01627 // if the node has children, then we want to check existing attributes 01628 if(ContextNode->FindFirstChild() != 0) 01629 CheckExisting = TRUE; 01630 01631 // apply italicness 01632 if(BasedOn == 0 || TS->Italic != BasedOn->Italic) 01633 { 01634 // make a font size attribute 01635 TxtItalicAttribute Attr(TS->Italic); 01636 01637 // attach 01638 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(ContextNode, &Attr, CheckExisting)) 01639 return FALSE; 01640 } 01641 01642 // apply boldness 01643 if(BasedOn == 0 || TS->Bold != BasedOn->Bold) 01644 { 01645 // make a font size attribute 01646 TxtBoldAttribute Attr(TS->Bold); 01647 01648 // attach 01649 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(ContextNode, &Attr, CheckExisting)) 01650 return FALSE; 01651 } 01652 01653 // apply underline 01654 if(BasedOn == 0 || TS->Underline != BasedOn->Underline) 01655 { 01656 // make a font size attribute 01657 TxtUnderlineAttribute Attr(TS->Underline); 01658 01659 // attach 01660 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(ContextNode, &Attr, CheckExisting)) 01661 return FALSE; 01662 } 01663 01664 // apply the scriptness 01665 if(BasedOn == 0 || TS->Script != BasedOn->Script) 01666 { 01667 if(TS->Script != CDRSCRIPT_NONE) 01668 { 01669 TxtScriptAttribute Attr((TS->Script == CDRSCRIPT_SUB)?-0.1:0.33, 0.5); 01670 01671 // attach 01672 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(ContextNode, &Attr, CheckExisting)) 01673 return FALSE; 01674 } 01675 } 01676 01677 // apply font size 01678 if(BasedOn == 0 || TS->FontSize != BasedOn->FontSize) 01679 { 01680 // make a font size attribute 01681 TxtFontSizeAttribute Attr(TS->FontSize); 01682 01683 // attach 01684 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(ContextNode, &Attr, CheckExisting)) 01685 return FALSE; 01686 } 01687 01688 // apply font name 01689 // if(BasedOn == 0 || TS->FontName != BasedOn->FontName) 01690 if(BasedOn == 0 || TS->FontReference != BasedOn->FontReference) 01691 { 01692 // get a font handle 01693 WORD hTypeface = Fonts.GetHandleForReference(TS->FontReference); 01694 //WORD hTypeface = FONTMANAGER->GetFontHandle(&String_64(TS->FontName)); 01695 01696 // make a typeface attribute 01697 TxtFontTypefaceAttribute Attr(hTypeface); 01698 01699 // attach 01700 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(ContextNode, &Attr, CheckExisting)) 01701 return FALSE; 01702 } 01703 01704 // apply the justification stuff 01705 if((BasedOn == 0 || TS->Just != BasedOn->Just) && TS->Just != JLEFT) 01706 { 01707 // make a justification attribute 01708 TxtJustificationAttribute Attr(TS->Just); 01709 01710 // attach 01711 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(ContextNode, &Attr, CheckExisting)) 01712 return FALSE; 01713 } 01714 01715 // slap on a aspect ratio thingy so it gets transformed OK 01716 TxtAspectRatioAttribute Attr(1); 01717 01718 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(ContextNode, &Attr, CheckExisting)) 01719 return FALSE; 01720 01721 return TRUE; 01722 }
Given a text attribute, apply it to a node. If CheckExising is TRUE, the existing attributes will be checked, and this attribute will not be applied if one of it's type already exists.
Definition at line 1740 of file cdrtext.cpp. 01741 { 01742 // check given attribute 01743 if(Attr == 0) 01744 return FALSE; 01745 01746 // make a node out of it 01747 NodeAttribute *pNode = Attr->MakeNode(); 01748 if(pNode == 0) 01749 return FALSE; 01750 01751 // if necessary check existing attributes 01752 if(CheckExisting) 01753 { 01754 Node *SearchNode = ContextNode->FindFirstChild(); 01755 01756 // run through it's children 01757 while(SearchNode != 0) 01758 { 01759 if(IS_SAME_CLASS(pNode, SearchNode)) 01760 { 01761 // found an attribute just like the one we're thinking of applying... 01762 delete pNode; 01763 return TRUE; // don't need to do anything more 01764 } 01765 01766 SearchNode = SearchNode->FindNext(); 01767 } 01768 } 01769 01770 // attach the node 01771 pNode->AttachNode(ContextNode, FIRSTCHILD); 01772 return TRUE; 01773 }
attachs paths to text stories from the list of links.
Definition at line 2621 of file cdrtext.cpp. 02622 { 02623 // set attributes to no colours - we mustn't render these here paths 02624 if(!SetFillColour(DocColour(COLOUR_TRANS))) 02625 return FALSE; 02626 if(!SetLineColour(DocColour(COLOUR_TRANS))) 02627 return FALSE; 02628 CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].Ignore = TRUE; 02629 02630 // go through the entries in the list... 02631 CDRTextOnPathLink *Item = (CDRTextOnPathLink *)TextOnPathLinks.GetHead(); 02632 02633 while(Item != 0) 02634 { 02635 // if this is complete, process it 02636 if(Item->pPath != 0 && Item->pTextStory != 0) 02637 { 02638 // both things were found, so join them up nicely... 02639 02640 // make a copy of the path 02641 NodePath *pPath; 02642 if(!Item->pPath->NodeCopy((Node **)&pPath)) 02643 return FALSE; 02644 02645 // delete it's old attributes 02646 pPath->DeleteChildren(pPath->FindFirstChild()); 02647 02648 // apply some attributes to the path 02649 pPath->InkPath.IsFilled = FALSE; 02650 pPath->InkPath.IsStroked = FALSE; 02651 if(!AttributeManager::ApplyBasedOnDefaults(pPath, CurrentAttrs)) 02652 return FALSE; 02653 02654 // and attach the nodes together 02655 Node *pFirstLine = Item->pTextStory->FindFirstChild(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(TextLine)); 02656 ERROR2IF(pFirstLine == 0, FALSE, "TextStory had no line when attaching path"); 02657 pPath->AttachNode(pFirstLine, PREV); 02658 02659 // now sort out justification along the path 02660 if(Item->Justi != JLEFT) 02661 { 02662 // knock up an attribute and pop it on 02663 TxtJustificationAttribute Attr(Item->Justi); 02664 NodeAttribute *pNode = Attr.MakeNode(); 02665 if(pNode == 0) 02666 return FALSE; 02667 pNode->AttachNode(Item->pTextStory, FIRSTCHILD); 02668 } 02669 else 02670 { 02671 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Text on path not completed: path serial = %d, path ptr = %X\ntext serial = %d, text ptr = %X\n\n"), Item->PathSerialNumber, Item->pPath, Item->TextSerialNumber, Item->pTextStory); 02672 } 02673 02674 // and the positioning 02675 Item->pTextStory->SetImportBaseShift((BaseShiftEnum)Item->Position); 02676 } 02677 02678 // next! 02679 Item = (CDRTextOnPathLink *)TextOnPathLinks.GetNext(Item); 02680 } 02681 02682 return TRUE; 02683 }
given a list of nodes, if it only contains one bitmap then return a pointer to that bitmap
Definition at line 1716 of file cdrfill.cpp. 01717 { 01718 // make sure we've got something 01719 if(List == 0) 01720 return 0; 01721 01722 // is there's more than one item? 01723 if(List->FindNext() != 0) 01724 return 0; 01725 01726 // is it a bitmap? 01727 if(IS_A(List, NodeBitmap)) 01728 { 01729 // right then, woz it's bitmap den? 01730 NodeBitmap *NB = (NodeBitmap *)List; 01731 01732 // return the bitmap... 01733 return NB->GetBitmap(); 01734 } 01735 01736 return 0; 01737 }
checks to see if this text story is in the link table
Definition at line 2699 of file cdrtext.cpp. 02700 { 02701 if(IsTextOnAPath != TRUE) 02702 return TRUE; // not on a path, so don't search 02703 02704 // go through the entries in the list... 02705 CDRTextOnPathLink *Item = (CDRTextOnPathLink *)TextOnPathLinks.GetHead(); 02706 02707 while(Item != 0) 02708 { 02709 // does this link refer to this text story? 02710 if(SerialNumber == Item->TextSerialNumber) 02711 { 02712 // yep - make the entry refer to this text story 02713 Item->pTextStory = pTextStory; 02714 02715 // set up some justification and positioning stuff 02716 cdrfTextOnPathInfo *Info; 02717 if((Info = (cdrfTextOnPathInfo *)FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_PATHTEXT1)) != 0) 02718 { 02719 switch(CDRDATA_WORD(Info->Alignment)) 02720 { 02721 case cdrfTEXTONPATHALIGN_RIGHT: 02722 Item->Justi = JRIGHT; 02723 break; 02724 02725 case cdrfTEXTONPATHALIGN_CENTRE: 02726 Item->Justi = JCENTRE; 02727 break; 02728 02729 default: 02730 case cdrfTEXTONPATHALIGN_LEFT: 02731 Item->Justi = JLEFT; 02732 break; 02733 } 02734 02735 switch(CDRDATA_WORD(Info->Position)) 02736 { 02737 case cdrfTEXTONPATHPOS_BOTTOM: 02738 Item->Position = AlignDescenders; 02739 break; 02740 02741 case cdrfTEXTONPATHPOS_TOP: 02742 Item->Position = AlignAscenders; 02743 break; 02744 02745 case cdrfTEXTONPATHPOS_CENTRE: 02746 Item->Position = AlignCentres; 02747 break; 02748 02749 case cdrfTEXTONPATHPOS_BASELINE: 02750 default: 02751 Item->Position = AlignBaseline; 02752 break; 02753 02754 } 02755 } 02756 02757 // return now so we don't get duplicates... 02758 return TRUE; 02759 } 02760 02761 // next! 02762 Item = (CDRTextOnPathLink *)TextOnPathLinks.GetNext(Item); 02763 } 02764 02765 return TRUE; 02766 }
Clears up after an CDR file import.
Definition at line 4632 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 04633 { 04634 Version = CDRVERSION_NULL; 04635 04636 if(SlowJobStarted == TRUE) 04637 EndSlowJob(); 04638 04639 if(Success == FALSE) 04640 { 04641 // get rid of the actions list 04642 while(!Actions.IsEmpty()) 04643 { 04644 CDRActionListItem *Act = (CDRActionListItem *)Actions.GetTail(); 04645 04646 ERROR3IF(Act == 0, "Returned tail in a non-empty Action list is 0"); 04647 04648 Act->ImportFailure(this); 04649 04650 delete Actions.RemoveItem(Act); 04651 } 04652 04653 // get rid of the level's list of nodes 04654 DeleteNodeList(pLevelNodeList); 04655 04656 // tell everyone about some new layers, if we were doing them 04657 if(UseLayers) 04658 { 04659 LayerSGallery::MakeTopLayerActive(pSpread); 04660 BROADCAST_TO_ALL(SpreadMsg(pSpread, SpreadMsg::LAYERCHANGES)); 04661 } 04662 } 04663 04664 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("At CDRFilter::ClearUp(), Fills has %d entries\n"), Fills.GetCount()); 04665 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("At CDRFilter::ClearUp(), Outlines has %d entries\n"), Outlines.GetCount()); 04666 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("At CDRFilter::ClearUp(), Styles has %d entries\n"), Styles.GetCount()); 04667 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("At CDRFilter::ClearUp(), Fonts has %d entries\n"), Fonts.GetCount()); 04668 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("At CDRFilter::ClearUp(), Arrowheads has %d entries\n"), Arrowheads.GetCount()); 04669 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("At CDRFilter::ClearUp(), Patterns has %d entries\n"), Patterns.GetCount()); 04670 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("At CDRFilter::ClearUp(), Bitmaps has %d entries\n"), Bitmaps.GetCount()); 04671 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("At CDRFilter::ClearUp(), Vectors has %d entries\n"), Vectors.GetCount()); 04672 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("At CDRFilter::ClearUp(), TextV4 has %d entries\n"), TextV4.GetCount()); 04673 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("At CDRFilter::ClearUp(), Pages has %d entries\n"), Pages.GetCount()); 04674 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("At CDRFilter::ClearUp(), Actions has %d entries\n"), Actions.GetCount()); 04675 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("At CDRFilter::ClearUp(), TextBBoxes has %d entries\n"), TextBBoxes.GetCount()); 04676 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("At CDRFilter::ClearUp(), TextOnPathLinks has %d entries\n"), TextOnPathLinks.GetCount()); 04677 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("ObjectsConverted = %d\nObjectsFormatWrong = %d\nObjectsUnknown = %d\nEnvelopesApproximated = %d\n"), ObjectsConverted, ObjectsFormatWrong, ObjectsUnknown, EnvelopesApproximated); 04678 04679 ERROR3IF(Success == TRUE && Actions.GetCount() != 0, "Not all actions used at the end of a successful CDR convert!"); 04680 04681 Fills.DeleteAll(); 04682 Outlines.DeleteAll(); 04683 Styles.DeleteAll(); 04684 Fonts.DeleteAll(); 04685 Arrowheads.DeleteAll(); 04686 Patterns.DeleteAll(); 04687 Bitmaps.DeleteAll(); 04688 Vectors.DeleteAll(); 04689 TextV4.DeleteAll(); 04690 Pages.DeleteAll(); 04691 Actions.DeleteAll(); 04692 TextBBoxes.DeleteAll(); 04693 TextOnPathLinks.DeleteAll(); 04694 04695 // avoid indexedcolour in uses 04696 ColourCMYK CNullCol; 04697 CNullCol.Cyan = 1; 04698 CNullCol.Magenta = 1; 04699 CNullCol.Yellow = 1; 04700 CNullCol.Key = 1; 04701 DocColour NullCol = DocColour(COLOURMODEL_CMYK, (ColourGeneric *)&CNullCol); 04702 SetLineColour(NullCol); 04703 SetFillColour(NullCol); 04704 04705 // delete the current attributes 04706 DeleteCurrentAttrs(); 04707 04708 // free a few data blocks 04709 CCFree(ObjDataBlock); 04710 CCFree(FontTableV3); 04711 CCFree(FontStylesV3); 04712 CCFree(LinkTable); 04713 04714 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("ClearUp finished - import of CDR over\n")); 04715 return Success; 04716 }
Definition at line 2743 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 02744 { 02745 // find the address of the coordinates in the header 02746 cdrfBitmapData *BInfo = (cdrfBitmapData *)FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_COORDS); 02747 02748 // it has got some object data, hasn't it? 02749 if(BInfo == 0) 02750 { 02751 FormatError = TRUE; 02752 return TRUE; 02753 } 02754 02755 // OK, let's get the information in a nice structure to start off with 02756 struct { 02757 DWORD Reference; 02758 INT32 SizeX; 02759 INT32 SizeY; 02760 INT32 Left; // cropping coordinates 02761 INT32 Right; 02762 INT32 Bottom; 02763 INT32 Top; 02764 } Info; 02765 02766 // choose the right reference - it's in a slightly different place in CDR 3 files 02767 if(Version != CDRVERSION_3) 02768 { 02769 Info.Reference = CDRDATA_WORD(BInfo->BitmapReference); 02770 Info.SizeX = CDRDATA_SWORD(BInfo->SizeX) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02771 Info.SizeY = CDRDATA_SWORD(BInfo->SizeY) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02772 Info.Left = CDRDATA_SWORD(BInfo->Left) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02773 Info.Right = CDRDATA_SWORD(BInfo->Right) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02774 Info.Bottom = CDRDATA_SWORD(BInfo->Bottom) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02775 Info.Top = CDRDATA_SWORD(BInfo->Top) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02776 } 02777 else 02778 { 02779 cdrfBitmapData3 *B3Info = (cdrfBitmapData3 *)BInfo; 02780 02781 Info.Reference = CDRDATA_WORD(B3Info->BitmapReference); 02782 Info.SizeX = CDRDATA_SWORD(B3Info->SizeX) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02783 Info.SizeY = CDRDATA_SWORD(B3Info->SizeY) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02784 Info.Left = CDRDATA_SWORD(B3Info->Left) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02785 Info.Right = CDRDATA_SWORD(B3Info->Right) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02786 Info.Bottom = CDRDATA_SWORD(B3Info->Bottom) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02787 Info.Top = CDRDATA_SWORD(B3Info->Top) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02788 } 02789 02790 // find that there bitmap 02791 KernelBitmap *pBitmap = Bitmaps.FindBitmap(Info.Reference); 02792 02793 if(pBitmap == 0) 02794 { 02795 FormatError = TRUE; 02796 return TRUE; 02797 } 02798 02799 // find a bounding box for the bitmap on the page 02800 DocRect BoundsRect; 02801 02802 if(Info.SizeX > 0) 02803 { 02804 BoundsRect.lo.x = 0; 02805 BoundsRect.hi.x = Info.SizeX; 02806 } else { 02807 BoundsRect.lo.x = Info.SizeX; 02808 BoundsRect.hi.x = 0; 02809 } 02810 02811 if(Info.SizeY > 0) 02812 { 02813 BoundsRect.lo.y = 0; 02814 BoundsRect.hi.y = Info.SizeY; 02815 } else { 02816 BoundsRect.lo.y = Info.SizeY; 02817 BoundsRect.hi.y = 0; 02818 } 02819 02820 02821 // OK, if the bitmap isn't cropped, create a bitmap object, otherwise 02822 // create a rectangle which is the right size and pop a bitmap fill on it 02823 if(Info.Left == 0 && Info.Right == Info.SizeX && Info.Top == 0 && Info.Bottom == Info.SizeY) 02824 { 02825 // create a bitmap object 02826 NodeBitmap *NewBitmap = new NodeBitmap; 02827 02828 if((NewBitmap == NULL) || !NewBitmap->SetUpPath()) 02829 return FALSE; 02830 02831 NewBitmap->CreateShape(BoundsRect); 02832 02833 // set the reference to the bitmap 02834 NewBitmap->GetBitmapRef()->Attach(pBitmap, GetDocument()); 02835 if (NewBitmap->GetBitmap() != pBitmap) 02836 { 02837 // It didn't use the bitmap we gave it, so we can delete it 02838 delete pBitmap; 02839 } 02840 02841 // apply a few nice attributes to it 02842 NewBitmap->ApplyDefaultBitmapAttrs(0); 02843 02844 // invalidate the bounding rectangle 02845 NewBitmap->InvalidateBoundingRect(); 02846 02847 // cool. 02848 ObjFilled = FALSE; 02849 ObjStroked = FALSE; 02850 02851 // we don't want any of those fancy attributes things on this object. 02852 AttrsAlreadyApplied = TRUE; 02853 02854 // set the made node 02855 pMadeNode = NewBitmap; 02856 } 02857 else 02858 { 02859 // create a rectangular path object... 02860 // generate a path 02861 NodePath *pPath = new NodePath; 02862 if(pPath == 0 || (!pPath->SetUpPath())) 02863 { 02864 delete pPath; 02865 return FALSE; // no room to create it 02866 } 02867 02868 // position the new elements at the beginning of the path 02869 pPath->InkPath.FindStartOfPath(); 02870 02871 DocCoord co, cn1, cn2; 02872 02873 // make the rectangle shape 02874 BITM_MOVE(Info.Left, Info.Bottom) 02875 BITM_LINE(Info.Right, Info.Bottom) 02876 BITM_LINE(Info.Right, Info.Top) 02877 BITM_LINE(Info.Left, Info.Top) 02878 BITM_LINE(Info.Left, Info.Bottom) 02879 BITM_CLOSE 02880 02881 // finish off the path 02882 pPath->InvalidateBoundingRect(); 02883 pPath->InkPath.IsFilled = TRUE; 02884 02885 // set up an attribute or two 02886 ObjFilled = TRUE; 02887 ObjStroked = FALSE; 02888 02889 // set up a nice attribute for this thingy 02890 if(!SetLineColour(DocColour(COLOUR_TRANS))) 02891 return FALSE; 02892 02893 // set a nice bitmap fill 02894 DocCoord Start = DocCoord(BoundsRect.lo.x, BoundsRect.lo.y); 02895 DocCoord End1 = DocCoord(BoundsRect.hi.x, BoundsRect.lo.y); 02896 DocCoord End2 = DocCoord(BoundsRect.lo.x, BoundsRect.hi.y); 02897 if(!SetBitmapFill(pBitmap, Start, End1, End2)) 02898 return FALSE; 02899 02900 // apply attributes 02901 SetPathFilled(TRUE); 02902 CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].Ignore = FALSE; 02903 if(!AttributeManager::ApplyBasedOnDefaults(pPath, CurrentAttrs)) 02904 return FALSE; 02905 02906 // don't apply attributes later 02907 AttrsAlreadyApplied = TRUE; 02908 02909 // set the made node 02910 pMadeNode = pPath; 02911 } 02912 02913 return TRUE; 02914 }
converts a colour from the CDR definition taking into account the version
Definition at line 1970 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 01971 { 01972 ERROR3IF(Col == 0 || Out == 0, "Null pointers passed to ConvertColour"); 01973 01974 ImportedNewColour ICol; 01975 01976 switch(Version) 01977 { 01978 case CDRVERSION_5: CDRColour::Convert5(Col, &ICol); break; 01979 case CDRVERSION_4: CDRColour::Convert4(Col, &ICol); break; 01980 default: CDRColour::Convert3(Col, &ICol); break; 01981 } 01982 01983 IndexedColour *NewCol = new IndexedColour(ICol.Model, &ICol.Colour); 01984 01985 if(NewCol == 0) 01986 return FALSE; 01987 01988 ColList->GetUnnamedColours()->AddTail(NewCol); 01989 01990 Out->MakeRefToIndexedColour(NewCol); 01991 01992 return TRUE; 01993 }
generates an ellipse object
Definition at line 2671 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 02672 { 02673 // find the address of the coordinates in the header 02674 cdrfEllipseData *Size = (cdrfEllipseData *)FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_COORDS); 02675 02676 // it has got some coords, hasn't it? 02677 if(Size == 0) 02678 { 02679 FormatError = TRUE; 02680 return TRUE; 02681 } 02682 02683 // Create the ellipse 02684 NodeRegularShape *NewShape = new (NodeRegularShape); 02685 02686 if ((NewShape == NULL) || !NewShape->SetUpShape() ) 02687 { 02688 ERROR1(FALSE, _R(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY)); 02689 } 02690 02691 // fill it all in for an ellipse 02692 NewShape->SetNumSides(4); 02693 02694 INT32 Width = CDRDATA_SWORD(Size->Width) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02695 INT32 Height = CDRDATA_SWORD(Size->Height) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02696 02697 DocCoord co; 02698 co.x = Width / 2; // centre - it all starts at (0,0) 02699 co.y = Height / 2; 02700 NewShape->SetCentrePoint(co); 02701 co.x = Width; 02702 NewShape->SetMajorAxes(co); 02703 co.x /= 2; 02704 co.y = Height; 02705 NewShape->SetMinorAxes(co); 02706 02707 NewShape->SetCircular(TRUE); 02708 NewShape->SetStellated(FALSE); 02709 NewShape->SetPrimaryCurvature(TRUE); 02710 NewShape->SetStellationCurvature(FALSE); 02711 02712 // finish off the path 02713 NewShape->InvalidateBoundingRect(); 02714 02715 // set up an attribute or two 02716 ObjFilled = TRUE; 02717 ObjStroked = TRUE; 02718 02719 // set the made node 02720 pMadeNode = NewShape; 02721 02722 return TRUE; 02723 }
actually converts a path object to a node. If the object has an unexpected format, then FormatError is set and it return *TRUE* - the return value only indicated environmental errors such as lack of memory
Definition at line 2371 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 02372 { 02373 // find the address of the coordinates in the header 02374 cdrfPathCoordHeader *CHdr = (cdrfPathCoordHeader *)FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_COORDS); 02375 02376 // it has got some coords, hasn't it? 02377 if(CHdr == 0) 02378 { 02379 FormatError = TRUE; 02380 return TRUE; 02381 } 02382 02383 // find the address of the types and the coordinates 02384 cdrfCoord *Coords = (cdrfCoord *)(CHdr + 1); 02385 02386 // and the address of the types 02387 UINT32 NCoords = CDRDATA_WORD(CHdr->NCoords); 02388 BYTE *Types = (BYTE *)(Coords + NCoords); 02389 02390 // check the path a little 02391 if((NCoords * (sizeof(cdrfCoord) + sizeof(BYTE))) > CDRDATA_WORD(Header->Size) || NCoords < 2) 02392 { 02393 FormatError = TRUE; 02394 return TRUE; 02395 } 02396 02397 // knock up a path node 02398 NodePath *pPath = new NodePath; 02399 if(pPath == 0 || (!pPath->SetUpPath())) 02400 { 02401 delete pPath; 02402 return FALSE; // no room to create it 02403 } 02404 02405 // position the new elements at the beginning of the path 02406 pPath->InkPath.FindStartOfPath(); 02407 02408 // flag the initial status of the fill/stokedness of the path 02409 ObjFilled = FALSE; 02410 ObjStroked = TRUE; 02411 02412 if(!AddElementsToPath(&pPath->InkPath, NCoords, Coords, Types, &ObjFilled)) 02413 goto NoMemory; 02414 02415 // check that the path is OK 02416 if(!pPath->InkPath.EnsureValid()) 02417 { 02418 // no, it's completely knackered 02419 delete pPath; 02420 FormatError = TRUE; 02421 return TRUE; 02422 } 02423 02424 // finish off the path 02425 pPath->InvalidateBoundingRect(); 02426 pPath->InkPath.IsFilled = ObjFilled; 02427 02428 // save node pointer 02429 pMadeNode = pPath; 02430 02431 // check to see if text goes along this... 02432 { 02433 CDRTextOnPathLink *Item = (CDRTextOnPathLink *)TextOnPathLinks.GetHead(); 02434 02435 while(Item != 0) 02436 { 02437 // does this link refer to this text story? 02438 if(SerialNumber == Item->PathSerialNumber) 02439 { 02440 // yep - store a pointer to this path 02441 Item->pPath = pPath; 02442 } 02443 02444 // next! 02445 Item = (CDRTextOnPathLink *)TextOnPathLinks.GetNext(Item); 02446 } 02447 } 02448 02449 // everything was nice 02450 return TRUE; 02451 02452 NoMemory: 02453 // get rid of any path which is in the process of being created 02454 if(pPath != 0) 02455 pPath->CascadeDelete(); 02456 02457 delete pPath; 02458 02459 return FALSE; 02460 }
Definition at line 2602 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 02603 { 02604 // find the address of the coordinates in the header 02605 cdrfRectangleData *Size = (cdrfRectangleData *)FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_COORDS); 02606 02607 // it has got some coords, hasn't it? 02608 if(Size == 0) 02609 { 02610 FormatError = TRUE; 02611 return TRUE; 02612 } 02613 02614 // get the dimensions from the object 02615 INT32 Width = CDRDATA_SWORD(Size->Width) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02616 INT32 Height = CDRDATA_SWORD(Size->Height) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02617 INT32 CornerRadius = CDRDATA_SWORD(Size->CornerRadius) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02618 02619 if(CornerRadius < 0) 02620 CornerRadius = 0 - CornerRadius; 02621 02622 // make a rectangle quickshape... 02623 NodeRegularShape *NewShape = new (NodeRegularShape); 02624 02625 if ((NewShape == NULL) || !NewShape->SetUpShape() ) 02626 { 02627 ERROR1(FALSE, _R(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY)); 02628 } 02629 02630 INT32 AWidth = Width; 02631 INT32 AHeight = Height; 02632 if(AWidth < 0) AWidth = 0 - AWidth; 02633 if(AHeight < 0) AHeight = 0 - AHeight; 02634 02635 if(!NewShape->MakeRectangle(AWidth, AHeight, CornerRadius)) 02636 return FALSE; 02637 02638 // translate it a bit so the corner is on the origin, not the thingy 02639 Trans2DMatrix Trans(Width / 2, Height / 2); 02640 02641 NewShape->Transform(Trans); 02642 02643 // finish off the shape 02644 NewShape->InvalidateBoundingRect(); 02645 02646 // set up an attribute or two 02647 ObjFilled = TRUE; 02648 ObjStroked = TRUE; 02649 02650 // set the made node 02651 pMadeNode = NewShape; 02652 02653 return TRUE; 02654 02655 }
converts a text object to a node. If the object has an unexpected format, then FormatError is set and it return *TRUE* - the return value only indicated environmental errors such as lack of memory
Definition at line 136 of file cdrtext.cpp. 00137 { 00138 // check to see if this has an offset for text on a path 00139 if(FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_PATHTEXT1) != 0 00140 && FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_PATHTEXT2) != 0) 00141 { 00142 IsTextOnAPath = TRUE; 00143 } 00144 else 00145 { 00146 IsTextOnAPath = FALSE; 00147 } 00148 00149 // hey, this is text! 00150 IsText = TRUE; 00151 IsTextStory = FALSE; 00152 00153 // dispatch conversion to appropriate routine 00154 if(Version == CDRVERSION_3) 00155 return ConvertText3(Header); 00156 00157 if(Version == CDRVERSION_4) 00158 { 00159 if(CDRDATA_WORD(Header->ObjectType) == cdrfOBJTYPE_TEXT) 00160 { 00161 return ConvertText4Art(Header); 00162 } 00163 else 00164 { 00165 return ConvertText4Para(Header); 00166 } 00167 } 00168 00169 // if it's a text story we're fiddling with, see how big the frame is 00170 INT32 FrameX = 0, FrameY = 0; 00171 DocCoord Trans = DocCoord(0,0); 00172 if(Header->ObjectType == cdrfOBJTYPE_TEXTSTORY) 00173 { 00174 // find the size of the object 00175 cdrfTextStoryCoordData *Coords = (cdrfTextStoryCoordData *)FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_COORDS); 00176 00177 if(Coords == 0) 00178 { 00179 FormatError = TRUE; 00180 return TRUE; 00181 } 00182 00183 FrameX = CDRDATA_WORD(Coords->XSize); 00184 FrameY = CDRDATA_WORD(Coords->YSize); 00185 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Initial frame dimensions: X = %d Y = %d\n"), FrameX, FrameY); 00186 00187 IsTextStory = TRUE; 00188 } 00189 else 00190 { 00191 IsTextStory = FALSE; 00192 } 00193 00194 // OK, the header supplied here is in a block of it's own so we can aquire a new RIFF block 00195 // for the text info 00196 00197 // the RIFF object will be at a loda chunk, which is at a one higher level than that of 00198 // the txsm chunk - find level we don't want to seek over 00199 ERROR3IF(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_CHUNK || RIFF->GetObjChunkType() != cdrT_loda, 00200 "CDFFilter::ConvertText called with RIFF on a non-loda chunk"); 00201 UINT32 EndLevel = RIFF->GetObjLevel() - 1; 00202 00203 // now stroll though the RIFF file 00204 // stop when we find a txsm chunk, and store any trfd chunks we might meet on the way 00205 BOOL Found = FALSE; 00206 do 00207 { 00208 if(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_CHUNK && RIFF->GetObjChunkType() == cdrT_txsm) 00209 { 00210 // found the text info thingy 00211 Found = TRUE; 00212 } 00213 else if(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTSTART && RIFF->GetObjChunkType() == cdrT_trfl) 00214 { 00215 // grab the list contents 00216 if(!RIFF->GetListContents(&TransformChunk, &TransformChunkSize)) 00217 return FALSE; 00218 } 00219 00220 UpdateProgress(); 00221 00222 if(!Found) 00223 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 00224 return FALSE; 00225 00226 } while(Found == FALSE && (RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTEND || RIFF->GetObjLevel() >= EndLevel)); 00227 00228 if(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_CHUNK || RIFF->GetObjChunkType() != cdrT_txsm) 00229 { 00230 FormatError = TRUE; 00231 return TRUE; 00232 } 00233 00234 // get size of chunk 00235 INT32 TextInfoSize = RIFF->GetObjSize(); 00236 00237 // aquire the chunk data 00238 if(!RIFF->AquireChunkData()) 00239 return FALSE; 00240 00241 // and get a pointer to the 'nice' info chunk 00242 ADDR TextInfo; 00243 if((TextInfo = RIFF->GetAquiredData()) == 0) 00244 { 00245 return FALSE; 00246 } 00247 cdrfTextInfoHdr *TIH = (cdrfTextInfoHdr *)TextInfo; 00248 00249 // make a new text story node 00250 TextStory *TSNode = new TextStory; 00251 00252 if(TSNode == 0) 00253 return FALSE; 00254 00255 // get the number of paragraphs 00256 UINT32 NParagraphs = CDRDATA_WORD(TIH->NParagraphs); 00257 00258 // set up some variables 00259 INT32 Loc = sizeof(cdrfTextInfoHdr); 00260 INT32 FirstLineSpace = -1; 00261 INT32 InitialFirstLineSpace = -1; 00262 INT32 ThisLineSpace = 0; 00263 INT32 PreviousLineSpace = 0; 00264 INT32 MaximumLineX = 0; // MaximumLineX and 00265 INT32 Lines = 1; // Lines only used for artisitic text 00266 Justification Just; // the justification 00267 00268 // convert the paragraph 00269 UINT32 CurrentPara; 00270 INT32 LineX; 00271 for(CurrentPara = 0; CurrentPara < NParagraphs; CurrentPara++) 00272 { 00273 // set up a few things 00274 LineX = 0; // current position in the line 00275 00276 // check sizes 00277 if((Loc + (INT32)sizeof(cdrfTextInfoParaHdr)) > TextInfoSize) 00278 break; 00279 00280 // get paragraph header info 00281 cdrfTextInfoParaHdr *ParaHdr = (cdrfTextInfoParaHdr *)(TextInfo + Loc); 00282 Loc += sizeof(cdrfTextInfoParaHdr); 00283 00284 // sort out font style definitions 00285 INT32 NFontDefns = CDRDATA_WORD(ParaHdr->NFontDefns); 00286 00287 if((Loc + ((INT32)sizeof(cdrfTextInfoFontDefn) * NFontDefns)) > TextInfoSize) 00288 break; 00289 00290 cdrfTextInfoFontDefn *FontDefns = (cdrfTextInfoFontDefn *)(TextInfo + Loc); 00291 Loc += (sizeof(cdrfTextInfoFontDefn) * NFontDefns); 00292 00293 // get some memory for the converted font styles 00294 if(NFontDefns <= 0) 00295 break; 00296 00297 CDRTextStyle *Styles = new CDRTextStyle[NFontDefns]; 00298 00299 // convert the first definiton from the style 00300 if(!GetTextStyleFromCDRStyle(&Styles[0], ParaHdr->Style)) 00301 goto NoMemory; 00302 00303 // store the justificationness 00304 Just = Styles[0].Just; 00305 00306 // just in case of random Corel behaviour... 00307 PreviousLineSpace = (Styles[0].FontSize * 12) / 10; 00308 00309 // go through translating all the other styles 00310 for(INT32 l = 1; l < NFontDefns; l++) 00311 { 00312 if(!GetTextStyleFromDefn(&Styles[l], &FontDefns[l], &Styles[0])) 00313 return FALSE; 00314 } 00315 00316 // get the paragraph info 00317 if((Loc + (INT32)sizeof(cdrfTextInfoParaInfo)) > TextInfoSize) 00318 break; 00319 00320 cdrfTextInfoParaInfo *PInfo = (cdrfTextInfoParaInfo *)(TextInfo + Loc); 00321 00322 Loc += sizeof(cdrfTextInfoParaInfo); 00323 00324 INT32 NChars = CDRDATA_WORD(PInfo->NChars); 00325 00326 // sort out the character array 00327 if((Loc + ((INT32)sizeof(cdrfTextInfoChar) * NChars)) > TextInfoSize) 00328 break; 00329 00330 cdrfTextInfoChar *Chars = (cdrfTextInfoChar *)(TextInfo + Loc); 00331 00332 Loc += (sizeof(cdrfTextInfoChar) * NChars); 00333 00334 // make a new text line for this paragraph 00335 TextLine *CurrentLine = new TextLine(TSNode, LASTCHILD); 00336 if(CurrentLine == 0) 00337 goto NoMemory; 00338 00339 // and run through adding all those nice characters 00340 INT32 CurrentChar; 00341 for(CurrentChar = 0; CurrentChar < NChars; CurrentChar++) 00342 { 00343 BOOL NewLine = FALSE; // whether to create a new line here 00344 00345 if(IsTextStory == FALSE && CDRDATA_WORD(Chars[CurrentChar].Code) == cdrfTEXT_NEWLINE) 00346 { 00347 // update a couple of artisitic text only variables 00348 Lines++; 00349 00350 if(LineX > MaximumLineX) 00351 MaximumLineX = LineX; 00352 00353 // create a new line 00354 NewLine = TRUE; 00355 } 00356 00357 // find the style of the character 00358 INT32 Style = ((CDRDATA_WORD(Chars[CurrentChar].Info)) & cdrfTEXTINFOCHAR_INFO_DEFNMASK) 00359 >> cdrfTEXTINFOCHAR_INFO_DEFNMASKSBY; 00360 00361 // create it 00362 if(CDRDATA_WORD(Chars[CurrentChar].Code) >= ' ') 00363 { 00364 TextChar *C = new TextChar(CurrentLine, LASTCHILD, CDRDATA_WORD(Chars[CurrentChar].Code)); 00365 00366 if(C == 0) 00367 goto NoMemory; 00368 00369 if(Style < 0 || Style >= NFontDefns) 00370 Style = 0; 00371 00372 // apply attributes 00373 if(!ApplyTextAttr(C, &Styles[Style], 0 /*&Styles[0]*/)) // for now, we can't base attributes on anything 'cos the optimiser can't hack it 00374 goto NoMemory; 00375 } 00376 00377 // add the character width 00378 LineX += CDRDATA_SWORD(Chars[CurrentChar].XSize); 00379 00380 // update this line's spacing thingy 00381 if(Styles[Style].LineSpace > ThisLineSpace) 00382 ThisLineSpace = Styles[Style].LineSpace; 00383 00384 // sort out first line spaceing thing 00385 if(InitialFirstLineSpace == -1) 00386 InitialFirstLineSpace = Styles[Style].LineSpace; 00387 00388 if(NewLine) 00389 { 00390 // apply the line spacing attribute - make a font size attribute 00391 if(ThisLineSpace < 512) 00392 ThisLineSpace = PreviousLineSpace; 00393 TxtLineSpaceAttribute Attr((FIXED16)(((double)Styles[0].ParaLineSpacePercent) /* * 1.2*/ / 100)); 00394 00395 // attach 00396 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(CurrentLine, &Attr, FALSE)) 00397 return FALSE; 00398 00399 // add an EOL 00400 EOLNode *EOL = new EOLNode(CurrentLine, LASTCHILD); 00401 if(EOL == 0) 00402 goto NoMemory; 00403 // make a new line 00404 CurrentLine = new TextLine(TSNode, LASTCHILD); 00405 if(CurrentLine == 0) 00406 goto NoMemory; 00407 00408 // sort out first line spacing thing 00409 if(FirstLineSpace == -1) 00410 FirstLineSpace = ThisLineSpace; 00411 00412 // reset things 00413 LineX = 0; 00414 PreviousLineSpace = ThisLineSpace; 00415 ThisLineSpace = 0; 00416 } 00417 } 00418 00419 // sort out first line spaceing thing 00420 if(FirstLineSpace == -1) 00421 FirstLineSpace = ThisLineSpace; 00422 00423 // apply the line spacing attribute - make a font size attribute 00424 if(ThisLineSpace < 512) 00425 ThisLineSpace = PreviousLineSpace; 00426 TxtLineSpaceAttribute Attr((FIXED16)(((double)Styles[0].ParaLineSpacePercent) / 100)); 00427 00428 // attach 00429 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(CurrentLine, &Attr, FALSE)) 00430 return FALSE; 00431 00432 // pop on an end of line node 00433 EOLNode *EOL = new EOLNode(CurrentLine, LASTCHILD); 00434 00435 if(EOL == 0) 00436 goto NoMemory; 00437 00438 // get rid of the font styles 00439 delete [] Styles; 00440 00441 PreviousLineSpace = ThisLineSpace; 00442 } 00443 00444 // pop a caret at the end of the last line 00445 { 00446 Node *LastLine = TSNode->FindLastChild(); 00447 00448 if(LastLine == 0) 00449 goto FormError; 00450 00451 Node *LastLineNode = LastLine->FindLastChild(); 00452 00453 ERROR3IF(LastLineNode == 0, "Line node doesn't have any children"); 00454 ERROR3IF(!LastLineNode->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(EOLNode)), "Last entry of a line is not an EOL node"); 00455 00456 CaretNode *C = new CaretNode(LastLineNode, PREV); 00457 if(C == 0) 00458 goto NoMemory; 00459 } 00460 00461 // set up maximumlinex - only valid for artisitic text 00462 if(LineX > MaximumLineX) 00463 MaximumLineX = LineX; 00464 00465 // set up a bounding box for this text object and 00466 // if this is a text story, translate it down a bit 00467 // so that the top of the first line is at the top of the frame 00468 if(IsTextStory) 00469 { 00470 if(FirstLineSpace == -1) 00471 goto FormError; // no first line? How strange... 00472 00473 // work out the distance to move the text line down = the first line un 120%ed 00474 INT32 Down = (FirstLineSpace * 10) / 12; 00475 00476 // work out the rightness shifting 00477 INT32 Right = 0; 00478 if(Just == JCENTRE) 00479 { 00480 Right = (FrameX / 2) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 00481 } 00482 else if(Just == JRIGHT) 00483 { 00484 Right = FrameX * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 00485 } 00486 00487 // transform the story 00488 TSNode->SetStoryMatrix(Matrix(Trans.x+Right, Trans.y-Down)); 00489 00490 // set the format width 00491 TSNode->SetImportFormatWidth(FrameX * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS); 00492 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Import format width initially %d\n"), TSNode->GetImportFormatWidth()); 00493 00494 // bounding box for text story 00495 DocRect BBox = DocRect(Trans.x, Trans.y - (FrameY * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS), 00496 Trans.x + (FrameX * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS), Trans.y); 00497 00498 TextBBoxes.Add(TSNode, &BBox, JLEFT); 00499 } 00500 else 00501 { 00502 // set the matrix of the story 00503 TSNode->SetStoryMatrix(Matrix(0,0)); 00504 00505 // bounding box for a text object 00506 DocRect BBox = DocRect(0, 0 - FirstLineSpace * Lines, 00507 (MaximumLineX * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS), FirstLineSpace); 00508 00509 TextBBoxes.Add(TSNode, &BBox, Just); 00510 00511 // see if this is linked to a path 00512 CheckTextForLinks(TSNode, Header); 00513 } 00514 00515 // set some essential variables 00516 ObjFilled = TRUE; 00517 ObjStroked = FALSE; 00518 00519 // all done return... 00520 pMadeNode = TSNode; 00521 00522 return TRUE; 00523 00524 NoMemory: 00525 TSNode->CascadeDelete(); 00526 delete TSNode; 00527 00528 return FALSE; 00529 00530 FormError: 00531 FormatError = TRUE; 00532 TSNode->CascadeDelete(); 00533 delete TSNode; 00534 00535 return TRUE; 00536 }
converts a version 3 text object to a node. If the object has an unexpected format, then FormatError is set and it return *TRUE* - the return value only indicated environmental errors such as lack of memory
1.2 Definition at line 1025 of file cdrtext.cpp. 01026 { 01027 // is it a text story? 01028 if(Header->ObjectType == (cdrfOBJTYPE_TEXTSTORY - cdrfOBJTYPE_V3ADD)) 01029 IsTextStory = TRUE; 01030 01031 // get the data from this object 01032 cdrfTextHeaderV3 *Hdr = (cdrfTextHeaderV3 *)FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_COORDS); 01033 01034 // it has got some coords, hasn't it? 01035 if(Hdr == 0) 01036 { 01037 FormatError = TRUE; 01038 return TRUE; 01039 } 01040 //TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("FrameX = %d, FrameY = %d\n"), Hdr->FrameX, Hdr->FrameY); 01041 01042 INT32 FrameX = CDRDATA_WORD(Hdr->FrameX) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01043 INT32 FrameY = CDRDATA_WORD(Hdr->FrameY) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01044 01045 // find pointer to the characters 01046 cdrfTextCharV3 *ThisChar = (cdrfTextCharV3 *)(Hdr + 1); 01047 01048 // get the base style 01049 CDRTextStyle BaseStyle; 01050 01051 if(!GetTextStyle3(&BaseStyle, CDRDATA_WORD(Hdr->BaseFontStyle))) 01052 return FALSE; 01053 01054 // add the justifcation stuff to it 01055 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Justificatoin V3 = %d\n"), Hdr->Justification); 01056 switch(Hdr->Justification) 01057 { 01058 case cdrfJUSTIFICATIONV3_LEFT: 01059 default: 01060 BaseStyle.Just = JLEFT; 01061 break; 01062 01063 case cdrfJUSTIFICATIONV3_CENTRE: 01064 BaseStyle.Just = JCENTRE; 01065 break; 01066 01067 case cdrfJUSTIFICATIONV3_RIGHT: 01068 BaseStyle.Just = JRIGHT; 01069 break; 01070 } 01071 01072 // make a new text story node 01073 TextStory *TSNode = new TextStory; 01074 01075 if(TSNode == 0) 01076 return FALSE; 01077 01078 // run through the text... 01079 INT32 NChars = CDRDATA_WORD(Hdr->NCharacters); 01080 INT32 CurrentChar; 01081 INT32 MaximumLineSpace = BaseStyle.LineSpace; 01082 INT32 Lines = 1; 01083 INT32 Depth = 0; 01084 01085 // make a new text line 01086 TextLine *CurrentLine = new TextLine(TSNode, LASTCHILD); 01087 if(CurrentLine == 0) 01088 goto NoMemory; 01089 01090 for(CurrentChar = 0; CurrentChar < NChars; CurrentChar++) 01091 { 01092 BOOL HasStyles = FALSE; 01093 01094 if(ThisChar->Info != 0) 01095 HasStyles = TRUE; 01096 01097 if(ThisChar->Code >= ' ') 01098 { 01099 TextChar *C = new TextChar(CurrentLine, LASTCHILD, ThisChar->Code); 01100 01101 if(C == 0) 01102 goto NoMemory; 01103 01104 // apply attributes 01105 if(HasStyles) 01106 { 01107 // it's got styles of it's own, find and apply them 01108 cdrfTextCharStyledV3 *SC = (cdrfTextCharStyledV3 *)ThisChar; 01109 01110 CDRTextStyle ThisStyle; 01111 01112 if(!GetTextStyle3(&ThisStyle, CDRDATA_WORD(SC->Style), &BaseStyle)) 01113 return FALSE; 01114 01115 if(!ApplyTextAttr(C, &ThisStyle, 0)) 01116 goto NoMemory; 01117 01118 if(ThisStyle.LineSpace > MaximumLineSpace) 01119 MaximumLineSpace = ThisStyle.LineSpace; 01120 } 01121 else 01122 { 01123 // just apply the normal attributes 01124 if(!ApplyTextAttr(C, &BaseStyle, 0)) 01125 goto NoMemory; 01126 } 01127 } 01128 01129 if(ThisChar->Code == cdrfTEXT_NEWLINE) 01130 { 01131 // create a new line... 01132 // apply the line spacing attribute - make a font size attribute 01133 // TxtLineSpaceAttribute Attr(MaximumLineSpace); 01134 TxtLineSpaceAttribute Attr((FIXED16)(((double)BaseStyle.ParaLineSpacePercent) / 100)); 01135 01136 // attach 01137 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(CurrentLine, &Attr, FALSE)) 01138 return FALSE; 01139 01140 // add an EOL 01141 EOLNode *EOL = new EOLNode(CurrentLine, LASTCHILD); 01142 if(EOL == 0) 01143 goto NoMemory; 01144 01145 // make a new line 01146 CurrentLine = new TextLine(TSNode, LASTCHILD); 01147 if(CurrentLine == 0) 01148 goto NoMemory; 01149 01150 // set things 01151 Lines++; 01152 Depth += MaximumLineSpace; 01153 MaximumLineSpace = BaseStyle.LineSpace; 01154 } 01155 01156 if(HasStyles) 01157 { 01158 //TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Char has styles, code %d (%c)\n"), ThisChar->Code, ThisChar->Code); 01159 // it's got more than normal bytes in it, so add a few more than usual 01160 ThisChar = (cdrfTextCharV3 *)(((cdrfTextCharStyledV3 *)ThisChar) + 1); 01161 } 01162 else 01163 { 01164 //TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Char, code %d (%c)\n"), ThisChar->Code, ThisChar->Code); 01165 // just a normal character, so simply increment it 01166 ThisChar++; 01167 } 01168 } 01169 01170 // pop a line space attribute on the last line 01171 { 01172 // TxtLineSpaceAttribute Attr(MaximumLineSpace); 01173 TxtLineSpaceAttribute Attr((FIXED16)(((double)BaseStyle.ParaLineSpacePercent) / 100)); 01174 01175 // attach 01176 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(CurrentLine, &Attr, FALSE)) 01177 return FALSE; 01178 } 01179 01180 Depth += MaximumLineSpace; 01181 01182 // finish the last line with an end of line node 01183 { 01184 EOLNode *EOL = new EOLNode(CurrentLine, LASTCHILD); 01185 01186 if(EOL == 0) 01187 goto NoMemory; 01188 01189 // pop a caret at the end of the last line 01190 Node *LastLine = TSNode->FindLastChild(); 01191 01192 if(LastLine == 0) 01193 goto FormError; 01194 01195 Node *LastLineNode = LastLine->FindLastChild(); 01196 01197 ERROR3IF(LastLineNode == 0, "Line node doesn't have any children"); 01198 ERROR3IF(!LastLineNode->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(EOLNode)), "Last entry of a line is not an EOL node"); 01199 01200 CaretNode *C = new CaretNode(LastLineNode, PREV); 01201 if(C == 0) 01202 goto NoMemory; 01203 } 01204 01205 if(IsTextStory) 01206 { 01207 // get a first line height 01208 INT32 FirstLineHeight = (BaseStyle.LineSpace * 10) / 12; 01209 01210 // work out the rightness shifting 01211 INT32 Right = 0; 01212 if(BaseStyle.Just == JCENTRE) 01213 { 01214 Right = FrameX / 2; 01215 } 01216 else if(BaseStyle.Just == JRIGHT) 01217 { 01218 Right = FrameX; 01219 } 01220 01221 // set the matrix of the story 01222 TSNode->SetStoryMatrix(Matrix(Right, -FirstLineHeight)); 01223 01224 // bounding box for a text frame 01225 DocRect BBox = DocRect(0, 0 - FrameY, FrameX, 0); 01226 01227 TextBBoxes.Add(TSNode, &BBox, JLEFT); 01228 01229 // set it's width to be formatted to 01230 TSNode->SetImportFormatWidth(FrameX); 01231 } 01232 else 01233 { 01234 // set the matrix of the story 01235 TSNode->SetStoryMatrix(Matrix(0,0)); 01236 01237 // bounding box for a artisitic text object - approximate it's width 01238 INT32 Width = (MaximumLineSpace * NChars) / (Lines * 3); 01239 01240 DocRect BBox = DocRect(0, 0 - Depth, Width, MaximumLineSpace); 01241 01242 TextBBoxes.Add(TSNode, &BBox, BaseStyle.Just); 01243 01244 // check it for path on a text 01245 CheckTextForLinks(TSNode, Header); 01246 } 01247 01248 // set some essential variables 01249 ObjFilled = TRUE; 01250 ObjStroked = FALSE; 01251 01252 // all done, return... 01253 pMadeNode = TSNode; 01254 01255 return TRUE; 01256 01257 NoMemory: 01258 TSNode->CascadeDelete(); 01259 delete TSNode; 01260 01261 return FALSE; 01262 01263 FormError: 01264 FormatError = TRUE; 01265 TSNode->CascadeDelete(); 01266 delete TSNode; 01267 01268 return TRUE; 01269 }
converts a version 4 artisitic text object
1.2 Definition at line 552 of file cdrtext.cpp. 00553 { 00554 // get the data from this object 00555 cdrfTextHeaderV4 *Hdr = (cdrfTextHeaderV4 *)FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_COORDS); 00556 00557 // it has got some coords, hasn't it? 00558 if(Hdr == 0) 00559 { 00560 FormatError = TRUE; 00561 return TRUE; 00562 } 00563 // find pointer to the characters 00564 cdrfTextCharV4 *ThisChar = (cdrfTextCharV4 *)(Hdr + 1); 00565 00566 // get the base style 00567 CDRTextStyle BaseStyle; 00568 00569 WORD *StyleRef = (WORD *)FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_STYLE); 00570 if(StyleRef == 0) 00571 { 00572 FormatError = TRUE; 00573 return TRUE; 00574 } 00575 00576 if(!GetTextStyleFromCDRStyle(&BaseStyle, CDRDATA_WORD(*StyleRef))) 00577 return FALSE; 00578 00579 // make a new text story node 00580 TextStory *TSNode = new TextStory; 00581 00582 if(TSNode == 0) 00583 return FALSE; 00584 00585 // run through the text... 00586 INT32 NChars = CDRDATA_WORD(Hdr->NCharacters); 00587 INT32 CurrentChar; 00588 INT32 MaximumLineSpace = BaseStyle.LineSpace; 00589 INT32 Lines = 1; 00590 INT32 Depth = 0; 00591 00592 // make a new text line 00593 TextLine *CurrentLine = new TextLine(TSNode, LASTCHILD); 00594 if(CurrentLine == 0) 00595 goto NoMemory; 00596 00597 for(CurrentChar = 0; CurrentChar < NChars; CurrentChar++) 00598 { 00599 BOOL HasStyles = FALSE; 00600 00601 if(ThisChar->Info != 0) 00602 HasStyles = TRUE; 00603 00604 if(ThisChar->Code >= ' ') 00605 { 00606 TextChar *C = new TextChar(CurrentLine, LASTCHILD, ThisChar->Code); 00607 00608 if(C == 0) 00609 goto NoMemory; 00610 00611 // apply attributes 00612 if(HasStyles) 00613 { 00614 // it's got styles of it's own, find and apply them 00615 cdrfTextCharStyledV4 *SC = (cdrfTextCharStyledV4 *)ThisChar; 00616 00617 CDRTextStyle ThisStyle; 00618 00619 if(!GetTextStyleFromChar4(&ThisStyle, SC, &BaseStyle)) 00620 return FALSE; 00621 00622 if(!ApplyTextAttr(C, &ThisStyle, 0)) 00623 goto NoMemory; 00624 00625 if(ThisStyle.LineSpace > MaximumLineSpace) 00626 MaximumLineSpace = ThisStyle.LineSpace; 00627 } 00628 else 00629 { 00630 // just apply the normal attributes 00631 if(!ApplyTextAttr(C, &BaseStyle, 0)) 00632 goto NoMemory; 00633 } 00634 } 00635 00636 if(ThisChar->Code == cdrfTEXT_NEWLINE) 00637 { 00638 // create a new line... 00639 // apply the line spacing attribute - make a font size attribute 00640 // TxtLineSpaceAttribute Attr(MaximumLineSpace); 00641 TxtLineSpaceAttribute Attr((FIXED16)(((double)BaseStyle.ParaLineSpacePercent) / 100)); 00642 00643 // attach 00644 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(CurrentLine, &Attr, FALSE)) 00645 return FALSE; 00646 00647 // add an EOL 00648 EOLNode *EOL = new EOLNode(CurrentLine, LASTCHILD); 00649 if(EOL == 0) 00650 goto NoMemory; 00651 00652 // make a new line 00653 CurrentLine = new TextLine(TSNode, LASTCHILD); 00654 if(CurrentLine == 0) 00655 goto NoMemory; 00656 00657 // set things 00658 Lines++; 00659 Depth += MaximumLineSpace; 00660 MaximumLineSpace = BaseStyle.LineSpace; 00661 } 00662 00663 if(HasStyles) 00664 { 00665 // it's got more than normal bytes in it, so add a few more than usual 00666 ThisChar = (cdrfTextCharV4 *)(((cdrfTextCharStyledV4 *)ThisChar) + 1); 00667 } 00668 else 00669 { 00670 // just a normal character, so simply increment it 00671 ThisChar++; 00672 } 00673 } 00674 00675 // pop a line space attribute on the last line 00676 { 00677 // TxtLineSpaceAttribute Attr(MaximumLineSpace); 00678 TxtLineSpaceAttribute Attr((FIXED16)(((double)BaseStyle.ParaLineSpacePercent) / 100)); 00679 00680 // attach 00681 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(CurrentLine, &Attr, FALSE)) 00682 return FALSE; 00683 } 00684 00685 Depth += MaximumLineSpace; 00686 00687 // finish the last line with an end of line node 00688 { 00689 EOLNode *EOL = new EOLNode(CurrentLine, LASTCHILD); 00690 00691 if(EOL == 0) 00692 goto NoMemory; 00693 00694 // pop a caret at the end of the last line 00695 Node *LastLine = TSNode->FindLastChild(); 00696 00697 if(LastLine == 0) 00698 goto FormError; 00699 00700 Node *LastLineNode = LastLine->FindLastChild(); 00701 00702 ERROR3IF(LastLineNode == 0, "Line node doesn't have any children"); 00703 ERROR3IF(!LastLineNode->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(EOLNode)), "Last entry of a line is not an EOL node"); 00704 00705 CaretNode *C = new CaretNode(LastLineNode, PREV); 00706 if(C == 0) 00707 goto NoMemory; 00708 } 00709 00710 // set the matrix of the story 00711 { 00712 TSNode->SetStoryMatrix(Matrix(0,0)); 00713 00714 // bounding box for a artisitic text object - approximate it's width 00715 INT32 Width = (MaximumLineSpace * NChars) / (Lines * 3); 00716 00717 DocRect BBox = DocRect(0, 0 - Depth, Width, MaximumLineSpace); 00718 00719 TextBBoxes.Add(TSNode, &BBox, BaseStyle.Just); 00720 } 00721 00722 // check it for paths... 00723 CheckTextForLinks(TSNode, Header); 00724 00725 // set some essential variables 00726 ObjFilled = TRUE; 00727 ObjStroked = FALSE; 00728 IsTextStory = FALSE; 00729 00730 // all done, return... 00731 pMadeNode = TSNode; 00732 00733 return TRUE; 00734 00735 NoMemory: 00736 TSNode->CascadeDelete(); 00737 delete TSNode; 00738 00739 return FALSE; 00740 00741 FormError: 00742 FormatError = TRUE; 00743 TSNode->CascadeDelete(); 00744 delete TSNode; 00745 00746 return TRUE; 00747 }
converts a version 4 paragraph text object
Definition at line 763 of file cdrtext.cpp. 00764 { 00765 // get the data from this object 00766 cdrfParaTextHeaderV4 *Hdr = (cdrfParaTextHeaderV4 *)FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_COORDS); 00767 00768 // set the var... 00769 IsTextStory = TRUE; 00770 00771 // it has got some coords, hasn't it? 00772 if(Hdr == 0) 00773 { 00774 FormatError = TRUE; 00775 return TRUE; 00776 } 00777 00778 00779 // find out what text item we need 00780 if(LinkTable == 0) 00781 { 00782 // no link table, oh dear 00783 FormatError = TRUE; 00784 return TRUE; 00785 } 00786 00787 cdrfLinkTableHdr *th = (cdrfLinkTableHdr *)LinkTable; 00788 00789 INT32 Entries = CDRDATA_WORD(th->Entries); 00790 BOOL Found = FALSE; 00791 WORD *Offsets = (WORD *)(LinkTable + CDRDATA_WORD(th->OffsetsOffset)); 00792 cdrfLinkTableEntryTextV4 *En; 00793 for(INT32 l = 0; l < Entries; l++) 00794 { 00795 En = (cdrfLinkTableEntryTextV4 *)(LinkTable + CDRDATA_WORD(Offsets[l])); 00796 00797 if(CDRDATA_WORD(En->Type) == cdrfLINKTABLEENTRYV4_TEXT && 00798 CDRDATA_WORD(En->ObjectSerial) == SerialNumber) 00799 { 00800 Found = TRUE; 00801 break; 00802 } 00803 } 00804 00805 if(Found == FALSE) 00806 { 00807 FormatError = TRUE; 00808 return TRUE; 00809 } 00810 00811 // locate the text item with those attributes 00812 CDRVectorStoredItem *Item = (CDRVectorStoredItem *)TextV4.GetHead(); 00813 00814 // go through the list of items searching for the reference number given 00815 while(Item != 0) 00816 { 00817 if(Item->Reference == CDRDATA_WORD(En->TextID)) 00818 { 00819 // OK, we found it... 00820 break; 00821 } 00822 00823 Item = (CDRVectorStoredItem *)TextV4.GetNext(Item); 00824 } 00825 00826 if(Item == 0) 00827 { 00828 FormatError = TRUE; 00829 return TRUE; 00830 } 00831 00832 Node *Text = Item->Objects; 00833 00834 // find the base attributes 00835 CDRTextStyle BaseStyle; 00836 00837 WORD *StyleRef = (WORD *)FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_STYLE); 00838 if(StyleRef == 0) 00839 { 00840 FormatError = TRUE; 00841 return TRUE; 00842 } 00843 00844 if(!GetTextStyleFromCDRStyle(&BaseStyle, CDRDATA_WORD(*StyleRef))) 00845 return FALSE; 00846 00847 // get the maximum height of the first line 00848 ERROR2IF(!IS_A(Text, TextLine), FALSE, "Node in text list is not a text line"); 00849 00850 // apply attributes to the lines 00851 TextLine *CurrentLine = (TextLine *)Text; 00852 while(CurrentLine != 0) 00853 { 00854 if(IS_A(CurrentLine, TextLine)) 00855 { 00856 /* Node *pNode = CurrentLine->FindFirstChild(); 00857 00858 while(pNode != 0) 00859 { 00860 if(IS_A(pNode, TextChar)) 00861 { 00862 if(!ApplyTextAttr(pNode, &BaseStyle, 0)) 00863 return FALSE; 00864 } 00865 00866 pNode = pNode->FindNext(); 00867 } 00868 */ 00869 // attach the line spacing onto it 00870 TxtLineSpaceAttribute Attr((FIXED16)(((double)BaseStyle.ParaLineSpacePercent) / 100)); 00871 00872 if(!ApplyTextAttrDoApply(CurrentLine, &Attr, FALSE)) 00873 return FALSE; 00874 } 00875 00876 CurrentLine = (TextLine *)CurrentLine->FindNext(); 00877 } 00878 00879 // add it to a text story 00880 TextStory *TSNode = new TextStory; 00881 if(TSNode == 0) 00882 return FALSE; 00883 00884 Text->InsertChainSimple(TSNode, FIRSTCHILD); 00885 00886 // remove references to the nodes now inserted from the item 00887 Item->Objects = 0; 00888 00889 // set the matrix and add the bbox 00890 { 00891 INT32 FirstLineSpace = Item->BBox.hi.y; // get the line spacing from the bbox defn 00892 00893 // get the frame size 00894 INT32 FrameX = CDRDATA_WORD(Hdr->FrameX) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 00895 INT32 FrameY = CDRDATA_WORD(Hdr->FrameY) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 00896 00897 // work out the distance to move the text line down = the first line un 120%ed 00898 INT32 Down = (FirstLineSpace * 10) / 12; 00899 00900 // work out the shift... 00901 INT32 Right = 0; 00902 if(BaseStyle.Just == JCENTRE) 00903 { 00904 Right = FrameX / 2; 00905 } 00906 else if(BaseStyle.Just == JRIGHT) 00907 { 00908 Right = FrameX; 00909 } 00910 00911 00912 // transform the story 00913 TSNode->SetStoryMatrix(Matrix(Right,-Down)); 00914 00915 // bounding box for text story 00916 DocRect BBox = DocRect(0, 0 - FrameY, FrameX, 0); 00917 00918 TextBBoxes.Add(TSNode, &BBox, JLEFT); 00919 00920 // set it's width to be formatted to 00921 TSNode->SetImportFormatWidth(FrameX); 00922 } 00923 00924 // delete the item 00925 delete TextV4.RemoveItem(Item); 00926 00927 // set a few variables 00928 pMadeNode = TSNode; 00929 ObjFilled = TRUE; 00930 ObjStroked = FALSE; 00931 00932 return TRUE; 00933 }
Deletes a linked list of nodes (forward direction only).
Definition at line 4732 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 04733 { 04734 Node *This, *Next; 04735 04736 This = Start; 04737 04738 while(This != 0) 04739 { 04740 Next = This->FindNext(); 04741 04742 This->CascadeDelete(); 04743 04744 delete This; 04745 04746 This = Next; 04747 } 04748 }
To find out whether a path need attributes.
Definition at line 533 of file cdroutl.cpp. 00534 { 00535 // if the number of end points is greater than 0, then it needs some arrowheads 00536 if(P->InkPath.GetNumEndPoints() > 0) 00537 return TRUE; 00538 00539 return FALSE; 00540 }
Refuses to export a Corel Palette file.
Reimplemented from Filter. Definition at line 4764 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 04765 { 04766 // No exporting here 04767 return FALSE; 04768 }
Reimplemented from Filter. Definition at line 367 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 00370 { 00371 // check to see if we've got a CMX file in there, but only if we weren't autochosen 00372 if(!AutoChosen && HasCDRFileGotCMXFile(NULL, pDiskFile)) 00373 { 00374 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T(">>> loading CDR file with new CMXImportFilter\n")); 00375 // right, somehow we got here -- probably because the user specifically 00376 // asked to see CorelDRAW files only 00377 CMXImportFilter *pFilter = new CMXImportFilter; 00378 00379 if(pFilter == NULL) 00380 return FALSE; 00381 00382 BOOL ok = pFilter->DoImport(Op, pDiskFile, DestDoc, AutoChosen, Pos); 00383 00384 delete pFilter; 00385 pFilter = NULL; 00386 00387 return ok; 00388 } 00389 00390 // normal CDR import stuff 00391 BOOL ExtensionMatches = pOILFilter->DoesExtensionOfFileMatch(pDiskFile); 00392 00393 RIFFFile RIFFo; 00394 00395 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("In CDRFilter::DoImport\n")); 00396 //ERROR2IF(Version == CDRVERSION_NULL, FALSE, "CDRFilter::HowCompatible failed to set recognised version\n"); 00397 00398 // in debug builds, warn about fills hanging around 00399 ERROR3IF(Fills.IsEmpty() == FALSE, "Fills store not empty"); 00400 ERROR3IF(Outlines.IsEmpty() == FALSE, "Outlines store not empty"); 00401 ERROR3IF(Styles.IsEmpty() == FALSE, "Styles store not empty"); 00402 ERROR3IF(Fonts.IsEmpty() == FALSE, "Fonts store not empty"); 00403 ERROR3IF(Arrowheads.IsEmpty() == FALSE, "Arrowheads store not empty"); 00404 ERROR3IF(Patterns.IsEmpty() == FALSE, "Patterns store not empty"); 00405 ERROR3IF(Bitmaps.IsEmpty() == FALSE, "Bitmap store not empty"); 00406 ERROR3IF(Vectors.IsEmpty() == FALSE, "Vector store not empty"); 00407 ERROR3IF(TextBBoxes.IsEmpty() == FALSE, "TextBBoxes list not empty"); 00408 ERROR3IF(TextV4.IsEmpty() == FALSE, "TextV4 store not empty"); 00409 ERROR3IF(TextOnPathLinks.IsEmpty() == FALSE, "TextOnPathLinks not empty"); 00410 00411 // in retail builds, just vape any contents 00412 Fills.DeleteAll(); 00413 Outlines.DeleteAll(); 00414 Styles.DeleteAll(); 00415 Fonts.DeleteAll(); 00416 Arrowheads.DeleteAll(); 00417 Patterns.DeleteAll(); 00418 Bitmaps.DeleteAll(); 00419 Vectors.DeleteAll(); 00420 TextV4.DeleteAll(); 00421 Pages.DeleteAll(); 00422 Actions.DeleteAll(); 00423 TextBBoxes.DeleteAll(); 00424 TextOnPathLinks.DeleteAll(); 00425 00426 // set a few flags and initialise some variables 00427 pDocument = DestDoc; 00428 Success = TRUE; 00429 SlowJobStarted = FALSE; 00430 TranslateByX = 0; 00431 TranslateByY = 0; 00432 PageX = 0; 00433 PageY = 0; 00434 pLevelNodeList = 0; 00435 DoneDoc = FALSE; 00436 DoneMasterPage = FALSE; 00437 InMasterPage = FALSE; 00438 ThisPage = 0; 00439 ThisLayer = 0; 00440 pMadeNode = 0; 00441 ObjectsConverted = 0; 00442 ObjectsFormatWrong = 0; 00443 ObjectsUnknown = 0; 00444 EnvelopesApproximated = 0; 00445 ObjDataBlock = 0; 00446 ObjDataBlockSize = 0; 00447 AttrsAlreadyApplied = FALSE; 00448 TransformChunk = 0; 00449 FontTableV3 = 0; 00450 FontStylesV3 = 0; 00451 LinkTable = 0; 00452 ThisOp = Op; 00453 LinkTransformsExist = FALSE; 00454 TheDocument = DestDoc; 00455 00456 // if the extension matches, check it for being a 2.xx file 00457 if(ExtensionMatches) 00458 { 00459 // get the first few bytes 00460 TCHAR FirstBit[8]; 00461 00462 if(pDiskFile->read((void *)FirstBit, sizeof(FirstBit)).bad()) 00463 return FALSE; 00464 00465 ERROR1IF(camStrncmp((char *)FirstBit, "WL", 2) == 0, FALSE, _R(IDT_CDRFILTER_ISAV2FILE)); 00466 00467 // let's pop the file back to the beginning 00468 if(pDiskFile->seek(0).bad()) 00469 return FALSE; 00470 } 00471 00472 // sort out the RIFF file 00473 RIFF = &RIFFo; 00474 00475 FOURCC FormType = RIFF->Init(pDiskFile); 00476 00477 if(FormType == 1) // error 00478 { 00479 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00480 } 00481 00482 // sort out which version we're on 00483 switch(FormType) 00484 { 00485 case cdrT_CDR: 00486 Version = CDRVERSION_3; 00487 break; 00488 00489 case cdrT_CDR4: 00490 case cdrT_CDST: // version 4 template 00491 Version = CDRVERSION_4; 00492 break; 00493 00494 case cdrT_CDR5: 00495 case cdrT_CDT5: 00496 Version = CDRVERSION_5; 00497 break; 00498 00499 case cdrT_CDR6: 00500 case cdrT_CDT6: 00501 // version 6 file -- we don't support these 00502 ERROR1(FALSE, _R(IDE_CDRFILTER_CDR6)); 00503 break; 00504 00505 default: 00506 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Attempted to load something which wasn't a CDR file. I don't think so...")); 00507 ERROR1(FALSE, _R(IDE_CDRFILTER_NOTCDR)); 00508 break; 00509 } 00510 00511 // sort out a colour list 00512 ColList = DestDoc->GetIndexedColours(); 00513 00514 // do we want to import with layers? 00515 UseLayers = FALSE; 00516 #ifdef WEBSTER 00517 // In Webster, just use the default preference settings as these should be set to 00518 // ImportWithLayers to False. 00519 if ( 00520 (!DestDoc->IsImporting() && Filter::OpenWithLayers) || 00521 (DestDoc->IsImporting() && Filter::ImportWithLayers) 00522 ) 00523 UseLayers = TRUE; 00524 #else 00525 // In Camelot, we must check to see if the document is being imported and if so if 00526 // there are any frames present. If there are then don't use layers, if there are 00527 // then use the preference setting. 00528 if (DestDoc->IsImporting()) 00529 { 00530 Spread * pTheSpread = DestDoc->GetSelectedSpread(); 00531 Layer * pFrame = NULL; 00532 if (pTheSpread != NULL) 00533 pFrame = pTheSpread->FindFirstFrameLayer(); 00534 if (pFrame != NULL) 00535 UseLayers = FALSE; // Frames present so do not import layers 00536 else 00537 UseLayers = Filter::ImportWithLayers; // No frames so use the preference setting 00538 } 00539 else 00540 { 00541 UseLayers = Filter::OpenWithLayers; 00542 } 00543 #endif 00544 00545 // If importing without layers, make sure there is a layer to put things on, and make one if not 00546 if(UseLayers == FALSE) 00547 { 00548 if (!MakeSureLayerExists(DestDoc)) 00549 { 00550 // clean up and return and error 00551 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00552 } 00553 } 00554 00555 // For now, position Draw objects on 1st page of spread 1 00556 pSpread = DestDoc->GetSelectedSpread(); 00557 pPage = (Page *) pSpread->FindFirstPageInSpread(); 00558 00559 // Use bottom left of page as origin 00560 DocRect PageRect = pPage->GetPageRect(); 00561 Origin = PageRect.lo; 00562 00563 // OK, let's get into the swing of things! 00564 00565 // Get a default set of attributes for ink objects. 00566 if (!SetUpCurrentAttrs()) 00567 return FALSE; 00568 00569 // Let start off by setting the progress indicatorx 00570 UINT32 id; 00571 switch(Version) 00572 { 00573 case CDRVERSION_4: id = _R(IDT_IMPORTMSG_CDR4); break; 00574 case CDRVERSION_5: id = _R(IDT_IMPORTMSG_CDR5); break; 00575 default: id = _R(IDT_IMPORTMSG_CDR3); break; 00576 } 00577 if(!DestDoc->IsImporting()) 00578 id += _R(IDT_OPENMSG_CDR3) - _R(IDT_IMPORTMSG_CDR3); 00579 //String_64 ImportMessage(id); 00580 String_64 ImportMessage = GetImportProgressString(pDiskFile, id); 00581 00582 // this slow job doesn't have a delay because if the CDR file has a bitmap at the 00583 // beginning, ContinueSlowJob can't be called for rather a long time (sometimes) 00584 // and you get 'Nothing Selected' instead of a message telling you what's happening. 00585 BeginSlowJob(RIFF->ProgressLimit(), FALSE, &ImportMessage); 00586 SlowJobStarted = TRUE; 00587 00588 // loop through looking at top level lists, and dispatch them to various handlers 00589 do 00590 { 00591 // get the next object in the file 00592 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 00593 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00594 00595 if(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTSTART) 00596 { 00597 switch(RIFF->GetObjChunkType()) 00598 { 00599 case cdrT_doc: 00600 if(!ProcessDoc()) 00601 { 00602 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("ProcessDoc returned FALSE\n")); 00603 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00604 } 00605 break; 00606 00607 case cdrT_page: 00608 if(!ProcessPage()) 00609 { 00610 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("ProcessPage returned FALSE\n")); 00611 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00612 } 00613 break; 00614 00615 default: 00616 // we're not interested in any other root level list, so skip it 00617 if(!RIFF->SkipToListEnd(RIFF->GetObjLevel())) 00618 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00619 break; 00620 } 00621 } 00622 00623 if(!UpdateProgress()) 00624 return FALSE; 00625 } while(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_FILEEND); 00626 00627 // make sure we're at the end 00628 ContinueSlowJob(RIFF->ProgressLimit()); 00629 00630 // attach paths to text stories 00631 if(!AttachTextToPaths()) 00632 return FALSE; 00633 00634 // only stick objects into the document if some were converted 00635 if(ObjectsConverted > 0) 00636 { 00637 00638 // check that there were at least two pages 00639 if(Pages.GetCount() < 1) 00640 { 00641 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("not enough pages in file\n")); 00642 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00643 } 00644 00645 // get the pointer to the list of levels on the master pages 00646 CDRLayerList *MasterLayers; 00647 CDRPageListItem *En = (CDRPageListItem *)Pages.GetHead(); 00648 00649 if(En == 0) 00650 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00651 00652 MasterLayers = &En->Layers; 00653 00654 // get the list of levels on the actual page 00655 CDRLayerList *PageLayers; 00656 En = (CDRPageListItem *)Pages.GetNext(En); 00657 00658 if(Version != CDRVERSION_3) 00659 { 00660 if(En == 0) 00661 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00662 00663 PageLayers = &En->Layers; 00664 00665 // check that they have the same number of layers in their lists 00666 if(MasterLayers->GetCount() != PageLayers->GetCount()) 00667 { 00668 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("not the same number of layers on master page and on page\n")); 00669 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00670 } 00671 } else 00672 { 00673 PageLayers = 0; 00674 } 00675 00676 if(MasterLayers->GetCount() <= 0) 00677 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00678 00679 // if it's a CDR 3 file set the page size and translation things 00680 if(Version == CDRVERSION_3) 00681 { 00682 // set the page size? 00683 if(!DestDoc->IsImporting() && PageX > 0 && PageY > 0) 00684 { 00685 // Make the pasteboard an extra page width either side of the page and an extra 00686 // half page height above and below the page. That should be nicely proportional. 00687 00688 INT32 ms = (PageX > PageY)?PageX:PageY; 00689 00690 // we're opening the file, so set the page size 00691 if (pSpread) 00692 { 00693 BOOL ok = pSpread->SetPageSize(PageX, PageY, ms, 0, FALSE, TRUE); 00694 // Must set the origin of the grid to the bottom left corner of the 00695 // union rectangle of all pages on the spread as this is where the x,y 00696 // measurements are made from. 00697 DocRect PagesRect; 00698 NodeGrid* pGrid = pSpread->FindFirstDefaultGridInSpread(); 00699 ok = ok && pSpread->GetPagesRect(&PagesRect); 00700 if (pGrid) 00701 pGrid->SetOrigin(PagesRect.lox, PagesRect.loy); 00702 00703 if (!ok) 00704 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00705 } 00706 } 00707 00708 DocRect PageRect = pPage->GetPageRect(); 00709 Origin = PageRect.lo; 00710 00711 TranslateByX = Origin.x + (PageX / 2); 00712 TranslateByY = Origin.y + (PageY / 2); 00713 } 00714 00715 // set up pointers to the layers 00716 CDRLayerListItem *MasterEn = (CDRLayerListItem *)MasterLayers->GetTail(); 00717 CDRLayerListItem *PageEn = 0; 00718 if(PageLayers != 0) 00719 PageEn = (CDRLayerListItem *)PageLayers->GetTail(); 00720 00721 EndSlowJob(); 00722 BeginSlowJob(); 00723 00724 // insert everything into the document 00725 if(UseLayers) 00726 { 00727 // go through inserting every layer which has sometime on it 00728 while(MasterEn != 0) 00729 { 00730 // check to see if we have objects to import 00731 if(MasterEn->Objects != 0 || (PageEn != 0 && PageEn->Objects != 0)) 00732 { 00733 // OK, we've got some objects to import, create a layer to put them in 00734 Layer *pLayer = new Layer(); 00735 00736 if(pLayer == 0) 00737 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00738 00739 // set it's name and attributes 00740 pLayer->SetLayerID(MasterEn->Name); 00741 pLayer->SetVisible(MasterEn->IsVisible); 00742 pLayer->SetLocked(MasterEn->IsLocked); 00743 pLayer->SetActive(FALSE); 00744 pLayer->SetPrintable(TRUE); 00745 pLayer->SetBackground(FALSE); 00746 pLayer->SetOutline(FALSE); 00747 00748 // stick objects below it 00749 Node *Objects = 0; 00750 00751 if(MasterEn->Objects != 0) 00752 { 00753 Objects = MasterEn->Objects; 00754 MasterEn->LayerInDocument = TRUE; 00755 } 00756 else 00757 { 00758 Objects = PageEn->Objects; 00759 PageEn->LayerInDocument = TRUE; 00760 } 00761 00762 ERROR3IF(Objects == 0, "Er, tried to make a layer for objects which didn't exist"); 00763 00764 // attach the objects to the layer 00765 Objects->InsertChainSimple(pLayer, FIRSTCHILD); 00766 00767 // if it's a CDR 3 file and translate it 00768 if(Version == CDRVERSION_3) 00769 { 00770 Trans2DMatrix Trans(TranslateByX, TranslateByY); 00771 pLayer->Transform(Trans); 00772 } 00773 00774 // insert the layer... 00775 if (!Op->DoInsertNewNode(pLayer, (Node *)pSpread, LASTCHILD, TRUE)) 00776 { 00777 // It didn't work - delete the sub-tree we just created 00778 pLayer->CascadeDelete(); 00779 delete pLayer; 00780 pLayer = NULL; 00781 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00782 } 00783 00784 // make sure it's name is unique 00785 pLayer->EnsureUniqueLayerID(); 00786 00787 // ... and finally optimise it's attributes 00788 if(!pLayer->OptimiseAttributes()) 00789 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00790 } 00791 00792 // get the next (previous) layer to import 00793 MasterEn = (CDRLayerListItem *)MasterLayers->GetPrev(MasterEn); 00794 if(PageEn != 0) 00795 PageEn = (CDRLayerListItem *)PageLayers->GetPrev(PageEn); 00796 } 00797 00798 // get the insertation node set up 00799 DestDoc->ResetInsertionPosition(); 00800 } 00801 else 00802 { 00803 // get a group node to put everything in as we're not using layers here. 00804 NodeGroup *pGroup = new NodeGroup; 00805 if(pGroup == 0) 00806 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00807 00808 // run through the layers putting in the stuff - remember they're in reverse order 00809 while(MasterEn != 0) 00810 { 00811 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Putting layer '%s' into document\n"), (TCHAR *)MasterEn->Name); 00812 00813 // put the master pages objects onto this group 00814 if(MasterEn->Objects != 0) 00815 { 00816 MasterEn->Objects->InsertChainSimple(pGroup, LASTCHILD); 00817 00818 MasterEn->LayerInDocument = TRUE; 00819 } 00820 00821 // put the page objects into this group 00822 if(PageEn != 0 && PageEn->Objects != 0) 00823 { 00824 PageEn->Objects->InsertChainSimple(pGroup, LASTCHILD); 00825 00826 PageEn->LayerInDocument = TRUE; 00827 } 00828 00829 00830 // get the next (previous) layer to import 00831 MasterEn = (CDRLayerListItem *)MasterLayers->GetPrev(MasterEn); 00832 if(PageEn != 0) 00833 PageEn = (CDRLayerListItem *)PageLayers->GetPrev(PageEn); 00834 } 00835 00836 // if it's a CDR 3 file translate it 00837 if(Version == CDRVERSION_3) 00838 { 00839 Trans2DMatrix Trans(TranslateByX, TranslateByY); 00840 pGroup->Transform(Trans); 00841 } 00842 00843 // check to see if the group node has more than one child 00844 // if it doesn't just insert the child and not the group, and then 00845 // delete the group node afterwards 00846 NodeRenderableBounded *InsertNode = pGroup; 00847 00848 NodeRenderableBounded *FirstChild = (NodeRenderableBounded *)pGroup->FindFirstChild(); 00849 00850 if(FirstChild != 0) 00851 { 00852 // if the first child hasn't got a sibling, then there's only one 00853 // child to the group, so just insert the child 00854 if(FirstChild->FindNext() == 0) 00855 InsertNode = FirstChild; 00856 } 00857 00858 // and slap the group into the document 00859 if (!Op->DoInsertNewNode(InsertNode, pSpread, TRUE)) 00860 { 00861 // It didn't work - delete the sub-tree we just created 00862 pGroup->CascadeDelete(); 00863 delete pGroup; 00864 pGroup = NULL; 00865 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00866 } 00867 00868 if(InsertNode != pGroup) 00869 delete pGroup; 00870 00871 // optimise the attributes in our nice new group 00872 if(!InsertNode->OptimiseAttributes()) 00873 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00874 } 00875 } 00876 else 00877 { 00878 // if we were opening the document, then we need make a layer and set the insertation node 00879 if(!DestDoc->IsImporting()) 00880 { 00881 if (!MakeSureLayerExists(DestDoc)) 00882 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00883 00884 DestDoc->ResetInsertionPosition(); 00885 } 00886 } 00887 00888 // add some standard colours 00889 if(!AddStandardColourSet(pDocument)) 00890 CDRFILTER_DI_RETURNERROR; 00891 00892 // do a quick post import on it 00893 DestDoc->PostImport(); 00894 00895 // find out how many dodgy objects were encountered along the way 00896 INT32 ObjNotConv = ObjectsFormatWrong + ObjectsUnknown; 00897 00898 if(ObjNotConv > 0) 00899 { 00900 // tell the user that some objects couldn't be converted 00901 String_256 WarnMsg; 00902 WarnMsg.MakeMsg((ObjNotConv == 1)?_R(IDT_CDRFILTER_OBJWARNING1):_R(IDT_CDRFILTER_OBJWARNING), ObjNotConv); 00903 Error::SetError(0, WarnMsg, 0); 00904 InformWarning(); 00905 Error::ClearError(); 00906 } 00907 00908 if(EnvelopesApproximated > 0) 00909 { 00910 // tell the user that some envelopes were approximated 00911 String_256 WarnMsg; 00912 WarnMsg.MakeMsg((EnvelopesApproximated == 1)?_R(IDT_CDRFILTER_ENVAPPROXWARNING1):_R(IDT_CDRFILTER_ENVAPPROXWARNING), EnvelopesApproximated); 00913 Error::SetError(0, WarnMsg, 0); 00914 InformWarning(); 00915 Error::ClearError(); 00916 } 00917 00918 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Do import finished\n")); 00919 return ClearUp(); 00920 }
returns the address of data of the given type in an objects with a standard offset header
Definition at line 2931 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 02932 { 02933 WORD *Types; 02934 WORD *Offsets; 02935 02936 Types = (WORD *)(((BYTE *)Header) + CDRDATA_WORD(Header->TypesOffset)); 02937 Offsets = (WORD *)(((BYTE *)Header) + CDRDATA_WORD(Header->OffsetsOffset)); 02938 02939 UINT32 l; 02940 02941 for(l = 0; l < CDRDATA_WORD(Header->NOffsets); l++) 02942 { 02943 if(CDRDATA_WORD(Types[l]) == Type) 02944 { 02945 UINT32 Off = CDRDATA_WORD(Offsets[Header->NOffsets - l - 1]); 02946 if(Off > CDRDATA_WORD(Header->Size)) 02947 return 0; 02948 02949 return (ADDR)(((BYTE *)Header) + Off); 02950 } 02951 } 02952 02953 return 0; 02954 }
gets the Corel simple union bbox of an object
Definition at line 664 of file cdrfill.cpp. 00665 { 00666 if(pNode->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodePath))) 00667 { 00668 // ok, so it's a path. That means we can run through it to find out the simple 00669 // union of all points. That's cool. Nice of corel not to do proper bboxes, isn't 00670 // it? 00671 00672 NodePath *pNodePath = (NodePath *)pNode; 00673 00674 // get a pointer to the array of coords in the nice path 00675 INT32 NCoords = pNodePath->InkPath.GetNumCoords(); 00676 DocCoord *Coords = pNodePath->InkPath.GetCoordArray(); 00677 00678 ERROR3IF(NCoords < 1, "Awooga! Trying to find a corel bbox of a path with less than one coord."); 00679 00680 INT32 c; 00681 00682 INT32 x0, y0, x1, y1; 00683 00684 // initialise my bbox variables 00685 x0 = x1 = Coords[0].x; 00686 y0 = y1 = Coords[0].y; 00687 00688 for(c = 1; c < NCoords; c++) 00689 { 00690 // update my bbox 00691 if(Coords[c].x < x0) x0 = Coords[c].x; 00692 if(Coords[c].y < y0) y0 = Coords[c].y; 00693 if(Coords[c].x > x1) x1 = Coords[c].x; 00694 if(Coords[c].y > y1) y1 = Coords[c].y; 00695 } 00696 00697 // fill in *BBox 00698 BBox->lo.x = x0; 00699 BBox->lo.y = y0; 00700 BBox->hi.x = x1; 00701 BBox->hi.y = y1; 00702 } else { 00703 // if it's not a path object, ask the node what it's bounding box is - we'll just 00704 // have to make do with a *correct* bounding box instead of simply corel union. 00705 *BBox = pNode->GetBoundingRect(); 00706 } 00707 00708 return TRUE; 00709 }
finds a font name
Definition at line 1789 of file cdrtext.cpp. 01790 { 01791 INT32 Size; 01792 cdrfFontDefn *FD = (cdrfFontDefn *)Fonts.Find(FontRef, &Size); 01793 01794 if(Version == CDRVERSION_5) 01795 { 01796 if(FD != 0) 01797 return FD->Name; 01798 } 01799 else 01800 { 01801 cdrfFontDefnV4 *FD4 = (cdrfFontDefnV4 *)FD; 01802 01803 if(FD4 != 0) 01804 return FD4->Name; 01805 } 01806 01807 return 0; 01808 }
given some transform data, works out a matrix. This ignores any 3D transforms, TransformConvertedObject should be used in preference.
Definition at line 2971 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 02972 { 02973 // set up a matrix conversion object 02974 CDRTransformConvertor *Conv; 02975 02976 // putting the convertors here is probably more efficicent than allocating 02977 // a new one in the heap as they're not very big at all 02978 CDRTransformConvertor5 Conv5; 02979 CDRTransformConvertor4 Conv4; 02980 CDRTransformConvertor3 Conv3; 02981 02982 switch(Version) 02983 { 02984 case CDRVERSION_5: Conv = &Conv5; break; 02985 case CDRVERSION_4: Conv = &Conv4; break; 02986 case CDRVERSION_3: Conv = &Conv3; break; 02987 default: return FALSE; break; 02988 } 02989 02990 // initialise the convertor object 02991 Conv->Init(Trans, Size); 02992 02993 // set up the initial matrix which just converts to millipoints 02994 // note that these elements are in Corel order 02995 cdrMatrix Ma, Mb, Mt; 02996 BOOL DoneFirst = FALSE; 02997 02998 // apply all the transformations in the chunk 02999 INT32 t; 03000 for(t = Conv->GetNTransforms() - 1; t >= 0; t--) 03001 { 03002 // check that the transform is a matrix - for now we can only do matrices 03003 if(Conv->GetTransformType(t) != CDRTRANSFORMTYPE_MATRIX) 03004 continue; 03005 03006 if(DoneFirst) 03007 { 03008 // done the first matrix, so we need get the matrix into another one and then combine. 03009 03010 // get the matrix 03011 if(!Conv->GetMatrix(&Mb, t)) 03012 return FALSE; 03013 03014 // and combine it with the matrix we've already got 03015 Mt.a = (Mb.a * Ma.a) + (Mb.d * Ma.b); 03016 Mt.b = (Mb.b * Ma.a) + (Mb.e * Ma.b); 03017 Mt.c = (Mb.c * Ma.a) + (Mb.f * Ma.b) + Ma.c; 03018 Mt.d = (Mb.a * Ma.d) + (Mb.d * Ma.e); 03019 Mt.e = (Mb.b * Ma.d) + (Mb.e * Ma.e); 03020 Mt.f = (Mb.c * Ma.d) + (Mb.f * Ma.e) + Ma.f; 03021 03022 Ma = Mt; 03023 } else { 03024 // just get the matrix 03025 if(!Conv->GetMatrix(&Ma, t)) 03026 return FALSE; 03027 03028 DoneFirst = TRUE; 03029 } 03030 } 03031 03032 // if we didn't get a matrix at all, knock up a quick dummy one 03033 if(!DoneFirst) 03034 { 03035 cdrMatrix Mx = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}; 03036 03037 Ma = Mx; 03038 } 03039 03040 // add in the translation bit 03041 if(TranslateForPage) 03042 { 03043 Ma.c += TranslateByX; 03044 Ma.f += TranslateByY; 03045 } 03046 03047 // convert the final matrix into a Camelot matrix 03048 *M = Matrix(Ma.a, Ma.d, Ma.b, Ma.e, (INT32)Ma.c, (INT32)Ma.f); 03049 03050 return TRUE; 03051 }
gets the corel bbox of a converted object, looking up the bbox of text objects
Definition at line 643 of file cdrfill.cpp. 00644 { 00645 if(IS_A(pNode, TextStory) && TextBBoxes.Find(pNode, BBox) == TRUE) 00646 return TRUE; 00647 00648 return GetCorelBBox(pNode, BBox); 00649 }
gets a style for version 3 text from the global text styles table
Definition at line 1285 of file cdrtext.cpp. 01286 { 01287 // copy in the default text style 01288 if(BasedOn == 0) 01289 *TS = CDRDefaultTextStyle; 01290 else 01291 *TS = *BasedOn; 01292 01293 // if the styles chunk isn't present, return now 01294 if(FontStylesV3 == 0) 01295 return TRUE; 01296 01297 // find the font definition 01298 cdrfFontStyleTableHeaderV3 *Hdr = (cdrfFontStyleTableHeaderV3 *)FontStylesV3; 01299 01300 if(Style >= CDRDATA_WORD(Hdr->NOffsets)) 01301 return TRUE; // if there aren't enough entries to find this style 01302 01303 cdrfFontStyleTableEntryV3 *En = (cdrfFontStyleTableEntryV3 *)(FontStylesV3 + CDRDATA_WORD(Hdr->Offsets[Style])); 01304 01305 // convert it 01306 01307 // find the font name 01308 /* if(FontTableV3 == 0) 01309 return FALSE; 01310 01311 cdrfFontTableEntryV3 *FEn = (cdrfFontTableEntryV3 *)FontTableV3; 01312 for(INT32 l = 0; l < FontTableEntriesV3; l++) 01313 { 01314 if(FEn[l].Reference == En->FontRef) // don't need to bother with CDRDATA stuff 01315 { 01316 TS->FontName = (char *)FEn[l].Name; 01317 01318 break; 01319 } 01320 } 01321 */ 01322 // store the font reference 01323 TS->FontReference = CDRDATA_DWORD(En->FontRef); 01324 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Font reference = %d\n"), TS->FontReference); 01325 01326 // font size 01327 TS->FontSize = CDRDATA_WORD(En->FontSize) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01328 01329 // style... 01330 INT32 S = CDRDATA_WORD(En->FontStyle) & cdrfFONTSTYLEV3_WEIGHT_MASK; 01331 switch(S) 01332 { 01333 case cdrfFONTSTYLEV3_WEIGHT_NORMAL: 01334 default: 01335 TS->Bold = FALSE; 01336 TS->Italic = FALSE; 01337 break; 01338 01339 case cdrfFONTSTYLEV3_WEIGHT_BOLD: 01340 TS->Bold = TRUE; 01341 TS->Italic = FALSE; 01342 break; 01343 01344 case cdrfFONTSTYLEV3_WEIGHT_ITALIC: 01345 TS->Bold = FALSE; 01346 TS->Italic = TRUE; 01347 break; 01348 01349 case cdrfFONTSTYLEV3_WEIGHT_BOLDITALIC: 01350 TS->Bold = TRUE; 01351 TS->Italic = TRUE; 01352 break; 01353 } 01354 01355 // super or subscriptness 01356 if((CDRDATA_WORD(En->FontStyle) & cdrfFONTSTYLEV3_FLAG_SUPERSCRIPT) != 0) 01357 { 01358 TS->Script = CDRSCRIPT_SUPER; 01359 } 01360 else if((CDRDATA_WORD(En->FontStyle) & cdrfFONTSTYLEV3_FLAG_SUPERSCRIPT) != 0) 01361 { 01362 TS->Script = CDRSCRIPT_SUB; 01363 } 01364 01365 // the line spacing is a para wide thingy, so we need to reworkout the linespace value 01366 // the line spacing value is a percentage of 120% of the font size 01367 TS->LineSpace = (TS->FontSize * (12 * TS->ParaLineSpacePercent)) / 1000; 01368 01369 return TRUE; 01370 }
gets a text style from a CDR style. If it can't be found, you get the default text style. If SearchForParent is TRUE, the parent style of this style will be located
Definition at line 1388 of file cdrtext.cpp. 01389 { 01390 // copy in the default text style 01391 *TS = CDRDefaultTextStyle; 01392 01393 // find the style 01394 INT32 Size; 01395 cdrfTextStyleHdr *Hdr = (cdrfTextStyleHdr *)Styles.Find(StyleRef, &Size); 01396 01397 if(Hdr == 0) 01398 return TRUE; // don't error if it can't be found 01399 01400 // if necessary, search for the parent style... 01401 if(SearchForParent) 01402 { 01403 if(CDRDATA_WORD(Hdr->Hdr.ObjectType) < 0x7fff) 01404 { 01405 if(!GetTextStyleFromCDRStyle(TS, CDRDATA_WORD(Hdr->Hdr.ObjectType), FALSE)) 01406 return FALSE; 01407 } 01408 } 01409 01410 // find the font size and stuff. 01411 cdrfTextStyleFont *FontStyle = (cdrfTextStyleFont *)FindDataInObject(&Hdr->Hdr, cdrfTEXTSTYLE_OFFSETTYPE_FONT); 01412 if(FontStyle != 0) 01413 { 01414 // set fontname 01415 /* TCHAR *FontName = GetFontName(CDRDATA_WORD(FontStyle->FontRef)); 01416 if(FontName != 0) 01417 TS->FontName = FontName; 01418 else 01419 TS->FontName = CDRDefaultFontName; 01420 */ 01421 // set font reference 01422 TS->FontReference = CDRDATA_WORD(FontStyle->FontRef); 01423 01424 // set font size 01425 TS->FontSize = CDRDATA_WORD(FontStyle->FontSize) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01426 01427 // set font bold and italicness 01428 if(Version == CDRVERSION_5) 01429 { 01430 switch(CDRDATA_WORD(FontStyle->FontType)) 01431 { 01432 case cdrfFONTTYPE_BOLD: 01433 TS->Bold = TRUE; 01434 TS->Italic = FALSE; 01435 break; 01436 01437 case cdrfFONTTYPE_ITALIC: 01438 TS->Bold = FALSE; 01439 TS->Italic = TRUE; 01440 break; 01441 01442 case cdrfFONTTYPE_BOLDITALIC: 01443 TS->Bold = TRUE; 01444 TS->Italic = TRUE; 01445 break; 01446 01447 default: 01448 TS->Bold = FALSE; 01449 TS->Italic = FALSE; 01450 break; 01451 } 01452 } 01453 else 01454 { 01455 switch(CDRDATA_WORD(FontStyle->FontType)) 01456 { 01457 case cdrfFONTTYPEV4_BOLD: 01458 TS->Bold = TRUE; 01459 TS->Italic = FALSE; 01460 break; 01461 01462 case cdrfFONTTYPEV4_ITALIC: 01463 TS->Bold = FALSE; 01464 TS->Italic = TRUE; 01465 break; 01466 01467 case cdrfFONTTYPEV4_BOLDITALIC: 01468 TS->Bold = TRUE; 01469 TS->Italic = TRUE; 01470 break; 01471 01472 default: 01473 TS->Bold = FALSE; 01474 TS->Italic = FALSE; 01475 break; 01476 } 01477 } 01478 } 01479 01480 // find the spacing info 01481 cdrfTextStyleSpacing *Spacing = (cdrfTextStyleSpacing *)FindDataInObject(&Hdr->Hdr, cdrfTEXTSTYLE_OFFSETTYPE_SPACING); 01482 if(Spacing != 0) 01483 { 01484 // set the paragraph line spacing 01485 TS->ParaLineSpacePercent = CDRDATA_SWORD(Spacing->LineSpacing); 01486 01487 } 01488 01489 // work out the line spacing for this thingy 01490 // the line spacing value is a percentage of 120% of the font size 01491 TS->LineSpace = (TS->FontSize * (12 * TS->ParaLineSpacePercent)) / 1000; 01492 01493 // find the alignment 01494 cdrfTextStyleAlignment *Align = (cdrfTextStyleAlignment *)FindDataInObject(&Hdr->Hdr, cdrfTEXTSTYLE_OFFSETTYPE_ALIGNMENT); 01495 if(Align != 0) 01496 { 01497 switch(CDRDATA_WORD(Align->Alignment)) 01498 { 01499 case cdrfALIGNMENT_RIGHT: TS->Just = JRIGHT; break; 01500 case cdrfALIGNMENT_CENTRE: TS->Just = JCENTRE; break; 01501 case cdrfALIGNMENT_FULL: TS->Just = JFULL; break; 01502 default: TS->Just = JLEFT; break; 01503 } 01504 } 01505 01506 return TRUE; 01507 }
gets a text style from a styled version 4 text character
Definition at line 949 of file cdrtext.cpp. 00950 { 00951 if(BasedOn != 0) 00952 *TS = *BasedOn; 00953 else 00954 *TS = CDRDefaultTextStyle; 00955 00956 // font name 00957 if((CDRDATA_WORD(Char->Changes) & cdrfSTYLECHANGEV4_FONTNAME) != 0) 00958 { 00959 /* TCHAR *FontName = GetFontName(Char->FontRef); 00960 if(FontName != 0) 00961 { 00962 TS->FontName = FontName; 00963 } 00964 */ 00965 TS->FontReference = CDRDATA_DWORD(Char->FontRef); 00966 } 00967 00968 // font size 00969 if((CDRDATA_WORD(Char->Changes) & cdrfSTYLECHANGEV4_FONTSIZE) != 0) 00970 { 00971 if(CDRDATA_WORD(Char->FontSize) != 0) 00972 { 00973 TS->FontSize = CDRDATA_WORD(Char->FontSize) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 00974 } 00975 } 00976 00977 // update line spacing 00978 TS->LineSpace = (TS->FontSize * (12 * TS->ParaLineSpacePercent)) / 1000; 00979 00980 // weight 00981 if((CDRDATA_WORD(Char->Changes) & cdrfSTYLECHANGEV4_WEIGHT) != 0) 00982 { 00983 switch(CDRDATA_WORD(Char->FontType)) 00984 { 00985 case cdrfFONTTYPEV4_BOLD: 00986 TS->Bold = TRUE; 00987 TS->Italic = FALSE; 00988 break; 00989 00990 case cdrfFONTTYPEV4_ITALIC: 00991 TS->Bold = FALSE; 00992 TS->Italic = TRUE; 00993 break; 00994 00995 case cdrfFONTTYPEV4_BOLDITALIC: 00996 TS->Bold = TRUE; 00997 TS->Italic = TRUE; 00998 break; 00999 01000 default: 01001 TS->Bold = FALSE; 01002 TS->Italic = FALSE; 01003 break; 01004 } 01005 } 01006 01007 return TRUE; 01008 }
gets a font style from a font definition stored in a txsm chunk. Anything not defined comes from the BasedOn style.
Definition at line 1524 of file cdrtext.cpp. 01525 { 01526 // set up the defaults 01527 if(BasedOn != 0) 01528 *TS = *BasedOn; 01529 else 01530 *TS = CDRDefaultTextStyle; 01531 01532 // add in things which are changed... 01533 if((CDRDATA_WORD(FontDefn->Changes) & cdrfTEXTINFODEFNCHANGES_FONT) != 0) 01534 { 01535 // change the font reference 01536 /* TCHAR *NewName = GetFontName(CDRDATA_WORD(FontDefn->FontRef)); 01537 01538 if(NewName != 0) 01539 TS->FontName = NewName; 01540 */ 01541 TS->FontReference = CDRDATA_WORD(FontDefn->FontRef); 01542 } 01543 01544 if((CDRDATA_WORD(FontDefn->Changes) & cdrfTEXTINFODEFNCHANGES_SIZE) != 0) 01545 { 01546 // new font size 01547 TS->FontSize = CDRDATA_WORD(FontDefn->FontSize) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01548 } 01549 01550 if((CDRDATA_WORD(FontDefn->Changes) & cdrfTEXTINFODEFNCHANGES_ATTR) != 0) 01551 { 01552 // weightness of the font 01553 if(CDRDATA_WORD(FontDefn->FontType) != 0) 01554 { 01555 // set font bold and italicness 01556 switch(CDRDATA_WORD(FontDefn->FontType)) 01557 { 01558 case cdrfFONTTYPE_BOLD: 01559 TS->Bold = TRUE; 01560 TS->Italic = FALSE; 01561 break; 01562 01563 case cdrfFONTTYPE_ITALIC: 01564 TS->Bold = FALSE; 01565 TS->Italic = TRUE; 01566 break; 01567 01568 case cdrfFONTTYPE_BOLDITALIC: 01569 TS->Bold = TRUE; 01570 TS->Italic = TRUE; 01571 break; 01572 01573 default: 01574 TS->Bold = FALSE; 01575 TS->Italic = FALSE; 01576 break; 01577 } 01578 } 01579 01580 // new attributes 01581 if(FontDefn->FontAttr.Underline != cdrfLINETYPE_NONE 01582 || FontDefn->FontAttr.Overline != cdrfLINETYPE_NONE 01583 || FontDefn->FontAttr.StrikeOut != cdrfLINETYPE_NONE) 01584 { 01585 TS->Underline = TRUE; 01586 } 01587 else 01588 { 01589 TS->Underline = FALSE; 01590 } 01591 01592 switch(FontDefn->FontAttr.Placement) 01593 { 01594 default: TS->Script = CDRSCRIPT_NONE; break; 01595 case cdrfPLACEMENTTYPE_SUPERSCRIPT: TS->Script = CDRSCRIPT_SUPER; break; 01596 case cdrfPLACEMENTTYPE_SUBSCRIPT: TS->Script = CDRSCRIPT_SUB; break; 01597 } 01598 } 01599 01600 // the line spacing is a para wide thingy, so we need to reworkout the linespace value 01601 // the line spacing value is a percentage of 120% of the font size 01602 TS->LineSpace = (TS->FontSize * (12 * TS->ParaLineSpacePercent)) / 1000; 01603 01604 return TRUE; 01605 }
to find out whether a CDR file has got a CMX file in it, and therefore whether the CMX filter should grab it instead of this one
Definition at line 5152 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 05153 { 05154 CCDiskFile oTheFile; 05155 CCLexFile *pTheFile; 05156 INT32 pos; 05157 05158 if(pFile == NULL) 05159 { 05160 if (!(oTheFile.open(*FileName, ios::in | ios::binary))) 05161 { 05162 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("couldn't open file to check it for CMX\n")); 05163 return FALSE; 05164 } 05165 pTheFile = &oTheFile; 05166 } 05167 else 05168 { 05169 pTheFile = pFile; 05170 pos = pFile->tellIn(); 05171 } 05172 05173 // read in the file header, and check it's a riff file 05174 RIFFFile_Header Hdr; 05175 pTheFile->read(&Hdr, sizeof(Hdr)); 05176 05177 if(Hdr.CK.ckID != RIFFTYPE_RIFF) 05178 return FALSE; // file is not a riff form 05179 05180 UINT32 loc = sizeof(Hdr); 05181 05182 // run through the thingys 05183 BOOL Found = FALSE; 05184 while(loc < Hdr.CK.ckSize) 05185 { 05186 RIFFck ck; 05187 pTheFile->read(&ck, sizeof(ck)); 05188 loc += sizeof(ck); 05189 if(ck.ckID == cdrT_cmx1) 05190 { 05191 // found the cmx section 05192 Found = TRUE; 05193 break; // we can stop now 05194 } 05195 05196 // skip to start of next chunk 05197 loc += ck.ckSize; 05198 pTheFile->seekIn(loc); 05199 } 05200 05201 // close it or clear up... 05202 if(pFile == NULL) 05203 { 05204 oTheFile.close(); 05205 } 05206 else 05207 { 05208 pFile->seekIn(pos); 05209 } 05210 05211 return Found; 05212 }
Examines a file to see how compatable it is with this filter.
Reimplemented from Filter. Definition at line 289 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 00291 { 00292 PORTNOTE("byteorder", "TODO: Check byte ordering") 00293 BOOL ExtensionMatches = pOILFilter->DoesExtensionOfPathNameMatch(&Filename); 00294 00295 // check for version 2 files if the extension matches... 00296 if (ExtensionMatches) 00297 { 00298 if(camStrncmp((char *)HeaderStart, "WL", 2) == 0) 00299 return 10; // a version 2.xx CDR file 00300 } 00301 00302 // check for version 3 - 5 files... 00303 FOURCC FormType; 00304 00305 FormType = RIFFFile::CheckRIFFHeader(HeaderStart, FileSize); 00306 00307 Version = CDRVERSION_NULL; 00308 00309 switch (FormType) 00310 { 00311 case cdrT_CDR: 00312 Version = CDRVERSION_3; 00313 break; 00314 00315 case cdrT_CDR4: 00316 case cdrT_CDST: // version 4 template 00317 Version = CDRVERSION_4; 00318 break; 00319 00320 case cdrT_CDR5: 00321 case cdrT_CDT5: 00322 Version = CDRVERSION_5; 00323 break; 00324 00325 case cdrT_CDR6: 00326 case cdrT_CDT6: 00327 Version = CDRVERSION_6; 00328 break; 00329 00330 default: 00331 break; 00332 } 00333 00334 INT32 HowMuchWeLikedThisFile = 0; 00335 00336 if(Version != CDRVERSION_NULL) 00337 { 00338 HowMuchWeLikedThisFile = 10; // loved the file 00339 00340 // check to see if there is a CMX file embedded in there 00341 if(HasCDRFileGotCMXFile(&Filename)) 00342 { 00343 HowMuchWeLikedThisFile = 5; // didn't like it so much then -- let the CMX filter grab it 00344 } 00345 } 00346 00347 return HowMuchWeLikedThisFile; 00348 }
Implements Filter. Definition at line 261 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 00262 { 00263 // Get the OILFilter object 00264 pOILFilter = new CDROILFilter(this); 00265 if (pOILFilter == NULL) 00266 return FALSE; 00267 00268 // make sure we'll complain about life if HowCompatable isn't called 00269 Version = CDRVERSION_NULL; 00270 00271 // All ok 00272 return TRUE; 00273 }
scans a transform chunk. Returns TRUE if the transform was just composed of matrices and unknown transforms.
Definition at line 3068 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 03069 { 03070 // set up a matrix conversion object 03071 CDRTransformConvertor *Conv; 03072 03073 // putting the convertors here is probably more efficicent than allocating 03074 // a new one in the heap as they're not very big at all 03075 CDRTransformConvertor5 Conv5; 03076 CDRTransformConvertor4 Conv4; 03077 CDRTransformConvertor3 Conv3; 03078 03079 switch(Version) 03080 { 03081 case CDRVERSION_5: Conv = &Conv5; break; 03082 case CDRVERSION_4: Conv = &Conv4; break; 03083 case CDRVERSION_3: Conv = &Conv3; break; 03084 default: return FALSE; break; 03085 } 03086 03087 // initialise the convertor object 03088 Conv->Init(Trans, Size); 03089 03090 // check all the transformations in the chunk 03091 for(INT32 t = Conv->GetNTransforms() - 1; t >= 0; t--) 03092 { 03093 switch(Conv->GetTransformType(t)) 03094 { 03095 case CDRTRANSFORMTYPE_MATRIX: 03096 case CDRTRANSFORMTYPE_UNKNOWN: 03097 break; 03098 03099 default: 03100 return FALSE; 03101 break; 03102 } 03103 03104 } 03105 03106 return TRUE; 03107 }
creates the list of paths which should be linked to text stories to get text on paths.
Definition at line 2545 of file cdrtext.cpp. 02546 { 02547 if(LinkTable == 0) 02548 return TRUE; // no link table, no list... 02549 02550 // run through the table creating entries 02551 cdrfLinkTableHdr *Table = (cdrfLinkTableHdr *)LinkTable; 02552 INT32 Entries = CDRDATA_WORD(Table->Entries); 02553 WORD *Offsets = (WORD *)(LinkTable + CDRDATA_WORD(Table->OffsetsOffset)); 02554 02555 if(Version != CDRVERSION_3) 02556 { 02557 // make for versions 4 and 5 02558 for(INT32 l = 0; l < Entries; l++) 02559 { 02560 cdrfLinkTableEntryTextOnPath *En = (cdrfLinkTableEntryTextOnPath *)(LinkTable + CDRDATA_WORD(Offsets[l])); 02561 02562 if(En->Type == cdrfLINKTABLEENTRY_TEXTONPATH) 02563 { 02564 // make a new list item for this thingy 02565 CDRTextOnPathLink *Item = new CDRTextOnPathLink; 02566 02567 if(Item == 0) 02568 return FALSE; 02569 02570 // pop in the serial numbers 02571 Item->PathSerialNumber = CDRDATA_WORD(En->PathSerialNumber); 02572 Item->TextSerialNumber = CDRDATA_WORD(En->TextSerialNumber); 02573 02574 // add the item to the list 02575 TextOnPathLinks.AddTail(Item); 02576 } 02577 } 02578 } 02579 else 02580 { 02581 // make for version 3 02582 for(INT32 l = 0; l < Entries; l++) 02583 { 02584 cdrfLinkTableEntryTextOnPathV3 *En = (cdrfLinkTableEntryTextOnPathV3 *)(LinkTable + CDRDATA_WORD(Offsets[l])); 02585 02586 if(En->Type == cdrfLINKTABLEENTRYV3_TEXTONPATH) 02587 { 02588 // make a new list item for this thingy 02589 CDRTextOnPathLink *Item = new CDRTextOnPathLink; 02590 02591 if(Item == 0) 02592 return FALSE; 02593 02594 // pop in the serial numbers 02595 Item->PathSerialNumber = CDRDATA_WORD(En->PathSerialNumber); 02596 Item->TextSerialNumber = CDRDATA_WORD(En->TextSerialNumber); 02597 02598 // add the item to the list 02599 TextOnPathLinks.AddTail(Item); 02600 } 02601 } 02602 } 02603 02604 return TRUE; 02605 }
makes an object not filled
Definition at line 272 of file cdrfill.cpp. 00273 { 00274 if(pMadeNode->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodePath))) 00275 { 00276 NodePath *pPath = (NodePath *)pMadeNode; 00277 00278 pPath->InkPath.IsFilled = FALSE; 00279 } 00280 00281 ObjFilled = FALSE; 00282 SetFillColour(DocColour(COLOUR_TRANS)); 00283 return SetPathFilled(FALSE); 00284 }
Processes the root level doc chunk of a CDR file.
Definition at line 935 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 00936 { 00937 BOOL InFillTable = FALSE; 00938 BOOL InOutlineTable = FALSE; 00939 BOOL InStyleTable = FALSE; 00940 BOOL InFontTable = FALSE; 00941 BOOL InArrowheadTable = FALSE; 00942 BOOL InPatternTable = FALSE; 00943 BOOL InBitmapTable = FALSE; 00944 BOOL GotPageInfo = FALSE; 00945 00946 ADDR VectorListContents = 0; 00947 INT32 VectorListContentsSize; 00948 00949 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("In ProcessDoc\n")); 00950 00951 // store the level we're working on 00952 UINT32 StartLevel = RIFF->GetObjLevel(); 00953 00954 do 00955 { 00956 switch(RIFF->GetObjType()) 00957 { 00958 case RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTSTART: 00959 // list start - attributes are stored in lists 00960 switch(RIFF->GetObjChunkType()) 00961 { 00962 case cdrT_filt: InFillTable = TRUE; break; 00963 case cdrT_otlt: InOutlineTable = TRUE; break; 00964 case cdrT_stlt: InStyleTable = TRUE; break; 00965 case cdrT_fntt: InFontTable = TRUE; break; 00966 case cdrT_arrt: InArrowheadTable = TRUE; break; 00967 case cdrT_bpft: InPatternTable = TRUE; break; 00968 case cdrT_bmpt: InBitmapTable = TRUE; break; 00969 default: break; 00970 00971 case cdrT_vect: 00972 // get the contents of this list for later 00973 if(!RIFF->GetListContents(&VectorListContents, &VectorListContentsSize)) 00974 return FALSE; 00975 00976 // and skip to the end of it 00977 if(!RIFF->SkipToListEnd(RIFF->GetObjLevel())) 00978 return FALSE; 00979 break; 00980 00981 case cdrT_btxt: 00982 if(Version == CDRVERSION_4) 00983 { 00984 // if we're in a version 4 file, this contains text for the paragraph text objects 00985 if(!ProcessTextList4()) 00986 return FALSE; 00987 } 00988 break; 00989 } 00990 break; 00991 00992 case RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTEND: 00993 switch(RIFF->GetObjChunkType()) 00994 { 00995 case cdrT_filt: InFillTable = FALSE; break; 00996 case cdrT_otlt: InOutlineTable = FALSE; break; 00997 case cdrT_stlt: InStyleTable = FALSE; break; 00998 case cdrT_fntt: InFontTable = FALSE; break; 00999 case cdrT_arrt: InArrowheadTable = FALSE; break; 01000 case cdrT_bpft: InPatternTable = FALSE; break; 01001 case cdrT_bmpt: InBitmapTable = FALSE; break; 01002 default: break; 01003 } 01004 break; 01005 01006 case RIFFOBJECTTYPE_CHUNK: 01007 // got a chunk to be interested about! 01008 switch(RIFF->GetObjChunkType()) 01009 { 01010 case cdrT_fill: 01011 if(InFillTable) 01012 Fills.AddChunkToStore(RIFF); 01013 break; 01014 01015 case cdrT_outl: 01016 if(InOutlineTable) 01017 Outlines.AddChunkToStore(RIFF); 01018 break; 01019 01020 case cdrT_styd: 01021 if(InStyleTable) 01022 Styles.AddChunkToStore(RIFF); 01023 break; 01024 01025 case cdrT_font: 01026 if(InFontTable) 01027 Fonts.AddChunkToStore(RIFF, Version); 01028 break; 01029 01030 case cdrT_arrw: 01031 if(InArrowheadTable) 01032 Arrowheads.AddChunkToStore(RIFF); 01033 break; 01034 01035 case cdrT_bmpf: 01036 if(InPatternTable) 01037 Patterns.AddChunkToStore(RIFF, TRUE, this); 01038 01039 UpdateProgress(TRUE); 01040 break; 01041 01042 case cdrT_bmp: 01043 // a couple of forced progress updates here to ensure a 01044 // resonably often updated progress bar 01045 UpdateProgress(TRUE); 01046 01047 if(InBitmapTable) 01048 Bitmaps.AddChunkToStore(RIFF, FALSE, this); 01049 01050 UpdateProgress(TRUE); 01051 break; 01052 01053 case cdrT_mcfg: 01054 { // get the chunk and read the page size 01055 if(GotPageInfo) // if we've already got it, then there's a problem with the file 01056 { 01057 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("mcfg chunk encountered twice in doc list\n")); 01058 ERROR1(FALSE, _R(IDE_CDRFILTER_FORMATERROR)); 01059 } 01060 01061 if(!RIFF->AquireChunkData()) 01062 return FALSE; 01063 01064 cdrfPageInfo *i = (cdrfPageInfo *)RIFF->GetAquiredData(); 01065 01066 ERROR3IF(i == 0, "No aquired data returned from RIFF chunk"); 01067 01068 PageX = CDRDATA_WORD(i->PageX) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01069 PageY = CDRDATA_WORD(i->PageY) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01070 Landscape = (CDRDATA_WORD(i->Orientation) == cdrf_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE)?TRUE:FALSE; 01071 01072 GotPageInfo = TRUE; 01073 } 01074 break; 01075 01076 case cdrT_tspc: // font style table for version 3 01077 if(Version == CDRVERSION_3) 01078 { 01079 // store the font styles 01080 if((FontStylesV3 = (ADDR)CCMalloc(RIFF->GetObjSize())) == 0) 01081 return FALSE; 01082 01083 if(!RIFF->GetChunkData(FontStylesV3, RIFF->GetObjSize())) 01084 return FALSE; 01085 } 01086 break; 01087 01088 case cdrT_ftbl: // font name table for version 3 01089 if(Version == CDRVERSION_3) 01090 { 01091 // store the font names 01092 if((FontTableV3 = (ADDR)CCMalloc(RIFF->GetObjSize())) == 0) 01093 return FALSE; 01094 01095 if(!RIFF->GetChunkData(FontTableV3, RIFF->GetObjSize())) 01096 return FALSE; 01097 01098 // store number of entries 01099 FontTableEntriesV3 = RIFF->GetObjSize() / sizeof(cdrfFontTableEntryV3); 01100 01101 // cache the font names 01102 cdrfFontTableEntryV3 *FT = (cdrfFontTableEntryV3 *)FontTableV3; 01103 for(INT32 l = 0; l < FontTableEntriesV3; l++) 01104 { 01105 if(FT[l].Name[0] != '\0' && FT[l].Name[0] != ' ') 01106 { 01107 //GetApplication()->GetFontManager()->CacheNamedFont(&String_64((TCHAR *)&FT[l].Name)); 01108 01109 Fonts.AddFontToStore(FT[l].Reference, (TCHAR *)&FT[l].Name); 01110 } 01111 } 01112 01113 } 01114 break; 01115 01116 case cdrT_lnkt: 01117 // store the link table - it's a pretty useful piece of kit 01118 if((LinkTable = (ADDR)CCMalloc(RIFF->GetObjSize())) == 0) 01119 return FALSE; 01120 01121 if(!RIFF->GetChunkData(LinkTable, RIFF->GetObjSize())) 01122 return FALSE; 01123 01124 // generate the links from paths to text text from it 01125 if(!MakeTextOnPathLinkList()) 01126 return FALSE; 01127 break; 01128 01129 default: 01130 break; 01131 } 01132 break; 01133 01134 default: 01135 break; 01136 } 01137 UpdateProgress(); 01138 01139 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 01140 return FALSE; 01141 01142 ERROR3IF(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_FILEEND, "Unexpected end of RIFF file in ProcessDoc"); 01143 } while(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTEND || RIFF->GetObjLevel() > StartLevel); 01144 01145 // process the vector list, if we got one 01146 if(VectorListContents != 0) 01147 { 01148 if(!ProcessVectorList(VectorListContents, VectorListContentsSize)) 01149 { 01150 CCFree(VectorListContents); 01151 return FALSE; 01152 } 01153 01154 CCFree(VectorListContents); 01155 } 01156 01157 // if this isn't a version 3 file, check that we got some page info 01158 if(Version != CDRVERSION_3) 01159 { 01160 if(GotPageInfo == FALSE) 01161 { 01162 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("mcfg chunk not found in doc list\n")); 01163 ERROR1(FALSE, _R(IDE_CDRFILTER_FORMATERROR)); 01164 01165 } 01166 01167 // set the page size? 01168 if(!pDocument->IsImporting() && PageX > 0 && PageY > 0) 01169 { 01170 // Make the pasteboard an extra page width either side of the page and an extra 01171 // half page height above and below the page. That should be nicely proportional. 01172 01173 INT32 ms = (PageX > PageY)?PageX:PageY; 01174 01175 // we're opening the file, so set the page size 01176 if (pSpread) 01177 { 01178 BOOL ok = pSpread->SetPageSize(PageX, PageY, ms, 0, FALSE, TRUE); 01179 01180 // Must set the origin of the grid to the bottom left corner of the 01181 // union rectangle of all pages on the spread as this is where the x,y 01182 // measurements are made from. 01183 DocRect PagesRect; 01184 NodeGrid* pGrid = pSpread->FindFirstDefaultGridInSpread(); 01185 ok = ok && pSpread->GetPagesRect(&PagesRect); 01186 if (pGrid) 01187 pGrid->SetOrigin(PagesRect.lox, PagesRect.loy); 01188 01189 if (!ok) 01190 return FALSE; 01191 } 01192 } 01193 01194 // Use bottom left of page as origin 01195 DocRect PageRect = pPage->GetPageRect(); 01196 Origin = PageRect.lo; 01197 01198 // set the translation variables to position the bottom left hand corner of the page 01199 // at the bottom left hand corner of the page we're importing onto. The origin of 01200 // a CDR file is in the centre of the page 01201 TranslateByX = Origin.x + (PageX / 2); 01202 TranslateByY = Origin.y + (PageY / 2); 01203 } 01204 01205 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("PageX = %d, PageY = %d\n"), PageX, PageY); 01206 01207 return TRUE; 01208 }
Sets up a group end action and alters the level node list to be a new list.
Definition at line 1535 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 01536 { 01537 // if it's a CDR3 file we need a transform action 01538 if(Version == CDRVERSION_3) 01539 { 01540 // see if there's a transform object around 01541 BOOL Found = FALSE; 01542 do { 01543 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 01544 return FALSE; 01545 01546 FOURCC id = RIFF->GetObjChunkType(); 01547 01548 // the group need not have a transform chunk, so we've got to be a little careful 01549 if(id == cdrT_grp || id == cdrT_lnkg || id == cdrT_obj) 01550 { 01551 // oh dear, it didn't - make sure this object we've just run onto is seen again 01552 RIFF->RepeatCurrent(); 01553 01554 break; 01555 } 01556 01557 if(id == cdrT_lobj && RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_CHUNK) 01558 { 01559 // found a transform chunk 01560 Found = TRUE; 01561 } 01562 } while(Found == FALSE); 01563 01564 // if there is, set up a post transform action 01565 if(Found) 01566 { 01567 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Setting transform for CDR3 group at level %d\n"), Level); 01568 CDRActionTransform *TAct = new CDRActionTransform; 01569 01570 if(TAct == 0) 01571 return FALSE; 01572 01573 // initialise my new action, giving it the RIFFFile we're using 01574 // it takes the current chunk as it's data. 01575 if(!TAct->Init(RIFF, Version)) 01576 return FALSE; 01577 01578 // set it to act on the same level ending as the group 01579 TAct->SetLevel(Level); 01580 01581 // add my new action to the action list 01582 Actions.AddTail(TAct); 01583 } 01584 } 01585 else if(!FromLink) 01586 { 01587 // see if there's a transform chunk, and if there is, whether it's got a non matrix transform in it or not 01588 BOOL Found = FALSE; 01589 do { 01590 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 01591 return FALSE; 01592 01593 FOURCC id = RIFF->GetObjChunkType(); 01594 01595 // the group need not have a transform chunk, so we've got to be a little careful 01596 if(id == cdrT_grp || id == cdrT_lnkg || id == cdrT_obj) 01597 { 01598 // oh dear, it didn't - make sure this object we've just run onto is seen again 01599 RIFF->RepeatCurrent(); 01600 01601 break; 01602 } 01603 01604 if(id == cdrT_trfl && RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTSTART) 01605 { 01606 // found a transform list 01607 Found = TRUE; 01608 } 01609 } while(Found == FALSE); 01610 01611 // if there is, set up a post transform action 01612 if(Found) 01613 { 01614 CDRActionTransform *Act = new CDRActionTransform; 01615 01616 if(Act == 0) 01617 return FALSE; 01618 01619 // initialise my new action, giving it the RIFFFile we're using 01620 // it takes the current chunk as it's data. 01621 if(!Act->Init(RIFF, Version)) 01622 return FALSE; 01623 01624 // check to see if the transform contains a non-matrix thingy 01625 if(IsTransformJustMatrices(Act->Chunk, Act->ChunkSize)) 01626 { 01627 // just matrices - don't do this action 01628 delete Act; 01629 } 01630 else 01631 { 01632 // set it to act on the same level ending as the group 01633 Act->SetLevel(Level); 01634 01635 // set it to ignore matrices 01636 Act->SetIsAGroupTransform(TRUE); 01637 01638 // add my new action to the action list 01639 Actions.AddTail(Act); 01640 } 01641 } 01642 } 01643 01644 CDRActionGroupEnd *Act = new CDRActionGroupEnd; 01645 01646 if(Act == 0) 01647 return FALSE; 01648 01649 // store this levels node list 01650 Act->pOldLevelNodeList = pLevelNodeList; 01651 01652 // set up the level it's interested in 01653 Act->SetLevel(Level); 01654 01655 // and start a new level node list for this group 01656 pLevelNodeList = 0; 01657 01658 Actions.AddTail(Act); 01659 01660 return TRUE; 01661 }
Processes a layer list of a CDR file. This is the function which actually grabs objects to convert.
Definition at line 1313 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 01314 { 01315 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("In ProcessLayer\n")); 01316 // first of all, create a new layer item in the page list 01317 ERROR3IF(ThisLayer != 0, "ThisLayer is not null - ProcessLayer called in wrong context"); 01318 ThisLayer = new CDRLayerListItem; 01319 01320 if(ThisLayer == 0) 01321 return FALSE; 01322 01323 // link it into the layer list on the page we're working on 01324 ThisPage->Layers.AddTail(ThisLayer); 01325 01326 // store the level we're working on 01327 UINT32 StartLevel = RIFF->GetObjLevel(); 01328 01329 ThisLayer->Objects = 0; 01330 ThisLayer->IsVisible = TRUE; 01331 ThisLayer->IsLocked = FALSE; 01332 01333 // set up the pointer to the node list to add to 01334 ERROR3IF(pLevelNodeList != 0, "Level node list is not empty"); 01335 pLevelNodeList = 0; 01336 01337 // if we're on the master page, find the layer name 01338 if(InMasterPage) 01339 { 01340 BOOL Done = FALSE; 01341 FOURCC LookingFor = (Version == CDRVERSION_3)?cdrT_lobj:cdrT_loda; 01342 01343 do 01344 { 01345 if(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_CHUNK && RIFF->GetObjChunkType() == LookingFor) 01346 { 01347 // found the interesting chunk of data 01348 if(!RIFF->AquireChunkData()) 01349 return FALSE; 01350 01351 cdrfMasterLayerInfo *i = (cdrfMasterLayerInfo *)RIFF->GetAquiredData(); 01352 01353 if(i == 0) // data couldn't be got 01354 return FALSE; 01355 01356 if(i->Size != RIFF->GetObjSize()) { 01357 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("level data in master page has wrong size\n")); 01358 ERROR1(FALSE, _R(IDE_CDRFILTER_FORMATERROR)); 01359 } 01360 01361 // different format of layer info for version 3 01362 if(Version == CDRVERSION_3) 01363 { 01364 cdrfMasterLayerInfoV3 *ii = (cdrfMasterLayerInfoV3 *)RIFF->GetAquiredData(); 01365 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("name of layer = %s\n"), ii->Name); 01366 ThisLayer->Name = (char *)ii->Name; 01367 } else 01368 { 01369 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("name of layer = %s\n"), i->Name); 01370 ThisLayer->Name = (char *)i->Name; 01371 } 01372 01373 Done = TRUE; 01374 } 01375 else if(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_CHUNK && RIFF->GetObjChunkType() == cdrT_flgs) 01376 { 01377 // look at the flags of the layer... 01378 if(!RIFF->AquireChunkData()) 01379 return FALSE; 01380 01381 WORD *pFlags = (WORD *)RIFF->GetAquiredData(); 01382 01383 ERROR3IF(pFlags == 0, "RIFF class shouldn't have done that"); 01384 01385 INT32 Flags = CDRDATA_WORD(*pFlags); 01386 01387 if((Flags & cdrfLAYERFLAGS_INVISIBLE) != 0) 01388 ThisLayer->IsVisible = FALSE; 01389 01390 if((Flags & cdrfLAYERFLAGS_LOCKED) != 0) 01391 ThisLayer->IsLocked = TRUE; 01392 } 01393 01394 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 01395 return FALSE; 01396 01397 } while(Done == FALSE && (RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTEND || RIFF->GetObjLevel() > StartLevel)); 01398 01399 if(Done == FALSE) 01400 { 01401 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Reached level end in master page layer without finding layer attributes\n")); 01402 ERROR1(FALSE, _R(IDE_CDRFILTER_FORMATERROR)); 01403 } 01404 } else { 01405 ThisLayer->Name = ""; 01406 } 01407 01408 // go through the layer list processing the objects 01409 if(!ProcessObjectTree(StartLevel)) 01410 return FALSE; 01411 01412 // put the nodes we got onto the layer we're processing 01413 ThisLayer->Objects = pLevelNodeList; 01414 pLevelNodeList = 0; 01415 01416 // finally mark ThisLayer as not used 01417 ThisLayer = 0; 01418 01419 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("End ProcessLayer\n")); 01420 return TRUE; 01421 }
Sets up a group end action and a post transform action and alters the level node list to be a new list.
Definition at line 1750 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 01751 { 01752 // store the level we're on 01753 UINT32 GroupLevel = RIFF->GetObjLevel(); 01754 01755 // only search for a transform block if this isn't a CDR3 file - ProcessGroup 01756 // takes care of it in that case 01757 if(Version != CDRVERSION_3) 01758 { 01759 // we want to set up the transform object first so that it's done *after* the group end 01760 // object as the transform object acts on the last object converted 01761 01762 // see if there's a transform object around 01763 BOOL Found = FALSE; 01764 do { 01765 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 01766 return FALSE; 01767 01768 FOURCC id = RIFF->GetObjChunkType(); 01769 01770 // the group need not have a transform chunk, so we've got to be a little careful 01771 if(id == cdrT_grp || id == cdrT_lnkg || id == cdrT_obj) 01772 { 01773 // oh dear, it didn't - make sure this object we've just run onto is seen again 01774 RIFF->RepeatCurrent(); 01775 01776 break; 01777 } 01778 01779 if(id == cdrT_trfl && RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTSTART) 01780 { 01781 // found a transform list 01782 Found = TRUE; 01783 } 01784 } while(Found == FALSE); 01785 01786 // if there is, set up a post transform action 01787 if(Found) 01788 { 01789 CDRActionTransform *Act = new CDRActionTransform; 01790 01791 if(Act == 0) 01792 return FALSE; 01793 01794 // initialise my new action, giving it the RIFFFile we're using 01795 // it takes the current chunk as it's data. 01796 if(!Act->Init(RIFF, Version)) 01797 return FALSE; 01798 01799 // set it to act on the same level ending as the group 01800 Act->SetLevel(GroupLevel); 01801 01802 // set up link translation things 01803 Act->LinkTrans = TRUE; 01804 LinkTransformsExist = TRUE; 01805 01806 // add my new action to the action list 01807 Actions.AddTail(Act); 01808 } 01809 } 01810 01811 // set up a group end action 01812 if(!ProcessGroup(GroupLevel, TRUE)) 01813 return FALSE; 01814 01815 return TRUE; 01816 }
Converts an object. If there's a problem with the object, then it's skipped rather than reporting an error, and the count of problem objects incremented.
Definition at line 2010 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 02011 { 02012 UINT32 StartLevel = RIFF->GetObjLevel(); 02013 02014 // set the made node to none 02015 pMadeNode = 0; 02016 02017 // set the already applied flag 02018 AttrsAlreadyApplied = FALSE; 02019 02020 // set the is text things to make sure bodges don't happen 02021 IsText = FALSE; 02022 IsTextStory = FALSE; 02023 02024 // find the loda (4 or 5) or lobj (3) chunk... contains the object header 02025 BOOL Found = FALSE; 02026 FOURCC LookingFor = (Version == CDRVERSION_3)?cdrT_lobj:cdrT_loda; 02027 do 02028 { 02029 // is the serial number? 02030 if(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_CHUNK && RIFF->GetObjChunkType() == cdrT_spnd) { 02031 // got the serial number block - get it... 02032 if(!RIFF->AquireChunkData()) 02033 return FALSE; 02034 02035 WORD *Data = (WORD *)RIFF->GetAquiredData(); 02036 02037 if(Data == 0) 02038 return FALSE; 02039 02040 // store it... 02041 SerialNumber = CDRDATA_WORD(*Data); 02042 } 02043 02044 if(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_CHUNK && RIFF->GetObjChunkType() == LookingFor) { 02045 Found = TRUE; 02046 break; 02047 } 02048 02049 if(!UpdateProgress()) 02050 return FALSE; 02051 02052 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 02053 return FALSE; 02054 02055 } while(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTEND || RIFF->GetObjLevel() > StartLevel); 02056 02057 // if we didn't find anything, then the object has a wrong format 02058 if(Found == FALSE) 02059 { 02060 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Could not find loda (or lobj) chunk in object\n")); 02061 ObjectsFormatWrong++; 02062 return TRUE; 02063 } 02064 02065 // get the header - but get it into our block, not the one in RIFFFile as we need 02066 // to refer to it later. It shouldn't be too big to make this inefficient... 02067 cdrfOffsetHeader *Header; 02068 02069 // ensure we have a block big enough 02070 if(ObjDataBlock == 0 || ObjDataBlockSize < RIFF->GetObjSize()) 02071 { 02072 // free the old one 02073 CCFree(ObjDataBlock); 02074 02075 // size? 02076 INT32 Size = RIFF->GetObjSize(); 02077 02078 if((ObjDataBlock = (ADDR)CCMalloc(Size)) == 0) 02079 return FALSE; 02080 02081 ObjDataBlockSize = Size; 02082 } 02083 02084 if(!RIFF->GetChunkData(ObjDataBlock, ObjDataBlockSize)) 02085 return FALSE; 02086 02087 Header = (cdrfOffsetHeader *)ObjDataBlock; 02088 02089 // look at the type and dispatch to appropriate processing function 02090 FormatError = FALSE; 02091 02092 INT32 ObjectType = CDRDATA_WORD(Header->ObjectType); 02093 02094 // if this is a version 3 object, alter it's type 02095 if(Version == CDRVERSION_3) 02096 ObjectType += cdrfOBJTYPE_V3ADD; 02097 02098 switch(ObjectType) { 02099 case cdrfOBJTYPE_RECTANGLE: 02100 if(!ConvertRectangle(Header)) 02101 return FALSE; 02102 break; 02103 02104 case cdrfOBJTYPE_ELLIPSE: 02105 if(!ConvertEllipse(Header)) 02106 return FALSE; 02107 break; 02108 02109 case cdrfOBJTYPE_PATH: 02110 if(!ConvertPath(Header)) 02111 return FALSE; 02112 break; 02113 02114 case cdrfOBJTYPE_TEXT: 02115 case cdrfOBJTYPE_TEXTSTORY: 02116 if(!ConvertText(Header)) 02117 return FALSE; 02118 break; 02119 02120 case cdrfOBJTYPE_BITMAP: 02121 if(!ConvertBitmap(Header)) 02122 return FALSE; 02123 break; 02124 02125 default: 02126 // unknown object type 02127 ObjectsUnknown++; 02128 RIFF->SkipToListEnd(StartLevel); 02129 return TRUE; 02130 break; 02131 } 02132 02133 // check to see if the format was OK 02134 if(FormatError) 02135 { 02136 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("A convert object function returned a format error\n")); 02137 ObjectsFormatWrong++; 02138 02139 if(TransformChunk != 0) 02140 { 02141 CCFree(TransformChunk); 02142 TransformChunk = 0; 02143 } 02144 02145 return TRUE; 02146 } 02147 02148 ERROR3IF(pMadeNode == 0, "No node made, but still nothing errored\n"); 02149 02150 // think about lenses 02151 BOOL UnsetTransparency = FALSE; 02152 if(Version == CDRVERSION_5) 02153 { 02154 cdrfLensDefn *Lens = (cdrfLensDefn *)FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_LENS); 02155 02156 if(Lens != 0) 02157 { 02158 // we have a lens to worry about... what type is it? 02159 if(Lens->Type == cdrfLENSTYPE_TRANSPARENT) 02160 { 02161 // check the percentage 02162 UINT32 Percent = CDRDATA_WORD(Lens->Percent) / 10; 02163 if(Percent <= 100) 02164 { 02165 // munge the percentage a bit to get it to a Camelot definition 02166 Percent = 256 - ((Percent * 256) / 100); 02167 02168 // what subtype is it? 02169 switch(Lens->SubType) 02170 { 02171 case cdrfTRANSPARENTTYPE_MIX: 02172 SetFlatTranspFill(T_REFLECTIVE, Percent); 02173 UnsetTransparency = TRUE; 02174 break; 02175 02176 case cdrfTRANSPARENTTYPE_STAINED: 02177 SetFlatTranspFill(T_SUBTRACTIVE, Percent); 02178 UnsetTransparency = TRUE; 02179 break; 02180 02181 case cdrfTRANSPARENTTYPE_BLEACH: 02182 SetFlatTranspFill(T_ADDITIVE, Percent); 02183 UnsetTransparency = TRUE; 02184 break; 02185 02186 default: 02187 break; 02188 } 02189 } 02190 } 02191 } 02192 } 02193 02194 // find the transform chunk - it's in a seperate chunk for version 4 or 5 file, 02195 // and in the data chunk for version 3 files 02196 ADDR TransformData = 0; 02197 INT32 TransformDataSize = 0; 02198 if(TransformChunk != 0) 02199 { 02200 // if something had to move forward in the file (for example, text objects) 02201 // past the transform chunk, it will have stored it here. 02202 TransformData = TransformChunk; 02203 TransformDataSize = TransformChunkSize; 02204 } 02205 else if(Version == CDRVERSION_3) 02206 { 02207 TransformData = FindDataInObject(Header, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_TRANSFORM_V3); 02208 } 02209 else 02210 { 02211 Found = FALSE; 02212 do 02213 { 02214 if(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTSTART && RIFF->GetObjChunkType() == cdrT_trfl) { 02215 Found = TRUE; 02216 break; 02217 } 02218 02219 UpdateProgress(); 02220 02221 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 02222 return FALSE; 02223 02224 } while(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTEND || RIFF->GetObjLevel() > StartLevel); 02225 02226 // if we didn't find anything, then the object has a wrong format 02227 if(Found == FALSE) 02228 { 02229 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Could not find trfd chunk in object\n")); 02230 ObjectsFormatWrong++; 02231 // delete the current node 02232 delete pMadeNode; 02233 return TRUE; 02234 } 02235 02236 // aquire the chunk data 02237 if(!RIFF->AquireListContents(&TransformDataSize)) 02238 { 02239 delete pMadeNode; 02240 return FALSE; 02241 } 02242 TransformData = RIFF->GetAquiredData(); 02243 } 02244 02245 if(TransformData == 0) 02246 { 02247 ObjectsFormatWrong++; 02248 // delete the current node 02249 delete pMadeNode; 02250 return TRUE; 02251 } 02252 02253 // go through any link transforms which may exist 02254 if(Version != CDRVERSION_3) 02255 { 02256 if(LinkTransformsExist) 02257 { 02258 BOOL FoundSome = FALSE; 02259 02260 CDRActionListItem *Act = (CDRActionListItem *)Actions.GetTail(); 02261 02262 while(Act != 0) 02263 { 02264 if(IS_A(Act, CDRActionTransform)) 02265 { 02266 CDRActionTransform *Tran = (CDRActionTransform *)Act; 02267 02268 if(Tran->LinkTrans) 02269 { 02270 // set the flag to say we found a link transform 02271 FoundSome = TRUE; 02272 02273 // transform the converte object 02274 if(!TransformConvertedObject(&pMadeNode, Tran->Chunk, Tran->ChunkSize, FALSE)) 02275 { 02276 delete pMadeNode; 02277 return FALSE; 02278 } 02279 } 02280 } 02281 02282 Act = (CDRActionListItem *)Actions.GetPrev(Act); 02283 } 02284 02285 LinkTransformsExist = FoundSome; 02286 } 02287 } 02288 02289 // apply the transform to the converted node 02290 if(!TransformConvertedObject(&pMadeNode, TransformData, TransformDataSize)) 02291 { 02292 delete pMadeNode; 02293 return FALSE; 02294 } 02295 02296 // apply attributes 02297 if(AttrsAlreadyApplied == FALSE) 02298 { 02299 // look at fill attributes 02300 if(!SetFillAttr(Header)) 02301 return FALSE; 02302 02303 // look at line attributes 02304 if(!SetLineAttr(Header)) 02305 return FALSE; 02306 } 02307 02308 BOOL Result; 02309 if(AttrsAlreadyApplied == FALSE) 02310 { 02311 // apply the attributes to the object 02312 // If not filled, then set the ignore bit on the fill attribute. 02313 if (ObjFilled == FALSE) 02314 CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].Ignore = TRUE; 02315 02316 // Add attributes to the path, if they are different from the default... 02317 Result = AttributeManager::ApplyBasedOnDefaults(pMadeNode, CurrentAttrs); 02318 02319 // Enable the fill attribute again 02320 CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].Ignore = FALSE; 02321 } else { 02322 Result = TRUE; 02323 } 02324 02325 if(!Result) 02326 return FALSE; 02327 02328 if(UnsetTransparency) 02329 { 02330 SetNoTranspFill(); 02331 } 02332 02333 // attach the node to the level list 02334 if(pLevelNodeList != 0) 02335 pMadeNode->AttachNode(pLevelNodeList, PREV); 02336 02337 pLevelNodeList = pMadeNode; 02338 02339 // set the made node pointer to zero to prevent accidents 02340 pMadeNode = 0; 02341 02342 // increment the count of converted objects 02343 ObjectsConverted++; 02344 02345 // if necessary, get rid of any transform chunk 02346 if(TransformChunk != 0) 02347 { 02348 CCFree(TransformChunk); 02349 TransformChunk = 0; 02350 } 02351 02352 return TRUE; 02353 }
process objects from the CDR file - they end up linked to pLevelNodeList.
Definition at line 1437 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 01438 { 01439 do 01440 { 01441 switch(RIFF->GetObjType()) 01442 { 01443 case RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTSTART: 01444 // see if it's anything we're interested in 01445 switch(RIFF->GetObjChunkType()) 01446 { 01447 case cdrT_obj: // found an object 01448 if(!ProcessObject()) 01449 return FALSE; 01450 break; 01451 01452 01453 case cdrT_grp: 01454 // found a group type objects 01455 if(!ProcessGroup(RIFF->GetObjLevel())) 01456 return FALSE; 01457 break; 01458 01459 case cdrT_lnkg: 01460 // found a link object - treated as the same as a group, but searched for a 01461 // transformation matrix 01462 if(!ProcessLink()) 01463 return FALSE; 01464 break; 01465 01466 default: 01467 break; 01468 } 01469 break; 01470 01471 case RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTEND: 01472 // check to see if any actions are associated with this list end 01473 if(!Actions.IsEmpty()) 01474 { 01475 CDRActionListItem *Act, *Previous; 01476 01477 Act = (CDRActionListItem *)Actions.GetTail(); 01478 01479 // perform the actions which end on this level 01480 while(Act != 0) 01481 { 01482 if(Act->GetLevel() >= RIFF->GetObjLevel()) 01483 { 01484 // the last action ended on this level - perform the action 01485 if(!Act->DoAction(this)) 01486 return FALSE; 01487 01488 // get the previous item 01489 Previous = (CDRActionListItem *)Actions.GetPrev(Act); 01490 01491 // remove and delete the action we just performed 01492 delete Actions.RemoveTail(); 01493 01494 // and set up the pointer to the next action to look at 01495 Act = Previous; 01496 } else { 01497 // the action shouldn't be performed yet - stop looking 01498 break; 01499 } 01500 } 01501 } 01502 break; 01503 01504 default: 01505 break; 01506 } 01507 01508 if(!UpdateProgress()) 01509 return FALSE; 01510 01511 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 01512 return FALSE; 01513 01514 ERROR3IF(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_FILEEND, "Unexpected end of RIFF file in ProcessLayer"); 01515 01516 } while(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTEND || RIFF->GetObjLevel() > Level); 01517 01518 return TRUE; 01519 }
Processes a page list of a CDR file.
Definition at line 1224 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 01225 { 01226 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("In ProcessPage\n")); 01227 // first of all, create a new page item in the page list 01228 ERROR3IF(ThisPage != 0, "ThisPage is not null - ProcessPage called in wrong context"); 01229 ThisPage = new CDRPageListItem; 01230 01231 if(ThisPage == 0) 01232 return FALSE; 01233 01234 // link it into the page list 01235 Pages.AddTail(ThisPage); 01236 01237 // set the master page flag 01238 if(DoneMasterPage == FALSE) 01239 InMasterPage = TRUE; 01240 01241 // go through the page list processing the layers 01242 // store the level we're working on 01243 UINT32 StartLevel = RIFF->GetObjLevel(); 01244 01245 do 01246 { 01247 if(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTSTART && 01248 RIFF->GetObjChunkType() == cdrT_layr) 01249 { 01250 // it's a layer, process it 01251 if(!ProcessLayer()) 01252 { 01253 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("ProcessLayer returned FALSE\n")); 01254 return FALSE; 01255 } 01256 } 01257 01258 // if we're doing a version 3 file, have we got a page 01259 // size chunk to play with? 01260 if(Version == CDRVERSION_3 && RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_CHUNK && 01261 RIFF->GetObjChunkType() == cdrT_mcfg) 01262 { 01263 if(!RIFF->AquireChunkData()) 01264 return FALSE; 01265 01266 cdrfPageInfoV3 *i = (cdrfPageInfoV3 *)RIFF->GetAquiredData(); 01267 01268 // in a CDR 3 file, the page size is half what it should be 01269 PageX = CDRDATA_WORD(i->PageX) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS * 2; 01270 PageY = CDRDATA_WORD(i->PageY) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS * 2; 01271 Landscape = FALSE; 01272 } 01273 01274 UpdateProgress(); 01275 01276 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 01277 return FALSE; 01278 01279 ERROR3IF(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_FILEEND, "Unexpected end of RIFF file in ProcessDoc"); 01280 } while(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTEND || RIFF->GetObjLevel() > StartLevel); 01281 01282 01283 // finally make ThisPage as not used 01284 ThisPage = 0; 01285 01286 // sort out master page flags 01287 if(InMasterPage) 01288 { 01289 InMasterPage = FALSE; 01290 DoneMasterPage = TRUE; 01291 } 01292 01293 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("End ProcessPage\n")); 01294 01295 return TRUE; 01296 }
Processes the list of text objects for a version 4 CDR file creating text lines and textchars with partially applied attributes.
Definition at line 2240 of file cdrtext.cpp. 02241 { 02242 // What we've got... 02243 // btxt the list we're current on 02244 // strl contains text for a paragraph object 02245 // btid the id of the text 02246 // parl a pargraph 02247 // para paragraph info 02248 // then any number of... 02249 // bnch n plain characters 02250 // bsch a character with styles applied to it 02251 02252 ERROR3IF(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTSTART || RIFF->GetObjChunkType() != cdrT_btxt, 02253 "ProcessTextList4 called in the wrong context"); 02254 02255 UINT32 EndLevel = RIFF->GetObjLevel(); 02256 02257 do { 02258 if(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTSTART && RIFF->GetObjChunkType() == cdrT_strl) 02259 { 02260 if(!ProcessTextListItem4()) 02261 return FALSE; 02262 } 02263 02264 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 02265 return FALSE; 02266 02267 } while(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTEND || RIFF->GetObjLevel() > EndLevel); 02268 02269 return TRUE; 02270 }
Processes a item from the list of text objects for a version 4 CDR file creating text lines and textchars with partially applied attributes.
Definition at line 2287 of file cdrtext.cpp. 02288 { 02289 // What we've got... 02290 // strl contains text for a paragraph object 02291 // btid the id of the text 02292 // parl a pargraph 02293 // para paragraph info 02294 // then any number of... 02295 // bnch n plain characters 02296 // bsch a character with styles applied to it 02297 02298 ERROR3IF(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTSTART || RIFF->GetObjChunkType() != cdrT_strl, 02299 "ProcessTextListItem4 called in the wrong context"); 02300 02301 UINT32 EndLevel = RIFF->GetObjLevel(); 02302 02303 TextLine *FirstLine = 0; 02304 TextLine *CurrentLine = 0; 02305 INT32 MaxFirstLineSpace = 0; 02306 BOOL IsFirstLine = TRUE; 02307 02308 WORD ID = 0; 02309 02310 CDRTextStyle BaseStyle = CDRDefaultTextStyle; 02311 02312 do { 02313 02314 if(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_CHUNK) 02315 { 02316 switch(RIFF->GetObjChunkType()) 02317 { 02318 case cdrT_btid: 02319 // id of thingy, store 02320 { 02321 if(!RIFF->AquireChunkData()) 02322 return FALSE; 02323 02324 WORD *Thingy = (WORD *)RIFF->GetAquiredData(); 02325 02326 ERROR2IF(Thingy == 0, FALSE, "Couldn't get aquired data"); 02327 02328 ID = CDRDATA_WORD(*Thingy); 02329 } 02330 break; 02331 02332 case cdrT_para: 02333 { 02334 // do we need an end of line node for something? 02335 if(CurrentLine != 0) 02336 { 02337 EOLNode *EOL = new EOLNode(CurrentLine, LASTCHILD); 02338 02339 if(EOL == 0) 02340 return FALSE; 02341 } 02342 02343 // new paragraph start - create a new line 02344 if(CurrentLine == 0) 02345 { 02346 CurrentLine = new TextLine; 02347 } 02348 else 02349 { 02350 CurrentLine = new TextLine(CurrentLine, NEXT); 02351 } 02352 02353 if(CurrentLine == 0) 02354 return FALSE; 02355 02356 if(FirstLine == 0) 02357 FirstLine = CurrentLine; 02358 else 02359 IsFirstLine = FALSE; 02360 02361 // get the style of this paragraph 02362 if(!RIFF->AquireChunkData()) 02363 return FALSE; 02364 02365 cdrfParaDefnV4 *Para = (cdrfParaDefnV4 *)RIFF->GetAquiredData(); 02366 if(Para == 0) 02367 return FALSE; 02368 02369 if(!GetTextStyleFromCDRStyle(&BaseStyle, CDRDATA_WORD(Para->Style))) 02370 return FALSE; 02371 02372 if(IsFirstLine && BaseStyle.LineSpace > MaxFirstLineSpace) 02373 MaxFirstLineSpace = BaseStyle.LineSpace; 02374 } 02375 break; 02376 02377 case cdrT_bnch: 02378 // a load of characters 02379 ERROR2IF(CurrentLine == 0, FALSE, "CurrentLine is zero when characters found"); 02380 02381 { 02382 // get the chunk data 02383 if(!RIFF->AquireChunkData()) 02384 return FALSE; 02385 02386 // process it... 02387 cdrfTextListCharV4 *Chars = (cdrfTextListCharV4 *)RIFF->GetAquiredData(); 02388 ERROR2IF(Chars == 0, FALSE, "no data from aquire data"); 02389 02390 INT32 NChars = RIFF->GetObjSize() / sizeof(cdrfTextListCharV4); 02391 02392 // add all the nice characters we've got 02393 for(INT32 l = 0; l < NChars; l++) 02394 { 02395 if(CDRDATA_WORD(Chars[l].Char) >= ' ') 02396 { 02397 TextChar *NewChar = new TextChar(CurrentLine, LASTCHILD, CDRDATA_WORD(Chars[l].Char)); 02398 02399 if(NewChar == 0) 02400 return FALSE; 02401 02402 // apply attributes 02403 if(!ApplyTextAttr(NewChar, &BaseStyle, 0)) 02404 return FALSE; 02405 } 02406 } 02407 } 02408 break; 02409 02410 case cdrT_bsch: 02411 // a character with styles attached 02412 ERROR2IF(CurrentLine == 0, FALSE, "CurrentLine is zero when characters found"); 02413 { 02414 // get the chunk data 02415 if(!RIFF->AquireChunkData()) 02416 return FALSE; 02417 02418 // process it... 02419 cdrfTextListCharStyledV4 *Char = (cdrfTextListCharStyledV4 *)RIFF->GetAquiredData(); 02420 ERROR2IF(Char == 0, FALSE, "no data from aquire data"); 02421 02422 if(CDRDATA_WORD(Char->Char) >= ' ') 02423 { 02424 TextChar *NewChar = new TextChar(CurrentLine, LASTCHILD, CDRDATA_WORD(Char->Char)); 02425 02426 if(NewChar == 0) 02427 return FALSE; 02428 02429 // apply attributes to it 02430 CDRTextStyle ThisStyle = BaseStyle; 02431 02432 // font size 02433 ThisStyle.FontSize = CDRDATA_WORD(Char->FontSize) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 02434 02435 // font name 02436 /* TCHAR *FontName = GetFontName(CDRDATA_WORD(Char->FontRef)); 02437 if(FontName != 0) 02438 { 02439 ThisStyle.FontName = FontName; 02440 } 02441 */ 02442 ThisStyle.FontReference = CDRDATA_WORD(Char->FontRef); 02443 02444 // bold and italicness 02445 switch(Char->Weight) 02446 { 02447 case cdrfFONTTYPEV4_BOLD: 02448 ThisStyle.Bold = TRUE; 02449 ThisStyle.Italic = FALSE; 02450 break; 02451 02452 case cdrfFONTTYPEV4_ITALIC: 02453 ThisStyle.Bold = FALSE; 02454 ThisStyle.Italic = TRUE; 02455 break; 02456 02457 case cdrfFONTTYPEV4_BOLDITALIC: 02458 ThisStyle.Bold = TRUE; 02459 ThisStyle.Italic = TRUE; 02460 break; 02461 02462 default: 02463 ThisStyle.Bold = FALSE; 02464 ThisStyle.Italic = FALSE; 02465 break; 02466 } 02467 02468 // placement 02469 switch(Char->Placement) 02470 { 02471 default: 02472 case cdrfPLACEMENTV4_NONE: ThisStyle.Script = CDRSCRIPT_NONE; break; 02473 case cdrfPLACEMENTV4_SUPER: ThisStyle.Script = CDRSCRIPT_SUPER; break; 02474 case cdrfPLACEMENTV4_SUB: ThisStyle.Script = CDRSCRIPT_SUB; break; 02475 } 02476 02477 // apply attributes 02478 if(!ApplyTextAttr(NewChar, &ThisStyle, 0)) 02479 return FALSE; 02480 02481 // sort out max first line space 02482 if(IsFirstLine && ThisStyle.LineSpace > MaxFirstLineSpace) 02483 MaxFirstLineSpace = ThisStyle.LineSpace; 02484 } 02485 } 02486 break; 02487 02488 default: 02489 break; 02490 } 02491 } 02492 02493 UpdateProgress(); 02494 02495 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 02496 return FALSE; 02497 02498 } while(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTEND || RIFF->GetObjLevel() > EndLevel); 02499 02500 if(CurrentLine != 0) 02501 { 02502 // pop some ending stuff on it 02503 CaretNode *Caret = new CaretNode(CurrentLine, LASTCHILD); 02504 EOLNode *EOL = new EOLNode(CurrentLine, LASTCHILD); 02505 if(Caret == 0 || EOL == 0) 02506 return FALSE; 02507 } 02508 02509 if(FirstLine != 0) 02510 { 02511 // got something - add it to the list of text stuff 02512 CDRVectorStoredItem *Item = new CDRVectorStoredItem; 02513 02514 if(Item == 0) 02515 return FALSE; 02516 02517 // store objects 02518 Item->Objects = FirstLine; 02519 Item->Reference = ID; 02520 02521 // pop max first line in the bbox 02522 Item->BBox.hi.y = MaxFirstLineSpace; 02523 02524 TextV4.AddTail(Item); 02525 } 02526 02527 return TRUE; 02528 }
processes the vector list at the beginning of CDR files. This contains a list of objects which are used for things such as full colour fills, texture fills, mould shapes, that sort of thing.
This function takes a block containing the vect list contents and it's size as Corel store all these vectors *before* the fill and outline definitions. Are these people really crazy?
Definition at line 1455 of file cdrfill.cpp. 01456 { 01457 ERROR3IF(pLevelNodeList != 0, "ProcessVectorList called when LevelNodeList was in use"); 01458 01459 // first of all, make a CCMemFile out of the block so we can do RIFF stuff on it 01460 CCMemFile MFile; 01461 01462 MFile.open(Block, Size); 01463 01464 // make a RIFF file out of it - but we don't have a header 01465 RIFFFile RFile; 01466 01467 RFile.Init(&MFile, TRUE); 01468 01469 // OK, change a few variables over... 01470 INT32 oTranslateByX = TranslateByX; 01471 INT32 oTranslateByY = TranslateByY; 01472 RIFFFile *oRIFF = RIFF; 01473 01474 TranslateByX = 0; 01475 TranslateByY = 0; 01476 RIFF = &RFile; 01477 01478 // get on and process the block 01479 // what we've got it a load of 'grp' lists containing the objects we're interested in 01480 // they contain a serial number which is used to identify the vector and a bbox, 01481 // which we need to find and store in the list 01482 do 01483 { 01484 // is it a group list? 01485 if(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTSTART && RIFF->GetObjChunkType() == cdrT_grp) 01486 { 01487 if(!ProcessVectorListEntry()) 01488 return FALSE; 01489 } 01490 01491 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 01492 goto Failure; 01493 01494 } while(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_FILEEND); 01495 01496 // close everything down and put the variables back 01497 MFile.close(); 01498 01499 TranslateByX = oTranslateByX; 01500 TranslateByY = oTranslateByY; 01501 RIFF = oRIFF; 01502 01503 return TRUE; 01504 01505 Failure: 01506 // clear everything up... 01507 MFile.close(); 01508 01509 TranslateByX = oTranslateByX; 01510 TranslateByY = oTranslateByY; 01511 RIFF = oRIFF; 01512 01513 return FALSE; 01514 }
processes an entry in the vector list
Definition at line 1530 of file cdrfill.cpp. 01531 { 01532 UINT32 StartLevel = RIFF->GetObjLevel(); 01533 01534 ERROR3IF(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTSTART && RIFF->GetObjChunkType() != cdrT_grp, 01535 "ProcessVectorListEntry called without RIFF set up correctly"); 01536 01537 // OK, wander though to find the serial number and the bbox 01538 WORD Reference; // the serial number 01539 DocRect BBox; 01540 BOOL GotReference = FALSE; 01541 BOOL GotBBox = FALSE; 01542 01543 do 01544 { 01545 if(RIFF->GetObjType() == RIFFOBJECTTYPE_CHUNK) 01546 { 01547 switch(RIFF->GetObjChunkType()) 01548 { 01549 case cdrT_spnd: 01550 { 01551 // got the serial number block - get it... 01552 if(!RIFF->AquireChunkData()) 01553 return FALSE; 01554 01555 WORD *Data = (WORD *)RIFF->GetAquiredData(); 01556 01557 if(Data == 0) 01558 return FALSE; 01559 01560 // store it... 01561 Reference = CDRDATA_WORD(*Data); 01562 01563 GotReference = TRUE; 01564 } 01565 break; 01566 01567 case cdrT_bbox: 01568 { 01569 // is it large enought? 01570 if(RIFF->GetObjSize() < sizeof(cdrfBBox)) 01571 { 01572 // no - ignore this entry 01573 RIFF->SkipToListEnd(StartLevel); 01574 return TRUE; 01575 } 01576 01577 // found the bbox... get the data 01578 if(!RIFF->AquireChunkData()) 01579 return FALSE; 01580 01581 cdrfBBox *Data = (cdrfBBox *)RIFF->GetAquiredData(); 01582 01583 if(Data == 0) 01584 return FALSE; 01585 01586 // get the bounding box 01587 BBox.lo.x = CDRDATA_SWORD(Data->x0) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01588 BBox.lo.y = CDRDATA_SWORD(Data->y0) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01589 BBox.hi.x = CDRDATA_SWORD(Data->x1) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01590 BBox.hi.y = CDRDATA_SWORD(Data->y1) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01591 01592 GotBBox = TRUE; 01593 } 01594 break; 01595 01596 default: 01597 break; 01598 } 01599 } 01600 01601 if(!RIFF->NextObject()) 01602 return FALSE; 01603 01604 } while((GotReference == FALSE || GotBBox == FALSE) && 01605 (RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_LISTEND || RIFF->GetObjLevel() > StartLevel)); 01606 01607 // OK, now get the object tree 01608 if(!ProcessObjectTree(StartLevel)) 01609 return FALSE; 01610 01611 // right then, the converted nodes are in pLevelNodeList 01612 // create a nice list entry 01613 01614 CDRVectorStoredItem *Item = new CDRVectorStoredItem; 01615 01616 if(Item == 0) 01617 return FALSE; 01618 01619 // set the object data 01620 Item->Objects = pLevelNodeList; 01621 Item->Reference = Reference; 01622 Item->BBox = BBox; 01623 01624 // make the node list unused 01625 pLevelNodeList = 0; 01626 01627 // add the list entry 01628 Vectors.AddTail(Item); 01629 01630 return TRUE; 01631 }
sets a conical graduated fill from fill definition in the file Copied from coreleps.cpp and modified
Definition at line 941 of file cdrfill.cpp. 00942 { 00943 // The desired start and end points of the grad fill 'arrow'. 00944 DocCoord Start, End; 00945 00946 // Calculate width and height 00947 MILLIPOINT Width = BBox.Width(); 00948 MILLIPOINT Height = BBox.Height(); 00949 00950 // Start point is the centre given by Corel. 00951 // This centre is percentage offsets from the centre of the object, i.e. (0,0) is 00952 // the centre of the bounding box. 00953 Start.x = BBox.lo.x + (Width / 2); 00954 Start.y = BBox.lo.y + (Height / 2); 00955 Start.x += ((GFill->HorizontalCentreOffset * Width) / 100); 00956 Start.y += ((GFill->VerticalCentreOffset * Height) / 100); 00957 00958 // End point is start point + radius but takes into account the angle 00959 double Radius = Width / 2; 00960 // angle is * 10, and needs to be in radians 00961 double Theta = ((((double)(GFill->Angle)) / 10.0) / 360.0) * (2 * PI); 00962 00963 // make the angle go anti-clockwise 00964 Theta = 0 - Theta; 00965 00966 // rotate by PI / 2 00967 Theta -= PI / 2; 00968 00969 // angle can be negative, ensure it's positive 00970 while(Theta < 0) 00971 Theta += (2 * PI); 00972 00973 // calculate the triangle 00974 double dx, dy; 00975 00976 dx = Radius * sin(Theta); 00977 dy = Radius * cos(Theta); 00978 00979 End.x = Start.x + (INT32)dx; 00980 End.y = Start.y + (INT32)dy; 00981 00982 // Seems that we need to swap start and end colours... 00983 00984 // Set the fill type according to these calculations. 00985 return SetConicalFill(*EndColour, *StartColour, Start, End); 00986 }
sets the fill attributes
Definition at line 128 of file cdrfill.cpp. 00129 { 00130 if(Version == CDRVERSION_3) 00131 { 00132 return SetFillAttr3(Object); 00133 } 00134 00135 // find the reference... 00136 DWORD *pReference = (DWORD *)FindDataInObject(Object, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_FILL); 00137 00138 // if the pointer to the reference is zero, then the reference is probably 00139 // within some random style definition 00140 if(pReference == 0) 00141 { 00142 // OK, try and find a style number within the style reference 00143 WORD *pStyleReference = (WORD *)FindDataInObject(Object, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_STYLE); 00144 00145 if(pStyleReference != 0) 00146 { 00147 // OK, see if we can find a the style... 00148 cdrfStyle *pStyle; 00149 INT32 StyleSize; 00150 00151 if((pStyle = (cdrfStyle *)Styles.Find(*pStyleReference, &StyleSize)) != 0) 00152 { 00153 // OK, got a style... now find a fill reference within it 00154 pReference = (DWORD *)FindDataInObject(&pStyle->Header, cdrfSTYLEOFFSETTYPE_FILL); 00155 } 00156 } 00157 } 00158 00159 // should this be filled? 00160 if(pReference == 0 || ObjFilled == FALSE) 00161 { 00162 // set not filled attribute 00163 return NoFill(); 00164 } 00165 00166 cdrfFillHeader *Fill; 00167 INT32 FillSize; 00168 00169 // set is filled attribute 00170 if(!SetPathFilled(TRUE)) 00171 return FALSE; 00172 00173 // try and find the data for a version 4 or 5 fill 00174 if((Fill = (cdrfFillHeader *)Fills.Find(*pReference, &FillSize)) == 0) 00175 return SetUKFill(); 00176 00177 // check the fill's size 00178 if(FillSize < sizeof(cdrfFillHeader)) 00179 { 00180 // if no fill defn or it's just a tad to small, set the unknown fill colour 00181 return SetUKFill(); 00182 } 00183 00184 // OK, what's this fill then? 00185 switch(CDRDATA_WORD(Fill->FillType)) 00186 { 00187 case cdrfFILLTYPE_NONE: 00188 // no fill - set things up to be hoopy about that. 00189 return NoFill(); 00190 break; 00191 00192 case cdrfFILLTYPE_FLAT: 00193 return SetFillAttrFlat(Fill, FillSize); 00194 break; 00195 00196 case cdrfFILLTYPE_GRADUATED: 00197 return SetFillAttrGrad(Fill, FillSize); 00198 break; 00199 00200 case cdrfFILLTYPE_PATTERN: 00201 { 00202 CDRTiledFillInfo i; 00203 cdrfFillPattern *PFill = (cdrfFillPattern *)Fill; 00204 00205 // check the size and set an unknown fill if it's too small 00206 if(FillSize < sizeof(cdrfFillPattern)) 00207 return SetUKFill(); 00208 00209 // set the info structure 00210 i.SizeX = CDRDATA_SWORD(PFill->SizeX); 00211 i.SizeY = CDRDATA_SWORD(PFill->SizeY); 00212 i.OffsetX = CDRDATA_SWORD(PFill->OffsetX); 00213 i.OffsetY = CDRDATA_SWORD(PFill->OffsetY); 00214 i.Reference = CDRDATA_DWORD(PFill->Reference); 00215 00216 // convert the colours 00217 DocColour Colour1; 00218 DocColour Colour2; 00219 ConvertColour(&PFill->Colour1, &Colour1); 00220 ConvertColour(&PFill->Colour2, &Colour2); 00221 00222 return SetFillAttrPattern(&i, &Colour1, &Colour2); 00223 } 00224 break; 00225 00226 case cdrfFILLTYPE_VECTOR: 00227 { 00228 CDRTiledFillInfo i; 00229 cdrfFillVector *VFill = (cdrfFillVector *)Fill; 00230 00231 // check the size and set an unknown fill if it's too small 00232 if(FillSize < sizeof(cdrfFillVector)) 00233 return SetUKFill(); 00234 00235 // set the info structure 00236 i.SizeX = CDRDATA_SWORD(VFill->SizeX); 00237 i.SizeY = CDRDATA_SWORD(VFill->SizeY); 00238 i.OffsetX = CDRDATA_SWORD(VFill->OffsetX); 00239 i.OffsetY = CDRDATA_SWORD(VFill->OffsetY); 00240 i.Reference = CDRDATA_DWORD(VFill->VectorReference); 00241 00242 return SetFillAttrVector(&i); 00243 } 00244 break; 00245 00246 case cdrfFILLTYPE_TEXTURE: 00247 return SetFillAttrTexture(Fill, FillSize); 00248 break; 00249 00250 default: 00251 return SetUKFill(); 00252 break; 00253 } 00254 00255 return TRUE; 00256 }
sets the fill attributes for version 3
Definition at line 299 of file cdrfill.cpp. 00300 { 00301 cdrfFillV3 *Fill = (cdrfFillV3 *)FindDataInObject(Object, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_FILL); 00302 00303 if(Fill == 0) 00304 { 00305 // set not filled attribute 00306 return NoFill(); 00307 } 00308 00309 // info about the fill 00310 CDRFillInfo fi; 00311 00312 // find the bounding box of this lovely node 00313 DocRect BBox; 00314 if(!GetObjCorelBBox((NodeRenderableBounded *)pMadeNode, &BBox)) 00315 return FALSE; 00316 00317 // convert colours and things as necessary 00318 DocColour Col1; 00319 DocColour Col2; 00320 00321 if(Fill->Type == cdrfFILLTYPEV3_FLAT) 00322 { 00323 if(!ConvertColour((cdrfColour *)&Fill->Data.Flat.Colour, &Col1)) 00324 return FALSE; 00325 } 00326 else if(Fill->Type == cdrfFILLTYPEV3_LINEAR || Fill->Type == cdrfFILLTYPEV3_RADIAL) 00327 { 00328 fi.Angle = CDRDATA_SWORD(Fill->Data.Grad.Angle); 00329 fi.Pad = CDRDATA_SWORD(Fill->Data.Grad.Pad); 00330 fi.HorizontalCentreOffset = CDRDATA_SWORD(Fill->Data.Grad.HorizontalCentreOffset); 00331 fi.VerticalCentreOffset = CDRDATA_SWORD(Fill->Data.Grad.VerticalCentreOffset); 00332 00333 if(!ConvertColour((cdrfColour *)&Fill->Data.Grad.Colour1, &Col1)) 00334 return FALSE; 00335 if(!ConvertColour((cdrfColour *)&Fill->Data.Grad.Colour2, &Col2)) 00336 return FALSE; 00337 } 00338 00339 // make the path filled 00340 if(!SetPathFilled(TRUE)) 00341 return FALSE; 00342 00343 // set the fill 00344 switch(Fill->Type) 00345 { 00346 case cdrfFILLTYPEV3_NONE: 00347 return NoFill(); 00348 break; 00349 00350 case cdrfFILLTYPEV3_FLAT: 00351 if(!SetFillColour(Col1)) 00352 return FALSE; 00353 break; 00354 00355 case cdrfFILLTYPEV3_LINEAR: 00356 if(!SetLinearGrad(&fi, BBox, &Col1, &Col2)) 00357 return SetUKFill(); 00358 break; 00359 00360 case cdrfFILLTYPEV3_RADIAL: 00361 if(!SetRadialGrad(&fi, BBox, &Col1, &Col2)) 00362 return SetUKFill(); 00363 break; 00364 00365 00366 case cdrfFILLTYPEV3_PATTERN: 00367 { 00368 CDRTiledFillInfo i; 00369 00370 // set the info structure 00371 i.SizeX = CDRDATA_SWORD(Fill->Data.Pattern.SizeX); 00372 i.SizeY = CDRDATA_SWORD(Fill->Data.Pattern.SizeY); 00373 i.OffsetX = CDRDATA_SWORD(Fill->Data.Pattern.OffsetX); 00374 i.OffsetY = CDRDATA_SWORD(Fill->Data.Pattern.OffsetY); 00375 i.Reference = CDRDATA_DWORD(Fill->Data.Pattern.Reference); 00376 00377 // convert the colours 00378 ConvertColour((cdrfColour *)&Fill->Data.Pattern.Colour1, &Col1); 00379 ConvertColour((cdrfColour *)&Fill->Data.Pattern.Colour2, &Col2); 00380 00381 return SetFillAttrPattern(&i, &Col1, &Col2); 00382 } 00383 break; 00384 00385 case cdrfFILLTYPEV3_VECTOR: 00386 { 00387 CDRTiledFillInfo i; 00388 00389 // set the info structure 00390 i.SizeX = CDRDATA_SWORD(Fill->Data.Vector.SizeX); 00391 i.SizeY = CDRDATA_SWORD(Fill->Data.Vector.SizeY); 00392 i.OffsetX = CDRDATA_SWORD(Fill->Data.Vector.OffsetX); 00393 i.OffsetY = CDRDATA_SWORD(Fill->Data.Vector.OffsetY); 00394 i.Reference = CDRDATA_DWORD(Fill->Data.Vector.Reference); 00395 00396 return SetFillAttrVector(&i); 00397 } 00398 break; 00399 00400 default: 00401 return SetUKFill(); 00402 break; 00403 } 00404 00405 return TRUE; 00406 }
sets flat fill attributes
Definition at line 422 of file cdrfill.cpp. 00423 { 00424 cdrfFillFlat *FFill = (cdrfFillFlat *)Fill; 00425 00426 // check the size and set an unknown fill if it's too small 00427 if(Size < sizeof(cdrfFillFlat)) 00428 return SetUKFill(); 00429 00430 // convert and set the line colour 00431 DocColour Col; 00432 ConvertColour(&FFill->Colour, &Col); 00433 00434 if(!SetFillColour(Col)) 00435 return FALSE; 00436 00437 return TRUE; 00438 }
sets graduated fill attributes
Definition at line 454 of file cdrfill.cpp. 00455 { 00456 // check that it's big enought to be a realistic grad fill 00457 if(Size < (sizeof(cdrfFillGraduated) + sizeof(cdrfFillGradColour))) 00458 { 00459 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("fill too small, size = %d\n"), Size); 00460 return SetUKFill(); 00461 } 00462 00463 // make a new pointer 00464 cdrfFillGraduated *GFill = (cdrfFillGraduated *)Fill; 00465 00466 // has it got enough colours in it? 00467 if(CDRDATA_WORD(GFill->NColours) < 1) 00468 return SetUKFill(); 00469 00470 // find the bounding box of this lovely node 00471 DocRect BBox; 00472 if(!GetObjCorelBBox((NodeRenderableBounded *)pMadeNode, &BBox)) 00473 return FALSE; 00474 00475 // sort out the colours on this fill - ATM we can only go from one colour to 00476 // another, so we just need to find the last and first ones and use those. 00477 cdrfFillGradColour *Cols = (cdrfFillGradColour *)(GFill + 1); 00478 00479 UINT32 min = CDRDATA_WORD(Cols[0].Percentage); 00480 UINT32 max = min; 00481 UINT32 minO = 0; 00482 UINT32 maxO = 0; 00483 UINT32 l; 00484 00485 for(l = 1; l < CDRDATA_WORD(GFill->NColours); l++) 00486 { 00487 UINT32 p = CDRDATA_WORD(Cols[l].Percentage); 00488 00489 if(p < min) 00490 { 00491 min = p; 00492 minO = l; 00493 } 00494 if(p > max) 00495 { 00496 max = p; 00497 maxO = l; 00498 } 00499 } 00500 00501 // OK, found the minimum and maximim percentages along the grad fill line. 00502 // get and convert the colours 00503 DocColour StartColour; 00504 DocColour EndColour; 00505 00506 ConvertColour(&Cols[minO].Colour, &StartColour); 00507 ConvertColour(&Cols[maxO].Colour, &EndColour); 00508 00509 // now work out what kind of fade we need here 00510 UINT32 FadeType = CDRDATA_WORD(GFill->ColourType); 00511 00512 // if it's a rainbow effect, work out whether an anti-clockwise thingy will be a 00513 // a normal or alt rainbow fill 00514 BOOL NormalRainbow = TRUE; 00515 if(FadeType == cdrfGRADFILLCOLOURTYPE_RAINBOW_CLOCKWISE || 00516 FadeType == cdrfGRADFILLCOLOURTYPE_RAINBOW_ANTICLOCKWISE) 00517 { 00518 // convert both colours to HSV to find their hue 00519 ColourContext *Conv = ColourContext::GetGlobalDefault(COLOURMODEL_HSVT); 00520 00521 ColourHSVT StartC; 00522 ColourHSVT EndC; 00523 00524 Conv->ConvertColour(&StartColour, (ColourGeneric *)&StartC); 00525 Conv->ConvertColour(&EndColour, (ColourGeneric *)&EndC); 00526 00527 // compare the hues and work out a difference 00528 ColourValue Difference; 00529 00530 if(EndC.Hue > StartC.Hue) 00531 { 00532 Difference = EndC.Hue - StartC.Hue; 00533 } else { 00534 Difference = 1.0 - (StartC.Hue - EndC.Hue); 00535 } 00536 00537 // if the difference is more than 0.5 then it's a alt rainbow thingy 00538 if(Difference > fixed24(0.5)) 00539 NormalRainbow = FALSE; 00540 } 00541 00542 // set the fade effect 00543 switch(FadeType) 00544 { 00545 case cdrfGRADFILLCOLOURTYPE_DIRECT: 00546 case cdrfGRADFILLCOLOURTYPE_CUSTOM: 00547 default: 00548 SetFadeFillEffect(); 00549 break; 00550 00551 case cdrfGRADFILLCOLOURTYPE_RAINBOW_ANTICLOCKWISE: 00552 if(NormalRainbow) 00553 SetRainbowFillEffect(); 00554 else 00555 SetAltRainbowFillEffect(); 00556 break; 00557 00558 case cdrfGRADFILLCOLOURTYPE_RAINBOW_CLOCKWISE: 00559 if(NormalRainbow) 00560 SetAltRainbowFillEffect(); 00561 else 00562 SetRainbowFillEffect(); 00563 break; 00564 } 00565 00566 // get the info about the fill 00567 CDRFillInfo fi; 00568 00569 fi.Angle = CDRDATA_SWORD(GFill->Angle); 00570 fi.Pad = CDRDATA_SWORD(GFill->Pad); 00571 fi.HorizontalCentreOffset = CDRDATA_SWORD(GFill->HorizontalCentreOffset); 00572 fi.VerticalCentreOffset = CDRDATA_SWORD(GFill->VerticalCentreOffset); 00573 00574 // and finally, sort out the start and end points of the thingy 00575 DocCoord StartPoint; 00576 DocCoord EndPoint; 00577 switch(CDRDATA_WORD(GFill->GradFillType)) 00578 { 00579 case cdrfGRADFILLTYPE_LINEAR: 00580 if(!SetLinearGrad(&fi, BBox, &StartColour, &EndColour)) 00581 return SetUKFill(); 00582 break; 00583 00584 case cdrfGRADFILLTYPE_RADIAL: 00585 case cdrfGRADFILLTYPE_SQUARE: // radial is the nearest Camelot fill to a square fill 00586 if(!SetRadialGrad(&fi, BBox, &StartColour, &EndColour)) 00587 return SetUKFill(); 00588 break; 00589 00590 case cdrfGRADFILLTYPE_CONICAL: 00591 if(!SetConicalGrad(&fi, BBox, &StartColour, &EndColour)) 00592 return SetUKFill(); 00593 break; 00594 00595 default: 00596 return SetUKFill(); 00597 break; 00598 } 00599 00600 return TRUE; 00601 }
set pattern fill attributes
Definition at line 1212 of file cdrfill.cpp. 01213 { 01214 // find the bitmap we're going to use 01215 KernelBitmap *pBitmap = Patterns.FindBitmap(Info->Reference); 01216 01217 if(pBitmap == 0) 01218 return SetUKFill(); 01219 01220 // work out where it's going to go. 01221 01222 // find the size of the tile 01223 INT32 SizeX = Info->SizeX * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01224 INT32 SizeY = Info->SizeY * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01225 01226 // find the bounding box of this lovely node 01227 DocRect BBox; 01228 if(!GetObjCorelBBox((NodeRenderableBounded *)pMadeNode, &BBox)) 01229 return FALSE; 01230 01231 // set to the top left + the first tile offset 01232 INT32 XPos = BBox.lo.x + ((SizeX * Info->OffsetX) / 100); 01233 INT32 YPos = BBox.hi.y - SizeY - ((SizeY * Info->OffsetY) / 100); 01234 01235 // can't do anything with the row/column staggering thingy 01236 01237 // set the bitmap fill 01238 DocCoord Start = DocCoord(XPos, YPos); 01239 DocCoord End1 = DocCoord(XPos + SizeX, YPos); 01240 DocCoord End2 = DocCoord(XPos, YPos + SizeY); 01241 if(!SetBitmapFill(pBitmap, Start, End1, End2, Colour1, Colour2)) 01242 return FALSE; 01243 01244 return TRUE; 01245 }
sets texture fill attributes
Definition at line 1319 of file cdrfill.cpp. 01320 { 01321 cdrfFillTexture *TFill = (cdrfFillTexture *)Fill; 01322 01323 // check the size and set an unknown fill if it's too small 01324 if(Size < sizeof(cdrfFillTexture)) 01325 return SetUKFill(); 01326 01327 // OK, let's try and find the vector thing it represents 01328 DocRect fBBox; 01329 Node *FillNodes; 01330 01331 FillNodes = Vectors.Find(CDRDATA_WORD(TFill->VectorReference), &fBBox); 01332 01333 // did we get any? 01334 if(FillNodes == 0) 01335 return SetUKFill(); 01336 01337 // find the associated bitmap 01338 KernelBitmap *pBitmap; 01339 01340 pBitmap = BitmapFromNodeList(FillNodes); 01341 01342 // got one? 01343 if(pBitmap == 0) 01344 return SetUKFill(); 01345 01346 // right then, set the fill to cover the object 01347 // what's it's bounding box? 01348 DocRect BBox; 01349 if(!GetObjCorelBBox((NodeRenderableBounded *)pMadeNode, &BBox)) 01350 return FALSE; 01351 01352 // set the bitmap fill 01353 DocCoord Start = DocCoord(BBox.lo.x, BBox.lo.y); 01354 DocCoord End1 = DocCoord(BBox.hi.x, BBox.lo.y); 01355 DocCoord End2 = DocCoord(BBox.lo.x, BBox.hi.y); 01356 if(!SetBitmapFill(pBitmap, Start, End1, End2)) 01357 return FALSE; 01358 01359 return TRUE; 01360 }
set vector fill attributes
Definition at line 1261 of file cdrfill.cpp. 01262 { 01263 // find the bitmap we're going to use - at the moment, we can't only do a vector fill 01264 // if it actually referes to a bitmap 01265 01266 // first things first - find the entry in the vectors list 01267 CDRVectorStoredItem *Item = Vectors.Find(Info->Reference); 01268 01269 if(Item->Objects == 0) 01270 return SetUKFill(); 01271 01272 // now, does this just refer to a bitmap? 01273 KernelBitmap *pBitmap = BitmapFromNodeList(Item->Objects); 01274 01275 if(pBitmap == 0) 01276 return SetUKFill(); // no bitmap generation possible 01277 01278 // work out where it's going to go. 01279 01280 // find the size of the tile 01281 INT32 SizeX = Info->SizeX * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01282 INT32 SizeY = Info->SizeY * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 01283 01284 // find the bounding box of this lovely node 01285 DocRect BBox; 01286 if(!GetObjCorelBBox((NodeRenderableBounded *)pMadeNode, &BBox)) 01287 return FALSE; 01288 01289 // set to the top left + the first tile offset 01290 INT32 XPos = BBox.lo.x + ((SizeX * Info->OffsetX) / 100); 01291 INT32 YPos = BBox.hi.y - SizeY - ((SizeY * Info->OffsetY) / 100); 01292 01293 // can't do anything with the row/column staggering thingy 01294 01295 // set the bitmap fill 01296 DocCoord Start = DocCoord(XPos, YPos); 01297 DocCoord End1 = DocCoord(XPos + SizeX, YPos); 01298 DocCoord End2 = DocCoord(XPos, YPos + SizeY); 01299 if(!SetBitmapFill(pBitmap, Start, End1, End2)) 01300 return FALSE; 01301 01302 return TRUE; 01303 }
sets a linear graduated fill from fill definition in the file Copied from coreleps.cpp and modified
Definition at line 726 of file cdrfill.cpp. 00727 { 00728 // NB. this function is (hopefully!) over-complex and will be simplified. 00729 // However, it's like this atm so I can get my head around the weird maths Corel 00730 // forces us to use. 00731 00732 // The desired start and end points of the grad fill 'arrow'. 00733 DocCoord Start, End; 00734 00735 // Calculate width and height 00736 MILLIPOINT Width = BBox.Width(); 00737 MILLIPOINT Height = BBox.Height(); 00738 00739 // bodge just in case of zero height or widths 00740 if(Width < 16) 00741 Width = 16; 00742 00743 if(Height < 16) 00744 Height = 16; 00745 00746 // Find centre of box 00747 DocCoord Centre; 00748 Centre.x = BBox.lo.x + (Width / 2); 00749 Centre.y = BBox.lo.y + (Height / 2); 00750 00751 // Find total area of BBox 00752 double TotalArea = (double) Width * (double) Height; 00753 00754 // Cope with angles > 180 00755 BOOL Mirror = FALSE; 00756 INT32 Angle = GFill->Angle; // note angle is * 10 00757 00758 if (Angle >= 1800) 00759 { 00760 Angle -= 1800; 00761 Mirror = TRUE; 00762 } 00763 else if (Angle < 00) 00764 { 00765 Angle += 1800; 00766 Mirror = TRUE; 00767 } 00768 00769 Angle += 900; 00770 00771 if (Angle >= 1800) 00772 { 00773 Angle -= 1800; 00774 } 00775 00776 // get edge pad value 00777 INT32 EdgePad = GFill->Pad; 00778 00779 // Calculate tan of the angle - convert angle to radians first. 00780 double Radians = (((double) Angle) / 1800.0) * PI; 00781 double TanTheta; 00782 if (Angle == 900) 00783 { 00784 // Special case for horizontal grad fill arrow. 00785 00786 // Make 0% padding first 00787 Start.x = BBox.lo.x; 00788 Start.y = Centre.y; 00789 End.x = BBox.hi.x; 00790 End.y = Centre.y; 00791 00792 // Find out width of padding 00793 INT32 Padding = (Width * EdgePad) / 100; 00794 Start.x += Padding; 00795 End.x -= Padding; 00796 } 00797 else if (Angle == 0) 00798 { 00799 // Special case for vertical grad fill arrow. 00800 00801 // Make 0% padding first 00802 Start.x = Centre.x; 00803 Start.y = BBox.lo.y; 00804 End.x = Centre.x; 00805 End.y = BBox.hi.y; 00806 00807 // Find out width of padding 00808 INT32 Padding = (Height * EdgePad) / 100; 00809 Start.y += Padding; 00810 End.y -= Padding; 00811 } 00812 else 00813 { 00814 TanTheta = tan(Radians); 00815 00816 // Find out what the maximum padding is that we can achieve using just triangles: 00817 00818 // Find the maximum triangle width 00819 MILLIPOINT TriWidth = (MILLIPOINT) ((double) Height / TanTheta); 00820 00821 // Limit it to sensible value 00822 if (TriWidth < 0) 00823 TriWidth = -TriWidth; 00824 if (TriWidth > Width) 00825 TriWidth = Width; 00826 00827 // Find the maximum triangle width 00828 MILLIPOINT TriHeight = (MILLIPOINT) ((double) Width * TanTheta); 00829 00830 // Limit it to sensible value 00831 if (TriHeight < 0) 00832 TriHeight = -TriHeight; 00833 if (TriHeight > Height) 00834 TriHeight = Height; 00835 00836 // The 'c' values of the y = mx+c equation. 00837 MILLIPOINT StartC, EndC; 00838 00839 // Work out the maximum percentage/edge padding this gives us 00840 // (50 because it's 100 / 2 because we want area of triangle, not rectangle). 00841 double Percentage = (50.0 * (double) TriWidth * (double) TriHeight) / TotalArea; 00842 00843 INT32 Diff = 0; 00844 00845 // Is this enough? 00846 if (((INT32) Percentage) >= EdgePad) 00847 { 00848 // Yes - calculate exactly how big the triangle needs to be. 00849 TriHeight = (MILLIPOINT) sqrt(ABS(((double) EdgePad * TotalArea * TanTheta) / 100.0)); 00850 00851 TriWidth = (MILLIPOINT) ((double) TriHeight / TanTheta); 00852 if (TriWidth < 0) 00853 TriWidth = -TriWidth; 00854 00855 ENSURE(TriWidth < Width, "Error in Corel Grad fill decoding logic"); 00856 } 00857 else 00858 { 00859 // How much percentage do we need to add with each rectangle? 00860 Percentage = (EdgePad - Percentage) / 2; 00861 00862 // Handle the rectangle stuff. 00863 if (TriWidth == Width) 00864 { 00865 // Need to add rectangles to the top and bottom. 00866 Diff = (MILLIPOINT) ((Percentage * Height) / 100.0); 00867 } 00868 else 00869 { 00870 // Need to add rectangles to left and right 00871 Diff = (MILLIPOINT) ((Percentage * Width) / 100.0); 00872 Diff = (MILLIPOINT) (Diff / tan(PI - Radians)); 00873 Diff = ABS(Diff); 00874 } 00875 } 00876 00877 // Work out the C value for the start line (c = y - mx) 00878 // (m = tan(angle) ) 00879 if (Angle == 900) 00880 { 00881 //ENSURE(FALSE, "90 degree angle found!"); 00882 } 00883 else if (Angle < 900) 00884 { 00885 StartC = (MILLIPOINT) (BBox.lo.y - ((BBox.hi.x - TriWidth) * TanTheta)); 00886 EndC = (MILLIPOINT) (BBox.hi.y - ((BBox.lo.x + TriWidth) * TanTheta)); 00887 } 00888 else 00889 { 00890 StartC = (MILLIPOINT) (BBox.lo.y - ((BBox.lo.x + TriWidth) * TanTheta)); 00891 EndC = (MILLIPOINT) (BBox.hi.y - ((BBox.hi.x - TriWidth) * TanTheta)); 00892 } 00893 00894 // Add on difference for rectangles, if any. 00895 StartC += Diff; 00896 EndC -= Diff; 00897 00898 00899 // Work out m and c for the grad fill line. 00900 // We know m is -1/m of the triangle's hypotenuse. 00901 // c = roy - (rox/m) 00902 double FillM = -1.00 / TanTheta; 00903 MILLIPOINT FillC = (MILLIPOINT) (Centre.y - (Centre.x * FillM)); 00904 00905 // Work out intersections: x = (c2 - c1) / (2m) 00906 00907 Start.x = (MILLIPOINT) ( (FillC - StartC) / (TanTheta + (1.00 / TanTheta)) ); 00908 Start.y = (MILLIPOINT) ((FillM * Start.x) + FillC); 00909 00910 End.x = (MILLIPOINT) ( (FillC - EndC) / (TanTheta + (1.00 / TanTheta)) ); 00911 End.y = (MILLIPOINT) ((FillM * End.x) + FillC); 00912 } 00913 00914 if (Mirror) 00915 { 00916 // Swap the grid fill end-points over. 00917 DocCoord Tmp = Start; 00918 Start = End; 00919 End = Tmp; 00920 } 00921 00922 // Set the fill type according to these calculations. 00923 return SetLinearFill(*StartColour, *EndColour, Start, End); 00924 }
Definition at line 129 of file cdroutl.cpp. 00130 { 00131 if(Version == CDRVERSION_3) 00132 { 00133 return SetLineAttr3(Object); 00134 } 00135 00136 // find the reference... 00137 DWORD *pReference = (DWORD *)FindDataInObject(Object, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_LINE); 00138 00139 // if the pointer to the reference is zero, then the reference is probably 00140 // within some random style definition 00141 if(pReference == 0) 00142 { 00143 // OK, try and find a style number within the style reference 00144 WORD *pStyleReference = (WORD *)FindDataInObject(Object, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_STYLE); 00145 00146 if(pStyleReference != 0) 00147 { 00148 // OK, see if we can find a the style... 00149 cdrfStyle *pStyle; 00150 INT32 StyleSize; 00151 00152 if((pStyle = (cdrfStyle *)Styles.Find(*pStyleReference, &StyleSize)) != 0) 00153 { 00154 // OK, got a style... now find a fill reference within it 00155 pReference = (DWORD *)FindDataInObject(&pStyle->Header, cdrfSTYLEOFFSETTYPE_OUTLINE); 00156 } 00157 } 00158 } 00159 00160 cdrfOutline *Out; 00161 INT32 OutSize; 00162 00163 if(pReference == 0 || (Out = (cdrfOutline *)Outlines.Find(*pReference, &OutSize)) == 0 00164 || OutSize < sizeof(cdrfOutline)) 00165 { 00166 // if no outline data, or outline definitions couldn't be found, or outline 00167 // definition is too small, set up the default line attributes 00168 if(!SetLineWidth(cdrfOUTLINE_DEFAULT_WIDTH)) 00169 return FALSE; 00170 00171 PColourCMYK cmyk; 00172 cmyk.Cyan = cmyk.Magenta = cmyk.Yellow = 0; 00173 cmyk.Key = 255; 00174 00175 DocColour Col; 00176 Col.SetCMYKValue(&cmyk); 00177 00178 if(!SetLineColour(Col)) 00179 return FALSE; 00180 00181 return TRUE; 00182 } 00183 00184 // check that this thingy should have an outline 00185 if((CDRDATA_WORD(Out->Flags) & cdrfOUTLINEFLAGS_NOOUTLINE) != 0) 00186 { 00187 if (!SetLineColour(DocColour(COLOUR_TRANS))) 00188 return FALSE; 00189 00190 return TRUE; 00191 } 00192 00193 // convert the line colour 00194 DocColour Col; 00195 ConvertColour(&Out->Colour, &Col); 00196 00197 // find the line width 00198 INT32 LineWidth = CDRDATA_WORD(Out->LineThickness) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 00199 00200 if(LineWidth > MAX_LINE_WIDTH) 00201 LineWidth = MAX_LINE_WIDTH; 00202 00203 // find the join type 00204 JointType JType; 00205 switch(CDRDATA_WORD(Out->JoinStyle)) 00206 { 00207 case cdrfJOINSTYLE_SQUARE: JType = MitreJoin; break; 00208 case cdrfJOINSTYLE_ROUNDED: JType = RoundJoin; break; 00209 default: 00210 case cdrfJOINSTYLE_BEVEL: JType = BevelledJoin; break; 00211 } 00212 00213 // set the cap style 00214 LineCapType CType; 00215 switch(CDRDATA_WORD(Out->EndStyle)) 00216 { 00217 case cdrfENDSTYLE_BUTT: CType = LineCapButt; break; 00218 case cdrfENDSTYLE_ROUNDED: CType = LineCapRound; break; 00219 default: 00220 case cdrfENDSTYLE_SQUARE: CType = LineCapSquare; break; 00221 00222 } 00223 00224 // set the dash pattern 00225 DashRec Dash; 00226 DashElement DashArray[cdrfMAX_DASH_ELEMENTS]; 00227 if(CDRDATA_WORD(Out->NDashSegments) > 0 && (CDRDATA_WORD(Out->Flags) & cdrfOUTLINEFLAGS_NODASH) == 0) 00228 { 00229 // set a dash pattern 00230 INT32 NSeg = CDRDATA_WORD(Out->NDashSegments); 00231 if(NSeg > cdrfMAX_DASH_ELEMENTS) 00232 NSeg = cdrfMAX_DASH_ELEMENTS; 00233 00234 INT32 l; 00235 for(l = 0; l < NSeg; l++) 00236 { 00237 DashArray[l] = CDRDATA_WORD(Out->DashSegments[l]) * LineWidth; 00238 } 00239 00240 Dash.Elements = NSeg; 00241 Dash.DashStart = 0; 00242 Dash.ElementData = DashArray; 00243 00244 Dash.LineWidth = LineWidth; 00245 Dash.ScaleWithLineWidth = TRUE; 00246 Dash.DashID = -1; 00247 } 00248 else 00249 { 00250 // no dash pattern 00251 Dash = SD_SOLID; 00252 } 00253 00254 // set the attributes 00255 if(!SetLineWidth(LineWidth) || !SetLineColour(Col) || !SetJoinType(JType) 00256 || !SetLineCap(CType) || !SetDashPattern(Dash)) 00257 return FALSE; 00258 00259 // check for arrowheads 00260 if(CDRDATA_DWORD(Out->StartArrowReference) != 0 || CDRDATA_DWORD(Out->EndArrowReference) != 0) 00261 { 00262 // apply the attributes to the object 00263 // If not filled, then set the ignore bit on the fill attribute. 00264 if (ObjFilled == FALSE) 00265 CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].Ignore = TRUE; 00266 00267 // Add attributes to the path, if they are different from the default... 00268 AttributeManager::ApplyBasedOnDefaults(pMadeNode, CurrentAttrs); 00269 00270 // DeleteCurrentAttrs(); 00271 // SetUpCurrentAttrs(); 00272 00273 // Enable the fill attribute again 00274 CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].Ignore = FALSE; 00275 00276 // ensure that the attributes won't be applied again 00277 AttrsAlreadyApplied = TRUE; 00278 00279 // apply arrow heads to the path 00280 AddArrowheadsToPath(CDRDATA_DWORD(Out->StartArrowReference), CDRDATA_DWORD(Out->EndArrowReference), 00281 &Col, LineWidth, CType, JType); 00282 } 00283 00284 return TRUE; 00285 }
Definition at line 303 of file cdroutl.cpp. 00304 { 00305 cdrfOutlineV3 *Out = (cdrfOutlineV3 *)FindDataInObject(Object, cdrfOBJOFFSETTYPE_LINE); 00306 00307 if(Out == 0) 00308 { 00309 // if no outline data, or outline definitions couldn't be found, or outline 00310 // definition is too small, set up the default line attributes 00311 if(!SetLineWidth(cdrfOUTLINE_DEFAULT_WIDTH)) 00312 return FALSE; 00313 00314 PColourCMYK cmyk; 00315 cmyk.Cyan = cmyk.Magenta = cmyk.Yellow = 0; 00316 cmyk.Key = 255; 00317 00318 DocColour Col; 00319 Col.SetCMYKValue(&cmyk); 00320 00321 if(!SetLineColour(Col)) 00322 return FALSE; 00323 00324 return TRUE; 00325 } 00326 00327 // check that this thingy should have an outline 00328 if((Out->Flags & cdrfOUTLINEFLAGSV3_STROKED) == 0) 00329 { 00330 if (!SetLineColour(DocColour(COLOUR_TRANS))) 00331 return FALSE; 00332 00333 return TRUE; 00334 } 00335 00336 // convert the line colour 00337 DocColour Col; 00338 ConvertColour((cdrfColour *)&Out->Colour, &Col); 00339 00340 // find the line width 00341 INT32 LineWidth = CDRDATA_WORD(Out->LineThickness) * CDRCOORDS_TO_MILLIPOINTS; 00342 00343 if(LineWidth > MAX_LINE_WIDTH) 00344 LineWidth = MAX_LINE_WIDTH; 00345 00346 // find the join type 00347 JointType JType; 00348 switch(CDRDATA_WORD(Out->JoinStyle)) 00349 { 00350 case cdrfJOINSTYLE_SQUARE: JType = MitreJoin; break; 00351 case cdrfJOINSTYLE_ROUNDED: JType = RoundJoin; break; 00352 default: 00353 case cdrfJOINSTYLE_BEVEL: JType = BevelledJoin; break; 00354 } 00355 00356 // set the cap style 00357 LineCapType CType; 00358 switch(Out->EndStyle) // byte 00359 { 00360 case cdrfENDSTYLE_BUTT: CType = LineCapButt; break; 00361 case cdrfENDSTYLE_ROUNDED: CType = LineCapRound; break; 00362 default: 00363 case cdrfENDSTYLE_SQUARE: CType = LineCapSquare; break; 00364 00365 } 00366 00367 // set the dash pattern 00368 /* DashRec Dash; 00369 DashElement DashArray[cdrfMAX_DASH_ELEMENTS]; 00370 if((ObjectFlagsV3 & cdrfOBJFLAGSV3_NODASH) == 0 && Out->NDashSegments > 0) // byte 00371 { 00372 // set a dash pattern 00373 INT32 NSeg = CDRDATA_WORD(Out->NDashSegments); 00374 if(NSeg > cdrfMAX_DASH_ELEMENTS) 00375 NSeg = cdrfMAX_DASH_ELEMENTS; 00376 00377 INT32 l; 00378 for(l = 0; l < NSeg; l++) 00379 { 00380 DashArray[l] = Out->DashSegments[l] * LineWidth; // byte 00381 } 00382 00383 Dash.Elements = NSeg; 00384 Dash.DashStart = 0; 00385 Dash.ElementData = DashArray; 00386 00387 Dash.LineWidth = LineWidth; 00388 Dash.ScaleWithLineWidth = TRUE; 00389 Dash.DashID = -1; 00390 } 00391 else 00392 { 00393 // no dash pattern 00394 Dash = SD_SOLID; 00395 } 00396 */ 00397 // set the attributes 00398 if(!SetLineWidth(LineWidth) || !SetLineColour(Col) || !SetJoinType(JType) 00399 || !SetLineCap(CType)/* || !SetDashPattern(Dash)*/) 00400 return FALSE; 00401 00402 // check for arrowheads 00403 if(CDRDATA_DWORD(Out->StartArrowReference) != 0 || CDRDATA_DWORD(Out->EndArrowReference) != 0) 00404 { 00405 // apply the attributes to the object 00406 // If not filled, then set the ignore bit on the fill attribute. 00407 if (ObjFilled == FALSE) 00408 CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].Ignore = TRUE; 00409 00410 // Add attributes to the path, if they are different from the default... 00411 AttributeManager::ApplyBasedOnDefaults(pMadeNode, CurrentAttrs); 00412 00413 // Enable the fill attribute again 00414 CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].Ignore = FALSE; 00415 00416 // ensure that the attributes won't be applied again 00417 AttrsAlreadyApplied = TRUE; 00418 00419 // apply arrow heads to the path 00420 AddArrowheadsToPath(CDRDATA_DWORD(Out->StartArrowReference), CDRDATA_DWORD(Out->EndArrowReference), 00421 &Col, LineWidth, CType, JType); 00422 } 00423 00424 return TRUE; 00425 }
sets a radial graduated fill from fill definition in the file
Definition at line 1002 of file cdrfill.cpp. 01003 { 01004 // The desired start and end points of the grad fill 'arrow'. 01005 DocCoord Start, End; 01006 01007 // Calculate width and height 01008 MILLIPOINT Width = BBox.Width(); 01009 MILLIPOINT Height = BBox.Height(); 01010 01011 // caluculate the source area 01012 // first, what's the diagonal length 01013 double dWidth = Width; 01014 double dHeight = Height; 01015 INT32 Diagonal = (INT32)sqrt(dWidth*dWidth + dHeight*dHeight); 01016 01017 // and from that calculate area of the box containing the bit of the 01018 // bit of the circle in the bbox 01019 INT32 Edge = (Diagonal * (100 - (GFill->Pad * 2))) / 100; 01020 01021 // Start point is the centre given by Corel. 01022 // This centre is percentage offsets from the centre of the object, i.e. (0,0) is 01023 // the centre of the bounding box. 01024 DocCoord Centre = DocCoord(BBox.lo.x + (Width / 2), BBox.lo.y + (Height / 2)); 01025 INT32 OffX = (GFill->HorizontalCentreOffset * Width) / 100; 01026 INT32 OffY = (GFill->VerticalCentreOffset * Height) / 100; 01027 Start.x = Centre.x + OffX; 01028 Start.y = Centre.y + OffY; 01029 01030 // Find required radius of circle. 01031 double Radius = Edge / 2; 01032 01033 // how far away is the centre of the fill from the centre of the bbox? 01034 double dOffX = OffX; 01035 double dOffY = OffY; 01036 double Dist = (INT32)sqrt(dOffX*dOffX + dOffY*dOffY); 01037 01038 // and increase the radius by a bodge factor 01039 double BodgeFactor = 1 + (Dist / (double)(Diagonal / 2)); 01040 Radius *= BodgeFactor; 01041 01042 // End point is start point + radius 01043 End.x = Start.x + ((MILLIPOINT) Radius); 01044 End.y = Start.y; 01045 01046 // Seems that we need to swap start and end colours... 01047 01048 // Set the fill type according to these calculations. 01049 return SetRadialFill(*EndColour, *StartColour, Start, End); 01050 }
sets a fill attribute for unknown fills
Definition at line 617 of file cdrfill.cpp. 00618 { 00619 PColourCMYK cmyk; 00620 cmyk.Cyan = cmyk.Magenta = cmyk.Yellow = 0; 00621 cmyk.Key = 255; 00622 00623 DocColour Col; 00624 Col.SetCMYKValue(&cmyk); 00625 00626 return SetFillColour(Col); 00627 }
transform an arrowhead path to be the correct size and orientation
Definition at line 559 of file cdroutl.cpp. 00561 { 00562 // first of all, work out how much we need to scale this thingy by 00563 double Scale = (double)LineWidth / (double)cdrfARROWHEAD_LINEWIDTH; 00564 00565 // work out the adj and opp side of the triangle we're going to rotate around 00566 double Adj = (double)Point->x - (double)Other->x; 00567 double Opp = (double)Point->y - (double)Other->y; 00568 00569 // work out the hyp of the triangle 00570 double Hyp = sqrt((Adj * Adj) + (Opp * Opp)); 00571 00572 // how far we need to move the arrowhead by 00573 double Move = Scale * (double)Distance; 00574 00575 // calculate a matrix 00576 double a, b, c, d, e, f; 00577 if(Hyp == 0) 00578 { 00579 // default thing which shouldn't do too much hard - avoid div by zero 00580 a = Scale; 00581 b = 0; 00582 c = 0; 00583 d = Scale; 00584 e = Point->x + Move; 00585 f = Point->y; 00586 } else { 00587 double cosTheta = (Adj / Hyp); 00588 double sinTheta = (Opp / Hyp); 00589 00590 a = Scale * cosTheta; 00591 b = Scale * sinTheta; 00592 c = 0 - (Scale * sinTheta); 00593 d = Scale * cosTheta; 00594 e = Point->x + (Move * cosTheta); 00595 f = Point->y + (Move * sinTheta); 00596 } 00597 00598 // knock up a matrix 00599 Matrix M = Matrix(a, b, c, d, (INT32)e, (INT32)f); 00600 00601 // need to flip it over? 00602 if(Start) 00603 { 00604 Matrix F = Matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0); 00605 00606 M = F * M; 00607 } 00608 00609 // transform the node 00610 Trans2DMatrix Trans(M); 00611 00612 N->Transform(Trans); 00613 00614 return TRUE; 00615 }
transforms an object we converted, given a trfd chunk. If TranslateForPage is true (defaults to TRUE) then the object will also be translated to get the origin in the right place. The pointer may be modified to be a pointer to a different object. WorkAtOrigin causes the object to be translated back to the origin before being hacked apon, except if it's in a CDR3 file when it's ignored as the file is mass-translated at the end of the conversion..
Definition at line 3130 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 03132 { 03133 if(IsText) 03134 { 03135 (*N)->OptimiseAttributes(); 03136 } 03137 03138 // make sure the WorkAtOrigin flag is set correctly - we mustn't use it if we're fiddling with a v3 file 03139 if(Version == CDRVERSION_3) WorkAtOrigin = FALSE; 03140 03141 // transform it back to the origin if necessary 03142 if(WorkAtOrigin) 03143 { 03144 Trans2DMatrix Trans(-TranslateByX, -TranslateByY); 03145 (*N)->Transform(Trans); 03146 } 03147 03148 // set up a transform conversion object 03149 CDRTransformConvertor *Conv; 03150 03151 // putting the convertors here is probably more efficicent than allocating 03152 // a new one in the heap as they're not very big at all 03153 CDRTransformConvertor5 Conv5; 03154 CDRTransformConvertor4 Conv4; 03155 CDRTransformConvertor3 Conv3; 03156 03157 switch(Version) 03158 { 03159 case CDRVERSION_5: Conv = &Conv5; break; 03160 case CDRVERSION_4: Conv = &Conv4; break; 03161 case CDRVERSION_3: Conv = &Conv3; break; 03162 default: return FALSE; break; 03163 } 03164 03165 // initialise the convertor object 03166 Conv->Init(Trans, Size); 03167 03168 // note that these elements are in Corel order 03169 cdrMatrix Ma, Mb, Mt; 03170 BOOL HaveMatrix = FALSE; 03171 03172 BOOL ApplyMatrices = IsAGroupTransform?FALSE:TRUE; 03173 03174 #ifdef CDR_DOEXTRUDE 03175 for(UINT32 g = 0; g < Conv->GetNTransforms(); g++) 03176 { 03177 CDRTransformType Type = Conv->GetTransformType(t); 03178 03179 if(Type == CDRTRANSFORMTYPE_EXTRUDE) 03180 ApplyMatrices = FALSE; 03181 } 03182 #endif 03183 03184 03185 // apply all the transformations in the chunk 03186 for(UINT32 t = 0; t < Conv->GetNTransforms(); t++) 03187 { 03188 CDRTransformType Type = Conv->GetTransformType(t); 03189 03190 // check that the transform is something we know about 03191 if(Type == CDRTRANSFORMTYPE_UNKNOWN) 03192 continue; 03193 03194 // if it's a matrix, then append it to the previous one, if any 03195 if(Type == CDRTRANSFORMTYPE_MATRIX) 03196 { 03197 if(ApplyMatrices) 03198 { 03199 if(HaveMatrix) 03200 { 03201 // done the first matrix, so we need get the matrix into another one and then combine. 03202 03203 // get the matrix 03204 if(!Conv->GetMatrix(&Mb, t)) 03205 return FALSE; 03206 03207 // and combine it with the matrix we've already got 03208 Mt.a = (Ma.a * Mb.a) + (Ma.d * Mb.b); 03209 Mt.b = (Ma.b * Mb.a) + (Ma.e * Mb.b); 03210 Mt.c = (Ma.c * Mb.a) + (Ma.f * Mb.b) + Mb.c; 03211 Mt.d = (Ma.a * Mb.d) + (Ma.d * Mb.e); 03212 Mt.e = (Ma.b * Mb.d) + (Ma.e * Mb.e); 03213 Mt.f = (Ma.c * Mb.d) + (Ma.f * Mb.e) + Mb.f; 03214 03215 Ma = Mt; 03216 } else { 03217 // just get the matrix 03218 if(!Conv->GetMatrix(&Ma, t)) 03219 return FALSE; 03220 03221 HaveMatrix = TRUE; 03222 } 03223 } 03224 } 03225 else 03226 { 03227 // wasn't a matrix - apply a matrix if we've got one 03228 if(HaveMatrix) 03229 { 03230 // apply it 03231 if(!ApplyMatrices) 03232 { 03233 if(!TransformConvertedObjectDoMatrix(N, &Ma, FALSE)) 03234 return FALSE; 03235 } 03236 03237 } 03238 03239 // unset the flag 03240 HaveMatrix = FALSE; 03241 03242 // deal with the transformation 03243 ERROR3IF(Type == CDRTRANSFORMTYPE_MATRIX, "Matrix got through in TransformConvertedObject") 03244 03245 switch(Type) 03246 { 03247 case CDRTRANSFORMTYPE_PERSPECTIVE: 03248 { 03249 // convert the perpective 03250 cdrPerspective P; 03251 03252 if(!Conv->GetPerspective(&P, t)) 03253 return FALSE; 03254 03255 // apply it to the object 03256 if(!TransformConvertedObjectDoPerspective(N, &P, IsAGroupTransform)) 03257 return FALSE; 03258 } 03259 break; 03260 03261 case CDRTRANSFORMTYPE_ENVELOPE: 03262 if(!(Version != CDRVERSION_3 && IsTextStory)) // text stories don't get enveloped - this is used as the frame shape 03263 { 03264 // convert the envelope into a path 03265 DocRect OBBox; 03266 Path *Shape = 0; 03267 INT32 Corners[4]; 03268 03269 if(Conv->GetEnvelope(&Shape, &OBBox, (INT32 *)&Corners, t)) 03270 { 03271 // apply to object 03272 if(!TransformConvertedObjectDoEnvelope(N, Shape, &OBBox, (INT32 *)&Corners, IsAGroupTransform)) 03273 return FALSE; 03274 03275 // delete the shape 03276 delete Shape; 03277 } 03278 } 03279 break; 03280 03281 case CDRTRANSFORMTYPE_EXTRUDE: 03282 { 03283 cdrExtrudeInfo Info; 03284 03285 if(Conv->GetExtrude(&Info, t)) 03286 { 03287 // apply to object 03288 if(!TransformConvertedObjectDoExtrude(N, &Info, IsAGroupTransform)) 03289 return FALSE; 03290 } 03291 ApplyMatrices = TRUE; // start applying the matrices... 03292 } 03293 break; 03294 03295 default: 03296 break; 03297 } 03298 03299 if(Version == CDRVERSION_5) 03300 { 03301 // we want to apply matrices from now on 03302 ApplyMatrices = TRUE; 03303 } 03304 } 03305 } 03306 03307 // if we've got a matrix still to do... 03308 if(HaveMatrix) 03309 { 03310 // apply it 03311 if(ApplyMatrices) 03312 { 03313 if(!TransformConvertedObjectDoMatrix(N, &Ma, TranslateForPage)) 03314 return FALSE; 03315 } 03316 } 03317 else if(!HaveMatrix && TranslateForPage) 03318 { 03319 // we need to apply an identity matrix which then gets translated, but only if we need to 03320 cdrMatrix Mi = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}; 03321 03322 // apply it 03323 if(!TransformConvertedObjectDoMatrix(N, &Mi, TranslateForPage)) 03324 return FALSE; 03325 } 03326 03327 // reverse the effect of the previous translation 03328 if(WorkAtOrigin) 03329 { 03330 Trans2DMatrix Trans(TranslateByX, TranslateByY); 03331 (*N)->Transform(Trans); 03332 } 03333 03334 return TRUE; 03335 }
transforms an object given a path to envelope into
Definition at line 3499 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 03500 { 03501 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("applying envelope\n")); 03502 03503 // create a mould parent and insert it in the tree 03504 NodeMould* pMouldParent = new NodeMould; 03505 if (pMouldParent == 0) 03506 return FALSE; 03507 03508 // give the parent mould object a shape and mould space to work with and stick it 03509 // in the tree 03510 if(!pMouldParent->CreateGeometry(MOULDSPACE_ENVELOPE)) 03511 { 03512 delete pMouldParent; 03513 return FALSE; 03514 } 03515 03516 // validate the path a bit, and get a good one if this is duff 03517 Path *Shape = P; 03518 UINT32 errID; 03519 if(pMouldParent->GetGeometry()->Validate(Shape,errID) == FALSE) 03520 { 03521 // OK, it's not suitiable so try to create an approximation which is 03522 Path *NewShape; 03523 if(!pMouldParent->GetGeometry()->MakeValidFrom(&NewShape, Shape, Corners)) 03524 { 03525 // couldn't make a proper one, so return TRUE to ignore the moulding 03526 return TRUE; 03527 } 03528 03529 Shape = NewShape; 03530 03531 // inc count of approximated envelopes so the user can be warned later 03532 EnvelopesApproximated++; 03533 } 03534 03535 // maybe translate it a bit 03536 DocRect OriginalBBox = *pOriginalBBox; 03537 if(TranslateShapeForPage) 03538 { 03539 Shape->Translate(TranslateByX, TranslateByY); 03540 03541 OriginalBBox.Translate(TranslateByX, TranslateByY); 03542 } 03543 03544 // Create and add a mould shape object 03545 NodeMouldPath* pNodeMPath = pMouldParent->AddNewMouldShape(Shape, 0, NULL); 03546 if (!pNodeMPath) 03547 return FALSE; 03548 03549 // set the geometry using this new mould shape 03550 if(!pMouldParent->GetGeometry()->Define(&(pNodeMPath->InkPath), &OriginalBBox)) 03551 return FALSE; 03552 03553 // now create the mould group object 03554 NodeMouldGroup* pMouldGroup = pMouldParent->AddNewMouldGroup(NULL); 03555 if (!pMouldGroup) 03556 return FALSE; 03557 03558 // and attach the node to the molder group 03559 (*N)->AttachNode((Node *) pMouldGroup, FIRSTCHILD, FALSE); 03560 03561 // set the node to the converted one 03562 *N = pMouldParent; 03563 03564 // delete any created paths 03565 if(Shape != P) 03566 delete Shape; 03567 03568 return TRUE; 03569 }
performs a extrude transform
Definition at line 3586 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 03587 { 03588 // the plan here is to create a new group, and slap the node onto it (it could possibly be 03589 // a group with lots of other stuff under it, but we won't worry about that for the moment) 03590 // Then, wander down the sub-tree attempting to convert all NodeRenderableInk object into 03591 // NodePaths. This will hopefully result in a load of object which can then be transformed 03592 03593 // first, get one of them there group thingynesseses. 03594 NodeGroup *pTempGroup = new NodeGroup; 03595 if(pTempGroup == 0) 03596 return FALSE; // no room, oh dear. 03597 03598 // now attach the thing to it. It isn't attached to anything, so it's easy. 03599 (*N)->AttachNode(pTempGroup, FIRSTCHILD); 03600 03601 // scan the tree converting non-NodePaths to NodePaths where possible 03602 BecomeA ParamBecomeA(BECOMEA_REPLACE, 03603 CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodePath), 03604 NULL); 03605 03606 // find the first node to think about 03607 Node* Current = (*N); 03608 while (Current->FindFirstChild() != NULL && !(Current->FindFirstChild())->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(TextStory))) 03609 { 03610 Current = Current->FindFirstChild(); 03611 } 03612 03613 // check each renderable node for not being a path 03614 while(Current != 0) 03615 { 03616 if(Current->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeRenderableInk)) && !Current->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodePath))) 03617 { 03618 if (Current->CanBecomeA(&ParamBecomeA)) 03619 { 03620 // is it a text story? 03621 if (Current->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(TextStory))) 03622 { 03623 // give formatting it a go 03624 ((TextStory *)Current)->FormatAndChildren(); 03625 } 03626 03627 if (!(Current)->DoBecomeA(&ParamBecomeA)) 03628 { 03629 return FALSE; 03630 } 03631 } 03632 } 03633 03634 // get the next one 03635 Current = Current->FindNextDepthFirst(*N); 03636 } 03637 03638 // now wander through the tree doing the funky transform - find the first one again 03639 Current = pTempGroup; 03640 while (Current->FindFirstChild() != NULL) 03641 { 03642 Current = Current->FindFirstChild(); 03643 } 03644 03645 // transform each NodePath 03646 while(Current != 0) 03647 { 03648 if(IS_A(Current, NodePath)) 03649 { 03650 if(!TransformConvertedObjectDoExtrudeTransPath((NodePath *)Current, Info)) 03651 return FALSE; // something very wrong happened 03652 } 03653 03654 // get the next one 03655 Current = Current->FindNextDepthFirst(pTempGroup); 03656 } 03657 03658 // update the *N pointer to the node 03659 (*N) = (NodeRenderable *)pTempGroup->FindFirstChild(); 03660 ERROR2IF((*N) == 0, FALSE, "Oi! there that node just vanished"); 03661 ERROR2IF(!(*N)->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeRenderable)), FALSE, "Oh! Mr. Node changing into something non-renderable"); 03662 03663 // remove it from the group 03664 (*N)->UnlinkNodeFromTree(); 03665 03666 // finally, vape that temperary group 03667 delete pTempGroup; 03668 03669 return TRUE; 03670 }
does the extrude transform on a path
Definition at line 3685 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 03686 { 03687 // check the inputs 03688 ERROR2IF(pPath == 0 || Info == 0, FALSE, "Null something supplied where a raspberry is required"); 03689 ERROR2IF(!IS_A(pPath, NodePath), FALSE, "Oi! I asked for a NodePath you silly person"); 03690 03691 // get some useful info about that there path 03692 DocCoord *Coords = pPath->InkPath.GetCoordArray(); 03693 ERROR2IF(Coords == 0, FALSE, "Hmmm. I think that path is a bit of a dodgy one really"); 03694 INT32 NCoords = pPath->InkPath.GetNumCoords(); 03695 03696 // mild sanity check... 03697 if(Info->Camera.z == 0) 03698 return TRUE; // don't try this one at home, kiddies 03699 03700 // prepare a few handy values 03701 FLOAT8 projA = - Info->Camera.x / Info->Camera.z; 03702 FLOAT8 projB = - Info->Camera.y / Info->Camera.z; 03703 FLOAT8 projC = - 1 / Info->Camera.z; 03704 03705 // run through that path transforming all those lovely cheeky little coordinates 03706 for(INT32 c = 0; c < NCoords; c++) 03707 { 03708 FLOAT8 x = (FLOAT8)Coords[c].x, y = (FLOAT8)Coords[c].y; 03709 03710 FLOAT8 alpha = x * Info->Trans.cf11 + y * Info->Trans.cf21 + Info->Trans.cf41; 03711 FLOAT8 beta = x * Info->Trans.cf12 + y * Info->Trans.cf22 + Info->Trans.cf42; 03712 FLOAT8 gamma = x * Info->Trans.cf13 + y * Info->Trans.cf23 + Info->Trans.cf43; 03713 03714 FLOAT8 norm = gamma * projC + 1; 03715 03716 Coords[c].x = (INT32)((alpha + gamma * projA) / norm); 03717 Coords[c].y = (INT32)((beta + gamma * projB) / norm); 03718 } 03719 03720 // well, wasn't that squishy? 03721 return TRUE; 03722 }
transforms an object given a CDR matrix
Definition at line 3350 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 03351 { 03352 // make a camelot matrix 03353 Matrix M(Ma->a, Ma->d, Ma->b, Ma->e, (INT32)Ma->c + (TranslateForPage?TranslateByX:0), 03354 (INT32)Ma->f + (TranslateForPage?TranslateByY:0)); 03355 03356 // if it's a text story node, then it needs to be dealt with differently, and it's got 03357 // an associated bounding box which need transforming 03358 if(IS_A(*N, TextStory)) 03359 { 03360 // find it's bounding box 03361 DocRect *BBox = TextBBoxes.Find(*N); 03362 03363 // transform it with the unmodifed matrix 03364 Trans2DMatrix TTransform(M); 03365 if(BBox != 0) 03366 TTransform.GetMatrix().TransformBounds(BBox); 03367 03368 // if it's a text story, not just an artisitic text then don't scale it, but scale the import width 03369 if(IsTextStory) 03370 { 03371 // work out the scale factors along the axes 03372 double ScaleX = sqrt((Ma->a * Ma->a) + (Ma->b * Ma->b)); 03373 double ScaleY = sqrt((Ma->d * Ma->d) + (Ma->e * Ma->e)); 03374 03375 // knock up a new matrix which isn't scaled along these axes 03376 M = Matrix(Ma->a / ScaleX, Ma->d / ScaleY, Ma->b / ScaleX, Ma->e / ScaleY, 03377 (INT32)Ma->c + (TranslateForPage?TranslateByX:0), 03378 (INT32)Ma->f + (TranslateForPage?TranslateByY:0)); 03379 03380 // get the import format width scaled nicely 03381 TextStory *TSNode = (TextStory *)(*N); 03382 double Width = ((double)TSNode->GetImportFormatWidth()) * ScaleX; 03383 TSNode->SetImportFormatWidth((INT32)Width); 03384 } 03385 } 03386 03387 // transform the node 03388 Trans2DMatrix Transform(M); 03389 (*N)->Transform(Transform); 03390 03391 return TRUE; 03392 }
Definition at line 3412 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 03413 { 03414 TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("applying perspective\n")); 03415 03416 // create a mould parent and insert it in the tree 03417 NodeMould* pMouldParent = new NodeMould; 03418 if (pMouldParent == 0) 03419 return FALSE; 03420 03421 // give the parent mould object a shape and mould space to work with and stick it 03422 // in the tree 03423 if(!pMouldParent->CreateGeometry(MOULDSPACE_PERSPECTIVE)) 03424 { 03425 delete pMouldParent; 03426 return FALSE; 03427 } 03428 03429 // create a nice shape to mould into 03430 NodePath *pShape = new NodePath; 03431 if(pShape == 0 || (!pShape->SetUpPath())) 03432 { 03433 delete pMouldParent; 03434 return FALSE; 03435 } 03436 03437 // position the new elements at the beginning of the path 03438 pShape->InkPath.FindStartOfPath(); 03439 03440 // make a nice shape out of the corners 03441 DocCoord co; 03442 PERS_MOVE(P->NewCorners[0]) 03443 PERS_LINE(P->NewCorners[1]) 03444 PERS_LINE(P->NewCorners[2]) 03445 PERS_LINE(P->NewCorners[3]) 03446 PERS_LINE(P->NewCorners[0]) 03447 PERS_CLOSE 03448 03449 // maybe translate it a bit 03450 DocRect OriginalBBox = P->OriginalBBox; 03451 if(TranslateShapeForPage) 03452 { 03453 Trans2DMatrix Transform(Matrix(TranslateByX, TranslateByY)); 03454 pShape->Transform(Transform); 03455 03456 OriginalBBox.Translate(TranslateByX, TranslateByY); 03457 } 03458 03459 // Create and add a mould shape object 03460 NodeMouldPath* pNodeMPath = pMouldParent->AddNewMouldShape(&pShape->InkPath, 0, NULL); 03461 if (!pNodeMPath) 03462 return FALSE; 03463 03464 // set the geometry using this new mould shape 03465 if(!pMouldParent->GetGeometry()->Define(&(pNodeMPath->InkPath), &OriginalBBox)) 03466 return FALSE; 03467 03468 // now create the mould group object 03469 NodeMouldGroup* pMouldGroup = pMouldParent->AddNewMouldGroup(NULL); 03470 if (!pMouldGroup) 03471 return FALSE; 03472 03473 // and attach the node to the molder group 03474 (*N)->AttachNode((Node *) pMouldGroup, FIRSTCHILD, FALSE); 03475 03476 // set the node to the converted one 03477 *N = pMouldParent; 03478 03479 // delete the shape 03480 delete pShape; 03481 03482 return TRUE; 03483 }
Updating the progress everysooften - called at every significant place to get a nice smooth update on that progress bar thingy.
Definition at line 194 of file cdrfiltr.cpp. 00195 { 00196 BOOL Result = TRUE; 00197 00198 if(Now) 00199 { 00200 Result = ContinueSlowJob(RIFF->ProgressNow()); 00201 ProgressCount = 0; 00202 } 00203 else 00204 { 00205 if((ProgressCount & PROGRESSUPDATE_MASK) == 0) { 00206 Result = ContinueSlowJob(RIFF->ProgressNow()); 00207 } 00208 00209 ProgressCount++; 00210 } 00211 00212 if(!Result) 00213 { 00214 Error::ClearError(); // because this may not be handled the first time around 00215 Error::SetError(_R(IDN_USER_CANCELLED)); 00216 } 00217 00218 return Result; 00219 }
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